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Marketing - Overview
Viral marketing is a form of online marketing that uses a
“word-of-mouth” technique to spread its message.
The term
"viral" refers to how quickly a message propagates via links in
e-mails, e-newsletters, blogs and websites that point to a product or
service people might find of interest.
The goal of a viral marketer is to generate a "buzz" about a product or
idea, inducing users to relay the marketing message to others and
create an exponential growth in the message’s visibility and
This form of online marketing is important because it ensures a high
and rapid response rate. Comparatively less expensive than direct
mailing, the main strength of viral marketing is its ability to attract
a large number of interested people at a low cost.
However, its weakness is that it is hard to control. Like the
"telephone game" that children play, the marketing message may become
distorted as it passes from ear to ear.
Elements of a
Viral Marketing Campaign
There are six elements that make up a viral marketing strategy.
Although not all six are necessary, the more you can incorporate into
your website marketing strategy, the more powerful your results are
likely to be.
A classic example of a successful viral marketing campaign was the one
done for Hotmail.com,the first Web-based, free email service. Hotmail
automatically attached a brief message at the end of
email, suggesting they sign up for this free service. After two years,
more than 12 million people had Hotmail email accounts.
An effective
marketing strategy comprises of:
- Free products or services
- Effortless transmission of the message
- Easy scalability from small to very
- Exploiting common human behaviors
- Using existing communication networks
- Making use the resources of others
Free Products
or Services
Most viral campaigns give valuable products away to attract attention.
Free software programs, free ringtones, free e-books are just some
examples. Although they may not profit today, by freely giving away
these products marketers hope to create a surge of interest they can
profit from later.
Free attracts visibility; this visibility also highlights other
products that you are selling, and finally you end up making sales.
This kind of attention can bring in valuable email addresses,
advertising revenue, and e-commerce sales opportunities.
Transmission of the Message
The medium you choose to propagate your message must be able to easily
transfer and replicate. Some examples include email, a website,
discussion forums and free software downloads. Viral marketing works
extremely well on the Web because instant communication is easy and
cheap. The digital format makes duplication simple.
The marketing message itself must also be brief so that is can be
easily be transmitted with out getting distorted.
Scalability from Small to Large
Scalability must be considered when developing your viral marketing
campaign. The flaw in the Hotmail viral model was that it required its
own mail servers to transmit its message. If the strategy was wildly
successful, mail servers would have to been needed much more sooner
than anticipated. A lack of mail servers would have grinded the
campaign to a halt.
Common Human Behaviors
A good viral marketing campaign will take advantage of human
motivations such as the desire to be cool, or the need to be popular.
The urge to display and communicate this savviness produces millions of
websites and email messages.
Designing a strategy that plays on this type of behavior for its
transmission has excellent chances of being successful.
Existing Communication Networks
Your potential customers, like in real life, develop relationships
online. They collect email addresses and bookmark websites. Affiliate
websites and programs, and opt-in email campaigns exploit these
networks. By placing your marketing message into these existing
communication channels, you can exponentially multiply its circulation.
Making use of
Others’ Resources
The most clever viral marketing campaigns use others’
to get their message out. Affiliate programs use of this strategy by
placing links on other websites to drive web traffic. Authors who give
away their articles, press releases, even banner advertising
they use someone else’s news service or web page to relay
message. Someone else’s resources are being depleted instead
marketing techniques you can use to increase your traffic
Viral marketing is one of the newest and most powerful ways to market
your product or your Internet service. With Viral marketing strategies
you can increase your web traffic tremendously with minimal effort.
I am going to show you several ways to market your product virally.
Viral marketing is all about giving away your own free product, e-book,
article, software, or service along with your ad copy. Then your
website or affiliate links are embedded into the content and take the
visitor back to your website.
In turn, recipients of your free product are allowed to pass it along
to their own clients,prospects, visitors and others as a freebie. This
multiplies your marketing with less effort.
Here are some
VIRAL MARKETING techniques you can start using right away.
Give a way a free e-book to your website visitors. Include a nice
full-color ad for your most popular product line with links to your
website and email. Tell your visitors to share copies of the e-book
with their own site visitors and other contacts. Do a search for viral
e-book compilers and you can find one quickly.
Many affiliate programs will give you free viral e-books that you can
use to insert your own affiliate links into. When your web surfers
download, read these e-books, click on the links, and make purchases,
you make cash.
Provide a trial or “lite” version of your software
your website visitors as a freebie. Don't forget to include that ad for
your most popular product line with links to your website and email.
And tell recipients to share copies of the software with their own site
visitors and other contacts. For help creating software, hire help from
online bid sites like Elance.com.
offer to host small business web sites on your server at no charge. In
exchange, place your own banner ad at the top of the site for viral
marketing. You can setup a fold for their site and they can choose
their own domain name and have it redirected to that folder.
Design your own website or other templates, include your own marketing
information on them and give them away as free downloads or as an
electronic package. Grant permission for recipients to pass them along.
Encourage them to do so.
Write articles about your industry. Include your website and contact
information in the byline and grant permission for others to publish as
long as they keep the byline in tact.
You can also use article submission service to do this as well.
Then people can use your contact on websites, in ezines, newsletters
and other places where once again, viral marketing will speed the
spread of information about your business.
Set up a Discussion Board on your website with your banner ad attached
at the top. And invite others to link to it and use it for their own
sites. Make sure that you will maintain the discussion. You can also
post on other boards with a link back to your board.
In summary, by using viral marketing strategies, you can reach out all
over the Internet with much less effort. See which methods work best
for you and repeat them as often as needed. Keep persevering.
From Wikipedia, the free
The buzzwords viral marketing and viral advertising refer to marketing
techniques that use pre-existing social networks to produce increases
in brand awareness or to achieve other marketing objectives (such as
product sales) through self-replicating viral processes, analogous to
the spread of pathological and computer viruses. It can be
word-of-mouth delivered or enhanced by the network effects of the
Internet. Viral promotions may take the form of video clips,
interactive Flash games, advergames, e-books, brandable software,
images, or even text messages.
The goal of marketers interested in creating successful viral marketing
programs is to identify individuals with high Social Networking
Potential (SNP) and create Viral Messages that appeal to this segment
of the population and have a high probability of being taken by another
The term "viral marketing" has also been used pejoratively to refer to
stealth marketing campaigns—the unscrupulous use of
on-line combined with under-market advertising in shopping centers to
create the impression of spontaneous word of mouth enthusiasm.
There is debate on the origination and the popularization of the term
Viral Marketing, though some of the earliest uses of the current term
are attributed to Harvard Business School graduate Tim Draper and
Harvard Business School faculty member Jeffrey Rayport. The term was
later popularized by Jeffrey Rayport in his 1996 Fast Company article
'The Virus of Marketing' , and Tim Draper and Steve Jurvetson of the
venture capital firm Draper Fisher Jurvetson in 1997 to describe
Hotmail's e-mail practice of appending advertising for itself in
outgoing mail from their users.
Among the first to write about viral marketing on the Internet was
media critic Douglas Rushkoff in his 1994 book Media Virus: Hidden
Agendas in Popular Culture. The assumption is that if such an
advertisement reaches a "susceptible" user, that user will become
"infected" (i.e., accept the idea) and will then go on to share the
idea with others "infecting them," in the viral analogy's terms. As
long as each infected user shares the idea with more than one
susceptible user on average (i.e., the basic reproductive rate is
greater than one - the standard in epidemiology for qualifying
something as an epidemic), the number of infected users will grow
according to a logistic curve, whose initial segment appears
exponential. Of course, the marketing campaign may be wildly successful
even if the rate at which things are spread isn't of epidemic
proportions, if this user-to-user sharing is sustained by other forms
of marketing communications, such as public relations or advertising.
Among the first to write about algorithms designed to identify people
with high Social Networking Potential is Bob Gerstley in Advertising
Research is Changing. Gerstley uses SNP algorithms in quantitative
marketing research to help marketers maximize the effectiveness of
viral marketing campaigns. In 2004 the concept of Alpha User was
released to indicate that it had become now possible to technically
isolate the focal point members of any viral campaign, the "hubs" who
are most influential. Alpha Users can today be isolated and identified,
and even targeted for viral advertising purposes most accurately in
mobile phone networks, as mobile phones are so personal.
In response to its use, many sites have started up trying to describe
what viral marketing is.
Notable examples
- The Ponzi scheme and related
investment Pyramid
schemes, are early examples of viral marketing. In each round,
investors are paid interest from the principal deposits of later
investors. Early investors are so enthusiastic that they recruit their
friends resulting in exponential growth until the pool of available
investors is tapped out and the scheme collapses.
- Multi-level marketing popularized in
the 1960s and
'70s (not to be confused with Ponzi schemes) is essentially a form of
viral marketing in which representatives gain income through marketing
products through their circle of influence and give their friends a
chance to market products similarly. When successful, the strategy
creates an exponentially growing network of representatives and greatly
enriches adopters. Examples include Amway and Mary Kay Cosmetics among
many others.
- Early in its existence (perhaps
between 1988 and
1992), the television show Mystery Science Theater 3000 had limited
distribution. The producers encouraged viewers to makes copies of the
show on video tapes and give them to friends in order to expand
viewership and increase demand for the fledgling Comedy Central
network. During this period the closing credits included the words
"Keep circulating the tapes!"
- In 2000, Slate described TiVo's
gambit of giving free TiVo's to web-savvy enthusiasts to create "viral"
word of mouth, pointing out that a viral campaign differs from a
publicity stunt.
- In 2001, BusinessWeek described
campaigns for Hotmail (1996) and The Blair Witch Project (1999) as
striking examples of viral marketing, but warned of some dangers for
imitation marketers.
- Launched in 2002, BMW Films was among
the earliest
viral marketing campaigns. It attracted nearly 55 million viewers and
helped to elevate the career of Clive Owen.
- Burger King's The Subservient Chicken
running from 2004 until 2007, was cited in Wired magazine as a striking
example of viral or word-of-mouth marketing.
- Cadbury's Dairy Milk 2007 Gorilla
advertising campaign was heavily popularised on YouTube and Facebook.
