Welcome To Video Sites' Section!
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There are lots of video sharing sites and as you know you can share your personal as well as business promotion video at free of cost.You have most probably read the Home Page & Previous Page but if not I suggest you better do it now.

    Here i have included some of the most popular video sharing saites and again once i get feed back from you I am going to include each and every video sharing site worth including.

   [1]  Blip


Advertising is one of the core services that blip offers show creators.  Advertising on blip is "opt-in" for show creators.  This means that you must choose to enable advertising on your show.  You also have the option of deciding what ad formats (if any) to run on your show.  These formats include preroll, overlay and postroll. 

Blip shares all advertising revenues 50/50 with show creators.  It's possible, once opted into advertising, to optimize the amount of money that you make.
Summary: What can I do to earn more?

There are several things you can do right now to increase your earnings:

    * Opt into both preroll and overlay advertisements.  You can do this in your Advertising Management Dashboard.  Opting into both of these formats can double your earnings.  Preroll advertisements earn more than overlays, which in turn earn more than postrolls.
    * Fill out your title, description and tags for every single episode.  Some advertisements on are targeted using this data.  The more of this data is available, the more ads will be available, and the more they will be worth.
    * Make your show appropriate for as many ages as possible.  Not every show is appropriate for twelve year olds.  The more generally appropriate your show is, however, the more advertisers will want to be associated with it.  Large advertisers (such as car companies and consumer packaged goods companies) are often nervous about excessive swearing, nudity or gratuitously adult themes.  Stay true to your vision, but if you can remove an f-bomb or two without damaging the show you may want to do so.
    * Make sure that as many views as possible happen in the blip Flash player.

How much can I make?

 Earnings vary based on several factors:

    * How big your audience is;
    * What ad formats you opt into;
    * The age appropriateness of your show.

There are shows on who earn in excess of $100,000 per year from's advertising program.  Potential earnings are high, and we are seeing steady growth in show revenue from month to month.  The shows that earn the most money have large audiences that are concentrated in the United States, are appropriate for all ages, and opt into all three available advertising formats.
A best case scenario for a show with 100,000 views per month that's opted into all ad formats is about $1,900 per month.  This assumes that the majority of your views happen in the blip video player, that most of your viewers are in the United States and that your show is considered TV-PG or TV-G.  There are a number of factors that can decrease your earnings -- many of which you have control over.  Check out the "Making as much money as possible" section below for more information on these factors.
What ad formats should I opt into?
To maximize your earnings you should opt into all formats. 
Formats are sold at different prices.  Prerolls are generally worth the most.  Overlays are worth somewhat less than prerolls, and postrolls are generally worth less than half prerolls.  While we usually have a steady supply of prerolls and overlays, we often run short of postrolls to run on blip shows because fewer advertisers want them.  If you opt into postroll only you will not make much money.
You can see sample advertisements for all three of our formats (and an example product placement ad) by visiting our Electronic Press Kit.  The EPK is designed primarily for advertisers, but it will also give show creators a good idea of what to expect from various ad formats.
More about the formats

    * Preroll: Prerolls play before your episode plays.  Viewers cannot watch your episode until the preroll completes, or the viewer clicks on the preroll.  Your episode begins playing as soon as the preroll finishes playing.
          o Prerolls are never longer than 30 seconds.  We sell a mix of 7, 15 and 30 second prerolls.
          o We carefully optimize how we serve prerolls to result in minimal audience loss.  This is a top priority for us and we've become good at it.  When we introduced prerolls on blip video views actually grew for shows that ran preroll ads.
          o Prerolls are the highest paying ad units on blip.  They range in price, but a show with 100,000 views per month that's appropriate for all ages and has most of its audience in the United States can earn as much as $750 per month from prerolls, and $1,500 per month if overlays are also enabled.
    * Overlay: Overlays appear over the "lower third" of your episode after it begins playing.  Viewers can close overlays by clicking an "X" in the upper-right corner of the advertisement.  Your episode continues to play while the advertisement is shown.
          o Overlays usually don't take up more than the bottom 1/4 of your episode, and for less than a minute.  Viewers can close them if they choose to. 
          o Clicking on an overlay often does something cool.  Our overlays allow viewers to buy movie tickets, customize new car models, watch movie trailers, record TV shows on their TiVo and more.  They're pretty nifty.
          o Overlays are often sold to advertisers together with a preroll unit.  You will receive more (and higher paying) overlay advertisements on your show if you also opt into preroll.
          o Overlays are the second highest paying ad units on blip.  They range in price, but a show with 100,000 views per month that's age appropriate and is mostly US-viewed can earn as much as $750 per month from overlays, and $1,500 if opted into both preroll and overlay. 
    * Postroll: Postroll advertisements play after a viewer finishes watching your episode.  They are video advertisements that range from 30 to 90 seconds long. 
          o Postrolls are the least interruptive form of advertising on blip.  They do not play until your episode finishes playing.
          o About 50% of the average show's viewers watch postrolls (the rest stop watching before the postroll begins playing).
          o Postrolls are often sold to advertisers together with either a preroll or overlay unit.  You will receive more (and higher paying) postroll advertisements on your show if you also opt into both preroll and overlay.  We sell very few postroll advertisements that don't also require a preroll or an overlay.  If you opt into postroll only you will not receive many ads.
          o Postrolls on blip generally pay the least of the three ad units.  Prices vary, but a show with 100,000 mostly US viewers that's appropriate for all ages and has a 50% completion rate can make as much as $400 additional dollars per month if also opted into preroll and overlay.  This would make a total of $1,900 per month.

Making as much money as possible

There are a number of factors that can potentially reduce your earnings from advertising.  You have direct control over some of these factors, and indirect control over others.

    * Opt in to all three advertising formats.  The formats work together because we often sell packages that include two or more formats.
    * Develop as much of your audience in the United States as possible.  Advertisers pay considerably less for foreign views than for American views.
    * Use the video player for as many of your video views as possible.  The blip player is the only place that all of the advertisements we sell can appear. 
          o Do not use on a non-blip player on your Web site, even if you're using blip to host the videos.  We require the blip player (or a specially equipped third-party player) in order to show blip advertisements.  If your player has not been approved by the blip team for showing blip ads it will show no ads.
          o Develop audience on iTunes, mobile phones and other environments but do not expect to be paid for these views.  The overwhelming majority of ads we sell do not work on iTunes, mobile phones, the Apple TV or other devices.
          o Develop audience throughout the blip distribution network, but expect to be paid less for these views than views that occur in the blip player.  We have not yet begun selling all ads on our distribution partners' Web sites and players.
    * Make your show appropriate for as many ages as possible.  We use the US TV Parental Guidelines system to sell and target ads.  Shows that we consider TV-G generally make 30% more per ad impression than shows rated TV-MA.

If you have questions
If you have questions about the blip advertising program you can ask our support team for help.  We'll be happy to answer any of your questions about revenue optimization, particular advertisements, revenue sharing or the program in general.  We're also happy to help troubleshoot low revenue numbers.

Statistics: understanding "uniques" and "views"

We count a "unique" every time someone with a new IP address views the video. In other words, you can generally have only one unique counted per person who watches the video. Occasionally multiple people may watch a video from the same IP address (maybe they're inside the same small office). These people could potentially be counted as only one unique. This is why we say "uniques" instead of "people".

We count a "view" every time a "unique" watches a video. We try to discount duplicate views, so we only count one view per unique per ten minute session. So if you just refresh the video over and over again you won't increase the view count at all.

If you watch a video now, and then someone else in your office watches it ten minutes later, we'll count those as two "views" and one "unique".

    [2]  Break
          Break Media is one of the largest entertainment properties and providers of content — video, editorial, and games — to men online. The company’s branded properties (, CagePotato, MadeMan, Chickipedia, HolyTaco, ScreenJunkies, AllLeftTurns, and FileFront), combined with the publisher sites in the Break Media Network, reach more than 110 million men worldwide on a monthly basis. Break Media is currently the 27th-largest web property in the U.S., and it operates a top-3 video advertising network in that market. Break Media offers its advertisers a variety of unique marketing opportunities, helping those brands interact with the Break audience on a targeted, integrated basis using innovative ad formats.


    * Categories
    * Pictures
    * Sexy Celeb Videos
    * Funny Animal Videos
    * How to Videos
    * Jimmy Kimmel Live
    * SNL Videos
    * Girl of the Day
    * Break Watercooler


    * World Cup
    * Soccer
    * Oil Spills
    * Surfing
    * MMA
    * Fights
    * Fail
    * Crashes
    * Sex Videos


    * Modern Man
    * Made Manual
    * Funny Stuff
    * Hot Pictures
    * Movie Reviews
    * MMA News
    * Men's Guide
    * Manvite
    * Tempe12
    * NASCAR News


    * Movie Trailers
    * TV Shows
    * How To
    * NBA Recaps
    * College Break
    * truTV
    * Pranks
    * Games
    * Funny Commercials


    * Advertise
    * About
    * Privacy
    * Terms
    * Copyright Notices
    * Winners
    * RSS
    * Help/FAQS
    * Site Map
    * Jobs

We both know why you are here.  We’ll help you get back on track.  Find all your answers to all your questions!!!

You can either check out the Hot Topics below for the most frequently asked questions or check out the Support Topics box to the right for more advanced searches.  The Support Topics will always be viewable no matter which page you’re on…how convenient!

You can also find help links to Break Media’s other awesome sites listed just a little further down and of course in the Support Topics box.

Recent Updates

We frequently update our website to provide you with the best experience possible.  Sometimes links and pages get moved around and sometimes there will be new features or modules.  To find out the latest changes click here.

Spicy Videos and Pictures:

What happened to the "Girl of the Day/Month"?

Many many apologies.  The links have been temporarily removed but will be back shortly.  They will eventually be placed in the "Pictures" tab so keep an eye out for them.  In the mean time you can still view the pages by clicking on the links below.

Girl of the Day

Girl of the Month

Do you need our Spicy Videos and Pictures?  Where did we move the link?

Many have been crying for their daily dose of the Spicy Videos and Pictures.  Please follow steps below:
To find Spicy Videos

1.  Hover curser over "Channels" tab.

2.  Click on "Flash Games & More" link.

3.  You should see the below "Spicy Videos" listed on the "Cool Sutff" page.

How Do I Get Started?

Getting Started will help you, well…get started.  Learn how to register, upload content, and post comments.  Click here to skip all the BS and just begin the registration.

How Do I Get Paid?

Admin Feb 26, 2009

How can I make money on Break?
You make money by uploading ORIGINAL content onto our site: videos/short films, pictures, and games.  Original means you produced, created or shot the content and own it.  And you can prove it!  We also hold contests throughout the year for members to enter.  If we post your content on one of our featured pages, you will be offered money!!!  It's that simple.  We'll contact you directly, send you some paperwork to fill out, and voila!  Consider yourself that much richer!  To start making money go to “Get Paid To Upload” page.

    * Upload videos/short films:  Your video must be original. Your video can not contain copyrighted music or images.  And you must be able to get signed release forms (we will provide) from anyone whose face is clearly visible in the video.  If your video is featured on our Homepage, we will contact you and send you the necessary paperwork to fill out and return.  Upon receipt of your paperwork, you will be paid via PayPal.  For more details about payment for videos see Upload Videos.

    * Upload pictures:  Your picture must be original meaning you took the picture yourself.  Pictures copied from other sites or received through an email does not qualify.  And trust us - we've seen every photo that was ever uploaded onto the net and we get all those silly email forwards before anyone else.  In order to prove ownership, you will also have to provide a high quality uncompressed original copy as proof that you took it.  If your original picture is featured in our Break Gallery, we will contact you and send you the necessary paperwork to fill out and return.  Upon receipt of your paperwork, you will be paid via PayPal.  For more details about payment for pictures see Upload Pictures.

    * Upload games:  If we post your ORIGINAL game and you want to sell it, we will contact you and send you the necessary paperwork to fill out and return.  Upon receipt of your paperwork, you will be paid up to $2,000 via PayPal.  For more details about payment for games see Upload Games.

    * Upload Girl Of The Day pictures:  Click here for details.

Sounds too easy, what’s the catch?

No catch, but we have 3 requirements:

    * You must be a member.  If you are not a member yet, then click here to open an account.
    * You must have a PayPal account.  We currently pay exclusively via Pay Pal to ensure we can pay people all over the world.  See below for details.
    * The content must be ORIGINAL.  See below for definition.


        What is considered ORIGINAL content?

Original content is material you produced, created and own.  Content can be video, film, photo, music, and images.  The content can NOT contain any copyrighted material such as music and images.  Original content is NOT material you copied from another site or e-mail and uploaded onto  You can verify ownership if asked for proof.


What is PayPal?

It is a third party website we use to send money to our members.  We currently pay exclusively via Pay Pal to ensure we can pay people all over the world.  Click on PayPal if you would like to open account.


If you already have a PayPay account, be sure to enter your information in your “My Account” page under the “Payment Information” section.

    * Click on your nickname located near upper right corner of page.
    * Click on “My Account” link in the “Settings” section.
    * You will find the “Payment Information” section near the bottom left of page

What if I don't have a PayPal account? 
Break currently only pays through PayPal.  But PayPal supports all sorts of ways to get your cash (check, direct deposit, etc.).

Once my content has been chosen and qualifies for payment, how long before I get paid?

When your content is featured and qualifies for payment, we will contact you and send you the necessary paperwork to fill out and return. Upon receipt of your paperwork, you will be paid via PayPal within 2 – 3 weeks.

How do you pay for content? 
We pay people through You can enter your PayPal account information on your Profile page.

    * Click on your nickname located at the upper-right corner of the page.
    * Find the box titled “Settings” and click on the “My Account” link.
    * Find the “Payment Information” section at the bottom of the Manage My Break page where you will enter the necessary information to get paid.

What do I do if I have not been contacted by Break for payment?

If you see your content has been chosen to qualify for payment and you have not been contacted by us, click PAY ME.  Choose Payment for topic and provide the following information:

    * Title of content
    * The URL of where the content is located
    * Your nickname

How Is Content Chosen?

Admin Feb 18, 2009

How do I get my video on the Homepage?
Create and upload an awesome video, short film or flash animated short.  If it's cool, funny or interesting enough, we'll put it on the homepage!

How are videos chosen for the Homepage?
We have an awesome Editorial team that reviews every video submitted.  They tend to seek out videos that are cool and/or funny.  They base their decisions on a combination of ratings, number of views, number of comments, and number of votes to Homepage.

How often is the Homepage updated?
We try to update throughout the day when we find a new worthwhile video.  Therefore we depend on YOU to upload great content.

How do I get my video on Just Submitted?
Upload your video to Break, enter all of the required fields, and mark it as PUBLIC.  Do NOT use profanity or perverse words.  Do NOT choose “NSFW” for the “Category”.  Do NOT upload any nude content.  Once your video has been processed, it will appear in Just Submitted.

How do I get my pictures chosen for Break Gallery?
Simply just create and upload an original picture.  You just never know what will get picked.  We do our best to choose pictures we believe the Break community will enjoy.  Browse the Break Gallery for examples.

How do I get my game on the site?
If you create an awesome game, send it here.  If it's cool or interesting enough, we'll post it to the games channel!

Where does your content come from?

Nearly all of it comes from the Break community... folks like YOU.

What Are The System Requirements To Enjoy Break?

Admin Feb 18, 2009
What do I need to view content?

You will need at minimum Flash Player 9 and a broadband internet connection.  The following requirements below are based on Flash Player 9 and 10.
Minimum Hardware Requirement

Intel Pentium II 450MHz or faster processor (or equivalent)
128MB of RAM

PowerPC G3 500MHz or faster processor
Intel Core Duo 1.33GHz or faster processor
128MB of RAM
Recommended Hardware Requirement for Resolution with 852x480 (480p), 24 fps

Intel Pentium 4 2.33GHz processor (or equivalent)
128MB of RAM
64MB of VRAM 

PowerPC G5 1.8GHz or faster processor
Intel Core Duo 1.33GHz or faster processor
256MB of RAM
64MB of VRAM
Operating Systems and Browsers
Windows Platform & Browser

Microsoft® Windows Vista - Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or later, Firefox 3.x, Safari 3.x
Microsoft Windows XP - Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or later, Firefox 3.x, AOL 9, Safari 3.x
Mac Platform & Browser

Mac OS X - Firefox 3.x, Safari 3.x

* For recommended hardware on higher resolutions and for more detailed information check out Flash Player 9 specs or Flash Player 10 specs.
Where can I get Flash?

You can download the latest version of Flash here.
What can I do if I can't install Flash 9 or higher?

We currently do not allow other video players.  However, mobile users may view the videos in mp4/quicktime player.  Go to for our mobile site.

How Do I NOT Get Banned?

Believe it or not we actually have standards.  Please read the Terms of Use, Community Guidelines, and Privacy Polices.  We don’t enjoy banning users.

 Community Guidelines
We are all for free speech and people bashing one another over pretty much any topic. Hell, we are usually the ones posting "Fake" on every video....

The only thing we ask is that you try to keep it in good fun and not be overly offensive. When you are, we need to delete comments for a whole slew of reasons. It's not censorship; it's just the right thing to do.

Without trying to go over the top, we put in place some guidelines for everyone:

Personalize your own page! But don't be stupid, same rules apply. No nudity, racism or hate.

Don't excessively curse! It's okay to throw in a shit or asshole once, but stop the comments like "you shit shitty shithead"

Easy on the personal insults. It's okay if you don't like a video, but do you need to insult the guys mother, father and sister?

Stop telling people to die! It's not always funny.

Stop stalking each other. A little harassment is funny, a lot is not.

Seriously, enough of the racist, homophobic and religious insults. They really are not funny.

Don't spam. If you do, we reserve the right to tell the most annoying people on Break to harass you!

No promotion of adult sites. Your porn sucks and so do you.

Stop with the adult avatars. We will just delete them.

Non-compliance with any of the above terms may result in content deletion, comment deletion and possible member termination so please don't be a fake dumbshit and follow the rules!

Break Media Network

Are you a Publisher who has already joined the Break Media Network?

Click here to learn about CPM and ad spaces in Adify and to find other answers to your questions.
Are you a Publisher interested in joining the Break Media Network?

Click here for an Overview.

   [3]   Daily Motion
          What good is a video, if it's stuck on your camera, hard-drive, or mobile phone?

Dailymotion is about finding new ways to see, share and engage your world through the power of online video. You can find - or upload - videos about your interests and hobbies, eyewitness accounts of recent news and distant places, and everything else from the strange to the spectacular.

Use Dailymotion to:

    * - Share your videos publicly, or privately with family and friends
    * - Discover new videos through channels or tags
    * - Get feedback on your clips and creative work
    * - Spread your videos across the web by posting them to your blog, website, or social network profiles

Dailymotion Expands US Sales and Content Teams to Address Strong Market Growth
Dailymotion partners with the BFI to deliver a new catalogue of free films to their audience
Dailymotion Launches Short URL for Viral Video Advertising Campaigns
Batman Fan Film “City of Scars” Premieres Exclusively on Dailymotion
Dailymotion to Host Exclusive “Jedi Junkies” Star Wars Documentary Film Premiere
Dailymotion Partners with Internet Video Archive to Launch Dedicated Movie Trailer Channel
Dailymotion elige a Yahoo! para comercializar en exclusiva su portal de videos en España
Dailymotion “Likes” Facebook
Dailymotion’s iPad App Brings a Complete Mobile Video Entertainment Experience to the iPad
Dailymotion Launches New Player as Part of Web Site Redesign

In just 5 years, Dai­ly­mo­tion has estab­lished itself as a whole new type of medium allow­ing users to dis­cover, share, com­ment upon and make viral, both pro­fes­sional and ama­teur videos. A true social medium with over 60 mil­lion vis­i­tors per month, the site responds to the new habits of today’s web user and gives adver­tis­ers the means to spread their mes­sage via numer­ous for­mats, con­tent chan­nels and oper­a­tions. Going beyond clas­sic com­mu­ni­ca­tion, our made-to-measure cus­tom exe­cu­tions allow adver­tis­ers to cre­ate new, branded user expe­ri­ences. Inter­act­ing with your tar­get mar­ket and ask­ing them to play has never been eas­ier! From tar­geted online com­mu­ni­ca­tion to the most inno­v­a­tive approaches – viral, inte­grated or event-oriented – our team is look­ing for­ward to offer­ing you the solu­tions you need. Ask us, chal­lenge us. We love a good challenge.

Become a MotionMaker to...

Give your videos a chance to be featured
Upload videos files of unlimited length
Superior quality - shoot in HD, receive HD encoding
Distinguish your work within the site as creativecontent

Introduction to Official Content

In addition to the personal videos of our users and the creative work of our MotionMakers, Dailymotion enables official, professional content to be shared across our platform. Our Official Content Partners include record labels, film studios, news media, television channels, sports associations and political parties.

Similar to the CreativeContent logo and thumbnail overlay affixed to MotionMaker videos, an OfficialContent logo and thumbnail overlay distinguish all Official Content Partner videos that appear on Dailymotion. We want to make sure that all videos uploaded to Dailymotion by professional media outlets receive the appropriate stamp of approval.

As a participant in this program, you will enjoy:

    * increased account visibility as an “Official User”
    * increased video visibility thanks to the “OfficialContent” overlay affixed to each of your video’s thumbnail previews
    * a custom profile skin made to your specifications

Participating in the Official Content program is a free service for our partners.

Interested in joining this program, and growing your audience with Dailymotion?

To validate participation in the OfficialContent program, partners must give their express agreement to the terms and conditions of membership, returning the agreement document - duly signed and indicating "agreed" - either by fax or by email, to the attention of "Partnership Official Content."

How do I activate my account?

If you didn't receive the confirmation email, make sure it was not sent to your spam box. If you still can't find the confirmation email:

   1. Attempt to login with your username and password
   2. You will be asked if you want to resend the confirmation email

If you didn't receive a confirmation email this time, please contact our support team and be sure to include the name of your email provider.

Accounts that haven't been activated will automatically be deleted after 2 weeks.
How do I log in to my Dailymotion account?

   1. Click "login" at the top right of the header
   2. Enter your login and password
   3. Click "Ok"

That's it, you're in. To access your profile page, click on your "username" at the top right of the header.
Please verify that your browser accepts cookies, so that your login credentials will be saved for next time.
How do I retrieve a forgotten password?

For security reasons, you cannot retrieve a forgotten password. You can, however, create a new one.

To reset your password:

   1. Click "Login" in the header
   2. Below the login fields, click "Forgot your login info?"
   3. Enter the email address associated with your Dailymotion account
   4. Validate the form
   5. An email with a link to reset your password will be sent to you

How do I change my login?

For technical reasons, you cannot change your login.

When you create an account on Dailymotion, your username is permanently associated with your account and URL. It is therefore impossible to change it without completely deleting your profile.
How do I delete my profile?

   1. Log in to the website
   2. Go to your profile page, select "my account" and then "Personal info" in the left sidebar
   3. Click on the delete-account link at the bottom of the page
   4. Confirm you password and validate your request

Warning: Deleting your account will delete all of your videos and contacts.
How do I change my email address?

Once you are logged in:

   1. Go to your profile page, select "my account" and then "Personal info" in the left sidebar
   2. Click "Change email"
   3. Enter:
         1. a new address
         2. confirm that address,
         3. your Dailymotion password
   4. Click "Save"

You will receive one email at your former address and another confirmation email at your new address - you have 7 days to confirm your new email address.
How do I manage email notifications?

By default, you will receive email notifications when comments are left on your profile or videos, or when you receive a message in your inbox.

You can change your email notification options by:

   1. Going to your profile page, selecting "my account" and then "Notifications" in the left sidebar
   2. Select the notifications that you want to receive
   3. Click "Save" to validate your changes

What is "Subscriptions"?

"Subscriptions" is a feature which lets you subscribe to other users' videos. Once you have subscribed to a user, all the videos that this user uploads will automatically appear in your "Subscriptions" page.
How do I add content to "Subscriptions"?

Once you are logged in:

   1. Go to the page of the user that you want to subscribe to
   2. Click "subscribe"

You can check that your subscription has been saved by clicking "Subscriptions" in the header of the website.
How do I remove a user from "Subscriptions"?

Once you are logged in:

   1. Go to the page of the user that you want to remove
   2. Click "unsubscribe"

You can verify the cancellation of subscription by clicking "Subscriptions" in the header of the website.
Table of content

    * What is all this talk about Copyright regarding my videos?
    * Can I upload extracts of a DVD that I bought?
    * Can I upload extracts of any kind of material?
    * Why did Dailymotion delete my video???
    * If I might not have had the right to upload a video, why is it still online elsewhere on site?
    * How can I request that a video containing images of me, or using images that belong to me, be removed from the site?
    * What do you know about me? What kind of information regarding me do you keep?

What is all this talk about Copyright regarding my videos?

First, let's review what Copyright is. Any creation, be it an article, a book, a song, a film or...a video, can be only be used, reproduced or distributed if the author/creator gives permission to do so: that is what we call a copyright. The creation belongs to its creator and only he or she can give you the right to use it.

You may have heard the expression "intellectual property". It brings together brand rights, patent rights and copyrights.

When you want to upload a video to Dailymotion, you must first be sure that you have the right of the authors (director, screenwriter, soundtrack composer, etc.) in accordance with the Terms of Use.

Of course, if you are the creator of all the components of the video that you want to upload, there is no problem, so no worries! However if that isn't the case, you must ask for the consent of the creators or the rights-holders (these are the legal beneficiaries: TV or film producers, record labels, TV channels, etc.). Keep in mind that Dailymotion doesn't know who the legal beneficiary of every individual video is.
Can I upload extracts of a DVD that I bought?

Warning! Even if you bought a DVD/CD, or that you recorded a program, that doesn't mean you have the right to put it online! The author hasn't necessarily agreed to this. For the same reasons, you can't put images of a concert or a sports game online if you don't have the authorization to do so.
Can I upload extracts of any kind of material?

Some countries make exceptions to copyright protections, generally known as "fair use". Fair use may allow limited use of copyrighted material without the copyright owner's permission, usually within an educational or critical context. Ultimately only local courts or authorities can determine what qualifies as fair use.
Why did Dailymotion delete my video???

There is one thing to keep in mind: Dailymotion doesn't review the thousands of videos put online everyday! We are an internet host: we stock videos that internet users want to share on our machines. However, in accordance with the law, we remove videos that are reported to us, especially when it comes to copyright or privacy issues (you are not allowed to film your neighbors and upload the video without their agreement!).
If I might not have had the right to upload a video, why is it still online elsewhere on site?

Dailymotion doesn't review the videos uploaded, but we remove potentially copyright-infringing videos whenever their URLs are reported to us. The same video may be somewhere else on the website if the complaint doesn't contain all the URL addresses of the video. However, Dailymotion has set up technical solutions so that a reported and removed video cannot reappear on the website.
How can I request that a video containing images of me, or using images that belong to me, be removed from the site?

Under each Dailymotion video there is a "this video may offend" button. Click this button and fill out the subsequent form. Your complaint will be dealt with by our team as soon as possible.
What do you know about me? What kind of information regarding me do you keep?

Dailymotion acts in accordance with what is required by the law: your registration data is kept in order to answer any eventual inquiry by public authorities. However we don't keep anything regarding your browsing history on the website! For more information go to: Privacy policy.
What is AutoShare?

AutoShare lets you automatically share your Dailymotion activity on Facebook. When you add a favorite, upload a video, or rate something on Dailymotion, AutoShare updates your Wall and your friends' newsfeeds. In the current beta, only your favorites will be shared.

To use AutoShare, you must first link your Dailymotion and Facebook accounts. From your user settings, click on "connect my Facebook account". A window will appear prompting you to connect with Facebook. Enter your Facebook credentials and click "connect".

Now that your account are linked, you will be able to activate AutoShare.
How do I activate AutoShare?

   1. Log in to your account
   2. Access your profile by clicking your username in the upper right-hand corner
   3. Go to your Preferences from the user navigation bar
   4. Click "Facebook" settings sidebar
   5. Click the "Enable Autoshare" link to activate the feature
   6. In the window that appears, grant Dailymotion permission to send updates to your friends on Facebook.

How do I report content that may violate intellectual property rights and/or copyright?

Go to our page to report potentially infringing content.
How do I report inappropriate, offensive, or other prohibited content?

Use the feature "this video may offend" under a video and complete the necessary fields.
Table of content

    * How do I upload videos?
    * How do I upload a video from my webcam?
    * What settings do you recommend when uploading video files? What are your best practices?
    * Why does it say there is an encoding error on one of my videos?
    * Why doesn't the webcam video appear on my screen?
    * Why is sound not being recorded through the webcam?

How do I upload videos?

Once you are logged in:

   1. Click "Upload Videos" in the header
   2. Click "Browse" and select the video file you want to upload
   3. Click "Send"
   4. Complete the required fields:
         1. Title
         2. Tags (at least two keywords)
         3. Channel
   5. Click "Save"

The required time to upload a video depends upon your connection speed and the size of the video. Once the video has been uploaded, you must wait until the video has been encoded before you can watch it on the site.

It is also possible to upload a video directly from your webcam. There is no limit to the number of videos you can upload.
How do I upload a video from my webcam?

Once you are logged in:

   1. Click "Upload Video" in the header
   2. Press "Click to record" in the right of the upload area
   3. Click "allow"
   4. Click "Record" to start recording your video
   5. Click "Stop" to finish recording
   6. Click "Save" to go to the next step
   7. Complete the required fields:
         1. Title
         2. Tags (At least two keywords)
         3. Channel
   8. Click "Save"

What settings do you recommend when uploading video files? What are your best practices?

Standard definition

    * Video
         1. Codecs (in descending order of preference): H.264, DivX, WMV9, progressive MPEG-2
         2. Aspect: 640x480 (4:3) or 720x480 (16:9)
         3. Bitrate: 1.2 to 3 Mbps (depends on the codec and the resolution)
         4. Framerate: 25 fps (preferred)
         5. 2-pass encoding, progressive (not interlaced, this is very important)
         6. Square pixels
    * Audio
         1. Codecs (in descending order of preference): AAC, MP3, WMA9, MPEG Layer 2
         2. Bitrate: 256 Kbps AAC or 320 Kbps stereo MP3 (ideal), 128 Kbps stereo AAC or 192 Kbps stereo MP3 (minimum); 44100Hz
    * Container (file format)
         1. MP4, AVI, MOV

High-definition (for MotionMakers and Official Users only)

    * Video
         1. Codecs (in descending order of preference): H.264 preferred, VC-1 acceptable
         2. Aspect: 1280x720 (720p) or 1920x1080 (1080p)
         3. Bitrate: 2 Mbps minimum, 4 Mbps maximum
         4. Framerate: 25 fps (preferred)
         5. 2-pass encoding, progressive (not interlaced, this is very important)
         6. Square pixels
    * Audio
         1. Codecs (in descending order of preference): AAC, MP3, WMA9, MPEG Layer 2
         2. Bitrate: 256 Kbps AAC or 320 Kbps stereo MP3 (ideal), 128 Kbps stereo AAC or 192 Kbps stereo MP3 (minimum); 44100Hz
    * Container (file format)
         1. MP4, AVI, MOV

Why does it say there is an encoding error on one of my videos?

Encoding errors may occur when the format of the uploaded video is not supported by Dailymotion. To avoid these errors, we recommend uploading videos in the following formats: MP4, WMV, MPEG, AVI, DV, 3GP, FLV.

Encoding errors may also occur if your video is not optimized for the web. If you repeatedly receive encoding errors, please contact our support team.
Why doesn't the webcam video appear on my screen?

The webcam video may not appear if your Flash plug-in is not correctly configured. Once you have confirmed that your webcam is plugged in and is recognized by your computer:

   1. Click on the "Config" button
   2. Select your webcam in the drop-down menu.

If you still have problems configuring your webcam, click on the question mark located in the upper corner of the "Adobe Flash Player Parameters". You will be automatically redirected to the Adobe Flash help page.

Notes for Mac OS X users:

    * Integrated webcams are treated as "USB Video Class Video"
    * External iSight cameras correspond to "IIDC Firewire Video"
    * DV-camcoder cameras are listed as "DV video"

Why is sound not being recorded through the webcam?

The webcam microphone may not be supported, or the Flash plug-in may not be well configured.

   1. Click on the "Config" button
   2. Click the Microphone tab:
   3. Select a microphone:
         1. "Built-in Microphone" corresponds to microphones integrated to laptops
         2. "Built-in Input" corresponds to a microphone plugged in to the computer
         3. "DV-Camcoder" if you are using a the microphone of a DV-camera connected to your computer

If you still have problems, click the question mark located in the upper corner of the "Adobe Flash Player Parameters". You will be automatically redirected to the help page of Adobe Flash.
Table of content

    * How do I delete one of my videos?
    * Can I download Dailymotion videos to my computer?
    * How do I edit a video?
    * How do I make a video private?
    * How do I sort a list of videos?
    * How do I rate a video?
    * How do I add a video to my favorites?
    * How do I delete a video from my favorites?
    * What's a tag?

How do I delete one of my videos?

Once you are logged in:

   1. Go to the video page
   2. Click the "Delete" link located below the video
   3. Click the "Delete" button that appears on pop-up to confirm

Can I download Dailymotion videos to my computer?

For legal reasons, you cannot download videos from Dailymotion. However, you can collect videos you like by saving them to your favorites or adding them to playlists.
How do I edit a video?

Once you are logged in:

   1. Go to the video page
   2. Click "Edit"
   3. Make your changes
   4. Click "Save"

The changes will be saved.
How do I make a video private?

When you upload a video you can set it as public or private. To do this, log in, then:

   1. Go to the video page
   2. Click "Edit"
   3. Click "detailed info" menu
   4. Click on "Public" on "Privacy" section
   5. Select "Private"
   6. Select which contact groups you wish to share the video with
   7. Click "Save"

Only the contacts in the group(s) you have selected will be able to watch the video.
How do I sort a list of videos?

When you are browsing videos, you can sort them using the left sidebar. You can sort them by most recent, most popular, most viewed, etc.
How do I rate a video?

Once you are logged in:

   1. Go to the video page
   2. Choose the number of stars (0 to 5) in the panel to the right of the video

How do I add a video to my favorites?

Once you are logged in:

   1. Go to the video page
   2. Click "Favorites"

The video is added to your list of favorites, which you can find in your profile.
How do I delete a video from my favorites?

Once you are logged in:

   1. Go to the video page
   2. Click "Unfavorite?"

What's a tag?

A tag is a keyword linked to a video when it is uploaded. Several tags can be added to the same video. Adding tags improves the search ranking for the video.
Why is the video not playing?

You might need to update you browser's Flash plug-in; download the latest version here:
Why can't I hear anything when a video is playing?

Check if the player's speaker icon - located between the seek bar and the volume control - is not checked.
If the player sound is not muted, make sure that you have the latest version of Flash Player - go to for more information.
Why is the video not playing properly? Why is the video lagging?

Your connection might not be fast enough to watch streaming videos, or your computer's processor may be too slow - both may lead to lag.

If you pause the video and wait for it to download completely (watch the grey progress bar within the seek bar) it should play without a problem.
Table of content

    * How do I add a user to my contacts?
    * How do I delete a user from my contact list?
    * How do I block a user?
    * How do I unblock a user?
    * How do I respond to a friend request?
    * How can I send messages to my contacts?
    * How do I delete a message?
    * How do I share a video?

How do I add a user to my contacts?

   1. Go to his profile page
   2. Click "Add to friends"
   3. Select one of your contact categories (or create a new one)
   4. Click "OK" to send the Friend request

You will be confirmed as a contact only when the user adds you to his contacts as well. You will then be able to exchange messages, share videos and comment on each other's profile.
How do I delete a user from my contact list?

   1. Go to your profile and click "contacts" or "friends"
   2. Select the user that you wish to delete and click "remove friend"
   3. Click "delete" to delete the user from your contact list

How do I block a user?

   1. Go to the user's profile page
   2. Click "block"
   3. Click "OK"

The user will no longer be able to comment on your videos nor send you messages via Dailymotion.
How do I unblock a user?

   1. Go to the user's profile page
   2. Click "unblock"
   3. Click "OK"

The user will be able to comment on your videos and send you messages via Dailymotion again.
How do I respond to a friend request?

   1. Go to your profile and click "contacts" or "friends"
   2. Click "Friend Requests" on the left sidebar
   3. Click "approve" or "ignore"

How can I send messages to my contacts?

   1. Access your contact's profile page
   2. Click "send a message"
   3. Enter a subject and write a message
   4. Click "Send"

How do I delete a message?

Once you are logged in:

   1. Access your Inbox in the header,
   2. Click on "all messages"
   3. Find the message you want to delete
   4. Click the cross to the right of the message

How do I share a video?

Once you are logged in:

   1. Go to the video page
   2. Click "Share"
   3. Enter the email addresses or contact usernames you want to share with
   4. Click "Send"

Please note that, to avoid spam, you can only share a video with 20 contacts at a time.
Table of content

    * How do I create a group?
    * How do I join a group?
    * How do I leave a group?
    * How do I add one of my videos to a group?
    * How do I invite a video to a group?
    * How do I remove a video from one of my groups?
    * How do I delete a group that I created?
    * How do I moderate one of my groups?

How do I create a group?

Once you are logged in:

   1. Open your profile and click "create a group"
   2. Enter a name for your group
   3. Click "create"

Your group will be created - you can then add videos to it.
New groups will be automatically deleted if no videos have been added after one month.
How do I join a group?

Once you are logged in:

   1. Go to the group page
   2. Click "join group"

You need the authorization of the group's administrator to join.
How do I leave a group?

Once you are logged in:

   1. Go to the group page
   2. Click "leave group"

How do I add one of my videos to a group?

Once you are logged in:

   1. Go to the video page
   2. Click "Group" under the video
   3. Select the group you want to add the video to

If you're the administrator of the group, the video will automatically be added. If another user is the administrator of the group, the video will be added only when they approve the video.
How do I invite a video to a group?

Once you are logged in:

   1. Go to the video page
   2. Click "Group" under the video
   3. Select the group you wish to add the video to

The owner of the video will be invited to join the group and add his video. When he does, the video will appear in the group.
How do I remove a video from one of my groups?

When you are logged in as a group administrator:

   1. Go to the group profile
   2. Click "administration" in the header of the group
   3. Click the trash symbol located next to the video

How do I delete a group that I created?

When you are logged in as a group administrator:

   1. Go to the group profile
   2. Click "edit"
   3. Click "delete the group"

How do I moderate one of my groups?

When you are logged in as a group administrator:

   1. Go to the group profile
   2. Click "administration" in the header of the group
   3. Open the "pending videos" tab
   4. Click "accept" or "refuse" to administrate the video

The same operation can be achieved with the administration of the users of a group
How do I comment on a video?

Once you are logged in:

   1. Go to the page of the video you want to comment on
   2. Scroll down
   3. Write your comment where it says "post your comment here"
   4. Check that the "comment language" matches the language you are using
   5. Click "Save"

How do I edit my comments?

Once you are logged in:

   1. Go to the page of the video you commented on
   2. Click "edit" beneath your comment
   3. Edit your comment in the text box
   4. Click "OK"

How do I delete a comment?

Once you are logged in:

   1. Go to your profile and click "comments"
   2. Click the cross to the right of each comment you want to delete:

You can delete comments left on your videos by clicking the link "left on my videos", and comments posted on your profile page by clicking on the link "left on my profile".
Table of content

    * What is a Playlist?
    * How do I create a playlist?
    * How do I add a video to a playlist?
    * How do I edit a playlist?
    * How do I set the play order of a playlist?
    * How do I delete a playlist?
    * How do I share a playlist?

What is a Playlist?

A playlist is a list of videos you can watch successively, reorder, and share with your friends.
How do I create a playlist?

Once you are logged in:

   1. Go to a video page
   2. Click "Playlist"
   3. Click "create a playlist"
   4. Enter the name of your new playlist
   5. Click "Save"

A new playlist containing this video will be created.
How do I add a video to a playlist?

Once you are logged in:

   1. Go to the video page
   2. Click "Playlist"
   3. Click on the playlist you want to add the video to

The video will be added to the selected playlist.
How do I edit a playlist?

Once you are logged in:

   1. On your profile, click "playlist"
   2. Find the playlist that you want to change
   3. Click "edit"
   4. Enter the information you wish to change
   5. Click "Save"

How do I set the play order of a playlist?

Once you are logged in:

   1. On your profile, click "playlist"
   2. Find the playlist that you want to change
   3. Click the "reorder" link
   4. Mouse over the video you want to move
   5. Use the up or down arrows to move the video in the play order

The new play order is saved automatically.
How do I delete a playlist?

Once you are logged in:

   1. On your profile, click "playlist"
   2. Select the playlist you want to edit
   3. Click "delete"
   4. Click "confirm"

How do I share a playlist?

Once you are connected:

   1. On your profile page, open the "playlist" tab
   2. Click the playlist you want to edit
   3. Click "share this playlist"
   4. Enter the email addresses or usernames of the people you want to share the playlist with
   5. Click "Send"

Please note that you can only share it with 20 people per email to avoid spam.
Table of content

    * What is an Embeddable Player?
    * How do I customize and export a video player?
    * What is an Avatar?
    * How do I upload an avatar from a file?
    * How do I use a webcam photo as an avatar?
    * How do I delete my avatar?

What is an Embeddable Player?

An Embeddable Player is a video player that you can post on your website or blog. The "embed code" for any video is found on its player page - you simply copy this code and paste it where you want the embedded player to appear.
How do I customize and export a video player?

   1. Open a video
   2. Click "customize player" under the permalink export code
         1. Select the player size
         2. Select the play mode
         3. Select the subtitles you wish to display (optional)
         4. Change the colors of the player by clicking on the different boxes:
   3. The code is automatically updated as you change the information

Copy/paste the updated code you wish to publish on your website. To reset the default colors, click "reset default colors".
What is an Avatar?

An avatar is your profile picture.
How do I upload an avatar from a file?

Open your profile, then:

   1. Access My account > "Avatar"
   2. Check the box certifying that your avatar respects the terms of use
   3. Click "browse" and choose which picture you want to set up as your avatar
   4. Select the picture file
   5. Click "Save"

How do I use a webcam photo as an avatar?

Once you are on your profile page:

   1. Access My account > "Avatar"
   2. Check the box certifying that your avatar respects the terms of use
   3. Click "Shoot" to take a picture
   4. Click "Save"

How do I delete my avatar?

Once you are logged in:

   1. Access My account > "Avatar",
   2. Scroll down to where it says "Remove the Avatar".

What is a Family Filter?

Certain content is not suitable for all audiences. The Family Filter enables users to control the content that is displayed. Activating the Family Filter helps prevent younger users from accessing explicit content.
How do I deactivate my Family Filter?

   1. Click "Family Filter ON" in the footer
   2. Click "I am over 18 - set Family Filter OFF"

That's it, your Family Filter is deactivated. Please verify that your browser accepts cookies, so that your Family Filter credentials will be saved for next time.
Table of content

    * How can I add subtitles to a video?
    * How do I create a Videowall?
    * How do I create a Videozap?
    * How do I customize a Videozap?
    * How do I create a Jukebox?
    * How do I create an Uploader?
    * How do I use Dailymotion on my iPhone?
    * How do I use RSS feeds?
    * How do I use podcasts?

How can I add subtitles to a video?

Once you are logged in, you can add subtitles to videos that you have uploaded yourself:

   1. Open the video
   2. Click the link "add subtitles"

You can upload already existing subtitles (with .srt files for instance), or you can create your own subtitles. Enter the desired text, and click "add". Repeat until the end of the video. Be sure to save often.
How do I create a Videowall?

You will find all the information you need to know about the Videowall on the webpage dedicated to it.
How do I create a Videozap?

In order to create a Videozap:

   1. Go to the Videozap tool page
   2. Select or define the list of videos that you want to display
   3. Set your options in the panel on the right-hand side
   4. Click "Generate code"
   5. Copy the code that appears above the Videozap
   6. Paste the code wherever you want your Videozap to appear (the destination site must support iframes)

How do I customize a Videozap?

You can customize the look of a Videozap by using the "skinning URL" option. This lets you enter the URL of a cascading style sheet (CSS) that will change the look of the Videozap (example: http://<your_site>/<path_to_the_cascading_style_sheet>.css)

You can change the positions and sizes of the Videozap elements as you like. You can also change the colors, the strips, the borders, etc.

To make such changes, edit the source code of the iframe (right click and open "View Source" in the contextual menu available on most internet browsers).

The main customizable elements are:

    * #wall_container: the <div> element that contains the remote click
    * #player_container: the <div> element that contains the video player
    * #play_button: the <a> element that contains the "play" button located above the initial preview display
    * .thumbnail: the class of the <img> element which contains the initial preview display

How do I create a Jukebox?

You will find all the information you need on the Jukebox page .
How do I create an Uploader?

You will find all the information you need on the Uploader page.
How do I use Dailymotion on my iPhone?

There is a version of Dailymotion which is optimized for the iPhone. You can access this version at:

You can also access Dailymotion with any other cell phone at:
How do I use RSS feeds?

RSS feeds let you to subscribe to a list of videos. You will be notified any time a new video is added. To subscribe to an RSS feed, simply click the RSS icon located in the address bar of your browser.
How do I use podcasts?

A podcast is a series of audio or video digital-media files which is distributed over the Internet by syndicated download, through Web feeds, to portable media players and personal computers. Podcasts are only available for Official Users who have activated this feature. If a user has enabled podcasts, click "podcast" on their profile page to access them.
Table of content

    * Why is my video not being published?
    * Why can't I register with a certain username?
    * How do I activate cookies in my browser?
    * What should I do if I find a bug?

Why is my video not being published?

You may have forgotten some metadata.
To check:

   1. Login to your account
   2. Open your video
   3. Click "edit video" and then "advanced mode"
   4. Complete any missing information

Why can't I register with a certain username?

We have more than 14 million users on Dailymotion...that's more than 14 millions different usernames!
If your name is not available, try adding some numbers to the end of it, or choose something else.
How do I activate cookies in my browser?

Activating cookies depends upon your browser:

    * Internet Explorer 6.x or 7.x for Windows:
         1. Open the "tools" menu
         2. Select "Internet Options"
         3. Select the tab "Confidentiality"
         4. Click "Advanced"
         5. Check "Override automatic cookie handling"
         6. Check "Accept" under the "First-party cookie" and "Third-party cookie"
         7. Check "Always allow session cookies"
    * Firefox 2.x for Windows/Mac:
         1. Go to "Tools > Options" on Windows or "Firefox > Preferences" on Mac
         2. Select the "Privacy" tab
         3. Check "Accept cookies from sites"
    * Firefox 1.x for Windows/Mac:
         1. Go to "Tools > Options" on Windows or "Firefox > Preferences" on Mac
         2. Select the "Privacy" tab
         3. Click the "+" next to cookies
         4. Check the box "Allow sites to set cookies"
         5. Click "Ok"
    * Safari for Mac:
         1. Go to "Safari > Preferences"
         2. Click the tab "Security"
         3. Select "Only from sites you navigate to" in the "accept cookies" section

What should I do if I find a bug?

Dailymotion is under continuous development. Things are being changed, fixed and added regularly. Though some of these changes may be invisible to the user, trust us, they are happening.
Please don't hesitate to "contact us" to report any bugs.
Table of content

    * What is a MotionMaker? What is "Creative Content"?
    * How do I become a MotionMaker?
    * Why don't I have MotionMaker status yet?
    * How do I label my video as "Creative Content"?
    * Why is my video not labeled as "Creative Content"?
    * I submitted my video as "Creative Content" a while ago but never received any news.. Why has my video not been labeled as "Creative Content" yet?
    * Why can't I check the option "Creative Content"?

What is a MotionMaker? What is "Creative Content"?

A MotionMaker is a creative user who uploads his or her own work to the website. In this capacity, they guarantee that they are truly the creator of their videos, and that their videos do not contain any violation of intellectual property rights, copyright or otherwise. These videos, once validated by the Dailymotion team, are labeled "Creative Content". Videos that are part of the Creative Content program have the following logo:

MotionMakers benefit from specific tools that enable them to be identified on the website as creative users, thereby increasing the visibility of their videos. Moreover, a MotionMaker will be able to customize their profile page; the Creative Content label will appear on their videos; a MotionMaker logo will be added to their profile; they will be able to upload videos of unlimited length (NB: they must still be web-optimized); and, finally, they enjoy higher-quality video encoding (such as HD).

A MotionMaker can also have his video promoted on the Dailymotion homepage or on promotional spaces of the website. Several creative users and talents have been discovered thanks to the MotionMaker program.
How do I become a MotionMaker?

To join the program, click on "Become a MotionMaker", fill out the form and accept the Terms of Use and special conditions. Once you have joined the program, the "Creative Content" option will appear on the edit pages of your videos (advanced mode). Any videos you mark as Creative Content will be transferred to the Dailymotion team for review.

    * User not logged in:
    * Logged in User:

Why don't I have MotionMaker status yet?

To confirm your MotionMaker status, you must submit at least one video labeled "Creative Content" label. To do so, you must check the box "Creative Content" while editing the video info. Once it is validated, your account will be confirmed as a MotionMaker account.
How do I label my video as "Creative Content"?

Once you have subscribed to the MotionMaker program, edit the video and check the "Creative Content" option. The video will be sent to the Dailymotion team, which will watch it to see if it meets the MotionMaker program conditions. If the conditions are met, the video will be validated as Creative Content.
Why is my video not labeled as "Creative Content"?

If your video doesn't fulfill all the criteria of the MotionMaker program, the label "Creative Content" can be refused. In that case, you will receive a refusal notification.
I submitted my video as "Creative Content" a while ago but never received any news.. Why has my video not been labeled as "Creative Content" yet?

We receive many "Creative Content" submissions. We do our best to validate them as quickly as possible, but it does take time to review.
Why can't I check the option "Creative Content"?

The first video you submit as Creative Content must not be more than 20 minutes long, and its filesize must not exceed 150 megabytes. You will only be able to upload videos longer than 20 minutes, once your MotionMaker status has been confirmed.
What is an Official User?

Dailymotion enables professionals to broadcast and share their content through our platform. Many organizations such as record labels, studios and production companies, the news media, TV channels, sports federations, and political parties already use Dailymotion to promote their videos.

Official Users have several advantages:

    * Increased visibility
    * The "Official Content" label on their videos
    * Customize their profile and video player pages

How do I become an Official User?

Participation in the Official Content program is free. To apply to the program, please fill out this form.
What does "Official Content" mean?

The videos sent by Official Users are labeled as "Official Content". This guarantees that their content is original, and gives them better visibility on the website. Their videos can be selected and featured by the editorial team of the website.

The videos of the Official Content appear with this logo:
What does "HD" mean?

HD stands for "High Definition". This means that the video definition is at least 1280 pixels wide and 720 pixels high. This resolution is superior to DVD image quality. Because of its higher quality, HD video looks great in fullscreen.
What type of HD is used on Dailymotion?

Dailymotion offers 720p (1280x720 resolution) video encoding, which is also called "HD Ready". It's a standard widely used by the video content broadcasting industry.
How do I upload HD videos?

In order to upload High Definition (HD) videos, you must have a MotionMaker or Official User account. Once your video has been uploaded, our servers will encode your video in standard definition before encoding it in HD. The waiting period for HD encoding varies depending on the load on the server.
What's OpenID?
OpenID is a shared identity service, which allows Internet users to log on to many different web sites using a single digital identity, eliminating the need for a password for each site. It is a decentralized, free and open standard that lets users control the amount of personal information they provide. Dailymotion allows users to associate their existing accounts with a single OpenID, and lets new users create Dailymotion accounts using an OpenID. Once your Dailymotion account is associated with your OpenID, you can use your OpenID to log on to Dailymotion. For more information, please view the Wikipedia article on OpenID.
What is history?
Ever watched a video but you couldn't find it ? Dailymotion remembers the videos you have recently viewed so you can easily find them. To visit your history, click on the History link located in Dailymotion header to access the list of the videos you have recently watched.

This feature is available for logged and unlogged users. Your history will be different depending if you are logged or not since you have a specific history per account.
How to use your history ?

To clear your history, follow the steps below :

    * Click on the history link located on Dailymotion header
    * Click on the "Edit" button
    * Select items you want to remove if you want to partially clear your history or check the box "Select all" if you want to clear your whole history
    * Once done, click on "Clear History" button

(*)To move videos from your history to favorites, playlists or groups, follow the steps below :

    * Click on the history link located on Dailymotion header
    * Click on the "Edit" button
    * Select items you want to move or check the box "Select all" if you want to move your whole history.
    * Once done, click on "Move to" button and select where you want to move your videos among favorites, playlists or groups.

*available only for logged users

Dailymotion has established a visible and easily accessible means of allowing anyone to notify it of dissemination via the Website of the following content:

- child pornography;
- dangerous or illegal acts (including but not limited to incitement to violence, animal abuse or drug abuse);
- unlawful, obscene, defamatory or libelous material; or
- any sexually explicit content (including but not limited to images of rape, bestiality, intercourse, masturbation, sadistic or masochistic abuse, explicit depiction of male or female genitalia or pubic areas, pedophilia or necrophilia).
To this end, a special form is available upon clicking this video may link, which is situated beneath each Player. You may also send a detailed letter to our Prohibited Content department at Dailymotion, 49/51 rue Ganneron, 75018 Paris, specifying the date, your name, the URL address of the content in question, a description of the content in question, and the username of the person who uploaded it. You may also send an email to Upon receipt by Dailymotion of notice of the aforementioned violations, the content in question will be reviewed and may be removed from the Website. Additionally appropriate authorities may be notified.

Create a video? This editor allows you to easily mix pictures and music into a unique video creation. It operates the rendering of your video faster than real time, so you can see the result of your creation right away.
» Click here to create a video

Videowalls let you display a group of videos on your site with a slick interface. You can display up to 81 videos in a Videowall.You can create Videowalls from a user or group profile page by clicking the "Create a Videowall" button, located in the profile pane just beneath the user or group description.
» Click here to get your videowall widget

VideoZap offers a new way to control video players on your website. Think of it as a lightweight, image-driven remote control.
» Click here to get your videozap widget

The Jukebox allows you to broadcast videos according to criteria that you select. They can be your videos, your favourites, videos from your groups, whatever! The Jukebox can be added to any website or blog, and can be opened by any browser. It's also possible to upload videos directly to your Groups through the Jukebox !
» Click here to create your jukebox widget

This tool lets you embed an upload form directly into your website. With it your visitors can register, login, and add videos to their Dailymotion accounts, without having to leave your site.
» Click here to create your uploader widget

This tool lets you embed an upload form directly into your website. With it your visitors can register, login, and add videos to their Dailymotion accounts, without having to leave your site.
» Click here to create your uploader widget
On Facebook? Add the Dailymotion Facebook application to your account to browse, upload and share videos - all within Facebook.This application will display the most recent uploads to your Dailymotion account directly within your Facebook profile. It lets you explore the latest featured videos, access your favorite videos, and share them all with your Facebook friends.
» Login to Facebook and add the Daillymotion application!
iPhone, iPad et iPod Touch apps
The Dailymotion application for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch lets you have millions of videos with you, and share them with friends, wherever you are. What's more, with iPhone 3Gs, you can record videos and upload them straight to your Dailymotion account. Take full advantage of Dailymotion with its dedicated app!
» Click here to access to the Dailymotion App

Browser Toolbar
Are you a Dailymotion addict? Want to have all your favorite DM links close at hand? Download the Dailymotion toolbar, available for Internet Explorer and Firefox.
» Click here to download the Dailymotion toolbar
OLPC Web Site
Dailymotion has partnered with the OLPC foundation to consider new projects involving video, and to create a dedicated space to save the videos created by XO users:
» More information about Daillymotion on the XO Laptop!
New Dailymotion extensions for Firefox and Chrome let you find videos related to the website you're visiting.
» Click here to get your extension

Player API
Are you a web developer? Do you like to build new experiences based on existing platforms? We invite our users to do something creative with the Dailymotion player, and have published a Player Tools page detailing both our JavaScript and Flash APIs. Let us know what you come up with!
» Click here to learn more about the Player API
Add OpenSearch to your browser and instantly search millions of videos in Dailymotion's catalog. All you have to do is start typing your query, then choose from the suggestions in the dropdown to go directly to the relevant video.
» Click here to learn more about OpenSearch

Dailymotion Cloud is a white label video solution
which suits your needs in both storage space and bandwidth.

    [4]  Graspr

What is Graspr?
Graspr is an online video community that offers high quality instructional content on a wide range of topics. Our mission is to make the world a smarter place by bringing together people who possess different kinds of expertise, and helping them share what they know with others. We want to make knowledge more accessible, and thus empower users to explore new interests, cultivate new skills, and become even more proficient in the subjects they know well.

The Graspr Philosophy: "Sharing the Wealth of Knowledge"
At Graspr, we believe that learning is an inherently social process, so we've made it easy to connect with real people -- hobbyists, professionals, and celebrities -- who have wisdom and experience to share.

We believe that multiple perspectives enrich the learning process, so we provide a range of content on each topic.

Most importantly, we believe that the knowledge gained through experience is a precious resource that should be put to good use. Everyone knows something of value, no matter what their credentials. Our purpose is to help deliver that knowledge to the people who seek it.
How does Graspr work?
Graspr offers a number of features designed to enhance learning, connect people, and facilitate the discovery process.

At Graspr, you can:

    * Find videos on specific topics that match your interests and skill level. Search by keyword, search by Producer, or browse our videos by category.
    * Control your viewing experience. With Graspr's 'Scene' feature, you can jump straight to the parts of a video that interest you most.
    * Take notes. Add your own notes to a video - and keep them private or share with the Graspr community.
    * Rate and comment on videos. Your input helps other users make informed choices about which videos are best suited to their needs.
    * Share videos. We make it easy to send videos to friends or embed them on other Web pages.
    * Control distribution. Choose to share your videos with the entire Graspr community, or just with your friends.
    * Connect with people who share your interests. You can chat with others who are viewing similar content and swap stories, share tips or seek advice.
    * Impart your wisdom. Have specialized knowledge of your own? We invite you to share it with the Graspr community by uploading your own instructional videos.

Register now to get the most out of Graspr.

    About Graspr’s Founder  Teresa Phillips
Though her passion lies in creating new markets and product categories, Teresa has built a career around operational excellence. Prior to founding Graspr, she served as VP of Business Operations for Yahoo!'s Broadband and Mobile division, where was recruited to build the operational infrastructure for Yahoo!'s emerging broadband business.

Prior to Yahoo!, Teresa served as Group VP of Program Management at Road Runner / Time Warner. Responsible for Product Management, Project Management, and Business Operations, Teresa led the roll-out of the Company's flagship products to cable affiliates nationwide.

Throughout her 14-year tenure in high-tech, Teresa has served in product and operations roles in several start-ups including CyberCash, InterCon Systems, and Indigo. She earned her leadership stripes while serving for 7 years in the U.S. Army, supporting many general officers including a former Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff and a former NATO commander. Teresa graduated from James Madison University with a B.S. in Technology Management.

   What is Graspr?

Graspr is the marketplace for instructional videos. If you want to know how to train your dog, play the guitar, build a BBQ, or learn basic swing dance steps, Graspr is the place to find high-quality instructional videos. If you're looking to enhance your website through the inclusion of video, or if you're a creator of video who wants exposure for your content, Graspr sources and syndicates videos through its worldwide network.

Graspr has collected the best instructional videos available online and has made them easily available to you for free! This means you don't have to scour the Internet for relevant video content to offer your viewers. With a constantly growing network of over 20,000 filtered videos across 19 categories and hundreds of subcategories, Graspr is the largest online syndication platform for instructional videos. See the About Graspr page for more information.
Who makes the videos?

Graspr's videos are made by people around the world who have expertise to share. Some are professionals, some are hobbyists, and some are celebrities. One thing is for sure, many of our users are just like you - ready to share their know-how! We invite you to contribute to the Graspr network by uploading your own instructional videos. Go to and select the 'Create' button to get started.
Is Graspr free?

Graspr is free, and we plan to keep it that way, though in the future we may offer paid subscriptions for premium content.
Why should I register?

Registering allows you to take advantage of Graspr's great features, like the ability to take notes or comment on and rate videos. When you register you can also customize your profile, add friends, and communicate with other Graspr users. Most importantly, when registered, you are able to earn additional income by uploading your own videos, embedding other people's videos on your blog or website, or simply by referring others to Graspr.
Graspr Tools and Features
What are 'Scenes' and how can I use them?

