Come To Ad Boards Section! |
More Links 1
On the previous page
you have read about what is an adboard,how to use
them,how to take advantage,what you need to do take maximum result,what
you should do and do not do while useing adbords etc.
on this page you find the perticular adboard sites
everything about each site with a joining link for each adboard
site.Again joining link is at the bottom of description for each ad
board site as I want to you to know everything about each ad board site
before you join the site.I am going to add 200 + site but
that want your feed back so take a minute and post your comment in the
Guest Book(You can also read the comments posted by other visitors) and
join the forum to discuss everything with other members.You will also
get chance to add your advertisiment in the forum.Yeah there is a
section in the forum where you can post your promotional ads.Links for
the guest book and forum are at bottom of the page.
[1] Free Ad Boards
Intro : Traditional new
generation ad board
site.Offers free as well as paid membership.YOU MUST BE A MEMBER OF the
Total Members : 13480
You can not join this site directly.You have to join their news letter
firrst and then you will get a confirmation e-mail and after confirming
your e-mail address you will get a second e-mail with sign up url.This
is the must obey rule to join the site and this way they can keep you
updated about news and special offers as well as can send you reminder
to post your advertisment again when it expired or going to be expired
as a rule(You have read on previous page)
HOTMAIL, SPRINT, VERIZON - you will not receive your confirmation
enail.. Please use Gmail if possible or check your spam folder if you
do not receive your validation email within 1 minute.
No challenge email addresses will be accepted such as Boxbe!
After joining and validating your email address you will receive the
signup url in your email. Then you'll be able to post to the board and
also place featured ads on your own Freeadboards Site!
[2] Ez Ad Boards
Intro : Traditional active ad board site.Offers 2
types of memberships.1.Free 2. Paid membership or pro membership.
Total Members : 2583
EZ Ad Board Ads is a very unique Ad Board where you can Post
Text Ads for Free as well as have many
other Tools available such as a URL Rotator, Viral URL Cloaker and many
more. If you Upgrade to Pro your Benefits
will even increase much more.
If you are a Website Owner or Internet Marketer Promoting, you need
Traffic and even More Traffic and what better way to do it with Text
Ads and Banners. It is a Proven Fact that Ad Sites like this one are
the most proven way to Advertise.
You can be sure your Websites or Marketing Programs will always get
Guaranteed Visitors! The more eye-catching your Text Ad, the More
Traffic your going to get. It is the EZiest way to Advertise.
Here at EZ Ad Board Ads you will have the below available to you
(NOTE: Some are only available to PRO Members only.):
- Premium Ads
- Free Ads
- Login Ads
- Banners
- URL Rotator
- Referral Builder
- Viral URL Cloaker
- Email Your Referrals
- Category Posting
- Commissions
- Add Your Clickbank ID
- Unlimited Banners
- 3 Permanent Ads
Compare Memberships :
Features |
Free |
Pro |
Ad Posting Frequency
5 Times
Per Day |
20 Times Per Day |
Ads Expire |
5 Days |
10 Days |
Pro Upgrade $$$
20% |
100% |
Free Signup $$$
$ 0.10 |
$ 0.25 |
Referral Purchases
10% |
URL Rotators |
3 (5
Urls Each) |
10 (25 Urls Each) |
Viral URL Links
10 |
50 |
Email Referrals
7 Days |
3 Days |
Free Banners |
NO |
Yes |
Bonuses |
NO |
Yes |
Sell Banners/Set Price
NO |
Yes |
[] You must follow these rules to use this site :
-AGE Limit
You agree that you are the age of 18 or older.
You receive your commissions through Paypal
& Alertpay only.
-Number of Accounts
You are allowed to create only one account through
same Ip
By joining EZ Ad Board Ads YOU AGREE TO RECEIVE
TO EVERY 24HRS FROM admin@ezadboardads.com. Please add this email
address to your address book and mark all emails from
admin@ezadboardads.com as NOT SPAM. This is to ensure all members get
verification emails as well as website updates, commissions info etc.
Again, these emails may be for updates, account issues, EZ Ad Board Ads
promotions or anything that EZ Ad Board Ads needs to relay to all
members. You also agree to receive up to 2 emails every 7 days from
your sponsor from the referral mailer. Your sponsor will not know your
email address.
=Posting Ads
You agree that any ad posts that displays and/or connects with malware,
porn, gambling, warez, or other inappropriate sites will be DELETED and
that your account will be deleted without refund.
You agree that no ad posts will promote any form of illegal activity.
You agree that all ad posts will be fully compliant with federal and
state laws.
You agree to no racist or hateful ads.
You agree to only have links in ad posts that point to other html web
pages. You agree to have no links to e-books, downloads, zip files,
mp3’s etc.
You agree not to include profanity in your ad posts.
You agree that any form of misleading readers will not be tolerated.
No Autoresponders or Bounced Emails are allowed
If your email address bounces or sends back EZ Ad Board Adsa message
with an autoresponder, you risk having your account deleted. Once your
account is deleted you will have to contact Thomas Brown to upgrade you
back to Pro if you were a Pro member. You will be required to show
proof of your Upgrade to Pro by supplying your transaction ID#. All
referrals and COMMISSIONS will be lost if your account is deleted.
EZ Ad Board Adsis a promotional marketing tool used to help members
promote all of their offers on the Internet. EZ Ad Board Adsdoes not
make any promises written or implied as to the amount of money that can
be made from EZ Ad Board Ads. It is your responsibility to make sure
your email address for your PayPal and AlertPay account is correct.
Commission payments made to the wrong account because of an incorrectly
entered id is your responsibility. Should your account at PayPal be
locked or restricted for any reason, that is also your responsibility.
EZ Ad Board Adswill not be held liable.
All policies, rules and regulations are the final decision of EZ Ad
Board Ads. We reserve the right to modify, add or change any policies
as we deem necessary at any time. All members agree that they will not
hold EZ Ad Board Adsliable for any items or policies within this
Once you pay for your membership or buy advertising, if you would like
a refund, simply submit a support ticket stating that you would like a
refund. Your refund will be sent and your account will be deleted. You
will lose any earned commissions and will not be eligible for payment.
By joining and paying for any paid portion of EZ Ad Board Ads, you
agree to all the terms and conditions on this page.
EZ Ad Board Ads has a zero tolerance for spam. Anyone caught spamming
will be deleted from the program and is subject to civil and criminal
prosecution including up to $50,000 in fines. If you are to include EZ
Ad Board Ads's name or URL in any email promotion, please only email to
your own "double-optin" subscribers. Safelists are also allowed as well
as downline mailing programs such as YourLuckyList.
The following are grounds for termination of your account:
To send unsolicited emails to anyone that is not on your own personal
double-optin list. If this does not make sense to you, then do not
include promotions for EZ Ad Board Ads in emails.
