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is an Ad Board?Ad-board is a unique type of free advertising site where
you can post free ads and when other members of the site visit the
ad-board site for posting their own ad,look around and thus mutually
every member gets some free advertising and some free traffic. Most of
the ad-board sites offer two types of membership and a pro member's ad
always shown on the top as well as he can insert a permanent text ad
and a banner ad on his or her own ad-board. He can also contact and
mail to all the free members on his or her personal adboard. Free
members ads generally stay on ad-board for 3 days but still remember
every ad-board site has its own rules and terms and conditions. If you
can submit your ad to multiple ad-boards then you can expect fair
amount of traffic as well as one way back links for higher ranking in
search engine.
– A good source to drive traffic to your site.
marketers think that search engine and pay per click are the only
genuine and reliable source to drive traffic or get visitors and if hey
ignore traditional way of free advertising source like ad-boards. What
do you think?They are right?In my opinion they are not totally wrong
but if you are not a newbie and either an intermediate or pro marketer
then you know how hard it is to optimize your site,keyword
research,fierce competition all these lead to hard work if do this
yourself and if you higher professional help it takes money and it is
even more difficult to maintain your search engine ranking after
acquired it.PPC also needs money and if you don't have proper knowledge
about adwords you most probably loose money instead of making money.
But yes you get free targeted traffic from search engines and paid
targeted traffic from PPC.
testing several methods of marketing and let me clear that ad-boards
are among one of them. Frankly I was not expecting much from free
ad-board advertising but the results I found were unexpectedly
surprising. Even I got surprised when I found out that Free Ad-boards
can drive 10 to 200 unique visitors to your site. This test is done
with only 100 ad-boards and so I am sure if I can reach 2000+ ad-boards
it will be an amazing amount of free traffic but manually posting to
all the ad-boards is not possible and good news is now-a-days many
software program for auto submission to ad-boards are available in the
market and even online service as well.But don't worry you can always
start without investing a single cent if you are ready to post or
submit your ad manually. Don't forget that you also get temporary
backlinks(depend on how many you can submit) to your sites as a free
member and permanent backlinks as a prom member.(depends again on you
are pro member of how many ad-boards)
am not saying about websites of discussion forum type websites that
allow tons of rubbish advertising but I am speaking about the
simplified versions of Free ad-board sites which allow you to place
free classified type ad on its front page.
How it works?
ad's headline is placed on the top and previous one is pushed down.
Some ad-board sites allow to place your ad without seeing other
member's site but some do have a rule that you can only place or submit
your ad after vising certain number of other member's sites by clicking
get maximum results from free ad-board advertising,It is very important
to know the audience of such websites, in other words people using free
ad-boards and to understand their psychological intention for using the
free ad-board sites. The people those are here are very special groups.
70 percent of Ad-boards visitors are absolute beginners who register
with several promising affiliate programs and are trying hard
earn the promised cash(From affiliate merchant's site) by advertising
their affiliate links without any actual marketing strategy. They are
willing to try any method of marketing whethe it is allowed or not to
aquired some result/sales.
percent are webmasters,generally intermediate marketers and only 10
percent are professional marketers who know exactly what they are
doing,why they are doing and what they want to achieve. These types of
visitors are welcomed by any true marketer.
your ad simple and straight to the point!You will have only 5 seconds
to grab attention of your prospects and so your ad must be
precise and with clear message without any confusing sentence.70 % of
them are newbies so write your ad from that perspective. If they do not
understand your ad then you will loose their attention even before they
have 1st look at your offer.
can apply here AIDA formula(To read more please visit free advertising
section).Create short and sweet ad with attention grabbing and
emotionally provocative ads and describe products main feature
precisely which make them to know more about your product. Remember
same advertising principle as used in banner ads is true for ad-boards
advertising. Do not reveal to many things about your product.Just get
their attention with minimum words and when they visit your site you
can always describe your product in details.
is a small test to perform on yourself: imagine yourself as a visitor
looking at your advertisement text for the first time. Would you be
interested? Would you be able to understand the offer in the ad? If not
then prepare a new copy as a lot of people are going to feel the same
Which type of
products should you offer to this audience?
free will be most welcomed. If you are a owner of a membership sites
which offers free membership and useful tutorial,software or or any
product which can shorten the path of success or help or make the
marketing easy for newbies. If not you can even offer special free
report or e-book with your affiliate links embedded but be careful in
preparing such report or e-book. It should have more free programs then
paid ones with useful information. By this not only you will build list
but also earn indirect money from affiliate programs and on latter days
you can follow up and develop relationship marketing and
newbie friendly products!
