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Directories Section! |
Links 1
What is a Web Directory? - a web site (usually
about a certain topic)
that contains links to other websites or resources. Unlike search
engines, web directory listings are reviewed and added by human editors.
Web directory
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A web
directory or link directory is a
directory on the World Wide Web. It specializes in linking to other web sites and categorizing
those links.
A web directory
is not a search engine and does not display lists of web pages based on
instead, it lists web sites by category and subcategory. Most web
directory entries are also not found by web crawlers but by humans.
The categorization is usually based on the whole web site rather than
one page or a set of keywords, and sites are often limited to inclusion
in only a few categories. Web directories often allow site owners to
directly submit their site for inclusion, and have editors review
submissions for fitness.
directories are similar to web directories, but contain
collections of RSS feeds,
instead of links to web sites.
Scope of
Most of the
directories are very general in scope and list websites across a wide
range of categories, regions and languages. But there are also some
niche directories which focus on restricted regions, single languages,
or specialist sectors. One type of niche directory with a large number
of sites in existence, is the shopping directory for example. Shopping
directories specialize in the listing of retail e-commerce sites.
Examples of
well known, general, web directories are Yahoo! Directory and the Open
Directory Project (ODP). ODP is significant due to its extensive
categorization and large number of listings and its free availability
for use by other directories and search engines.[2]
However, a
debate over the quality of directories and databases still continues,
as search engines use ODP's content without real integration, and some
experiment using clustering.
There have been many attempts to make directory development easier,
such as using automated submission of related links by script, or any
number of available PHP portals and programs. Recently, social software
techniques have spawned new efforts of categorization, with Amazon.com
adding tagging to their product pages.
have various features in listing, often depend upon the price paid for
- Free submission – there is no charge
for the review and listing of the site
- Reciprocal link – a link back to the
directory must be added somewhere on the submitted site in order to get
listed in the directory
- Paid submission – a one-time or
recurring fee is charged for reviewing/listing the submitted link
- No follow
– there is a
attribute associated with the link, meaning search engines will give no
weight to the link.
- Featured listing – the link is given
a premium position in a category (or multiple categories) or other
sections of the directory, such as the homepage. Sometimes called
sponsored listing.
- Bid for position – where sites are
ordered based on bids
- Affiliate links – where the directory
earns commission for referred customers from the listed websites
A human-edited
directory is created and maintained by editors who add links based on
the policies particular to that directory.
directories are often targeted by SEOs on the basis that links from
reputable sources will improve rankings in the major search engines.
Some directories may prevent search engines from rating a displayed
link by using redirects, nofollow attributes, or other techniques. Many
human-edited directories, including the Open Directory Project and
World Wide Web Virtual Library, are edited by volunteers, who are often
experts in particular categories. These directories are sometimes
criticized due to long delays in approving submissions, or for rigid
organizational structures and disputes among volunteer editors.
In response to
these criticisms, some volunteer-edited directories have adopted wiki
technology, to allow broader community participation in editing the
directory (at the risk of introducing lower-quality, less objective
direction taken by some web directories is the paid for inclusion
model. This method enables the directory to offer timely inclusion for
submissions and generally fewer listings as a result of the paid model.
They often offer additional listing options to further enhance
listings, including features listings and additional links to inner
pages of the listed web site. These options typically have an
additional fee associated, but offer significant help and visibility to
sites and/or their inside pages.
submission of websites to web directories is considered as a common SEO
(search engine optimization) technique to get vital back-links for the
submitted web site. One distinctive feature of 'directory submission'
is that it cannot be fully automated like search engine submissions.
Manual directory submission is a tedious and time consuming job and is
often outsourced by the webmasters.
for Position directories
for Position directories or also known as bidding web
directories, are paid-for-inclusion web directories where the listings
of websites in the directory are ordered according to their bid amount.
They are special in that the more a person pays, the higher up the list
of websites in the directory they go. With the higher listing, the
website becomes more visible and increases the chances that visitors
who browse the directory will click on the listing. There are PHP
scripts (free and paid versions) for the management of bid for position
directories include phpLinkBid (paid), Link Bid Script (free), Astanda
Directory Project (ADP), and a modified link bid version for phpLD
See also
- Article directory
- List of web directories
- Webring
(If you want to know about
above topics in detail justn post your comment in the Guest Book and if
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a section in the Forum where you can insert your ad)
How to use Link Directory to Promote Your Site
There are
numerous ways
to promote your site.
Unlimited option are waiting for a internet marketer to use.Every
marketing method works well if used properlly.Some marketers like me
use the combination of all the method and some even elite marketers
rely on 2-3 vatly used strategies. Submitting your site to major link
directories is on of the strategy widely use by most of internet
marketers.Some of the link directories have very high pr
ranks in
major search engines and considered an authorative sites.When you
submit your site to such directories you will not get much benefits
directly as receiving free traffic but on the hand you get valuable do
follow backlinks to your site and search engine spiders crawls these
directories regularly so if your site is new it get indexed quickly and
because of do follow high pr back links your site will stand more
chance of ranking high in most major search engines for relavent
submitting your
sites to a good link directory will help boost the popularity of your
site as well.Submitting to a link directory is still not as popular as
link exchange,article marketing,banner advertising and other form of
marketing strategy but it should be really equally important part of
your promotion strategy.Why link directories are worthy of submiting a
site for promotional purpose?It is very easy to understand if you know
the basic of SEO.Link directories themselves have lots incoming links
to the sites.Google and all other major search engines have a strategy
to rank high the site which is important to other sites and way the
search engine spiders decide this is by counting inbound links to the
site.(It is just to explain you the basic behind submitting to high pr
link directories and actually there are lots of SEO factors are involve
for getting high rank but inbound links is one of them)
As I said
before search
engines' spiders visit these directories too often and if they found a
new link(Your site) then they folllow the link and indexed the site and
if your site properly targeted for relevant keywords and properly
optimized then the task of search engines become easier to indexed your
site in related categorey.You get one way link to your site
again all the major search engines consider one way links as a sign of
site's popularity so more one way links to your site,more chance of
higher ranking your site stands.So you should submit your site to all
the major link directories(More is marrier!).
You can submit your sites to all the major link directories by
2 way.
1st manually but it is really hard to submit your sites to
500 + directories as you just don't have to post your url
but all good directories require other details like...name,e-mail
address,keywords,description of your site and some time more details.It
takes lots of time to submit to all the directories.
2nd Now-a-days there are many link directory submitter
programs and services through which you can submit your site
all the major link directories.There are some softwares and
services with which you can shedule you directory submission and your
site will be automatically submitted regularly.Software programs mostly have
time expence and then you can use them for life and some companies even
provide frequent updates at no cost.Link directory su bmission
are mor effective as updataed regularly but most of them
available as monthly subscription.In business term it is overhead or on
going exoence every month.
In my opinian it is better to go with a good
program as it will save monthly expence but it is wise not to submit
manually so that you have time for all other marketing tasks.
One more thing
to keep in mind
is to insert as much description is aloowed and targete only a few
relavent keywords.This way your site will be more visible and get more
Some high PR link directories do not accept each and every
so for your site to be included in such directories,your site must has
good quality content and properly optimized with targeted keywords.You
must spend some time to do this 1st before submitting your site and if
you can afford you can seek the professional help.Believe me it is well
worth the time as this will not only help your site to get acccepted in
such dilink dirctories but all other factors of SEO are demand the same
things so when you apply other strategies for getting higher ranking in
major search engines,this will add up.
