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What is FFA? FFA
stands for Free For All. Free-for-all links list, where there
are no qualifications for adding a link.
FFA pages are nothing more than raw link
pages. They
often have no categorization, no review... and no traffic. On the plus
side, many do offer marketers the facility of instant submission.
The link pages are often powered by an FFA script. The script automates
the addition of new links and the deletion of old links once a limit
has been reached. Generally this limit is for maximum 50 links on most
FFA pages or FFA networks. I mean when 51th link is added,it displayed
in the place of the previous 1st number link and previously on 1s
number link will move down to 2nd place and so on.. and finally number
50th link will be disappears all together from the page. In short the
links are turned on as per submission. Automated submission scripts
also exist. The submission scripts and the processing scripts keep each
other busy with minimal human inter action of any kind.
Most of the products claim to submit your site
thousands of search engines and directories contains these FFA
networks. It sounds good to submit to so many sites but in reality the
FFAs do not get much worthwhile traffic. Som still think they get lots
of backlinks at least but as I said life of any url on an FFA page is
very short(generally 15 to 30 minutes for a busy FFA page)and so you
are not going to get even the benefit of back links.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A free for all (FFA) link page is a web page set
ostensibly to improve the search engine placement of a particular web
site. Webmasters typically will use software to place a link to their
site on hundreds of FFA sites, hoping that the resulting incoming links
will increase the ranking of their site in search engines. Experts in
SEO techniques do not place much value on FFAs. First, most FFAs only
maintain a small number of links for a short time, too short for most
search engines to pick up. Second, the high "human" traffic to FFA
sites is almost completely other webmasters visiting the site to place
their own links manually. Finally, search engine algorithms count more
than link numbers, they also check relevancy which the unrelated links
on FFA sites do not have. Another drawback to FFAs is the amount of
spam e-mail webmasters will receive from members of the FFA. Using an
FFA can be considered a form of spamdexing.(Read Below)
From Wikipedia, the free
Spamdexing (also known as search spam, search
spam or web spam) involves a number of methods, such as repeating
unrelated phrases, to manipulate the relevancy or prominence of
resources indexed by a search engine, in a manner inconsistent with the
purpose of the indexing system Some consider it to be a part of search
engine optimization, though there are many search engine optimization
methods that improve the quality and appearance of the content of web
sites and serve content useful to many users. Search engines use a
variety of algorithms to determine relevancy ranking. Some of these
include determining whether the search term appears in the META
keywords tag, others whether the search term appears in the body text
or URL of a web page. Many search engines check for instances of
spamdexing and will remove suspect pages from their indexes. Also,
people working for a search-engine organization can quickly block the
results-listing from entire websites that use spamdexing, perhaps
alerted by user complaints of false matches. The rise of spamdexing in
the mid-1990s made the leading search engines of the time less useful.
The success of Google at both producing better search results and
combating keyword spamming, through its reputation-based Page Rank link
analysis system, helped it become the dominant search site late in the
1990s. Although it has not been rendered useless by spamdexing, Google
has not been immune to more sophisticated methods. Google bombing is
another form of search engine result manipulation, which involves
placing hyperlinks that directly affect the rank of other sites. Google
first algorithmically combated Google bombing on January 25, 2007.
The earliest known reference to the term spamdexing is by Eric Convey
in his article "Porn sneaks way back on Web," The Boston Herald, May
22, 1996, where he said:
The problem arises when site operators
load their
Web pages with hundreds of extraneous terms so search engines will list
them among legitimate addresses. The process is called "spamdexing," a
combination of spamming — the Internet term for sending users
unsolicited information — and "indexing."
Common spamdexing techniques can be classified into two broad classes:
content spam(or term spam) and link spam.
Content spam
These techniques involve altering the logical view that a search engine
has over the page's contents. They all aim at variants of the vector
space model for information retrieval on text collections.
Keyword stuffing
This involves the calculated placement
of keywords
within a page to raise the keyword count, variety, and density of the
page. This is useful to make a page appear to be relevant for a web
crawler in a way that makes it more likely to be found. Example: A
promoter of a Ponzi scheme wants to attract web surfers to a site where
he advertises his scam. He places hidden text appropriate for a fan
page of a popular music group on his page, hoping that the page will be
listed as a fan site and receive many visits from music lovers. Older
versions of indexing programs simply counted how often a keyword
appeared, and used that to determine relevance levels. Most modern
search engines have the ability to analyze a page for keyword stuffing
and determine whether the frequency is consistent with other sites
created specifically to attract search engine traffic. Also, large
webpages are truncated, so that massive dictionary lists cannot be
indexed on a single webpage.
Hidden or invisible unrelated text
Disguising keywords and phrases by
making them the
same color as the background, using a tiny font size, or hiding them
within HTML code such as "no frame" sections, ALT attributes,
zero-width/height DIVs, and "no script" sections. However, hidden text
is not always spamdexing: it can also be used to enhance accessibility.
People screening websites for a search-engine company might temporarily
or permanently block an entire website for having invisible text on
some webpages.
Meta tag stuffing
Repeating keywords in the Meta tags, and
using meta
keywords that are unrelated to the site's content. This tactic has been
ineffective since 2005.
"Gateway" or doorway pages
Creating low-quality web pages that
contain very
little content but are instead stuffed with very similar keywords and
phrases. They are designed to rank highly within the search results,
but serve no purpose to visitors looking for information. A doorway
page will generally have "click here to enter" on the page.
