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You have most
probabbly read the home page if not I suggest you read the
page 1st specially written about Safelists.There are
thousands of
safelists on the net and each safelist is not equally effective.As I
wrote before there is basically 2 types of safelis
1.Simple/General/Standard or traditional safelists and 2.
Credit based .In credit based safelist you have to have
credits to
post or send your e-mail message to others and to earn
you have to read the e-mail messages of other members and
click on
credit link inside a message so naturally credit based safelists are
more effective then the standard tradional ones.
Nobody loves Safelist Advertising...
Why?Because you get lots of e-mails from other members.
But if use the safelists the right way you can promote your business or
website.The safelists are one of the best free advertising and free
traffic generating soutce.
safelists & website traffic
What are safelists?
Safelist is a membership site where each member agree to receive
commercial e-mails from all other members without accusing them of spam.
The term "safelist" is derived from the following two points:
1. A group of people you can mail to is known as a
"list", and
2. Because everybody has agreed to receive e-mails
everybody on the list, the list is "Safe" from Spam complaints.
Ultimately the phrase "this is a safe list" was shortened to "safelist".
As a member of a safelist you have to obey rules and regulation of the
safelist and you can e-mail to other members as per your membership
level.keep in mind that the opposite is true...EVERY other member of
the safelist has the right to send YOU an as per his membership level .
If you are a member of large safelist or many
safelist then you will receive great amount of mails so while joining
choose Gmail as your sfelist e-mail.
Some of the newer safelists are credit based safelists and you can send
e-mail messages as per the points you have.You can earn piont by
clicking the credit links which you receive in your e-mails from the
other members of sfelists.At start you get sign up points and after
that either you have to earn by reading other members e-mails or by
purchasing them.
. You get more points by:
* referring new members to the safelist
* Clicking links in your admin and list
e-mails. These are known as credit links.
* purchasing them
Are there any features common to safelists?
You can join most safelists as a Free, Pro or in some
cases Executive member.Pro and Executive are generally paid
General posting periods to safelists are:
- Free members can post once every seven
-Free members can only send message to free members only.
- Pro members can post every day.
-Pro members can sen message to pro and free members only.
- Exe members can post two or more times
per day.
-Executive members can send messsage to every one,free,pro
and executive.
You need 2 e-mail addresses.One is for
e-mails from other members called safelist e-mail adress.
2nd e-mail address for receiving e-mails from admin called
admin e-mail safelist.
If you have join a big safelist or many safelist then you should keep a
large e-mail account with enough storage facility.If you want to use
free e-mail address you should use G-mail e-mail account.If you do not
take necessary measures at start then your e-mail account will be full
and the e-mails from the safelist will be bounced back and the safelist
will delete your account and ban you.Some of the new type of safelists
are not deleting your account but put your account so you will not
receive any more mails but at the same time you can not send e-mails to
others as well.You have to empty your safelist e-mail address or you
have to change the safalist e-mail address and then they will put you
on off vacation or not vacation mode and then you start to receive
e-mails from other members and you yourself can send message
other members as well.
Important - Some safelist administrators will send you lots of
advertisements under the mis understanding that when you joined, you
agreed to receive e-mails from "admin" and so they have the right to
send you e-mails with advertisements.
You will get less mail from spammers than you will get from safelist
"admin"( LOL)
Unfortunately you cannot just download and delete all this "admin"
e-mail because there will be legitimate e-mails containing true
administration information.
As mentioned previously you will also receive "click links" from
safelists that use a points system for sending e-mails.
Should I post my advertisement in text or HTML?
In a lot of safelists you can only post text e-mails...
But a some of the newer scripts allow you to post HTML e-mails. This
means you can post e-mails that look like a web page.
The jury is still out on whether posting HTML e-mails to safelists is
worth it or not. Certainly the large bulk mailboxes, by default, will
not show HTML e-mails, only text e-mails. HTML e-mails are shown as
attachments when you open the e-mail.
Bulk e-mail servers handle vast amounts of e-mails and HTML e-mails are
generally bigger in size than a text e-mail and so they greatly
increase the load on the servers.
Bear in mind that not all of the auto-posting programs can handle HTML
Also, think of your poor readers going through thousands of e-mails,
the last thing they want, is to open an e-mail and then have to wait
for it to load because you sent them a HTML e-mail.
For now concentrate on sending text e-mails.
Are safelists effective?
If you just want to send emails promoting your website, posting to
safelists is a waste of time!
The most effective way to use safelists is to use them to promote your
newsletter or ezine. Once the safelist user has opted into your
newsletter, you get countless opportunities to promote not just your
website but others as well.
The secret is to build a relationship with your subscribers. Not in the
sense of making friends, but so that your subscribers trust what you
say, and to take the advice you give them (including buy the products
you recommend).
How do I know if a safelist is responsive?
There is a very useful resource known as TrafficHoopla which
continuously tests and publishes the most effective safelists.
The web page at TrafficHoopla has a list which contains the top five
safelists plus a few more slightly less effective safelists (at the
bottom of the page).
If you want to find more effective safelists you will have to take out
a paid monthly membership.
If you are not interested in spending any money and still want to find
which safelists are effective, you'll have to do some work and maintain
accurate records...
A bad ad will not get many responses from a very responsive safelist
and a good ad might get as many responses from an unresponsive safelist.
The only way you will be able to tell which safelists are responsive is
to compare them against each other.
website traffic & safelists
1st of all what is a
In simple words a safelist is a one kind of membership site
where each member agrees to receive commercial mail from all other
members of the safelist without accusing the member of spam.we call a
group of people a "list" whom we can send message and because every
memberof the "list" agrees to receive commercial message from the all
other members of the "list" without accusing the sender of the spam so
the list is "safe" safe for mailing or sending message.So the actual
term was "It is a safe list" and from that it was shortened
generated a new term "Safelist" which became popular.
So as a safelist member you have right to send
frequently to all the other members of the list.The frequency of
sending message or mail is depend on your membership level and
different for various safelist.I mean every safelist has its own rules
and regulations
Do not forget that all other members of the safelist has same
right and you are agreed to receive e-mail from them.That mens you
should have big e-mail account with lots of space as you are going to
receive lots of mails from other members.
There are new generation of safelists which are called credit
based safelist.Credit based safelists operate on the bases of point
system or credit system.When you join a credit based safelist you will
get certain credits or point as a sign up bonus and the credits or
points will decide how may members you can send message to.And with
each message certain credits or points are deducted from your account
and any time if the credits or point reach zero then you can not send
message to any member until you earn back credits.There are ways to
earn credits.Basically there are main 2 ways to earn credits or points
from a credit based safelist and those are 1.clicking credit link in
the messages you receive and 2. by refering new members 3. by clicking
banners on the safelist site or banner displayed on the top frame when
you click a credit link and visit the advertised site 4. lastly by
purchasing them.In short if you want to send message to other members
you must earn required credits.
So the credit based safelist is more responsive and
than a simple traditional safelist because every one has to read mails
to earn credits or points so your message is going to get definite
Common features of safelists :
Generally all safelists have 2 types of membership levels 1.
and 2.Pro or Paid Membership and some safelists have
more mebership
levels such as Executive and Platinum.
General frequncy for sending message at each membership
level for safelists are as below
-Every 7 days for free membership levels.
-Everyday for a pro membership level.
-2 times a day for executive membership levels etc.
At start before the auto submit services was existing,there was a need
for only one e-mail account to join a safe list but after the auto
submit services came into existence the volume of mails received by a
member is increased vastly.And so admin or owner messages get mixed up
in all these messages and memners were not finding or reading news and
other updates from admin or owner so the new scripts were born which
require 2 seperate e-mail addresses...1.Safelist e-mail address where
you will receive mails from other members and 2. admin/contact e-mail
address where you will receive messages from admin or owner.I
Remember you have to keep your list e-mail address big and have to keep
it clean by regularly deleting messages which you could not read
because you are going to receive lotsI of mails from other members at
this e-mail address.If you don't do this then continuty of your account
with safelists is going to jeoparize as with full list e-mail
address,the mails from the safelists are going to bounce back and
safelists will either delete your accounts or put your accounts on
vacation mode where the incoming mails from safelists will be stopped
but you can also not post your message to other members until you solve
the problem.
As I wrote above if you have joined multiple safelists you are going to
receive lots of mail and so you should solve this problem either by
using auto delete software or using a big e-mail address like G-mails.
Do not forget that you are also going to get lots of commercial mail
ads from safelists' admins under the wrong understanding of
admins.Admins understand that you join the safelists so you have agreed
to receive mails from them.Sometime you will get more e-mail ads from
admins than a spammer can send.So you also need big e-mail account for
your admin as well. Remember you can not delete all the mails for
admins as there are really useful messages about site news etc.
As I said before the safelists which use credit sytem will send yout
the clickable credit links and by clicking them you will earn credits
and as per your credits it will be decided how many e-mails you can
send.In the old traditional safelists only text e-mails were allowed
but new generation of safelists provide you facility to send html
e-mails as well.
Still it is the point of discussion whether to
post html
e-mails or plain text e-mails while using safelists. because html
e-mails are bigger than plain text ones and use more server
resources.Morever big e-mail boxes by defalut configured not to display
html e-mails and if show them then as attachements.
