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Exchange Section! |
More Links Banner Exchange : 1
Banner Exchanges
or Banner Networks
is 2nd one of the most important Free Traffic &
Resources. Let us define a banner exchange(BE) or a banner
network(BN).In short it is called that way but actually you should
called Banner Exchange Network(BEN).I mean what is a banner exchange or
a banner network? BE is a membership site where you register
& then the site admin will provide you some html (java script)
codes which you insert in your website page & other BEN
banner ads will be displayed on your site & in exchange your
banner ad will be displayed on other BE member's sites. There are many
banner networks are operated online & each has its own
rules,regulation & exchange rates. Suppose a BEN has a exchange
rate of 2:1 that means when the codes inserted in your page displays 2
banner ads of other members,your own banner ad will be displayed one
time at any of other member's site. So if you gets 5000 visitor a day
& joined a single 2:1 banner ratio network then you will get
extra visitors just for inserting Ben's codes & sharing your
traffic with other members of BEN. As I said there are many BEN
operated online so you can multiply this thing by using them
effectively. In short this is mutually beneficial to all the
members of the BEN & BEN itself!Before trying to take advantage
all the BENs mention here,just keep in mind all have their own rules
& regulation & you must obey them otherwise your
will be canceled by them & some BEs will ban you permanently.
Web banner
From Wikipedia, the
free encyclopedia
A web banner or banner ad is a form of advertising(To read more Click)
on the World Wide Web.(To read more Click) This form of online
advertising entails embedding an advertisement into a web page(To read
more Click). It is intended to attract traffic (To read more Click)to a
website(To read more Click) by linking to the website of the
advertiser. The advertisement is constructed from an image (GIF, JPEG,
PNG), JavaScript (To read more Click)program or multimedia object
employing technologies such as Java, Shockwave or Flash,(To read more
Click) often employing animation, sound, or video to maximize presence.
Images are usually in a high-aspect ratio shape (i.e. either wide and
short, or tall and narrow) hence the reference to banners(To read more
Click). These images are usually placed on web pages that have
interesting content, such as a newspaper article or an opinion piece.
Affiliates earn money usually on a CPC (cost per click) basis, for
every unique user click on the ad, the affiliate earns money.
Typical web banner, sized
468×60 pixels.
The web
banner is
displayed when a web page that references the banner is loaded into a
web browser. This event is known as an "impression". When the viewer
clicks on the banner, the viewer is directed to the website advertised
in the banner. This event is known as a "click through". In many cases,
banners are delivered by a central ad server.
When the
advertiser scans
their log files and detects that a web user has visited the
advertiser's site from the content site by clicking on the banner ad,
the advertiser sends the content provider some small amount of money
(usually around five to ten US cents). This payback system is often how
the content provider is able to pay for the Internet access to supply
the content in the first place. Usually though, advertisers use ad
networks to serve their advertisements, resulting in a rev-share system
and higher quality ad placement.
Web banners
function the
same way as traditional advertisements are intended to function:
notifying consumers of the product or service and presenting reasons
why the consumer should choose the product in question, although web
banners differ in that the results for advertisement campaigns may be
monitored real-time and may be targeted to the viewer's interests.
Behavior is often tracked through the use of a click tag.
Many web
surfers regard
these advertisements as highly annoying because they distract from a
web page's actual content or waste bandwidth. (Of course, the purpose
of the banner ad is to attract attention and many advertisers try to
get attention to the advert by making them annoying. Without attracting
attention it would provide no revenue for the advertiser or for the
content provider.) Newer web browsers often include options to disable
pop-ups or block images from selected websites. Another way of avoiding
banners is to use a proxy server that blocks them, such as Privoxy.
The pioneer
of online
advertising was Prodigy, a company owned by IBM and Sears at the time.
Prodigy used online advertising first to promote Sears products in the
1980s, and then other advertisers. Curiously, one of the advertisers on
Prodigy in early 90s was AOL, one of Prodigy's competitors.
Incidentally, Prodigy was first in online shopping, banking, stock
trading as well. Prodigy was unable to capitalize on any of its first
mover advantages, including online advertising.
The first
clickable web
ad (which later came to be known by the term "banner ad") was sold by
Global Network Navigator (GNN) in 1993 to Heller, Ehrman, White and
McAuliffe, a now defunct law firm with a Silicon Valley office. GNN was
the first commercially supported web publication and one of the very
first web sites ever.
HotWired was
the first
web site to sell banner ads in large quantities to a wide range of
major corporate advertisers. Andrew Anker was HotWired's first CEO.
Rick Boyce, a former media buyer with San Francisco advertising agency
Hal Riney & Partners, spearheaded the sales effort for the
company.HotWired coined the term "banner ad" and was the first company
to provide click through rate reports to its customers. The first web
banner sold by HotWired was paid for by AT&T, and was put
online on
October 25, 1994. Another source also credits Hotwired and October
1994, but has Coors' "Zima" campaign as the first web banner.
In May 1994,
Ken McCarthy
mentored Boyce in his transition from traditional to online
advertising, and first introduced the concept of a clickable/trackable
ad. He stated that he believed that only a direct response
model—in which the return on investment of individual ads was
measured—would prove sustainable over the long run for online
In spite of
prediction, banner ads were valued and sold based on the number of
impressions they generated. This approach to banner ad sales proved
successful and provided the economic foundation for the web industry
from the period of 1994 to 2000 until the market for banner ads
"crashed" and there was a radical revaluation of their value.
The new
advertising model that emerged in the early years of the 21st century,
introduced by GoTo.com (later Overture, then Yahoo and mass marketed by
Google's AdWords program), relies heavily on tracking ad response
rather than impressions.
Ad sizes
have been standardized to some extent by the IAB; they are:
IAB standard
ad sizes. Note: This illustration is reduced in
size. For actual sizes Click here.
in bold are part of the IAB's Universal Ad Package.
Name |
Width px |
Height px |
aspect ratio |
Rectangles and Pop-Ups |
Rectangle |
300 |
250 |
1.2 |
Pop-Up |
250 |
250 |
1 |
Rectangle |
240 |
400 |
1.67 |
Rectangle |
336 |
280 |
1.2 |
Rectangle |
180 |
150 |
1.2 |
Rectangle |
300 |
100 |
3 |
Pop-Under |
720 |
300 |
2.4 |
Banners and Buttons |
banner |
468 |
60 |
7.8 |
banner |
234 |
60 |
3.9 |
Micro bar |
88 |
31 |
2.84 |
Button 1 |
120 |
90 |
1.33 |
Button 2 |
120 |
60 |
2 |
banner |
120 |
240 |
2 |
button |
125 |
125 |
1 |
Leaderboard |
728 |
90 |
8.09 |
Skyscrapers |
skyscraper |
160 |
600 |
3.75 |
Skyscraper |
120 |
600 |
5 |
page ad |
300 |
600 |
2 |
See also
* Pay per click
* Advertising
* Ad serving
* Internet marketing
* Pop-up ad
* Hover ad
* Live banner
* Standard ad size
* Web button
(If you want to know about
above topics in detail justn post your comment in the Guest Book and if
you want to discuss about Free traffic and free advertising resources
with like minded people then just registered at out Forum.You will get
a chance to post your offer as a classified ad in the Forum as there is
a section in the Forum where you can insert your ad)
You might have heard that
banner advertising is not so effective but it is not absolute truth.In
some case it is true & in some case it is absolutely wrong!I
to say it is a partial truth. If you ask me this is one of the most
important source among Free Traffic & Advertising Resources.
are many ways to take advantage of banner advertising & to
lots of traffic from this kind of advertising.
Here you will find Banner Exchanges with various
and terms and conditions. You must obey terms and conditions of each
Banner Exchange to use the site. There are many banner
which deal with adult sites but I have not included them here. If you
are dealing with any adult site then I am sorry but most of this site
will not allow to advertise any adult related site and the good news is
my team is designing another site where we are going to include all the
resources for adult sites.
Again you most probably read the home
page,specially about
Banner Exchange section if not I suggest you to read it 1st before
reading any further on this page. Here you will find practical tips for
using and getting maximum benefits from banner exchange sites.
