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                What is SEO & SES? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and SES stands for Search Engine Submission.SEO means when you build your web site and specially when you write your content,the write it in way that it can be  liked by major search engines ,easily indexed by them and easily catogorised by them.How can you do that ?Simple research for keywords related to your site and find out the specific keywords which have less competition and insert those keywords in your site's content in a way the search engine expect.I know this is littel bit complicated and really not easy but when you ranked on 1st page of any major search engine,specially Google,rewards will be lots of free targated traffic to your site.

   This is very broad subject to write and I can write 1000+ page book .Big companies are spending millions of dollars to stay on 1st page of major search engines and that is with help of professional SEO experts.This section should be the 1st section but I have kept this section last
because I don't want to scare you with all these SEO hypes going on and believe me there really is fierce competition out there for ranking high and stay there on 1st page.Still I wrote about this why? Because I want to be aware of the importance of SEO and want you to take advantage of basic SEO steps and believe me,it is not difficult at all and helps trmandously to improve your site's ranking in search engines.Let me clear this :There are many Black Hat SEO(You most probably have heard the word) techiniques are flotting around the internet and claims to provide 1st page ranking on the Google 
and other search engines.Now the question is Black Hat SEO techiniques really work?Answer is yes and not.1st of all any black hat techinique is pure cheating with search engines and so these so called techiniques work for time and sooner or latter SEs find  out about them and ban your domain name permenantly and you not only lost your traffic  you have to start over from the scratch again.Legal issues are involved and even they can ban your other sites as well.Take my free advice,never do that.In these 8 years of my online business what I llearned with many other things is honesty is the best policy to expand and prosper your business.

   Morever I want you to just don't rely only on search enging traffic(Yes it is the best targated free traffic if your site is optimized properly with related keywords and that needs SEO skills) and there are many other ways to get free advertising and free traffic and now you know most of them and if you use all these resources as I suggested then you are doing 2 things at a time.1.Getting free advertising and free traffic to your site and 2.you are also following some SEO steps for higher ranking of your site.

   SES as I said before Search Engine Submission.You must submit your site to all the major search engines.

The History of Internet Search Engines

Just a little over ten years ago, if a person needed information they were forced to go to the local library and spend hours entombed amongst shelves of books. Now that the internet is available in almost every home finding information is easier then ever before. Now when someone needs information all they have to do is boot up their computer and type their needs into a search engine

A search engine is an information retrieval system that is designed to help find information stored on a ca computer system.

In 1990 the very first search engine was created by students at McGill University in Montreal. The search engine was called Archie and it was invented to index FTP archives, allowing people to quickly access specific files. FTPs (short for File Transfer Protocol) are used to transfer data from one computer to another ocer the internet, or through a network that supports TCP/IP protocol. In its early days Archie contacted a list of FTP archives approximately once a month with a request for a listing. Once Archie received a listing it was stored in local files and could be searched using a UNIX grep command. In its early days Archie was a local tool but as the kinks got worked out and it became more efficient it became a network wide resource. Archie users could utilize Archie's services through a variety of methods including e-mail queries, teleneting directly to a server, and eventually through the World Wide Web interfaces. Archie only indexed computer files.

A student at the University of Minnesota created a search engine that indexed plain text files in 1991. They named the program Gopher after the University of Minnesota's mascot.

In 1993 a student at MIT created Wandx, the first Web search engine.

Today, search engines match a user's keyword query with a list of potential websites that might have the information the users is looking for. The search engine does this by using a software code that is called a crawler to probe web pages that match the user's keyword. Once the crawler has identified web pages that may be what the user is looking for the search engine uses a variety of statistical techniques to establish each pages importance. Most search engines establish the importance of hits based on the frequency of word distribution.  Once the search engine has finished searching web pages it provides a list of web sites to the user.

Today, when an internet user types a word into a search engine they are given a list of websites that might be able to provide them with the information they seek. The typical search engine provides ten potential hits per page. The average internet user never looks farther they the second page the search engine provides. Webmasters are constantly finding themselves forced to use new methods of search engine optimization to be highly ranked by the search engines.

In 2000, a study was done by Lawrence and Giles that suggested internet search engines were only able to index sixteen percent of all available webpage's.

  The Definition of Search Engine Optimization
Too many webpage owners feel that once they submit their page a search engine they are guaranteed success. That's generally not the case. Simply submitting your web page to a search engine is not always enough to get any hits. Most web pages require search engine optimization to become truly successful.

Search engine optimization is the art and science of making web pages attractive to the search engines. The goal of search engine optimization is to have your website ranked in the top ten internet search hits that appear on the first page. Why is it important to be on the first page? It's important because the average internet user doesn't click on any of the sites listed on the second or third page. Out of sight, out of mind. One website owner reported a two hundred and ten percent increase on her e-commerce sight when she had her webpage redesigned for optimal search engine optimization.

You would think that the prospect of a two hundred and ten percent increase in sales would be all the incentive a webmaster would need to redesign their site. That isn't always the case. There are a variety of reasons people avoid recreating their websites.

Some people believe that search engine optimization is too difficult to understand. The reality is that search engine optimization is fairly simple. All it takes is a little research and most people are ready to rock.

Other people feel that there are simply too many things to learn before they will be ready to optimize their website. Search engine optimization is just like anything else. When you first start out you know nothing. With some homework and a bit of trial and error and you will know exactly what it takes to make your webpage popular with the web crawlers.

Some people believe that search engine optimization will take up lots of their precious time. People with this particular fear should remember that old adage about time and money. If time spent optimizing your website leads to an increase in sales isn't it time well spent? Besides search engine optimization is easy, once you have the hang of it won't add much to the time you would already have to devote to updating your website.

You do not have to submit to gobs of search engines to reap the rewards of search engine optimization.

If you have a large site you shouldn't worry about spending lots of time optimizing it and running the risk of never finishing the process. If you have a large website just take things one step at a time. Focus on optimizing on page per day. Start with your most important pages and then concentrate on the irrelevant pages. By using this one page a day method you won't run the risk of sitting at your computer until your eyeballs fall out of your head.

It might take some time and some trial and error to optimize your website but you will consider it time well spent when you see an increase in the amount of traffic, the increase in traffic should lead to more sales.

    Three Basic Steps to Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization is the art and science of making web pages appear attractive to the search engines. The better optimized a website is, the higher the ranking it will receive from a search engines web crawlers, the higher its ranking the more traffic your website will have, the more traffic your website has the more profit your website will generate. The key is good internet search engine optimization.

Why is having a receiving a high ranking so important to the future success of your online business? Studies have shown that consumers seldom look at websites that don't rank a spot on of the first two pages the search engines displays. Websites that receive a ranking that places them on the third page (or any other pages after that) see a significantly lower amount of traffic at their websites then one that is ranked on the second page. There is even a staggering difference between the first and second page. In the world of e-commerce ranking and strong search engine optimization is everything.

At first search engine optimization may feel like trying to rappel down the Grand Canyon, a huge scary world full of big words like web crawlers, PageRank, Meta tags, and algorithms. You've never heard of any of these things. A quick internet search of the world algorithm doesn't help; all you got was a printout of strange symbols and numbers arranged in complex algebraic equations.

Sit back, take a deep breath, and try to relax. Search engine optimization is a lot simpler then you might think. First things first.

Algorithms really are every bit as complex as they look. Simply defined they are a finite set of carefully defined instructions. Most, if not all, computer programs are designed with strict algorithms.

PageRank is simply the program Google designed to search, index, and rank it registered webpage's. PageRank operates on a link analysis algorithm. PageRank is credited for Google incredible success.

Web crawlers are tools search engines use to browse the World Wide Web in a methodical, automated manner. When web crawlers are browsing websites they are looking for algorithms.

Meta tags are special HTML tags that provide information to about a web page. Meta tags are written directly into the title tag and are only visible to the search engine.

The reality of search engine optimization is that you can start to optimize your website without any knowledge at all of the technical stuff involved in search engine optimization.  Simply stated the very first step in designing a website that is going to be well ranked by the search engines is to create a content rich site. What this means is that you must cram as much information about your product into your website as you possibly can.

The third step to search engine optimization is to fill your site with keywords that will attract the web crawler's attention. The final step in a wonderfully optimized website is to submit it to the search engine that will compliment it.  

Spamdexing-the Bane of Search Engine Optimization

Methods that manipulate the relevancy or prominence of resources indexed by a search engine, usually in a manner inconsistent with the purpose of the indexing system is called Spamdexing.

The sheer amount of information available on the internet is mind-boggling. In 2000 a study indicated that the internet's search engines where only capable of indexing approximately sixteen percent of available pages. That sixteen percent adds up to pages and pages of potential hits. There are typically ten hits per page. The average internet user never goes farther then the first set of ten. Webmasters use a variety of techniques to increase their ranking. The art and science of making web pages attractive to the search engines is called search engine optimization.

The importance of a high search engine ranking started driving webmasters to use a variety of tricks to improve their ranking the middle of the 1990's. On May 22, 1996 The Boston Herald printed an article written by Eric Convey titled "Porn Sneaks Way Back on Web." It is the first time the term spamdexing was used. The word spamdexing is the merging of the word spam, the internets term for unsolicited information, and indexing.

There are two types of spamdexing. The terms are content spam and link spam.

Content spam is the use of techniques that alter the search engines view of the pages content. Some methods of content spam include the use of hidden text, keyword stuffing, Meta tag stuffing, doorway pages, and scraper sites.

Taking advantage of link-based ranking algorithms which in turn gives a higher ranking to a website is called link spam. Link spam methods include link farms, hidden links, Sybil attack, wiki spam, spam blogs (also referred to as splogs), page hijacking, buying expired domains, and referrer log spamming.

Some people consider spamdexing a black hat method of internet search engine classification.

Key word stuffing is a favorite type of content spamdexing. Key word stuffing is including a key word hundred of times on a single webpage. Given the sheer volume of the word the search engine automatically gives that particular webpage a higher ranking then one that might use the word legitimately. Most websites that employ keyword stuffing place the words at the bottom of the page or write it with text that the person surfing the web can't see. Some search engines try to discourage key word stuffing by ranking websites with an excessive number of keywords at the bottom of the ranking.

Some web masters like to include the name of a famous person on their site as a keyword. The name attracts the attention of search engines and web surfers even though the web site has nothing to do with the person.

Some websites try to steal web surfers from their competitors by including their name as a keyword in the body text and meta tags. By doing this the webmaster has guaranteed that the search engines with index it accurately. Using the name of a competitor in the body of a website is normally a direct violation of the copyright law.

 Search engine optimization
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume or quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via "natural" or un-paid ("organic" or "algorithmic") search results as opposed to search engine marketing (SEM) which deals with paid inclusion. Typically, the earlier (or higher) a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine. SEO may target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, video search and industry-specific vertical search engines. This gives a web site web presence.

As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO considers how search engines work and what people search for. Optimizing a website primarily involves editing its content and HTML and associated coding to both increase its relevance to specific keywords and to remove barriers to the indexing activities of search engines.