Keep in mind that all auto posting programs can not have facility to
handle html e-mails.
One more point to consider is that most safelists have global audiance
and every one uses different internet connection with different
speed.So users who use slow connection will have to wait for loading
html e-mail and no body linkes waiting when he is browsing thousands of
e-mails so in my opinion it is better to send plain text e-mail message
than html one.
Ouestion is Safelist Advertsing is effective or not?
In my opinion direct selling to safelists is waste of time.In sted you
should try to generate leads and subscribers.Offer something valuable
free and once someone subscribe to your list,you have too many
opprtunity to promote your products or affiliate products.
What is the best product/s to offer?Simple in my opinion if you are
promoting at free advertising sites then the choice of product/s should
be related to free advertising to generate leads or subscribers.If you
are promoting at free adbords then the choice of product/s
be related to free adboards for generating leads or
subscribers.Same way the choice for safelists should be the produc/s
related to safelists.
Do you have such product/s ?If not I have here solution : I have got a
safelist related site where you can download the products related to
safelists.Some of the products will come with resale rights,some of the
products will come with give away rights and rest of the products will
be for personal use only.For example you will get a safelist submitter
software which will come with give away rights,3 e-books written by me
will come also with give away rights,exceptionally good quality
safelist videos with give away rights.Here I will mentioned these only
because I have got very high response with these products.If you want
to do what i did and achieve very high response like me then you should
make a bundle of the products I mentioned here and give away the
package through(You are not going to get resale rights so nothing to
worry about money) your safelistes e-mail advertising.I recommend you
to read the e-books yourself and watch the videos so you yourself will
learn safelist marketing properly and will be able to achieve desired
result.There are many other products with resale rights and to get more
information visit the site,link is down this page or visit the section
our other sites.
You may know or may do not know but internet marketing,specially
list(Not safelists but I amspeaking about your own subscribers'
list)marketing is in another words relationship marketing.You should
build relationship with subscribers.I am not telling you to make
friends but try to provide help honestly.Do not try to always sell
something to them instead guide them on the right path,always offer
them quality products and do not think about how much money you will
make from them(Most net marketers do this) instead when you decide to
promote any product/s to your perticular niche list(Yeah a successful
internet marketer always has more than one list of subascribers),think
how your subscribers will get benefited by the product/s.How the
product/s can improve their life or financial situation(Depends on what
product/s and whom you are promoting).Be honest to your subscribers.Do
not worry about money,the money will follow automatically to the right
personYour subscribers are not dumb and never treat them that way.You
can get some result once or twice with cunning sales letter but if you
have not provide them what you have claimed in the sales letter then I
am sure your cunning way bounce back to you.Provide them help,help and
more help to solve their problems and offer them only useful
products.Your subscribers are smart enough to understand your real
motive.Eveyone knows every marketer here is to make money but in my
opinion it is more important that how you make money.When your
subscribers understand your true motive(Takes some time so I told to
build relation),will become your true follower and trust you and your
How Can You Decide A Safelist Is Responsive?
There are services like Traffic Hoopla where
they continuously test safelists and publish the lists of top 5,others
publish top 10 and also9 top 20.I am speaking about safelist ranking
services but in my opinion it is not worth to consider these ranking
services and ranks provided by them to perticular safelists including
TrafficHoopal.Why because you are in different situation than these
renaking services as well as you have got different product/s to
promote than them.Everyone of us in different situation and with
different produc/s so you should not go with such ranking services.
In my opinion the best way is to test each safelist with your own
product/s.Remember I said above that with safelists you will not get
much result through direct selling and it is absolute truth but you can
always test your product/s with safelists and it is one of the best
way.Remember if you are free member then safelist advertising is free
for you and you have to invest your time only.So when you decide to
promote a new product of your own or an affiliate product before
investing any money in the paid advertising,you should try to sell it
directly to the safelists' audiance.By tracking the result you can
decide 2 things(Although you are not going to get any sale or perhaps
1-2 orders maximum)1. Which safelist's members are more responsive to
your product/s and 2. How good your product/s is.
For tracking purpose you can use different tracking url for
safelist but have to use the same ad copy for each safelist and post at
least for one month(Long way to go,right?) then you can do two
things,1. Just check your hits to each url(simple ha!) and decide from
which safelist you have got the maximum hits.2. At the end of the test
collect hits from each url and devided the hits of each url
how many days you have posted that url in a safelist.This way you will
get average hit numbers for each safelist and then by comparing them
you can easily find out which safelist is more responsive.
Remember you can never test right thing which one
or 2
posting.You have to do that contiously at least for one month.
One more thing to remember is that the poor ad
copy will
not provide desired result even from high responsive safelist and a
good quality ad can even get result from low responsive safelist.
You have to go through all these steps for each safelist you want
to test.
The safelist which has got highest average hits per day will be the
most responsive safelist.
Remember a safelist with more number of members does not mean that
the safelist willm be responsive or effective.
How to write a safelist e-mail?
most important
part in a safelist e-mail or message is headline or subject.Whey
because most of members have membership in multiple safelsts
they receive lots of mails and going to read only selected once before
deleting others.While deleting the other e-mails what they are goiing
to notice?Subhject of the mail right?So one of the most important part
of your message is your subject or headline.It must be eye catching and
attention grabbing and provoke the reader to open the mail or your mail
most probably is going to be deleted.
You can use the different keyword
characters to
emphathise your subject line like %%%%,****,*,@@,###, "___"
etc.Read below some of the example subject lines or head lines and tell
me which one force you to open the e-mail by clicking the head
Ever wish for more
traffic?Here is free solution....
Re: Authority
Job Killer Bonus
... ok, this
was NOT expected ... *personal*
The Quickest Way
To Make Money Online Is...
50,000 People
CAN'T Be Wrong!
These are real headlines from my own e-mail
There are way to write highly responsive
1. Be creative and with some trial and error you will be
able to write high responsive headline.-Difficult way!
2. Use a headline creator software-easiest way!
3. Browse your own e-mail box and collect the headlines
provoke you to open the mail,modified one as per your need-Easier Way!
Choice is yours which way you want to choose.
-If you are promoting product as an
affiliate then
do not use the headlines same to same as provided in promotional
material as many will be doing the same.Instead just modified the
headline and ad copy and it will stand out.
-You must include the main benefit of
your product
in your headline.Use menimum words but your reader should know in
advance what benefit he is going to get by opening your
You can not include unlimited words in your safelist mail so there is a
general limit of 2000 character but some also allow to post up to 5000
character in your message and in my opinion 2000 characters are fair
-Your message's should include one major
benefit of your offer
-Ask them to click if you want them to
-Write your e-mail short,sweet and to
the point.
-Always include your full name,e-mail
addres and
your ither sites url at the left bottom corner.Do not use
ISP's e-mail addres as you may get spam there as well as messages from
prospective buyers.But people ask you about your product are best leads
and you should look after them well
-Use PPS or PS at the end with major
How do you post your message in multiple sagfelists?
There are 2 ways to post or submit your message to multiple
1. Manually-tiresome and you can not post in enough as auto
submission has reduced the effectiveness of the safelists.
2. Use safelist submitter services-better as you can reach
auidence with less work but not the best solution as some of your
message will not be going to read by anyone because of large
3. Find the safelists which are credit based and do not use
auto submitter and manually post there-The best one
Does Safelist E-Mail
Marketing Really Work
A safelist is a group of people who have agreed to send and receive
email messages from one another. The fact that everyone agree to
receive these emails makes it safe to send them. All safelists today
are opt-in meaning people choose to receive your messages.
This means they can also opt-out and choose not to receive your
messages at anytime The main benefit of opt-in safelists means you can
get your message out to thousands of people everyday without being
accused of spamming.
In the early days of email marketing safelists were abused which
created a black eye for safelists as a form of marketing. Safelists
have overcome the weakness of the earlier system. Today safelists are
generally operated from a web site. If you wish to send your message to
other members of the safelist you will have to go to the web site and
post your message there. This ensures that someone personally sends the
message. The frequency of sending message is regulated so that members
do not overload other members.
As a members of the safelist you can be reasonably certain that your
message will be delivered where intended. You do not have to worry
about spam complaints. Your messages are delivered without "send to"
address - the recipient of your message will not be able to send
instant reply to you by hitting reply button.
You will get your messages from the safelist and not directly from
other members. Since you are interested in getting your message
delivered to other members you will ensure that your in-box is not full
and you receive the messages sent to you. But how many of them you will
read is another matter.
You may receive hundreds of messages every day. This will depend upon
the number safelists you have joined, their policy and the number of
members they have. It is unlikely that you will read or even open all
the messages.
Safelist marketing is really a game of numbers. You may not be able to
read all your messages, but you will possibly see some of them.
Likewise you can expect other members to read just a few of the
messages they receive. The more the number of recipients you have, the
more you are likely to reach the persons interested in your offer.
Many people have reported substantial success with safelist marketing.
If you seriously wish to benefit from this source, you have to be
consistent. You can join several safelists and send messages every day
in rotation to these safelists. It is important to keep up this
schedule, send message to several hundred or thousand recipients a day,
and let the number work out its magic.
