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is a News Group? A newsgroup is a discussion about a
particular subject consisting of notes written to a central Internet
site and redistributed through Usenet, a worldwide network of news
discussion groups. Usenet uses the Network News Transfer Protocol
Usenet newsgroup
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A Usenet newsgroup is a repository usually within the Usenet system,
for messages posted from many users in different locations. The term
may be confusing to some, because it is usually a discussion group.
Newsgroups are technically distinct from, but functionally similar to,
discussion forums on the World Wide Web. Newsreader software is used to
read newsgroups.
Despite the advent of file-sharing technologies such as BitTorrent, as
well as the increased use of blogs, formal discussion forums, and
social networking sites, coupled with a growing number of service
providers blocking access to Usenet (see main article) newsgroups
continue to be widely used.
Types of newsgroups
Typically, the newsgroup is focused on a particular topic of interest.
Some newsgroups allow the posting of messages on a wide variety of
themes, regarding anything a member chooses to discuss as on-topic,
while others keep more strictly to their particular subject, frowning
on off-topic postings. The news admin (the administrator of a news
server) decides how long articles are kept on his server before being
expired (deleted). Different servers will have different retention
times for the same newsgroup; some may keep articles for as little as
one or two weeks, others may hold them for many months. Some admins
keep articles in local or technical newsgroups around longer than
articles in other newsgroups.
Newsgroups generally come in either of two types, binary or text. There
is no technical difference between the two, but the naming
differentiation allows users and servers with limited facilities the
ability to minimize network bandwidth usage. Generally, Usenet
conventions and rules are enacted with the primary intention of
minimizing the overall amount of network traffic and resource usage.
Newsgroups are much like the public message boards on old bulletin
board systems. For those readers not familiar with this concept,
envision an electronic version of the corkboard in the entrance of your
local grocery store.
Newsgroups frequently become cliquish and are subject to sporadic flame
wars and trolling, but they can also be a valuable source of
information, support and friendship, bringing people who are interested
in specific subjects together from around the world.
Back when the early community was the pioneering computer society, the
common habit seen with many articles was a notice at the end disclosed
if the author was free of, or had a conflict of interest, or had any
financial motive, or axe to grind, in posting about any product or
issue. This is seen much less now, and the reader must read
skeptically, just like in society, besides all the privacy or phishing
There are currently well over 100,000 Usenet newsgroups, but only
20,000 or so of those are active. Newsgroups vary in popularity, with
some newsgroups only getting a few posts a month while others get
several hundred (and in a few cases a couple of thousand) messages a
Weblogs have replaced some of the uses of newsgroups (especially
because, for a while, they were less prone to spamming).
A website called Deja News began archiving Usenet in the mid-1990s.
DejaNews also provided a searchable web interface. Google bought the
archive from them and made efforts to buy other Usenet archives to
attempt to create a complete archive of Usenet newsgroups and postings
from its early beginnings. Like DejaNews, Google has a web search
interface to the archive, but Google also allows newsgroup posting.
Non-Usenet newsgroups are possible and do occur, as private individuals
or organizations set up their own nntp servers. Examples include the
newsgroups Microsoft runs to allow peer-to-peer support of their
products and those at news://news.grc.com.
How newsgroups work
Newsgroup servers are hosted by various organizations and institutions.
Most Internet service providers host their own news servers, or rent
access to one, for their subscribers. There are also a number of
companies who sell access to premium news servers.
Every host of a news server maintains agreements with other news
servers to regularly synchronize. In this way news servers form a
network. When a user posts to one news server, the message is stored
locally. That server then shares the message with the servers that are
connected to it if both carry the newsgroup, and from those servers to
servers that they are connected to, and so on. For newsgroups that are
not widely carried, sometimes a carrier group is used for cross posting
to aid distribution. This is typically only useful for groups that have
been removed or newer alt.* groups. Crossposts between hierarchies,
outside of the Big 8 and alt.* hierarchies, are failure prone.
Main article: Big 8 (Usenet)
Newsgroups are often arranged into hierarchies, theoretically making it
simpler to find related groups. The term top-level hierarchy refers to
the hierarchy defined by the prefix before the first dot.
The most commonly known hierarchies is the Usenet hierarchies. So for
instance newsgroup rec.arts.sf.starwars.games would be in the rec.*
top-level Usenet hierarchy, where the asterisk (*) is defined as a
wildcard character. There were seven original major hierarchies of
Usenet newsgroups, known as the "Big 7":
* comp.* — Discussion of
computer-related topics
* news.* — Discussion of
Usenet itself
* sci.* — Discussion of
scientific subjects
* rec.* — Discussion of
recreational activities (e.g. games and hobbies)
* soc.* — Socializing and
discussion of social issues.
* talk.* — Discussion of
contentious issues such as religion and politics.
* misc.* — Miscellaneous
discussion—anything which doesn't fit in the other
These were all created in the Great Renaming of 1986–1987,
which all of these newsgroups were in the net.* hierarchy. At that time
there was a great controversy over what newsgroups should be allowed.
Among those that the usenet cabal (who effectively ran the Big 7 at the
time) did not allow were those concerning recipes, drugs, and sex.
This situation resulted in the creation of an alt.* (short for
"alternative") usenet hierarchy, under which these groups would be
allowed. Over time, the laxness of rules on newsgroup creation in alt.*
compared to the Big 7 meant that many new topics could, given time,
gain enough popularity to get a Big 7 newsgroup. There was a rapid
growth of alt.* as a result, and the trend continues to this day.
Because of the anarchistic nature with which the groups sprung up, some
jokingly referred to ALT standing for "Anarchists, Lunatics and
Terrorists" (a backronym).
In 1995, humanities.* was created for the discussion of the humanities
(e.g. literature, philosophy), and the Big 7 became the Big 8.
The alt.* hierarchy has discussion of all kinds of topics, and many
hierarchies for discussion specific to a particular geographical area
or in a language oth (If you want to know about above topics in detail
just post your comment in the Guest Book and if you want to discuss
about Free traffic and free advertising resources with like minded
people then just registered at out Forum.You will get a chance to post
your offer as a classified ad in the Forum as there is a section in the
Forum where you can insert your ad) er than English.
Before a new Big 8 newsgroup can be created, an RFD (Request For
Discussion) must be posted into the newsgroup news.announce.newgroups,
which is then discussed in news.groups.proposals. Once the proposal has
been formalized with a name, description, charter, the Big-8 Management
Board will vote on whether to create the group. If the proposal is
approved by the Big-8 Management Board, the group is created. Groups
are removed in a similar manner.
Creating a new group in the alt.* hierarchy is not subject to the same
rules; anybody can create a newsgroup, and anybody can remove them, but
most news administrators will ignore these requests unless a local user
requests the group by name.
Further hierarchies
There are a number of newsgroup hierarchies outside of the Big 8 (and
alt.*) that can be found at many news servers. These include
non-English language groups, groups managed by companies or
organizations about their products, geographic/local hierarchies, and
even non-internet network boards routed into NNTP. Examples include
* aus.* — Australian news
* ba.* — Discussion in the San
Francisco Bay area
* ca.* — Discussion in
* can.* — Canadian news groups
* cn.* — Chinese news groups
* chi.* — Discussions about
the Chicago area
* de.* — Discussions in German
* england.* — Discussions
(mostly) local to England, see also uk.*
* fidonet.* — Discussions
routed from FidoNet
* fr.* — Discussions in French
* fj.* — "From Japan,"
discussions in Japanese
* gnu.* — Discussions about
GNU software
* hawaii.* — Discussions
(mostly) local to Hawaii
* hp.* — Hewlett-Packard
internal news groups
* it.* — Discussions in Italian
* microsoft.* — Discussions
about Microsoft products
* pl.* — Polish news groups
* tw.* — Taiwan news groups
* uk.* — Discussions on
matters in the UK
* yale.* — Discussions
(mostly) local to Yale
Additionally, there is the free.* hierarchy, which can be considered
"more alt than alt.*". There are many local sub-hierarchies within this
hierarchy, usually for specific countries or cultures (such as
free.it.* for Italy).
Binary newsgroups
While newsgroups were not created with the intention of distributing
binary files, they have proven to be quite effective for this. Because
of the way they work, a file uploaded once will be spread and can then
be downloaded by an unlimited number of users. More useful is that
every user is drawing on the bandwidth of his or her own news server.
This means that unlike P2P technology, the user's download speed is
under his or her own control, as opposed to under the willingness of
other people to share files. In fact, this is another benefit of
newsgroups: it is usually not expected that users share. If every user
makes uploads then the servers would be flooded; thus it is acceptable
and often encouraged for users to just leech.
There were originally a number of obstacles to the transmission of
binary files over Usenet. First, Usenet was designed with the
transmission of text in mind. Consequently, for a long period of time,
it was impossible to send binary data as it was. So, a workaround,
Uuencode (and later on Base64 and yEnc), was developed which mapped the
binary data from the files to be transmitted (e.g. sound or video
files) to text characters which would survive transmission over Usenet.
At the receiver's end, the data needed to be decoded by the user's news
client. Additionally, there was a limit on the size of individual posts
such that large files could not be sent as single posts. To get around
this, Newsreaders were developed which were able to split long files
into several posts. Intelligent newsreaders at the other end could then
automatically group such split files into single files, allowing the
user to easily retrieve the file. These advances have meant that Usenet
is used to send and receive many terabytes of files per day.
There are two main issues that pose problems for transmitting binary
files over newsgroups. The first is completion rates and the other is
retention rates. The business of premium news servers is generated
primarily on their ability to offer superior completion and retention
rates, as well as their ability to offer very fast connections to
users. Completion rates are significant when users wish to download
large files that are split into pieces; if any one piece is missing, it
is impossible to successfully download and reassemble the desired file.
To work around the problem, a redundancy scheme known as PAR is
commonly used.
A number of websites exist for the purpose of keeping an index of the
files posted to binary newsgroups.
Moderated newsgroups
A moderated newsgroup has one or more individuals who must approve
articles before they are posted at large. A separate address is used
for the submission of posts and the moderators then propagate posts
which are approved for the readership. The first moderated newsgroups
appeared in 1984 under mod.* according to RFC 2235, "Hobbes' Internet
See also
* List of newsgroups
* alt.* hierarchy
* News client
* Aggregator
* Backbone cabal
* Google Groups
(If you want to know about above topics in detail just post
comment in the Guest Book and if you want to discuss about Free traffic
and free advertising resources with like minded people then just
registered at out Forum.You will get a chance to post your offer as a
classified ad in the Forum as there is a section in the Forum where you
can insert your ad)
Before web and email came to general public,online communication meant
posting text messages on electronic bulletin boards. Others can read
and reply to messages. Usenet is collection of these bulletin
boards,generally called news groups started way back in 1979.
