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Banner Exchanges
or Banner Networks
Some more suggestions about using free banner advertising
Banner advertising involves using graphical banners to highlight
products and
their features and is a very effective way to market them. Banner
advertising more suitable on content base sites,e.g review site as
between lots of texts a banner image will look nice and easy on eye.
For banner advertising to be effective, as I wrote before ads should be
designed and written in a very professional way. Its
look and design should be such that surfers feel over powered to click
them. Taking the help of professional graphic designer will be
helpful and in fact is very necessary. Attractive graphic ads are liked
everybody leave alone surfers.
Banner ads should carry clear
and concise,easy to understandable business message to your prospects.
It should be able to
instantly reveal the to your prospects that what product or
service it is saying. As I wrote before your prospects are going to see
your banner ad only for 2-3 seconds and so if you can not grab their
attention within this time woth attractive graphics and headline and
sub headline you will put them off from visiting your site.
Create descriptive banner ad which demonstrate concisely main
features or benefits of yoour product and ignite your prospects'
curiosity and make them want to know about what is in there for them.
Combination of proper words:attention grabbing 1st line(because it is
bannner ad but if you want you can call it headline),2nd line or sub
headline and attractive design can do wonders for your ad and can
provide you maximum result possible.
Success of banner advertising lies in making people click.More
click = Higher CTR = Low CPM = = More Visitor = Higher sales
conversion =
More revenue from the same site.Here is a little banner ad designing
trick to get more CTR from your banner ad.
Use a white
background so it wont displayed in browser and write your
part in blue. Generally blue colour is associated with hyperlinks and
we know everyone has general curiosity and in built psychological
feeling to click on a hyper link.
The banner advertising is passive means once set up will not need your
active participation or your presence,works round the clock-24 hours a
day without stopping at anything(Except the site goes down on which
your banner ad resides).Time saver as once set up it runs
automatically.Generally less expensive compare to other forms
advertisement.You can even get 100% free advertising and free traffic
by joining Free Banner Exchange Networks.
In short goals of a banner ad should be make people aware of your
product,educate them about your product,make them click and visit the
actual product site.
The most essential aspect of banner advertising is that it is passive,
round-the-clock, and less expensive. In short, banner advertising aims
at educating people about products and services, their availability,
price comparisons, their benefits, and other relevant
information. Taking the help of a digital marketing agency
further enhance the outlook of your ads. With help of professional
banner designer you can make your banner ad more clickable.Now-a-days
there are many banner designing softwares are available in the market
which are very easy and simple to use and even a novice can design a
professional banner ad graphic with this tool.
Some more point about Free Banner Advertising
Now you know a banner ad is a simple and great way to
any product of site.Banner ads have
generated many many millions of dollars in profits for a large number
of site and businesses operated online. A banner ad is a
ad and as you know picture speaks louder than words in favor
your business or site. It is a method of advertising that
has been extensively used for long time and has produced exceptionally
good ROI. You
can use a banner ad for many different purposes,e.g. to promote a
product you are selling, to inform of
a sale or discount that you are offering, to launch a sales event, etc
etc.In short
to do just anything else connected with your business. Remember, the
main goal is to drive traffic and the more eye catching your ad is, the
clicks you will get and so the more visitors and more profits. To make
your banner ads produce the best results
possible, you should apply thses tips and tricks.
If you are a webmaster or a blogger,your banner ad should represent
your site and should match well with your site or blog including but
not limited to just graphics only but content you put on graphic as
well.The benefit of your banner ad is that when you launch new banner
ad you don't have start from scratch as existing graphic can be reused
and you can just change the words or content on the graphic.When anyone
comes to your site after clicking your banner ad,he or she will be sure
from the look only that he or she is at right place and make him or her
more interested. Always proof read your banner ad content before it
live.Don't put too much words into your banner ad
keep it simple ,precise and focus on main benefit and put some
curiosity factor in 2nd line to make your prospect want more.It is
better to not to reveal much when it comes to effectiveness of a banner
ad.Be as much straight forward and clear cut as you can.If your banner
ad content is clear and to the point
cuts straight to the point then you don't have to waste time
tweaking and fixing the content later. A simple and direct banner ad
always gets more response.
If your banner ad is not
giving you expected result,you should change
it frequently and test multiple banner ads and sooner or later you will
find a banner ads which will provide expected result.Now disgard all
other copies whch have not given expected result and keep the working
one.One more thing I want to state here is sooner or later that tested
working ad will also loose its charm.Why?Because of over exposer.
take anything for granted which they see too frequently so what should
you do now?Start over again all the testing?No and not at all.Now you
know which kind of banner ad gives you maximum result so you should
create identical but not the same copies(Don't change the content but
little tweaking and keep the graphic identical but not the same) of
such a banner ad change regularly to save them from over exposer.Banner
advertising can prove to be one of the best marketing
methods to get targeted visitors to your site if used the right way.One
good way to test different banner ads is to create a number of
them and have them placed on different pages/sites. Once this is done
then you can then check and analyze tracking reports for each banner
and can find out which banner ad is giving you the highest expected
result.This way you can differentiate winner from looser and replace
the looser with winner banner ad copy.And by doing all these you are
certainly going to get amazing result from all your banner ad campaigns.
short if you want big result with banner advertising,little
hard work is involved at initial stage but you can rest assured about
your long term success with even free banner advertising through free
banner exchange networks and get lots of free advertising and free
traffic to your site.
As an
affiliate marketer getting started with banner advertising is
extremely easy as you are going to get ready made banner ads
your merchants.You can create a content site(e.g. a review site) around
your product's niche and promote multiple products from the same niche
from a single central location by inserting banner ads on prominent
location on your site pages or if you want more easy way you can start
a blog(Which you can start free and many free services are
available,read more at blog section).
Something more about banner advertising.
As you know now banner ads are an advertising medium that has
been proven effective from a long time. Banner ads are equally use for
big million dollar company as well as a small home business owner. It
is cost effective medium of advertising and as I wrote above as a small
home business owner you can even get absolutely free banner advertisng
by joing free banner exchange networks and thus get 100% free
advertising for your businees or site and 100 % free traffic to site of
your choice.In banner ad you use the picture and so with picture not
only you can brand your company,your products but also brand
you know the benefits of branding you can easily understand how much
future rewards are waiting for you in the future and how important
banner advertising can be for your site.Many Affiliate
Millionaires and other big marketers have used and still using banner
ads in their over all marketing strategy to
drive traffic to their sites. This is because banner ads
were effective,are effective and will remain effective in
future.It seems like that at least right now.
There are several ways to
direct more traffic towards your site and generate a greater amount
sales as well with banner ads.You
should target your banner ads towards a specific niche market of your
choice.The audience is already interested so you will get more CTR and
sales from such a targeted audience.The best place for your
paid banner ads are web pages and forums related to your
niche.Many such sites have offers for putting banner ads on their web
pages for a small monthly charge or on CPM bases.People tend to forget
about niche marketing and the benefits
that can be enjoyed by taking the time to target a selected group of
people although niche marketing is not new at all. In short if your
banner is on a sites related to your own business you will get higher
CTR from even a small number of sites and if the banner ad is on many
many sites which are not related to your own site then you are
definitely going to get very low CTR.For example your site is dealing
with health product and if your banner ad is on many sites dealing with
internet marketing then you will certainly get very low CTR but if your
banner is been put on the sites dealing with diseases,medical field
nursings then it will get very good CTR.
Many advertiser
make false statement in their banner ads without making
the banner ad relevant to their products as result in start they may
get high CTR but after some time they get the worst CTR and become
untrust worthy in prospects eyes and the situation becomes worse when
their products start to get bad mouth publicity because people on the
Internet can communicate with their
friends and associates from all over the world. If people learn
that your banner ad does not deliver what it states you will get bad
reputation as a untrust worthy owner and your sites will get lots of
bad mouth publicity and lower opinion about your site.