There are free as well as paid safelist services. The paid services
will give you some advantage over a free service, such as higher
frequency of posting, composing your message in HTML etc. You can join
safelists as a free member, analyse the results you are getting from
each safelist and then decide to upgrade in the safelists which are
giving better results.
The thing about safelists is they have been around for a long time and
appear to actually be thriving. Why is that? Could it be that if done
properly safelists actually work. If you decide to use safelists as a
e-mail marketing method work it hard for awhile and make up your own
mind if it is working for you. Be consistent for a period of time and
watch your traffic numbers.
How to Use a Safelist to your Advantage
The following article is the result of years of ongoing interaction
with enthusiasts just like you. The article was written to answer some
of the most frequently asked questions, as well as address common
issues that people have with this topic. I hope that you will find the
information in this article helpful.
A safelist is a group of people who have agreed to receive messages
from one another. It is an off-shoot of opt-in lists that were
prevalent in the early days of the Internet. There were numerous opt-in
groups in which members agreed to send to and receive emails from other
members. Most of these emails were commercial in nature. As the
Internet expanded the people started abusing this system. They started
giving junk-mail addresses or non-existing addresses. Frequently an
autoresponder address was given so that as soon as a message was
received, another message was sent to the sender immediately. Abuse of
opt-in lists rendered the system meaningless.
Safelists have overcome the weakness of the earlier system. The purpose
of using safelists basically remains the same - members agree to
receive information from other members. But this is done more
The safelists are generally operated from a web site. If you wish to
send your message to other members of the safelist you will have to go
to the web site and post your message there. This ensures that someone
personally sends the message. The frequency of sending message is
regulated so that members do not overload other members.
The safelist management takes proper care to maintain their list of
email addresses. Whenever there are incidents like bouncing emails,
full in-boxes or spam filters by which emails are not delivered, such
email addresses are properly dealt with. All members are registered by
double opt-in method. The safelists take particular care to maintain
valid email addresses.
As a member of the safelist you can be reasonably certain that your
message will be delivered where intended. You do not have to worry
about spam complaints. Your messages are delivered without "send to"
address - the recipient of your message will not be able to send
instant reply to you by hitting reply button.
Just A Quick Sidenote: Isn't this information really useful? I don't
know about you, but I have always been curious about this type of
thing! It is really hard to find top quality information about it, so I
decided to share a part of what I have learned about this ... keep
You will get your messages from the safelist and not directly from
other members. Since you are interested in getting your message
delivered to other members you will ensure that your in-box is not full
and you receive the messages sent to you. But how many of them you will
read is another matter.
You may receive hundreds of messages every day. This will depend upon
the number safelists you have joined, their policy and the number of
members they have. It is unlikely that you will read or even open all
the messages. This may not be physically possible and you may also like
to see that your in-box is not full. Therefore you will be in a hurry
to delete those messages and keep room for the next lot. Over a period
of time you may not even feel the moral obligation to read the messages
sent to you. Just remember that other members will also be passing
through this phase.
Safelist marketing is really a game of numbers. You may not be able to
read all your messages, but you will possibly see some of them.
Likewise you can expect other members to read just a few of the
messages they receive. Your message is sent to untargeted recipients -
you are not aware of their profiles and their interests. Some of your
recipients may be interested in what you have to offer and some of them
may be tempted by your subject line to open your letter. The more the
number of recipients you have, the more you are likely to reach the
persons interested in your offer. The headline or subject line of your
message plays a crucial role in drawing the right persons.
Many people have reported substantial success with safelist marketing.
As noted earlier it is a number game. If you seriously wish to benefit
from this source, you have to be consistent. You can join several
safelists and send messages every day in rotation to these safelists.
It is important to keep up this schedule, send message to several
hundred or thousand recipients a day, and let the number work out its
magic. A compelling headline in your message will be most useful in
attracting attention. The body of your message should attract the
reader to click on your link. It is estimated that by sending message
to 50,000 or 100,000 people, you can expect to find one or two
subscribers or customers.
There are free as well as paid safelist services. The paid services
will give you some advantage over a free service, such as higher
frequency of posting, composing your message in HTML etc. You can join
safelists as a free member, analyze the results you are getting from
each safelist and then decide to upgrade in the safelists which are
giving better results.
Safelists are not considered among the top marketing methods such as
PPC, article marketing, solo ads, ezine ads etc. Yet they are thriving.
Clearly people are getting benefits out of them. You will know how
effective safelists will be for you only when you try them. You can try
free for a few weeks and see the results. Then you can make a decision
about continuing with it.
When you decide to use safelists, you should resolve to give them a
fair trial. Only then you will be able to make a good judgment about
them. Just remember the punch line when using safelists - be consistent.
OK, now that you have finished reading this article I want you to find
more resources on this subject. Within just a short period of time you
will have all of the answers that you need!
Using Safelists to Your Advantage
A safelist is a group of people who have agreed to receive messages
from one another. It is an off-shoot of opt-in lists that were
prevalent in the early days of the Internet. There were numerous opt-in
groups in which members agreed to send to and receive emails from other
members. Most of these emails were commercial in nature. As the
Internet expanded the people started abusing this system. They started
giving junk-mail addresses or non-existing addresses. Frequently an
autoresponder address was given so that as soon as a message was
received, another message was sent to the sender immediately. Abuse of
opt-in lists rendered the system meaningless.
Safelists have overcome the weakness of the earlier system. The purpose
of using safelists basically remains the same – members agree
receive information from other members. But this is done more
The safelists are generally operated from a web site. If you wish to
send your message to other members of the safelist you will have to go
to the web site and post your message there. This ensures that someone
personally sends the message. The frequency of sending message is
regulated so that members do not overload other members.
The safelist management takes proper care to maintain their list of
email addresses. Whenever there are incidents like bouncing emails,
full in-boxes or spam filters by which emails are not delivered, such
email addresses are properly dealt with. All members are registered by
double opt-in method. The safelists take particular care to maintain
valid email addresses.
As a member of the safelist you can be reasonably certain that your
message will be delivered where intended. You do not have to worry
about spam complaints. Your messages are delivered without "send to"
address – the recipient of your message will not be able to
instant reply to you by hitting reply button.
You will get your messages from the safelist and not directly from
other members. Since you are interested in getting your message
delivered to other members you will ensure that your in-box is not full
and you receive the messages sent to you. But how many of them you will
read is another matter.
You may receive hundreds of messages every day. This will depend upon
the number safelists you have joined, their policy and the number of
members they have. It is unlikely that you will read or even open all
the messages. This may not be physically possible and you may also like
to see that your in-box is not full. Therefore you will be in a hurry
to delete those messages and keep room for the next lot. Over a period
of time you may not even feel the moral obligation to read the messages
sent to you. Just remember that other members will also be passing
through this phase.
Safelist marketing is really a game of numbers. You may not be able to
read all your messages, but you will possibly see some of them.
Likewise you can expect other members to read just a few of the
messages they receive. Your message is sent to untargeted recipients
– you are not aware of their profiles and their interests.
of your recipients may be interested in what you have to offer and some
of them may be tempted by your subject line to open your letter. The
more the number of recipients you have, the more you are likely to
reach the persons interested in your offer. The headline or subject
line of your message plays a crucial role in drawing the right persons.
Many people have reported substantial success with safelist marketing.
As noted earlier it is a number game. If you seriously wish to benefit
from this source, you have to be consistent. You can join several
safelists and send messages every day in rotation to these safelists.
It is important to keep up this schedule, send message to several
hundred or thousand recipients a day, and let the number work out its
magic. A compelling headline in your message will be most useful in
attracting attention. The body of your message should attract the
reader to click on your link. It is estimated that by sending message
to 50,000 or 100,000 people, you can expect to find one or two
subscribers or customers.
There are free as well as paid safelist services. The paid services
will give you some advantage over a free service, such as higher
frequency of posting, composing your message in HTML etc. You can join
safelists as a free member, analyze the results you are getting from
each safelist and then decide to upgrade in the safelists which are
giving better results.
Safelists are not considered among the top marketing methods such as
PPC, article marketing, solo ads, ezine ads etc. Yet they are thriving.
Clearly people are getting benefits out of them. You will know how
effective safelists will be for you only when you try them. You can try
free for a few weeks and see the results. Then you can make a decision
about continuing with it.
When you decide to use safelists, you should resolve to give them a
fair trial. Only then you will be able to make a good judgment about
them. Just remember the punch line when using safelists – be
Safelist - an Innovative E-mail Marketing System With Difference
“Safelist” is an answer to all the present day
problems of
advertising and marketing through e-mails. It is a classic
‘Safelist’ indeed. Sending and receiving e-mail
offers is a
common requirement for individuals and businesses and
“Safelist” is an innovative and specifically
‘e-mail advertisement and marketing system’ serves
purpose well.
“Safelist” is an opportunity for those who are
looking for
an effective, safe, spam free, and ethical tool for marketing and
. Moreover, all that is in just $1 every month! Ease of paying with
flexibility options is a great feature of the ‘Safelist
advertising’. Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and even
Pal, choose the one depending upon your convenience!
“Safelist” requires no downloading of any software
bundles of e-mail addresses. It is more like an e-mail client like
outlook Express. Customers send their e-mail offers to entire
‘Safelist advertisement and marketing network’. It
time, efforts, and energy largely.