Before you read practical tips you must have basic knowledge
about how a free banner exchange works and which terms are used to
define this type of free traffic and free advertising method.Most of
the things you have already read from above wiki paedia article but if
not read it again but still remember and keep these basic things in
How can you use the banner ads to promote your site?
You know recently survey shows slowly slowly banner advertising
becoming less and less effective. According to the Eyeblaster Analytics
Bulletin for March 2009click-through rates for a simple banner and a
multi media banner dropped to 0.20% and 0.50% respectively. From my
point of view it is because clearly distinguish content and ad.
Everyone knows a banner is an ad and it is general psychology from TV
not to watch or even see ads(You change channels!).Is banner
advertising dead at all ? Not at all.There is a still hidden
potential and many ways to take advantage from this kind of advertising
medium. Want proof?How come there are so many banner exchanges are
still running?New ones are launched time to time?Be cause they are
profiting from the banner advertising and also all of them whom they
provide service.
Defining Terms
Some basic terms about Banner Advertising &
Banner Ad Network
* Hits -- Actually an indistinct or
misleading term.
It means the number of times a webserver has been "hit" by a request
for a webpage or a graphic image. What I am trying to explain is : Hits
are combine counting of both,graphic display requests & actual
webpage display requests and so final counting is misleading because
general meaning of hit in everyone's mind is the number of times a
webpage has been seen. Let me explain further,for example you have got
total 500 hits count and among them 120 hits are for graphic image of
the banner only so actual hits count is 500 - 120 = 380 and so the
better term is views and page views or impressions (more
sophisticated specially you when you are talking about a banner ad).
* impressions or page views -- Means how
many times a webpage has been requested by the server.
* Banner Views or Banner Impressions --
Means how many times a banner has been displayed.
* CPM -- Stands for Cost Per Mille. M =
Mille is a
Latin numeral,means thousand. So CPM means cost per thousand. A price
of $ 5 CPM means you pay $ 5 for every thousand times your
is displayed.
* Banner ad -- The graphic image use
with a
destination URL(hyper linked with advertising site URL) to display
advertisement. The IAB(Internet Advertising Bureau) specifies in their
guidlines that which size should be used. The most common use size is
full banner(468x60 pixels).Now a days IAB recommends Full Banner(468x60
pixels),300x250 (Medium Rectangle), 180x150 (Rectangle), 728x90
(Leaderboard), and 160x600 (Wide Skyscraper). But many sites do not
follow these guide lines and you will see many different sized banners
on various sites. The graphics use for banners are also
different.Sometimes static graphic and other times animated gif and
rich media banners are used which is far more effective and high
* Creative -- The text you use on the
banner graphic which is called "Ad-speak or content" .
* Click -- When a visitor likes a banner
ad he
clicks his mouse and visit the actual advertised site which can be
counted and these actual visits are called clicks.
* Click Throughs -- It is like a click
but actually
counted the visitors. Means how many times an actual advertised site in
the banner ad is visited.
* Click Through Rate (CTR) -- Percentage
of how many
times an actual advertised site is visited.In other words percentage of
click throughs. Actually counted for per 1000 banner impresssions. A 5
% CTR means 50 actual visits to advertised site out of each 1000 banner
* Conversion Rate -- The actual
percentage of sales
from CTR. Again counted on per thousand actual visitors to the site.
* Cookies --The cookie is sent as an
HTTP header by
a web server to a web browser and then sent back unchanged by the
browser each time it accesses that server. In short when you
visit any site a small text files written to your browser. With cookies
it can be tracked that with which banner click a visitor
the site.
* Run of Site (ROS) --It means the
banner ad will be
shown through out a website or network without targeting
can consider this untargeted advertising and naturally the CPM and CTR
will be low.
How can you decide your banner ad is effective or not?
Actually it is complicated process but now a days there are
lots of means to find out.
One way to judge how effective a banner ad is through Click
Through Rate (CTR).The general average CTR for a banner ad is
considered 0.20 % but CTR rate as high as 5 % to 15 % is recorded as
well.If your banner is on relevant site then you will get high CTR.I
mean if your product is related to traveling then your ad on traveling
related site will give your far more CTR than the same ad on a garden
related site.
Cost Per Sale.
In short is called CPS. This is actual and real measurement for
deciding how effective is your banner ad. This you can decide through
CTR and by tracking your banner ad. You have to find out actually how
many real visitors have been needed for a single sale and then you have
to calculate the money you have paid fore those visitor and this money
can be calculated by CTR & CPM rate. You have to use
cookies for tracking your banner ad. You can also use Google Analytic
for this purpose by coding all banner links. Most of commercial banner
ad serving companies provide tracking facility to their clients without
any extra charge.
If you want to save your advertising dollars,you must go for low CPS
do everything,testing etc to get lower CPS. Lower CPS should be the
goal of any advertiser. With banner ad you can serve another main goal
of your site or company and it is branding. In banner ad you can
display image with text content and by this image graphics you can
brand yourself,your site and your company as well. As you know brand
awareness is very important part of any marketing strategy. People
easily buy from trusted brands.It is general psychology of a human mind
that when something repeatedly displayed to the mind it will
specifically remember that thing or picture and when the mind show that
thing again,the mind can connect itself with that thing and start to
trust that thing because of that connection. You can take advantage of
this by inserting your sites logo in banner graphics(branding of your
site or company),you can insert your own picture or photo in the banner
graphics(branding of yourself).When people/surfers repeatedly exposed
to picture,your face will become a recognized object in their mind and
their minds can connect themselves with your face/picture & as
said before from this connection borns the trust. And people buy a
product easily whom they trust. Branding is an effective method or
marketing tool and you can reap the reward of branding for years to
As I said before branding is most important as well as an effective
tool and long term process but a good marketer also want immediate
result in the form of sales. So as I said before he will want high
CTR,low CPS and also low CPM.This way he can get high ROI(return on
investment/advertising money).Let me explain you this with an example
of banner ad. Your own banner ad campaign will be different from this
many ways,I just want to show you how can you calculate CPS.
* CPM = $3 (can get at free banner
exchange Networks)
* CTR = 0.30%
* Conversion Rate = 3% (from your
landing page)
Cost per Visitor = CPM / (1000 x CTR) = $3.00 / (1000 x .003) = $1.0
In this example your CPM is $ 3 so you spent the $3 for 1000
impressions of your banner ads and you receive 0.30% CTR means out of
those 1000 impression you only got 3 real visitors to your site.And
each visitor cost you $1 to reach your site. You also get 3% sales
conversion rate from your landing page.Now we have to find out actual
CPS. As I wrote above you got 3% conversion rate from your landing page
so for a single sale about 33-34(exactly 33.33) visitors are required. A
Cost per Sale = Cost per Visitor / Conversion Rate = $1.00 / .03 =
So that is real advertising cost for each sale. Yes it cost you exactly
$33.33 for one single sale.But if you can get higher conversion rate
like big merchants(very difficult and takes to much hard work) e.g. 15%
then the cost for single sale will be $6.66 only!
Lower The Cost
This only means banner advertising purchased by CPM can prove
very expensive.And so you have to decide what CPS you can afford and
then additionally you can consider below steps to follow.
1. Designed an ad which get high CTR
2. Low CPM. Now a days there are lot of options to
ad serving networks so you can negotiate and ask for best value for
money. Ask an affordable rate as per your sales conversion
3.Better way is to buy cpc instead of
impressions so get traffic as per real click and real visit to your
4. Affiliate Program. Start your own affiliate
program where you have to pay only for actual sale or lead.
5. Try and test banner ads and also buy keyword
targeted banner ads.
Remember banner ads are still working very well. From the start you
should develop an effective banner ad strategy so you can get expected
result from your banner ads. By seeing above example if you are worried
about the banner ad cost then let me remind you that I am going to show
you Free Banner ad resources so your banner ad cost will be zero and
you will receive thousands of free visitors to your site if you follow
the instructions correctly.