There are thousands of newsgroups on just about every imaginable topic,
hosted on computers all over the world.If you don't know the news
groups are very great source for free advertising and free traffic.
Today's newsgroups are as lively and energetic as never before so
participating in newsgroups can be a great way to promote your business
or website. However most newsgroup members are very sensitive about
off-topic or non relevant posts, spams and cross-postings (placing the
same message on multiple newsgroups). These are general no-no's but
except that each major group has a written Charter(Rules,terms and
conditions) or FAQ which describes the rules of that group.
Generally most major news groups' Charter allow on topic messages and
you signature and that is the only form of advertising allowed in a
news group.You may be able to access newsgroups using facilities
provided in your e-mail program or special software, but if
could not then you can access newsgroups through a number of web sites
and the best known of which is Google Groups.
Promote Your Website Using Newsgroups
As you know there are various marketing strategies by which you can
drive free traffic to your site and generate free advertising. There
are lots of method for free traffic and free advertisement. Google has
indexed 3.4 billion pages that is the recent news and I am sure Google
doesn't cover the entire internet and so there are lots of competitors
for your site and so you can use every available means for free
advertising and free traffic. News groups are one of them which is more
effective way to generate free traffic and free advertising.
Newsgroups can be a powerful strategy if you can press the right
What is a Newsgroup?
A newsgroup is a message board on the Internet where users come to
discuss topics of mutual interest. Each newsgroup is base on to a
specific subject of interest and consists of messages posted by
participant members. You can always find several ongoing discussions on
various topics within a single newsgroup. These topics are called
threads. As a user, you can start a thread, post messages to a thread
and respond to other postings.
Before the Internet become so common back in eighties and
nineties,people has only one online communication means and that was
newsgroups. People used to connect to electronic bulletin boards (bbs)
through modems and post text messages for others to read and answer.
Usenet Newsgroups was started as a collection of these bulletin boards.
Newsgroups have also grown rapidly like and together with the Internet.
In1995 Deja News introduced the web interface with which use of
Newsgroups has become simple and convenient and has provided boost for
its growth. Now,Usenet discussion forums or Newsgroups indexed by
Google comprise over 800 million messages which is around a terabyte of
information! It is calculated that over 10 million people have regular
access to Newsgroups!
Each newsgroup is formed with a certain purpose. This is described in
its charter at the time it is started. Normally every Newsgroup has its
own single subject but there can be many Newsgroups dedicated to one
subject. There are tens of thousands of newsgroups on every subject you
can possibly imagine. The subjects in Newsgroups are
hierarchically(main subject or topic on the top and then sub topics)
structured. Some of them are moderated (somebody controls the
postings), most aren't.
How to Use Newsgroups?
There are lot of newsgroups and so you can always find a newsgroup with
the subject interest you the most.Today,most email readers have
built-in features to subscribe to Newsgroups but the most convenient
way to read newsgroups today is to use "Google Search". Open
www.google.com then click the groups button and you will be directed to
Groups search page with a directory of Newsgroups under the headline
'Post and read comments in Usenet discussion forums'. The most common
subdirectories for businesses are located as alt, biz and misc. For
example: If you are in the import and export business, you might try
alt.business.import-export, which has several groups within it.
If you want to find a news group related to your niche or
business then do a search on Google's groups search page with
relevant keyword. The results will appear chronologically, the most
recent one being at the top. Check out the most relevant Newsgroups
from the results. If your search provides you a very big list of
results, try the advanced search option. Use the parameters of time, I
mean try reducing the time frame of postings. By default, Google
searches within all messages posted from 1981.
To make your time worthy of,I suggest you to use moderated groups. The
newsgroups which are not moderated easily fill up with spam and you
really have to browse a lot for really worthwhile information.
Do you know Google has started a new paid service under the name
"Google Answers"? For a fee you can ask Google to nominate researchers
and find answer to your hard to find questions The service is located
at http://answers.google.com. If you go through the questions that are
already asked(Yeah,you can browse already asked question), you will be
surprised to see that by searching newsgroups you will find answers to
many of them without paying a dime. Newsgroups are indeed a gold mine
of information!
Benefits of Using Newsgroups
As an online marketer you can gen benefits in the various way.
Let me suggest you a best thing about newsgroup and that is : If you
know how to be successful in a forum then you have do the similar
things to be successfully used a newsgroup for business advantage.
Newsgroups are a great method for free advertising and free traffic.
Some points you should remember.....
-Never ever spam a newsgroup.No body like a spammer
-Be active member
-Participate in the discussion regularly
-Post regularly and post insightful information
-Do not post short on line replies
-Follow rules and regulations
-Do not offend other members
-Be helpful to other members.
-Give more take less
-Establish yourself an expert in your niche,if required,do
some research before posting.
-Gain the trust of others
-Never get into dispute
If you follow all this tips,soon you will be
considered an
expert in your field and become well known with newsgroup members.
People like to do business who they know,specially online. Online
marketing is actually relationship marketing if you know. People from
the newsgroup soon want to know more about you because now in
their eyes you are an expert in your field so they want your
advice,they want to follow you and they want to know about you as much
as they can. You'll be surprised at the number of new visitors checking
out your site from the newsgroup.
Establish yourself as an expert in your chosen field. People prefer
doing business with you if they know that you are an expert in your
Market Surveys
Newsgroups can be a great source for gathering marketing information.
You can find what people think about your product and your website by
asking questions about your products and website in the relevant
Get New Customers
There are Newsgroups which are formed for the sole purpose of promotion
and making various announcements. Wise use of these Newsgroups, along
with your relevant Newsgroups, will definitely increase your site
traffic and get new customers.
Promote Your Site
You can post announcements about your site launch, press
releases, product information, etc in relevant groups. Participation in
the discussions on your subject area will help get new
and increase the number of backward links to your website. For this
when you post any message do include your signature file which should
include your website address.
Get Answers To Your Questions
No one can be an expert in every field an so you are.
you will need answers to various questions about
marketing,advertising,traffic,website design,scripts etc etc. You can
get the answer of any question and that is from expert and free of
charge. To get your answer to your question,post your question in
relevant newsgroups and do not forget to include your signature file.
This way not only get your answer but also free advertising and free
traffic as people on newsgroup going to visit your site.
Make Friends/JV Partners
Newsgroups can be a great place to find like-minded friends and future
JV partners.
Posting Do's And Don'ts
You have to make some preparation before you start to post in a
newsgroup. Before making your first post, go through the FAQ or Charter
and posting rules of the Newsgroup and read some of the postings. You
have to be very careful when you post to a Newsgroup. You should
provide relevant insightful information as you want to position
yourself as an expert, not an idiot! Some Newsgroup users are pretty
aggressive by nature. If they feel that you are spamming their precious
Newsgroup, you will be flamed in no time.
Here are some basic rules:
- Don't post commercials, advertisements or press releases it
says in the Charter that such posts allowed.
- When posting a response, stick to the original topic.
- Quote only the portion of the message you are responding to, not the
whole message.
- Don't do cross posting. This means, do not post the same messages in
several relevant Newsgroups.
- Never post unrelated messages to Newsgroups. This is considered
- When posting a message, Put concise subject line and be specific.
- Post your signature file with each and every message. This is
important for your web promotion!
- Check your spelling and grammar before posting a message.
The goal is to help others and get helped. To make a valuable
contribution to the newsgroup with relevant insightful information and
project yourself as an expert and finally promote your business and
website. Be active and ask questions that you think to be
to you and others. Post responses to messages which are informative,
thought-provoking and of high quality with relevant insightful
information. Soon you will start to build credibility among fellow
newsgroup members start receiving a flow of free traffic and soon those
visitors/prospective buyers become your loyal customers.
How to Participate in newsgroups
Newsgroups are another element on the Internet. When e-mails and other
form of internet communication were not so common in eighties and early
nineties,newsgroups were only means of online communication. People
connect to newsgroups through modem and post message or reply and read
other members messages. In short,they are part of the older forms of
communication over the Internet - the Usenet. The Usenet is a
world-wide system for text discussion on specified topics and
comments/messages passed among hundreds of thousands of machines.
USENET is completely disperse now. There are over 10,000
discussion areas and each decentralized component is called a
newsgroup. The messages on the newsgroups are similar to your e-mail
messages but your e-mail messages can be in rich html format while
newsgroups messages are in text only. Your e-mail messages can be
access by you only while newsgroups' messages are posted publicly and
can be access by anyone.
A Usenet newsgroup is thus a forum like interface for discussing a
particular topic,a few news post in the newsgroups. Actually the term
news is not appropriate as there are only a few news message in the
most newsgroups . Newsgroups have a lot of argument, opinions and
jestings. Topics are classified along seven official categories. The
official "Big Seven" topics are "comp, misc, news, sci, soc, talk and
the popular alt (alternative) category.
Each of the categories in turn is subdivided into subcategories, and
these in turn may have additional subdivisions as well.
The Usegroups are very similar to the Bulletin Board systems(BBS) that
were popular in the 1980's and 1990's.And today's newsgroups are
evolved from them. In fact, the user profiles are very similar.
Newsgroup users tend to be long term internet users and more advanced
than the average "AOL Newbie" (with my apologies to long term AOL
users). Amazingly there still remains an atmosphere of the
Wild West on the usenet but there is a strict rules,terms and
conditions and must be obeyed. You can not post any commercial message
or advertisement directly in any situation and it will be considered
spam and will be dealt with as such Your web site provider could even
cancel your site.
To access newsgroups and to post pages to the Usenet, you need special
software called a newsgroup reader. Most email clients today has this
facility inbuilt so 1s t check your e-mail client. Open your e-mail
client and go to setting and search for section called news or refers
to news server then the client has in built capability to access
newsgroups. You then need to check with your ISP to see what those
settings ought to be. Some ISPs do not provide access to newsgroups or
the Usenet. In that case, you can still access newsgroups via such web
based services such as...........
