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What Is
Pixel Advertising
There is a new form of advertising that is
taking off and
from the new coverage it is getting it may be the next biggest thing
since PPC. Currently webmasters spend huge amounts of money to get web
visitors via banner ads, popup ads, and pay per click ads. The newest
mode of attracting traffic is called Pixel Advertising.
The basic premise is that people buy pixels on a web page that link
back to their web site. The pixels form images that develop into a
mosaic that can become a pop culture piece of art. Kind of like the
cigar wrapper art. The end result is a web page that gets good traffic
with a link back to their site, which drives visitors, which drives
Driving this new medium is the notion that pay per click costs too
much... If you had 10 clicks a day at 10 cents each, in one year it
would cost you $365! Take that out 5 years and you are talking about
over $1800! The reality is that often clicks cost a lot more than 10
cents each which translates to a whole lot more money. People have been
reported paying more than $50 a click.
Pixel ads are a single purchase and last for years. It is not uncommon
to see people offering their space for 5 to 10 years. With a good
quality image, it could return more visitors to your web site than pay
per click at a huge savings. Spaces are most commonly sold in 10 by 10
pixel blocks at 25 cents per pixel up to over a dollar a pixel. (100
pixel total in a block). Most sell in the 10px by 10px minimum format
since this is logically the smallest usable space. All the blocks
bought commonly must form a square or rectangle.
Pixel advertising is just in it’s infancy. It is still too
to tell there it may lead, but for as little as they cost, the pixel
ads are probably money well spent. It is after all a drop in the bucket
from an advertising costs standpoint. At the least, it will add to the
collection of inbound links that all sites need to be successful.
Million Dollar
Homepage; Fad Or Fiction
Over the last month a new website created by 21 year old
(Alex Tew) has had a phenomenal impact on the internet advertising
world. You may have heard of milliondollarhomepage.com. If not, it is a
very simple concept for online advertising. Advertisers can buy pixels
on the homepage for $1 a pixel. The minimum order is 100 pixels and
with this the advertiser gets a small image that links from the
Milliondollarhomepage to the advertiser’s site.
Now this alone isn’t what made the site successful. Granted
it’s a unique twist on internet advertising, but lets be
it’s hardly remarkable. People have been selling spaces for
banners on websites for years. For this site to be successful it needed
one key ingredient, and that is traffic. Hundreds of thousands of
people needed to visit this site to give the advertisers value for
So the young student who came up with the idea submitted a press
release, and sold a story like any good marketer would. How he was only
21 and came up with this simple website to pay his way through
university. Fortunately for him the worlds press found his release and
published it, as it was a good story. This meant more people visited
the site, and the website traffic increased. In turn more journalists
picked up on the story and published it. The result was a viral
explosion in traffic which meant many people bought advertising space
and it is fair to say the site has been highly successful.
So is this the new advertising medium of the internet? I am afraid this
author doesn’t believe so. Once the hype starts to die down,
the story is no longer new, the press will begin to publish fewer
articles on it, and less people will visit the site. This in turn will
lead to even fewer articles being published in the worlds press,
leading to even fewer visitors. This cycle will continue and what
originally made this website successful (viral marketing) will
ultimately lead to its death.
What can internet marketers learn from this? The best way to promote
any new internet venture is to make an interesting story about it,
submit articles and press releases, and if the story is good enough,
watch the viral explosion in visitors.
Of course for long term growth the new site or service has to be good
enough to provide value to visitors, and not just a fad that captures
people’s short term interest. I wish Alex Tew all the best,
but I
think he too will accept that this is not a long term business that can
go anywhere from here.
pixel advertising Works for you?
As you read the history of pixel ad on previous
page....The young Englishman, Alex Tew, may not have been the
originator of pixel ad sites, but he did something none of others have
done effectively: He promoted his website to create the vibe needed to
get it noticed, and earned himself $1m pretty quickly. Because Tew's
success many has duplicated his site to cash quikly from the craze.Some
copied Tew,s site extatly and some even had not change words.
And these copycater sell the pixel ads at very low price. Some of them
even intrduce an affiliate program which is different from Tew's
site.But although they sold the pixel ad at low price most of them
disappear within short time.
Tew's success has revealed a new and innovative area of
marketing. Companies or websites DO want to advertise on the internet,
and DO seek new ways to do it. Webmater knew that net surfers are bored
with traditional means of advertisement(Because of poor response) and
so they want some change. So the idea of pixel advertising is stick
around and remain in existence.
Keep these points in mind while choosing a pixel ad site.....
-There should be other content on a good pixel
site to attract visitors and repeate traffic e.g. games, a
cartoons, news etc
-Stand alone site or a part of a network of site,latter is better .
-Check the page rank in Alexa & Google
-The Pixel Ad site offfers any thing to attract traffic?
-There are only pixel pages or catheterized pages according to niche
market,if categorized you can target your niche.
-How many words allowed to insert as text ad?
-there should be an option to edit your ad any time.
-Any additional benefits offered e.g. access to material to
help you with your website, and internet marketing etc
-Cost of the pixel ad
-Duration of the pixel ad on the pixel site
More about Pixel Advertising
Pixel advertising is a form of promotion in
which an
ad is placed on a web site using tiny dots otherwise known as pixels,
usually with size in the range of 100 pixels and higher. The pixel ad
image normally links to the advertiser's product, service or web site.
Some people have wrong belief that pixel
came about middle of 2005. Actually, there have been two incidences
that pixel advertising appeared online.
The first incidence happened on April 12,
2004, when
a "one pixel ad" campaign appeared on eBay. the winning bidder could
place his ad on the top of the home page for 21 days. After that
nothing heard about one single pixel ad at any site.
The second incident happened on August 26, 2005, when an
enterprising UK student named Alex Tew introduced his
milliondollarhomepage on the web. Since then, pixel ad sites are
popping up on the Net, at the rate of 8 web sites a day.
are now more than 600 web sites selling pixel ads on the web.
Has pixel advertising here to stay?
If you ask any pixel ad site owner the reply
will be
yes this form of advertising is going to stay here. But the 1st creator
of a pixel dollar site the owner of milliondollarhomepage,Alex Tew has
a different view on the subject.
From the mouth of Alex Tew,word to word............
"Is this a new trend in advertising? Personally, I think not. I believe
this idea is a one-off that will only really work once. It's only
unique the first time. However, there may be some future mileage in
this 'pixel advertising' or 'micro-ads' concept in terms of fund
raising for charities or other good causes. But of course, only time
will tell."
Over the past 6 to 12 months the 125 x 125 pixel
has came into existence onto the blogging scene as a fairly common
means of advertising.
I don’t know who did it first but there are
hundreds (if
not thousands) of blogs using it. Some of the more prominent ones
include TechCrunch,Read/WriteWeb.CopyBlogger and John Chow
Why 125 Pixel Ads Are Worth Considering
125 x 125 ads are an attractive option for
bloggers and advertisers by many ways:
- Bloggers would like them
because fitting well into sidebars
-Instead of selling on large skyscraper
a blogger can sell 4 small ones and generates more revenue..
-Advertisers like them as with same
budget they can dispalay ad on more blogs.
-Many companies provide 125x125 pixel
ads so if the
space is not completely sold can be monetize by affiliate programs
Should you run 125 x 125 ads on your blog?
There are some good reasons to experiment with 125 pixel ads
But be careful before you do.........
There are a number of things to consider before moving to this format:
-Some companies still prefer banner ads
over pixel ads
-Many larger advertisers prefer more traditional
ad sizes
- It takes more work &
time to sell four ads than one
- Require more time administrate the 4 ads.
How to Use 125 pixel Ads on Your Blog
A few pieces of advice for selling 125 pixel ads:
Keep some extra reserved ads ready as it possible you willbe
not able to sell all 4 spots.
- you could run an affiliate program (if
you can find one that fits with your niche)
- you could run an Ad Sense ad here
(they offer 125
sized ads (although a text ad might look odd next to other image based
- you could run a Chitika ad unit (again
they might look odd)
-run an internal ad (an ad that points
to different parts of your blog/site)
- you could run an ad swap here
– arrange with another blogger in your niche
Pixel advertising is a form of promotion in which an ad is placed on a
web site using tiny dots otherwise known as pixels, usually with size
in the range of 100 pixels and higher. The pixel ad image normally
links to the advertiser's product, service or web site.
Pixel advertising
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pixel advertising is a form of display advertising on the web, in which
the cost of each advertisement is calculated dependent on the number of
pixels it occupies.
Pixel advertising gained popularity in the last quarter of 2005 when
British student Alex Tew created a website named The Million Dollar
Homepage, and solicited advertisers to buy ad space measured in pixels
on the homepage. The price was set at $1 USD per pixel, and there were
1 million pixels of space available.
Many web sites which host pixel ads exist in a variety of compositions.
A few newer sites have additional features that allows a larger image
to appear when visitors hover the cursor over a small pixel ad, while
others allow pixel ads to be bought for a temporary period of time.
There also exist various ‘Do it yourself’ pixel
such as the Million Pixel Script and GPix Pixel Ad Script. These
scripts made it possible for people with little knowledge or skills to
implement a pixel ad system on their website. This has sparked the
growth of thousands of pixel websites worldwide.
External links
* "How Selling Pixels May Yield a
Million Bucks"
Wall Street Journal article on Alex Tew and his Million Dollar Homepage
The Million Dollar Homepage
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Million Dollar Homepage is a website conceived in 2005 by Alex Tew,
a student from Wiltshire, England, to raise money for his university
education. The home page consists of a million pixels arranged in a
1000 × 1000 pixel grid; the image-based links on it were sold
$1 per pixel in 10 × 10 blocks. The purchasers of these pixel
blocks provided tiny images to be displayed on them, a Uniform Resource
Locator (URL) to which the images were linked, and a slogan to be
displayed when hovering a cursor over the link. The aim of the website
was to sell all of the pixels in the image, thus generating a million
dollars of income for the creator. The Wall Street Journal has
commented that the site inspired other websites that sell pixels.[1][2]
Launched on 26 August 2005, the website became an Internet phenomenon.
The Alexa ranking of web traffic peaked at around 127; as of 18
December 2009 (2009 -12-18)[update], it is 35,983.[3] On 1 January
2006, the final 1,000 pixels were put up for auction on eBay. The
auction closed on 11 January with a winning bid of $38,100 that brought
the final tally to $1,037,100 in gross income.
During the January 2006 auction, the website was subject to a
distributed denial-of-service attack and ransom demand, which left it
inaccessible to visitors for a week while its security system was
upgraded. The Federal Bureau of Investigation and Wiltshire
Constabulary investigated the attack and extortion attempt.
From the outset I knew the idea had potential, but it was one of those
things that could have gone either way. My thinking was I had nothing
to lose (apart from the 50 Euros or so it cost to register the domain
and setup the hosting). I knew that the idea was quirky enough to
create interest ... The Internet is a very powerful medium.
Alex Tew, 22 February 2006.
Alex Tew, a student from Cricklade in Wiltshire, England, conceived The
Million Dollar Homepage in August 2005 when he was 21 years old. He was
about to begin a three-year Business Management course at the
University of Nottingham, and was concerned that he would be left with
a student loan that could take years to repay. As a money-raising idea,
Tew decided to sell a million pixels on a website for $1 each;
purchasers would add their own image, logo or advertisement, and have
the option of including a hyperlink to their website. Pixels were sold
for US dollars rather than UK pounds; the US has a larger online
population than the UK, and Tew believed more people would relate to
the concept if the pixels were sold in US currency.[6] In 2005, the
pound was strong against the dollar: £1 was worth
$1.80, and that cost per pixel may have been too expensive for many
potential buyers.[6] Tew's setup costs were €50, which paid
the registration of the domain name and a basic web-hosting package.