How can you
take advantage of web directories
wrote more the
marrier above right?When I wrote that I was speaking about quality link
directories and not the other way.Let me warn you by submitting your
site to any link directory,you will harm your site's ranking instead of
boosting it.Let me explained you this with real world example....... I
found this from popular webmaster forum(dp)I was just browsing the
forum and I cam into contact with this post.One net marketer was
shoutting that he had submitted hiscustomer's site to a web directory
and found that the customer's site listed on several more
directories with same
anchor and description(He
found this after submitting) and because of this same anchor and same
description at many directories his customer's site went from
1 to last page 4 on Google Search.
Now-a days all
major search
engines frquently updates their policy and use the lattest technology
to provide higher rank to worthy of sites only,specially Google is
ahead of them and its pure goal is to provide better service to the
people using Google.Google is top among all search engines and so they
have developed most
advanced algoritham and regularly improving it and this advanced
algoritham can distinguish one link from another on the bases
several quality factors such as
-age of the domain and whethe the character
of the domain has been changed from one to the other or not
- inbound links
age and quality of those links
-quality of outbound links and so on
This way such parameters can be understood even by basic seo service
is now possible for Google to differentiate a low quality
directory fro a high quality genuine directory.Low quality directory is
generally giving out links to each and every site while a high
quality genuine directory has some kind of editorial content over its
content and site included from submission.They check each submitted
site and if they found the site meeting all parameters then only
include the site.Google has also started to find out and then punish
those directories which
soley created for the purpose of taking advantage of an old domain's PR
rank and so made on high PR dropped domain with high PR rank
Now you
know it is actually easy for an experienced marketer or
to decide which is good quality directory and which is not
simple guide lines to decide
quality of a directory
check : that domain is
penalized by Google or not without considering domain's PR rank
How can you check this is very simple process: just type
“sitedomainname” without the TLD(remove com,net,biz
etc) in search box on Google. If the domain is in first
page then -
the domain is not penlized & perfectly
fine by Google.
that some top level Domain like com,net etc may rank ahead which are with different TLD
- 2nd check : check how many pages have been indexed.
You can check this easily by just typing
” site:www.sitedomain.com ” without
quote in the search box and search on Google.If you find fair amount of
pages in the search result means the directories' pages are well
indexed by search engine and your site will definitely get some benefit
by submission.
- 3rd Check :Check that the category you want to submit your site is
really indexed and how old indexing isfor that perticular category!
-4th check : Check the directory domain
on Web Archive . They only start archiving any site after they become
more than
6 months old.So if there is no archiev of directory site mens it is
relatively new and you will not get much benefit by
submission.Sometimes you find archive for the same directory domain
name with description of totally different site means the
directory is created on high PR dropped domain name and no use of
-5th Check : Check for site links in the Google search results.The
directory domain should have 8 sitelinks or 4 mini
sitelinks .These sitelinks display in the search results means the
domain is well trusted by Google bots.
If you don't
know what is sitelinks(Directly From Google)
The links shown
below some sites in our search results, called sitelinks, are meant to
help users navigate your site. Our systems analyze the link structure
of your site to find shortcuts that will save users time and allow them
to quickly find the information they're looking for.
We only show
sitelinks for results when we think they'll be useful to the user. If
the structure of your site doesn't allow our algorithms to find good
sitelinks, or we don't think that the sitelinks for your site are
relevant for the user's query, we won't show them.
At the moment,
sitelinks are completely automated. We're always working to improve our
sitelinks algorithms, and we may incorporate webmaster input in the

A Directory Submission Possibly
Harm Your Site Instead Of Providing Benefits? :
Yes it can!Keep these points in mind before
submitting to link directories.
-Never ever submit your site to those new high PR directories
with amazingly odd domain names like
etc etc. even if the submission is FREE. Sooner or latter those
directories are
going to be penlized by Google or may loose the home page PR or
deindexed by google.The worst is site may disappear after few months as
these are the sites made on high pr droped domain with single goal in
mind to solely monetize the high PR of old domain.And suppose Google
the category your site has been listed,then the possibility is that
Google will consider your site as link renter.Remember the older the
is better trustworhy.
- The manual submission is better than auto submission because you can
inser different anchor texts and description as many time as you want
and even you
can go for 100 % different dscription for each directory.But remember
it takes time and tiresome job to performed.Still I emphasize to do the submission
manually yourself because with auto submission to lots of
directories, your site may be submitted to an irrellavant
gambling directory!And if this happens just Imagine about happening of
your site's SERPs .You can
slowly slowly do this by submitting your site to 10-20 directories at a
Promotion through Web
uses web directories with 3 main goals
1. Inbound
permanent link
2. Benefit
from High Page Rank Directories
3. Receive
free targeted traffic.
significance and practicalities of these 3 goals.
As I said
when you submit
your sit to a high pr link/web directory,you get a one way link to your
site.It is one way link because you do not have to insert url of
directory on your site page.One way links play primary role for highe
ranking for
particular keyword- keyword phase
in search engines.Search engine
considers a oneway link from Site A to Site B as a vote in favor or
Site B, indicating that Site B contains good content and the search
engine will also check that if Site B includes a return-link
Site A or not.If site B includes return link to site A then Search
engine will consider less weight to the link for providing the ranking
because in this situation it is reciprocal link instead of one way
link. It is known fact that search engine give less importance to
reciprocal link and too much importance to one way link.
for getting one-ways links are as below:
1.Writing and
submission article
2.Press release
3.Social bookmarking
forum posting
^.Get your
site listed in a directory / Directory
Writing articles is not difficult but everyone can
not write
good articles and you only get oneway link when you have included
author's resource box with your site link so most
webmasters choose this after directories. Press release,social
bookmarking and blog and forum posting can get one way links but they
have some limitation like limited source,not have relevancy for all
type of site,more time consuming etc etc. And so now there are many in
directory business who publish and maintain a directory site
many new directories came into existance.
some of these
new directories are not SEO Friendly and Quite a
few are even link exchanging farm with onenother.Google has started to
penlize such directories and sites listed on such directories.Search
engines and webmasters' favourite is DMOZ.A listing in DMOZ will
provide your site with high pr link,is seo friendly and efficient from
every aspect of search engine algorytham
early years of
internet webmsters get targeted traffic fro these link or web
directories and that time search engines were not so popular.But now
the tables turned and today search engines like Google,Yahoo and MSN
take over and became so popular in general public,a few people ever use
these directories to find what they want. Some
directories are still popular, like the Yahoo directory, are still
quite popular and used by net surfers to search information. A listing
in such
directories can bring many targeted visitors. A Yahoo listing
could bring both Google ranking improvement as well as free traffic
but Yahoo charges $300 just to review your site and reviewing
means reviewing there is no guarantee of inclusion and even if your
site is accepted, you have to pay
$300 annually to keep it there.
Submission & Website Traffic
website needs
traffic and that is targeted traffic.Suppose you are an intemidiate
marketers and knows about every marketing strategy availabel.You built
an high quality,well designed site which is well optimized for higher
search engine ranking with relavent keywords and keyword phrases.You
have managed to get large number of reciprocal links.You have written
articles and submitted to many article directories.You have also
submittted your site to link directories.Do you think now you can relax
and wait for traffic to flooding to your site?No
more and more
sites and bogs are coming into existence,more and more people strat
using internet and off late the net has expand so widely that it is
becoming more amd more harder for any site to rank high in the search
engine and even a highly optimized keywords targeted sites have
difficulties to rank high.There was a time when a web master build a
quality nacklinks with good anchor text and forget about backlinks but
not any more now a webmaster has to continuously make afforts to build
backlinks regularly other wise your copetitors will either catch up
with you or even get ahead of you.