In my opinion you must have your site to take advantage of this kind of
free advertising and free traffic site but who does not have their own
site and does not want to build his or her own site,has a good news for
visiting our site.I have 2 options for such a marketer who only promote
affiliate sites.1.Here I have included a banner exchange site(not
going to give you the name of the straight way,you have to browse this
section and read everything) 2. You can buy this software and either
get a paid hosting account or some free hosting account will do also
and then you can create Pop Ups for all the affiliate sites you are
promoting where you can insert your banner exchange codes. Remember do
not insert more than one banner exchange's codes for each site or it
will not work properly. After all it is a Pop Up and it will not even
look nice but this way you do can earn banner impressions
These are 14
tips to take full advantage of Banner Advertising
1. |
multiple Benner Exchange Network |
2. |
BENs' policy
allows insert multiple BENs codes at multiple pages of your site
in your multiple sites.This way you can multiply your traffic
very fast. |
3. |
type of ads work
on how you can forcefully attract your visitor's attention.Design a
very attractive banner.Gif & animated banner will
grabe more
attention then the plain or static one |
4. |
colors almost
always out perform the reds and the blacks which are less effective.
Use yellow, orange, blue and green. |
5. |
From my
experienced I
learned that it is important to design the attractive graphics for
banner but most important is what & which word you put on your
banner.If you want a phenominl click through rate for your banner
ads,just put an attention grabbing headline.In stead of multi frame
wording create a gif graphic & then put the headline.What I
to explin here is your visitor should read your banner ad without any
strain to their eyes.Banner on top at the home page
is very
good example of high conversing banner ad. |
know how to design a banner?Don't
worry I
have provided very good Free online banner
services which
you can use absolutely free &
create as many banner ads as you wish! See Below the
6. |
size, should
be maintained at 3-5K which is ideal if you can accomplish your copy
and creative objectives. If not, up to 7 is OK. Never more
than 10
as it takes much longer to load and you run the risk of the visitor not
seeing your banner at all. |
7. |
extrme branding
with your banner ads.I mean brand yourself,your company & your
product in your banner ads.Again a very good example is the
banner on the home page.You can do this with any good graphic
edittor. |
8. |
afraid to put
banner ads on your site for fear that you'll lose a visitor. Listen,
they're going to leave anyways. If they're interested in your
they'll stick with it until their interest is
totally satisfied.
If not, you're going to lose them in any event, so you may as well get
some mileage out of those visits. |
9. |
designing your 7
to 10 words static banner, or 7 to 8 words first screen
animated banner use these emotions: Fear, curiosity, humor,
big promise. Example, Warning, you must see this before you
purchase xxx; never worry about losing xxx again, learn the secrets
of cashing in on xxx, do you know how to xxx? As an aside, a
warning banner is an enormously powerful
approach. |
10. |
your visitor sees your banner ad you have only 5 seconds so to force
him to take action
& click your banner offer somthing free.Be creative.It should
good content,service,e-book or software as far it has quality &
what you claim is then anything will do. |
11. |
visitors to take action & click your banner by wrting
like click here now, click here,take action,find out more etc
etc. |
12. |
In stead
of buying just plain impression for your banner advertising,buy clik
through banner advertising. |
13. |
your niche whenever it is possibele. |
14. |
multiple banners with different headline & test them &
finally use the winner. |
Best place to create free banner ads |
I have took the time to research the various free
and ad creating programs on the web so you don't have to. I will list
all of the programs I have found, what I like or dislike about them and
which one in my opinion is the best.
TOP 3:
This one is easy to get started using, it has quite a few (100+)
pre-made styles to select from. The only downside is that a text ad is
displayed for adesigner.com on each ad you create(on banner graphics).
(Download Program) This program creates more sizes than just standard
banners. Once you download the program its very easy to get started.
This program has a lot of options and is highly recommended. The only
downside is that there is 15 day trial after which you will have to pay
$35.00 to continue using it.
www.FlashBannerNow.com (On-Line)
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!This website allows you to
create banner
ads for free, but I would like to mention that you read their tos
using any banner.some of the ads you can create with this program are
pretty amazing and would get you a much higher click-through rate than
traditional banners.
Banners - Very easy to add text, but there are
still only a very few banner ad backgrounds available to use.
3D Text Maker - Easy + flexible. Banners made here
are looks ok to use on commercial pages.
Online - Easier but more limited. Banners made
here are also looks ok to use on commercial pages.
Connectivity - New version better, but old
version (linked) may be easier.
The PCman Website - Step
by step free banner maker, with choice of online blanks.
Banner - Easy, but the graphics they offer
(500+) have less room to add text than others.
Banner Generator - Little bit hard but it has been
around a long time and made many improvements.
Designer - Easy, but all
banners made here include "FREE AD BY ADDESIGNER.COM" on them.
High Power Graphics Free Banner Builder
- New service that looks easy and allows uploading of blanks.
Cool Text - Very
easy but slow.Good for logo design. Banners made here might
be limited to only a few words or your URL.
TopSite Guide Banner Maker - Another
new online banner creation service - somewhat limiting, but free.
- Lots of banner backgrounds to choose from, plus add in
custom text.
BannerCreator.NU - This
banner maker looks pretty detailed, but may be a bit too hard for a
Banner Maker 1 - Another free service with blanks
set up for various occaisions, but not real easy.
Banner Maker 2 - New version of the above lets you
add your own banner grphic off your hard drive.
- New free banner making service that seems to be targeting
MySpace.com users.
Creator - Basic instructions how to make a custom
banner with Microsoft Paint (on your PC).
Break - Your One Stop Banner Design Shop
HTML Goodies Banner Primers - 7
lessons on how to make your own advertising banner from scratch!
Advertising for Online Promotion
is the
best tool to promote any product or service. People get attracted
towards certain type of advertisement. Banner advertisements
incite them as they are alwys with attractive graphics.As online
industries expanded there raised need for different advertising
mediums. More and more people are becoming internet savvy and they
search thoroughly on the net for information. People are spending more
time on Internet that gave an idea to the advertisers to come up with
the concept of online banner advertising. This kind of online
advertising makes use of banner ads to promote a product and brand the
Banner ads
are extremely
easy to insert and can be made as per requirement. Get very good
response and lots of traffic,too. The basic concept of banner
advertising is to place the online advertisement at the prominent place
on a website or internal pages and also to place the ad on the most
appropriate website. By using word appropriate I want to state on the
sites related to your own niche or business. If these two things are
kept in mind You will get more visitor and conversion from your banner
ads. For example if you are selling electronic items through your
online store then if you will get your banner be placed on
sites that provide information about such electronic items,mobiles etc
then you will get more visitors and customers then with your ads on a
site selling net marketing digital products.
advertising companies are also working these days to provide the best
online advertising facilities to its clients with offering features
like Geo targeting,cpc,choosing of the site. These companies make sure
that they can give more and more options to their clients so they can
achieved desired results for the investment of their advertising money.
Such professional companies see that their client can reach
easily to their exact targeted audience and with minimum cost. Their
principles are simple : More business the clients will get,more they
spend on advertising and again both the company and clients both will
mutually get benefited/
So if you
are planning to
place a banner advertisement on web must go for a banner advertising
company which has a facility and options to reach your targeted
How to Use Banner Advertising Effectively
can be a highly effective way to generate free traffic to
site or blog. Those people who find less results from their banner ads
because they did not take the time to plan and consider basic things
important in banner advertising. For this simple reason alone they
generate far less traffic than it is actually possible. It is easy to
set up either free banner ad(through free banner ad network and has
less choice for targeting your banner ad) or paid banner
ad(through profession banner ad network and has lots of choice for
targeting your audience).Even though it is a great way to get relevant
visitors to your website, you still have to use and follow some basic
rules to get maximum possible result from your banner ads.
When you're
designing or
get it designed your banner ad, see that it is easy to understand,to
the point and make the prospect curious for more information. You
really need to keep your banner ads KISS(Keep it simple and stupid so
anyone can understand). Most people will come in contact with your
banner ad for a very short time and look at the banner ad for
only two-three seconds, so it's very important that you catch their
attention immediately and without any kind of confusion. You should
write a call for action to your audience in your banner advertisement
like click here for more info,click here to claim your free
e-book,click now etc etc. It should tell him exactly what he
needs to do. That only requires a few proper words to send your
prospect to an appropriate location. Certain words attract the
attention of a prospect such as free, discount,sale etc. But do be
honest to your prospects. Never use a word free if you are not offering
something free.