To falsify user information provided to EZ Ad Board Adsor to other
users of the service in connection with EZ Ad Board Ads, or any of it's
other sites.
To use the EZ Ad Board Adsname and URL via bought commercial bulk email
considers the above practices to constitute abuse of our service and of
the recipients of such unsolicited mailings and/or postings who often
bear the expense. Therefore, these practices are prohibited by EZ Ad
Board Adsterms and conditions of service. Engaging in one or more of
these practices will result in termination of the offender's account.
In addition, we have the right, where feasible, to implement technical
mechanisms which block multiple postings as described above before they
are forwarded.
Nothing contained in this policy shall be construed to limit EZ Ad
Board Adsactions or remedies in any way with respect to any of the
foregoing activities.
reserves the right to take any and all additional actions it may deem
appropriate with respect to such activities, including without
limitation taking action to recover the costs and expenses of
identifying offenders and removing them from the program.
In addition, EZ Ad Board Adsreserves at all times all rights and
remedies available to it with respect to such activities at law or in
We use IP tracking devices. Any user that is found to blatantly violate
this agreement will be banned from the program indefinitely and may be
subject to civil and criminal prosecution.
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. We may also make
changes to these rules, regulations, and policies at any time.
By becoming a Free Member or a Pro Member of EZ Ad Board Ads, you agree
to all of the above terms and conditions.
-You will not promote the site with any method considered
-Privacy Policy of the site :
Welcome to EZ Ad Board Ads (the "Site").
We understand that privacy online is important to users of our Site,
especially when conducting business. This statement governs our privacy
policies with respect to those users of the Site ("Visitors") who visit
without transacting business and Visitors who register to transact
business on the Site and make use of the various services offered by EZ
Ad Board Ads (collectively, "Services") ("Authorized Customers").
"Personally Identifiable Information" refers to any information that
identifies or can be used to identify, contact, or locate the person to
whom such information pertains, including, but not limited to, name,
address, phone number, fax number, email address, financial profiles,
social security number, and credit card information. Personally
Identifiable Information does not include information that is collected
anonymously (that is, without identification of the individual user) or
demographic information not connected to an identified individual.
What Personally Identifiable Information is collected? We may collect
basic user profile information from all of our Visitors. We collect the
following additional information from our Authorized Customers: the
names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of Authorized
Customers, the nature and size of the business, and the nature and size
of the advertising inventory that the Authorized Customer intends to
purchase or sell.
How does the Site use Personally Identifiable Information? We use
Personally Identifiable Information to customize the Site, to make
appropriate service offerings, and to fulfill buying and selling
requests on the Site. We may email Visitors and Authorized Customers
about research or purchase and selling opportunities on the Site or
information related to the subject matter of the Site. We may also use
Personally Identifiable Information to contact Visitors and Authorized
Customers in response to specific inquiries, or to provide requested
How is Personally Identifiable Information stored? Personally
Identifiable Information collected by EZ Ad Board Ads is securely
stored and is not accessible to third parties.
What choices are available to Visitors regarding collection, use and
distribution of the information? Visitors and Authorized Customers may
opt out of receiving unsolicited information from or being contacted by
us and/or our vendors and affiliated agencies by responding to emails
as instructed, or by contacting us at admin@ezadboardads.com
Are Cookies Used on the Site? Cookies are used for a variety of
reasons. We use Cookies to obtain information about the preferences of
our Visitors and the services they select. We also use Cookies for
security purposes to protect our Authorized Customers.
How does EZ Ad Board Ads use login information? EZ Ad Board Adsuses
login information, including, but not limited to, IP addresses, ISPs,
and browser types, to analyze trends, administer the Site, track a
user's movement and use, and gather broad demographic information.
How can Visitors correct any inaccuracies in Personally Identifiable
Information? Visitors and Authorized Customers may contact us to update
Personally Identifiable Information about them or to correct any
inaccuracies by emailing us at admin@ezadboardads.com
Can a Visitor delete or deactivate Personally Identifiable Information
collected by the Site? We provide Visitors and Authorized Customers
with a mechanism to delete/deactivate Personally Identifiable
Information from the Site's database by contacting
admin@ezadboardads.com. However, because of backups and records of
deletions, it may be impossible to delete a Visitor's entry without
retaining some residual information. An individual who requests to have
Personally Identifiable Information deactivated will have this
information functionally deleted, and we will not sell, transfer, or
use Personally Identifiable Information relating to that individual in
any way moving forward.
What happens if the Privacy Policy Changes? We will let our Visitors
and Authorized Customers know about changes to our privacy policy by
posting such changes on the Site. However, if we are changing our
privacy policy in a manner that might cause disclosure of Personally
Identifiable Information that a Visitor or Authorized Customer has
previously requested not be disclosed, we will contact such Visitor or
Authorized Customer to allow such Visitor or Authorized Customer to
prevent such disclosure.
Links: This web site contains links to other web sites. Please note
that when you click on one of these links, you are moving to another
web site. We encourage you to read the privacy statements of these
linked sites as their privacy policies may differ from ours.
[3] Wtf Ad Board
Intro : Tradional free ad board site but slightly
different.Offers 2 types of memberships.1.Free.2. Pro Mebership with
more features.
It is an ad board with unique features where as a free
you can post free text ads and as pro members you will receive more
options to advertise your business.
Compare Memberships :
Free |
Pro |
Ad Posting Frequency
5 Times
Per Day |
20 Times Per Day |
Ads Expire |
7 Days |
10 Days |
Pro Upgrade $$$
25 cents |
100% |
Free Signup $$$
$ 0.10 |
$ 0.25 |
Referral Purchases
10% |
URL Rotators |
3 (5
Urls Each) |
10 (25 Urls Each) |
Viral URL Links
10 |
50 |
Email Referrals
7 Days |
3 Days |
Free Banners |
NO |
Yes |
Bonuses |
NO |
Yes |
Sell Banners/Set Price
NO |
Yes |
You must follow these rules to use the site
-gree that you are the age of 18
or older.
You receive your commissions through Paypal
& Alertpay only.
-Number of Accounts
You are allowed to create only one account through
same Ip
By joining EZ Ad Board Ads YOU AGREE TO RECEIVE
TO EVERY 24HRS FROM admin@ezadboardads.com. Please add this email
address to your address book and mark all emails from
admin@ezadboardads.com as NOT SPAM. This is to ensure all members get
verification emails as well as website updates, commissions info etc.
Again, these emails may be for updates, account issues, EZ Ad Board Ads
promotions or anything that EZ Ad Board Ads needs to relay to all
members. You also agree to receive up to 2 emails every 7 days from
your sponsor from the referral mailer. Your sponsor will not know your
email address.