Joining the ‘Safelist’ is just a mouse-click
Join” button at every page on the site makes it a most
feature of ‘Safelist’. The ‘Safelist
needs only e-mail address, and the e-mail address list. A
“Double-Opt-in” process provides a safety net
against all
spam in absolute terms.
“Safelist” is a ‘safe-list’ in
true sense. Its
privacy policy is unparallel. E-mail addresses and lists are free from
all risks including disclosure to third party, sale, and trade in any
circumstances. Any personal information on the network is only for web
protocol research and server administration. Logging here is just
passive and even avoids techniques like cookies.
“Safelist” emphasizes
“net-etiquette” and
expects its members to ensure that forbidden content like adult,
distasteful, hate oriented, illegal, pornographic, and racist content
does not find a place in messages. One should not attempt e-mail
address harvesting from ‘Safelist marketing’.
A unique feature that ‘Safelist’ contains is
“Un-Join”. Specific link takes one through the
process of
removing every record not only from the ‘Safelist’
but also
from the entire topsafelist network, if someone decided to quit.
‘Safelist advertising’ makes its members aware of
the terms
and conditions of joining and deriving maximum benefits of the
services. ‘Safelist advertizing and marketing
system’ uses
an alphabetized categorization and facilitates a search with keywords.
‘Safelist Success Guidelines’ of William Louis
Smith help
customers with creative planning and strategies to derive maximum
benefit from the safelist e-mail marketing system. Not many service
providers care for their customers like this.
• Selecting a right way to choose
‘Username’ always
helps protecting identity theft. Username is the
‘Brand-Ambassador’ and needs a wise selection.
• An ‘eye-catching’ subject line of any
e-mail offer
makes one feels like clicking. It must be clear, concise, and relevant.
• The message must be specific, to the point and with no
repetitive sentences. ‘One idea at one time’ and
emphasizing on obtaining an order with no pressure, is the soul of the
The ‘Safelist advertising and marketing network’
helps customers with an online 24 x 7-response system.
New Safelists Cause Traffic Surge
Until recently safelists were one of those less effective marketing
tools that few knowledgeable marketers ever took seriously. If they
belonged to them at all, they set up separate email accounts, and made
it a habit to simply delete all the emails without so much as a glance.
That was before.
Earlier this year, a radical change came over the safelist marketing
world, one that has turned this sleeping giant into a force to be
recognized, if not reckoned with. Why?
Because of three little words: credit based mailings.
Since this small addition to traditional safelist marketing, marketers
discovering it have been turning to safelist marketing like never
before. That's because credit based mailings -- similar to traffic
exchanges -- effectively do two things: ensure that each email is not
only not opened, but read; and that each mailing will result in
enormous hits to the senders' site.
Since they first began, dozens of these safelists have popped up, with
a few, such as Traffic Pro List, AdTactics, and AdSolutionline, leading
the pack by offering generous click-per-credit ratios or even
committing fully to the credit-based mailing and offering ALL credit
based mailings.
It is a testament to the impact of this change that established
traditional safelists are scrambling to adapt their existing sites to
now include a credit-based feature. The only noteable exception being
Herculist. But even behemoth will be forced to adapt, as they see their
membership begin to migrate to this more effective form of safelist
For those unfamiliar with safelist marketing, the basic premise came
about some years ago, when spam first became an issue. Safelists, in
response to this, developed a simple program that enabled members to
safely exchange emails with other members. But, the glaring deficit
with the system was that few of the members that sent emails ever
bothered to read those they received. Why bother? In fact, most
safelists even recommended that each member have a dedicated email
address, and went so far as to disallow certain email servers because
of their bounce/filtering systems.
But even that may change with the new safelists. That remains to be
Whatever the case, the problem was that few, if any, members ever
actually read the emails, making safelist marketing very in-effectual.
Most marketers simply made sure their inboxes were emptied out on a
regular basis, without even reading the messages.
But all that has changed now.
With credit based mailings offering real time traffic to the
participants, safelist marketing is morphing into one of the few truly
effective ways to market.
In fact, while some of these new credit-based safelists have kept one
foot in the traditional camp by keeping the regular mailer feature, a
few clever entrepreneurs have realized that credit-based mailings are
going to replace the traditional form altogether and have done away
with standard mailers completely.
The leader of the pack in this move is Traffic Pro List, which started
up about a month ago and is already enjoying a fast growing membership
base, any safelists most valuable asset. Traffic Pro List is followed
closely in the All credit based arena by Tutorial4Newbies,
SafelistWorld and SynchronizeURAds, although the last has severely
restricted parameters for free accounts, failing to understand the
value of these members.
In fact, there seems to be some confusion about what to do with credits
for some safelist owners. One or two offer credit based mailings only
on a "for sale" basis, while others give away credits hand-over-fist,
so to speak.
Other key attributes to these type of programs are good basic monthly
credits, credit bonuses from referrals (which can also be used to
populate an internal rotational text and banner ad system), time
allowed between mailings and the amount of time one must visit a site
in order to earn credits and, lastly commissions on referrals, some of
which are considerable and could even produce a side-income worth
But only Traffic Pro list offers the most generous features in all
these areas and even offers tips on how to optimize the whole safelist
experience for newer marketers.
Credit-based mailings will change the way marketers think of safelists.
Which is a good thing, considering the state of email service on the
internet today.--mo
How To Use Safelists Effectively
Safelist marketing is a great way to get free targeted traffic to any
website you own, but if you do not know how to use safelists the right
way you will just find yourself spinning your wheels time after time.
Believe it or not there is a correct way and a wrong way to go about
using safelists.
Today I would like to share with you the correct way to utilize
safelist marketing so it can become more profitable and useful for your
Now before you join any safelist the first thing you must do is create
two junk email accounts, and to do this I recommend you use Gmail which
a free email service provided by Google.
Why do you need two junk emails? When you join a bunch of safelists you
will start getting a ton of emails, and we all know that you do not
want your main email address filling up with a lot of emails now do
you? I didnt think so.
Once you completed the sign up process for your two junk emails the
next thing to do is join some safelists. Here again you do not just
want to join any safelist as not every one of them offers good quality.
The quickest and fastest way to find good quality safelists to join is
to do a simple search in Google using keywords like free safelists, or
credit based safelist.
Which ever safelist you decide to join make sure it is a credit based
safelist. With a credit based safelist it ensures members click on the
links in the email messages. For each link they click on they earn
credits to use to send their own email out.
The next part is sending out your email message. The most important
thing about your email will be your headline. You need to write a
creative headline that will draw peoples attention, and make them click
on it.
To get a good idea of headlines to use simply look at your own email
and see what headlines others are using. Then determine which headlines
stuck out to you and made you click on them.
Now there is a certain time of day you should send your email out. Some
prefer morning others at night, but I like to send my email messages
out around lunch time. This way you catch people when they are more
likely in front of a computer and probably checking their email.
Apply the above steps and strategies and you can turn any safelist you
join into a lead generating machine over night.
Join Huge Safelists
Of the forms of internet marketing being used, safelists garner the
least amount of interest. Mainly because of the uncertainty of email
marketing as a whole. When you break it down , its actually a good way
to get your product out there in front of people. Now its basically
going to be considered spam by some of the people that recieve emails.
But thats not usually the case.
Join The Biggest Safelist On The Internet
Heres why. All the good safelists are created so that the sites are ran
prefectly legal. The members of the safelists joined the safelist for
one reason or another. What makes the safelists approach work well is
the fact that the list members actually aknowledge that they are
interested in certain topics or categories. This usually happens when
they are signing up for Free products or trying to answer survey
questions. So basically , you are sending email to a group of people
that have shown some interest in your product or niche.
Although its always a good idea to start out on a smaller scale when
trying new advertising or marketing, I have always found that joining
huge safelists are the best route. Due to the fact that you save more
money sending to bigger lists, and the lists are customized for big
email 'blasts', if you will. So join huge safelists as soon as you feel
like you are ready. that is, if you are going to do it. Its just way
more cost effective and that is the best way to get a reading on how
responsive the member will be to your emails or products. If you try
with smaller safelists, it will take you too long to figure out the
effectiveness of your product or emails.
In closing , I think its important to be careful of which safelists you
join if you are considering one. For the money, its really not that
expensive. I have had some real success with huge safelists. But I had
to try out a few before I found a few that worked. And sometimes they
are better than you could expect.
Overall, I have to say that if you are building a list of your own,
safelist mailings are perfect for creating a list of your own
subscribers. The best tactic to use is to send out emails that offer
members free informational products taht relate to your category. Its
always a good idea to get off on the right foot with a list. When they
see your emails they will want to open them up. And with the number of
subscribers on the bigger safelists, you will harvest many email
addresses. And thats the best way to use email marketing. So consider
using huge safelists for list building. Life is much better when you
mail to your own list. Its the only way to build an actual relationship
with customers. Thats why they say "The money is in the list".
Safelists - Do They Work ?
Personally, I think NOT. But first, I would like to let those that are
not familiar with safelists learn a little about what they are.
Now, what is a Safelist?
Safelists came into existence when Email "spam" became a big issue.