Let me remind you once again :Honesty is the best policy in
online business so do remember this while writing your banner ad
This honesty will build relationship
with your prospective buyers
and with relationship marketing they will become your loyal customer
and this will ultimately drive repeated visitors and very good mouth
publicity and flood.In short from the start how you deal with your
prospects is the most important thing.If you treat them nicely,in
friendlier way with all the honesty they will do the same with you and
your site will be successful.This is the foundation and without
foundation everything on the top can crumble any time.This is what
ultimately drives repeat traffic to your banner
ads from
your regular visitors.Building good relationship with your potential
customers is the
desired ultimate result to be obtained and it is obtained by honest
marketing efforts.
In short if you
desire a great result
from banner advertising just do keep all the points above in your mind
Ways You Can Use Banner Advertising Effectively
There are many ways to get traffic to
your site and
among them on of
the highly tested great way is intelligent use of banner advertising.
Many successful PPC advertisers are using banner ads by
placing banners on relevant forums,blogs and sites.By placing your
banner on high traffic relevant sites & having
backlinks is very important. Your banner ad will generate high CTR
& another
benefit you will get is good back links to your site which will
increase your site's chance to rank high in search engines. .
In addition to the things
we’ve already looked at, the fonts may
be one of the most important factor in your banner ad. Use the easily
readable clear fonts as well as choose the combination of contrast of
colors between graphic and fonts so that it can be read easily otherwise you will loose the
attention of your prospective buyers even before they have 1st look at
your offer.Fonts
can also decide whether your banner ad will be a winner or
Important thing is to realize that banner advertising is
quite important to your online profits.
Traffic from search engines are very
good targeted traffic and
when your are on 1st page of any search engines you will get thousnds
of visitors to your site but search engine ranking or position are
difficult to gain and even more difficult to maintain and suppose your
site get ranked on 1st page of Google but sooner or later
other website will snatch your position and all the traffic from the
search engine stops or lessen to negligible level .This happens when
your site solely rely only one method of getting traffic but if you are
using differnt types of advertising methods then you don't have to
worry about your search engine position any more as if you loose your
1st page ranking in Google or any other search engines your site is
still getting traffic from other resources and one of the
best of
them is banner advertising.
When you join a free banner exchange
network,you are not just
going to get traffic but traffic from many sites so your traffic source
will never be lost all together as in a big banner exchange network
there are thousands of other member's sites and at any time it never
happens that all these sites go down all together.
I have listed here many Free Banner Exchange
Networks and
once again remind you thar each one has its own rules and regulations
and you must obey the rules to use the site.I recommend you to join all
the good ones if not the all.Don't forget to do two things as well.1.To
insert Banner Exchange Networks codes on your site and 2. To set your
own banner ad inside your member's area.If you are absolute newbie to
banner advertising I suggest you to read and re read everything at the
time of leisure.
Well come to the world of Free Banner Advertising through
Banner Exchange Networks and Best of luck for your success.
[1] Banner Rage
Intro : Very good looking Banner Exchange site and for sign
you do require your own site(some do not require at sign up
the bannere exchange owner dies not want to know at the sing
on which site you are going to insert their codes!You can add a site or
sites afterward).
Free Member : 1:1
You must follow this rules to use the site
BannerRAGE.com Polices and Procedures
BannerRAGE reserves exclusively the right to reserve impression
credits to any member host that exhibits questionable impression rates
or manipulates impressions in any way. Such a member's account will be
terminated immediately, all impressions earned forfeited, and lost.
And, we will, in order to preserve the integrity of our membership
network, prosecute for fraud (which also will pierce any corporate
umbrella). Our system is fair and profitable for all members, and we
intend to keep it that way. If you are a cheat or a con, go away.
Code Integrity: You may not, under any circumstances, alter
BannerRAGE insertion code, except for placement purposes. You must
display the banner code so banners show at your site in order to be an
active member. Members not displaying the banner code will be
terminated and lose all privileges and credits (the banner code need
not be on your homepage). The banner code must be hosted on a page or
pages within your site(s) with genuine content and linked to/from other
pages within your site(s). Furthermore, BannerRAGE banner code must
be hosted on pages using the English language predominantly, and all
banners must be in the English language. We "spider" to ensure
compliance. Only one BannerRAGE code showing banners is allowed per
page. Note: you may however put the code on as many pages as you want.
Banner Statements: Making statements near the BannerRAGE banner,
requesting that your visitors "Click the banner" is not allowed. Member
sites may only use one of the following terms verbatim:
* Click here to visit our sponsor
* Please support our sponsor
* To visit our sponsor, click here
* Please visit our advertiser
At any time in the future, following your approval as a member of
BannerRAGE, you may add additional web sites and banners. Simply
login to your account and upload your banners/links.
Automated enforced impressions: Artificially inflating traffic through
the use of meta-refresh commands, auto spawning of browsers, automatic
redirecting of users, programs, hidden frames, java pop ups, robots, or
any other technique of generating automatic impressions is strictly
prohibited. It is also prohibited to require users to click on the
advertisers banner before entering any area of your web site. It is a
big no-no, and will result in termination and forfeiture of any and All
credits due.
BannerRAGE may at any time refuse to include any web site as a host
member in the network that is found to be inappropriate, based solely
on BannerRAGE.com's discretion.
Do not apply if your site:
* Is adult oriented in any way
* Has anything to do with software
* Hacking or phreaking
* Any illegal activity whatsoever
WE HAVE ZERO TOLERANCE FOR CHEATERS. If you cheat, your account will be
terminated, all credits due will be forfeited, AND you will be exposed
by having your name, address, email address, and phone number published
at our site with a warning "Do not do business with these people..."
And this same information will be distributed to in excess of 7,000
affiliate program managers. Further, any unearned click-throughs and
impressions will be billed and collected at 2x our highest retail
price, including all costs of collection. In extreme cases, we may ask
for access to your server logs to verify traffic. Failure to comply
within 72 hours will result in account termination and loss of all
membership benefits.
We use actual human monitoring to observe the network on a daily basis.
Any unusual activity is investigated and dealt with immediately.
Remember this site has been designed by members, for the benefit of
members, so that all may prosper.
Copyrighted material: You are agreeing that all content on your site is
legal to distribute, and that you own or have the legal right to use
any and all of the copyrighted material.
Indemnification: Host agrees to indemnify and hold BannerRAGE
harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, liabilities,
expenses, losses, damage, attorney fees, any and all claims and
lawsuits for libel, slander, copyright and trade mark violation, as
well as any other claims resulting from host or advertisers web pages.
BannerRAGE reserves the right to change the terms of our
and procedures at any time. You are responsible for complying with any
new rules posted here within ten days from the day changes are posted.
You agree to settle any dispute under our policies and procedures
agreement via binding arbitration in Philadelphia, PA.
BannerRAGE reserves the right to withhold impression credits
any host member that violates any of our policies and procedures, and
rules per this agreement.
It is a requirement that all banners submitted for rotation, whether on
purchased or earned credits basis, must be linked back to the member's
web site or sites, and any member may enroll as many sites as they wish
providing the member has legal authority to do so.
BannerRAGE reserves the right to reject further placement or
discontinue the rotation of any paid ads in the network that fail to
meet a minimum of .5% click thru response.
Our system is self policed. If you violate the BannerRAGE policies
and procedures, and someone reports it or BannerRAGE discovers it,
your account will be terminated, all credits will be forfeited, and a
25,000 impression bounty will be paid to the person who reports you.
Our Privacy Statement
going to
Our privacy
policy is short, sweet, and to the point...
We will never rent, sell, or otherwise provide any personally
identifiable information about you or your account to anyone!
Yes, it really is that simple!
Links to other sites
Be aware that we make available to you links to external web sites
outside of BannerRage. These web sites will have their own policies
regarding privacy. You are encouraged to practice due diligence with
regard to the information you provide to any other web site, as we
cannot be responsible for use of any information you provide to any
organization beyond our direct control.