=Posting Ads
You agree that any ad posts that displays and/or connects with malware,
porn, gambling, warez, or other inappropriate sites will be DELETED and
that your account will be deleted without refund.
You agree that no ad posts will promote any form of illegal activity.
You agree that all ad posts will be fully compliant with federal and
state laws.
You agree to no racist or hateful ads.
You agree to only have links in ad posts that point to other html web
pages. You agree to have no links to e-books, downloads, zip files,
mp3’s etc.
You agree not to include profanity in your ad posts.
You agree that any form of misleading readers will not be tolerated.
No Autoresponders or Bounced Emails are allowed
If your email address bounces or sends back EZ Ad Board Adsa message
with an autoresponder, you risk having your account deleted. Once your
account is deleted you will have to contact Thomas Brown to upgrade you
back to Pro if you were a Pro member. You will be required to show
proof of your Upgrade to Pro by supplying your transaction ID#. All
referrals and COMMISSIONS will be lost if your account is deleted.
EZ Ad Board Adsis a promotional marketing tool used to help members
promote all of their offers on the Internet. EZ Ad Board Adsdoes not
make any promises written or implied as to the amount of money that can
be made from EZ Ad Board Ads. It is your responsibility to make sure
your email address for your PayPal and AlertPay account is correct.
Commission payments made to the wrong account because of an incorrectly
entered id is your responsibility. Should your account at PayPal be
locked or restricted for any reason, that is also your responsibility.
EZ Ad Board Adswill not be held liable.
All policies, rules and regulations are the final decision of EZ Ad
Board Ads. We reserve the right to modify, add or change any policies
as we deem necessary at any time. All members agree that they will not
hold EZ Ad Board Adsliable for any items or policies within this
Once you pay for your membership or buy advertising, if you would like
a refund, simply submit a support ticket stating that you would like a
refund. Your refund will be sent and your account will be deleted. You
will lose any earned commissions and will not be eligible for payment.
By joining and paying for any paid portion of EZ Ad Board Ads, you
agree to all the terms and conditions on this page.
EZ Ad Board Ads has a zero tolerance for spam. Anyone caught spamming
will be deleted from the program and is subject to civil and criminal
prosecution including up to $50,000 in fines. If you are to include EZ
Ad Board Ads's name or URL in any email promotion, please only email to
your own "double-optin" subscribers. Safelists are also allowed as well
as downline mailing programs such as YourLuckyList.
The following are grounds for termination of your account:
To send unsolicited emails to anyone that is not on your own personal
double-optin list. If this does not make sense to you, then do not
include promotions for EZ Ad Board Ads in emails.
To falsify user information provided to EZ Ad Board Adsor to other
users of the service in connection with EZ Ad Board Ads, or any of it's
other sites.
To use the EZ Ad Board Adsname and URL via bought commercial bulk email
considers the above practices to constitute abuse of our service and of
the recipients of such unsolicited mailings and/or postings who often
bear the expense. Therefore, these practices are prohibited by EZ Ad
Board Adsterms and conditions of service. Engaging in one or more of
these practices will result in termination of the offender's account.
In addition, we have the right, where feasible, to implement technical
mechanisms which block multiple postings as described above before they
are forwarded.
Nothing contained in this policy shall be construed to limit EZ Ad
Board Adsactions or remedies in any way with respect to any of the
foregoing activities.
reserves the right to take any and all additional actions it may deem
appropriate with respect to such activities, including without
limitation taking action to recover the costs and expenses of
identifying offenders and removing them from the program.
In addition, EZ Ad Board Adsreserves at all times all rights and
remedies available to it with respect to such activities at law or in
We use IP tracking devices. Any user that is found to blatantly violate
this agreement will be banned from the program indefinitely and may be
subject to civil and criminal prosecution.
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. We may also make
changes to these rules, regulations, and policies at any time.
By becoming a Free Member or a Pro Member of EZ Ad Board Ads, you agree
to all of the above terms and conditions.
-You will not promote the site with any method considered
You can purchse the more ad credits
Do you want Targeted Advertisement ??? Ad Board Demo is the
perfect place to provide you targeted advertisements? You can easily
get Best Advertisement for such a low price:
$0.30 per 1000 Banner Impressions rotated at the bottom of each page.
$0.40 per 1000 Banner Impressions rotated at the top of each page and
at the rotators top frame. Want to order Now!!!!!
[4] Ad Boardz
Intro : Taditional adboard sites.Again offers 2 types of
memberships with more features in pro membership then the free one.
Total Members
504 upgraded adboard owners + 6947 free = 7451 total
We want you to
earn money online.
AdboardZ gives you the tools and information to help you boost your
Isn't it time you started to see some
results from your advertising ?
The V.I.P. team for the serious online
What is Adboardz ?
Adboardz allows you to place different types of ads on your own
personal adboard. Promote all your sites with 1 link and save time and
*5 Text-Ads
*5 Banners
*1 RSS-Ad
*1 Testimonial-Link
Your ads are also shown on the adboards of other members.
Other people will be promoting your offers too.
Why AdboardZ is better
AdboardZ lets you build a mailing list by sending traffic to your
You can email all your referrals once a week. Your ads will be
delivered reliably thanks to our optimized mail server and a clean
mailing list.
HelpDesk and Chat support for all your questions.
We are here to help you, and have gone to great lengths to provide
reliable communication mechanisms to assist you with any questions.
All you need to get your ads seen
*Your ads rotated on several high-traffic websites
*Valuable downloads package
*Learn about advertising, use the right tools
*Free upgrades in partner sites
*New features and benefits added all the time
*Possibility to earn a free upgrade
If you want the best ...
An optional 1-time upgrade fee separates the serious online marketers
from those who fail in online marketing.
*Your ads at the best places
*Random referrals, more free upgrades ...
*Marketing forum to meet other marketers
*50% commissions on selling pro memberships
All this at the lowest cost possible. We really want you to earn more
YES! Give Me Instant Access
Include a free copy of Golden Rules
AdboardZ mailinglist cleanup
* I removed around 2700 members who had never logged in their account.
So the mailing list is a whole lot cleaner again.
Quick news update
* I am having a pneumonia since a week. So my admin duties are on a
very low level for another week or so.
* I made a few additions to the virus report I recently wrote.
* I cleaned around 170 MegaBytes of old stats that were piling up in
the TrackerBoard database since 2006. Some member apparently never
clean their tracker logs. The hitcounters of your trackers might be
showing a different number of hits than is shown in your tracker logs.
When you reset your trackers, they will work correctly again.
* I am still working on improving the performance of my server. This
will take a while, since it involves many complex tasks. But it will
allow my sites to load much faster again without having to upgrade to a
more expensive server. Many great improvements are going on behind the
scenes. More about this later.
s today:
First of all, a (late) Happy 2010 to all of you.