I have explained above how you can access and find relevant
newsgroups....and here are some similar online programs that you can
Chat based forums
In chat based forums participant post and reply to messages like they
do ,only differences are chat occurs in real time and all the
participants must be online at the same time. Chat is a major component
in community building. Communities play a special role on the internet.
They can draw additional traffic and make your site more "sticky". One
of the major reasons why AOL has grown to be so popular is because of
the chat rooms that are visited at all times of the day and night. Chat
rooms are not suited for all sites. For pure business and corporate
sites, chatrooms are of little value but for dating sites, game sites
and portals, chat rooms can be a vehicle to make your site a regular
destination for its users.
Home Business and Newsgroup
I have repeatedly wrote in each section that there are various way to
market and promote your website or business at no cost. In other words
there are numerous ways to generate free advertising and free traffic
to your site. So after you have gone through and used all possible
methods like submitted your home business website to the main search
engines and directories, submitted to online classified ads and message
boards, opt in lists and other free resources then it may be time to
begin promoting on the newsgroups, also known as the usenet. AAs now
you know newsgroup is basically a kind of text only message board where
users discuss very specific topics of mutual interest. Newsgroups are
free if you use Google groups or one of the other free services. Most
e-mail clients also have in built newsreader. As many as ten million
individuals use regularly the Newsgroups. Usually newsgroup
subscribers are a different animal than the typical web surfer. They
are old players and have been around before the web became
mainstream, and can be more cynical and jaded than other internet
users. Not always but very often this is the case so keep this in mind
when you want to approach the newsgroups.Handle them with care and
approach them a little differently than other internet places. Do not
be careless and use proper netiquette. Never spam a newsgroup
with commercials or advertisement,users are very sensitive to spam.
Never do cross posting,submit same message to more than one relevant
news groups. Promote your site only with signature file, in a brief
resource box at the end of your messages and no other ways. All other
ways are considered spam. You should only post commercial announcements
in newsgroups that expressly allow it or written in their Charter or in
FAQ page. Before posting to any newsgroup,read its charter or FAQ page.
After joining a news group just do not rush for posting,you will get
the feeling but calm down. Just look around the news group at least for
2 weeks,browse other members messages and make yourself familiar. You
should project yourself as an expert and not a novice. If you do not
know some of the newsgroups are moderated. In other words post are
monitored and content of each message is checked thoroughly
prevent spam, before make available for public or before publishing the
message. And some newsgroups are not monitored at all, will often have
plenty of ads, so be forewarned. To build a reputation as an expert,
post relevant insightful facts in your Newsgroup and reply to posted
questions. After you established yourself as an expert,it takes time
but then you will get more new visitors looking at your home business
website, which should be listed in in the signature file of all your
messages. If you use newsgroups properly you can generate sufficient
traffic to your website.
Using Newsgroups for Promotion
As I said before newsgroups are discussion groups that allow
like minded people to discuss the topic of similar interest and even
can be used to seek help for that topic. These groups are divided into
subjects with over 100,000 topics approximately at present and over 10
million regular users.Because newsgroups are on a specific
subject it makes them good resources for free traffic and
advertising to promote your products and services. As I said before you
can not spam the newsgroups and can not post an advertisement or
commercial message. Only way to legitimate promotion is with signature.
As I said before you can still advertise your business or products to
news groups users by your signature. Signature is a small file in which
you can insert small description of your website with clickable url of
your site and every time you post to newsgroups your signature line is
added automatically.
What you should do is to first find out relevant newsgroups
your products and services. How you can do that is already
written by me so I am not repeating that. After finding and joining the
groups just make yourself familiar and do not rush to post. Know
everything about that newsgroup. Rules,regulation,what is allowed and
what is not allowed,what is discussed and what is not discussed. If you
have not much knowledge about the topics discussed then research and
gain some. You are going to project yourself as an expert and reliable
person to seek for help.
Marketing Benefits:
- Groups are on specific subject so you
can easily target your product or service.
- Market research -You can find out what
people is seeking in particulate newsgroup.
- Build an online reputation as being an
expert in
your field by offering advice and helping people solve their problems.
- By using a signature file you can
drive traffic to your site.
Newsgroups come in thousands of categories with subcategories and
follow specific naming schemes.
Some major newsgroup categories include:
- alt - discussions on alternative topics
- biz - business topics
- humanities - fine arts, literature and
- rec - recreation topics
- soc - for social issues
These categories are further broken into subcategories and listed as
- rec.arts.fine for fine arts and artists
- rec.arts.puppetry for a discussion of
puppets in any form or venue
- rec.arts.theatre.plays
Once you've found your newsgroups, look around and know everything
about the group.
Tips about posting your message.....
- Make your subject line valuable and
keep the most important words first
- Keep focused to the newsgroup topic
- Stay on the thread - use the Reply
option so your response appears under the original message
-Make a contribution - say something
insightful and establish yourself as an expert in your field
-Do not post short reply like
thanks,cool etc
- Always use effective signature,listing
your name, business name, URL, email, phone, and tag line
Ways to Market with Newsgroups!
Be Active
You can find out relevant newsgroups for your niche or products or
business and monitor them.Be active there and post frequently. Provide
insightful information and establish yourself as an expert. This will
give you credit and loyal followers. This people want to know more
about you and your business as you are the expert among them. So they
follow your link and visit your site or blog. And you have already
joined the relevant newsgroup so people visiting from newsgroups are
targeted visitors for your products and services so chances of they
becoming loyal customers will be high.
Posting Insightful Articles.
You can post the informative articles but before posting just
that the article is really helpful to others and can provide some
helpful information about the topics discussed. I mean you have to post
relevant articles and not the random ones. You can easily make the
newsgroup users educated about your products but indirectly. By
indirectly I mean to say is you can not post a article about your
product directly that is considered spam and will annoy others but
suppose the newsgroup you join is about traveling and you have written
a travel guide about India then you can post articles about various
location of worth visiting India,or you can choose a particular
location and write about it,you can write about airfare and
airlines available etc etc. In short you can not post a article about
your book directly but you can always post an article related to topic
about your product's niche or subject. Articles will establish as an
expert and again you will get loyal followers and so sales as above.
You can write about your product in the article but
just an informative 2-3 lines and not commercial ad.
Posting Articles & Building list
If you write a long article that is more than 10-12 pages long, then
you can add your entire sales letter,with them off course!Modification
: If you can not write article about your product yourself. You can do
the following.....
- you can just use part of your eBook you are selling
-look for articles in newspapers
-in ezines
-on the net
-and adapt them to your product
In other words, the more info you give the more
weight you
can put towards marketing your products at the end of the article.
For your traveling e-book, you can give away initial or some chapter
free,that will be 10 to 20 pages and at the end you can insert your
sales letter with some modification. People don't even know they were
reading a sales letter until they were near the end because it flows so
nicely from the article.
Other ways to pretend as a helping hand. How?Just give some information
about the topic and at the end you can say that you have got some
12(any number,more the merrier) articles on the topic and want to help
those who want more information and write clearly how they can get
their hands on the articles. You can capture their e-mail address and
build highly targeted list of subscribers whom you can introduce to
whole line of relevant products
Site Update Postings.
When you add new products or content to your web site, you can announce
it in the newsgroup related to that subject. Just post a short note in
newsgroups related to your product and invite them to visit your site
or auto responder.
Issue of Your Newsletter.
You can post partial issue of your news letter or e-zine so they can
experience quality and then you can invite them to subscribe but do no
do it directly .Instead post relevant information about the
subject,make them interested in your posting,do it regularly e.g. for
one week and then invite them.
Asking For Feedback on Your Web Site.
Again here you can pretend as help seeker instead of help provider as
in inviting them to subscribe for articles. You can pretend as novice
instead of an expert and ask for help but do it properly. Again you get
another chance to build your list,you can offer free relevant products
to the helpers and it will look genuine also.
Make a post asking newsgroup readers to visit your site and give you
feedback on it. You can say that you want to improve your site in this
and that areas.
Answer Questions and Use Your SIG File.
Easiest way is to be active and answer other people's
If you go to a newsgroup and see question being asked on a subject that
could relate to one of your products. You could post an answer to the
question with a free article or report. Which could be part of one of
your ebooks.
Using Newsgroups for Promotion
As I said before newsgroups are discussion groups that allow
like minded people to discuss the topic of similar interest and even
can be used to seek help for that topic. These groups are divided into
subjects with over 100,000 topics approximately at present and over 10
million regular users. Because newsgroups are on a specific
subject it makes them good resources for free traffic and
advertising to promote your products and services. As I said before you
can not spam the newsgroups and can not post an advertisement or
commercial message. Only way to legitimate promotion is with signature.
As I said before you can still advertise your business or products to
news groups users by your signature. Signature is a small file in which
you can insert small description of your website with clickable url of
your site and every time you post to newsgroupas your signature line is
added automatically.
What you should do is to first find out relevant newsgroups
your products and services. How you can do that is already
written by me so i am not repeating that. After finding and joining the
groups just make yourself familiar and do not rush to post. Know
everything about that newsgroup. Rules,regulation,what is allowed and
what is not allowed,what is discussed and what is not discussed. If you
have not much knowledge about the topics discussed then research and
gain some. You are going to project yourself as an expert and reliable
person to seek for help.
Marketing Benefits:
- Groups are on specific subject so you
can easily targete your product or service.
- Market research -You can find out what
people is seeking in perticulat newsgroup N
- Build an online reputation as being an
expert in
your field by offering advice and helping people solve their problems.
- By using a signature file you can
drive traffic to your site.
Newsgroups come in thousands of categories with subcategories and
follow specific naming schemes.
Some major newsgroup categories include:
- alt - discussions on alternative topics
- biz - business topics
- humanities - fine arts, literature and
- rec - recreation topics
- soc - for social issues
These categories are further broken into subcategories and listed as
- rec.arts.fine for fine arts and artists
- rec.arts.puppetry for a discussion of
puppets in any form or venue
- rec.arts.theatre.plays
Once you've found your newsgroups, look around and know everything
about the group.
Tips about posting your message.....