The website went live on 26 August 2005.
The homepage featured a Web banner with the site's name and a pixel
counter displaying the number of pixels sold, a navigation bar
containing nine small links to the site's internal web pages, and an
empty square grid of 1,000,000 pixels divided into 10,000 100-pixel
blocks. Tew promised customers that the site would remain online for
five years – that is, until at least 26 August 2010.
Pixel sales
Because individual pixels are too small to be seen easily, Pixels were
sold in 100-pixel "blocks" measuring 10 × 10 pixels; the
price was thus $100. The first sale, three days after the site began
operating, was to an online music website operated by a friend of
Tew's. He bought 400 pixels in a 20 × 20 block. After two
Tew's friends and family members had purchased a total of 4,700 pixels.
The site was initially marketed only through word of mouth; however,
after the site had made $1,000, a press release was sent out that was
picked up by the BBC. The technology news website The Register featured
two articles on The Million Dollar Homepage in September.[15][16] By
the end of the month, The Million Dollar Homepage had received $250,000
and was ranked Number 3 on Alexa Internet's list of "Movers and
Shakers" behind the websites for Britney Spears and Photo District
News. On 6 October, Tew reported the site received 65,000 unique
visitors; it received 1465 Diggs, becoming one of the most Dugg links
that week.[18] Eleven days later, the number had increased to 100,000
unique visitors. On 26 October, two months after the Million Dollar
Homepage was launched, more than 500,900 pixels had been sold to 1,400
customers. By New Year's Eve, Tew reported that the site was receiving
hits from 25,000 unique visitors every hour and had an Alexa Rank of
127, and that 999,000 of the 1,000,000 pixels had been sold.
On 1 January 2006, Tew announced that because the demand was so great
for the last 1,000 pixels, "the most fair and logical thing" to do was
auction them on eBay rather than lose "the integrity and degree of
exclusivity intrinsic to the million-pixel concept" by launching a
second Million Dollar Homepage. The auction lasted ten days and
received 99 legitimate bids. Although bids were received for amounts as
high as $160,109.99, many were either retracted by the bidders or
cancelled as hoaxes. "I actually contacted the people by phone and
turns out they weren't serious, which is fairly frustrating, so I
removed those bidders at the last minute", said Tew. The winning bid
was $38,100, placed by MillionDollarWeightLoss.com, an online store
selling diet-related products. Tew remarked that he had expected the
final bid amount to be higher due to the media attention. The Million
Dollar Homepage made a gross total of $1,037,100 in five months. After
costs, taxes and a donation to The Prince's Trust, a charity for young
people, Tew expected his net income to be $650,000–$700,000.
Pixel purchasers included Bonanza Gift Shop, Panda Software, the
producers of Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price, British Schools
Karting Championship, Book of Cool, Orange, The Times,
Cheapflights.com, Schiffer Publishing, Rhapsody, Tenacious D,
GoldenPalace.com, 888.com and other online casinos, Independiente
Records, Yahoo!, small privately owned businesses, and companies
offering get-rich-quick schemes, online dating services, personal
loans, free samples, website designs and holidays.
Media attention
Following the September press release that first brought attention to
the site, The Million Dollar Homepage was featured in articles on BBC
Online,[5] The Register,[15] The Daily Telegraph, and PC Pro. Tew also
appeared on the national breakfast television programmers Sky News
Sunrise and BBC Breakfast to discuss the website.
The crucial thing in creating the media interest was the idea itself:
it was unique and quirky enough to stand out. I only had to push the
idea a bit in the first few days by sending out a press release which
essentially acted as a catalyst. This interest coupled with traditional
word-of-mouth created a real buzz about the homepage, which in turn
created more interest.
Alex Tew, 22 February 2006.
By November the website was becoming popular around the world,
receiving attention from Financial Times Deutschland in Germany, TVNZ
in New Zealand,Terra Networks in Latin America,the China Daily, and
especially in the United States where it was covered in Adweek, Florida
Today,[36] and Wall Street Journal. Tew hired a US-based publicist to
help with the attention from the American media and made a week-long
trip to the US, where he was interviewed on ABC News Radio, the Fox
News Channel,[38] Attack of the Show!, and local news programs.
The concept was described as "simple and brilliant", "clever",
"ingenious", and "a unique platform [for advertising] which is also a
bit of fun". Professor Martin Binks, director of the Nottingham
University Institute for Entrepreneurial Innovation, said, "It is
brilliant in its simplicity ... advertisers have been attracted to it
by its novelty ... the site has become a phenomenon." Popular Mechanics
said, "There's no content. No cool graphics, giveaways or steamy Paris
Hilton videos for viewers to salivate over. Imagine a TV channel that
shows nothing but commercials, a magazine with nothing but ads. That's
The Million Dollar Homepage. An astonishing example of the power of
viral marketing". Don Oldenburg of the Washington Post was one of the
few without praise for the site, calling it a "cheap, mind-bogglingly
lucrative marketing monstrosity, an advertising badlands of spam,
banner ads and pop-ups." Oldenburg continues, "it looks like a bulletin
board on designer steroids, an advertising train wreck you can't not
look at. It's like getting every pop-up ad you ever got in your life,
at once. It's the Internet equivalent of suddenly feeling like you want
to take a shower."
As the final pixels were being auctioned, Tew was interviewed on
Richard & Judy,and profiled in the online BBC News Magazine.
Wall Street Journal wrote about The Million Dollar Homepage and its
impact on the Internet community. "Mr. Tew himself has taken on
celebrity status in the Internet community ... the creative juice ...
paints an interesting picture of online entrepreneurship".
Tew dropped out of the business degree the site was set-up to fund
after 1 term. He subsequently set up a follow-up site selling pixels
for $2 each, with going $1 to Tew and $1 to the eventual winner, who
would receive $1 million. He claimed "This idea has longevity" adding
"I don't know anyone who doesn't want to win $1m dollars, so I can keep
doing it again and again." The site, Pixelotto, was a relative failure
and the eventual prize was only $153,000. In 2008, Tew founded Popjam,
an Internet aggregation and social networking business.
DDoS attack
On 7 January 2006, three days before the auction of the final 1,000
pixels was due to end, Tew received an e-mail from an organization
called The Dark Group, and was told The Million Dollar Homepage would
become the victim of a distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS) if a
ransom of $5,000 was not paid by 10 January. Believing the threat to be
a hoax, he ignored it, but a week later received a second e-mail
threat: "Hello u website is under us attack to stop the DDoS send us
50000$." Again, he ignored the threat, and the website was flooded with
extra traffic and e-mails, causing it to crash. "I haven't replied to
any of them as I don't want to give them the satisfaction and I
certainly don't intend to pay them any money. What is happening to my
website is like terrorism. If you pay them, new attacks will start,"
Tew said.
The website was inaccessible to visitors for a week until the host
server upgraded the security system, and filtered traffic through
anti-DDoS software. Wiltshire Constabulary's Hi-Tech Crime Unit and the
Federal Bureau of Investigation were called to investigate the
extortion and attack; they believed it originated in Russia.
Similar websites
Many other sites sell advertising by pixels. Tew said of the sites,
"[they] popped up almost immediately; now there are hundreds of Web
sites selling pixels. The copycats are all competing with each other."
"They have very little ads, therefore I guess it’s not going
well for them. The idea only works once and relies on novelty. Any
copy-cat sites will only have pure comedy value, whereas mine possibly
has a bit of comedy plus. So I say good luck to the imitators."
See also
* Crowd funding
Pixel Ad Advertising Still Working?
The term "pixel advertising" was once relatively new in the online
world, but it had spread like a wildfire. A pixel ad is in
term like a banner ad when displayed but actually a pixel ad is a
promotional component which is displayed by a static graphic image that
the advertiser wishes to show but the main thing behind the pixel ads
is that they allow an advertiser to decide in advance exactly how much
they want to invest in the ad as they have the freedom of selecting the
individual number of pixels and they have freedom to shape their ad in
any desired way,too. Although a advertiser can choose the size of a
pixel ad there still is minimum accepted size and he can not select the
size smaller than minimum accepted standard. Minimum pixels he has to
choose or buy is 100 and upwards means a minimum 10x10 pixels block is
This minimum size is made compulsory because any graphic
than that would really have no relevance to the human eyes. The minimum
10x10 pixel are allowed though the advertiser gets such a small space
that he has limitation while inserting advertising. Pixel ads are win
win situation for webmaster and advertiser both as webmaster makes
money while advertiser gets traffic.
Home Business & Pixel advertising
The term pixel ads was completely unknown just a few years ago, and
today everyone is talking about it. The term pixel comes from a
combination of Picture & Element and is the smallest element of
display which can be assigned a color. In other words, pixels are the
building blocks of each and every computer screen - in a way they are
the equivalent of atoms in a molecular structure.
A pixel is so small that it can hardly noticed by eyes but when it gets
damaged ,you can easily notice it as a black spot/dot.
Pixel ads show us that even the simplest of all elements may have
extraordinary potential. In start many advertisers were discouraged by
this idea. They thought how a small ad that is among so many other ads
can produce any result but the results proved them wrong. The result
proved that even 10x10 pixel ad block produced high ROI than any other
traditional ad form.
The pixels ads have broken the monotony created by simple banner ads.
Advertisers are working with basic elements of display show they have
chance to be creative and flexible at the same time they have to put
aside traditional way of thinking and have to apply new ideas.
Tips for buying pixel ads
Buying a pixel ad is simple and extremely easy but if you know where to
buy and how to buy then you can get the highest ROI.
Keep these points in mind while buying a pixel ad............
* 1st start with a small pixel ad & if receive good traffic
then buy more space.
* pick the corners for the pixel ad space - In a crowded page with many
ads,corners will be more visible.
* Ask for payment option,inquire enough as there are some scams going
on in pixel ad industry. Paypal will be the best choice if allowed.
* Check other ads on the page,be creative and designed a unique ad
which stand out among many ads.
* Use high contrast colors specially if you use text.
Revolution in Pixel Advertising
Pixel advertising is good advertising option but the biggest
disadvantage of pixel advertising is an advertiser is going to get
mixture of visitors from the all walks of life and not targeted
visitors. If your product is useful for every person (and it is not
like that in 99 % of the time) then you will get very high ROI or it is
possible you do not get much from your advertising dollars.
Before buying a pixel advertising ask yourself below questions:
1.The Pixel ad site is about what?
2.How much money the pixel site owners pends to get quality
traffic to the site.
3.If pixel ad site receives good amount of traffic then the traffic is
targeted or random?
4.Visitors revisit the pixel ad site themselves or the pixel site
attracts them to revisit?
Only one site is abscessed where all pixels are sold out in that is
milliondollarhomepage.com.but again it is not focus on targeted
visitors so create a website which is focused on target visitors,it
will provide advertisers the best desired results .A quality targeted
pixel advertising is better than any Pay Per Click ad.
To Build a good Pixel Ad site as a webmaster keep these point
in mind.....
1.Build a site on targeted niche
2. You must spend 50% of total revenue money on Quality
3. Sell more pixels and spend more on advertising
4. Do not be greedy and sell to only niche related sites
5. Apply forums and article directory with the pixel site so your site
receive repeat traffic.
6. You can also apply link exchange directory with the pixel ad site.
7. Allow your advertiser to resell pixels.
8. Offer some guaranteed exposer to advertisers.
9. Offer guarantee to the advertiser that your site is going to remain
online forever.