Simply stated, Safelists are in fact nothing more than a group of
individuals, who agree to receive and send email messages to each other.
The fact that they agree to receive email make these lists "safe",
hence the name Safelist...
A Safelist can be used to advertise web sites, E-books, business
opportunities, affiliate programs and so forth.
Safelists promote the hype that each member will get hundreds of
targeted leads and earn thousands by submitting to their safelist. They
continue the hype by promoting to the unwary that their ads will be
seen and their sites visited. Certain types of sites like this can only
marginally come close to making any sort of guarantee of visitors. Most
of these types of safelists operate a credit based system that awards
viewers credits when they visit other member sites. Once they reach a
certain credit threshold they, in turn, can send out their own message.
The other version of this site does not offer credits, but only says
that you won’t be accused of spamming by other members in the
safelist. In both cases, the member must have a valid e-mail account to
stay a member.
The two main problems arising from this type of system come from the
sheer volume of e-mails coming to the member’s e-mail box.
e-mail box services will simply start filtering them out, thus
eliminating any possibility of them being viewed. The second comes from
the fact that no one has time to read each email that comes into their
box. Many e-mails will simply be mass deleted. Even credit based
safelists have suffered from these problems.
How many people actually take the time to read your e-mails and view
your site with any real intention of buying? It is important to
remember that members of these safelists are trying to sell you their
product. They are not interested in buying from you, and likewise you
are trying to sell your product and are not interested in what they are
offering. So, you have sellers selling to sellers for the most part and
it just won't work. Even credit based systems cannot guarantee sales.
So, with all of this in mind, is it safe to assume you won’t
any money from them? If you do make any money here it is from newbie
marketers who have been told to use safelists and Traffic exchanges(I
will give my take on TE'S another time)and it won’t be as
much as
other proven methods of promotions.
In reality, the only "responsive safelist" an Internet Marketer can
have is the one he or she generates thru legitimate means. For example
starting a newsletter or through the use of lead generating squeeze
Do Safelists Work?
What is a safelist?
A safelist is a website that provides a way for people who join to send
out ads and information to each other. Many of the ads found on
safelists concern ways to make money online. Safelists were created
mainly in response to the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003, which placed serious
restrictions on spamming and which allows for prosecution of those
individuals and companies who transgress these restrictions. Safelists
are "safe" because they provide a place for people to advertise without
being accused of spamming, which can get you into all sorts of trouble
if enough people complain. No one who is really trying to create a
business online wants to be accused of spamming.
Safelists come in all sizes, as they can be owned or started by anyone
who wants one, Some of them have thousands of members, while others
have just a few. There are also services called "safelist submitters,"
which allow you to join and send to hundreds or thousands of safelists
at once. If you are submitting to thousands of safelists, you are
sending your emails to hundreds of thousands or millions of people,
which sounds very exciting. Safelists have been considered for several
years now to be the best place for new marketers or "newbies" to start
their business. But, do they really work? For the most part, safelist
marketing has become obsolete and outdated. It used to work much
better, but since everyone's doing it, it doesn't work very well
anymore, especially because many people now use huge mailboxes that can
automatically delete all messages. In that way, people don't have to go
through their mailboxes and actually look at any of the mail, which
means they aren't really reading any of the messages.
What does work?
With a very catchy or striking subject line, you can still get a few
people here and there to open your email, provided you send out enough
of them to the safelists and at the right time of the week and day. The
correct time and date are usually considered to be "secrets," but they
are common sense. Weekends are usually not a good time, as people are
interested not in work but in play at that time. Many people work in
offices and don't want to read emails after they get home, if they even
have a home computer, so there are many people reading (and deleting)
their messages during lunch hour. Now, "lunch hour" varies around the
world, as does the "weekend," so you will have to account for when that
will occur most appropriately for your business enterprise. If you join
a safelist submitter that mails to at least 1 million people, if you
have a catchy subject line and a compelling body copy, and if you send
out these messages – rotating your ads – at the
times of day and week, you may see a satisfying amount of traffic going
to your website. In this sense, it can be said that safelists do work,
but that "iffy" success is only one part of the net-marketing battle!
How to Use a Safelist for Long-term Success
To become effective in learning how to use a safelist, first you must
inform yourself of what a safelist is about. Basically, it is a list of
opt-in subscribers who have permitted you to send them information
regarding your products or services. This is unlike a spam, which
forwards unsolicited emails to various email addresses.
Get Positive Responses Through Safelist Advertising
Several internet marketers dismiss safelist advertising as a waste of
time. To a certain extent, it is true. However, there are tips to help
email marketing work to your advantage. Here are a few ones you can use:
1.Do not sell upfront. - With a safelist, you seldom expect purchases
on the spot. Instead, you can provide free information that will rouse
your prospects' curiosity and encourage them to visit your site or see
what new products or services you have available. It is also your key
to finding long term customers.
2.Use a catchy or attention-grabbing email subject. - Unless you have a
subject that will rouse their interest, most people will not bother
opening their emails. This is related to what most gurus say about
safelist being a waste of time. Therefore, be creative and make them an
irresistible offer.
3.Highlight the benefits to the customer. - Focus on how your product
or service can help improve your customers' lives. Appeal to their
emotions, but make sure that it sounds genuine.
4.Avoid excessive links. - A link to your website or your affiliates'
site should be enough.
Maximize Your List
Online marketers often wonder how they fail to get positive results
despite of tremendous efforts on building a safelist. What they fail to
realize is that gathering a list is not enough, there are several
factors to consider.
Poor safelist performance result from untargeted lists. Even if your
subscribers receive emails from your company, if it is not of the
recipient's interest to avail of your product or service then you
cannot expect to generate sales. Therefore, when gathering email
addresses, you have to make sure that the people on your list are
possible customers.
Another important factor to achieve better result is the frequency of
sending emails. As much as possible, refrain from sending daily emails
because it might annoy the person and force them to unsubscribe.
Meanwhile, monthly emails prevent you from updating your subscribers
whenever you have any new product, service, or promos available. You
can opt to send emails on a bi-weekly cycle.
The same goes with the volume of emails you send. Do not flood your
subscriber's inbox with tons of emails that they will not read anyway.
Instead, send them substantial emails that include all the information
they might find useful and provide the necessary links. Also, refrain
from sending the same email content more than once.
Benefits of a Safelist
Creating a safelist is a cost-efficient way of promoting your products,
as well as that of your affiliates'. As long as you take note of the
tips above, you will be able to maximize the list of emails you have
gathered and spread the word about your business.
The best thing about email marketing is that you constantly update your
subscribers about any new products that they might avail of, instead of
one-time advertisement. Hence, even if they do not avail of your
products or services now, they might in the future. Indeed, a safelist
is an effective tool to bring in long-term customers.
Once you've learned how to use a safelist effectively, you can bring in
more traffic that can be converted to sales but without the expensive
advertisement costs.
What is the #1 Thing to Do for Marketing With Safelists
I know you read the title because you are reading this. That is part of
what makes safelists work. You have to get read. But that is not the
most important thing. Do you want to know what is the most important
thing you must do when using safelists to promote your business. Read
Many people start with safelists because of the cost. Can you say FREE!
It does take time to read emails and put your campaign together. If you
have time safelists may be for you.
Safelists work like this. You agree to receive emails from other
members. Then you decide which emails to read. You also decide when to
email other members.
You have to ask yourself as a safelist member do you read the emails
you are receiving? If not then why would someone want to read yours.
This is the biggest problem with being a safelist member. If you will
not read other member's emails why would they read yours?
So here is what happened. Much like traffic exchanges a credit system
was developed to help get the emails read. It works like this. You get
to send emails to as many members as you have credits. When you join a
safelist you earn credits. If you upgrade you get even more credits.
The more credits you have, the more emails you send, the more potential
you have of having your email read by other safelist members.
The nice thing about this system is that people use up their credits
and can not email anymore. This helps to cut down on the number of
emails everyone receives.
To build up credits you can either buy them or you can earn them
reading the emails you receive. Again like a traffic exchange where you
earn credits to view ads, with this you earn credits to view emails.
The incentive is that you may earn enough credits to email 1000 members
just from reading 20 emails. The percentage you earn is favorable
enough to make you want to read them.
So this is the number one thing to do for safelists marketing to work
for you. Join credit based safelists. Even if your title is bad you
will still get some of your emails opened because everyone wants to
earn credits. If you do it this way you will get a lot of free
advertising and can even make money doing it.
The E-mail Safelist Scam
Emailing to a list is considered the best way to get fast results in
any marketing campaign. Unfortunately for the Internet Marketer
, this can also lead to lawsuits if one is not careful. To most, the
obvious solution is to join a marketing safelist and promote to it.
Safelists promote the hype that each member will earn thousands by
submitting to their safelist. They continue the hype by promoting to
the unwary that their ads will be seen and their sites visited. Certain
types of sites like this can only marginally come close to making any
sort of guarantee of visitors. These types of safelist operate a credit
based system that awards viewers credits when they visit other member
sites. Once they reach a certain credit threshold they, in turn, can
send out their own message.
The other version of this site does not offer credits, but only says
that you won't be accused of spamming by other members in the safelist.