Use of Cookies
Our site uses "cookies." You should note that much bad press has been
generated regarding cookies, and almost all of it is patently false.
Cookies CANNOT harm your computer. They cannot transmit any information
to other web sites. They can't send anyone your email address, phone
number, or credit card information. And they can't tell your computer
to do anything. A cookie is only a little piece of information that
sits in your computer. It can only be read by the web site that created
it. Cookies are generally used so that web sites know who you are when
you return to the site after a period of time. They can only do this if
you have told the site who you are in the past. We use cookies for one
purpose only: to identify the web site or member who referred you to
the BannerRAGE web site. This single cookie will remain valid for
30 days after your first visit to our site, then it will expire. If at
any time during those thirty days you visit the site again, even if you
do not come back through the same vehicle as the first time, we will
know who the original referring member was. See, pretty harmless, huh?
For more information on cookie myths, visit the C|NET Builder.com
5000 Banners
Site is running bur unresponsive!
Intro : One of the best and oldest Free Banner Exchange
with nice looking site.They have shifted host and designed a new site
on a new server with more features.Do not require your own site at the
time of sign up.Free to join and you can also buy additional credits
the network.
Banner Exchange Ratio
Free Member : 2:1
can Add/Edit/Remove Member Information
statistics of your referrals
Extremely easy to join
promotional materials required as the inserted codes already include
your referral url
5000 FREE
credits upon signing up
2:1 banner exchange ratio
2:1 click ratio
Up to 20 Ads per User
Multiple campaigns & banners for each member
Transfer credits between campaigns
Real time super detailed statistic for each campaign.
Clicks & Impressions for referred user:
Users receive 30% from the impressions sent by users they referred,
to a maximum 100 impressions per day for each referred user
JPG, GIF or SWF (Flash) banners
Presently available banner sizes:
120X60 Button, 120x600 SkyScraper,
125X125 Square, 160X600 Wide SkyScraper,
234X60 Half Banner, 468X60 Standard Banner
Anti-Cheat System
-You can even know the over all statistics of the site displyed on 1st
page and updated live.
-You can change your banner ad/s any time but new banner must be
approved by admin before included in the network
-Can any time see your ad's detailed statistics and can download the
-Can contact the admin directly from inside the member's area
-Get exchange codes for the size you choose to display on your own site.
-Can even save the rejected ads and can any time modify them.
-If you are not interested in free ad exchange then you can sign up
directly as an advertiser and purchased the credits.
Poorly designed banners and poorly designed websites will not be
We want this to be maintained as a high quality banner exchange. This
will optimize results for everyone.
must follow these rules to use the sites
-Must use the valid e-mail address + agree to receive e-mails
from the site.
-Only one account from one ip/pc
-After sign up must confirm your e-mail within 14 days or
account will be deleted
-Can not use any frame breaking site
-You can only send e-mail message to your direct referrals
and that is only once a week and no offensive materials.
-You can not use robot/auto surf software of any
-Again you can not use any spamming
method to promote the site.
-With adult content or
or malicious virus containg site
involved in any kind of illegal activities
involved in Hacking
contains illegal copy righted content
contains offensive materials
Unfortunately there are no terms & condition or
privacy policy pages are displayed
Sign up now right now........
[3] World
Banner Exchange
Not active
Intro :
Very good
looking Free Banner Exchange site.Here is where you get your banner on
TENS OF THOUSANDS of websites worldwide FREE! Yes, without paying a
penny! Increase your traffic! Make more sales faster! Banners are the
way to go... and your FREE Membership at World Banner Exchange
literally delivers the world! Worldprofit now in its 16th year of
business offers a Home Business Success System including website
hosting, design, training, support, software and live online webcasts
as well as a ready-made inventory of products and services that can be
resold on a commission basis.
How does getting your banner on THOUSANDS of SITES WORLDWIDE
for FREE sound?
If you like the idea of putting your banner in front of MILLIONS of
people worldwide... all without paying a penny of your hard-earned
cash... you'll love Worldprofit's World Banner Exchange!
All you've got to do is join the World Banner Exchange... for FREE!
Just click here. It's easy! It's fast! And it'll bring a tidal-wave of
traffic to your website so that you can capture more prospects and sell
more of your products and services 24 hours a day! No banner? No
problem! Click here and we'll gladly make one for you. Then sit back
and relax. Thanks to World Banner Exchange your banner will be working
24 hours a day, 365 days a year packing your site with new people --
and new business! Yippee!!
Here is how the Banner Exchange works
A pool of people join the Exchange and submit their website and banners
to our server. To their website, they add a short HTML code. This code
tells our server that the site is part of the exchange and to rotate
the banners on the page. The banners are from the other WBX clients who
have uploaded their banner to our server. When the client uploads their
banner to our server, they can specify where the banner will link to -
this is referred to as the banner link page. Once they have properly
uploaded their banner to our server, it will be in the rotation to be
displayed on the other WBX client's websites.
Banners are displayed according to the number of credits that the
client has in their account. To obtain credits they must display 2
banners on their page. Once they have 1 credit, their banner will be
displayed. With each banner being displayed once, one credit is
subtracted from the client's account. Note: to obtain credits, a client
will need to add the HTML code to one or more of their webpages.
Banners that are submitted to our server are checked before being
approved. We check to see if the link is correct, and to see if the
page that the link is referring to is appropriate ie. no adult-content.
If the banner is deemed inappropriate, the account is cancelled and the
client will notified. Worldprofit reserves the right to cancel any
account at anytime.
Upon joining you are able to categorize your site. By categorizing your
site, it will prioritize your banners. Your banners will therefore be
displayed only on sites of similar category and your site will display
only, banners of similar category. As you can guess, this will limit
the amount of exposures you will have and limit the amount of traffic
needed to really profit from the net. However by categorizing your
site, you can target your audience. The choice is yours as to whether
you want your site categorized or not.
For more information on how to properly join the Banner Exchange,
please visit the online instructions at
Banner Exchange Ratio
Free member : 2:1
-Extremely easy to
-Provides pre-made free banners to use
can Add/Edit/Remove Member Information
-Detailed statistics of your referrals
-Check your detailed paid or free advertising stats
-There is no contract,you can cancel your account any time.
-Can add new site or edit existing site any time but must be
approved before start rotating/showing to other members.
-Can add your banner ad any time or modify existing one .
-Free entry in a contest when arranged to win banner ad
You must
follow these rules to use the sites
-Must use the valid e-mail address + agree to receive e-mails
from the site.
-Only one account from one ip/pc
-Must insert the banner exchange codes on your site to
display your own banner/s
-You can not use robot/auto surf software of any
-Again you can not use any spamming
method to promote the site.
-With adult content or
or malicious virus containg site
involved in any kind of illegal activities
involved in Hacking
contains illegal copy righted content
contains offensive materials
Tutorial to use member's area
Your member page opens with a general overview of your
status, plus general options for updating your account settings.
All of your general account settings are displayed here. Other than the
information you entered, key items are:
1. Credits: this refers to the number of credits
you have
available. Your banner uses up one credit every time it is displayed on
another Banner Exchange site. Credits can be earned by displaying
banners on your site. For every 2 regular banners that appear on your
site earn 1 credit.
2. Credits Used: this is the number of credits you
have used since joining the Banner Exchange.
3. Credits Purchased: if you have purchased any
credits in
the past, you will see this item displayed. The number is also added to
your total Credits. This number does not decrease (i.e. it is the total
number of credits you have purchased to date).
4. Credits Won: occasionally we will be running
which you will either have to enter to win or are entered into simply
by being a Banner Exchange client. If you win, the number will be
displayed on your main account page. All contests will be announced
under the news section of your account manager. Any credits won are
automatically added to your current Credit total.
Account Options
With most Banner Exchange accounts, you are able to add more than one
banner. If this option is available, you will a button at the bottom of
the BANNER section; if not, you will have to reduce the number of
banners currently in your account or modify an existing banner.