10. State to your advertiser from where your pixel ad site
receives traffic
11. Let the advertiser know your future plan for traffic and
Pixel Ads also have been referred as Micro Ads or Miniature
They are tiny advertisements that only occupy the space of a pixel on a
web page. There are different rates for pixel ad according to different
pixel ad sites. As a Pixel Ad site Owner,selling the ads on the front
page of a site has been easy because they are unique. An advertiser can
buy pixel as per his budget..
As we know if you not use banner ads properly ,produce very low click
throughs,pop up blockers are installed in most pcs and macs,browser
comes with in built pop up blockers,ppc ads have click frauds,high bids
for desired keywords and now even text link ads have lost their charm
and so a new method of advertisement comes in existence that is Pixel
Points to Consider about pixel ads
There are many ads on a pixel page and the ads are not categorized so
people who click on your ad will click it because of curiosity and not
because of interest so the traffic you receive will not be targeted at
Your pixel ad is there among many ads and you do not have knowledge
about all the sites are there. There may be a site punished or banned
by search engines and so it is possible you are putting your site's
reputation at stack.
There is still debate about backlinks from pixel ad site. Ever seo
expert has different opinion.
One more thing to consider is that most of pixel ad sites are similar
and they use the same method for posting hidden links or single pixel
image links, which unfortunately can be seen as spam to some search
engines. I haven’t seen too many advertisement sites that are
penalized for advertising but we also don’t see millions of
on a site at the same time or only a single pixel in size, either.
There is still some curiosity factor working in favor of
advertising because of the novelty but a time will come when the
novelty of these tiny little ads wear off and curiosities have been
My Own Experiment
There are many sites offering free pixel ads and so I
experimented with some of them and honestly it surprised me.
have received considerable amount of traffic within 4 days which is the
least I expected so you should give Pixel Advertising a try
at least through the sites offering free pixel advertising.
Good Pixel Ad site..
Whether you go for free pixel ads or you buy,keep these point in
Pixel Advertising is relatively new form of
advertising & driving lots of attention of the net marketer
surfers alike. Any one purchase a pixel ad on a pixel ad site and the
advertiser link the pixel ad with graphic to his own site. The goal is
to increase the traffic to advertiser's site as well as pixel ad site.
Do not rush for this craze for pixel advertising before you buy a pixel
ad ...
-Take some time & research and check various pixel ad
-Check the content & find out what the site has to
-Check that the site is unique or one more common pixel ad
-Check the price of pixel ad & compare with other
pixel ad sites.
-Check for the time duration of a pixel ad,how many years a
pixel ad site owner is promising to keep your pixel ad online.
-Remember the time duration should be minimum for 10 years.
-Is the pixel ad site created on nich bases? if yes then if
it is targeting your niche,it will be right choice for you.
-Check which different sizes are available for your pixel ad.
-How much ad revenue the pixel ad site's owner is promising
to spend in paid advertising to promote hiS own pixel ad site.
-Also check where your ad is going to be placed on home page
or on some other page.
-Check out that pixel ad site's owner knows about SEO
and have applied them to the pixel ad site. How can you find out?Either
you have to ask or the better way is to check meta tags from the
sources codes and that is just do not check for only home page but also
check all other pages of the pixel ad site. Check keywords in meta tags
and in the content as well.
-Find out about the pixel ad site is genuine or not. You
read everything on pixel ad site & ther must be a promise to
the site running online at least for 5 years. It is reported that many
of these new breed of pixel ad sites' owners collect money from the
enough number of advertisers and then instead of promoting their own
pixel ad sites through paid advertising they stop even paying for
hosting & domains & the sites disappear in the thin
air. So if
you do not want to become one of the victim check everything before
If nothing written on the site
as I said above
then only means to find out is to contact the owner either through
e-mail or phone and rely on his reply. If you are smart enough then you
can dig enough information and can lessen the risk.
Pixel Advertising was craze among marketers and surfers and is still
popular form of advertising. But before paying for a pixel ad do some
research and decide yourself what you will get in return and how much
your site can be benefited with the ad. One thing is sure if the pixel
ad site is popular and have high PR rank then your site definitely will
get an SEO advantage because of the back link.
You should not much worry about the advertising dollars as
I have included the pixel ad sites where you can get free pixel
advertising for your site.
What Is Pixel Advertising
There is a new form of advertising that is taking off and
the new coverage it is getting it may be the next biggest thing since
PPC. Currently webmasters spend huge amounts of money to get web
visitors via banner ads, popup ads, and pay per click ads. The newest
mode of attracting traffic is called Pixel Advertising.
The basic premise is that people buy pixels on a web page that link
back to their web site. The pixels form images that develop into a
mosaic that can become a pop culture piece of art. Kind of like the
cigar wrapper art. The end result is a web page that gets good traffic
with a link back to their site, which drives visitors, which drives
Driving this new medium is the notion that pay per click costs too
much... If you had 10 clicks a day at 10 cents each, in one year it
would cost you $365! Take that out 5 years and you are talking about
over $1800! The reality is that often clicks cost a lot more than 10
cents each which translates to a whole lot more money. People have been
reported paying more than $50 a click.
Pixel ads are a single purchase and last for years. It is not uncommon
to see people offering their space for 5 to 10 years. With a good
quality image, it could return more visitors to your web site than pay
per click at a huge savings. Spaces are most commonly sold in 10 by 10
pixel blocks at 25 cents per pixel up to over a dollar a pixel. (100
pixel total in a block). Most sell in the 10px by 10px minimum format
since this is logically the smallest usable space. All the blocks
bought commonly must form a square or rectangle.
Pixel advertising is just in it’s infancy. It is still too
to tell there it may lead, but for as little as they cost, the pixel
ads are probably money well spent. It is after all a drop in the bucket
from an advertising costs standpoint. At the least, it will add to the
collection of inbound links that all sites need to be successful.
Million Dollar Homepage; Fad Or Fiction
Over the last month a new website created by 21 year old
(Alex Tew) has had a phenomenal impact on the internet advertising
world. You may have heard of milliondollarhomepage.com. If not, it is a
very simple concept for online advertising. Advertisers can buy pixels
on the homepage for $1 a pixel. The minimum order is 100 pixels and
with this the advertiser gets a small image that links from the
Milliondollarhomepage to the advertiser’s site.
Now this alone isn’t what made the site successful. Granted
it’s a unique twist on internet advertising, but lets be
it’s hardly remarkable. People have been selling spaces for
banners on websites for years. For this site to be successful it needed
one key ingredient, and that is traffic. Hundreds of thousands of
people needed to visit this site to give the advertisers value for
So the young student who came up with the idea submitted a press
release, and sold a story like any good marketer would. How he was only
21 and came up with this simple website to pay his way through
university. Fortunately for him the worlds press found his release and
published it, as it was a good story. This meant more people visited
the site, and the website traffic increased. In turn more journalists
picked up on the story and published it. The result was a viral
explosion in traffic which meant many people bought advertising space
and it is fair to say the site has been highly successful.
So is this the new advertising medium of the internet? I am afraid this
author doesn’t believe so. Once the hype starts to die down,
the story is no longer new, the press will begin to publish fewer
articles on it, and less people will visit the site. This in turn will
lead to even fewer articles being published in the worlds press,
leading to even fewer visitors. This cycle will continue and what
originally made this website successful (viral marketing) will
ultimately lead to its death.
What can internet marketers learn from this? The best way to promote
any new internet venture is to make an interesting story about it,
submit articles and press releases, and if the story is good enough,
watch the viral explosion in visitors.
Of course for long term growth the new site or service has to be good
enough to provide value to visitors, and not just a fad that captures
people’s short term interest. I wish Alex Tew all the best,
but I
think he too will accept that this is not a long term business that can
go anywhere from here.
pixel advertising Works for you?
As you read the history of pixel ad on previous page....The
Englishman, Alex Tew, may not have been the originator of pixel ad
sites, but he did something none of others have done effectively: He
promoted his website to create the vibe needed to get it noticed, and
earned himself $1m pretty quickly.Because Tew's success many has
duplicated his site to cash quickly from the craze. Some copied Tew,s
site exactly and some even had not change words.
And these copycater sell the pixel ads at very low price. Some of them
even introduce an affiliate program which is different from Tew's
site.But although they sold the pixel ad at low price most of them
disappeared within short time.
Tew's success has revealed a new and innovative area of
marketing. Companies or websites DO want to advertise on the internet,
and DO seek new ways to do it. Webmaster knew that net surfers are
bored with traditional means of advertisement(Because of poor response)
and so they want some change. So the idea of pixel advertising is stick
around and remain in existence.
Keep these points in mind while choosing a pixel ad site.....
-There should be other content on a good pixel ad site to attract
visitors and repeate traffic e.g. games, a blog, cartoons,
-Stand alone site or a part of a network of site,latter is better .
-Check the page rank in Alexa & Google
-The Pixel Ad site offers any thing to attract traffic?
-There are only pixel pages or categorized pages according to niche
market,if categorized you can target your niche.
-How many words allowed to insert as text ad?
-there should be an option to edit your ad any time.
-Any additional benefits offered e.g. access to material to
help you with your website, and internet marketing etc
-Cost of the pixel ad
-Duration of the pixel ad on the pixel site
More about Pixel Advertising
Pixel advertising is a form of promotion in which an ad is placed on a
web site using tiny dots otherwise known as pixels, usually with size
in the range of 100 pixels and higher. The pixel ad image normally
links to the advertiser's product, service or web site.
Some people have wrong belief that pixel advertising came about middle
of 2005. Actually, there have been two incidences that pixel
advertising appeared online.
The first incidence happened on April 12, 2004, when a "one pixel ad"
campaign appeared on eBay. the winning bidder could place his ad on the
top of the home page for 21 days. After that nothing heard about one
single pixel ad at any site.
The second incident happened on August 26, 2005, when an enterprising
UK student named Alex Tew introduced his milliondollarhomepage on the
web. Since then, pixel ad sites are popping up on the Net, at
rate of 8 web sites a day. There are now more than 600 web sites
selling pixel ads on the web.
Has pixel advertising here to stay?
If you ask any pixel ad site owner the reply will be yes this form of
advertising is going to stay here. But the 1st creator of a pixel
dollar site the owner of milliondollarhomepage,Alex Tew has a different
view on the subject.
From the mouth of Alex Tew,word to word............
"Is this a new trend in advertising? Personally, I think not. I believe
this idea is a one-off that will only really work once. It's only
unique the first time. However, there may be some future mileage in
this 'pixel advertising' or 'micro-ads' concept in terms of fund
raising for charities or other good causes. But of course, only time
will tell."
Over the past 6 to 12 months the 125 x 125 pixel
has came into existence onto the blogging scene as a fairly common
means of advertising.
I don’t know who did it first but there are
hundreds (if
not thousands) of blogs using it. Some of the more prominent ones
include TechCrunch,Read/WriteWeb.CopyBlogger and John Chow
Why 125 Pixel Ads Are Worth Considering
125 x 125 ads are an attractive option for bloggers and advertisers by
many ways:
- Bloggers would like them
because fitting well into sidebars
-Instead of selling on large skyscraper
a blogger can sell 4 small ones and generates more revenue..
-Advertisers like them as with same
budget they can display ad on more blogs.
-Many companies provide 125x125 pixel
ads so if the
space is not completely sold can be monetize by affiliate programs
Should you run 125 x 125 ads on your blog?
There are some good reasons to experiment with 125 pixel ads
But be careful before you do.........