Videos on Graspr are divided into distinct, clearly labeled scenes so that you can easily skip to the parts that interest you most.

While viewing a video on Graspr, Scenes are displayed in the panel to the right of the video.

While viewing an embedded Graspr video on a partner website or blog, Scenes are displayed in the lower third of the video player.
What is the 'Notes' tool and how can I use it?

The 'Notes' tool allows you to customize your learning experience by jotting down thoughts or shortcuts you want to remember later - or tips you want to share with other Graspr users, such as an ingredient that could be substituted in a recipe video. To use this feature, simply go to the point in the video where you want to add a Note. Click the notepad button at the bottom of the player or click right on the screen the moment you want to add a note. A form will appear to the right of the video; enter your note and mark it as Private (seen only by you) or Shared (viewable by anyone).
What are tags? What are 'Tags Describing Me'?

Tags are keywords or phrases that describe you in some way. For example, these identifying words are tags:

These tags would tell others that you went to UCLA, have kids, and enjoy skiing. People who search for those terms on Graspr would be able to find you.

    * Find other people with similar backgrounds or interests by clicking on those with tags that interest you!

How do I save a video I want to return to later?

While you're on the video's page, click on the word 'Bookmark' at the top of the video box and select 'Bookmark on Graspr'. To find the videos you've saved, go to 'My Graspr' at the top of any page and select 'Bookmarks'.

The Bookmark feature also offers easy access to Delicious, Digg, Facebook, Reddit, and Stumble Upon.
Can I download Graspr videos?

Currently, Graspr videos cannot be downloaded, but in the future we'll be making them available for download to mobile devices.
Can I embed Graspr videos on my personal site, MySpace page, etc?

Yes! When viewing a video, click the 'Share' button, select 'Get the Embed Code', and copy and paste the code to a page of your choice.
How can I share videos with my friends?

When viewing a video, click the 'Share' button, select 'Send Email to a Friend', and complete the form. Your friend will receive an email containing a link to the video you're viewing.
How do I find other Graspr users like me?

Users who register with Graspr can add descriptive tags to their profiles (as described above in What are tags?). To find a particular type of user, search for a keyword or phrase (e.g. 'Gen X'); and on the search results page, click the green 'People' tab to see which users fit the criteria. As you spend more time on Graspr, you'll also start to naturally develop a network of like-minded people.
How do I add 'friends' to my account?

When you come across people you'd like to have as friends, click on their photos or names to get to their profiles, and then click 'Add to Friends'. The people you've added will be notified and given the option to add you as a friend.
Can I include a link to my website from Graspr?

Yes, in your Graspr profile you can include a link to your website. Simply type out your website address on the first line of your profile.
Uploading Videos to Graspr
How do I submit my own videos to Graspr?

Click the 'Upload' button in the header of any page. We support .mov, MPEG4, .FLV, .AVI and many other video formats. We just ask that the video be instructional in nature and under 250 Mb in size. Uploading of videos consists of two easy steps: 1. Getting your video file from your computer to Graspr (the time to upload is dependent upon how fast your Internet connection is) and 2. Graspr encoding your video for display on our site (this takes approximately 10 minutes per 100Mb).
What is the Desktop Uploader?

Graspr's Desktop Uploader runs in your system like any other program, and allows you to upload videos to your Graspr account without opening a browser.

Core Features:

    * Upload up to 5 videos simultaneously
    * Drag and drop videos from your systems file browser directly into the application
    * Set video privacy settings, tags, descriptions, etc.
    * Add attachment to your videos
    * Upload in peace - don't worry about leaving the upload page by mistake

          o Upload your latest videos now by first downloading the Desktop Uploader application. It's fast, it's easy, and it's yours!

What is the Remixing Studio?

Graspr's Remixing Studio (or online video editor) provides you with a simple tool to trim video clips, add transitions, add on-screen text, and perform all the fundamental functions of a video editor. It's easy to use, available from any PC and was designed with the valuable input of our veteran Producers!

    * Simple edits to your videos will dramatically increase their appeal and impact for people watching them. Start remixing your videos today in our Remixing Studio.

What if I already have videos in other places on the Internet?

We may be able to automatically upload your videos for you. Simply register with Graspr, then send an email to providing your Graspr user name and information about where your videos are located. If you have an RSS feed, please provide it in the email.
How to Make Money Using Graspr
What is Graspr's revenue sharing model?

Graspr will share net advertising revenue with its Producers and Publishers. 30% net advertising proceeds goes to the Producer, 30% to the Publisher, and 30% to Graspr. If you upload videos to Graspr AND embed them on your website, you will receive 60% of net advertising revenue, as you'll be acting as both 'Producer' and 'Publisher'. The additional 10% goes into a referral pool to reward those who embed Graspr's badge and refer business.

When you register on Graspr, you have the option to join the 'Graspr Network'. By selecting this option at registration (or under My Graspr => Account Settings) and providing us with your PayPal email address, you are automatically setup to be paid a percentage of the ad revenue earned from the videos you have uploaded.
More ways to make money!

Those who produce videos aren't the only ones who can benefit from using Graspr. If you are registered with Graspr, have your own website, and you embed any videos from Graspr - you too will automatically earn a percentage of the ad revenue earned from those who view the video on your site!
What is the 'Affiliate Badge' program?

You can earn money by helping us spread the word about Graspr's instructional video network. Graspr offers a number of badges designed to embed into your website or blog. We recommend you place the badge at the top of a page on your site to get the greatest response. Your badge will have a unique identifier, and you will receive credit each time someone clicks on one of your Graspr Badges and registers at Graspr.

    * Get started earning money and embed your badge today! Go to our Affiliate Badge page to choose the badge that works for you. Share the wealth of knowledge and tell your friends and colleagues to do the same!

Note that you must join the Graspr network and provide your PayPal information to become eligible to participate in any of our revenue share programs.
How Does Syndication Work?

Syndication refers to the ability to embed a Graspr video in your website or blog. With our Collections Player, you can embed multiple videos within a single player. Refer to the 'Affiliate Badge Program' for more information.

    * Visit our Videos page to create your own collection or our Collections page to view existing collections and claim them as your own!

Troubleshooting and Reporting Problems
What do I do if the videos won't play in my browser?

You will need to use a supported browser with a Flash plug-in installed to properly play videos on Graspr. We support Internet Explorer 6.x and 7.x, Firefox 2.x and 3.x and Safari. If you do not have a flash plug-in installed, you will be prompted to download the latest version from Adobe when you attempt to play a video.
How do I report inappropriate content?

Above and to the right of each video is a link that says 'Report'. Click on 'Report as Inappropriate' and let us know what's inappropriate about the content. While we encourage content that appeals to a diverse audience, videos should be instructional and should not contain violence, illegal substances, or pornography. We appreciate your help in maintaining high standards across the Graspr network. Please refer to our Terms of Service for more information regarding acceptable content.
How do I change my password or notification preferences?

When signed in to Graspr, click on 'My Graspr' in the top navigation bar and select the 'Account Settings' from the pull-down menu.
How do I report an inappropriate user?

If you feel that another user is not adhering to the spirit of the Graspr community by using inappropriate language, employing spamming techniques, or is otherwise violating our Terms of Service, please bring this to our attention and Report a User . The Graspr team takes these issues seriously and will investigate further to take appropriate action as necessary. We appreciate your efforts to help keep the Graspr community enjoyable for all.



Eligibility for Joining The Graspr Community.
Graspr’s online community enables people to connect and share life experiences and expertise with other community members by posting topic-specific videos and other user-generated content.  By registering for a Graspr account, you represent, acknowledge and agree that you are at least 18 years of age or that you are the parent or legal guardian of a user that is over the age of 13, and you represent and warrant that: (a) all registration information that you submit is truthful and accurate; (b) you will maintain the accuracy of such information; and (c) your use of the services offered through this Site do not violate any applicable law or regulation.  Your account may be terminated without warning if we believe that you are under the age of 18 and using the Site and its Services without the permission of your parent or legal guardian or under the age of 13.

General Use Restrictions.
Graspr provides social media and learning content and services through this Site.  Certain information, features, and applications provided on and through this Site, including text, content, advertising, logos, graphics, images and any other materials that are not Submissions (as defined below) (together, the “Materials”) are provided to you by Graspr and are the copyrighted and/or trademarked work of Graspr or Graspr’s contributors.  In addition, Graspr makes an embeddable player available to you on the Site for download to access and view Submissions on the Site and on other third party websites, in accordance with these Terms (the “Embeddable Player”), and an application that assists you in uploading and editing your Submissions on the Site (“Graspr Editor”) (collectively, the “Software”).  Any such Software is only made available for use and/or download under the terms of a limited, non-exclusive license to install and use the Software on your personal computer or your website for the sole purpose of uploading, editing, accessing and viewing Submissions in accordance with these Terms and with any additional terms and conditions applicable to the use of such Software.

During the term of these Terms, Graspr grants you a limited, personal, non-exclusive and non-transferable license to use and to display the Materials and use the services, the Site and the Software solely for your personal use if you are an individual and solely for your business use if you are an organization or agent of your organization.  You acknowledge and agree that nothing in these Terms gives you and that you have no right to modify, edit, copy, reproduce, create derivative works of, reverse engineer, alter, enhance or in any way exploit any of the Materials or the Software in any manner.  This limited license terminates automatically, without notice to you, if you breach any of these Terms. Upon termination of this limited license, you agree to immediately destroy any downloaded or printed Materials or Software. Except as stated herein, you acknowledge that you have no right, title or interest in or to the Site, any Materials or the Software on any legal basis.

You further agree not to access any Submissions through any technology or means other than the Site or the Embeddable Player.  You agree not to use the Site, or the Embeddable Player, for any commercial use, without the prior written authorization of Graspr, except as expressly specified in these Terms.  Prohibited commercial uses include any of the following actions taken without Graspr's express approval:

    * sale of access to the Site or its related services, including, without limitation, the Embeddable Player, on another website;
    * use of the Site or its related services, including, without limitation, the Embeddable Player, for the primary purpose of gaining advertising or subscription revenue;
    * the sale of advertising, on the Site or any third-party website, targeted to the content of Submissions or Materials;
    * and any use of the Site or its related services, including, without limitation, the Embeddable Player, that Graspr finds, in its sole discretion, to use Graspr's resources or Submissions with the effect of competing with or displacing the market for Graspr, the Materials, or Submissions.

Prohibited commercial uses do not include:

    * uploading an original video to Graspr, or linking to your website from Graspr to promote your business or artistic enterprise;
    * using the Embeddable Player to show Graspr videos on an ad-enabled blog or website, provided the primary purpose of using the Embeddable Player is not to gain advertising revenue or compete with Graspr;
    * any use that Graspr expressly authorizes in writing.

If you use the Embeddable Player on your website, you must include a prominent link back to the Site on the pages containing the Embeddable Player, and you may not modify, build upon, or block any portion of the Embeddable Player in any way.

You agree not to use or launch any automated system, including, without limitation, “robots,” “spiders,” or “offline readers,” that accesses the Site in a manner that sends more request messages to the Graspr servers in a given period of time than a human can reasonably produce in the same period by using a conventional on-line web browser. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Graspr grants the operators of public search engines permission to use spiders to copy materials from the site for the sole purpose of and solely to the extent necessary for creating publicly available searchable indices of the materials, but not caches or archives of such materials. Graspr reserves the right to revoke these exceptions either generally or in specific cases. You agree not to collect or harvest any personally identifiable information, including account names from the Site, nor to use the communication systems provided by the Site (e.g., comments, email) for any commercial solicitation purposes. You agree not to solicit, for commercial purposes, any users of the Site with respect to their Submissions.

Password Restricted Areas of this Site.
You need a password to login to this Site and to use certain functions and areas within this Site.  You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password, username and account, and you agree to immediately notify Graspr if your password is lost, stolen, or disclosed to an unauthorized third party or otherwise may have been compromised.  You are responsible for all activities that occur under your account.  You agree to immediately notify Graspr of any unauthorized use of your account or any other breach of security in relation to this Site known to you.  You agree that you will not misrepresent yourself or represent your self as another user of the Site and/or the services offered through the Site.

Non-Commercial Use.

You agree not to use other users’ contact information gathered from this Site for commercial purposes, and you agree not to provide any other user’s contact information to any third party that is not a registered user of Graspr.  User-posted commercial advertisements, affiliate links and other forms of solicitation or profiteering may be removed from your account without notice and result in the termination of your account.

Fees and Electronic Communications.

You acknowledge that Graspr reserves the right to charge for certain services and to change its fees and/or fee structures from time to time in its discretion. You are responsible for paying any taxes that may apply.

By using the services, you consent to receiving electronic communications from Graspr and its affiliates.  These electronic communications may include notices about applicable fees and charges, transactional information and other information concerning or related to our services.  These electronic communications are part of your relationship with Graspr and you receive them as part of your subscription to the services.  You agree that any notices, agreements, disclosures or other communications that we send you electronically will satisfy any legal communication requirements, including that such communications be in writing.


This Site may contain or offer sweepstakes or other promotions, which may be governed by a separate set of rules that describe the sweepstakes or promotion and may have eligibility requirements (e.g. age or geographic restrictions).  It is your responsibility to read those rules to determine whether or not your participation, registration or entry will be valid and to determine the sponsor’s requirements of you in connection with the applicable sweepstakes or promotion.

Privacy Policy.

Your use of this Site is governed by the Graspr Privacy Policy, which is available at (the “Privacy Policy”).

Third Party Content.
Certain information and content that are not Submissions may be provided by third party licensors to Graspr (“Third Party Content”).  The Third Party Content is, in each case, the copyrighted and/or trademarked work of the creator/licensor.  Unless you have permission from the owner of the Third Party Content, you agree to only display the Third Party Content on your personal computer solely for your personal use.  You acknowledge and agree that you have no right to download, cache, reproduce, modify, display (except as set forth in this paragraph), edit, alter or enhance any of the Third Party Content in any manner unless you have permission from the owner of the Third Party Content.  GRASPR DISCLAIMS ALL EXPRESS, IMPLIED AND STATUTORY WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS WITH REGARD TO THIRD PARTY CONTENT, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT.

Links to Third Party Web Sites.

This Site may be linked to other web sites that are not Graspr Sites (“Third Party Web Sites”) and certain areas of the Site may allow you to conduct transactions or purchase goods or services from or through such Third Party Web Sites. Graspr is providing these links to you as a convenience, and Graspr does not verify, make any representations or take responsibility for such linked Third Party Web Sites, including, without limitation, the truthfulness, accuracy, quality or completeness of the content, links displayed or activities conducted on such Third Party Web Sites.  The Third Party Web Site may have different privacy policies and terms and conditions and business practices than Graspr.  Your dealings and communications through the Site with any party other than Graspr are solely between you and such third party.   Any complaints, concerns or questions you have relating to materials provided by third parties should be forwarded directly to the applicable third party.  YOU AGREE THAT GRASPR WILL NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, FOR ANY GOODS, SERVICES, RESOURCES OR CONTENT AVAILABLE THROUGH ANY THIRD PARTY WEB SITES AND/OR THIRD PARTY DEALINGS OR COMMUNICATIONS, OR FOR ANY HARM RELATED THERETO, OR FOR ANY DAMAGES OR LOSS CAUSED OR ALLEGED TO BE CAUSED BY OR IN CONNECTION WITH YOUR USE OR RELIANCE ON THE CONTENT, ADVERTISING OR BUSINESS PRACTICES OF ANY THIRD PARTY.  Any reference on the Site to any product, process, publication or service of any third party, by trade name, domain name, trademark, trade identity, service mark, logo, manufacturer or otherwise does not constitute or imply Graspr’s endorsement or recommendation.

Personal Responsibility.

You understand that deciding whether to use any information contained in any user-submitted content, including, without limitation,, users’ postings, comments, notes, blogs, instant messages and/or videos  is your personal decision for which you alone are responsible.  You understand that Graspr does not and cannot make representations as to the suitability of any individual you may decide to interact with on the Site and/or the accuracy or suitability of any advice, information, or recommendations made by any individual.


You acknowledge that you are responsible for the text, files, images, photos, videos, sounds, musical works, works of authorship, or any other materials that you submit, post or otherwise make available on and/or upload through the use of the Software to the Site (each a “Submission”) through posting areas, e-mails, personal pages, instant messages, video chats or other services available in connection with this Site, and that you, and not Graspr, have full responsibility for each such Submission you make, including its legality, accuracy, appropriateness, and trademark and copyright ownership.  Unless otherwise explicitly stated herein or in the Graspr Privacy Policy, you agree that any Submission provided by you in connection with this Site is provided on a non-proprietary and non-confidential basis.  Please note that, generally, Submissions will be accessible by other users on the Site.  Please be sure that any information you post on any area of the Site (including any online entry or entries that you choose to share with others, either via the Site or by e-mailing the entry or entries to your friends or families) is information that you are comfortable with sharing with others. 

Except as expressly set forth below, you agree that Graspr is free to use a Submission on an unrestricted basis for any purpose and you grant Graspr a sublicensable, non-exclusive, fully-paid and royalty-free, worldwide license to (in any media, whether now known or not currently known or invented) link to, utilize, use, publicly perform, publicly display, reproduce, distribute, modify and prepare derivative works of the  Submission. However, under the foregoing license, Graspr shall not have the right to sell ownership rights to your  Submission.  Additionally, Graspr agrees to use all of your Submissions in accordance with Graspr’s Privacy Policy applicable to personally identifiable information.

Subject to the options you select with respect to how and by whom your Submissions may be accessed, used, modified and performed when registering for a Graspr account, which options may be modified by you from time to time, you grant to Graspr’s registered users a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, fully paid up license: (i) to use, access, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of and compilations, publicly display and publicly perform your Submissions on the Site, through the Graspr services and/or publicly on third-party web sites and the Internet generally; (ii) to rate, review, comment on and tag your Submissions; (iii) to embed Graspr's video player or other form of media player with your Submissions on any website; (iv) to send and distribute your Submissions via e-mail, instant messenger or otherwise over or through the Internet or any other electronic communications system; and (v) to access, reproduce, distribute and/or perform your Submissions via Graspr's web service APIs or via RSS or any similar XML or related feeds.

YOU RETAIN OWNERSHIP OF ANY COPYRIGHTS OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS APPLICABLE TO ANY INFORMATION YOU SUBMIT TO GRASPR, SUCH AS YOUR SUBMISSIONS.  You further agree that you will not upload, post or otherwise make available on this Site any material protected by copyright, trademark, or any other proprietary right without the express permission of the owner of such copyright, trademark or other proprietary right owned by a third party, and the burden of determining whether any material is protected by any such right is on you.  You shall be solely liable for any damage resulting from any infringement of copyrights, trademarks, proprietary rights, or any other harm resulting from any Submission that you make.

You represent and warrant that: (i) you own all Submissions posted by you on or through this Site or otherwise have the right to grant the licenses to Graspr set forth in this section, and (ii) the posting of your Submissions on or through this Site does not violate the privacy rights, publicity rights, trademark rights, copyrights, contract rights or any other rights of any person or entity. You agree to pay for all royalties, fees, damages and any other monies owing any person by reason of any Submissions posted by you to or through this Site and/or uploaded to the Site with the use of the Software.

Posting Etiquette.

Graspr requires that you respect the Graspr online community as well as other individuals participating within the Graspr online community.  Your conduct should be guided by common sense and basic etiquette.  To further these common goals, when posting Submissions to or otherwise using this Site and/or the services, you agree not to, without limitation:

    * Post off-topic messages or non-instructional content.
    * Defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten, or otherwise violate the legal rights (such as rights of privacy and publicity) of others.
    * Transmit or otherwise make available any content that is false, harmful, threatening, abusive, tortious, defamatory, libelous, disparaging (including disparaging of Graspr), vulgar, obscene, pornographic, or that promotes, furthers or incites violence, terrorism or illegal acts, or is otherwise objectionable (as determined by Graspr in its sole discretion)
    * Use racially, ethnically, or offensive language.
    * Impersonate or represent Graspr, our staff or other industry professionals.
    * Solicit a user’s password or other account information.
    * Harvest user names, addresses, or email addresses for any purpose other than use in your interactions on this Site.
    * Use explicit/obscene language or solicit/post sexually explicit images (actual or simulated).
    * Disrupt the flow of chat in any manner, including without limitation vulgar language or abusiveness.
    * Post anything that exploits children or minors or that depicts cruelty to animals.
    * Post any copyrighted or trademarked materials without the express permission from the owner.
    * Disseminate any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, 'junk mail', 'spam', 'chain letters', 'pyramid schemes', or any other form of such solicitation.
    * Post telephone numbers, street addresses or last names
    * Solicit personal information from anyone under 18 years of age.
    * Upload or transmit viruses, Trojan horses or other harmful, disruptive or destructive files or post material that interferes with any third party’s uninterrupted use and enjoyment of the Site.
    * Impersonate any person or entity, or otherwise disguise the origin of any content transmitted through the Site or to Graspr, including forging any TCP/IP packet header or any part of the header information in any transmission to the Site for any reason.

This list of prohibitions provides examples and is not complete or exclusive.  Graspr reserves the right to (a) terminate your access to your account, your ability to post to this Site (or the services) and (b) refuse, delete or remove, move or edit the content, in whole or in part, of any Submissions; with or without cause and with or without notice, for any reason or no reason, or for any action that Graspr determines is inappropriate or disruptive to this Site or to any other user of this Site and/or services.  Graspr reserves the right to restrict the number of emails or other messages which you are allowed to send to other users to a number that Graspr deems appropriate in Graspr’s sole discretion.  Graspr may report to law enforcement authorities any actions that may be illegal, and any reports it receives of such conduct.  When legally required or at Graspr’s discretion, Graspr will cooperate with law enforcement agencies in any investigation of alleged illegal activity on this Site or on the Internet.

Graspr does not and cannot review every Submission posted to the Site.  These prohibitions do not require Graspr to monitor, police or remove any Submissions or other information submitted by you or any other user.

Advertising Rights.
Graspr reserves and has the right to sell, license and/or display any advertising, attribution, links, promotional and/or distribution rights in connection with your Submissions. Graspr will share revenue generated from any sales or licenses of such advertising, attribution, links, or promotional or distribution rights with uploaders, embedders, and people who refer others to the Graspr network when in those cases the referee subsequently uploads or embeds Graspr videos. Graspr will share revenue with its network members in accordance with terms and conditions posted on the site.

Member Disputes.
You understand that your interactions and dealings with other users of this Site are solely between you and such other user.  Graspr is not responsible for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as a result of any such interactions or dealings, and Graspr has no obligation to become involved in any resulting dispute.

Unauthorized Activities.
Submissions and unauthorized use of any Materials or Third Party Content contained on this Site may violate certain laws and regulations.  You agree to indemnify and hold Graspr and its officers, directors, employees, affiliates, agents, licensors, and business partners harmless from and against any and all costs, damages, liabilities, and expenses (including attorneys’ fees and costs of defense) Graspr or any other indemnified party suffers in relation to, arising from, or for the purpose of avoiding, any claim or demand from a third party that your use of this Site or the use of this Site by any person using your user name and/or password (including without limitation, your participation in the posting areas or, your Submissions) violates any applicable local, state, federal or international law, rule or regulation, or the copyrights, trademark rights or other rights of any third party.

Proprietary Rights.
Graspr is a trademark of Graspr in the United States.  Other trademarks, names and logos on this Site are the property of their respective owners.

Unless otherwise specified in these Terms, all information and screens appearing on this Site, including documents, services, site design, text, graphics, logos, images and icons, as well as the arrangement thereof, are the sole property of Graspr, Copyright © 2006-2007 Graspr.  All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.  Except as otherwise required or limited by applicable law, any reproduction, distribution, modification, retransmission, or publication of any copyrighted material is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of the copyright owner or license.

Copyright and Trademark Infringements.
Graspr respects the intellectual property rights of others, and we ask you to do the same.  Graspr may, in appropriate circumstances and at our discretion, terminate service and/or access to this Site for users who infringe the intellectual property rights of others.  If you believe that your work is the subject of copyright infringement and/or trademark infringement and appears on our Site, please  provide Graspr’s designated agent the following information:

    * A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
    * Identification of the copyrighted and/or trademarked work claimed to have been infringed, or, if multiple works at a single online site are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works at that site.
    * Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled at the Site, and information reasonably sufficient to permit Graspr to locate the material.
    * Information reasonably sufficient to permit Graspr to contact you as the complaining party, such as an address, telephone number, and, if available, an electronic mail address at which you may be contacted.
    * A statement that you have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright and/or trademark owner, its agent, or the law.
    * A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that you are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

Graspr’s agent for notice of claims of copyright or trademark infringement on this Site can be reached as follows:
By mail:
Graspr, Inc.
Attn: Copyright Department                                           
779 E Evelyn Ave, Ste D  
Mountain View, CA 94041      
By phone:
(408) 802.9557

By e‑mail:
Please also note that for copyright infringements under Section 512(f) of the Copyright Act, any person who knowingly materially misrepresents that material or activity is infringing may be subject to liability.

If you are a user who posted allegedly infringing material and who received notification to that effect from Graspr, you may elect to send us a counter notice.  To be effective such counter notice must be a written communication provided to our designated agent that includes substantially the following (please consult your legal counsel or see 17 U.S.C. Section 512(g)(3) to confirm these requirements):

    * Your physical or electronic signature.
    * Identification of the material that has been removed or to which access has been disabled and the location at which the material appeared before it was removed or access to it was disabled.
    * A statement under penalty of perjury that you have a good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled.
    * Your name, address, and telephone number, and  a statement that you consent to the jurisdiction of Federal District Court for the judicial district in which the address is located, or if your address is outside of the United States, for any judicial district in which Graspr may be found, and that you will accept service of process from the person who provided notification of a complaint of allegedly infringing materials or an agent of such person.


Such written notice should be sent to our designated agent as follows:
By mail:
Graspr, Inc.
Attn: Copyright Department                                           
779 E Evelyn Ave, Ste D  
Mountain View, CA 94041                                          
By phone:
(408) 802.9557

By e‑mail:                                              

Please note that under Section 512(f) of the Copyright Act, any person who knowingly materially misrepresents that material or activity was removed or disabled by mistake or misidentification may be subject to liability.

Only the intellectual property rights owner is permitted to report potentially infringing items through Graspr’s reporting system set forth above.  If you are not the intellectual property rights owner, you should contact the intellectual property rights owner and they can choose whether to use the procedures set forth in these Terms.

Disclaimer of Warranties.
Your use of this Site, the Software and/or the services is at your own risk.  Neither the Materials, Submissions nor the Third Party Content have been verified or authenticated in whole or in part by Graspr, and they may include inaccuracies or typographical or other errors.  Graspr does not warrant the accuracy, timeliness, availability or adequacy of any information, facts, views, opinions, statements or recommendations contained on the Site or in the Materials, Submissions or Third Party Content.  Graspr has no liability for any errors or omissions in the Materials, Submissions and/or the Third Party Content, whether provided by Graspr or our licensors.


Limitation of Liability.

No Personal Advice.

This Site and the Materials, Submissions and Third Party Content contained on this Site are available only for the purpose of providing general information on personal development and personal living.  This Site and the information and resources contained on this Site are not intended to replace or substitute for any professional advice.  Graspr make no representations and warranties and expressly disclaims any and all liability concerning actions taken by a user following the information or using the resources offered or provided on or through this Site.  If you have a situation that requires professional advice, you should consult a qualified specialist.

Local Laws; Export Control.
Graspr controls and operates this Site from its headquarters in the United States of America and the Materials, Submissions and/or Third Party Content may not be appropriate or available for use in other locations.  If you use this Site outside the United States of America, you are responsible for following applicable local laws.

Binding Arbitration.
All disputes relating in any way, directly or indirectly, to Graspr for breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, negligence, personal injury, intentional torts or other tort will be arbitrated according to the rules of the American Arbitration Association (AAA) in San Francisco, California, including any dispute about the scope of this arbitration agreement, and including all questions about the types of disputes that are subject to this arbitration agreement, all of which you agree will be decided by the arbitrators, whose decision will be final and binding on you.   Any issue concerning the extent to which a dispute is subject to arbitration, or concerning the applicability, interpretation or enforceability of this agreement, including any contention that all or part of this agreement is invalid or unenforceable, shall be governed by the Federal Arbitration Act and resolved by the arbitrators.  You acknowledge and agree that, in any arbitration proceeding, no depositions will be taken, and all other forms of discovery of facts will be limited to those things that the arbitrators determine, in their sole discretion, to be necessary.  Further, in any  arbitration proceeding, (i) there shall be no award of punitive, exemplary, incidental or consequential or other special damages, (ii) all damages claims and awards will be governed by the provisions of the California Civil Code, and (iii) the parties will conduct the arbitration confidentially and expeditiously and will pay their own costs and expenses of arbitration, including their own attorneys’ fees.  If you are unable to afford the AAA fee, you agree to notify all persons against whom you have an arbitrable claim and give such persons the opportunity individually and as a group to pay such fee.  The proceeding and the decision shall be kept confidential by the parties.  No claim may be brought as a class action, combined or consolidated with any other proceeding, nor may any proceeding be pursued in a representative capacity or on behalf of a class.  Neither you nor Graspr has the right to act as a class representative or class representative or participate as a member of a class of claimants with respect to any claim.  

If you violate these Terms, Graspr may terminate and/or suspend your access to this Site without notice.  Graspr prefers to advise you of your inappropriate behavior and to recommend any necessary corrective action.  However, certain violations of these Terms, as determined by Graspr, may result in immediate termination of your access to this Site.  Graspr has the right to terminate any password-restricted account for any reason.  California law and controlling U.S. federal law, without regard to the choice or conflict of laws provisions, will govern these Terms.  Any disputes relating to these Terms or this Site will be heard in the state and federal courts located in Santa Clara County, California. If any of these Terms is found to be inconsistent with applicable law, then such term shall be interpreted to reflect the intentions of the parties, and no other terms will be modified.  Graspr’s failure to enforce any of these Terms is not a waiver of such term.  The Terms are the entire agreement between you and Graspr and supersede all prior or contemporaneous negotiations, discussions or agreements between you and Graspr about this Site.  The proprietary rights, disclaimer of warranties, representations made by you, indemnities, limitations of liability and general provisions shall survive any termination of these Terms.

 How To Videos
Arts & Crafts
Beauty & Style
Cars & Transportation
Computers & Internet
Consumer Electronics
Family & Relationships
Food & Drink
Health & Fitness
Home & Garden
Money & Finance
Pets & Animals
Pregnancy & Parenting
Sports & Recreation
Programming & Design
Walls & Doors
Home Improvement
Piano & Keyboard

   [5]  Gridnd

          The Action Sports Group (ASG)/Grind Networks is the world's leading action sports/entertainment company, featuring leading print, online and event properties reaching more than 10 million enthusiasts every month through action sports, comedy and custom client web solutions.

Based in the heart of the action sports world in Southern California, ASG/Grind Networks includes leading magazine/Web brands such as Surfer, Surfing, Snowboarder, Skateboarder, Powder, Bike and Canoe & Kayak; more than 20 industry leading events such as the Surfer Poll Awards, Nike 6.0 Lowers Pro, O'Neill Cold Water Classic, Snowboarder's SuperPark and Powder Video Awards and an online entertainment network including key properties such as,, and ASG/Grind is also the action sports content provider for Yahoo! Sports.

ASG/Grind properties are recognized authorities in their categories and leaders in monthly visits and video streams in syndication. As a 360 digital studio, ASG/Grind Networks has built a reputation for developing complete, custom client solutions that include web portals, original content, social networks, e-commerce and fully developed sales strategies for fortune 500 companies.

ASG/Grind Networks is part of Source Interlink Media (SIM), a leading publisher of enthusiast magazines and Web sites.


Upload a video to GrindTV

There are a couple of ways to upload a video to your profile.

From the main navigation menu, mouseover HOME and click Upload Video
Go to My Profile and open your Profile Editor. Click on the Upload Videos link.
From the Videos module in your profile, click on the Edit button.

Select the category of your video, (skate, snow, surf, etc.)
Enter the video title you would like to appear
Write a brief description about your video
Click on the Browse button, find your video file and click Open
Check the agree to Terms of Service
lick the Upload Video button*Note: Your video will post to your profile page as soon as it has finished processing.

Tag your video

See top Tag Video

Create RSS for my video

See topic RSS video

Share your video

You can share your video by using the Link and Embed code provided on the video player page. The embed code can be use on your Grind Box and About Me sections by copying and inserting it on the text box on your profile and on many of the social networking sites such as and


Upload photos

Go to My Profile and open your Profile Editor. Click on the Upload Photos link.

If you want to upload photos to an existing photo gallery simply select the gallery from the drop-down menu. If you want to create a new photo gallery, click the Create New Gallery link on the upper right hand corner
Click on Browse button. You can upload upto 4 photos at a time.
Check the agree to Terms of Service
Click the Upload Photos button

Set my main photo of a gallery

Go to My Profile and open your Profile Editor. Click on the Photo Galleries link.

Click on the Option drop down menu of the Gallery and select Edit Gallery
Click on the Option drop down menu of the Photo and select Set As Main
You will be prompt once successfully saved. Click the Okay button.

Delete a gallery

Go to My Profile and open your Profile Editor. Click on the Photo Galleries link.

Click on the Option drop down menu of the Gallery and select Delete
Confirm delete of Gallery by clicking Okay button

Delete a photo

Go to My Profile and open your Profile Editor. Click on the Photo Galleries link.

Click on the Option drop down menu of the Gallery and select Edit Gallery
Click on the Option drop down menu of the Photo and select Delete
Confirm delete of Photo by clicking Okay button
You will be prompt once successfully saved. Click the Okay button.
Repeat to delete more photos

Edit your photo title

Go to My Profile and open your Profile Editor. Click on the Photo Galleries link.

Click on the Option drop down menu of the Gallery and select Edit Gallery
Click on the Option drop down menu of the Photo and select Edit Title
You will be prompt to put in your title
Click OK after entering your photo title
Click OKAY button again to confirm Repeat to edit more photo title

Change sequence of photos in a gallery

Go to My Profile and open your Profile Editor. Click on the Photo Galleries link.

Click on the Option drop down menu of the Gallery and select Edit Gallery
Hover your mouse over a photo and drag it to the order you want to arrange your view.
Click on Save Sequence button
You will be prompt once successfully saved. Click the Okay button.

Create RSS for my Photos

See topic RSS photos


Invite a friend

To Invite a Friend who doesn't have a profile on GrindTV:
Go to the Inbox tab of your profile and click on the Invite a Friend button

Fill in your friend's e-mail address and a message to them
Click on Send Invitation

Add a friend

To Add a Friend who is already a member on GrindTV:
Go to the members page who you want to add as a friend

Click on the Add to Friends button

View if a friend added me

If a member has not accepted or declined you friend request, you can see the request in the Send Friend Requests section of your Inbox.

View friend's request

Go to your Inbox and click on your Friend requests

Remove a friend

Go to My Profile and click on the Open Profile Editor link on the upper right

Under My Content click on Friends link
Click on the Options drop down menu and Remove
Confirm delete of friend by clicking Okay button
Repeat to delete more friends

Change sequence of friends list

Go to My Profile and click on the Open Profile Editor link on the upper right

Hover your mouse over a friend and drag it to the order you want to arrange your view.
Click on Save Sequence button
You will be prompt once successfully saved. Click the Okay button.

Leave a comment for your friends

You must be logged in to leave a comment to your friend

Click on the Friends button.
Click on your friend's profile to view
On the Comment module, click Add Comment or Reply button
Write your comment and click Add Comment button.

Main Profile

Upload my main profile photo

Go to My Profile and click on the Open Profile Editor link on the upper right

Click on the Profile Picture link under About Me
Click on Browse, choose your picture file and click Open
Agree to the Terms of Service and click on the Upload Picture button

Add Module

Below your main profile photo (narrow column) you can add modules to your wide column by selecting any modules and clicking the Add button.

* After adding modules to your wide column you can drag and drop on the header of each module to customize your view.

Increase my Grind Ranks

By uploading videos and getting viewed, creating photo galleries, uploading photos, inviting friends, leaving comment or reply - basically get involved on
Customize Profile

Change my profile background

Go to My Profile and click on the Open Profile Editor link on the upper right

Click on the Background link under Appearance
Click on the Browse button and choose to picture file you want as your background
Agree to the Terms of Service
Click on Upload Picture

Change the color of My Profile

Go to My Profile and click on the Open Profile Editor link on the upper right

Click on the Colors link under Appearance
Choose a color and click on Set Color button
You will be prompt once successfully saved. Click the Okay button.

Change my layout of My Profile

Go to My Profile and click on the Open Profile Editor link on the upper right

Click on the Modules link under Appearance
Select the Profile Layout that you like (Regular or Goofy)
Click on Set Layout button
You will be prompt once successfully saved. Click the Okay button.

Send Comments

See topic Leave a comment for your friends

Remove Comments

Click on Inbox link next to 'Welcome, yourname'

Check the message you want to delete or click Check All to delete all messages.
Click on Delete Checked button and confirm.
My Sports

Add my favorite sports

Go to My profile and click on Edit Profile

On the About Me category under the Profile Manager
Click on My Sports
Check the boxes next to the sports you like to do
Click Save button and confirm

Customize My Sports

Go to My profile and click on Open Edit Profile

On the About Me category under the Profile Manager
Click on My Sports
Mouse over Sports module you like and drag the order you want to arrange it
Click Save button and confirm

Add my favorite gear

Go to My profile and click on Open Edit Profile

On the About Me category under the Profile Manager
Click on My Sports
Expand your favorite Sports module if not yet already
Click on the My Gear tab
Enter your equipment type for your favorite sports
Click Save button and confirm

About friends

See topic Friends

Write description about myself

Go to My profile and click on Edit button within the Grind Box. Make sure you add the Grind Box module to you profile.

Fill in whatever information you want about yourself (basic html is allowed)
Click Save button and confirm

Embed my photo

Click Save button and confirm">Go to My profile and click on Edit button within the Grind Box. Make sure you add the Grind Box module to you profile.

In the text box add the HTML Tag for the photo you want to add to your profile.
The HTML tag should be in this format:

<img src="">
Click Save button and confirm

Embed my video

Go to My profile and click on Edit button within the Grind Box. Make sure you add the Grind Box module to your profile.

In the text box add the embed code provided by favorite websites

example of embed code:

<object width='640' height='568'><param name='movie' value=''></param><param name='wmode' value='transparent'></param><embed src='' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' wmode='transparent' width='640' height='568'></embed></object> Click Save button and confirm
Basic Info

Edit my info

Go to My profile and click on Edit button within the Basic Info module. Make sure you add the Basic Info module to your profile.

Make your changes about you
Click Save button and confirm

Show and hide Basic Info

Go to My profile and click on Edit button within the Basic Info module. Make sure you add the Basic Info module to your profile.

To Show your information on your profile, Check the item you wish to have display
To Hide your information on your profile, Un-Check the item you wish to hide Click Save button and confirm
Account Settings

Update Email

Go to My profile and click on Open Edit Profile

Below the Account category click on Email
Update your email in the New Email text field
Click Save button and confirm

Change Password

Go to My profile and click on Open Edit Profile

Below the Account category click on Password
Enter your current password
Enter your new password
Confirm your new password
Click Save button and confirm


Go to My profile and click on Open Edit Profile

Below the Account category click on Notification
Check the box next to the notification you would like to receive
Click Save button and confirm

Privacy Settings

Go to My profile and click on Open Edit Profile

Below the Account category click on Privacy Settings
Select the radio button based on your preference of allowing Everyone or only your Friends can view your profile
Click Save button and confirm


Add a comment

You must be logged in order to do this operation

When viewing any videos, gallery or profile click on the Add Comment link
Enter your comment
Click Add Comment and confirm

Edit a comment

You must be logged in order to do this operation

Any comments you left on a video, friend's profile or gallery can be editted only by you.
Click on the Edit button on the comment you left
Add/remove any comments
Click Add Comment button and confirm

Remove a comment

You must be logged in order to do this operation

Any comments you left on a video, friend's profile or gallery can be editted only by you.
Click on the Delete button on the comment you left
Click OK button to confirm



Click on the RSS button on the upper right of the Video module. Copy the url in the address bar and subscribe it into your favorite RSS reader such as or


Click on the RSS button on the upper right of the Photo module. Copy the url in the address bar and subscribe it into your favorite RSS reader such as or

Search and Tag

Search for friends

Use the Search box on the upper right of

Type in your friend's GrindTV user name
Click on the Users tab

Tag your video

You must be logged in order to do this operation

You can only tag YOUR video you uploaded
When viewing your video the TAG text field will display
Enter the TAG name that define your video
Click Add Tag


You must be logged in order to do this operation

You can only tag YOUR photo/gallery
When viewing your photo/gallery the TAG text field will display
Enter the TAG name that define your media
Click Add Tag

Delete Tag

You must be logged in order to do this operation

You can only delete YOUR video or gallery tags
Go to any of your media page
Next to the tag you added, click on the [ - ] to remove

1.Your Acceptance
2.User Submissions
GrindTV encourages members of the public to submit videos that they have produced for consideration in connection with its website and related television programs and wireless and online broadcasts.

GrindTV does not encourage, and does not seek videos that result from any activity that: (i) may create a risk of harm, loss, physical or mental injury, emotional distress, death, disability, disfigurement, or physical or mental illness to you, to any other person, or to any animal; (ii) may create a risk of any other loss or damage to any person or property; or (iii) may constitute a crime or tort. You agree that you have not and will not engage in any of the foregoing activities in connection with producing your submission. Without limiting the foregoing, you agree that you will not inflict emotional distress on other people, will not humiliate other people (publicly or otherwise), will not assault or threaten other people, will not enter onto private property without permission, and will not otherwise engage in any activity that may result in injury, death, property damage, and/or liability of any kind. GrindTV will reject any submissions in which GrindTV believes, in its sole discretion, that any such activities have occurred.

If notified by a user of a submission that allegedly violates any provision of this Agreement, GrindTV reserves the right to determine, in its sole discretion, if such a violation has occurred, and to remove any such submission from the Website.

3.License Grants
By posting or sending a video or any other visual, audio or communication content (User Submissions), you expressly grant GrindTV a royalty-free, sublicensable, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, worldwide license to use, reproduce, modify, publish, edit, translate, distribute, perform, display, and make derivative works of such User Submission and your name, voice, and/or likeness as contained in your User Submission, in whole or in part, and in any form, media or technology, whether now known or hereafter developed including all promotion, advertising, marketing, merchandising, publicity and any other ancillary uses thereof, and including the unfettered right to sublicense such rights, in perpetuity throughout the universe. Any such User Submissions are deemed non-confidential and GrindTV shall be under no obligation to maintain the confidentiality of any information, in whatever form, contained in any User Submission.

Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and provided you have paid all amounts owed to GrindTV, you are hereby granted a non-exclusive, limited, personal license to use the Website solely for your personal, noncommercial use on your own behalf. GrindTV may terminate this license at any time for any reason or no reason, subject to a refund of any amount you have paid to GrindTV during the thirty (30) days prior to such termination.
4.GrindTV Proprietary Rights
The contents of the Website, along with any associated software, and all Intellectual Property Rights (as defined below) related thereto, are the exclusive property of GrindTV and its licensors. Except as explicitly provided herein, nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to create a license in or under any such Intellectual Property Rights, and you agree not to sell, license, rent, modify, distribute, copy, reproduce, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, publish, adapt, edit or create derivative works from any materials or content accessible on the Website. Use of the content or materials on the Website for any purpose not expressly permitted by this Agreement is strictly prohibited.

For the purposes of this Agreement, Intellectual Property Rights means all patent rights, copyright rights, mask work rights, moral rights, rights of publicity, trademark, trade dress and service mark rights, goodwill, trade secret rights and other intellectual property rights as may now exist or hereafter come into existence, and all applications therefore and registrations, renewals and extensions thereof, under the laws of any state, country, territory or other Jurisdiction, relating to the Website, or any contents or materials related thereto.
5.Copyrights, Trademarks and Service Marks of Third Parties
The Website and all materials therein, including, without limitation, software, images, text, graphics, illustrations, logos, patents, trademarks, service marks, copyrights, photographs, audio, videos and music (the "Content") are or may be protected under United States and worldwide copyrights or other Intellectual Property Rights which are owned or licensed, in whole or in part, by us. Content may not be manipulated, edited, reproduced, performed, republished, posted, transmitted, sold, transferred or otherwise distributed or exploited in any manner whatsoever from the Website without our prior written consent, which may be withheld in our sole discretion. Any manipulation of the Website or any portion thereof, or use of any of the Content for any other purpose constitutes an infringement of our Intellectual Property Rights, or of the Intellectual Property Rights of the respective owners of such Content. Any use of any portion of this Website on any other web site or other networked computer environment is prohibited without our prior written consent, which may be withheld in our sole discretion. If you download or print a copy of the Content for personal use, you must retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained therein.

GrindTV has in place certain legally mandated procedures regarding allegations of copyright infringement occurring on the Website. GrindTV has adopted a policy that provides for the immediate removal of any content or the suspension of any user that is found to have infringed on the rights of GrindTV or of a third party, or that has otherwise violated any intellectual property laws or regulations, or any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. GrindTV's policy is to investigate any allegations of copyright infringement brought to its attention. If you have evidence, know, or have a good faith belief that your rights or the rights of a third party have been violated and you want GrindTV to delete, edit, or disable the material in question, you must provide GrindTV with all of the following information: (a) a physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the exclusive right that is allegedly infringed; (b) identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or, if multiple copyrighted works are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works; (c) identification of the material that is claimed to be infringed or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled; (d) information reasonably sufficient to permit GrindTV to contact you, such as an address, telephone number, and if available, an electronic mail address at which you may be contacted; (e) a statement that you have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and (f) a statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and, under penalty of perjury, that you are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed. For this notification to be effective, you must provide it to GrindTV's designated agent at:
880 Apollo St. Suite 353
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 341-2392
6.Representations and Warranties
You shall be solely responsible for your own User Submissions and the consequences of posting or publishing them. In connection with User Submissions, you affirm, represent and warrant the following:

You are over the age of 18 and have the right and authority to enter into this Agreement, and are fully able and competent to satisfy the terms, conditions and obligations therein.

You have obtained all consents, and possess all copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret and any other proprietary rights (Intellectual Property Rights), or the necessary licenses thereto, to grant the license in Section 3.

You have the written consent of each and every identifiable natural person in the User Submission to use such persons name or likeness in the manner contemplated by the Website and this Agreement, and each such person has released you from any liability that may arise in relation to such use.

You have read, understood, agree with, and will abide by the terms of this agreement.

You are not, and have not been an agent of GrindTV and were not and are not acting on behalf of, or as a representative of, GrindTV or any other party in connection with the User Submission.

The User Submission and GrindTVs use thereof as contemplated by this Agreement and the GrindTVs website will not infringe any rights of any third party, including but not limited to any Intellectual Property Rights, privacy rights and rights of publicity.

You are not, nor is any other person who appears in your User Submission, a current member of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) or of the American Federation of Television and Radio Actors (AFTRA).

You have not and will not engage in any of the following in connection with the production of, your appearance in, or contribution(s) to your User Submission: infliction of injury to any person or animal, humiliation of any person (whether public or private), infliction of emotional distress on any person, assault or battery of any person, damage to any property without permission, entry on any property without permission, or any other act or omission that could give rise to civil and/or criminal liability.

The User Submission does not contain: (i) material falsehoods or misrepresentations that could harm GrindTV or any third party; (iii) content that is unlawful, obscene, defamatory, libelous, threatening, pornographic, harassing or encourages conduct that would be considered a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability or violate any law; (iv) advertisements or solicitations of business; or (v) impersonations of third parties, other than those which are readily apparent.
GrindTV does not endorse any User Submission or the views, opinion, recommendation or advice expressed therein. GrindTV does not review, nor is it responsible for any User Submission content or the accuracy, usefulness or safety thereof, no matter the source. You may be exposed to User Submissions that are inaccurate, offensive, indecent or objectionable.
8.Contests and Ratings
To be eligible for contests, videos must be uploaded on or after 12:01 am on the first day of the applicable contest period, and before midnight on the last day of such contest period, as specified on the Website. Participants may upload multiple videos, but may only submit the same or very similar videos once. No purchase of any kind is necessary to participate. Contest winners will be selected, at GrindTVs sole and exclusive discretion, from among the eligible User Submissions deemed most popular by Website users. The chances of winning are determined by the number of valid entries, which is unknown.

You must be at least eighteen (18) years of age to be eligible for any contest. Employees or agents of GrindTV, its parent company, subsidiaries, divisions, affiliates, advertising agencies and members of the immediate families of each are not eligible to enter any GrindTV contest. Only User Submissions which are the original work of the participant are eligible, and the participant must have exclusive rights to all intellectual property associated with the video as well as the consent of each natural person that is recognizable in the video.

Upon request, prizewinners agree to submit proof of eligibility, a manually signed version of this Agreement, a Consent and Release Form for each person shown or depicted in the winning User Submission, and appropriate tax forms. If you are chosen as the winner of a contest, you hereby consent to the use of your image, voice, likeness and persona without compensation for any and all publicity and advertising purposes, and you hereby release GrindTV from any and all claims arising from such use. If you fail to provide such information, documentation or consent, GrindTV reserves the right to deny you any prize winnings and award them to another participant.

GrindTV reserves the right to disqualify user votes and User Submissions if it determines, in its sole discretion, that a voter is inappropriately rating videos in order to intentionally skew results. Other special voting privileges may be issued based on participation with the site. GrindTV reserves the right to disregard highest and lowest votes in a consistent manner and/or take other steps in an effort to maintain the integrity of video ratings in its reasonable judgment. Any contest is void where prohibited by law and is subject to federal, state and local rules and regulations. Prize winners are responsible for all taxes associated with contest prizes. A list of winners may be obtained after each contest ending date by written request. Contests are offered, if ever, at the sole discretion of GrindTV, during the periods posted on the Website and under the terms and conditions of this Agreement and any additional rules and guidelines that may be published under the Contest Rules posted on the Website. Participants are required to check published rules and guidelines weekly for changes.

If at any time GrindTV is unable to operate any contest as planned (for example due to financial or administrative difficulties, fraud or technical failure such as a computer virus/bug or other form of unauthorized intervention that corrupts the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of any contest), GrindTV reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to suspend, modify or terminate such Contest. In the event of any such termination prior to the end of the contest term, notice of such termination will be posted on the Website.

GrindTV assumes no responsibility for lost, late, incomplete, misdirected, illegible or postage due contest submissions.
9.Third-Party Websites
The Website may contain links to third party websites that are not owned or controlled by GrindTV. GrindTV has no control over, and assumes no responsibility for, the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third party websites. In addition, GrindTV will not and cannot censor or edit the content of any third-party site. By using the Website, you expressly relieve GrindTV from any and all liability arising from your use of any third-party website. Accordingly, we encourage you to be aware of when you leave the Website, and to read the terms and conditions and privacy policy of any third-party website that you visit.
You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless GrindTV and its parent, subsidiaries, agents, managers, and other affiliated companies, and their employees, contractors, agents, officers and directors, from and against any and all claims, damages, obligations, losses, liabilities, costs or debt, and expenses (including but not limited to attorney's fees) arising from: (i) your use of and access to the Website, including any data or work transmitted or received by you; (ii) your violation of any term of this Agreement, including without limitation, your breach of any of the representations and warranties above; (iii) your violation of any third party right, including without limitation any right of privacy, publicity rights or Intellectual Property Rights; (iv) your violation of any law, rule or regulation of the United States or any other country; (v) any claim or damages that arise as a result of any User Submission that you provide to GrindTV; or (vi) any other partys access and use of the Website with your unique username, password or other appropriate security code.
11.No Warranty


12.Limitation of Liability
13.Sole Remedy
The provisions of Sections 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 shall survive any termination or expiration of this Agreement.
You agree that: (i) the Website shall be deemed solely based in California; and (ii) the Website shall be deemed a passive website that does not give rise to personal jurisdiction over GrindTV, either specific or general, in jurisdictions other than California. This Agreement shall be governed by the internal substantive laws of the State of California, without respect to its conflict of laws principles. Any claim or dispute between you and GrindTV that arises in whole or in part from the Website shall be decided exclusively by a court of competent jurisdiction located in Orange County, California. This Agreement, together with the Privacy Policy at and any other legal notices published by GrindTV on the Website, shall constitute the entire agreement between you and GrindTV concerning the Website. If any provision of this Agreement is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this Agreement, which shall remain in full force and effect. No waiver of any term of this Agreement shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term or any other term, and GrindTV's failure to assert any right or provision under this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. GrindTV reserves the right to amend this Agreement at any time and without notice, and it is your responsibility to review the Agreement for any changes. Your use of the Website following any amendment of this Agreement will signify your assent to and acceptance of its revised terms.

By accessing the Website and/or by clicking the I HAVE READ AND AGREE TO THE TERMS OF USE button, you represent that you have read this Agreement in its entirety, understand its terms and conditions, are duly authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of yourself, and you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

    [6]  How Cast

           Howcast empowers people with engaging, useful how-to information wherever, whenever they need to know how. Led by a senior management team with deep roots in traditional and new media as well as technology, Howcast has offices in San Francisco and New York.

Known for high-quality content, Howcast streams tens of millions of videos every month across its multi-platform distribution network. Approaching two million downloads across iPhone, iPad, Android, and BlackBerry phones, Howcast is the #1 mobile app for instructional content -- wherever you are.

For brand marketing partners, site publishers, and content providers, Howcast offers a range of services to communicate and interact more effectively with targeted audiences. With expertise in content creation, distribution, and technology services, Howcast provides the perfect solution for our partners' content and communications strategies.
Explore Howcast

Howcast Solutions

Let Howcast supercharge your online video strategy. In addition to creating the best how to videos for broadband, mobile, and video on demand, Howcast offers an array of powerful, targeted, easy to implement video solutions for content providers, site publishers, and marketers.

For Brand Marketers and Businesses:

Howcast works directly with brands, agencies, and organizations to create custom branded entertainment, innovative social media, and targeted rich-media campaigns.

    * Engage our creative and production team to conceive, create and deploy high quality, low-cost, short-form instructional video content for your business or organization.
    * Leverage this content on your own properties, social media sites, and across our Howcast Distribution Network consisting of premium Internet Publishers, Mobile Platforms and video on demand partners.
    * Distribute content widely on, our iPhone and Android mobile apps, while making it easy to embed and share through the web
    * Drive playbacks with targeted rich-media campaigns to support your customized content and increase brand visibility.
    * Work with us to build custom, video-powered mobile apps to extend your branded content across mobile platforms.

For Site Publishers:

Looking for a robust, free video solution for your site, service, or blog? Offering tens of thousands high-quality videos in hundreds of niche categories, Howcast Video is the perfect compliment to your site's content and can help grow traffic, generate incremental revenue, and increase visitor engagement.

    * Leverage Howcast's robust Video Library to find the perfect content for your site.
    * Easily embed a fully customizable, feature rich Howcast Custom Player - with no hosting or bandwidth costs.
    * Create, customize, and embed engaging video widgets.
    * Build dynamic, highly functional content offerings via Howcast's suite of powerful APIs and RSS feeds.

For Content Providers:

Are you a producer of high-quality instructional or informational video? Start uploading your video to Howcast to increase your brand exposure and connect with your viewers. You can also easily customize and embed the Howcast Custom Player on your site to provide your visitors the best instructional video viewing experience.

    * Easily upload and organize your content by creating a custom, brand channel to feature your video collections.
    * Keep your fans coming back for more by regularly updating your content and encouraging them to subscribe to your channel.
    * Enhance your videos by adding Howcast Easy Steps™ which enables step-by-step navigation and printable text guides - complete with polished on-screen graphics and sleek animations.
    * Increase awareness and discovery of your videos by tapping into our many community features such as sharing with friends and fast posting to your social network profiles.
    * Extend the visibility and access to your content on thousands of sites and blogs via simple embedding.

Distribution Partners

Partnering with leading video sites and experiences across the web and beyond to your mobile and even your living room, helps Howcast show you how-to videos wherever, whenever you need to learn how…
Web Partners



You-tube.png Hulu.png Myspace-video.png
Yahoo-video.png Aol.png Msn-new.png
Metacafe.png Blip-tv.png Daily-motion.png
Fox.png Askmen.png Comcast.png
Glam-media.png Grab.png Break.png
Slide.png Ass-content.png Ign.png
Wikihow.png Ion-life.png Blinkx.png
Veoh.png Sling.png Sevenload.png
Openfilm.png Cooliris.png Answerly.gif
Mefeedia.png Critical-media.png

Home Partners

Tivo.png Verizon-fios.png Sony.png
Att-uverse.png Roku.gif Boxee logo.png

Mobile Partners

Skyfire.png Iphone logo.png Android logo.png

Terms of Service

Acceptance of Terms

The following terms and conditions govern all use of the website (the Site) and the services available on or at the Site (the Service). The Service is owned and operated by Howcast Media, Inc. (Howcast). The Service is offered subject to acceptance without modification of all of the terms and conditions contained herein (the Terms of Use) and all other operating rules, policies and procedures that may be published from time to time on the Site by Howcast.

The Service is available only to individuals who are at least 18 years old or who are emancipated minors, or possess legal parental or guardian consent, and are fully able and competent to enter into the terms, conditions, obligations, affirmations, representations, and warranties set forth in these Terms of Use, and to abide by and comply with these Terms of Use. In any case the Site is not intended for children 13 or under. If you are 13 or under years of age, then please do not use the Site. Howcast may, in its sole discretion, refuse to offer the Service to any person or entity and change its eligibility criteria at any time.

Howcast reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify or replace any of the Terms of Use at any time, by posting the modified Terms of Use or other policies or guidelines on the Site, and if permitted to do so, sending you an e-mail notifying you of the nature of the modifications and a link to the modified document on the Site so that you may review it. It is your responsibility to check the Terms of Use periodically for changes. Your continued use of the Service following the posting or notification of any changes to the Terms of Use constitutes your acceptance of those changes and your agreement to abide and be bound by the Terms of Use, as amended. If at any time you choose not to accept the Terms of Use, including following receipt of notification of any modifications hereto, then please do not use the Site.

Howcast’s current Privacy Policy is located at For inquiries in regard to the Privacy Policy, or to report a privacy related problem, please contact
Rules and Conduct

As a condition of use, you promise not to use the Service for any purpose that is prohibited by the Terms of Use. The Service (including, without limitation, any Content or User Submissions (both as defined below)) is provided only for your own personal use. For purposes of the Terms of Use, “Content” includes, without limitation, any video, audio, information, data, text, software, images, photographs, scripts, graphics, logos, interactive features, and other works of authorship in any form, medium or technology now known or later developed, which is generated, provided, or otherwise made accessible by Howcast on or through the Service.

By way of example, and not as a limitation, you shall not (or permit others to) either (a) take any action or (b) upload, download, post, submit or otherwise distribute or facilitate distribution of any content using any communications service or other service available on or through the Service, that:

      infringes any patent, trademark, service mark, trade secret, copyright, right of privacy or publicity or other right of any other person or entity;
      includes video or a photograph of another person or an identifiable location that you have posted without that person's or the owner of such location’s consent;
      is unlawful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, libelous, deceptive, fraudulent, invasive of another's privacy, tortious, obscene, offensive, sexually explicit or profane, depicts nudity, unlawful activities, death or violence, or encourages conduct that could constitute a criminal offense;
      constitutes unauthorized or unsolicited advertising, junk or bulk e-mail ("spamming");
      involves commercial activities and/or sales without Howcast’s prior written consent such as contests, sweepstakes, barter, advertising, or pyramid schemes;
      advertises to, or solicits, any other user of the Service to buy or sell any products or services through the Service other than as incorporated in User Submissions which are otherwise in accordance with these Terms of Use ;
      displays an advertisement, or accepts payment or anything of value from a third person in exchange for your performing any activity on or through the Service on behalf of that person, such as posting commercial content, or posting blogs or bulletins with a commercial purpose;
      contains software viruses or any other computer codes, files, or programs that are designed or intended to disrupt, damage, limit or interfere with the proper function of any software, hardware, or telecommunications equipment or to damage or obtain unauthorized access to any system, data or other information of Howcast or any third party; or
      impersonates any person or entity, including any employee or representative of Howcast.