With this
growing need of
backlinks and growing number of people online looking for good and
service,the niche directories are born.
What is a niche directory?
A niche directory is like a link or web directory but very
in size compare to a link directories.A link directory is general
directory where you can submit a site related to any niche while a
niche directory is on specific subject and accept site from the
specific niche.Submission to a link directory is generally free while a
listing in a niche directory is mostly not free.
directories are usually much smaller and have far fewer listings
than regular paid directories and are almost without doubt a lot
slimmer than the mass of free web directories on the internet. As a
webmaster this is great news as it makes getting a good, relevant and
visible link to your site become very easy. For surfers a niche
directory offers a handy way of finding what they
are looking for quickly and easily.
listing your site in relavent niche directory will cost you a small fee
but believe me your site will gain huge advantage over you competitor's
site and you will definitely get better ROI than a paid ad in a
classified site or a paid listing in ayellow pages.You will
receive targeted traffic from niche directory as in the eyes
search engine such niche directory site generally considered authrative
site for that niche.
SEO and High Ranking with
Directory Submission
There are a various ways to promote your website these
days. Three most popular for a beginner are link exchanges, article
submissions and traffic exchanges. If you own a web site or a blog
you might have used these marketing strategies.These all three are
working well and so they are popular among webmasters.perhaps.As I said
before thes all are free advertising and free traffic receiving
methods.And again as I said before there
is another free option available and that is manual or semi-automated
What does it mean to make directory submission? In simple words
submitting your site to many link or web directories but frankly there
is much more than mere submission.I don't want to repeat my words but
just remind you that you can do this either manually or automatically
through a software program or a service and again remind you that
manual submission is far better than aut submission as you have chance
to insert various anchor text and various description for each dirctory.
In simple terms a web directory is just like your phone book
contains links to different websites rather than a list of phone
numbers. Just like yellow pages the web web directory sites
put their information into different categories and sub-categories so
that required information can be easily found by net surfers or net
users.When you make a directory
submission make sure you place your details into the most appropriate
category, and sub-category of the directory. Your prospective
customers will find your site easily by placing your site in correct
relavent catogey and sub catogery.
A website directory will check the content of your website before it
will list it in the directory and when you are listed you will
automatic receive a oneway link to your site from the submitted
directory.These directories are high pr sites and receive lots of
traffic from the major search engines and when your prospective
customer visit any of such directory(Because he is directed by search
results),he will find your site and this way you drive free traffic to
your site.
A lot of online business owners use the automated
directory submission services of SEO firms to jump
start their directory submission process. Both manual and auto
submission will provide links
back to your website but as I said before(why I am repeating again and
again in different words?) as a rule manual directory
provide the highest benefit to your website.It is very
that you find and make a list of high pr search engine friendly
directories to get the best SEO result for your time and affors as well
as to receive much more free traffic.Keep this list handy so when you
start submission you don't have to waste your time for finding high pr
seo friendly directories and you can concentrate on submission
So you are trying to obtain links back to your website or in other
words backlinks. What does that
mean exactly? Well links back are basically a link on any given website
which then points or directs the customer back to your website. All the
major search engines,specially Google count the total amount of links
back or backlinks that you have to your website in order to
consider rating and popularity of your site.
The more links back that you have the higher your website will appear
on a search engine result page.
Getting back links to your site is a very slow process and should be
done slowly and steadily. If you try to make too many back links in
very short time the big
search engines will realize what you are up to and may actually block
your site from being indexed in their search engines at all. That
doesn't mean you have to wait for years.With right link building
strategy you can build enough backlinks to your site within 6 month but
remember this should be never ending process.
Directory submission is very easy but befre you start submitting you
should have some plan and considaration about some important
points.Never ever submit your site to irrelavent link directories.By
submitting to irrelavant directories you still gain some seo advantage
but but you will not receive free targeted traffic as the surfer
visiting any of irrlavant directory will not find your site or products
useful and so not going to visit your site.In short submission to
relavant directories to your site will be much more beneficial.
As I said before use different anchor texts and description for each
link directory.Each directory has its own rules,terms and condition for
submission and you must obey them if you do not then your submission
may be rejected and sometime rejected forever so you can never try to
resubmit.I f the directory from where your site has been rejected
forever is directly related to your site then it can have vey bad
effect on your business and you may loose many prospective customers
forever so be careful and before trying to submit read rule,terms and
conditions for each site carefully.
Some webmasters have no time for submitting to link
themselves and so they take the help of profession SEO company who is
specialize in directory submission.Most of SEO company offer this
service at low cost to gain trust and to sell other seo
services.One more reason for low cost is throatcut competition.Although
they are experts and have speciality in ditectory submission,do not
forget to instruct them about inserting different anchor texts and
different descriptions for each directory.
Benefit of Dirctory Submission
Submitting your sites to high pr rank web directories has multiple
Availability of your site:
Submission to web directories provides you
backlinks to your site. To promote your website you need to get as many
back links as you can. The more web directories you get listed with the
more benefit your website will get.These directories are high pr rank
sites and so they receive lots of traffic from search engines and if
your sites url is listed in many site you can obviously get some of the
free traffic to your own site. Your potential customers
search for the information from the various sources and if your site is
available at various sources he will find your site easily and so get
your site listed in many popular web
directories and just be present everywhere possible and do not loose
prospective customers.
Ranking High In Search Engines:
Submission to many link directories means many backlinks to
site.It is obvious fact that the more the backlinks to your site the
higher your site's rank in search engine results.Higher the rank in
search engine results means more free traffic to your site.Morever
these dirctories are liked by major search engines and so spidered
regularly by all major search engines and if the search engines spiders
find new link(your site) they will follow and indexed the site so if
your site is new it will be get indexed quickly.
Targeted Free Traffic:
When you submit your site to a high pr directory and when accepted and
listed in the directory is the same process like in offline world.Let
me explin this more clearly.Suppose there is a busy market place
specially for products related to your business and similar to your
products so you think if I can get a shop or office there I can
increase my sales and so you apply for a shop and your application is
approved and you got the shop.When you submit your site to online link
or web directories you are going through same steps and finally your
site get listed/got shop in high traffic directory/busy
place. You get a chance to be more
visible to the audience who is out to shop for your products or
services. The visitor who has reached your site via a web directory is
one who is more interested in products related to your business so
naturally you will get high conversion. Therefore the backlinks from
online web directories
yield you much better ROI than any other same
priced advertising on the net.
Be a Winner : In a web directory you place
your site in direct comparison with others' in the same
visitors can see for themselves that how and why you
better than the rest and because it is their choice they
become your loyal customers.
We have seen the benefits of submitting and listing your site in web
directories but what you will loose if you do not submit your sites to
these link directories? Not listing in web directories could mean that
your site is not available to many potential customers.In other word a
shop in desert or a shop where there is not enough population around.
Advantages And Benefits of web directories
In simple words a directory is a catlog of sitelinks
by subject or topic.We have seen above how the directories are helpful
to a webmaster or a net marketer but now we will see how they will
helpful to the end users or net surfers.