There are a number of things to consider before moving to this format:
-Some companies still prefer banner ads
over pixel ads
-Many larger advertisers prefer more
traditional ad sizes
- It takes more work & time to
sell four ads than one
- Require more time administrate the 4
How to Use 125 pixel Ads on Your Blog
A few pieces of advice for selling 125 pixel ads:
Keep some extra reserved ads ready as it possible you will be
not able to sell all 4 spots.
- you could run an affiliate program (if
you can find one that fits with your niche)
- you could run an AdSense ad here (they
offer 125
sized ads (although a text ad might look odd next to other image based
- you could run a Chitika ad unit (again
they might look odd)
-run an internal ad (an ad that points
to different parts of your blog/site)
- you could run an ad swap here
– arrange with another blogger in your niche
Pixel Ads Advertising
With so many advertising alternatives that are available, Pixel
Advertising is one of the best ways to advertise your brand today.
Pixel advertising has become a hot topic of discussion where this kind
of advertising has picked off quite well and has got a whole new
coverage as its gaining immense popularity in the recent scenario. To
generate a huge web traffic to your site you might have tried banner
ads, pay per click or even pop up ads, but Pixel ads creates a far more
better impression as compared to other ways of advertising a brand.
Pixel advertising is one of the latest techniques to attract a lot of
visitors to your website. Pixel ads are very reasonably charged where a
box of 20x20 pixels costs you not more than $1.50 and that pretty
cheap. At such an affordable price, you can buy as many blocks as you
wish. Another amazing feature of buying pixel ads is that your ad will
be visible for at least three years! But three years is the minimum
limit, your ad can be visible for a longer period for about five years
too. You can even enjoy additional clicks as the most clicked webpages
are listed in the top ranking and this helps you to gain additional
popularity. When you place your ad by purchasing the desired number of
blocks and place a small image link to your website, the visitor gets
curious to know more about the product displayed in the image and is
urged to click on it, by this way you are able to generate huge web
traffic to your website. Pixel advertising is indeed the best way to
promote your brand as this kind of advertising makes a visitor curious
to know more about the picture placed on the block because it is the
basic human nature to be curious for the things that are unknown.
Though the web traffic generated through pixel advertising may be
untargeted but thousands of advertisers and marketers can't be wrong as
this kind of advertising has really worked for them. One thing is for
sure that Pixel advertising has a long way to go and this site will
keep on growing even if the inventory if loaded. This innovative
technique of advertising a brand is the most cost-effective method of
promotion which is adopted by a number of companies. It is an ideal way
to promote your product as it benefits both the consumer as well as the
advertiser. Just like any other business, pixel advertising also faces
a huge competition, so it is sensible for you to choose a site that
gives you a good opportunity to advertise your products at naughty
cheap prices. It is a brilliant idea to choose this mode of
advertising, as pixel advertising is a brand new concept to promote
your product which has become a highly successful marketing strategy
and has helped a lot of companies. Pixel advertising is absolutely an
exclusive approach towards the world of advertising and has served as a
great opportunity for the companies to promote their products and
services and increasing the web traffic further and thereby generating
a huge business at reasonable prices, now this is what is called a
successful cost-effective marketing concept.
Pixel Ads – A Million Dollar Idea
Thus, pixel advertising is just another fad … here today and
tomorrow? Nobody knows really sure, but now it is one of the hottest
online advertising media.
To bring but for pixel advertising of any kind of physical endurance,
have the people with the concept more than just the introduction of 'do
knockoff sites. "
While the "cookie-cutter clone" approach favors the fast buck artists,
copy Alex Tew's "Million Dollar
Homepage"(www.milliondollarhomepage.com) idea is simply not sustainable
in the long run. What is required in order to survive the pixel
advertising craze is for webmasters to give advertisers a legitimate
reason to buy pixels from them … except that it is new and
If so many people are now selling pixel ads, as different vendors?
Pixel Ads, or to a mere commodity, which is the price per pixel, the
overriding consideration.
So is there hope for the pixels –Advertising as a viable ad
medium? I think so, and the answer lies in one word …
Creativity. How can anyone on this approach, there is a unique twist,
and then add value?
It seems unlikely that advertisers will simply continue to pay good
money to just have an ad on a pixel site … without seeing
them a
potential for return on their investment. A recent random check of
about a dozen pixels clone sites shows this to be true …
is a lot of empty homesunsold. And at prices below what was charged
Alex Tew.
Of course, some sharp marketers soon discovered that pixel sites is
based on "adult entertainment" could be some interest from advertisers
to pull. You need to figure it's only a matter of time before X-Rated
pixel pages are in full bloom all over the internet.
Pornography aside, what are some ways inspired Webmaster pixel ad sites
could earn money? Perhaps through a competition … might
from a raffle a Charity or any other advertising for a good cause. Or
maybe a leader in the blogging community and takes up a pixel site for
like-minded individuals, causes or organizations. As a guide side local
churches in a city.
Another idea might be to a place in the hobby or are fond of pictures,
it might create … as Corvette owners, collectors, people
to grow roses, Fischer – who could display their valuable or
favorite fishing holes, NBA fans, etc. The possibilities are almost
Or how about a site with puppies? A pixel-master could lead dog lovers
and puppy pictures are too. It could even be a free site where the
owner could take place a pinch of Google AdSense ads, a couple of
banner ads for Amazon books on puppy care … and even sell
relevant affiliate links to the websites to dog related
read more
Pixel Advertising: Fad or Trend?
Pixel advertising is an innovative marketing concept introduced by
22-year-old Alex Tew that allows advertisers to buy advertising space
on a per-pixel cost basis. The more pixels an advertiser buys, the
larger their ad and the greater the chance that it will be clicked on.
Selling one million pixels at $1 each, Alex's Million Dollar Homepage
has created quite a buzz in the news media
and has easily reached its $1 million target.
Thanks to the stunning success of Tew's Million Dollar Homepage (MDHP),
pixel ad sites have mushroomed all over the net. There are even
commercial scripts that you can buy that will allow you to set up your
own million-dollar homepage in less than 15 minutes. However, this does
not mean you'll make a million dollars...or even a thousand
dollars...or even the cost of the script.
Alex Tew's pixel advertising concept was simple, so simple that it
eventually led many people to pound their heads on the wall repeating
to themselves, "Why didn't I think of this first?" But his idea was
also novel and original. And because of its novelty it commanded a lot
of attention (and free publicity) from the media.
Needless to say, no news organization will rush to report about a
second million-dollar homepage, let alone one set up in 15 minutes with
a purchased script. This is not to say, however, that there is no room
in cyberspace for the second or third or even thousandth MDHP. In fact,
there are presently at least a thousand MDHP clones hoping to
capitalize on the pixel advertising craze. Many of them have managed to
make a lot of money despite not being the original.
Some people view MDHP clones as little more than shameless imitations
trying to leech off Tew's original concept. This would be the case if
his idea, while fun and original, has little use beyond his website.
On the contrary, the clones have proved quite the opposite. Their
successes have demonstrated that Tew's Million Dollar Homepage was
worth much more than $1 million. Moreover, they have lend legitimacy to
the concept of pixel .
While the original MDHP has made "internet history" (in Tew's words) by
achieving its $1 million goal, it is unlikely to become anything more
than just a blip in internet history if the concept is not adopted and
refined by others. In fact, most MDHP clones have achieved their riches
not by ripping off Tew's site verbatim, but by borrowing his pixel
advertising concept and finding creative uses for it.
Far from being just a fad, pixel advertising holds an enormous promise
as an alternative, cost-effective channel for online advertising. But
the concept is still in its infancy, and to avoid becoming internet
history, it has to evolve. An important aspect of this evolution is how
limitations inherent in the concept itself and in how pixel advertising
is being used are addressed.
Perhaps the most obvious argument against pixel advertising is that its
current use is largely limited to websites with seemingly useless
clutters of ads with no content whatsoever. At best these sites offer
advertisers little more than a source of non-targeted traffic.
An obvious solution to this is to incorporate pixel advertising into
content-rich sites. Instead of selling pixel advertising exclusively
through a site with nothing but a giant grid of picture ads,
banner-sized pixel grids may be incorporated into a site with real
content. A good example of this application is the relatively small and
unobtrusive pixel panel placed on http://www.ezclassifieds.org. Since
most people go to ezClassifieds.org to post and look at ads, the site
is an ideal place to offer pixel advertising to visitors. Obviously,
incorporating pixel ads into content sites involves a lot more work
than installing a ready-made script on a new domain. It involves
developing a content-rich site and then offering pixel ads as an
alternative to text links and traditional banner ads.
Used in this way, pixel ads are at the very least superior to
traditional banner ads. Unlike traditional banners, a pixel banner may
contain ads for several advertisers. Plus, pixel ads are not confined
to predetermined shapes and sizes. Many pixel ad scripts will
automatically resize images submitted by advertisers, eliminating the
need to edit them to conform to the publisher's requirements.
Purchasing pixel ads is usually painless and often fully automated.
Since most people have grown accustomed to ignore banner ads, pixel ads
are likely to generate higher click-through rates.
Affordable Pixel Advertising
In August of 2005 an English university student came up with a Million
Dollar idea he had in the middle of the night to pay his way through
college. Alex Tew built a website called The Million Dollar Homepage,
in which he sold pixel advertising space pixel by pixel. The page is
broken up into 10,000 100 pixel blocks, which Tew each block for $100
dollars each, or $1 dollar per pixel. News about Tew's site exploded
worldwide and gained business interest in pixel ads and was even
featured on the front page of CNN.com. On January 1, 2006 the final
1,000 pixels left were put up for auction on eBay. The auction closed
on January 11 with the winning bid of $38,100.00. This brought the
final tally to $1,037,100 USD in gross income. In a span of about 5
months all of the ad space was sold and Alex Tew had made well over his
One Million Dollar mark.
Pixel advertising is a new unique approach to advertising. It provides
the opportunity for individuals to advertise their product, service or
personal website. Pixel advertising works because the small image links
strike visitors curiosity and intrigues them to click on the image to
see what that link is all about. It's human nature to be naturally
curious about the unknown. Granted all traffic generated by pixel sites
are untargeted, but hundreds of thousands of advertisers across
thousands of Pixel Sites can't be wrong. Pixel advertising is here to
The whole idea is innovative and is allowing a more cost effective way
for companies and individuals to advertise on the internet. However,
the key for those so-called "Copycat" sites to survive and
differentiate them from the competition. That's where
MegaPixelBlocks.com comes into play.
A new pixel site MegaPixelBlocks.com offers affordable pixel
advertising at a very small fraction of the cost of the original
million dollar homepage by Alex Tew. At MegaPixelBlocks.com advertisers
can buy 100 Pixel Blocks starting at only $0.50 per block, a price
never seen before on any other pixel advertising site! Not only that,
MegaPixelBlocks.com also offers limited free pixel blocks for
advertisers. Advertisers can also easily change their image, hover
text, and link anytime they like buy simply logging in and managing
their pixel blocks. This feature was not offered at Alex Tew's
homepage. MegaPixelBlocks.com also hosts a top list of other Million
Dollar Pixel Sites for visitors to checkout the competition and choose
for themselves which pixel site is best for them. Also in terms of SEO,
advertising at MegaPixelBlocks.com provides a competitive edge over
other sites as they provide a direct link to the URL specified by the
advertiser which is not offered by most other pixel sites which
redirect visitors.
Check out MegaPixelBlocks.com for yourself and decide if pixel
advertising is right for you!
Choose Pixel Advertising Sites Wisely, and Know Who All Profits
A new form of Internet advertising has exploded and it is receiving a
lot of response lately - pixel advertising. Essentially, it is where
people purchase a set of pixels on the homepage of a Web site,
inserting their company logo that links back to their own site.