It is obvious that the free
ad-board owner get maximum benefits as such sites are generally high
traffic sites but as I explained above as free poster you can also take
advantage of this audience and drive traffic to your site. Remember as
a free poster you have nothing to loose and everything to gain as this
is 100 % free advertising and 100% free traffic.
These free
ad-boards can never
generate enough traffic to any site and so never should be
as primary source of free advertising and free traffic but can be used
as an alternate or as an additional source or free traffic and free
Some tips to improve your result
1. First of all - read and obey the board's terms and conditions!Don't
use anything which violates ad-board's terms and conditions e.g. don't
use a frame breaking script or pop-up windows. There is no use how
great your ad is if it is going to be deleted by ad-board
administration. This is the one major cause of failure with free
ad-board advertising.
2. As I wrote before keep your ad precise and relevant but never ever
use deceptive titles or subject lines. This is dishonesty and an
immature behavior as a marketer. Sooner or latter people find out your
lies and you will get lots of negative mouth publicity which
harm your business instead of helping it any way and once you defined
as an untrust worthy person your products will become untrustworthy in
the eyes of your prospects though hoe great products you have so beware
before using any mean technique. As an ad-board owner myself I deleted
this kind of posting as soon as I find them.
3. If it's allowed, Try to post multiple ads with different titles and
ad content and test which is working and select and tweak the winner
and discard the loosers..Most of the ad-boards allowed to post multiple
ads provided you use different e-mail address for each posting.
4. Be a little creative and differentiate your ads from others. Just be
careful I am not saying to use fake words it is not ethical and won't
help as I said before but I am saying to be creative in your titles
without words. Did I say without words?Yeah!To understand you have to
check below examples of actual ads which caught my attention
immediately. But before applying this technique just find out that it
is allowed on the ad-board by contacting the owner or administrator
This one is better: ({{{`'?.¸()`'?.¸ Your
ad title! }}}}}¸().?'´¸.?'
Have a look at this one: ??????###»» Your
Ad ««###????
<==> This ebook is completely free! Psst!
This one is best <#><#>
('!') F R E E S I T E T R A F F I C ('!')
There are many types I
am using and newer ones may come up!
most popular type is where you can post your text ad directly on
ad-board's front page without seeing anyone else's ads and
ad will stay there for pre determined times,varies between 3 to 10 days
and depends on the owner. After the predefined period your text ad
expires and you get an e-mail from administrator to re post Your text
ad free for new cycle and this way you can keep your text ad on the
ad-board by re-posting at regular interval. This types of ad-boards are
most effective ones.
you are right the owner and or administrator are in advantageous
position as they can keep their ad and banner ad there
and as a owner you can contact all the members. But most of these free
ad-boards offer a pro membership option where as a pro member you can
own your own ad-board where others can post free but as a pro
member(applies nominal monthly or yearly fee) you can insert your
permanent text ad and banner ad on the top and the ads will stay there
forever. If you want you can change the banner or text ad any time from
your admin area. As a owner of your personal adboard,you can contact
everyone posting on your personal ad-board.
a owner(pro member) you can also build a list of prospective buyers and
if you don't spam and violate their privacy then you may find some
future JV partners.
the owner or pro member your permanent text ad banner ad will be in
front of everyone that visits your personal ad-board. This single
benefit alone can repay your pro membership fee for the board many
times over .As a pro owner you can also sell pro membership to others
and earn commissions
And finally as a owner you are the one who are sending those
expiration,confirmation amd invitational e-mails to the posters of your
own ad-board and if you don't know just let me tell you can insert your
ads in those e-mails and most of the posters are regular posters so
they will see your ad over and over again so I suggest you to
promote your own ad-board effectively so it remains active with fresh
traffic coming in and provide good support service to existing members
to keep them active.