Well directories provide the same service as a
search engine but with a small difference. Directories catogerised the
sites in categories and present it to the user, making it more easy for
the user to find the most relevant useful sites.
Some of the directory advantages and benefits to the user and to you
1.Some directories lists local business hence provide more relevant
information about a local shop or service e.g. if a user is just
planning a small party and is searching for
caterers then, a local directory will present more relevant results to
him than a search engine.If your line of business deals with local
people then you can get your site listed in such a relavant local
directory and get new customers and clients.
2.Search engines normally accept almost any site or page that is
submitted to them irrespective of its quality. All sites submitted to
directories are reviewed by humans and poor sites are nott accepted and
hence directories provide quality output to the end
user. This advantage over search engine works in favor of building
users loyalty
towards the directory.You can take benefit of this directory advantage
promote your own website.
3.Some directories provide more seperate catogerised list of sites for
only one category. So the user uses such directory will get specific
result.In other word exact information he is searching
if you
search for free hosting the search engine results will list
down even those sites which probably just offer free hosting as a part
of promotion and for limited period of 1 month or 3 months but if he
visits a free hosting directory he can see the broad
categories of free hosting providers and even compare all the free
hosting providers.He can choose a site specifically offered service
like a paid host .This directory advantage is true
for any scenario.
4As I mentioned above you get more conversin rate and higher
from the visitors coming from a link directory than visitors from
search engines
5.Again as I mentioned above you get more backlinks to your site and
with more links your site will ranked high in search engine result and
you will receive more free traffic.
Link Directory Submission for your blog
Now we have seen what benefits and advantages your site receive by
submitting it high ranked link directories and hoe you can submit your
site to these directories but suppose you run a blog and not a
website.You are a blogger and not a webmaster.Then?You can apply the
same methods or it is totaly different?Actually there is not much
different but it is slightly different process.
Keep these points in mind..........
1. When to start to submit your blog? You
must have some content before submitting
your blog. Owners of directories accept only blogs with
valuable content.
2. In how many directories I need to submit my
Simply more is better. It is good to submit your blog to
directories permanently.
3. Where to find directories? I have already
mentioned that on the previous page.
4. How to choose right ones? I have also mentione
this on the previous page
5. How to automate submissions?I have mentined it
6. What are important data for submissions? I
wrote about
this but some more details.Yes,as you know anchor texts and
desription.Anchor texts (Title in forms). Anchor link
content has to be keyword for which do you want to be visible in
search engines. It is rule not to use the same anchor text for all
directories, but vary it with more keywords. Also different description
for each directory can be
important. Sometimes you need to enter keywords in submission form.
These keywords help you find your page in directory itself.
So there is no difference about submitting a site to web
directories and submit a bog to the web directories except that your
blog should have enough good content.
Promote Your Directory Website
We have seen how you can promote your website and blog with
of web directories but suppose you are an owner of a such web directory
or link dirctory then you also need promotion for your
site,right?How can you promote your web directory site?
Here are some tips..........
There are thousands of web directories online and it is a tough
business.Keep this in mind there isa fierce competition in the web
directory busines and what you can do is to some how make your web
directory unique and offer some features whci is not offered by most
Give Free Submission Options
Offer free submission at a start when your directory grow in size and
you gain enough weight in major serach engine.Now is the time to charge
for a listing.I suggest you to keep it free at start because no one is
going to pay if your directory is not big enough and because of freee
listing it will grow insize very quickly.
Use RSS Feeds
Another effective way for promoting your directory is to get quality
incoming links through RSS feeds. You can make RSS feeds for stuffs
such as website of the day, newly included websites, most popular
websites, et cetera, and submit the RSS feeds to popular RSS
Clean and Customize your Directory - Find ways of make the
directory website attractive. A clean and neat directory promotes
itself. You can
do this by get it customized and by adding useful and unique
content. Your directory should be designed with easy navigation in mind
Use Incoming Links - You can get incoming links to your directory
website from your other websites and directories, which are related to
your directory niche.
Make use of Forums - Use forum signature to
promote Your directoryb website.
Promote with Directory Submission - You can submit your directory
website to other popular directories.
Link Exchange - Negotiate with other top directory websites and get
reciprocal links
Promote with Freebies - You can offer free downloads in exchange for an incoming
link in the user
This free stuff can be
anything from web templates to free web services such as SEO and site
maintenance tools. You can also promote the web directory with free
eBook downloads or free software downloads.
Use Social Bookmarking Websites - Use social bookmarking sites like
Twitter, digg.com, Yahoo! Buzz, tweetmeme.com, StumbleUpon.com,
reddit.com, Technorati.com, del.icio.us, kaboodle.com, mixx.com, and
Slashdot.org to mark new features and significant announcements on your
Use community sites or social networking sites
In short your directory is a lot similar to a usual website. Most of
promotion methods available for a normal sites are available for your
directory as well.So you can use all traditional methods of free
traffic and free advertising like free ad
sites,classifieds,banner exchange,link exchange,seo and ses,directory
submission,bloggging etc etc
Web Directories for SEO
If you are looking for ways to promote your website, than web
directories should definitely be considered a big part of your
promotional plan. Web directories provide web visitors with a one- stop
destination on the web to find the information they are looking for.
Further, in using web directories, you can increase the visibility of
your website and derive myriad benefits offered by web directories.
Let's take a look at the benefits that webmasters derive from web
Some webmasters
might wonder why they
should bother to submit to web directories when 80% of all website
traffic comes from search engines. The answer is simple when you
consider the following: what about the other 20%? When you are
attempting to maximize the traffic that comes to your website, every
little bit of promotion helps and web directories can help you gain a
big chuck of that 20% of web traffic you have been missing out on.
Did you know that a
key factor in the
ranking algorithm of search engines is link popularity? By using web
directories you will be creating more links that point directly to your
site and the higher your ranking becomes in various search engines
across the Internet. Further, everyone knows that a higher search
engine ranking is equivalent to easier accessibility and easier
accessibility equals more traffic for your website.
The first way to
increase your link
popularity is to include keywords in your hyperlinks. When you submit
to web directories, the links you submit should not only lead to your
site, but also should possess themed keywords within the links. The
themed keywords will not only make your site easier to find, it will
also increase the rating of your links in various search
engines—again getting more, free web traffic for you.
Links that are
created within web
directories are votes for a site and they use your keywords within your
hyperlinks to associate your link with certain key phrases. As such,
the keywords you select are extremely important because they determine
how often your links will be pulled up whenever a key phrase is
associated with your created links. Therefore, It is a good idea to
research the most popular keywords associated with your website theme
before submitting your website to various web directories: the most
popular keywords can make all of the difference in the world.
If you are
submitting to various web
directories, there are a few things that you need to consider. First,
for a directory to be valuable, the pages you submit your listings to
must, at minimum, be listed in various search engines. For instance, if
you submit your links to a web directory that doesn't appear in any
search engines, chances are web visitors will not only have difficulty
finding your website, but they will also have extreme difficulty
finding the web directory you have listed your site in. In such cases,
the listing in the web directory is a fruitless endeavor. Conversely,
if you list your web site in several popular web directories and you
utilize keywords in your hyperlink and short website description, you
greatly increase the visibility and accessibility of your website.