Scraper sites
Scraper sites, also known as Made for
AdSense sites,
are created using various programs designed to "scrape" search-engine
results pages or other sources of content and create "content" for a
website. The specific presentation of content on these sites is unique,
but is merely an amalgamation of content taken from other sources,
often without permission. These types of websites are generally full of
advertising (such as pay-per-click ads), or redirect the user to other
sites. It is even feasible for scraper sites to outrank original
websites for their own information and organization names.
Article spinning
This involves rewriting existing
articles, as
opposed to merely scraping content from other sites, in order to avoid
penalties imposed by search engines for duplicate content. This process
is undertaken by hired writers or automated using a thesaurus database
or a neural network.
Link spam
Brian D. Davison, associate professor at Lehigh University, defines
link spam (which he calls "nepotistic links") as "... links between
pages that are present for reasons other than merit."Link spam takes
advantage of link-based ranking algorithms, which give a higher ranking
to a website the more other highly ranked websites link to it. These
techniques also aim at influencing other link-based ranking techniques
such as the HITS algorithm.
Link farms
Involves creating tightly-knit
communities of pages
referencing each other, also known humorously as mutual admiration
Hidden links
Putting links where visitors will not
see them in
order to increase link popularity. Highlighted link text can help rank
a webpage higher for matching that phrase.
"Sybil attack"
This is the forging of multiple
identities for
malicious intent, named after the famous multiple personality disorder
patient "Sybil" (Shirley Ardell Mason). A spammer may create multiple
web sites at different domain names that all link to each other, such
as fake blogs (known as spam blogs).
Spam blogs
Spam blogs, also known as splogs, are
fake blogs
created solely for spamming. They are similar in nature to link farms.
Page hijacking
This is achieved by creating a rogue
copy of a
popular website which shows contents similar to the original to a web
crawler but redirects web surfers to unrelated or malicious websites.
Buying expired domains
Some link spammers monitor DNS records
for domains
that will expire soon, then buy them when they expire and replace the
pages with links to their pages. See Domaining. However Google resets
the link data on expired domains.
Some of these techniques may be applied for creating a Google bomb,
this is, to cooperate with other users to boost the ranking of a
particular page for a particular query.
Cookie stuffing
This involves placing an affiliate
tracking cookie
on a website visitor's computer without their knowledge, which will
then generate revenue for the person doing the cookie stuffing. This
not only generates fraudulent affiliate sales, but also has the
potential to overwrite other affiliates' cookies, essentially stealing
their legitimately earned commissions.
Using world-writable pages
Web sites that can be edited by users can be used by spamdexers to
insert links to spam sites if the appropriate anti-spam measures are
not taken.
Spam in blogs
This is the placing or solicitation of
randomly on other sites, placing a desired keyword into the hyperlinked
text of the inbound link. Guest books, forums, blogs, and any site that
accepts visitors' comments are particular targets and are often victims
of drive-by spamming where automated software creates nonsense posts
with links that are usually irrelevant and unwanted.
Comment spam
Comment spam is a form of link spam that
has arisen
in web pages that allow dynamic user editing such as wikis, blogs, and
guest books. It can be problematic because agents can be written that
automatically randomly select a user edited web page, such as a
Wikipedia article, and add spamming links.
Wiki spam
Using the open editability of wiki
systems to place
links from the wiki site to the spam site. The subject of the spam site
is often unrelated to the wiki page where the link is added. In early
2005, Wikipedia implemented a default "nofollow" value for the "rel"
HTML attribute. Links with this attribute are ignored by Google's
PageRank algorithm. Forum and Wiki admins can use these to discourage
Wiki spam.
Referrer log spamming
When someone accesses a web page, i.e.,
the referee,
by following a link from another web page, i.e., the referrer, the
referee is given the address of the referrer by the person's Internet
browser. Some websites have a referrer log which shows which pages link
to that site. By having a robot randomly access many sites enough
times, with a message or specific address given as the referrer, that
message or Internet address then appears in the referrer log of those
sites that have referrer logs. Since some search engines base the
importance of sites by the number of different sites linking to them,
referrer-log spam may be used to increase the search engine rankings of
the spammer's sites, by getting the referrer logs of many sites to link
to them.
Other types of spamdexing
Mirror websites
Hosting of multiple websites all with
similar content but using different URLs. Some search engines give a
higher rank to results where the keyword searched for appears in the
URL redirection
Taking the user to another page without
his or her
intervention, e.g., using META refresh tags, Flash, JavaScript, Java or
Server side redirects
Cloaking refers to any of several means
to serve a
page to the search-engine spider that is different from that seen by
human users. It can be an attempt to mislead search engines regarding
the content on a particular web site. Cloaking, however, can also be
used to ethically increase accessibility of a site to users with
disabilities or provide human users with content that search engines
aren't able to process or parse. It is also used to deliver content
based on a user's location; Google itself uses IP delivery, a form of
cloaking, to deliver results. Another form of cloaking is code
swapping, i.e., optimizing a page for top ranking and then swapping
another page in its place once a top ranking is achieved.
See also
* Adversarial information retrieval
* Parasite hosting
* TrustRank
* Index (search engine)
* (want to know about above all?Write
your comments
in the guestbook and join the forum where you can discuss with others)
(If you want to know about
above topics in
detail just post your comment in the Guest Book and if you want to
discuss about Free traffic and free advertising resources with like
minded people then just registered at out Forum.You will get a chance
to post your offer as a classified ad in the Forum as there is a
section in the Forum where you can insert your ad)
Reality Of FFA
Have you ever come across a site that claims to submit your
to 9,567,291.1 sites for FREE?Then you did come across the FFA wheter
you know or do not know.