- Make your subject line valuable and
keep the most important words first
- Keep focused to the newsgroup topic
- Stay on the thread - use the Reply
option so your response appears under the original message
-Make a contribution - say something
insightful and establish yourself as an expert in your field
-Do not post short reply like
thanks,cool etc
- Always use effective signature,listing
your name, business name, URL, email, phone, and tag line
News Group
You can promote your site by announce it in related. Usenet information
groups and information directory. Site like specialize in such kind of
web company can as well perform it you some nominal expenses. The two
major newsgroups to which you job your are:
Contact Related Sites
You can contact all the sites to are display in the top twenty designed
for your group also observe but they agree to employment associations
in the company of you. This is lone of the for the most part
influential method designed for people to your web site
Sanner Ads
Poster announcement endorsement cost money except is effectual in
dispensation a Colorado web design sheet endorsement. Ads are the small
rectangular graphics that are positioned on the top otherwise
foundation of accepted web sites. If an addict clicks lying on them,
next the addict is full to the pertinent web site.
Site indexing using Meta tags
META tags are use intended for receiving web sites indexed properly by
search engines. They are not anything other than a only some line of
HTML cryptogram write into the heading of the HTML file. The two tags
that are the mainly significant are the
“description” mark
and the “keywords” mark. The depiction mark give
the search
engine the depiction that you boast provide intended for your Denver
web designed site. With no this mark, search engine typically take the
first textbook it find in your site. With no this mark, search engines
typically take the first to it find in your sit and make that the
The keywords mark tell the search engine precisely which keywords you
wish for your site to be searchable under. Without this, a search
engine willpower select words for your site to be searchable commencing
the name and text of your site. Pregnant META tag to make your site at
the pinnacle of search engine list willpower be alive unjust. They can
just help out you get a hold your site indexed properly also augment
the relevancy intended for the keywords you choose other than they do
not assurance top post of your site by search engines. By incorporate
these tag you must not be expecting them to job wonder intended for
your site.
You ought to They try to maximum value your Meta mark depiction to
20-25 words. this mark should be use to provide a squat and memorable
description of your site that willpower be a magnet for surfers. It is
important that you make use of just those keywords that are related to
the contented and depict your site.
If your site deal with web site design and publish after that the Meta
tag would be:
Specialize in web publish, web site design and development .web
Here are some more useful information to stay in mentality when you
create your keywords selection:
When choose keywords it is imperative to be explicit. more often than
not, two-word and three-word phrase work healthier than only language
akin to ‘journey’ or ‘software’
be very unclear
and willpower place you in competition with hundreds of thousands of
further web sites that contract with these topic. Keywords akin to
“Egypt travel” or “get in touch with
software “help out in contraction downward the focal point
provide you a improved chance of being create.
Keep in mind the more words you put into this tag, the more you reduce
the relevancy for all of the other words in the list .for enhanced
fallout, use dissimilar keywords for dissimilar page within your site
.you should try to use words that are relevant to the information on a
particular page
How To Market Affiliate Programs Via News Groups
How To Create a Steady Stream Of Buyers
Direct from 1000's of News Groups"
I don't get flamed when I post to newsgroups. I try my best to provide
value in the form of Special Reports! My sales message is embedded
within the report or at the end! Newsgroups as they exist NOW
a ripe Gold Mine for ANYONE WHO
WILL GIVE VALUE FIRST...usually in the form of information reports! In
business newsgroups you will stand out from all the foolish scams being
advertised. You'll have little competition!
A single report posted on a few newsgroups has brought in over 700
leads a week for me recently. That's the difference between giving
value and trying to force your message down your prospects
throat. When people like you, they buy from you, and the
newsgroups have millions of people that can read your messages every
day. In some ways I think it's better than direct e-mail. Create many
different powerful reports or short articles and post them in as many
places as you can. Test placing in more and more newsgroups everyday.
If you get flamed - delete the newsgroup from your 'okay to
post in' list!
Soon, you'll have a few hundred you can post in without problems. You
can pull down some serious money this way. Million dollar companies are
quietly being created on the newsgroups right now. Front Porch
Computers built a 10 Million A Year business from answering questions
and having powerful sig files attached at the end of every message!
The contacts I have made and offers that have come out of the blue have
been unbelievable and profitable beyond what I expected. A single
contact from someone could earn you a fortune. I've had some great
deals offered to me without even asking. Also made some great lifetime
The Preference For Online News Over Traditional Newspapers
The advent and fruits of technology has everyone getting into the
Internet as a means of expanding their businesses with the help of the
technology age. Among the leading businesses that have adopted this
methodology is that of newspapers and publication, offering an online
counterpart of the actual publications that most people are used to
buying at their nearby newsstands or delivered directly at the
With the advent of technology, people simply need to type the URL
address of their preferred newspaper, and they will actually see
similar news and information that they get from reading actual
newspapers. Such has been the case for local newspapers, such as Manila
Bulletin and The Daily Inquirer in the Philippines. The only advantage
of the online access is that they can be easily updated and are more
advanced before the actual publication is gotten hold off.
At first glance, there are minimal differences and advantages to be
seen. For one, the navigation of the pages is much easier using the web
based version, since it can be read immediately with a single click.
Unlike in the newsprint version, where a person would have to find the
relevant section and locate the article they would want to read on.
Access and navigation beats the troubles of having to go over a number
of sections to pinpoint the actual news or information contained in
newsprints. For example, by merely clicking on the sports section will
show summaries of the top stories for this category and the user can
immediately read on the latest news of their choice.
Another aspect is that of a detailed summary of sections. Some online
news groups would choose to publish only selected and important news
items, relegating short news briefs towards the newsprint version. For
newsprints, they cover all the information needed and do not leave out
the minor ones. Most of the time, people would leave out announcements
and news tidbits to save on space, something that can be properly
sectioned in newsprint publications.
One other aspect is the fact that online publications can go as far as
providing exclusive video coverage through the technology of real media
files, actually showing footage of important news alerts through
streaming media. This can be done via the Internet, something that
newsprints cannot provide considering they are only the text version of
the said news story.
The Trend towards Technology of Online News Publications
In conclusion, the shifts towards maximizing cyberspace and allowing it
to reach various places and target markets of ethnic origins have
offered an abundance of possibilities. People wanting to find out about
pertinent information from a certain area, or for some people who
reside in other countries can find out what the latest happenings are
in their hometown, negating the need to have specialized copies of
their preferred newsprint publications which originate from home.
The availability of current information, national and other news items
can be accessed by the web, making it a whole lot more convenient for
the people wherever they may be. Technology
has provided a new dimension towards passing of information, and with
the aggressive and tactical strategies that most companies such as
public affairs and mass communication strategies, such has become both
beneficial towards the consumer and the people passing on the
information especially for current events.
Connecting with Google Groups
If you like to express your ideas or learn from the ideas and
experience of others, you can do it all from the comfort and privacy of
your own home. All you need is Internet service and an email address.
Google Groups is a great way to connect with others, or create your own
connection. Since the majority of households have Internet service, you
can easily stay in touch and keep a large group of people updated
easily. Here’s how it works:
If you just want to see what groups are out there and browse through or
join a group that interests you, you can look at the list of thousands
of groups to find one that best suits you. First, go to
www.google.com/groups, or find “groups” under the
“more” link at the top of the Google home page.
From the
Google Groups home page, you’ll see the top group categories,
like Arts and Entertainment, or News Groups. You can click one of these
links, or click “Browse group
categories…” to see
all the possible options.
There are multiple ways to narrow down the groups you would like to
peruse. Each Heading (in bold) demonstrates a method by which you can
narrow down the selection. Under each heading is every possible
category. Each of these category titles can be clicked on to narrow
down your selection. You will notice that behind each title is a number
in parentheses. This shows you the number of groups in that category.
Here is a list of all the headings, and different ways to narrow down
your search.
If you want to look for groups that are specifically in your country,
you can start by selecting your country from the list. Keep in mind
that groups originating in other countries may still have groups
speaking your language.
However, on the other hand, if you wish to only discuss interests that
concern you locally, you do want to narrow down by region. When you
click on your country, you will see more specific results under the
“Region” heading, for example, clicking on
States” will then break down the groups by state.
This is an excellent way to narrow down your selection of groups. Pick
a broad topic, like Science and Technology. From there, you will see a
listing of subtopics under the same heading.
*Messages per Month and Members.
These heading filters the groups for their size and frequency of
updating. Usually these are correlated, so you can probably just narrow
down your results with one or another. Look for a large group that
updates very frequently if you want a group that is highly active and
will keep you on your toes. If you don’t want to be
you can choose smaller groups who update less often.
You might want to click this one first. There’s no sense in
searching under other filters and finding just the group you want, only
to find out the only group is in a foreign language!
*Days since last post
This will give you a clear indication if the groups are still active.
You may want to click on one of the smaller numbered brackets to
immediately eliminate groups that have been inactive for some time.
To find groups, start by clicking on a few obvious filters in which you
want to find groups of interest. You will see across the top the
filters that have been added so far (and a small
“x” if you
want to remove that filter). You can also search for groups from the
search bar at the top of the page.
Forum/newsgroup/blog Marketing
Forum/Newsgroup/Blog are places that people share opinion on a specific
topic. People will gather there if they find interest on the topic,
they can participate in the discussion and share their opinion. The
topic are in great variety, like politics, social issues,
entertainment, leisure life, jobs, and many others.
In other words, Forum/Newsgroup/Blog brings people with similar
interest together. If you find a Forum/Newsgroup/Blog that related to
your products/services, you are close to your targeted customers. So
how you can promote your product in Forum/Newsgroup/Blog?
#1 Make an Ad
This is the most direct way to attract your targeted customers. You can
talk with the webmaster about the rate on posting a ad on their site.
The rate is depends on the size and position of your ad. One thing you
should notice that surfer are become "banner-blind", they are "trained"
to skip those banner ad automatically. The banner ad are now become
less attractive than before. You can look for different layout of the
ad, like text link or tower-style ad.
#2 Raise a post to promote your product
In the discussion forum, you can share your opinion. So, you can just
make an post and talk your products. But, it depends on the rule and
the culture of the forum. If it is not allowed to do so, you should not
take the risk. It is because webmaster always skimmed through the post
to see if any regulation is broken. Moreover, this may break the
culture and bring a bad image to your targeted audience. Before doing
that, you'd better check with the regulation of the forum.
#3 Post promotional offer
A better way is to post some promotional offer on the forum, like
discount coupon. People will treat this as a sharing rather than a hard
sell advertisement. This is a more acceptable way.
#4 Share your opinion
A better way to make a promotion is to share your opinion. In every
post you made, remember to leave a simple statement about yourself,
your company or product and you can leave your web site also. This can
raise other people's interest and will get into your website. In simple
words, participate in the discussion.