Maintaining several banners in your account has several advantages, but
is not recommended in all cases. Examine the table below to determine
if multiple banners are advisable.
Single Banner
Multiple Banner
# credits are used more slowly, so they last longer
credits are used more
quickly, as banners are selected by "last displayed" as well as by
# every time you change a single banner, it is placed on the pending
list for verification
you can have several
different banners approved at once, then switch between them by
alternatively disabling and enabling the one you want displayed
# a successful banner (i.e. many click-throughs) is better than several
mediocre banners
use one of your banner
slots to experiment with different designs, so you can find one that
draws a lot of click-throughs
# multiple banners decreases the "impression familiarity" factor.
Seeing the same banner several times increases the chances that an
individual will act upon it (in other words, click on it), where
multiple-banner accounts reduce the number of times the same banner is
displayed, and thus reduce the important familiarity factor.
if you have a lot of
credits collected, multiple banners will use them up more quickly.
To add a banner:
* click on NEW BANNER.
* if you want click-through visitors to
go to a part
of your page different than the main page, enter the information here.
For instance:
means that people
clicking on the banner
would be taken to http://www.someplace.com/happy.htm, instead of just
* there are two methods you can use to
upload your banner.
The first method
uses the Browser Upload
method, requires that you have a browser that supports this (most 4.0+
Browsers have this ability). Click on Browse... and choose the GIF or
JPEG image from your computer. Remember that the image must be 468
pixels wide by 60 pixels high. After you have chosen your image, click
If your image is
already someplace on
the web (like on your web page), then you can use the second method.
Just type in the URL of the image (i.e.
http://www.myhomepage.com/banner.gif) and click on RETRIEVE.
* That's it! You should now see your
banner image
plus some of the initial setup information. Remember that this banner
is PENDING and will not begin to use credits until our content
assurance team has examined it.
In order to earn credits for your banner to be displayed, you have to
insert our Banner Exchange code into your web site.
1. Copy all of the HTML out of the text box.
2. use your HTML/web page editor open the page in
you web
site on which you wish to display your Banner Exchange banners.
3. if required, make sure you switch your program
mode (i.e. in MS Frontpage you click on the HTML tab at the bottom of
the page). If you are not sure how to do this, consult your program's
4. paste all of the Banner Exchange code where you
want the banners to appear on your web page
5. save the changes you have made. If you followed
steps correctly, the Banner Exchange banners should start appearing
immediately, and you are on your way!
Banners can be placed anywhere on your web page, though they sit best
at the top or bottom of the page. The width of the banners is 468
pixels, so you must make sure that this doesn't interfere with the
design of your page.
To insert the code,
* Copy all of the HTML out of the text
* use your HTML/web page editor open the
page in
your web site on which you wish to display your Banner Exchange banners.
* if required, make sure you switch your
program to
HTML mode (i.e. in MS Frontpage you click on the HTML tab at the bottom
of the page). If you are not sure how to do this, consult your
program's documentation.
* paste all of the Banner Exchange code
where you want the banners to appear on your web page
* save the changes you have made. If you
the steps correctly, the Banner Exchange banners should start appearing
immediately, and you are on your way!
All of the banners currently listed under your account will be
displayed here. Important items include: banner information: For every
banner that you have uploaded to your account, there will be a small
display including:
* the banner image
* the URL that people will visit when
clicking on the banner
* the number of impressions this banner
is recieved.
An impression is the technical term refering to a banner being
displayed. Because we want to ensure that your banner is displayed for
more than a second or two, we currently lock an impression to 20
seconds in length. This means that your banner will appear for a
minimum of 20 seconds in any web site that it is displayed in, and that
this length of time counts as 1 impression (even if it appears on
multiple pages).
* the number of click-throughs this
banner has
received. A click-through refers to the action of clicking on a banner.
Every time somebody clicks on your banner, they will be brought to the
destination indicated in the URL (see above).
* the status of the banner. A banner can
be Pending,
which means that it is awaiting verification by our content assurance
team, Active, which means it is active and using available credits for
display on other Banner Exchange sites, Declined, which means the
content of the banner or URL was not approved by the content assurance
team for details regarding content), and Disabled, which means that for
one reason or another the system administrator had to "lock out" this
Sign up now right now........
[4] 1800 Banners
: One of the biggest and most trusted Free Banner Exchange network
which serves about 10 millions ads every day.You can part of this great
exchange absolutely free by joining as a publisher.Lots of feature to
target your banner ad to right audience.
have some exciting news for 1800Banners publishers and
advertisers. In this email, you will find some of the latest features
we have implemented, along with some specials we have going on.
First, our
long awaited City/State Targeting is finally completed. We
are proud to be the first banner ad exchange to have fully integrated
the City/State Targeting. The same service and technology that ad media
networks charge hundreds of dollars for, is now available through
1800Banners.com for less than a cup of coffee a day.
Our second
most exciting feature is the click-through tracker. There
are thousands of ad exchanges on the web, but not a single one of them
offers any transparency. We are happy to announce that all our ad
campaigns come with a full tracking information, including the
visitor's IP address, browser type, country, state, and even their
city. You will be able to compare your stats directly with ours.
Some other
minor update includes an improved click-through
security system, added campaign management features, and click
packages. And finally, we are once again offering a
buy-one-get-one-free deal on impression packages: Limit one per
customer. Orders over 25 Million impressions have to be approved by the
management, please call 1-866-821-4744 if you have any questions.
Please note that the B1G1Free does not apply to any click packages, and
that the offer may expire anytime due to limited inventory.
We have also
fixed some minor bugs in the ad display on publisher sites such as the
infamous "back button" interference.
We are
working on adding some additional ad sizes and media types such
as 125x125 button ads, interstitial ads and other new features over the
next 2 months.
Exchange or Advertise
with the world's leading ad exchange network!
Join As A Publisher Or Advertiser?
Publisher |
Advertiser |
exchange ads with other publishers
When you join 1800banners, you will be able to add a banner to your
website(s) and earn free advertising on other publishers; sites
-Can earn cash from revenue sharing
Earn up to $0.25 CPM and $0.15 per click!
Once you open your free account, you can apply for revenue sharing.
Once approved you will be able to sell your credits/earnings back to
the network, you will also earn cash on a CPC basis.
You will still have the option to use a portion of your earnings in the
Minimum to for payment: $20.00
Payment Cycle:Monthly, 1st through 5th
Payment Methods: Paypal, Check
-Can block unwanted campaigns
Publishers can use our auto-block by rating system OR enter campaign
ID's and block specific campaigns that display on there websites.
-Can earn from referrals
You can easily earn credits by referring other webmasters to use our
Earn 5% from your first level referrals, 3% from second level referrals
and 2% from third level referrals.
Earn a total of 10% from your referrals!
Link and promotional media are provided in the members area
target ads by geo-location (Country, City,State & Areacodes) ,
category, age group, ad position, preferred sites
Maximize your ROI (Return on Investment) with advanced targeting
Target by Geo-Location, over 150 countries world wide.
Increase your CTR rate with advanced ad-position targeting, with ad
position targeting you can have your ads display only in top level
positions on websites.
-Can advanced tracked ads
We provide detailed reporting of daily and monthly traffic for all your
campaigns. We also have a built in projection date for your campaigns,
it tells you when your credits and clicks will run out.
-Can get Very competitive ad pricing!
With our custom advanced adserver technology we are able to serve ads
with a low overhead cost, this savings is passed
on to our advertisers and enables us to be very competitive with our
-Can receive membership rewards programs & more
When you upgrade your account, the longer you keep your account the
more you will be rewarded for being a loyal customer. Depending on the
account type you have, you will receive massive bonuses of up to 2
million bonus banner impressions.
Along with the bonuses, the membership upgrade comes with numerous
features to maximize your ad-campaign's potential.