In addition
to all this
how your ad looks and reads are 2 most important aspects of your banner
ad. you should use an attractive graphic with easily readable fonts
with appropriate. Any time you design a banner advertisement, it has to
be clear cut message. For instance, if you were to use a font
blood red on a black background it could be really difficult to make
A lot of
advertisers/marketers often forget to inspecting the terms &
conditions of service on whatever website they plan to be running their
banner ad on. You need to know that what you are designing is
going to be approved or you will have to make changes or design
completely new ad from scratch. Some sites allow banner ads and some
not at all. Most of the site restrict the size of banner graphics to be
displayed. After putting considerable time to design your banner and
you should devote enough time to create above average banner ad you
come to know that it will not be accepted at particular site so know
all these things in advance. Of course, different rules apply if your
ads are entirely text-based. If you're going for the text based banner
ads, then your focus should be on creating creative attention grabbing
content that really attract the viewer.
With that we
can say that
banner advertising is here to stay. Banner ads help you give your
business a name, branding for yourself and your business,drive traffic
to your site, and through all of this increase your business revenue or
income. The above advice help you to get an idea about what you should
do to get maximum result from your banner ad what you should not do.
About Placing Banner Ads
banner ads can be
a highly effective way to market your business on the
Banner ads are essentially advertisements which appear on a website,
usually in the form of a combination of graphics and text, to encourage
Internet users to click through these advertisements to your website.
The most common form of banner ads is an advertisement which appears on
the top of a website and spans the width of the webpage.
derived their name from the similarity to a banner but technically
banner ads can come in a variety of shapes and sizes. This article will
take a look at the effectiveness of banner as well as methods for
placing these banner ads.
Banner ads
can be highly
effective if used properly. However, placing your banner ad all over
the Internet with very little consideration to whether or not the
location is likely to be beneficial to your business is not a good idea
and can be a tremendous waste of money as well as other resources such
as time and effort.
business owners
who are considering using banner ads to promote their business should
spend some time to learn how to use banner ads effectively and to find
ideal location for placing their banner ads.
The most
ideal location
for a banner ad is prominently displayed on a website which receives a
great deal of website traffic and also complements your products and
services well without providing direct competition for your products or
services. As an example consider a business owner who specializes in
selling athletic shoes specifically for runners.
banner ad space on
a website which offers advice on training for running events and
provides information on upcoming races would be an excellent idea. This
website attracts visitors who have an interest in running and are
likely to purchase athletic shoes but does not sell running shoes
directly. This means the website attracts members of your target
audience but does not compete for your business.
In addition
to purchasing
banner ad space, some business owners opt to join banner ad exchange
groups. This is an alternative in which the business owner does not pay
for their banner ad to be placed on another website but in exchange
they agree to post one or more advertisements on their own website.
This is a very affordable option for placing banner ads but it is not
always the best strategy.
This is
because the
business owner often has little input into where their banner ad
appears and has limited input into the banner ads which appear on his
website in return. In most cases, business owners have the ability to
decline to host advertisements which they deem to be offensive but
cannot specifically choose the banner ads they must post.
when posting
banner ads, business owners should be aware of the effectiveness of the
ads they place. They may choose to post different designs for their
banner ad on different websites but they should monitor the results of
their advertising to determine if one style is more effective than
information can be
very important. If one style is enjoying a great deal of success while
the other style is not, the business owner may wish to use the more
successful style for all of their banner ads or to redesign the less
successful style to make it more appealing to Internet users.
Banner ad
Impressions Costs, and Benefits! "Promotion Tools"
advertisements add
flare to the appearance of your website, and it appeals to visitors
because it gives your site a professional look. There are many ways to
advertise your website, banner ads is one of the easiest and most
effective ways to advertise. It's important that your site not only has
banner ads, but you have banner ads available for affiliates to post on
their sites.
The obvious
of banner ads is traffic from other sites, being
to yur site. However, monthly fees can add up quickly using this
method, but in the the long run it is often the cheapest and most cost
effective method. Taking the time to implement and gain search engine
rank for your almost immediately. There is also a system advertisers
often use, referred to as the banner exchange. This is when your banner
goes on another site in exchange for you placing their banner on your
Ads Banners
Pros and
Cons of Free Banner Ads Exchange
* it's FREE=pro
* if
you want your banner ad on a significant number of sites (your site
will most likely end up cluttered with exchange ads)=con
* if
you run an affiliate site this could cause visitors to click on
exchange ads instead of your affiliate links=con
these sites are often just banner and link sites (don't really have
content just advertisements) and it does NOTHING for you...=con
* these sites will be gaining traffic in the exchange, while you gain
SEO Website
Pros and
Cons of Free Banner Advertisements
* these ads COST=con
* eventually the profit will outweigh the cost by far=pro
* you
have to double check the traffic the site generates for yourself, sites
can be very untruthful with numbers=con
* you want to ensure that your ad is placed in a favorable position=con
* be sure this site doesn't host a lot of other banner ads=con
Banner ads
serve a great
advantage to your site in relation to profits, if you practice
effective promotion techniques. What may sound like a lot of work, will
become less of a load as you implement these strategies regularly.
Traffic to Your Website Using Banner Ads
Banner ads
One of the most popular forms of advertising is banner ads.
It is one of the many ways to get traffic to your website.
A banner ad is a form of advertising on the Internet. The banners are
embedded on to a web-page thereby linking the visitor to your homepage.
These small rectangular advertisements vary considerably in appearance
and subject matter, but they all share a basic function: if the visitor
clicks on them, their Internet browser will take them to the
advertiser's Web site. If they do not want to know about the ad they
close it.
Sounds simple enough, so how do you get started? Website owners will
allow you to display your banner ad for a fee. The website owner can
also agree to do an exchange for displaying their banner ad on your
website and your banner on their website. This is called banner
Some websites lets you display for free. There are hundreds of free
banner ads exchanges, which can be found through Google, if you have a
lot of time, this is a good way to go. Be prepared to do some research.
A lot of people have their own website or a blog and a signature that
they will use in many forums. If they like your product, or digg your
product enough, they may be willing to show your banner. Research how
much it costs and plan your budget. Are you going to be charged a fee
for having your banner hosted? Will you be charged by the number of
clicks? By knowing the answers to these questions you can budget
Banners nowadays are in a flash format. Flash technology generates
animation, sound,and rich color, which makes the banner ad eye-catching
and engaging, encouraging the prospective customer to click on it.
In order to set up and display a banner needs to be well thought out.
The banner can easily be placed at the head or foot of the web-page so
visitors can view them. When the visitor clicks on the banner they will
be taken to your homepage.
The banner ad needs to be creative. If you are not the creative type
there are specialized computer software programs available with
numerous templates which allows you to design a banner. You can also
get a designer to create a banner for you at a reasonable cost through
a freelancer website. Once your banner is ready-publishing it is the
next step. You need to figure out what your target audience is, for
example: golf equipment sales.
Sites that you could target would be golfing lessons or golf site
forums. Research what sites are appropriate to your banner ad campaign.
Your aim is to get traffic to your website; so it is important that you
find out how much traffic the website receives. You can find this out
through the webmaster, they can provide you with proof of how often
there site is visited. To display your banner, click on their advertise
on this site link and buy a banner ad space, or go directly to their
agent and select where your banner ads should go. Because many sites
are handled through third parties, it is possible to have your banner
ad displayed in many sites at once. When you have found which websites
you want to display your banner, it is time to put your plan into
action and watch the traffic flow.
Banner Ads and Exchange- Advertising Tricks
We find ourselves in an era where the Internet
is practically a way of living and we can actually say that there are
few those who do not use the Internet on a regular basis. As times
change, we those that want our businesses
to prosper have to adjust to these changes. This is how banner ads or
banner exchange for the Internet was developed.
Banner ads are those flashing boxes that you can find on almost any
commercial web site. They usually have a rectangular form and are
placed at the top of the pages. These ads are graphics hyper linked to
the advertiser’ s URL. At the beginning, these ads were Gif
images that were animated. However, as time passed and technology
advanced, more and more Macromedia banner ads can be seen. Normally,
the size of a banner is 468 X 60 pixels, but many sites usually limit
the size of this graphic file to 12 k .
Banner ads are being used today to advertise all type of web sites, but
unfortunately the success that these ads once had is now almost gone.