The acronym "SEO" can refer to "search engine optimizers," a term adopted by an industry of consultants who carry out optimization projects on behalf of clients, and by employees who perform SEO services in-house. Search engine optimizers may offer SEO as a stand-alone service or as a part of a broader marketing campaign. Because effective SEO may require changes to the HTML source code of a site, SEO tactics may be incorporated into web site development and design. The term "search engine friendly" may be used to describe web site designs, menus, content management systems, images, videos, shopping carts, and other elements that have been optimized for the purpose of search engine exposure.

Another class of techniques, known as black hat SEO or spamdexing, use methods such as link farms, keyword stuffing and article spinning that degrade both the relevance of search results and the user-experience of search engines. Search engines look for sites that employ these techniques in order to remove them from their indices.

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Webmasters and content providers began optimizing sites for search engines in the mid-1990s, as the first search engines were cataloging the early Web. Initially, all a webmaster needed to do was submit the address of a page, or URL, to the various engines which would send a "spider" to "crawl" that page, extract links to other pages from it, and return information found on the page to be indexed. The process involves a search engine spider downloading a page and storing it on the search engine's own server, where a second program, known as an indexer, extracts various information about the page, such as the words it contains and where these are located, as well as any weight for specific words, and all links the page contains, which are then placed into a scheduler for crawling at a later date.

Site owners started to recognize the value of having their sites highly ranked and visible in search engine results, creating an opportunity for both white hat and black hat SEO practitioners. According to industry analyst Danny Sullivan, the phrase "search engine optimization" probably came into use in 1997.

Early versions of search algorithms relied on webmaster-provided information such as the keyword meta tag, or index files in engines like ALIWEB. Meta tags provide a guide to each page's content. Using meta data to index pages was found to be less than reliable, however, because the webmaster's choice of keywords in the meta tag could potentially be an inaccurate representation of the site's actual content. Inaccurate, incomplete, and inconsistent data in meta tags could and did cause pages to rank for irrelevant searches. Web content providers also manipulated a number of attributes within the HTML source of a page in an attempt to rank well in search engines.

By relying so much on factors such as keyword density which were exclusively within a webmaster's control, early search engines suffered from abuse and ranking manipulation. To provide better results to their users, search engines had to adapt to ensure their results pages showed the most relevant search results, rather than unrelated pages stuffed with numerous keywords by unscrupulous webmasters. Since the success and popularity of a search engine is determined by its ability to produce the most relevant results to any given search, allowing those results to be false would turn users to find other search sources. Search engines responded by developing more complex ranking algorithms, taking into account additional factors that were more difficult for webmasters to manipulate.

Graduate students at Stanford University, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, developed "backrub," a search engine that relied on a mathematical algorithm to rate the prominence of web pages. The number calculated by the algorithm, PageRank, is a function of the quantity and strength of inbound links. PageRank estimates the likelihood that a given page will be reached by a web user who randomly surfs the web, and follows links from one page to another. In effect, this means that some links are stronger than others, as a higher PageRank page is more likely to be reached by the random surfer.

Page and Brin founded Google in 1998. Google attracted a loyal following among the growing number of Internet users, who liked its simple design. Off-page factors (such as PageRank and hyperlink analysis) were considered as well as on-page factors (such as keyword frequency, meta tags, headings, links and site structure) to enable Google to avoid the kind of manipulation seen in search engines that only considered on-page factors for their rankings. Although PageRank was more difficult to game, webmasters had already developed link building tools and schemes to influence the Inktomi search engine, and these methods proved similarly applicable to gaming PageRank. Many sites focused on exchanging, buying, and selling links, often on a massive scale. Some of these schemes, or link farms, involved the creation of thousands of sites for the sole purpose of link spamming.

By 2004, search engines had incorporated a wide range of undisclosed factors in their ranking algorithms to reduce the impact of link manipulation. Google says it ranks sites using more than 200 different signals. The leading search engines, Google and Yahoo, do not disclose the algorithms they use to rank pages. Notable SEOs, such as Rand Fishkin, Barry Schwartz, Aaron Wall and Jill Whalen, have studied different approaches to search engine optimization, and have published their opinions in online forums and blogs. SEO practitioners may also study patents held by various search engines to gain insight into the algorithms.

In 2005 Google began personalizing search results for each user. Depending on their history of previous searches, Google crafted results for logged in users. In 2008, Bruce Clay said that "ranking is dead" because of personalized search. It would become meaningless to discuss how a website ranked, because its rank would potentially be different for each user and each search.

In 2007 Google announced a campaign against paid links that transfer PageRank. On June 15, 2009, Google disclosed that they had taken measures to mitigate the effects of PageRank sculpting by use of the nofollow attribute on links. Matt Cutts, a well-known software engineer at Google, announced that Google Bot would no longer treat nofollowed links in the same way, in order to prevent SEOs from using nofollow for PageRank sculpting. As a result of this change the usage of nofollow leads to evaporation of pagerank. In order to avoid the above, SEOs developed alternative techniques that replace nofollowed tags with obfuscated Javascript and thus permit PageRank sculpting. Additionally several solutions have been suggested that include the usage of iframes, Flash and Javascript. 

In December 2009 Google announced it would be using the web search history of all its users in order to populate search results .

Real-time-search was introduced in late 2009 in an attempt to make search results more timely and relevant. Historically site administrators have spent months or even years optimizing a website to increase search rankings. With the growth in popularity of social media sites and blogs the leading engines made changes to their algorithms to allow fresh content to rank quickly within the search results.  This new approach to search places importance on current, fresh and unique content.

 Relationship with search engines

By 1997 search engines recognized that webmasters were making efforts to rank well in their search engines, and that some webmasters were even manipulating their rankings in search results by stuffing pages with excessive or irrelevant keywords. Early search engines, such as Infoseek, adjusted their algorithms in an effort to prevent webmasters from manipulating rankings.

Due to the high marketing value of targeted search results, there is potential for an adversarial relationship between search engines and SEOs. In 2005, an annual conference, AIRWeb, Adversarial Information Retrieval on the Web, was created to discuss and minimize the damaging effects of aggressive web content providers.

SEO companies that employ overly aggressive techniques can get their client websites banned from the search results. In 2005, the Wall Street Journal reported on a company, Traffic Power, which allegedly used high-risk techniques and failed to disclose those risks to its clients. Wired magazine reported that the same company sued blogger and SEO Aaron Wall for writing about the ban. Google's Matt Cutts later confirmed that Google did in fact ban Traffic Power and some of its clients.

Some search engines have also reached out to the SEO industry, and are frequent sponsors and guests at SEO conferences, chats, and seminars. In fact, with the advent of paid inclusion, some search engines now have a vested interest in the health of the optimization community. Major search engines provide information and guidelines to help with site optimization. Google has a Sitemaps program to help webmasters learn if Google is having any problems indexing their website and also provides data on Google traffic to the website. Google guidelines are a list of suggested practices Google has provided as guidance to webmasters. Yahoo! Site Explorer provides a way for webmasters to submit URLs, determine how many pages are in the Yahoo! index and view link information.


 Getting indexed

The leading search engines, such as Google and Yahoo!, use crawlers to find pages for their algorithmic search results. Pages that are linked from other search engine indexed pages do not need to be submitted because they are found automatically. Some search engines, notably Yahoo!, operate a paid submission service that guarantee crawling for either a set fee or cost per click. Such programs usually guarantee inclusion in the database, but do not guarantee specific ranking within the search results. Two major directories, the Yahoo Directory and the Open Directory Project both require manual submission and human editorial review. Google offers Google Webmaster Tools, for which an XML Sitemap feed can be created and submitted for free to ensure that all pages are found, especially pages that aren't discoverable by automatically following links.

Search engine crawlers may look at a number of different factors when crawling a site. Not every page is indexed by the search engines. Distance of pages from the root directory of a site may also be a factor in whether or not pages get crawled.

 Preventing crawling

To avoid undesirable content in the search indexes, webmasters can instruct spiders not to crawl certain files or directories through the standard robots.txt file in the root directory of the domain. Additionally, a page can be explicitly excluded from a search engine's database by using a meta tag specific to robots. When a search engine visits a site, the robots.txt located in the root directory is the first file crawled. The robots.txt file is then parsed, and will instruct the robot as to which pages are not to be crawled. As a search engine crawler may keep a cached copy of this file, it may on occasion crawl pages a webmaster does not wish crawled. Pages typically prevented from being crawled include login specific pages such as shopping carts and user-specific content such as search results from internal searches. In March 2007, Google warned webmasters that they should prevent indexing of internal search results because those pages are considered search spam.[

 Increasing prominence

A variety of other methods are employed to get a webpage shown up at the search results. These include:

  • Cross linking between pages of the same website. Giving more links to main pages of the website, to increase PageRank used by search engines. Linking from other websites, including link farming and comment spam. However, link spamming can also have a bad impact on your search result position.
  • Writing content that includes frequently searched keyword phrase, so as to be relevant to a wide variety of search queries. Adding relevant keywords to a web page meta tags, including keyword stuffing.
  • URL normalization of web pages accessible via multiple urls, using the "canonical" meta tag.

 White hat versus black hat

SEO techniques can be classified into two broad categories: techniques that search engines recommend as part of good design, and those techniques of which search engines do not approve. The search engines attempt to minimize the effect of the latter, among them spamdexing. Some industry commentators have classified these methods, and the practitioners who employ them, as either white hat SEO, or black hat SEO.[38] White hats tend to produce results that last a long time, whereas black hats anticipate that their sites may eventually be banned either temporarily or permanently once the search engines discover what they are doing.

A search engine optimization technique is considered white hat SEO if it conforms to the search engines' guidelines and involves no deception. We can say the legal SEO is a white hat SEO. As the search engine guidelines are not written as a series of rules or commandments, this is an important distinction to note. White hat SEO is not just about following guidelines, but is about ensuring that the content a search engine indexes and subsequently ranks is the same content a user will see. White hat advice is generally summed up as creating content for users, not for search engines, and then making that content easily accessible to the spiders, rather than attempting to trick the algorithm from its intended purpose. White hat SEO is in many ways similar to web development that promotes accessibility, although the two are not identical.

Black hat SEO attempts to improve rankings in ways that are disapproved of by the search engines, or involve deception. One black hat technique uses text that is hidden, either as text colored similar to the background, in an invisible div, or positioned off screen. Another method gives a different page depending on whether the page is being requested by a human visitor or a search engine, a technique known as cloaking. Invisible iframes is yet another black hat SEO technique, where a page you see is not necessarily from the company that is hosting that webpage. People create these types of pages in order to download software on your computer in the background without your knowledge .

Search engines may penalize sites they discover using black hat methods, either by reducing their rankings or eliminating their listings from their databases altogether. Such penalties can be applied either automatically by the search engines' algorithms, or by a manual site review. Infamous examples are the February 2006 Google removal of both BMW Germany and Ricoh Germany for use of deceptive practices. and the April 2006 removal of the PPC Agency BigMouthMedia. All three companies, however, quickly apologized, fixed the offending pages, and were restored to Google's list.