* I wrote a report about cleaning virusses from your computer. It can
be downloaded for free in BookClub. Or directly here:
Upgraded members can rebrand this report with their own AdboardZ link.
So it is a great tool to get referrals in AdboardZ, while at the same
time educating your fellow marketers or website members.
(To rebrand, check out page8 in in the AdboardZ Probooks download site.)
* Speaking of virusses, there is a nasty virus in the wild since mid
December 2009. It infects websites that are hosted on Linux servers.
When you visit an infected website, your computer can get infected too.
If you surf to a lot of sites in Traffic Exchanges, then it is very
important to check out the virus report.
* I added a new Free Upgrade for Wolfsurf TE in AdboardZ. Find out how
to request the upgrade on the "Advertising" page in your AdboardZ
* My server has been running quite slowly lately. I am working on
fixing this, but it requires me to rewrite the programming of several
websites that are hosted on my server. This is a huge task that will
keep me extremely busy for at least another month. But when I'm done, I
expect my server to be a lot faster again. In the meantime, hang in
there if my sites load a little slower sometimes. I also apolgise for
having little time to handle support questions too well, I mainly try
to keep up in answering the most important support questions (when
there is a commission payment or upgrade involved).
Goodbye Forum. Hello Chatrooms !
I am re-organising my sites. Removing some older, outdated stuff and
replacing it with newer marketing tools.
* The AdboardZ/TrackerBoard forum has been removed, and will be
replaced by our "Chat community".
- Check the "Community" page in your AdboardZ account to
learn how to access the chat rooms.
- The chat rooms are logged automatically to webpages. This
allow me to share conversations about interesting marketing topics with
all members, even if they were not online at the time of the chat.
- We also have a chat room specifically to post your links.
members will see your links when they join the room to post their own
links. And your links will also be logged in the chat archives for a
Improved downline mailer
I have made some improvements to the downline mailer in TrackerBoard:
- You can only email your referrals once a week now. This means that
your sponsor can also send you a maximum of 1 email a week.
- You can now personalize your emails with the username of your
- A note is added to the top of your emails, explaining to your
referrals that it is their sponsor (referrer) mailing them. This will
prevent members from thinking that it is an email from the TrackerBoard
- The mailer uses an improved method to send the emails. If you have a
big do wnline, the mailer will not time-out as easily
[5] Post Ads Daily
Intro : Traditional adboard site.Offers 12 types
membership.Free and pro,pro has more features and you can post your ads
more frequently.
Total Member : 2579
EZ Ad Board
Ads is a very unique Ad Board where you can Post Text Ads for Free as
well as have many
other Tools available such as a URL Rotator, Viral URL Cloaker and many
more. If you Upgrade to Pro your Benefits
will even increase much more.
If you are a Website Owner or Internet Marketer Promoting, you need
Traffic and even More Traffic and what better way to do it with Text
Ads and Banners. It is a Proven Fact that Ad Sites like this one are
the most proven way to Advertise.
You can be sure your Websites or Marketing Programs will always get
Guaranteed Visitors! The more eye-catching your Text Ad, the More
Traffic your going to get. It is the EZiest way to Advertise.
Here at EZ Ad Board Ads you will have the below available to you
(NOTE: Some are only available to PRO Members only.):
- Premium Ads
- Free Ads
- Login Ads
- Banners
- URL Rotator
- Referral Builder
- Viral URL Cloaker
- Email Your Referrals
- Category Posting
- Commissions
- Add Your Clickbank ID
- Unlimited Banners
- 3 Permanent Ads
Signup FREE or PRO to Post Ads Daily!
Step 1: Create your Free Account below.
Step 2: Confirm your *Email Address.
Step 3: Choose to Upgrade to PRO for extra Benefits.
Step 4: Login to Post Ads Daily.
Step 5: Promote PostAdsDaily.com and Earn Cash!
Step 6: Repeat Steps 4 and 5 Daily.
Compare Memberships :
- Post 5 times a day
Ads valid for
15 days!
- Save 25 links in URL cloaker
- 25 Link Rotators /5 URLs!
- Email referrals every 7 days
- Free Downline Builder
- Earn
$1.00 per paid referral
+ More Great Members
- Post 15 times a day
Ads valid for 30 days!
- Save 100 links in URL cloaker
- 100 Link Rotators /10 URLs!
- Email referrals every 3 days
- Add their Clickbank ID for
- CBTopSites Ads on Ad Board
- 3 Ads At Top Of Their Ad Board
- Free Downline Builder
- Earn
$3.50 per paid referral!
+ More Great Members
Price: $7
[6] 1 Adx
Intro : A traditional free ad board site with unique
features.Offers free as well as pro membership.
Total Members :
EZ Ad Board Ads is a very unique Ad Board where you can Post Text Ads
for Free as well as have many
other Tools available such as a URL Rotator, Viral URL Cloaker and many
more. If you Upgrade to Pro your Benefits
will even increase much more.
If you are a Website Owner or Internet Marketer Promoting, you need
Traffic and even More Traffic and what better way to do it with Text
Ads and Banners. It is a Proven Fact that Ad Sites like this one are
the most proven way to Advertise.
You can be sure your Websites or Marketing Programs will always get
Guaranteed Visitors! The more eye-catching your Text Ad, the More
Traffic your going to get. It is the EZiest way to Advertise.
Here at EZ Ad Board Ads you will have the below available to you
(NOTE: Some are only available to PRO Members only.):
- Premium Ads
- Free Ads
- Login Ads
- Banners
- URL Rotator
- Referral Builder
- Viral URL Cloaker
- Email Your Referrals
- Category Posting
- Commissions
- Add Your Clickbank ID
- Unlimited Banners
- 3 Permanent Ads
Compare Memberships :
What you get at signup |
FREE Members |
PRO Members |
Credits at signup. |
500 credits |
1000 credits |
Place your Ad at the top of your
referral page. (INSTANTLY upon sign up) |
Yes |
Yes |
Place your Ad on our MEGA AD
Board. (INSTANTLY upon sign up) |
Yes |
Yes |
Check hits to your Ad. |
Yes |
Yes |
Interface to manage your Ad with
immediate effect. (no waiting period) |
Yes |
Yes |
Your personal 1adx.com referral URL. |
Yes |
Yes |
Track your referral counts. |
Yes |
Yes |
Get credits when anyone clicks on your
referral URL. (not signups) |
1 credit |
1 credit |
Get credits when anyone clicks on an Ad
from your referral URL. |
20 credits |
20 credits |
Get credits when you validate your
emails. |
10 credits |
10 credits |
Get credits for FREE downlines (5 levels
deep!) Credits
eXplosion! |
40 credits |
40 credits |
Get credits for PRO downlines (5 levels
deep!) Credits
eXplosion! |
400 credits |
400 credits |
Build a massive 5 Levels Matrix of FREE
members. |
Yes |
Yes |
Monthly bonus credits. |
No |
500 credits |
One time CASH REWARD for each PRO
member referred. Pre
Launch Special! |
No |
$2 |
Make monthly income with every PRO
member within 5 Levels. Cash eXplosion! |
No |
$1/30days |
Purchase of credits. |
Full Price |
Half Price |
First 30
days Special Signup Offer |
$1.99 |
30 days Membership Cost |
$9.97 /
30days |
Upgrade to PRO anytime. |
500 credits |
- |
You must follow these rules to use this site :
-AGE Limit
You agree that you are the age of 18 or older.