- The release of the 2007 concept album
Year Zero by
Nine Inch Nails involved a viral marketing campaign, including the band
leaving USB drives at concerts during NIN's 2007 European Tour. This
was followed up with a series of interlinked websites revealing clues
and information about the dystopian future in which the album is set.
- In 2007, World Wrestling Entertainment
the return of Chris Jericho with a viral marketing campaign using
15-second cryptic binary code videos. The videos contained hidden
messages and biblical links related to Jericho, although speculation
existed throughout WWE fans over whom the campaign targeted. The text
"Save Us" and "2nd Coming" were most prominent in the videos. The
campaign spread throughout the internet with numerous websites, though
no longer operational, featuring hidden messages and biblical links to
further hint at Jericho's return.
- In 2007 the New York Times'
advertising columnist
Stuart Elliott wrote about a business-to-business viral campaign for a
software company, showing that viral advertising has application in
areas outside of consumer marketing.
- In 2007, Portuguese football club
Portugal integrated a viral feature in their campaign for season seats.
In their website, a video required the user to input his name and phone
number before playback started, which then featured the coach Paulo
Bento and the players waiting at the locker room while he makes a phone
call to the user telling him that they just can't start the season
until the user buys his season ticket.[13] Flawless video and phone
call synchronization and the fact that it was a totally new experience
for the user led to nearly 200,000 pageviews phone calls in less than
24 hours.
- Avirginsplea.com claimed that a
25-year old virgin
living in Toronto named Geoff needed five million hits on his website
in 30 days in order for Jenn, one of his very hot platonic female
friends, to help him lose his virginity.
- The 2008 film Cloverfield was first
with a teaser trailer that did not advertise the film's title, only its
release date: "01·18·08." Elements of the viral
campaign included MySpace pages created for fictional characters and
websites created for fictional companies alluded to in the film.
- The Big Word Project, launched in
2008, aims to
redefine the Oxford English Dictionary by allowing people to submit
their website as the definition of their chosen word. The viral
marketing project, created to fund two Masters students' educations,
attracted the attention of bloggers worldwide, being featured on Daring
Fireball and Wired Magazine.
- The marketing campaign for the 2008
film The Dark
Knight combined both online and real-life elements to make it resemble
an alternate reality game. Techniques included mass gatherings of Joker
fans, scavenger hunts around world, detailed and intricate websites
that let fans actually participate in "voting" for political offices in
Gotham City, and even a Gotham News Network that has links to other
Gotham pages such as Gotham Rail, a Gotham travel agency, and political
candidate's pages. The movie also markets heavily off of word of mouth
from the thousands of Batman fans.
- Both the second and third games in the
Halo series
were preceded with viral marketing in the form of an alternate reality
game called I Love Bees for the second game, and Iris for the third
- "Will it blend" - the founder of
Blendtec, Tom
Dickson, blends various items (such as light bulbs and iPhones) in a
Blendtec blender in an ongoing series of YouTube videos, which has
gained a large internet following.
- In December, 2009, podcasters of The
Mike O'Meara
Show launched a viral marketing campaign on Facebook to encourage
others to download the show.
- Between December 2009 and March 2010 a
series of 6
videos were posted to YouTube under the name "iamamiwhoami" leading to
speculation that they were a marketing campaign for a musician. In
March 2010 an anonymous package was sent to an MTV journalist claiming
to contain a code in connection to the videos.
Viral expansion
A viral expansion loop is similar to viral marketing with one notable
difference: viral marketing can't be replicated indefinitely, while a
viral expansion loop must be in order for it to exist. When properly
conceived and implemented, a viral loop almost guarantees
self-replicating growth. Companies that have attempted to utilize viral
loops to their advantage include social networking engine Ning, and
viral loops power many Web 2.0 icons, including Twitter, 4chan ,Orkut,
PayPal, YouTube, Facebook, MySpace, Digg and Flickr.
See also
* Guerrilla marketing
* Viral video
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every single person who has a website of any description wants to get
more traffic. When they see this system, and realize it can send
hundreds of thousands of visitors to their site and it's completely
free...........who wouldn't want to at least try it out? It's a no
brainer! Everyone is prepared to try something for free that can
potentially send a million people to their site. That makes this system
Viral in it's nature and ensures it works better than any other form of
free advertising.
Now let us start with 1st Free Traffic &
Advertising Resources-"FREE VIRAL WEBSITES".
Follow these simple tips :
-1st join all the sites provided here
- 2nd make a common landing page for all the sites
promote that single landing page everywhere. Don't worry you have
already inserted your website link when you have signed up for each
site so actually you are promoting your own site. This is like an MLM
business. Every member do his or her part of work &
member will be rewarded greatly by efforts of entire team. Viral sites
work on the same principle. If you wish you can promote each site
separately but if you create a single landing page it will save tons of
your time. Same as in an MLM : Don't hesitate to ask for help to your
upline & be ready to help your downline/referrals. Motivate
help your downline to promote & achieve the result &
train them
to do the same with their own downline & you will be
at your
pah to never ending supply of targeted visitors!
The viral means related to virus. A virus is a
between living being and the dead world because of its structure
nature. In medical world anything related to virus(e.g. viral
fever,viral flu etc) is infectious or contagious. Same goes with viral
marketing. A virus can live without anything for years and when a virus
get right atmosphere and right host it multiply it self so fast that
you will be surprised by the speed. Same way when a viral marketing
campaign has right strategy it will infect everyone that
comes in
contact. I mean the campaign involves everyone actively and grow
exponentially and spread the product or service like a wild fire in a
[{] Let us still go further with characteristics of virus to understand
the viral marketing. As I said before virus can live secretly without
anything and when comes in contact with right host and right atmosphere
it multiply itself.Virus does not mate and it uses the resources of its
host and multiply itself without matting and increase in numbers so
fast that can win by just weight of sheer numbers.A virus replicates
itself again and again and make doubles of itself with each
iteration.See the example below......
Single Virus
You can see that with a few multiplication a virus can grow and explode
to a vast numbers.
Marketing Defined
What does a virus have to do with marketing? Viral marketing describes
any strategy that encourages individuals to pass on a marketing message
to others, creating the potential for exponential growth in the
message's exposure and influence. Like viruses, such strategies take
advantage of rapid multiplication to explode the message to thousands,
to millions.
Off the Internet, viral marketing has been referred to as
"word-of-mouth," "creating a buzz," "leveraging the media," "network
marketing." But on the Internet, for better or worse, it's called
"viral marketing." While others smarter than I have attempted to rename
it, to somehow domesticate and tame it, I won't try. The term "viral
marketing" has stuck.
The Classic Hotmail.com Example
The classic example of viral marketing is Hotmail.com, one of the first
free Web-based e-mail services. The strategy is simple:
1. Give away free e-mail addresses and services,
2. Attach a simple tag at the bottom of every free
sent out: "Get your private, free email at http://www.hotmail.com" and,
3. Then stand back while people e-mail to their
own network of friends and associates,
4. Who see the message,
5. Sign up for their own free e-mail service, and
6. Propel the message still wider to their own
ever-increasing circles of friends and associates.
Like tiny waves spreading ever farther from a single pebble dropped
into a pond, a carefully designed viral marketing strategy ripples
outward extremely rapidly.
Elements of a Viral Marketing Strategy
Accept this fact. Some viral marketing strategies work better than
others, and few work as well as the simple Hotmail.com strategy. But
below are the six basic elements you hope to include in your strategy.
A viral marketing strategy need not contain ALL these elements, but the
more elements it embraces, the more powerful the results are likely to
be. An effective viral marketing strategy:
1. Gives away products or services
2. Provides for effortless transfer to others
3. Scales easily from small to very large
4. Exploits common motivations and behaviors
5. Utilizes existing communication networks
6. Takes advantage of others' resources
Let's examine at each of these elements briefly.
1. Gives away valuable products or services
"Free" is the most powerful word in a marketer's vocabulary. Most viral
marketing programs give away valuable products or services to attract
attention. Free e-mail services, free information, free "cool" buttons,
free software programs that perform powerful functions but not as much
as you get in the "pro" version. Wilson's Second Law of Web Marketing
is "The Law of Giving and Selling"
(http://www.wilsonweb.com/wmta/basic-principles.htm). "Cheap" or
"inexpensive" may generate a wave of interest, but "free" will usually
do it much faster. Viral marketers practice delayed gratification. They
may not profit today, or tomorrow, but if they can generate a
groundswell of interest from something free, they know they will profit
"soon and for the rest of their lives" (with apologies to
"Casablanca"). Patience, my friends. Free attracts eyeballs. Eyeballs
then see other desirable things that you are selling, and, presto! you
earn money. Eyeballs bring valuable e-mail addresses, advertising
revenue, and e-commerce sales opportunities. Give away something, sell
2. Provides for effortless transfer to others
Public health nurses offer sage advice at flu season: stay away from
people who cough, wash your hands often, and don't touch your eyes,
nose, or mouth. Viruses only spread when they're easy to transmit. The
medium that carries your marketing message must be easy to transfer and
replicate: e-mail, website, graphic, software download. Viral marketing
works famously on the Internet because instant communication has become
so easy and inexpensive. Digital format make copying simple. From a
marketing standpoint, you must simplify your marketing message so it
can be transmitted easily and without degradation. Short is better. The
classic is: "Get your private, free email at http://www.hotmail.com."
The message is compelling, compressed, and copied at the bottom of
every free e-mail message.
3. Scales easily from small to very large
To spread like wildfire the transmission method must be rapidly
scalable from small to very large. The weakness of the Hotmail model is
that a free e-mail service requires its own mailservers to transmit the
message. If the strategy is wildly successful, mailservers must be
added very quickly or the rapid growth will bog down and die. If the
virus multiplies only to kill the host before spreading, nothing is
accomplished. So long as you have planned ahead of time how you can add
mailservers rapidly you're okay. You must build in scalability to your
viral model.
4. Exploits common motivations and behaviors
Clever viral marketing plans take advantage of common human
motivations. What proliferated "Netscape Now" buttons in the early days
of the Web? The desire to be cool. Greed drives people. So does the
hunger to be popular, loved, and understood. The resulting urge to
communicate produces millions of websites and billions of e-mail
messages. Design a marketing strategy that builds on common motivations
and behaviors for its transmission, and you have a winner.