Follow Sports Updates With Proper News Groups
Two superpowers are going to face each other at the 2008 Beijing
Olympics. United States and China and their corresponding basketball
teams are going to face each other in the first game of the Olympics.
The draw was held at Beijing where US belonged to group B together with
China, the defending world champion Spain and Angola. The other group
is composed of the Olympic champion Argentina, Iran, Australia,
Lithuania and Russia. Canada is still trying to earn a spot to compete
in the Beijing Olympics. On the other hand, the defending champions US
Women's basketball team, were also drawn to group B with China, Mali
and New Zealand.
Installing the new captain on England's team seems to be a very good
call for the Brits. Even former captain David Beckham was impressed,
(despite the fact that he had to lose the prestigious position to the
new king of his country's most well obsessed over sports). According to
an interview by Fox, Beckham especially likes Terry's approach to
training. He finds it effective with its accurate and serious nature.
He also said that Terry knew how to communicate with his team, which is
always good because they are able pull off exactly what he needs.
England is scheduled for a match against the United States.
Tennis is one of the classiest sports of all time, hence why some of
the hottest sports people are Tennis players. However, the
de la crème of the Tennis world seems to be too willing to
flaunt their physical superiority by appearing on magazines that has
nothing to do with the sports. It all started with Anna Kournikova, the
first Tennis sensation who graced the billboards with her stunning
physique. Next was Maria Sharapova, who luckily unlike the former,
actually had the skills to win grand slam titles. Now, it seems that
another Tennis star will be appearing on Playboy, we hear its another
Russian doll, we hope she plays as hard as she does the guys.
As a young man, Roger Federer was notorious for his temper, this often
led to him being kicked out of the court. As the years progressed,
Federer learned to channel all of his energy to improving his craft. At
age 12, Federer chose to give up football to focus on Tennis. It was a
decision he would not regret seeing that it was the start of his rise
to greatness. Today, Federer is still the number one tennis player.
Rafael Nadal retired after losing to him in the last open wherein the
latter had a standing ovation for putting us such a remarkable career
in Tennis.
The sports world did not see a shadow of Ray Allen during the first
four games at the East finals. Luckily, the would-have
been-dead-man-walking, (his career would have been all up in smokes if
he did not do something to make up for his absence) more than made up
for his missing-in-action stint with a play that has got the crowd
roaring. Allen was the reason why his team was able to make it off to
the finals wherein they will be taking on Boston celtics. For now
though, Allen claims he is just happy they could all go home and get a
good night's rest.
Detroit Pistons all time crowd drawer guard Richard Hamilton extends
his arm as he leaves the court in the final seconds of the second half
of the match, this was during round five of the NBA Eastern Conference
basketball finals against the Boston Celtics at Boston. The match last
Wednesday night wherein the Celtics were washed out by the Pistons on
106-102 on a take of a 3-2 ups in the game series got everyone wanting
to see if its just good all luck or if they are actually seeing what
could be, the start of a winning streak for the Detroit Pistons.
Hopefully, the season could finally blow-off with some much needed
How to Post on Usenet
Posting on Usenet, from a technical standpoint, is no more difficult
than replying to an email. In fact, the process is almost identical.
There will be a button that will allow the user to reply to any post
they are currently reading. That post is uploaded to the Usenet
server, added to the conversation and all those who subscribe to that
group can view the contents. What's more important than the technical
aspects of posting on Usenet is the etiquette involved. Some people
call this "netiquette" which makes it sound like something other than
basic good manners, which it is not.
When posting on Usenet for the first time, do not post to a group to
see if one's client is working. This is considered a nuisance of the
highest order by users. There is a group for this called news.test
which allows users to test their connections without testing any other
user's patience. Use that newsgroup to work out any technical
difficulties one has before posting. There will be users on to help new
users navigate the process. Usenet is very community oriented and every
community has rules regarding introductions. "Am I posting?" is about
as endearing as walking into a party and yelling "Can you see me?"
Don't post before looking. The Usenet newsgroups are flooded with
information on just about every topic. Before posting a question, do a
Usenet search to see if it's already been answered. For the users,
there are few things more frustrating than having gone through the
sometimes long process of answering a new user's questions just to have
another user come on and ask the same thing. Remember to search as many
groups as seem relevant to the question. This is the mark of a true pro.
Remember to not post on Usenet newsgroups in a way that violates their
terms of usage. This means that, if a group does not have "binaries" in
the name, one should never post a binary to that group. This will get a
lot of nasty responses. If a newsgroup doesn't have binaries, you may
post them online or offer them on a different newsgroup and let anyone
who was interested know that you've made them available. It's the
polite way to handle this and doesn't require any of the users to
download extra data in which they may have no interest.
When you post on Usenet as part of an ongoing conversation, do not get
involved in flame wars. Flame wars are usually conducted in all caps
and are about as interesting to experienced users as is any other
instance of listening two strangers scream at one another. Facilitating
or encouraging this sort of bad behavior is called being a "troll". If
someone replies to one of your posts "don't feed the trolls" it means
the user community is trying to ignore the yelling match hoping that
the culprits will go try to find someone who's interested. Moderated
newsgroups are a way to avoid this.
News Group
You can promote your site by announce it in related. Usenet information
groups and information directory. Site like specialize in such kind of
web company can as well perform it you some nominal expenses. The two
major newsgroups to which you job your are:
Contact Related Sites
You can contact all the sites to are display in the top twenty designed
for your group also observe but they agree to employment associations
in the company of you. This is lone of the for the most part
influential method designed for people to your web site
Sanner Ads
Poster announcement endorsement cost money except is effectual in
dispensation a Colorado web design sheet endorsement. Ads are the small
rectangular graphics that are positioned on the top otherwise
foundation of accepted web sites. If an addict clicks lying on them,
next the addict is full to the pertinent web site.
Site indexing using Meta tags
META tags are use intended for receiving web sites indexed properly by
search engines. They are not anything other than a only some line of
HTML cryptogram write into the heading of the HTML file. The two tags
that are the mainly significant are the
“description” mark
and the “keywords” mark. The depiction mark give
the search
engine the depiction that you boast provide intended for your Denver
web designed site. With no this mark, search engine typically take the
first textbook it find in your site. With no this mark, search engines
typically take the first to it find in your sit and make that the
The keywords mark tell the search engine precisely which keywords you
wish for your site to be searchable under. Without this, a search
engine willpower select words for your site to be searchable commencing
the name and text of your site. Pregnant META tag to make your site at
the pinnacle of search engine list willpower be alive unjust. They can
just help out you get a hold your site indexed properly also augment
the relevancy intended for the keywords you choose other than they do
not assurance top post of your site by search engines. By incorporate
these tag you must not be expecting them to job wonder intended for
your site.
You ought to They try to maximum value your Meta mark depiction to
20-25 words. this mark should be use to provide a squat and memorable
description of your site that willpower be a magnet for surfers. It is
important that you make use of just those keywords that are related to
the contented and depict your site.
If your site deal with web site design and publish after that the Meta
tag would be:
Specialize in web publish, web site design and development .web
Here are some more useful information to stay in mentality when you
create your keywords selection:
When choose keywords it is imperative to be explicit. more often than
not, two-word and three-word phrase work healthier than only language
akin to ‘journey’ or ‘software’
be very unclear
and willpower place you in competition with hundreds of thousands of
further web sites that contract with these topic. Keywords akin to
“Egypt travel” or “get in touch with
software “help out in contraction downward the focal point
provide you a improved chance of being create.
Keep in mind the more words you put into this tag, the more you reduce
the relevancy for all of the other words in the list .for enhanced
fallout, use dissimilar keywords for dissimilar page within your site
.you should try to use words that are relevant to the information on a
particular page
Questions about Usenet Newsgroups?
Newsgroups are how the Usenet is organized. They are
to discussion groups on the Internet. Currently, there are
110,000 newgroups on the Usenet, though it is commonly believed that
only about 20,000 are active. Newsgroups are each dedicated
to a
specific topic. Let's look at a generic example to help
A user in Colorado has a question on Topic B and posts this question on
the newsgroup dedicated to Topic B. A user in Russia posts
he believes to be the answer to the Coloradoan's question.
Another user in India argues that his answer is more correct.
Because of examples like this, you can see how Usenet newsgroups can be
very handy for research. Others with the same question as the
Coloradoan can later find the same discussion and do not have to
re-post the question.
So, how are newsgroups organized? Newsgroups are organized in
hierarchical fashion. There are 8 major hierarchies used
as the "Big 8"):
* Comp.* - Discussion of
computer-related topics
* News.* - Discussion of Usenet itself
* Sci.* - scientific subjects
* Rec.* - recreational activities (i.e.
games and hobbies)
* Soc.* - social issues
* Talk.* - discussion of controversial
issues such as politics and religion
* Humanities.* - literature, philosophy,
* Misc.* - anything which doesn't fit in
any of these hierarchies
When these hierarchies were originally created, discussions concerning
recipes, drugs and sex were not allowed in any of the
hierarchies. This brought about the creation of the alt.*
(abbreviation of "alternative") Usenet hierarchy. Because
was not part of the Big 8, the rules for creation of a newsgroup under
alt.* were lax and this hierarchy grew rapidly.
Usenet newsgroups were originally created to distribute text files, but
because of the way the Usenet operates, it has proven to be rather
effective at distributing binary files, once a few problems were
overcome. First, binary data needed to be converted to text
characters (through Uuencode, Base64, and yEnc) so they would survive
transmission. Next, most newsgroup hosts limited the size of
individual posts to newsgroups. To contend with this, binary
files are broken apart into smaller files by Newsreaders. A
Newsreader at the receiving end then reassembles the smaller files into
the original binary file. These binary files are mostly
under alt.binaries.*.
This breaking apart of binary files has brought about the importance of
completion rates and retention rates. Completion rates are
percentage of a file that is recovered by a Newsreader. If a
of the pieces is missing, it may be impossible to reassemble the binary
file. The top Usenet providers offer completion rates of
99.9% or
higher. Retention rates are how long a newsgroup server keeps
file before they are deleted. A retention rate "war" has come
about between the top Usenet providers.
As you can see, newsgroups are a way of organizing the vast amounts of
information that resides on the Usenet. The hierarchical
can be equated to the Dewey Decimal system used in a physical
library. With the number of newsgroups available, there is
to be one of interest to everyone.