The second
consideration you must keep
in mind when submitting to web directories is that when you are
submitting your hyperlinks, you will derive the most benefit from
submitting to directory pages that have a comparable theme to your
website. For instance, if you have a website that is based on credit
cards you will find that you get more web traffic from a web directory
page that focuses on credit cards. Thus, when searching for web
directories, look for web directories with topics that parallel the
central focus of your website.
Here's a quick tip
for you that can help
you derive the most benefit from listing your hyperlink in web
directories: watch out for Google Adwords as these are a good indicator
of how Google at least categorizes the page. In other words, if you
mirror your hyperlinks and descriptions to appear much like those seen
in Google ads, you will more than likely increase your search engine
ranking as well as your listing in various web directories.
In order to be
successfully listed in
any web directory, you will need to conform to the terms and conditions
of the directory. Typically, web directories list a series of specific
listing regulations that you must adhere to and it would pay for you to
adhere to them. In addition, to improve the chances of your listing
being accepted you should try to avoid promotional language and you
should choose a category that is as close to your website theme as
Webmasters have much
to look forward to
in terms of web directory posting. In fact, the next generations of web
directories are now appearing that allows business card type pages. Not
only do webmasters get the opportunity to post a short description of
there website, but now they are afforded the opportunity to display
their logo and contact information as well. Such offerings prove to be
particularly appealing because eye catching logos and easy contact
information will make a Webmaster's website that much more appealing.
In the end, web
directories are a
valuable part of your web promotional program and should not be
overlooked in terms of their value. Along with the use of search
engines, and article databases, a Webmaster will be pleasantly
surprised at the free advertising available on the Internet. Finally,
the increase in web traffic that webmasters will reap is truly
astonishing indeed.
Advantages of Web Directory Submissions
Webmasters optimize the website to have higher search engine rankings
on result pages. The key motive for this is to enhance their website's
online traffic and achieve sufficient recognition to be acknowledged on
the World Wide Web. A web directory submission is one of the organic
techniques to do just that. The online world has a range of unparallel
techniques to boost up any kind of business. This is why; there is an
increasing no of demand of website creation and designing. Content and
designing of a site are as considerable as its development, i.e.:
attaining out to the public it is intended for. Of the millions of
websites which compete with you online, to present your site to the
audience is a job by itself. Coming to your release in this regard are
Search Engines and Directory Submissions.
Definition of Web Directory
Web directories are websites which hold one way links of all additional
web sites and are arranged according to different categories to make
best use of. As compare to automation techniques, Web directories are
manually reviewed and checked, and afterward on positioned under its
precise category.
In fact, there is a match among submitting your website to a web
directory and reciprocal link building. As because both work to amplify
your Website traffic with the use of links, a Web directory is much
simpler compared to reciprocal link building processes. There are two
types of Web directories on the online market. One kind of Web
directory is the one which charges a certain fees to be added to its
database list, known as paid directory. Paid web directory listings
will instantly be added on to their list, and will be directly posted
on the definite site under its declared category. And the second type
is free directory submissions which can even take six months to be
approved by the directory to be listed in their database.
There are many advantages of web directory submissions. One of them is
Web directory submissions boosts a site to increase the web traffic.
The outcomes might not be instantaneous; but in time, your site will
gradually increase in popularity as more people have entrance to your
link on an assortment of web directories across the Internet.
And since popular search engines uses manually submitted Web directory
scheduling in their page ranking criteria, submitting in one will
sensibly give you an edge in search engine results.
Director submission has become the primary seo strategy which webmaster
are using boost up a websites ranking. There are so many criterions
which search engines track to determine a site’s rank for
key or search words. One of these consist links to the website. The
page rank of a site is straightforwardly related to the number of
quality links it has. The more links you have pointed to your site,
with some distinction of the key phrase you want to rank high for, the
better ranking in the search engines you will receive.
Turn Web Directories Into Cash
A really simple way to create passive cash flow on the
is by starting a web directory. A web directory is basically
index of other websites such as dmoz.org that are compiled
categories. You can start a web directory on any subject you
think of and profit from it for years to come.
Anyone can start a web directory and all it takes is a domain name,
some web hosting and a directory script. Directory scripts
as little as $25 or can be created using simple html. Web
directory scripts make starting and running a directory a lot easier
because they automate the process of accepting new link submissions as
well as accepting payments.
One of the things that make directories profitable is webmasters paying
for link submissions. Webmasters who need one way links
back to their website are happy to pay to be listed on a directory
because everyone with a website needs backlinks for SEO.
Paid submissions are only one of many ways you can monetize a web
directory. You can monetize your directory the same way you
monetize any other site ie. Google Adsense, affiliate programs, text
link and banner advertising.
To ensure you generate the most income you can from your directory you
need to market it online and build up its traffic. That means
need to build up your sites backlinks via article marketing, link
exchanges, press release distribution or even text link advertising.
Or if you already have a website you can simply link to your web
directory from it. If you already own a website or two then
starting a web directory is a super easy way to create more cash flow
from what you’ve already built. And if you start a
directory on the same subject as your other site(s) you can create a
valuable resource for your current visitors.
So for the price of a nice dinner out on the town you can have a domain
name, web hosting and a directory script that will bring in passive
income for years to come. Turning $50 into thousands is not
hard. It just takes knowing exactly what to do.
I’ve turned web directories into passive income generators
the last four years that have generated over $90,000 in profits for
me. The hard part was learning how to do everything
myself. Luckily you don’t have to go
through the
process of learning everything yourself because I explain it all in my
new eBook.
It is titled "Web Directory Profits" and it shows you my exact
techniques on making money from web directories. To find out
simply Google "Web Directory Profits" or visit
http://www.webdirectoryprofits.com and you’ll see it.
If you’ve never considered starting a web directory or maybe
have then I urge you to check it out. It will slash the
curve of doing everything right.
The Importance or Web Directories
I will start this article with a question: What is a web directory?
"A web directory is a directory on the World Wide Web. It specializes
in linking to other web sites and categorizing those links. A web
directory is not a search engine, and does not display lists of web
pages based on keywords, instead it lists web sites by category and
subcategory. The categorization is usually based on the whole web site,
rather than one page or a set of keywords, and sites are often limited
to inclusion in only one or two categories. Web directories often allow
site owners to directly submit their site for inclusion, and have
editors review submissions for fitness." – This is the web
directory definition, as provided by Wikipedia.
As you can probably see in the definition above, a web directory is a
collection of links, organized by categories. So far, nothing too
difficult. However, what is the utility, or the importance of a web
directory to the regular webmaster?
Well, every webmaster knows that incoming links to a specific site is
one of the factors by witch Google selects and positions a web site.
How do we detect a “good directory” ?
A directory which can bring you a “clean link” has
to have the following characteristics:
1. No reciprocal link. There are many directories out there who require
a reciprocal link from your site. The reason for this is obvious:
advertising! Don’t submit your web site to these directories,
won’t help you. Google won’t
“like” your web
site very much because according to Google’s algorithm, a web
site is ranked higher if it has more One-Way links.
2. No redirects! Before submitting to a directory, take some time and
browse that directory. If you notice a redirect when clicking on a
link, move on to the next directory.
A clean backlink to your web site should look like :
http://name.extension , where name=your domain name, extension: domain
name extension ( com, net,org, etc)
3. Pagerank Transfer!
Google ranks websites based on the their content and incoming links.
The ranking is between 0 and 10. A link from a web site with a higher
page rank than yours can pass pagerank to your web site. Here comes the
problem: some directories transfer PageRank, others use the
follow” attribute , which won’t pass page rank to
your web
site. Avoid them, however don’t ignore them because Page Rank
doesn’t also influence your site’s SERPs.