5. Utilizes existing communication networks
Most people are social. Nerdy, basement-dwelling computer science grad
students are the exception. Social scientists tell us that each person
has a network of 8 to 12 people in their close network of friends,
family, and associates. A person's broader network may consist of
scores, hundreds, or thousands of people, depending upon her position
in society. A waitress, for example, may communicate regularly with
hundreds of customers in a given week. Network marketers have long
understood the power of these human networks, both the strong, close
networks as well as the weaker networked relationships. People on the
Internet develop networks of relationships, too. They collect e-mail
addresses and favorite website URLs. Affiliate programs exploit such
networks, as do permission e-mail lists. Learn to place your message
into existing communications between people, and you rapidly multiply
its dispersion.
6. Takes advantage of others' resources
The most creative viral marketing plans use others' resources to get
the word out. Affiliate programs, for example, place text or graphic
links on others' websites. Authors who give away free articles, seek to
position their articles on others' webpages. A news release can be
picked up by hundreds of periodicals and form the basis of articles
seen by hundreds of thousands of readers. Now someone else's newsprint
or webpage is relaying your marketing message. Someone else's resources
are depleted rather than your own.
Put into practice
How to Viral Market, MarketingSherpa Toolkit
Viral marketing is (fairly) easy to define, but very difficult to
accomplish successfully. MarketingSherpa's How to Viral Market toolkit
is the best book available on the nuts and bolts of developing a
successful viral marketing campaign. Strongly recommended for serious
Dr. Wilson's review
Buy the book.
I grant permission for every reader to reproduce on your website the
article you are now reading -- "The Six Simple Principles of Viral
Marketing" (see
http://www.wilsonweb.com/wmt5/viral-principles-clean.htm for an HTML
version you can copy). But copy this article ONLY, without any
alteration whatsoever. Include the copyright statement, too, please. If
you have a marketing or small business website, it'll provide great
content and help your visitors learn important strategies. (NOTE: I am
giving permission to host on your website this article AND NO OTHERS.
Reprinting or hosting my articles without express written permission is
illegal, immoral, and a violation of my copyright.)
When I first offered this to my readers in February 2000, many took me
up on it. Six months later a received a phone call:
"I want to speak to the King of Viral
"Well, I'm not the King," I demurred. "I
wrote an
article about viral marketing a few months ago, but that's all."
"I've searched all over the Internet
about viral
marketing," he said, "and your name keeps showing up. You must be the
It worked! Even five years later this webpage is ranked #1 for "viral
To one degree or another, all successful viral marketing strategies use
most of the six principles outlined above. In the next article in this
series, "Viral Marketing Techniques the Typical Business Website Can
Deploy Now" (http://www.wilsonweb.com/wmt5/viral-deploy.htm), we'll
move from theory to practice. But first learn these six foundational
principles of viral marketing. Master them and wealth will flow your
"Copyright © 2000, 2005, Ralph F. Wilson, E-Mail Marketing and
Online Marketing editor, Web Marketing Today. All rights reserved.
Permission granted to reprint this article on your website without
alteration if you include this copyright statement and leave the
hyperlinks live and in place."[{]
Marketing 101. An Introduction to
If you're not applying viral marketing to spread your online or offline
message, your website(s), or promotions you are simply not operating on
all web marketing cylinders.
Viral marketing aka Buzz marketing, WOM - Word of mouth marketing or
social marketing. Viral marketing shares principles with MLM or multi
level network marketing although it is not necessarily as organized or
controllable. It is referred to viral because it spreads like a virus.
Like a wildfire or butterfly effect. It is very hard to control but if
your core message is something good you have nothing to worry about.
Set it free and watch it fly. If it is something that over promises and
under delivers then viral marketing is your public enemy number 1.
Your online organic viral marketing is simply people spreading the word
through blog feeds, referring to you & your site or gospel on
forums, in live chat rooms, shout boxes and blogs.
There are also Viral marketing scripts and systems in place. They work
simply because the viewers also have something to gain. They might
visit your message only to collect a point or to earn a credit to
setting up their own message. This kind of Viral marketing produces a
massive amount of low-yield traffic BUT if your message is good, a
small percentage of the viewers will react, buy, bookmark or simply
return later. Even a small percentage out of a massive matrix based VM
galaxy can be a significant and ever GROWING number.
With Millions of pages added to the internet every hour you need to
utilize all methods known to internet marketers including viral
Here are some of the best viral marketing channels out there. The good
news is they are all free.(true to Viral marketing form)
Now GO spread your message:
Advantages and Disadvantages of Viral Marketing
The term 'viral marketing' was coined by Tim Draper, a Harvard Business
School graduate and used extensively to describe the e-mails that aided
advertising of products. Viral marketing or chain marketing optimizes
the extent to which social networking can benefit sales. There is
extensive word-of-mouth viral promotion of products and services that
is implemented. Depending on the quantum of sales, the strategy may
also include video clips, interactive forums, advergames, newsletters,
e-books and images accompanied by dedicated text messages. However,
viral marketing is not without its own unique advantages and
How Does
Viral Marketing Work?
The basic idea is to generate an 'infection' of thought among the base
users, who are also lured into the advertising gimmick for a promised
commission that increases with every subsequent sale. The ripple effect
created and paid for involves sharing of product benefits with
potential users and causing nothing short of an epidemic, while
generating multi level marketing opportunities. There is a pre-designed
logistic curve to map the users used to further the interests of the
campaign. The success of the marketing campaign largely depends on the
rate at which the sales take place. Viral marketing strategies are
often put in place alongside other marketing communication systems such
as dedicated public relations and/or extensive advertising.
The goal of viral marketing programs is to identify people who can
contribute to sales via quality social networking potential. The aim is
to generate viral or easy to understand and replicate messages that
appeal to the common man and generate a dedicated marketing
environment. Extensive social networking helps to increase the
probability of the product or service remaining within the community
for a longer time. Viral marketing is a stealth marketing campaign that
uses unscrupulous means of under-market advertising to generate an
impression that the word of mouth enthusiasm actually springs from use
of the product or service.
Advantages of
Viral Marketing:
- Viral marketing enables businesses to
buoyant within the competitive business world, via a strategy that is
not only easy to integrate within a defined buyer-society, but also one
of that empowers the unattached onlooker with training, marketing tips
and guidance.
- This marketing strategy enables
propositions to reach out to a global audience, by effectively putting
the Internet connectivity to play. Extensive use of Internet affiliate
marketing, ezines and interactive forums enables the entrepreneur to
promote the business, globally.
- The word-of-mouth concept ripples on
peer-to-peer recommendation of the product or service. It also enables
the business to generate revenue from local interest in the venture.
of Viral Marketing:
- In the viral marketing strategy,
association with
groups and individuals who are unknown could generate scope for the
promotion to be subject to competitor viewing. The strength of the
marketing depends on the transmission of enthusiasm between people,
with regards to the benefits of the product being sold. The presence of
a competitor within the generated link could dampen the desired strain.
- Exposure to the Internet, to further
the interests
of entrepreneurship and generate additional revenue from a global
clientèle is not without spam threats, unwanted marketing
and also brand dilution .
- Hard core selling to benefit from
commission is widely responsible for many potential buyers being put
Is Viral
Marketing Still Effective
Viral marketing is capable of generating high product credibility at
low cost. The advertising technique is great in the endeavor of making
a particular product or service available across physical boundaries
with dedicated Internet marketing and shows high efficiency in
generating the opportunity for consistent promotions and commissions.
Stop with the enforced e-mail forwards already! Trying to force or
bribe people to forward your info to a friends or family in order to be
rewarded or win looks skanky in today's ultra-permission-based world.
Especially when you tell visitors nothing about their friend's or
family’s privacy in the space directly next to the e-mail
A true viral campaign gets forwarded because consumers are compelled to
do so by the glory of the content, not because you bribed them with
points or something else.
absolutely will not work:
Suggesting that e-mail recipients forward your message to their friends
and family will not work. Adding a line at the bottom of your e-mail
that reads "Please feel free to forward this message to a friend" is
more likely to get it deleted than forwarded.
absolutely will work:
Offering something worthy of sharing like a valuable discount, vital
information or offering an incentive for sharing like additional
entries into a sweepstakes or an added discount or premium service will
Relevant or timely information, research, or studies that are included
in your e-mail might encourage the recipients to share with their
family and friends. Interactive content like a quiz or test, especially
if it’s fun, will inspire forwarding.
Jokes and cartoons are almost always forwarded to everybody the
recipient knows. Why? Because they are entertaining and entertainment
is meant to be shared.
A really cool multimedia experience is always going to achieve a lot of
pass-along. Rich media is new and the novelty and tech factors alone
are often enough to make the e-mail recipient eager to share it.
Oops! Almost forgot one really important thing…. You can
craft a
brilliant e-mail following all the rules, but if a consumer visits your
site and has an experience less than what was promised, you are going
to achieve viral marketing, alright… the bad kind. So be
that your product or service is ready and is as advertised.
Discover how you can win a one way link, by going to Karl Sultana's
blog. This one way link is very important if you are doing search
engine optimization.
Free Viral Traffic - 1,000,000 Free Visitors to your Site Per Month
What is viral marketing?
Word of mouth or tell a friend advertising. This is one of the best
advertising forms. Why? It’s free and it gives more
to the product then other forms of advertising.
Is Viral Marketing Used By Internet Businesses?
Yes! Viral marketing has grown to be one of the most effective and
explosive methods of succeeding in the online world of business. Viral
marketing has also been referred to as the perpetual marketing machine.
This is because viral marketing can infinitely grow from just one
opt-in to become an avalanche of hungry customers begging you for what
you’re offering. An example of this is the very popular
networking site called Facebook. On February 4th 2004, four students
founded that social networking site. Their goals at the time were far
different then what the site has become today. Simply looking for a
date these four went to work on constructing one of the best free
social networking sites ever designed. By the end of 2006, the site had
grown to the 7th most visited site in the English speaking world. Not
the mention revenues in excess of $100 million dollars. Their most
recent forecast shows that they’ll reach 60 million users by
end of this year. Facebook’s insane growth is 100% attributed
viral marketing.