In both cases, the member must have a valid e-mail account to stay a
The two main problems arising from this type of scam come from the
sheer volume of e-mails coming to the member's e-mail box. Many e-mail
box services will simply start filtering them out, thus eliminating any
possibility of them being viewed. The second comes from the fact that
noone has time to read each email that comes into their box. Many
e-mails will simply be mass deleted. Even credit based safelists have
suffered from these problems.
How many people actually take the time to read your e-mails and view
your site with any real intention of buying? It is important to
remember that members of these safelists are trying to sell you their
product. THey are not interested in buying from you. Even credit based
based systems cannot gurantee sales. So, with all of this in mind, is
it safe to assume you won't make any money from them? If you do make
any money here, it won't be as much as other proven methods of
Ironically these types of scams will continue to grow and multiply.
Why? They promote their hype and people believe it and join them. They
then refer still others who also believe the hype. They may even make
some money on commissions that may, or may not, be offered. The only
real winners are the list owners themselves who can offer their members
additional credits to their members or upgraded memberships.
In reality, the only responsive safelist an Internet Marketer can have
is the one he or she generates thru legitmate means. For example
starting a newsletter or through the use of lead generating squeeze
pages. Even here it is alsways important to give your audience
something of real value which can come in the form of a free gift or
lessons on some subject. It is always wise to allow for members to opt
out when they choose to and conform to the Can-Spam laws.
Safelist Marketing - 4 Ideas for Success
Because there are so many different ways to market an Internet business
safelist marketing can be overlooked. This could be a mistake because
there are many successful Internet marketers using safe list marketing
In this article let's take a look at four ideas for using safelist
marketing successfully.
1. Getting your email opened is always going to be the key to any type
of marketing involving it. Successfully marketing using safe lists will
mean you need to get your e-mails open.
The best way to do this is to join a credit based marketing program.
These work on the premise that you earn credits for sending e mails by
reading the emails of the other members. The more credits you have the
more emails you will be able to send.
You can do the math, but obviously the more e-mails you are sending the
more chances you have that they will be read and someone will see
something that appeals to them about your products.
2. The way to develop more credits is to not manually sit and read
e-mails all day long, but rather to upgrade to a pro member status and
earn credits by purchasing them. This works similar to traffic
exchanges in that buying credits is a much faster way to get your
emails read then it is to earn the credits by manually reading them one
at a time.
3. If you are not able to purchase credits then it is important that
you earn them by opening emails and reading them from other members.
The nice thing about this is that you can invest your time rather than
your money to earn credits which can potentially create more e-mails
being read of your own.
4. The final thing we want to mention is that the emails that you are
sending are extremely important. They need to contain a subject line
that catches the attention of the reader, the body needs to contain
useful information, and at the end it meets to offer a solution for
more information.
If you're not sure how to write e-mails that get results, just pay
attention to the ones you are reading from other members. Try a model
yourself after the ones that catch your attention.
You can also get good ideas from the various products and programs that
you represent. Many of them offer prewritten emails that you can
customize to fit your own needs.
This is four ideas for successfully using safe list marketing. Like
every other form of marketing on the Internet, you have to work at it
to make it successful, and you have to develop the skills and that it
takes to be successful as well.
Secrets of SafeList Advertising!
Opt in email
safe lists can be one of the best online marketing strategies
for getting your website immediately in front of possibly thousands of
A safe list is a list of email addresses of people who have joined and
agreed to receive email from other members of that list. You can also
send email to other members of that list.
Messages sent to a safe list are not considered Spam because the
members on the list have agreed to receive email from the other
members. What a great opportunity to market your services or products
for Free!
Some of the benefits of Safe Lists are:
1. You can email to thousands using free or paid safe lists.
2. You can get quicker responses since you send your ad to the list
3. You can test your ad before spending a lot of money on other
marketing strategies.
4. You can track your best ads. The trick is to have a good attention
getting headline.
5. You can save money since this is an inexpensive way of marketing.
6. You can reach a greater number of people in a shorter amount of time.
When you first visit a website that is hosting a safe list it should
look professional in design and not just something that was thrown
together in a few minutes. If the website does look professional then
the website owner will be more likely to moderate the list a lot closer
and be more willing to force the rules if another member of the safe
list should happen to be taking advantage of the list.
Some rules that safe lists have are:
1. No Adult or illegal activity posts
2. One post per day
3. No auto responders
4. No bounced mail
5. No collecting of email addresses
6. You must agree to receive messages from the list
Getting the most out of safe lists:
1. Choose your lists carefully, the more targeted the list the more
response you will have. If you ad involves network marketing, then look
for lists with that subject.
2. Your headline is very important and if you do not stand out and
capture the readers attention then they will move on.
3. You must follow up! It usually takes someone up to 6 times of
viewing your ad before they respond. Follow up with interested people
often and increase your chances of success.
4. Track your ads so you know which ones are working and which
headlines pull the best. After one month if a safe list is not working
for you then un-subscribe!
5. If a free safe list is working for you then pay the monthly fee so
you can send your ad to the list more often. Free safe lists only allow
you to send your ad once a week.
6. Join several safe lists. Paid safe lists are usually of higher
quality then the free ones. Just remember to test which ones have the
best response and get rid of the ones that are wasting your time.
7. Since there are so many lists out there find out how any members
they have so that you can determine whether or not it is worth joining.
The member count is usually displayed on the home page of the safe list.
8. Important! Make sure you subscribe to safe lists using an email
address that can handle getting a lot of email, do not use your regular
email address!
Advertising with safelists is only one tool in your marketing arsenal.
It can help you determine whether your ads are working. Then you can
explode your business by utilizing these successful ads with the rest
of your marketing campaign!
Why Affiliate Programs, Safelists, Hit Exchanges, and Most Online
Programs Don't Seem to Work!
How Does Free Safelist Advertising Work
Let\'s start off with what a safelist is. A safelist is a membership
site where members can email their opportunities and offers to the
members of the safelist. Everyone must opt in by verifiying their list
address and contact address. This is called double optin and it is very
important because it protects the safelist owner from spam complaints,
hence the name \"safe\" list. Everyone knows when they signup to a
safelist that they will be receiving a lot of email from the other
members. Members must provide a list address where they will receive
email from other members, and a contact email address, where they will
receive admin emails and paid solo ads from other members. It is best
to get 2 brand new email accounts from GMail and use them strictly for
safelist use.
In each email sent out by the safelist there is a credit link. Members
must click on the credit link to receive credits. Usually they must
view the advertised site for 10 seconds to get their credits. When
members earn enough credits they can then use those credits to send
their own email to the list. The whole system works by members viewing
each others emails and building up credits. That\'s why they are
commondly referred to as credit safelists or credit based safelists.
Free safelist advertising is very popular with internet marketers
because most safelists have a free safelist membership option which
allows you to advertise your opportunity or service for free. All you
do is earn enough safelist credits and you can send out your ad in the
credit mailer. If you don\'t have time to earn credits you can purchase
safelist credits or upgrade your membership.
Of course there are paid membership options available for those who
want to send their ad to the safelist more often, and for those who
want to earn more credits for clicking on credit links. Paid safelist
membership options also give members a certain amount of free credits
every month. Safelist advertising can be very effective those promoting
business opportunites or services and are used often in the booming
work from home industry
How To Choose The Best Email Safelist Providers
Safelists are lists which contain email addresses of individuals who
have agreed to receive your advertisement. Safelists are "safe" because
they provide a place for people to advertise without fear of being
accused of spamming.
Spamming or sending unsolicited email can get you into all sorts of
trouble with your Internet Service Provider if enough people complain.
Safelists have also been defined as being like a club where the members
are typically webmasters and Internet marketers. They are people who
have websites that they want others to visit, products they want to
sell, or affiliate programs they are promoting.
Safelists are not considered to be among the top marketing methods in
use such as Pay Per Click, article marketing, solo ads, ezines and so
on. They are good to use as a list building tool because they are
populated with internet marketers, however they are far from perfect
and many Internet Marketers feel they are useless.
They are loved by some, hated by others and almost unheard of outside
of the online marketing community.As with most other Internet Marketing
strategies safelist marketing can be productive if it is done correctly.
There are basically two types of safelists. First there is the regular,
everyday, run of the mill type where you can send to other members and
they can email their offers to you. Whether you choose to look at the
email is entirely up to you.
However if you want the other members to open your email advertisements
it might be a good idea to scan through your inbox and open the ones
that interest you.While a regular safelist allows you to post during a
certain time frame, such as every 2 or 3 days, they also offer other
types of advertising.
You can usually purchase banner impressions or text ad spots to be
shown in the member's area. You can also purchase contact solo ads
which are sent out to the contact email address of the entire member
list which can be very effective.
The second type, and more effective of the two, is the credit based
safelist program. These programs require members to accumulate and
spend credits, or points, in order to send their ads to the list. The
primary method of earning credits is reading the emails sent to your
list address by other members and clicking on special credit links
contained in these messages.
For this reason, the ads you send to credit-based lists are more likely
to be opened. Some lists offer the same amount of credits in every
email you read, some offer a random amount of credits, and some only
offer credits in random emails. Most programs offer the occasional
bonus credits which can get you anywhere from tens to thousands of
credits at a time.