You receive your commissions through Paypal
& Alertpay only.
-Number of Accounts
You are allowed to create only one account through
same Ip
By joining EZ Ad Board Ads YOU AGREE TO RECEIVE
TO EVERY 24HRS FROM admin@ezadboardads.com. Please add this email
address to your address book and mark all emails from
admin@ezadboardads.com as NOT SPAM. This is to ensure all members get
verification emails as well as website updates, commissions info etc.
Again, these emails may be for updates, account issues, EZ Ad Board Ads
promotions or anything that EZ Ad Board Ads needs to relay to all
members. You also agree to receive up to 2 emails every 7 days from
your sponsor from the referral mailer. Your sponsor will not know your
email address.
=Posting Ads
You agree that any ad posts that displays and/or connects with malware,
porn, gambling, warez, or other inappropriate sites will be DELETED and
that your account will be deleted without refund.
You agree that no ad posts will promote any form of illegal activity.
You agree that all ad posts will be fully compliant with federal and
state laws.
You agree to no racist or hateful ads.
You agree to only have links in ad posts that point to other html web
pages. You agree to have no links to e-books, downloads, zip files,
mp3’s etc.
You agree not to include profanity in your ad posts.
You agree that any form of misleading readers will not be tolerated.
No Autoresponders or Bounced Emails are allowed
If your email address bounces or sends back EZ Ad Board Adsa message
with an autoresponder, you risk having your account deleted. Once your
account is deleted you will have to contact Thomas Brown to upgrade you
back to Pro if you were a Pro member. You will be required to show
proof of your Upgrade to Pro by supplying your transaction ID#. All
referrals and COMMISSIONS will be lost if your account is deleted.
EZ Ad Board Adsis a promotional marketing tool used to help members
promote all of their offers on the Internet. EZ Ad Board Adsdoes not
make any promises written or implied as to the amount of money that can
be made from EZ Ad Board Ads. It is your responsibility to make sure
your email address for your PayPal and AlertPay account is correct.
Commission payments made to the wrong account because of an incorrectly
entered id is your responsibility. Should your account at PayPal be
locked or restricted for any reason, that is also your responsibility.
EZ Ad Board Adswill not be held liable.
All policies, rules and regulations are the final decision of EZ Ad
Board Ads. We reserve the right to modify, add or change any policies
as we deem necessary at any time. All members agree that they will not
hold EZ Ad Board Adsliable for any items or policies within this
Once you pay for your membership or buy advertising, if you would like
a refund, simply submit a support ticket stating that you would like a
refund. Your refund will be sent and your account will be deleted. You
will lose any earned commissions and will not be eligible for payment.
By joining and paying for any paid portion of EZ Ad Board Ads, you
agree to all the terms and conditions on this page.
EZ Ad Board Ads has a zero tolerance for spam. Anyone caught spamming
will be deleted from the program and is subject to civil and criminal
prosecution including up to $50,000 in fines. If you are to include EZ
Ad Board Ads's name or URL in any email promotion, please only email to
your own "double-optin" subscribers. Safelists are also allowed as well
as downline mailing programs such as YourLuckyList.
The following are grounds for termination of your account:
To send unsolicited emails to anyone that is not on your own personal
double-optin list. If this does not make sense to you, then do not
include promotions for EZ Ad Board Ads in emails.
To falsify user information provided to EZ Ad Board Adsor to other
users of the service in connection with EZ Ad Board Ads, or any of it's
other sites.
To use the EZ Ad Board Adsname and URL via bought commercial bulk email
considers the above practices to constitute abuse of our service and of
the recipients of such unsolicited mailings and/or postings who often
bear the expense. Therefore, these practices are prohibited by EZ Ad
Board Adsterms and conditions of service. Engaging in one or more of
these practices will result in termination of the offender's account.
In addition, we have the right, where feasible, to implement technical
mechanisms which block multiple postings as described above before they
are forwarded.
Nothing contained in this policy shall be construed to limit EZ Ad
Board Adsactions or remedies in any way with respect to any of the
foregoing activities.
reserves the right to take any and all additional actions it may deem
appropriate with respect to such activities, including without
limitation taking action to recover the costs and expenses of
identifying offenders and removing them from the program.
In addition, EZ Ad Board Adsreserves at all times all rights and
remedies available to it with respect to such activities at law or in
We use IP tracking devices. Any user that is found to blatantly violate
this agreement will be banned from the program indefinitely and may be
subject to civil and criminal prosecution.
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. We may also make
changes to these rules, regulations, and policies at any time.
By becoming a Free Member or a Pro Member of EZ Ad Board Ads, you agree
to all of the above terms and conditions.
-You will not promote the site with any method considered
-Privacy Policy of the site :
[7] Free Adboard
(blaster) http://www.cooladboards.com/index.php
Intro : It is slightly different then standard
free ad board site.Here you can po st your ad even without registration
but if you want to own your own ad board site then you should
Total Members : 436
Before you post your ad you have to visit at least one site
after visiting that site you will be presented with a form to post your
own ad as I said before there is no registration required to post ad
but there is a life time pro membership is offered to own your own free
ad board site.
You can have your personal FreeADBoard.
Stop feeling homeless on the internet ! Collect visitors of your own !
(no website needed)
What is FreeADBoard ?
In a word, FreeADBoard is a place that you can post your AD Text on the
ADBord for free, while you still making money, just sitting in front of
your computer! Clicking other's AD and then you can post yours, lasts 7
days per round, . It's simply like free cell phone calls mechanics. To
see our website : http://www.freeadboard.com
How it works ?
You want your free ad being browsed, so do others! That's why oncoming
viewers are guaranteed. People who want to post their ads will in turn
click yours, and that's where you make money from. With double, triple,
multiple exposures to your target customers, more likely you can close
the deals.
Your Personal Money Land : FreeADBoard !

The owner of this
FreeADBoard -- Your name
will be shown here after you join ! |
Reseller Link . People who order to become an ADBoard Owner from here,
will via your personal affiliate link of this product at clickbank,
earn commission 50% !!