 As a marketing strategy

Eye tracking studies have shown that searchers scan a search results page from top to bottom and left to right (for left to right languages), looking for a relevant result. Placement at or near the top of the rankings therefore increases the number of searchers who will visit a site. However, more search engine referrals does not guarantee more sales. SEO is not necessarily an appropriate strategy for every website, and other Internet marketing strategies can be much more effective, depending on the site operator's goals. A successful Internet marketing campaign may drive organic traffic to web pages, but it also may involve the use of paid advertising on search engines and other pages, building high quality web pages to engage and persuade, addressing technical issues that may keep search engines from crawling and indexing those sites, setting up analytics programs to enable site owners to measure their successes, and improving a site's conversion rate.

SEO may generate a return on investment. However, search engines are not paid for organic search traffic, their algorithms change, and there are no guarantees of continued referrals. (Some trading sites such as eBay can be a special case for this, it will announce how and when the ranking algorithm will change a few months before changing the algorithm). Due to this lack of guarantees and certainty, a business that relies heavily on search engine traffic can suffer major losses if the search engines stop sending visitors. It is considered wise business practice for website operators to liberate themselves from dependence on search engine traffic. A top-ranked SEO blog Seomoz.org has suggested, "Search marketers, in a twist of irony, receive a very small share of their traffic from search engines.." Instead, their main sources of traffic are links from other websites.

 International markets

Optimization techniques are highly tuned to the dominant search engines in the target market. The search engines' market shares vary from market to market, as does competition. In 2003, Danny Sullivan stated that Google represented about 75% of all searches. In markets outside the United States, Google's share is often larger, and Google remains the dominant search engine worldwide as of 2007. As of 2006, Google had an 85-90% market share in Germany. While there were hundreds of SEO firms in the US at that time, there were only about five in Germany. As of June 2008, the marketshare of Google in the UK was close to 90% according to Hitwise. That market share is achieved in a number of countries.

As of 2009, there are only a few large markets where Google is not the leading search engine. In most cases, when Google is not leading in a given market, it is lagging behind a local player. The most notable markets where this is the case are China, Japan, South Korea, Russia and the Czech Republic where respectively Baidu, Yahoo! Japan, Naver, Yandex and Seznam are market leaders.

Successful search optimization for international markets may require professional translation of web pages, registration of a domain name with a top level domain in the target market, and web hosting that provides a local IP address. Otherwise, the fundamental elements of search optimization are essentially the same, regardless of language.

 Legal precedents

On October 17, 2002, SearchKing filed suit in the United States District Court, Western District of Oklahoma, against the search engine Google. SearchKing's claim was that Google's tactics to prevent spamdexing constituted a tortious interference with contractual relations. On May 27, 2003, the court granted Google's motion to dismiss the complaint because SearchKing "failed to state a claim upon which relief may be granted."

In March 2006, KinderStart filed a lawsuit against Google over search engine rankings. Kinderstart's web site was removed from Google's index prior to the lawsuit and the amount of traffic to the site dropped by 70%. On March 16, 2007 the United States District Court for the Northern District of California (San Jose Division) dismissed KinderStart's complaint without leave to amend, and partially granted Google's motion for Rule 11 sanctions against KinderStart's attorney, requiring him to pay part of Google's legal expenses.

 See also

  • List of search engines
  • Image search optimization
  • Search engine optimization copywriting
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  Search engine submission
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Search engine submission is how a webmaster submits a web site directly to a search engine. While Search Engine Submission is often seen as a way to promote a web site, it generally is not necessary. Because the major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and MSN use crawlers, bots, and spiders that eventually would find all by themselves most web sites on the Internet.

There are two basic reasons to submit a web site or web page to a search engine. The first reason would be to add an entirely new web site because the site operators would rather not wait for a search engine to discover them. The second reason is to have a web page or web site updated in the respective search engine.

How web sites are submitted

There are two basic methods still in use today that would allow a webmaster to submit their site to a search engine. They can either submit just one web page at a time, or they can submit their entire site at one time with a sitemap. However, all that a webmaster really needs to do is to submit just the home page of a web site. With just the home page, most search engines are able to crawl a site, provided that it is well designed.

Most websites want to be listed in popular search engines, because that's how most people start their search for a product or service. A searcher, (or AKA "User"), seek information on the web, using a search engine. Websites that appear on the first page of a search, are usually called, the top 10. Clicking on the blue URL / hyperlink causes the web page / website to appear in the web browser.

Thus, webmasters often highly desire that their sites appear in the top 10 in a search engine search. This is because searchers are not very likely to look over more than one page of search results, known as a SERPs.

In order to obtain good placement on search results in the various engines, webmasters must optimize their web pages. The process is called search engine optimization. Many variables come into play, such as the placement and density of desirable keywords, the hierarchy structure of web pages employed in a web site (i.e., How many clicks from the home page are required to access a particular web page?) , and the number of web pages that link to a given web page. The Google search engine also uses a concept called page rank.

PageRank relies on the uniquely democratic nature of the web by using its vast link structure as an indicator of an individual page's value. In essence, Google interprets a link from page A to page B as a vote, by page A, for page B. But, Google looks at considerably more than the sheer volume of votes, or links a page receives; for example, it also analyzes the page that casts the vote. Votes cast by pages that are themselves "important" weigh more heavily and help to make other pages "important." Using these and other factors, Google provides its views on pages' relative importance ( Source: http://www.google.com/technology/)


Google Sitemaps was introduced in June 2005 so web developers could publish lists of links from across their sites[1]. The sitemap is used to make the search engine aware of the site and the pages on the site.

As of 2007 XML sitemaps are supported by Google, Yahoo, Ask.com, MSN. The location of the Sitemap can be specified using a robots.txt file to help search engines find the Sitemaps.

 Search engine submission services no longer necessary

By 2004, search engine submission services became unnecessary because the major search engines, "the big four", Google, Yahoo!, Microsoft Live and Ask.com, already had the ability to automatically discover new webpages by crawling links from other sites. Professional search engine optimizers, have stated that search engine submission is unnecessary. In fact, automated search engine submission may violate the search engines' terms of service, creating the potential for a site using such a service to be banned. In addition, the remaining search engine submission services have been seen trying out alternate business models, leading to web server attacks on the submitted domain names.
The exception to this rule occurs when a new site under a new domain name wishes to be indexed. As inbound links have not yet been established, search engines have no way to automatically discover the new site. In this case search engine submission is necessary.

 Search Engine Submission Software is very useful for Global Internet Marketing

Many once-small search engines in China and India are getting more and more popular after 2007. For example: Baidu.com(Nasdaq:BIDU) was not well known at the beginning. It is now the most popular search engine in China, while Google is in second place. Without submitting to these search engines via search engine submission software, you may miss millions of visitors who might come to your website via these search engines. The second benefit is that, some search engine submission software not only submit your web site to search engines, but also add links to your web site from their own link pages submitted. This is very helpful in increasing your web site's ranking, because external links are one of the most important factors to a web site's ranking.


  1. ^ Sitemaps-0.84
  2. ^ "Are Search Engine Submission Services Worth It?". webpronews.com. July 27, 2004. http://www.webpronews.com/insiderreports/2004/07/27/are-search-engine-submission-services-worth-it. Retrieved 2007-06-09. 

 See also

  • Exploit Submission Wizard
  • Sitemaps
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 The Definition of Search Engine Optimization
Too many webpage owners feel that once they submit their page a search engine they are guaranteed success. That's generally not the case. Simply submitting your web page to a search engine is not always enough to get any hits. Most web pages require search engine optimization to become truly successful.

Search engine optimization is the art and science of making web pages attractive to the search engines. The goal of search engine optimization is to have your website ranked in the top ten internet search hits that appear on the first page. Why is it important to be on the first page? It's important because the average internet user doesn't click on any of the sites listed on the second or third page. Out of sight, out of mind. One website owner reported a two hundred and ten percent increase on her e-commerce sight when she had her webpage redesigned for optimal search engine optimization.

You would think that the prospect of a two hundred and ten percent increase in sales would be all the incentive a webmaster would need to redesign their site. That isn't always the case. There are a variety of reasons people avoid recreating their websites.

Some people believe that search engine optimization is too difficult to understand. The reality is that search engine optimization is fairly simple. All it takes is a little research and most people are ready to rock.

Other people feel that there are simply too many things to learn before they will be ready to optimize their website. Search engine optimization is just like anything else. When you first start out you know nothing. With some homework and a bit of trial and error and you will know exactly what it takes to make your webpage popular with the web crawlers.

Some people believe that search engine optimization will take up lots of their precious time. People with this particular fear should remember that old adage about time and money. If time spent optimizing your website leads to an increase in sales isn't it time well spent? Besides search engine optimization is easy, once you have the hang of it won't add much to the time you would already have to devote to updating your website.

You do not have to submit to gobs of search engines to reap the rewards of search engine optimization.

If you have a large site you shouldn't worry about spending lots of time optimizing it and running the risk of never finishing the process. If you have a large website just take things one step at a time. Focus on optimizing on page per day. Start with your most important pages and then concentrate on the irrelevant pages. By using this one page a day method you won't run the risk of sitting at your computer until your eyeballs fall out of your head.

It might take some time and some trial and error to optimize your website but you will consider it time well spent when you see an increase in the amount of traffic, the increase in traffic should lead to more sales.

  Search Engine Optimization Simplified

Chances are good that at some point in your life you ran a search on an online search engine and instead of one hit you received pages and pages of possible hits. Have you ever wondered if the order the websites appear on search was just a random grouping or if they had been placed in a specific order that just appeared disorderly to you? The answer is that there is a very elaborate system used to determine where a website appears during an internet search. The process is something called search engine optimization.

Search engine optimization is the science and art of making web pages attractive to search engines.

Next time you run an internet search look at the bottom of the page. Chances are good that there will be a list of page numbers (normally written in blue) for you to click if you can't find exactly what you are looking for on the first page. If you actually look farther then the second page you will part of a minority. Studies and research have shown that the average internet user does not look farther then the second page of potential hits. As you can imagine it's very important to websites to be listed on the first two pages.

Webmasters use a variety of techniques to improve their search engine ranking.

The first thing most webmasters (or website designers) do is check their meta tags. Meta tags are special HTML tags that provide information about a web page. Search engines can easily read Meta tags but they are written with special type of text that is invisible to internet users.  Search engines rely on meta tags to accurately index the web sites. Although meta tags are a critical step in search engine optimization they alone are not enough to have a web site receive top ranking.

Search engines rely on a little device called a web crawler to locate and then catalog websites. Web crawlers are computer programs that browse the World Wide Web in a methodical, automated manner. Web crawlers are also sometimes called automatic indexers, web spiders, bots, web robots, and/or worms. Web crawlers locate and go to a website and "crawl" all over it, reading the algorithms and storing the data. Once they have collected all the information from the website they bring it back to the search engine where it is indexed. In addition to collecting information about a web site some search engines use web crawlers to harvest e-mail addresses and for maintenance tasks. Each search engine has their own individual web crawlers and each search engine has variations on how they gather information.

Most webmasters feel that proper use and placement of keywords helps catch the attention of web crawlers and improve their websites ranking. Most webmaster like to design their websites for ultimate search engine optimization immediately but there aren't any rules that say you can't go back to your website at any time and make improvements that will make it more attractive to search engines.