Studies actually show that the rate of click- through has dropped with
almost 0, 40 percent on average. Although this is a significant drop
and many magazines that specialize in advertising say that soon we will
see the end of these types of ads, big and small companies still use
this form of advertising on the Internet. This is actually a part of
their advertising strategy and together with other types of
advertising, success is guaranteed. All you have to do is be careful
what site or sites you choose to advertise your business.
As this type ,of advertising showed a lot of success, other forms were
invented as well. This is how banner exchange was born. This is network
of web sites that actually display each others banner ads and thus help
each other with business. This association takes place voluntarily and
it is done using a specialized web site.
There are many sites that offer banner exchange services and choosing
the right one is just a matter of research. Each of these sites has
their advantages and disadvantages. When you want to consider banner
exchange as an advertising option, you should first research the market
and see what the offers are. The number of the web sites that are
partners and they success on line is very important when choosing. The
bonuses and promotions that these sites offer also have to be taken
into consideration if you want to be successful in what you are doing.
To advertise your business, web site on the internet is very easy and
the possibilities are numerous. However, before doing that, you should
see what type of publicity is better and thus assure yourself that you
will have success in what you want to do. Banner ads and banner
exchange have proven to be a very reliable advertising source and even
if some believe that this advertising form will find its end very soon,
the truth is that many of the big names in business use it.
For more resources about Banner Ads or even about Banner Exchange
please review this website http://www.palkey.com
How to Increase Your Traffic by Banner Ads
In the Online advertisement banner ads are the virtual sign that are
basically used for a website marketing and promotion. In this banner
text and picture both are used that always try to attract website
visitor encourage them to click on that. That can be animated and some
attractive sentence or slogan that attract guests on site. Banner ads
can be very small or big size like a banner on top side of a site. If
you will use a banner on other site that will sure give you much
benefit. Because banner advertisement is the best marketing tricks that
easily attract the guest and maximize the sales but only when they use
the banner on right place and by right way.
The success of banner ad is the right place where we place our banner
ads. Without deciding and planning where to put our banner ad is
worthless. If you choose right place for your ads banner then it can
give you better benefit than other place where you place your banner
without analyzing the traffic of site and visitors crowd. Poor place of
banner ad is the simply worth of your money and time.
How to choose a right place for placing your banner ads? First of all
choose a site that is related to your product. If that site is not
related to your product then you will not get the targeted visitor on
your site. Because if you are selling car accessories and you are
placing your banners ads on a site that is selling T-Shirt or Books
then no such visitors will come related to car accessories. So, always
decide the website and see your product. Always compare with other site
and see by which keywords that site is coming on top ranking and what
is your product? If both thing match perfect then you place your ads
banner on that site, other wise no benefit to put your ads banner on
such site.
You can exchange your banner ads with other company. That is very good
alternative for purchasing ad space on other site. In this process that
company places your banner on his site and you place his banner on your
site. This way each other get benefit of such banner ads. This process
is completely free and no expense on this process. But in this process
second person must be faithful person. Many times it had been seen that
second person place your site just for show to you that he is running
you ads banner but after some time they remove your ads from his
directory. So, always check the place where your ads banner is running
or not. If not then immediately consult with that second person and
find out the reason of problem.
Try to place a variety of banner with variety of scheme on different
website. Always try to find different location of business and
directory. Place attractive banner and ads and get more traffic on your
site. Today many companies are engaged in this banner marketing and
advertisement. So, get the benefit from it.
Article submitted by Krishna Singh Web Designing Surat or SEO Surat
When Using Banner Ads On Other Websites
Banner ads are a familiar sight even today. They are the
animated little images which, when clicked, lead to the website of
whatever they advertise. Various website owners will allow you to
display your banner either for a sum of cash, in exchange for you
displaying their banner on your website, or, in some cases, even for
free. A special possibility is PPC (Pay-Per-Click) services, where the
amount of money you pay for the banner being displayed varies according
to how many people click on it. Until a few years ago, most ads used
the GIF format, which had numerous limitations. Nowadays, most banners
use the Flash format. Flash is a technology which allows very rich
content to be designed, including interesting image effects, true-color
images, sounds and interactivity, while keeping the size of the banner
ad small enough. Another thing that has changed in the use of banner
ads is their placement. Initially, banner ads belonged only in the
header of the page, or sometimes in the sidebar -if there was any. This
is no longer the case. Now let's learn how to use these banners. STEP
1: The mandatory planning. There are a number of decisions you need to
take at this step, especially as to how the banner will be displayed,
and what will happen when the user clicks it. 1. How will the banner be
displayed? Banners placed in the header or the footer of the page have
the advantage of being cheap and not very disturbing. They fit nicely
into the page almost regard-less of how they look, and there is a good
chance that they will be seen by visitors (while the page is loading or
immediately after it has loaded). 2. What will happen when the user
clicks it? If you are advertising your brand, or a service you provide,
it should lead to your homepage. If you are advertising a product, it
should lead to that product's description, especially if you sell a
wide range of products. If you are on a tight budget, you may consider
a banner exchange program, like neobanners.com. STEP 2: Design the
banner. When it comes to ads, this is probably the trickiest step if
your creative skills are not very good. Fortunately, there are ways to
overcome this lack of inspiration. One option is to use specialized
computer software. STEP 3: Publish your banner. This process is usually
automatic. Link exchange services usually require you just to upload
your banner through an online form and will provide detailed
instructions. Large websites which offer advertising opportunities
(like Yahoo!) often employ a similar method. STEP 4: Promote your
business. Gone are the days when you merely had to have some kind of
Internet presence to "get the clicks," and if you were fortunate, a
worthwhile number of sales. The emphasis now amongst Internet marketers
is very much on proactivity. One form of advertising supports and
promotes another, and it's essential that you use several ways of
drawing attention to your message if you want it heard, and acted on.
Have A Banner Day - Three Reasons Why Banner Ads Pay Off With Increase
Website Activity
The idea of using a banner ad for your website is a good one. The real
money is in ads on the Internet. If you are unsure about the real
benefits of using banner ads, take some time to read more about what
banner ads actually are and how to use them so you can make some real
profits with your site.
Banner ads are nothing more than simplified HTML code with a link
embedded in the code. Banner ads come in all different sizes. Some are
as large a 486x60 and some are as small as the tiny size of 88x31. The
graphics combined with the text information is what makes banners ads
shine. Clicking on it will bring a potential customer right to your
site, and then you have a chance to make a sell. Having a well laid out
website and clearly written instructions is the next key to selling.
Even if your advertising efforts don't pay off immediately - don't
despair. If your ad is intense enough graphically and texturally, it
will leave them with a memory of it, and they are likely will return
and purchase your product.
How do you get a banner ad placed on the Internet? First, you need to
understand that it does cost you money in most instances to place a
banner ad. You can pay a company to post it or arrange to have it
posted on an independent website. Other advertisers such as you will
evaluate if your banner ad will be successful at their site. They look
at page views and how many hits your website receives per month. They
might also evaluate click through rates as well, depending on if you
have a pay per click program. They will take into consideration how
much it is going to cost them too. Remember they have to pay for
bandwidth, and if does not benefit them economically, they might not
add your banner. You'll have to post at a 2 to 1 ratio. In other words,
you will have to place two of their banners in exchange for them
posting one of yours. You can also start your own affiliate program,
which has minor click through cost.
Now that you know a little more about banner ads, you need to realize
their importance for your website.
By posting banner ads, you will rise up in the search engine rankings.
Your product, with enough ads and strategic placement, will silently
push your page up in the engine ranking. You will get more visitors and
more exposure, thus increasing your chances of selling a product.
After exchanging banners with a few quality sites, more sites will want
to exchange or let you buy advertising space with them. It will
definitely increase your website visitors and increase profits at the
same time.
Using banner ads as advertising space helps you get more visitors to
your website.
These three ideas are primary for increasing website site traffic. You
will need to be aware of some general rules of thumb though. Make sure
that you have the patience to let your banner ads work their magic.
Whether you are saving up to pay a banner ad company to post your
banners or if you are trying to sell advertising space at your own
website for banner ads, it will take time. You will need extra patience
if you are contacting independent site owners and asking for their
approval to exchange banners. Always join quality sites that are well
ranked and have a relevance to your site content.