We have 8 different upgrading options to choose from. |
Surf Ratio
Free Member = 2:1
Features :
- Extremely easy to join
-Can any time edit your details
-You can advertise & get free traffic even as a free member
-Earn cash even as a free member,have to apply for revenue sharing
option inside the member's area
-Can buy click and credits for the same ad
-Can assign the credits manually so you always have full control on your ad
-Minimum amount to get paid is only $ 20
-Easy to navigate member's area
-If you don't have ready made banner then you can design a text ad of
same size in your member's area.
-To get immediate exposer you can design same multiple campaigns
- You can buy credits or upgrade your membership in side your member's
-If you have any question you can any time contact
owner or admin
-You can view your referrals with detailed statistics
-You can see how much commission you owe to the site in side your
membe's area.
You must follow these rule to use the site.
you are NOT allowed to:
* Use robot/auto surf software of any
* Promote Immoral, Illegal, or Illicit
* Promote Adult, Hate, Racist or any
kind of material that will cause offence.
* Any language other than English as the
predominant If
you are interested in free promotion, free advertising, marketing or
networking, then this is the right place to be. AdlandPro has been
offering free and paid advertising services to small businesses since
1996. We have the most complete and most affordable advertising
solutions for small businesses and home entrepreneurs.And language
(minor use of a foreign language is permitted but should not represent
more than 10% of the total page).
* Use an auto-responder email that
answers your email such as spamarrest, spamcop, mailblocks
etc. Be aware some of these services send spam in
your name
and can cause your email account to be shutdown by your ISP!
* Use an email address that prohibits
the receipt of emails from weekly-revenue-share for any
* Send unsolicited email attempting to
promote weekly-revenue-share
* Members agree to include the HTML
code provided by 1800Banners for displaying banner ads on their web
site. This code may be inserted in one or more pages within the
website. No part of this code may be modified without the written
consent of 1800Banners.
* A banner that appears on your site at any time may be a banner for
another member, for a sponsor, or for 1800Banners. Members may,
however, filter their sites to accept banners of certain ratings only,
ie, for sites that do not wish to display banners linking to matured
oriented sites may do so. 1800Banners reserves the right to not
accept any advertisement from entities 1800Banners determine to be
inappropriate. For instance, we do not advertise for sites that are
racist or discriminaatory.
* 1800Banners reserves the right to discontinue membership to sites
that are deemed to be inappropriate. For example, sites that promote
spamming, racism, discrimination, or sites that are illegal such as
warez sites, etc.
* A member may cancel their participation in 1800Banners by
notifying 1800Banners in writing or by sending e-mail to
* All 1800Banners banners must be placed on a page such that the the
banner is easily visible.
* A member may not artificially inflate traffic counts to his/her site
using any device, program, robot or other means. A banner cannot be
placed on a page which reloads or refreshes automatically. Banners,
loaded via the 1800Banners HTML may not be placed in newsgroups,
e-mail, chatrooms, or guestbooks, unless permission is granted from
* Anyone caught artificially inflating traffic counts will have the
offending account terminated immediately. If a member is part of the
paid-publisher, the payments will be on hold until further
* A member may not place the html tag on pages that are inaccessible.
* 1800Banners also reserves the right to refuse to continue
membership to any web site in the 1800Banners network that contains
hate groups, illegal activities, is offensive or for any other reason.
* 1800Banners retains all rights to the 1800Banners name, logo,
software, databases, reports, web site, and information. No part of the
1800Banners website may be re-produced, stored, or distributed
without the written consent of 1800Banners.
* The information members provide to 1800Banners will be kept
confidential and will not be distributed to any outside agency.
* 1800Banners, its administrators, partners and sponsors cannot be
held liable for any damage or loss of information that may occur from
the use of 1800Banners' services.
* Members agree to use 1800Banners at their own risk.
* 1800Banners.com makes every effort to verify and maintain a high
standard of quality for our services, but does not make any guarantees
regarding the dependability, or accuracy of services.
* 1800Banners will attempt to correct inconsistencies in credits
due any member, if member offers some proof of inconsistency.
* 1800Banners reserves the right to modify, or change these
and Conditions as it deems necessary. It is the member's responsibility
to keep current with changes in the Terms and Conditions, since changes
are effective for all members, regardless of when member joined.
Privacy Policy Of the site
1800Banners respects your privacy.
1800Banners does not sell, rent or give any identifiable
personal information regarding its members to any third party unless
the member has subscribed to such services on his/her own. Any
information that you give to us is held with the utmost care and
1800Banners will work with our partners, such as advertising
agencies, content providers, to bring you relevant information that
pertains to your interest categories, and thus some of your information
may be shared with such parties. However all companies that we work
with will also be bound by our privacy statement.
You will never receive any unwanted email or postal mail as a result of
information you have given to 1800Banners. And you can opt-out or
unsubscribe to any lists or announcement categories at any time by
following the procedures set forth by 1800Banners.
When you register as a member at 1800Banners, you must submit your
name, email address and your website information so that we can
properly set up your account and send you the relevant information that
you have requested or subscribed to.
1800Banners will not collect any personal information about
individuals except when specifically and knowingly provided by such
individuals. Examples of such information are name, postal address and
email address. 1800Bannersmay share non-personal aggregate, or
summary, information regarding its customers with partners or other
third parties, but 1800Banners does not sell or share any
information at the individual customer level unless the individual
customer has subscribed to receiving such information.
By registering as a member at 1800Banners, you agree to accept this
privacy policy and are aware that our policy may change at any time.
This policy will always be available to users on this page for members
to read.
Sign Up right now....
[5] Banner Pie
Intro :
Very nice Free Banner Exchange site wich is networked to over 7
different traffic exchanges so when you start promoting you're already
getting your Banners & Ads shown on thousands of sites...
seconds!We offer excellent packages for you to promote the sites or
pages of your choice..Simply place our code anywhere on your site/blog
and in turn we'll show your Ads & Banners on thousands of sites
If for any reason you don't have space and still want to promote your
site we have options available for you to look at.So go on... Join now
and explode your ad or banner exposure.Offers 7 types of
memberships.1.Free 2.Starter Pro 3.Basic Pro 4.Advanced Pro
5.Enterprise Pro 6. Standard Pro and 7.Enterprise Pro.
Site Stats (as
on 4-3-2010)
Members |
: |
1032 |
Banner |
Total Banners |
: |
900 |
Today's Shows |
: |
16720 |
Yesterdays Shows |
: |
26692 |
Average Shows |
: |
38421 |
Text |
Total Adverts |
: |
633 |
Today's Shows |
: |
69374 |
Yesterdays Shows |
: |
100239 |
Average Shows |
: |
23863 |
Exchange Ratio
Free Member
= 3:2
Starter Pro
Basic Pro
Advanced Pro
Enterprise Pro
Standard Pro Member = 2:1
Enterprise Pro Member = 1:1
Compare Membership
Mem Level |
Price |
Banner Ad |
Text Ad |
Free |
-Discount on purchases:0
-Downline Emailer:No
-Signup Impressions:1000
-Monthly Impressions:None
-Banner Ratio:2:1
-Max Banners:5
-Banner Blow-Out:No |
-Monthly Impressions:None
-Text Ratio:2:1
-Max Text Adverts:5 |
Pro |
-Discount on purchases:15%
-Downline Emailer:No
-Monthly Impressions:1500
-Banner Ratio:2:1
-Max Banners:10
-Banner Blow-Out:No |
-Monthly Impressions:10000
-Text Ratio:2:1
-Max Text Adverts:50
Basic Pro |
-Discount on purchases:10%
-Downline Emailer:No |
-Monthly Impressions:100
-Banner Ratio:2:1
-Max Banners:30
-Banner Blow-Out:No |
-Monthly Impressions:50
-Text Ratio:2:1
-Max Text Adverts:30 |
Pro |
-Discount on purchases:25%
-Downline Emailer:Yes
Monthly -Impressions:3500
-Banner Ratio:2:1
-Max Banners :0
-Banner Blow-Out:No |
-Monthly Impressions:25000
-Text Ratio:2:1
-Max Text Adverts:0 |
Pro |
-Discount on purchases:50%
-Downline Emailer:Yes |
Monthly -Impressions:5000
-Banner Ratio:1:1
-Max Banners:0
-Banner Blow-Out:No |
-Monthly Impressions:50000
-Text Ratio:1:1
-Max Textet us know by e-mailing us at the above address.