4. Registration.
Some directories require registration before you will be able to submit
your web site(s). When you are thinking of submitting your web site to
many directories, registering on each directory can be a time consuming
task. It’s your choice, of course.
Web Directories - the Benefits and the Future
Web directories are collections of website listings, broken down into
categories, based on the topic of the website. Typically a website
owner would submit their website for inclusion in a web
directory. If accepted the new website would be placed in the most
appropriate category and sub-category. Some web directories charge for
inclusion, some are free. The inclusion fee generally reflects the
PageRank of the web directory. The higher the PageRank of the web
directory, the higher the inclusion fee.
Website owners use web directories to promote their websites. This is
done in two ways. Firstly, visitors to the web directory who are
looking for a website regarding a particular topic will often browse
the relevant category. Upon finding a website with information that
interests them the visitor may visit the website, and thus increasing
the websites success directly.
The second benefit is gained via the hyperlink from the web directory
to the listed web site. Many search engines, including Google, count
the number of hyperlinks to a website or web page, and consider each of
these links as a vote. The more votes a web page has, the more
important it is considered. The more important a web page is
considered, the higher it appears in search engine results. Therefore,
the hyperlink benefits the website by driving more visitors to the
website via search engine searches.
If you are a website owner you can increase your websites presence and
visitor numbers by submitting your website to various web directories.
You will need to decide whether to pay for inclusion, and to which web
directories to submit your website.
Web directories have worked in much the same way for many years.
Recently a growing number of bid for placement web directories have
appeared. These web directories function in a different manner by
allowing the web site owners to pay an amount they decide. The website
with the highest bid appears at the top of the list, and the other bids
follow accordingly. This list appears on the homepage of the web
directory, passing maximum PageRank to the listed websites.
Whilst the new bid placement web directories are causing some
discussion on the internet, traditional web directories will continue
to provide a useful resource for visitors and web masters alike.
What Can a Web Directory Offer?
I nternet
is knowledge. The web is in essence a vast database of information,
providing instant access on a wide variety of topics. Search engines
and web directories provide high-quality information, covering subjects
under diverse categories. The main purpose of a web directory is to
generate content specific traffic, helping to the process of link
A web directory has the available information arranged into diverse
categories. The data must be processed and implemented with care as
systematic organization is the key to any web directory. Internet users
have to be given the option to navigate with ease, while at the same
time be allowed to benefit from frequent updates and constant accurate
There are two types of web directories and they each serve their own
purpose. By far the most popular is the general web directory, offering
all kinds of information under assorted categories. There is also the
specific web directory or niche, having a main topic from which other
related data expands. Each has its own advantages, but if you are
looking for wide variety you should definitely consider the general
Website directories are extremely popular today and they no longer
represent a novelty. They have suffered various improvements, along
with the development of the Internet and are extremely useful. These
directories are committed to links and constantly guarantee the
spreading of the information to a multitude of Internet users. Easy
access is what most users are looking for and this is what these web
directories can provide.
The keyword for web directories is linking. Providing exact links is
important and the next step is categorizing those links. It is
different from a search engine and comprises of multiple categories.
The site owners can also submit their websites and participate to the
development of web linking.
As the purpose of website linking is to generate traffic, using a SEO
web directory can increase this process and also improve the quality of
the traffic in general. With the help of a SEO web directory, one can
benefit from particularized searches and acquire much more diverse
information. Search engine optimization has proven to be one of the
most popular techniques related to the Internet technology and it is
widely used today worldwide.
A SEO web directory is all about structure. Optimization is essential
for any web directory and one of the most crucial factors is the use of
such techniques. Apart from traffic quality, a SEO web directory is
related to providing valuable information and useful tools. There are
many Internet users who try to optimize their websites and fail at
doing that. By using these techniques, they target more traffic to the
website and not only.
What can search engine optimization bring? First of all, more visitors
and thus much more popularity. Using keywords can certainly help you
and is in fact recommended that you do that. Always make sure that the
content of your website is optimized and you will surely see the
There have been a lot of discussions on the subject of web directories.
Some things are still unclear and specialists are trying to untangle
them. The basic fact to keep in mind is that they represent categorized
links and they provide precise, utile information. The various
categories have in their turn sub-directories and can actually help you
find what you were searching for in a brief amount of time. You should
use them with confidence.
The Importance of Submitting to Web Directories
You might be wondering what the point is to even list your
website with web directories when all you are concerned about
being number one with the big search engines.
Well, the answer to your question is that many people search web
directories when they are looking for a specific type of site. And,
being the number one result with the big search engines is an arduous
task that never ends. So, many webmasters choose to submit to web
directories in order to increase their traffic.
Directories are great because people do not have to know exactly what
they are looking for. Instead, they can have a general idea and simply
search the directory to try and find a site that meets their interest.
People should make sure they are searching within the directory and not
on the entire World Wide Web to receive the best results. Another thing
to keep in mind as well is that the title of the website and its Meta
tags are all the directory will be searching, so those who submit to a
web directory should play close attention to the title and Meta tags to
ensure the highest amount of traffic.
Websites in directories are listed under subheadings as well, which
makes searching easy. Those looking for websites on health can simply
click the health category and see the sites listed.
The same goes for a wide variety of other categories as well. Once you
get through all the subcategories and find the type of sites you are
looking for there is one thing to keep in mind.
And that is the way websites are ranked within the directory. They may
be ranked in alphabetical order or even in the order they were
submitted. Some web directories even rank sites by their page rank.
Just keeping this in mind is important to ensure you get the best
If you are considering submitting your website or websites to web
directories then you should keep in mind as well that there are some
web directories where actual humans handle submissions and other
directories where computers do it all. You want to make sure you submit
to web directories that are edited by humans.
This means an actual person will check out every site and make sure it
is valid and not spam. Only legitimate sites will get listed with the
web directory.
If you submit your website to web directories where people do not edit
all the submissions then the directory wont likely have a very good
reputation, not many people will visit it, and your site wont get a lot
of traffic. So pay very close attention to the web directories you
submit to.
Web directories are very important because they allow webmasters to
increase their websites page rank with the big search engines thanks to
the back links. Back links are like a popularity contest and the more
you have the more popular your site.
So, web directories can really help your site get ranked higher by
Google, MSN, and the other big search engines.
So, web directories will not only increase your traffic, allow people
searching for your particular product or service to find you, but it
will also increase your ranking with the search engines and benefit
your site overall.
Building Permanent Back Links Using Web Directories
Everyone seems to be looking to make their first million online with
pay per click advertising these days. That is because the big players
in the industry are promoting PPC heavily. But while the world is
looking at PPC, some marketers are quietly making money using old but
effective traffic generation methods.
Remember well established like DMOZ, Ezilon, Yahoo Web Directory, etc.?
Many marketers have already forgotten about these directories. With all
that hype going on about PPC, this is understandable.
But bear in mind that a portion of PCC traffic comes from the search
engines. And when you are submitting your sites to web directories,
what are you hoping to attain? That's right, you are hoping to get
higher rankings in the search engines. Does it work? Time and again,
web directory submissions have been proven to be highly effective in
SEO. Why is that so?
1) Links are highly relevant.
The links are well organized in their appropriate categories, so you
never find irrelevant links next to yours. If you submit a gardening
link to the gardening category, you can be sure that only gardening
URLs appear next to yours.