WOW, just doesn’t quite say it…
So, why is this information important to you?
Viral marketing is no larger the internet’s best kept secret.
can take the same ideas that the founders of facebook used to explode
your internet business and sales.
Here is the best FREE Viral Website that I recommend:
http://tinyurl.com/3d6wle: this site can bring you 1,000,000 visitors
instantly (free)
3 Sure-fire Ways to Get Free Viral Traffic to Your Website
One of the most important numbers for your website will be your value
per visitor, and even if you have a very high value per visitor, you
still may make any profits. If your current VPV is 30 cents, and you
are paying Google 30 cents per click for your advertising, then you
aren't making anything. But on the same token, let's pretend you took
the time to implement a few viral marketing tactics for your website,
and let's pretend that you starting to get 300 free website visitors
per day. That would mean a $90 profit each day for your business.
That's $2,700 per month and $32,850 per year in profits. There are 3
sure-fire ways to get this viral traffic to your website and I want to
share them with you.
One of the most popular ways for getting free viral traffic to your
websites is by creating a viral e-Book; the only problem is that many
people do it all wrong. Many people will write a book report and call
it an e-Book. What I mean by this is that many people will write a 30
page guide, put everything is 18 point font, give people resale and
master distribution rights, and call it good. Now, some people write
really great 30 page e-Books with killer content, but in the majority
of cases, if you really want your viral eBook to be shared with
everyone, then a 30 page "book report" isn't going to work!
So, here's the real secret to creating a great viral eBook: You are
going to want to make the content so great that you would find people
across the web selling similar content for $30, $50, $100 or more. You
want people to read your book and then think to themselves that the
information was so great that they would have been willing to pay for
the information. When people think this to themselves, then they will
want to include your eBook as a free bonus on their site, give it away,
or resell your eBook for a profit. You will mention your websites and
maybe include a few affiliate links in your eBook so that you get free
traffic and maybe make some extra income for your efforts.
A second very popular way for you to create free viral marketing for
your website is to provide great resources on your site. It is very
popular to see sites giving away free e-Courses or newsletters. I have
done this a number of times and it works very well. You can also give
away your viral e-Books, free recorded calls, coupons, free reports,
etc. Basically, you want to provide tons of resources with high
perceived value that you can deliver electronically, making the only
cost to you your time. Providing people with these great free offers
usually automatically assures that you will get word of mouth
advertising. Remember that content is king, and that especially goes
for viral marketing.
A third sure-fire technique to bringing free viral traffic to your
websites is by creating viral videos. I admit that this is not an easy
task to accomplish, but if you put in some effort, then it can all be
worth it. Here are a few tips: First, make sure that after you have
creating your "amazing video" that you include within that video a
compelling offer for people to visit your website and learn more.
Second, ask people to share your video with friends and ask them to
comment and rank your video. If you convince people that your video is
worth sharing, and then ask them to share it, then they likely will.
Third, upload your viral video to multiple video sharing sites for
maximum exposure. You see, your video make go viral on a site like Mega
Video before it goes viral on YouTube, so you'll want to upload and
promote your video on as many sites as possible for maximum
I would like to point out that there is a common theme amongst all
three of these viral marketing techniques, and that is the theme of
creating great content and then giving it to people for free. When
viral marketing has worked the best, it has always been because of
people providing very informative or entertaining information for free.
The more value you can provide to people for free, the more word of
mouth marketing you will receive. Then you will be rewarded with tons
of free website traffic while others may struggle to break even with a
similar business.
Marketing Success Formula. 9 Winner Tactics for Free Viral Advertising
When used properly, viral marketing or viral advertising is by far the
best way to promote your website, products and services on the Internet.
Viral advertising implies a virus-like fast transfer of a marketing
message on the web, as a consequence of using free viral marketing
tools such as Youtube, Flickr or Facebook, built to be viral.
Successful viral marketing results in this snowballfactor
- An exponential increase in users of
the free viral marketing product
- free exponential increase in website
traffic which in turn helps to
- improve the search engine rankings
which in turn leads to
- more free web traffic and so on...
The degree of success, depends on the extent to which the 9 success
criterias are followed.
9 Viral
Marketing Success Criterias
As many and ideally all of the following tactics should be used:
1. Make an
irresistible free offer
You need to provide a free viral marketing product or service since
"free" is the biggest customer magnet. "Free" even attracts people who
otherwise wouldn't be interested.
2. Build a
viral marketing product - don't just try to market a product virally
A product is not necessarily viral if it contains a few features that
lend viral characteristics to it. Just having a "Recommend to a friend"
option on one of your web pages doesn't make your website viral. For
the free viral marketing products to be considered truly viral, more
than 1 new user must result from each user recommending it.
3. Target
alpha users
The viral advertising message ought to target individuals with a high
social networking potential, the so called influencers, ideal for
spreading it. With regards to the consumer market, influencers are well
connected, have impact, have active minds and are trendsetters.
So what causes an influencer to desire passing on a viral message?
Answers include the need to be loved (or fear of rejection) and the
need to be successful (fear of failure).
For example consider which messages and free products would result in
respect and appreciation of the sender when received. Important and
effective online influentials take a serious approach and want to pass
on only useful viral marketing messages, not silly videos, jokes or
commercials without purpose nor marketing results.
They want to be perceived responsible by the recipients; their network.
The product they recommend ought to suit the needs of the users
optimally. Hard sales talk is not the way.
4. Be
creative and ahead of market trends
Study your market and its trends and learn to think ahead in order to
provide what turns people on, in exactly the right moment and right
way. Do you have...
- the capacity and know-how to come up
with an innovative product?
- expert knowledge to share?
- ideas and a network of associates to
inspire and motivate you?
- the right web business tools and
5. Easy
transfer is prerequisite
The viral marketing message should be short and easily transferred via
one or several of the following digital medias:
- email
- website
- instant messaging
- graphics
- software download
- social medias meaning social media
websites, under
here social network sites, online communities, blogs, wikis etc.
Examples include Facebook, twitter and youtube, that facilitate the
exchange of viral messages by automating the distribution process.
The interaction between internet users is highly facilitated by using
Web 2.0, a design standard, making viral marketing possible. Examples
of inheritable viral Web 2.0 sites are MySpace, Facebook, and Flickr.
These sites are as well free viral marketing products to the user as
they are viral advertising tools to both the companies and the users.
6. Use
Existing Social Networks
The distribution of the viral message takes place within established
social networks of the individuals who receive it: Around 10 persons
within their closest circle and as many as thousands within their
broader network, depending on the person's status and job.
Affiliate programs often inspire the affiliates to target their
network. Once an online influential with an extensive network is
reached, a snowball effect initiates, provided that the viral product
is useful and of high quality and the marketing message catchy. Social
network websites are important viral marketing tools.
7. Use
other's resources
Spread your viral marketing message by placing articles on other
websites (the media) thereby reaching a much larger group of people
than had you relied solely on your own web site. By getting your
message spread as news, you target many subscribers that might decide
to visit your home page or even place your article on their website.
An example of effective viral marketing is the placement of Youtube
videos on different websites from where interested visitors can copy
the video to their own site.
8. Allow for
Big Scale Traffic
It is imperative that the resources for handling all the traffic need
to be quickly up scalable to avoid overload and break down of the
replication cycle of the viral marketing campaign.
In order to handle the expected high volume of users, the process needs
to be completely automated. For example customers are emailed using
sequential autoresponders.
9. Measure
and optimize the parameters of viral marketing
To achieve true Viral Marketing Success, monitor the results expressed
by certain parameters then test and optimize them. Examples of
parameters include
- sources of traffic
- % registered users
- % users who send out invites
- number of invites sent out per user
- % of invites received
What is viral
website traffic?
When we think of a virus we usually think of a highly infectious
disease that strikes a few people in any particular area and then
spreads extremely quickly. It is something that is passed on not only
by the originator of the disease but also by all the others that catch
The same is true of a computer virus. A virus program makes copies of
itself so the originator only has to send out one of these nasty
programs and soon there is millions of them around the internet. Out of
these negative examples can grow something extremely positive and
Imagine that you can create something that directs traffic to your
website and that this "something" is then picked up and copied and then
sent around to hundreds of other people who also make copies of it.
Pretty soon you have thousands of copies of these things all sending
traffic to your website. That is what viral website traffic is all
Why will anyone help you pass on your traffic builder?
The reason for helping your traffic to go viral is not due to any
sudden desire to be kind towards you. Sorry if that is upsetting, but
it is based on the fact that many webmasters have a need for fresh
content. This need is met by writers allowing their work to be used as
content on other websites.
The thing that you create is content. The content can be in the form of
an article, like this one, or it can be a blog post or it can be a
forum post. As you know there are thousands upon thousands of forums
all over the internet. In addition there are simply millions of blogs,
again on practically every subject that you can think of. Within your
content and especially at the end, you will be placing a link to your
website. This is the link that will drive traffic to your site.
The posts that you make to many forums (and your link with them) will
often go viral because they get sent off in the forums' RSS feeds.
These feeds are then picked up and placed automatically on hundreds on
blogs and other compilation websites. The same is true with many
thousands of blogs.
Most forums and blogs have strict rules with regard to pushing your
viral marketing in their threads. As a business owner you don't want to
be banned from these forums, so you must take caution and follow the
rules set by the moderators.
Safe Posting
on Blogs and Forums
Any forum is meeting place for all sorts of different folks that have
one thing in common, they all enjoy the subject that the forum is
focused on. As a result of this, many of the readers and contributors
to the forum will be interested in purchasing information about the
topic. However, most will be there to exchange free advice and
encouragement and may well frown on activities that attempt to
commercialize the site.
You can use these forums as a great place to learn and to share your
knowledge. When you have something to sell, the best place to do so is
in your signature file. Moderators of forums will not be happy with you
if you are planning to run a viral campaign with regard to your
websites on their threads.
You want avoid getting banned in these forums since they will form an
important part of your business strategy.
As an internet marketer, you should post only where it is allowed.