There are some drawbacks to using a banner ad to get more website
activity. You could end up with so many ads that your site will be a
maze that a lot of visitors will just click away from. And, there may
be some objectionable ads of an adult nature that you will have to live
with. Consider that you will need to have some capitol to create your
banners, and that cost varies according to size and complexity of the
design. You will need to update and continually post new banner ads as
other ads change or they are no longer relevant to your content
material. Overall, make sure your site design and budget can withstand
banner ad usage.
In the end, you will find that banner ads are worth the work and
effort. They have in the past raised website visitations through people
looking for products or information online. By working at it, you will
find that your profits will increase. In the end that's the name of the
How To Succeed With Banner Ads!
Is Banner Advertising
still effective? YES: But you need traffic to get traffic from banner
A trick is to try banner campaigns in combination with a pop-under
campaign. Send cheap traffic to a web page with original content and
some banners from two to four free banner exchanges.
Create a page with original content, not a banner farm! Banner
exchanges will suspend your account.
On average, banners receive a click trough rate of 0.2% - 0.6%, but
some banner ads receive a CTR of up to 3%. It's up to you to create a
professional banner with an incredible free offer, so that nobody can
Now let's assume that your banner has a click through rate of 1% (one
click for every 100 banner impressions).
You will usually earn one banner impression for your banner for every
two visitors you receive. Suppose you join four free banner exchanges.
Then order a 50,000 cheap visitors package (traffic pop-under windows)
for about $100 and send that traffic to the page you putted the banner
code on it.
You should earn about 100,000 free banner impressions from the banner
exchanges (25,000 credits from each banner exchange network). With a
well-designed banner, expect to achieve a 1% Click Through Rate (CTR)
or even more.
That's one thousand (1,000) targeted visitors, who have already
demonstrated an interest in your product (by clicking on your ad).
Targeted banner impressions often cost $10 per 1,000 impressions ($10
CPM). This equates to an advertising value of $1,000.00 and a cost per
click (CPC) of only 10 cents!
Not to mention the branding effects: Your logo and web address will
appear 150,000 times on other sites (100,000 on your banner and 50,000
on your pop-under window)! Sooner or later, your product or name will
become known throughout the Internet.
There are several banner exchanges on the Internet. Visit the page
below to find some of the best banner exchange networks and a few
banner design services:
Banner Advertisement – How to Captivate Viewers With Banner
Before SEO marketing strategies fetch your site heavy traffic, get your
site a bit accustomed to it with banner advertisement
. Banner advertisements have shown potential click through rates (CTR)
to work as magnets for pulling audience to websites. By embedding
simple piece of HTML code, these ads are potent enough to drive traffic
up to 5 to 20 percent CTR. Banners can be of various shapes, sizes and
placed in different places. Advertisers evaluate nature and placement
of banners ads to create the greatest possible impacts through them.
A banner advertisement is donned with alluring combination of graphics
and texts. Usual size of these ads is 486x60, nonetheless, these vary
extremely. Sizes do matter from the place they are viewed from,
isn’t it? So do sizes of banners when they are placed at
footer, sidebars in a website. For headers, banners of 700x100,
720x100, 640x88 are most effective while for sidebars the best would be
when they are measured 100x700, 250x250, 100x100 or 80x468 etc. Now
banners used in footers can be a bit larger as to leave large
impressions on your viewers’ mind, therefore, go ahead and
your banners accordingly.
Another interesting fact is pattern of banner advertisement. Yes, you
can deploy a GIF patterned or a flash banner if you wish to add a
little bit of life to your banner ads. Play your cards as per the
visual effects you have planned to exude through banners. Banners
created in GIF formats contain smaller file size as compared to flash
ads. Since your main agenda is the ads to be viewed and clicked more,
therefore, faster it gets loaded and viewed, more clicks it receives.
So, while illustrating a banner, stick to the importance of a fast
loadable banner to achieve optimum visibility, thereby, greater search
engine optimization results.
You may select either a free exchange banner advertisement or a paid
one. Free exchange banners depend on various factors as other sites
consider how your banner may bring those profits as they are paying for
bandwidth your ad requires. So, there are some limitations in free
exchange banners. Choose paid banner ads instead to post those on a
site that draws immense traffic and can give your ads inviting
placements on them. Select sites with lesser ads posted on them to turn
your banner become more prominent and pushy.
Seo - Are Your Banner Ads Working For You?
Banner ads are going out of style as a pay-per-click way of garnering
income. However does this mean that you should discard your banner ads
and trade them in for another type of SEO.
There are several ways that tell whether or not your banner ad is worth
You need to somehow keep track of your page Impressions. This term is
the number of times a particular web page has been requested from the
server. Advertisers are interested in knowing how many page views they
are being offered before they do a banner exchange with you. If you
don't have a high rate of page impressions then the banner ad is not
doing much for you.
Another thing to do is examine your Click-through rate (CTR). This
describes the ratio of page views to clicks. It tells you in the form
of a percentage the total number of web visitors who actually clicked
on the banner ad. The typical click-through-rate of payment is a measly
1 percent and if you are not even making that then the program is not
working for you.
If you are thinking of starting a banner ad click through or pay per
click type ad campaign you should make sure that the banner relates to
your web content. Otherwise you could confuse both search engine
spiders and people looking for you.
It is also a good idea to put banner ads at the top of the page rather
than further down. Yet another tip is to link the banner ad to the page
on your web page that features the same as it helps raise your rankings
in the search engine. The hitch with this and also the reason why
trading banners may not be worth your time is that many banner
exchanges won't do the trade with you unless you can guarantee that you
will place the banner on your home page!
PPC And The Banner Ads
Banner ads seemed to have gone the way of the Dodo bird. In essence
these forms of advertising on the web were relegated to link exchange
programs as Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising came to dominance. PPC
relies more heavily on target consumer activity and remains a
no-frills, cost effective way to reach targeted consumers.
However, today we find Flash driven banner advertising that can be
essentially a video that makes the advertising stand out.
Google has become involved in bringing banner ads back. What was once
considered a dinosaur is now getting a second look as an enhanced form
of PPC advertising.
No longer does the simple PPC advertising have to be the only option
for online business.
The common problem with link exchange programs has been that businesses
can only work with a comparatively small pool of participants. The
price is right, but it never really provides the jump-start to a
business that other Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies can
In many cases link exchange has been a bit like throwing darts wearing
a blindfold - you never really know what your shooting at and even
after you've let go of the dart you have no idea what, if anything, it
The value behind the Google brand allows some hope that banner ads with
all their glitz and glamour can provide a super-sized PPC experience
that is targeted, attractive and effective.
If you're an online business owner you know how important it is to find
marketing skills that work. You most likely are looking for strategies
that are designed to assist you long-term in search engine rankings as
well as shorter-term PPC strategies that drive targeted customers to
your site in the near term.
I know it can feel a bit like throwing your money to the wind and
hoping somebody will recognize you as the source, but many times
advertising just doesn't afford the opportunity to quantify the
effectiveness of the effort.
Advertising can be a bit like planting a garden. You till the soil and
add compost. Then you plant the seeds, weed the rows, water the soil
and wait. It can seem as if nothing is happening, but underneath the
ground the soil is about to yield a living plant that in turn will
yield a vegetable. The end result of your spring planting won't be
realized until the fall.
PPC advertising may be a little better than that, but it can still be a
point of multiple impressions that ultimately result in a greater level
of trust that in the end results in an online sale.
The question is, will banner ads now become a significant part of PPC
SEO & Banner Ads
- Banner Ads Must Be Visually Irresistible
Nobody clicks on a banner that is not visually appealing. Nobody clicks
on a banner that is on a page that it does not seem to relate to
either. For instance a banner selling dog food might look kind of weird
on a page that sells fake diamonds. The intelligent and humanly
intuitive placement of a banner on a web page is what is needed to give
it the best chance of receiving some clicks.
The most stunning banner ads are usually the hand made ones. Anyone
with computer knowledge can learn how to make a very basic banner ad.
To code the banner, simply combine the HTML tag for a link with the
HTML tag for an image. You can create the necessary graphics using a
simple computer art program, like Paint Shop Pro. Keep in mind that you
don't need to animate this banner. In fact the less animation the
better or the search engine spider may read the banner as a frame
containing blank space which is poor SEO.