For a list and comparison of Usenet providers, go to
How to Post on Usenet
Posting on Usenet, from a technical standpoint, is no more difficult
than replying to an email. In fact, the process is almost identical.
There will be a button that will allow the user to reply to any post
they are currently reading. That post is uploaded to the Usenet server,
added to the conversation and all those who subscribe to that group can
view the contents. What's more important than the technical aspects of
posting on Usenet is the etiquette involved. Some people call this
"netiquette" which makes it sound like something other than basic good
manners, which it is not.
When posting on Usenet for the first time, do not post to a group to
see if one's client is working. This is considered a nuisance of the
highest order by users. There is a group for this called news test
which allows users to test their connections without testing any other
user's patience. Use that newsgroup to work out any technical
difficulties one has before posting. There will be users on to help new
users navigate the process. Usenet is very community oriented and every
community has rules regarding introductions. "Am I posting?" is about
as endearing as walking into a party and yelling "Can you see me?"
Don't post before looking. The Usenet newsgroups are flooded with
information on just about every topic. Before posting a question, do a
Usenet search to see if it's already been answered. For the users,
there are few things more frustrating than having gone through the
sometimes long process of answering a new user's questions just to have
another user come on and ask the same thing. Remember to search as many
groups as seem relevant to the question. This is the mark of a true pro.
Remember to not post on Usenet newsgroups in a way that violates their
terms of usage. This means that, if a group does not have "binaries" in
the name, one should never post a binary to that group. This will get a
lot of nasty responses. If a newsgroup doesn't have binaries, you may
post them online or offer them on a different newsgroup and let anyone
who was interested know that you've made them available. It's the
polite way to handle this and doesn't require any of the users to
download extra data in which they may have no interest.
When you post on Usenet as part of an ongoing conversation, do not get
involved in flame wars. Flame wars are usually conducted in all caps
and are about as interesting to experienced users as is any other
instance of listening two strangers scream at one another. Facilitating
or encouraging this sort of bad behavior is called being a "troll". If
someone replies to one of your posts "don't feed the trolls" it means
the user community is trying to ignore the yelling match hoping that
the culprits will go try to find someone who's interested. Moderated
newsgroups are a way to avoid this.
Subscribe for a new account on the newsserver
The most common method of payment for setting up a new account on the
payserver is PayPal and luckily, the account will be activated as soon
as the payment is complete. If you still have additional questions,
then you take full advantage of the customer support, guaranteed by
your membership on the newsserver. The subscription to the newsserver
can be automatically prolonged, allowing you to download as much
information as you desire from the chosen newsgroup.
Online, you can find out all the needed information on Usenet and
setting up accounts on the newsserver. You can discover the differences
between different types of accounts, with the clear specification that
unlimited accounts are solely for personal uses. Things like account
sharing, multiple IP addresses or proxy connections are strictly
prohibited, being part of the rules on the payserver. As a member of
the newsserver, you will have to comply with these regulations and make
sure that use your account as intended. Prepay accounts guarantee
indeed an unlimited speed, the user having complete freedom when it
comes to determining the quota. The price goes down with the more
gigabytes one decides to purchase. Unlimited accounts guarantee not
only the maximum speed but an unlimited amount of download on any of
the newsgroups, all account being renewed on a monthly basis.
Let’s say that you’ve bought a number of gigabytes
on the
payserver. You should know that they are available for one year, with
that period being automatically prolonged if you decide to purchase
some more. As it was already mentioned, the prices become more
appealing the more gigabytes you purchase. If you do not want to worry
about such things, then you should go online and choose an unlimited
account, choosing the speed of download and also the quantity. Just
keep in mind that you will still be limited by your own Internet
The newsserver account is renewed once every 30 days automatically,
permitting you to download information using the newsreader. The Usenet
network is spread into different sections, sections that are actually
called newsgroups and that you can browse whenever you feel like it. It
is important to remember that once you have downloaded the number of
gigabytes available in your quota, the download will be stopped (that
is if you do not purchase more GB which would be the logical thing to
As your right to privacy is completely respected, you will soon
discover that they do not keep a strict tab on the downloads you make.
They record the amounts downloaded but things never proceed from there.
You can download from newsgroups without being worried that you are
watched all the time and kept under strict observation. They do filter
spam so you can rest assured that you will only download high quality
Usenet account – your gateway to information!
You will have access to any newsgroup you desire on the newsserver,
being able to download the needed information using freeware programs
such as Grabit. In the meantime, let’s find out more details
Usenet accounts and what they have to offer.
Setting up your newsserver account is incredibly easy, being offered a
period of retention of 180 days (that period being considerably larger
when it comes to text groups), a number of 10 connections and free
unlimited download. The guaranteed speed is of 12Mbit p/s, the
information transmitted is protected through the SSL encryption and the
package includes customer supports whenever required. This is basically
what a Usenet account offers and you cannot deny that you do not feel
This is not the only type of account you can setup on the newsserver.
For those who only want to download from time to time but they require
a high speed and high retention, the block XS Usenet account is the
best choice. The block sizes vary from as little as 2GB to the
impressive 100 GB, the prices offered on the payserver varying
accordingly. The retention period remains the same and so do the number
of connections included within your account. The speed is unlimited,
with the specification that the download limit depends entirely on the
block size that you’ve chosen in the first place. Secure SSL
encryption is guaranteed as well, just as the customer service. You
will have to spend some time analyzing what each account has to offer
and decide which one you like best.
In order to download information from any of the newsgroup
(newsgroups), you need to setup your Usenet account. Once that step has
been completed, you will need a newsreader program, one that you will
use in order to actually download the information from a newsgroup.
Grabit is a professional newsreader, one that can be downloaded for
free. You will have to install the program and configure the info based
on your Usenet account, proceeding from there. The newsreader functions
wonderfully, allowing you to download any information you desire from
any newsgroup.
If you are curious to discover the speed with which you are
downloading, then you can check your payserver account and see the
limit specified there (of course, your Internet connection will affect
that speed as well). Once again, you should not question the security
of the downloaded information, as the SSL encryption guarantees a safe
download without any question. If you are not satisfied with Grabit,
then you should know that there are other newsreader programs
available, such as NewsLeecher. You can try it for a period and decide
whether you like it more than the other program. Setup the program and
it will start the download from the newsgroups automatically.
Email and Newsgroup Etiquette
Email Etiquette
In order to efficiently communicate on the Internet it is critical to
understand the unwritten rules of email communication. Please use these
tips as a guideline to online email communication.
1.) Unless you are using encryption, Internet E-mail is not secure.
2.) Do not use all capitals in email exchanges, it is considered
SHOUTING and is considered rude.
3.) Keep in mind that the Internet is international, words and humor
can be perceived differently by different cultures.
4.) When replying to messages be aware of "cc:" field. Recipients
listed in the "cc:" field will receive a copy of the post. (The "bcc:"
field sends messages blind, meaning recipients don't know that someone
else has received a copy of the email or been carbon copied)
5.) Use emoticons :-) or to indicate expression.
6.) When forwarding email be sure not to create a loop in the system.
In addition, be sure not to setup auto-responders to reply to every
email, or endless loops will be created.
7.) There can be costs associated with Internet connectivity and
downloading emails. Do not send attachments that take a long time to
download, without the recipients consent.
8.) Include in the "subject" line a heading that relates to the message
9.) Use 4-6 lines for your signature line, this is an opportunity to
highlight your business or company information, but don't be
Mailing Lists & Newsgroup Etiquette
In order to participate in news groups, you must have an understanding
of newsgroup etiquette.
1.) Be familiar with lists/newsgroups prior to posting, read posting.
2.) Keep in mind that newsgroups and mailing lists are frequently
archived and that posts will be preserved.
3.) If you are replying to a message be sure to include the text of the
original message which you are replying to. Use ">" indicators
your mail program does not do this for you.
4.) Don't get involved in flame wars (or material which is personal and
5.) Keep in mind that the Internet is international, words and humor
can be perceived differently by different cultures.
6.) Use 4-6 lines for your signature line, this is an opportunity to
highlight your business or company information, but don't be
7.) When responding to a post, keep the subject line the same, so that
it will appear in the same thread.
8.) Cross posting to multiple lists is often prohibited. Read posting
9.) Expect delays in moderated forums, each posting must be approved.
10.) Anonymous posts are unaccepted in many newsgroups.
11.) Be aware that some people use aliases when posting to Usenet
groups to avoid SPAM (unsolicited email). Also keep in mind that
anything goes on unmoderated Usenet.
12.) Most lists don't allow for binary attachments.
Resources -
Library of Emoticons -
Library of Email Acronyms -
Email Client Software -
Newsgroup Search Engines - How to Execute a Newsgroup Binary Search
A newsgroup binary search is a time-saving device that allows users of
Usenet to search for specific content without having to sort through
results which are simply text. It is akin to an advanced Internet
search where the parameters of the search can include that any posts
returned as relevant have attached to them certain types of
information. Search services are offered on a great many sites.
Sometimes, these searches are offered as a way to allow a potential
customer to see what will be available to them should they choose to
sign up for access. In most cases, one will not be able to download the
content by simply executing the search on an Internet site.
A newsgroup binary search is most useful to those who are looking for a
specific file. Oftentimes, these files will retain their original names
over the course of several postings which allows users to find the
desired information much easier. For example, a file named
"Cat_Picture.jpg" posted across several different groups will come up
as available on all the various groups to which it is been posted over
time with the same name and the same content.
The newsgroup binary search allows users to avoid the hassles of
sorting through potentially thousands of messages on their newsreader
to find the specific post in which they're interested. Using NZB
technology, one can select to download only the relevant post to their
reader, saving a great amount of time and effort and making retrieving
the file something that can be done in minutes rather than hours.
Operating these searches is easy and intuitive and, generally, the only
difference between these searches and any others is the terminology
used such as "binary" being used for "file" or "attachment" and so
As is the case with any file found online, a file found via a newsgroup
binary search must be treated with caution before it is opened on the
user's computer. Fortunately, the Usenet service allows for several
different ways of assessing the legitimacy of a file and, in most
cases, those files that are viruses and spam will either be eliminated
by the servers themselves or flagged as being as much by other users of
the system. To verify these files, one usually uses one of the various
NZB reader programs which include verification technology among their
Most often, a file found on a newsgroup binary search will contain
along with it an SFV file. This SFV file allows the user to verify that
the entire file, in an uncorrupted state, has been downloaded and that
they can be assured that it will function as intended. Of course, one
should always execute a virus scan against anything downloaded from the
Internet before using it. A file type called PAR2 can sometimes be
found along with the binary which will allow the user to repair any
damaged or corrupted files they may have downloaded without hunting for
a different version.