FFA stands for Free For All site. They have existed since
1995.On a FFA page any one can submit his link. The sole purpose of a
FFA page is to list links. You can submit your link and 2 to 3 line
description only.No picture or image and no long description. More ever
a list on a FFA page is usually limited to 50 links.What I am trying to
explin is that at a time only 50 links will be remain in appereance.
When 51th link is submitted,it goes in the number one or 1st position
and previously The ad usually takes the form of a descriptive link and
a one to two line description. These listings are usually limited to
around number one move to 2nd number and so on and the 50th link will
disappear at all. Any link's staying on FFA page is very very low,about
15 minutes.
There are 2 reasons no one is getting any traffic or hardly
some hits is :
1.No body is actually visit the FFA pages. Most webmasters post their
link through software programs or auto boat services.
2. You staying time of your link is usually very short.
So what is the reality?Posting to FFA pages is waste of
time?FFAs or FFA pages are garbage floating around the net?Not
actually. It is partial truth and there are still ways to take
advantage of FFA Networks.
Here is my personal experience......
While surfing I came into contact with a site which claims to
submit your links to 9,567,291.1 sites for FREE.I have some time and
offer was free so I had nothing to loose so I tried.
After navigating through a series of pop-ups, I was presented with a
form to fill. I filled up form with my details,site url and short
description of my site and submitted.I had supposedly submitted my url
to 8000 + other sites. The whole process from searching a form for
submission and lastly submitting took me just 10 minutes
Did I receive traffic?yes but very little and nothing to get
excited about. As I wrote above,there are only 50 links usually visible
and link lists are turning over and a new link will push down the older
one. My link lasted approximately 17 minutes before it was pushed down
then off the list by new submissions. On some pages that I had located,
the link had been visible for 4 days.
.....A word of warning.......
Be ready to receive lot of confirmation e-mail.I had got about 700 mail
within 4 days.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Other way for using FFA networks
Many FFA Networks offer paid membership option and
your own FFA page.As an FFA page owner you are in different situation
than merely just submitting to FFA pages.There are different rules set
up by different FFA Networks but most allow you send a confirmation
e-mail to all the link submitter and you can insert your own ad inside
the confirmation e-mail.A good FFA network receives 5000 to 10000
submission and so naturally your own page is at least going to receive
500 to 1000 submission.And so you can send your ad to 500 to 1000
persons everyday in the confirmation e-mail.
Some FFA networks even provide you with all the leads
out the network as a pro member.I mean allow you to download the e-mail
address of all the link submitter or send them by an e-mail so then you
can send them e-mails about your offers but there is difference between
FFA leads and your regular subscribers.Most leads provider FFA Networks
have a rule and you can only send the leads 2 or 3 intial messages and
invite them to subscribe to your news letter or at your sqeeze page and
if they subscribe then they are yours untill they unsubscribe or after
initial invitation you have to stop sending your offers.
Some FFA Networks only allow one time contact and you have
send the e-mail message with giving them option to unsubscribe.
In short as a pro member or FFA page owner you are
better position and in my opinion this is the only way remain to get
benefited from FFA Networks.
Traffic from FFA's
Befor 3-4 years to submit to FFA pages was not
bad idea as if you use auto submission then for a very little work you
will get moderate amount of traffics.
The idea was simple : If you submit to 100 FFA page you get
clicks and if you submit to thousnds of them you will receive
considerable traffic.It was working before 3-4 years well when people
were submitting manually.
After that Software programs and services for auto submitting
FFA pages came int own piece of pie.And from there slowly slowly the
effectiveness of FFAs has disappeared.
As you know mere submission to thousnds of FFA pages is not
working now.As I said before the life span of your link on a FFA page
is very short and that 15 to 30 minutes because of this auto submission
as thousands of people submitting.2nd reason again as I said no body is
really visiting the FFA pages as they can auto submit without actually
visit the pages.
What is a Free for All Page?
An FFA page is a free for all page. Its operation is very simple. You
submit one line of text to the page and when other people see it, they
pick up the link and go through to your page. The concept sounds very
simple, and it would be if it actually did what you wanted it to do.
Which is generate traffic consisting of interested buyers instead of
generating a huge load of emails from people just like you who are
trying to promote a product. The truth is that for most people, FFA
pages have not produced the returns on income necessary for me to be
able to recommend FFA's as something you should put your money into
with high expectations of return.
There are a number of reasons why this form of advertising has not
promoted much for its users. First, your ad is one line among hundreds
or thousands of one line ads. On top of this the few people who might
see this page are the other advertisers who have submitted ads to this
page, not shoppers looking for your product.
Another problem with FFA pages are they are usually designed to scroll.
As new information is added the older information is advanced off of
the page and out of sight. Before FFA pages were as popular as they are
now, your line of advertising may have been visible for a day. That is
why the FFA hosts had instructed you to submit your information to the
FFA page daily. Today, now that FFA pages are a dime a dozen, your
submission may be scrolled out in as little time as half an hour. This
in turn means that you have to go and submit your information again and
again throughout the day. However, you still have the first problem to
deal with. People who look at FFA pages are there to sell, not buy.
A third problem with FFA pages are that sites known to advertise on
them are in a number of instances either banned or ignored by the
search engines. The search engines look at FFA pages as a page filled
with irrelevant links, and whenever a search engine is aware of an FFA
page it avoids that page whenever it can. The goal of search engines is
to look for information/links that is highly regarded as helpful by
other users, to pass on to their current users, and FFA pages produce
links without producing the high quality information that the search
engines are looking for. As a result, instead of giving you credit for
your link, the search engines penalize URL's that come from known FFA
You see the people who run FFA pages are just a little bit ahead of the
game than the FFA page submitter. The first thing you are asked to do
on an FFA page is to register your email address. This way the user has
your information and is able to promote his products to you at will. So
the ones to benefit most from FFA pages are the ones who actually host
the page.