Additionally, you shall not: (i) take any action that imposes or may impose (as determined by Howcast in its sole discretion) an unreasonable or disproportionately large strain on Howcast’s infrastructure; (ii) interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Service or any activities conducted on the Service; or (iii) bypass any measures Howcast may use to prevent or restrict access to the Service (or other accounts, computer systems or networks connected to the Service).

You shall not (directly or indirectly): (i) decipher, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer or otherwise attempt to derive any source code or underlying ideas or algorithms of any part of the Service, except to the limited extent applicable laws specifically prohibit such restriction, (ii) modify, translate, or otherwise create derivative works of any part of the Service, or the Director Agreement, or as explicitly provided on the Site, or (iii) copy, rent, lease, distribute, or otherwise transfer any or the rights that you receive hereunder.

You shall abide by all applicable local, state, national and international laws and regulations.

If you use Howcast's embeddable player on your website, you must include a prominent link back to the Howcast website on the pages containing the embeddable player and you may not modify, build upon, or block any portion of the embeddable player in any way, including, without limitation, by doing anything to modify, block, or in any way impede or otherwise affect the playback of advertisements through the embeddable player.

In order to access some features of the Site, you will have to create an account. You must submit a valid e-mail address and select a password and user name (Howcast User ID) during the registration process. You may never use another’s account without permission. When creating your account, you must provide accurate and complete information. Failure to do so shall constitute a breach of the Terms of Use, which may result in immediate termination of your Howcast account. You shall not (i) select or use as a Howcast User ID a name of another person with the intent to impersonate that person; (ii) use as a Howcast User ID a name subject to any rights of a person other than you without appropriate authorization; or (iii) use as a Howcast User ID a name that is otherwise offensive, vulgar or obscene. Howcast reserves the right to refuse registration of, or cancel a Howcast User ID in its sole discretion. You are solely responsible for activity that occurs on your account and shall be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your Howcast password. You shall never use another user’s account without such other user’s express permission. You will immediately notify Howcast in writing of any unauthorized use of your account, or other account related security breach of which you are aware.
Third Party Sites

The Service may permit you to link to other websites or resources on the Internet, and other websites or resources may contain links to the Site. These other websites are not under Howcast's control, and you acknowledge that Howcast is not responsible or liable for the content, functions, accuracy, legality, appropriateness or any other aspect of such websites or resources. The inclusion of any such link does not imply endorsement by Howcast or any association with its operators. You further acknowledge and agree that Howcast shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any such Content, goods or services available on or through any such website or resource.
Right to Use Howcast Content
Content Generally

You agree that the Service contains Content specifically provided by Howcast, its users and/or its partners and that such Content is protected by copyrights, trademarks, service marks, patents, trade secrets or other proprietary rights and laws. Except as expressly authorized below or otherwise by Howcast in writing, you shall not sell, license, rent, modify, distribute, copy, reproduce, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, publish, adapt, edit or create derivative works from such Content. However, Howcast hereby grants you a limited, revocable, non-sublicensable license to display the Content (excluding any software code) using the means provided for such by Howcast (e.g., through the use of “embed” codes); provided, that you retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained therein. Except as set forth below, reproducing, copying or distributing any Content, materials or design elements on the Site for any other purpose is strictly prohibited without the express prior written permission of Howcast.
Guide Content and Photographs

All Content is for informational purposes only, and is general advice, not intended to be relied upon to offer a solution to a specific problem or as a substitute for the advice of a qualified professional. Howcast does not recommend use of the Content in lieu of professional advice or delay in seeking professional advice based on the Content. Howcast does not recommend use of the Content for diagnosing or treating health or other problems. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements or other treatments or regimens have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
User Submissions

The Service may provide registered members with the ability to upload, submit, disclose, distribute or otherwise post (hereafter, “posting”) content (including, without limitation, information, text (including edits and new text) for video scripts and guides, audio, video, data, photographs and images) to the Service (User Submissions). While you, as the creator of that content, will retain copyrights and the freedom to use your own works in any manner you choose, by posting User Submissions on or at the Site or otherwise through the Service, you:

      grant to Howcast, its affiliates and their assignees a worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, sublicensable, transferable, royalty-free right to use, reproduce, display, perform, adapt, modify, distribute, translate, make derivative works of, incorporate into other works, add metadata associated with, and otherwise exploit such User Submissions, including without limitation, any concepts, ideas or know-how embodied therein, in any form and for any purpose, including without limitation promoting and redistributing part or all of the Site (and derivative works thereof) or the Service in any media format or technology now known or hereafter developed, in connection with the Site and Howcast’s (and its successors’ and affiliates’) business. Without limiting the foregoing and for the avoidance of doubt, this license grants allows Howcast to display commercial advertising and non-video User Submissions anywhere on the Site, including without limitation alongside, on the same page as, and/or superimposed on any User Submissions. This license will terminate only with respect to any video(s) that you post on the Site or through the Service within a commercially reasonable time after you remove or delete your videos from the Site or Service, as applicable; however, you understand and agree that Howcast may perpetually retain, but not display, distribute or perform, copies of videos that have been removed or deleted from the Site and/or the Service, as applicable. This license is perpetual with respect to non-video User Submissions, e.g., user comments to message boards or User contributions to text guides on the Site, which cannot practicably be extracted from the compilation of Content on the Site;
      represent, warrant and covenant that (i) you own or otherwise control all rights to such User Submissions (including any music contained therein) and that disclosure and use of such User Submissions by Howcast (including without limitation, publishing content on or at the Site) will not infringe or violate the rights of any third party; (ii) you own or have secured all necessary licenses, rights, consents and permissions for such User Submissions and authorize Howcast to make use of these User Submissions in the manner contemplated by the Service and these Terms of Use; (iii) that the content of each User Submission is truthful and accurate; (iv) use of the User Submission you supply does not violate these Terms of Use and will not cause injury to any person or entity; (v) the holder of any rights, including moral rights in such User Submissions, has completely and effectively waived all such rights and validly and irrevocably granted to you the right to grant the license stated above.
      acknowledge that such User Submissions may not be treated confidentially.
      agree that you will reuse all User Submissions only for non-commercial purposes.

You shall not provide Howcast with any confidential or proprietary information that you desire or are required to keep secret. All Submissions will be considered non-confidential and Howcast is under no obligation to treat Submissions as proprietary information. You are solely responsible for the User Submissions you post on or through the Service. Howcast reserves the right to use User Submissions as it deems appropriate, including, without limitation, deleting, editing, modifying, rejecting, or refusing to post them. Howcast is under no obligation to offer you any payment for User Submissions or the opportunity to edit, delete or otherwise modify Content once it has been submitted to Howcast. Howcast shall have no duty to attribute authorship of Submissions to you, and shall not be obligated to enforce any form of attribution by third parties.

Howcast has no obligation to monitor the Site, Service, Content, or User Submissions. Howcast may remove any User Submission at any time for any reason (including, but not limited to, upon receipt of claims or allegations from third parties or authorities relating to such User Submission), or for no reason at all.

Howcast may terminate the Service or your access to all or any part of the Service at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice, effective immediately. If you wish to terminate your account, you may terminate your account as per our instructions at All provisions of the Terms of Use which by their nature should survive termination shall survive termination, including, without limitation, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, indemnity and limitations of liability.
No Warranties

Limitation of Liability


You shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Howcast, its affiliates and each of its, and its affiliates’ employees, contractors, directors, suppliers and representatives from all liabilities, claims, and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees and legal expenses, that arise from (i) your use or misuse of, or access to, the Service; your violation of the Terms of Use; or, (iii) the infringement by you, or any third party using your account, of any intellectual property, privacy, publicity or other right of any person or entity. Howcast reserves the right to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by you, in which event you will assist and cooperate with Howcast in asserting any available defenses. This obligation survives indefinitely the termination and/or expiration of these Terms of Use and/or your status as a Howcast User.
International Use

Howcast makes no representation that the Content is appropriate or available for use in locations outside of the United States, and accessing the Service is prohibited from territories where such Content is illegal. If you access the Service from other locations, you do so at your own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws.
Dispute Resolution

A printed version of the Terms of Use and of any notice given in electronic form shall be admissible in judicial or administrative proceedings based upon or relating to the Terms of Use to the same extent and subject to the same conditions as other business documents and records originally generated and maintained in printed form. You and Howcast agree that any cause of action arising out of or related to the Service must commence within one (1) year after the cause of action arose; otherwise, such cause of action is permanently barred.

The Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York, excluding its conflicts of law rules, and all applicable federal laws. You expressly agree that the exclusive jurisdiction and venue for any claim or action arising out of or relating to the Terms of Use or your use of this Site or Services shall be only the state or federal courts located in New York County, New York and you further agree and submit to the exercise of personal jurisdiction and venue of such courts for the purpose of litigating any such claim or action. Use of the Service is not authorized in any jurisdiction that does not give effect to all provisions of the Terms of Use, including without limitation, this section.

The Terms of Use are the entire agreement between you and Howcast with respect to the Service and use of this Site, and supersede all prior or contemporaneous communications and proposals (whether oral, written or electronic) between you and Howcast with respect to this Site or any other of the subject matter hereof. If any provision of the Terms of Use is found to be unenforceable or invalid, that provision will be limited or eliminated to the minimum extent necessary so that the Terms of Use will otherwise remain in full force and effect and enforceable. No failure of Howcast or the Site to enforce any of its rights under these Terms of Use will act as a waiver of such rights. The Terms of Use are personal to you, and are not assignable, transferable or sublicensable by you except with Howcast's prior written consent. Howcast may assign, transfer or delegate any of its rights and obligations hereunder without consent. No agency, partnership, joint venture, or employment relationship is created as a result of the Terms of Use and neither party has any authority of any kind to bind the other in any respect. In any action or proceeding to enforce rights under the Terms of Use, the prevailing party will be entitled to recover costs and attorneys' fees. All notices under the Terms of Use will be in writing and will be deemed to have been duly given when received, if personally delivered or sent by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested; when receipt is electronically confirmed, if transmitted by facsimile or e-mail; or the day after it is sent, if sent for next day delivery by recognized overnight delivery service. Unless otherwise indicated, the Terms of Use and all Content provided by Howcast are copyright © 2008 Howcast Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Howcast, the H Logo, and the Howcast logo, as well as any other logos or brand features owned by Howcast, are trademarks or service marks of Howcast or otherwise proprietary to Howcast. The names of actual companies and products mentioned on the Site may be the trademarks or servicemarks of their respective owners.

Digital Millennium Copyright Act Notice.

Howcast has adopted the following general policy toward copyright infringement in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ( The address of Howcast’s Designated Agent to Receive Notification of Claimed Infringement (“Designated Agent”) is listed at the end of this policy. It is Howcast’s policy to (1) block access to or remove Content that it believes in good faith to be copyrighted material that has been illegally copied and distributed by any of our advertisers, affiliates, content providers, members or users; and (2) remove and discontinue service to repeat offenders. If you believe that Content residing on or accessible through the Howcast web site or service infringes a copyright, please send a notice of copyright infringement by facsimile or regular mail (not e-mail) to Howcast Media, Inc., Attn: Copyright Agent, 518 Broadway, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10012, Fax: 646-365-3334, containing the following information:

      A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright that has been allegedly infringed;
      Identification of works or materials being infringed;
      Identification of the Content that is claimed to be infringing including information regarding the location of the Content that the copyright owner seeks to have removed, with sufficient detail so that Howcast is capable of finding and verifying its existence;
      Contact information about the notifier including address, telephone number and, if available, e-mail address;
      A statement that the notifier has a good faith belief that the Content is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and
      A statement made under penalty of perjury that the information provided is accurate and the notifying party is authorized to make the complaint on behalf of the copyright owner.

Once proper infringement notification is received by the Designated Agent, it is Howcast’s policy to remove or disable access to the infringing Content; to notify the Content provider, member or user that it has removed or disabled access to the Content; and that repeat offenders will have the infringing Content removed from the system and that Howcast will terminate such content provider’s, member’s or user’s access to the service.

Please also note that under Section 512(f) of the Copyright Act any person who knowingly materially misrepresents that material or activity is infringing may be subject to liability.

If you elect to send us a counter notice with respect to any infringement notification received by Howcast, please go to to access the instructions for such.

Please note that under Section 512(f) of the Copyright Act, any person who knowingly materially misrepresents that material or activity was removed or disabled by mistake or misidentification may be subject to liability.

You may contact Howcast at the following address:

Howcast Media, Inc.
Attn: Legal Department
518 Broadway, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10012
Fax: 646-365-3334

Emerging Filmmakers Program at Howcast Studios

Since Howcast launched, thousands of our videos have been produced by filmmakers in our Emerging Filmmakers Program, and we've had the honor of witnessing their craft develop with every upload!

Ever on the lookout for innovative ways to improve the program, we're testing something new. As always, we'll offer the chance to gain experience, exposure, and some extra income to all filmmakers. Now, we'll also offer higher stipends for outstanding concepts, production, and editing techniques; more opportunities for creative challenges; and the chance to take your work with Howcast to the next level.

Shoot Professional Video

To get started, pick a topic from the hundreds we have to choose from. Download our ready-to-shoot scripts, voice-over, graphics and music tracks, and let the cameras roll! Upload your video for review by Howcast producers; once it goes live, you'll be ready for more assignments.

Unleash Your Creativity

Build your own dolly or test your After Effects skills. Take on more assignments and you'll get the chance to advance to new levels of the program. You'll see your craft improve, your reel grow, and your earnings increase. Impress us, and you may be selected for special projects, where you'll shoot some of our most exciting scripts.

Launch Your Career Online

Watch audiences respond to your work as we distribute and promote your Howcast videos across the web (on Yahoo!, YouTube, Hulu, and other sites) and beyond (like the iPhone, FiOS, and iTunes). Your Howcast spots will help you build a following of viewers, industry insiders, and fellow filmmakers.

Emerge as a Professional Filmmaker

As you create video after video, you’ll not only build your reel, you'll find yourself emerging as a professional filmmaker with the production, creative, and entrepreneurial know-how to establish yourself in the industry.

Your Video On Howcast

Howcast welcomes experts from across the web to share their how-to videos with interested viewers on, the Howcast Distribution Network, and Howcast Mobile. Howcast also provides powerful tools to our partners to help them make their how-to videos even more useful.

Engage & Build Your Audience

Showcase Your Videos

On Howcast introduces relevant, topical, how-to video to audiences across the web. We combine cutting-edge video and community-based technologies to make it easier to watch and share how-to knowledge:

      Create a personalized profile channel to promote your videos and personal websites to our vibrant community.
      Keep your fans coming back for more by regularly updating your content on and encouraging them to subscribe to your profile.
      Increase awareness and discovery of your videos by tapping into our many community features such as sharing with friends and posting to your social network profiles.
      Gain valuable feedback on your videos through our ratings, comments, and related features.

Howcast on Your Site

Your web site or blog is one of the best places to showcase your own videos. We make it easier for you with flexible embedding options:

      Howcast Player Widgets - Get easy access to Howcast’s growing library of helpful how-to videos. Our widgets are designed to integrate seamlessly into your web site or blog, and allow your videos to become more viral. Learn more...
      Howcast Video Bar - Add a live list of how-to videos to your site or blog. Choose from an array of shapes and sizes to add how-to videos to your site in just a few clicks (and without having to accommodate a big video player). Learn more...
      Howcast Custom Player - Build your own fully functional channel featuring your how-to videos, customized to match your site’s look and feel, and embed this Custom Player on your blog or site in just minutes. Learn more...

Go Mobile

Howcast users can find our how-to videos wherever and whenever they need to learn how through our industry-leading Howcast Mobile and Howcast for iPhone experiences. Reach a whole new audience looking to learn something new while on the go. Learn more about Howcast Mobile »
Use Howcast’s Tools to Optimize Your Videos for How-To

Make it easier for your viewers to watch and learn from your videos using the following tools:
Add Howcast Easy Steps™

Make your video easier to learn from (and easier to find through search): Add printable Howcast Easy Steps™ to your videos, complete with polished on-screen graphics and sleek animations, in minutes.

Here is a great example of a video made even more useful with Easy Steps:
nhanced Player Functionality

Once you’ve included Howcast Easy Steps in your videos, the Howcast Player and Custom Player have been designed to showcase both on-screen and printable versions of your Easy Steps – in addition to providing users with enhanced player functionality that allows them to easily zoom, slow, and pause videos, making it easier for them to complete each task described in your Easy Steps. Learn more…

This video includes graphic overlays that make a complex activity managable and clear:


Easy Upload Wizard

Upload your videos using our quick upload wizard, which allows you to enhance and promote your videos while you upload. Upload a Video »

ubeMogul users can easily launch their entire video libraries on Howcast in seconds, and add new videos at any time with a single click. Launch from TubeMogul »

Howcast Easy Steps

Howcast Easy Steps make it easier to watch and learn how to do just about anything by adding easy-to-follow, printable step-by-step instructions to how-to videos.

Every video we make at Howcast Studios feature Howcast Easy Steps. Video contributors can also add Easy Steps to any video uploaded to Just look for the Easy Steps badge throughout and across the web in The Howcast Player.

Everything You Need to Learn How…

Easy Steps bring together a list of what You Will Need, step-by-step instructions as well as useful tips, facts, and warnings:

You Will Need

Just like any good recipe, Easy Steps start with a list of everything you will need.

Step-By-Step Instructions

Easy Steps break down how-to’s into a series of steps.

Tips, Facts & Warnings

Useful time-saving tips, interesting facts and important warnings round out step-by-step instructions.


Easy Steps can be printed into handy written guides that go wherever your computer won’t, from the garden to the kitchen.

Look for the Print icon on and wherever the Howcast Custom Player is embedded across the web.


Easy Steps are integrated directly into videos with sleek onscreen graphics making it easier to Watch & Learn.


Easy Steps come to life with spoken instructions and Howcast’s signature soundscape.

Follow Along

Easy Steps are showcased alongside videos in the Howcast Player, making it easy to see what’s coming up next.


Hover over the dots on the progress bar to reveal steps, tips and warnings throughout a video.


Click the arrows below the progress bar to skip back and forth through a video’s Easy Steps.

Wherever, Whenever

Howcast Player

Easy Steps are available in videos on sites across the web with the Howcast Player and Howcast Custom Player.

Howcast Mobile

Howcast for Mobile shows you fun, useful how-to videos wherever you are — when you’re out and about or just too lazy to get to your computer. Check out Howcast for iPhone and Howcast for Android

Partner Sites

Of course, on-screen graphics and spoken instructions accompany our videos on partner sites across the web and beyond.

Add Howcast Easy Steps™ To Your Own Video

Anyone can add printable Howcast Easy Steps to video they upload to with just a few clicks (and without a lick of editing software). Easy Steps make it much easier for viewers to learn from your videos. Plus, adding instructions and tips help make your video easier to find by search.

Step 1: Write Steps, Tips, Facts & Warnings

Complement your video by adding step-by-step instructions, tips, warnings, and facts for your video that users can follow along and print out for future reference.

You’re in control. “Click and drop” instructions, tips, warnings, and facts to the perfect spot in your video:

Feel free to add as many steps, tips, warnings and facts as you like.
Step 2: Add Howcast Easy Steps Graphics and Sounds

Start by uploading a new video. Or, visit My Videos and click the Edit button next to a video you’ve already uploaded.

We’ve specially designed our signature Easy Steps graphics to complement any video uploaded to Howcast. Once you’ve added Easy Steps (Step 1), you can choose to add any of the following Easy Steps graphics to a video:

Title Card

Add a professional-looking title card just like this one.

Step Graphics

Sleekly animated graphics subtly indicate the arrival of the next step, adding a touch of polish to any video.

Tips, Facts & Warnings

Add elegant, semi-translucent Tip, Warning, and Fact graphics specially designed to complement existing videos.

See For Yourself

Howcast members are already polishing up their videos with these graphics. We particularly love how The Natural Princess has already started spicing up her great recipe videos with our steps and notes. Here are a few of our favorites:
Add Easy Steps to Your Video Today

Upload a new video or spiff up your existing library today and let us know what you think.

In order to make it easier for average users to upload better-looking videos, Howcast provides an Upload and Enhance tool that simply and quickly adds professional-looking graphics and printable steps to go along with how-to videos. This formula makes videos more enjoyable to watch.
Katherine Boehret, The Wall Street Journal
Watch & Learn

All videos by Howcast Studios feature Howcast Easy Steps:

Video contributors can add printable, onscreen Easy Steps to any video:

Howcast has added something new. While watching the video there are bookmarks within the video pointing to specific steps of the instruction. Very helpful, especially when you’re trying to follow along and need to rewind. I no longer have to worry about searching for the last step. Yay!
Mikeal Parfrey, Daily Findings

Add Easy Steps to Your Video Today

Upload a new video or spiff up your existing library today and let us know what you think.

In order to make it easier for average users to upload better-looking videos, Howcast provides an Upload and Enhance tool that simply and quickly adds professional-looking graphics and printable steps to go along with how-to videos. This formula makes videos more enjoyable to watch.
Katherine Boehret, The Wall Street Journal
Watch & Learn

All videos by Howcast Studios feature Howcast Easy Steps:

Video contributors can add printable, onscreen Easy Steps to any video:

Howcast has added something new. While watching the video there are bookmarks within the video pointing to specific steps of the instruction. Very helpful, especially when you’re trying to follow along and need to rewind. I no longer have to worry about searching for the last step. Yay!
Mikeal Parfrey, Daily Findings

No Camera? No problem.

Write a quick text guide to share recipes, instructions — anything you can type up.
Howcast On Your Site

Choose, customize and integrate the perfect widget for your site or blog.

Howcast Partner Solutions

Let Howcast supercharge your online video strategy with targeted, easy to implement video solutions for content providers, site publishers, and marketers.

    [7]    Meta Cafe

            Metacafe is one of the world's largest video sites, attracting more than 40 million unique viewers each month (comScore Media Metrix). We specialize in short-form original content - from new, emerging talents and established Hollywood heavyweights alike. We're committed to delivering an exceptional entertainment experience, and we do so by engaging and empowering our audience every step of the way.

Since 2003 Metacafe has been one of the top independent online video sites, and we're a leader in the evolution of digital entertainment. The company is headquartered in San Francisco, California, with offices in Tel Aviv and New York. Metacafe is privately held and investors include Accel Partners, Benchmark Capital, DAG Ventures and Highland Capital Partners.
How is Metacafe different?

Metacafe is not a video sharing and hosting site that allows any and every video to be posted. Instead, Metacafe is a video entertainment site that focuses on:

   1. Short-form - Metacafe specializes in short-form original video - content that is made for the interactive Internet medium. We don't have full-length television episodes or movies chopped into pieces. The average video on our site is just over 90 seconds long. People come to Metacafe looking for an entertainment break in their day - and we deliver.
   2. Entertainment - We're all about entertaining a large audience by featuring only those videos that amaze, inspire and make viewers laugh. This means you won't find hard news stories, personal videos or webcam chatter on Metacafe.
   3. Audience-driven - The Metacafe experience is determined entirely by our community. Videos are user-generated, user-selected, user-reviewed and user-rewarded. At Metacafe, we put the audience in the driver's seat, empowering viewers in a much more meaningful way than other video sites.
          *  Community Auditions - A community review panel of more than 80,000 volunteers takes a first look at each of the thousands of videos submitted to the site every day.
          * Community Rankings - Our VideoRank™ system identifies and exposes the most popular videos by automatically gauging every interaction each viewer has with a video.
          * Community Rewards - Our Producer Rewards™ program pays video creators for their best original work, as determined by the viewers.

What does this all add up to? A better entertainment experience. We consistently hear from our viewers that it's easier to find videos they like on our site as compared to others - and that keeps them coming back for more.

Usage Rules

  Terms & Conditions

   1. Your Acceptance

          BY USING OR VISITING THIS WEBSITE (together with all Content available through the domain name and other sites owned, operated or controlled by Metacafe, Inc., the "Website"), OR SUBMITTING CONTENT TO THIS WEBSITE, YOU SIGNIFY YOUR ASSENT TO (1) THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS (the "Terms & Conditions"), AND (2) METACAFE'S PRIVACY POLICY at In addition, if you submit Content through the Producer™ Program, you signify your assent to their additional terms & conditions. These Terms & Conditions apply to all users of the Website. If you do not agree to these Terms & Conditions, the Privacy Policy, or the Terms & Conditions for the Producer Program, then please do not use the Website.

   2. Links

          The Website may contain links to third party websites that are not owned or controlled by Metacafe. Metacafe is not affiliated with those websites, has no control over, and assumes no responsibility for, the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third party websites. In addition, Metacafe will not and cannot censor or edit the content of any third-party site. By using the Website, you expressly release Metacafe from any and all liability arising from your use of any third-party website. Accordingly, we encourage you to be aware when you have left the Website and to read the terms and conditions and privacy policy of each other website that you visit.

   3. Website Access
         1. Metacafe hereby grants you permission to use the Website, provided that: (i) your use of the Website is solely for your personal, noncommercial use; (ii) you will not copy, distribute or modify any part of the Website without Metacafe's prior written authorization; (iii) you will not send unsolicited or unauthorized advertisements, spam, chain letters, etc., (iv) you will not transmit any Content which contains software viruses, or other harmful computer code, files or programs; (v) you will not disrupt servers or networks connected to the Website; and (vi) you comply with these Terms & Conditions.
         2. In order to access some features of the Website, you will have to create an account. You may never use another's account without permission. When creating your account, you must provide accurate and complete information. You are solely responsible for the activity that occurs on your account, and you must keep your account password secure. You must notify Metacafe immediately of any breach of security or unauthorized use of your account. You will be liable for any use made of your account or password and the losses of Metacafe or others due to such unauthorized use. Metacafe will not be liable for your losses caused by any unauthorized use of your account.
         3. You agree not to use or launch any automated system, including without limitation, "robots," "spiders," and "offline readers," that accesses the Website in a manner that sends more request messages to the Metacafe servers in a given period of time than a human can reasonably produce in the same period by using a conventional on-line web browser. Metacafe grants the operators of public search engines permission to use spiders to copy materials from the Website for the sole purpose of creating publicly available searchable indices of the materials, but not caches or archives of such materials. Metacafe reserves the right to revoke these exceptions either generally or in specific cases. You agree not to collect or harvest any personally identifiable information, including account names or e-mail addresses, from the Website, nor to use the communication systems provided by the Website for any commercial solicitation purposes. You agree not to solicit, for commercial purposes, any users of the Website with respect to their User Submissions (as defined below).
         4. Metacafe has the right to terminate your access to the Website, in its sole discretion, immediately and with or without cause.

   4. Intellectual Property Rights

          The content on the Website, including all User Submissions, including without limitation, the text, software, scripts, graphics, photos, sounds, music, videos and interactive features ("Content") and the trademarks, service marks and logos contained therein ("Marks"), are owned by or licensed to Metacafe. Content on the Website is provided to you "AS IS" for your information and personal use only and may not be used, copied, distributed, transmitted, broadcast, displayed, sold, licensed, reverse engineered, de-compiled, or otherwise exploited for any other purposes whatsoever without Metacafe's prior written consent. Metacafe reserves all rights not expressly granted in and to the Website. If you download or print a copy of the Content for personal use, you must retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained therein. You agree not to circumvent, disable or otherwise interfere with security-related features of the Website or features that prevent or restrict use or copying of any Content or enforce limitations on use of the Website.

   5. User Submissions
         1. The Website facilitates the submission of videos or other Content by you and other users ("User Submissions") and the hosting and publishing of such User Submissions. You understand that whether or not such User Submissions are published, Metacafe does not guarantee any confidentiality with respect to any User Submissions. Metacafe has complete discretion whether to display your User Submission on the Website.
         2. You shall be solely responsible for your own User Submissions and the consequences of posting or publishing them. You represent and warrant that: (i) you own or have the necessary rights and permissions to use and authorize Metacafe to use all copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights in and to any User Submissions to enable inclusion and use thereof as contemplated by the Website and these Terms & Conditions; and (ii) you have the written consent and/or permission of each and every identifiable individual person in the User Submission to use their name or likeness as contemplated by the Website and these Terms & Conditions.
         3. You retain all of your ownership rights in your User Submissions. However, by submitting the User Submissions to Metacafe, you hereby grant Metacafe, in addition to any other rights which it has pursuant to any other program established by Metacafe, a worldwide, non-exclusive and transferable license to use, copy, prepare derivative works of (including without limitation, to rename, edit, shorten, split the videos into different segments, and use the entire video or segments as part of compilations), display, and perform the User Submissions in connection with the Website and Metacafe's (and its successor's) business, including without limitation to grant access to the Website to third parties to view the User Submission (and derivative works thereof). You may notify Metacafe to remove the User Submission from the Website, and Metacafe will do so within a reasonable time period, at which point the foregoing license to Metacafe will terminate other than with respect to usages by Metacafe prior to such removal.
         4. You also hereby grant each user of the Website or other viewer of the User Submission a non-exclusive right to use, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of, display and perform such User Submissions, all for non-commercial and personal use.
         5. You agree that you will not: (i) submit material that is copyrighted, protected by trade secret or otherwise subject to third party proprietary rights, including privacy and publicity rights, unless you are the owner of such rights or have permission from their rightful owner to post the User Submission and to grant Metacafe all of the license rights granted herein; (ii) publish falsehoods or misrepresentations that could damage Metacafe or any third party; (iii) submit material that is unlawful, obscene, defamatory, libelous, threatening, pornographic, harassing, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive, or encourages conduct that would be considered a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, violate any law, or is otherwise inappropriate; or (iv) misidentify yourself in submitting the User Submission or misstate your true identity. Metacafe does not endorse any User Submission or any opinion, recommendation, or advice expressed therein, and Metacafe expressly disclaims any and all liability in connection with User Submissions.
         6. You understand that when using the Website, you will be exposed to User Submissions from a variety of sources, and that Metacafe is not responsible for the accuracy, usefulness, safety, or intellectual property rights of or relating to such User Submissions. You may be exposed to User Submissions that are inaccurate, offensive, indecent, or objectionable, and you agree to waive, and hereby do waive, any legal or equitable rights or remedies you may have against Metacafe with respect thereto, and agree to indemnify and hold Metacafe, its owners, affiliates, employees, agents and/or licensors, harmless to the fullest extent allowed by law regarding all matters related to your use of the Website. You acknowledge that access to certain Content which may be available through the Website and which depict violence, or contain images of nudity, sexual acts, or other sexual material ("Mature Content") is permitted only if you are over the minimum age applicable in your jurisdiction (often but not necessarily 18 or 21).

   6. Copyright and Content Policy

          Metacafe respects the intellectual property rights of others, and requests you to do the same. Metacafe does not permit copyright infringing activities and infringement of intellectual property rights on its Website or related services, and Metacafe will remove all Content if properly notified that such Content infringes another's intellectual property rights. Metacafe reserves the right to remove Content without prior notice. Metacafe will also terminate a User’s account if the User is determined to be a repeat infringer of copyright. Metacafe may remove such Content and/or terminate a User's account due to a violation of these Terms & Conditions at any time, without prior notice and at its sole discretion.
          If you believe that your Content has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please provide Metacafe's Copyright Agent the following information:
          User's access for uploading such Content in violation of these Terms & Conditions at any time, without prior notice and at its sole discretion.

              (i) A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
              (ii) Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or, if multiple copyrighted works at a single online site are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works at that site.
              (iii) Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit the service provider to locate the material. Providing URLs in an email enables us to most efficiently locate and remove the infringing material.
              (iv) Information reasonably sufficient to permit the service provider to contact the complaining party, such as an address, telephone number, and, if available, an electronic mail address at which the complaining party may be contacted.
              (v) A statement that the complaining party has a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
              (vi) A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed

          Metacafe's Copyright Agent for Notice of claims of copyright infringement can be reached as follows:
          By mail: Copyright Agent
          Metacafe, Inc.
          128 King Street
          3rd floor
          San Francisco, CA 94107
          By fax: 1 866 5985090
          By email:
          Please also note that under Section 512(f) of the US Copyright Act any person who knowingly materially misrepresents that material or activity is infringing may be subject to liability.

   7. Producer Rewards

          Metacafe is no longer accepting videos into the Producer Reward program and is terminating the Producer Rewards program with respect to previously accepted videos on June 30, 2009. Please see here for additional information.

   8. Warranty Disclaimer


   9. Limitation of Liability



  10. Indemnity

          You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Metacafe, its affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, employees and agents, from and against any and all claims, damages, obligations, losses, liabilities, costs and expenses (including but not limited to attorney's fees) arising from: (i) your use of the Website; (ii) your violation of these Terms & Conditions; (iii) your violation of the terms which apply to your User Submission; (iv) your violation of any third party right, including without limitation any copyright, property, publicity or privacy right; or (v) any claim that one of your User Submissions caused damage to a third party. This defense and indemnification obligation will survive these Terms & Conditions and your use of the Website.

  11. Ability to Accept Terms & Conditions

          You affirm that you are either more than 18 years of age or possess legal parental or guardian consent to enter into these Terms & Conditions, and to comply with these Terms of Use. In any case, you affirm that you are over the age of 13, as the Website is not intended for children under 13. If you are under 13 years of age, then please do not use the Website-there are lots of other great web sites for you. Talk to your parents about what sites are appropriate for you.

  12. Assignment

          These Terms & Conditions, and any rights and licenses granted hereunder, may not be transferred or assigned by you, but may be assigned by Metacafe without restriction.

  13. General

          You agree that: (i) the Website shall be deemed solely based in California; and (ii) the Website shall be deemed a passive website that does not give rise to personal jurisdiction over Metacafe, either specific or general, in jurisdictions other than the State of California. These Terms & Conditions shall be governed by the internal substantive laws of the State of California, without respect to its conflict of laws principles. Any claim or dispute between you and Metacafe that arises in whole or in part from the Website or these Terms & Conditions shall be decided exclusively by a federal or state court of competent jurisdiction located in Santa Clara County, California. These Terms & Conditions, together with the Privacy Policy at and one of the following two terms and conditions: (A) Terms for Submission to Producer Rewards (for videos accepted into that program prior to June 30, 2009); and (B) Terms for Submission to Producer Program, and any other legal notices published by Metacafe on the Website, shall constitute the entire agreement between you and Metacafe concerning the Website. If any provision of these Terms & Conditions is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these Terms & Conditions, which shall remain in full force and effect. No waiver of any term of this these Terms & Conditions shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term or any other term, and a party's failure to assert any right or provision under these Terms of Use shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. Metacafe reserves the right to amend these Terms & Conditions at any time and without notice, and it is your responsibility to review these Terms & Conditions for any changes. Your use of the Website following any amendment of these Terms & Conditions will signify your assent to and acceptance of its revised terms. YOU AND METACAFE AGREE THAT ANY CAUSE OF ACTION ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE METACAFE WEBSITE MUST COMMENCE WITHIN ONE (1) YEAR AFTER THE CAUSE OF ACTION ACCRUES. OTHERWISE, SUCH CAUSE OF ACTION IS PERMANENTLY BARRED.

Last updated: February 2009.

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Submission Rules

General Guidelines

You want to upload some videos? We love that! After all, uploading short flicks to Metacafe is one of the five greatest things you can do in the world.

First, there are some rules to follow. We know, you hate rules, but they exist to keep Metacafe from devolving into chaos and becoming another business horror story. So here you go (take notes, we'll be testing you later):

    * No cloning allowed. No, we're not talking about producing identical sheep in the lab - that's cool. We're talking about duplicating videos that already exist on the site. We HATE duplicates, because repetition repetition sucks sucks. So before you upload a video to Metacafe, please conduct a search to see if it already exists here.
    * Ten is enough. No, we're not talking about that cheesy TV show from the Seventies. We're talking about the length of your video: keep it under 10 minutes. Anything longer than that will be removed automatically by our system.
    * Keep your pants on. We're not prudes here, but we want Metacafe to serve as wide a community as possible. This means we will not allow sexually explicit videos on the site. Those are simply 2H4M (Too Hot For Metacafe).
          o What about partial nudity or implied sexuality? We're not afraid of the odd 'wardrobe malfunction' but it's better to practice safe sex and put an 18+ filter on it.
    * Filter that violence. Please remember that Metacafe is all about entertainment and entertainment should not come at the expense of others. So if your video contains violence, please stick the appropriate filter on it:
          o 13+: For staged/acted violence (such as martial arts).
          o 18+: For real-world violence including physical attacks; for injuries, gruesome scenes, or explicit language.
          o Metacafe will reject videos which portray illegal acts of violence or videos that show or imply human fatalities however newsworthy such footage may seem in context.
    * Dress for success. Package your videos with killer titles, descriptions, thumbnails, and tags to attract viewers. But, please, be accurate, or we'll tell all the people you deceived exactly where you sleep.
          o Irresistible Titles: What's in a name? Everything. Boring titles = no views, so give your video a title no one can resist.
          o Teaser Descriptions: Don't you hate it when someone tells you the surprise ending of a movie before you've seen it? ("Dude, did you hear that Darth Vader is Luke's dad?") So go ahead and describe the contents of your video in vivid detail, but don't give away the punch line.
          o Eye-Catching Thumbnails: Pick an image from your video that accurately represents its contents and grabs attention. But if it's something gross, don't show it - we like to eat while browsing the site.
          o Tag Away: Use as many tags as you want to describe your video. That helps people find it in a search.
    * Pick a channel. If your video fits more than one channel, choose one that applies most. Still can't decide? Take a coin, assign one channel to heads, one channel to tails, then flip it. Later, see a counselor about how you let coins shape your life.

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Metacafe House Rules

We built Metacafe to be a creative community buzzing with energy. (We love a great buzz.) So we've established a few house rules to keep it going:

    * Helpful Criticism: Want better videos? Then provide suggestions instead of smack! Good advice goes a long way in building a better Metacafe. And if you think you can do better, don't just say it - SHOW IT with your own video.
    * Save The Creativity For The Videos: Don't try to sneak onto top lists by manipulating the results. For example, posting lots of comments on your own video to get onto the "Most Discussed" list won't get you anywhere. (We've got trained dogs to sniff out cheats.)
    * Keep It Clean: There are 1,000,000 words in the English language alone, including some cool ones like "nubile," "psychedelic," and "obfuscation." Flaunt your language skills here, and leave the profanity and other garbage talk at home.
    * No Haters: Our community has zero tolerance for intolerance, so no defamatory, racist, sexist or homophobic talk. This includes threats of violence or sexual assault against other site users or people appearing in videos. Offenders will be banned forever from Metacafe.

We hate playing cops - it takes time away from watching videos and building a killer site - so we hope this little statement does the job of keeping the Metacafe buzz going and growing.

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Copyright and Content Policy

Metacafe respects the intellectual property rights of others, and requests you to do the same. Metacafe does not permit copyright infringing activities and infringement of intellectual property rights on its Website or related services, and Metacafe will remove all Content if properly notified that such Content infringes another's intellectual property rights. Metacafe reserves the right to remove Content without prior notice. Metacafe will also terminate a User’s account if the User is determined to be a repeat infringer of copyright. Metacafe may remove such Content and/or terminate a User's account due to a violation of these Terms & Conditions at any time, without prior notice and at its sole discretion.

If you believe that your Content has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please provide Metacafe's Copyright Agent the following information:

    * (i) A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
    * (ii) Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or, if multiple copyrighted works at a single online site are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works at that site.
    * (iii) Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit the service provider to locate the material. Providing URLs in an email enables us to most efficiently locate and remove the infringing material.
    * (iv) Information reasonably sufficient to permit the service provider to contact the complaining party, such as an address, telephone number, and, if available, an electronic mail address at which the complaining party may be contacted.
    * (v) A statement that the complaining party has a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
    * (vi) A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed

Metacafe's Copyright Agent for Notice of claims of copyright infringement can be reached as follows:
By mail: Copyright Agent

Privacy Policy

The use of the Metacafe website(s) and/or Metacafe software and any Metacafe services and products (collectively, the "Website") provided by Metacafe Inc. ("Metacafe") are subject to the provisions of this Privacy Policy, including any amendments or updates hereto. This Privacy Policy is incorporated into and is subject to the Metacafe Terms & Conditions. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, please do not use the Website.

Metacafe takes your privacy seriously. We gather certain types of information about our users and we want to help you understand the terms related to the collection and use of the information which we collect. This Privacy Policy discloses the types of information we gather, how we use it, and what choices you have regarding the collection of such information.

BY USING, ACCESSING OR DOWNLOADING THE WEBSITE), YOU AGREE TO THE COLLECTION AND USE OF YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION (AS HEREUNDER DESCRIBED), ALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET HEREUNDER. Metacafe reserves the right to amend this Privacy Policy at any time and without notice, and it is your responsibility to review this Privacy Policy for any changes. Your use of the Website following any amendment of this Privacy Policy will signify your assent to and acceptance of its revised terms.

If you are under the age of 13, you are not eligible to use the Website, and we ask you not to submit any personal information to us.

Please note that any video, image, or other content posted at the direction of users onto the Metacafe website becomes published content and is not considered personally identifiable information subject to this Privacy Policy.
Collection of Information Personal Information. Use of certain features of the Website may require submission of certain personal information, including your first and last name, email address, a nickname (or other user ID) and a password.

Non personally identifiable Information. Metacafe may also collect or receive additional non-personally identifiable usage information specifically related to the use of a particular feature or offering on the Website, and responses to the offerings and advertisements presented on the Website.

Metacafe may also collect or receive (in some cases as part of the internet communication protocol) certain non-personally identifiable technical information, when the Website and pages are visited or when a Metacafe client is used.
How is the information being used?

The information is used to operate and improve the features, offerings and content presented to you by Metacafe, to personalize the content and advertisements provided to you; to fulfill your requests for products, programs, and services; to communicate with you and respond to your inquiries; to conduct research about your use of the Website; and to help offer you other products, programs, or services that may be of interest.

Please note that Metacafe may use your personally identifiable information to present offers to you on behalf of business partners and advertisers. However, while Metacafe's business partners and advertisers may receive aggregate data about Metacafe users, any personally identifiable information of yours will not be shared with third parties unless you have consented to the sharing of this information.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, your information may be accessed and disclosed if and as required by legal procedures, as determined by Metacafe in good faith. Furthermore, Metacafe may transfer personally identifiable information in the event of a transfer of ownership of Metacafe or any of its websites or products, in which case the information could become subject to a different privacy policy.

Metacafe may use cookies, web beacons or similar technologies to enhance and personalize your experience of the Website, including to operate and improve offerings through the Website; to help authenticate your identity when you visit and transact with the Website; to remember your preferences and registration information; to present and help measure and research the effectiveness of the various offerings, advertisements, and e-mail communications (by determining which e-mails you open and act upon); and to customize the content and advertisements provided to you. 

Metacafe does not require that you accept cookies, and you may disable cookies at any time. However, some functionality of our Website may be impaired if you decline to accept cookies. To disable cookies, follow the instructions in your web browser.
Third Party Ad Advertising

Metacafe or its advertisers may use third party ad networks and ad serving companies to help sell and present advertisements online in connection with the Website. These third party ad companies may use cookies, web beacons or similar technologies to help present such advertisements, to help measure and research the advertisements' effectiveness and to compile anonymous statistics about Metacafe users. The use of these technologies by these third party ad companies is subject to their own privacy policies, not Metacafe's. These third party ad companies may also monitor Metacafe for the purpose of reporting website traffic, statistics, advertisements, "click-throughs" and/or other activities. Metacafe works with the following ad networks, whose privacy policies are available by clicking on the company's name: CasaleMedia, Turn, BlueLithium, Interclick, Google, Adult Adworld, Etology, VideoEgg,, and ScanScout. Some of our ad networks offer users the opportunity to opt out of having the advertising that you see on our site targeted specifically to you through the Network Advertising Initiative, click here. You can disable cookies, including those used by ad networks, by following the instructions in your web browser.

Metacafe does not provide advertisers access to any personally identifiable information that you have provided to Metacafe (keeping in mind that anything you have elected to share publicly on the site is available to everyone to see).

Metacafe has implemented security policies, rules and technical measures to protect and safeguard the personally identifiable information under our control from unauthorized access, improper use or disclosure, unauthorized modification, unlawful destruction or accidental loss. All our personnel that have access to, and are associated with the processing of your personally identifiable information, are obligated to respect the confidentiality of the information.
California Privacy Policy

Metacafe's Privacy Policy is to share personal information only with the owner's informed consent. With your consent, from time-to-time, Metacafe may provide its business partners with contact details for direct marketing purposes of relevant services, products, and programs. If you no longer wish your information to be shared, please let us know. If you have further inquires regarding Metacafe's information sharing practices, please let us know.
The designated contact for these queries is Shev Rush Public Relations - 1.760.567.4321, 1.408.398.6987.
Special Note for Parents

Protecting the privacy of young children is especially important. For that reason, Metacafe does not knowingly collect or maintain personally identifiable information on the Website from persons under 13 years of age, and no part of our Website is directed to persons under 13. If you are under 13 years of age, then please do not use or access the Website at any time or in any manner. If Metacafe learns that personally identifiable information of persons under 13 years of age has been collected on the Website without verified parental consent, then Metacafe will take the appropriate steps to delete this information.
Modification and Deletion of Personally Identifiable Information

Deletion (Opt-Out). In order to delete the personally identifiable information you submitted, notify us at that you wish to delete your personally identifiable information or any part thereof contained at our databases.

Modification. If you wish to modify or update your personally identifiable information, use the Website or application interface. If you need help, please contact us at
Please note that deletion of your personally identifiable information from Metacafe's database will not prevent Metacafe from using gathered anonymous information.

Third Parties' Practices. This Privacy Policy does not cover the information practices exercised by other providers of products or services, advertisers or other web sites, or companies/people that Metacafe does not own or control, or does not employ or manage. See also, "Third Party Ad Advertising."
Non-U.S. Users

The Website is hosted in the United States. If you are accessing the Website from a jurisdiction with privacy laws or regulations that differ from United States laws, please be advised that through your continued use of the Website, you are transferring your personal information to the United States and you consent to that transfer.

Advertise With Us

Metacafe is one of the world's largest video sites, attracting more than 40 million unique viewers each month (comScore Media Metrix). We specialize in short-form original content - from new, emerging talents and established Hollywood heavyweights alike. We're committed to delivering an exceptional entertainment experience, and we do so by engaging and empowering our audience every step of the way.

View sponsorship showcase here

As a brand marketer, you're tasked with reaching and engaging consumers. Metacafe can help. We have a large, global and vibrant community of viewers:

    * 25+ million unique visitors per month
    * 500+ million page views per month
    * One of the top-five video sites worldwide
    * Over 200% year-over-year growth in unique visitors in the U.S. (July 2006 - July 2007)
    * Over 125% year-over-year growth in unique visitors worldwide (July 2006 - July2007)

Source: comScore Media Metrix

Metacafe offers a suite of advertising programs that maximize engagement of your brand with our viewers. From the basic in-stream options of flash overlays, pre- and post-rolls, and accompanying companion units to more robust home page programs, mashup tools, custom content integration, branded entertainment channels and various types of product placement, Metacafe has a solution that will help you reach one of the world's most interactive audiences.

Whether your campaign goals are to drive reach and frequency or to target specific genres of video, Metacafe is a premier destination to showcase unique offerings, build viral buzz, or work with our sponsorship team to develop your own professionally created content exclusively associated with your brand.

Let's talk!

   [8]  Revver
          What is Revver?
Revver is..

.. an online media network built the way the internet really works. We support the free and unlimited sharing of media. Our unique technology pairs videos with targeted ads and tracks them as they spread across the web. So no matter where your video travels, you benefit because we share the advertising revenue with you.

Start browsing »

.. a community of video lovers and artists. You’ll find the best online video content on because we attract those who love the medium. Write comments, post video responses, build a network of friends, create customized playlists, or just sit back and watch your favorite shows. You’ll find it all right here.

Create an account »

.. a syndication network with great reach. Videos posted on Revver can go to places like AOL, Facebook, MySpace, Bebo, Blinx, iTunes, AppleTV, WordPress, Blogger, TypePad . . . even mobile phones. We serve millions of videos each month to audiences who are hungry for great content.

Start sharing »

.. a powerful platform and suite of tools for serving and sharing media. We have one of the best online video players, customizable widgets, and a powerful and robust API for building your own video sharing site. We also have a WordPress plugin, too, if you want to start your own vlog right away.

Revver is the first video sharing service powered by advertising, allowing anyone to share videos across the Internet - as well as broadcast and mobile distribution channels - and rewarding them with a percentage of the advertising revenue generated.

When submitting videos to, users can automatically share them online and also opt into mobile and broadcast distribution. On the Internet, Revver matches each video with relevant advertising, encourages video sharing and then uses its proprietary technology to track videos as they are viewed.

Regardless of the distribution channel, Revver always rewards users with a percentage of the revenue generated, creating a virtual marketplace for digital video. Revver also vigorously upholds creators' rights by individually screening each video submitted and not accepting copyright-infringing content.

What is Revver?

Revver is the first viral video network that pays. We connect makers, sharers, and sponsors of internet video in a free and open marketplace that rewards them for doing what they do best.

How does Revver work?

It's really simple: you upload a video to Revver, and we attach an ad and our unique tracking technology to "Revverize" the video. Any ad revenue generated by your video is split 50/50 between you and Revver. Since ads are attached to the video itself and dynamically served wherever your video travels, there's no restriction on how your videos are distributed. The more people email your video, post it to other websites or download it from P2P networks, the more money you could earn.

You can then track your video's performance through your Revver account, which tells you exactly how many times your video is watched, and how much money you're earning.

To increase the value of the entire Revver network, we also reward people for sharing videos. You can earn 20% of ad revenue for sharing videos by other Revver members. The remaining revenue is split 50/50 between the maker and Revver.

What does "Revverized" mean?

Your video + our ad-matching and tracking technology = "Revverized" content. The video file created when you upload to Revver includes both the advertisement as well as an embedded ID that allows you to track your video wherever it appears online via email, website or P2P. You provide the original content; we take care of the rest!

How much does it cost to use Revver?

Revver is a completely free service. We want everyone to post his or her video. We make our money by partnering with video makers and sharing in the advertising revenue.

What is the mission of Revver?

Revver supports independent media artists. We believe that a free and open, democratized media environment is good for everyone. Our goal is to empower video makers and sharers to do what they do best.

The Internet is the global connector. We support the free and unlimited sharing of content online in an environment where the creator is rewarded for his/her work.

How does Most Watched work?

Most Watched displays the videos with the most views which have been published during the selected date range.

How do categories work?

When you upload a video, our reviewers assign it to the specific categories that you see on the site. Unfortunately, we don’t take requests, but in the future will be letting users suggest categories for their videos during upload.

How do video responses work?

As long as you are logged in you can leave a video response to any video. To leave a response, click “leave a response” on the video watch page and choose between uploading a new response and posting an existing video from your library.

If you’re uploading a new video, follow the instructions on the upload page, and once your video has been reviewed and approved it will appear in the recipient video’s response section. The review process can take up to 24 hours, but is usually much much faster. If you are posting an existing video as a response, it may take a few minutes for your video to show up in the recipient video’s response section.

Please note that each video can only be a response to ONE other video.

How can I contact Revver?

We'd love to hear from you! Please send all inquiries and suggestions through our contact form.
Your Profile and Preferences

How do I change my profile image?

You can upload and change your profile image within the profile information section of your preferences. Click browse to select an image from your computer to upload, and save when finished. Please note that it may take a few minutes for changes to your profile to appear on the site.

The same upload guidelines that apply to video content also apply to photos – any images uploaded in violation of Revver’s copyright, adult, or hate speech policies will result in the suspension of your account.

Can I change my username?

We don't allow users to change usernames, so choose wisely! Please note that usernames must start with a letter, can only contain letters and numbers, and can be no longer than 14 characters.

How do I message another user?

To send a message to another user, you first need to add them to your contacts list. Once you’ve added contacts, you can view your contacts' latest videos and send them messages through the contact section of your dashboard.

Why are you asking for my real name and contact info?

Two reasons: First - we need to be able to send you the money that you earn when people watch your videos. Second - we need to ensure that people who submit videos are the original creators. To do so, we need a real name and address.

We will not - under any circumstances - voluntarily give out your information to another party.

What does it mean to opt in to new distribution channels (broadcast/mobile)?

To get your videos seen by as many people as possible, we've been hard at work building our network of syndication partners. This means partnering with lots of websites and web services platforms to get your videos in front of as many eyeballs as possible. You may even be able to share your videos on television and mobile devices! By enabling broadcast and mobile distribution, you still maintain ownership of your content and Revver shares with you any revenue generated by these new distribution partnerships. It's a great chance to get your videos to an even wider audience and tap into new ways of making money. You must enable these distribution channels to participate, so visit your account preferences to set your broadcast and mobile settings.

What does it mean to enable pre-roll and overlay ads? Can I disable these ads?

A pre-roll ad is a brief ad that plays before your video begins. When a viewer sees the ad, an ad impression has occurred, and you earn money.

An overlay ad is a clickable ad that displays in the bottom 20% of the video window shortly after playback begins. Overlay ads are semi-transparent, and viewers can minimize them at will.

Enabling pre-roll and overlay ads means that your videos may receive these ads when they are available. Please note that enabling overlay and pre-roll ads doesn't mean your content will necessarily receive both kinds of ads, as ad pairings depend on a variety of factors.

If you don't want pre-roll and overlay ads on your videos, and would prefer only ads that play at the end of your videos, you can disable pre-roll and overlay ads in your account preferences. Please note, however, that currently pre-roll and overlay ads are a bundled option -- opting in means opting in to both kinds of ads, and opting out means opting out of both as well.

If you are unsure of how these ads will affect your videos, we recommend giving it a whirl -- you can opt-in and opt-out at any time, as many times as you want.

How do I cancel my account?

We'd hate to see you go, but if you'd like to cancel your account, please email us at and we'll take care of it for you.

How do I upload my video?

Uploading your video to Revver couldn't be easier. Just click "Upload" at the top of any page and follow the instructions.

What kind of videos can I submit?

You can submit just about any kind of video you want, as long as you're the creator. We do have a size restriction of 100MB per file and we can't accept anything illegal or obscene or similarly objectionable, including content that contains hate speech, infringes copyright, and/or violates personal privacy or obscenity laws and/or which we deem inappropriately offensive. Revver does not allow pornography.

At Revver, we staunchly support copyright laws. Our mission and business is firmly rooted in the idea that artists deserve to control and be rewarded from their intellectual property. We also believe strongly in the protections provided by the doctrine of Fair Use, which is part of US copyright law, and to comparable protections provided under the copyright laws in other jurisdictions. While it is impossible to draw a hard and fast line between what is Fair Use and what is not, we understand that we are living in a remix culture and we support an open media environment that allows creators to lawfully build on the work of earlier creators. Read more on our copyright policy

Your video must be at minimum 4 seconds long. This is because it can take up to three seconds for the ad to be delivered to the end of your video once someone starts watching it. We do not have an upper limit on length of video so long as your file is under 100MB.

We accept the following formats: MOV, MPEG, MPG, MP4, WMV, ASF, AVI (including DIVX).

What are the size limits and file types on videos?

Your video must be at minimum 4 seconds long. This is because it can take up to three seconds for the ad to be delivered to the end of your video once someone starts watching it. We do not have an upper limit on length of video so long as your file is under 100MB.

We accept the following formats: MOV, MPEG, MPG, MP4, WMV, ASF, AVI (including DIVX).

Is there a limit on the number of videos I can upload?

Upload as many as you like as long as you've created them. There is currently no limit to the number of videos a creator can upload.

Where is my video after upload?

Once you have uploaded a video and added the appropriate info (title, keywords etc.), you will see it in your dashboard under "processing." This means we are transcoding your clip, or "Revverizing" it.

Next, your video will go into "review" where a real human will watch it before approving it to go online. Our content reviewers scan every video in an effort to protect against copyright violations and other illegal content. Once your video has been reviewed and approved by our reviewers, it will become publicly available (this may take up to 24 hours but it’s usually much faster).

Sometimes, videos can get held up in the review process. If we have some questions about the copyright of your video, you'll see the video in the "notice" section of your dashboard and a notification will be sent to your dashboard and email. Follow the instructions in the notification for providing our reviewers with more information, and fret not - we're generally just looking for some verification that you are the copyright owner.

Occasionally, there is an error during processing. If your video fails, we recommend checking the size and format of your video and uploading it again. If reuploading doesn’t work, or if you have any questions regarding the status of your video, please contact us.

What is the age rating all about?

Please choose the most appropriate age rating for your video. This will help us create a safe environment for everyone on Revver and also allows us to attach ads to your video in a more targeted way.

The Revver reviewers may change the age rating of your video in the review process. Once the age rating is set, it cannot be changed.

What is fraudulent tagging?

Fraudulent tagging is a term we use for the practice of adding popular but irrelevant metadata (keywords, description, etc.) to a video in order to draw more traffic. This activity is not allowed on Revver and we reserve the right to remove any non-relevant tags. Fraudulent tagging makes it difficult for viewers to find the videos they are looking for and diminishes the Revver experience for everyone. If you are suspected of fraudulent tagging, your account may be suspended until you change the information associated with your video. Please use only relevant information to describe your videos as this will improve the searchability of the entire network.

Why did my video get rejected/taken down?

Videos are most commonly rejected due to apparent copyright infringement. If your video is rejected or removed, you should receive an email outlining the reasons. Be sure to use royalty-free music in your videos! If you have a question about why your video was rejected or what you can do to remove the copyright violation, contact us.

Read more on our copyright policy.

How do you verify the rightful ownership of a video?

We here at Revver strive daily to make sure that the content on our site is original and that the creators are properly credited and compensated for their work.

We have a staff of knowledgeable reviewers, who personally review each and every video before posting it publicly on the site. If your video gets wrongly rejected, you will have the chance to prove that it belongs to you.

What constitutes adequate proof will vary for each video. You might need to show written proof that you own the rights or you might just need to explain to us that you made the music and link to your band's website. It really depends on the situation. Our reviewers are just looking for something that makes them feel comfortable enough that an artist's copyright is not being infringed.

You should also know that if anyone were to contact us stating that there was some sort of infringement regarding a particular video, the matter would be investigated immediately!

If you notice a video you think might be infringing someone's copyright, please contact us.

Can I upload works to Revver in languages other than English?

Absolutely. Revver accepts videos in any language.

Is adult content allowed on Revver?

While Revver does allow some content typical of an R rating by MPAA standards, Revver does not allow any content it deems obscene or hateful. Pornography is not allowed.

How long will my materials be stored?

Your videos will remain on Revver as long as they generate a reasonable amount of activity. You can remove them from the system at any time. For anyone simply looking for a place to store videos at no cost, we suggest checking out what the good folks are up to at the Internet Archive.

How do I delete a video?

To delete a video, navigate to your dashboard and click on the video you want to delete. Check the delete box at the bottom of the page and click save to confirm video delete. After a few minutes, the video will be deleted from the system. This cannot be undone, so be careful!

How do I share Revver videos?

The Revver system is built on sharing. You don't have to be a video creator to participate. You can share Revver videos on your blog, social networking profile, via email or instant message, peer to peer networks, etc. As long as you're logged into Revver, you should see your affiliate ID included in the link or filename of the video you're sharing. Whenever anyone clicks the ad on that video, you earn 20% of the revenue.

Check out our Share page for more tips to get you started.

How can I embed videos in my blog, on social networking sites, etc?

Every video on Revver includes lots of sharing options including "grab codes" in several formats which you can embed in many locations.

What grab code should I use?

Every video is available in both Flash and Quicktime format. The most common format used today is Adobe's Flash, and is ideally suited for streaming video to a large audience, most of whom already have Flash installed. If you're a video purist, you may prefer the higher quality that Quicktime offers.

We also offer JavaScript enabled embeds for both formats. JavaScript embeds are the ideal solution for those with direct access to their site's code - offering more control and getting around Internet Explorer's Eolas patent issue. Unfortunately, many blogging platforms and social networking sites won't allow JavaScript, so if that's the case users will have to make do with the standard embeds.

Where can I share Revver videos?

You can share Revver videos wherever you like. They can be emailed, downloaded, embedded into your blog or your social networking profile. Here is a list of a few Revver-friendly sites where you can earn money for sharing:


This list is growing all the time. Check out the sharing section of the forums for an up-to-date list.