Please provide us with your exact name and address. We will be sure
your name is removed from the list we share with other organizations
Persons who supply us with their telephone numbers on-line will only
receive telephone contact from us with information regarding orders
they have placed on-line.
Please provide us with your name and phone number. We will be sure your
name is removed from the list we sha Adverts:0 |
Pro |
-Discount on purchases:15%
-Downline Emailer:Yes
-Monthly Impressions:300
-Banner Ratio:2:1
-Max Banners:50
-Banner Blow-Out:Yes |
-Monthly Impressions:100
-Text Ratio:2:1
-Max Text -Adverts:40et us know by e-mailing us at the above address.
Please provide us with your exact name and address. We will be sure
your name is removed from the list we share with other organizations
Persons who supply us with their telephone numbers on-line will only
receive telephone contact from us with information regarding orders
they have placed on-line.
Please provide us with your name and phone number. We will be sure your
name is removed from the list we sha |
Pro |
-Discount on purchases:20%
-Downline Emailer:Yes |
-Monthly Impressions:1000
-Banner Ratio:1:1
-Max Banners:100
-Banner Blow-Out:Yes |
-Monthly Impressions:200
-Text Ratio:1:1
et us know by e-mailing us at the above address.
Please provide us with your exact name and address. We will be sure
your name is removed from the list we share with other organizations
Persons who supply us with their telephone numbers on-line will only
receive telephone contact from us with information regarding orders
they have placed on-line.
Please provide us with your name and phone number. We will be sure your
name is removed from the list we shaet us know by e-mailing us at the
above address.
Please provide us with your exact name and address. We will be sure
your name is removed from the list we share with other organizations
Persons who supply us with their telephone numbers on-line will only
receive telephone contact from us with information regarding orders
they have placed on-line.
Please provide us with your name and phone number. We will be sure your
name is removed from the list we sha-Max Text Adverts:50 |
- Extremely easy to join
-Banner exchange cum text ad exchange so double benefit with
a single account.
-You can advertise & get free traffic even as a free member
-You can advertise 5 different banners as a free member
-Built in Text Ad Exchange feature where you can earn text ads
impression by inserting text ad codes in your site pages.
- You can buy credits or upgrade your membership in side your member's
-You can also purchased news letter ads which will be sent to all the
members of the sites
- You can convert you credit from banner impressions to text
ad impressions & vice versa.
-If you have any question you can any time contact
-You can view your refferals with e-mail id by pressing
downline//banners tab & even contact them/upgraded
-You can change anytime your profile details user name,e-mail
address or password by pressing Profile tab inside member's area.
You must follow these rule to use the site.
you are NOT allowed to:
* Use robot/auto surf software of any
* Promote Immoral, Illegal, or Illicit
* Promote Adult, Hate, Racist or any
kind of material that will cause offence.
* Any language other than English as the
predominant. If
you are interested in free promotion, free advertising, marketing or
networking, then this is the right place to be. AdlandPro has been
offering free and paid advertising services to small businesses since
1996. We have the most complete and most affordable advertising
solutions for small businesses and home entrepreneurs.ant language
(minor use of a foreign language is permitted but should not represent
more than 10% of the total page).
* Use an auto-responder email that
answers your email such as spamarrest, spamcop, mailblocks
etc. Be aware some of these services send spam in
your name
and can cause your email account to be shutdown by your ISP!
* Use an email address that prohibits
the receipt of emails from weekly-revenue-share for any
* Send unsolicited email attempting to
promote weekly-revenue-share
Privacy Policy Of the site
Information Collection and Use of Information
In order to use this website, a user must first complete the
registration form. During registration a user is required to give his
contact information (email address). This information is used to
contact the user about the service and products we provide or wish to
provide. We will not sell, share, or rent personal information to
This website takes every precaution to protect our users personal
information. When a user submits sensitive information via our site,
the information is protected both online and off-line. Only the
administrator of this site can access personal information of the users.
to Cancel
Our users can cancel membership and be removed from all newsletters and
databases. To do this a link is provided at the end of system generated
email messages from weekly-revenue-share.com, click the link and you
will be taken to a web page where you may choose to be removed from
just newsletters or the entire database.
Sign Up right now....
[6] Exchange Banners is
now improving the site with more features
Intro : Very good looking traditional Free Banner Exchange
site like 5000 banners and for sign up
you do not require your own site(some do require at
sign up and
the bannere exchange owner dies not want to know at the sing
on which site you are going to insert their codes!You can add a site or
sites afterward).
Free Member : 2:1
can Add/Edit/Remove Member Information
statistics of your referrals
Extremely easy to join
promotional materials required as the inserted codes already include
your referral url
5000 FREE
credits upon signing up
2:1 banner exchange ratio
2:1 click ratio
Up to 20 Ads per User
Multiple campaigns & banners for each member
Transfer credits between campaigns
Real time super detailed statistic for each campaign.
Clicks & Impressions for referred user:
Users receive 30% from the impressions sent by users they referred,
to a maximum 100 impressions per day for each referred user
JPG, GIF or SWF (Flash) banners
Presently available banner sizes:
120X60 Button, 120x600 SkyScraper,
125X125 Square, 160X600 Wide SkyScraper,
234X60 Half Banner, 468X60 Standard Banner
Anti-Cheat System
-You can even know the over all statistics of the site displayed on 1st
page and updated live.
-You can change your banner ad/s any time but new banner must be
approved by admin before included in the network
-Can any time see your ad's detailed statstics and can download the
-Can contact the admin directly from inside the member's area
-Get exchange codes for the size you choose to display on your own site.
-Can even save the rejected ads and can any time modify them.
-If you are not interested in free ad exchange then you can sign up
directly as an advertiser and purchased the credits.
Poorly designed banners and poorly designed websites will not be
We want this to be maintained as a high quality banner exchange. This
will optimize results for everyone.
must follow these rules to use the sites
-Must use the valid e-mail address + agree to receive e-mails
from the site.
-Only one account from one ip/pc
-After sign up must confirm your e-mail within 14 days or
account will be deleted
-Can not use any frame breaking site
-You can only send e-mail message to your direct referrals
and that is only once a week and no offensive materials.
-You can not use robot/auto surf software of any
-Again you can not use any spamming
method to promote the site.
-With adult content or
or malicious virus containg site
involved in any kind of illegal activities
involved in Hacking
contains illegal copy righted content
contains offensive materials
Unfortunately there are no terms & condition or
privacy policy pages are displayed
Sign up now right now........
[7] E Banner
Intro :
Very good
looking Professional Free Banner Exchange site.eBannerTRAFFIC work
around the clock to provide members and advertisers with advanced
features and customer friendly service. Our advanced banner exchange is
free to use and any webmaster will find it easy to target any business
banner to the right audience using the geo targeting possibilities,
categories with the different ad formats such as 468x60, 120x60,
120x600, 728x90 and 300x250 pixels.
As a member you will find tools in your account that make marketing and
advertising fun. So if you are looking for free advertising and more
quality web traffic then you are at the right place. Welcome to our
free Banner Exchange.
How it works?
You show my banner and I show yours - that’s it!
You have a website and you need more traffic. You already tried other
paid sources but you still need more traffic. So what would be better
than getting more quality traffic for FREE, additional customers and
extra profit on your bottom line.