There are sometimes specific areas for trading services or goods and it
is in threads that you can push your products.
Free Viral
Video Making Guide - You Need To Act Today !
Viral Marketing sounds like something bad but it is actually something
very good. It is also, a powerful way to generate traffic to your
Think about how a virus spreads from one person to another. One person
gets sick and just by sneezing they can give the virus to many more
people… those people get sick and share their germs with
everyone they know and the next thing anybody knows is that there is an
epidemic. That is the very concept of viral marketing. The idea is to
get everyone to spread your marketing message around because they want
Now lets look at using free informative articles to start a viral
marketing/promotion campaign. First, write an article… a
good one that creates an interest and a desire in your reader for more
information on the subject your writing about. Now, give it away to as
many people as you can!
Next, satisfy your readers desire by expanding your article into a much
more information packed report that answers and provides the details
and/or know how concerning the subject. In the report, include the
links to your website, sales page and affiliate products and services
that you recommend. Put a modest price on the report and offer resale
rights for all or most of the proceeds and pay them immediately!
As mentioned already, you'll want to give away your free article to as
many people as you can. In the article encourage others to give it away
also. Before you know it, the free article will be generating sales of
your report. As sales come in, your report will be spreading across the
Internet like wild fire. Digital information duplicates easily and
quickly so before you know it, thousands of people could be reading
your report.
Make certain that you let people know that they have permission to
resell the report around the Internet. When you create the report, you
have the right to give people certain rights. One of those rights is
that you allow them to resell the report to other people. Make it clear
that this report comes with resale rights and that they'll be paid
immediately for each sale.
You can write the report yourself, use private label content or you can
hire a ghostwriter to prepare the content. There are a lot of ways to
create a report. Once you have your report written, use software to
create it in an E-book like format.
Here is an example of a complete
How to Create
Free Viral Traffic
To find success with your internet marketing business there is one
thing that you absolutely must have – traffic, as much as
There are many ways to get traffic to your web site or affiliate
program. One of the best ways to generate traffic (and highly targeted
traffic at that) is also extremely cost effective. In fact, after a
single one-off cost for appropriate software, the cost to you is
practically zero.
I have always been drawn towards achieving any given target at as low a
cost as possible provided I get the results I am seeking. To me it
doesn’t make sense to pay $100 for a product if I can get it
a fraction of that. I have built my own internet marketing business
primarily using free or low cost traffic generation methods.
This article will show you how to generate a constant and increasing
flow of traffic to your web site or affiliate program without spending
a fortune.
Viral Traffic
There are many thousands of surfers searching for free stuff online:
Google is currently returning 2.9 million results for the search term
“free e-books”, and 3.1 million results for
reports”, so you can see that there is massive demand.
To take advantage of this demand, create your own free report. The
creation and distribution of your free report will build your traffic
slowly at first and gradually build up momentum, but what I'm talking
about here is free traffic here, so you have nothing to lose. To create
your report, follow these simple steps:
Choose a
“hot” topic
Visit any online marketing forum and you’ll quickly see what
people are looking for in your niche – often information (how
do this, that etc.).
Write your report on what’s in demand to give your report the
widest possible audience. If you’re really stuck or suffering
from “writer’s block” you may well have
reports or
e-books that you have downloaded gathering dust on your hard disk and
you can use these for inspiration. Don’t copy other
writer’s work – this can get you into a lot of
trouble with
copyright. Instead, rewrite them in your own words.
Within your free report, include hyperlinks back to your website
(typically on the title page and at the end of the report) and/or
affiliate links or products (within the text of the report, and ideally
at the end of the report (links to related products or resources for
Give your
report a title to attract interest
To ensure that your report gets noticed don’t use a title
“Marketing Basics”. A much better title would be
like “Secrets of 200% More Traffic – How To
Instantly Get
Twice As Much Traffic For Your Site”.
Compile your
report into pdf format
The most widely used format for document distribution on the internet
is pdf's and will give your report the widest possible audience. There
are many programs available that will create a pdf from a word
processor file, and these days you should be able to get a good one for
less than $20.
Promote your
Obviously, the first place you want to
advertise your report is on your own web site (if you have one).
However, to get the best results (viral traffic), summarize your report
into an article and submit the article to one or more of the free
article directories. In the article’s resource box you would
include something like “Like this article? Get the FULL -
free -
report from [yoursite] by clicking here” (hyperlink to your
report’s download page).
– free viral, targeted traffic!
- Your article stays on the article
producing more and more traffic back to your site and your report.
- As article directories are free
resources your
article may well be picked up by others and spread around the internet,
getting even more exposure – true “viral”
that operates automatically for you.
- Search engines will also identify the
link back to
your web site which will increase your site’s ranking.
Apply these
tips and watch as your hit counts grow.
[{] What to
Know About Free Viral Marketing
Viral marketing
is an extremely effective form of marketing which has gained a great
deal of popularity thanks in large part to the internet. Like nearly
any form of marketing certain types of viral marketing can cost a great
deal of money. On the other hand free viral marketing can lead to great
returns without any money out of pocket.
The most successful viral marketing campaigns are almost never free.
Some great examples of these costly viral marketing methods simply
visit most viral you-tube videos. These get a lot of exposure and in
many cases a lot of clicks for the companies that funded their
Unfortunately, for most small businesses these viral you-tube videos
are just too costly to produce. One of the great things about viral
marketing is that free viral marketing is a true option for those who
are able and willing to invest a little more time into making it happen.
The most effective and popular form of free viral marketing is the
blog. The concept of a blog is a somewhat new one online but the basis
of it has been around for a very long time. A blog works a lot like an
online journal which you share with others.
The beauty of a blog is that you can put almost anything in it that you
wish. From the free viral marketing standpoint this can be a gold mine.
Well written articles can garnish a lot of attention. This attention
can spread around quite rapidly. The key to using a blog as an
effective form of viral marketing is to contain a lot of useful content
and information which others will not only want to read but want to
Email marketing is another very effective form of free viral marketing.
Creating a mailing list is as simple as getting people to sign up for
your newsletter. This can be done quite well by giving something away.
The key to turning your newsletter into a form of viral advertising is
to write a newsletter which people will want to read but one which will
encourage them to visit your site for more details.
Make it entertaining, concise and easy to read. Make sure the title is
catchy so when people get the email in their inbox they are encouraged
to open and read it.
Forum posting is a very unique form of free viral marketing. It can
achieve two things for a company or person. The first and most
important thing is that you can usually include a link to your website
in your signature. This signature will be included in every single
posting you make.
Beyond that good use of a forum can improve your image as an expert.
Beyond creating more clicks to your site and more potential link backs
to your site this will help people to recognize that you know what
you're talking about when it comes to your area of expertise.
Free viral marketing truly is an excellent option for companies or
individuals who just don't have the money to drop down on an expensive
marketing video or program. The key is to learn how to get your name
out there the right way.[{]
The Secret
Behind 107,037 Free Targeted Website Visitors?
I've generated more than 107,037 free targeted website visitors
. What was my secret and how did I do it? Well, it's not hard. I have
more websites that generate lots more. But in this short article I
wanted to share some of the ways I go about receiving this kind of
traffic without paying for it.
The first thing you have to understand is that you need to be somebody
of value or potential value of your visitor. They will not visit your
website unless you have something that they want. So if your site
sucks, forget getting any visitors!
So what I'm saying is "content rules" basically. Just keep adding more
valuable content to your website and you'll experience a flood of
visitors automatically, because of the tell a friend viral factor. Some
of my sites only get 1,500 or so visitors per month, so it's not a lot.
I've got bigger sites that generate a lot more...
The way I go about promoting the site is by adding valuable content on
leverage points online. These can be sites like an article directory
where I place a detailed article, or it could be a video sharing site.
Either way, I post content that appeals to the target audience and put
a little Twist on it. That way it gets attention.
Like an idea could be to put something like "How to make money online
with a shovel"... It's weird and people might click out of curiosity,
of course then you must lead them in the right direction as well.
Remember that your target audience is already out there looking for
you, or have an interest in what you are sharing. So it's important to
do some keyword research to get a grasp of what volume your audience
might be. The higher the better, but only to a certain degree! You
don't want too much competition, although competition is good.
Try to find keywords that are a little bit more "long-tail" so to
speak, such as "puppy training books" instead of "dog training". That
is a good example of a keyword that has a lot fewer searches, but would
be easier to rank and target in search engines or using your content.
Create some content and leverage other sites, articles, video, web 2.0
and social media are great solutions. Even if you know what these are
and have tried them, it's obvious that many fail in using these
strategies correctly.
Free Viral
Now that you have built that great website, joined the perfect
affiliate program, created the most sort after product, how do you get
others to know about it?
In one word, advertising! In a couple of words, lots of advertising.
Well, let's begin by reviewing some of the things we know about
advertising before talking about viral advertising. What actually is
advertising? According to one definition by Dictionary.com, It is "the
act or practice of calling public attention to one's product, service,
need, etc., esp. by paid announcements in newspapers and magazines,
over radio or television, on billboards, etc.." Notice how it says, "by
paid announcements." But does it have to be paid always? Not when we
introduce the viral element of advertising. Remember, we want
advertising for free!
There are quite a few things you can do to get others to know about
your site or business or product using viral advertising .
Before going viral, lets talk about some of the things you can do with
your advertising generally to start gaining some traction. You could
start by telling your friends about your service or product, and have
your friends tell their friends and so on. That is advertising by Word
of mouth and there is a kind of viral element to that. If you have a
website, you could make your site in such a way that the search engines
like Google, Yahoo, MSN and the rest of them would love it. You could
put a lot of unique content on your site, use meta tags to do on page
optimization and build related links to boost your relevance and
ranking with the search engines. This is called Search Engine
Optimization (SEO). And because the search engines love your site, they
will bring exposure as a kind of reward for your efforts.
You could immediately go to any of the search engines such as Google,
or Yahoo, or Miva and set up an advertising campaign, where you pay
only when searchers click on your ad. This is called Pay Per Click or
PPC advertising. You could even do the more recent variation, a kind of
pay per incident called Pay Per Play, where you pay when searcher
listen to your ad.