Most of these lists, if not all of them, allow you to purchase credits,
too. This can happen in the form of an upgrade or a straight out
purchase. These credits are primarily used to send your ads to the
safelist, but some lists allow you to trade your credits for banner
impressions and text ads.
There are a few variations of credit-based safelists. In addition to
the standard model mentioned above, there are sites that require you to
log in to view ads rather than having them mailed to you, and sites
that require you to wait for a timer to count down before you earn
These days there are a lot of safelist hosting companies that make it
easy for anyone to start a safelist program very cheaply. This usually
results in communities on the Web with dozens, even hundreds of
cookie-cutter safelists that look nearly identical; they usually have
no graphics and some meaningless text and only a couple of hundred
These should be avoided because they are only a waste of time. If you
decide to include safelist marketing as a tactic in your internet
marketing strategy be careful which list providers you choose and this
will help make your safelist strategy a success.
Safelist Dos & Don'ts Or Go Ahead and Have Your Email Box
Flooded With Spam
The advantages of safelists are numerous, but most people wouldn't
agree because of the high number of spam sent to their email box.
Do Not Use Your Primary Email Box In Safelists. Here's a thought. How
about going ahead and making 2 email accounts for safelists?
Inconvenience is not a huge enough factor to throw this type of free
advertising out the window. You make one email box for your 'contact'
email and the other for your 'list' email. Gmail accounts are
recommended for this process. The list email is the spam/junk email
that you create credits with. The contact email is where you receive
messages from the site's admin.
After confirming your accounts with these safelists you will receive
not 1, not 2, but 100+ emails into your list email account. I've always
wanted to ring spammer's necks. The thing about these is that you can
not consider this as spam because you agreed to have your email boxes
spamed with advertisements when you opted in. You are allowed to send
your advertisements back to 1,000+ people. If you're afraid that your
emails will not be seen, do not fret. In order to gain more credits you
have to open emails in your list email account. So, others have to open
emails to gain more credits also. What are the odds that out of
thousands of people someone will open your email and read it? I say
that those odds are good. Here it is in short terms: 1 email read = 1
credit, 1 credit = 1 email that you can send out. If you open 200
emails than you can send 200 emails. That's how it works. Do not worry
about opening alot of emails when you start with a safelist; Some
safelists start you off with credits.
"But people probably are advertising the same thing as I am!", Read the
article, 'If You Are Advertising Your Main Business Opportunity Than
You Are In For A Rough Ride' and you will understand that some people
are not willing to advertise their knowledge, but they are willing to
advertise a business opportunity opposed to helping people that have no
idea on how to operate a home based business. People need help instead
of an opportunity that they will more than likely lose money and fail
with because of their lack of training.
FireFox is great for safelists and traffic exchanges. FireFox is simple
and you can have many browsers opened at once without much lag. Make
accounts with 10 safelists a day. 10 safelists for Monday, 10 for
Tuesday and so on. Make new folders for each day and place your
safelist links in those folders so that you will have them in order and
not messy. Open your folder and start your safelist work.
I was thinking wether to suggest this tip or not because most people
will not open the list emails to read them after learning this tip. Run
FireFox to open your emails. Open your first safelist email and then
open the second email in a new FireFox browser and so on. After you get
to the last of your 10 safelist emails in your list email box than
start back over with a new email. This way you can create more credits
in a shorter period of time. After generating the number of credits you
want, send emails out. This will take some time to get used to, but it
is free advertising.
I hope that this has helped in one way or another. "Give Without
Want."-Mike Dillard
Be Your Best,
Dustin R Doss
Become A Better Leader, Create Free Buyer Leads, And Generate Income
From Prospects That Say No To Your Main Business Opportunity.
See What Successful Marketers Are Doing Right Now.
Using Safelists to Advertise Online
I cannot stress enough how much Safelists CAN and DO build a
business! Let's understand what a safelist is anyway....
A safelist is a list fully compliant with the Can-Spam act and is
basically home business owners, affiliate marketers and individuals
selling something or offering something with their business and they've
opted in to an "email advertising marketing list. They've
as a member to this "list" or "safelist" and have the ability to mail
out their html ad or plain text ad once per week for FREE to all the
members (other home business owners) who have joined. IF they upgrade,
depending on which plan they choose, they then have the ability to send
their email blast out more often (once every three days, every other
day or every 24 hours). Again, this depends on which
they choose.
Some safelists are better than others because they "require" the
members to read a certain amount of incoming emails BEFORE they are
allowed to send out their ad. This ensures that everybody's ad is being
read. There are also some safelists that are actual programs
get downloaded on your computer. Everytime an email ad goes out, a
notice will come up on the members desktop notifying them of the new
emails they need to open. This REALLY ensures that your ad will be
read. I have listed some that I use and HIGHLY recommend.
Once you sign up for FREE or paid membership you automatically become
an "affiliate" for them and you have a chance to make additional money
by referring your link to your downline or others. They sign
and you get a % of their membership EVERY month!
Safelists can be a GREAT tool if used properly. One NEEDS to have a
catchy subject line so that the chances of their email will be
read. This is super important. You need to get creative.
I love safelists and use them each day. I made folders for
day of the week M-F and I joined 5-10 safelists for each day.
wake up and open up my folder for that day and post my ad to that
safelist! I got my first affiliate signed up ONE day after
a safelist. I feel it's a MUST to use them AND I do know that MANY high
income earners use them...in fact my enroller and his wife make over
15,000 per MONTH and they use them and THEIR enroller and HIS wife make
over 15,000 and they use them too. So, now you know why I USE
THEM :0)
Here are two highly suggested Safelists that I use often.
1) I HIGHLY suggest using this one AND paying the $17.95/mo.
find this to be very effective because the members get notified on
their desktop that they have email...so your ad gets read!
2) I HIGHLY recommend this one as well.. IF you sign up for
one you can have the FREE membership which is great BUT if you pay for
the bronze membership for only 6.95/mo you get 25,000 FREE leads per
Can Safelist Marketing Still Convert?
Safelist marketing spiked in popularity at the turn of decade. Since
then, many marketers have argued that the lists have become so diluted
and overwhelming that they no longer convert.
The truth is, safelist marketing can still convert as long as your
emails can stand out.
Here are some quick tips to increase your safelist conversion rates.
1.A Unique Subject Line
The subject line is the most critical aspect of dominating a safelist.
Everyone on the list may be receiving hundreds or thousands of emails
every day, and will definitely not read them all. In many cases, they
will open less than 1% of them.
Creating a subject line that is successful is a two part process.
First, it needs to stand out at a glance. Many people will glance at
*** or ((( at the beginning and the end of their subject line, but this
has become common practice and is no longer as effective as it used to
However if you couple this strategy with some additional white space,
your subject line can stand out. By adding 5-10 spaces to the beginning
of your subject line, it will look indented compared to the other
subject lines, and is more likely to standout.
Once someone notices your subject line, it is important to make sure
that your subject line gives people a reason to open it. A quality
headline can ask a question or tell a quick story.
2.Shorter is Better
Once someone finally chooses to open your email over the hundreds of
others that they have received, it is important that you get to the
point quickly. Keep your emails as short as possible and add a call to
action early in the email. People don't want to read a novel, they want
you to get to the point.
The best way to create short effective emails is to utilize safelist
marketing as a strategy to build your personal list. To get someone to
join your list, you need very short emails that include a free offer
and easy way to join.
Once they are on your personal list, you will be able to send longer
emails because they are viewed as personal emails instead of one of the
hundreds of safelist emails that they receive every day.
3.Don't Be Afraid to Safelist Jump
Many people who have problems with their safelist marketing conversion
rates will never change safelists. They believe that the tactic simply
doesn't work instead of questioning whether or not the list itself
might be the problem.
While large lists are great, some people have gotten much better
results from smaller lists. This is because smaller lists carry less
competition. If your first list doesn't convert, try a few more before
you give up on this strategy completely.
Safelist marketing is still an effective option. However, it is
important to understand that your tactics may need to change a little
to become effective. If you use these 3 safelist marketing tips with
consistency you should be able to increase your conversions.
Are Safelists Still Effective?
As a network marketer, your whole business is basically whittled down
to one thing. That one thing is to get as many people as possible to
the site you are promoting through your business link.
In other words, marketing.
You have no need to worry about writing ad copy, creating a new
product, finding a niche or any of the other mundane tasks that go into
product creation because they have already been done for you.
On the surface this seems like a no brainer. Easy money!
The problems arise when you stop to consider how many other networkers
are out there with the same goal in mind, promoting the exact same
product as you are with the exact same promotional material.
If you have been into internet marketing for any time at all you most
likely have looked into many of the free advertising avenues available
today. Safelists and traffic exchanges are probably the most prevalent
of these.
Safelists are good to use as a list building tool because they are
populated with internet marketers. This is a wortwhile target audience.
The new lists that are credit based are best because they require
anyone wishing to use the list to advertise, to actually view the site
to get enough credits to mail their own ads.
Now think about this for one minute. How many times have you clicked on
a link from a safelist and been taken to the exact page that you have
seen ten times already that day?
Come on people! Do you really believe that if someone out there sees
the same site over and over again that they will eventually break down
and buy, join, opt-in or whatever else your cookie cutter affiliate
page is trying to accomplish?