Banner AD shows here . You can sell anything here.( Your own product or
affiliate program ! ) Big chance to make money .
Column Text AD shows here. You can show something special here to
increase your profit.
3 Text ADs shows here. The most efficient TEXT AD of the FreeADBoard,
how much you can get from here ? It's up to you !
Text ADs shows here in rotation (up to 12 items) , your AD will show on
other Owner's ADBoard here. Isn't it great for you to have more chances
to make money ?
AD Pop-under when any AD text been clicked ! Any click on the Text AD,
even not yours, will generate a Pop-Under AD of yours. It won't be
blocked !
Pro-member Banner ADs shows here in
rotation (up to 4 items). Your Banner AD will show on other Owner's
ADBoard, another great chance to make money ! |
unlimited traffic, maximize your earnings!
Imagine that each
ADBoardowner have 1000 visitors a day . Your chances to make money :
Banner AD Impression : 1000 +
1000 X 4 (Pro Banner area ) = 5,000+
Text AD Impression:
3 X 1000 + 1000 X 3 X 4 (Pro Text area ) = 15,000+
times |
Text AD Impression :
1,000 + times |
AD Impression : 1,000
+ times |
AD Impression : 22,000
+ times each day ! |
Total AD
Impression : 8,030,000
+ times each year !! |
If all of the
above still can't satisfy your desire, try this! As long as you
successfully become one of the ADboard owner.
Notice Email |
You can send a 7-day expired notice to your
members when deadline approaches. The ownership of 7-day expired notice
delivery will be yours. Therefore, you can utilize this opportunity to
reinforce your ad. |
Email |
can send a confirmed notice to your members after they post ads. The
ownership of confirmed notice delivery will be yours. Therefore, you
can utilize this opportunity to reinforce your ad. |
Easy to maintain your
FreeADBoard !
You can easily maintain your personal
ADBoard in member area , and check the update right after saving the
can get more by Auto Delivery!
Deliver the "Blind" Traffic to the ADBoard Owner . Randomly !
visitor who has visited your adboard, we keep a cookie of their log-in
info. Next time ever comes the chances the same visitors log-in, our
system will direct the visitors to your adboard, even without your
ADBoard link ! Moreover, we provide
a random auto deliver service. Any blind visitor enter our main page,
he/she could be exposed by your ad.
Competition or Cooperation
For the traffic
generated by each owner, ADBoard owner can show his own ADs on
ADBoard's main place, and the other ADBoard owners can show their ads
at two places: Pro- Member AD Text
Area(6) and Pro-Member
Banner AD Area(8) . The more traffic the other ADBoard
owners bring in, the more impression your ADs get ! So, it's both
competition and cooperation between ADBoard owners . Don't worry about
the amount of total ADBoard owners, other's join will help you making
money easier !
Started NOW!!!
your earnings
We help you maximize your earnings by building up a mutual help
network.Run your Personal Money Land now! Our assistance will always
come in handy, feel free to contact us anytime !
Experience the Unexpected Do
you see what I have show you here ? Change your internet experience !
Get your Personal Money Land in next 12 hours . Be the FreeADBoard
Owner and Pro-Member like the others .
Limited !! ) Now for only $ 34.95 !!
Vach Pro Ad Board
Intro : Tradinal free ad
board site.Offers 2 types of membership.1.Free and 2. Pro Membership
Total Members :
Would You Like To Offer FREE
Advertising To Your
Web Site Visitors And Gain Valuable Exposure For Your Home Business?
With Your Own FREE Ad Board You Can:
Generate Fresh Leads for Your Home Business Opportunities
Build Your Own Personal Double Opt-In Mailing List
Generate Extra Income from Affiliate Commissions
Earn Commissions through Your Own Clickbank® Ads
Create Massive Exposure for Your Own Online Opportunities
Provide a FREE Service for Your Current Affiliates and Partners
Each FREE AdBoard Is Loaded With:
FREE Classified Ad Submitter
5 FREE Affiliate Link Cloakers
5 FREE Viral Link URL Rotators
FREE Affiliate Builder
FREE System Mailer
Plus ...
Promo Codes
*Banner Ads
*Premium Classified Ads
*Lifetime Banner Text Ads
Login Ads
Custom Twitter Badge
... and More!
*Banner Ads are displayed across multiple sites in various locations.
*Premium Classifieds Ads Convert To Lifetime Banner Text Ads After
*Lifetime Banner Text Ads are viewed across VACHPro and the entire WAV
Marketing Group!
Pro Members Receive All This Plus The Ability To...
Create up to 200 individual Rotators with up to 5000 url's in each.
View detailed tracking and stats for your rotated links.
Cloak up to 5000 url's.
View detailed tracking and stats for your cloaked links.
Post active ads for 14 days.
Access Pro Only Specials and Discounts.
Receive a Pro Member Bonus of 5 Additional Banners with 1000
Impressions each.
Receive Monthly Pro Only promo codes.
Earn $5.00 for every paid referral.
Receive One FREE Featured Link in the VACHPro Link Exchange Program.
Post Additional FREE Classified Ads on VACHPro FREE Classifieds.
Receive One FREE Position in the VACHPro Banner Exchange Program
with 1000 FREE Impressions.
This is Maximum Exposure for Any Business!
This is Maximum Exposure for Your Home Business!
Get Your FREE Ad Board Today.
Don't Forget!
Use *Promo Code: newmember
and Receive:
5 Banners with 1000 Views Each
5 Premium Ads with a 7 Day Expiration
1 Login Ad with 500 Views
1 HTML Ad with 200 Guaranteed Views
2 Hotlinks with 250 Views Each
That's A $114 Value for FREE!
(Simply Enter Promo Code Into Box In Advertising Section After Sign Up.)
Hurry! This Offer Won't Last Long.
[] Compare Memberships :
Free |
Pro |
Post 2 times a day
$1.00 for every paid referral
Includes: FREE Classified Ad Submitter
5 FREE Affiliate Link Cloakers
5 FREE Viral Link URL Rotators
FREE Affiliate Builder
FREE System Mailer
New Member Promo Code
Exclusive Features, Programs and Much More!
Price: FREE |
Post 20 times a day
$5.00 for every paid referral
Includes: FREE Classified Ad Submitter
5000 FREE Affiliate Link Cloakers
200 FREE Viral Link URL Rotators
Detailed Tracking and Stats
Exclusive Discounts and Specials
Exclusive Monthly Promo Codes
Pro Bonus
FREE Affiliate Builder
FREE System Mailer
New Member Promo Code
Exclusive Features, Programs and Much More!
Price: $15.00 Monthly
Sign Up Free, Then Upgrade Inside! |
[] You must follow these rules
to use this site :
-AGE Limit
You agree that you are the age of 18 or older.