And here is how it's done. First a banner exchange is a large group of
web sites that exchange advertising with each other. Each web site show
banner advertisement for other websites. By displaying banner ads on
your website, you generate credits you can use to advertise your own
banners on other member’s websites.
eBannerTRAFFIC is the middle man in the process, delivering and
rotating banners on your website. When a banner is clicked on, we
process the click-thru, and direct the individual to the respective
member website.
In return for our services, we capture 1 out of every 3 banners
displayed on our network, and use the ad space for sponsor advertising
and bonuses to our high performing members.
Using a banner exchange is a great way to gain FREE exposure for your
website. Your advertising is spread across an array of web sites,
maximizing visibility. Membership is absolutely free.
Banner Exchange Ratio
Free Member : 3:2
Getting free traffic, extra orders and more profit is a
experience but it doesn't come without you spending some time signing
up and familiarize your self with the exchange features of your choice.
So you might as well check that the exchange you consider have the
features that are important to you. For instance - can you get help by
a friendly and experienced staff member?
If you are new to any of the areas such as banner design, split
testing, reading and acting on statistic, html and exchange code,
placement of banners to your pages, etc. then perhaps it's important
that you have access to live-support, e-mail support or a comprehensive
FAQ (frequently asked questions).
There are hundreds of small exchanges that offer the standard 468x60
banner exchange but you might not want to display this size. So you
want to find the exchange who support Skyscrapers, Rectangle,
Leaderboard and all the other sizes you see on popular high traffic
Look below - use the checklist - we are almost sure you will not find
one other exchange who offer the flexibility, quality in traffic and
professional service. If you have any comments or suggestions then
please let us know. We have staff to provide customer service, oversee
daily traffic and make strategic development to make sure our member
and advertisers get the best possible exchange north of Antarctica.
Welcome to the full service eBannerTRAFFIC - banner exchange.
Other 1
Free signup /
A Business Banner
Multiple banner size
Category targeting
Weekday targeting
Hourly targeting
Marketing newsletter
Newsletter Bonusses
Maximum strenght
cheat control
Bandwidth on us
Banner Quality
E-mail Support
Helpfull FAQ
Live support
Comprehensive stats
Referral and click
Country stats
Stats for each banner
Stats for each
Banner split test
Daily e-mail
Support GIF + JPEG
Support FLASH format
Support HTML banner
code (subject to approval)
Bonus Impression
Free credit transfer
between sizes
Referral program
Able to buy extra
Different price on
different banner sizes
Generous Exchange
Better banner CTR
gets better exchange ratio
Can sell surplus
Easy to start
Buy impressions as
you go
Pay with Credit Card
or PayPal account
Instant account
Adjust ads without
extra approval
Move credits between
banner sizes
Some how if you do not have your own site or you do not have
space to insert codes you can go adveriser account
As an advertiser you can now operate with several different
sizes each with full statistics. It's easy to run split test between
two banners so you can find the one that performs best.
You can target your advertising to Categories, Countries, even day of
week and time of day.
Add funds to your account is now easier then ever just click purchase
clicks/impressions and you can have your campaign up and ready in just
2-3 minutes.
How to advertise with eBannerTRAFFIC.
1) Signup (it's easy)
2) Buy Credits (it's convenient)
3) Upload your banner (it's fast)
...and say "hello" to your new customers.
f you need help to establish and setup your campaign
then just contact us. This is a free service!
See below for more details and prices!
We make advertising easy!
Advertising |
can buy advertising easy and conveniently from within their account.
Just select "Buy Credits" from your personal Main Menu.
offer the use of several different banner sizes and prices. All you
have to do is upload your banner and buy FUNDS into your account. We
give discount for larger orders (see below). When you have FUNDS on
your account you can allocate impressions to any of your banners.
How to pay and
receive bonus |
Buy FUNDS within your
account in these sizes (only available after you login): |
this amount to
your account
Dollar Amount
Dollar Amount
added to your account
for Advertising |
per $1.00
(December, 2007)
Button (120x60
0.06% CTR
Standard (468x60
0.04% CTR
Leaderboard (728x90
0.04% CTR
Skyscraper (120x600
0.03% CTR
Rectangle (300x250
0.20% CTR
CTR = Click
Through Rate = Number of clicks for each 1,000 impressions.
Average CTR is
based on the over all performance. The design and
content of your own banner determine the interest. Some
banners with great design receive up to 10 times the
average and others receive almost zero clicks.
The most important you can do to increase
the result from your advertising is to work with your
banner design and copy.
Categories you can target |
Countries you can target |
Home Businesses
Real Estate
TV and News
All the world
United States
United Kingdom
Hong Kong
New Zealand
South Africa
Other imp
Referral Program
Customer Service
Targeted Placement
GEO Targeted
Support Many
Ad Sizes
No Cost
Specials For
Exchange Members
Can Start Instantly
Impression Signup Bonus
Support for
flash banner
How Can You Start?
Decide if you want to signup as an exchange member or advertiser.
Then click below join now link for an exchange member account or here
for an advertiser account.
As an Advertiser you can then - login, purchase credits, upload
advertising banners and enjoy your new traffic.
As an Exchange member you can then - login, upload your banners,
install the exchange code to your page or pages and then enjoy your new
free traffic.
Each step is described in details when you login to your account.
Should you have any questions then use our contact form (here) and we
will reply as fast as possible (normally within 3-6 hours).
We can also help with;
* Installation of the exchange code to
your webpages
* Upload of new banners to your account
* General questions about our exchange
(see our FAQ)
So let us know if you have any issues. We are ready to help - and
that's free for exchange members as well as advertisers.
[8] Free Banner Exchange
: One of the newest (Feb
2009) so
there are not many sites as of yet, we have secured the best domain
name possible for our free banner exchange which will help us achieve
the top spots in all of the search engines for the search term "Free
Banner Exchange". This will in time bring in thousands of websites
creating a large free banner exchange with massive advertising
exposure. Sign up is fast and simple and you receive 500 free
impressions on our network so you can start receiving free traffic
without even creating a single banner impression on your site! 500 free
banner exposures for nothing! We work on a 1:1 ratio, every impression
you show on your site, your banner will be displayed on another site in
the network. For more info on our system click here or sign up here.
When you have signed up you will be asked to place a simple code on
your website pages, this is all you have to do, our system is totally
Surf Ratio
Free Member = 1:1
How it works?
A Banner Exchange is a great way to get traffic to your
site. In
return for showing other banners on your site, you earn the right to
show your banner on another site in the exchange. For each time you
show another banner on your site, you earn credits, which are redeemed
for exposure on another site in the exchange at a 1 to 1 ratio.
Our banner exchange has real time stats. All banner impressions are
logged in your control panel and clicks on your banner(s) are also
logged so you can see how much traffic our system is generating for
your website.
Unlike other banner exchanges, we allow you to upload your banner image
to our server, saving you bandwidth and extra server costs.
We use categories on every account created in our network so that you
will only be displaying banners that match your own banner category.
This helps create more clicks to your own banner on other member sites
as your banner will be displayed on a website that matches your own
We are confident that our banner exchange will bring you the traffic
that you need and our system will be a success. We are part of UQ
Hosting which owns an already massive advertising network including
PostFreeAds.net and FreeUKClassifieds.com.
Features :
- Extremely easy to join
-Can any time edit your details
-You can advertise & get free traffic even as a free member
-Can assign the credits manually so you always have full control on your ad
-Easy to navigate member's area
-If you don't have ready made banner then you can design a text ad of
same size in your member's area.
- You can buy credits or upgrade your membership in side your member's
-If you have any question you can any time contact
owner or admin
-You can view your referrals with detailed statistics
-Accounts can be set up in seconds! Click the Sign Up link to the left
and sign up for an account. Once you are signed up, you can begin
earning exposures immediately, but the Exchange Administrators must
first validate your account before you can begin redeeming exposures.
-Categorized : Categories are a great way to insure visitors on your
site get banners that are appropriate for the content. Each account can
define one category that best describes its content. Most websites
these days really would fall under multiple categories, so choose the
best one for your site.