How to Access Free Alt Newsgroups
If like most users you are having a hard time looking for and using
free alt newsgroups, it is likely because you are not utilizing the
right software. To get these posts, you need to be properly equipped
with the correct applications.
For those who are not familiar with newsgroups, they can be likened to
an Internet forum with a broad range of subject matters. What makes
free alt newsgroups different is that there are no moderators, so
anyone can say pretty much anything. They can be created at any time
and for any subject, so you can expect them to be chaotic, a little
confusing but always interesting.
The first thing that you need to do to have access to free alt
newsgroups is to install a news server, the software that will download
these newsgroups. Some of the most popular ones are Usenet Unlimited,
GigaNews and Astraweb.
Before downloading these news servers though, check your local Internet
provider, because it may have its own Usenet application. It is
unlikely that it will have the free alt newsgroups though, as they
consume a lot of bandwidth.
Whichever news server you download and install, you will be required to
create an account and you also need to install a news reader, which
will be the application that will read the free alt newsgroups. You can
try out Grabit and Alt.binz, both freeware.
An alternative way of accessing free alt newsgroups is through Usenet.
Here you will need to use your web browser and through services like
Interbulletin, Google Groups, Randori News. NewsOne.Net and many more,
you will be able to enjoy the services of newsgroups.
Whichever type of software you use, there are a few things that you
need to be aware of. First is that you can subscribe or unsubscribe
anytime. Second, if this is your first time to access them, do not be
surprised if the discussion (or thread) veers away from the subject
matter; that is par for the course in a lot of newsgroups.
Another thing that you will notice is that people get emotional about a
subject (this often happens). If this irritates you, feel free to just
drop out.
Another thing that you should know about free alt newsgroups is that
because they can have a lot of users at the same time, you might have
to wait a while before you can log in. If you cannot access it right
now, just try again a little later.
You might also be interested to know that these free alt newsgroups are
not just about discussing things, but there are also some dedicated to
pictures. Some groups are devoted to posting images of computer
fractals, animals, celebrities, etc. Downloading these images are done
the same way as you would the messages, as most of the software have a
picture decoder installed.
Free alt newsgroups can be a lot of fun, and now that you know the ways
and means of accessing them, you will be able to join in the
discussions too.
Three Tools Every Newsgroup Subscriber Should Know About
There are hundred of thousands of different newsgroups on the Net. Most
newsgroup subscribers are members of multiple groups. Find out which
tools are available to make managing these subscriptions easier.
Binary Boy
Binary Boy allows its users to download music, movies and pictures from
news servers. Folks can browse manually or schedule a search to collect
files while they sleep. An intelligent subject cache speeds up searches
and preserves bandwidth. The program comes witha a decoder that is is
Hyper-Threading capable.
Using Binary Boy, one can search using single words, wildcards or use
boolean logic and custom search rules can be applied to each newsgroup.
This is one of the few applications that allows users to decode damaged
or incomplete mpg movies for previewing. yEnc, MIME, QP-Lite,
Quote-Printable and BommaNews encodings are handled automatically.
More Information: http://www.deprice.com/binaryboy.htm
News File Grabber
News File Grabber is a specialized newsreader which lets you easily
download and extract all kinds of attachments and binary files (like
photos, movies, pictures, mp3-files and other stuff) from the
newsgroups on the USENET.
There are many decoding schemes supported, including MIME, UUE, base64
and yENC (also multi-parts with auto-combining).
The program supports multiple servers, up to 20 simultaneous download
threads and secure server connections (SSL). You also can extract from
EML/NWS-files stored on your hard disk.
More Information: http://www.deprice.com/newsfilegrabber.htm
Pluckit is an amazing Windows program that automatically searches
newsgroups for binary attachments (pictures).It then downloads and
saves them for your pleasure.
As if by magic, Pluckit seeks out only messages with binary
attachments, grabs and saves them. Pluckit can display pictures
individually, in a slide show, or in a gallery! All you have to do is
tell Pluckit what kinds of pictures you are interested in and then
click the "Start Plucking" button.
Pluckit can acquire literally thousands of JPG's, GIF's, MPG's, AVI's,
ZIP's, MP3's, yEnc's, RAR's, and other file types while running
completely unattended in the foreground or background.
More Information: http://www.deprice.com/pluckit.ht
The Usenet - an alternative to the World Wide Web
The Usenet – an alternative to the World Wide Web
The aim of this article is to inform the reader about the Usenet (Unix
User Network), giving a brief overview about its possible usages and
explaining some of the key elements that characterize it.
What is the Usenet?
The Usenet is an electronic, worldwide network, consisting of so called
newsgroups. While it might not be known by many internet users today,
the Usenet actually is older than the internet and can be seen as an
alternative to it. An internet connection, however, still is necessary
to access the Usenet.
Usenet newsgroups
Newsgroups work somehow similar to discussion forums on the web, in a
way that users can post and reply to messages on different topics.
Through this way of discussing, big discussion trees (so called
threads) developed over time. A virtually unlimited amount of threads
about all kind of topics can be found on the Usenet in many different
Special kinds of newsgroups are the binary newsgroups, which can be
used to share binary files through the Usenet. The difference to other
file sharing services like BitTorrent is that files are not shared
peer-to-peer, but instead are stored on news servers. This way files
uploaded once can be downloaded by an unlimited number of people,
taking advantage of their full download-bandwith.
How can I access the Usenet?
To access the Usenet, it is necessary to use special newsreader
software. While accessing the Usenet has been rather complicated
before, newsreaders allow an easy access to and handling of the Usenet.
They also help the user to efficiently browse and search the Usenet to
find exactly the topic or file they are looking for.
Newsreader software for download and additional information can be
found at Usenet.de, an information source around the topic Usenet,
available in six different languages.
Finding Useful Usenet Tutorials
There are plenty of Usenet tutorials out there. Some of them are
enormously useful and others are simple sales pitches. If you're
looking to learn more about this technology, you'll want to choose good
tutorials from which to learn. You can easily determine the good from
the bad by assessing what topics they cover. For the new user, there
are some elements of this technology
that will be almost certainly new and which will require you to take in
some new information. This information, however, is rather simple and
it can be a lot of fun to learn.
The Usenet is essentially a conversational and file sharing technology.
The conversations are held on what are called newsgroups, which cover a
huge array of interests. Read tutorials that tell you not only how to
find and download the content on these newsgroups, but which also tell
you about etiquette. It's very important that you understand the rules
and that you don't inadvertently become a troll on the newsgroups.
You'll find numerous tutorials of this type on the newsgroups
themselves, which are great places to learn. The better Usenet review
sites also have this information.
If you're interested in the Usenet, you've likely heard about the huge
amount of downloadable content that's available on the newsgroups.
Searching for this content is much different than is searching for
content on the Internet at large. To that end, the better review sites
will have extensive tutorials about the process. You'll need to read
tutorials about the following subjects, for certain: NBZ files, file
compression, binaries and newsgroup readers. The last item, newsgroup
readers, will be the most important, as this is your key to getting
access to the newsgroups at large. There are certain newsgroup reader
tutorials that will be more useful than others, depending upon your
plans for the service.
If you want to download files, you'll need to read about binaries and
how to handle them. Binaries are any type of file that's attached to a
newsgroup article. A binary can be anything from a video game to a
picture to an audio file. If you just want to get in on the
conversations on the newsgroups, you only need a text reader. You can
get either kind for free, and the review sites will usually list
several so you can get started with this flexible and powerful
Choosing Usenet Service Providers
Usenet has seen something of a rebirth in popularity due to the many
third-party providers on the Internet
. Most ISPs used to provide this service as a standard offering, and
the Usenet newsgroups were among the most popular places to be during
the early days of the Internet. While it was temporarily displaced in
popularity by the emergent social networking and file sharing
technologies of the early 2000s, many users have rediscovered this
protocol and have found that, despite the bells and whistles of
competitors, it still outperforms much of the new. Choosing the right
provider is key.
If you're new to Usenet, you may want to choose a modest plan. Look for
a provider that offers several different levels of service. That way,
you can explore what the Usenet has to offer and decide if it's for you
or not before you commit a lot of money to the service. If you find
yourself running out of bandwidth due to downloading a lot of material,
you'll know that it's time for an upgrade to your service. Remember
that there's more to the Usenet than file sharing, however. It's a
great social networking medium.
The Usenet has an incredible amount of different topics available to
its users. There are advanced scientific newsgroups, newsgroups for
political debate and newsgroups for simple networking. Pretty much
every interest is represented on these newsgroups and, likely, you'll
have no trouble finding an interesting one in which to participate. If
you're confused by the procedure for participating, there are even
newsgroups that will show you the ropes. The users of the Usenet tend
to put some value in fostering interest in the service and are usually
more than willing to help users out.
Find a service that offers multiple connections for downloads. This is
the key to blazing speeds when you find a file you want on the
newsgroups. You can likely find Usenet services that offer more
bandwidth than your connection can handle, so don't worry about speed;
there's plenty to go around. Remember, however, that any file should
always be checked for viruses before you open it. There are some
compression types that are used on the Usenet more than they are in
other places. They're very easy to learn and, of course, learning them
does carry with it the bragging rights of being in a very savvy group
of Internet users.
Do I Have to Pay to Get Newsgroup Server Access Or Will a Free Usenet
Trial Be Enough?
There are various free newsgroup servers available, but they are
difficult to find. Even harder is to find a free newsgroup server which
has exactly what you want available on it. They typically fall into any
one of the following three categories which are explained in further
However, if you are still intent on looking for free newsgroup service,
then there are a few options available to you. You probably won't find
all the information you need, but it depends on your requirements.
There are three main categories of free newsgroup servants and these
will be outlined and elaborated on below.
Firstly, you can have free access to certain newsgroup server simply
due to a technical problem or in exploiting the system. Is of course is
quite unlikely to happen but it does happen and if you keep your eyes
open and have a look at websites which are regularly updated with
information about the sort of cases, you should be able to find
something sooner or later. However, in such cases, it is very likely
that the server will quickly be overrun with traffic and it will start
to become unreliable.