So are FFA pages a waste of your time? Maybe they are, maybe they are
not. If you go there as an advertiser, it may be a huge waste of time.
But if you go there as the FFA site host, you may have just hit the
jackpot. When FFA users sign up to post their information on your FFA
site, you will advise them that when they post to the site they also
have to agree to get emails from you as well. Herein lies your
opportunity to promote, and herein lies the way you can probably take
best advantage of using FFA pages and sites.
The Ins And Outs Of FFA Pages
A FFA, or free for all page is a very simple thing in both concept and
reality. You can submit one line of text to the page and visitors can
click on this text to visit your site if you are interested. This would
be a great thing if they worked the way that most business owners would
prefer that they did. What business owners, yourself included would
like is to receive massive amounts of email from interested customers -
but instead, what they see a lot of in their in boxes is email form
other business owners trying t make a sales pitch. Not so productive,
is it? For most, these FFA pages do not give the necessary return on
your investment to make it worthwhile.
So why do FFA pages usually fail to get results? Think about it like
this - your ad is just one of possibly thousands on this page. What's
more, these sites are often visited by other business owners who have
placed ads, but rarely by those looking to buy a product or service.
These pages have another defect as well - they are generally designed
to scroll. As new links are added, old ones just keep moving farther
and farther down the page. At one time when FFA pages enjoyed less
popularity than they do today, your ad may have been near the top for a
day. Now, your ad may be out of sight within minutes! This means you
would need to re post your ad again and again over the course of a day.
And there is still the problem that you are not reaching customers on
these pages, just other merchants.
Also counting against FFA pages is the fact that most search engines
ignore them entirely. A search engine sees a FFA page as a page of
unrelated links and passes it by. Remember, relevance is key with
search engines
- and FFA pages have nothing of the sort.
FFA webmasters are a bit smarter than those who use them to advertise.
The FFA page will require an email address to submit your link; meaning
the FFA site owner is building their email list every time someone
posts an ad. It is the site owners of FFA pages who are truly the
beneficiaries of these pages.
So is posting an ad on a FFA page a complete waste of time? That
depends. If you are posting an ad there, the answer is likely yes.
However, if you are the host of a FFA page, you can reap a lot of
benefits - by doing so you can quickly build a list of prospective
customers and that is really the only way to make good on the promise
of FFA sites.
FFA Link Pages Scams Can Hurt
At one point in time, ffa pages and link farms used to be considered
one of the most important advertising methods around. It was considered
a "must have" for any website to exist and thrive on the Net.
A big part of this stemmed from the fact that the search engines ranked
sites based on the number of back links that it had. Obviously, the
more links the site had, the better. The number of link farms grew
fast. But, after a while, the search engines got wise to the fact that
many of these links were useless and began to ignore them. Even more to
the point, they began to penalize those websites that were even being
This particular scam still exists today because many people still
believe the hype these sites put out. The victims in these scams
believe that the more links they have the more likely someone will
click on their link and the more traffic they will get from it. They
further reason that the more traffic they get, the more likely they
will make sales.
In truth, the only people that really benefit from ffa pages and link
farms are the people running them. How? you may wonder. It actually
comes from two sources: the first is that by submitting to a link page,
you are giving the owner the right to e-mail you with their offer in
the form of a "confirmation e-mail."
If you submit to a link page service, you will get more of these
"confirmations" one from each link page owner that is a member of that
particular service. Why? Because you submitted to their link page.
Although they may say they don't do it, another way for these
individual owners to profit is by selling your e-mail address to bulk
e-mail companies.
But, there is another point to be made regrading this type of
advertising. Most link pages only have room for 60 - 120 links in each
category they list. The question comes to mind, just how long is your
link actually displayed on the link pages you submit to? The answer is
even more disturbing: not very long. In some cases, your submitted link
is gone before the confirmation e-mail arrives in your box.
The chances of anyone actually seeing it? Slim to none. Think of it in
these terms, if a link submission site has hundreds or thousands of
members each submitting daily, then none of the links submitted spend
more than a few seconds on the link page. Anyone actually gaining
traffic from this form of advertising is getting it by the luck of the
draw or by paying for their link to be placed on the link page (or
network) for a monthly fee.
The moral to this is simple, link pages and link farms don't really
help you, the Internet Marketer, at all. You are likely to be penalized
by the search engines for even promoting to them. Take time to
investigate any service that claims you will get thousands of daily
visits. You will save yourself and your online business from needless
trouble if you do.
The webmaster's nightmare. "Oh my god, my listing is gone from
Google!!!" or yahoo, or msn or any of the big search engines.
We all know that traffic is the life blood of any online endeavor.
Without traffic you can't make sales. Search engine traffic is the most
reliable source of high quality traffic. High quality being visitors
who are looking specifically for the products or services you sell.
FFAs or Free For All links pages are considered low quality
traffic sources. IE people randomly surfing, clicking on whatever looks
interesting. Not really searching for anything and very unlikely to buy
There is however another role that FFAs play. Bulk submission to FFAs
or blasting FFAs creates hundreds of links to your web site. The number
of links to your site is part of how Google and other search engines
rank your site. The more links the higher your ranking.
Now here is the problem. Traditional wisdom among webmasters, internet
marketers and internet gurus is that too many FFA links. Considered low
quality links, will get you banned from search engines.