You can also display banners for only a specific category on your page.
The Get HTML page in your Control Panel contains details for doing this.
-Password retrival feature
-We now have an automatic referral system. You receive 1000 extra
impressions for every new member who signs up using the link under our
banners. This referral system is totally automatic so you will find at
times 1000s of extra credits in your account!
You must follow these rule to use the site.
you are NOT allowed to:
* Use robot/auto surf software of any
* Promote Immoral, Illegal, or Illicit
* Promote Adult, Hate, Racist or any
kind of material that will cause offence.
* Any language other than English as the
predominant language
(minor use of a foreign language is permitted but should not represent
more than 10% of the total page).
* Use an auto-responder email that
answers your email such as spamarrest, spamcop, mailblocks
etc. Be aware some of these services send spam in
your name
and can cause your email account to be shutdown by your ISP!
* Use an email address that prohibits
the receipt of emails from weekly-revenue-share for any
* Send unsolicited email attempting to
promote weekly-revenue-share
* Members agree to include the HTML
code provided by FreeBannerExchange for displaying banner ads on
their web
site. This code may be inserted in one or more pages within the
website. No part of this code may be modified without the written
consent of FreeBannerExchange.
* A banner that appears on your site at any time may be a banner for
another member, for a sponsor, or for FreeBannerExchange. Members may,
however, filter their sites to accept banners of certain ratings only,
ie, for sites that do not wish to display banners linking to matured
oriented sites may do so. FreeBannerExchange reserves the right to not
accept any advertisement from entities FreeBannerExchange determine to be
inappropriate. For instance, we do not advertise for sites that are
racist or discrimatory.
* FreeBannerExchange reserves the right to
discontinue membership to sites
that are deemed to be inappropriate. For example, sites that promote
spamming, racism, discrimination, or sites that are illegal such as
warez sites, etc.
* A member may cancel their participation in FreeBannerExchange by
notifying FreeBannerExchange in writing or by sending e-mail
* All FreeBannerExchange banners must be placed on a
page such that the the banner is easily visible.
* A member may not artificially inflate traffic counts to his/her site
using any device, program, robot or other means. A banner cannot be
placed on a page which reloads or refreshes automatically. Banners,
loaded via the 1FreeBannerExchange HTML may not be placed in
e-mail, chatrooms, or guestbooks, unless permission is granted
from FreeBannerExchange.
* Anyone caught artificially inflating traffic counts will have the
offending account terminated immediately. If a member is part of the
paid-publisher, the payments will be on hold until further
* A member may not place the html tag on pages that are inaccessible.
* FreeBannerExchange also reserves the right to
refuse to continue
membership to any web site in the FreeBannerExchange network that contains
hate groups, illegal activities, is offensive or for any other reason.
* FreeBannerExchange retains all rights to the
1800Banners.com name, logo,
software, databases, reports, web site, and information. No part of
the FreeBannerExchange website may be re-produced,
stored, or distributed
without the written consent of FreeBannerExchange.
* The information members provide to 1800Banners.com will be kept
confidential and will not be distributed to any outside agency.
* FreeBannerExchange, its administrators, partners
and sponsors cannot be
held liable for any damage or loss of information that may occur from
the use of FreeBannerExchange' services.
* Members agree to use 1FreeBannerExchange at their own risk.
* FreeBannerExchange makes every effort to verify
and maintain a high
standard of quality for our services, but does not make any guarantees
regarding the dependability, or accuracy of services.
* FreeBannerExchange will attempt to correct
inconsistencies in credits
due any member, if member offers some proof of inconsistency.
* 1800Banners.com reserves the right to modify, or change these Terms
and Conditions as it deems necessary. It is the member's responsibility
to keep current with changes in the Terms and Conditions, since changes
are effective for all members, regardless of when member joined.
Privacy Policy Of the site
FreeBannerExchange respects your privacy.
FreeBannerExchange does not sell, rent or
give any identifiable
personal information regarding its members to any third party unless
the member has subscribed to such services on his/her own. Any
information that you give to us is held with the utmost care and
FreeBannerExchange will work with our
partners, such as advertising
agencies, content providers, to bring you relevant information that
pertains to your interest categories, and thus some of your information
may be shared with such parties. However all companies that we work
with will also be bound by our privacy statement.
You will never receive any unwanted email or postal mail as a result of
information you have given to FreeBannerExchange. And you can opt-out or
unsubscribe to any lists or announcement categories at any time by
following the procedures set forth by FreeBannerExchange.
When you register as a member at FreeBannerExchange, you must submit your
name, email address and your website information so that we can
properly set up your account and send you the relevant information that
you have requested or subscribed to.
FreeBannerExchange will not collect any
personal information about
individuals except when specifically and knowingly provided by such
individuals. Examples of such information are name, postal address and
email address. FreeBannerExchange may share non-personal
aggregate, or
summary, information regarding its customers with partners or other
third parties, but FreeBannerExchange does not sell or share any
information at the individual customer level unless the individual
customer has subscribed to receiving such information.
By registering as a member at FreeBannerExchange, you agree to accept this
privacy policy and are aware that our policy may change at any time.
This policy will always be available to users on this page for members
to read.
You must have a banner ready to complete signup. Banner size
must be 468 X 60.
We host your banner for you so you can upload it to our system.
Due to high volume of signups, accounts created without banners will be
deleted within 4 hours of signup.
Sign Up right now....
[9] Surf Tiger Banners
Intro :
Very nice Free Banner Exchange site which is networked to surftiger
traffic exchange so when you start promoting you're already
getting your Banners & Ads shown on thousands of members...
seconds!We offer excellent packages for you to promote the sites or
pages of your choice..Simply place our code anywhere on your site/blog
and in turn we'll show your Ads & Banners on thousands of sites
If for any reason you don't have space and still want to promote your
site we have options available for you to look at.So go on... Join now
and explode your ad or banner exposure.Offers 7 types of
memberships.1.Free 2.Starter Pro 3.Basic Pro 4.Advanced Pro
5.Enterprise Pro 6. Standard Pro and 7.Enterprise Pro.
Exchange Ratio
Free Member = 1:1
Compare Membership
- Extremely easy to join
-You can advertise & get free traffic even as a free member
-You can advertise 5 different banners as a free member.
- You can buy extravcredits
- You can convert you credit from banner impressons to text
ad impressions & vice versa.
-If you have any question you can any time contact
-You can view your referrals
-You can change anytime your profile details user name,e-mail
addres or password by pressing Profile tab inside member's area.
-It's Free!
500 FREE impressions on signup!
Add up to 5 banners!
Instant banner approval!
Your banners are rotated on high traffic areas!
(see below for dot coms that rotate our banners)
Show the code and earn 1000 FREE impressions
if someone joins from the link on your code!
Earn 1 impression for each display on your page!
Very low price for more!
Banners show on Newest Member page!
Don't need to be a member of Surftiger Traffic!
(If you are, you can trade credits for impressions)
You must follow these rule to use the site.
you are NOT allowed to:
* Use robot/auto surf software of any
* Promote Immoral, Illegal, or Illicit
* Promote Adult, Hate, Racist or any
kind of material that will cause offence.
* Any language other than English as the
you are interested in free promotion, free advertising, marketing or
networking, then this is the right place to be. AdlandPro has been
offering free and paid advertising services to small businesses since
1996. We have the most complete and most affordable advertising
solutions for small businesses and home entrepreneurs.ant language
(minor use of a foreign language is permitted but should not represent
more than 10% of the total page).
* Use an auto-responder email that
answers your email such as spamarrest, spamcop, mailblocks
etc. Be aware some of these services send spam in
your name
and can cause your email account to be shutdown by your ISP!
* Use an email address that prohibits
the receipt of emails from weekly-revenue-share for any
* Send unsolicited email attempting to
promote weekly-revenue-share
Sign Up right now....
More Links Banner Exchange : 1