Good luck promoting your work!

What are playlists? How do I make them?

Playlists are a great way to organize and share your favorite videos. There are two types of playlists you can make: manual and smart.

You can manually add any video to any of your manual playlists by clicking on the "add to playlist" button next to the video you want to add. Manual playlists can be made on the fly when browsing videos as well as within the playlists section of your dashboard. Once you’ve created some manual playlists, you will have the option during the upload process to automatically add new videos to one of your playlists.

You can also create smart playlists which automatically aggregate videos based on rules you define. If you want to collect all the videos about surfing, you can create a rule to add all videos that include the keyword "surfing" to your playlist. The playlist will automatically update any time a video is uploaded with the keyword "surfing."

You can share your playlist via RSS or by using the Revver widget.

How do I share my playlists? What is the Revver Widget?

Now that you've created your playlist, it's time to share it with the world.

RSS - Viewers can easily subscribe to playlists by clicking the orange Subscribe / Podcast button at the top of any playlist page. The subscribe drop down menu allows viewers to subscribe to playlists in iTunes, Google Reader and several other popular services. To access a playlist’s raw feed for further customization or to link to from your site, select one of the RSS feed options from the subscribe dropdown menu (Flash and Quicktime).

The Revver Widget - Share any playlist in a nifty scrollable widget by grabbing the widget code and pasting it into the html of your blog or site. Every time your playlist is updated, the new videos will automatically appear on your website!

To access the widget code, choose "Grab playlist widget" from the playlist page. For an example of the widget, check out the Revver blog – there are two widgets in the right sidebar. And by the way, as long as you're logged in when grabbing the widget, your affiliate ID is automatically included in the widget code so wherever you post your widget, you are earning 20% of the ad revenue!

Can I further customize my widget?

You can! If you have some programming skills, you can check out the widget documentation.

What about podcasts? Can my video show up in iTunes?

To share your videos as a podcast, all you have to do is share the RSS feed for a playlist. We provide feeds for all Revver playlists, so you can put a link to your Revver feed on your site or send it to friends so that people can quickly and easily subscribe to your videos. You can access feeds for a playlist by clicking the orange Subscribe / Podcast button on any playlist page (your "My Videos" playlist, for example).

There are two feed options: Flash and QuickTime. Flash feeds contain the Flash versions of the videos in the playlist, and QuickTime feeds contain the QuickTime versions. If you're going to be using your feed for a podcast in iTunes, use the QuickTime feed, as iTunes only supports QuickTime video.

How do I get my show listed in the iTunes directory?

You can get your show listed in the iTunes store by following the steps outlined here on the iTunes site. After converting your feed from Flash to QuickTime as outlined above, you'll need to use a service like Feedburner to customize your feed to include artwork, a description, and tags. It looks complicated but it's actually a pretty simple process.

Once your feed is ready, you can submit it for review by clicking on the big "submit a podcast" button in the iTunes podcast page and following the directions. In order to prevent duplicate podcasts, iTunes requests that only the creator of a show submit that show to the directory. We encourage you to share Revver videos everywhere, but you are still bound by the Terms of Service of the services you use to share, so please abide by iTunes' rules and refrain from submitting another creator's work to their directory.

Once you’ve submitted your feed/podcast, it will be reviewed by the iTunes team and, provided everything checks out, added to the directory. If you’re really lucky (and good) you might just get featured at the iTunes store!

So go on, get podcasty! If you have any trouble, head over to the forums and help each other out!
Making Money

How do I make money?

Revver is all about empowering makers and sharers of video by providing easy tools for distribution and sharing revenue with our members.

When you upload your video to Revver, we attach an advertisement and our unique tracking technology to it. We call this "Revverizing." There are two ways that your video and the associated ad can generate revenue: from impressions/views of the ad (CPM ads), and from clicks on the ad (CPC ads). When a viewer sees a CPM ad associated with your video, you get paid, no click required. When a viewer clicks on a CPC ad associated with your video, you get paid. In both cases, Revver splits the revenue with you 50/50. Please note that not every impression or click will result in revenue, as some advertisers only buy traffic from the US and Canada, and also multiple repeated impressions or clicks from a single user on a single video are scrubbed as duplicates.

You can track video's performance through your Revver account, which tells you exactly how many times your video is watched, and how much money you're earning.

Since ads are attached to the video itself, there's no restriction on how your videos are distributed. The more people email your video, post it to other websites or download it from P2P networks, the more money you could earn.

To increase the value of the entire Revver network, we also reward people for sharing videos. You can earn 20% of ad revenue for sharing videos by other Revver members. The remaining revenue is split 50/50 between the maker and Revver.

How much money can I make?

The exact amount of money you earn per view or click is variable. We are constantly working to improve the value of our network so we can negotiate better rates. So keep uploading and sharing - it's good for everyone!

How and when do I get paid?

In your dashboard, your "current earnings" are recent earnings that are still processing. After 30 days, earnings move left into your "pending payment" column, and once you have $20 or more in your pending payment column you will receive payment on the next payment date.

The cut-off date for each pay period is the last day of each month, so to receive payment in, say, February, you need to have a pending payment of at least $20 by Jan 31. Payments will be made by the last day of each month to all accounts that had pending payments of $20 or more on the last day of the previous month.

Payments are made to the PayPal account you specified when creating your account. If you didn't include your PayPal information during registration, you can go back and add it now in your account preferences.

In your dashboard earnings display, "Total Paid to Date" displays the total amount paid to you over all time.

"Pending Payment" is the income you will be paid on the next payout day (if over $20). These earnings are subject to review before payment is made.

Your "Current Earnings" are recent earnings that are still processing.

If you have questions about payments, please contact us at

Are my Revver earnings taxable? Do I have to fill out any forms for tax purposes?

The IRS (Internal Revenue Service of the US Government) requires anyone being paid more than $600 by a US company to fill out a W-9 (US citizens) or a W-8 (international citizens) form for tax purposes. As you near $600 in earnings, Revver will send the appropriate form to your Revver profile email address, and you will need to fill it out and return it in order to continue to receive payments. Directions for returning the completed form will be included in the message.

Once we've received the form we will send you a confirmation message and you will continue to be paid as usual. At the end of the year, you will receive a 1099 for your own reporting purposes (you need to declare your Revver earnings in your annual tax filing).

How are the number of views calculated?

The number of views for a video is the number of times the video has been started, regardless of whether the video was watched all the way to the end. These numbers are typically updated on the site every few hours. Depending on traffic there may be a delay in the display of video statistics. Rest assured, these stats are still being tracked and you will not lose credit for any views, impressions, or clicks.

What is fraudulent activity?

Fraudulent activity includes any activity conducted with the intention to make money rather than interact with the ad. Using fraudulent means to increase ad clicks, including clicking on your own ads or asking others to click your ads, is considered "click fraud.” Similarly, using fraudulent means to increase ad impressions is considered "impression fraud." Per our member agreement, any account can be suspended at any time if fraudulent activity is suspected.

Advertisers must be able to trust the Revver system that each click that they receive is from a real person interested in their service or product. Therefore, we have implemented sophisticated technologies to detect suspicious activity.

If in Revver's reasonable business judgment, Your account is suspected of so-called "click fraud", "impression fraud", usage of "bots" or other fraudulent means exploited to increase clicks and impressions, Revver may suspend or otherwise disable your account until such time the matter is resolved to Revver's satisfaction.

If you have any questions about activity on the system or your account, please contact us.

Does Revver obey copyright laws?

Absolutely. Our firm belief in the protections of copyright and Intellectual Property law is the very core of our business. We screen every video that is submitted to our system in an effort to promote legality and to police obvious copyright infringement, and we respond promptly to Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) content takedown requests.

Please send correspondence to:

Revver, Inc.
Attn: DMCA violation
9255 Sunset Boulevard Suite 1010
Los Angeles, CA 90069

We also strongly encourage our users to alert us if they come across any content on the Revver system that appears to be illegal, contains hate speech, infringes copyright, and/or violates personal privacy or obscenity laws. If you see something you that you believe constitutes copyright infringement, please contact us.

What about Fair Use?

At Revver, we staunchly support copyright laws. Our mission and business is firmly rooted in the idea that artists deserve to control and be rewarded from their intellectual property. We also believe strongly in the protections provided by the doctrine of Fair Use, which is part of US copyright law, and to comparable protections provided under the copyright laws in various other jurisdictions. While it is impossible to draw a hard and fast line between what is Fair Use and what is not, we understand that we are living in a remix culture and we support an open media environment that allows creators to lawfully build on the work of earlier creators.

For more information on Fair Use and other copyright issues, please check out these resources:

    * Stanford University - This provides a really great overview of what Fair Use is and the factors involved in the legal decisions.
    * The downloadable PDF is especially useful.
    * Duke Law put together this entertaining and easy-to-read comic to summarize the issues around Fair Use and Public Domain: Tales from the Public Domain: BOUND BY LAW.
    * The Creative Commons Podcasting Legal Guide provides some great tips on how to navigate the tricky waters of copyright law while creating your content. This addresses public domain, fair use, and creative commons licensing, etc.

Who owns what I publish on Revver?

You retain ownership of your video. Revver may host and share your video only for as long as you leave it up on our site and only via the distribution channels you choose. Find out more about our various distribution channels.

Will you edit or alter my videos in any way?

Revver will not alter your video in any way other than what is required to share it and monetize it on our network. In other words, we may transcode your video so it can be viewed across our network and of course, we'll attach the advertising and our tracking technology to it, but we will not edit or change your artistic creation.

Can I take back my stuff?

Once you've deleted a video off of Revver we will no longer distribute it. However, we cannot scour the web and pull back the copies that have been downloaded. It's just the nature of the Internet. Those videos will still continue to be watchable, but Revver ads shall no longer be inserted and thus the video will cease to earn revenue. If you change your mind, you can always re-upload the video. You will not lose any earned income credit by removing a video from the system.

Can someone change or use pieces of my video in a way I don't like?

Only with your permission. The Creative Commons license that applies to Revver videos doesn't allow others to edit your content, unless you approve it.

Why is Creative Commons the default license on Revver?

The Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 license gives you credit and recognition for the work you created and simply allows people to share the work as is. This is vital to the Revver system because the more people watch your video, the more money you can earn. Learn more about our copyright policy. To learn more about Creative Commons take a look at their website.

I didn't upload my video, but I see it on Revver anyway. Why?

If you see a video you own on Revver that you didn't upload to our site, it means that someone else has done so. Please contact us and we will investigate the matter.

What music can I use in my video?

Unless your use of music or performances by others is okay under the doctrine of Fair Use under US copyright law (see here for more info) or under comparable provisions of the copyright laws in some other jurisdictions, you need to be sure that you have the rights to use the music in your video. You can do this by getting explicit permission from the copyright-owner or by using royalty-free music.

The sites listed below offer royalty-free music that is totally free - download tracks right away and use without any fee. Please make sure to pay special attention to the stipulations of any Creative Commons-licensed music, as certain CC licenses require attribution to the original author or prohibit commercial use of the material (uploading to Revver is considered commercial use).

    * thefreesoundproject

The following sites offer music that can be used royalty-free after a certain base fee is paid:


Unfortunately, we cannot recommend one of these sources over another but a quick search online for "royalty-free music" should provide you with a lot of options. If you use GarageBand, FruityLoops or LogicExpress software, all three applications come with royalty-free pre-recorded instrumentals in loops.
API and Open Source

What is the Revver API?

An Application Programming Interface (API) is a set of services of instructions used to standardize an application. The Revver API is a way for 3rd parties to build websites of their own using our technology to serve videos, syndicate videos, and utilize our reporting and tracking services.

This very website is powered by the Revver API.

The Revver API provides web developers and site owners an easy way to access the Revver system and complete Revver library. All Revver users have the ability to distribute and syndicate Revver videos using an advanced set of features that allows you to create a dynamically driven video portal site and earn additional ad revenue for each ad click.

The Revver syndication model rewards you for any traffic you generate to videos – this API was designed with you in mind – helping you capitalize on all the syndication opportunities the Revver community has to offer.

Developers, find the API documentation at our Developer Center.

How does Revver support Open Source?

Revver is a member and supporter of Open Source communities. We've built our products with a number of incredible Open Source software projects including Python, Twisted, mySQL, PostgreSQL, Xen, Java, PHP, Apache, Lighttpd, Ruby, and Ruby On Rails and Django (to name just a few of our personal favorites that can all be found within Revver).

Read Revver's Technology Mission Statement.

Your own interactive video portal

Whether you're new to videoblogging or a seasoned content producer, the Revver WordPress Video Plugin gives you all the tools you need to create your own personalized video sharing solution.

Publish, manage, and track your video content all without ever leaving your own website, and even allow your subscribers to submit their own video responses to your posts! It's your own interactive video portal, made simple with Revver and WordPress.

      Quickstart Guide

      Install your Revver Plugin in just 5 easy steps
      Video Tutorial

      Watch a video tutorial to see how the plugin works
      Developer Center

      The technical documentation for our plugin
      About Revver

      Learn more about Revver's revenue sharing model
      About WordPress

      New to WordPress? Find out more


How we share revenue

Yeah, you can earn money by making an awesome video and putting it on Revver. But did you know you can also earn just by sharing other people’s videos? Just find a few of your faves and you can send them to friends, embed them in your blog or website, or even make your very own podcast with them -- and earn for sharing!

But wait, there’s more! Because it’s so easy to earn money by sharing videos, other Revver members will be knocking down your door trying to share your videos with the world. Every time they earn money for sharing your video, you earn money for creating it!

The usual sharing tools

Email videos using the "Email it" button on the video watch pages.

Embed videos in your blog, website, or social networking profile.

RSS Feeds - let your fans stay updated by subscribing to RSS feeds of your videos. We've got an RSS feed for anything you can imagine.

Podcasting - are you a podcaster? It’s easy! Go here for more info.

The Revver Platform and API

Not to brag or anything, but the Revver API is by far THE most powerful and flexible video-sharing API in existence. The Revver API gives you everything you'd need to build your own privately branded and customized video portal. In fact, everything you see on is powered by our API - so you can do anything we do, and more!

Visit our Developer Center for more »

The Revver Widget

The widget helps you share multiple videos at one time. Use it to share any collection of videos, and when it's updated, the changes automatically appear on your page! We even made you a Widget Builder, so you can customize the widget to match your site.

How does this work?

The Revver Video Plugin for WordPress

Creating an interactive video portal and vlog is now as easy as installing a plugin on one of the most popular blogging platforms around.

Get more info here »

How to promote your videos

The sky’s the limit here. If you want folks to notice your work, get it out there. Here are some ideas to get started:
    Embed videos as comments on social networking pages.
    Submit videos to social bookmarking and news sites like Digg, Newsvine, and Thoof.
    Send a daily email to your friends (and fans!) with links to your newest and favorite videos.
    Set up your own .tv site.
    Post a widget with your favorite videos in the sidebar of your blog.
    Submit your videos to the iTunes podcast directory. How do I get my show listed in the iTunes directory?

Revver Member Agreement

This is an agreement between Revver, Inc. ("Revver") and You. What we will refer to after this as the "Agreement" includes this document headed "Revver Member Agreement" and also any policies, guidelines and amendments that may be incorporated into this Revver Member Agreement or presented to You from time to time. This Agreement describes the terms and conditions on which Revver offers You participation in Revver's video distribution and advertising program and related services (the "Revver Partner Program" as further described below). "You" (and "Your", as applicable) means the person or entity identified in the registration form submitted.

PLEASE READ THIS AGREEMENT CAREFULLY. This Agreement sets forth the legally binding terms and conditions for Your participation in the Revver Partner Program. By registering, clicking "I Agree" or otherwise participating in the Revver Partner Program, You represent to Revver that You are at least eighteen (18) years of age or otherwise capable of entering into and performing legal agreements, and that You agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions. If You register on behalf of a business, You represent to Revver that You have the authority to bind that business and Your acceptance of this Agreement will be treated as acceptance by that business. In that event, "You" and "Your" will refer to that business in this Agreement. If You do not accept this Agreement in full, please do not register for or participate in the Revver Partner Program.

With this in mind, You agree to and acknowledge the following:
1. The Revver Network

Revver develops and maintains a network of video content creators and advertisers. Revver also owns related technologies that facilitate the distribution of video content from participating content creators and that provide links to advertising content from participating advertising partners. This network and technology are referred to after this as the "Revver Network." Revver makes, or may make, the Revver Network available to the public through one or more channels. These channels include but are not limited to the following:
(a) Online, via the Revver website (currently located at "") (the "Revver Site") and/or via the websites, software applications, plug-ins, blogs, media search engines, toolbars, games, components or downloadable code, and other viral online mediums such as peer-to-peer networks, file sharing, instant messaging and email of Revver and Revver's distribution partners. All of the channels mentioned above in this section 1(a) are referred to after this collectively as "Online Distribution";
(b) Broadcast, via cable, satellite and digital television, video, laser disc, DVD, CD-Rom and motion picture distribution, whether over-the-air, wireless or in the foregoing hard-copy media (collectively, "Broadcast Distribution"); and
(c) Distribution via mobile phones and other handheld devices ("Mobile Distribution").
All distribution channels, including but not limited to (a), (b) and (c), are referred to collectively as the "Revver Syndication Network."
2. The Revver Partner Program

The Revver Network, the Revver Site, the Revver Syndication Network and related products and services are together referred to after this as the "Revver Products". The Revver Partner Program permits You to participate in, use and/or obtain access to the Revver Products in a variety of ways. These include but are not limited to the following:

    * (a) Participation as a content creator, by creating and submitting video content for distribution in the Revver Syndication Network. After this, we refer to anyone who participates in this way as an "Artist".
    * (b) Participation as an advertising sponsor, by creating and submitting advertising content for distribution in the Revver Syndication Network. After this, we refer to anyone who participates in this way as a "Sponsor".
    * (c) Participation as a distribution partner, by distributing video content and ads, and other products and services, in the Revver Syndication Network, pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. After this, we refer to anyone who participates in this way as a "Syndicator".
    * (d) Participation as a member of Revver, by submitting reviews, communicating with other Revver Partner Program members and sharing or submitting other information. After this, we refer to anyone who participates in this way as a "Community Member".
    * (e) Access to online management services relating to Your websites, video content and advertising campaigns. After this, we refer to such use as "Management Services."
    * (f) Access to certain Revver applications, software and related services, such as access to Revver's API (collectively, the "Applications").
    * (g) Access to trial features, products and services ("Trial Features").

We will refer to any participation in the Revver Partner Program and any use of or access to the Revver Products as "Participation" or to "Participate." (Participation includes but is not limited to items (a) through (g) above.) Your use of or access to certain features of the Revver Partner Program may require You to agree with and accept additional terms and conditions. If there is a conflict between this Agreement and any additional terms and conditions of use posted for a specific feature, those additional terms and conditions shall have precedence with respect to Your use of or access to that feature.
3. Registration

To Participate, You must register online with Revver at the Revver Site, or through the websites of a Revver third party affiliate or partner, and create a unique, password-protected account ("Account"). You will be responsible for safeguarding Your password. You also take full responsibility for any actions under Your password and Account, whether authorized by You or not. You are responsible for keeping Your Account information current. You acknowledge and agree that Revver will have no responsibility or liability, directly or indirectly, for: (i) the availability of the external websites or resources of such third party affiliates or partners; (ii) the acts or omissions of, or any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with Your use of or reliance on, such third party affiliates or partners, regarding Your Account; or (iii) failure to deliver notices or payments that result from inaccurate Account information.
4. Policies

Your Participation is subject to all applicable Revver specification guidelines, requirements and policies which Revver may provide from time to time. These include but are not limited to the Copyright Policy (, the Privacy Policy ( and any specification guidelines (together, the "Policies"). You agree to comply with the Policies to enable, as applicable, proper delivery, display, tracking and reporting of actions related to the Revver Partner Program.
5. Modifications

Revver, at any time and from time to time, may modify this Agreement and the Policies, or may modify, suspend or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Revver Products or the Revver Partner Program (or any parts thereof). Modifications to this Agreement and Policies will be posted on the Revver Site or made in compliance with any notice requirements set forth in this Agreement. Modifications to the Revver Products or the Revver Partner Program will be effective upon posting to the Revver Site. You agree that Revver shall not be liable to You or to any third party for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of this Agreement, the Policies, the Revver Products or the Revver Partner Program. By continuing to Participate after Revver has posted any such modifications or provided any required notices, You agree to be bound by the modifications. Please review this Agreement and the Policies regularly so that You will be apprised of any modifications. If any modification is not acceptable to You, Your only recourse is to cease Participation.
6. Participation

At the time of registration, You will be given the opportunity to select one or more features of the Revver Partner Program in which You wish to Participate (for example, as an Artist or a Community Member). To remain eligible for Participation, You must at all times comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and all Policies. Revver reserves the right to refuse Participation to any applicant or participant at any time in its sole discretion.

(a) Artists. If You Participate as an Artist, You are solely responsible for all video content You transmit or submit to Revver or through the Revver Partner Program, whether created by or for You, including but not limited to graphics, music, sound, images, files, photos, animation, artwork, text, data, information, messages, hypertext links, scripts or other material (collectively, "Video Content"). Revver disclaims all liability relating to Your Video Content. As more fully set forth in Section 17 ("Representations and Warranties"), You may not submit Video Content that contains any pornographic, infringing, hate-related, violent or illegal content.

In connection with Revver's marketing, distribution and provision of the Revver Partner Program as contemplated herein, You permit Revver, as further described in Section 10, to:

    * - host, index and cache Your Video Content;
    * - tag Your Video Content with information that will be used by Revver to identity it as Your Video Content and assist Revver in properly tracking and calculating any revenue amounts that You may earn;
    * - associate Revver's ad insertion software ("Ad Insertion Software") with Your Video Content to enable Revver, if applicable and in Revver's discretion, to deliver Ads (as defined below) with Your Video Content;
    * - distribute, or have distributed, Your Video Content in the Revver Syndication Network; and
    * - engage in such further actions regarding Your Video Content as may be necessary or appropriate in order to effect the purposes of the Revver Partner Program.

At the time of registration, You may be given the opportunity to select one or more supplemental distribution channels (that is, in addition to Online Distribution), for example, Broadcast Distribution and Mobile Distribution, and associated revenue structure (if any), in accordance with which Your Video Content may be distributed in the Revver Syndication Network. You agree and accept that Revver or its third party distribution partners (for example, internet service providers, television broadcasting companies, mobile phone carriers, other service providers, licensees and the like) (collectively, the "Third Party Service Providers"), may add or remove any or all distribution channels available to You at any time.

Revver may, in its sole discretion:

    * reject, suspend access to or remove any of Your Video Content from the Revver Network at any time that Revver deems it unsuitable for the Revver Network or for distribution in the Revver Syndication Network, including, without limitation, any single-frame Video Content or Video Content that is less than four (4) seconds in duration; and
    * modify any meta data You submit with Your Video Content, including without limitation meta tags, age rating, descriptive language, search terms, category and keyword modifiers. Revver shall have no liability for taking such actions. You agree and accept that Revver does not guarantee that Your Video Content will be distributed on any part of the Revver Syndication Network and that distribution may be subject to acceptance by any of the Third Party Service Providers.

During the Term, You may request that Revver remove any or all of Your Video Content from the Revver Site. Upon such request, Revver will remove any Ads associated with such Video Content and Your right to receive compensation, if any, for the removed Video Content will automatically terminate. In accordance with Section 8 ("Revenue and Payment Terms") below, Revver will pay You all undisputed amounts for the removed Video Content, if any, due to You within ninety (90) days from the last day of the month in which such request to remove occurs. Upon such a request to remove Video Content, Revver will use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure the Video Content is removed from the Revver Site within seventy-two (72) hours following Your request. However, You acknowledge and agree that Revver shall have no obligation to attempt to remove from distribution:

    * any of Your Video Content that is otherwise publicly available through the Internet or other publicly accessible medium; or
    * (ii) any of Your Video Content that is distributed by Syndicators in the Revver Syndication Network or their end users without monetary compensation or commercial purposes as set forth in Section 10(f) ("Artists: Your Irrevocable Non-Commercial Distribution License").

In the event that Revver fails to remove such requested Video Content from the Revver Site within seventy-two (72) hours after Your request for removal, Revver shall not be liable to You for damages or charges of any kind in an amount greater than ten dollars ($10). For the avoidance of doubt, Revver cannot, and has no obligation to, remove any of Your Video Content that has been distributed through the Revver Syndication Network, and the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND License (defined below)that You have granted in Section 10(f) ("Artists: Your Irrevocable Non-Commercial Distribution License") herein shall remain in effect for this purpose only.

(b) Sponsors. If You Participate as a Sponsor, You are solely responsible for all advertising content You transmit or submit to Revver or through the Revver Partner Program, whether created by or for You, including but not limited to: (i) artwork, written content, images, photos, graphics, music, animation, data, text, information, URLs, hypertext links, scripts and the content and material included in such components; and (ii) websites and content proximately reachable from such content (collectively, "Ads"). Prior to providing any Ads and Participating as a Sponsor, You will be required to read and accept additional written terms and conditions governing Your submission of Ads to Revver (the "Advertiser Agreement"). Revver disclaims all liability relating to Your Ads. As more fully set forth in Section 17 ("Representations and Warranties"), You may not submit Ads that contain any pornographic, infringing, hate-related, violent or illegal content. In connection with Revver's marketing, distribution and provision of the Revver Partner Program as contemplated in this Agreement, and in addition to the terms set forth in the Advertiser Agreement, You permit Revver to: (x) tag Your Ad with information that will be used by Revver to identity it as Your Ad and assist Revver in properly tracking and calculating any revenue amounts that You may owe to Revver; (y) associate Your Ad with Video Content, and (z) distribute, or have distributed, Your Ad in the Revver Syndication Network via Online Distribution. Your Ad is "associated" with Video Content, within the meaning of this Agreement, when, as the result of the operation of Revver's Ad Insertion Software, Your Ad is visible before, during, or after display of Video Content. Revver may, in its discretion, reject, suspend access to or remove any of Your Ads from the Revver Network at any time. You agree and accept that distribution of Your Ads on any part of the Revver Syndication Network may be subject to acceptance by any applicable Third Party Service Providers.

(c) Syndicators. If You Participate as a Syndicator, Revver offers a selection of syndication tools to let You display and distribute the Video Content and Ads and Revver offers and makes available to You other materials through the Revver Partner Program for Online Distribution to Your end users, in accordance with any specifications provided or made available to You by Revver, as follows:

    * You may select the "Grab this Video" option for certain Content, and display and distribute such Video Content and Ads in accordance with Section 10(i) ("Syndicators: Your Revocable Right to Commercially Distribute Revverized Video Content") and Section 10(j) ("Syndicators: Your Right to Distribute Other Materials"), provided that You may not modify or alter such Video Content and Ads in any way other than as expressly permitted by such Sections; and
    * You may download, view, "frame," "mirror" or otherwise copy portions of the Revver site in accordance with Section 10(k) ("Community Members: Your License to Revver"), provided that You may not modify or alter the Revver site, any Revver technology, any Video Content and Ads or any materials available on the Revver site in any way other than as expressly permitted by Section 10(k).

Revver reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, for any reason or no reason, to revoke Your license to "frame," "mirror" or otherwise copy portions of the Site, the Video Content and Ads and Revver content at any time, effective immediately once we give You notice of such revocation. You may not display or distribute Content by any means other than as expressly permitted in writing by Revver. If You wish to display and distribute Content via Broadcast Distribution or Mobile Distribution, You must first obtain Revver's prior written approval.

At the time of registration, You may be given the opportunity to designate the Online Distribution locations (for example, the websites, blogs and peer-to-peer networks) and associated revenue structure (if any) by which means You will distribute Video Content and Ads (any such means, collectively, "Syndication Sites"). Revver disclaims all liability relating to Your Syndication Sites. You are solely responsible for all maintenance and operation of Your Syndication Sites, and any materials or content therein. As more fully set forth in Section 17 ("Representations and Warranties"), You may not display or distribute Video Content and Ads on any Syndication Sites that contain any pornographic, infringing, hate-related, violent or illegal content. You agree to comply with any specifications provided by Revver to: (i) enable proper use, delivery, display and distribution of the Video Content and Ads on Your Syndication Sites; and (ii) to assist Revver in properly tracking and calculating any revenue amounts that You may earn. You will use Your good faith efforts to provide Revver with prior notice when You anticipate that Your Syndication Site end user traffic directed to the Revver site will increase by twenty-five percent (25%) or more at any given time.

You agree and accept that Revver, upon request of the applicable Artists or in its sole discretion, may add or remove from the Revver Site any or all Video Content available to You at any time. In conjunction with such removal of available Video Content, Revver will remove any Ads associated with such Video Content that has been distributed in the Revver Syndication Network. Your right to receive compensation, if any, for Your continued distribution of such Video Content with removed Ads will automatically terminate. In accordance with Section 8 ("Revenue and Payment Terms") below, Revver will pay You all undisputed amounts for the removed Ads, if any, due to You within ninety (90) days from the last day of the month in which such request to remove occurs.

You agree that You will not:

    * modify any specifications, technology or application codes, including without limitation Revver's Ad Insertion Software, provided to You by Revver or as embedded in the Video Content in any way, unless expressly authorized in writing by Revver;
    * intersperse any content between Video Content and its related Ad or between an Ad and the Ad page accessed by an end user after clicking on any part of an Ad (the "Advertiser Page"), or otherwise provide anything other than a direct link from Video Content to an Ad or from an Ad to an Advertiser Page;
    * disrupt, intercept or redirect an end user away from any Ad links or Advertiser Page or provide a version of the Advertiser Page that is different from the page an end user would access by going directly to the Advertiser Page; or
    * frame, minimize, remove or otherwise inhibit the full and complete display of any Advertiser Page.

      (d) Community Members. If You register to Participate, You will automatically become a Community Member. As a Community Member, You may communicate with Revver and other Account holders, post or publish comments or rating features regarding Video Content and Ads, Revver Products or the Revver Partner Program in, as may be made available at Revver's complete discretion, a discussion group, chat area, bulletin board, feedback area, news group, email functionality or other communication feature. All such communications are referred to after this as "Member Comments". You are solely responsible for all Member Comments You transmit or submit to Revver or through the Revver Partner Program, whether created by or for You, including but not limited to websites and content proximately reachable from such Member Comments. Revver disclaims all liability relating to Your Member Comments. As more fully set forth in Section 17 ("Representations and Warranties"), You may not submit any Member Comments that contain any sexually suggestive, pornographic, infringing, hate-related, violent or illegal content.

      (e) Applications. Your access to and use of certain Applications and accompanying documentation, including but not limited to Revver's API or any software made available to You to assist You in uploading Your Video Content, will be subject to the terms of separate license agreements between You and Revver. You will be required to read and indicate Your agreement to such separate terms prior to installing or using such Applications.

      (f) Trial Features. Some Trial Features may be made available on an as-is basis only, which will be marked as such. Your use of the Trial Features is at Your own risk. All information relating to the Trial Features will be treated as "confidential" in accordance with Section 16 ("Confidential Information").
      7. Participation at Your Own Risk

      Your Participation is at Your own risk. Although the Revver Partner Program enables users to connect and share Video Content and Member Comments with one another and with end users or viewers, Revver has no responsibility to control of monitor any information or exchanges between or among users. Revver does not control the Video Content, Ads and Member Comments made available through the Revver Products. Some people may find Video Content, Ads and Member Comments objectionable, inappropriate or offensive. Revver does not control or guarantee, nor is Revver responsible for, the truth, accuracy, ownership, completeness, integrity, safety, timeliness, quality, appropriateness, legality or applicability of any Video Content, Ads and Member Comments. Revver assumes no responsibility for monitoring any Video Content, Ads or Member Comments or conduct during Participation. If Revver chooses, at any time in its sole discretion, to monitor (in whole or in part) Video Content, Ads, Member Comments or conduct during Participation, Revver nonetheless assumes no responsibility for Video Content, Ads and Member Comments, no obligation to modify or remove any Video Content, Ads or Member Comments and no responsibility for conduct during Participation. You agree that Revver has no responsibility or liability for the deletion or failure to store, maintain or transmit any Video Content, Ads or Member Comments.
      8. Revenue and Payment Terms

      (a) Payments Due to You. You may be able to generate revenue through Participation as an Artist or a Syndicator, through valid, end user activity relating to Video Content and Ads. Such activity could include for example, without limitation, full Video Content views or clicks on an Ad, conversion of an Ad click to a sale, or delivery of an Ad impression displayed in connection with Video Content (collectively, "Advertising Actions").
      Artist Revenue. Subject to Your compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and depending on the distribution channels (and associated revenue structure, if any) made available to and selected by You, Revver will pay You fifty percent (50%) of the gross revenue payable to Revver from the applicable Sponsors and Third Party Service Providers, less any third party affiliate acquisition fees and Syndicator fees, as a result of valid Advertising Actions generated in connection with Your Videos distributed in the Revver Syndication Network. You understand and agree in the event Your Video Content is distributed (i) by certain Third Party Service Providers and Syndicators via Broadcast Distribution or Mobile Distribution; or (ii) with non-commercial sponsorship or Ads, such distribution may not generate revenue for You.
      Syndicator Revenue. Subject to Your compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and depending on the distribution channels (and associated revenue structure, if any) made available to and selected by You, Revver will pay You twenty percent (20%) of the revenue payable to Revver from the applicable Sponsors and Third Party Service Providers, less any third party affiliate acquisition fees, as a result of valid Advertising Actions generated in connection with Video Content and Ads distributed by You through Your Syndication Sites. You understand and agree that 1.Your distribution of Video Content (i) via certain Broadcast Distribution or Mobile Distribution channels; or (ii) that contains non-commercial sponsorship or Ads, may not generate syndication revenue for You.

      (b) Payments Due Revver. Sponsor Fees. The method of calculating fees You may owe Revver will be set forth in any Advertiser Agreement between You and Revver.
      Other Fees. Revver reserves the right to charge for certain features of the Revver Partner Program, such as Management Services or Applications and to change its fees from time to time in its discretion.

      (c) Payment Terms. Amounts due to You, if any, in connection with Your Participation as an Artist or Syndicator, will be determined solely by Revver based on Advertising Action data—regarding impressions, clicks, conversions and other applicable metrics—collected by and/or supplied to Revver. Payments earned as a result of valid Advertising Actions will accrue and be posted to Your Account. All payments will be made in U.S. Dollars. Generally, accrued payments will be available for withdrawal or transfer thirty (30) days after the end of the calendar month in which they accrued. For example, revenue generated as a result of Advertising Actions on June 30 and July 1 will be available for withdrawal on July 30 and August 30, respectively. Revver will not be liable for damages resulting from any failure to post payments to Your Account within such thirty (30) day period. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Revver shall make no payments until such accrued payments total at least twenty dollars ($20). You will not be entitled to receive interest on any Account payments. Except as contemplated by subsection (d) ("Exceptions") below, payments will remain in Your Account until: (x) You transfer such amounts to a PayPal Account or other payment system acceptable to Revver; (y) You direct Revver in writing to distribute such payments to a designated PayPal Account or other payment system acceptable to Revver, or (z) Revver exercises its options under Section 14 ("Term and Termination") below. If You dispute Revver's payments made to You under this Agreement, You must notify Revver in writing within thirty (30) days of Revver depositing such payment to Your Account. Failure to notify Revver in this manner will result in Your waiver of any claim relating to such dispute. Revver will use reasonable efforts to resolve any such dispute in good faith, but Revver's resolution will be final. You are responsible for any and all applicable taxes or charges imposed by any government entity in connection with Your Participation. Revver may change its pricing and/or payment structure at any time, upon thirty (30) days' prior notice of any such change (unless Revver is required by law to provide more than thirty (30) days notice). All modified payment terms shall be effective thirty (30) days after notice has been provided to You by Revver (or such other time period specified in such notice). If any such modified payment terms are not acceptable to You, Your only recourse is to cease Participation. By continuing to Participate following notice of any modified payment terms as set forth herein, You accept and agree to be bound by such modified payment terms. For the purposes of checking credit, effecting payment and/or servicing Your Account, Revver may share with third parties, such as payment processors and/or credit agencies, any credit card and related payment information that You provide.

      (d) Exceptions. Revver will have no obligation to pay any amounts, and is permitted to deduct or withhold any amounts from or posted to Your Account, determined or reasonably suspected by Revver in its sole discretion to have resulted from: (i) Action Fraud (as defined in Section 11 ("Action Fraud") below), including without limitation through any clicks originating from Your IP addresses or computers under Your control, solicited by payment of money, false representation or request for end users to click on Ads, or Actions co-mingled with a significant number of invalid Advertising Actions; (ii) Advertising Actions originating on Video Content that breaches this Agreement, including but not limited to the restrictions set forth in Section 12 ("Adult Content") and Section 13 ("Copyright Infringement"); or (iii) fraudulent, misleading or false activities. Revver reserves the right to withhold or deduct payment, if applicable, or suspend or otherwise disable Your Account, pending Revver's reasonable investigation of any of the foregoing or any breach of this Agreement by You.
      9. Privacy

      Participation is governed by the Revver Privacy Policy located at, which is incorporated into this Agreement by reference. Furthermore, by Participating, You understand that when You (or Your end users if You are a Syndicator) view or interact with Revver Products and features of the Revver Partner Program (for example, by clicking on an Ad), Revver may collect (and You may provide to Revver) information that is specific to how You (or Your end users) access and use the Internet as well as how You (or Your end users) view and/or interact with Revver Products ("Access Information"). Access Information may include, but is not limited to, an IP address, the website a user is logged onto, the geographic location of the IP address the user is using to access the Internet, the type of browser used, which and how many web pages have been viewed by the user, search terms used, referring/exit pages, platform type and date/time information. This information is anonymous and does not personally identify a user. Revver uses Access Information for the purpose of monitoring delivery and distribution of the Video Content and Ads, improving Ad targeting, delivery and reporting, improving the Revver Products and the Revver Partner Program and measuring their effectiveness with users. Access Information may be shared with Revver's Third Party Services Providers, affiliates, business partners, sponsors, advertisers, employees, customers and distribution partners.
      10. Proprietary Rights & Licenses

      (a) Revver's Ownership Rights. Revver and its licensors own all right, title and interest, including without limitation all worldwide intellectual property rights in the Revver Products and the Revver Partner Program, and all such rights to all derivative works or enhancements of, in and to, or relating to, the Revver Products and the Revver Partner Program. By entering into this Agreement or by Your Participation, You will not acquire any intellectual property or similar rights in the Revver Products, the Revver Partner Program or related products and services. You agree You will not (i) remove, alter or conceal any copyright, trademark, service mark or other proprietary rights notices incorporated in or accompanying the Revver Products, the Revver Partner Program or related products and services; or (ii) use Revver's name, logo, trademark, trade names or service marks except as expressly permitted in this Agreement without Revver's prior written consent.

      (b) Your Ownership Rights. Subject to the licenses You are granting in this Agreement, You retain all right, title and interest, including without limitation all worldwide intellectual property rights, in and to Your Video Content that is submitted, posted or displayed by You on or through the Revver Products and Revver Partner Program. Revver shall not acquire any right, title or interest in or to such Video Content, except as provided herein. Any rights not granted by You herein are deemed retained by You. As more fully described in Section 14 ("Term and Termination"), You have the right to terminate this Agreement and revoke certain licenses You are granting in this Agreement, with respect to all Video Content You provide or with respect to particular works You provide. If You choose to revoke any of Your revocable licenses, Revver will use commercially reasonable efforts to remove Your Video Content from the Revver Site reasonably promptly upon receipt of Your notice of revocation and will make reasonable efforts to notify authorized Syndicators (i.e., those distributing Your Video Content with Ads) for whom it has current and up-to-date information. You acknowledge that You are aware that Revver has limited practical ability to control or monitor possible infringement of Your intellectual property rights by other parties and that Revver assumes no responsibility for controlling or monitoring such intellectual property rights. In addition, Revver is not responsible for enforcing Your intellectual property or for suing or taking other legal action against infringers or against Syndicators who fail to cease using Your Video Content upon revocation. You or a third party licensor, as appropriate, are responsible for protecting Your intellectual property rights. Revver may, at its discretion, choose to assist You in connection with protecting or enforcing Your intellectual property rights in a particular instance; in such event, this does not mean that Revver has an obligation to do so in any other instance and this does not mean that Revver has an obligation to effectively protect or enforce Your intellectual property rights.

      (c) Revver's Trademark License to You. During the term of this Agreement, and subject to Your compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, You will have the right to use the trade names, trademarks, logos and designations in or associated with the Revver Network (the "Revver Marks") solely for purposes of identifying Revver and solely in connection with Your permitted activities under this Agreement. You agree that the Revver Marks and all associated goodwill are and will remain the sole property of Revver, that any goodwill generated as a result of Your licensed use of Revver Marks belongs exclusively to Revver and inures solely to the benefit of Revver, and that Your use of Revver Marks is subject to Revver's control of the quality of any products or services with respect to which You may be authorized to use Revver Marks.

      (d) Artists: Your Revocable Limited License to Revver. In connection with Your Participation as an Artist, and solely insofar as such supplemental distribution channels (i.e., Broadcast Distribution and/or Mobile Distribution) are made available to and selected by You, in order to allow Revver to distribute Your Video Content in the Revver Syndication Network through Broadcast Distribution and/or Mobile Distribution as selected by You, You hereby grant (or warrant that the owner of such rights has expressly granted) to Revver a worldwide, revocable, non-exclusive, sublicensable, limited right and license to use, reproduce, modify and adapt (solely to permit Revver to conform and adapt Your Video Content to technical requirements, including without limitation the right to adapt to streaming, downloading, broadcast, mobile, digital, thumbnail, scanning or other technologies), excerpt, publish, transmit, publicly perform, display, reference, store, host, index and cache, in any form, medium or technology now known or later developed, any Video Content, Member Comments or materials You submit to Revver, in whole or in part, whether created by or for You, by any method, and in any and all media, whether currently existing or hereafter developed. You understand that Your revocable limited license to Revver includes Your grant to Revver of the right to create, display and distribute (as set forth more fully in the previous sentence) a derivative work based on Your Video Content, which derivative work is comprised solely of Your Video Content as adapted to include Revver's computer software, including Revver's Ad Insertion Software, whose functions are to enable Ads to be associated with Your Video Content, to identity Your submission as Your Video Content, to assist Revver in properly tracking and calculating any revenue amounts that You or Syndicators may earn, and to effect related functions. (After this we refer to the aforementioned derivative work as "Your Revverized Video Content." Revver's rights, with respect to Your Revverized Video Content, are limited to its rights set forth in this Agreement, and Revver expressly waives and disclaims, with respect to You, any other rights it might otherwise hold to Your Revverized Video Content under copyright law. As more fully described in Section 14 ("Term and Termination"), this license will terminate: (i) with respect to any Video Content that You have requested be removed in accordance with Section 6(a) ("Participation (Artists)"); and (ii) upon termination of the Agreement in accordance with Section 14 ("Term and Termination").

      (e) Artists: Your Revocable Online Commercial Distribution License. In connection with Your Participation as an Artist, in order to allow Revver and others to distribute Your Revverized Video Content in the Revver Syndication Network through Online Distribution, You hereby grant (or warrant that the owner of such rights has expressly granted) to Revver, Third Party Service Providers and Syndicators a limited, revocable right to use, reproduce, publicly perform, distribute and display Your Revverized Video Content for monetary compensation or commercial purposes in the Revver Syndication Network as contemplated by this Agreement and to engage in such further actions relating to and in connection with Your Video Content as may be necessary or appropriate in order to effect the purposes of the Revver Syndication Network.

      (f) Artists: Your Irrevocable Non-Commercial Distribution License. In connection with Your Participation as an Artist, You hereby grant (or warrant that the owner of such rights has expressly granted) to any persons or entities who want to use Your Revverized Video Content in a manner not intended for commercial advantage or private monetary compensation, a right to use, reproduce, publicly perform, distribute and display Your Revverized Video Content for non-commercial purposes pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons "Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5" license located at (the "Creative Commons BY-NC-ND License"). Insofar as Revver holds any rights to Your Revverized Video Content pursuant to Section 10(d) of this Agreement, Revver also grants the rights stated in this paragraph to such persons or entities pursuant to the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND License.

      (g) Artists: Your Revocable Broadcast and Mobile Distribution License. In connection with Your Participation as an Artist, in order to allow Revver to distribute Your Video Content in the Revver Syndication Network through Broadcast Distribution and Mobile Distribution, solely insofar as such distribution is made available to and selected by You, You hereby grant (or warrant that the owner of such rights has expressly granted) to Revver a worldwide, revocable, royalty-free, non-exclusive sublicensable right and license to: (i) use, reproduce, modify and adapt (solely to conform and adapt to technical requirements, including without limitation the right to adapt to streaming, downloading, broadcast, mobile, digital, thumbnail, scanning or other technologies), reference, store, host, index and cache, and (ii) excerpt, publish, transmit, distribute, publicly perform, display in the Revver Syndication Network through Broadcast Distribution and Mobile Distribution, in any form, medium or technology now known or later developed, Your Video Content or materials You submit to Revver, in whole or in part, whether created by or for You, by any method, and in any and all media, whether currently existing or hereafter developed, in connection with Revver's marketing, distribution and provision of the Revver Products and Revver Partner Program. This license gives Revver the right to display and distribute, or have displayed and distributed, Your Video Content via Broadcast Distribution and Mobile Distribution for no fee to the end user. Revver reserves the right to display Ads in connection with any Broadcast Distribution and Mobile Distribution of Your Video Content.

      (h) Sponsors: Your License to Revver. The licenses relating to the use and distribution of Your Ads will be set forth in any Advertiser Agreement between You and Revver.

      (i) Syndicators: Your Revocable Right to Commercially Distribute Revverized Video Content. Subject to Your compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, You have a limited, revocable, non-sublicensable right to use, reproduce, publicly perform, distribute and display for commercial purposes, solely via Online Distribution in the Revver Syndication Network as contemplated by this Agreement, Revverized Video Content made available to You by Revver, and to engage in such further actions relating to and in connection with such Revverized Video Content as may be necessary or appropriate in order to effect the purposes of the Revver Syndication Network. Upon termination of this Agreement or any individual Revverized Video Content right granted hereunder, by Revver, an Artist or a Sponsor, Your rights to use and distribute such Revverized Video Content for commercial purposes will immediately cease; however, Your rights to use, reproduce, publicly perform, distribute and display Revverized Video Content for non-commercial purposes and without monetary compensation pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND License will continue, so long as You adhere to the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND License. You may not display or distribute Video Content or Ads via Broadcast Distribution or Mobile Distribution unless You have first obtained Revver's express prior written approval to do so under a separate written agreement executed by both You and Revver.

      (j) Syndicators: Your Right to Distribute Other Materials. Subject to Your compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Revver hereby grants You the right to use and distribute via Online Distribution certain Revver content, Revver Site content and other materials, insofar as such materials are made available to You by Revver during the term of this Agreement, and to "frame," "mirror" or otherwise copy portions of the Revver Site and Revver content as may be made available to You by Revver. Revver reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to revoke the license set forth in this Section 10(k) at any time, effective immediately upon notice to You.

      (k) Community Members: Your License to Revver. In connection with Your Participation as a Community Member, by uploading, submitting, emailing, posting, publishing or otherwise transmitting any Member Comments, You hereby grant (or warrant that the owner of such rights has expressly granted) Revver a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, sublicensable, perpetual and irrevocable right and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, create derivative works of, perform, display, distribute, publish and transmit such Member Comments in any form, medium or technology now known or later developed. You warrant that any Member Comments You submit do not infringe upon any rights, including intellectual property rights, of any other parties. In addition, You warrant that all so-called moral rights in the Member Comments have been waived.

      (l) Your Information. You authorize Revver to use, as applicable to Your Participation, Your trademarks, service marks, trade names, proprietary logos, domain names, Syndication Site usage statistics and any other source or business identifiers (collectively, "Your Information") in presentations, as a feature on the Revver Site, marketing materials, customer lists and financial reports, in connection with Revver's marketing, distribution and provision of the Revver Products and Revver Partner Program. You also grant Revver a non-exclusive license to index and cache Your Information and any portion thereof, by manual or automated means (including with web spiders and crawlers), for purposes of promoting, providing and improving the Revver Products and the Revver Partner Program and for soliciting other distributors, publishers, creators and advertisers to use the Revver Products and Participate. You acknowledge and agree: (i) that You understand that You may provide, and Revver may collect, Your Information during Your Participation; and (ii) that Your Information may be shared with Revver's affiliates, business partners, sponsors, advertisers, employees, customers and distribution partners.

      (m) No Endorsement; No Publicity. Revver does not endorse, verify, evaluate or guarantee any information or Video Content or Ads provided by users, including You, and nothing shall be considered as an endorsement, verification or guarantee of any information or Video Content or Ads. You shall not create or distribute information, including but not limited to advertisements, press releases or other marketing materials, or include links to any sites which offer such information, (i) containing or suggesting an endorsement by Revver of You or Your Video Content or Ads; or (ii) relating to this Agreement, without the prior review and written approval of Revver. Notwithstanding the foregoing, You may accurately disclose and describe Your Participation and Your Video Content (for example, describing and promoting Your Video Content on Your blog or in emails).

      (n) Reserved Rights. You will not attempt to modify, prepare derivative works from, translate, adapt, edit, decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer any specifications, technology, applications or software programs provided or made accessible to You or used by Revver in connection with the Revver Products and Revver Partner Program in any way, unless expressly authorized in writing by Revver. Revver may modify the format and look and feel of the Revver Products and Revver Partner Program from time to time. Excluding Your Video Content or Ads, You agree to assign and hereby do assign to Revver and its licensors (as applicable) all right, title and interest in and to any part of the Revver Products and Revver Partner Program that You may have or acquire during Your Participation. You warrant that all so-called moral rights You may have in the Revver Products or Revver Partner Program are hereby waived. You will not delete, remove, obscure or in any manner alter the copyright, trademark, license or other proprietary rights notices affixed to or contained in the Revver Products or Revver Partner Program. Any rights not expressly granted herein are deemed withheld.
      11. Action Fraud

      You will not, and will not authorize any party to, directly or indirectly, generate automated, fraudulent or otherwise invalid Advertising Actions. If, in Revver's reasonable business judgment, Advertising Actions or activity related to Your Account is suspected or determined to be so-called "click fraud" or "impression fraud", whether in any automated or human way, by the use of a person, an automated script or a computer program (for example, online robots or "bots") to click on an Ad, or any other fraudulent means, to increase impressions, skew results or imitate a legitimate user of a web browser, for example, by clicking on an Ad for the purpose of generating an improper click value and generating revenue (collectively, "Action Fraud"), Revver may suspend or otherwise disable Your Account until such time as the matter is resolved to Revver's satisfaction.
      12. Adult Content

      You will not use the Revver Site or Revver Partner Program for any purpose or in any manner to display, post or make available any sexual, pornographic or erotic material nor upload, email, post, publish, distribute, transmit, submit or otherwise make available through the Revver Site or Revver Partner Program any Video Content, Ads or Member Comments, that is of, or is suggestive of, a sexual, pornographic or erotic nature ("Adult Content"). Examples of content that Revver, in its sole discretion, considers to be Adult Content include, but are not limited to material that is pornographic, obscene, indecent or profane in its use of sexual language or description or depictions of sexual acts. If Revver finds Video Content that it determines, in its sole discretion, contains Adult Content, Revver may, without notice, remove or block access to such Video Content. Revver reserves the right to suspend or cancel at any time and without notice Your Account, or deduct or withhold payments related to any Video Content or Ads, that Revver, in its sole discretion, determines to be in violation of this Section. Revver will take all appropriate steps with Video Content that Revver believes violates applicable laws, including cooperation with any law enforcement investigation. If You see content that You believe is Adult Content or is in violation of law or this Section, You should contact Revver immediately.
      13. Copyright Infringement

      You will not use the Revver Site or Revver Partner Program for any purpose or in any manner that infringes the copyrights of any third party, nor will You upload, email, post, publish, distribute, transmit, submit or otherwise make available through the Revver Site or Revver Partner Program any content, that infringes the copyrighted works or violates the intellectual property rights of any third party. In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (the "DMCA") (the text of which may be found on the U.S. Copyright Office website at ""), it is Revver's policy to respond to notices of any actual or alleged infringement that are reported to Revver's "Designated Copyright Agent" and that comply with the DMCA. It is Revver's policy to terminate the Accounts of users of repeat infringers or of users repeatedly charged with infringement, in appropriate circumstances. If You believe that a work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, You should send a notice of infringement to Revver's Designated Copyright Agent in accordance with Revver's Copyright Policy (, incorporated herein, at the address indicated in Revver's Copyright Policy.
      14. Term and Termination

      (a) Termination. Revver may immediately terminate this Agreement, or cancel the Revver Partner Program, for any reason at any time. You may terminate this Agreement at any time by disabling Your Account or providing notice to Revver as set forth in Section 15 ("Notifications").

      (b) Effect of Termination. General. Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement, Your right to Participate (including but not limited Your right to receive compensation, if any, as an Artist or a Syndicator) will automatically terminate. In the event of termination, Your Account will be disabled and You may not be granted access to Your Account or any files or other content contained in Your Account although residual copies of information may remain in the Revver Partner Program system. Upon termination: (i) all licenses granted to You hereunder will immediately terminate; (ii) You will promptly destroy all copies of Revver content in Your possession or control; and (iii) Revver will pay all undisputed amounts, if any, due to You within ninety (90) days from the last day of the month in which termination occurs. In no event, however, shall Revver make payments for any earned balance less than twenty dollars ($20). Upon termination, Revver may continue to use any user analytics collected hereunder for solely internal (including archival) purposes, and all related licenses You have granted Revver shall remain in effect for this purpose only. In the event that this Agreement or the Revver Partner Program expires or is terminated, Revver shall not be obligated to return any materials to You.

      Artists. Upon termination, Revver will remove any Ads or deactivate any Ad links associated with Your Video Content. Although Revver will use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure Your Video Content is removed from the Revver Site within seventy-two (72) hours following termination, Revver shall have no obligation to remove any of Your Video Content that: (i) is otherwise publicly available through the Internet or other publicly accessible medium; or (ii) any of Your Video Content that is distributed by Syndicators in the Revver Syndication Network or their end users without monetary compensation as set forth in Section 10(f) ("Artists: Your Irrevocable Non-Commercial Distribution License"). In the event that Revver does not remove Your Video Content from the Revver Site within seventy-two (72) hours through inadvertence or other error, Revver shall not be liable to You for damages or charges of any kind in an amount greater than the revenues You would have been entitled to under this Agreement but for the termination. For the avoidance of doubt, Revver cannot, and has no obligation to, remove any of Your Video Content that has been distributed through the Revver Syndication Network, and the Creative Commons Licenses You have granted in Section 10(f) herein shall remain in effect for this purpose only.

      (c) Survival. The rights and obligations contained in Section 10(a) ("Revver's Ownership Rights") and 10(b) ("Your Ownership Rights"), Section 10(f) ("Artists: Your Irrevocable Non-Commercial Distribution License"), Section 10(j) ("Syndicators: Your Right to Distribute Other Materials"), Section 14(b) ("Effect of Termination"), Section 14(c) ("Survival"), Section 16 ("Confidential Information"), Section 19 ("Indemnity"), Section 20 ("No Guarantees; Warranty Disclaimers"), Section 21 ("Limitation of Liability") and Section 22 ("General") of this Agreement will survive termination or expiration of this Agreement for any reason.
      15. Notifications

      Revver may provide notices to You by email to the email address specified in Your Account, by posting a message to Your Account interface or by posting a message to the Revver Site, and is deemed received when sent (for email) or no more than fifteen (15) days after having been posted (for messages to Your Account interface or on the Revver Site). Any notices to Revver must be sent either: (i) via first class or air mail or overnight courier to Revver, Inc., Revver Partner Program, 6464 Sunset Boulevard, Suite 570, Hollywood, CA 90028; or (ii) via confirmed facsimile (fax number 323-871-2820), with a copy sent via first class or air mail or overnight courier, and are deemed given upon receipt.
      16. Confidential Information

      During the term of this Agreement, You may receive confidential information from Revver related to Your Participation. Except as expressly authorized by this Agreement or necessary for performance under this Agreement, You will use reasonable efforts to maintain the confidentiality of all such information and You will not disclose such information without the prior written consent of Revver. In no event will You use less effort to maintain the confidentiality of such information than You ordinarily use with respect to Your own confidential information. The foregoing will not restrict You from disclosing confidential information of Revver: (a) pursuant to the order or requirement of a court, administrative agency, or other governmental body, provided that if You are required to make such a disclosure, You give reasonable and timely notice to Revver to contest such order or requirement; and (b) on a confidential basis to Your legal or financial advisors, or prospective acquirers or investors. Examples of Revver confidential information include without limitation: (i) all software, technology, services, algorithms, search engines and search indices, programming, specifications, materials, guidelines and documentation relating to the Revver Products and the Revver Partner Program; (ii) click-through or Advertising Action rates, conversion rates and other statistics relating to the Revver Products and the Revver Partner Program; and (iii) Trial Features or any other information designated in writing by Revver as "Confidential" or an equivalent designation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, You may accurately disclose the amount of Revver's payments, if any, to You made pursuant to this Agreement. Confidential information does not include information that: (w) is or becomes generally known to the public through no fault of or breach of this Agreement by You; (x) is rightfully known by You at the time of disclosure without a confidentiality obligation; (y) is independently developed by You without use of Revver's confidential information; or (z) You rightfully obtain from a third party without disclosure restrictions.
      17. Representation & Warranties

      (a) Your Authority. You represent and warrant to Revver that: (i) You have all requisite power and authority, corporate or otherwise, to enter into this Agreement, conduct Yourself and Your business and to execute, deliver, and perform all of Your obligations under this Agreement; (ii) You have provided, and will continue to provide, information that is correct and current; (iii) You are the owner—or the authorized agent of the owner—of Your Video Content (if You are an Artist), Your Ads (if You are a Sponsor), Your Syndication Sites (if You are a Syndicator), and Your Member Comments (if You are a Community Member) and have full technical and editorial control of the same; (iv) You have the right to grant the licenses granted under this Agreement; (v) Your performance under this Agreement and/or the rights granted herein do not and will not conflict with or result in a breach or violation of any of the terms or provisions, or constitute a default under any contract or agreement, to which You are currently bound or will become bound in the future; (vi)Your performance under this Agreement will comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations (including, without limitation, export control, privacy and obscenity laws), domestic or foreign; (vii) You will Participate solely for the purposes intended and expressly permitted.

      (b) Your Materials. You represent and warrant that Your Video Content (if You are an Artist), Your Ads (if You are a Sponsor), Your Syndication Sites (if You are a Syndicator), Your Member Comments (if You are a Community Member) or any other information or material You submit or make available to others during Your Participation, and Revver's use thereof pursuant to this Agreement, (i) do not and will not, directly or indirectly, violate, infringe or breach any duty toward or rights of any person or entity, including without limitation any copyright, trademark, service mark, trade secret, other intellectual property, publicity or privacy right; (ii) do not contain Adult Content; (iii) are not fraudulent, misleading, hateful, tortuous, defamatory, slanderous, libelous, abusive, violent, threatening, profane, vulgar or obscene; (iv) do not harass others, promote bigotry, racism, hatred or harm against any individual or group, promote discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, sexual orientation or age, or otherwise interfere with another party's use of the Revver Products or Participation in the Revver Partner Program; (v) do not promote illegal or harmful activities or substances (including without limitation activities that promote or provide instructional information about activities such as making or buying illegal weapons or substances); (vi) are not illegal, unlawful or contrary to the laws or regulations in any state or country where, as applicable, Your Video Content, Your Ads and Your Syndication Sites are created, displayed or accessed; (vii) do not contain any computer programming routines or viruses (including without limitation time bombs, Trojan Horses, worms, Easter Eggs, drop dead devices or cancelbots) that are intended to damage, interfere with, intercept or expropriate any system data or personal information, permit unauthorized access to or Participation in the Revver Partner Program or disable, damage or erase any portion of the Video Content or Ads processed or stored therein; or (viii) do not constitute unsolicited bulk email, junk mail, spam or chain letters.