In other words, the belief is that if google thinks you are trying to
boost your rankings by adding a lot of low quality links they will ban
So will they? My only answer has to be, "not in my experience."
Here is a little history of my internet marketing journey. For the
longest time I was wasting money on this traffic generating e-book and
that traffic generating system. I was getting a pittance of search
engine traffic and no Google traffic. So I decided "So what if I get
banned.". I wasn't getting Google traffic anyway, how would being
banned hurt me?
I started FFA blasting 3 or more times a week and guess what. Google
traffic. Not huge amounts by any means, but Google traffic none the
less. Not only Google either. Ask.com, yahoo and many others. Even a
fair amount of FFA page traffic.
So what am I saying here? It's simple. No one knows how Google or yahoo
or ask.com ranks web site except Google, yahoo or ask.com. The search
engines, like any good business, are constantly tweaking and changing
their ranking rules. These rules are secret. Any internet marketing
guru who claims to have "broken the Google code" is either lieing out
right or working off old information. Don't believe them.
In my experience making your internet foot print as large as possible
is the best traffic generating strategy. Submitting to FFAs is the
quickest easiest way to do this.
If you are already making a good living with free Google traffic, great
don't change a thing. In fact write an article so I can learn your
secrets. If you are yet to get your first Google hit, start submitting
to FFAs. In my experience only good things will come of it.
Do not post to FFA's (Free For All Sites) & Link Farms
With learning about online promotion, there is so much information out
there about "what you should be doing" to promote you business. This
tutorial will be to inform you about what you SHOULDN'T DO!
What are (FFA's) Free For All Sites & Link Farms?
These types of sites can be recognized by their one purpose. To list
100's, maybe 1000's of "One Line Ads" on all on one page.
What was the initial purpose?
A few years back when this form of promotion was very popular, everyone
was posting their one line ads on these types of sites for more traffic
to their site and a better "link popularity". It was soon realized that
"FFA" sites don't do either.
How can adding a small, one line ad accompanied by 100's of others that
isn't related to each other benefit you???
The only people they benefit are spammers...
Here's why!
Once you submit your one line classified ad, you automatically give the
owners of the FFA sites to send you messages. At the same time, there
are 1000's of marketers who are gathering your e-mail to do the very
same thing.
FFA's are like being in heaven to spammers...
Honestly though, have you ever spent the time to visit a site from
these lists?
Do you honestly want to ruin your e-mail just from posting one time???
I guarantee you that your inbox will be full within a matter of weeks.
On another note, Google is actively searching these FFA sites and
penalizing them. They offer no use to visitors. Please do your business
a favor, never list and FFA sites on your site, you might be subject to
being penalized as well from Google.
Once that happens, you'll be spending most of your time trying to
recover from the loss.
How to Build Traffic using FFA Sites
FFA stands for Free For All. Basically, an FFA site is nothing but a
constantly rotating list of web sites. People list (advertise) their
web site on the FFA page in hopes of generating traffic to their site.
The owner of the FFA site sends a "confirmation" (advertising) e-mail
to the contact address every time a web site is submitted for listing.
Every FFA page owner does this every time.
There are a zillion FFA sites out there. There is even software
available (FFA Blaster) that will submit your web site link to
thousands of FFA pages at once. There are also "Link Advertising" sites
that offer to submit your web site to "a thousand search engines" so
that you can start getting more traffic to your site. What they mean is
that they will submit your site to Yahoo, Alta Vista, and 998 FFA pages.
The novice takes them up on their offer and gets 998 "confirmation"
messages from the FFA owners. The experienced user knows about the
"confirmation" e-mails so he uses a bogus address, so he won't get
overwhelmed by the traffic. The real purpose of having
an FFA site is so the owner can collect addresses to send his
advertising mail to.
Here are some great tips I picked up from Terry Telford, a marketing
Instead of trying to get leads by posting to FFA sites, why not own an
FFA site? Owning an FFA site gives you the ability to contact every
person that posts to your site? Is this realistic? Yes. Try it and you
will be pleasantly surprised by the results.
If you had multiple FFA sites, how many sales would you make? Sure it
will take a bit of time and money to set up all these sites, but once
you have the initial set up complete, your future costs are covered by
your sales.
There is a trade off between quantity and quality. FFA leads are
quantity leads. Most of the addresses that prospects use at FFA sites
are collection addresses. Most mail is only trashed and not read. To
grab the attention of the prospects that skim their mail before
trashing it, your headline has to scream out your loudest benefit and
grab the attention of the mailbox owner.
Owning an FFA site costs a bit of money. Some sites cost around $20 per
month. The best FFA site I've found is MPCM, Massive Passive Cash
Machine. You get your own FFA site that feeds you over 1000 leads a
day, a Safe list site for posting your ads daily and a box load of
other goodies. The Massive Passive Cash Machine gives you a multitude
of other services for your marketing efforts. Each day you get a list
of email addresses from your FFA site that you can send your ads to.
It's a very efficient system
A word of warning to those who are new to FFA sites. You get a massive
amount of mail when you post to an FFA site, or send your offer to
prospects who have posted to your site. Make sure you use a free
mailbox or several free mail boxes to collect the mail that comes back
to you. You will be overwhelmed by mail if you use your regular address.
Don't just trash all of your 'junk mail.' There are some legitimate
offers that will come your way. By taking the time to scan your 'junk
mail' for possible gems, you may find marketing techniques that you can
use in the promotion of your sites.