You receive your commissions through Paypal
& Alertpay only.
-Number of Accounts
You are allowed to create only one account through
same Ip
By joining EZ Ad Board Ads YOU AGREE TO RECEIVE
TO EVERY 24HRS FROM admin@ezadboardads.com. Please add this email
address to your address book and mark all emails from
admin@ezadboardads.com as NOT SPAM. This is to ensure all members get
verification emails as well as website updates, commissions info etc.
Again, these emails may be for updates, account issues, EZ Ad Board Ads
promotions or anything that EZ Ad Board Ads needs to relay to all
members. You also agree to receive up to 2 emails every 7 days from
your sponsor from the referral mailer. Your sponsor will not know your
email address.
=Posting Ads
You agree that any ad posts that displays and/or connects with malware,
porn, gambling, warez, or other inappropriate sites will be DELETED and
that your account will be deleted without refund.
You agree that no ad posts will promote any form of illegal activity.
You agree that all ad posts will be fully compliant with federal and
state laws.
You agree to no racist or hateful ads.
You agree to only have links in ad posts that point to other html web
pages. You agree to have no links to e-books, downloads, zip files,
mp3’s etc.
You agree not to include profanity in your ad posts.
You agree that any form of misleading readers will not be tolerated.
No Autoresponders or Bounced Emails are allowed
If your email address bounces or sends back EZ Ad Board Adsa message
with an autoresponder, you risk having your account deleted. Once your
account is deleted you will have to contact Thomas Brown to upgrade you
back to Pro if you were a Pro member. You will be required to show
proof of your Upgrade to Pro by supplying your transaction ID#. All
referrals and COMMISSIONS will be lost if your account is deleted.
EZ Ad Board Adsis a promotional marketing tool used to help members
promote all of their offers on the Internet. EZ Ad Board Adsdoes not
make any promises written or implied as to the amount of money that can
be made from EZ Ad Board Ads. It is your responsibility to make sure
your email address for your PayPal and AlertPay account is correct.
Commission payments made to the wrong account because of an incorrectly
entered id is your responsibility. Should your account at PayPal be
locked or restricted for any reason, that is also your responsibility.
EZ Ad Board Adswill not be held liable.
All policies, rules and regulations are the final decision of EZ Ad
Board Ads. We reserve the right to modify, add or change any policies
as we deem necessary at any time. All members agree that they will not
hold EZ Ad Board Adsliable for any items or policies within this
Once you pay for your membership or buy advertising, if you would like
a refund, simply submit a support ticket stating that you would like a
refund. Your refund will be sent and your account will be deleted. You
will lose any earned commissions and will not be eligible for payment.
By joining and paying for any paid portion of EZ Ad Board Ads, you
agree to all the terms and conditions on this page.
EZ Ad Board Ads has a zero tolerance for spam. Anyone caught spamming
will be deleted from the program and is subject to civil and criminal
prosecution including up to $50,000 in fines. If you are to include EZ
Ad Board Ads's name or URL in any email promotion, please only email to
your own "double-optin" subscribers. Safelists are also allowed as well
as downline mailing programs such as YourLuckyList.
The following are grounds for termination of your account:
To send unsolicited emails to anyone that is not on your own personal
double-optin list. If this does not make sense to you, then do not
include promotions for EZ Ad Board Ads in emails.
To falsify user information provided to EZ Ad Board Adsor to other
users of the service in connection with EZ Ad Board Ads, or any of it's
other sites.
To use the EZ Ad Board Adsname and URL via bought commercial bulk email
considers the above practices to constitute abuse of our service and of
the recipients of such unsolicited mailings and/or postings who often
bear the expense. Therefore, these practices are prohibited by EZ Ad
Board Adsterms and conditions of service. Engaging in one or more of
these practices will result in termination of the offender's account.
In addition, we have the right, where feasible, to implement technical
mechanisms which block multiple postings as described above before they
are forwarded.
Nothing contained in this policy shall be construed to limit EZ Ad
Board Adsactions or remedies in any way with respect to any of the
foregoing activities.
reserves the right to take any and all additional actions it may deem
appropriate with respect to such activities, including without
limitation taking action to recover the costs and expenses of
identifying offenders and removing them from the program.
In addition, EZ Ad Board Adsreserves at all times all rights and
remedies available to it with respect to such activities at law or in
We use IP tracking devices. Any user that is found to blatantly violate
this agreement will be banned from the program indefinitely and may be
subject to civil and criminal prosecution.
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. We may also make
changes to these rules, regulations, and policies at any time.
By becoming a Free Member or a Pro Member of EZ Ad Board Ads, you agree
to all of the above terms and conditions.
-You will not promote the site with any method considered
-Privacy Policy of the site :
[9] Safe List Ad Board
Intro : A traditional free ad board site.Offers
free as well as pro membership.
Total Members :
Do not signup using any of these addresses below.
If you're a marketer use GMAIL http://gmail.com
Sbcglobal.net, Aol, MSN, Earthlink, Hotmail, Comcast, RR.com's Yahoo.(
you will not get your validation email)
Pro members can earn 50% commissions per month!
Random referrals are issued to our Pro members!
Pro members may post 5 ads per day that last for 7 days each!
Complete The Form Below
[] You must follow these rules
to use this site :
Member must be 18 years of age or older to participate.
must provide Adboard with accurate, complete and updated registration
information, including an accurate name, mailing address and email
To the full extent allowed by applicable law, Adboard at its sole
discretion and for any or no reason may refuse to accept applications
for membership.
Members may not (i) activate or use more than one Member account; (ii)
select or use a Email Address of another person; (iii) use a name
subject to rights of another person without authorization from that
person; (iv) use a false or misleading name, mailing address, or email
address to activate or use a Member account.
By signing up for the Adboard program, Member is opting-in to receive
other special offer emails from Adboard . If you do not wish to receive
these emails, you may cancel your account anytime .
Adboard reserves the right to track Member's activity by both IP
Address as well as individual browser activity.
Adboard has the right, in its sole discretion, to suspend or cancel, at
any time and for any or no reason, a Member's membership in and access
to the Adboard Website and the Adboard program. All Earnings may be
cancelled in Adboard sole discretion, and the Member may be referred to
appropriate law enforcement agencies if such action is deemed warranted
by Adboard.
Member agrees not to abuse his or her membership privileges by acting
in a manner inconsistent with this Agreement. Member agrees not to
attempt to earn through other than legitimate channels authorized by
Adboard. Member agrees not to participate in any fraudulent behavior of
any kind.
Adboard shall be the sole determiner in cases of suspected abuse,
fraud, or violation of its rules. Any decision Adboard makes relating
to the cancellation of Earnings and the termination of membership shall
be final and binding.