There are also traffic exchanges and article directory sites that you
can use to bring traffic and attention to your site or product. The
later is called Article Marketing and is a very solid and profitable
form of adverting. This is simply the art of crafting unique articles
about your brand, or service or product and creating a web page for the
article on your site and then submitting a variation of the article to
the article directories with a link back to your website. If your
article is great, other webmaster pick it up and republish it on their
sites with your back link, bringing authority and traffic to your site.
But these all cost time and or money. No advertising is really free or
is it? Well, No and Yes! No because it will cost you time or money or
both time and money to get your advertising momentum going. And yes,
because once you get your momentum going, you can add a tweak to your
advertising that can really make your ads free. That is the viral part
of advertising.
What are the quickest and simplest ways to get your advertising
momentum going?
Some of the simplest, easiest and most cost-effective ways to get your
momentum going is by running solo, sponsored or classified ads.
Solo Ads:
Solo ads
are ads sent to an email list or a list of ezine or newsletter readers
with no other ads on it. Solo ads when sent to a target audience are
very effective because there are no competing offers on the page. The
reader is presented with your ad and your ad alone. That is why they
are called solo ads.
When placed at the right place and worded carefully, classified ads are
also pretty effective. Because there are other competing ads, they are
not as effective as a solo ad. By merely tweaking your headline, text
format and duration of ad placement, you can improve the performance of
your classified ad.
Sponsored Ads:
In-between solo ads and classified ads are sponsored ads. Sponsored ads
are placed at the beginning, middle or end of ezine or newsletter
articles. By reason of their placement and size, they tend to perform
better than classified ads but not as well as solo ads.
Pay Per Click Campaigns are also quick and effective, but they can be
expensive if you don't know what you are doing. You could loose your
shirt with runaway campaigns.
Adding a
viral twist to your advertising
There a few ways you can add a viral advertising spin to your
advertising campaign. But what actually is viral advertising? It is
simply a way of bringing attention to your products, services, brand or
campaign by leveraging the help and effort of others.
Article Writing, as mentioned earlier is one way to bring a viral
effect to your traffic. As you gain prominence in your niche, and other
webmasters pick up your articles for publication, there is an element
of viral-ness that kicks in and brings you additional exposure and
traffic at no extra effort or cost.
Once you begin to bring some traffic to your site or product, you can
use other tools, such as tell a friend form on your site, with
incentives to leverage off of the help of your visitors. Hotmail did it
and exploded their subscription base. Recently, we have witnessed the
explosion of social sites such as MySpace, Facebook and several others
going from obscurity to notoriety in no time. But these are just social
sites and they can provide you leverage if you just want to promote
your face.
But there are also sites that provide a platform for you to put a viral
spin to your business for free. A quick search on Google will turn out
a truck load of such sites. But how many of them actually produce the
results they claim can only be known from actually participating.
Without doubt, the way to go with your advertising is to go viral. Why?
Because viral advertising has a compounding effect, it is free, and it
is self-sustaining. You can see author resource area for more
What is Viral
Recently you hear a lot about viral marketing, but how well is it
understood? First of all I'm assuming it is not some kind of viral
infection that we all seem to want to catch; please let me be infected
with thousands of hits to my website. It's probably not like a computer
virus that the folks at Symantec want to eradicate, but oddly viral
marketing has attributes of both an infection and a computer virus. The
definition of viral according to the American Heritage Dictionary is "
Of, relating to, or caused by a virus". Well, maybe we internet
marketing folks are taking liberties when it comes to defining our
marketing methodologies, but it wouldn't sound nearly as cool if I
called viral marketing something like "multiple methods of
complementary marketing". So I'm willing to live with the term "Viral
Marketing" if you are.
If we can agree that viral marketing like an infection or a computer
virus can get stronger, thus expanding over time then the rest of this
article will focus on marketing techniques that have those attributes.
The reason most of got into this type of business is that we believed
that getting paid by the hour or a salary was pretty limiting, and that
our internet business had the potential to grow virally. Now there are
a lot of internet money making opportunities out there that I would not
consider to be viral marketing including things like paid to take
surveys, paid to read, paid to click, and whatever other methods where
you get paid directly for the time you put into it. Now your back to
working for someone else and all the limitations associated with
getting paid by the hour.
So what types of business opportunities or marketing techniques qualify
as truly viral. Let's start with different types of businesses:
Multi Level Marketing (MLM) companies - companies like Shaklee, Amway,
Usana, and the list goes on and on. They are viral in that everyone you
recruit has the ability to recruit many people under them, and you
share in the profits of the whole team. Great concept, but doesn't
always pan out if your downline isn't very active.
Affiliate Business Opportunities - Now probably everyone will disagree
with me, but many of the affiliate business opportunities share the
same characteristics of an MLM. Usually you profit from multiple levels
of downlines, those that you refer and their own referrals. There are
literally thousands of affiliate business opportunities out there like
the Free Store Club, DealDotCom, or MyPowerMall, just to name a few.
Well it doesn't do much good to have a viral business without some kind
of viral marketing tools that also expand their capacity to generate
traffic and ultimately income over time. The rest of this article will
focus on my favorite viral marketing tools. Here are some that I use:
List builders
- We
are talking about email marketing here, where the intent is to build
your list of people that you can solicit or advertise too. A couple
that I use include YourLuckyList and ListJoe; these two are slightly
different, but the idea is that your recruiting efforts are focused on
building a list of people that you can email on a periodic basis. Of
course you can build your own list without one of these programs. As
your list grows you are reaching out to an ever expanding audience, and
some of these programs offer multiple levels of referrals that make
them really viral.
Articles -
One of the great things about writing articles is that they have a long
half life, meaning they can help you get traffic to your website for
years, and they get picked up by the search engines creating back links
to your website, improving your search engine rankings. It is clear
that writing articles is a true viral marketing method and it is free.
Builders -
I wrote an article on downline builders recently because they are a
truly viral marketing technique because they can expand your presence
exponentially. As people sign-up for the downline builder they will
often become part of your downline. Advertise one good downline builder
and you have the potential to get hundreds of referrals in multiple
programs. This is much more efficient that promoting each marketing
tool on an individual basis. My primary downline builder is Vital Viral
and I have referrals 4 levels deep. So instead of promoting traffic
exchanges, list builders, and other marketing tools with separate
advertisements, consider using a downline builder for its viral
marketing characteristics.
Without getting into a lot of detail I want to mention a few other
marketing tools that have those viral characteristics that have been
- Portals like LinkScout
- Website Directories
- Web Forums
- Traffic Exchanges
- Viral sites like Free Viral
- Networking groups like LinkReferral or Reality Networkers
In my opinion for you to experience the real benefits of viral
marketing you need to begin utilizing multiple marketing channels, and
not get caught up in programs that focus on getting paid by the hour,
but instead focus on those programs that can expand as you refer
others. Ultimately this results in more traffic, better search engine
placement because your site is referenced many times, and ultimately
more cash in your pocket.
Visit Online Business Resources for more information.
How To Use
Free Viral Marketing Methods To Build Your Website Traffic
Viral marketing is one of the most effective ways of driving traffic to
your website with little effort on your part. With viral marketing, you
can send your marketing message to selected recipients who then pass on
that message to others. Viral marketing is easy and affordable, so
anyone can do it.
If you have high quality products, your marketing message will be
passed on to many people. Internet marketers want to pass on high
quality products or services to their own lists. So the more appealing
your products are, the quicker your marketing message will get spread
all over the internet, and this will generate huge volumes of traffic
to your website.
You can carry out your viral marketing campaign by creating e-books,
reports or articles and distribute them to targeted recipients, giving
them for free. Any internet marketer can do this; since it
involves creating the product, pass it on and let other people pass it
on further for you.
Key examples of how you can do viral marketing are as follows:
-Offer high quality products that spread your marketing
Write well-researched reports and e-books on your niche and add your
URL on these reports. Many people like getting free reports and
e-books. These e-books will provide very powerful information on your
topic, and people who read them will visit your website. Further
distribution of your reports and e-book will result in more traffic to
your website as well as increased awareness of your business or brand.
-Setting up an affiliate program that encourages links to
products can also be helpful. If you can afford it, provide attractive
financial incentive for other sites to pass on your marketing message.
You can also install a ‘Recommend it" referral system on your
website so that other internet marketers will pass on your website
address to their lists. By having your own affiliates promoting your
website, you drive a lot of traffic to your website.
-Use traffic exchange programs where you exchange website
with other internet marketers. When you add your website link to
another site, some people may be interested in it, and they may
bookmark it or pass it on to other people who may be interested in your
-You can also offer a free service or product on your web
that spreads your message to an increasing number of people who hear
about it. Send out news releases concerning the free service or product
available on your site. This in turn will generate huge volumes of
traffic to your website.
-Write good quality articles and encourage other webmasters
post them for free as content on their sites. If you're an expert in a
niche, write an article on that niche and give it away for free to
complementary sites to post on their site as free content, so long as
the article contains links to your site. Write high quality articles
and distribute them online for free with reprinting rights. More
directories, newsletters and e-zines will publish your article with
your resource box and URL. With little effort, your URL will be
distributed all over the internet, and this will lead to a huge flow of
traffic to your website.
Use the power of viral marketing to spread your marketing message all
over the internet and drive high volumes of traffic to your website.
Viral Traffic
Receiving traffic to your website through viral methods is one of the
best ways for you to open up the floodgates and to see a lot of results
for your efforts. As a matter of fact, the vast majority of these viral
marketing efforts can be put on autopilot and do not require any
additional work from you, once they get their start. Here are a few
different ways that we have seen success with viral marketing, and they
can be applied to any business that is on the Internet.
One of the best ways of viral marketing is to use online videos. Video
marketing has really come of age, but very few niches are now using it
in order to drive traffic to their websites. Believe it or not, the
second largest search engine on the Internet is on YouTube, a video
website. If you put videos on this website and market them properly,
you're going to see a lot of traffic as a result. There are a few
things, however, need to be kept in mind in order for this to work
First of all, you need to make sure that the video is going to be
worthy of being passed along. Not just any video is going to work, as
many of them are not even going to be watched once the viewer realizes
that there is no substance to it. It doesn't matter if you make them
funny, serious or drastic, just make sure that they are targeted
properly and that they are well done. You also need to make sure that
your URL is easily identified, and you would be surprised how many
people are going to follow over to your website.