FFA sites can help you make sales. I wouldn't recommend using only FFA
sites to promote your online business, but it should be a tool in your
marketing toolbox. As long as you are getting fresh leads every month
and you are making sales without investing too much time, then continue
to use your FFA site.
Why FFA Is Not A Good Idea
I did a lot of reading about FFA (Free For All
Marketing). In spite of all of the negative information I read, I
decided to give it a try. I signed up for a site that claimed to give
me 12 millions ads for free by using FFA. I don't want to knock any one
site so I won't mention the name of the site. But I will say, in my
opinion, that this sort of traffic is worthless. The site claimed that
if I submitted my link, I would get 12 million free ads, I would get
millions of links to my website, and I would increase my SEO.
After signing up for this free service, I started seeing what was
really going on. In order to submit my ad, I had to agree to receive
emails from the sites that my ad was submitted to. After several days,
I realized that I was averaging around 300 emails a day. I won't call
them spam because I did sign up for this. But they are nothing but
advertisements. Now don't get me wrong. I'm always looking for new
opportunities and I don't mind checking out new sites to see if I can
improve my own business. But let's be serious. If you are receiving
250-300 emails per day, are you actually going to ready them. I know I
don't have time to read all of them and pick and choose what is
actually a wise business opportunity. And if you are serious about
building a home based business like I am, then you certainly don't have
the time to waste on this either.
I did some research and I found out the following details. If you join
a FFA system
like this, your website is actually only submitted to around 700 seldom
visited websites. Not the millions that are advertised. These websites
are primarily visited by other marketers who are also trying to earn
free traffic to there website so. And the amount of space available
means that your ad will only be posted for a few hours at most. As far
as the email ads goes, consider this. If your email is sent to all of
the other FFA subscribers, they are not likely to be even read. Not if
your email ad is 1 of 300 emails that this person gets every day. I
know that I didn't read the 300 emails per day that I was getting and
I'm betting that the other FFA subscribers won't either.
Do not post to FFA's (Free For All Sites) & Link Farms
With learning about online promotion, there is so much information out
there about "what you should be doing" to promote you business. This
tutorial will be to inform you about what you SHOULDN'T DO!
What are (FFA's) Free For All Sites & Link Farms?
These types of sites can be recognized by their one purpose. To list
100's, maybe 1000's of "One Line Ads" on all on one page.
What was the initial purpose?
A few years back when this form of promotion was very popular, everyone
was posting their one line ads on these types of sites for more traffic
to their site and a better "link popularity". It was soon realized that
"FFA" sites don't do either.
How can adding a small, one line ad accompanied by 100's of others that
isn't related to each other benefit you???
The only people they benefit are spammers...
Here's why!
Once you submit your one line classified ad, you automatically give the
owners of the FFA sites to send you messages. At the same time, there
are 1000's of marketers who are gathering your e-mail to do the very
same thing.
FFA's are like being in heaven to spammers...
Honestly though, have you ever spent the time to visit a site from
these lists?
Do you honestly want to ruin your e-mail just from posting one time???
I guarantee you that your inbox will be full within a matter of weeks.
On another note, Google is actively searching these FFA sites and
penalizing them. They offer no use to visitors. Please do your business
a favor, never list and FFA sites on your site, you might be subject to
being penalized as well from Google.
Once that happens, you'll be spending most of your time trying to
recover from the loss.
How I Generate More Than 200 Leads Every Month
Leads are the life blood of any business. It doesn't matter if you
conduct business online or offline, high-tech or low-tech. If you want
to stay in business, you have to make sales. And if you want to make
sales, you need to be generating a steady flow of leads.
This article is going to show you EXACTLY how I generate an average of
more than 200 leads each and every month.
The first step, of course, is to set up your AutoResponder. Your
AutoResponder is the backbone to any lead generation and email
marketing campaign.
Your AutoResponder can be as simple as setting up a single message that
introduces your prospects to your company, lets them know what you have
to offer, and invites them to your web site for more details (and to
place an order).
Or you can set up a series of follow up messages that are scheduled to
go out daily, weekly, monthly, etc... depending on your preferences and
what your market is expecting.
Your letters don't have to be perfect. They just need to be clear and
ready to be sent out. You can (and should) make adjustments along the
Once your AutoResponder is set up with at least one message, then it's
time to start the work of promoting to attract visitors to your offer.
So here are the exact steps I take to generate a constant steady flow
of leads for my offers:
1. I set up my AutoResponder with my follow up letters.
2. I set up my blog (Free).
3. Since my AutoResponder service offers free hosted capture pages, I
also set up my hosted capture pages.
4. I set up my AutoResponder subscription forms and added them to:
My capture pages
My own web site
My blog
5. I set up Banner Ads and point them to a site with a subscription
form such as my blog, my web site, or my capture page.
6. I set up my FFA Page Ad to send out an ad about my free report. When
they click the link in that ad, they are taken to one of my capture
7. I set up social networking accounts on sites like twitter.com,
myspace.com, and facebook.com (Free).
8. I set up an author account at my two favorite article directories:
9. I make sure my Email Signature file has a link to either my web
site, my hosted capture page, or my blog. (Free).
10. I join relevant discussion forums. A quick search on Google for
forums related to your market or niche should give you a considerable
list to start with. (Free).
11. I set up an AdWords account at Google.
So Why Do I Set Up All These Things and How Do I Generate Leads With
My AutoResponder
This is the control center for all of your lead generation and contact
management. This is where you will manage your leads. This is also
where you will create, manage, and edit your follow up messages,
broadcasts, etc...
My Blog
Blogging isn't as scary as some people would like you to think it is.