How to
promote Your Website with Free Ad-boards!
you know any method of Free advertising and Free Traffic is the best
way to promote because it doesn't cost you any money. The
asked question in internet discussion and at social networking or
community sites is 'How can I promote my website for free?'Now you are
on this site so you know there are many ways to promote your site
without spending any money. But in the forums and community sites most
of the answers were limited to two methods.1.Start your own blog 2.
Designed a search engine optimized site and submit it to major search
engines. Do you agree with their answers?I know you don't and at least
not after visited this site. In my opinion you should go for all the
available option and find out which is best for you.
Free ad-boards are a great way to get free advertising free
traffic. As I said before most free ad-boards usually offer two types
of membership memberships one is free and the other is pro. When a new
ad-board is launched the owner some time give away pro free membership
to founder or initial no of members as a part of promotional strategy
and get enough members and when the ad-board reaches the predetermined
member he starts to charge for pro membership but those founder members
will never charges if the deal was for life time membership and if the
deals was for a year,6 months or a month then after your free pro
membership duration is over the ad-board owner will provides 2 options
either to pay and upgrade and maintain your pro membership status or
down grade and use the ad-board as a free member. And again as I said
before the pro membership is not generally expensive and rewards are
Benefits of using free ad-boards
-You can posts
your ads for free
your referrals
your links by having them all in one place (pro only)
a list (pro)
than one way to advertise either by using links or banners (pro only)
more than one program all at the same time
you tools to promote your free ad-board intern getting more exposure
for your websites or blogs
ad-boards are picked up by the search engines(more incoming linked to a
single domain)
you get traffic to your websites or blogs
out about other programs and offers through other's advertisements.
commission if someone upgrades(pro more commission)
with all ad-board posters (pro only)
banner impressions (pro only)
and/or remove categories (pro only)
what price your advertisers pay (pro only)
As you can
see there are many
benefits to advertising and having a free adboard membership. I am a
member of many free ad-boards my self about which you will learn on the
next page. I just really like them and free advertising and free
traffic I receive to my sites.
Here is a list of Free ad-board sites that I use myself:
Now you know exactly what you can get with the method of free traffic
and free advertising from the free ad-boards and what exactly you
should do to take maximum advantage of the free ad-boards.
Promote your free ad-board
You a newbie to online marketing,you intermediate marketer or a pro
online marketer and If you have your own site or not and if not you are
promoting other people stuffs as an affiliate marketer. One thing is
common in all above situation and that is you will need traffic to your
own site or traffic to your affiliate URL. And what if you can get some
free advertising and free traffic so that I try here to explain more
about free ad-board advertising .
If you get pro membership and become the owner of your
personal ad-board you can........
Promote All Your Businesses On One Single Portal
As a owner of your personal ad-board you have many advantages over a
free member. As an pro owner you can advertise your own businesses.
Yes, you can advertise your businesses on the one single portal! As a
pro owner you have full administrative access to ad-board and you can
mange your members and advertisement,text ads,banner ads and e-mail ads
about which you have read above.
What skills are required to run your own ad-board?
If you are worried about the technical aspect of your own ad-board then
let me clear that you don't have to worry about it at all because you
just got and easy to understandable administrative panel and
server,hosting and other things will be look after by the main site
owner and he is charging pro membership fee for that reason only. You
can easily manage everything related to your own ad-board
the admin panel. However still one more confusion to clear is that as a
free member you also receive your own free ad-board and admin panel
with limited authority. You can not sell banner ads as a free
member. You can not insert permanent banner ad. You can not insert
e-mail ads(you read above).You can not contact all the member of you
ad-board only contact the members personally referred by you. And still
You don't have to worry about the technical side of
things,and it
is taken care of for you without pro membership fee but with limited
functionality. Your advertising board will be hosted for you FREE of
charge. No installation, configuration or anything technical to worry
3 Best benefits of owning a free ad-board
Promoting your own ad-board is truly beneficial. If you need more
traffic to your websites then this will create more traffic for you as
adverts will remain in the top position. You will also earn a
commission for referring other members. You can build list of
Message boards
are a form of
communication. Think of a message board the same way you’d
of a social party. If the party was from the PTA, you’d
schools to be talked about. If the party was being given by an
investment firm, you’d expect money and finance to be
What you
would not expect
at either of the above parties is for folks to enter the party and run
around saying “buy my products” and
“visit my
store” without ever even saying hello to anyone at the party.