Basis banner ads are so easy to make you can make sores of them for
your site in less than an hour. Do-it-yourself banner ad sites work
really well for most people, but if you like you can also hire a
professional ad designer. You can get a professional banner ad for $50
on a place like http://guru.com or http://elance.com or you can spend
upwards of $1,000 depending on what kind of designer you hire to work
Still it seems silly to hire someone when it is possible to get good
results for free. There are hundreds of Web sites that offer tools for
free banner ad creation. These automated sites provide you with all the
mechanisms that you need to make your own banner ad, such as
backgrounds and fonts. Some of these sites will simply generate a
banner for you. Some require that you do a banner exchange with them in
return for using their services.
Web Site - Using Banners Ad and Classified Ads!
Banner advertising is on just about every web site you visit today.
Banners are a form of advertising. This advertising is used to help pay
for the site and help make the owner money. Regardless of the type of
business or web site you have, you can use banners to help increase
your income. The advertising revenue generated from banners falls into
3 groups: Pay per Impression (PPI), Pay per Click (PPC), and Pay per
Sale/Lead (PPS).
Pay Per Impression
With PPI banner advertising you are paid each time your
advertiser's banner is shown on your web pages. A term CPM is often
used with banner advertising. It means cost per thousand, which
basically means you will be paid $ex. for every 1000 banners displayed
to the visitors of your web site This is the easiest method to earn
money with as every time someone visits your web site you get paid or
go to www.easy-pdf-toolkit.com However, this is not used very much and
is very easily abused. If you have a 1000 visitors per day and are paid
$5 per thousand then you make $150 per month. As an advertiser you do
NOT want to use PPI. It would be like paying the newspaper or phone
company money every time they said someone opened the newspaper or
phone book.
Pay Per Click
With PPC banner, you are paid more than with PPI but only when the
visitor actually clicks on the banner rather then just seeing it. With
PPI you many be paid $5.00 CPM (per thousand) and with PPC you could be
paid $5 per click. However, not as many will click on the banner.
Banner design has a lot to do with what we call the conversion rate.
That is basically how effective is the banner. Conversion rates for
banners are usually less than 1%. A very good banner may have a 5%
conversion rate. Remember that is a passive income stream. It is
working around the clock and requires no work on your part. So, if you
have 1000 people a day coming to your web site and you have a 1%
conversion rate with a payment of 50 cents per click, you could be
earning $150 a month just for having the banner there. As an advertiser
this is a little better than PPI. At least now the visitor is on your
web site and you have a chance to gather information about them and
possibly sell them your product or service.
Pay Per Sale/Lead
PPS banner advertising using pays the highest dollars of these three
methods, but only generates income when the advertiser makes a sale to
someone visiting from your web site It will have the lowest conversion
rate of the three. PPS banners only work well for the web site owner if
the advertiser does a good job with the banner design (creating a
desire to click), selling (presenting information), and closing
(getting the sale). None of these do you control directly. Selecting
PPS advertisers for your site should be well thought out. As an
advertiser, this is the preferred type of banner advertising.
Where to find advertisers
I think the best place to find people that want to place
ads on your site will be the affiliate programs. This is also a good
place for you to advertise that you would like to place banners on
others sites as well. Read the pages carefully. Banners can be
expensive if you don't generate any sales.
If you have friends or business associates that you do business with
you can ask them if they would like to place a banner on your site or
if you could place a banner on theirs. These exchanges become more and
more popular as your site becomes more popular as well.
A new source for banner ads is from the major search engines. Google Ad
words are probably the best known new source for advertising on a pay
per basis. This works both ways. You can pay to have your ad/banner
placed on others sites as well as have other web site ads placed on
your site. When your ad is displayed and someone clicks on it they will
visit your site and you pay Google for the visit. When you allow Google
to place ads on your site and someone clicks the ad, you get paid.
In the resource section of rd-webhosting.com you will find more
information on using banners to market your website.
Using Classified Ads to market your web site
Classified ads are just like in the newspaper. They are small detailed
ads that offer your product or services and provides a contact (your
email or web site). A quick search on Yahoo for classified ads will
find over 58,000,000 entries for sites and people who will either sell
or place your classified ads on their web sites.
Classified ad sites fall into two categories: Free and Paid. Free sites
should be avoided. BE CAREFUL... most free classified ad web sites you
can visit www.create-free-pdf.com Are farming your email address to
sell to others. You will find you email box loaded with tons of offers
and once it starts it will never stop. Paid classified web sites,
however, can be like having a store in the world’s largest
shopping mall for pennies a day in rent.
One of the largest classified ads web sites is...eBay. Think about
this. For about 30 cents an ad (item to sell) you get listed for one
week where over 1 million people a day come to shop. I have more
information on eBay and other auction sites under Web Basics.
There are other forms of advertising as well. One of which we discussed
before was newsletters. Others include, your email signature, banner
ads, e-books and affiliates. Each is discussed here. Click on the
Marketing Resources to review each form of advertising.
Banner Advertising Secrets - Discover How to Send Tidal Waves of
Traffic Using Banner Ads!
People are very un educated about banner advertising and how
immensely profitable it can be, but only if done right. So what is
banner advertising? Simply put it is the system of placing banners
which promote your promotions on websites which offers lots of traffic.
If done correctly it can be a very consistent source of potential
customers for you.
Here is how you can place simple banner in return for huge amounts of
Step #1: Build Your Banner Creative
For this to work clearly you require a classified ad which works! The
greatest classified ads are not in fact graphic ads in - but text ads.
Build a graphic, but only place text within it! People are conditioned
to ignore graphic ads; however as soon as they notice a prominent text
link, they will click it. So do you really want ads which are pretty
much guaranteed to succeed? Use copy from other places online where you
are receiving first-rate results (like your signature file within
forums, pay per click ads etc), and then simply plug the exact text
into your advertisement!
Step #2: Unearth Banner Networks To market within
Now you need to find networks to publish your advertisement in. I like
to use AdBrite, however there are a lot of other networks such as
Tribal Fusion, Blue Lithium and of course Google AdWords classified
ads! Google's Image Ads simply works like standard AdWords ads, apart
from you get to publish banners to work with your text classified ads.
Step #3: Track And Test Your Results
Consistently track and test your Banner campaigns. Design alternative
banners to 'compete' alongside your own banners, so that you will find
out the classified ad which works best for you. Spend extra money on
campaigns which work, and less on those that don't!
Online Banner ad rates Advertise your property
FL property possibly has more realtors per capita than
anywhere else in the world. The opportunity to purchase property
more cheaply and easier overseas has lured many potential buyers to
overseas locations. Choosing the right financial institution to finance
your overseas property purchase could ultimately save you money and
time. Some of the major banks and lenders for instance have overseas
branches and partners so you can borrow against an overseas property
and organize transactions and paperwork with ease. However, some banks
and lenders will not accept an overseas property as security.
If you are arranging finance to purchase a property overseas then you
will have to take into account the exchange rate on currency transfers.
Exchange rate fluctuations may result in gains and losses of around 10
per cent which will in turn impact on your purchase costs and the
profit you would make on the sale of the property. Buying when the
exchange rate is favorable would more than likely place you in a better
position for any future sales of the property.
The laws governing the sale and purchase of property particularly to
foreign nationals will vary in every country. And if you are purchasing
an investment property, you will need to ensure that you understand
your legal obligations as a landlord. There may also be an array of
taxation issues that need to be dealt with in your home country and the
taxation office in the country where you intend to make the purchase.
The Findire site helps you find and locate prospect clients for all
your property you want to rent, lease or sell. Be it advertising or
marketing, the site makes the perfect selling point for all your
assets. Also, if you want to hire a place or buy any with specific
geographical location requirements, the site will help you solve your
problem at ease.
List your property with the Findire advertising section providing
access and the exact exposure you need for your proA client searching
for a property primarily logs on to the internet to search for a
property. With more than 70% people prefer advertise online, it is
absolutely essential and overwhelming to build a successful online
advertising plan for your property. Put yourself in the client's shoes;
where would you search online if you were looking for an apartment,
condo, or other type of rental? Research shows that 90% of online users
search multiple websites in their quest for a suitable property.