2) Static text links.
Web directories list static text links - these are links that search
engines love to crawl. You can even submit deep links (links to
internal web pages) if you like. Use your target keyword phrase in the
anchor texts (very important!).
3) Well aged websites.
Many web directories have been around for ages, and they are well
indexed by the search engines. If the web directory has a high page
rank, that means the search engines think highly of the website. With
inbound links coming from well established websites, your sites have a
much better chance of ranking well in the search engines.
When you submit your URL to web directories, you are acquiring
permanent links. Permanent links are links that will remain on the
website during the lifetime of the website. You don't have to pay any
fees to keep your links there.
Some web directories may require you to pay a small fee for a permanent
listing. Others will require you to pay a monthly fee. Of course, the
web directory must be really popular to be able to command such fees.
In return, you get a featured listing, which means that your links will
be ranked above other non-featured links in the web directory.
If you have the budget, you can purchase such listings. But only buy
featured listings from high page rank directories. Otherwise, you can
always stick to the free web directories. There are so many free
directories out there that you probably won't be able to submit to all.
To save time, outsource the web directory submission to an SEO service
provider. They will help you do all the work
Web Directory Submission - Choosing The Right Directories
Web directory submission is probably one of the quickest and easiest
way to build links on the Internet. The reason why webmasters want to
build links is because they want to rank well in the search engines.
You see, the more back links a website has, the better it will rank in
the search results. That will lead to the inevitable - more traffic!
There are many link building methods. Some are easier to execute than
others. Web directory submission belongs to the "easy to execute"
category. You don't need to do much to submit links to the web
directories. All you need is a valid website that is not under
construction, some keywords, an email address, and a brief description
of the URL. The same information will then be submitted to all the web
The only challenge with this method is that it can be time consuming
and boring. No one wants to sit around to submit links to web
directories. As an Internet business owner, you shouldn't be doing that
too. Therefore, you must look for alternative solutions. Here are 2
1) Pick the right directories.
There are a plethora of web directories on the Internet. It's almost
impossible to submit to all the web directories you come across. To
save time, make a list of web directories that have high page rank (at
least 3 and above). Focus on these web directories, and get your links
approved. Forget about the rest. As you release more websites, use back
the same list. Watch for page rank updates, and keep your list updated.
Sometimes, a new directory may acquire a high page rank. You can look
out for such directories as webmaster forums.
If you can afford the time, you may want to include a few web
directories with page rank 2 or less. In this case, make sure that the
web directories have search engine friendly URLs, and they don't
require reciprocal links.
2) Outsource web directory submissions.
There are internet marketers who hire others to submit their URLs to
hundreds (or thousands) of web directories. The cost will depend on the
number of submissions that you are gunning for. The more directories,
the higher the cost.
When you outsource, there is no need for you to sit at the computer and
submit the URL one at a time. All the work is done for you. You may,
however, have to provide a valid email address so that confirmation
emails can be sent to you. You may then login to your email account and
click on all the confirmation links once submission has been completed.
A full report should be provided, letting you know where your links
have been submitted.
The entire process may take between 2 to 7 days, depending on
submission volume. Be patient, and remind the service provider if the
wait gets a bit too long.
Web Directories Listing and the Benefits to Your Business
Listing your site in various directories, gives your site a great boost
in your search engine rankings and helps your site in coming in the top
results of all major search engines out of which main ones are Google,
Yahoo and MSN. Directory owners are well aware of the importance of PR
when selling links. The higher the PR of the directory, the more the
directory owner can charge for link submission. Directories are useful
to the user in that if a user wanted to find a site under a particular
topic, it would be easy to go to the appropriate category and choose
from the selection of links. All links in a web directory are
well-categorized and meaningfully sorted out.
You can list your websites
from arts and literature to news, articles, developer tutorials and
shopping. List your company at online business directory, offering
small business free listings to worldwide businesses and companies.
Most of the directories are no costs or hidden fees, listing on this
site is a must and with the exception of Dmoz , and Yahoo! And this is
probably the best value for webmasters.
Website directories are very useful and help in the search engine
promotion of the websites. A website that is listed in a good web
directory is given a preference by the search engines. Search
directories might sound so pre-Google but submitting to the right
directories might prove better than optimizing. Specialized search
engines and portals have the advantage that the audience they attract
consists of people who are interested in a particular topic and if this
is your topic, you can get to your target audience directly. Search
engine friendly URLS and links to promote your great web content,
submissions to all quality sites is the best solution for the start.
This is why submitting your site to a web directory can help you when
you are optimizing your website in order to gain more viable traffic
for your site. This free marketing could generate a lot of positive
effects for your website. Submission to web directories is a great
promotion tool in hands of informed person, so now you are one of them
and your website will definitely get excellent results it deserves.
How to Get Instant Results With Web Directory Submissions
We live in the age of instant coffee and the equally instant World Wide
Web. As a result most people expect things to happen instantly
including success in online business
. While in some instances this lack of patience can prove to be a major
stumbling block, in other instances the very nature of the web provides
for immediate results.
Take web directory submissions as an example. The reason why they have
always been so popular is because they work rather well in giving any
webmaster immediate results for their promotional efforts.
How Web Directory Submissions Work
There are literally thousands of web directories on the World Wide Web.
Many of them have an option for free submission and another for paid
submission. Now the really attractive thing about directories is the
fact that they tend to have respectably high Page Ranks (PR). Secondly
in most cases, when a link pointing to your site is placed at a web
directory it will tend to last forever, meaning that it will also drive
traffic in the direction of your site for the same length of time.
So it is highly desirable to have links in every web directory that you
can find, pointing in the direction of your site because you will
always end up with twofold benefits, namely immediate traffic and
long-term traffic.
How To Submit Your Site To A Web Directory
Submission of your web site or blog site URL to a web directory can be
done either manually or by using software.
There are a number of webmasters who have enjoyed amazing success and
high traffic by constantly submitting their sites to web directories.
What they usually do is to purpose to submit their sites to a certain
number of web directories every day. Even with a target of ten per day,
the numbers quickly add up and at the end of one month you will find
yourself with 300 links. At the end of the year you will have a
whooping 3,600.
Then there are those who rely heavily on software to automatically
submit their sites to a high number of web directories. For example
there is this software that will give you a staggering 750,000 links
almost instantly. With a large number of links like that, it is hard to
imagine you ever having a problem of inadequate traffic trickling to
your site.
The Problem With Manual Submission
While it is true that many webmasters and bloggers have succeeded in
the past with manual submissions, the truth is that it has a number of
problems and obstacles, these days.
To start with the whole process is very cumbersome and extremely time
consuming. The reality is that submitting even just to 10 web
directories daily would take up a lot of valuable time from a
webmasters day. This is the reason why software that undertakes this
vital chore is so popular on the Internet.
The Dangers Of Submitting To Directories With Software
Now even if you were to decide to submit your site pronto to web
directories using software, you still need to be very careful. On of
the reasons for this is that not all software you come across will be
as successful in doing what you are told it is capable of doing. Not
only that, some submission software could be designed to do things that
upset site engines, meaning that you can easily find that instead of
getting the high traffic that you had anticipated, you will get your
site banned at leading search engines, thus effectively shutting down
any traffic that you would have received directly from search engines.