What are the chances you’d buy from that person or even visit
that store?
Here are
several do’s and don’ts for message board use:
Do introduce
yourself to
the group. Leave the ad behind on your introduction. Let folks know who
you are, where you live and why you’ve come. Did you come to
group to learn from others? Did you come to contribute your own
knowledge? Did you come to talk about one of your favorite hobbies? Did
you come to hear how others view parenting?
contribute to topics
that are of interest to you. I recently found a message board about
picky eaters. My own daughter, who is now 23, was once a very picky
eater. I jumped right in and began sharing many stories from my
daughter’s childhood.
Do develop a
profile on
the site you are visiting. Most sites allow you to fill in your name,
your hobbies, where you live and often your URL. Take advantage of
these profiles and share yourself with others.
Do create a
signature. My
own signature is usually just my URL. However a line or two under your
URL is just fine, as long as the community you're visiting allows this.
Always check the signature rules before creating your own signature.
Do read some
of the posts
to get a feel for the community. Some communities are more formal than
others. Some communities are very laid back.
post ads.
There is nothing that will leave a bad impression like an ad. Some
communities will both delete the ad, and also ask you to leave the
post messages
that say nothing. If you have nothing to say, wait for another topic.
I’ve visited one community where the same person answers
topic with “I agree”, and then puts her signature
there. Is
it no wonder that she once posted she gets no sales from her networking
efforts? The same is true for messages that say “welcome to
group”. It's fine to welcome new members, but contribute on
boards as well. Don’t let your only posts say
When I first
about message boards, I read for at least a solid week before I posted
anything. I really wanted to understand the personality of the group.
Since that day, I have met hundreds of people through message boards.
I’ve made purchases, made sales, and made friends, all as a
result of posting on message boards.
Ad Board
Advantages: How-To Get Max-Exposure From Free Internet Advertising
By babydigg
November 2003
– Free Advertising, Free Advertising,, Free Advertising,
are gaining popularity as a means of maximizing free advertising on the
Internet. Today they are used to increase dramatically from one site to
offer serious Marketers Alexa Rating and fresh, new business leads for
the advertiser. A different breed of FFA Web site such as networking,
popping of the ad boards are up around the internet far superior to
"old school" FFAs because they offer an effective advertising members'
page of their website, which appears each visitor to the site.