Think of your blog as your public journal where you can share your
thoughts, experiences, updates, background, etc... Like social network
sites, think of your blog as a place online where you are throwing a
little 'get together' for your friends and associates. The attitude of
your posts should be light, informative, entertaining, and relevant to
what your business is about.
Personally, I use my blog to update associates and followers on what
I'm doing to generate leads, how business is going, any new techniques
or developments we've come up with, etc...
Notice that I've added a subscription form to my blog. As people read
my posts, my hope is that they will want to know more and will fill out
the form to request information.
Subscription Forms
Your AutoResponder isn't going to do you any good if people don't know
how to request information. This is what your subscription forms are
for and you want to make sure they are on every point of contact you
have online.
Be sure you have added forms to your own web site, your blog, etc... Be
sure you have created Hosted Capture Forms.
Banner Ads
I set up a few banners and point them back to my web site with the
capture forms. The Banner Ads offer a free report or benefit and invite
prospects to visit and request more information. I don't really have to
do anything with the banner ads once they are set up and this little
auto-pilot tool typically brings me anywhere from 5 to 12 new leads
each month.
FFA Page
I've been pretty clear that FFA Page leads aren't for everyone. In my
case, they work out well because most of these leads are people that
want to sell something and I offer tools to help them market more
effectively. The best part is that I just set the silly thing up and
let it run. I get anywhere from 10 to 20 new leads a month from this
option. I might check on it every couple of months to see if the
responses are still consistent and make any changes that I think may be
Social Networking
This is, quite honestly, a new venture for me. I'm on twitter, MySpace,
and Facebook. Like blogging, I think of these sites as little social
gatherings (online parties). They can be fun and entertaining. I keep
up with friends and associates and, in general, just make sure I make
regular appearances to keep everyone updated.
NOTE: There is a little bit of an "art" to working blogs and social
networking sites. Don't be one of those people that shows up at the
party and says, "Hey! Wanna buy my stuff?". Take some time to build
rapport. Get to know other participants in your networks. Participate
in some of the conversations. Let people get to know you. As your
network begins to learn about you, the time will come when someone is
thinking, "Hey ... I need to find someone that can ...... " and that is
when they think of you.
For example: Let's say you sell pink widget gizmos. As you're getting
to know people in your networks, your profile states that you are the
premier supplier for pink widget gizmos. You conduct yourself in a
responsible and professional manner on the various networks you are a
part of. People start to like and trust you. Someone asks, "Hey... do
you know where I can get some really good pink widget gizmos?" and they
or their other friends in their network will remember that YOU are the
go-to person for pink widget gizmos.
Article Marketing
Going back to our pink widget gizmos story, because you know something
about them, I bet it's a safe bet to say that you could probably write
a few articles about them. Article marketing is a great way to:
* Establish your credibility as an expert in your field.
* Get free publicity.
* Get free back links to your web site.
If you are not comfortable writing just yet, do a quick search for
"ghost writers" on any major search directory.
Make a point of creating and submitting articles regularly.
Not sure if article marketing works? You're reading some of my article
marketing, right now.
Email Signature File
Just about every email program I'm aware of has an Email Signature
option. This is where you can create a bit of text that will
automatically appear at the bottom of any email you send. This should
include your name, a one line pitch about your offer, and a link to
your blog, web site, or capture page. Every time you send out email,
reply to an email, etc... your little signature file is there helping
to identify you as an expert in your field.
Discussion Forums
Every industry has its own discussion forums. They can be a great way
to get information, tips, and updates on changes within your industry.
I highly recommend joining a few of the more active forums for a few
* You can learn new things.
* You can share some of your own knowledge and experience.
* The Signature. Every discussion forum I participate in allows you to
create a signature. Like your Email Signature, this is a few lines of
text that will always appear at the bottom of any message you post in
the forum.
A few tips on making the most of your discussion forum experience:
Back to the "online party" concept. Imagine being in a room of your
peers and/or people interested in your industry. Don't be the doofus
that walks in to the room and yells out, "Hey! Wanna buy my stuff?".
Take time to build your credibility and let people get to know you.
Participate in some relevant discussions. Offer insights and your own
Don't just reply with things like, "Good post" or "I agree". These are
just blatant attempts to get your Signature seen and will cause people
to quickly begin ignoring your posts or may even cause the
Administrator to block you from accessing the forums.
Take your time. Get to know the forums. Let the other members get to
know you. Be patient and establish yourself as a credible and
professional expert. That's when the leads start coming to you!
Google AdWords
Google AdWords could easily become an entire lesson in and of itself.
But let me just say this: A Google AdWords account is well worth taking
the time to learn and use. I don't bid high dollars for very popular
words. Instead, I look for words that are not as popular and can be
head for much less than my competitors might spend on popular words.
This is called "long tail keywords" and can be very profitable.
Google has some excellent tutorials on their systems and I encourage
you to become a student of the Google AdWords system. Then start with a
small budget to test your results. As you begin to see solid results,
you can use the money from your new sales to increase your budget over
These resources combined with consistent management and running various
ads here and there have consistently generate 200+ leads every single
month for me. And these are highly targeted and responsive leads.
Don't be overwhelmed if you are new to any or all of these techniques.
Take one at a time and learn it. When you are comfortable with that
one, add the next technique. The key is to be consistent and to make
sure you take some action each and every day.
Free Ad Websites Some Genuine Some are Spam and Automated Submission is
Mostly Junk
Well let me start off by saying everyone can do well with free targeted
traffic. Free ad websites bring you targeted traffic if used correctly.