Potentially, the end result can be increased Web site traffic to both
the pixel site and the advertisers placing their images there.
As a potential advertiser seeking unique online exposure and increased
traffic for your Web site, use precautions before spending your money
on just any pixel advertising Web site.
Don't be impulsive with your advertising dollars. Do some comparison
shopping online first. Take a few moments to browse different pixel
sites, read the content on their sites about their company and what
makes them unique among other pixel ad sites. Compare their pricing,
the sizes of pixel ads available, the placement of your ad on their
homepage, and the length of time your ad will be placed on their Web
Choose pixel advertising sites devoted to a charitable or worth while
cause…Alex Tew, a UK college student, started
MillionDollarHomepage.com (the first known pixel advertising site) so
he could save enough money to go to college. There are others like him
out there whose primary goal is to use pixel advertising as a way to
donate to a charity or help others who are less fortunate. Sites like
BannerCanvas.com by owner Chad King were started to raise money to help
tear down his mother's old dilapidated trailer and build her a brand
new house on the same property. These sites are definitely worth
checking out first.
Seek out pixel ad sites whose owners already believe in natural search
engine optimization, and are paying an SEO company for natural and
ethical search engine optimization. How can you tell without directly
asking? While it may not be the best indicator, one method is to look
for keywords in the META titles, META descriptions and META keyword
tags on many pages of the Web site. Look for those same keywords
throughout the content on the site.
Find pixel advertising sites who will genuinely keep its word on
leaving your ad on their Web site for the 5 or 10 years as promised.
Many of these new pixel sites popping up everywhere will no longer be
around one year from now, because they will have taken everybody's
money and stopped paying for their domain and hosting fees. You do not
want to advertise on a fly-by-night-take-your-money-and-run type of
pixel site.
Before paying for a pixel advertising site, actually contact the owner
of the pixel ad site by phone or email and get to know him or her. Ask
that person questions like what he intends to do with the money
generated from pixel advertising, or what percentage (if any) will be
donated to charity. What charity will the money be donated to, or what
individual or family will be the recipient of the donations?
Pixel advertising is fast becoming the latest online trend. As a
potential advertiser, first take the time to shop around before
choosing which pixel advertising site to pay for, and find out who will
profit from your advertising dollars.
An Alternate Method of Advertising - Pixel Advertising
Pixel Advertising is a unique alternative to your everyday advertising
methods has been stirring up quite a bit of buzz selling 'Pixel Ads'.
There is a new form of advertising that is taking off and from the new
coverage it is getting. Currently webmasters spend huge amounts of
money to get web visitors via banner ads, popup ads, and pay per click
ads. The newest mode of attracting traffic is called Pixel Advertising.
Businesses and webmasters can purchase pixel ads for one buck per
pixel. Although the minimum ad buy is 10x10 pixels, advertisers can
create larger ads, in any shape or form (assuming it is divisible by
the 10x10 ad blocks). Most sell in the 10px by 10px minimum format
since this is logically the smallest usable space. All the blocks
bought commonly must form a square or rectangle. The basic premise is
that people buy pixels on a web page that link back to their web site.
One of the most unique features of purchasing pixel ads is the fact
that once it is purchased, your ad will remain in place for a minimum
of five years. Advertisements will be placed for an absolute minimum of
five years. Although we say five years, we expect the website to live
for much longer and anticipate its lifeline to be well over ten years.
The site will continue to grow, even after our inventory is filled. I
can assure you that the pixel advertising site will not die and will
continue to work in both the consumers and advertisers benefit over the
years. It will add to the collection of inbound links that all sites
need to be successful.
Pixel Sites...everyone's jumping on the band wagon
Not a day goes by when I don't get an email or see a site pushing yet
another pixel advertising site but are these really a good advertising
venue or is everyone just jumping on the band wagon expecting to make a
few quick bucks or even get rich.
A search on Google
for pixel sites gives 22,7000 results. The rage started when a 21 year
old from England launched an advertising site where you paid $1 per
pixel of advertising and the page was divided into 1,000,000 pixels.
The advertising sold out and the guy made a cool million dollars! And
get this the last remaining 1000 pixels were sold on eBay for a
staggering $38,100!
The original site - The Million Dollar Homepage was launched on 26th
August 2005. The guy then emailed all his friends and told them to pass
on details of his site to their friends and so on...and then he sold
his first 400 pixels for $400. At this stage the site was getting
around 100 hits a day so he started to contact the press. An IT news
site picked it up and ran an article resulting in 2000 hits an hour, it
got ranked by Google and the hits went up to 35,000 a day.
And as the ball started rolling the visitors to the site increased,
more pixels were sold, the guy made more money and the press interest
increased. The site was getting over 100,000 unique visitors in 2 days
and the UK nationals ran stories on the site. Then the story found its
way into US papers, TV appearances followed and so on....publicity
generates publicity. The site was getting hundreds of thousands of
unique visitors and advertisers were seeing a good click through rate
for their adverts.
Further TV interviews and radio interviews followed, Reuters ran an
article on the site, as did the Wall Street Journal. With the last few
remaining pixels auctioned on eBay the guy made is million dollars on
11th January 2006 - less of course any costs he incurred.
And then of course, the site was hacked and money demanded (which the
FBI are currently investigating) but even this led to more media
By the end of October 2005 hundreds of copy cat sites had started to
spring up. Now there are thousands of them if not more. Have you
visited any of these - most have no adverts on them, no traffic and no
one in their right mind would choose to advertise on them.
So why have thousands of others thought they could hop on the bandwagon
and make a quick $1,000,000? This guy had an unprecedented level of
media attention, driving thousands and thousands of visitors to the
Even the guy behind the Million Dollar Home Page pixel site
acknowledges that it is not a lasting business idea but a novel one off
idea. There is no long term business concept and it will only work
once. How long it will take those jumping on the pixel bandwagon to
realise this - who knows!
Hot Pixel Advertising Site!
Pixel advertising is the fastest growing form of advertising on the
internet. Summer of 2005 was nearing its end in England and a young man
by the name of Alex Tew was about to enter college. He thought that it
was insane that he'd go to university for 4 or 5 years and then come
out owing tens of thousands of dollars (or pounds as it were). So, he
had this silly little idea ... put up a website with one million pixels
of advertising space for $1 a pixel, keep all of the ads up forever (or
at least five years), and use that money to pay for his schooling. If
he sold all of the pixel advertising spots over the course of the next
few years - then he would raise a million dollars… And
that’s how pixel advertising started.
Today, linking on a home page does not only get you traffic and
exposure of your picture or banner. When google.com came out with page
rank check, it became crucial to have other sites linking to you to
increase your search engine ranking
The more sites linking to you the better is your chance to appear on
the first page of search engines, and the more traffic you get. Sites
with higher page rank linking to you increase your page rank faster and
higher than sites with low or no page rank.
PixelAdvertisingMarbella.com has a page rank of 4/10 as of January 2007
and increasing as more sites are linking to it and time passe since
it’s been online in end of 2005.
The longer the site has been online, the higher it’s page
Placing your link on a pixel advertising site is worth every penny you
spend on it, your link will be placed for ever next to hundreds of
other sites making it an attractive place for search engines. That
means, your site will get indexed faster and more often.
Most pixel adverting sites display a background of blocks of which you
choose to place your link. Pixel Advertising Marbella.com display a hot
and sexy picture making it more attractive to look at and get
Prices at pixeladvertisingmarbella.com are 4 times cheaper than the
original milliondollarpage.com. instead of selling each pixel for a
dollar, Pixeladvertisingmarbella.com charges only 25 cents per pixel.
Pixel Advertising Works
In Touch Media initial micro-ad effort will begin with PixelBay.org for
general advertising, and then over the next seven days will announce a
series of three additional focused pixel sites aimed at specific
sectors. "I want the word pixel to be the next great water cooler
phrase", Cefail says, "And it is great timing with Christmas coming up".
The question everyone should be considering now is whether or not there
will be a personal pixel under their own cyber Christmas tree. If
Cefail has his way the answer will be use.
Affordable Pixel Advertising
ages the pixels form are similar to a mosaic format and a type of
cigar wrapper art. The aim is to attract potential customers to click
on your link, providing your website with more hits and thus more sales.
Pixel advertising is relatively new and some experts are touting it as
the next big thing on the advertising front. Most pixel advertising
companies set the minimum limit of 10px by 10px. This is logically the
smallest space available for pixel advertising.
The Newest Tren
In August of 2005 an English university student came up with a Million
Dollar idea he had in the middle of the night to pay his way through
college. Alex Tew built a website called The Million Dollar Homepage,
in which he sold pixel advertising space pixel by pixel. The page is
broken up into 10,000 100 pixel blocks, which Tew each block for $100
dollars each, or $1 dollar per pixel. News about Tew's site exploded
worldwide and gained business interest in pixel ads and was even
featured on the front page of CNN.com. On January 1, 2006 the final
1,000 pixels left were put up for auction on eBay. The auction closed
on January 11 with the winning bid of $38,100.00. This brought the
final tally to $1,037,100 USD in gross income. In a span of about 5
months all of the ad space was sold and Alex Tew had made well over his
One Million Dollar mark.
Pixel advertising is a new unique approach to advertising. It provides
the opportunity for individuals to advertise their product, service or
personal website. Pixel advertising works because the small image links
strike visitors curiosity and intrigues them to click on the image to
see what that link is all about. It's human nature to be naturally
curious about the unknown. Granted all traffic generated by pixel sites
are untargeted, but hundreds of thousands of advertisers across
thousands of Pixel Sites can't be wrong. Pixel advertising is here to
The whole idea is innovative and is allowing a more cost effective way
for companies and individuals to advertise on the internet. However,
the key for those so-called "Copycat" sites to survive and
differentiate them from the competition. That's where
MegaPixelBlocks.com comes into play.
A new pixel site MegaPixelBlocks.com offers affordable pixel
advertising at a very small fraction of the cost of the original
million dollar homepage by Alex Tew. At MegaPixelBlocks.com advertisers
can buy 100 Pixel Blocks starting at only $0.50 per block, a price
never seen before on any other pixel advertising site! Not only that,
MegaPixelBlocks.com also offers limited free pixel blocks for
advertisers. Advertisers can also easily change their image, hover
text, and link anytime they like buy simply logging in and managing
their pixel blocks. This feature was not offered at Alex Tew's
homepage. MegaPixelBlocks.com also hosts a top list of other Million
Dollar Pixel Sites for visitors to checkout the competition and choose
for themselves which pixel site is best for them. Also in terms of SEO,
advertising at MegaPixelBlocks.com provides a competitive edge over
other sites as they provide a direct link to the URL specified by the
advertiser which is not offered by most other pixel sites which
redirect visitors.
Check out MegaPixelBlocks.com for yourself and decide if pixel
advertising is right for you!
Pixel Advertising: Fad or Trend?
Pixel advertising is an innovative marketing concept introduced by
22-year-old Alex Tew that allows advertisers to buy advertising space
on a per-pixel cost basis. The more pixels an advertiser buys, the
larger their ad and the greater the chance that it will be clicked on.
Selling one million pixels at $1 each, Alex's Million Dollar Homepage
has created quite a buzz in the news media
and has easily reached its $1 million target.
Thanks to the stunning success of Tew's Million Dollar Homepage (MDHP),
pixel ad sites have mushroomed all over the net. There are even
commercial scripts that you can buy that will allow you to set up your
own million-dollar homepage in less than 15 minutes. However, this does
not mean you'll make a million dollars...or even a thousand
dollars...or even the cost of the script.