Advertisers scroll through to add advertising on their site link. They
are also obliged to do every day click-through to keep their
advertising at the top of the list of links. It took a stroke of genius
from Artbiz2000 come up with a solution to improve and the "old school"
situation and FFA Ad-board, only text contain links. Program Owner Paul
Skinner created ClickTraffic.com Advertising Service, which offers all
the benefits of FFA and a new style of the Ad Board. Here is how
1ClickTraffic, works and guidance on this or other ad-board service to
make your largest advantage.1ClickTraffic use is simple, but effective
in producing fresh leads for your business opportunity. To link to the
display board, you must appear on the site of the owner's first
connection. You will then be submitted to the side of the owner and
then you can link your are carried into the designated place. Your ad
will be inserted before any other text link ads that owners will be
site and your entire website in a window at the top of the owner site.I
have embedded display 5 tips to follow when posting to
1clicktraffic.com or any other Ad-board service to generate advertising
and fresh leads for your business. Posting Advantage One:, Free
Advertising, When you place your ad, use a catchy phrase. Invent a,
Free Advertising, phrase that is original and meaningful. Such a
catch-phrase, Free Advertising, will entice people to click on your ad
to find out which stores will carry it. A great, catchy phrase, you get
lots of free traffic to your website. Avoid hype and incredible income
claims – they are not effective! Posting Advantage Two: Never
your company name in your, Free Advertising, ad text phrase. Many
visitors will know what you offer before they click it yourself and you
will lose hits. Your best option is to build a fast loading mini-site
to advertise your business opportunity – then you can create
own banner exchange banners and even more advertising exposure. Keep
your ads fresh and original to win the greatest exposure you can for
each ad you place. Posting Advantage Three: The greatest advantage of
offering an Ad-Board considers it your links on the page for a much
longer time than any FFA is. If your ad on the ad board, he remains on
the board for days and weeks, not for a few minutes like in traditional
FFAs. The thing I like most about this advertising medium is that, Free
Advertising, I only ONE email confirmation, Free Advertising, of the
ad-vehicle owners and when the display is about to expire,, Free
Advertising, I get an e-mail alerts, so I click back my display is at
the beginning, or bring back my post link, or post another ad. It's
always a good idea to keep posting new ads, if they remain on the side
for a long time – it is always like a "permanent" link,
having to reciprocate. The free link is, of course, the only advantage
of posting ads with FFA. Posting Advantage Four: Keep your ad exposure
and you will be amazed. I have ads posted on some boards and received
hundreds of page views – I sometimes even follow bookmark
how many hits I. I can set my ad wording, if he is not working to draw
more hits. I also got some references as a result of posting ads on
these boards – and yes, I also track my visitors! Posting
Advantage Five: Even more effective is to host your own Ad Board!
Hosting your own ad board, you can develop a list of opt-in
advertisers. Get your ad sent to all the contributions to it once and
each time they renew their ad. It is a win-win situation for both the
advertiser and the owner or moderator of board.As ad ad board owner,
the first three links on the board are yours and they will remain there
permanently. With 1ClickTraffic, you have three ad Insert the Windows,
where the advertising, Free Advertising, space on your page owners can
sell! This allows you to promote your own chances there, or you can
high-traffic advertising space to sell your visitors, and others that
need attention for their opportunities. Now This is
advertising, owner, post link, board, posting advantage, posting ads,
board owner, posting, link, advantage
Tips - Making The Most Of Message Boards
When I first starting promoting my first business
I was told by all the big boys that promoting on message boards was a
total waste of time. Well, I was never one to listen to what others
told me to do without at least testing it out first. Well, I've been
using message board advertising now for over four years and doing it
successfully. Want to know how? Keep reading and you'll find out how
message boards can bring effective results if you use them correctly.
Message boards are sites where people come to post ads for their income
opportunities, acne books, sports products, or whatever. There are
message boards for just about every niche imaginable. The problem with
these boards is that because the top ones are so busy, your ads don't
stay on them for very long. Some boards are so busy, an ad can
literally be gone in a half hour. Because of this, it can be difficult
to get your ad seen at all. However, by using a few techniques, you can
actually get results with message board posting.
The first thing you have to do is stand out from the crowd. If you go
to most message boards, you will see the same subject lines, which is
all anybody gets to see in order to decide whether or not to read your
ad. If you want to get people to read you post, you have to be a little
outrageous, even controversial. I use subjects that most people would
say are on the borderline of just plain inflammatory. But as long as I
don't use profanity and abide by the rules of the message board
community, there's nothing wrong with being a little off the wall. It
will get your ads read.
The next thing you want to do is write an ad that is also a little
different from the ones you're used to seeing. Don't be afraid to be
confrontational. Again, as long as you don't use profanity and abide by
the rules of the message board, you'll be okay. You want to invoke
emotions from people. You don't want them to read your ads and go to
sleep. Be straight forward, honest, and brutal if you have to. But
don't be dull.
Finally, seek out message boards that don't have as much traffic. Your
ads will stay on the first page a lot longer. So, even though you don't
get as much traffic, you actually will get more people to see your ad.
This is probably the most important technique of all.
By following the above tips, you'll see that you actually start to make
sales from your message board posts.