They are numerous sites out there that claim to be real free ad
websites, but lets analyze this claim. I have in my own past SEO link
building and even link traffic campaigns, have tried vigorously to gain
traffic and links to my sites from these so called free ad websites. I
submitted my sites to 1000s of these free ad sites. On a logical sense
of luck or probability you would assume that you will get visits to
your site. Want to hear the results, nada,zilch zip. When checking my
back links, some of the links were on porn or phishing sites. I caught
a trojan from a malicious script once oooch. So much for my link
building efforts, luckily I was not de-indexed from googy.
The automated software programs that submit your site to 100000s of
free ad websites are in the most part junk. Do you want to know what I
got for my efforts. I got about 1000+ emails in my spam folder of
someones product and services. Someone was offering ad submission to
50,000 sites, for a fee of course. Another person even admits that the
free ad submission software
was junk (only with the user expectations) and that submission to those
sites was a waste of time. The guy even offered me a membership to join
a network of these sites.(the dark side). I did my research and found
the script that he was selling in his ad, a free version at least. I
installed the script.and to my surprise the script is some how linked
to the software. The classified site script asks me if I wanted
inclusion in the automated submission database. You See those sites are
simply dummy sites called email harvesters that collect your
information and send you spam, when all you wanted to do was place a
free ad to get some dorn traffic. These techniques are all part of lead
generation scheme, in which emails are harvested and spam is sent out.
The black hat webmaster could care less if you or even himself for that
matter get any traffic. "It's all in the list", a reverse advertising
tactic used to generate unethical leads. This is all in an effort to
achieve a sale, via huge mass mailings on a daily basis. You see 99% of
these sites don't really get a lot of visitors. A lot of people use the
automated software on these so called free ad websites. Why would they
want to visit the site if the software is doing the submission. Maybe
Joe Bob will visit your site via one of the emails sent maybe not. Some
of these site are either not indexed or simply banned from search
engines. Who may be benefit from this you may ask yourself?, who else
the dorn peice of poop webmaster. He collects all the emails and send
out his own ads, quite clever. Back in the day FFA and classifieds
sites use to be very beneficial for both parties. Now a days it's all
one sided, fact is the automated software submission have caused the
down fall of the FFA and ad networks as we knew them. That concept is
pretty much dead due to automation and abuse.
In Conclusion, you submit to 1000s of sites which equates to being
countered with 1000s of spam offers. Sometimes you can get a virus for
your troubles too. So do yourself a favor don't buy, steal or otherwise
use these software programs. Use Google or a trusted engine to find
reputable sites to post your ads and trade links. There is a good
reason why there in the 1st page of googy, they rock. The random ffa
and classifieds sites just suck. Let me give you a few recommended
These are authority sites that get thousands of quality visitors a day.
This is really a short list. My site affnest is not up there yet. I
hope to be there some day though. I invite all webmasters,individuals
and affiliates to post there free ads to my site.
My final thoughts are
use semi automated software for link building. Those semi-automated
directory submission programs are ok. You can also post relevant
comments to blogs and forums but do not spam them. Thank you for
reading and may god bless you with all your future endeavors.
Free For All Sites: How They Can Actually Help Your Business
Anyone whose been marketing online knows that generating leads can be a
time consuming and expensive experience. It's something that must be
done however if you expect to make it in any business. The money is in
the list, as they say.
There are many different ways to generate leads. Some companies will
even give you leads for free when you join their corporation. The
problem with free leads like this is that they can be old and possibly
untargeted. I joined one network marketing company that gave members
free names and phone numbers of people they said had requested
information on working from home. Of the hundreds of numbers I was
given a large number were disconnected or a wrong number, and even more
had no idea where I could have gotten their name from, and weren't the
least bit interested in working at home. Others still remembered
requesting information, a year ago! As you can imagine these leads were
no where near as great as they had been made out to be.
If you want fresh leads, 1 to 2 days old max, you can pay for them, but
they're going to cost you. Some places charge a dollar or more per
lead, which can obviously add up very quickly. You'd better have an
amazing sales pitch and be prepared to follow up with these leads if
you expect to make your money back, and hopefully a profit.
What if you don't have the money to purchase quality leads, and don't
want the hassle of trying to sell to people whose names, numbers and
email addresses have been given away for free all over the place? At
best they'll hang up on you, or delete your email. At worst they'll be
rude to you on the phone or report your email as spam. There is an
easier way to build you list, that won't cost you a thing. In fact it
has the potential to make you money. Free for all sites. Now before you
say these sites are useless, and that no one ever sees your ads, let me
explain. Of course these sites are worthless if you're posting to them,
but what about the people hosting them? Not only do you get the names
and emails of people looking to make money on the internet, but you can
advertise to them as well. When they post their ad on your FFA site,
they're required to confirm their post via email. You can put your ad
in the signature line of every email you send to people, and then
follow up with them in a day or two. Plus a lot of these FFA sites pay
you when someone gets their own site under you. Depending on your
marketing, this alone could bring you in a nice monthly income, on the
side of your primary business.
Every FFA site is a little different. Some cost more to own and run,
and some are only good for generating leads, but they won't pay you.
Usually you can sign up for free with an option to upgrade. Depending
on what benefits they offer pro members, this can be a real advantage
to have. You can upgrade at some sites for under $20 per month. That's
pretty cheap when you think about everything you're getting in return.
Finding these sites isn't hard either, just do a search on your
favorite search engine for FFA's or Free For All, and start looking at
what different ones offer. If you're not comfortable paying right away,
sign up for free and get a feel for how the site works, and then
upgrade if you're satisfied
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