Alex Tew's pixel advertising concept was simple, so simple that it
eventually led many people to pound their heads on the wall repeating
to themselves, "Why didn't I think of this first?" But his idea was
also novel and original. And because of its novelty it commanded a lot
of attention (and free publicity) from the media.
Needless to say, no news organization will rush to report about a
second million-dollar homepage, let alone one set up in 15 minutes with
a purchased script. This is not to say, however, that there is no room
in cyberspace for the second or third or even thousandth MDHP. In fact,
there are presently at least a thousand MDHP clones hoping to
capitalize on the pixel advertising craze. Many of them have managed to
make a lot of money despite not being the original.
Some people view MDHP clones as little more than shameless imitations
trying to leech off Tew's original concept. This would be the case if
his idea, while fun and original, has little use beyond his website.
On the contrary, the clones have proved quite the opposite. Their
successes have demonstrated that Tew's Million Dollar Homepage was
worth much more than $1 million. Moreover, they have lend legitimacy to
the concept of pixel .
While the original MDHP has made "internet history" (in Tew's words) by
achieving its $1 million goal, it is unlikely to become anything more
than just a blip in internet history if the concept is not adopted and
refined by others. In fact, most MDHP clones have achieved their riches
not by ripping off Tew's site verbatim, but by borrowing his pixel
advertising concept and finding creative uses for it.
Far from being just a fad, pixel advertising holds an enormous promise
as an alternative, cost-effective channel for online advertising. But
the concept is still in its infancy, and to avoid becoming internet
history, it has to evolve. An important aspect of this evolution is how
limitations inherent in the concept itself and in how pixel advertising
is being used are addressed.
Perhaps the most obvious argument against pixel advertising is that its
current use is largely limited to websites with seemingly useless
clutters of ads with no content whatsoever. At best these sites offer
advertisers little more than a source of non-targeted traffic.
An obvious solution to this is to incorporate pixel advertising into
content-rich sites. Instead of selling pixel advertising exclusively
through a site with nothing but a giant grid of picture ads,
banner-sized pixel grids may be incorporated into a site with real
content. A good example of this application is the relatively small and
unobtrusive pixel panel placed on http://www.ezclassifieds.org. Since
most people go to ezClassifieds.org to post and look at ads, the site
is an ideal place to offer pixel advertising to visitors. Obviously,
incorporating pixel ads into content sites involves a lot more work
than installing a ready-made script on a new domain. It involves
developing a content-rich site and then offering pixel ads as an
alternative to text links and traditional banner ads.
Used in this way, pixel ads are at the very least superior to
traditional banner ads. Unlike traditional banners, a pixel banner may
contain ads for several advertisers. Plus, pixel ads are not confined
to predetermined shapes and sizes. Many pixel ad scripts will
automatically resize images submitted by advertisers, eliminating the
need to edit them to conform to the publisher's requirements.
Purchasing pixel ads is usually painless and often fully automated.
Since most people have grown accustomed to ignore banner ads, pixel ads
are likely to generate higher click-through rates.
Pixel Advertising Site Takes Off
Pixel Advertising is increasingly becoming the most popular and cost
affective way to advertise on the internet
A year ago pixel advertising wasn't heard of and didn't exist, that was
until a student named Alex Tew invented the idea to make a pixel grid
where internet businesses could display their own logo or image. He
named his website ‘The Million Dollar Home Page' and suddenly
name became internet history. Alex Tew the maker of the website, wanted
to fund his student loan which is why he made The Million Dollar Home
Page. His website can be found at http://www.milliondollarhomepage.com.
His idea, more than paid off his student loan, after only a couple of
months he had sold all of his pixels and made a total of $1000000!
As soon as the idea became so successful a lot of similar pixel selling
websites appeared. But very few are turning out to be as successful as
the original. It's a great way for advertisers to get visitors, as the
idea drags the visitors to become more interested than any other
advertising method. The colorful grid packed full of interesting images
makes users want to keep clicking the images to find out what's there.
Alex then received threats from hackers demanding money; otherwise they
would switch the site down. Alex thought nothing of it and rejected
their threats which sadly resulted in his website being switched off by
hackers for 4 days. This then lead to an advertiser on the Million
Dollar Home Page threatening to sue Alex Tew for the 4 days the site
was not available. The Million Dollar Homepage will be sold out for
five years, as all advertisers are kept listed until 2011. So you might
be wondering what other pixel websites are worth advertising on?
The answer to that is not many. Most are just ‘'People''
to make a lot of money from copying the idea made by Alex Tew. In fact
there are only a couple of pixel advertising sites that id bother with
and these are, PIXEL M8 and PIXEMEUP, as they are both reputable
businesses in the pixel adverting market. As most pixel advertising
websites are setup by just bog standard people such as youths, you will
find a lot just disappear as they aren't successful. Both PIXEL M8 and
PIXMEUP are extremely reliable to advertise on and are also both
offering great deals; you can find them at http://www.pixelm8.com and
http://www.pixmeup.com. James Allsopp and Humberto Tordecilla the
owners of PIXEL M8.com believe that there site will be the next Million
Dollar Home Page. So, what are the benefits of Advertising on a
reputable Pixel Advertising Site?
Well, for a one off fee your image link will usually be kept on the
site for around five years. You will receive a large number of visits
to your site over the course of five years. Direct links from well
ranked pages. Logos are always visible on each page. Long term
The size constraints actually spur creativity in a way that traditional
banners don't. Constant traffic and brand promotion. In my opinion
pixel advertising is by far the best method for advertising a website.
There are so many benefits, but if you're thinking of
a pixel advertising website, I personally wouldn't bother unless you
can beat the three main players -http://www.milliondollarhomepage.com ,
http://www.pixelm8.com or http://www.pixmeup.com
An Alternate Method of Advertising - Pixel Advertising
Pixel Advertising is a unique alternative to your everyday advertising
methods has been stirring up quite a bit of buzz selling 'Pixel Ads'.
There is a new form of advertising that is taking off and from the new
coverage it is getting. Currently webmasters spend huge amounts of
money to get web visitors via banner ads, popup ads, and pay per click
ads. The newest mode of attracting traffic is called Pixel Advertising.
Businesses and webmasters can purchase pixel ads for one buck per
pixel. Although the minimum ad buy is 10x10 pixels, advertisers can
create larger ads, in any shape or form (assuming it is divisible by
the 10x10 ad blocks). Most sell in the 10px by 10px minimum format
since this is logically the smallest usable space. All the blocks
bought commonly must form a square or rectangle. The basic premise is
that people buy pixels on a web page that link back to their web site.
One of the most unique features of purchasing pixel ads is the fact
that once it is purchased, your ad will remain in place for a minimum
of five years. Advertisements will be placed for an absolute minimum of
five years. Although we say five years, we expect the website to live
for much longer and anticipate its lifeline to be well over ten years.
The site will continue to grow, even after our inventory is filled. I
can assure you that the pixel advertising site will not die and will
continue to work in both the consumers and advertisers benefit over the
years. It will add to the collection of inbound links that all sites
need to be successful.
Pixel Advertising Website
Pixel Advertising Website Tactics
There are numerous websites that specialize in pixel advertising
website methods. The website will suggest a price per pixel, and then
it is up to you to make your advert look as attractive as possible.
Wag the Dog Marketing will be able to advise you on where the best
pixel websites are. You can hire the space for a five- to 10-year
period, or less, and when you compare this to the price of pay per
click advertising over the same time period, the price difference is
The imd in
Online Advertising
The great thing about pixel advertising methods is that you make a
one-time payment for a set amount of years. You know how much it costs
so it is easier to manage your advertising budget this way.
The cost effective nature of pixel advertising is one of its endearing
features. It might still be a little too early to realize how large an
influence pixel advertising will have on the marketing world. However,
when compared to other forms of online advertising the prices are great
value for money with little risk.
Whichever direction you decide to take with pixel advertising, your
links will be out in the public domain. This is always the short-term
goal of a company – to get their brand into the
sub-conscience of
The low risk nature of pixel advertising ensures that you cannot really
lose. You will only gain because the prices and options are so cheap in
comparison to other forms of online marketing. This is a recommended
option for businesses on a tight budget who still crave more customers
and publicity.
Something for Nearly Nothing
A pixel advertising website campaign would be a great first-time
approach to online marketing. Wag the Dog are here to point you in the
right direction and provide any advice you might need along your
With this being the next big thing, pixel advertising is still an
unknown quantity. The cheap advertising prices, which include five to
ten years worth of advertising space, are very attractive and worth a
You cannot really lose a great amount of money with pixel advertising.
Anything that offers a link to your website and diverts the traffic
your way has to be a good thing. Let Wag the Dog Marketing show you how
it is done.
Andrew Anderson www.top-dog.org
Pixel Advertising Works
People in general are very curious about things that surprise or
confound them. They want to find out the answers about something when
confronted with questions or a mystery. Advertising is all about
grabbing and keeping attention. This is what Pixelbay.org
(www.pixelbay.org) has based their whole business model on, using the
worlds smallest ads, and it seems to be working if their advertisers
are asked it. One should also ask one of the 36,000 people who rushed
to see the unique ads at www.pixelbay.org since it launch three weeks
When Pixelbay.org designed their unique homepage, they knew that people
would be intrigued by this big checkerboard page filled with micro-ads.
Each of these ads is linked to the advertiser's web site. Pixelbay.org
then uses a hi-tech array of promotional tools to drive a tidal wave of
consumers to the big homepage. The visitors then have their curiosity
peeked as they look at these micro-ads. One feels compelled to start
looking at each of the ads. This is what Pixelbay.org calls the "what's
that"effect. You just feel like you have to look under at each of these
seemingly microscopic ads.
Pixelbay.org was created by In Touch Media Group, a leading supplier of
online marketing services, which will oversee the promotional efforts
for Pixelbay.org. ITMG, which recently received the highest rating
given by Google for search engine marketing expertise, plans to use its
entire battery of paid search tools to flood its new micro-ad site,
PixelBay.org (www.pixelbay.org), with web site traffic.
ITMG will also unleash its breakthrough publicity service, aptly named
Press Direct, to drive world wide traffic to the site. Press Direct
involves the production of search engine optimized articles, which are
placed in dozens of the world's largest article content hubs, to
proliferate any story throughout the internet. This action is then
followed by the placement of search engine optimized press releases in
media services such as PRWeb.com, in conjunction with the distribution
of the release to its own in-house media list of 10,000 contacts. One
recent ITMG gained an estimated 400 media pick-ups in just seven days
using Press Direct.
The Chairman of In Touch Media, Bob Cefail, feels that his company is
uniquely qualified to bring this cutting edge method of advertising out
into the mainstream. "We have a vast array of tools to swamp a web site
with traffic", said Cefail,"By using Press Direct and search engine
marketing we can focus a heavy stream of web site traffic on any
target". ITMG feels that the micro-ad industry, although very new, is
fragmented and underdeveloped despite the maturity of current internet
Cefail believes he understands "why" people are attracted to these
pixel advertising sites. "I went to several of these sites and I found
myself compelled to click away at these little ads", states Cefail. "I
wanted to find out who the advertisers were out of pure curiosity. The
thing that was exciting is that the advertisers had some great offers
that I would have never have known about if I didn't go to the sites".
In Touch Media is also drawn to this type of Advertising because of the
demographic who it believes pixel based alternative promotions appeals
to the most. According to the Pew Internet & American Life
84% of all American adults ages 18-29, are internet users. This
demographic is highly prized by advertisers and is increasingly more
difficult to reach through traditional advertising. A study done by
Stanford also reported that the average U.S. internet user is on the
internet close to 3 hours a day easily exceeding average TV viewing
which is now at 1.7 hours a day.