Findire makes the one stop destination to advertise your real estate
property be it located in any part of the world. . Be it the village
side or a flashy urban settlement or corporate haunts you can look
forward to advertise your property at the site.
Participating In Banner Exchanges
There are many ways to advertise these days on the internet.
You can use free advertising
, or you can spend a bundle of money advertising
your products. I would advise you to start out with free advertising
and then invest some of your profits on paid advertising when that time
One of the easiest ways to get started with your advertising is through
solo ads. Solo ads are promoted through text exchanges, which are
membership sites that one can join and then promote their products to
the other members. There is no risk of spam complaints because everyone
who joins has agreed to receive advertising from the other members.
Text ad exchanges are a very new concept in the world of internet
marketing advertising. For this reason, all text ad exchanges give away
a lot of their advertising to entice new members to join. Each exchange
will offer advertising in the form of banner ads, solo ads, text ads or
log in ads. The most responsive are the solo ads. Members receive
credits when they actually open and read the solo ads, so they are, in
fact, eager to read ads to build up the credits that they may use to
trade for more advertising.
Signing up for at least 10 new text ad exchanges each day will give you
many, many free contact solo ads which will be sent to thousands of
prospects. If you have a good subject line, along with a free giveaway
to entice the members to sign up to a capture page, you will begin to
build your own list in no time at all.
Retrieved from
Options in Banner Exchanges
Banner exchanges is quite useful for business owners who want to take
advantage of Internet marketing strategies such as banner ads but are
on a limited budget. The ideal use of banner ads would include placing
your banner ad on a website which receives a great deal of traffic and
attracts an audience who will likely be interested in your products or
services. Additionally, this website should not directly compete for
your business.
This scenario may be difficult to find and even when a business owner
is able to find this type of situation, purchasing advertisement space
may be expensive especially if it is a highly competitive niche. These
business owners may find banner exchanges to be an affordable
Cost effectiveness of these situations is the most appealing factor of
banner ad exchanges. Most banner ad exchange groups are free to
participants. Unlike placing a banner ad independently, there is no
financial cost for the appearance of the banner ad on another website
but the business owner does have an obligation to fulfill. Most banner
ad exchanges will find another website to post your advertisement
without charging a fee but they will require you to post at least one
banner ad, and sometimes more, on your website in exchange for having
your banner ad displayed on another website.
Many banner ad exchanges will work to attempt to match your banner ad
to a relevant website but this is not always possible and your banner
ad may wind up on a website which is not relevant to your products or
services. This will likely mean that the banner ads will generate very
little interest in your products and services. Similarly the
advertisements you are asked to post may not complement your website
well. You will likely have the opportunity to reject advertisements in
particular categories you find to be offensive but will have little
control beyond that to moderate the banner ads on your website.
Another very affordable option for placing your banner ads on the
Internet may include starting an affiliate marketing campaign. This is
an Internet marketing campaign in which website owners, or affiliates,
post your banner ad on their website and attempt to promote your
products and services for you. The banner ads typically include
graphics and text which entice Internet users to click through the ad
to your website and also include embedded code which provides you with
feedback detailing which affiliates generated the website traffic. This
information is necessary because affiliates are typically not paid
unless they achieve a desired result such as enticing Internet users to
click through the banner ad or make a purchase.
The affiliates are typically compensated either on a cost per click
basis or a cost per sale basis. Cost per click means the affiliate
receives a predetermined amount of money each time a user clicks on the
ad. Cost per sale means the affiliate receives either a flat fee or a
percentage of the sale for each sale generated by the affiliate.
Affiliates may also be paid on a cost per lead basis which means they
are compensated when a user performs a specific action such as
registering with a website or filling out a survey. Most people favor
affiliate programs because it is a cost effective way to place your
banner ads online and because they only have to pay affiliates who are
Banner Advertisements
When you are trying to make money off of the articles on your website,
it is important to effectively promote your site so that you will
attract customers and they can see just what a good, quality site you
have. There are several ways so market and promote your website, one of
them being though banner advertisements.
What Banner Ads Can Do For You
Web Banner ads can help bring visitors from others sites to your own.
Although monthly fees can be expensive to advertise on high traffic
sites, in the end it may be cheaper and/or a faster way to start seeing
significant revenue from your website efforts, rather than waiting for
SEO techniques to bring your own site to the top of search engine
results. Aside from paying to advertise on someone else's site, there
are also free banner exchanges to choose from. We will look at the pros
and cons of each banner advertising method below.
Free Banner Exchanges Program
Free banner exchanges program are when you and other sites exchange
each others banners. Their banner will go on your site and your banner
will go one their site. Although this option is free, there are two
main problems with it. First, if you want your banner on a significant
number of sites, it will mean cluttering your own site up with these
banners. This could even shot you in the foot if you run an affiliate
website because, instead of clicking on your affiliate links, your
visitors may be clicking on your banner exchange links. Secondly, you
have to be really careful about the types of sites that you exchange
banners with. Some sites like to gather a lot of banners so that they
can be a directory or portal site and not have to have any real
content. These "banner farms" or "link farms" will do nothing positive
for your site and, in the meantime, you will be bringing them potential
Paid Banner Ads
As we saw above, paid banner ads cost money, but they will eventually
pay off if you choose the right ones. You need to ensure that the site
produces the amount of traffic that they say and that they have your ad
placed in a way that invites visitors to click without being too pushy.
You also want to choose a site that does not house too many other
banners on the same page as yours or that there are no competitor links
on the same page.
All in all, banner ads can end up being profitable for you site if you
go about it the right way. If you do decide to check out banner
advertisement as a marketing avenue, be sure to keep the above tips in
Banner Advertising for Any Website, Blog, or Ebay Webstore!
Banner Advertising
Because of its graphic element, a banner ad is somewhat similar to a
traditional ad you would see in a printed publication such as a
newspaper or magazine, but it has the added ability to bring a
potential customer directly to the advertiser's Web site. This is
something like touching a printed ad and being immediately teleported
to the advertiser's store! A banner ad also differs from a print ad in
its dynamic capability. It stays in one place on a page, like a
magazine ad, but it can present multiple images, include animation and
change appearance in a number of other ways.
Why Use Banner Advertising
We Advertise on all Major Search Engines, PLUS, on Our Partner Site 1
MILLION Website Hits.com Members Area, and on other Traffic Exchanges
to Maximize all of our Advertisers Banner Exposures.
7 Ways to Use Banner Advertising
1. A Great Addition to your Yahoo or Google Adsense
2. Add any Affiliate Banner to generate instant sales
3. Advertise any Product, or Service for easy sales
4. You can Create a Simple Email Capture Page
5. Have Daily Visitors Download your Free eBooks
6. Sell any Digital Download item on every click
7. Now you can Advertise your eBay Auction Pages
How it Works
Upon Final Auction Price, Simply Submit your 468x60 Banner URL along
with the Website URL you wish to promote. you will get a email with
your user name - password to login to check your stats.
Terms and Conditions
Unfortunately we do have some restrictions for participation.
English sites only. Your site and your banners must be in English. On
rare occasions we may allow a non English site, however, this is at our
own discretion.
No Banner Farms. We will not allow any website with no original content
to join our network. This is not fair for those hardworking webmasters,
or for advertisers.
Unsuitable Content. The following types of sites are NOT allowed to
participate in 1MILLION Banner Hits: Sites containing nudity,
pornography, tobacco or other adult material, sites encouraging illegal
activity or racism, sites providing instructions or discussions about
performing illegal activities, sites that promote or utilize software
or services designed to deliver unsolicited email, or any other sites
1MILLION Banner Hits deems to be inappropriate.
Dis functional Banner. We will be automatically rejecting any website
which either doesn't have a working banner, or which contains a banner
of such a poor quality that it would present 1MILLION Banner Hits or
its members with a bad image.
Cancellations. You may cancel your account at any time. We also reserve
the right to terminate your account at any time, without notice if we
deem it appropriate.
Your Privacy. 1MILLION Banner Hits respects your privacy. We do not
sell, rent or give any identifiable personal information regarding its
subscribers to any third party. Any information that you give to us is
held with the utmost care and security.
For More info: http://1millionbannerhits.com
Again I want you to read about each banner exchange site
carefully before you join any site so you will find all the sign up
links below the description.
Links Banner Exchange : 1