Other newsgroups service which are free include humanitarian causes.
These types of servers around by universities and any other nonprofit
organizations. They want to use this to foster free speech in this
medium is a popular way of doing this. Due to this, as you can probably
imagine, it is not going to contain all the sort of material that you
would expect to find a normal newsgroup server.
There are also free newsgroup service which are dedicated to set a new
monetary and causes. A lot of these might be run by universities or
other nonprofit organizations. There are designed as a medium to
promote free speech, and as you can imagine, they're not going to
contain a huge number of different subjects. For example, you're not
going to find a great deal of information all about Sponge Bob on a
newsgroup all about free speech.
Corporate servers are another option. However, they typically are only
relevant to the people who work in the companies concerned or their
investors. Again, it is unlikely that you will find any other
information on various subjects. However, it is worth a try just a have
a look. Nonetheless, you will find that they are probably not have
interests of the average user.
In a nutshell, if you want to get a good newsgroup server and you are
going to have to pay a small sum of money for it.
Before you decide sign up for any Newsgroups Provider gather some more
information about UsenetServer and check out the 600GB Free Usenet
Trial Special Offer.
How Do I Use Usenet?
Usenet is ranked among the most established and oldest Internet
resources. It started being used for file sharing and group discussions
long before the discovery of portal forums and peer software. Even
today, the service is used by several millions of people the world over
as a vital Internet resource. The users form Usenet groups, which are
otherwise referred to as newsgroups. The newsgroups cover a wide array
of topics such as special interests, a variety of file types and
technical support. In order to use the facility, it is important to
read widely on how to use Usenet.
The first step is to select a reliable provider of the Usenet service.
One should open a Usenet account in order to access the service. One
may use the ISP's account or seek one from a third party. The access
service may be charged and the amount depends on the capacity of
bandwidth provided.
The second point is to download the Usenet software. This can be
achieved using a compatible Usenet reader. In order to find the reader,
the user is supposed to access an Internet browser and explore for
"newsgroup software." From here, the user goes to the site in which the
software is downloaded and searches for a software scanned for spyware.
Many Usenet readers are accessed free or can be obtained as
considerably cheap shareware.
The third step is to install the program. This involves identifying the
location in which downloaded files are to be stored as well as the
article list and Usenet group. If several groups are included, more
storage space may be required. It is therefore prudent to have a
sizable amount of space to accommodate the software. The next step is
to configure the downloaded software. The service provider for Usenet
supplies a name for the server, a user ID, as well as a password, which
are important for using the service.
Finally, a user can download several Usenet groups and subscribe to
them. After subscribing, the reader can download articles automatically
and provide a list of the groups for ease of retrieval. With this, one
can now make use of the Usenet services. With the constantly updated
groups list the user is interest in, the user has access to threaded
discussions, can write and post articles, and can download a
multiplicity of software. Since the articles are replicated to several
servers, it may take long before a particular article is viewable.
The author is a technology enthusiast and runs a blog where he shares
such tips as How to use a Mouse and another one recently How to use a
Protractor. If the topics interest you, do check it out.
Using Linkedin Groups To Increase Traffic To Your Business Blog
LinkedIn groups are being used more often now by those in career
transition as well as by entrepreneurs. Are you using it to bring more
traffic to your blog? Are you using LinkedIn to its full capacity for
job networking?
If you are not yet using LinkedIn groups for professional networking
and to drive traffic to your blogs
, the steps below will guide you on how to accomplish this as well as
how to increase the number of visitors to your website and blogs.
A very valuable feature on LinkedIn that is underutilized is the Groups
feature. The focus of your intention when getting involved with groups
on LinkedIn should be “how can I help someone else”
of “what’s in it for me.” The feature is
user-friendly and you will feel very comfortable navigating in no time.
Find groups on LinkedIn relating to the subjects that you write about
or provide on your site
Since LinkedIn allows you to subscribe to a maximum of 50 groups, you
should take advantage of this and subscribe to as many groups as
possible that relate to your business. However, to protect you from
being perceived as a spammer, you shouldn’t post the same
to more than a few groups at a time.
You have to post to each LinkedIn group manually. The process to post
an article to a group is:
1. Go to the specific group.
2. Click on the News tab.
3. Click on Submit a News Article.
4. Paste the URL of your article (which comes from
your blog).
5. Your article title and summary will now be
retrieved from your blog.
6. You have an option to add a comment and check a
box to
be notified when other people post comments on your article.
The more relevant the article is to the group, the more likely people
will be to click on and read your article on your blog and to leave
Get involved in discussions with the group
Merely posting links without any real, active involvement
earn you the trust of the other members of the group. Get involved with
those who comment on your submissions and visit other posts to add your
opinion. The power of your communication is that you will gain the
trust of others and will earn credibility. You will be viewed as a
subject matter expert and you will be considered a valuable resource by
others who will want to connect with you. All of those connections are
of value, either as potential customers, valuable job networking
connections, or to build valuable business relationships.
Answer LinkedIn questions
By having a proactive voice in the LinkedIn questions arena, you will
strengthen your credibility by becoming a subject matter expert. When
you post your response, remember to include a description and link to
your content in both the website and text sections.
Ensure that your profile has your status updates and updated site links
and install the blog applications
Make sure that your information is always up to date so that visitors
to your profile have quick access to your site. In addition to posting
your blog articles to LinkedIn groups, you can install the blog
applications so that your blog articles are automatically posted on
your profile through your RSS feed.
If you follow these simple steps, the result will be a dramatic
increase in your blog or website traffic and in your networking
connections. LinkedIn will enable you to build strong relationships
with others with whom you can share a mutually beneficial relationship.
How to Download From the USENET
The USENET often instills a bit of fear into a new user but it really
is not as daunting as it first seems. You should approach the USENET as
a hybrid between email and a forum discussion group. It has been around
for many years now and is actually older then the internet itself.
Today, the USENET has evolved into a popular method of discussing
topics and for exchanging binary files online.
One of the primary pieces of knowledge you will need if you are
interacting with the USENET is how to download files. It is not quite
as simple as point and click like the internet allows, as you do need
some technical knowledge. The reason for this is the USENET was not
actually designed with file transfer in mind. Do not be nervous about
the fact that it is not a simple point and click to enable download, it
takes just a few minutes to learn how to download from the USENET and
when you do pick up this knowledge you are then able to download files
faster and more securely than before.
Your first step is to learn about the files that you will be
downloading, these being NZB files. These are specific to the USENET
and will contain the information or media you want to download.
Firstly, you would search for the file you are looking for. As an
example, we can search for ‘independence Day' on
We type in the name and the search parameters in the boxes and search.
We get plenty of results back that include the movie. To download, we
simply tick the box and select create NZB at the top. This will then
save the file onto your computer. You also need to get a USENET client,
as a NZB file is useless without one. The client will allow you to open
the file once you have it. You also need a USENET account as this will
allow you to download the file. Once you are all set up, then you are
ready to go. You can search for everything and anything on the USENET
and will no doubt come back with hundreds of results.
To make the process as easy as possible, you should opt for a paying
premium service. It really is worth learning and paying the small
amount of money to get access to the USENET for all the use that you
will get out of it. Once you have downloaded a couple of times, you
will be able to fly through the process and will soon wonder how you
ever managed without USENET file downloads!
From downloadnext blog http://downloadnext.wordpress.com
tutorial If you did not have a free trial client yet, you could
download one from here. Click this
UseNeXT 4.98 EXE The
installation of UseNeXT is quite simple and fast, the file is just 2.5
MB. There are many languages to choose from during the
installation, such as English, German, French, Dutch, Chinese and so
on. change the default newsgroups and choose your favorite ones change
the default newsgroups and choose your favorite ones
The important step is to the subscription of the newsgroups. Some
default newsgroups are German newsgroups, you could replace
with English newsgroups or other languages.
Choose your favorite newsgroups.
The blue status bar shows the resources available in the newsgroups.
Since this is a trial version you have to apply a trial account before
you begin the downloading. Just choose a file, and click download, then
a dialogue box pops up, and ask you to give your email address.
Fulfill the email address, and wait for 5 to 10 minutes, you will get
the letter from UseNeXT. ( The account used here is already out of date)
Then click setup button on the toolbar.
set up an account
Then the last step, just copy and paste.
That is all! Let us begin the downloading.
the default newsgroups and choose your favourite ones
The important
step is to the subscription of the newsgroups. Some default newsgroups
are German newsgroups, you could replace them with English
newsgroups or other languages.

The blue status
bar shows the ressources availble in the newsgroups.
Since this is a
you have to apply a trial account before you begin the downloading.
Just choose a file, and click
then a dialogue box pops up, and ask you to give your email address.
Fulfill the
email address, and wait for 5 to 10 minutes, you will get the letter
from UseNeXT. ( The account used here is already out of date)

click setup button on the toolbar.
set up an account

Then the last
step, just copy and paste.
That is all!
Let us begin the downloading.
If you want to
download the big file( I am not sure how big is big). To sure to use
the download wizard.

Then we could
enjoy the high speed download.
An interesting
question is How high?
We have to find
it out on our own, but it depends on many factors, like computers,
DSL. The most famous video shows a quite astonish speed, but I believe
that is true.
For the trial
version, just download a file less than 1 GB, otherwise you will not
get a whole file.
After the
trial, you will be welcomed for another round of trial with
150 free
But for the
participation, you have to sign a online contract first, which you have
to register your credit card or paypal. Be sure to read the
agreement first before you sign. Some people blame UseNeXT, but
actually they did not read carefully the agreement before they sign up.
There are three packages you could choose from.
A very small
tip: you could share with serveral friends about one account, this
stratgey works well in my case, and save much money.
UseNeXT is a very good software, easy interface, user friendly, and
strong functions. It gives users very comfortable download experience.
The pricing is relative high, but it worth the price. I could
find many useful resources in relative short time. It offers
a really free trial, in my case, one Euro was booked for
validation of the credit card, but was returned later.
If you are
experiend UseNeXT users we could discuss in UseNeXT community forum.
For beginners
you could visit the official home page for more details: However, the
office page is not really user focused and it not easy to understand,
the best way is just try it out, since UseNeXT offers your a free to
trial opportunity.
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