In Touch Media initial micro-ad effort will begin with PixelBay.org for
general advertising, and then over the next seven days will announce a
series of three additional focused pixel sites aimed at specific
sectors. "I want the word pixel to be the next great water cooler
phrase", Cefail says, "And it is great timing with Christmas coming up".
The question everyone should be considering now is whether or not there
will be a personal pixel under their own cyber Christmas tree. If
Cefail has his way the answer will be use.
Affordable Pixel Advertising
In August of 2005 an English university student came up with a Million
Dollar idea he had in the middle of the night to pay his way through
college. Alex Tew built a website called The Million Dollar Homepage,
in which he sold pixel advertising space pixel by pixel. The page is
broken up into 10,000 100 pixel blocks, which Tew each block for $100
dollars each, or $1 dollar per pixel. News about Tew's site exploded
worldwide and gained business interest in pixel ads and was even
featured on the front page of CNN.com. On January 1, 2006 the final
1,000 pixels left were put up for auction on eBay. The auction closed
on January 11 with the winning bid of $38,100.00. This brought the
final tally to $1,037,100 USD in gross income. In a span of about 5
months all of the ad space was sold and Alex Tew had made well over his
One Million Dollar mark.
Pixel advertising is a new unique approach to advertising. It provides
the opportunity for individuals to advertise their product, service or
personal website. Pixel advertising works because the small image links
strike visitors curiosity and intrigues them to click on the image to
see what that link is all about. It's human nature to be naturally
curious about the unknown. Granted all traffic generated by pixel sites
are untargeted, but hundreds of thousands of advertisers across
thousands of Pixel Sites can't be wrong. Pixel advertising is here to
The whole idea is innovative and is allowing a more cost effective way
for companies and individuals to advertise on the internet. However,
the key for those so-called "Copycat" sites to survive and
differentiate them from the competition. That's where
MegaPixelBlocks.com comes into play.
A new pixel site MegaPixelBlocks.com offers affordable pixel
advertising at a very small fraction of the cost of the original
million dollar homepage by Alex Tew. At MegaPixelBlocks.com advertisers
can buy 100 Pixel Blocks starting at only $0.50 per block, a price
never seen before on any other pixel advertising site! Not only that,
MegaPixelBlocks.com also offers limited free pixel blocks for
advertisers. Advertisers can also easily change their image, hover
text, and link anytime they like buy simply logging in and managing
their pixel blocks. This feature was not offered at Alex Tew's
homepage. MegaPixelBlocks.com also hosts a top list of other Million
Dollar Pixel Sites for visitors to checkout the competition and choose
for themselves which pixel site is best for them. Also in terms of SEO,
advertising at MegaPixelBlocks.com provides a competitive edge over
other sites as they provide a direct link to the URL specified by the
advertiser which is not offered by most other pixel sites which
redirect visitors.
Check out MegaPixelBlocks.com for yourself and decide if pixel
advertising is right for you!
Pixel Advertising: Fad or Trend?
Pixel advertising is an innovative marketing concept introduced by
22-year-old Alex Tew that allows advertisers to buy advertising space
on a per-pixel cost basis. The more pixels an advertiser buys, the
larger their ad and the greater the chance that it will be clicked on.
Selling one million pixels at $1 each, Alex's Million Dollar Homepage
has created quite a buzz in the news media
and has easily reached its $1 million target.
Thanks to the stunning success of Tew's Million Dollar Homepage (MDHP),
pixel ad sites have mushroomed all over the net. There are even
commercial scripts that you can buy that will allow you to set up your
own million-dollar homepage in less than 15 minutes. However, this does
not mean you'll make a million dollars...or even a thousand
dollars...or even the cost of the script.
Alex Tew's pixel advertising concept was simple, so simple that it
eventually led many people to pound their heads on the wall repeating
to themselves, "Why didn't I think of this first?" But his idea was
also novel and original. And because of its novelty it commanded a lot
of attention (and free publicity) from the media.
Needless to say, no news organization will rush to report about a
second million-dollar homepage, let alone one set up in 15 minutes with
a purchased script. This is not to say, however, that there is no room
in cyberspace for the second or third or even thousandth MDHP. In fact,
there are presently at least a thousand MDHP clones hoping to
capitalize on the pixel advertising craze. Many of them have managed to
make a lot of money despite not being the original.
Some people view MDHP clones as little more than shameless imitations
trying to leech off Tew's original concept. This would be the case if
his idea, while fun and original, has little use beyond his website.
On the contrary, the clones have proved quite the opposite. Their
successes have demonstrated that Tew's Million Dollar Homepage was
worth much more than $1 million. Moreover, they have lend legitimacy to
the concept of pixel .
While the original MDHP has made "internet history" (in Tew's words) by
achieving its $1 million goal, it is unlikely to become anything more
than just a blip in internet history if the concept is not adopted and
refined by others. In fact, most MDHP clones have achieved their riches
not by ripping off Tew's site verbatim, but by borrowing his pixel
advertising concept and finding creative uses for it.
Far from being just a fad, pixel advertising holds an enormous promise
as an alternative, cost-effective channel for online advertising. But
the concept is still in its infancy, and to avoid becoming internet
history, it has to evolve. An important aspect of this evolution is how
limitations inherent in the concept itself and in how pixel advertising
is being used are addressed.
Perhaps the most obvious argument against pixel advertising is that its
current use is largely limited to websites with seemingly useless
clutters of ads with no content whatsoever. At best these sites offer
advertisers little more than a source of non-targeted traffic.
An obvious solution to this is to incorporate pixel advertising into
content-rich sites. Instead of selling pixel advertising exclusively
through a site with nothing but a giant grid of picture ads,
banner-sized pixel grids may be incorporated into a site with real
content. A good example of this application is the relatively small and
unobtrusive pixel panel placed on http://www.ezclassifieds.org. Since
most people go to ezClassifieds.org to post and look at ads, the site
is an ideal place to offer pixel advertising to visitors. Obviously,
incorporating pixel ads into content sites involves a lot more work
than installing a ready-made script on a new domain. It involves
developing a content-rich site and then offering pixel ads as an
alternative to text links and traditional banner ads.
Used in this way, pixel ads are at the very least superior to
traditional banner ads. Unlike traditional banners, a pixel banner may
contain ads for several advertisers. Plus, pixel ads are not confined
to predetermined shapes and sizes. Many pixel ad scripts will
automatically resize images submitted by advertisers, eliminating the
need to edit them to conform to the publisher's requirements.
Purchasing pixel ads is usually painless and often fully automated.
Since most people have grown accustomed to ignore banner ads, pixel ads
are likely to generate higher click-through rates.
Pixel Advertising Site Takes Off
Pixel Advertising is increasingly becoming the most popular and cost
affective way to advertise on the internet
A year ago pixel advertising wasn't heard of and didn't exist, that was
until a student named Alex Tew invented the idea to make a pixel grid
where internet businesses could display their own logo or image. He
named his website ‘The Million Dollar Home Page' and suddenly
name became internet history. Alex Tew the maker of the website, wanted
to fund his student loan which is why he made The Million Dollar Home
Page. His website can be found at http://www.milliondollarhomepage.com.
His idea, more than paid off his student loan, after only a couple of
months he had sold all of his pixels and made a total of $1000000!
As soon as the idea became so successful a lot of similar pixel selling
websites appeared. But very few are turning out to be as successful as
the original. It's a great way for advertisers to get visitors, as the
idea drags the visitors to become more interested than any other
advertising method. The colorful grid packed full of interesting images
makes users want to keep clicking the images to find out what's there.
Alex then received threats from hackers demanding money; otherwise they
would switch the site down. Alex thought nothing of it and rejected
their threats which sadly resulted in his website being switched off by
hackers for 4 days. This then lead to an advertiser on the Million
Dollar Home Page threatening to sue Alex Tew for the 4 days the site
was not available. The Million Dollar Homepage will be sold out for
five years, as all advertisers are kept listed until 2011. So you might
be wondering what other pixel websites are worth advertising on?
The answer to that is not many. Most are just ‘'People''
to make a lot of money from copying the idea made by Alex Tew. In fact
there are only a couple of pixel advertising sites that id bother with
and these are, PIXEL M8 and PIXEMEUP, as they are both reputable
businesses in the pixel adverting market. As most pixel advertising
websites are setup by just bog standard people such as youths, you will
find a lot just disappear as they aren't successful. Both PIXEL M8 and
PIXMEUP are extremely reliable to advertise on and are also both
offering great deals; you can find them at http://www.pixelm8.com and
http://www.pixmeup.com. James Allsopp and Humberto Tordecilla the
owners of PIXEL M8.com believe that there site will be the next Million
Dollar Home Page. So, what are the benefits of Advertising on a
reputable Pixel Advertising Site?
Well, for a one off fee your image link will usually be kept on the
site for around five years. You will receive a large number of visits
to your site over the course of five years. Direct links from well
ranked pages. Logos are always visible on each page. Long term
The size constraints actually spur creativity in a way that traditional
banners don't. Constant traffic and brand promotion. In my opinion
pixel advertising is by far the best method for advertising a website.
There are so many benefits, but if you're thinking of
a pixel advertising website, I personally wouldn't bother unless you
can beat the three main players -http://www.milliondollarhomepage.com ,
http://www.pixelm8.com or http://www.pixmeup.com
An Alternate Method of Advertising - Pixel Advertising
Pixel Advertising is a unique alternative to your everyday advertising
methods has been stirring up quite a bit of buzz selling 'Pixel Ads'.
There is a new form of advertising that is taking off and from the new
coverage it is getting. Currently webmasters spend huge amounts of
money to get web visitors via banner ads, popup ads, and pay per click
ads. The newest mode of attracting traffic is called Pixel Advertising.
Businesses and webmasters can purchase pixel ads for one buck per
pixel. Although the minimum ad buy is 10x10 pixels, advertisers can
create larger ads, in any shape or form (assuming it is divisible by
the 10x10 ad blocks). Most sell in the 10px by 10px minimum format
since this is logically the smallest usable space. All the blocks
bought commonly must form a square or rectangle. The basic premise is
that people buy pixels on a web page that link back to their web site.
One of the most unique features of purchasing pixel ads is the fact
that once it is purchased, your ad will remain in place for a minimum
of five years. Advertisements will be placed for an absolute minimum of
five years. Although we say five years, we expect the website to live
for much longer and anticipate its lifeline to be well over ten years.
The site will continue to grow, even after our inventory is filled. I
can assure you that the pixel advertising site will not die and will
continue to work in both the consumers and advertisers benefit over the
years. It will add to the collection of inbound links that all sites
need to be successful.
Pixel Advertising Website
Pixel Advertising Website Tactics
There are numerous websites that specialize in pixel advertising
website methods. The website will suggest a price per pixel, and then
it is up to you to make your advert look as attractive as possible.
Wag the Dog Marketing will be able to advise you on where the best
pixel websites are. You can hire the space for a five- to 10-year
period, or less, and when you compare this to the price of pay per
click advertising over the same time period, the price difference is
The images the pixels form are similar to a mosaic format and a type of
cigar wrapper art. The aim is to attract potential customers to click
on your link, providing your website with more hits and thus more sales.
Pixel advertising is relatively new and some experts are touting it as
the next big thing on the advertising front. Most pixel advertising
companies set the minimum limit of 10px by 10px. This is logically the
smallest space available for pixel advertising.