  Search Engine Marketing-How it Differs from Search Engine Optimization
Search engine marketing is a set of marketing methods used to increase the visibility of a website in search engine results pages. Types of search engine marketing include; search engine optimization, pay per click, paid inclusion, and social media optimization. Search engine marketing differs from search engine optimization which is the art and science of making web pages attractive to internet search engines.

Non-profit organizations, universities, political parties, and the government can all benefit from search engine marketing. Businesses that sell products and/or services online can use search engine marketing to help improve their sales figures.

Some of the goals of search engine marketing are to develop a brand, generate media coverage, and enhancing a reputation, and to drive business to a physical location.

If you do not feel confident enough to try your own search engine marketing there are several companies that will be able to help you out for a price. If you decide to go with a search engine marketing company take your time and shop around, find a company that really suits your own businesses search engine marketing needs.

Stay away from companies that promise top rankings. Most companies that promise tope ranking are more interested in your money then they are in keeping your business. Quite often this type of company will charge you top doller, spend a few days making sure your website has a few basic requirements and that is the last you hear from them. This type of search engine marketing company is not really interested in repeat customers.

Tread carefully around companies that promise first page rankings on the major search engines like Google and Yahoo. Make sure these companies are talking about sponsored listings and not just natural listings. Companies that are only after natural listings traditionally charge a large monthly fee, using a small portion of the money on sponsored listings, and pocketing the remainder.

The false promise most commonly used by shady search engine marketing companies is the money back guarantee. Generally if you read the contract very carefully you will lean that these companies have a very strange idea of major search engine. Companies that have a money back guarantee typically don't deal with the search engine movers and shakers like Google and Yahoo, instead they use small obscure search engines that are hardly ever used.

The Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO) was created in 2003 to offer the public educational resources about search engine marketing and to also promote search engine marketing. Currently SEMPO represents over 500 global search engine marketing companies. Sempo is happy to offer their resources to the public for free. SEMPO has offers search engine marketing training courses for any and all interested parties who would like to expand their knowledge of search engine marketing. SEMPO's objectives are to teach search engine marketing strategies, techniques, and successful practices, to increase the availability and quality f its professionals, and to offer training courses that will help to establish a benchmark for search engine marketing. The cost of a SEMPO training course can range anywhere from five hundred dollars for a fundamentals of search marketing class, to over two thousand dollars for an advanced search advertising course.

   Search Engine Optimization-Web Crawlers
The terms web crawler, automatic indexers, bots, worms, web spiders, and web robots are programs or automated scripts with browse the World Wide Web in a methodical, automated manner. The term web crawler is the most commonly used term.

Web crawlers are a tool used for search engine optimization.

Search engines use web crawlers to provide up to date data and information. Web crawlers provide the requested information by creating copies of web pages that the search engine later processes. Once the information has been processed the search engines indexes the pages and are able to quickly download the pages during a search. The process of web crawling is a key factor in search engine optimization. Search engine optimization is the art and science of making web pages attractive to search engines. Computer people call the process of using a web crawler to rank a website spidering.

Some search engines use web crawlers for maintenance tasks. Web crawlers can also be used for harvesting e-mail addresses. The internet is a gaping ocean of information. In 2000, Lawrence and Giles manufactured a study that indicated the internet search engines have only indexed approximately sixteen percent of the Web. Web crawlers are designed to only download a tiny amount of the available pages. A miniscule sample of what the internet has to offer.

Search engines use web crawlers because they can fetch and sort data faster than a human could ever hope to. In an effort to maximize the download speed while decreasing the amount of times a webpage is repeated search engines use parallel web crawlers. Parallel web crawlers require a policy for reassigning new URLs. There are two ways to assign URLs. A dynamic assignment is what happens when a web crawler assigns a new URL dynamically. If there is a fixed rule stated from the beginning of the crawl that defines how to assign new URLs to the crawls it is called static assignment.

In order to operate at peak efficiency web crawlers have to have a highly optimized architecture.

URL nominalization is the process of modifying and standardizing a URL in a consistent manner. URL nomalization is sometimes called URL canonicalzation. Web crawlers usually use URL nomilization to avoid multiple crawling of a source.

In an attempt to attract the attention of web crawlers, and subsequently highly ranked, webmasters are constantly redesigning their websites. Many webmasters rely on key word searches. Web crawlers look for the location of keywords, the amount of keywords, and links.

If you are in the process of creating a website try to avoid frames. Some search engines have web crawlers that can not follow frames. Another thing some search engine are unable to read are pages via CGI or database -delivery, if possible try creating static pages and save the database for updates. Symbols in the URL can also confuse web crawlers. You can have the best website in the world and if a web crawler can't read it probably won't get the recognition and ranking it deserves.

  How Title and Meta Tags are used for Search Engine Optimization

When it comes to title tags and search engine optimization there are a few question website owners typically ask. Does each individual web page need a different title? Is there a maximum length for title tags? Is there a title tag limit? Are title Meta tags a good idea?

The World Wide Web Consortium requires that every single HTML document must have a title element in the head section. They also state that the title element should be used to identify each individual pages content.

The title tag plays four separate roles on the internet.

The first role the title tag fulfills is what librarians, other webmasters, and directory editors use to link to other websites. A well written title tag is far more likely to get faster reviews then one that is sloppy or incomprehendable.

The title tag is what is displayed on the visitor's browser. By displaying the title tag in the visitors browser the web user knows exactly where they are if they have to return to the site later on. Internet Explorer typically tires to display the first ninety-five characters of the title tag.

Search engines display the title tag as the most important piece of information available to web searchers.

A good title tag should be able to clearly indicate the webpage's contents to the web user. A clear title tag is more likely to be placed in the user's favorites list. The normal length for a good clear title tag is normally under sixty-five characters long. Title tags should be typed in the title case. Headers should also be typed in the title case.

When it comes to search engine optimization, the home page title is normally the first thing the web crawlers look at when they are ranking a webpage. Your website is introduced by your homepage title.
It is important to make sure that your title tag sounds credible.

Every single page of your website must have its very own unique title. A Meta tag is a special HTML tag that provides information about a web page. Meta tags do not affect the display of a webpage. Although Meta tags are placed directly into the HTML code, they are invisible to web users.  Search engines use Meta tags to help correctly categorize a page. Meta tags are a critical part of search engine optimization.

It is important to remember that Meta tags are not a magic solution to making your website a raging success. The most valuable feature Meta tags offer to website owners is the ability to control (to a certain degree) how their web pages are described by the search engines. Meta tags can also let website owners prevent having their website indexed at all. 

Meta tag keywords are a way to provide extra test for web crawler based search engines to index. While this is great in theory several of the major search engines have crawlers that ignore the HTML and focus entirely on the body of the webpage. 

  Social Media Optimization

A Popular New Trend that Breaks from Search Engine Optimization

Social media optimization is similar to search engine media optimization. The goal of social media optimization is to drive huge amounts of people to a specific website. Social media optimization can also be used to determine whether or not a startup website will be successful or whether it will fall flat with the consumers. Social media optimization uses new to encourage traffic to a website.

Social media optimization was a name created by Rohit Bharagava, the vice president of Interactive marketing.

Social media optimization is online tools and platforms that can be used to share opinions, insights, and perspectives. It cant take many forms such as text, images, audio, and video. Popular forms of social media optimization are currently blogs, pod casts, message boards, vlogs, and wikis. Social media optimization is anything that builds a community where people can rendezvous. Social media optimization normally includes websites that can be used as a platform to send out a marketing message.

Social media optimization is not something that can be forced. It is considered a type of pull marketing; it only works if people are drawn to it. Search engine optimization has clear goals. Webmasters who use search engine optimization want to have a website that ranks well with the search engines.

The goals of webmasters who are trying to use social media optimization are; an increase in linkabilty, easy book marking, mash-up, inbound links, and helping content travel.

The rules webmasters who are using social media optimization need to live by are, rewarding valuable (helpful) users, and they need to make sure they are a user resource.

Webmasters who are using a social media optimization technique should make sure they participate with their users. You need to be a part of the blogs and the message boards.

Webmasters that are employing a social media optimization technique must know their target audience. You need to know what appeals to that particular group of people. It is important to remember that not everybody will love you.

Make sure you have created content. One of the words typically associated with social media optimization is mashup. The origins of the word, mashup, gets it start in the pop music world.  Mashup is a website of application that works to combine content from more then one source into an integrated experience. A mashup is sometimes created as a way to gather feedback on an existing project or body of work. Most companies use a third party via public interface. Google, Amazon, Yahoos! APIs, eBay, AOL, and Windows Live are some of the companies currently experimenting with mashups.

Despite the fact that social media optimization is a relatively new concept, some people believe that social media optimization will be one of the top seven marketing trends of 20007 along with; sharing corporate personalities, widget marketing, auto tagging, human filtered searches, content casting, and online identity shifting.

Social media optimization is something that encourages a fun social environment. Enjoy it.

  What is Textual Advertising?

  Textual advertising is a paid assortment of announcements which appear on the first pages of results in search engines (Google, Yahoo, Overture, etc.).   They have recently become an important consideration when marketing a company’s web site in NY. The times the advertisement appears depends on the keywords and web design chosen by the website marketer, in addition to appearing as “text” rather than a graphic or banner.  Therefore, such advertising is referred to as "textual".

It is a rather new kind of advertising on the Internet.  However, the market for textual advertising is constantly expanding, and the sales volume generated through search engines increasing. There are many advantages which have made textual advertising attractive in advertisers’ opinion.

First, as opposed to other kinds of Internet advertising, for example banner displays, your announcements are shown only to those customers who search for products or services similar to yours.  For example, my firm could select keywords such as “web site design and marketing in New York, NY”, so that the advertisements appear only when potential clients enter a combination of those keywords in the search engines.

Another advantage is connected to the principle of cost - in most cases you pay not for the amount of times the ad is displayed, as in banner advertising, but only when users "click" on your textual advertisements.

The third advantage is that even the basic advertising platforms offer well developed systems for results reporting, the tools to choose a target audience and to predetermine campaign expenditures.  This allows advertisers to control the budget and target customers for each keyword (such as “web design”), or geographic area (such as New York, NY) of your advertising campaign.

Overall, many internet marketing experts agree that textual advertising is the wave of the future, and will soon either almost or entirely replace banner, graphical, and other forms of untargeted, obtrusive and annoying online advertising.

  5 Mistakes With Do-it-yourself SEO

I look at a lot of sites on a daily basis. There is a lot of common problems I see on the sites. Some people may have tags establishment or misuse of tags that have no real purpose. I have compiled a list of the top 5 do-it-yourself SEO mistakes. It is safe to say that many do-it-yourselfers can have at least one of these errors on their sites. These should help you avoid these costly mistakes and often pull you in the ranks.

1) Keyword tag - Seo Services
A keyword is the beacon of keywords, but not for keywords. You can not just stuff this tag with keywords that your entire site is related. The tags must reflect the keywords only on that particular page, not the entire site and not all of the keywords you think your site could be searched. Also, you should not have more than 20 words in the tag. You should not repeat any word more than 3 times. If you sell tickets, for example, do not write: Broadway tickets, the circus tickets, hockey tickets, boxing tickets, and so forth. Do use Broadway, the circus, hockey, boxing, tickets and so forth.