      (c) Your Actions. You represent and warrant that You will not, and will not authorize or encourage any third party to, directly or indirectly: (i) obtain any information or materials relating to the Revver Products or the Revver Partner Program through any means not intentionally made available by Revver to You, or attempt to gain unauthorized access to Revver's database, technology, computer systems or networks associated with the Revver Products or the Revver Partner Program; or (ii) engage in any activity that disrupts, diminishes the quality of, interferes with the performance of or impairs the functionality of the Revver Products and the Revver Partner Program.

      (d) Cooperation. You agree to cooperate fully with Revver to investigate any suspected or actual activity that is in breach of this Agreement. You acknowledge that any violation of this Section 17 ("Representations and Warranties") is a material breach of this Agreement and that Revver may pursue any and all applicable legal and equitable remedies against You, including an immediate suspension of Your Account or termination of this Agreement, and the pursuit of all available civil or criminal remedies. Revver reserves the right to investigate, at its own discretion, any activity that Revver suspects may violate this Agreement. Revver may, as applicable, withhold payment, notify Your bank, the authorities, suspend or cancel Your Account and/or take appropriate actions at any time without notice to You if Revver, in its sole discretion, (i) suspects that You have breached or failed to comply (in full or in part) with any provision of this Agreement or any Policies or rules established by Revver; or (ii) suspects that Your actions may be illegal or cause liability.
      18. Links

      The Revver Products and the Revver Partner Program may provide, or third parties may provide, links to other websites or resources. Because Revver has no control over such sites and resources, You acknowledge and agree that Revver is not responsible for the availability of such external websites or resources, and does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising, products, services or other materials on or available from such websites or resources. You further acknowledge and agree that Revver shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any such content, goods or services available on or through any such website or resource.
      19. Indemnity

      You will indemnify, defend and hold Revver and its officers, directors, employees, shareholders, successors, agents, affiliates, subsidiaries and applicable third parties (e.g., relevant content creators, advertisers, syndication partners, referral partners, service providers, licensors, licensees, consultants and contractors) (collectively, the "Revver Entities") harmless from and against any claims, liabilities, losses, costs, damages or expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs) directly or indirectly arising out of or in any way relating to: (i) Your gross negligence or willful misconduct; (ii) Your Video Content (if You are an Artist), Your Ads (if You are a Sponsor), Your Syndication Sites (if You are a Syndicator), Your Member Comments (if You are a Community Member) or any other information or material You submit during Participation; (iii) Your conduct, including Your use of Revver Products or any other actions related to Your Participation; (iv) any actual violation or breach of this Agreement, or allegation of such violation or breach by a third party, including breach of any representation made by You hereunder; or (v) the alleged or actual violation or infringement of any intellectual property, privacy, publicity, confidentiality or proprietary rights of any third-party as a result of any action or Participation by You (collectively, the "Claims"). You are solely responsible for defending any such Claims, and for payment of losses, costs, damages or expenses resulting from the foregoing to both a third party and to the Revver Entities. Revver shall have the right to withhold any payments due to You, if any, to offset liabilities and expenses covered hereunder. Revver shall have the right, in its sole discretion, to select its own legal counsel to defend Revver from any Claims (but by doing so shall not excuse Your indemnity obligations) and You shall be solely responsible for the payment of all Revver's reasonable attorneys' fees incurred in connection therewith. You shall notify Revver immediately if You become aware of any actual or potential claims, suits, actions, allegations or charges that could affect Your or Revver's ability to fully perform their respective duties or to exercise its rights under this Agreement. You shall not, without the prior written approval of Revver, settle, dispose or enter into any proposed settlement or resolution of any Claim (whether having been finally adjudicated or otherwise) brought against You, if such settlement or resolution results in any obligation or liability for Revver.
      20. No Guarantees; Warranty Disclaimer

      (a) No Guarantees. Revver makes no guarantees: (i) regarding the availability, operation, maintenance, timing or delivery of the Revver Products, the Revver Partner Program or any distribution channel (or any portion thereof); (ii) that Participation will secure any success or generate any revenue or the amount of payment (if any) to be made hereunder; (iii) that Video Content or Ads will be distributed in the Revver Syndication Network; (iv) regarding the relevancy of any Ads to Video Content; or (v) regarding Advertising Action rates, including the level or number of clicks, conversions to sales or impressions on any Ad, in connection with Video Content.

      (b) Warranty Disclaimers. Your use of the Revver Products and Participation in the Revver Partner Program are at Your sole discretion and risk. The Revver Products and the Revver Partner Program, and all materials, information, products and services included therein, are provide on an "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis without warranties of any kind.
      The Revver Entities disclaim any warranties: (i) regarding the security, accuracy, reliability, timeliness and performance of the Revver Products or the Revver Partner Program; (ii) regarding the goods, services, advise, information or links provided by any Third Party Services Providers, Artists, Sponsors, Syndicators or Community Members; (iii) that the Revver Products or the Revver Partner Program will meet Your requirements; or (iv) that the Revver Products or the Revver Partner Program will be error-free or that any errors will be corrected. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by You from Revver or from Your Participation, shall create any warranty not expressly stated in this Agreement.
      Revver assumes no responsibility for: (i) any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, or alteration of, any communication; and (ii) any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer online systems, servers or providers, computer equipment, software, failure of any email or players due to technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or on any of the Revver Products or the Revver Partner Program or combination thereof, including any injury or damage to You or to any person's computer related to or resulting from Participation.
      Under no circumstances shall Revver be responsible for any loss or damage, including personal injury or death, resulting from Participation, from any Video Content, Ads or Member Comments posted on or through the Revver Products or the Revver Partner Program, or from the conduct of any users of the Revver Products or Participation in the Revver Partner Program, whether online or offline.
      Some states or jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of certain warranties. Accordingly, some of the above exclusions may not apply to You.


      You acknowledge that Revver permits Your Participation relying on the limitations of liability stated herein and that those limitations are an essential basis of the bargain and of the allocation of risks between the parties. Revver shall no liability for any failure or delay in the performance of its obligations hereunder on account of events beyond its reasonable control, which may include, without limitation, denial-of-service attacks, strikes, shortages, riots, insurrection, fires, flood, storm, explosions, acts of God, war, terrorism, governmental action, labor conditions, earthquakes, material shortages, extraordinary Internet congestion or extraordinary connectivity issues experienced by major telecommunications providers and unrelated to Revver's infrastructure or connectivity to the Internet, or failure of any Syndication Site or third party distribution partner, (each a "Force Majeure Event"). Upon the occurrence of a Force Majeure Event, Revver will be excused from any further performance of its obligations effected by the Force Majeure Event for so long as the event continues.

      Some states or jurisdictions do not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages. Accordingly, some of the above limitations may not apply to You.
      22. General

      (a) Governing Law; Arbitration. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, excluding its conflicts of laws principles. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is excluded and does not apply to this Agreement. Except as expressly set forth in subsection (b) below ("Injunctive Relief"), any dispute, claim or controversy arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the breach, termination, enforcement, interpretation or validity thereof, including the determination of the scope or applicability of this Agreement to arbitrate, shall be submitted to the Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services, Inc. or its successor ("JAMS") and decided by binding arbitration, in accordance with the JAMS' Comprehensive Arbitration Rules and Procedures (Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures) as such rules shall be in effect on the date of submission to arbitration, by one arbitrator reasonably familiar with the business pertaining to the products and services covered by this Agreement, appointed in accordance with such Rules and Procedures. The arbitrator shall apply California law to the merits of any dispute or claim. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and unappealable. The arbitration shall be conducted in Los Angeles County, California, and judgment on the arbitration award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. In the event any action is brought by either party in connection with this Agreement, the substantially prevailing party will be entitled to recover from the other party all the costs, attorneys' fees and other expenses reasonably incurred by such party. All offers, promises, conduct and statements, whether oral or written, made in the course of the arbitration by any of the parties, their agents, employees, experts and attorneys, and by the arbitrator and any JAMS employees, are confidential, privileged and inadmissible for any purpose, including impeachment, in any litigation or other proceeding involving the parties, provided that evidence that is otherwise admissible or discoverable shall not be rendered inadmissible or non-discoverable as a result of its use in the arbitration.

      (b) Injunctive Relief. Notwithstanding the "Governing Law; Arbitration" section above, You agree that certain breaches by You would cause irreparable injury to Revver, for which there are no adequate remedies at law, and nothing in this Section shall be deemed to prevent or delay Revver's attempt to seek a temporary restraining order, preliminary injunction, specific performance or other interim or conservatory relief from any court having jurisdiction, without any abridgment of the power of the arbitrator, for Your breach of: (i) Section 10(a) ("Revver's Ownership Rights"); (ii) Section 13 ("Copyright Infringement"); and (iii) Section 16 ("Confidential Information").

      (c) Assignment. You may not assign or transfer this Agreement, in whole or in part, by operation of law or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Revver. Any attempted assignment in violation of this Section will be null and void and of no force or effect. Revver may assign this Agreement freely at any time without notice. Subject to the foregoing, this Agreement will bind and inure to the benefit of each party's permitted successors and assigns.

      (d) Waiver; Severability. The failure to require performance of any provision shall not affect Revver's right to require performance at any time thereafter, nor shall a waiver of any breach or default of this Agreement constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach or default or a waiver of the provision itself. If any portion of this Agreement is found to be unenforceable, such portion will be modified to reflect the parties' intention and only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable, and the remaining provisions of this Agreement will remain in full force and effect.

      (e) Export Restrictions/Legal Compliance. You agree to comply with all United States and other applicable export laws and related restrictions and regulations, and not to directly or indirectly export, provide or otherwise make available the services and products of Revver in violation of any such export laws, unless any required prior authorizations or necessary approvals are obtained by You, at Your expense, from the applicable United States or foreign authority.

      (f) Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire and exclusive understanding and agreement between You and Revver regarding this subject matter, and supersedes any and all prior or contemporaneous agreements or understandings, written and oral, between You and Revver relating to this subject matter. You may be subject to additional terms and conditions that may apply when You use or access certain features of the Revver Partner Program.

      (g) Relationship. You and Revver are independent contractors, and this Agreement, including but not limited to submission or distribution of any Video Content or Ads, will not, in whole or in part, establish any relationship of partnership, joint venture, employment, franchise or agency between the You and Revver. Neither party will have the power to bind the other or incur obligations on the other's behalf without the other's prior written consent. Neither party is authorized to act as an agent or representative of the other or for or on behalf of the other party in any capacity other than as expressly set forth in this Agreement. Neither party shall in any manner advertise, represent or hold itself (or any of its agents) out as so acting or being authorized so to act, or incur any liabilities or obligations on behalf of, or in the name of, the other party, unless specifically provided for in this Agreement. Moreover, each party shall be solely responsible for the payment of all of its own taxes, assessments and all other similar withholdings from or assessments on any monies paid hereunder or in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby.

      (h) Reserved Rights. Revver reserves the right to change, in whole or in part, the names, logos, presentation and display of the Revver Member Agreement, the Revver Partner Program and the Revver Products at any time in its sole discretion.

Revver Privacy Policy

This document effective as of December 1, 2006

This Privacy Policy describes the collection, use and disclosure of information Revver Inc. ("Revver") receives and collects when you access or use Revver services from the Revver website (located at (the "Site") or when you access or use Revver services via the websites of our video service distribution partners (the "Partner Sites").

Revver Services.
Revver has developed and maintains a network of video content creators, advertisers, and related technology, that facilitates the download and distribution of video content from participating creators, and links from participating advertisers, to online users (the "Revver Services"). The Revver Services enable you to download, share, watch, track, advertise on and generate revenue from video content uploaded to the Revver library ("Videos").

This Privacy Policy describes how Revver strives to protect the privacy of: (i) artists or owners who create and submit Videos for distribution (our "Makers"); (ii) advertising partners and sponsors who create and submit advertising content or links ("Ads") for distribution with Videos (our "Sponsors"); (iii) distributors or referral partners who share Videos and Ads through various online distribution methods, including websites, email or peer-to-peer networks (our "Sharers"); (iv) users who view and/or interact with our Videos and Ads from our Site or from the Partner Sites ("Watchers"); (v) visitors to the Revver Site who access our products or services or who submit reviews and comments to our Site (our "Visitors"); and (vi) our members (those Makers, Sponsors, Sharers, Watchers or Visitors) who register with Revver and create an account (our "Members").

Partner Sites.
Although you may access Videos, Ads and the Revver Services from Partner Sites, the Partner Sites are not governed by this Privacy Policy. Revver is not responsible for the privacy practices, policies or content of such Partner Sites. Revver encourages users to read the posted privacy policies whenever interacting with any website to learn more about the privacy practices of that website. Revver has no control over the use of a user's personal information by third party websites, including Partner Sites, and a Visitor should exercise caution when deciding to disclose any personally identifiable information. Partner Sites may use cookies and/or other data collection tools.

This Privacy Policy is incorporated into and is subject to the Revver Member Agreement. Your use of the Site and any personal information you provide to Revver remains subject to the terms of this Privacy Policy and our Member Agreement.
1. Watchers: Interacting with Videos and Ads

Revver does not collect personally identifiable information (such as name, username, address, phone number or email address) from Watchers viewing or interacting with Videos and Ads. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Revver does collect certain non-personally identifying information about a Watcher each time a Video is played: As you know, Revver is dedicated to rewarding Makers and Sharers with a share of the Ad revenue generated in connection with a Video. As part of this process, each time a Video is played, whether directly from the Site, from a Partner Site or from the Watcher's local media after it has been downloaded, the Revver QuickTime technology embedded in each Video requests an Ad from the Revver servers. For each Video Ad request, Revver collects a Watcher's Internet Protocol ("IP") address and information that is specific to how a Watcher accesses and uses the Internet, as well as how they view and/or interact with Videos and Ads: these non-personally identifying details include, but are not limited to, the website you are logged onto, the geographic location of the IP address you are using to access the Internet, which and how many web pages you have viewed, search terms used, referring/exit pages, platform type and date/time information, the number and frequency of Watchers to each Video and Ad, the length of their viewing patterns, the type of browser (and browser language) you use when Watching a Video, the operating system your browser uses and what technology is available through your browser in order to serve you the most appropriate version of a Video or Ad (e.g., Flash or HTML) (collectively, with the identification of the Video watched, the "Technology Information").

The Technology Information Revver collects about Watchers is anonymous and does not personally identify a Watcher. It is obtained for the purpose of selecting, delivering (and monitoring delivery and distribution of) Ads when a Watcher has watched a Video, measuring the Video and Ad effectiveness with Watchers and generally improving the Revver Services. For each Video Ad request, Revver will use the Technology Information collected to select and display an Ad after the Video play has been completed. Furthermore, Revver uses the Technology Information collected to analyze trends, audit Videos and Ads watched, monitor Ad clicks, identify our "most viewed" or "most popular" Videos, identify the geographic reach of our Videos and Ads, identify the audience most likely to respond to Videos and Ads, and tailor Ad placements for our Sponsors accordingly. This information may be shared with Revver's Makers, Sharers, Sponsors, employees, business partners and affiliates. Revver may aggregate this information and share such aggregated information with interested third parties. In addition, Revver reserves the right to track IP addresses for the purposes of fraud prevention, and Revver reserves the right to release IP addresses to legal authorities.

Revver uses cookies to help it collect, maintain and use Technology Information. A cookie is a small data file that Revver transfers to a Watcher's computer's hard disk for record-keeping purposes when the Watcher is served a Video and an Ad facilitated by Revver. Cookies help Revver better understand the effectiveness of Video and Ad (for example, by tracking the way in which a Watcher responds to, selects and interacts with a Video and Ad or any content provided therein, or the location and context in which a Watcher views a Video and Ad). Please remember, Partner Sites are not governed by this Privacy Policy and Partner Sites may also use cookies and/or other data collection tools. You can reset your web browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, some features of the Revver Services and Site may not function properly if the ability to accept cookies is disabled. Revver's cookies do not contain any personally identifiable information and they can help control the type of Ad and number of times a Watcher views an Ad. You can learn more about the use of cookies by visiting

Ad Links.
Ads may contain links to other websites, including those of our Sponsors. Such websites may use cookies and/or other data collection tools. Revver is not responsible for the privacy practices, policies or the content of such websites. Revver encourages Watchers to read the posted privacy policies whenever interacting with any website to learn more about the privacy practices of that website. Revver has no control over the use of a Watcher's personal information or Technology Information by third party websites, and a Watcher should exercise caution when deciding to disclose any personally identifiable information. Revver does not have access to, or control of, the cookies and/or other data collection tools that may be placed on any Ad by a third-party, including those of our Sponsors, and this Privacy Policy does not cover the use of cookies and/or other data collection tools by any third party.
2. Visitors. Browsing the Site

The Site, which may be hosted in part or its entirety by a third party, is intended as a portal for Makers, Sharers, Sponsors, Watchers, Visitors, business partners and affiliates to access and use the Revver Services (including watching and interacting with Videos and Ads) and to offer information about Revver and the services it provides. The Site is designed so that a Visitor may generally browse it without the collection of any personally identifiable information (except for the Visitor's IP address). When a Visitor uses the Site, Revver may collect information, including some Technology Information, indirectly and automatically (through the use of cookies, as described in Section 1 above) about the Visitor's Site activity. Revver uses this activity information for internal purposes such as to administer the Site, improve and customize the Site, help Revver understand and analyze how the Site is being used and track aggregate Site usage.

The Site permits Visitors to watch or interact with Videos or Ads on the Site. See Section 1 ("Watchers: Interacting with our Videos and Ads") for more information. The Site also permits members to log into their accounts and access some member-only services. See Section 3 ("Members: Revver Account Holders") for further information.

The Site and the Revver Services are not intended for persons under the age of thirteen (13). If you are under thirteen (13), please do not use the Site or the Revver Services.
3. Members: Creating a Revver Account

Participation in and access to certain features and functionality of the Site and Revver Services, require you to register and create a member account (an "Account") with Revver. You can choose not to register or provide certain information, but then you may not be able to access or participate in some of the Revver Services.

This section of the Privacy Policy applies only to information we collect from our Members in conjunction with their access to, participation in and use of the Revver Services and related Revver technology and networks (including but not limited to uploading Videos and accessing their Account portal). To become a Member, you must be at least eighteen (18) years old and otherwise capable of forming legally binding contracts under applicable law.

Revver is committed to maintaining the privacy of its Members.

Account Information.
During Account registration, Revver will collect personally identifiable information from a Member that may include name, company name, address, email address, telephone and fax numbers, Account password, bank information, credit-card type, number and expiration date, domain address for serving Videos and/or Ads, PayPal email address, social security number and/or Federal Tax ID number, birthdate and other personal information listed in the Account registration form (collectively, a "Member Profile"). We may also ask you to provide us with optional demographic information or information regarding your interests, hobbies or similar information to enhance your viewing experience.

Revver's primary goal in collecting a Member Profile is to communicate with such Member, provide such Member with a smooth and efficient experience of the Revver Services, charge Sponsors, pay Makers and Sharers and to operate, maintain and provide you certain features and functionalities of the Revver Services. To this end, Revver may share Member Profiles with third-party service providers and Revver-related entities worldwide (e.g., its parents, affiliates and subsidiaries and their successors and assigns) in connection with payments and other aspects of operating and promoting the Site and the Revver Services. We require that these entities agree to use such information based on our instructions and in compliance with this Privacy Policy and any other appropriate confidentiality and security measures. Except as explicitly stated herein, Revver does not sell, rent or trade any Member Profiles to third parties.

Revver may use a Member Profile in the following ways:

   1. (a) Revver may use a Member's name, address, email address and telephone number: (i) to enable Revver to process, validate and verify an Account; (ii) to contact the Member regarding Account activities or communications relevant to the Revver Services; and (iii) to contact the Member about new or existing products and services or special offers.
   2. (b) Revver may use an Maker's or Sharer's: (i) name, address, account password, bank information or credit-card number in order to process and remit fees to such Maker or Sharer and/or verify personal information and identity of the Maker or Sharer; and as appropriate (ii) social security number and/or Federal Tax ID number to prepare Form 1099s if necessary and to help Revver verify such Maker's or Sharer's identity.
   3. (c) Revver may use a Sponsor's: (i) name, address, account password, bank information or credit-card number in order to process and charge fees payable by a Sponsor and/or verify personal information and identity of the Sponsor; and as appropriate (ii) social security number and/or Federal Tax ID number to prepare Form 1099s if necessary or to help Revver verify such Sponsor's identity.
   4. (d) Revver uses third-party processing companies (including credit card processing companies) for billing and payment purposes. These third parties may store or retain a Member Profile. These third parties do not have any right to use the Member Profile information Revver provides to them beyond what is necessary to assist Revver.
   5. (e) Revver may combine the information collected from Members on the Site with information that Members provide to Revver in connection with their use of other Revver Services.

When a Member uses the Site, Revver collects information indirectly and automatically through the use of both session cookies and persistent cookies (see Section 1, above, for more information on cookies). A persistent cookie remains after you close your browser and may be used by your browser on subsequent visits to the Site. Such cookies can be removed by following your web browser help file directions; however, some features of the Revver Services and Site may not function properly if the ability to accept cookies is disabled. Revver automatically collects a Member's Technology Information (including IP address), Site usage and Site activity information when a Member logs into their Account or while using the Revver Services. Revver uses this Site activity information to help Revver evaluate how its Members use and navigate the Site on an aggregate basis, including the number and frequency of Member visits, and the length of their visits. Revver also uses the non-permanent session cookie to track and maintain a Member's login status during their session on the Site. Revver also uses this information for internal purposes, such as to help Revver diagnose any server problems, administer the Site, improve and customize the Site, or help Revver understand and analyze how the Site is being used. Revver may link IP addresses to certain personally identifiable information only when reasonably necessary to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process or enforceable governmental request, enforce applicable Member agreements, including investigation of potential violations thereof, or detect, prevent or protect Revver against or otherwise address criminal activity, fraud, security or technical issues.

If a Member does not wish to receive communications from Revver as contemplated under this Privacy Policy, such Member has the ability to stop receiving these mail communications by logging into their Account and accessing the "Account Preferences" screen in the Revver Site portal. Members will, however, always receive administrative emails from Revver that are related to the Revver Services.

Correcting/Updating Member Information.
Members can review, update and edit their Member Profile by logging into their Account and accessing the "Account Preferences" screen in the Revver Site portal.

Storing and Processing Member Profiles.
Member Profiles collected may be stored and processed in any country in which Revver maintains facilities. Consequently, by using our Site, participating in any Revver Services and/or providing us with your Member Profile information, Revver has the right to transfer information outside of your country, and you hereby consent to such transfer. If a Member registers an Account via a Partner Site or any website controlled by Revver or a Revver-related entity located outside of the United States, such Member Profile must be disclosed to Revver, which is located inside the United States, in order for the Member to access or use any Revver Services. Therefore, Member acknowledges and consents to the sharing of its Member Profile with Revver and Revver-related entities worldwide.

Data Security.
Revver stores Member Profile information in limited access servers. Revver will maintain commercially reasonable safeguards to protect the security of these servers and the Member Profiles. Although Revver strives to keep Member Profiles secure, no security measures are absolute or fool-proof, and there is always a possibility that a security breach could occur, resulting in the release of Profile information.

Transaction History.
A Member may unsubscribe from the Revver Services and request that Revver remove their Member Profile from the Revver databases. However, in order to resolve disputes, assist with any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental requests or investigations, and due to technical constraints (including the fact that Revver backs up its systems), a Member's information and transaction history are never completely removed from the Revver databases.
4. General

Dispute Resolution.
Revver may use and disclose personally identifiable Member Profile information and/or non-personally identifiable information Revver obtains in special circumstances if Revver believes, in good faith, that Revver is required to do so, that such disclosures will potentially mitigate its liability, or are necessary for Revver to enforce its rights. For example, Revver may disclose information: (i) to appropriate authorities and/or to banks associated with a Member's Account in order to prevent or report suspected fraud and illegal activities; (ii) where it is necessary for Revver to enforce the applicable Member agreements; (iii) to resolve disputes, including disputes involving other Members or consumers, in connection with actual or potential parties to a lawsuit or actions that Revver is or may become involved in, and to identify potential liabilities and troubleshoot problems; or (iv) in order to prevent harm to any persons. In some cases, the government can compel the disclosure of information about a Member, and Revver will need to comply, in which case Member authorizes Revver to do so.

Third Party Links.
Revver may also use third-party advertising companies to serve or track ads on the Site and other websites. Such companies may use information (not including your name, address, email address or telephone number) about your visits to these websites in order to measure advertising effectiveness and to provide advertisements about goods and services that may be of interest to you. The Site may also contain links to other websites, including Partner Sites and the websites of our Sponsors. Such websites may use cookies and/or other data collection tools. Revver is not responsible for the privacy practices, policies or content of such other websites. Revver encourages you to read the posted privacy policies whenever interacting with any website to learn more about the privacy practices of that website. Revver has no control over the use of your personal information by third party websites, including Partner Sites, and you should exercise caution when deciding to disclose any personally identifiable information. Revver does not have access to, or control of, these cookies and/or other data collection tools that may be placed on any advertisement by a third-party, and this Privacy Policy does not cover the use of cookies and/or other data collection tools by any third party.

Promotions and Surveys.
From time to time Revver may ask Members, Visitors or Watchers to respond to surveys or participate in contests, sweepstakes and/or promotions. These activities are entirely voluntary and you may decline to respond or participate. If you choose to provide some of your personally identifiable information in response to a survey, contest, sweepstake and/or promotion, such information will be used for purposes of monitoring or improving the Site, administering the survey and/or promotion or the use and satisfaction of the Revver Services.

Forums & Correspondence.
Any personal information or Video content that you voluntarily upload to the Site or disclose online (on discussion boards, in messages and chat areas, within your public profile page, etc.) becomes publicly available and can be collected and used by others. Your account name (not your email address) is displayed to other Site users when you upload Videos or send messages through the Revver Site and other users can contact you through messages and comments. Any Videos that you submit to the Revver Site may be redistributed through the internet and other media channels, and may be viewed by the general public. If you e-mail someone else a Video or other special feature from our Site, we may use the information you provide about someone else to send that person the requested e-mail. If you contact Revver, or if third parties send Revver email or other correspondence regarding your activities, Revver may collect and use such information (including email addresses) in order to respond to the communication and send any relevant or requested information.

Corporate Changes.
Revver may sell, transfer, assign or otherwise share some or all of its assets, including user information described in this Privacy Policy, in connection with a merger, consolidation, reorganization or sale of assets. In the unlikely event of bankruptcy or assignment for the benefit of creditors, we may not be able to control how your personal information is treated, transferred or used.

Our Policy Towards Children.
Revver does not knowingly collect personal information from, and our Site is not directed to, children under the age of thirteen (13). If you are under 13 years of age, do not send any information about yourself to Revver. If a parent or guardian becomes aware that his or her child has provided us with Personal Information without their consent, please contact us If Revver becomes aware that a child under 13 has provided us with Personal Information, we will delete such information from our files.

Changes and Updates to this Privacy Notice.
This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time for any reason. We will notify you of any material changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on the Site. Your use of the Site and the Revver Services constitutes your acceptance of the terms of this Privacy Policy, as may be amended or revised by use, and you are advised to consult this Privacy Policy regularly for any changes (revisions will be reflected by the "Date Last Modified" below).

Copyright Information

Copyright is complicated stuff. Our position on it is pretty simple.

At Revver, we staunchly support copyright laws. Our mission and business is firmly rooted in the idea that artists deserve to control and be rewarded for their intellectual property. We screen every video that is submitted to our system in an effort to promote legality and to police obvious copyright infringement, and we respond promptly to Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) content takedown requests.

Please send correspondence to:
Revver, Inc.
Attn: DMCA violation
6464 Sunset Boulevard
Hollywood, Ca. 90028
Fax: 323-871-2820
Email: dmca -@-

We also believe strongly in the freedoms provided by the doctrine of Fair Use under US copyright law and to comparable protections provided under the copyright laws in various other jurisdictions. We understand that we are living in a remix culture and we support an open media environment. US copyright law was created with the intent to support artists' creativity - by protecting artists' originality and by allowing artists to build appropriately on the creations of others - and so was Revver.
For more information on Fair Use and other copyright issues, please check out these resources:

    * Tales from the Public Domain: BOUND BY LAW - Entertaining and easy to read comic by Duke Law.
    * Copyright and Fair Use - from Stanford University Libraries.
    * Podcasting Legal Guide - from Creative Commons.
    * Copyright and Fair Use - from the Center for Social media. The downloadable PDF for documentary filmmakers is especially useful.

Don't sign your life away.

It's our goal to give you, the artist, as much control over your work as possible. There are a few things we need you to agree to in order to allow us to add your video to the network - to share it and monetize it. When you join Revver, you agree to our Member Agreement. And now for an English translation of some key points:

    * You retain ownership of your video. Revver may host and share your video only for as long as you leave it up on our site and only via the distribution channels you choose. Find out more about our various distribution channels.
    * Revver will not alter your video in any way other than what is required to share it and monetize it on our network. In other words, we may transcode your video so it can be viewed across our network and of course, we'll attach the advertising to it, but we will not edit or change your artistic creation.
    * Revver may use your video commercially, splitting ad revenue with you and any Revver affiliates who help to spread your video virally across the network. This is the only way Revver and Revver members can make money from your work.

It's how the Internet works.

By uploading your video to Revver, you are joining our network of sharers and sponsors who are eager to spread your video as virally as possible. In order to enable the free and open sharing of Revver videos, we're working with with Creative Commons to provide the default copyright license to Revver videos.

The default license attached to your video is the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 license, which basically means this:

    * Viewers are free to copy and share your video as long as they attribute credit to you as the creator.
    * Viewers may not make money off your video. Note: if the viewer is also a Revver member and shares your video as an affiliate, the right to earn 20% of the ad revenue is built into the Revver member agreement. Outside of that arrangement, this license means that no one can lawfully profit from your video without your consent.
    * Viewers may not edit or alter your video without your consent.

Creative Commons is a non-profit organization working to "build a reasonable layer of copyright law."
We're totally not going steady.

You may choose to allow people to interact with your video in other ways. Maybe you want to allow people to use your video in a mash-up or to add it to a compilation DVD. You can do that! The license outlined above is non-exclusive and applies only to the Revverized version of your video.

Advertise with Revver

Revver pioneered the online video advertising market with the debut of its video-sharing network in late 2005. Spectacular growth in online video viewership has produced a host of copycats, but Revver remains unique: only Revver's network recombines the elements of classic media models -- advertisers, content, and distribution -- into a real business, where advertisers can align themselves with cutting-edge media and reach viewing audiences across multiple platforms and in multiple environments.

Revver's in-player advertising products can give you targeted reach, brand awareness, consumer engagement and budget efficiencies. Not to mention the benefit of working with some of the most compelling content producers in media today. We look forward to showing you how Revver can help you make online video an integral part of your advertising strategy.

For more information,

    [9]   Veoh

           Veoh is now part of Qlipso, the revolutionary social content sharing company. Over the coming months, users and business partners will start to see more and more social features coming to one of the world's top video sites - Veoh.

Created with the end-user in mind, Qlipso ( provides worldwide audiences with an unparallel digital media and social viewing experience. By bridging the gap between uniquely social interactive user experiences and the portability of online video, games, music and other multimedia, Qlipso empowers users to share the Flash-based media content they find and enjoy on the Web and interact with friends and family in a secure and friendly virtual environment.

From its beginning in 2009, Qlipso aimed to take the success of virtual worlds and massive multiplayer online games (MMO) and bring that to mainstream consumer and advertiser audiences. In April 2010, Qlipso made that a reality with its purchase of substantially all of the assets of Veoh, one of the world's most popular video content and Internet Television sites.

Qlipso enables users to identify themselves using 3D animated avatars, webcams or Facebook thumbnails, along with social features such as video, voice and text chat; all of which can be accessed within the same user interface, allowing users to view online content while having the ability to see and chat with one another. The Qlipso platform, which can be accessed entirely via a user's Web browser, transforms media consumption into a shared social experience, both asynchronously and live with friends and family.

Qlipso supports all types of Flash-based media, including video, music, games, slideshows, presentations, widgets and other digital content from any Web site using Qlipso's proprietary portable media player.

Who is Behind Qlipso?

Qlipso was founded in 2009 by CEO Jon Goldman and Chief Technology Officer Ishay Pnuelli, two of the pioneers in interactive Web-based user content, and is backed by Jerusalem Venture Partners (JVP -, a 15-year-old, early-stage investment firm specializing in digital and interactive entertainment and content sites.

What is the history of Veoh?

Veoh Networks was founded in 2004 by Dmitry Shapiro, a serial entrepreneur with experience in communities, video and peer-to-peer protocols. Prior to founding Veoh, Dmitry was the founder and CTO of Akonix Systems, Inc., the world's leading P2P security company with over 1 million licensed enterprise users. Akonix's customers include Disney, Viacom, MTV, Fox News, Fox Films, the Weather Channel, Cingular, and countless other media and technology leaders. Veoh’s initial team also includes Chief Scientist Dr. Ted Dunning, an expert in recommendations and human behavior who was formerly the Chief Scientist at MusicMatch (now Yahoo Music), IDAnalytics (the leading identity fraud detection company), and Aptex Software (an HNC/FairIsaac company) and a team of engineers with dozens of years of experience in P2P protocols, online communities and related technologies.

Veoh received Series A financing from Shelter Capital in August of 2005 and launched an early beta of its distribution technology in October 2005. The full Veoh beta launched in March 2006, followed quickly by the announcement of a Series B financing by Spark Capital, the Tornante Company (Michael Eisner), Time Warner Investments and Shelter Capital.

How to I retrieve a lost username or password?

If you need to find your username and password, first go to and enter the email address you originally signed up with.  You will then receive an email with your username.  Then go to and enter your username.


If you have changed email addresses and did not update your Veoh profile prior to changing your email address, we cannot change it for you, nor can we change your password. However, you can always create a new Veoh account for Free!

Why didn't I receive my confirmation email?

If you did not receive a Veoh sign-up confirmation email, it's possible that it went into a junk-mail or spam folder. It's also possible that you simply misspelled your email address when you signed up.


If you are currently logged into Veoh (your username is displayed at the top of the page), you can go to your account Settings to change your email address and view the email address that we currently have on file. You can update your email address in your Veoh user profile by going here and clicking on Settings.

ow do I download videos?

While watching a video on, you can click  under the video player. Then click on the Download Video button and the video will begin download to Veoh Web Player and you will receive a confirmation pop-up when the download completes.



NOTE: You must have Veoh Web Player installed to download videos. Click here to learn more about installing Veoh Web Player.

I can hear the audio playing, but there is no video. What's wrong?

You may have outdated codecs or may need to install codecs in order to playback downloaded files. Please download the free codec pack here:


When installing make sure to select the following from Select Additional Tasks which is the 4th window of the installation:

H.264 / AVC



Generic MPEG-4















Mac users, please download the free codecs here:


QuickTime -

DivX -

Flip4Mac -

Perian -

AC3 -


After you install these codecs, please reboot your Mac and your downloaded videos will play.

I have Flash installed but Veoh tells me I need Flash. What's wrong?

Remove the Adobe Flash player and Adobe Flash ActiveX from your Control Panel.  Using Internet Explorer make sure you have the latest version of Adobe Flash.  This is true even if you use another browser like Firefox.


Also open up Internet Explorer and click on Tools > Internet Options.  Open up the Security tab and make sure that your security settings are Medium or Medium-High.


Veoh requires Flash 9.0.115 or higher. Click here to get the latest version of Flash.

I'm being told I need codecs installed. What's wrong?

You may have outdated codecs or may need to install codecs in order to playback downloaded files. Please download the free codec pack here:


When installing make sure to select the following from Select Additional Tasks which is the 4th window of the installation:

H.264 / AVC



Generic MPEG-4















Mac users, please download the free codecs here:


QuickTime -

DivX -

Flip4Mac -

Perian -

AC3 -


After you install these codecs, please reboot your Mac and your downloaded videos will play.

Do you support the iPhone?

Simply navigate to and we’ll automatically route you to our iPhone/iTouch web application. Some of our most popular hosted videos are available. For best performance make sure you have the latest update (2.2) which includes several Safari browser improvements over 2.0 and 2.1.

Why don't you have the video I'm looking for?

We rely on users and publishers to upload their videos to Veoh. If you find a video you think should be on Veoh, you can add it by clicking on the Add Video button in the black top navigation bar and uploading a video you have or pasting the URL in the From Website or URL field.


Any uploading of materials to Veoh is subject to Veoh's Terms of Use which include its Copyright Policy.  Copyrighted material may be included only with the consent of its owner except as otherwise permitted by the United States Copyright Act.  You can read more about our policy here.

Why is my download speed so slow?

There could be a number of factors that attribute to slow downloading.  Along with downloading from our website, our Veoh Web Player also tries to downloads from other users using peer to peer technology. If a video only has a few users that have the video, the download will be slower.  If you are downloading multiple files simultaneously or downloading and surfng websites that consume a lot of bandwidth, you will likely experience a slowdown.


 You can also forward ports 7000-8000 from your gateway to your computer to speed up the downloads.

Why do some videos pause or seem jittery?

There are several reasons why video playback may be jittery or inconsistent.


If the video you're attempting to play starts to skip, is jittery, or pauses frequently it may be because your Internet bandwidth is inadequate for what you are trying to do. See our recommended connection speeds for more information on this. This issue may also occur if your Internet provider is experiencing bandwidth problems.


It may also happen because you're performing multiple tasks, such as playing several videos, checking email, surfing the web, processing videos, etc. You can try closing some of your other tasks to free up resources and resolve the playback problems.


If you are playing videos you've downloaded to Veoh Web Player and are having this problem, you may need to install the appropriate codecs for the file you are playing. Click here to learn more about codecs.


There's also a slim chance that the video on our site simply has a problem with it. This occasionally occurs during the transcoding process to Flash format. We monitor such issues regularly and try to resolve them quickly.


It's also possible your computer doesn't meet Veoh's system requirements, which would render your PC unable to play videos on Veoh.

How do I search for videos, or channels or groups?

You can perform a basic search for any TV Shows, Movies, Music, Indies, Groups, Channels, genre or category of video by typing in the search box on the home page or at the top of any page and clicking the enter key or the search button. To search again, simply clear the search by clicking the ‘x’ within the search box or deleting your search and typing another search term.

NOTE: If you do not clear your search and then begin to browse the Videos main category, you will be browsing within that search term.  For example, if you search ‘cats’ and then click on the ‘animation’ subcategory in Videos, you will be browsing cat videos in the animation genre. 

How do I refine my video search results?

You can find videos by typing into the search box on any page and clicking the enter key or the search button.

To search:

1. In the Search box, type a word or phrase and click Search.

2. Mouse over any result thumbnail to display details for a video

3. Click on the video to watch the video.

To refine search results:

1. Widen search results to return videos hosted by YouTube by clicking on the link in the blue bar above the video thumbnails.

2. Reorder search results using the sort options in the grey bar.

3. Filter search results according to


      Closest Match

      Most Popular

      Most Recent

      Run Length

4. Use advanced filters to further refine your search by:




5. Did not match any videos? If your search returns 0 results, try selecting the "Refresh" button in Advanced Filters or clear your search by clicking the ‘x’ in the Search box. Your search criteria may be too narrow to generate results.

Saving your Search terms to My Interests

You can save your search terms into My Interests by clicking the Add To Interests button. This will allow you to quickly recall previous searches from your My Interests page.

NOTE: You must be a registered, logged in user of Veoh to save Interests.

Can I save my video searches?

You can save your searches to your My Interests page.

To add something to My Interests, click the button icon button. This will automatically add it to the My Interests list.

To access your list of interests, select My Interests from the blue navigation bar. Your current list of saved interests is displayed, including the type of interest (saved search, video category, show, or collection of videos), if any new videos are available for that interest, and when it was last updated.

What is 'My Interests'?

Veoh enables you to add shows, collections of videos, categories, and even search queries to your My Interests list. This list provides fast access to all your favorite content.

Select My Interests from the blue navigation bar for quick access to the content you want to see including shows, video collections, search queries, video favorites, your Quicklist, and to manage your Email Digest and Family Filter.

For example, to add a search to My Interests, click the after getting some Veoh search results. This will automatically add the search term to the My Interests list.

To access your list of interests, select My Interests from the blue navigation bar. Your current list of saved interests is displayed, including the type of interest (saved search, video category, show, or collection of videos), if any new videos are available for that interest, and when it was last updated.

Email Digest

You can sign up for a weekly email digest to find out what videos have been added to any of your interests.

To subscribe, select ON, to unsubscribe, select OFF.

Family Filter

Turning the Family Filter ON will hide content that is not suitable for audiences under 18 years of age. Veoh cannot ensure that all content is properly categorized but makes every effort to not display mature content to users with their family filter turned on.

What is a Quicklist?

As you browse Veoh you can add videos to your Quicklist so you can watch them later.  The Quicklist essentially functions as a playlist. You do need to be logged into Veoh to add things to your Quicklist.

You can use a Quicklist if you find videos you want to watch, but are currently watching another video or want to browse for additional videos before you watch. Quicklist videos are available to you anytime you come to Veoh, as long as you are on the same computer.

To add a video select the '+', displayed when you mouse-over any video thumbnail image.

To access your Quicklist, select My Interests from the blue navigation bar, then select Quicklist. Watch any of your Quicklist videos by clicking the video.

NOTE: You can only access your Quicklist from the computer it was created on.

How do I begin broadcasting my video?

After signing up for a free Veoh user account you will need a digital copy of your video on your PC, a broadband connection, and ownership of the necessary rights. Upload your videos, add them to Groups you've created and invite friends to view them.

What types of videos can I upload and broadcast?

Veoh accepts all kinds of videos, including vlogs, short films, original TV series, funny viral videos and more. All videos must comply with our Terms of Use, which includes ensuring that your video does not violate any copyright or privacy rights, does not contain inappropriate content as defined in our Terms of Use.

Do not upload content you did not create or have not been authorized to use.  Such content may include copyrighted movies, movie clips, movie trailers, television programs, clips of television programs, television commercials, music videos, music tracks, videos of live concerts or videos made by a publisher other than you. 

To ensure your video doesn't get take down, please comply with our Terms of Use and read this FAQ for tips.

Uploading videos

There are two ways to upload videos to Veoh. You can upload through the website or using the Veoh Uploader Tool. The site upload is perfect for videos under 1GB so we recommend using the Veoh Uploader Tool to larger files. The Veoh Uploader Tool is a reliable way to ensure your videos are successfully added.  It is less likely to have connection issues cause an error and it can resume uploading if for some reason the initial progress is interrupted.  

Uploading a video through the site is quick and easy. The upload pages walk you through the process of choosing a file and entering video information. You may also want to review our list of the recommended file formats for upload to maximize the quality of the presentation of your video on Veoh.

To upload a video on Veoh:


      To upload videos through, simply click on the Add a Video button in the upper right of the top navigation bar.

      Enter a Title and Description for your video. (The more detail you enter about your video, the more likely the Veoh community is to find and watch your video)

      Enter descriptive keyword Tags about your video. (For example if you are uploading a cat video you might enter Tags like: cats, pets or dogs)

      Select a Category appropriate for your video. (Category selection will determine what categories your video will be listed under on

      Select the Content Rating to indicate whether your video is suitable for all audiences or whether it contains inappropriate language, violence, or adult situations.

      Select the Filming Location, Language in the video and any Subtitle Languages.

      Select your Privacy Settings for the video which allow you to control user comments and embed distribution.

      Click the Add Video button to begin uploading.

Upload time will vary depending on your connection speed. For example, a 10 MB video file will typically take about 3-6 minutes to upload.

Once the upload is complete we'll automatically transcode your video into the following formats:

    * Web streaming Flash

    * iPhone/iPod Touch compatible (free content only)

How do I upload with the Veoh Uploader Tool?

Veoh Uploader

For video files larger than 1 GB, we recommend uploading with Veoh Uploader Tool which breaks large files into smaller chunks making the upload process smoother and less prone to disruption. Additionally you will be more free to perform other tasks on your computer while the upload tool runs in the background and can resume uploading if for some reason the initial process is interrupted.

To upload videos using the Veoh Uploader Tool you can drag and drop files into the tool, or do the following:


      Open the Veoh Uploader Tool.

      Click Add Videos, navigate to file you want to upload and select it.

      Confirm Video Uploads by accepting the Veoh Terms of Service.

The Veoh Uploader Tool will prepare the video and begin uploading. During the upload process you will be able to see the Connection Speed, Progress and Time Remaining on your uploads.

You can also upload up to 4 files at once using the Veoh Uploader Tool.

When the video has completed uploading, click on the "I" (Information) button and you'll be taken to your My Videos page and add any additional metadata as needed in Step 3 above and complete the upload process. 

 What file formats do you recommend?

Veoh currently supports uploads in WMV, Quicktime and DIVX formats. We support most standard video and audio encoding, including:

Video Encodings:

MPEG-4 Video Codec

H264 Advanced Video Coding (Apple Quicktime 7)

Sorenson Video 3 (Apple Quicktime 5)

H263 Video Codec

Windows Media Video 9

Windows Media Video 8



Motion JPG

DivX 5.0


XviD MPEG-4 Codec

Audio Encodings:

MPEG-4 Audio

QDesign Music v2 Audio Codec

Windows Media Audio 9

Windows Media Audio 8

MPEG Layer-2

MPEG Layer-3

Pulse Code Modulation

NOTE: We do not support 24 bit audio or Surround Sound

We have several file recommendations that should be easy to upload to Veoh:
Video Codec: H.264 MP4 with B-Frames

Audio Codec: MPEG-4 AAC

Width: 816

Height: Maintain Aspect Ratio

Video Bitrate: 600 Kbps Minimum

Audio Data Rate: 16bit / 44.1khz

Video Codec: MPEG-1

Audio Codec: MPEG Audio Layer 2

Width: 816

Height: Maintain Aspect Ratio

Video Bitrate: 600 Kbps Minimum

Audio Data Rate: 16bit / 44.1khz

Video Codec: Motion JPEG

Audio Codec: PCM Audio

Width: 816

Height: Maintain Aspect Ratio

Video Bitrate: 600 Kbps Minimum

Audio Data Rate: 16bit / 44.1khz

Is there a size limitation for uploading?

No you can upload videos of any size. However if you are uploading videos that are larger than 1GB we recommend using the Veoh Uploader software. The Veoh web upload process works for all files including larger files. Veoh Uploader runs in the background, ensuring changes in your internet connectivity do not interrupt your upload and allowing you to use your PC for other tasks during the upload. It also allows partial uploads to be continued, which can be helpful for larger files. Click here to learn how to upload with the Veoh Uploader

When will my videos be available on

Videos will generally be available within a few hours of uploading. At times of high demand they may take a little longer. Veoh automatically transcodes your video to multiple formats like Flash for your convenience and the convenience of your viewers. This transcoding process takes time, again, depending on the length of the video and the file size.

Why was my video taken down?

Your video was taken down because it contained either inappropriate content or was a copyright violation, as defined by our Terms of Use. If you created the video yourself you may have set it to music. Your video may have been removed because it contained an audio track in which a third party claimed copyright. If you have any questions, please

Can I broadcast my video if it's already licensed for distribution elsewhere?

Veoh will not restrict you from distributing your video through other means, including other video sharing networks. You are free to license the rights to your content outside Veoh's network, if you have made other agreements you need to check them for exclusivity and to ensure that you still have the proper rights to your video for distribution on Veoh.

Do I retain the copyright and other legal rights to my videos?

Yes. You retain all rights to your content as long as it confirms to our Terms of Use. Veoh assumes no copyright to your material.

How can I make sure my video doesn't get taken down?

All videos on Veoh must comply with our Terms of Use. Do not upload content you did not create or have not been authorized to use.  Such content may include copyrighted movies, movie clips, movie trailers, television programs, clips of television programs, television commercials, music videos, music tracks, videos of live concerts or videos made by a publisher other than you.

If you have any questions, please

How do I report copyright infringement?

If you believe that someone else has broadcasted your copyrighted content without your permission, follow the directions in our DMCA policy.

What if I have been falsely accused of copyright infringement?

We'll let you know if we receive a copyright complaint about any of your video content that is hosted on Veoh. We'll give you the opportunity to file a DMCA counter notification following the steps outlined here.

What's your policy on copyright infringement?

Veoh respects the rights of copyright holders. Our policy is to respond to any notices of alleged infringement that comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), including removing the content immediately. Additionally, according to our Repeat Infringer Policy if after an initial warning we receive a notice or otherwise have reason to believe that content you submitted infringes another party's copyright, your account may be terminated. More information about our DMCA policy and process is available here.

What is Veoh Video Compass?

The Veoh Video Compass is a browser add-on that surfaces video and search recommendations as you visit some of the most popular sites on the web.  The suggestions are based on the search behavior of millions of users, and their many millions of searches and video views.

Supported Sites include Google, Yahoo, MSN Live, YouTube, Ask, AOL, Wikipedia, Best Buy, Amazon, eBay, WalMart, Craigslist, IMDB and many more!.

The Video Compass will only display when there are related videos or search terms associated with your search or the page you are browsing.  If there are no related videos or searches, the add-on will not load.

The add-on is currently supported on Firefox 3 and Internet Explorer 7.

Click here to get Veoh Video Compass for free.

How do I get the Veoh Video Compass?

You have the option to install Veoh Video Compass while installing Veoh Web Player, or you can install Veoh Video Compass from the Veoh Compass page. The Video Compass is available on Firefox 3 or Internet Explorer 7.

      To add Veoh Video Compass to Firefox, please do the following:

1.  Click on the Add to Firefox button to download the add-on file.

2. If you see a Firefox notification at the top of the page. Click the Allow button to dismiss the notification and start the install process.

3. Firefox will display an installer dialog. Click the button Install Now to start the install.

4. After the install completes, Firefox will prompt you to restart your browser.

      To install Veoh Video Compass on Internet Explorer, please do the following:

1. Click on the Add to Explorer button.

2. Download the Veoh Video Compass installer and save it to your desktop. Double click to file to begin the installation.

3. Follow the Veoh Video Compass Wizard to complete installation to Internet Explorer.

Why am I seeing videos unrelated to my search?

We are constantly tuning our search results algorithms, so you may get some unexpected results as we continue to develop the Compass and it's video finding ability.

Does the Compass have a Family Filter

The Video Compass includes a family filter, which is turned on as the default.  To turn the Family Filter off, click on the down arrow next to the blue menu icon and select Turn Family Filter Off. 

To turn the Video Compass off, click on the menu icon. It will turn grey – signaling it is disabled. To turn it on again, simply click on the menu icon. It will turn blue indicating it is active.

Where are the Compass settings and other features?

To access all settings and options for the Video Video Compass, click on the down area next to the blue menu icon / play button to the right of the address bar in the browser.  The full list of options will display, including Family Filter controls.

 Does it only work on supported sites?

No.  The Veoh Video Compass can find related videos on any Web site.  Simply right-click on any word on the page, select Find Videos Related to...  and the Veoh Video Compass will load on that site if videos exist matching your key word.
Does Veoh Video Compass collect any personal information?

No. Veoh respects your privacy and does not collect personally identifiable data with the add-on. Veoh does collect anonymous data on search terms and videos viewed in order to improve the related videos and search terms that are provided in the add-on. Please read our privacy policy to learn more.

Does Veoh Video Compass collect any personal information?

No. Veoh respects your privacy and does not collect personally identifiable data with the add-on. Veoh does collect anonymous data on search terms and videos viewed in order to improve the related videos and search terms that are provided in the add-on. Please read our privacy policy to learn more.

Can I turn off the Veoh Video Compass?

You can turn off the Video Compass by clicking on the menu icon to the right of the address bar in the browser.  If you turn the Video Compass off, the menu icon will turn grey.  You can turn back on by clicking again.  The play button will now be active, or blue.

How do I send video to a friend?

To send videos to a friend that you have found with the Veoh Video Compass, click on the Send to a Friend envelope icon, located in the lower right of the video player while a video is playing.

A window will pop open that asks for email addresses and a personal note you may want to include. You can also send the Veoh Video Compass to your friends.

Can I share the Compass with friends?

You can send the Veoh Video Compass to friends by clicking on the down arrow next to the menu icon.  Select the Send to Friend option and complete the required information. 

 How do I remove the Veoh Video Compass?

In Firefox uninstall the add-on from the Add-ons menu by clicking on the “Uninstall” button next to Veoh Video Compass.

For Internet Explorer, go to Tools > Manage Add-ons > Enable or Disable Add-ons. Highlight Veoh Video Compass and click the Disable button.

What is the Veoh Web Player?

The Veoh Web Player is a free, lightweight software application that enables you to watch videos longer than 30 minutes on Veoh right in your web browser.  It also let's you download videos to your computer to watch later. You can browse or search for videos on then watch them immediately with the Veoh Web Player or download them to your computer.

To watch a full-length high-resolution video, you don’t even need to download it.  Once the Web Player is installed, videos over 30 minutes will play directly in your browser.

 How do I get the Veoh Web Player?

The first time you try to watch a video over 30 minutes or select Download Video on, you will see a message stating you are only watch a 5 minute preview. You'll see an Install Web Player Beta which will redirect you to an installation page to run the Veoh Web Player installer. From there you can install the Veoh Web Player.  It is easy to install and only takes a few minutes. See the FAQs for specific installation instructions.

Alternately you can install the Veoh Web Player here, or from Downloads section of the footer on any page in Veoh.

What are the system requirements for Veoh Web Player?

In order to use Veoh, your PC or Mac must meet at least the minimum system requirements. To get the best Veoh experience we have recommended system requirements.

Windows Minimum:

      OS: Windows XP with Service Pack 2 or later, Vista 32 bit (We do not support Windows 2000. Windows Server 2003 or 2008 or 64 bit systems)

      Processor: Intel Pentium 4 - 2.33GHz processor (or equivalent)

      Memory: 512 MB

      Virtual Memory: 32 MB

      Disk Space: 100 MB or more for downloading videos

      Flash Player: Adobe Flash Player 9.0.115 or greater

      Internet Connections: Broadband 1 Mbps

      Browsers: Internet Explorer 6 or 7, Firefox 2 or 3 (We do not yet support Google Chrome, IE 8 beta)


Windows Recommended (For best quality and 720p High Definition videos):


      OS: Windows XP with Service Pack 2 or later, Vista 32 bit (We do not support Windows 2000. Windows Server 2003 or 2008 or 64 bit systems)

      Processor: Intel Pentium 4 - 3 GHz (equivalent or faster)

      Memory: 1GB or greater 

      Virtual Memory: 64 MB or greater

      Disk Space: 500 MB or more for downloading videos

      Flash Player: Adobe Flash Player 9.0.115 or greater 

      Internet Connections: Broadband 2.5 Mbps or better.

      Browsers: Internet Explorer 6 or 7, Firefox 2 or 3 (We do not yet support Google Chrome, IE 8 beta)


Mac Minimum:


      OS: Mac OS X version 10.5 or later

      Processor: Intel Core™ Duo 1.33GHz

      Memory: 512MB of RAM

      Virtual Memory: 64 MB or greater

      Video Memory: 16 MB

      Disk Space: 100 MB or more for downloading videos

      Flash Player: Adobe Flash Player 9.0.115

      Quicktime 7 or newer

      Internet Connections: Broadband 1 Mbps

      Browsers: Firefox 3 or Safari 3


Mac Recommended (For best quality and 720p High Definition videos):


      OS: Mac OS X 10.3.9 or newer

      Processor: Intel Core™ Duo 1.83GHz or faster

      Memory: 512MB of RAM

      Virtual Memory: 64 MB or greater

      Disk Space: 500 MB or greater for downloading videos

      Flash Player: Adobe Flash Player 9.0.115 or newer

      Quicktime 7 or newer

      Internet Connections: Broadband 2.5 Mbps or better.

      Browsers: Firefox 3 or Safari 3

What is the recommended internet connection speed to use Web Player?

The Veoh Web Player requires a broadband Internet connection to view on demand video or download video from Actual bandwidth requirements depend on your usage. Cable modems, DSL lines or other high speed connection are all suitable for the Veoh Web Player (anything greater than 768 kbit/s download speed. For smooth video playback we you should have a minimum of 1 mbit/s but we recommend 2.5 mbit/s download speed.


Unfortunately dial-up connections, typically including ISDN, are not supported for the Veoh Web Player. Dial-up connection speeds are simply not fast enough to reliably support on-demand playback of most video files.

Why does Windows XP issue a security warning when I try to install?

After you run the Installer for Veoh Web Player on Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 2 or 3, you may see a security warning dialog box. The security warning dialog box is used to verify that the software you are about to install is from a trusted source.


If you have downloaded the Installer directly from Veoh or another reputable web site (like, simply click the Run button to continue with the installation.

Why do I get a security warning from the Windows Firewall when I run Veoh?

The Windows Firewall is a simple protection mechanism for Windows XP Service Pack 2 or 3 that helps to prevent malicious software from using your computer without your knowledge. When you see this warning, you should select the Unblock button to allow Veoh to make Internet connections.


If you choose to block Veoh, you will be unable to watch full-length on-demand video or download video from If you have selected to block Veoh, you will need to do the following to enable Veoh to run properly:


• Click the Start button in Windows

• Choose the Control Panel

• When the Control Panel window appears, choose the Windows Firewall

• When the Windows Firewall dialog appears, choose the Exceptions tab

• Place a check mark next to Veoh Web Player

• If it is not listed, click the Add Program button

• If the Veoh Web Player is not listed in the Add a Program list, click the Browse button

• Navigate to the Veoh programs directory (typically C:\Program Files\Veoh Networks\Veoh)

• Choose the VeohWebPlayer.exe file

• Click the Open button

• If the Veoh Web Player appears in the list, make sure that it is checked

• Click the OK button to save the changes

• Close the Control Panel window

What components are installed with Veoh Web Player?


      Veoh Web Player (VeohWebPlayer.exe on Windows) which is launched when you want to view or manage videos

      Bug reporting software to help identify and resolve any product issues (BsSndRpt.exe).

      Flash player to play downloaded videos using the Veoh browser plug-in (VeohFlashPlayer.exe)

      An option to install the Veoh Compass

How do I uninstall Veoh Web Player?

To uninstall the Veoh Web Player Beta on PC:


 • Open the Windows Control Panel

 • Select Add or Remove Programs

 • Locate Veoh Web Player Beta from the list of installed programs.

 • Click the Change/Remove button, and follow any additional instructions.


A sample Add or Remove Programs screen is shown is illustrated here:

To uninstall the Veoh Web Player on Mac, drag the VeohWebClient from your Applications folder to your Trash.

How do I find videos I downloaded?

By selecting the Library tab on the Veoh Web Player you can see all the videos that are currently available for playback. You can also sort your Library by subsets, by Title, Publisher, Title, and (date) Added by using the Sort by: buttons. Videos that are being downloaded can be listed by clicking on the Downloads Tab.



If you want to find which directory your videos are downloaded to on your computer, just right-click on a thumbnail of a video in the Library and select Find on my PC.

How do I find videos I downloaded?

By selecting the Library tab on the Veoh Web Player you can see all the videos that are currently available for playback. You can also sort your Library by subsets, by Title, Publisher, Title, and (date) Added by using the Sort by: buttons. Videos that are being downloaded can be listed by clicking on the Downloads Tab.



If you want to find which directory your videos are downloaded to on your computer, just right-click on a thumbnail of a video in the Library and select Find on my PC.

How long does it take to download videos?

The time it takes to download is determined by a number of factors, including the speed of your internet connection, the size of the video, how many peer connections are available and other local programs using resources on your computer. Videos are downloaded from the peer to peer network and may not be immediately available or if connections are poor and the video will complete the download more slowly than anticipated. You can view the progress of videos being downloaded by clicking on the Downloads tab in the Veoh Web Player. 


 How much space do downloaded videos take up on my hard drive?

You determine how much of your hard drive space is allocated to Veoh Web Player for local downloaded videos. This is specified in the application Settings in the Veoh Web Player Menu. We restrict you to only taking up to 50% of your hard drive for video storage. This allows enough memory still needed for Windows virtual memory. If you are already at 50% you can create more space in the Veoh directory by simply moving downloaded videos to another folder on your computer.


To adjust storage space right-click on the Veoh Web Player icon in the System Tray and select Settings. Click on the Downloads tab and find the Video Storage Space box to increase or decrease the amount of storage space Veoh Web Player will use on your system.