Network Marketing - Secrets for Finding
Prospects on Online Message Boards
Once you have started your online network marketing
and MLM business, you will need to advertise and promote your
opportunity. If you are looking for an inexpensive and effective way to
advertise, consider using message boards and forums. Used properly,
message boards can be a great source of leads for you.
How do I write effective ads BULLETINS BOARD
How to make your ad to the classified ad website or bulletin board?
What would be a great response ad? 1. Pay attention to completing the
details. Author ads must be a real person or a real company.
Personally, I draw attention only to messages with the maximum
reliability of the submitted information: the name of the company, or
name and the name of the individual - the author of the ad. If the
author is an enthusiast or ad Nick - it is of the announcement with
caution. Some of the emancipation of some Internet users do not always
correspond to the place of the emancipation. I have encountered a
situation where a major company, the services which I would like to
take, writes in one of its pages: "You get here by accident. Probably
because your eyes covered with beer, while your hands quake." Try not
to sink to this level and, in particular, do not sign their ads with
"Don Giovanni" or "Astronaut." 2. Write interesting. Your ad should be
to attract attention at the first left his sight. If you write: "We are
looking for regional representatives" or "web-design studio is looking
for distributors of its services - it is not interesting. Moreover,
such a great variety of ads. Your ad should be intriguing to
distinguish among these. Compare the two ads: "You are given a unique
opportunity to become a distributor of cosmetics company. Your ability
to earn is unlimited. It is not a business in the traditional sense and
not to walk on the institutions to purchase merchandise. Change your
life. Touch the beauty. All details for all correspondence . This is a
real ad. But it does not attract. It is too quiet. Past such ads can
be, and then forget it. Another announcement: "You have not recently
been in France? Romantic, wonderful adventure, love fragrances - all of
these spirits will remind you to" Venus. "We invite you to the world
inviting smells and sensations! Once you become our representative -
you will find yourself back in Paris! " People are attracted by the
intriguing question of the possibility of your visit to this beautiful
country. Perhaps they have never been to France, but to go where few
people refuse. Another interesting admission - on the contrary. Do not
amuse sensual strings, but quite the contrary - to play on fear and
other negative feelings. And do not mock the readers and offer them to
get rid of the trouble. You can train in the preparation of the
interesting ads. You can look at the numerous boards, view ads placed
on them and think, on which one would you respond? Personally, I once
came across an American one ad that I was terribly interested. "I need
eight people who want to earn $ 20 000 a week." I was intrigued number
"eight". Why is it you want it 8 and not 10 or 20? And why do these
people need to go? Are not they fly together like flies on honey in
large numbers?
3. E-mail is not too much. If you begin to paint in the ad all the
characteristics of your wonderful products, but even in such signs,
reducing that ordinary people do not understand - your potential
partner will move to a neighboring ad.
4. E-mail specifically. Be sure to specify with whom you work - whether
it be pipes, metal, or exotic insects. Many of your readers are
interested in not only working conditions but also the object with
which to work.
5. Place your ad with the permitted intervals. This rule is not easy to
observe, because they have to memorize for each speed of its board new
ads. There are board and heading the new ads are appearing in the
continuous flow. Such boards can and should place your ad every day. On
the other boards - the frequency of appearance of new ads less
frequently. And if in one screen, the board will meet several of your
ads, this would not only benefit, but harm. Because the board of
visitors will be allergic to your ad to your project, and to you
6. Continuing to change the text of your ad. In one instance, readers
interested in one sentence of your ad, your ad in another of their
interest is something else. If the first ad, you can mark the high
salaries come to your business people, in another ad, you pay attention
to the interesting work that you offer, or an opportunity to buy your
product with a substantial discount.
7. Be moderate enthusiasm. Internet
filled various pyramids, tales of instant earnings - all of these ads
are designed to simple guys and lured to a large number of exclamation
marks and multivalued digits of your potential earnings. Therefore, use
caution and with enthusiasm. Serious people do not understand.
To sum up: be honest and interesting.
If your are from UK, you can submit your ad to United Kingdom
Classified ads
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