2) Description tag - It is sometimes used as a replacement for or combined with a description tag. However, more and more people are using these keywords to stuff. Search engines like Google are interested in what is on the page. More specifically, what visitors can see. In my opinion, the abstract tag has no place on a site.

3) Description Tag - The idea behind this tag is to describe what the "page" is about. Keywords related to the page should be implemented as well. The limit on words should be 20 to 25. I see a lot of site owners stuffing this tag with keywords, or having a description that is just as long. Stay within these guidelines and you will be fine.

4) Title tag - This, I believe, is the most important tag. This is the first tag the search engine bed. He tells what the search engine of the "page" is about. Do not put your web address here. Do not add your company name at the beginning of this tag either. It should not exceed 60 characters.

5) Content-If you notice, I received comments on the relevance of the "page", not your entire site. Each page has its own keywords. Tag the title tag, description and keywords. All these keywords should be the same. Add it to your content as well. Now your page should be fairly well optimized.

Why is it that the sites fall short? Simple, the content is not optimized. Search engines are, for the most part, pretty basic. You enter a search term and it retrieves sites containing those terms while also taking a number of other factors into account. So if your site does not have these terms, how will you find it? You will not. More to do with keywords and you will experience the same result, but for different reasons. Sometimes, while reading about SEO can be bad. Try too many tricks, tips or methods is like too many cooks spoil the soup. At the end, they may do more harm than good. These rules are very easy to be followed by all. And the doubt? Always consult or hire a professional SEO Expert.

Latest Free Seo Tips as SEO Introduction

If you want to increase your presence on the websites, we also offer specific insights on the world of Search Engine Optimization, we must therefore start with the broken introduction to the Seo Services. In the current age of your online site is just one way to achieving your brand on the Internet, it is incredibly easy to get online, but once you are online, you probably encounter a dilemma, where are the visitors? There is no doubt that you have joined the millions of sites that fall into the abyss of the search engine, if you are lucky enough to get listed by them. You can not think search engine positioning  affects you but if you own or operate a website, it is possible. If you have any ambitions for your website, you must respond to this role increasingly important webmaster.

Optimizing search engines is more than making good rank your site in the major search engines, it is seamlessly integrated into your page design your visitors without even realize exists. SEO is a task that goes on all SEO Expert need to undertake in order to maintain reasonable positioning in the search engines and receive subsequent traffic it brings. A common mistake that many people make is to optimize their site once, and believe they can keep a row, it may be true for certain keywords obscure but there is so much information circulating around the 'Internet that there will always be someone ready to take your On site for the standings.

It is important to remember the complexity of the algorithms search engines use to determine your position to calculate thousands of different factors, you can not count on to keep ahead of the game. SEO assistance you provide indepth view in the world of search engine positioning, we broke it in easily digestible sections that you can move your site inch by inch. A disadvantage to maintain your site in the public eye is that it requires a constant effort, but if you plan to sell a product or maintain your active site, it is certainly worth it.

Why SEO is Important For Your Business

If you are planning to create a profitable online business then you are probably aware that you need to properly execute some crucial steps in order to achieve success. No doubt you have read information that relates to these on forums and in e-books. You will understand that it is important to have a good product within a niche or market that has people who are looking to buy that specific product.

However, all of this is irrelevant if you do not understand the value of generating traffic to your website. There are many ways to generate traffic and one of best is through the search engines and this is commonly referred to as Search Engine Optimization or SEO.

There are many methods that can be used to generate search engine traffic to your site such as optimization of the site using meta tags, so that certain keywords are picked up by the search engines when they visit. The purpose of this article is to explain some of the major benefits of building a website for your business that is optimized for the search engines, specifically Google. The methods used are outside of the scope of this article.

Many people ask about the importance of SEO and why should they be concerned about it. The simple answer is that it can improve your business in terms of traffic to the site and subsequently increase your profits. A lot of people decide to promote their business using pay per click advertising methods and whilst if done correctly this can be very profitable, the risk is nonetheless far greater.

SEO as an alternative is a relatively cost free method of improving the traffic to your website. Perhaps the single most important benefit that SEO can bring to your business is that the traffic generated will be targeted towards your product. This will make a huge difference as visitors are vetted beforehand and they will have found your site listed for a keyword phrase that closely relates to what it is you are promoting.

You can develop this further by targeting search terms such as where can I buy. Although the traffic will be relatively small, the ratio of buyers to visitors will be substantially higher.

Unlike traffic generation methods such as pay per click, the benefits of a good SEO website will go far beyond one campaign. It is not uncommon for a website to continue receiving traffic for search terms that were targeted long after they initially wrote articles or optimized the site.

One of the great benefits of using SEO techniques is the speed that you will see results. If done correctly you can expect to receive search engine traffic within a few weeks and this traffic will only continue to grow as you rise up the rankings. If you manage to get on to Page 1 of Google's results for a particular search term than you can expect to get a lot of targeted traffic, which ultimately will mean many more sales for your business.

So as you can see, the benefits of adopting some of these SEO methods can have some great benefits for your business. They do not take long to implement and the results can happen quickly. SEO will allow you to target more visitors to your business who are more likely to buy and in turn help to improve your profits.

Search Engine Optimization popularly known as Seo

According to recent surveys the growth of internet users has gone up drastically and every 1 out of 3 internet user says we regularly use Search Engines for buying goods and services. Search Engines now days are called as traffic generating machines, when the word search engine comes into mind then few popular names comes into frame which now days rules search industry Google, Yahoo and MSN.

Now days every webmaster who owns a website for the purpose of either selling products or services dreams to get huge traffic and generate leads and sales through there websites. How it possible is there a way to get good traffic and generate leads then only one thing comes in mind "SEO" Search Engine Optimization.

The other ways of getting traffic from search engines is pretty costly and small companies or website owners cannot afford to pay such high cost. Organic Seo is the only way through which we can get good traffic with less cost. Now how does this Seo works.

Seo (Search Engine Optimization) the word itself conveys a message that it can be achieved by optimization of websites with respect to search engine guidelines and algorithms based on which search engines position there search results. Seo has opened enormous opportunities for professionals who can do optimization based on search algorithms of major search engines.

Few Tips which suggested by few big Seo companies:

Step 1: Onsite Optimization.
Step 2: Internal Seo on Content
Step 3: Inbound Link Building Campaign
Step 4: Directory Submission
Step 5: Internal link Building
Step 6: Link Exchange Campaigns
Step 7: Regular Content Updates
Step 8: Ranking Analysis
Step 9: End Results.

As a webmaster I have started following up few good Seo companies who says they have done so many things and puts up results on there websites as a reference. But now the question arise can my website also comes up on top search results for major search engines
www.tucsonrealestategroup.com www.ojairealestateteam.com and www.madisonrealestatewisconsin.com get huge traffic but then they say hire us. I am not confident on these tips which cannot ban my websites for ever.

I followed keenly on search engine strategies and algorithms and after a research of about 3 years I found the magic behind search engine positioning and now I started optimizing my websites on my own. I am far more successful in achieving top results then any Seo company can do it for me. If you would like to know about the magic behind this visit my website and you will know how a search engine works and indexes a search result to top searches.

SEO secrets for E-commerce Websites

As the industry is changing as rapidly as Google tweaks their algorithm, it is hard to decide what the most important factors are. The On-site and off-site are the two major factors in SEO which is necessary for every type of website. Normally, most of the webmasters starts with the on-site SEO, because your aim is to get your website recognize by Google. If they don’t, then how are you ever going to rank for a keyword?

The search engine spiders that crawl your E-commerce website will be looking at several different attributes on every page to determine where it needs to go and how relevant it is to specific searches done at Google search engine.

Another factor worth mentioning is a Keyword. What is a Keyword?

A keyword is basically an elaborate name for what people might search for when trying to find your E-commerce website. I am using a Bodhost.co.uk website as an example. People could search for “Web Hosting”, but they might also search for “Cheap Web Hosting”, “VPS Web Hosting” and “UK Web Hosting Service”. All of these would be keywords, or probably more properly could be said to be key phrases.

However, they are generally all referred to simply as keywords. Note that almost all On-site SEO has to do with is placing high-quality keywords throughout your E-commerce website content where search engine robots, spiders, or software might be able to decide what your website is about.
6 On-Site SEO Factors That Can Influence Your SERP Ranking:

* The Title of the Page
* The keywords used in the text on your website
* The keywords are used in H1 Tags
* Keywords used in your domain name
* Keywords used in the URL of a webpage
* Meta Keywords
3 Major Off-Site SEO Factors That Can Improve Your Search Engine Ranking:

Backlinks to Your E-commerce Website

This is without a doubt one of the keys to having your website listed in the search engines results page for specific keywords. Google likes to look at what others are saying about your website to determine what it is about. For example, if someone is a huge fan of a UK Web Hosting, and you provide that service, they may link to your website with “UK Web Hosting” as the text that people would click on to get to your website. This text is called anchor text and Google will see that link as a simple “vote” for your website to appear higher than others for that keyword. In short, these are commonly referred to as backlinks.

Quality of the Websites linking to your Website

Those linking to your website should also have some form of importance. For example, there are many websites with loads of outgoing links to many websites. Google does not want to give these websites as much weight in their “vote” in comparison to a link from Bodhost’s official website or something along those lines.

The Age of Your E-commerce Website

The reason I listed this as an off-site related issue, because it really doesn’t fit in either category. This is a simple issue that the search engines will evaluate. This is not to say that it is the most important factor, but many older websites will naturally rank higher than new websites that have more backlinks.

I am not sure why this occurs, but many would say that it does. As compare to Google, Yahoo definitely puts more weight on this.

Enjoy better traffic with SEO friendly content and Search Engine Optimisation

If you are striving to grow your business across the globe, there is no other trustworthy method than the net. These days internet has become a closely competitive space and some real big brands are also in the race to win more visitors on the website. But if your interest lies in beating of it all you have to rely on stuff like SE friendly content and SEO to gain popularity. Most search engines have specific screening processes through which they place the various websites for keyphrases. An important element is the substance on the internet site, if your web site has good quality and innovative original content there are greater opportunities that the website will get more readers. As A Matter Of Fact even if you have any kind of marketing subject that you will put up any where on the internet you ought to be firm that the material has highly rated original content. By applying all the methods you'll be confident to produce effective stuff to assist your site appear higher. Correctly researched and promising articles when uploaded on the different sites become useful inbound links for your website or web page. As the PR of nearly every article assembling web sites is quite high you'll profit well with the search ratings. Adding to the content on the SEO article web sites you may as well regard the press releases. As you start with the work of content development, you should even maximize on the versatile keywords, seek to feature them at positions where viewers may discover them more. You may also hyperlink them to a particular web page on your website that connects to the word. Furthermore you can increase the case for the key words or also exercise the bold service at positive effect. The roaring culmination of a particular web marketing project will highly count on the kind of SEO content that you've produced. While fresh SEO articles that will be of great importance to the traffic and the search crawlers can gain your campaign fame, unprofessiona SEO articles will leave you nowhere. So enjoy the money by practicing the good elements correctly!