How do I delete videos from the Web Player Library?

To delete videos from the Web Player Library, please do the follow:



      With Veoh Web Player open to the Library tab, right click on a video thumbnail and select Remove.

      When the "Are you sure you want to delete the selected video?" dialog box appears, you have 2 options to choose from. If you simply want to remove the video references in from the Library, click the Remove from my Library button. If you want to remove the videos from your Library and your PC, click the Remove from my PC button.

What are codecs, and why do I need to have them installed?

"Codec" is a technical name for "compression/decompression". It also stands for "compressor/decompressor" and "code/decode". All of these variations mean the same thing: a codec is a computer program that both shrinks large movie files, and makes them playable on your computer. Codec programs are required for your media player to play your downloaded music and movies.


Because video and music/audio files are large, they become difficult to transfer across the Internet quickly. To help speed up downloads, mathematical "codecs" were built to encode ("shrink") a signal for transmission and then decode it for viewing or editing. Without codecs, downloads would take three to five times longer than they do now.


The Veoh Web Player provides videos from thousands of websites and those websites provide the videos in various formats. In some cases, you may need to install a codec to play these formats. If you do not have the appropriate codec, Veoh Web Player typically attempts to identify the format and displays a dialog to get the codec. The most common codecs you may need include:


• Windows Media Video

• QuickTime Video

• Flash Video

• DivX Video

• Xvid Video

I'm being told I need codecs installed. What's wrong?

You may have outdated codecs or may need to install codecs in order to playback downloaded files. Please download the free codec pack here:


When installing make sure to select the following from Select Additional Tasks which is the 4th window of the installation:

H.264 / AVC



Generic MPEG-4















Mac users, please download the free codecs here:


QuickTime -

DivX -

Flip4Mac -

Perian -

AC3 -

 Why don't some of the videos I downloaded play?

You may need to install some codecs on your computer. The Veoh Web Player provides videos from thousands of websites and those websites provide the videos in various formats. In some cases, you may need to install a codec to play these formats. If you do not have the appropriate codec, Veoh Web Player typically attempts to identify the format and displays a dialog to get the codec. The most common codecs you may need include:


• Windows Media Video

• QuickTime Video

• Flash Video

• DivX Video

• Xvid Video


If playback continues to fail, the display is rotated, or you have no audio, you may need to install a third party codec pack. You can try the freeware FDDShow available here.


When installing make sure to select from Select Additional Tasks:

H.264 / AVC



Generic MPEG-4













Why do some videos pause or seem jittery?

There are several reasons why video playback may be jittery or inconsistent.


If the video you're attempting to play starts to skip, is jittery, or pauses frequently it may be because your Internet bandwidth is inadequate for what you are trying to do. See our recommended connection speeds for more information on this. This issue may also occur if your Internet provider is experiencing bandwidth problems.


It may also happen because you're performing multiple tasks, such as playing several videos, checking email, surfing the web, processing videos, etc. You can try closing some of your other tasks to free up resources and resolve the playback problems.


If you are playing videos you've downloaded to Veoh Web Player and are having this problem, you may need to install the appropriate codecs for the file you are playing. Click here to learn more about codecs.


There's also a slim chance that the video on our site simply has a problem with it. This occasionally occurs during the transcoding process to Flash format. We monitor such issues regularly and try to resolve them quickly.


It's also possible your computer doesn't meet Veoh's system requirements, which would render your PC unable to play videos on Veoh.

Why do I get a message that my region is not supported when I try to watch a video?

In some cases, Veoh does not have license to distribute content restricted to certain regions. This is not our restriction or limitation; rather it is a restriction being imposed by the content owner.

    [10]  Videojug

            1000s of videos, articles, answers & people, here to help you. You can do anything & Videojug will show you how - it's all free, so get involved and get good!

What is Questions & Answers?

Videojug's Questions & Answers is our excellent community feature which enables users to exchange their knowledge and experiences on a range of topics. You can pose questions to other Videojug users and also answer questions. We will submit the best questions to our experts to be made into videos.

Please note that if you are under 16, you will need permission from a parent or a guardian before submitting any questions or answers to our website.

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What type of questions can I ask?

Any question you like but please note that all questions must comply with our Community and posting rules.

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How do I find a question?

You can find questions submitted by fellow users by going to our search page.

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How do I rate a question?

If you think a question is good, then click the thumbs up icon next to it. Equally, if you think a question isn't good then you can give it the thumbs down. The more positive votes a question gets, the higher it will rank in our questions chart and the more people will see it. If you've submitted a question, why not forward it to your friends so they can rate it?

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How do I rate an answer?

If you think an answer has been useful then you can rate it positively by clicking the thumbs up icon next to it. If you don't like the answer then you can give it the thumbs down. The more positive votes an answer receives, the better chance it stands being listed as a top answer

Who are your experts?

Our experts are internationally renowned leaders in their fields who have been carefully selected by our researchers to give you the best possible advice. They include top class advisers in areas as diverse as health, law, personal finance, technology, real estate and relationships.

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How can I find out more about a particular expert?

You can go to an expert's page for more information about them. Many of our experts have a video biography and a link to their website.

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Are the experts employed by Videojug?

No, our experts are not employees.

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Can I contact the experts directly?

Unfortunately you cannot get in touch with our experts through this website.

How do I find videos on Videojug?

You can either browse the channels e.g. Food & Drink for videos of interest, or enter your inquiry into our search tool and we'll do our best to find a match.

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What type of videos does Videojug make?

Videojug produces thousands of expert and how-to style videos, providing you with the knowledge to do a range of things from playing golf to looking after a pet and from setting up a bank account to saving energy in the home. We also have interviews with many leading experts who share their advice and expertise on numerous topics including real estate, careers and crime prevention. Learn more about our videos by visiting our About VideoJug page.

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How do I find related videos?

As well as being placed in the relevant channels, all our videos have keyword tags. These are several words that are associated with a particular video. The tags are displayed next to the video or question and by clicking on a particular tag you will see all our videos on that subject.

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Do you have text versions of your videos?

Yes. All of our videos have text instructions which you can easily print out.

 Viewing Problems?

If you are having trouble viewing our video content or downloading films from the site, please follow the advice below.

The video pauses intermittently

If the playback is broken by pauses, this could be because you are using a slow connection. Or it might be that other users or applications are consuming your bandwidth. Try pausing the film once it has started and allowing it to buffer further (indicated by the blue progress bar); this will enable smoother playback.

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There is no video or sound

In order to watch our films you must have the Adobe Flash Player plugin version 7 or greater installed in your browser.
Flash Version Test

If you have the Flash Player plugin installed you should see a blue box above showing which version is installed. If it says any lower than version 7, or you can see no blue box at all, please install the latest Flash Player.

Other common fixes are to try an alternative web browser, try a refresh of your browser (Ctrl + F5) and also to temporarily disabling any ad-blocking software you may be using as this can sometimes prevent normal site performance.

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There is sound but no video

Some computers will not display video unless they are in 24- or 32-bit color mode. If you are using Windows, right-click on your desktop and select 'Properties'. Then click the 'Settings' tab. A section near the lower-right corner is labelled 'Color Quality'. Select either 24-bit (high color) or 32-bit (true color) from the drop down menu. If you are using another operating system, please refer to the manual or online help.

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There is video but no sound

If the films plays but you can hear no sound, first check the volume controls on the player:

The loudspeaker button mutes all sound. The slider controls the volume. If you still can't hear any sound after using these, check the sound options on your computer, and finally that your speakers or headphones are correctly installed and turned on.

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I still can't see any video!

If you have followed the previous steps and you have successfully installed Flash Player and you are still having problems, please contact us and we will endeavour to resolve your problem. Please mention which film you were trying to watch and details of your operating system and browser software (usually available via the Help > About menu item in your browser).

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I can't download any films and/or I have reached the download limit

Our Download code requires users to set up a user account and verify their email addresses in order to download films from Videojug. To verify your email address please visit your account and go to the Account Settings tab. This will allow you to resend the verification email. Please then follow the instructions on this message to verify your account.

Please note: there is a limit of 10 downloads per user, per 24 hour period.

Enabling JavaScript in your browser

Many VideoJug features require JavaScript. Upgrading your browser or installing new security software or security patches may affect your JavaScript settings. It is a good idea to double-check that JavaScript is still enabled if you notice problems using this site.

To enable JavaScript in your browser, first find out which browser software you are using. This is usually available by selecting 'Help' from the top menu in your browser and choosing the 'About' menu item. Then consult the guide below for your browser version:

Internet Explorer (6.0)

   1. Select 'Tools' from the top menu
   2. Choose 'Internet Options'
   3. Click the 'Security' tab
   4. Click 'Custom Level'
   5. Scroll down until you see the section labelled 'Scripting'
   6. Under 'Active Scripting' select 'Enable' and click 'OK'

Mozilla Firefox (1.0)

   1. Select 'Tools' from the top menu
   2. Choose 'Options'
   3. Choose 'Web Features' from the left navigation panel
   4. Select the checkbox next to 'Enable JavaScript' and click 'OK'

Mozilla Firefox (1.5)

   1. Select 'Tools' from the top menu
   2. Choose 'Options'
   3. Choose 'Content' from the top navigation panel
   4. Select the checkbox next to 'Enable JavaScript' and click 'OK'

Apple Safari (1.0)

   1. Select 'Safari' from the top menu
   2. Choose 'Preferences'
   3. Choose 'Security'
   4. Select the checkbox next to 'Enable JavaScript'

Opera (8.0 + 9.0)

   1. Select 'Tools' from the top menu
   2. Choose 'Quick Preferences'
   3. Select the checkbox next to 'Enable JavaScript'

How do I save a video as a favorite?

To save a video that you've enjoyed click the ‘Favorite’ tab located below the video player. Please note that you have to be a registered member to use this function.If you're not registered, sign up now!

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What is My Jug?

Manage your profile, favourite videos and registration details in MyJug. You can also manage the videos that you have uploaded. You can get to this area by selecting the 'My Account' tab at the top of every page.

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How do I share a video with my friends?

To send and share a video, click the ‘Share’ tab located below the video player. You'll be able to add a message before sending the link as an email.

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Can I put Videojug videos on my website?

Providing you comply with our terms of use and the content is not being used for commercial purposes then we are happy for sites to embed or link to our films. We would also appreciate a link back to our site on the page.

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Can I bookmark a video?

Yes. First click on the ‘Share’ tab located below the video player which will reveal the ‘bookmark in my browser’ link, click on this link and follow the instructions.

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Can I link to a particular video in my article or blog?

Yes. Each video has a unique URL. When you are viewing a video you can simply copy the URL from the address bar of your browser. This URL is also available in the ‘Share’ tab which is located under the video player.

How do I download a video to my iPod?

Click the 'Download' tab located under the video player then select the 'Download iPod version' link. Save the file (to your desktop, for example). You will then need to import the video into iTunes. The next time you synchronize your iPod with iTunes, the video should get copied across.

Take a look at How To Get Video Onto Your iPod for our step-by-step guide. Please refer to your iPod instructions or the iTunes website for more detailed instructions.

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How do I download a video to my PSP?

Click the 'Download' tab located under the video player then select the 'Download PSP version' link. Save the file (to your desktop, for example).

Please refer to the official PSP website for instructions on how to transfer the video to your PSP.

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How do I download a video to my mobile/cell phone?

Click the 'Download' tab located under the video player then select the 'Download Mobile (3GP) version' link. Save the file (to your desktop, for example).

Please refer to your phone's instructions to find out how to transfer the video to your phone.

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Can I download videos to disc?

Unfortunately you cannot download our videos to disc whether that is CD or DVD.

What subjects can I produce a video about?

As long as it's informative and helpful and not offensive or obscene you can make a video about any subject. From hobbies and recipes to make-up and DIY, the list is truly endless. We look forward to seeing what you upload.

For tips on how to make a video watch How To Make A 'How To' Film, where we've simplified the steps involved in making a great video.

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What makes a good Videojug video?

The primary function of a Videojug video is to be genuinely helpful and practical. If people cannot actually use the video – no matter how well shot or scripted – it is not doing its job. For guidance on the type of topics that we cover, why not browse through the site and see some of the videos we have made about particular subjects.

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How do I make and upload a video?

For help uploading a video to the site please watch How To Upload A Film To Videojug.

script template

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What video file formats can I upload?

Videojug accepts AVI, MOV, WMV and MPG files. There is a limit of 250Mb and/or ten minutes in duration per uploaded film.

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I want to answer a question. Can I submit a video clip of my answer?

Yes you can. To do this, you will need to be a registered member. Simply click the video clip button under the video player and follow the on screen instructions.

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What is defined as unacceptable content?

To see what we define as unacceptable content, please refer to our Terms & Conditions.

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I've submitted a video, why isn't it on the site?

Please allow up to 48 hours for your video to appear on the website. Our site moderators have to first check that your video is suitable and good enough to go on the website. All videos submitted must comply with our Terms of use. Once your video has been added to the site you will receive an email notification. If your video is rejected by our site moderators i.e. because the material is not suitable or there are problems with the video file, you will receive an email informing you of this.

How do I become a VideoJug member?

To register with us, simply sign up today. Please note that if you are under 16, you must obtain a parent or a guardian's permission before registering on our website. When you become a member, you'll be able to:

    * Upload your own videos
    * Create a profile
    * Subscribe to our e-newsletter
    * Participate in Question & Answers

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What can I do if I've forgotten my password or username?

If you've forgotten your password, then simply request your password and you'll receive an email from us with your password enclosed. If you forget your username, then tell us and we'll email it to you.

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How do I change my username?

You cannot change your username as this is your individual identity, which is linked to any content you may have uploaded.

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What can I do if I keep getting logged out?

If you keep getting logged out on every page, then it is likely that you have disabled cookies in your browser. You need to enable cookies to use Videojug.

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How do I update the details on my profile?

To update the details on your profile or to change your photo, simply go to My Jug and click the 'Manage your profile and change photo' link.

top of page

How do I cancel my Videojug account?

We do hope you enjoy being a member of our website, but if you decide that you'd like to cancel your account please fill in our contact us form. We will then cancel your account from our system.

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How do I unsubscribe from the e-newsletter?

You can unsubscribe from our e-newsletter by clicking the 'Unsubscribe' link at the bottom of the e-newsletter itself.

How do I rate videos?

When you are viewing a video, simply choose your preferred rating by clicking on the stars below the video player. The more stars you choose the higher the rating. We display the average ratings so that you can identify the best videos. Please rate every video that you watch!

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How do I leave a comment?

We love hearing your thoughts and feedback on our videos. This is incredibly important to us, so we can continually make improvements. Simply leave your comment in the comment box below the video player. You can rate other users' comments by clicking the thumbs up or thumbs down icons next to their comments.

top of page

What other feedback can I give?

If you are a Videojug member, you can rate submitted questions and answers by clicking the thumbs up or thumbs down icons next to the particular question or answer. See our submitting questions and answers page for more details.

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How do I report a bad comment?

If someone has left a comment that is offensive to you or others, please let us know by clicking the exclamation mark icon next to the comment.

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If I spot a mistake in a video, how do I let you know about it?

We are only human! If you come across an obvious mistake in one of our videos, please notify us by selecting the 'Report' link next to the screen.

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How do I report offensive content?

If you encounter videos that are of an offensive nature then please notify us by selecting the 'Report' link next to the screen.

top of page

Can I put forward suggestions for new videos?

Of course! We are constantly looking for inspiration for new videos. Simply fill in our Suggest form to send us your idea.

top of page

How can I get in touch?

If you have a general enquiry or would like to give us feedback on the site, just fill in our contact us form.

About RSS

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) allows you to see when a website has added new content. So you can get our latest videos delivered direct to your desktop, without having to remember to visit the site every day.
How to use RSS

If you don't already have one, you will need to download RSS Reader software. There are many available, including the web-based news readers below:

    * My Yahoo
    * Google
    * Windows Live
    * My AOL
    * Bloglines
    * NewsGator
    * News Burst
    * Feed Lounge
    * Netvibes
    * Pageflakes
    * Rojo

Once you have a news reader you can begin subscribing to our video feeds by looking for orange RSS buttons. You can click on the button to view an RSS feed directly, or drag the button or URL of the feed onto an area of the reader to subscribe.
Our main feeds

    * Lifestyle & Home
    * Beauty & Style
    * Health & Wellbeing
    * Food & Drink
    * Creative & Culture
    * Family & Education
    * Sports & Outdoors
    * Technology & Cars
    * Money & Careers
    * Made By You
    * Love & Dating

 Community and posting rules

When submitting or posting content to Videojug, you agree to the following:

    * Your contribution will be civil and tasteful and you will treat other users with respect.
    * You may not submit or post content deemed disruptive, offensive or abusive. Contributions must be constructive and polite, not mean-spirited or contributed with the intention of causing trouble.
    * You may not submit or post content that is unlawful, harassing, defamatory, abusive, threatening, pornographic, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, racially offensive or otherwise objectionable material is not acceptable.
    * You may not suggest or encourage illegal activity which would violate or infringe in any way upon our rights or those of others (including intellectual property rights, rights of confidentiality, or rights of privacy) or cause distress or inconvenience.
    * You may not suggest or encourage illegal activity that will result in contempt of court or breaking of a court injunction.
    * You may not express opinions or refer to material which is vulgar, crude, sexist, racist, extremist or otherwise offensive.
    * You may not submit or post content that relates to any ongoing or pending court case as such a post may be in contempt of court.
    * You may not incite or advocate violence or harm against a person or group of people.
    * You may not post suicidal notes or threats to commit suicide.
    * You may not give out or request personal information such as home addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses or instant messaging identifications.
    * You may not impersonate other people.
    * You may not use Videojug for advertising commercial businesses and services.
    * You may not use multiple logins for the purpose of disrupting the community or annoying other users – this may result in action being taken against your accounts.
    * You may not spam or contribute off-topic material.
    * You may not create inappropriate (e.g. vulgar, offensive etc) usernames.
    * You may not refer to specific URLs (website addresses) unless allowed under our full Terms of Use.
    * You may communicate and submit content in English only. Posts containing languages other than English may be removed.

Please note that 'content' refers to that which is text, graphics, photos, video, programs or audio.

Our moderating team reserve the right to remove any content submitted or posted as well as issue warnings and impose a ban on members who do not comply with the rules outlined above and in our full Terms of Use.

Safety guidelines

We advise that you never reveal any personal information about yourself or anyone else (for example telephone number, home address, email address or instant messaging id), and please do not include postal addresses of any kind.

 What the Law says

    * You may not submit any defamatory or illegal material of any nature to the Videojug website. This includes text, graphics, photo, video, programs or audio.
    * Contributing material with the intention of committing or promoting an illegal act is strictly prohibited.
    * You agree to only submit materials which are your own original work. You must not violate, plagiarise, or infringe the rights of third parties including copyright, trade mark, trade secrets, privacy, publicity, personal or proprietary rights.
    * The views expressed in VideoJug community areas are those of members of the public and are not necessarily those of Videojug.
 Rules for Under 16s

If you are under 16, please take note of our following guidelines:

    * Please obtain a parent or a guardian’s permission before registering on our website.
    * Please get permission from a parent or a guardian before uploading questions or answers to Videojug's Ask & Answers.
    * Never reveal any personal information about yourself or anyone else e.g. surnames, school names, telephone numbers, home addresses, email addresses, instant messenger ids or specific places where you hang out.
    * You may not ask others for personal information.
    * No coded or foreign languages. Please communicate in English.
    * You may not impersonate other people.
    * Your username must be suitable. No flirty, rude or offensive names. Also, please do not give your full name.
    * No dating or flirting. Videojug is about sharing expertise and not trying to find a boyfriend or a girlfriend.
    * You may not submit content or make comments that are mean, rude and offensive.
    * If someone posts something that is rude or upsetting to you, please report it immediately by filling in our contact us form.

 Breach of rules

    * We may delete your material from our site.
    * You may be warned, suspended or banned from the site.
    * If you break the law or threaten violence against another or threaten suicide, we will inform the police or appropriate authority.
    * We may inform other relevant third parties such as your school, employer or ISP.
      Videojug reserves the right to delete any contribution, or take action against any account, at any time, for any reason.


We always like to hear what you think of our website. If you have any feedback or would like to make a general enquiry, please fill in contact us form.

If you would like to make a complaint about any content i.e. that it is objectionable or otherwise in breach of our rules, please email us at

    * Contact us
    * Help
    * Terms & Conditions
          o Community and posting rules
          o Safety guidelines
          o What the Law says
          o Rules for under 16s
          o Breach of rules
          o Feedback
          o Terms & Disclaimer (short version)
          o Competition Terms & Conditions
          o Privacy statement
          o Terms of use

Terms & Disclaimer

Please note that certain of the activities described on this website may be dangerous and in any event are not suitable to be carried out by persons under the age of 18. The very nature of these activities dictates that there is an inherent risk of personal injury while carrying them out and all activities are undertaken entirely at the viewers own risk.

Except in respect of death or personal injury caused by negligence on the part of Videojug Corporation Limited (Videojug) and except where subject to the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 (or equivalent laws in other territories), terms implied by statute or common law (in any jurisdiction) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law and Videojug does not accept any liability whatsoever, under any circumstances, arising from any cause (including but not limited to using this website) for any loss, damage or injury to any individual or 3rd party.

You can see our full Terms & Conditions.

ompetition Terms & Conditions

1. Any competitions run on this website are subject to these rules. By participating in any promotion, you are deemed to accept these rules and the specific directions/terms and conditions.

2. Employees and agents of Videojug Corporation Limited ("VCL") or any company connected with the production or distribution of a promotion or any of their associated companies are not eligible to take part in the applicable promotion, nor are their relatives or members of their families or households. Proof of eligibility must be provided on request. Written parental/guardian consent is required where a promotion states that participants may be under the age of 18.

3. In order to be entered into the competition films must contain some instructional or informative value. Films which have a commercial agenda will also be excluded from the competition. If you would like to advertise on the site please contact us. Films should not contain logos or watermarks relating to websites in direct competition with Uploaders must either be the creator/owner of the content or have permission to distribute it in this manner. Payment to competition winners shall be made as promptly as possible, in the first instance via PayPal. Failure to claim a gift, prize or other promotional item by the time or in the manner specified for the particular promotion will make any claim invalid. No responsibility is accepted for entries damaged, lost or mislaid and proof of posting or emailing will not be accepted as proof of delivery. No applications will be accepted by agents, in bulk or from third parties.

4. The determination and decision of the editor of (the "Editor") on all matters shall be final and no promotional correspondence will be entered into. The Editor reserves the right in his/her reasonable discretion: (a) to disqualify any claimant, competitor or nominee whose conduct is contrary to the spirit of the rules or the intention of the promotion and to declare as void any or all of their claims or entries based on such conduct; (b) to declare as void any claims or entries resulting from any printing, production and/or distribution errors (including but not limited to any error(s) on this website, and/or other printed materials) or where there has been error(s) in any aspect of the preparation for or conduct of the promotion materially affecting the result of the promotion or the number of claimants or the value of claims; (c) to add to or to waive any rules on reasonable notice; and/or (d) to cancel the promotion or any part of it at any stage in the event of circumstances beyond reasonable control.

5.VCL reserves the right to disqualify an entry if its believed that the corresponding viewing figures for the entry have been artificially inflated.

6. Gifts, prizes and other promotional items are not transferable, may not be re-sold and are subject to availability. The Editor reserves the right in his reasonable discretion to substitute any gift, prize or item with a gift, prize or item of equal value.

7. Entries which have won first, second or third prize are no longer eligible for the competition and cannot win again.

8. All entries must be made available if requested for the checking or verification of any claim.

9. Publicity may be given to promotion winners and winners' names and images may be published on this website and other website(s) relating to the promotion. Winners must co-operate fully for publicity purposes if so required.

10. No purchase of any kind is necessary for free prize draws.

11. Prizes, gifts and other promotional items are as described on this website.

12. Any information submitted by you relating to a promotion must be personal and related specifically to you. You warrant that any information or material which you submit to VCL will not infringe the intellectual property, privacy or any other rights of any third party, and will not contain anything which is libelous, defamatory, obscene, indecent, harassing or threatening. VCL reserves the right, but not the obligation, to screen, filter and/or monitor information provided by you and to edit, refuse to distribute or remove such information.

13. Any personal data submitted by you will be used solely in accordance with current UK data protection legislation and VCL's privacy policy.

14. VCL promotions are governed by English Law.

 Competition Terms & Conditions

1. Any competitions run on this website are subject to these rules. By participating in any promotion, you are deemed to accept these rules and the specific directions/terms and conditions.

2. Employees and agents of Videojug Corporation Limited ("VCL") or any company connected with the production or distribution of a promotion or any of their associated companies are not eligible to take part in the applicable promotion, nor are their relatives or members of their families or households. Proof of eligibility must be provided on request. Written parental/guardian consent is required where a promotion states that participants may be under the age of 18.

3. In order to be entered into the competition films must contain some instructional or informative value. Films which have a commercial agenda will also be excluded from the competition. If you would like to advertise on the site please contact us. Films should not contain logos or watermarks relating to websites in direct competition with Uploaders must either be the creator/owner of the content or have permission to distribute it in this manner. Payment to competition winners shall be made as promptly as possible, in the first instance via PayPal. Failure to claim a gift, prize or other promotional item by the time or in the manner specified for the particular promotion will make any claim invalid. No responsibility is accepted for entries damaged, lost or mislaid and proof of posting or emailing will not be accepted as proof of delivery. No applications will be accepted by agents, in bulk or from third parties.

4. The determination and decision of the editor of (the "Editor") on all matters shall be final and no promotional correspondence will be entered into. The Editor reserves the right in his/her reasonable discretion: (a) to disqualify any claimant, competitor or nominee whose conduct is contrary to the spirit of the rules or the intention of the promotion and to declare as void any or all of their claims or entries based on such conduct; (b) to declare as void any claims or entries resulting from any printing, production and/or distribution errors (including but not limited to any error(s) on this website, and/or other printed materials) or where there has been error(s) in any aspect of the preparation for or conduct of the promotion materially affecting the result of the promotion or the number of claimants or the value of claims; (c) to add to or to waive any rules on reasonable notice; and/or (d) to cancel the promotion or any part of it at any stage in the event of circumstances beyond reasonable control.

5.VCL reserves the right to disqualify an entry if its believed that the corresponding viewing figures for the entry have been artificially inflated.

6. Gifts, prizes and other promotional items are not transferable, may not be re-sold and are subject to availability. The Editor reserves the right in his reasonable discretion to substitute any gift, prize or item with a gift, prize or item of equal value.

7. Entries which have won first, second or third prize are no longer eligible for the competition and cannot win again.

8. All entries must be made available if requested for the checking or verification of any claim.

9. Publicity may be given to promotion winners and winners' names and images may be published on this website and other website(s) relating to the promotion. Winners must co-operate fully for publicity purposes if so required.

10. No purchase of any kind is necessary for free prize draws.

11. Prizes, gifts and other promotional items are as described on this website.

12. Any information submitted by you relating to a promotion must be personal and related specifically to you. You warrant that any information or material which you submit to VCL will not infringe the intellectual property, privacy or any other rights of any third party, and will not contain anything which is libelous, defamatory, obscene, indecent, harassing or threatening. VCL reserves the right, but not the obligation, to screen, filter and/or monitor information provided by you and to edit, refuse to distribute or remove such information.

13. Any personal data submitted by you will be used solely in accordance with current UK data protection legislation and VCL's privacy policy.

14. VCL promotions are governed by English Law.

 Privacy statement

This Privacy Policy is applicable to any personal information, which is given by You to Us ("User Information") via the web site located at ("Site"). This Policy is devised to help you feel more confident about the privacy and security of your personal details.

"You" shall mean you, the user of the Site. "We/Us" means Videojug Corporation Limited. "Users" means the users of the Site collectively and/or individually as the context allows.

We process personal data only in strict compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and associated legislation.

Any 3rd Party website that you may connect to from this Site is not covered by this Privacy Policy.

Data Collection

When using the Site You may encounter areas such as registration for chat forums, shopping or video services where You may be asked to enter User Information. Such User Information will only be used for the purposes for which it was collected, for any other purposes specified at the collection point and in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

How we may use your data

By entering Your User Information, You accept that we may retain Your User Information and that it may be held by Us or any third party company which processes it on Our behalf.

We shall be entitled to use Your User Information for the following purposes:

    * market research, including statistical analysis of user behaviour which we may disclose to third parties in depersonalised, aggregated form.
    * in order to enable Us to comply with any requirements imposed on us by law.
    * in order to send You periodic communications (this may include email), about features, products and services, events and special offers. Such communications from Us may include advertising for third party companies or organisations.

For your convenience you can withdraw consent by replying to the "unsubscribe" link in emails from us.

Please also note that we do not disclose your personal information to third parties to enable them to send you direct marketing without your permission to do so.


You should be aware that information and data may be automatically collected through the use of Cookies. "Cookies" are small text files that store basic information that a web site can use to recognise repeat site visits and as an example, recall your name if this has been previously supplied. Videojug and selected business partners may use this to observe behaviour and compile aggregate data in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you on Videojug and other sites. If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this information used by these companies, please visit


We use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our website. These companies may use information (not including your name, address, email address or telephone number) about your visits to this and other websites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. If you would like more information about this practice and would like to know your options in relation to not having this information used by these companies, click here.

Security and Data Retention

Security is very important to Us. Secure Socket Layer ("SSL") encryption technology is used for protection of information in transit for any sensitive transactions such as payments. Additional security procedures are in place to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of Your User information.

We will comply with all relevant Data Protection legislation in relation to the period for which We retain any information You disclose to us.


You may notify Us of any updates, amendments and corrections to previously collected User Information by using the Feedback Form link in the Contact Us section of the site.

We may change this privacy policy from time to time and you should check these regularly. Your use of the Videojug Site will be deemed an acceptance of the privacy policy existing at that time.


Any queries or comments about this policy should be forwarded to If you have any complaints email

Videojug Corporation Limited (Videojug) is a registered company in England whose registered office is 1 Park Place, Canary Wharf, London E14 4HJ, and whose registered company number is 05655696.

 Terms of use
Notice to Users: our Terms of Use have been updated 22nd March 2010

We’ve made a few changes to our Terms of Use, in particular to the terms surrounding embedding of our content. Please read these sections carefully.

The "Videojug Site" is the Website located at together with its related websites.
"You" means you, the user of the Videojug Site and "Your" shall be interpreted accordingly.
"Videojug/We/Us" means Videojug Corporation Limited and "Our" shall be interpreted accordingly.
"User Information" means the personal details, which may be provided by You to Us via the Videojug Site.
"Users" means the users of the Videojug Site collectively and/or individually as the context admits.
"Website" means a site on the World Wide Web.


These Terms of Use shall apply to Your use of the Videojug Site located at and its related channels.

Acceptance of terms

By using the Videojug Site You agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set out below. If You do not wish to be bound by these terms and conditions, You should not use the Videojug Site.
We may change these Terms of Use from time to time and so you should check these regularly. Your use of the Videojug Site will be deemed an acceptance of the terms existing at that time.

Acceptable use

You agree that any use by You of the Videojug Site shall be in accordance with the following conditions:
You will not copy, download, reproduce, republish, frame, broadcast, transmit in any manner whatsoever, any material on the Videojug Site except as is strictly necessary for Your own personal non-commercial home use unless otherwise agreed in writing with VideoJug.
You will not do anything that affects the operability or security of the Videojug Site or causes unreasonable inconvenience or offence or disruption to our staff.
You will not post or transmit through the Videojug Site any defamatory, threatening, obscene, harmful, pornographic or otherwise illegal material or material which would violate or infringe in any way upon our rights or those of others (including intellectual property rights, rights of confidentiality, or rights of privacy) or cause distress or inconvenience. You must not express opinions that are vulgar, crude, sexist, racist or otherwise offensive. Always treat other Users with respect.
You will not post or otherwise make available on the Videojug Site any material, which You do not own without the express permission of the owner of the material.
You will abide by the specific rules of any competition or promotion that You participate in on or via the Videojug Site.
An individual site wishing to embed Videojug video content (“Carrying Site”) may embed a maximum of 5 (five) videos. The Videojug Site provides an Embed Code for each of its videos. The Embed Code must be used as provided and not altered in any way unless given express written permission by the Videojug Site. The Videojug Site also reserves the right to refuse Carrying Sites the use of its Embed Code at its sole discretion. Should a Carrying Site wish to embed more than 5 (five) videos, it should contact (Videojug) in order to agree a Licence Agreement prior to embedding the films. Failure to obtain a written license prior to broadcasting more than 5 (five) films or prior to altering the Embed Code in any way, will be taken as individual breaches of copyright, subject to recompense for lost income and damages.

Intellectual property

All copyright, trade marks and all other intellectual property rights in all material or content supplied as part of the Videojug Site shall remain at all times vested in Us or Our licensors.
You are permitted to use this material or content only as expressly authorised in writing by Us or Our licensors.
You will not, and You will not assist or facilitate any third party to, copy, reproduce, transmit, distribute, frame, commercially exploit or create derivative works of such material or content.
If You become aware of any such distribution or commercial exploitation, You agree to notify Us immediately.
You acknowledge that by posting materials on the Videojug Site You grant to Us and Our licensors and assigns an irrevocable, perpetual, royalty free, worldwide licence to use the materials both within the VideoJug Site and in any other manner. The licence extends to copying, distributing, broadcasting, and otherwise transmitting, and adapting and editing the materials.

Contributions to Videojug

Where you are invited to submit any contribution to Videojug (including any text, photographs, graphics, video or audio) you agree, by submitting your contribution, to grant Videojug a perpetual, royalty-free, non-exclusive, sub-licensable right and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform, play, make available to the public, and exercise all copyright and publicity rights with respect to your contribution worldwide and/or to incorporate your contribution in other works in any media now known or later developed for the full term of any rights that may exist in your contribution, and in accordance with privacy restrictions set out in Videojug's Privacy Policy. If you do not want to grant to Videojug the rights set out above, please do not submit your contribution to Videojug.

By submitting your contribution to Videojug, you warrant that your contribution;

    * is your own original work and that you have the right to make it available to Videojug for all the purposes specified above;
    * is not defamatory; and
    * does not infringe any law;

You will indemnify Videojug against all legal fees, damages and other expenses that may be incurred by Videojug as a result of your breach of the above warranty; and
You will waive any moral rights in your contribution for the purposes of its submission to and publication on VideoJug website and the purposes specified above.


You agree that your use of the Videojug site shall be at your own risk. To the fullest extent permitted by the law, Videojug, it’s officers, directors, employees and agents, disclaim all warranties, express or implied, in connection with the website and your use thereof.

Videojug makes no warranties or representations about the accuracy or completeness of this site’s content and assumes no liability or responsibility for any i) errors, mistakes or inaccuracies of content, ii) personal injury or property damage, of any nature whatsoever, resulting from your access to and your use of the VideoJug website, iii) any unauthorized access to or use of our secure servers and/or any and all personal information stored therein; iv) any loss or damage (whether such losses where foreseen, foreseeable, known or otherwise): (a) loss of data; (b) loss of revenue or anticipated profits; (c) loss of business; (d) loss of opportunity; (e) loss of goodwill or injury to reputation; (f) losses suffered by third parties; or (g) any indirect, consequential, special or exemplary damages arising from the use of VideoJug website regardless of the form of action.

Limitation of our Liability

Videojug content, including the information, names, images, pictures, logos and icons regarding or relating to VideoJug, its products and services (or to third party products and services), is provided "AS IS" and on an "IS AVAILABLE" basis without any representations or any kind of warranty made (whether express or implied by law) to the extent permitted by law, including the implied warranties of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security and accuracy.

We will endeavour to provide the Videojug Site using all reasonable care. Except as required by law, We will not be responsible or liable for the quality, accuracy or fitness for a particular purpose of the Videojug Site and do not promise that the material contained in the Videojug Site, or any of the functions contained in the Videojug Site or its server will operate without interruption or delay or will be error free, free of viruses or bugs or is compatible with any other software or material.

Material which is posted on any bulletin boards or chat forums is written by Users and We are not responsible for and do not endorse such material. We reserve the right to monitor the contributions made and may respond to or comment upon communications made by You and edit, refuse to post, or remove any content from the bulletin boards and chat forums in our absolute discretion. No failure to remove particular material constitutes an endorsement or acceptance of it by Us.

We will not be held responsible for statements, advice and/or opinions made or given by Users on the bulletin boards and chat forums (except as required by law). If You have any claim arising from the actions or statements of another User, You agree to pursue such a claim only against that User and not from Us.

The Videojug website is provided by Videojug from its facilities in the United Kingdom. Videojug makes no representations that the Videojug Website is appropriate or available for use in other locations. Those who access or use the Videojug Website from other jurisdictions do so at their own volition and are responsible for compliance with local law.

Third Party websites

You acknowledge and agree that We are not responsible for the availability of any third party Websites or material You access through the Videojug Site.
We do not endorse and shall not be held responsible or liable for any content, advertising, products or services on or available from such Websites or material.
Any dealings between You and any third party advertisers or merchants found on or via the Videojug Site, including payment for and delivery of products, services and any other terms, conditions, warranties or representations associated with such dealings, are made between You and the relevant advertiser or merchant. Therefore, We are not responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as the result of any such dealings.


We shall comply with all applicable UK data protection legislation from time to time in place in respect of any personal information relating to You gathered by Us.
You may be asked to input information about yourself on different pages of the VideoJug Site. We will not use the information You provide to Us for any purpose that is not set out in Our Privacy Policy, other than as stated at each location where such information is requested.


We reserve the right immediately to terminate Your use of the VideoJug Site if You breach or We have reasonable grounds to believe that You are likely to breach these terms and conditions or You otherwise engage in conduct which We determine in Our sole discretion to be unacceptable.


If any of these terms are determined to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable by reason of the laws of any state or country in which these terms are intended to be effective, then to the extent and within the jurisdiction in which that term is illegal, invalid or unenforceable, it shall be severed and deleted from these terms and the remaining terms shall survive, remain in full force and effect and continue to be binding and enforceable.

Governing Law

These terms shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.

Without limiting any of the terms and conditions set forth in the Videojug Terms of Use, Videojug makes the following specific disclaimers for the following categories of information:
Investment & Financial information

The Videojug content located on this Videojug Site should not be interpreted as financial or investment advice nor should it be interpreted as creating any kind of investment advisor nor financial advisor relationship. You should NOT rely upon the financial and investment information or opinions provided herein and You should conduct Your own independent research and consult with Your personal investment advisor before making an investment or financial decision. You are solely responsible for any investment and financial decisions, omissions or actions You take. Neither Videojug, its parent, its affiliates, nor any of their respective agents, employees, information providers or content providers shall have any liability for Your financial/investment decisions based upon, or the results obtained from, the VideoJug content.
Medical & Health information

The Videojug content located on this Videojug Site should not be interpreted as medical or health advice. The Videojug content should not be used to diagnose, treat or cure any medical or health condition nor should it be interpreted as creating any kind of doctor-patient or health/medical advisor relationship. You should NOT rely upon the medical, health, dietary, nutritional or other professional information or opinions provided and You should always speak to Your personal health care provider before beginning, changing or stopping any medication or any treatment for a health problem. You are solely responsible for any decisions, omissions or actions You take based on choosing to seek or not to seek professional medical care, or choosing or not choosing specific treatments. Neither VideoJug, its parent, its affiliates, nor any of their respective agents, employees, information providers or content providers shall have any liability for Your medical, health, dietary or nutritional decisions based upon, or the results obtained from, the VideoJug content.
Legal information

The Videojug content located on this Videojug Site should not be interpreted as legal advice nor should it be interpreted as creating any kind of attorney-client nor legal advisor relationship. You should NOT rely upon the legal information or opinions provided and You should consult with Your personal legal advisor because this Website is not a substitute for an in-person consultation with an attorney as the applicability of the legal principles discussed at this website may differ substantially in individual situations or in different states or countries. You are solely responsible for any legal decisions, omissions or actions You take. Neither Videojug, its parent, its affiliates, nor any of their respective agents, employees, information providers or content providers shall have any liability for Your legal decisions based upon, or the results obtained from, the Videojug content.
Questions and answers

Videojug do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any question or answer and are not responsible for the contents of any question or answer. Normally, all our question and answer content is provided by VideoJug community members. However, in certain circumstances, question and answers may be provided by a "celebrity", "special guest" or by VideoJug staff. However, regardless of the source or origin of any question or answer, you agree that any use you make of such content is at your own risk and that VideoJug is not responsible for any losses resulting from your reliance on this content. The questions and answers should never be used as a substitute for advice from a qualified professional. Opinions posted on VideoJug are those of the individual and in no way represent the views or policies of VideoJug. By submitting a question to the website, you acknowledge that Videojug is not responsible for any response you receive or do not receive, and you agree to hold VideoJug harmless from any loss, harm, injury or damage resulting from or arising out of your submission of the question or your use of or reliance on any response thereto.

Videojug Corporation Limited (VideoJug) is a registered company in England whose registered office is 1 Park Place, Canary Wharf, London E14 4HJ , and whose registered company number is 05655696.

     [11]   YouTube

              About YouTube

Founded in February 2005, YouTube is the world's most popular online video community, allowing millions of people to discover, watch and share originally-created videos. YouTube provides a forum for people to connect, inform, and inspire others across the globe and acts as a distribution platform for original content creators and advertisers large and small. Read the full company history for more details.

The YouTube channel and blog are great places to go to find out what we're up to, as well as how to use the site. You can also watch the "YouTube 101" series to learn how to use our basic features:\

etting Started: Unlisted videos

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Comment Print
What is an unlisted video?

      An unlisted video is a different type of private video. "Unlisted" means that only people who know the link to the video can view it (such as friends or family to whom you send the link). An unlisted video will not appear in any of YouTube's public spaces (such as search results, your channel, or the Browse page). An unlisted video is different to a private video in these ways:
          o you don't need a YouTube account to watch the video (you can see an unlisted video if someone sends you the video's link)
          o there's no 25 person sharing limit

      Even though your video will not appear in any of YouTube's public spaces, links to the video could still appear elsewhere on the web if anyone who knows the video's URL shares it. It is therefore up to you to maintain the privacy of your video and the unlisted URL. You can further restrict the video at any time by returning to your account and marking the video as Private.

How do I create an unlisted video?

      You can choose to make any of your uploads an unlisted video in your YouTube Account settings. Here’s how:
         1. Sign into your YouTube Account
         2. Go to your My Videos page
         3. Select the video which you’d like to make an unlisted video. Click the “Edit” button to access the video’s settings.
         4. Go to the Privacy section of the page. There you’ll see the option to mark you video as “unlisted”, “public”, or “private”. Select unlisted.
         5. Don’t forget to click the “Save Changes” button. Once you’ve done this your video will be an unlisted video.

How do I share an unlisted video?

      Once you’ve set your video as unlisted in your Account settings, you’re ready to share your video. In order to share your video, just send the video’s URL to the people with whom you’d like to have access to the video. They’ll then be able to view the video.

Who can access my unlisted video?

      Initially, only the people with whom you share your unlisted video's URL will have access to the video. That said, if one your contacts then shares the unlisted video URL on a blog / public website or with their friends, the video will be available and accessible to those people (and their friends) as well. Its therefore important to communicate to your contacts that you wish to maintain limited access to your unlisted video and that you only share the video with people you trust.

I’m unable to create an unlisted video. Why?

      Only YouTube Accounts in good standing have access to create unlisted videos. If you don't see the option to make your video unlisted in your Account settings, it could be that your YouTube Account is not in good standing and has a terms of service violation or a strike for copyright infringement.
      Click here to learn how to check whether your Account is in good standing

         1. Sign into your Account
         2. Go to your Account settings page
         3. Click "Manage Account"
         4. You'll see different sections which list your Account status and whether your Account is in good standing ("Account status: Community Guidelines / Copyright").

            If you have an item pending against your account, you will not be able to create unlisted videos until this strike is resolved. Once your Account is in good standing with no listed strikes, you'll gain access to creating unlisted videos

pload page: File formats

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Tuning your video formats for Youtube

There are a wide range of video codec formats, audio codec formats and container formats in use and YouTube supports a very wide variety of them. You can get a quick overview of what may be an issue with your video's formatting by taking a look at the messages, warnings and error messages that we communicate to you while you're uploading your video.
Read on for more detailed information on video file formatting.

Here's the list of some well-known formats which YouTube supports:

    * WebM files (Vp8 video codec and Vorbis Audio codec)
    * .MPEG4, 3GPP and MOV files - (typically supporting h264 and mpeg4 video codecs and AAC audio codec)
    * .AVI (Many cameras output this format - typically the video codec is MJPEG and audio is PCM)
    * .MPEGPS (Typically supporting MPEG2 video codec and MP2 audio)
    * .WMV
    * .FLV (Adobe - FLV1 video codec, MP3 audio)

If you are a camera or a software vendor, you’ll want to carefully review the links below in order to better understand how to optimize your content for YouTube:

    * .MOV, .MP4, and .3GPP files
    * .MPEGPS files
    * .WMV files (Windows Movie Maker)

Tips and notes:

    * You should always upload your video in the original format in the highest quality possible.
    * We prefer de-interlaced files.
    * If your file is using h264 encoding we prefer files without PAFF/MBAFF encoding.
    * Audio and video lengths should be the same and audio should start at the same time as the video.

Watch page: The video won't play

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Videos on YouTube are streamed through Adobe Flash player. If you're having trouble playing and viewing videos YouTube, we suggest you install the latest version of the Flash player: this will allow you to easily play YouTube videos.

Here's how to upgrade to the most recent version of Adobe's Flash Player:

   1. Before installing the most recent version of Adobe Flash player, you will need to first uninstall any older versions of the Flash player you've installed in the past and currently have running on your computer.

      Please completely uninstall the version of Flash you're currently running, before upgrading to the most recent version. To uninstall Flash, follow Adobe's instructions, listed here. You'll need to download Adobe's official Uninstaller to remove Flash.

   2. Once you've uninstalled the older version of Flash, you'll be ready to upgrade to the most recent version of Flash.
      To upgrade to the most recent version of the Flash player, please follow these steps:

         1. Follow Adobe's instructions for reinstalling the most recent version of Flash.

         2. Once you've downloaded the latest version of Adobe Flash, please exit your browser.
         3. Finally, click to install the update that you just downloaded to your computer from the Adobe Flash site.
            Once you've done so, open your browser again and go to YouTube. You should now be able so successfully watch videos!

If the instructions above don't resolve the issue, please also try the following:

   1. Temporarily disable popup blocking software installed on your computer to test.
   2. Allow as a trusted site in your Firewall software.
   3. Ensure other applications like Quicktime, iTunes, Real Player, or Windows Media Player aren't set as the default streaming application, as this might affect the video player.

For Windows Vista users:
If the Flash uninstall / reinstall does not work this maybe due to a Microsoft Windows Vista permissions issue.

Please use the Windows button at the bottom left then the search function:

    * Go to: C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash\.
    * Right-click on the following file: FlashUtil9b.exe or FlashUtil9e.exe.
    * Select "Run as Administrator" and install the update..
    * Restart your computer.

lightbulb If you continue having difficulty viewing videos...

    * Troubleshoot the issue here.
    * Check our Current Site Issues page to see if the situation's due to a known bug.
    * You can also visit the Community Help Forums and discuss your issue with other users there.

Logging In

            Getting Started
                + Check availability of a username
                + Cell phone verification
                + Account Creation / Sign In
                + Account information security
                + Create a YouTube account with my Google account
                + Confirming my email address
                + Changing country or language
            Solve a Problem
                + Forgot username / password
                + Sign in trouble
                + Finding a great username
                + Unable to log in with my Google Account
                + I never received my password
                + Unsolicited "Reset Password" email
                + Precautions for public/shared computers
                + Unlink my YouTube Account from a Google Account
                + Phasing out classic YouTube password support for users linked to a Google Account
                + I'm signed into one of my accounts, but not the one I wanted
                + Sign up trouble
                + Enabling cookies
                + Didn't receive confirmation email
                + The verification code will not accept.
                + Account information security
                + I confirmed my email but I can't log in
                + This confirmation link is no longer valid

            Learn More
                + Changing usernames
                + Change my password
                + Cell phone verification
                + Account information security
                + Get a Director/Comedian/Musician/Guru/Reporter account.

Getting Started: Google Account definition

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A Google Account operates as a single Google login, made up of an email address and password of your choosing. It gives you access to various free Google services, including Google Groups, Google Shopping List, Web History, iGoogle, and more. With a Google Account, you can also sign in to AdWords, AdSense, and Google Checkout. If you've used any of these services before, you already have a Google Account. Your account username is simply the email address you used during the creation process.

If you have a Gmail account, you can use your Gmail username and password to sign in to your Google Account.

You now have the option to add YouTube as a service to your Google Account linking the two. There are a few ways you can do this:

Sign up page: Linking my YouTube account to a Google Account

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If you have a Gmail Account, you already have a Google Account. Learn more here.

To link your YouTube account with a Google Account:

   1. Please visit
   2. Next, follow the instructions below:

      Do you see a message that says "Please link your YouTube and Google accounts?"

      If Yes, then confirm whether you want to link the two Accounts listed, or choose whether you want to link to another different Google Account.

      If No:
          * If you want to link your YouTube account with a NEW Google Account, then enter your email address & new password on the right hand side of the page.

          * If you want to link your YouTube account with an EXISTING Google Account, then click "sign in here" and sign in with the Google Account you want to link to.

That's it!

You can also check whether or not your YouTube account and Google accounts are linked in your Google account. To check if the two accounts are linked from your Google account:

   1. Sign into your Google account.
   2. Under "My Products" you'll see various icons for different Google products.
   3. If the YouTube icon appears under the "My Products" section of your Google Account, then this means that you were able to successfully link your Google and YouTube accounts.

lightbulb Please note: If you link your YouTube Account to a Gmail Account you will not be able to change the email account with which your YouTube Account is associated/linked in the future. When you link a YouTube Account to a Gmail Account the Accounts are permanently linked and this cannot be undone.

If you link your YouTube Account to any other type of email account, you can choose to link to a different Google Account later.

etting Started: Email notifications in another language

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To change the language in which you receive YouTube emails, follow the steps below:

   1. Sign in to your account.
   2. Click "Location Info" under "Manage My Channel" section.
   3. In the drop-down menu next to "Current Country," choose the country pertaining to the language you wish to receive YouTube emails in.
   4. Click the "Update Location" button.

Sign up trouble

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As you begin the Sign Up process, if there are any problems with the information you've entered, an red error box will appear at the top of the page. Below is some information that might help you work through the complications you're encountering:

Be creative when creating a username.
We recommend adding extra numbers or letters either to the end or the beginning of your desired username and you cannot use special characters or spaces.

Choose a good password.
Make sure that when you create your password and are asked to retype it that you use exactly the same type and case. Our current password requirement is a minimum of 6 characters and is case sensitive. Occasionally our system won't accept certain special characters, so you may want to make sure no special characters are included in the password you're trying to create.

Make sure you can read the verification code.
If you're unable to input the correct verification code, it might be because you're reading it incorrectly. Click the "Can't Read?" link below the image until you receive an image that is clear enough for you to read. The verification code will be 5 characters long.

Don't take too long!
The verification code expires after 2 minutes and you will need to finish your sign-up process within that time or you will keep getting a verification code error message. If you receive this message, try again after clearing your cache and cookies.

This article is for users who created their YouTube Account before May 2009 and then linked to a Google Account. The tips provided in the article are only for users with this type of Account and will not help users who created their YouTube Account after May 2009.

f you created your YouTube Account is linked to the wrong Google Account, follow the steps below and you'll learn how to unlink your YouTube Account from the Google Account.

   1. Visit this page:

   2. For users who are not signed into YouTube:

      Enter your YouTube username and YouTube password
      (as well as the verification code).

      (Users who are already signed in don't need to enter their YouTube username / password combination).

   3. Next, click the "Unlink my Accounts" button. This will now unlink your YouTube Account from the Google Account to which was linked.

Next Steps and re-linking to a new Google Account:

      You'll need to re-link your YouTube Account to another Google Account. Please make sure to re-link to a Google Account that you own. You don't want to accidentally link to the wrong Google Account (and be unable to sign into your YouTube Account again). You can link your YouTube Account to a Google Account by visiting this page:

      Similarly, if you don't link your YouTube Account to another Google Account now, you'll be prompted to do so later on (the next time you sign into YouTube).

Info for users running Promoted Videos campaigns

If you are currently running a YouTube Promoted Videos campaign, we must stop your campaign before unlinking your Accounts, since after unlinking you will have lost your ability to manage your campaign. If you are a Promoted Videos user and wish to unlink, you must be signed into YouTube before attempting to unlink. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion of your campaign, after which you'll be able to finish unlinking.

lightbulb icon Learn more about:

          o Linked YouTube-Google Accounts here
          o Google Accounts in general here
          o The phasing out old YouTube passwords here

Getting Started: Google Account definition

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A Google Account operates as a single Google login, made up of an email address and password of your choosing. It gives you access to various free Google services, including Google Groups, Google Shopping List, Web History, iGoogle, and more. With a Google Account, you can also sign in to AdWords, AdSense, and Google Checkout. If you've used any of these services before, you already have a Google Account. Your account username is simply the email address you used during the creation process.

If you have a Gmail account, you can use your Gmail username and password to sign in to your Google Account.

You now have the option to add YouTube as a service to your Google Account linking the two. There are a few ways you can do this:

    * Create a new YouTube account with your Google Account
    * Link your existing YouTube account to your Google Account
    * Create a Google Account

etting Started: Create a YouTube account with my Google account

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   1. Sign in with your Google Account email and password here.
   2. You'll be directed to the YouTube signup page with your email address pre-populated.
   3. Choose a YouTube username and complete the sign up.

lightbulb Please note

    * If you have a Gmail Account, you already have a Google Account.
    * Once you have a Google account, your YouTube password will match your Google Account password.

Learn More: Identifying Google-linked YouTube accounts

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   1. Navigate to .
   2. Click the "Sign in" link at the top right.
   3. Enter your Google Account email address and password.
   4. Click the "Sign in" button.
   5. Click the "My Account" button at the top right.
   6. Under "My services" you should see a YouTube Logo and link.

lightbulb Note: If you don't see YouTube listed under "My services", your Google and YouTube accounts are not linked. You have the option to add YouTube as a service to your Google Account linking the two.

There are two ways you can do this:

Create a new YouTube account with your Google Account.
Link your existing YouTube account to your Google Account.

Sign up page: Linking my YouTube account to a Google Account

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If you have a Gmail Account, you already have a Google Account. Learn more here.

To link your YouTube account with a Google Account:

   1. Please visit
   2. Next, follow the instructions below:

      Do you see a message that says "Please link your YouTube and Google accounts?"

      If Yes, then confirm whether you want to link the two Accounts listed, or choose whether you want to link to another different Google Account.

      If No:
          * If you want to link your YouTube account with a NEW Google Account, then enter your email address & new password on the right hand side of the page.

          * If you want to link your YouTube account with an EXISTING Google Account, then click "sign in here" and sign in with the Google Account you want to link to.

That's it!

You can also check whether or not your YouTube account and Google accounts are linked in your Google account. To check if the two accounts are linked from your Google account:

   1. Sign into your Google account.
   2. Under "My Products" you'll see various icons for different Google products.
   3. If the YouTube icon appears under the "My Products" section of your Google Account, then this means that you were able to successfully link your Google and YouTube accounts.

lightbulb Please note: If you link your YouTube Account to a Gmail Account you will not be able to change the email account with which your YouTube Account is associated/linked in the future. When you link a YouTube Account to a Gmail Account the Accounts are permanently linked and this cannot be undone.

If you link your YouTube Account to any other type of email account, you can choose to link to a different Google Account later.

nable to log in with my Google Account

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Trouble signing into your YouTube account with your Google account information? Take a look at these tips which may help you:

    * If you've forgotten your Google Account sign in information, please view the Google Account help entry.

    * If you've forgotten your original YouTube sign in information, you can recover it here.

    * If you're still unable to sign in, you may be able to solve the problem by clearing your cache and cookies. You may also be unable to sign into your YouTube account if you're in violation of our Terms of Service and Community Guidelines to see if this is the case.

nce you delete your Google Account, you'll lose all your YouTube information, and your Channel and Videos will be deleted. You'll lose any preferences associated with your Google Account for other services such as Google Groups or Google Alerts, and if the account is also a Gmail account, you'll no longer be able to access that email.

Check out the Google Account Help Center for more information about your Google account.

To close or cancel your YouTube Account, please follow the instructions listed here.

Closed account - reclaim my username

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If you close / delete your YouTube Account the username is not available to you or to other users afterward. You can re-open your closed Account by clicking here.

To learn more about username reclaim

I'm signed into one of my accounts, but not the one I wanted

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Jamie has 2 YouTube usernames. When he goes to YouTube and clicks "Sign in" he's automatically signed into YouTube under one of his usernames, without entering a password or anything. That's because that username is linked to his Google account which he's already signed into. Because only one YouTube account can be linked to his Google account, he has to take a few extra steps to sign in with his other YouTube username.

If you're in Jamie's situation, the steps you can take are:

   1. From YouTube, click "Sign In". You'll automatically be signed into the YouTube account linked to your Google account.
   2. Click "Sign Out". You will be signed out of your Google account. You'll then be automatically directed to this sign-in page.
   3. Enter the username and password of the YouTube account you'd like to sign into.
   4. Click the "sign in" button.
I never received my password

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If you didn't receive an email with your password after you signed up, please try the following to retrieve your account password:

    * Check your spam filter folder. The message from YouTube could have been filtered there.
    * Adding "" to your address book or filter exception list may also help ensure that the email from us with your password arrives in your inbox.
    * If you still do not receive the password reminder your account is probably associated with a different email address.
    * You may want to check any alternate email addresses you have for the password reminder, and you can use our "Forgot Username" tool to verify what YouTube accounts are associated with your email address.

lightbulb Please note: To respect the privacy and security of our users, we don't have access to any passwords and cannot send them to you. You can retrieve your own password, by going to our "Forgot Password" page.

Unsolicited "Reset Password" email

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If you receive a "Reset Password" email you weren't expecting, it may be that another user incorrectly believed they are the owner of your username or misspelled theirs.

Don't worry! Unless someone has access to your email, your account is safe.

Account not appearing in search results

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Your channel will not appear in search results until you've uploaded a couple videos to your account. If you've already uploaded a couple videos to your account, please be patient -- your channel will appear in the search index within a few hours!

Site security issues

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By a site security issue or security vulnerability, we mean things like hacks or exploits on YouTube, but NOT things like user harassment or other violations of our Terms of Service.

If you think you've found a security issue or vulnerability on the YouTube site, please tell us about it here. We need to know the exact URL of a sample page, if possible, and we'd appreciate it if you could include a detailed description of the issue. Please use an email address where we can reach you if we need more information.

lightbulb Note: If you need to report a user harassment or other violation of our Terms of Use, please use our Help and Safety Tool.

Account not appearing in search results

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Your channel will not appear in search results until you've uploaded a couple videos to your account. If you've already uploaded a couple videos to your account, please be patient -- your channel will appear in the search index within a few hours!

Deceased YouTube member

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If an individual has passed away and you need access to the content of his or her YouTube account, please fax or mail us the following information:

   1. Your full name and contact information, including a verifiable email address.
   2. The YouTube account name of the individual who passed away.
   3. A copy of the death certificate of the deceased.
   4. A copy of the document that gives you Power of Attorney over the YouTube account.
   5. If you are the parent of the individual, please send us a copy of the Birth Certificate if the YouTube account owner was under the age of 18. In this case, Power of Attorney is not required.

      Postal Mail:
      YouTube LLC.
      Attention: YouTube User Support
      901 Cherry Ave.
      Second Floor
      San Bruno, CA 94066

      Fax: 650.872.8513

      After we've received the above information, we'll need 30 days to process and validate the documents that you've provided. If you need access to the account sooner, in accordance with state and federal law, it is YouTube's policy to only provide information pursuant to a valid third party court order or other appropriate legal process.

 I confirmed my email but I can't log in

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If you've confirmed your email address by clicking the link in the email you received and you're still having trouble, try deleting your browser's cache and cookies, relaunching your browser, and logging back in to YouTube. You may need to request another confirmation email, too

Forgot username / password

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If you've forgotten your username and / or password, you can retrieve them by clicking here.