What You Need To Do To Succeed With Directory Submissions
For you to succeed with directory submissions, you must first
understand that this is a game of volumes. The higher the number of
sites that you submit your URL to, the better the result. This means
that the best option is to go for automatic software submission using
software. However you also need to be very careful to deal only with
very reputable sites when it comes to finding the right software for
this vital chore.
By observing these rather simple rules, you will find yourself well on
the way to success with your site and chances of finding really
successful software for submission will be high.
Web Directories - What Are They?
Even today, many people are still unaware of the term ‘web
directory'. In this article, I will briefly discuss what web
directories are and what they are capable of.
Basically, a web directory is series of web pages, categorizing links
to other web pages.
One might associate a web directory with his local yellow pages.
Another common definition is that web directory is a directory on the
World Wide Web which specializes in linking to other websites and
categorizing their links. Web directories often permit site owners to
submit their website for inclusion, and have human editors review
Some people think a web directory as a search engine. Actually, it is
not. In addition, it does not display web pages based on keywords,
instead listing web pages in convenient categories/subcategories. The
categorization is generally based on not a set of keywords, but the
whole website and there is often a limit of one or two categories for
site inclusion.
There are numerous directories on the internet, the most well known
ones being provided by Lycos, Yahoo, LookSmart, Google and ODP (Open
Directory Project). The latter is a powerful player in the directory
market because of its open content approach to editorial review and its
use by Zeal and Google. Looksmart's voluntary run directory closed in
the first quarter of 2006, much to the dismay of the users.
Experts still refute the statement which says web directories have
superior quality. Furthermore, web directory development is still said
to be a relatively hard task. Hopefully, there have been many attempts
in recent times to make directory development easier by using a
‘links for all' kind of link submission site using a script,
any number of available PHP portals/programs. As an icing on the cake,
social software techniques have spawned new efforts of categorization,
with major websites like AMAZON adding tagging to their product pages.
In a nutshell, A web directory is a listing of websites organized in a
hierarchy of categories.
Web Promotion? Submit to a Quality Web Directory
Today webmasters are using various methods to build links and drive
traffic to their website. The techniques which are usually used are
article submissions, reciprocal link exchanges, traffic exchanges and
directory submissions. In this article you'll read about directory
submission as the method of promoting your site on the world wide web.
Web directory is a site which is organized according to different
categories and subcategories. All the links which are submitted to a
web directory
are classified according to their categories. If you want your website
to be accepted by a web directory then you have to submit it under most
appropriate subcategory.
If your website is accepted in a web directory then you will get a
quality one way link pointing towards your site. Greater will be the
number of one way links directing to your site better will be your rank
on the search engine result pages.
You are able to submit your website to another web directories with the
help of various methods. A website can be submitted to web directories
manually or with the help of a semi automatic software. A few SEO
companies also offer directory submission services. If you prefer to
submit your site to several directories you should pay attention on the
quality of directories. If you are submitting your site to a web
directory then first of all you should check it`s google page rank.
Sometimes you've to pay if you want your link to be included in a web
directory and most of the directories also need a reciprocal link to be
placed on your site.
The Benefits of a Web Directory
In the past few years, the use and size of the World Wide Web has grown
exponentially. The largest database of information has proven useful to
millions of people worldwide, providing information access to
less-developed or isolated regions. Being so big and comprising so many
topics, some considered it was time to organize it and they managed to
do that using what is known as web directory.
It must be clear that a web directory is completely different from a
search engine. This type of directory available on the World Wide Web
has the ability to provide links for various websites, assigning them
to diverse categories. The search engine
provides Internet users with the information after relating to
keywords; on the other hand, a web directory uses its available
categories to list various Internet sites.
As with other programs related to the Internet, there are many things
to know about a web directory. There are certain characteristics and
requirements, website possessors having the possibility to submit their
websites. The subjects presented by a link directory are more than
diverse; they generally show how many information the Internet can
contain. A wide range of categories are presented, each one having
subcategories, depending on the spatial location and spoken language.
The quality level of the web directories is always open to argument or
debate. The content must be only of high-quality, the various types of
listings must be in clear and comprehensible terms. A link directory
can be a wonderful way to explore the information you are interested
in. For example, if you are looking for a painting you can try the link
directory called ‘Art’. There you have several
sub-categories, such as art history, performing arts and visual arts.
From then you just have to look further and in the end you will surely
find what you are searching for.
These interconnected listings of website categories can also present
information about subjects such as: business, computers and Internet,
health, home and sports. Practically, there is not one single topic a
link directory cannot cover. There are particular categories, helping
people to benefit from selective information.
Web directories and their subdirectories include a wealth of accessible
data, demonstrating once more the communication opportunities of the
Internet. Such websites present accurate and up-to-date statistics
about available categories, active and pending links. The Internet and
such URL directories are much more than a popular technology; they
enable individuals to share and receive information with people from
every corner of the world.
The growth of the Internet technology also allowed the development of
web directories and link listings. Broad topics are available, offering
the possibility of a refined search. More and more people are
interested in creating link directories, wanting to help to the
broadcasting of information and updating their links constantly. The
information must be relevant and the categories as clear as possible.
People have to go to a main category and find what they are looking for
using subdirectories. It is not complicated; on the contrary, it is
quite simple.
High-speed Internet connections have had a deep effect on people from
all over the world. Information technology is an ongoing trend and web
directories are extremely popular. They represent a common way to
obtain various links, bearing useful collections of data. Their
popularity cannot be denied and it is likely to increase in the future.
You can submit links or search for the latest links; it is up to you
how you benefit from this amazing technology.
Web Directory Unveiled
One of the most important and determining factors in the success of any
web site is the use of the search engine optimization
techniques. The web masters aim for their sites to be to be among the
highest and fastest ones listed on any possible search engine.
One way link building can be easily achieved by using web directory
submission. Of course, this is easy for a person who knows what he or
she is doing! So, for those of you that are not perfectly aware of what
this consists of, I will begin by setting some things straight from the
start. It is a commonly known fact that the search engine spiders are
nothing but computer programs which automatically browse the web
looking for sites to add to a search engine.
Web directory submission is great help for any webmaster in the world.
For instance, some of the most well known sites such as MSN and Yahoo
are based on directories and users that want to find web sites within a
specific field and use directories in order to quickly getting to the
information they are in need for. Web directory is the perfect tool for
anyone looking for a free way to build links. It does not even require
for you to return the favor by linking back to a particular web site.
The result is that you can get your web site listed on a popular site
without spending a cent.
Should you have decided to test this technique, the first thing you
will have to do is finalizing your web site. I am saying it because the
persons in charge with web directory submission do not accept any
unfinished web sites. And it can get even worse: by submitting an
unfinished site to the web directory, you will be making it quite
difficult for the resulting finished site to be ever listed. Therefore,
keep in mind the fact that you must absolutely finish your site before
submitting it to the web directory. Do not see the action of filling
the forms as a waste of time and try to fill out as many of the
optional fields as possible. This is a commonly made mistake, so try to
stand out from the crowd and avoid it!
The quality of the content is also essential! So do not forget to come
up with good titles for the pages in your web site and with a good and
accurate description for the site. This description must catch the eye
of the users of the web sites and, at the same time, match the
requirements of the persons responsible for the web directory
submissions.If all of these tips are not enough to make your web site
get listed on the web directory, you can always apply some more
touching techniques as thanking the people whoa re meant to review your
site. They are also humans and will most certainly have more patience
with your web site if you treated them nicely!
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