If you are striving to grow your business across the globe, there is no other trustworthy method than the net. These days internet has become a closely competitive space and some real big brands are also in the race to win more visitors on the website. But if your interest lies in beating of it all you have to rely on stuff like SE friendly content and SEO to gain popularity.

Most search engines have specific screening processes through which they place the various websites for keyphrases. An important element is the substance on the internet site, if your web site has good quality and innovative original content there are greater opportunities that the website will get more readers. As A Matter Of Fact even if you have any kind of marketing subject that you will put up any where on the internet you ought to be firm that the material has highly rated original content. By applying all the methods you'll be confident to produce effective stuff to assist your site appear higher.

Correctly researched and promising articles when uploaded on the different sites become useful inbound links for your website or web page. As the PR of nearly every article assembling web sites is quite high you'll profit well with the search ratings. Adding to the content on the SEO article web sites you may as well regard the press releases.

As you start with the work of content development, you should even maximize on the versatile keywords, seek to feature them at positions where viewers may discover them more. You may also hyperlink them to a particular web page on your website that connects to the word. Furthermore you can increase the case for the key words or also exercise the bold service at positive effect.

The roaring culmination of a particular web marketing project will highly count on the kind of SEO content that you've produced. While fresh SEO articles that will be of great importance to the traffic and the search crawlers can gain your campaign fame, unprofessiona SEO articles will leave you nowhere. So enjoy the money by practicing the good elements correctly!

Search Engine Optimisation and SEO content for more visitors

The business owners are ever ready for more avenues to get in touch to their customers. The online media has served companies get straight to the prospect's home and consequently a lot of business sectors are starting on to online marketing. Still if you want traffic eagerly you will need service of stuff like SE friendly content and SEO.

Most search engines accept unique screening processes by which they rank the various web pages for search terms. One of the essentail component is the subject matter on the web site, if your site has noteworthy and original SEO content there are higher chances that the site will draw greater readers. As A Matter Of Fact for each bit of marketing content that you would place any where on line you must be certain that the article has good quality SE friendly content. Including all there details you'll be competent to develop competent material to assist your website place high.

The different SEO content articles that you put on the web pages are not just for information uses but even facilitate search engine optimization. While you are presenting the articles you are also effectively doing link building for ther website. Once you have completed the articles you should aslo regard submitting press releases.

While posting SEO articles or writing search engine friendly content be certain that you can push ahead the search terms and apply them in key positions. Ensure that the important words you apply are bold, also make an attempt to consider that you use search terms in header tags, alt tags and icon tags as well. Even the practice of search terms in the link will also make the operation a lot more effective and will aid you get competent ranking for the key words you need.

The successful completion of a specific internet advertising plan will also reckon on the form of search engine friendly articles that you've made. While good search engine friendly content that should be of a lot of meaning to the visitors and the search engines can attain your campaign a hit, poor SEO articles will spell the doom's day. Therefore relish the glory by implementing the appropriate concepts aptly!

Se Tactics: How to Avoid Alienating the Major Search Engines

Each of the major search engines Google, Yahoo and MSN have quality webmaster guidelines in place to prevent the unfair manipulation of search engine rankings by unscrupulous website owners. These webmaster guidelines change frequently to ‘weed’ out any new deceptive practices and those websites found engaging in these illicit practices are consequently dropped from the search engine rankings of the major search engine they have offended.

Being banned or dropped from the search engine rankings can have dire effects on your website traffic, online sales generation and site popularity. Especially if your website is classified as a ‘bad neighborhood’ site, you can then kiss your reciprocal linking campaign goodbye, as existing and prospective link partners will not want to be associated with your site for fear of their own rankings dropping.

If you wish to avoid alienating the major search engines then do not engage in the following SE tactics:-

1. ‘Cloaking’ or sneaky redirects – displaying different content to the search engines than shown to your normal website visitors including hidden text and hidden links. Often this is achieved by delivering content based on the IP address of the user requesting the page, when a user is identified as a search engine spider a side-server script delivers a different version of the web page to deceive the search engine into giving the website a higher ranking.

2. ‘Doorway’ pages created specifically for the search engines that are aimed at spamming the index of a search engine by inserting results for specific keyword phrases to send the search engine spider to a different page. With doorway pages a user doesn’t arrive at the page they were looking for. Similarly avoid ‘cookie cutter’ approaches that direct users to affiliate advertising with little or no original content.

3. Don’t create pages that install viruses, Trojans or badware. ‘Badware’ is spyware, malware or deceptive adware that tracks a user’s movements on the internet and reports this information back to unscrupulous marketing groups who then bombard the user with targeted advertising. This type of spyware is often unknowingly downloaded when playing online games or is attached to software or information downloads from a site. They are often difficult to identify and remove from a user’s PC and can affect the PC’s functionality.

4. Avoid using software that sends automatic programming queries to the search engines to submit pages or check rankings such as ‘Webposition Gold’. This type of software consumes valuable computing resources of the search engines and you will be penalized for using it.

5. Don’t load web pages with irrelevant words.

6. Don’t link to ‘bad neighborhood’ sites who have:-

• Free for all links pages

• Link farms – automated linking schemes with lots of unrelated links

• Known web spammers or the site has been dropped or banned by the search engines.

7. Avoid ‘broken links’ or ‘404 errors’, your site will be penalized for them.

8. Don’t display pages with minimal content that is of little value to your site visitors.

9. Do not duplicate content unnecessarily.

10. Do not use pop-ups, pop-unders or exit consoles.

11. Do not use pages that rely significantly on links to content created for another website.

12. Do not use ‘cross linking’ to artificially inflate a site’s popularity. For example, the owner of multiple sites cross linking all of his sites together, if all sites are hosted on the same servers the search engines will pick this up and the sites will be penalized.

13. Do not misuse a competitors name or brand names in site content.

14. Sites with numerous, unnecessary virtual host names will be penalized.

15. Do not use techniques that artificially increase the number of links to your web pages ie. Link farms.

16. Display web pages with deceptive, fraudulent content or pages that provide users with irrelevant page content.

17. Using content, domain titles, meta tags and descriptions that violate any laws, regulations, infringe on copyrights & trademarks, trade secrets or intellectual property rights of an individual or entity. Specifically in terms of publicity, privacy, product design, torts, breach of contract, injury, damage, consumer fraud, false, misleading, slanderous or threatening content.

For more information on search engine guidelines see my SEO ebook the ‘Insider Secrets of Rank 1 Websites’ by Rosemary Donald for just $29.95 AU. Rank1 Website Marketing, promoting positive SEO tactics on the Internet.

© Rosemary Donald, Rank1 Website Marketing 25th September, 2007


Enjoy better traffic with SEO articles and SEO UAE

If you are looking to increase the visibility across the globe, there is nothing as good as the net. These days internet
has become a very competitive market and a good number of businesses are also trying to grab more customers. But if you want to be on the top of it all you have to rely on stuff like SE friendly content and SEO UAE to drive traffic.

Different search engines work on unique protocols by which they allot rank to the diverse web sites for important words. One of the essentail element is the content on the website, if your website has good quality and innovative original content there are more porbability that it will recieve higher readers. In fact even if you have any kind of marketing subject that you would put up any where online you must be positive that the stuff has top notch good content. By applying all the methods you'll be capable to prepare good stuff to assist your web site appear high.

Aptly created and promising substance when uploaded on the diverse web pages turn out to be crictical incoming links for your site or web page. Since the page rank of almost all article collection web sites is quite high you'll profit substantially with the search ratings. Adding to the content on the article web pages you can also regard the PRs.

As you start with the work of content creation, you should keep your focus on the different keywords, seek to gethttp://www.articlesbase.com/myhome/article/edit/2361596 them at points where visitors will find them more. You can also link them to a particular page on your web site that connects to the word. Even you can make big the font for the search words or also apply the bold service at great effect.

The productive closing of a specific web advertising plan will also rely on the kind of web content that you've created. While good SEO content that should be of high relevance to the visitors and the search crawlers can make your project a hit, bad search engine friendly content will put you into a problem. Hence relish the money by implementing the proper concepts aptly!

SEO :- Offpage Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is something you should be aware of before creating a site. Make sure you've done careful researches on the best keywords to use. Using the wrong keywords would eliminate your site from search engines forever!

Offpage SEO works like this:

To improve your SEO rank and increase traffic to your site, you need to get more popular websites to link to you. This is called inbound linking.

As you know, specific criteria must be met in order to boost your SE rank using offpage optimization. So the big question might be: does article marketing pack the muscle to push you up the search engines... or is it just a waste of time?

Years ago it was simpler to be liked by search engines, more or less you had to understand how a web page had to be built, and how to optimize it for your keywords, placing the keywords in the title of the page, in the meta tags and in the body of the page, paying attention to the density of the keywords in the whole document.

Properly planned offpage optimization will make the difference between your website ranking #900 on Google, to ranking #1! So, what is offpage optimization anyway? Offpage optimization basically consists of all of the offpage ranking factors like

• Which websites link to you
• The number of websites linking to you
• The Google page rank of the website linking to you
• The page title of the website linking to you
• The anchor text used in the link linking to you
• The number and type of links linking to the website that’s linking to you.

I still carry out the standard onpage search engine optimization techniques, and offpage techniques such as getting keyword-rich text links from directories and other related sites, but I now no longer base my whole future profit model on obtaining top search engine rankings. My thoughts are that if they come they come, but whatever happens as long as I keep building a list of subscribers for each of my sites I know that I can always achieve good profits regardless of where I rank in the search engines.

Blogging - Nowadays everyone likes to leave comments in blogs. You can do it as well. And add your link with the comment. However remember not to spam blog sites, if you add a comment make sure that comment has something to do with the topic. It is also wise to post in blogs which you have some knowledge about.

Article submission, it's easy and really effective, this article is actually written to boost my ranking for the pvmultimedia seo contest. If I wasn't participating, this article would've never been written. The good thing with article submission is that you can decide what the article is about. So in some way you control the onsite optimization of your backlink, so you can make yourself a highly onpage optimized quality backlink that is related to your contest page

What Is A Secret Of Seo Ranking?

Anybody who's involved in practicing search engine optimization has frequently questioned what the secret is to have a good search engine optimization ranking. Internet site optimisation itself requires a number of several methods and strategies, several of which acquire a lot of time and effort for help visit www.feed-reader-links.com. Would not it just be easier to check what causes those SEOs tick? Unfortunately, when it refers the SEOs, the system Is not that easily to crush.

Search engine optimization skill
To understand search engine optimization ranking better, it helps to place yourself in the shoes of the SEO. When Google is still the kingpin, there are a numeral of another SEO usable out there. So what creates a good SE? One that contributes the user relevant answers- whenever you character in shoes and come nothing only spam web site, chances are that you will not use that SE over again. These are a loss not but for the SE, but also for the related web site that stay invisible in the results. In the past, the SEOs got many troubles with web site over-stuffing their pages on keywords and spammers.

Today, SEs apply algorithms to check a web site search engine optimization ranking - each SE gets its own unique algorithm configured by a team of computer engineers. Those web site that apply dishonorable practises are directly blacklisted. This is pretty often the death bell for any internet site- whenever you can't be indexed from the SEs, nobody will know you're out there. Whenever you believe that all you want to do is break the algorithm to fixing your rankings, think again. It is not as easy as it sounds- a better alternative would be to process your optimisation methods.