Forgot your Password?

In order to retrieve your password, simply enter your username, enter the verification code you see on the next page, and we'll email instructions to you on how to reset your password.
Forgot your Username?

To receive a reminder of your username, simply enter the email address you initially used to sign up for your YouTube account, enter the verification code you see on the next page, and we'll email your username to you.

Reopening an account

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You can't re-open the account directly. To request that your account be re-opened, please email us by clicking "Contact us" below, or clicking this link.

Received a blank YouTube email

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If you receive an email without a username, it's because we have no accounts associated with your email address. It's possible that your account registration didn't complete properly or that you signed up with a different email address.

If you think you signed up with an alternate email address, then you may want to enter that email address into our "Forgot Username" form. If that doesn't help, try signing up.

 Account verification message

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If you're having issues with the Google account verification, please visit these articles for further information.

Your Google Apps account and YouTube account: Missing data in my account

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If you can't find certain data when you sign in to your Google Apps account, try signing in with your conflicting account. Some products were previously unavailable to Google Apps users, so before your account was transitioned, you were probably signing in to these products with your conflicting account.

To access the data you’re trying to reach:

   1. Sign out of your Google Apps account.
   2. Enter the URL for the product you’re trying to access. For instance, if you’re trying to access Picasa Web Albums, enter
   3. Sign in to the product as you would normally, using the credentials that you had accessed the product with before the transition.

If you are still having trouble accessing your data, you may have already selected a new email address to use to sign in to your conflicting account. This is true if you have seen a page that says 'Your account has changed'. Please use the new email address to sign in.

Forgot what new email address you chose? Check out our troubleshooter for signing in.

If you are still having trouble accessing your data and did not ever encounter a page that informed you 'Your account has changed', please contact your administrator.

More information

    * All data associated with your conflicting account will remain on the conflicting account. It will not be automatically transferred to your Google Apps account.
    * After your Google Apps account is transitioned to a full Google Account, you'll need to change the sign in credentials for your conflicting account.

Your Google Apps account and YouTube account: First time signing in

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When signing in to your conflicting account for the first time after your Google Apps account has been transitioned, you will see a page that says Your account has changed, with several options on re-associating the data in your account to another account. Please choose one of the options presented to you on the page on how to handle your conflicting account. If you don't choose to change your account right away and opt to do it later, you will be prompted with the same 'Your account has changed' message the next time you sign in.

Once you change the name you use to sign in to your account, going forward you'll have to sign in to your account with the new account name across all products. This will allow you access to the non-Google Apps services that you originally used with your conflicting account.

If you are still having trouble signing in or are unsure what to do, you might want to try our troubleshooter.

our Google Apps account and YouTube account: How to sign in

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To sign in to your conflicting account for the first time, please follow these steps:

   1. Sign out.
   2. Enter the URL for the product you’re trying to access. For instance, if you’re trying to access Picasa Web Albums, enter
   3. Sign in to the product with the following credentials:
          * Email: Use the Google Apps email address assigned to you by your administrator.
          * Password: Use the password that you have been using to sign into the product you are trying to access.

If you've already changed the email address associated with the data in your conflicting account, you will need to use that email address to sign in. If not, then you may sign in using the procedure listed above.

Because the conflicting account is not an account administered by your Google Apps domain, you might have used a different password. If you've forgotten the password to your conflicting account, you may reset your password:

   1. Visit the password assistance page and enter the temporary account name for the conflict account. If your Google Apps email address was, your temporary name is formatted as, where the % replaces the previous @ in your email address.
   2. You'll receive an email with a password reset link in your Google Apps account's inbox. Use the link to reset the password for your conflicting account. The password for your Google Apps account won't be affected.

If you are still having trouble accessing your account, here are some of the most common reasons as to why this may be happening:

    * Incorrect URL: You might be trying to sign in to your conflicting account using personalized Google Apps specific URL (e.g. To access your account, sign in at the Accounts homepage and then select the product you wish to use.
    * Incomplete or incorrect email: When signing in, make sure you enter your entire email address, such as
    * Signing in to two accounts in one browser: If you've already signed in to your Google Apps account in your browser, you won't be able to sign in to an additional Google Account in the same browser without taking special action. For specific products, you can enable the multiple sign-in setting to sign into additional accounts. You can also learn about some of the ways to work around this.

If you're still having trouble accessing your conflicting account, you may want to try our troubleshooter.

Your Google Apps account and YouTube account: Google Apps accounts vs. conflicting accounts

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Google offers different types of accounts to different types of users. Until recently, we offered two primary types of accounts that were completely separate services:

    * Google Accounts:
          o Provide access to all Google products and services, such as Gmail, Blogger, Orkut, and Web History.
          o Can be created with any email address, such as the email address you have with your organization, or with any webmail address (,, etc.).
          o Signing up for Gmail automatically creates a Google Account with an address.
    * Google Apps Accounts:
          o Issued by and used with your organization.
          o Provided access to only Gmail, Calendar, Docs, Sites, Groups, and Video.

What is a conflicting account?

If you've used other Google products outside of the ones you can access with your Google Apps account such as Picasa, Reader, or AdWords, you've already created a conflicting Google Account. A conflicting account is a personal Google Account with a Google Apps email address as the primary email address.

For example, your Google Apps email address is A while back, you may have signed up for Blogger with this email address, which created a personal Google Account. This means you had two Google Accounts with the same primary email address: one Google Apps account for your organization, and one personal Google Account for Blogger.

The transition will move your Google Apps account to a Google Account infrastructure. As a result, there can no longer be two accounts with the same name. Thus, the name of your conflicting Google Account will need to change because there can't be two accounts with the same name. The first time you sign in to your conflicting account, you will be prompted to choose a new name for your personal account. Once you choose a new name, you'll need to use the new account name to continue signing in to your personal Google Account going forward.

Keep in mind that you won't be able to sign in to multiple Google Accounts at a time. If this is a problem for you, learn how to get around this issue.

Learn More: Change the email associated with my YouTube Account

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If you have an unlinked YouTube Account, then you can change the email associated with your Account.

You cannot change the email address associated with your YouTube Account if you have a linked YouTube-Google Account

If you have an unlinked YouTube Account follow these steps to change the email address associated with your YouTube Account:

   1. Sign into your YouTube Account.
   2. Hover over your username (in the top right-hand-corner of the page) and click "Account".
   3. On your Account page, you'll see "Email Options" (located on the left side of the page). Click "Email Options".
   4. You'll see the the option to change your email address. Enter the new email address to which you'd like to associate your YouTube Account in the provided field.
   5. Enter your YouTube password and the text in the capcha field.
   6. Click the "Send Confirmation" button.

      A confirmation message will be sent to the email address which is currently associated with your YouTube Account. In this confirmation message, you'll be able to verify that you want to change the email account associated with your YouTube Account.

Please be aware you'll be unable to change the email with which your YouTube Account is associated if you no longer have access to the email account which is associated with your YouTube Account.
You need to receive and validate the confirmation message in order to change the email associated with your account. If you're unable to sign into the email account and access the confirmation message, then you will not be able to complete the process of changing the email associated with your YouTube Account.

Please note: if you have a linked YouTube-Google Account, you cannot change the email address associated with your YouTube Account from YouTube.

You need to change the email address associated with the Google Account (to which your YouTube Account is linked). You can do this from your Google Account settings. Learn more by clicking here

Linked YouTube-Google Accounts

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Any recently created account on YouTube is actually a Google Account. Only some older YouTube accounts (created before May 2009) are standalone single YouTube accounts which are not linked to a Google Account.

You can find out more about Google Accounts, sign-in trouble for linked YouTube-Google Accounts, and linking options below. Click and expand the topics to learn more:

Click and expand the topics below to learn more about YouTube Friend Suggestions:

What are Friend Suggestions?

Friend suggestions help you find and connect with your friends' channels on YouTube. If you're not sure if your friend has a YouTube account, you can use their email address to look for their YouTube channel.

When will I see Friend Suggestions?

YouTube makes friend suggestions based on information shared in your YouTube account. Your friend suggestions are created from your YouTube contacts and (if you have one) your Gmail contacts.

YouTube will make friend suggestions if:

    * You've signed into YouTube and sent a video to a certain email address.
    * Your YouTube account is linked to your Gmail email account.

lightbulb You'll only see friend suggestions for channels whose owners have allowed themselves to be found by others who have their email address. Your friend suggestions will appear on your customized Homepage (once you've signed into YouTube).

Can others find my YouTube? How do I change my account settings?

To check whether other users will receive friend suggestions for your channel (and can find your YouTube account using your email address):

          o Sign into your YouTube account and visit the "Privacy" section of your Account.
          o Look for the option at the top that says: "Let others find my channel on YouTube if they have my email address."
          o If this is selected then others will be able to find your account by searching with your email address.

            friend suggestions

Please note: We don't currently let you actively choose to find your friends from various email providers, social networks, etc, but we'd like to offer that functionality in the future.

Request for video information

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YouTube respects the privacy of individuals who use our services. Any information regarding our users that you request is subject to relevant laws protecting individual privacy. In accordance with these laws, YouTube will only provide information pursuant to appropriate legal process.

ransferring videos between accounts

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We strongly encourage you to maintain your original files to ensure you always have access to what you upload to YouTube. Because we don't support downloading of files, you won't be able to retrieve your uploaded files. Likewise, videos and other account data cannot be transferred from one account to another.

Insight - Views graph

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The Views graph captures the viewing trend of a video in a specific geographic region over a certain period of time. The aggregate data includes views from, the embedded player, and mobile YouTube applications. You can see how viewing for a particular video has trended over a period of time.

“Unique Users” shows the number of viewers of a video or across all your videos for a given day, whereas views shows the number of times those viewers watched the video.

Please note: As with all Insight statistics, unique user metrics are displayed as aggregated data. No personally identifiable information is collected or shared.
Regional popularity

Using the dropdown menu you can choose to see the regional popularity of your video.
The graph uses a ‘popularity index’ of 0-100, which measures how many other videos in the chosen region are getting more or less views than your video.

For example, if my video is indexed at 77 on the graph, this means that only 23% of all videos (23 = 100 - 77) have been viewed more than my video in the selected region and time range.

The popularity map show the relative popularity of a particular video within the different countries of a region. The scale is again relative, so that the country within which the video is most popular will be dark green, and the one in which it is least popular will be lighter green.

Accessing YouTube Insight

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To access YouTube Insight, simply go to "Account" > "My Videos" and click on the "Insight" button to check out this new tool. The default is set to display the Views graph. To see the Popularity graph, click on the Popularity tab above the graph display.

 YouTube Insight - definition & basics

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YouTube Insight is YouTube's external facing analytics and reporting product that enables anyone with a YouTube account to view detailed statistics about the videos that they upload to the site. This first version charts video views on an interactive time line and map, allowing users to drill down into different geographic regions and see the viewing activity in those regions over selected time periods. It also allows users to compare the relative popularity of their videos in a given region to all other videos in that region.

To see Insights on your own videos, sign into your YouTube Account and click on the "Insight" button under "Account" > "My Videos" > "Insight."

To see Insight for other peoples' uploads, just click the video Viewcount button below any video player on the video watchpage. A field will then expand with Insight data for that video.
Insight below the video on the watchpage

There are also additional features and analytics including viewer demographics, how viewers are engaging with videos (playback length, ratings, comments) and a breakdown of how viewers are discovering videos (e.g. search, email, embeds etc.).

Director Account advantages

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Director Accounts are perfect for people who take their videos seriously. Whether you own your own production studio or are just passionate about home videos, a Director Account can offer a lot of advantages.

Now you can convert to a Director Account without filling out an application. From your Channel Info page, click on "change channel type" and you can select "Director" as the type of account you'd like. Once you've converted to a Director Account, you'll be able to create or choose your own customized logo.

Guru account definiton

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Guru accounts are for people who are experts in... something! If you're a gourmet chef, successful investor, or creative clothing designer, you might want to look into getting a Guru account. Advantages include being able to create a custom logo, genre, and links to your other websites from your Profile.

There are two ways you can get a Guru account:

Specify the type of account you'd like when you first sign up for a new account.


Convert your account from your Channel Info page.


 Hiding age on my profile

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If you don't want your age to display on your profile page, you can follow these steps to remove it:

   1. Sign into your account.
   2. Hover / mouse over your username (in the top right-hand corner of the screen). A drop-down menu will appear. Click "Account".
   3. In the left-hand side of the screen you'll see "Profile Setup". Click "Profile Setup".
   4. Click the little triangle icon next to "Personal Details", this section will expand.
   5. You'll see "Age" and then the option "Do not display my age". If you don't want to display your age on your YouTube channel, select this option.
   6. Click the "Save Changes" button. Your age will no longer be displayed on your channel page.

As with all site changes, it may take a short while for the new thumbnail to appear.

Adding a blog to my account

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To add a website or blog to your channel, please follow the steps listed below:

   1. Sign into your account and mouse-over / hover over your username. A drop-down menu will appear. Click "Account".
   2. In the column on the left of the page, click "Blog Setup".
   3. Click the "Add Blog" button and type in the requested details. Once you've finished, click the "Add Blog" button to add the blog to your YouTube account.
   4. Don't forget to click the "Save Changes" button when you've finished!

hanging Google-linked YouTube account's password

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If you created your YouTube account from a Google account, you can change your password by following the steps below:

   1. Navigate to: .
   2. Click the "Sign in" link at the top right.
   3. Sign in with your Google Account email address and password.
   4. Click the "My Account" link at the top right.
   5. Click the "Change password" link at the top left.

lightbulb Note: In YouTube you will not have an option in My Account --> Account Settings to change the password as the password tied to your Google account.

If you linked your YouTube and Google accounts, you may change your YouTube password by following the steps below:

   1. Click the "My Account" link in the upper-right-hand corner.
   2. Under Account Settings, click the "Change Password" link.
   3. Enter your current YouTube password in the "Verify Old Password" field.
   4. Enter your new password in the "New Password" field and the "Retype New Password" field.
   5. Click the "Update" button

hange my age

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There's currently no way to change your age in your account.

You do have the option to hide your age, if you'd like to do so.

dentifying Google-linked YouTube accounts

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   1. Navigate to .
   2. Click the "Sign in" link at the top right.
   3. Enter your Google Account email address and password.
   4. Click the "Sign in" button.
   5. Click the "My Account" button at the top right.
   6. Under "My services" you should see a YouTube Logo and link.

lightbulb Note: If you don't see YouTube listed under "My services", your Google and YouTube accounts are not linked. You have the option to add YouTube as a service to your Google Account linking the two.

There are two ways you can do this:

Create a new YouTube account with your Google Account.
Link your existing YouTube account to your Google Account.

Deleting my Google Account

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Once you delete your Google Account, you'll lose all your YouTube information, and your Channel and Videos will be deleted. You'll lose any preferences associated with your Google Account for other services such as Google Groups or Google Alerts, and if the account is also a Gmail account, you'll no longer be able to access that email.

Check out the Google Account Help Center for more information about your Google account.

To close or cancel your YouTube Account, please follow the instructions listed here.

Safety Center

If you sense that you or someone on the site may be in imminent danger, call the police.

    * Flag videos that violate our Community Guidelines.
    * Keep personal videos private.
    * Block users whose comments or messages are bothering you.
    * Keep comments clean and respectful.
    * Learn more about online safety.

    Are you a parent or educator?
Go here for parent resources or here for educator resources.
What is your issue?
Community Guidelines Violations
Cyber Citizenship
Teen Safety
Hateful Content
Sexual Abuse of Minors
Harassment and Cyberbullying
Spam and Phishing
Harmful and Dangerous Conduct

Changing Google-linked YouTube account's password

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If you created your YouTube account from a Google account, you can change your password by following the steps below:

   1. Navigate to: .
   2. Click the "Sign in" link at the top right.
   3. Sign in with your Google Account email address and password.
   4. Click the "My Account" link at the top right.
   5. Click the "Change password" link at the top left.

lightbulb Note: In YouTube you will not have an option in My Account --> Account Settings to change the password as the password tied to your Google account.

If you linked your YouTube and Google accounts, you may change your YouTube password by following the steps below:

   1. Click the "My Account" link in the upper-right-hand corner.
   2. Under Account Settings, click the "Change Password" link.
   3. Enter your current YouTube password in the "Verify Old Password" field.
   4. Enter your new password in the "New Password" field and the "Retype New Password" field.
   5. Click the "Update" button

irector, Musician, Comedian, Guru and Reporter accounts

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All accounts share the basic features on YouTube like uploading, commenting, sharing, video responses, etc. Each of the specialized account types offers different customization options:

Allows customized "Performer Info" to be displayed on your Profile page, describing yourself, your influences and your style.

Allows custom logo, genre and tour date information, and CD purchase links on your Profile page.

Allows custom logo, style and show date information, and CD purchase links on your Profile page.

Allows custom logo, genre and links on your Profile page.

Allows you to describe your Beat, your Influences, and your Favorite News Sources.

Change my password

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   1. Sign in with your username and current password.
   2. Click the "My Account" link in the upper right hand corner.
   3. Under Account Settings, click the "Change Password" link.
   4. Enter your current YouTube password.
   5. Enter your new password in the "New Password" field and the "Retype New Password" field.
   6. Click the "Update" button.

Changing usernames

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Currently, you cannot change your username— there is simply too much information tied to each account. You may, however, sign up for a new account with the username that you desire.


Close my account

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Closing your YouTube account will permanently remove your profile information from YouTube.

If you still wish to permanently close your YouTube account, please follow the steps below:

   1. Sign in with your username and password.
   2. Click the "My Account" link in the upper right corner.
   3. Under Account Settings, click "Manage account", then click the "Delete Account" link.
   4. Enter the reason you're closing the account, and your password, then click the "Delete My Account" button.
   5. Click the "Log Out" link in the upper right corner.

You may still see thumbnails of your deleted videos on the site as the site takes a while to update and synchronize. Please be assured that your videos have been removed from the site and the thumbnails will be removed from the site soon.

If you'd only like to unsubscribe from our email lists, go to "My Account" > "Account Settings" > "Email Options." Uncheck the boxes next to any emails you don't want to receive and click the "Save Email Options" button.

Precautions for public/shared computers

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YouTube uses persistent cookies, which means that depending on the security settings of your browser, you'll stay logged on even if you close your browser. If you're using a shared or public computer, remember to log off after you're done enjoying the site.

recautions for public/shared computers

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YouTube uses persistent cookies, which means that depending on the security settings of your browser, you'll stay logged on even if you close your browser. If you're using a shared or public computer, remember to log off after you're done enjoying the site.

Private message notifications

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Every time someone sends you a new private message, you'll get a notification email with a link to the message, unless you have turned these notifications off from your Account page. You can see all the private messages you've received by clicking "General Messages" in your YouTube Inbox, or by clicking the number in parentheses next to your username at the top of the page.

Getting Started: Full screen mode

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To view a video in full screen mode, simply navigate to the video you'd like to watch and click the full screen button located to the bottom-right of the video. Once you click the button, the video will expand so that it covers the majority of your screen.

Please note, full-screen hardware scaling may not work with Adobe Flash Player and later.
To find out which version of Adobe Flash Player you have installed please visit this link (-- the video which appears on the page will not play. Just look below the video player to find out your version of Flash).

If you're having issues playing in full screen mode and have Adobe Flash Player or later installed, please visit this link for help.

YouTube Leanback

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YouTube Leanback a different way of watching videos on YouTube. Just as its name implies, YouTube Leanback is all about letting you sit back, relax and be entertained. Videos are tailored to autoplay as soon as you get started, in full screen and high definition, so watching YouTube becomes as effortless as watching TV.

YouTube Leanback is simple to use, easy to navigate with your keyboard's arrow keys, and is personalized to your unique preferences.

Videos in Leanback come from:

    * your Account (your uploads, playlists, favorites)
    * the existing Categories on the site (from the Browse page)
    * a personalized feed (based on your prior viewing preferences and linked services like Facebook)

Additionally, you can either browse all of YouTube or access specific videos from Search without ever leaving the Leanback experience.

Learn more about YouTube Leanback and how to use it below:

How to access Leanback

You can either access Leanback through TestTube, or by going to

How to use YouTube Leanback
The Control Menu:

Click the Down arrow to pull up the Control Menu. You'll use the Control Menu to select which videos you'd like to watch next.

If you don't use the Control Menu, Leanback will just autoplay videos up next from the various categories. You only need to use the Control Menu if you'd like to select particular categories or videos to watch during your Leanback session.
Selecting videos from a Leanback Categories:

    * Go from one Category to the next:
      Use the Left and Right arrows to go from one Category to the next.

    * See the videos within a Category:
      Then, to see the videos within a particular category, use the Up and Down arrows to go into the Category.

      Once you're in a Category, the Category will appear highlighted.

    * Switching Categories:
      If you'd like to switch Categories, press the Down arrow to leave that Category's list of videos and return to the general Category section.

      To find new videos, as you did before, use the Left and Right arrow keys to move from one Category to the next. Then use the Down arrow key to go into the Category and see the videos within the Category.

    * Selecting a Video:
      Use the Enter key to choose a video and get the video to start playing.

    * Video Controls:
      You'll use the Up and Down arrows to bring up the Player controls (play, pause, next, previous etc.).

      Use the Left and Right arrows to move across the player controls. Click the Enter button to select the Playback option.

    * Finding Videos in Search:
      If you'd like to find a video in Search, click the Up button twice. A Search bar will then appear. Type the video title or type into the Search bar and click Enter.

      A new category will then appear in the Control Menu below. Click the Down button to go back to the category in the Control Menu. Browse through the videos in the category and select the video you'd like to watch by clicking the Enter key.
    * Hiding the Control Menu:
      To hide the Control Menu (so that it doesn't appear over the video while its playing), just click the Down arrow button twice. The Menu will then disappear. To pull the Control Menu back up, click the Up arrow key twice. The Menu will reappear.
What devices will work with YouTube Leanback?

      YouTube Leanback is available on all computers and other devices with a standard web browser that supports Flash content.

In which countries is YouTube Leanback launched?

      YouTube Leanback is currently available in U.S. English on TestTube but we plan to offer it for all YouTube countries in the near future.

How do I make YouTube Leanback fullscreen?

      You can use your browser’s fullscreen mode to enjoy YouTube Leanback in fullscreen. On some browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome), this can be done by pressing F11 on the keyboard.

Why do I need a YouTube account to use YouTube Leanback?

      YouTube Leanback works best if we know what you enjoy watching and what your friends are sharing. If you have a YouTube account, you can subscribe to users whose videos you want to see in your My Feed Category.

      Also, by linking your YouTube Account to your Facebook Account, we can automatically show you the YouTube videos that your friends are sharing on Facebook. Please check out our video to see how easy it is to link your YouTube account to your Facebook account.

Can I rent movies to watch in YouTube Leanback?

      You will not be able to rent videos in YouTube Leanback. However, if you have rented a video on before, you can easily access and watch your rental videos in the Active Rentals Category.

New video page design

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Welcome to your overview of the new video page design! Wonder what's changed or where your favorite features are now located? Here’s a quick guided tour of the video page’s new layout.
Video page highlights
video page redesign overview

    * (1) Username , Subscribe button, and "More from User"
    * (2) Video description (+ tags etc.)
    * (3) Ratings, Favorites / Playlists, and Share options
    * (4) Data and Statistics from Insight
    * (5) Video Response
    * (6) Video Comments
    * (7) Respond, rate, and flag comments
    * (8) Next in series / Up Next Queue
    * (9) Add to Queue (new version of Quicklist)
    * (10) Account options

For a quick visual summary of what's changed and what's new, read on below.
If you'd like a more "in depth look" at the page's redesign, please visit the following Help Center page.

Where did it go?

    * Uploader username and subscribe button

      These are now located above the video
      username, subscription, and more from user options

    * "More from User"

      We've also added a "More Videos" module to the top of the page (above the video) which contains a list of your videos sorted by recency.

    * Video description and information

      The video’s description and tags are now located below the video. You’ll see a summary by default, and if you want to see more you can click on the expand button expand collapse button and view the entire video description.
      video description and information below video

    * Ratings, Save to Favorites / Playlist, Sharing options

      These options are now located below the video.
      actions bar

          o (a) Ratings have been converted from the "Star system" to "Thumbs up"/"Thumbs down". If you like a video, click the "Thumbs up 'Like' button". This will not only give the video a positive rating, but will also add the video to your list of "Videos I like" for you to review later. If you don’t like the video, you can give it a negative rating by clicking the "Thumbs down button".

            like dislike buttons

            dislike options

            videos you like

          o (b) If you’d like to add the video to your favorites or a playlist, click the "Save to" button and select the list to which you’d like to add the video.

            playlists and favorites

          o (c) If you’d like to send the video through a private message or to another site (for example Facebook, Twitter, etc.) just click the "Share" button and select your preferred sharing option.

            share button

    * Insight and video statistics

      This is now located under the "Views" button (below the video on the right-hand-side). If you’d like to see the statistics and data from Insight, click the expand button expand collapse button. The window will expand and display this data.
      insight expanded

    * Video responses

      Wondering how to add a video response? Below the video you’ll see the comments section. If you go to add a comment, on the right-hand-side of the comment field an "Attach a video" button will appear. Here you can attach a video and post it as your video response.
      video response

    * Comments

      The field where you can enter comments is below the video and the actions bar (below "Like", "Save to", "Share" etc.).

      Comments now include new options to highlight particular aspects of the discussion around the video including:
          o "Uploader comments"
          o "Highest rated comments"
          o "Most recent comments"

      If you’d like to respond / rate / or flag a comment you can hover / mouse over the comment and various options will appear. Select the option you’d like to take by clicking the icon.

      We're also now supporting some of the new message conventions emerging on the Web, including @ tags for messages directed at a specific user.

      Comment options:
      comment categories

      Rate comments:
      comment options

    * Quicklists

      Instead of adding a video to a Quicklist, you now add videos to your "Up Next Queue". The "Up Next Section" is over on the right-hand-side of the page. If you mouse / hover over a video thumbnail in the "Up Next" section, a button will appear on the video thumbnail. When you click the button the video will be added to your "Up Next" Queue.

      next up button

    * Video URL

      To access the video's URL click the "Share" button (below the video player). When you click the "Share" button a section with sharing options will expand. In this section you'll see a field with the video's URL. Just copy the URL and then paste it on a blog, message, etc. to share the URL with others.

      video page URL in share section

What’s new?

    * “Up Next video queue”

      Videos for you to watch next will be listed on the right side of the page. This video queue is based on how you found the video. For example, if you arrived at a video through Search, the rest of the search results will follow you to the playback page so that continuing to browse (or view) them becomes seamless. You can also add videos to your "Up Next" queue to watch later- much as you would have done with a Quicklist.

      next up button
    * Ratings

      Ratings have changed from the Star system to a binary "Thumbs-Up ‘Like’" / "Thumbs-Down" system. Anything other than a 1- or 5-star rating is rarely used on YouTube, and so we moved towards a simpler "Like / Don't Like" model. Liking a video will save it to your “Videos I like” list.

      like dislike buttons
    * Comments

      Comments have a new highlights view which summarizes the best discussions and celebrates when creators communicate with their audiences.

      comment options

 Video page redesign

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The video page is the page where you watch videos on YouTube. We've redesigned and made improvements to the video page. The information below will act as a guide and will introduce you to:

    * what's new
    * the updated location of YouTube features
    * why the page was updated

Click and expand the topics below to learn more...

The video page is the page where you watch videos on YouTube. We've redesigned and made improvements to the video page. The information below will act as a guide and will introduce you to:

    * what's new
    * the updated location of YouTube features
    * why the page was updated

Click and expand the topics below to learn more...
Where did certain features go?
Playlists and Favorites

You can add to and create new Playlists and Favorites by clicking on the "Save" button below the video. A dropdown menu will appear and you'll have the choice to:

    * save the video to an existing Playlist
    * create a new Playlist
    * save the video to your Favorites

Sharing videos

Sharing options appear below the video (to the right of the "Save" button). Click the "Share" button to share a video via email, to Facebook, Twitter, Google Reader etc.. If you'd like to share a video through email, click the "envelope" icon. If you'd like to share a video with another site, click on the provided options (Facebook, Twitter, Orkut, etc.). If your favorite site isn't listed by default, just click the arrow icon and other options will appear for you (MySpace, Live Spaces, etc.).
sharing button

Channel Name

Your channel name, video description, uploads, and the "Subscribe" button now appear above the video. This new placement emphasizes your channel and videos, making them the most prominent elements on the page.
username subscriptions and more from user options

Video description

Your video description and video information (tags etc.) now appear below the video player. In order to see the entire video description, just click the "expand" button (it looks like this expand button ) and you'll be able to see the complete video description appear in an expanded text field. To close the video description, just click the button again and the description will collapse into a smaller version.


More from user

Your channel name, uploads (aka "More from User"), and the "Subscribe" button now appear above the video. This new placement emphasizes your channel and videos, making them the most prominent elements on the page.

More info and stats (Insight)

All of the video's information and statistics are now in one place. When you click the arrow next to the video's viewcount, the statistics from Insight will expand below the video. This will show you the full spectrum of data, links, and honors associated with a video. Collapse the window when you're done.
insight options expanded


Comments appear below the video and video description. Hover over a comment to see which actions you can take: give it a thumbs up or down, reply, or flag as inappropriate.
comment rating options

We're now supporting some of the message conventions emerging on various websites, including # tags for topics and @ tags for messages directed at a specific user. Whenever you see an "@username" in Comments, click on the word to go to a page with all of his or her comments.
comment options

Embedding options

You can access the embed code and custom embedded player options for a video by clicking this button:
embed options expanded

Where are: Account, Inbox, My Videos, Favorites, Playlists, and Subscriptions?

You can find these options by hovering over or clicking your username in the upper-right-hand corner of the screen. A dropdown menu will appear allowing you to access your:

    * Account
    * Inbox
    * My Videos page
    * Favorites
    * Playlists
    * Subscription page

account dropdown menu

What's new?
"Next up" video list

The "Next in Series" list, to the right of the video you're watching, now offers a contextual suggestion of what you might want to watch next. The list shows you more videos from various places on the site and is customized to your particular session. If you're watching a video from:

    * A Playlist: "Next in Series" will show you the next videos from that playlist.
    * Recommendations or Subscriptions: "Next in Series" will display the next videos from these feeds.
    * Search Results: "Next in Series" will show queue up other search results as potential videos to watch next.



Ratings take on a new binary form on the redesigned page: "Like" and "Thumbs down" buttons.

    * If you like a video, you can click the "Like" button (below the video). This will add the video to the "Videos you like" list. "Liking" a video is equivalent to giving the video a high rating on the Star rating system. By clicking the "Like" button, you not only give the video a high rating, you also add the video to your "Videos you like" list.

    * If you don't enjoy a video, you can click the "Thumbs down" button (below the video). Clicking this button is equivalent to giving the video a low rating on the Star rating system.


Subscription and Upload buttons

The "Subscription" and "Upload" options haven't changed, they've just moved to a new location on the page.
# The Upload option is now at the top of the page to the right of the search bar.
# The Subscription button is now located at the top of the page above the video.

The new location of the Upload and Subscribe options is intended to place more focus on the video. Now that the Subscribe button and channel name appear at the top of the video, these are the most prominent elements on the page and highlight the uploader's videos. This should make it easier to discover content and interesting members of the YouTube community.

Why is the page being redesigned?

The overreaching goal of the video page redesign is simplification and ease of use. Videos are the main focus of YouTube, but over time the "stuff" surrounding each video (actions, comments, stats, more videos, etc.) cluttered the essencial experience. This redesign is about going "back to basics", re-focusing attention on what you came to YouTube for -- the video! -- and bringing order and clarity to the actions around it.

video page redesign overview

    * (1) Username , Subscribe button, and "More from User"
    * (2) Video description (+ tags etc.)
    * (3) Ratings, Favorites / Playlists, and Share options
    * (4) Data and Statistics from Insight
    * (5) Video Response
    * (6) Video Comments
    * (7) Respond, rate, and flag comments
    * (8) Next in series / Up Next Queue
    * (9) Add to Queue (new version of Quicklist)
    * (10) Account options

Viewing 3D videos

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Certain videos on YouTube can be viewed in 3D. In order to view videos in 3D the video's uploader must have chosen to create a 3D video. Once you find a 3D video on our site, here's how to view it and see the 3D effect.

Find a video with 3D options. You'll know if a video has the option to be viewed in 3D by the drop-down menu below the video player. The drop-down menu will contain the following options:

   1. Red / Cyan Glasses: Full Color
   2. Red / Cyan Glasses: Optimized (Dubois)
   3. Red / Cyan Glasses: B&W
   4. Amber / Blue Glasses: Full Color
   5. Amber / Blue Glasses: B&W
   6. Green / Magenta Glasses: Full Color
   7. Green / Magenta Glasses: B&W
   8. Parallel
   9. Cross-eyed
  10. Mirror Split
  11. Left Image Only
  12. Right Image Only

There are various ways to watch 3D videos. These include:

    * Colored glasses (required for options 1-7)
          o Red / Cyan Glasses are the most common and are sometimes called Red / Green.
          o Amber / Blue Glasses were distributed for the half-time commercials during Super Bowl 43.
          o Green / Magenta Glasses came with some recent DVD releases (such as 'Journey to the center of the Earth' and 'Coraline').
            Note: For videos containing strong primary colors it may be worth watching the video using the black and white (B&W) or optimized options. The optimized option balances between color fidelity and a good viewing experience.
      lightbulb Shaded glasses from 3D cinema presentations will not work. Please leave them at the theater!

    * Parallel and Cross-eyed methods involve relaxing your gaze or crossing your eyes until the two images merge (this technique takes a little while to get right and isn't recommended for long viewing sessions as it may cause eye strain).
    * Mirror-split involves using a mirror to view the two images. This method is a little more difficult to set up, but has great results with no eye-strain. To see an example of how to set it up, watch the beginning of REQ2010's video (then watch the rest of it, it's one of the videos that inspired the 3D feature on YouTube).
    * If you don't have any glasses or a mirror you can choose to watch the video from one eye only.
Video views

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What is a view?

A view occurs when a person watches your video. In order to preserve accuracy in view counts, we identify irregular playbacks such as spam and remove these from viewcount.
How often do viewcounts update?

Newly uploaded videos are updated real time. When videos become popular, they are updated every few hours.
My viewcount isn't updating. What's going on?

For popular videos the counts are updated every few hours; if you're still getting views, you should see them soon.

Partner video downloads

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You have the option of downloading and storing your favorite Partner videos and watching these videos even without an internet connection. To download Partner video:

   1. Find the video you'd like to download.
   2. Below the video's play bar in the lower left hand corner, you'll see a 'Download' button.
   3. Click the 'Download' button to indicate that you'd like to download the video.

lightbulb Please note:

    * Not all videos have the option to download enabled. Only certain Partner videos have this feature. If you do not see the download button below the video, it means downloading is not yet enabled for the video.
    * Partner videos (that permit downloading) are available for download in MP4 format only.

Purchasing a video download

Some videos require purchasing before you can download them to your computer. Once you've opted to download the video you will be directed to Google Checkout to finalize your purchase:

   1. On the Google Checkout page you'll see the video you'd like to download and the cost of the video.

   2. You'll need a Google Checkout account in order to purchase the video download through Checkout. You're required to create this account in order to ensure the security and confidentiality of your personal information when purchasing content from YouTube.

   3. Enter the required information (including your email address, credit card information, billing address etc.).

   4. Once you've entered all the information and created your Checkout account you'll be directed to the Confirmation page. Here you'll have the chance to double-check the download you're about to purchase and the cost of the download.

   5. Your purchase will then be 'Authorized' and completed. You'll receive a 'thank you' message confirming that the transaction was successful.

   6. Your new download will appear in the 'Purchased Videos' section of your YouTube account (under 'My Videos'). You can now enjoy your new download! For more info about your download rights, please see the 'Learn More' link located next to the video's 'Download' button.

To learn more about Google Checkout, please visit the Google Checkout Help Center.

Exit full screen

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To exit full screen mode, simply click the "Close" button, which looks like a checkbox at the bottom-right of the full-screen video.

Higher quality video definition

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The ability to upload higher quality videos means improved sharpness and visual clarity for many YouTube videos. The difference is especially noticeable in videos that contain text or fast movement and in full-screen mode.

Viewing Higher Quality Videos

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By default, your playback setting is set to normal.

If you know you have a very fast or very slow connection, you may want to change your "Video Playback Setting" in your account to "I have a fast connection. Always play higher-quality video when it's available." or "I have a slow connection. Never play higher-quality video."

To change your playback settings, follow the steps below:

   1. Go to your Account page.
   2. Under "Account" click the "Video Playback Quality" link.
   3. Select the playback setting that makes sense for you.
   4. Click the "Save Settings" button.

You can also choose to view a specific video in higher quality directly from the playback page. If the video is streaming at standard quality and is available in higher quality, you can click the link that reads "Watch this video in higher quality" underneath the video. Conversely, if you're watching the streaming video in higher quality and want to watch it in standard quality, click the link that says "Watch this video in lower quality for faster playback."

video playback quality settings

ystem requirements

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In order to watch videos on our site, make sure you have access to the following system requirements:

   1. Macromedia Flash Player 7.0+ plug-in
   2. Windows 2000 or higher with latest updates installed
   3. Mac OS X 10.3 or higher
   4. Firefox 1.1+, Internet Explorer 5.0+, or Safari 1.0+
   5. Broadband connection with 500+ Kbps

Choppy video

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If a video doesn't play continuously, it may be due to your connection speed. You'll need a broadband connection with at least 500+Kbps for the best viewing experience.

Another possible reason for choppy video playback is that our servers are experiencing high traffic. If this is the case, there's not much you can do. However, we are continuously adding servers to keep up with demand and improve your experience on our site.

It's also possible that your video download speed is slow or inconsistent. In this case, you can try pausing the video until the entire stream is downloaded and then playing the video. Occasionally, an incomplete copy of a video can get stuck in your cache and never fully download. You can re-attempt the download by clearing your browser's cache. You'll find steps on how to do this listed here.

Can't hear video audio

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To make sure that you hear sound while watching videos, please try the following:

    * Adjust the volume control on your computer and speakers.
    * Adjust the volume control located in the lower right corner of the YouTube Video Player.
    * Ensure that the volume is up on other video players, such as Quicktime, Real Player, or Windows Media player, as this might affect the video player sound.
    * Try shutting down your computer and then restarting it again.
    * Videos on YouTube are streamed through an Adobe Flash player. For the best viewing experience, we suggest you install the latest version of Adobe Flash after removing any old versions you've installed. Learn how to install the most recent version of Adobe Flash plater here.

If these steps don't correct the issue, and you still have no sound when playing the video, you may want to try the steps below.

he video won't play

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Videos on YouTube are streamed through Adobe Flash player. If you're having trouble playing and viewing videos YouTube, we suggest you install the latest version of the Flash player: this will allow you to easily play YouTube videos.

Here's how to upgrade to the most recent version of Adobe's Flash Player:

   1. Before installing the most recent version of Adobe Flash player, you will need to first uninstall any older versions of the Flash player you've installed in the past and currently have running on your computer.

      Please completely uninstall the version of Flash you're currently running, before upgrading to the most recent version. To uninstall Flash, follow Adobe's instructions, listed here. You'll need to download Adobe's official Uninstaller to remove Flash.

   2. Once you've uninstalled the older version of Flash, you'll be ready to upgrade to the most recent version of Flash.
      To upgrade to the most recent version of the Flash player, please follow these steps:

         1. Follow Adobe's instructions for reinstalling the most recent version of Flash.

         2. Once you've downloaded the latest version of Adobe Flash, please exit your browser.
         3. Finally, click to install the update that you just downloaded to your computer from the Adobe Flash site.
            Once you've done so, open your browser again and go to YouTube. You should now be able so successfully watch videos!

If the instructions above don't resolve the issue, please also try the following:

   1. Temporarily disable popup blocking software installed on your computer to test.
   2. Allow as a trusted site in your Firewall software.
   3. Ensure other applications like Quicktime, iTunes, Real Player, or Windows Media Player aren't set as the default streaming application, as this might affect the video player.

For Windows Vista users:
If the Flash uninstall / reinstall does not work this maybe due to a Microsoft Windows Vista permissions issue.

Please use the Windows button at the bottom left then the search function:

    * Go to: C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash\.
    * Right-click on the following file: FlashUtil9b.exe or FlashUtil9e.exe.
    * Select "Run as Administrator" and install the update..
    * Restart your computer.

lightbulb If you continue having difficulty viewing videos...

    * Troubleshoot the issue here.
    * Check our Current Site Issues page to see if the situation's due to a known bug.
    * You can also visit the Community Help Forums and discuss your issue with other users there.

Videos stuck loading

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This could be caused by a number of things. First, you'll need a broadband connection with at least 500+Kbps for the best viewing experience.

If your connection speed meets the minimum requirement but you are still stuck on the loading screen, this could be caused by a firewall or internet blocker. These types of programs could block the media stream from YouTube. If you have a firewall, you might want to temporarily disable it to see if the videos load. If so, you would need to adjust the firewall settings to allow streaming media from YouTube to pass the firewall. If you are not sure on how to do this, please contact the manufacturer of your firewall.

This might also be caused by another streaming application such as Quicktime fighting for the stream. Please check streaming applications installed on your computer like RealPlayer, Quicktime, and Windows Media Player and ensure they are not enabled as the default player.

Finally, you may be trying to view a video that has been marked as "Private" by its owner. Unless you are signed in and a member of that member's "Friends" or "Family" list, you will not be able to see the video. Check another video to determine if all videos are failing to load, or just one

Videos I watch end early

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If a video is cut off while it's loading an incomplete copy can get stuck on your computer, and it will never fully download. You can try again by clearing your browsers cache. If it continues to happen you might want to check the stability of your internet connection.

To find out how to clear the cache, check the instructions below for your browser:

Clear the cache for Internet Explorer 7

   1. Click "Start" and select "Control Panel".
      (Note: With Windows XP Classic View click the Windows "Start" button and select "Settings" and "Control Panel").
   2. Open the "Internet Options" icon.
   3. Click on the "General" tab if it isn't selected already.
   4. Under the Browsing history section, click the "Delete..." button.
   5. Click the "Delete cookies..." button.
   6. Select "OK" if a box appears to confirm.
   7. Click "OK" to close the window.

Clear the cache for Internet Explorer 6

   1. Click "Start" and select "Control Panel".
      (Note: Windows XP Classic View click the Windows "Start" button and select "Settings" and "Control Panel")
   2. Open the "Internet Options" icon.
   3. Click on the "General" tab if it isn't selected already.
   4. Under the heading "Temporary Internet files," click the "Delete Cookies..." button.
   5. Click "OK" for the "Delete all cookies in the Temporary Internet Files folder?" prompt.
   6. Click "OK" to exit.

Clear the cache for Mozilla Firefox 3.x (PC)

   1. In Mozilla Firefox, select "Tools" from the file menu.
   2. Select "Options".
   3. Under the "Private Data" heading, click the "Clear Now" button.
   4. Make sure to check the 'Cache' field in the window that comes up.
   5. Click "Clear Private Data Now" to exit.
   6. Click "OK" to exit.

Clear the cache for Mozilla Firefox 2.x (PC)

   1. In Mozilla Firefox, select "Tools" from the file menu.
   2. Select "Options".
   3. Under the "Private Data" heading, click the "Clear Now" button.
   4. Click "OK" to exit.

Clear the cache for Mozilla Firefox 1.x (PC)

   1. In Mozilla Firefox, select "Tools" from the file menu.
   2. Select "Options".
   3. Click on the "Privacy" icon in the top panel.
   4. Click on the "Cookies" tab.
   5. Check the "Clear Cookies Now" button.
   6. Click "OK" to save and close.

Clear the cache for Mozilla Firefox (Mac)

   1. Go to the "Firefox" drop down menu.
   2. Select "Preferences."
   3. Select the "Privacy" icon.
   4. In version 1.5, click "Clear Cache Now." In 1.0, next to "Cache," click the "Clear" button, and then "OK." In 2.0, click on the "Clear Now" button under the "Private Data" heading.

Clear the cache for Safari

   1. Go to the "Safari" drop down menu.
   2. Select "Preferences".
   3. Select the "Security" icon at the top panel.
   4. From the Security dialog box, click "Bookmarks".
   5. Click "Show Cookies".
   6. From the Cookie dialog box, click to choose cookies from, and click "Remove". Alternatively, if you want to delete all cookies, click "Remove All".
   7. Click "Done".

uickTime logo over video player

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If you see a QuickTime logo over your video player and are unable to play videos, make sure QuickTime isn't your default Flash player. To correct your QuickTime preferences:

   1. Open QuickTime Player.
   2. Click "Edit" in the menu bar.
   3. Click "Preferences," then click "QuickTime Preferences."
   4. Click the "Browser" tab.
   5. Click "MIME Settings."
   6. In the "MIME Types" box, make sure the "Miscellaneous" option is unchecked.
   7. Click "OK," "Apply," and "OK."
   8. Restart your computer.

Incomplete buffering and choppy playback

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Please follow the tips listed below if you're having trouble playing a video and it gets stuck at one pointplays in a choppy fashion (and will not continue to load):

   1. Clear your browser's cache and cookies. To learn how to do this, please visit the following Help Center page.

   2. Pause the video. Allow the red loading bar to load completely to the end of the player . Once the video's fully loaded play the video.

To learn more about why the video may get stuck on loading or plays in a choppy fashion, please click and open the explanations provided below:

Video stuck (and will not continue to load)

This situation could be due to an incomplete copy is stuck in your browser's cache. If this is the case, the video will never fully buffer/load in this state.
You can attempt to resolve the situation and restart the video's buffering (loading) by clearing your browser's cache. To clear your browser's cache, follow the instructions listed here.

If after clearing your browser's cache, the video still will not play completely, you might want to check the stability of your internet connection. An unstable internet connection could be a reason for which the video will not load / buffer completely. You'll need a broadband connection with at least 500+Kbps for the best viewing experience.

The video has choppy playback

A video may not play smoothly for the following reasons:

   1. Your connection speed. As mentioned above, you'll need a broadband connection with at least 500+Kbps for the best viewing experience.
   2. Our servers may be experiencing high traffic. If this is the case, there's not much you can do. However, we are continuously adding servers to keep up with demand and improve your experience on our site.
   3. Your video download speed may be slow or inconsistent. In this case, you can try pausing the video until the entire stream is downloaded (the loading bar reaches the end of the player), and then, once the video's completely loaded try playing the video.
   4. Occasionally, an incomplete copy of a video can get stuck in your cache and never fully download. You can re-attempt the download of the video by clearing your browser's cache. You'll find steps on how to do this listed here.

lightbulb If you continue having similar issues playing the video, please visit our Current Site Issues page, and the Community Help Forums.

Trouble watching a video? Here's how to report the issue.

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Trouble playing a video? An error occur or the video doesn't play as expected? You can report the issue to our engineering team.

Here's how:

   1. On the video watch page, right click (or "Ctrl click" if you're using a Mac) on the video player
   2. A window will appear. You'll see the option "Report playback issue". Click "Report playback issue"
   3. You'll be directed to a contact form where you can provide our team with the specifics about the issue you've experienced playing the video. Once you've filled out the form and submitted your report the YouTube engineers will receive notification and look into the issue

Thanks for your help improving the site and letting us know when the video player's not working correctly!

Solve a Problem: Upgrading your browser

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Surfing the Web on an old browser can be a lot like running a steam engine along the tracks of a bullet train--it may still work, but it doesn't take advantage of the speed and security of the new technology. If you see the below interstitial (messaging) appearing when you try to watch a video on YouTube, it means that you are using an older version of your browser:
error message for outdated browsers

In mid-2009 we started notifying users that YouTube would stop support for certain older browser versions. If you'd like the best YouTube viewing experience, we recommend that you upgrade to the most recent version of your browser.

When you see the error message over the player you can either:

   1. Upgrade to the most recent of your browser at that moment. You can select from the following supported browsers:

          * Firefox
          * Google Chrome
          * Internet Explorer
          * Opera
          * Safari


   2. Do not upgrade and just click on the "Continue to video" link at the bottom of the interstitial and continue to watch the video.

FAQ (To learn more, click and expand the topics below):
Why are you doing this?

The Web evolves quickly and we are evolving with it. The latest YouTube interstitial is part of a campaign to encourage users to update their browsers in order to enhance their overall site experience. Users will still be able to watch YouTube videos on older browsers, but some future features may not be supported.

Downloading the latest version of your favorite browser will not only create a faster, better Web experience, but it'll also ensure you're watching YouTube videos the way our engineers intended, with all the latest functionality and features built right in. You can learn more about web browsers and check what version you're currently using at

Will I no longer be able to watch YouTube videos on IE6, or older browsers?

Again, users will be able to watch YouTube videos in the older browsers, however, some features that we launch in the weeks and months ahead may not be supported in these browsers.

Which browsers will this impact?

The following browsers will be impacted by the change:

    * Any browser older than Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0
    * Any browser older than Mozilla Firefox 3.0
    * Any browser older than Google Chrome 4.0
    * Any browser older than Safari 3.0+

When does older browser support end for YouTube and what does this mean?

Support stops on March 13th. Stopped support essentially means that some future features on YouTube will be rolled out that won't work in older browsers.

Will YouTube not work properly in all of these old browsers?

Users will still be able to watch YouTube videos, however, some feature that we roll out in the coming weeks and months may not be supported in these older browsers.

How long will the interstitial be in place for IE6 users?

The interstitial will appear every two weeks to remind any users still on older browsers to upgrade to the most recent version of their browser. This reminder will occur indefinitely until the user upgrades to the most recent version.

How do you upgrade to the most recent browser version?

If you're not sure how to upgrade to the most recent version of your browser, please visit your Browser's Help Resources. There, you should find the most up-to-date instructions on how to upgrade to the most recent version:

    * Firefox
    * Google Chrome
    * Internet Explorer
    * Opera
    * Safari

Trouble Playing Videos

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Can't play a video? This troubleshooter will help you diagnose the issue and find the appropriate solution to the situation. Soon you should be able to play videos again!


Please select the option that best applies to you:

    * One video stuck on loading
    * Various videos stuck on loading
    * Error message when trying to play the video
    * None of the videos play
    * The video player is blank and whit

Certain widescreen videos do not fill the YouTube player

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Some widescreen videos on YouTube have black bars on all sides and do not expand to fit the player's dimensions. This generally occurs because the uploaded video file includes horizontal bars (letterboxing) on the top and bottom of the video (in order to fit a 4:3 aspect ratio). Our 16:9 aspect ratio player then adds vertical black bars (pillarboxing) to fit a 4:3 formatted video to the new YouTube player dimensions. The end result is black bars all around the video (windowboxing).

To correct this issue, please upload files cropped to the visible area in 16:9 format.

Deleted video still shows up

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It may take some time for video titles and thumbnail images to disappear from non-YouTube search results. Your video will probably stop displaying in other sites' search results after a short time. Please note that as long as you deleted the video, you don't have to worry about it being viewable from our site.

Custom player definition

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A custom player is a version of YouTube's video player which can be dynamically updated regardless of where it's displayed. Custom players allow you to change the look and the contents of a player from the YouTube site—once you have saved your changes, the player will change everywhere it has been embedded.

Watching videos on dial-up

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Still rockin' the 56k? No problem. As you may already know, a slower connection simply means slower delivery of services. You only need a little more time and patience than with a faster connection. For best results, you may want to start the video player and then click on the PAUSE button immediately. Then, wait until the red progress bar has reached the end of the video before playing it. Allowing the entire video buffer lets you watch it without interruption. Remember, the shorter the video, the shorter the amount of time it takes to buffer.

Using YouTube with a screen reader

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This following information will be helpful for people using screen readers as it explains the steps for using YouTube with screen readers. A screen reader is a software application that identifies and interprets what is being displayed on the computer screen. This information is then presented to a blind user as speech. Visually impaired or blind people use screen readers. This article provides step-by-step process for using YouTube making it easier for a new user to explore YouTube.

lightbulb icon Please note: The experience of using YouTube may not be same with all screen readers due to inconsistency of support of technology by the various screen readers. To learn more about using YouTube with a screen reader that supports Adobe Flash accessibility extensions, please see this accessibility feedback page.

Read on to learn more about using YouTube with a screen-reader and discover which keyboard shortcuts are available for the site:
Creating a YouTube account

Private videos (and how to share them)

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If you would like to limit the exposure of one of your videos, you can set it to be a "Private" video. If your video is set to "Private" only you and (up to fifty other users who you invite to view the video) will be able to see it. The video will not appear on your channel, in Groups, search results, playlists etc..

How to make your uploaded video Private

   1. Click the Account link located (at the top-right of any page ).
   2. Then click the Uploaded Videos link. Choose the video you want to edit and click the "Edit" button below the video thumbnail.
   3. Under the "Broadcasting and Sharing Options" section (on the left-hand side of the page towards the bottom) you'll see "Privacy" options. Click the little black arrow / triangle to expand and see all your privacy options.
   4. You'll see the option to make the video public or private.

      If you make your video private then only 50 other users will be able to view the video. In order to do this, you'll need to send these 50 other people a special link that goes to the private video. Other users who haven't received the link invite will not be able to view the video as its listed as private.

      If you'd like all users to be able to see / view your video, you should set your video to "Public".

   5. If you'd like to make your video private, click and select the "Private" option.
   6. Save the changes you made to your video's settings by clicking the "Save Changes" button. Your video will now be set to private.

Sharing Private videos

If you'd like to share one of your videos with a select and limited audience, you can do so by setting your video to private. Once the video's set to private you'll be able to share it with fifty other users.

Once you've set the video to private you'll be able to send the video's private URL with your contacts. Once your contacts receive the private URL, they'll be able to sign into their YouTube account and watch the video.

Here's how to find and send a private video's private URL:

   1. Sign into your YouTube account and click the Account link located (at the top-right of any page ).
   2. Then click the Uploaded Videos link. Click and choose the video you want to send to your friends. Then, click the "Edit" button.
   3. Under the "Broadcasting and Sharing Options" section (on the left-hand side of the page towards the bottom) you'll see "Privacy" options. Click the little black arrow / triangle to expand and see all your privacy options (if its not already open and you cannot see your privacy options).
   4. If the video's set to private, there will be a URL section below the "Private" option. This is the special private link that you will send to (up to) fifty contacts so that they can watch your private video.
   5. Email / send a private message including the private video's special URL. When your friends receive the email invitation, they'll need to:
          * Sign into their YouTube account
          * Click the video URL
          * They'll then be able to watch the video

That's it! You've now learned how to share a private video with your contacts!

lightbulb Please note:

    * You cannot share a private video with more than 50 other users. If you'd like to share the video with more people, you'll need to set the video to "public".

    * The "Limited Access" box won't stay permanently selected until someone accesses your video for the first time- even if you've marked the video as private and sent the video to your friends already. Someone must first watch the video before the "Limited Access" box will appear selected.

    * Once a videos is shared via the private URL, it cannot be unshared. Therefore, use your 50 invites there wisely!

    * In order to watch a private video, your contacts must already have a YouTube account. If they don't already have an account, they'll first need to sign up for an account, and then once they've activated their account they'll then be able to sign in and watch the private video you sent them. If they do not sign into their account before watching the video, the video will not load

Making a Private video Public

If you've set one of your uploaded videos to private but then decide you'd like to make it public and share it with all users, here's how to re-set the video to public:

   1. Sign into your YouTube account and click the Account link located (at the top-right of any page ).
   2. Then click the Uploaded Videos link. Click and choose the video you want to send to your friends. Then, click the "Edit" button.
   3. Under the "Broadcasting and Sharing Options" section (on the left-hand side of the page towards the bottom) you'll see "Privacy" options. Click the little black arrow / triangle to expand and see all your privacy options (if its not already open and you cannot see your privacy options).
   4. You'll see two options: Public and Private. Click and select "Public".
   5. Click the "Save Changes" videos to finalize your choice and make the video available to all users.

lightbulb Please note:
Once you set your video to public it will appear on your channel, in playlists & favorites, it can be embedded in other webpages (unless you turn this option off), and can be seen by everyone: YouTube users and the general public.

Unlisted videos

An unlisted video is a different type of private video. "Unlisted" means that only people who know the link to the video can view it (such as friends or family to whom you send the link). An unlisted video will not appear in any of YouTube's public spaces (such as search results, your channel, or the Browse page). An unlisted video is different to a private video in these ways:

    * you don't need a YouTube account to watch the video (you can see an unlisted video if someone sends you the video's link)
    * there's no 50 person sharing limit

Click here to learn more about creating and sharing unlisted videos.

private video

Joining a Group

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See a Group full of interesting videos and conversations? Have some thoughts to contribute, and like hearing the thoughts of others? If so, you might want to join that Group.

To join a group, follow the steps below:

   1. From the Group's main page, click the yellow "Join Group" button in the upper right corner of the Group's homepage.
   2. If the Group owner allows anyone to join the group, you'll automatically become a member. Otherwise, you'll have to wait until the Group owner gives you permission before you can post videos or topics for discussion.

Once you've joined a group, it's easy to post new topics for discussion, or add comments to other topics. Take a look at this Help Center article on how to use and contribute to a YouTube Group.

Using and contributing to Groups

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Once you've created or been invited to join a YouTube Group you'll be able to contribute to Group activity. As a Group owner / member, you can:

(click on the topics below to expand and read more)

Add videos to the Group

In order to add a video to your Group, the video must already be uploaded to YouTube. If one of your videos isn't on YouTube yet, upload the video first, then once the video's on the site follow these instructions:

   1. Sign into your YouTube account.
   2. Visit the Group to which you'd like to add your video.


    * In the upper right hand corner of the Group, you'll see a "+ Submit a Video" button. Click this button.
    * A window will appear that requests the video's URL and an optional comment. Enter the requested information, then click "Post" to add your video to the Group.


    * You can paste a video url in any normal comment text box to add a video (reply, new topic, etc.).

lightbulb Please note: If the Group's owner requires video approval for all new videos, your new video may not appear in the Group immediately. The Group owner will review your video and either approve or reject the video. If your video is approved by the Group owner, it will then appear in the Group at that time.

Start a conversation Topic

If you'd like a create a new conversation in the Group, simply create a new Topic. Please note that in order to create a Group Topic you must first be a member of that Group. Here's how to create a Topic:

   1. Sign into your YouTube account.
   2. Visit the Group to which you'd like to add a new topic
      (you can do so by clicking Account, then Groups, and selecting the Group in question)
   3. Click the "Add New Topic" button.
   4. Enter the text to describe your Topic: this text should provide other Group members with an idea of the subject of the the conversation and what you'd like to use the Topic to discuss. For example: Coca Cola or Pepsi- which do you think is better?

   5. As other Group members add new comments within your Topic, if you don't like the direction of the Topic and would like to remove it just click on the Topic you created, then the "Moderate" option (in the upper right hand corner).

lightbulb Please note:

    * You must first add a video to the Group to be able to read/moderate any of your Topics!

    * If the Group's owner requires comment approval for all new Topics, your new Topic may not appear in the Group immediately. The Group owner will review your new Topic and either approve or reject the Topic. If your Topic is approved by the Group owner, it will then appear in the Group at that time.

Add a comment to a Topic

In order to add a comment to an existing Topic in a Group, you must first be a member of that Group.

   1. Sign into your YouTube account.
   2. Visit the Group to which you'd like to add a new topic.
   3. (you can do so by clicking Account, then Groups, and selecting the Group in question). Click "Topics" at the top of the Group. You'll then see the Group's topics displayed below the Groups navigation bar.
   4. Select a Topic. To see the full Topic discussion, there is a "Show Discussion" link in the upper right corner (where the "grid view" link would be on regular channels). Alternatively, you can click on any one of the Topics below in the "Topics" box to go to the full discussion view.
   5. Select the Topic to which you'd like to add your comment. You'll see a text box where you can add your comment / rate the video. Enter your comment in the text box. When you're ready, click the "Post" button to submit your comment and add to the Topic. Your comment will reply to the particular video/comment in the Topic thread.

lightbulb Please note: If the Group's owner requires comment approval for all new comments, your new comment may not appear in the Topic immediately. The Group owner will review your comment and either approve or reject the comment. If your comment is approved by the Group owner, it will then appear under the Topic to which you posted your comment.