Spamming is strickly prohibited. Any spamming done to advertise Adboard
will result in immediate termination of your account and a forfeiture
of your account balance. Incidents will be dealt with on a case by case
Member's discontinued participation in the Adboard program or failure
to notify Adboard of any address (mailing or email) changes may result
in the termination of Member's membership and forfeiture of Member's
unredeemed Earnings.
Member shall comply with all laws, rules, and regulations that are
applicable to Member. Member acknowledges that Member may only
participate in the Adboard program if and to the extent that such
participation is permitted by such laws, rules, and regulations.
If member objects to any of the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement,
or any subsequent modifications to this agreement, or becomes
dissatisfied with the Program, Member's only recourse is to immediately
discontinue participation in the Adboard program and properly terminate
his or her membership.
[10] Post Free Ads
Intro : A traditional free ad board site.Again
offers free as well as pro membership.
Total member :
Thanks In Advance For Joining Post Free Adz!
Membership benefits include url rotator,
url cloaker, advertising and much more!
Free Members Post 1 Times Daily - Earn $1 per Paid Referral
Pro Members Post 5 times Daily - Earn $5 per Paid Referral
Sign Up Free - Post Your Ads - Come Back Tomorrow!
Once you have signed up, go to Advertising and use promo code -
newmember - to get two free banners with 5,000 impressions each.
Everything Is Real Simple Here...
Step 1: Signup Below.
Step 2: Confirm Your Email Address
Step 3: Post your ads.
Step 4: Promote Post Free Adz And Earn Cash!
Step 5: Repeat!
So, What All Can You Do At Post Free Adz?
1. You Can Post Your Ads
2. You Can Create URL Rotators For Your Affiliate Links
3. You Can Cloak Your Affiliate Links And Promote 3 Programs At The
Same Time
4. You Can Promote Your Favorite 3 Money-Making Programs To Your
5. You Can Build Your Downlines In The Hottest Programs Out There
And Much Much More!
Sign up as a free member below.
Once inside take a look at the Pro Membership for even more benefits!
Compare Memberships :
[] You must follow these rules
to use this site :
-AGE Limit
You agree that you are the age of 18 or older.
You receive your commissions through Paypal
& Alertpay only.
-Number of Accounts
You are allowed to create only one account through
same Ip
By joining EZ Ad Board Ads YOU AGREE TO RECEIVE
TO EVERY 24HRS FROM admin@ezadboardads.com. Please add this email
address to your address book and mark all emails from
admin@ezadboardads.com as NOT SPAM. This is to ensure all members get
verification emails as well as website updates, commissions info etc.
Again, these emails may be for updates, account issues, EZ Ad Board Ads
promotions or anything that EZ Ad Board Ads needs to relay to all
members. You also agree to receive up to 2 emails every 7 days from
your sponsor from the referral mailer. Your sponsor will not know your
email address.
=Posting Ads
You agree that any ad posts that displays and/or connects with malware,
porn, gambling, warez, or other inappropriate sites will be DELETED and
that your account will be deleted without refund.
You agree that no ad posts will promote any form of illegal activity.
You agree that all ad posts will be fully compliant with federal and
state laws.
You agree to no racist or hateful ads.
You agree to only have links in ad posts that point to other html web
pages. You agree to have no links to e-books, downloads, zip files,
mp3’s etc.
You agree not to include profanity in your ad posts.
You agree that any form of misleading readers will not be tolerated.
No Autoresponders or Bounced Emails are allowed
If your email address bounces or sends back EZ Ad Board Adsa message
with an autoresponder, you risk having your account deleted. Once your
account is deleted you will have to contact Thomas Brown to upgrade you
back to Pro if you were a Pro member. You will be required to show
proof of your Upgrade to Pro by supplying your transaction ID#. All
referrals and COMMISSIONS will be lost if your account is deleted.
EZ Ad Board Adsis a promotional marketing tool used to help members
promote all of their offers on the Internet. EZ Ad Board Adsdoes not
make any promises written or implied as to the amount of money that can
be made from EZ Ad Board Ads. It is your responsibility to make sure
your email address for your PayPal and AlertPay account is correct.
Commission payments made to the wrong account because of an incorrectly
entered id is your responsibility. Should your account at PayPal be
locked or restricted for any reason, that is also your responsibility.
EZ Ad Board Adswill not be held liable.
All policies, rules and regulations are the final decision of EZ Ad
Board Ads. We reserve the right to modify, add or change any policies
as we deem necessary at any time. All members agree that they will not
hold EZ Ad Board Adsliable for any items or policies within this
Once you pay for your membership or buy advertising, if you would like
a refund, simply submit a support ticket stating that you would like a
refund. Your refund will be sent and your account will be deleted. You
will lose any earned commissions and will not be eligible for payment.
By joining and paying for any paid portion of EZ Ad Board Ads, you
agree to all the terms and conditions on this page.
EZ Ad Board Ads has a zero tolerance for spam. Anyone caught spamming
will be deleted from the program and is subject to civil and criminal
prosecution including up to $50,000 in fines. If you are to include EZ
Ad Board Ads's name or URL in any email promotion, please only email to
your own "double-optin" subscribers. Safelists are also allowed as well
as downline mailing programs such as YourLuckyList.
The following are grounds for termination of your account:
To send unsolicited emails to anyone that is not on your own personal
double-optin list. If this does not make sense to you, then do not
include promotions for EZ Ad Board Ads in emails.
To falsify user information provided to EZ Ad Board Adsor to other
users of the service in connection with EZ Ad Board Ads, or any of it's
other sites.
To use the EZ Ad Board Adsname and URL via bought commercial bulk email
considers the above practices to constitute abuse of our service and of
the recipients of such unsolicited mailings and/or postings who often
bear the expense. Therefore, these practices are prohibited by EZ Ad
Board Adsterms and conditions of service. Engaging in one or more of
these practices will result in termination of the offender's account.
In addition, we have the right, where feasible, to implement technical
mechanisms which block multiple postings as described above before they
are forwarded.
Nothing contained in this policy shall be construed to limit EZ Ad
Board Adsactions or remedies in any way with respect to any of the
foregoing activities.
reserves the right to take any and all additional actions it may deem
appropriate with respect to such activities, including without
limitation taking action to recover the costs and expenses of
identifying offenders and removing them from the program.
In addition, EZ Ad Board Adsreserves at all times all rights and
remedies available to it with respect to such activities at law or in
We use IP tracking devices. Any user that is found to blatantly violate
this agreement will be banned from the program indefinitely and may be
subject to civil and criminal prosecution.
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. We may also make
changes to these rules, regulations, and policies at any time.
By becoming a Free Member or a Pro Member of EZ Ad Board Ads, you agree
to all of the above terms and conditions.
-You will not promote the site with any method considered
-Privacy Policy of the site :
More Links 1