The Straight And Narrow
Whenever you've took a company to improve your search engine optimization ranking for you, make certain that you recognize what they're making. A amount of search engine optimization advisers frequently resort to illegitimate practices to get the job made. If your search engine optimization adviser won't share his optimisation strategies with you, so you would safer begin looking different consultant.
In basic terms, you are able to improve your search engine optimization ranking through focusing on link building, index inclusion and coverage also as web page optimisation. Think that while your web site requires to be keyword enriched, it should not be overstuffed for help visit www.rss-announcers.com. The content should be related on the keywords and key-phrases located in the good areas. Analyzes have demonstrated that web site* that are regularly updated with unique and related articles rank consistently higher on the SEs.

The bottom line is that once it refers SE rankings, it is better to pass on the algorithms to the experts. Trying to break them will draw useful time and profit; apart from that, the algorithms tend to change periodically. To boost your search engine optimization ranking, it creates more sense to focus on other optimisation strategies. and bcause of that i will focus on optimization strategies on my busby seo test blog

SEO Ranking Secret

Anybody who's involved in practicing search engine optimization has frequently questioned what the secret is to have a good search engine optimization ranking. Internet site optimisation itself requires a number of several methods and strategies, several of which acquire a lot of time and effort. Would not it just be easier to check what causes those SEs tick? Unfortunately, when it refers the SEs, the system Is not that easily to crush.

Search engine optimization skill

To understand search engine optimization ranking better, it helps to place yourself in the shoes of the SEs. When Google is still the kingpin, there are a numeral of another SEs usable out there. So what creates a good SE? One that contributes the user relevant answers- whenever you character in shoes and come nothing only spam web site, chances are that you will not use that SE over again. These are a loss not but for the SE, but also for the related web site that stay invisible in the results. In the past, the SEs got many troubles with web site over-stuffing their pages on keywords and spammers.

Today, SEs apply algorithms to check a web site search engine optimization ranking - each SE gets its own unique algorithm configured by a team of computer engineers. Those web site that apply dishonorable practises are directly blacklisted. This is pretty often the death bell for any internet site- whenever you can't be indexed from the SEs, nobody will know you're out there. Whenever you believe that all you want to do is break the algorithm to fixing your rankings, think again. It is not as easy as it sounds- a better alternative would be to process your optimisation methods.

The Straight And Narrow

Whenever you've took a company to improve your search engine optimization ranking for you, make certain that you recognize what they're making. A amount of search engine optimization advisers frequently resort to illegitimate practices to get the job made. If your search engine optimization adviser won't share his optimisation strategies with you, so you would safer begin looking different consultant. In basic terms, you are able to improve your search engine optimization ranking through focusing on link building, index inclusion and coverage also as web page optimisation. Think that while your web site requires to be keyword enriched, it should not be overstuffed. The content should be related on the keywords and key-phrases located in the good areas. Analyzes have demonstrated that web site* that are regularly updated with unique and related articles rank consistently higher on the SEs.

The bottom line is that once it refers SE rankings, it is better to pass on the algorithms to the experts. Trying to break them will draw useful time and profit; apart from that, the algorithms tend to change periodically. To boost your search engine optimization ranking, it creates more sense to focus on other optimisation strategies.and because of that i will using optimization strategies to improve my busby seo test blog rank.

SEO On-page Optimisation - Ranking Factors

Meta Tags

Meta tags are one of the most important factors to consider when optimising a website for the search engines and a lot of consideration should be used before implementing.

    * "TITLE" This is the first tag to consider as this is the title that will appear in the browser window and will also be indexed as your title with the majority of search engines. In here you need to place your most important keyword at the beginning (i.e. Sea Fishing reels will be "Sea fishing reels") and remember to keep the title short and try and avoid any stop words like "and / or/ the". Instead use a character like the pipe symbol "|" (i.e. Sea Fishing Reels | shimano | westbridge | West Yorkshire). |TIP| the more words you have in your meta tags takes away the emphasis on your important keywords so keep it concise.

    * "Meta name="description"" this should be the 2nd Meta tag to display which is the description of your website and appears in your indexed listings within the majority of browsers. In here you should also include your keywords but being careful not to over use. In SEO the best practice is to write your content for the viewers and not to stuff it with keywords. Again keep it concise and to the point holding the weight on your main keywords.

    * "Meta name="keywords"" this should be your 3rd Meta tag but don't worry too much about this Meta as the majority of the big search engines do not look at this. Start with your main keywords and end with the least important. But as before don't make too long

Heading tags

consist of h1, h2, h3 and so on. Most search engines read the content and pick out these headings, as they will see these to be important to your website. It is important to include your first heading as a h1 tag and place as close to the body tag as possible. As you may already of worked out you should try and place keywords into this heading and the following headings. |TIP| create headings in a hierarchy for instance h1 should come first then h2 and so on.


Your homepage should include some textual content, giving you the option to show the search engines and viewers what your website is all about and to persuade the search engines to index you for your relevant category. Your content should be kept short but not too short as to make it look keyword stuffy. Make sure you highlight some keywords with the BOLD tag and place some keywords in hyperlinks, that link internally to other pages (this will strengthen your internal linking structure).


Nofollow links indicate to search engine spiders not to follow the link out from your website when crawling.

The NoFollow attribute should be used on the majority of outbound links that are not relevant to your industry, thus making sure you do not give out more link juice that is needed.


Robots.txt is a file that tells the search engines what directories on your web server it should crawl and which to ignore. This enables you to aid the SE's in successfully crawling the important content and leaving the irrelevant content uncrawled. This is helpful to SE's and one good turn for another.


There is two types of sitemaps, one for your visitors and SE spiders and one for just SE Spiders. The first sitemap is one that is a page on your website that holds the links to all pages that exist on your website, just like an index page in a book. Visitors can use this to navigate and Spiders use this to follow pages in your website and again strengthens your internal linking structure. The second sitemap is a XML file that is uploaded to your web server and is used by SE's to index as many pages in your website as possible. |TIP| Place a link to both files from your homepage in the footer to aid the SE's in finding them.

ALT Tags

Images have an attribute called ALT, which should be used for accessibility purposes, but should also be used so the SE's can understand what the image is as with current technologies the images on your website can not be viewed by SE Spiders but the code side can be. Again use some keywords in your ALT tags.

Web Pages

When planning the structure of your website try and include your keywords within the pages (i.e. http://123seafishing.com/shimanoreels.html)

Domain name

If you haven't already registered your domain name then great... Register one but try and include a keyword in your domain (i.e. http://www.123seafishing.com


Making changes to your website, be it amending pages, adding new pages etc is good practice as this keeps your visitors interested and shows the SE's that your site is not dormant.

Thank you for reading this article and i hope you found it useful. If you wish to distribute this articl i would appreciate a linkback to http://www.hatchmedia.co.uk.

Seo And Semantics For Successful Sem

Semantics is not something new to the internet or websites. Semantics have been around since the ancient ages and we use them almost everyday in some situation or the other, vocally or in writing. Effective communication today consists of grammar, punctuation, sentence structure etc. But here is the surprising part: there are different sets of semantics being used around the world.

In English, you will not find the use of ' or ¿ as they are not English semantics. These differences can create problems in delivering effective communication through a semantic web.


HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language and it is like the universal web language. HTML is an easy to use and flexible code/language where you can integrate text and graphics together to create a scalable website. But HTML has one major drawback. Although it can define what content to place where on a web site page, it can't really discern the relationship between the content and its use for providing valuable results for various user queries. This is exactly the reason why SE's exist.

For example: There is a HTML page of product listings. The HTML code will define this as but it will not be able to identify item #2342 as a lip moisturizer that costs $3.99. This is the limitation of HTML and it will only be able to identify a text block that describes the lip moisturizer and it should appear right next to the image of the product.

SE's on the other hand use proper semantics to identify the relationship between various chunks of text on websites. The semantics help the visitors to identify the relationship between the lip moisturizer and its image.

There are two objectives that can be accomplished by web site owners by using different semantic standards. Firstly, the semantic standards will enable different web site designers to describe web site content accurately to SE's and secondly the semantics will facilitate a clearer mode of communication between SE spiders and the web site. As a result, your website will get targeted traffic.


As you have learnt that there are certain limitations of HTML and hence to fight these limitations, different programming languages have been developed. Some of the programming languages include RDF or Resource Description Framework, OWL or Ontology Web Language and XML or eXtensible Markup Language. These programming languages have increased the usefulness multifold for the web.

If you use only HTML then it will not be possible for the search engine to produce useful links for keywords like 'graphic designers in Florida'. The SERP's will display numerous graphic designer sites from all over the world, out of which some will be situated in Florida. It is not that this specific information is not available; the fact of the matter is that it is contained within web pages of different sites, all of which are indecipherable to web spiders.

W3C and Semantics

The W3C or the World Wide Web Consortiums primary objective is to standardize, and improve www. It is a daunting task and will also entail the standardization of different development tools, programming languages, as well as browser specs.

Among many challenges, one of the important is the standardization of the semantic web technology, which is under construction. One of the problems is that there is nothing as universal semantics. The semantics for English will not go with the French semantics. The writing styles like a research article with footnotes and bibliography is different from a blog and hence will employ different types of semantics. This makes W3C standardization of semantics virtually impossible.

Semantics and SEO

The main objective of creating semantic standards is for making the websites easily viewable or readable on different machines or browsers. Standardization of semantics will allow the SE's to spider the content and index it based on specifics. A good SEO will be able to do this during site optimization and you can very well imagine the kind of positive results that will arise out of optimization of semantics.

The future will see search engine users being able to access local events, news, local sales, and compile content which is similar from multiple sources access the data within a user-defined context.

The standardization of semantics is still in its early phases and we will have to wait some more before we get to benefit from the entire process.

The Lure Of Black Hat SEO

Black hat Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as often mentioned here are tactics used to trick Search Engines (SEs) into ranking a page or website higher in the Search Engines Rank Pages (SERP) for a particular term or keyword than they really deserve. If a site or a page is identified to be trying to manipulate its algorithm it is either penalized - a phenomena known as "sandbox", or de-indexed i.e. completely removed from the SE's index and made unavailable to the internet.

But even such far reaching consequences have not been able to deter black hats. Developers and purveyors of such techniques are often, above average software developers who are keen to stay a step ahead of the ever evolving and certainly improving SE algorithm. This algo is the complicated server side software developed by SEs to determine a pages relevance to "Beef Jerky", it is this algorithm that determines which web pages are most relevant and in what order in the SERPs. It then serves you this list (SERP) starting with the page it considers most relevant.

Black hats are a stealthy yet smart group of people that use their coding genius to reverse engineer the SEs algo to determine what parameters they use to determine what to rank where. They run thousands of tests using complicated sampling and mathematical formulas to discover manipulate-able loopholes in SEs. They then manipulate those parameters on their website to improve their ranking. From the late nineties keyword stuffing to today's Tag and Ping, all are as a result of the work of black hats.