If you see one of those pages after the first time simply go back to
checking your email and wait for the timer to reach zero so you can
just close the browser.
On the other hand if you see a good page, with compelling copy, that is
giving away a free report you may be much more likely to read what the
site has to say and give them your name and email address to get the
Most of these marketers also will have their autoresponder set up to
lead to a one time offer after capturing their prospects information.
This is an awesome money making tactic.
As soon as marketer have your name and email address they can send you
more offers for the same product or other related products. Most likely
they will have a few messages already in the queue to go out at
intervals of two to three days.
This is how to use a safelist effectively as your own list building
tool. The people who opt-in to your list will be interested in your
offer. They have set themselves apart from the crowd.
The money is in the list. Use safelists wisely and they can still be
effective network marketing tools.
The Safelist Plus The Safelist Submitter
If you're involved in internet marketing and advertising, probabilities
are excellent that you're applying or have at some specific point
applied safelists to push your company.
Here's just a brief description of how safelists job in case you
haven't heard of them. And then we'll move on on the safelist
submitter. First of all, it is possible to join no cost. When you do
so, you'll need two gmail addresses.
Most safelists will only accept gmail addresses due to the bulk amounts
of e-mail you will be acquiring within your inboxes. Whatever you do,
do not use your primary email address whenever you sign up.
You'll see why as I explain additional. Many safelists enable you to
definitely join up to no cost and offer you credit appropriate from
your get-go. These credit equal out towards the amount on the
safelist's people that one could send a promotional e-mail to. You may
send out this e-mail having a link to what ever web-site you need to
promote and people will click that web-site to acquire credit. The hope
is that as they're clicking in your internet site, they will be
interested by what you ought to give. to gain additional credit, you
also will must open all the emails sent out to you from your safelist
and click on the member's websites. You can continue to make credit by
clicking or you may upgrade your account which provides you credits
even when you don't click on. So, that is the crux of how a safelist
functions. There are hundreds of safelists on the web and the greater
that you can promote to, the more leads/sales you may produce. Here's
in which the safelist submitter also comes in. This kind of software
allows you to peak your ad to several with the safelists all at once.
It appears that submitters do pop up and vanish very often and their
legitimacy is queried frequently within the net.
However , this you has passed the check of time and does keep on to
obtain favorable opinions from real persons.
It's referred to as The Safelist Boys.
The Safelist Boys are two internet marketers that have carried out
quite nicely for themselves while in the Safelist marketing business.
They run a pair safelists and couple of other safelist associated web
sites. Their angle was to test differentiating themselves by generating
their safelist poster which they call Safelist Boys AutoMailer a lot
more complicated and a lot more user friendly than the other safelist
This is among the cheaper submitters at only $4.99 each month. But
there's extra to it than just the quantity of mails sent by a
submitter. You must also ensure that you increase the number of emails
basically delivered. A lot of emails will end up in Junk-Mail folders
and will never be examine. If you check your e-mail for words and
phrases that would trigger the SPAM filters, you are able to
significantly boost the quantity of emails which are observed and
examine by people. If you have not tried safelists yet within your
promotional efforts, commence with these after which consider a
safelist submitter later on in the game.
Solo Ezine Marketing Versus Safelist Single Adverts
Single ezine marketing refers to ads which can be despatched alone
(with no other ads or content) to an on-line magazine's (ezine's)
subscriber base. There are truly two sorts of single advertisings:
these which can be sent for the ezine subscriber base as described
before or these which might be despatched out to safelist people.
Safelists are comprised of persons who sign up that allows you to
market their own products/services and, in turn, agree to study other
ads which have been despatched by other members. With safelists, you
consent to receive all of these promotional advertisements inside your
inbox and, whenever you click these advertisements, you make credits
being able to give your personal advertisements.
An advantage to marketing in ezines is that you simply are going to be
sending out your ad to persons who've subscribed towards ezine to be
able to get data, sources and updates on that specific subject. In case
your solution is quite well suited to a particular ezine niche, you are
able to get tremendous results. With safelists, it's several.
Individuals don't subscribe so as to understand about a distinct
subject. They subscribe in buy to be capable to publicize. A wholly
various mindset. The common ezine readers subscribes to additional than
one ezine. Nonetheless, they aren't bombarded with numerous emails
every time due to the fact of the subscription. If someone is
subscribed to several safelists, they may get numerous emails per time
in their inbox. Once again, the only incentive to examine these emails
would be to achieve credits. They aren't searching for details or news.
So, here again, single ezine advertising is probably preferable to solo
safelist promotion. Ezine solo adverts can vary greatly in cost from 1
publisher for the following. Of course, the cost is dependent upon the
size of the ezine's subscriber base, the perceived top quality of
content, the frequency and perhaps days and instances the newsletter is
despatched out, and so on.
In any case, single advertisements usually are not free of charge. With
some safelists, members can basically deliver out "free" single
advertisings. This is really a small bit tricky simply because they
aren't basically cost-free. You nevertheless have to earn clicks in buy
being capable to give out these ads. So, whether you pay out in time or
in cash (because you've upgraded to purchase your clicks), you're
having to pay. Inside the finish, some marketers swear by safelist solo
promotion. It usually includes a whole lot to try and do with the
products you offer. If you're providing a solution that may produce
visitors or an e-book which will aid with safelists, for instance,
safelist members shall be more apt to click on that due to the fact
those are the factors that they're utilizing safelists inside initial
location. On the other hand, in case your item is in the different
industry (health, beauty, etc), you'll usually be much better off by
doing solo ezine marketing as an alternative. This also operates the
other way close to. Promotion your well being or elegance supplement in
the safelist will most most likely not get very much response.
Send your e-mail ad to thousands for free
You should always try to build a list of subscribers in the long run.
But until you have your list, you can use programs called safelists.
Safelist is a program where you can join and send your e-mail ad to
other members of that program. Each member must agree to receive e-mail
promotions from other members so, there can not be accusations of spam.
In order to send your e-mail ad to other members, you must earn
credits. You can earn credits by clicking ad links in e-mails that you
receive from other members. So safelists work on exchange principle.
You read e-mail ads from other members and in return other members read
your e-mail ads.
As safelists usually have thousands of members, who have the right to
send you their e-mail ads, your inbox could get overloaded with e-mail
ads. So you shouldn't use your primary e-mail address for safelists.
You should find online e-mail provider that allows safelists and use
one dedicated e-mail account just for that purpose.
Other downside is that your e-mail ad can get lost between many e-mail
ads that other safelist members receive. But you can help this by using
good subject lines for your e-mail ads and some other techniques, but
this won't be covered in this article.
But even with those downsides, safelists can be useful tool, if used
the right way. Safelists shouldn't be replacement to your own targeted
list of subscribers, but they can supplement your advertising efforts.
Who Says Safe Lists Don’t Work?
Spam rules not withstanding, prospect-targeted email marketing
is still one of the best ways to promote products, drive traffic to
your website, increase sales and grow your own mailing list
exponentially. Although you can no longer buy any list you
there is a large number of email addresses available through opt-in
lists, i.e. those in which people have given their permission to have
emails sent to them.
Working through a third-party, like Facebook or the continuity program
for a mass commodity product, is not as easy as it sounds especially if
you are a business-to-business marketer. Further, the
of their lists is usually wrong for most online companies or small
Your best option may be to join Safe Lists; there are many thousands of
them out there. If used properly, they can be a powerful part
your online marketing plan.
There are a significant number of skeptics, of course, who believe that
safe lists are ineffective because of their composition. That
these mailing lists are comprised largely of other online business
owners who have opted in only to market their own products and services
to the membership. The assumption is that these subscribers
totally uninterested in even reading any of the emails that are not
their own.
That may be, but if you can reach enough of them with a meaningful and
motivating message, the relatively low hanging fruit is bound to be
more bountiful than you imagine -- especially if you are selling
marketing techniques or information.
Additionally, safe lists are usually double opt-in databases so the
other big issue for detractors is the time and effort involved in the
set up phase, specifically for joining and validating your individual
memberships. Plus, you have to wade through hundreds and
of emails from everyone else on these lists, taking an extraordinary
amount of time deleting the messages in which you have no
interest. When you have to do all of this yourself, the
work-to-profit ratio can look very unappealing.
“SafeList Buddy” was designed to do all the grunt
work for
you. This advanced software literally automates the entire
process making it incredibly less time intensive and quite cost
efficient so you can literally join every list there is.
Dubbed “a Cookie Cutter process to success” by its
developer, “SafeList Buddy” has the auto join
you’d expect plus it handles all the validation
Just as importantly, its “Pop3Mail Cleaner
automatically deletes the unwanted emails from other Safe List
subscribers, keeping your inbox manageable. It’s
designed to work within the credit system, clicking on the links that
earn you credits (without you actually having to read the emails
“SafeList Buddy” is the most up-to-date and
software you can buy for this purpose. And, it’s
much more
economical than joining any of the membership sites that offer
something similar. Instead of paying about $30.00 a month,
you purchase “SafeList Buddy” it’s yours
for the
onetime charge. Depending on the size of your campaigns, this
could save you thousands and thousands of dollars.
More Links 1