E-books can start a viral marketing storm as well. The real key to
doing this is to make sure that the information is beneficial and that
it is going to be worthy of being passed along. Of course, you would
also want to make sure that it was targeted to whatever niche you're
working in as that will help you to receive targeted traffic in return.
You can either have them come to your website in order to pick up the
e-book, perhaps even in exchange for an email or you can put your links
inside the e-book and watch the people follow them to your website.
Just make sure that it is worthy of being passed along, and people will
send it readily.
There are two good things about viral marketing in this way that can
generate a lot of traffic. First of all, if you fail on one attempt, it
is just a matter of trying again. Eventually, you're going to come upon
a winning combination and the traffic that you receive is going to be
phenomenal. Secondly, the traffic is going to be hands-free and you're
not going to need to do anything, outside of perhaps a little initial
promotion in order to get the traffic rolling. When done properly, it
can really add a lot of traffic to your bottom line.
Importance Of Viral Marketing-Are You Viral Marketing?
As we advance into modern life of communicate such as the telephone,
fax, the internet, television, newspapers and the internet viral
marketing even become epidemic that is inevitable to daily interaction.
Viral marketing is also used widely by many successful marketers
today. There are free viral marketing and paid viral on the
that can take your business to the next level of free traffic
generation. While so many people struggle online with no luck
burrow untold amount of money for few handful of traffic others are
getting traffic they cannot control. Using this type of marketing can
get the word out for your products or business without any extra work
on your part.
Having your site stand out and get known, viral marketing is the way to
go at a faster rate. You can brand your self as using free
marketing. Become an expert over night is possible with this
system. Providing values and incentives to your visitors just
Viral marketing has many advantages such as:
-Low cost marketing
-Zero advertising cost
-Your visitors can spread the word 24/7
-Everything is done on autopilot
-Set one time and “forget
This kind of marketing is easier than you think. Some require
little script you can add to your website and require a link you can
promote. One person signing up to your link can lead to
or even millions as it goes on and on without you doing any
promotion. Viral marketing today can be used through video,
blogging, and other form of social networking.
underestimate people passion to share relevant information my friend.
1. Isn’t it time you join the few elite
group of
people benefiting from this wonderful free form of
This is a method you can use to increase massive traffic to your
website, blog and save valuable time and money.
To get started with a free system that will do the job for you visit
marketing techniques you can use to increase your traffic
Viral marketing is one of the newest and most powerful ways to market
your product or your Internet service. With Viral marketing strategies
you can increase your web traffic tremendously with minimal effort.
I am going to show you several ways to market your product virally.
Viral marketing is all about giving away your own free product, ebook,
article, software, or service along with your ad copy. Then your
website or affiliate links are embeded into the content and take the
visitor back to your website.
In turn, recipients of your free product are allowed to pass it along
to their own clients, prospects, visitors and others as a freebie. This
multiplies your marketing with less effort.
Here are some VIRAL MARKETING techniques you can start using right away.
Give a way a free e-book to your website visitors. Include a nice
full-color ad for your most popular product line with links to your
website and email. Tell your visitors to share copies of the ebook with
their own site visitors and other contacts. Do a search for viral
e-book compilers and you can find one quickly.
Many affiliate programs will give you free viral ebooks that you can
use to insert your own affiliate links into. When your web surfers
download, read these ebooks, click on the links, and make purchases,
you make cash.
Provide a trial or "lite" version of your software with your website
visitors as a freebie. Don't forget to include that ad for your most
popular product line with links to your website and email.
And tell recipients to share copies of the software with their own site
visitors and other contacts. For help creating software, hire help from
online bid sites like Elance.com.
Offer to host small business web sites on your server at no charge. In
exchange, place your own banner ad at the top of the site for viral
marketing. You can setup a fold for their site and they can choose
their own domain name and have it redirected to that folder.
Design your own website or other templates, include your own marketing
information on them and give them away as free downloads or as an
electronic package. Grant permission for recipients to pass them along.
Encourage them to do so.
Write articles about your industry. Include your website and contact
information in the byline and grant permission for others to publish as
long as they keep the byline in tact.
You can also use article submission service to do this as well.
Then people can use your contact on websites, in ezines, newsletters
and other places where once again, viral marketing will speed the
spread of information about your business.
Set up a Discussion Board on your website with your banner ad attached
at the top. And invite others to link to it and use it for their own
sites. Make sure that you will maintain the discussion. You can also
post on other boards with a link back to your board.
In summary, by using viral marketing strategies, you can reach out all
over the Internet with much less effort. See which methods work best
for you and repeat them as often as needed. Keep persevering.
The Most Two
Important Elements of a Viral Marketing Promotion
Viral marketing is loved and used on the Internet because it works. If
you release a viral product on a regular basis such as a free software,
a PDF report, an eBook, audio or a video, your visitors will always
come back to your site looking to find what you have to offer each
month. They will spread the word to their friends about it as well.
Also, if you can give something for free that helps other webmasters
generate traffic on their site as well, you will be even more
Viral marketing means creativity and quality. The more creative and
original you can be the better your traffic will increase. If visitors
likes what they see, they will spread the information to their friends
and family. This means that you are able to double your traffic only if
your free product is quality based and will become very popular.
Viral marketing has become a very popular form of advertising and
marketing because it had a relatively low cost. You can also
personalize it with your website address and company logo.
A lot of companies will also offer rebates and discounts with their
products to keep visitors coming back to their website to purchase
products and see what the next freebie is.
The most important thing about viral marketing is that you will attract
repeating visitors that are disposed to buy something. It means that
your sales have the potential to explode.
1. Link
All search engines love to see links incoming and outgoing. If you can
exchange links with sites that get a lot of traffic, you will receive a
lot of traffic in return as well and a decent page rank. This is a
great free way to gain more traffic, which you wouldn't gained
"Tell-A-Friend" Script
Have you ever noticed the little gadget that says "send to a friend"
during reading an online news on CNN? It is a similar tool that people
very rarely use.
Anyway, if you do choose to use it you will find that it is a good way
to increase traffic.
This is an incredibly easy way to increase the traffic to your website,
especially if your content is good quality. It is a simple script that
you can put in the HTML code of your site. It is installed in pages
where the information exists so that a visitor can send it to their
friends or family.
The visitor fills-in their friend's name, email address and sends the
information to the intended person like an email attachment. The email
is not perceived as spam because is sent by this person's friend.
The script eliminates the chances of the email being blocked by the
spam filters because the information is input by the sender. Attached
in the email, the recipient receives the information and a short
description of the website where the media is from. The more people use
it, the more it will spread to friends and families.
The script is very simple and does not need complicated programming.
You can simply copy and paste the script in the html code of your
pages. You can simply find the script by searching for it on Google.
This is a free viral marketing campaign that can be very useful. Be
sure to place the script in places on your site that will encourage
people to use it very often.
Marketing Strategies To Sky-Rocket Your Traffic And Profits
Viral marketing strategies are marketing techniques which once
implemented take on a life of their own, they continually expand their
reach across cyberspace drawing more customers and their cash into your
net. They can spread like wildfire from place to place, luring,
enticing and pre-selling prospective customers before they even reach
your site.
marketing strategies
are so powerful that whole ebooks and courses have been written on how
to implement and use such techniques to squeeze the most out of them.
As once set up correctly you may never need to pay for advertising
So what types
of techniques work?
Well as I said there have been book written on the subject, so here's a
quick run down of a few techniques which I've used to help create
steady streams of traffic to my websites.
Writing and submitting articles such as this is a great technique for
getting more links back to your site and for drawing in more visitors,
as people publish them in ezines, on their blogs and websites and
you'll find them popping up all over the place. If you go to Google and
type in "How to profit from your home business blog" you'll find about
9,290 listings of that article which I wrote a while back...it's also
the most popular download at contentdesk.com with over 4200 downloads
last time I checked. So if you're not regularly writing and submitting
articles, why not?
Power tip: Make your article viral, by adding at the end something like
this to encourage distribution:
"(Feel free to use this article online and in your email newsletters as
long as you leave it intact and do not alter it in anyway. The by-line
and biography must remain in the article.)"
Putting together and distributing viral ebooks is another strategy I've
used with good results. The key is to make them 'brandible' so that
consumers can brand the eBook with their own affiliate links, this
gives them an incentive to pass them on and on.
A few places you can give these away are, to your customers, website
visitors or in article/forum signatures. Have a look at the link below
for an awesome free viral eBook which is like nothing you'll have ever
Click here to download free, while you still can!
These are two strategies you can implement straight away. Other viral
marketing techniques you could use are:
-Creating and distribution podcasts on your niche; turn your articles
in to podcasts and you'll add a new stream of visitors to your site,
don't forget to submit them to podcast directories.
-Create viral videos and submit them to Google video, ifilm and other
video related websites. Done properly, these are a very effective
-Add refer-a-friend scripts to your site, these are freely available
just do an internet search, I've used "Spread The Word" which is a good
free script. If you give away an incentive for referring friends (e.g.
viral eBook) you can really enhance the effect of this strategy.
There are many more viral marketing techniques that you could use,
focus on one at a time and keep working until you get the results you
want. Decide now to take action and take your business to the next
(Feel free to use this article online and in your email newsletters as
long as you leave it intact and do not alter it in anyway. The by-line
and resource box must remain in the article.)
Marketing Campaign Solutions For Your Online Business
If you\'re trying to earn money on the Internet, there\'s one thing you
can never have enough of, and that\'s good traffic.
So if you\'re not getting the leads and traffic you want to, don\'t
beat yourself up too much over it. If someone has told you that
generating great prospects is easy, they were probably trying to sell
you their product about how to do it.
Over the last two years I've learned a lot about generating prospects
for home businesses and one of those things is that when it comes to
marketing an opportunity that is largely \"online-based\", you should
focus your advertising online too -- for several reasons.