High position in SERPs is literally equivalent to higher incomes. The irony is that one of the strongest drivers of black hat is a development of the most irritable of SEs ; Adsense by Google. Google abhors black hats the most. They react to them swiftly and decisively, yet their advertising program, Adsense, is more than a significant motivation for black hats.

Adsense is an advertising program that rents websites to display adverts for a commission. For every click on that advert the owner of the website makes some money.

With payments that used to be as high as 50 dollars, the equivalent of Ksh 3,500 per click, you can do the math for a site that gets 30,000 visitors per day and has an Adsense click ratio of just 10%. Such payout have been making black hat lucrative despite the risks.

5 Tips For SEO vs PPC Advertising

The World Wide Web has deeply metamorphosed the method folks transmit and interact with one another.

These changes have too dramatically impacted the business world by varying the process people browse for products, both business-to-business and B2C.

About 10 yrs ago, businesses extended to their consumers by expos, Publish publicizing, and additional conventional selling techniques.

Nowadays, folks embark on their browsing experience through looking upon the World Wide Web and, more specifically, SEs, particularly Google. In order to continue competing, businesses' online sites want to be establish upon the internet and in SEs.

Online companies bear the chance to leverage the web to extend to buyers effectively and cheaply with aimed content that buyers look for, not dismiss as rubbish.

WWW Online companies must:

• Aim more prime traffic to their web site
• Seize visitants for leads
• Win over leads into buyers
• Analyse the activeness upon their web site to optimise internet selling exploits

The Net has altered the kinetics of the business existence, demanding an alteration of Previous commercializing methods to fresh marketing processes.

Age-old Marketing = Outward Marketing With stale marketing know-hows, you're Seeking to grasp a broad audience and go for more or less a microscopic share (generally 1-3%) to react. Calculating this a different way, 97% of your attempted marketing is pointless!

Age-old Marketing ways include:

• Wrong sales
• Teleselling
• Tradeshows
• Seminars
• Print advertizing
• Direct mail and email

The conventional Sales Funnel: Prospects Customers Sales is in control

Modern Marketing = Incoming Marketing

The manner people buy has changed dramatically, people now are in the controlling position of what info they Encounter and how they get it. The World Wide Web and the Growth of web sites like Google, Yahoo, MSN, digg, and del.icio.us have changed the can-do of how people buy products online. People nowadays are often more apt to acquire data about numerous different sellers, products, and industries all by themselves without having to interact with your affliliation or business directly. So, this mean by the time they actually reach you, they're a great deal further along in the purchasing process but you know often less about them.

The Modern Sales Funnel:

Fresh Marketing techniques include:

• SEO (search engine optimization)
• PPC (pay-per-click) advertizing
• Blogging and leveraging the blogosphere
• Buzz marketing
• Targeted landing pages
• Conversion tools
• Sophisticated analytics

Purchaser is in command

Customer and sales share control

Business-to-business purchasers commence in Google The Google Search Golden Triangle

If you haven't seen on yet, it's a heatmap of a person's eye movent accross a Google search result.

What you see there is the phenomenon called the Google Search Golden Triangle. People center on the highest natural results that fall under a triangle shape at the top leftmost corner of the computer screen.

You should prefer to aim as close as possible to this Golden Triangle as top natural results mostly translates into further online traffic.

Natural vs. Paid Search

There are 2 varieties of search results: paid results and natural (or organic) results. Paid results are the listings that involve a payment to the SE in order to list the link for specific keywords.

The most commonly utilized type of paid listings is called PPC (pay-per-click), this is where you pay each time someone or a person searching online, clicks on the link in your advertizement. The cost grows with the competitiveness of the keyword.

Google AdWords makes up one popular way of paid search advertizement.

Whenever you are about to do paid search listings, do it right.

Natural results are assembled by SEs' web spiders and placed according to relevancy to the search conditions. This relevancy is estimated by measures such as extent of keyword match and number of web sites linking up to that particular website. It's a great deal more useful to be catalogued highly in the natural results than in the pay-per-click advertizements. Welfares of existing in natural results:

• No cost - natural results are listed founded on the search engine's criterion of your relevancy and quality, not your advertizing bucks, so you do not pay a "fee" per click

• Acquire a lot of traffic - most people click the natural search results, not the paid advertizements

• Acquire visitants with a greater education - research reveals those who click on natural search results To a greater extent often have a greater level of education

• More durable lasting rank and traffic - SEs register your placing history, helping you rank highly in the time to come, and they just reassess your place every couple of weeks or months, leaving you to maintain your place longer

Tip to Understand Google If you comprehend how Google functions, you are able to utilise them to your advantage.

Paid (PPC) Results (25% of Clicks) Natural Results (75% of Clicks)

• Free • More traffic
• Smarter people
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Crucial Factors In SEO

There's no shortage on advice regarding what people should do to improve a web site's position in the search engine listings. It is easy to become confused when you consume all the information that is available, because some folks agree with others while some totally disagree and offer dissimilar advice.

You should be extremely suspicious of any advice given by someone that tells you to use search engine submissions, employ traffic exchanges, or use FFA sites. That is so out of date it's not funny.

What is pertinent for excellent rankings in the search engines was highlighted not too long ago via a survey done by SEOmoz of a collection of SEO professionals.

In short, below are the 4 most important search engine optimization ranking factors, in accordance with the experts' consensus views.

Keywords that Appear in the Title

Using the correct keywords when crafting the title tag of a page is of extreme importance. It does not only promote higher rankings, it also helps with the click-through from the SE listings to the destination page. It is of lesser value to be listed high in the results without receiving that many clicks. The ultimate purpose is to gain as many targeted visitors to your site as possible.

The keywords that were used by the searcher are bolded in the results of the search. When the right keyphrase of the page title is bolded, it gives the listing a higher opportunity of being seen and receiving a click. Nevertheless, highlighted keywords are not the only thing to think about when writing the page title tag.

Lots of additional clicks can be attained from a smartly written page title tag, especially when it invites the searcher to click. It is better to attract a hundred clicks from position number five with an eye-catching title tag than fifty clicks from position number three with a badly written title tag, correct?

Anchor Text used by Inbound Links

The anchor text that is employed in the link that points to your web site from an external site counts a lot in the search engine algorithms to figure out what your site is all about. Additionally, what your site is all about defines to a large extent what keywords it will rank for in the search results.

If at all you can influence in any way the anchor text that other web sites employ when they link to you, then it's an extremely prudent way of investing your time.

A larger number of external sites that have links to your site employing a certain set of keywords, or alternate versions of that keyword, will prompt the SE's to more readily compute that your site is all about that specific keyphrase.

It's far more advantageous if the content of the destination page on your site contains that particular keyword and phrases similar in meaning.

The Universal Link Popularity
of Your Site

Search engines figure out the relative importance of a site from the volume of hyperlinks that point to the web site. They include both quality of hyperlinks and quantity of the hyperlinks.

The more different web sites that have links to your web site, the higher the SE's will calculate the deemed importance of your site.

Link building is a never-ending process. One can never have a sufficient number of backlinks pointing to your site. It's true that it is possible to build links too fast and that can raise some alerts in the algorithms of the search engines. But, if it's done as an ongoing effort with a long-term outlook, every backlink deserves the resources spent in acquiring it. They all add up to an improved deemed importance of your web site.

Link Popularity in the Site's Internal Link Structure

The fact is that some of your web pages will get more external links than others. Those that do not get a lot of external links could be the actual money pages that you would wish to rank well in the SE indexes.

The internal linking structure, in addition to the anchor text employed in the internal links, is the way to disperse PageRank inside your own site.

Some search engine optimization professionals say that an internal link to a page has the same value as a link from an external page. That doesn't mean the site will rank with nothing more than internal links. What it means is that you could cause a page to be ranked by having internal links pointing to it even though it does not have lots of external links, on the condition that the remainder of the web site has acquired enough trust from external links.


SEO might appear daunting when one views it as a whole. However, when viewed as individual focus areas, there are a select number of relatively easy areas one can concentrate on and make the largest benefits.

Grow Your Site With Organic SEO And Rip The Benefits

In this article, I will discuss the various organic optimization techniques for search engines. Organic SEO is ethical optimization without the help of any paid placement program. As an SEO expert, I always prefer to optimize websites using this method. It allows me to build traffic spikes by using effectively written content, link strategies, and add value via interactivity as well as provide a wonderful experience to the user and not depend on paid search engine listings

Of course, organic SEO requires some amount of financial backing, as specific areas of website may need to redesigned, content may have to written by experts, but in the end you will grow in real time and move steadily towards achieving your SEO goals.

Overnight Success a Myth

Often clients want their website to reach top rankings overnight. This is impossible! In order to achieve this big goal (#1 for a specific keyword on Google's SERPs), SEO expert needs time and customer's cooperation. While many customers actually believe in overnight top ranking, they don't want to spend money. Organic SEO always works and ensures high SE rankings over a longer period even with changed algorithms, but this can't be achieved in a day or even a month!

Is Ethical SEO Unprofitable?

Certain SEO "experts" believe that ethical or organic SEO is a failure. Several black hat SEO blogs routinely post that white hat SEO techniques are doomed and don't work. Besides this, websites that practice organic SEO will be banned. This is incorrect and just an act to malign ethical SEO practitioners. If the below mentioned techniques are followed, being banned will be the last thing you'll need to worry about. And you will be able to build not just a fantastic brand but one that will transcend the virtual world!

Content is King:

Attempt to satisfy the viewers need for information. If you won't be able to do this, your SEO program will be unsuccessful. Having started off SEO services by offering SEO as a sidebar to web copy and design, I now tell my customers to build their site around their web site copy. Product listings, graphics and animations are not necessary, but specific and relevant content that answers searches and queries is paramount. Also ensure that the content works and is able to create some excitement.

Content That Works

Your content should not just be focused, but also interesting to read. After all, an article with an interesting title such as "How to Write Articles that Create Traffic Jams" is much more eye-catching than "Learning to Write Good Articles." While both articles can have the same content the "traffic jam" article will get more hits for sure. You can also add relevant listing to the articles to further increase the traffic to your site.

In order to stay in business, search engines need content and this means they need websites. So if you want to get high rankings on search engines you need to optimize the website content. Use particular keywords in your web copies and ensure that the keyword density is around 10-14%. Don't try to focus too much on what the user will search for, rather use keywords effectively and as part of the copy not just inserted at places.

Content is very important for result-oriented organic SEO. You, therefore, require much more creativity and relevancy in your copy as compared to any other SEO method. Your content should reflect that you are an expert in your chosen field and not just some newbie posing as an expert. If you think your copy is failing you in achieving your target, then change it. After all, organic SEO means being able to adapt and change to the new and emerging trends of the SEO industry. Rewriting the entire content is the best option if all else fails.

Regular Refreshing

If rising high on the SERPs is your goal, then update your content as often as you can, but on a regular basis. Google, MSN, and Yahoo! reward regular updating with higher SE rankings. Besides, you will also be able to offer your viewers more value. MSN is one search engine that is partial to websites that update their content on a regular basis.

What Else Besides Content?

The other things that matter in your organic SEO campaign, besides content, consistent of navigation, link building, and information architecture. These factors also influence the SERPs of your website and can help increase traffic!

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