The Newest Trend in Online Advertising
The great thing about pixel advertising methods is that you make a
one-time payment for a set amount of years. You know how much it costs
so it is easier to manage your advertising budget this way.
The cost effective nature of pixel advertising is one of its endearing
features. It might still be a little too early to realize how large an
influence pixel advertising will have on the marketing world. However,
when compared to other forms of online advertising the prices are great
value for money with little risk.
Whichever direction you decide to take with pixel advertising, your
links will be out in the public domain. This is always the short-term
goal of a company – to get their brand into the
sub-conscience of
The low risk nature of pixel advertising ensures that you cannot really
lose. You will only gain because the prices and options are so cheap in
comparison to other forms of online marketing. This is a recommended
option for businesses on a tight budget who still crave more customers
and publicity.
Something for Nearly Nothing
A pixel advertising website campaign would be a great first-time
approach to online marketing. Wag the Dog are here to point you in the
right direction and provide any advice you might need along your
With this being the next big thing, pixel advertising is still an
unknown quantity. The cheap advertising prices, which include five to
ten years worth of advertising space, are very attractive and worth a
You cannot really lose a great amount of money with pixel advertising.
Anything that offers a link to your website and diverts the traffic
your way has to be a good thing. Let Wag the Dog Marketing show you how
it is done.
Andrew Anderson www.top-dog.org
Pixel Advertising Works
People in general are very curious about things that surprise or
confound them. They want to find out the answers about something when
confronted with questions or a mystery. Advertising is all about
grabbing and keeping attention. This is what Pixelbay.org
(www.pixelbay.org) has based their whole business model on,
the worlds smallest ads, and it seems to be working if their
advertisers are asked it. One should also ask one of the 36,000 people
who rushed to see the unique ads at www.pixelbay.org since it launch
three weeks ago.
When Pixelbay.org designed their unique homepage, they knew that people
would be intrigued by this big checkerboard page filled with micro-ads.
Each of these ads is linked to the advertiser's web site. Pixelbay.org
then uses a hi-tech array of promotional tools to drive a tidal wave of
consumers to the big homepage. The visitors then have their curiosity
peeked as they look at these micro-ads. One feels compelled to start
looking at each of the ads. This is what Pixelbay.org calls the "what's
that"effect. You just feel like you have to look under at each of these
seemingly microscopic ads.
Pixelbay.org was created by In Touch Media Group, a leading supplier of
online marketing services, which will oversee the promotional efforts
for Pixelbay.org. ITMG, which recently received the highest rating
given by Google for search engine marketing expertise, plans to use its
entire battery of paid search tools to flood its new micro-ad site,
PixelBay.org (www.pixelbay.org), with web site traffic.
ITMG will also unleash its breakthrough publicity service, aptly named
Press Direct, to drive world wide traffic to the site. Press Direct
involves the production of search engine optimized articles, which are
placed in dozens of the world's largest article content hubs, to
proliferate any story throughout the internet. This action is then
followed by the placement of search engine optimized press releases in
media services such as PRWeb.com, in conjunction with the distribution
of the release to its own in-house media list of 10,000 contacts. One
recent ITMG gained an estimated 400 media pick-ups in just seven days
using Press Direct.
The Chairman of In Touch Media, Bob Cefail, feels that his company is
uniquely qualified to bring this cutting edge method of advertising out
into the mainstream. "We have a vast array of tools to swamp a web site
with traffic", said Cefail,"By using Press Direct and search engine
marketing we can focus a heavy stream of web site traffic on any
target". ITMG feels that the micro-ad industry, although very new, is
fragmented and underdeveloped despite the maturity of current internet
Cefail believes he understands "why" people are attracted to these
pixel advertising sites. "I went to several of these sites and I found
myself compelled to click away at these little ads", states Cefail. "I
wanted to find out who the advertisers were out of pure curiosity. The
thing that was exciting is that the advertisers had some great offers
that I would have never have known about if I didn't go to the sites".
In Touch Media is also drawn to this type of Advertising because of the
demographic who it believes pixel based alternative promotions appeals
to the most. According to the Pew Internet & American Life
84% of all American adults ages 18-29, are internet users. This
demographic is highly prized by advertisers and is increasingly more
difficult to reach through traditional advertising. A study done by
Stanford also reported that the average U.S. internet user is on the
internet close to 3 hours a day easily exceeding average TV viewing
which is now at 1.7 hours a day.
In Touch Media initial micro-ad effort will begin with PixelBay.org for
general advertising, and then over the next seven days will announce a
series of three additional focused pixel sites aimed at specific
sectors. "I want the word pixel to be the next great water cooler
phrase", Cefail says, "And it is great timing with Christmas coming up".
The question everyone should be considering now is whether or not there
will be a personal pixel under their own cyber Christmas tree. If
Cefail has his way the answer will be use.
Revolution in Online Quality Pixel Advertising
Pixel advertising is more powerful advertising option but advertisers
are loss in getting quality visitors. Because pixel advertising
websites are not focus on target visitors so advertiser get very few
quality visitors only.
so Advertiser are loss their money from Pixel advertising websites.
Before buying a pixel advertising ask yourself below questions:
1.What is site(pixel site) about?
2.How much the owner(pixel site) spend money on quality advertising for
getting visitors to his website.
3.Which type of visitors visit this site?( target visitors or not)
4.Is visitors re visits to this website? or Is this website attract
visitors for re visiting?
Only one site is suppressed(pixel are sold out) in pixel advertising
milliondollarhomepage.com.but it is not focus on targeted visitors.
so create a website which is focused on target visitors.so is gives
advertisers to best results.
A quality targeted pixel advertising is better than Pay Per Click cost.
A new site is launched for quality online advertising
http://www.bestmoneyplace.com for money making websites only. It is
fully targeted for quality visitors.
1. We must spend 90%(in total revenue) money on Quality advertising.
2. Buy more pixels ,Get more Quality Visitors.
3. Visitors visits my site who want to earn money online so if your
site is related to Online Money Information or Product or Service then
It is better place to advertising your Website or Blog.
4. Our Quality Pixel advertising is better than Pay Per Click cost.
5. Visitors Re visits our site for a Discuss at Money forum
Quality Articles. Money Directory(Link exchange with money related
sites only) must Improve my website ranking and traffic.
6. You can sell your pixels at any time with high rates or low rates.
(before you sell contact bestmoneyplace@yahoo.com)
7. $1/pixel 0.25/pixel for first 5 Advertisers only. Buy
today save 75%.
8. Your website will be online for 5 years guaranteed.
Future of BestMoneyPlace.com-When we get minimum 5 advertisers :
1.We spend money on Press Release Services(like
PRweb.com,prlog.org,prnewswire.com and etc..) then our website listed
in above 100000 press release websites.we will get lakhs of traffic.
(because this website gives a Quality Pixel Advertising for Money
Making Websites(all about online money) so it is news worthy website)
2. We spend money on Directory Submission and Article Submission
Services for quality page rank and traffic.
3.We spend money and time to developing Money forum,Quality Money
Articles,Money Web Directory for a Visitor Re visits to a website.
Pixel Ads Advertising
With so many advertising alternatives that are available, Pixel
Advertising is one of the best ways to advertise your brand today.
Pixel advertising has become a hot topic of discussion where this kind
of advertising has picked off quite well and has got a whole new
coverage as its gaining immense popularity in the recent scenario. To
generate a huge web traffic to your site you might have tried banner
ads, pay per click or even pop up ads, but Pixel ads creates a far more
better impression as compared to other ways of advertising a brand.
Pixel advertising is one of the latest techniques to attract a lot of
visitors to your website. Pixel ads are very reasonably charged where a
box of 20x20 pixels costs you not more than $1.50 and that pretty
cheap. At such an affordable price, you can buy as many blocks as you
wish. Another amazing feature of buying pixel ads is that your ad will
be visible for at least three years! But three years is the minimum
limit, your ad can be visible for a longer period for about five years
too. You can even enjoy additional clicks as the most clicked webpages
are listed in the top ranking and this helps you to gain additional
popularity. When you place your ad by purchasing the desired number of
blocks and place a small image link to your website, the visitor gets
curious to know more about the product displayed in the image and is
urged to click on it, by this way you are able to generate huge web
traffic to your website. Pixel advertising is indeed the best way to
promote your brand as this kind of advertising makes a visitor curious
to know more about the picture placed on the block because it is the
basic human nature to be curious for the things that are unknown.
Though the web traffic generated through pixel advertising may be
untargeted but thousands of advertisers and marketers can't be wrong as
this kind of advertising has really worked for them. One thing is for
sure that Pixel advertising has a long way to go and this site will
keep on growing even if the inventory if loaded. This innovative
technique of advertising a brand is the most cost-effective method of
promotion which is adopted by a number of companies. It is an ideal way
to promote your product as it benefits both the consumer as well as the
advertiser. Just like any other business, pixel advertising also faces
a huge competition, so it is sensible for you to choose a site that
gives you a good opportunity to advertise your products at naughty
cheap prices. It is a brilliant idea to choose this mode of
advertising, as pixel advertising is a brand new concept to promote
your product which has become a highly successful marketing strategy
and has helped a lot of companies. Pixel advertising is
absolutely an exclusive approach towards the world of advertising and
has served as a great opportunity for the companies to promote their
products and services and increasing the web traffic further and
thereby generating a huge business at reasonable prices, now
is what is called a successful cost-effective marketing concept.
Pixel Ads – A Million Dollar Idea
Thus, pixel advertising is just another fad … here today and
tomorrow? Nobody knows really sure, but now it is one of the hottest
online advertising media.
To bring but for pixel advertising of any kind of physical endurance,
have the people with the concept more than just the introduction of 'do
knockoff sites. "
While the "cookie-cutter clone" approach favors the fast buck artists,
copy Alex Tew's "Million Dollar
Homepage"(www.milliondollarhomepage.com) idea is simply not sustainable
in the long run. What is required in order to survive the pixel
advertising craze is for webmasters to give advertisers a legitimate
reason to buy pixels from them … except that it is new and
If so many people are now selling pixel ads, as different vendors?
Pixel Ads, or to a mere commodity, which is the price per pixel, the
overriding consideration.
So is there hope for the pixels –Advertising as a viable ad
medium? I think so, and the answer lies in one word …
Creativity. How can anyone on this approach, there is a unique twist,
and then add value?
It seems unlikely that advertisers will simply continue to pay good
money to just have an ad on a pixel site … without seeing
them a
potential for return on their investment. A recent random check of
about a dozen pixels clone sites shows this to be true …
is a lot of empty homesunsold. And at prices below what was charged
Alex Tew.
Of course, some sharp marketers soon discovered that pixel sites is
based on "adult entertainment" could be some interest from advertisers
to pull. You need to figure it's only a matter of time before X-Rated
pixel pages are in full bloom all over the internet.
Pornography aside, what are some ways inspired Webmaster pixel ad sites
could earn money? Perhaps through a competition … might
from a raffle aCharity or any other advertising for a good cause. Or
maybe a leader in the blogging community and takes up a pixel site for
like-minded individuals, causes or organizations. As a guide side local
churches in a city.
Another idea might be to a place in the hobby or are fond of pictures,
it might create … as Corvette owners, collectors, people
to grow roses, Fischer – who could display their valuable or
favorite fishing holes, NBA fans, etc.The possibilities are almost
Or how about a site with puppies? A pixel-master could lead dog lovers
and puppy pictures are too. It could even be a free site where the
owner could take place a pinch of Google AdSense ads, a couple of
banner ads for Amazon books on puppy care … and even sell
relevant affiliate links to the websites to dog related
read more
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