-There are millions of prospects
- They are much easier to target than offline prospects
- You can leverage technology
- You can leverage the power of other people\'s networks
- You can educate, inform and even close without your
Well, first off -- you need to be able to reach those millions of
people who are interested in a home business. You need to leverage
technology, networks and automation to do way more work than you could
ever do yourself -- and for less money.
And the answer to that, simply... is having a system of prospecting
that works.
marketing techniques is the solution.
A little over a month ago, a friend and I were preparing to launch a
new website and needed beta testers. We had seen some new technology
(software) that would allow us to tap into VAST numbers of other
people\'s email contacts by providing them an incentive to tell the
people they know about what we were doing.
We setup a simple 3-page website that employed a process we conceived
over a 5 minute phone call. The website was so vague that we didn\'t
really expect many people to go through the process.
Honestly, it was more of a test than anything else...
Since we were looking for only a handful of beta-testers, it didn\'t
really NEED to work all that well. But surprise! Do you know what
Over 224,900 Friends Told, Thousands of Website Visitors and Thousands
of Opt-In Prospects, in Just a Few Weeks
Sure, you can buy 10,000 \"hits\" from a traffic exchange, but it\'s
not going to deliver the same kind of results.
There are many different sources and strategies for a successful viral
marketing campaign. Do your research and find a viral marketing
strategy that works and you will get results that will blow your mind.
For A Powerful Viral Marketing Strategy That Can Provide You A Snowball
of Massive Leads visit: 104inc.com Free Viral Marketing Strategy
All you need to do is click register on the top right of the screen and
sign up your website or business for free. Then sit back and
enjoy all the great sales leads.
Work From Home Free Commentary: Checkout: http://104Business.com
How To Use
VIRAL Traffic Exchanges To Create Your Own AUTO-PILOT Lead Generation
Lead Generation is probably ONE of the most important and most critical
parts of ANY business, whether its Online or Offline, because these
leads are what make up the foundation of your business and what will
keep you in business for years to come.
The more leads you are able to generate through your online marketing
efforts, the more people(or customers) you have to send your 'Sales
Offers' to on whatever schedule you choose.
Online Marketers like call this practice... "Opt-In List Building".
I'm sure you've probably heard the catch phrase, "The Money Is In The
List", at least once or twice while surfing the net.
Well, there right. And the BIGGER you build it, the better.
Now, your probably wondering what the heck do VIRAL Traffic Exchanges
have to do with Lead Generation.
The answer is quite simple actually.
VIRAL Traffic Exchanges are website traffic producers that send your
website targeted traffic when you surf using their program, and we all
know that in order to generate leads and build an Opt-In List of any
size, we need Targeted Traffic.
Those are the undisputed Facts!
And the real cool thing about VIRAL Traffic Exchanges is the more
people you refer through your Personal Referral Link that you get when
you sign up, the more traffic you'll receive without ever having to
lift a finger because the people you referred are the ones who are
going to generate all that FREE targeted traffic for you when they surf
using the VIRAL Traffic Exchange they signed up under you for.
The BIGGER the downline you build, the more Targeted website traffic
you'll receive.
Are you with me?
Of course, you do have the option to purchase credits if you like, but
why, when all you really have to do is start referring others through
your personal Referral Link and have them earn the credits for you.
But, that's really up to you.
Now, with that said, this is where it gets exciting because if you have
your Name Squeeze Pages(if you don't know what a Name Squeeze Page is
I'll explain in a moment) plugged in to your favorite VIRAL Traffic
Exchange under the category that targets your market and you managed to
build your downline to where your referrals are generating you a decent
amount of credits(traffic) or you just purchased some credits to get
started, all you have to do is sit back and watch your Lead Generation
System or Opt-In List grow on its own.
As far as your Opt-In Lists growth, it really depends on how much
traffic your generating, and most importantly, on how well your Name
Squeeze Page converts those visitors into Leads, which is where you
must TEST and TWEAK.
My recommendation is to put up TWO completely different Name Squeeze
Pages and see which one converts the BEST, then use that one for all
other promotions.
Now for those of you who are not quit sure what a Name Squeeze Page is,
here's a quick definition:
Its simply a single webpage with a Special Offer like, for example: a
Free Report, eBook, eCourse or Newsletter; that has an Opt-In form
where your potential lead enters their Name and eMail Address.
That's it. Nothing fancy.
Here's an example of one of mine for you to view:
Once they've entered their Name and eMail Address, you now have their
permission to send them offers as often as you like given you give them
the option to 'Opt-Out' at any given time if they wish not to receive
any further mailings from you. VERY Important!
You do not want to be 'Flagged' as a Spammer, and further more, you do
not want any legal action taken against you.
By just doing it right the first time, you can go to bed knowing that
everything is okay and in order.
Well, there you have it. A simple system that will build your Opt-In
List on complete AUTOPILOT by simply using free VIRAL Traffic Exchanges
and Name Squeeze Pages so you too can reap the benefits of having your
very own Opt-In List that you can market your offers to at Absolutely
NO COST, anytime you want.
Marketing Tools
Viral marketing is like any other types of marketing in that you need
the tools to get the job done. The thing that sets viral marketing
tools apart from most types of marketing tools is that many of them are
free. The one's that aren't free are still a lot less expensive than
typical marketing tools. Despite the fact that most viral marketing
tools are free the potential return can outdo most forms of marketing
by enormous quantities.
One of the most important and easiest to use viral marketing tools is
blogging software. Despite the fact that blogging software and blogging
in general can work so incredibly well to spread your brand most
blogging software is entirely free. The only cost that may ever exist
with blogs is the cost for a webhost and domain name. This can run as
low as one hundred dollars a year. If you don't even want to spend this
many free blogging sites exist which can be used to spread your name.
Another one of the most effective viral marketing tools is articles.
Like blogs these are written documents which contain some form of
information. The beauty of articles is they can be readily submitted to
a number of free article sites for free. Well written articles function
extremely well as viral marketing tools because people love to share
useful information. This holds especially true if the useful
information is provided in a clean, concise, and easy to read format.
Forums are one of the many excellent free viral marketing tools
available. These can work two ways. Providing a forum on your website
which others can use to ask questions and share responses can bring new
traffic to your site. Posting forum messages which contain a link to
your site in your signature can bring clicks and increase your image as
an expert in your field.
Email is one of the most effective viral marketing tools which has ever
been used. Email can be used in one of two ways. A signature containing
a link to your site can be included in every single email you send out.
Creating an email newsletter is also one of the most effect viral
marketing tools. The key with this tool is to provide content which
people will want to forward to their friends and family and which
encourages them to visit your site to learn more.
For those who have the skills necessary to write software games and
other forms of software can be extremely good viral marketing tools.
There is nothing better in most people's minds than free stuff. In fact
many people will download software which they may never even use simply
because it's free and at the moment it sounds interesting.
The beauty of this is that not only do people love free software but
they love to share free software with their friends. Releasing a free
piece of software can gain links back to your site and it also tends to
be spread through word of mouth.
Developing free viral marketing tactics is something that can seem like
a daunting task but with a guiding hand it can be done quite
How to
Advertise Free
Right now, big companies are constantly asking their advertising
for an advertising idea that goes viral. What they are really
asking for is free advertising. While nothing in life is
free there are ways to get free advertising or at least dramatically
reduce the cost.
There are many techniques you can use to get free
Which ones you choose may depend on the nature of your business and how
free you want your ads to be. Here are some ideas to think about.
General Free
Advertising Ideas
Networking is one of the oldest, easiest and most effective ways to
advertise. Look for events and activities that impact your
business and plan to be there. Try and meet as many people as
possible and at least give out business cards. The only cost
you is time and your business cards.
Another inexpensive way to advertise is flyers. Many
organizations will allow flyers to be posted. Senior citizen
centers, schools, libraries etc. all have places where
and services can be posted. The only cost to you here is the
getting the flyers printed and taking time to distribute
Some people even have magnetic signs made that attach to the sides of
their car. If you are frequently on the road, this may be a
way to advertise your company.
There are also sites like merchantcircle.com and
They give you the opportunity to advertise your business online at no
real cost to you even if you don't have a website.
Press Releases are another way to advertise for free. If you
supply interesting business news and keep it to just the facts you will
likely be allowed to run your PR.
Frequently if you are already paying for some advertising then
publications may provide you with a certain amount of editorial
space. This usually happens when you already have a
relationship with that publication. But it can also happen when you are
new and they are trying to get your business. The great thing
about this free editorial space is that it looks like a story about
your company and it appears that an outside source is providing the
material. So it can look like a powerful endorsement.
Product placement is another way to get free advertising. If
have a product you can send it to various TV and movie studio prop
departments. Of course you have no control over when or if
product will ever be used. However, if it does show up you
be thrilled with the free exposure. Unfortunately, studios
gotten smart about the value of this exposure so now there are people
who specifically on product placement. However, you may get
and all it costs is the price of sending your product to the studios.
Now, let's get back to the subject of free viral advertising.
a nutshell, viral advertising is creating something so creative that
people want to share it with others on their own. It gets
around the internet without you having to pay for it. The key here is
that the advertising has to be extremely creative.
that means it's probably some sort of video that people just feel like
they have to share with everyone.
Since these creative pieces are typically passed from one friend to
another they never get tagged as spam. When you see something
from someone you know they odds are very good that you will not only
accept it but you will also click on it. In the case of viral marketing
you will also pass it on to some of your friends.
When something does go viral there is also usually a lot of free PR
that comes along with it. All of this keeps adding exposure
your company and you website. The expression that you can't
for this kind of advertising really applies here.
The cost of viral marketing is really dependent on the cost of the
initial creative piece that gets sent around. Typically
that go viral are not slick, well polished pieces. There are
nature more like home movies or amateur production pieces.
In all of these free advertising concepts you can see that there are
some costs to you either in the form of time or an initial production
like business cards, flyers, products etc. But it's
much less expensive than traditional advertising methods and in some
cases it may be more impactful.
All the sites have sign up link below the description. I want
to read & get some idea about the site before you
join any
Want us to include your choice of program?Know any
program?Want to include that program?Just send us the site
but we will include only the programs which pass our test
provide results.
Links Free Viral Websites : 1