Rate comments / videos that other Group members have added to the Group

In order to rate a comment / video in a Group, you must first be a member of that Group.

   1. Sign into your YouTube account.
   2. Visit the Group in which you'd like to rate a comment / video (you can do so by clicking Account, then Groups, and selecting the Group in question).
   3. Find the video or comment that you'd like to rate.
   4. Click the "Love It" or "Hate It" option to indicate whether you approve / disapprove of the content.
   5. If you're able to successfully rate the video / comment, you'll see "Thank you for voting!".

Please note: In order to be able to comment, moderate and participate in Group activity, you must first add a video to the Group.

Until you add a video to the Group, you will not be able to

    * Comment
    * Rate
    * Read Topics
    * Moderate Group activity

As long as you have at least one active video, you will be able to participate in all Group activity.

High Definition options

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High definition options

YouTube videos are available in normal quality and high definition (HQ). In order to view a video in high definition, simply add the "&hd=1" parameter to the YouTube video's URL. This will cause the video to play HD by default.

Adding &hd=1to a video's URL is particularly useful when you want to directly share the HD version of a video with other people (e.g. by emailing the HD version of the video to your contacts, or putting the HD version in your blog).

For example:

Video URL:

Video URL + the HD parameter:

Embedding HD videos on a website
You can embed a video in a website / blog and have the video play in HD by following the steps listed below:

   1. Go to the video play page for the video which you'd like to embed in another site.


   2. To the right of the video player you'll see two fields with text in them. The URL field and the Embed field. In the embed field you'll see some code: this is the embed code.

      Example of embed code:
      <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

   3. Add "hd=1" (removing the quotation marks) to the end of the video URL.

      Example of embed code + the HD parameter:
      <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

   4. Copy and paste the embed code into your site and the video will play on that site in HC by default.

igh Definition options

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High definition options

YouTube videos are available in normal quality and high definition (HQ). In order to view a video in high definition, simply add the "&hd=1" parameter to the YouTube video's URL. This will cause the video to play HD by default.

Adding &hd=1to a video's URL is particularly useful when you want to directly share the HD version of a video with other people (e.g. by emailing the HD version of the video to your contacts, or putting the HD version in your blog).

For example:

Video URL:

Video URL + the HD parameter:

Embedding HD videos on a website
You can embed a video in a website / blog and have the video play in HD by following the steps listed below:

   1. Go to the video play page for the video which you'd like to embed in another site.


   2. To the right of the video player you'll see two fields with text in them. The URL field and the Embed field. In the embed field you'll see some code: this is the embed code.

      Example of embed code:
      <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

   3. Add "hd=1" (removing the quotation marks) to the end of the video URL.

      Example of embed code + the HD parameter:
      <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

   4. Copy and paste the embed code into your site and the video will play on that site in HC by default.


e: The playlist bar

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Powered by Translate

You may have noticed a feed of videos appear at the bottom of the page when you watch YouTube videos. This is the Playlist bar. This bar makes the viewing experience more straightforward allowing you to browse through videos which are important to you without leaving the watch page (and having to go to your Account settings / the Homepage / your channel etc.).

      image: playlist bar

You'll see the playlist bar at the bottom of the page when you're watching videos from:

    * the "Recommended to You" feed from the YouTube Homepage
    * your Subscriptions
    * your Playlists
    * Other users' Playlists and music mixes
    * your Favorites

How do I minimize the playlist bar?

      You can minimize the playlist bar by clicking the "Down" button ( down button picture ) or clicking anywhere on the blank space of the bar. Another click will re-open the playlist bar. Equally, you can click the "Up" button ( up button picture ) to restore the bar.

            image: playlist bar

The playlist bar is auto-playing and I want to turn autoplay off. How do I do this?

      The controls for autoplay are over on the right-hand-side of the toolbar. You can choose to autoplay or turn the autoplay option off.
      If you turn autoplay off and then change your mind and want to turn it back on, you can return to the to the controls at anytime and turn autoplay back on again.

Editing lists in the Playlist Bar

    * Lists I own:
      You can re-order, shuffle and edit videos in lists which you own.

    * Other users' lists:
      If you don't own the list, you will not be able to remove or re-order videos from that list. You can shuffle videos in another user's list, but you're unable to edit videos in another user's list.

      Example: You cannot delete or re-order videos in another user's playlist.

YouTube Content Ratings

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What are YouTube Content Ratings?
When a partner uploads a video that does not have a specified content rating (i.e. MPAA or TV rating), we ask that the content owner rate any mature content in these five categories: Language, Nudity, Sexual Situations, Violence and Drug Use.

The rating descriptions are as follows:

    * L: Strong language
      Content rated "L" may contain some expletives and profanity; however such words should be infrequent and not used in a sexual context. Content with expletives and profanity that have been bleeped should be rated "L" as well. An L may also indicate suggestive dialog, sexual innuendo, or other discussion of adult themes. Other L-rated speech may include the expression of strong views and opinions that viewers are likely to find offensive, disrespectful, or otherwise controversial.

    * L+: Explicit language
      Content rated "L+" may contain persistent use of expletives and profanity. It may also include coarse and vulgar dialogue that is sexually explicit.

    * No strong language
      Content rated 'No strong language' should be free of any strong, coarse, or other potentially offensive language. Even mild cursing such as "hell" and "damn" or words that are bleeped should be rated as "L" or "L+".


    * N: Minimal covering
      Content rated "N" may contain individuals who are minimally clothed (e.g., low cut tops, underwear or revealing bathing suits). Content rated "N" should not contain any fleeting or prolonged nudity, including exposed buttocks, genitalia, or areola.

    * N+: Some nudity
      Content rated "N+" may include content featuring exposed buttocks or partially nude breasts. Content rated "N+" may also contain full nudity where the context is appropriately educational, documentary or artistic.

      lightbulb Note: Some shows and movies may contain N+ content that would generally not be accepted on the site. Videos originating from the YouTube user community must abide by the YouTube Community Guidelines and may not be permitted to include such content.

    * No nudity
      Content rated "No nudity" should be free of nudity or partial nudity of any kind.

Sexual Situations

    * S: Mild sexual situations
      Content rated "S" may contain mild sexual activity or themes. This includes implied sex acts, light or comedic fetish references or behavior, or the presence of mild sexual situations or discussion.

    * S+: Explicit sexual situations
      Content rated "S+" may contain explicit sexual content. This may include dramatized sex acts, explicit sexual situations or discussion.

      lightbulb Note: Some shows and movies may contain S+ content not otherwise permitted on the site. Videos originating from the YouTube user community must abide by the YouTube Community Guidelines and are not permitted to include such content.

    * No sexual situations
      Content rated "No sexual situations" should be free of any sexual conduct or themes. Brief displays of affection, such as a kiss or hug are excepted.


    * V: Mildly violent or disturbing
      Content rated "V" may contain mild, comedic violence, fantasy violence, or isolated incidents of realistic violence. However, any violence depicted should not be gory, pervasive, or sexual in nature. Similarly, V-rated content may contain a small amount of other imagery or situations that are disturbing or repulsive to sensitive viewers (such as real or dramatized medical footage, or depictions of disgusting or scary content in a horror or fantasy context).

    * V+: Strongly violent or disturbing
      Content rated "V+" may contain violence that is persistent, intense, and graphic. Content rated "V+" may include pervasive imagery or situations that are disturbing or repulsive to the average viewer. This may also include animated content, if it features realistic depictions of extreme violence or other extremely disturbing or repulsive imagery.

    * No violence or disturbing content
      Content rated "No violence or disturbing content" should be free of violence, injury, or other imagery that may be considered gory, disturbing, or repulsive to sensitive viewers.

Drug Use

    * D: Mild drug use
      Content rated "D" may contain mild drug use, including excessive or persistent consumption of alcohol or tobacco. It also may include incidental or comedic use of drugs such as marijuana, sativa, hallucinogens or prescription pharmaceuticals. Implied, non-graphic use of other drugs, such as heroin, may be rated "D" as well.

    * D+: Drug use
      Content rated "D+" may contain graphic, fictional depictions of drug abuse and display of drug paraphernalia. Content rated "D+" may also contain actual depictions of drug abuse where the context is appropriately educational, documentary or scientific.

      lightbulb Note: Some shows and movies may contain D+ content not otherwise permitted on the site. Videos originating from the YouTube user community must abide by the YouTube Community Guidelines and are not permitted to include such content.

    * No drug abuse
      Content rated "No drug abuse" should be free of any drug abuse. However, fleeting and moderate consumption of alcohol or tobacco by adults as well as responsible use of medications may appear.

Shows & Movies Ratings, U.S. Television Ratings on YouTube

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When do U.S. Television Ratings appear on YouTube?

When a television show in the YouTube Shows and Movies category has been assigned a rating (typically by its producer or a network on which it was aired), the rating is displayed under the video as well as in the YouTube player before the show begins. These ratings include TV-G, TV-PG, TV-14, TV-MA and more. Access to television shows rated TV-MA is restricted to older audiences, and you must be signed into your YouTube account in order to watch them.

For more information and descriptions of each rating, visit the TV Parental Guidelines website.

updated 9/30/2010
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Shows & Movies Ratings, MPAA Film Ratings YouTube

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When do MPAA Film Ratings appear on YouTube?

When a movie in the YouTube Shows and Movies category has been issued a rating by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), the rating is displayed under the video as well as in the YouTube player before the film begins. MPAA ratings include G, PG, PG-13, R and NC-17. Access to movies rated 'R' and NC-17 are restricted to older audiences, and you must be signed into your YouTube account in order to watch them.

For more information and descriptions of each rating, visit the MPAA website.

shows and movies ratings

Collaborative annotations

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Collaborative annotations allow various users to all add annotations to the same video and comment on the video together! To enable collaborative annotations for a particular video, please follow these steps:

   1. Go to the video in question's watch page,
      or you can also find the video in the Uploaded videos section in your Account (under 'My Videos').

   2. Click the Annotations button in the bottom of the screen.
   3. You'll see a special annotations link below the video.
   4. Send out this link to whomever you'd like to give access to add annotations to your video. Once your contacts click the link you've sent them, they will be allowed to add annotations to your video.

lightbulb Please note:

If you don't like what your contacts have written on your video with their annotations, you can always delete their annotations from your video. Click here to learn more about how to delete annotations. You can also disable access to the annotations URL that you sent out (so that no further annotations can be added to your video).

Addtionally, you can edit or delete any annotations you may have written on another user's video.

To disable collaborative annotations, visit either the watch page or the annotations editor for your video that has enabled collaborative annotations, and click the 'Disable & Reset Link' button. Once disabled, no more annotations can be added by non-owners using that link. If later on you'd like to re-enable annotations on your video again, you can generate a new different link (for the same video) to share with your friends and prevent spammers.

Viewing MP4 video files

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Some partners on YouTube allow you to download their videos in the MP4 file format, using the H.264 video codec and the AAC audio codec.

The following software can play YouTube's MP4 files on your computer:

    * QuickTime Player (Windows and MacOS).
    * VLC media player (Windows, MacOS, Linux, and more).

Here's how to transfer an MP4 video file to an iPhone or iPod:

   1. Start iTunes.
   2. From the 'File' menu, select 'Add File to Library'.
   3. Select the MP4 video file on your computer.
   4. This video will now appear in the Library under 'Movies' section of iTunes.
   5. Connect your iPhone or iPod to your computer; it should then appear under the 'Devices' section of iTunes.
   6. Click your device name (e.g. 'XXX's iPhone').
   7. Go to the Video tab on the right hand side of the page.
   8. Scroll down to the 'Movies' section, enable Sync movies, and then enable the checkbox in front of the name of the video file.
   9. Click the 'Apply' (or Sync) button.

updated 9/8/2010
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Partner video downloads

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You have the option of downloading and storing your favorite Partner videos and watching these videos even without an internet connection. To download Partner video:

   1. Find the video you'd like to download.
   2. Below the video's play bar in the lower left hand corner, you'll see a 'Download' button.
   3. Click the 'Download' button to indicate that you'd like to download the video.

lightbulb Please note:

    * Not all videos have the option to download enabled. Only certain Partner videos have this feature. If you do not see the download button below the video, it means downloading is not yet enabled for the video.
    * Partner videos (that permit downloading) are available for download in MP4 format only.

Purchasing a video download

Some videos require purchasing before you can download them to your computer. Once you've opted to download the video you will be directed to Google Checkout to finalize your purchase:

   1. On the Google Checkout page you'll see the video you'd like to download and the cost of the video.

   2. You'll need a Google Checkout account in order to purchase the video download through Checkout. You're required to create this account in order to ensure the security and confidentiality of your personal information when purchasing content from YouTube.

   3. Enter the required information (including your email address, credit card information, billing address etc.).

   4. Once you've entered all the information and created your Checkout account you'll be directed to the Confirmation page. Here you'll have the chance to double-check the download you're about to purchase and the cost of the download.

   5. Your purchase will then be 'Authorized' and completed. You'll receive a 'thank you' message confirming that the transaction was successful.

   6. Your new download will appear in the 'Purchased Videos' section of your YouTube account (under 'My Videos'). You can now enjoy your new download! For more info about your download rights, please see the 'Learn More' link located next to the video's 'Download' button.

To learn more about Google Checkout, please visit the Google Checkout Help Center.

Removing links that appear under my video

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The "Links" section below your video displays the five websites within which your video has been embedded and is receiving the highest number of clicks.

To remove these links, you can remove the embed option from your video. Once you disable the embed feature for a video, it may take some time for the links beneath the video to disappear.


Learn More: Video not available in my country

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Some YouTube content partners choose to make their videos available only to certain countries. For instance, they may only have the licensing rights for a particular region. On occasion, YouTube does block specific content in order to comply with local laws in countries where YouTube has launched. For instance, certain Nazi imagery is unlawful in parts of Europe.

updated 9/30/2010

earching for Videos: Spotlight Videos

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YouTube's members rate videos they like, and we pluck out some highly-rated and recent videos for consideration in the "Spotlight Videos" section of the home page and the spotlight videos on the "Categories" page. In addition, our programming team takes suggestions from users at and is always on the lookout for videos of interest.

ecommended to You

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The "Recommended for You" module picks videos based on your viewing history. To see your viewing history, click on the History link at the top right of the page; if you want to clear your history and recommendations, click the "Clear Viewing History" button on that page.

Remember, you will get better, more specific, and more consistent recommendations by logging in (or signing up for a YouTube account, if you don't already have one).

Advanced Search Settings

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You can access advanced search options by clicking the 'Advanced Options' link in the upper right of search results pages.

You can filter results by:

    * appropriateness for minors
    * word phrase
    * location
    * duration of videos
    * language
    * subject categories
    * upload time
    * video quality (HD)
    * videos with closed captions or annotations
    * Videos, Channels, Playlists, Shows, and Movies

Click the 'close' button to close the options box and save your changes.

advanced search options

inding my videos

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In the upper right corner of most pages, you'll find a line of links to all of your stuff: videos, favorites, playlists, inbox, and subscriptions.

If you're on a page that doesn't have this bar (such as a video watch page), you can get to your videos by clicking the "My Account" link at the top of the page and then clicking the "My Uploaded Videos" link.

Or you can go directly to your videos.

Find a video I just watched

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If you'd like a find a video you recently viewed, click the blue "History" link at the top of any YouTube page. This will show you a list of the videos you recently viewed.

To add one of the videos to your playlists or favorites, click the "Add to" button in the top-left-hand-corner of the page.

You can also delete your viewing history by clicking the "Clear Viewing History" button.

updated 9/30/2010
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To filter out videos that may not be suitable for minors, simply follow the steps below:

   1. Go to any YouTube page.
   2. Click the "Search" button.
   3. Click the Advanced Options link at the top right of the search results page.
   4. In the blue window that appears, select the box for "Filter videos that may not be suitable for minors."

updated 9/8/2010
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To filter out videos that may not be suitable for minors, simply follow the steps below:

   1. Go to any YouTube page.
   2. Click the "Search" button.
   3. Click the Advanced Options link at the top right of the search results page.
   4. In the blue window that appears, select the box for "Filter videos that may not be suitable for minors."

inding cool videos

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There are lots of ways to find cool videos to watch. Here are three to start with:

    * If you know what you're looking for, you can type keywords into the Search box at the top of every page.
    * Click on the Videos tab to browse the site; the links across the top give you an idea of what other folks on YouTube find interesting, and you can dig deeper within each one using the time-related, category, and honor-related links on the top and left to refine the list of videos. We also have the "Spotlight" feature to show you what we think is interesting.
    * When you find other members whose videos you like, you can subscribe to them so that you're notified whenever they upload new videos—the newest four will show up on the home page when you sign in, or you can view all of your subscriptions to see them all at once.

Video not in search

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Depending on site traffic, changes to video information can take 8 hours or more to show up in the search index after they've been uploaded, changed, or removed. This includes changes to tags, ratings, views, and comments. Please be patient -- the video will show in the search index shortly. To bypass this time, you may want to send your friends the link of the video via email or private message.

To find videos that were recently uploaded, you may want to sort by "Date Added". To do this, search for the terms that describe the video. From the search results page, click the "Date Added" link on the top of the screen. This will allow you to see the most recently uploaded videos first.

Note that unless the username of the uploader is specified as a tag it may not be indexed for a video search. To find a user (and their videos), perform a search for their username and then select "Channels" on the left side of the page.

Find cool Playlists

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YouTube supports the search function for playlists. In order to find cool playlists, please follow the steps listed below:

   1. In the YouTube search bar, enter the search query for the type of playlist you want to find. Next, click the 'Search' button.
   2. You'll be taken to the search query result page. Below the video search bar, you'll then see the three search options:


   3. Click the 'Playlists' option to refine your search and search through YouTube playlists.
   4. Select a playlist from the search query results, click the thumbnail, and the playlist will start to play. Sit back, relax, and enjoy!

lightbulb Tip
If you still haven't found the the playlist for which you're searching, perform another search query with new search terms. You can also click


A dropdown menu will appear listing further search refinements to help you narrow down your search criteria into a specific category.

Getting Started: Organizing videos in playlists

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To organize the videos in your playlist, follow the steps:

   1. Sign in to your account.
   2. Hover over your username in the upper right of any page and click the "Playlists" link.
   3. Select the playlist you'd like to reorder.
   4. To place a video somewhere else on the list, click the number to the left of the video and type the number you'd like that video to have.
   5. The list will auto-update as you finish each change.

Organizing videos on your channel

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You can choose which videos to feature on your channel-page. In order to select the order in which your uploads, favorites, and / or playlists are featured on your channel, follow the steps below:

   1. Sign into your account and go to your channel page.
   2. On the right-hand-side of your channel page (above your uploads, playlists, and favorites), you'll see "arrange". Click "arrange" to select which videos are featured on your channel page.
   3. You can choose to feature 12 videos on your channel. Select the videos you'd like to highlight by dragging and dropping the video's thumbnail into one of the numbered spots. You can choose videos from your uploads, favorites, and playlists.
   4. Click the "Save changes" button to save your choices and feature the videos you just selected on your channel.
   5. In order to return to the video-view of your channel, click your username at the top of the page.
   6. Your videos will now appear in the selected order on your channel.

In order to feature one main video in the player section of your channel:

   1. On your channel page, click "edit".
   2. The window will expand with various options to edit your channel. From the "Featured Video" drop-down menu, select the video that you'd like to feature on your channel in the video player.
   3. Once you've made your selection, click the "Save Changes" button.

Note: private uploads and playlists will not appear in your selection as these videos cannot be displayed publicly on your channel.

Removing videos from playlists

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To remove a video from your playlist, please follow the steps below.

   1. Sign in to your account and click the "Account" link in the upper right.
   2. Under "My Videos," click the "Playlists" link.
   3. Select the playlist from which you'd like to remove a video.
   4. Check the box for the video you'd like to remove and click the "Remove Video" button.

ake a playlist

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There are several ways to make Playlists.
From the video watch page:

   1. Click the "Playlist" link under the video you're watching.
   2. From the drop down menu, choose "[New Playlist]", and click "OK."
   3. You'll be taken to a page where you can set the properties for your Playlist.
   4. Click the "Save Playlist Info" button. You'll be returned to the video watch page and the video will automatically be added to your new Playlist.

From your QuickList:

   1. Go to the "QuickList" page.
   2. Remove any videos you don't want in your Playlist.
   3. Click the "Save as Playlist" link at the bottom of the video list.

From your Account:

   1. Go to the "Account" page and click on the "Playlists" link under "My Videos."
   2. Click the "Create Playlist" button from the left column of the page and set the properties for your Playlist.
   3. Click the "Save Playlist Info" button.

 Saving videos

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To save videos permanently, you need to sign up as a member, and then click the "Favorite" link underneath the videos you want to watch later. Please note, it can take a few hours for changes to be reflected on your channel.

If videos you've selected as Favorites don't appear after some time, you may want to consider clearing your browser's cache and cookies.

You can also save videos temporarily by using the Quicklist feature.

Not all playlist videos appear in my custom player

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Some of the videos in your playlist may have had their embed option disabled by the uploader. Private videos will also not play on your playlist unless they've been shared with you shared with you by the uploader. For best results, you may want to ensure the content you've included in your playlist contains only public videos that have the embed option enabled.

Clearing my View history

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To clear your viewing history, follow the steps below:

   1. Sign into your account, and click the account link at the top right of the page.
   2. Under "My Videos" click the History option.
   3. Click the "Viewing History" tab in the gray bar to see videos you viewed since you opened your browser.
   4. To clear it, click the "Clear Viewing History" button at the top of the video list.

Go directly to your Viewing History.

When searching for videos on the site, you can turn off search suggestions as you type your query into the search bar. Please follow these tips to turn off search suggestions as you type:

   1. Type your search query into the search bar at the top of the page. Click the "search" button.
   2. On the right hand side of the page, click on advanced options.
   3. A window will appear. Deselect "Display query suggestions as I type". You have now opted to turn off the search query suggestions.
   4. Finally, click the "search" or "close" button on the window to exit the "advanced options" window (and return to the page you were on before).

If you'd like to switch search suggestions back on, simply repeat the steps listed above. This time, just select "Display query suggestions as I type" and then close the window. Search suggestions will then be displayed again.

Removing playlists

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To remove one of your playlists, simply go to your "Playlists" page and click the "Delete Playlist" button next to the playlist you'd like to remove.


Removing videos from favorites

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To remove a video from your favorites, please follow the steps below:

   1. Sign in to your YouTube account and click the "Account" link at the top right corner of the page.
   2. Click on the "My Favorites" link under the "My Videos" section.
   3. Select the box next to the video you'd like to remove from your favorites and click the "Remove Video" button. The video will then be removed from your favorites.

Similar steps will remove videos from your playlists by clicking the "Playlists" link on your account page.

Uploaded videos: Downloading YouTube videos

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In general, downloading videos from YouTube is not supported. There are two instances when downloading is offered.

Click to Buy option

We are currently testing an option with a small group of partners, giving them the ability to permit downloading of their videos downloads for free or for a small fee paid through Google Checkout. For more information, please visit our Help Center entry about partner video downloads.

Download your own videos to MP4

   1. Sign into your account.
   2. Click on the Account link in the top right hand corner of your screen.
   3. Under My Videos click Uploaded Videos.
   4. Find the video you'd like to download and click the "Download to MP4" button.

lightbulb Please note:

    * There is a limit of two downloads per hour for downloading your video to MP4. The "Download to MP4 button will not appear next to your videos if you've already downloaded two videos in an hour. Once an hour has passed, the button will appear again and you'll have the option to download additional videos.
    * If your video has already been removed from the site, or if you've used audioswap, the video will not be available for download.

Except for the cases mentioned above, the YouTube's video player is designed to be used within your browser as an Internet experience. As an alternative to downloading, you can:

    * Temporarily save videos to watch later by adding them to your QuickList.
    * If you'd then like to save these videos more permanently, you can add the videos to a playlist or your account favorites.

For the small number of partner videos that permit downloading, the video watch pages of the participating partners link to the download option (this option is located below the left-hand corner of the video). To help you keep track of the videos you have previously purchased, we have created a new "My Purchases" tab under "My Videos."

Delete search history

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YouTube doesn't save your searches, but your browser probably does. If you'd like to clear your browser's history, here's how:
Firefox 3.5

   1. Click the "Tools" option in your browser.
   2. Click "Clear recent history".
   3. Select the time period for which you'd like to clear / delete your browsing history (for example: "Everything", "Last hour" etc.).
   4. Click "Clear now".

clear history firefox
Chrome 4

   1. Click the "Tools" option in your browser (over in the upper right hand corner of the page).
   2. Select "History".
   3. You'll see your history for the past day listed. By clicking "Delete history for this day" you can delete your browsing history. You can also delete your browsing history from previous days' sessions. To do so, click "Older" and you'll see older browsing history. Delete the history for a particular day by clicking the "Delete history for this day" link.

clear history chrome
Internet Explorer 8

   1. Click the "Tools" option in your browser.
   2. Click "Delete browsing history".
   3. Select "History" and any other options you'd like to delete.
   4. Click the "Delete" button.

clear history internet explorer
Opera 10

   1. Click the "Tools" option in your browser.
   2. Click "History". You'll see your recent history displayed.
   3. Select the browsing history which you'd like to delete, and click the "Delete" button.

clear history opera

   1. Go to the Safari menu and select "Preferences".
   2. From the menus that pop up, select "Auto fill".
   3. Go to the "Other forms" line and select the "Edit" button.
   4. From the list of sites for which AutoFill is currently being applied, select "", then "Remove" then "Done".

Unlisted videos

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What is an unlisted video?

      An unlisted video is a different type of private video. "Unlisted" means that only people who know the link to the video can view it (such as friends or family to whom you send the link). An unlisted video will not appear in any of YouTube's public spaces (such as search results, your channel, or the Browse page). An unlisted video is different to a private video in these ways:
          o you don't need a YouTube account to watch the video (you can see an unlisted video if someone sends you the video's link)
          o there's no 25 person sharing limit

      Even though your video will not appear in any of YouTube's public spaces, links to the video could still appear elsewhere on the web if anyone who knows the video's URL shares it. It is therefore up to you to maintain the privacy of your video and the unlisted URL. You can further restrict the video at any time by returning to your account and marking the video as Private.

How do I create an unlisted video?

      You can choose to make any of your uploads an unlisted video in your YouTube Account settings. Here’s how:
         1. Sign into your YouTube Account
         2. Go to your My Videos page
         3. Select the video which you’d like to make an unlisted video. Click the “Edit” button to access the video’s settings.
         4. Go to the Privacy section of the page. There you’ll see the option to mark you video as “unlisted”, “public”, or “private”. Select unlisted.
         5. Don’t forget to click the “Save Changes” button. Once you’ve done this your video will be an unlisted video.

How do I share an unlisted video?

      Once you’ve set your video as unlisted in your Account settings, you’re ready to share your video. In order to share your video, just send the video’s URL to the people with whom you’d like to have access to the video. They’ll then be able to view the video.

Who can access my unlisted video?

      Initially, only the people with whom you share your unlisted video's URL will have access to the video. That said, if one your contacts then shares the unlisted video URL on a blog / public website or with their friends, the video will be available and accessible to those people (and their friends) as well. Its therefore important to communicate to your contacts that you wish to maintain limited access to your unlisted video and that you only share the video with people you trust.

I’m unable to create an unlisted video. Why?

      Only YouTube Accounts in good standing have access to create unlisted videos. If you don't see the option to make your video unlisted in your Account settings, it could be that your YouTube Account is not in good standing and has a terms of service violation or a strike for copyright infringement.
      Click here to learn how to check whether your Account is in good standing

         1. Sign into your Account
         2. Go to your Account settings page
         3. Click "Manage Account"
         4. You'll see different sections which list your Account status and whether your Account is in good standing ("Account status: Community Guidelines / Copyright").

            If you have an item pending against your account, you will not be able to create unlisted videos until this strike is resolved. Once your Account is in good standing with no listed strikes, you'll gain access to creating unlisted videos

Embedding YouTube videos

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You can add YouTube videos to other webpages and blogs by embedding the video.

In order to embed a video into another website or blog:

   1. Copy the code in the field marked "Embed"(located to the right of the video).
   2. Then, paste the code in the provided field of the website in which you'd like to embed the video. The video will then appear on that page.

You may also customize your own embeddable player by clicking on the embed code. When you click on the embed code the space below it will expand and reveal customization options. You can choose the following for your embedded player:

    * the color and size
    * whether or not to include related videos
    * whether or not to display the player border

Which sizes are available for embeds?

Default sizes for embeds:

    * For 4:3 videos the embedded player will be 480x385 pixels.
    * For 16:9 videos the embedded player will be 640x385 pixels.

If you’d like to select a size for the embedded video other than the default option, you’re able to do so. However, selecting an option other than the default size may cause the video to be displayed in a non-optimal way.

Your options include:

    * 360p
    * 480p

Please note:

Default embed size is the same size of a video on These default options were selected because they will give the majority of users the best possible viewing experience and because these sizes are a better match of our current video encoding sizes.

To learn more about embedding and embed options, click and expand the topics below:
Disable / enable the option to embed

You can enable or disable embedding of your video on external sites by going through the following steps:

   1. Select "My Uploaded Videos" in your account.
   2. Click the "Edit Video Info" button to the right of the video in question.
   3. Click the "Broadcasting and Sharing Options" section.
   4. Click the radio button next to
      "Yes, external sites may embed and play this video"
      "No, external sites may NOT embed and play this video"
      depending on which you want to do.
   5. Click the "Update Video Info" button at the bottom of the page.

You can change this option for your videos anytime you want.
The option to embed does not appear

If the video owner has disabled embedding, the "Embed" field will not be displayed and you will not be allowed to embed their video.
Embed videos with oEmbed

Our oEmbed API makes it easy for developers to get the embed code for a YouTube video link. Generally, you have to copy a video's embed code from a YouTube video and paste the embed code in your website / blog. If your website supports oEmbed you can simply paste the video's URL Instead of the entire embed code. The video will still appear embedded in the page.

Here's an example of embed code:

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

With oEmbed you can simply paste the video's URL into your blog:

Check out for more information.
About the YouTube Embedded Player
The default embedded video player allows you to view the video you've embedded as well as several related videos. While viewing a video in the embedded player, you can click anywhere within the main body of the player and be redirected to that video's play page on YouTube.

By moving your cursor to the lower portion of the embedded player, you can view the thumbnails of videos that relate to the video you're watching. As your mouse hovers over an individual thumbnail, you can see the title and an enlarged version of the image. By clicking on one of the related video thumbnails, you can view that entire video right there in the embedded player.

If you'd like to turn off the option to see related videos through your embedded player, simply add "&rel=0" after the video ID number in the embed code. Here's an example of what your embed code should look like if you'd like to turn off this feature:

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

All parameters for the embedded and custom players are listed here:
Autoplay embedded videos

By adding simple code to a video's embed code you can make an embedded YouTube videos autoplay.

In the "About This Video" section of the video watch-page, we give you the source code to embed the video:

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
To make it autoplay, just append "&autoplay=1" after the video ID so it looks like this:

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
Turn off "related videos" in embedded players

To turn off related videos in your embedded player, please follow the instructions listed below:

   1. To the right of the video player on the video play page, click the blue gear next to the Embed code.
   2. Unselect the "Include related videos" checkbox.
   3. Once you've unselected this checkbox, copy the code in the Embed field.
   4. Paste the embed code into your blog or website, and the video will be embed without displaying related videos.

The parameter for disabling related videos for a video in the YouTube embedded player is "&rel=0". By adding "&rel=0" to the end of the video ID in the embed code, you'll prevent related videos from showing in the player.
Enabling privacy-enhanced mode for embedded videos

Like most web properties, YouTube uses what are known as "cookies" to collect information. Cookies can be used to store data about the user's computer or the user watching a video. YouTube uses cookies to help maintain the integrity of video statistics, prevent fraud and to improve the site experience, among other things. We use cookies on both and on videos embedded from

We've been working to give our users more options and control over these cookies. One such option is the privacy-enhanced mode for our embed player. This mode restricts YouTube's ability to set cookies for a user who views a web page that contains a privacy-enhanced YouTube embed video player, but does not click on the video to begin playback. YouTube may still set cookies on the user's computer once the visitor clicks on the YouTube video player, but YouTube will not store personally-identifiable cookie information for playbacks of embedded videos using the privacy-enhanced mode.
Enabling privacy-enhanced mode

If you'd like to enable the privacy-enhanced mode for a video that you're about to embed on another site, simply:

    * Find the video that you'd like to embed.
    * On the video play page, to the right of the video, you'll see the video's embed code. Directly below the embed code, you'll see various options, including the Enable privacy-enhanced mode checkbox.
    * Click the checkbox to select and enable privacy-enhanced mode on the video that you're about to embed.
    * Copy the video's embed code and paste the code into the section of the site where you'd like the video embedded. The video will be embedded in privacy-enhanced mode.

To learn more about embedding videos, please visit the following Help Centre entry.
Embedding playlists

To embed a playlist, follow the steps below:

   1. Go to the "Playlists" section of your account.
   2. Select the playlist you'd like to embed.
   3. Copy the embed code from the upper right corner.
   4. Paste the code into your website or blog.

Embeddable channels

YouTube channels can be embedded on other sites. This allows you to share your favorite YouTube channels with webpages or blogs you own. Visitors to your webpage or blog are able to view the channel you embedded and play that channel's videos without leaving your website.

The embedded channel also allows your site's viewers to navigate to the actual YouTube channel, or to subscribe to the channel directly from your site.

In order to embed the channel in question on to your website / blog:

   1. Copy the embed code from the channel.
   2. Add your channel name in place of "YourChannelName".
   3. Paste the code in the designated field in your website / blog.

Channel embed code:

<script src=" &synd=open&w=320&h=390&title=&border=%23ffffff%7C3px%2C1px+solid+%23999999&output=js"></script>

The embedded channel will then appear for your site visitors to view.

Embedding playlists

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To embed a playlist, follow the steps below:

   1. Go to the "Playlists" section of your account.
   2. Select the playlist you'd like to embed.
   3. Copy the embed code from the upper right corner.
   4. Paste the code into your website or blog.

Making playlists private

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To make your playlist private, follow the steps below:

   1. Sign in and click the "Account" link in the upper right.
   2. Click "Playlists" (located in the column on the left side of the page).
   3. Select the playlist you want to make private.
   4. Click the "Edit" button at the top (click the little triangle icon).
   5. Select the radio button next to the "Private" field.
   6. Click the "Save Changes" button.
ccess to my private video

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When you make a video private, you have the option of sharing it with a select number of people from any of the lists you've created (you have two default lists, "Friends" and "Family"). If you don't select a list, your private video can only be viewed by your account. If you share it with members on a list, it will only be viewable by those select members on that list.

Sharing videos

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There are many options for sharing a video you've found on YouTube. Here are a few:

   1. Have YouTube send your friends an email with a link to the video - just sign into your YouTube account, click on the "Share" link underneath any video, and then scroll down to the "Send this video from YouTube" box. Enter any email address you want and an optional personal message, then click "Send"

   2. Send a video URL to your friends directly - just click on the "URL" text box to the right of any video, copy the text, and paste it to anyone in an email message or IM window

   3. Share to a social network - just click on your favorite social network underneath a video (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, orkut, etc), sign into that social network (if necessary), and follow the instructions to send the video to your profile or directly to your friends.

Having trouble sharing a videos?

If your friends haven't received the YouTube videos you've shared with them, please ask them to check their spam folder to see if the emails were filtered there. Adding to their address book or filter exception list may help avoid this problem in the future. You may also want to confirm that you're entering the right email addresses when you share videos.

Embedding videos

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To embed a video, just copy the code from the "Embed" box—you can find it in the "About This Video" box when you're watching the video. Once you've copied the code, just paste it into your website or blog to embed it.

We now offer the ability to customize embedded players! For more information, please visit our Help Center section on Custom Players.

Also, please note that if you don't want one of your videos to be embedded on other websites, you can disable that feature by following the steps below:

   1. Within your account, click the "My Uploaded Videos" link (
   2. Click the "Edit Video Info" button to the right of the video in question.
   3. Under "Sharing Options," click the button next to "No, external sites may NOT embed and play this video."

Sharing Playlists

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Click and expand the topics below to learn more about sharing your playlists and how to share other users' playlists which you find on the site:
Sharing your playlists

   1. Go to the "My Playlists" page.
   2. Click on the link of the playlist you want to share.
   3. In the blue bar at the top, click the "Share this Playlist" link.
   4. Enter the email addresses (or usernames, if you're signed in) of the people with whom you'd like to share the Playlist.
   5. Click the "Send" button.

Please note: a playlist may contain both public and private videos. If your playlist contains private videos and you share it with your friends who don't have access to that video, they'll receive the following error message: "This is a private video. If you have been sent this video, please make sure you accept the sender's friend request."

To avoid this from occurring, make sure the private videos in your playlists are shared separately with your friends.
Sharing playlists on the site

   1. Find a playlist on the site.
   2. Click the title of the playlist.
   3. Copy the contents of the Playlist/URL (permalink) field.
   4. Paste this into an email, instant message etc. and share the playlist with your friends/contacts.

Commenting on videos

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To post a text comment about a video, follow the steps below:

   1. Start typing in the 'Comment on this video' field or click the 'Post a text comment' link below the video player.
   2. Click the 'Post Comment' button. The button will say 'Comment posted!' if you've successfully posted your comment. If the grayed out tab reads 'Comment Pending Approval,' this means that the uploader of the video needs to approve the comment before it is posted on the site.
   3. Refresh the page and your comment will appear.

Remember to keep your comments respectful and relevant, so they can be enjoyed by the full YouTube community!

You can also use "Deep Links" with comments to let other users know your thoughts about a specific part of a video. Learn more about Deep Links.
Not seeing your comment?

Your comment may not appear if the uploader declines, removes, or doesn't actively approve your comment. Please note, you won't be able to comment on a user's video or profile page if that user has blocked you.

If you've continued seeing the grayed out "Post Comment" button, try posting your variations of the original comment. Make sure you don't add any special characters, URLs, or HTML tags to your comment text and that the comment is within our 500 character limit.

Friends can't see private videos

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Private videos and playlists can be viewed only by you and the people you've added to designated contact lists. For one of your friends to see one of your private videos, they must have accepted your friend invites. You then have to share the video or playlist with the contact list they're on. When you share private videos, make sure you check all the boxes in your address book so all the intended recipients can see them.

Your friends will receive an email when you share a private video with them. They can view your video by clicking the link in the email. Your friends must be signed into their accounts to watch the private video. Also, if they have multiple YouTube accounts, they must be signed into the account where they've added you as their friend.

Private videos will not appear on your Channel page.

Video response not in Inbox

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If you have more than one YouTube account, ensure you're signed into the correct one.

If you've set the "Sharing Options" for that video to "Yes, allow video responses to be added automatically," the video will appear as a response to your video but won't show up in your Inbox.

It's also possible that the user who posted the video response to your video has reposted the same video as a response to another video. A video can be posted as a video response to only one video.

ot all videos available to send with YouTube's messaging system

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Through YouTube's messaging system, you can attach your public videos to messages and share them with your friends and contacts.
There may, however, be two reasons that could have caused some videos not available to attach to your message:

   1. When you compose a message, if you have private videos in your account, they won't appear in the dropdown menu's "Attach a video" field. Please ensure that your videos are public in order for them to be eligible to appear in this dropdown and to share with others.

      In order to verify/check the privacy settings for your video, you need to:

          * Go to
          * Select the "Edit" button for the video in question
          * Go to "Broadcasting and Sharing" > "Privacy"
          * Set the right privacy settings and click "Save Changes" button

   2. There is a limit of up to 20 of your uploaded public videos can appear in the dropdown

Turning off related videos in the embedded player

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If you'd like to turn off the option to see related videos through your embedded player, simply add "&rel=0" after the video ID number in the embed code. Here's an example of what your embed code should look like if you'd like to turn off this feature:

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

Embedded player style guide

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This document shares some recommendations concerning the YouTube embedded player. It is meant for users, partners and advertisers.

YouTube offers various video sizes to accommodate a wide variety of users. When possible we try to serve the most appropriate video resolution to our users, but we also allow them to override that selection when they want to. Some users may choose to watch a video in HD if they have a fast internet connection and a fast computer, or may choose to always watch smaller sized videos if they have a slow internet connection or a slow computer. Offering this control is important as not everyone has the internet bandwidth or the CPU speed to handle large HD sized videos.

Click on the options below to expand the content and learn more about each topic:
Quick Start Tips

   1. The default (and recommended) size of the embedded player is 480x385 for a 4:3 video and 640x385 for a 16:9 video.
   2. When embedding a video on your site, focus on the size of the player (the size that best fits your site) not on the resolution of the video.
   3. Make sure the resolution of the video is not higher than the size of the YouTube embedded player you're using: It's always best to display a video quality that best fits the size of the video player.
   4. If you choose "Play in HD", we recommend a minimum player size of 720 pixels in height and proportional in width.
   5. You can find the more advanced embedded player parameter settings here. These parameters will help you customize the player even more.
   6. The default (and recommended) parameters of the embedded player are: "fs=1" (enable fullscreen), "rel=1" (enable related videos) and widescreen size (640x385 or 853x505).

Choosing the embedded player size

   1. What are the various embedded player sizes?

      YouTube offers 4 player sizes that you can choose from (width x height):
          * 560x340
          * 640x385
          * 853x505
          * 1280x745
      These sizes include a 25px addition to the vertical height to accommodate the player controls. So for example, the video that is played in the 853x505 player is 853x480 pixels.
      You can also choose a custom player size by changing the size parameters in the embedding URL. The parameters you should look for are "width=" and "height="

      The default (and recommended) embed size is 480x385 for a 4:3 video and 640x385 for 16:9 content.
          * Tip:: When embedding a video on your site, focus on the size of the player (that best fits your site) not on the resolution of the video.
          * Tip:: The recommended minimum size is 480x385 for a 4:3 video and 640x385 for 16:9 content.

      Here are how the video player sizes compare to one another. The first 4 players are represented in a 1024x768 pixel screen (considered the standard for most computer screen resolutions). The last 2 players are too large to fit in such a screen.
      embed size options
   2. What is the recommended player size?

      lightbulb Tip: To offer your audience a comfortable experience, we recommend you choose at least the "640x385" player for 16:9 content and 480x385 for 4:3 content (these are the sizes that YouTube defaults to for 16:9 and 4:3 content respectively).

      custom embed options

Deciding whether to use High Definition (HD)

I love HD, should I always check the "play in HD" box for the videos I embed on my site?

Short answer: No! Here's why...

Checking "play in HD" triggers, when available, a video resolution of 1280x720 (referred to as 720p) or 1920x1080 (referred to as 1080p).

When using the "Play in HD" option, it's best to embed the player at a very large size (at least 1280x745) in order to accommodate the large size of the video. If you play HD video in a small player, the user's computer works overtime to scale down the video to fit within the player, which may result in choppy playback. It's always best to play the video size that best fits the size of the video player. And if you want even better performance when watching HD content, you can choose to watch it in full-screen.

lightbulb Tip: make sure the resolution of the video is not higher that the size of the YouTube embedded player you're using.

Customizing the look and feel

   1. Customizing the colors and borders of your embedded player

      These options are available without any changes to the embed URL and allow customizations like the following:

      customized players

   2. Advanced customization options

      The video players have many user configurable settings. You can review the player parameters page to determine if any of them will be useful to you.
      One of the more popular options is the rel parameter. This parameter allows an embedder to disable the related videos at the end of a video.

   3. The "rel" parameter

      The "rel" parameter sets whether the player should load related videos once playback of the initial video starts. It is enabled by default.
      We recommended that you do not disable related videos, simply because users are likely to watch more videos (and spend more time) while on your site if the setting is enabled.

Tracking and additional items

   1. Embedding videos with oEmbed

      Our oEmbed API makes it easy for developers to get the embed code for a YouTube video link. Generally, you have to copy a video's embed code from a YouTube video and paste the embed code in your website or blog. With oEmbed you can simply paste the video's URL into your blog: The video will still appear embedded in the page.

      You can find out more on the YouTube API blog and on

   2. Chromeless player

      We recommend you use the Chromeless player as a last resort and only if all the embedded player doesn't address your needs. There are a variety of reasons for this recommendation:
          * Using the Chomeless player requires custom development and does not support annotations, captions or overlays. You can find the documentation here.
          * The YouTube embedded player is now very well recognized by users and you won't leverage that recognition if you use the Chromeless player.

Embedding videos with oEmbed

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Our oEmbed API makes it easy for developers to get the embed code for a YouTube video link. Generally, you have to copy a video's embed code from a YouTube video and paste the embed code in your website / blog. If your website supports oEmbed you can simply paste the video's URL Instead of the entire embed code. The video will still appear embedded in the page.

Here's an example of embed code:

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

With oEmbed you can simply paste the video's URL into your blog:

Check out for more information.

How to tweet about YouTube "from Google" on Twitter

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Everyday, YouTube users all over the world tweet about interesting videos they've found on YouTube. These tweets are posted "from Google" and are a way of sharing YouTube content with your friends and network.

Wondering how to tweet about a YouTube video and have it appear "from Google"? You can do so through YouTube AutoShare. This is a service on YouTube which lets you automatically tweet everytime you upload, rate, favorite, subscribe, or comment on a YouTube video. To learn more about AutoShare and how to start automatically sharing your YouTube actions on Twitter, take a look at the following Help Center article.

News Near You

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"News Near You" is a feature that displays news videos from partners within a 100 mile radius of your computer's IP address. If there are recent videos that cover news happening in your vicinity, you will see the "News Near You" module on the YouTube News page ( If you don't see anything here, you can be sure we're working to bring local news partners in your area to you soon.

How can I be included?
If you are a local news organization or reporter covering news and events happening in a particular location, you may be eligible for inclusion in "News Near You." To be an accepted local news source, your YouTube channel must regularly upload videos comprised of original, unbiased reporting on stories of local interest to a specific community at the town, city, or state level. If you think your channel qualifies, submit an application to the YouTube Partner Program and indicate that you are a local news provider seeking inclusion in "News Near You." To learn more about the YouTube Partner Program's benefits for news organizations, and how to submit your content to Google News, read our blog post, "A Call to News Publishers: How to Share Your Video."


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AutoShare allows you to automatically share your YouTube Activity Feed to Facebook, Twitter and Google Reader. By opting into AutoShare, when you perform certain actions (specified in your Activity Feed) on YouTube, AutoShare sends an update to your friends on Facebook, a tweet on Twitter, and notification in Google Reader about those actions.

In order to participate and share your YouTube updates through AutoShare, please follow the steps listed below:

Click on each option to open and read more:

Getting started and activating AutoShare

   1. Sign into your account.

   2. Click the "Account" link (located in the top right-hand corner of your screen).

   3. Click the "Sharing" option (located in the left-hand navigation column).

   4. Here, you'll see various options: "Activity Feed", "AutoShare Options" and "Notifications".

   5. The "AutoShare" section shows you the sites to which you can AutoShare your YouTube activty. Your options include Facebook, Twitter, and Google Reader.

      Click the site to which you'd like to share your YouTube activity. A window will appear prompting you to connect your YouTube account with the other site's account. In order to AutoShare you'll need to connect the two accounts.

      For example, if you'd like to AutoShare to Facebook and let your Facebook friends know about your recent YouTube activity, click the Facebook option. You'll then see a window asking you to connect with Facebook (it will ask you to enter your Facebook account info, then click the connect button). Once you enter the requested information, your YouTube account will be connected to your Facebook account.

   6. Click the "Save Changes" button. You've now successfully set up AutoShare and will be able to share your YouTube activity with other sites.

lightbulb Please note: you'll need to have a linked Google-YouTube account in order to user AutoShare. If don't have a linked Google-YouTube account (or if you're not sure whether or not you have a linked account), please visit the following Help Center article. By reading the Help Center article, you can learn how to tell if you have a linked Google-YouTube account. You can also learn how to link your YouTube account with a Google account if you don't already have a linked account.

Read the next section below to learn about what information you can AutoShare, and how to choose what you share / don't share with other sites...

Your YouTube Activity and selecting which actions you'd like to AutoShare

Once you've set up AutoShare, your YouTube Activity Feed will be shared with the sites with which you're connected for AutoShare. Any information you already share on YouTube from your Activity Feed will now also be AutoShared with Facebook, Twitter, and / or Google Reader.

For example, if in your Activity Feed you choose to share when you upload a new video, AutoShare will also update your selected sites that you've recently uploaded a new video to YouTube.

You can choose which information you share with both YouTube users, and with other sites (through AutoShare) in your Activity Feed. In order to customize which information you do / don't share, here's how to edit your Activity Feed:

   1. Sign into your account.
   2. Click the "Account" link (located in the top right-hand corner of your screen).
   3. Click the "Sharing" option (located in the left-hand navigation column).
   4. Here, you'll see various options: "Activity Feed", "AutoShare Options" and "Notifications".
   5. The "Activity Feed" section shows YouTube actions. If you select one of those actions, YouTube users receive an update when you perform that action.

      If you're using AutoShare and have connected with Facebook, Twitter, and/or Google Reader for AutoShare, the options selected in your Recent Activity section will also be shared with those site. Similarly, if you don't want to AutoShare an action in your Activity Feed, un-select that action.

   6. Look through your Recent Activity Feed and select the actions that you'd like to share on YouTube and with other sites through AutoShare. Make sure to un-select the actions that you do not want to share.

      Actions listed in your Activity Feed:
          * Upload a new video
          * Comment on a video
          * Favorite a video
          * Rate a video
          * Post a bulletin
          * Subscribe to a channel
          * Become friends with someone

   7. When you're finished, click the "Save Changes" button.

lightbulb Please note: you'll need to have a linked Google-YouTube account in order to user AutoShare. If don't have a linked Google-YouTube account (or if you're not sure whether or not you have a linked account), please visit the following Help Center article. By reading the Help Center article, you can learn how to tell if you have a linked Google-YouTube account. You can also learn how to link your YouTube account with a Google account if you don't already have a linked account.

How to AutoShare your uploads

If you'd like share your uploads to Facebook, Twitter, and / or Google Reader, simply follow the steps listed below:

   1. Sign into your account and click the yellow Upload button.
   2. Click the "Upload Video" button. A window will appear prompting you to browse your computer for your video file. Select the video file that you'd like to upload to YouTube.
   3. If you've connected to Facebook, Twitter, and/or Google Reader, your video will be uploaded to YouTube and shared to the selected site(s) once the upload goes live.

lightbulb Please note:

    * Uploads will be posted to the selected sites after the videos have finished processing- this might take a little while.
    * Videos set to private will not be posted / AutoShared to your connected sites.
    * All other actions (favorites, ratings, comments, etc.) will be posted shortly after you perform the action on YouTube.

autoshare uploads

lightbulb Please note: you'll need to have a linked Google-YouTube account in order to user AutoShare. If don't have a linked Google-YouTube account (or if you're not sure whether or not you have a linked account), please visit the following Help Center article. By reading the Help Center article, you can learn how to tell if you have a linked Google-YouTube account. You can also learn how to link your YouTube account with a Google account if you don't already have a linked account.


Creating a YouTube Group

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If you've got a topic or group of topics that calls for a discussion with a larger group of people, you may want to consider creating a Group. Groups allow multiple people to discuss things publicly, post multiple videos that apply to the discussion.

To get started and create your own Group, please follow the steps listed below:

   1. Sign into your YouTube account.
   2. Click "Account" (in the upper right hand corner of your screen).
   3. Click "Groups" (or go directly to
   4. Click "Create a Group".
   5. Enter all the requested information- this information will be used to define and customize your Group. When you're finished and ready to create your Group, click the "Create Group" button.

      lightbulb You may need to get creative with your group group-name / URL. If your desired group-name / URL isn't available, try adding numbers or a variation to the group-name in order to produce an original title for your Group.

      Once you click the "Create Group" button your Group will be ready- congratulations, you're all set!

   6. Once you've successfully created your Group, you'll be directed to your blank Group homepage. This page is where you can:

          * Invite Group members
          * Post videos for the Group
          * Create Group discussion topics
          * Select your Group's icon
          * (Once you've added members and topics) moderate members and topics

To learn more about how to perform the actions described above, visit this Help Center article.

YouTube Statistics and Data

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YouTube Statistics and Data shows you what factors are driving the video viewcounts on the site. You can use this feature to better understand how other videos became popular and learn how to grow your own audience and increase the popularity of your uploads.
How do I use Data and Statistics?

In order to use Data and Statistics, find a video that interests you and which you'd like to learn more about. Then, on the play-page (below the video player), you'll see "Statistics and Data". Click "Data and Statistics" and the window will expand showing you the data and statistics about the video.
What can I learn from Data and Statistics?

By looking at the provided charts and graphs you will be able to see:

    * The cumulative video views over time (highlighting first instance of each of top view sources).
    * The cumulative community interactions (such as comments, ratings, favorites etc.).
    * The top sources of traffic for the video (including search terms, embeds, advertising, related videos etc.).
    * The top three gender/age groups that the video is popular with (no percentages).
    * The countries in which the video is most popular

How do I opt out of using Data and Statistics?

YouTube gives all users the ability to opt-out of Data and Statistics. If you prefer to keep your video data private, you can opt-out of "Data and Statistics" and not share this data with other users. There are two ways to do this.

If you'd like to opt-out of sharing the data for all of your uploaded videos, you can do so at the account level:

   1. Sign into your account and click on the "Account" link (located in the upper right hand corner of any page).
   2. On the left hand side of the page, click "Sharing and Privacy" to access your privacy options.
   3. Click and open the "Statistics and Data" drop-down option
   4. Un-select the "Make statistics & data for my videos publicly visible by default" box. This will opt you out of sharing the data for all of your account's videos.
   5. Click the "Save Changes" button.

If you'd like to just opt-out of sharing data for certain of your uploaded videos, you can do so on the video play-page:

   1. Sign into your account and go to the video for which you'd like to stop sharing data.
   2. Below the video, click "Statistics and Data" and the drop-down window with the video's data will open.
   3. Inside this window, click the word "Private" (its located to the right of "Share statistics for this video") to opt-out of sharing the video data.

lightbulb Please note:
If you initially choose to opt-out of sharing your video data, but then decide that you'd like to share the video data again, you can easily opt back in and display the information from Data and Statistics.
Simply follow the steps listed above, but instead of un-selecting the "Make statistics & data for my videos publicly visible by default" box, select it once again. You'll then share the data from your uploads with other users.

Enabling privacy-enhanced mode for embedded videos

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Like most web properties, YouTube uses what are known as "cookies" to collect information. Cookies can be used to store data about the user's computer or the user watching a video. YouTube uses cookies to help maintain the integrity of video statistics, prevent fraud and to improve the site experience, among other things. We use cookies on both and on videos embedded from

We've been working to give our users more options and control over these cookies. One such option is the privacy-enhanced mode for our embed player. This mode restricts YouTube's ability to set cookies for a user who views a web page that contains a privacy-enhanced YouTube embed video player, but does not click on the video to begin playback. YouTube may still set cookies on the user's computer once the visitor clicks on the YouTube video player, but YouTube will not store personally-identifiable cookie information for playbacks of embedded videos using the privacy-enhanced mode.
Enabling privacy-enhanced mode

If you'd like to enable the privacy-enhanced mode for a video that you're about to embed on another site, simply:

    * Find the video that you'd like to embed.
    * On the video play page, to the right of the video, you'll see the video's embed code. Directly below the embed code, you'll see various options, including the Enable privacy-enhanced mode checkbox.
    * Click the checkbox to select and enable privacy-enhanced mode on the video that you're about to embed.
    * Copy the video's embed code and paste the code into the section of the site where you'd like the video embedded. The video will be embedded in privacy-enhanced mode.

To learn more about embedding videos, please visit the following Help Centre entry.

eep Links

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Linking to Specific Times

Deep Links allow you to share interesting or funny moments in a video with your YouTube contacts. Once a Deep Link is incorporated into a video, the viewers of the video can start watching from a particular point and jump straight to the part of the video that you'd like them to see.

In order to create a Deep Link, please follow the steps listed below:

   1. Find a video with a specific scene you'd like to share with a friend.
   2. In the video information section (the grey box to the right of the video), copy the text located in the 'URL' box.
   3. Click the 'Share' tab (located below the video).
   4. Paste in the text you copied from the URL box into the message. This text is the video's URL.
   5. Go to the end of the URL and add the time code for the specific time in the video you'd like the viewer to start watching.

For example, if you'd like the viewer to start watching the video at one minute and fifteen seconds into the video, you'd add the following time code to the end of the URL: #t=1m15s . The URL with the Deep Link should appear this way:

Deep Links and Comments

You can also use Deep Links with comments to let other users know which part of the video you think is funny / interesting etc.. To reference a particular point in a video, type your comment in the 'Comment on this Video' field, including the time code of the moment you'd like other users to see. Once you've posted your comment, the time code in your comment will turn into a hyperlink. When other users click the hyperlink the video will start playing at the time specified in your comment.

Make sure to enter the time code in the following format: for one minute and fourteen seconds, please type 1:14. An example of the comment would be:

"haha, the dog at 1:14 is funny!!"

Disabling embedding option

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You can enable or disable embedding of your video on external sites by going through the following steps:

   1. Select "My Uploaded Videos" in your account.
   2. Click the "Edit Video Info" button to the right of the video in question.
   3. Click the "Sharing Options" section.
   4. Click the radio button next to
      "Yes, external sites may embed and play this video"
      "No, external sites may NOT embed and play this video"
      depending on which you want to do.
   5. Click the "Update Video Info" button at the bottom of the page.

You can change this option for your videos anytime you want.
disable embeds for youtube videos

updated 9/8/2010
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Changing videos in my custom player

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You can choose to play your videos, favorites, or a playlist in your custom player. To change this content, follow the steps below:

   1. Click the "Custom Video Players" link under the "My Videos" section on your account page.
   2. Click the "Edit Player" button for the custom player you want to edit.
   3. Click the "Change" button to the right of the "Content" box.
   4. Choose the content source you'd like to use from the list.
   5. Click the "Select" button to confirm your content source.
   6. Click the "Save Player" button at the bottom of the page to update the player.
   7. Click the "Finish" button to return to your list of players.

The embedded player

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The default embedded video player allows you to view the video you've embedded as well as several related videos. While viewing a video in the embedded player, you can click anywhere within the main body of the player and be redirected to that video's play page on YouTube.

By moving your cursor to the lower portion of the embedded player, you can view the thumbnails of videos that relate to the video you're watching. As your mouse hovers over an individual thumbnail, you can see the title and an enlarged version of the image. By clicking on one of the related video thumbnails, you can view that entire video right there in the embedded player.

If you'd like to turn off the option to see related videos through your embedded player, simply add "&rel=0" after the video ID number in the embed code. Here's an example of what your embed code should look like if you'd like to turn off this feature:

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

All parameters for the embedded and custom players are listed here:

Turning off "related videos" in embedded players

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To turn off related videos in your embedded player, please follow the instructions listed below:

   1. To the right of the video player on the video play page, click the blue gear next to the Embed code.
   2. Unselect the "Include related videos" checkbox.
   3. Once you've unselected this checkbox, copy the code in the Embed field.
   4. Paste the embed code into your blog or website, and the video will be embed without displaying related videos.

Autoplay embedded videos

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Yes, you can autoplay movies! In the "About This Video" section of the video watch page, we give you the source code to embed the video:

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
To make it autoplay, just append "&autoplay=1" after the video ID so it looks like this:

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

Approving video responses

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If someone responds to your video, you'll get an email with their username and the title of the responding video. Click the "go to the Video Responses section of your Inbox" link in that email or just click "Inbox" in the upper right corner of the homepage. You'll be taken to a screen showing you several representative thumbnails and other information about the video. From your Inbox, you can approve, reject, or take no action on any pending video responses by selecting that action from the drop-down menu at the bottom.

Controlling video responses

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   1. Sign in to your YouTube account.
   2. Go to the "My Videos" page.
   3. Click the "Edit Video Info" button under the video you wish to edit.
   4. Under "Sharing," you will find the "Allow Video Responses" options.
          * To require your approval for each video response, choose "Yes, with Approval."
          * To allow video responses without approval, select "Yes, Automatic."
          * To turn video responses off, select "No."
   5. Make sure you click the "Update Video Info" button when you are done.

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