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are lots of social networking sites.You can use social network sites
for business promotion as well as making friends with like minded
people.You have most probably read the Home Page & Previous
Page if
not I suggest you should read it first where I have shown you all the
small tips and tricks about how to take maximum advantage of social
networking site for promoting your business or website.
Here I have listed a few Special business related sites but once I
feed back from your side,I will include each and every social
networking sites.
[1] Twitter
Twitter is a
real-time information
network powered by people all around the world that lets you share and
discover what’s happening now.
Twitter asks “what’s happening” and makes
the answer spread across the globe to millions, immediately.
A brief history of Twitter
Initially inspired by the concept of an 'away-message' merged with the
freedom and mobility of SMS, Twitter began as an experiment in 2006.
When value as an instant communication network during shared events
like earthquakes, conferences, and festivals emerged, Twitter began to
grow—Twitter, Inc. was founded in 2007. Today, Twitter is a
privately funded company based in San Francisco, CA.
What’s up with the name?
Twittering is the sound birds make when they communicate with each
other—an apt description of the conversations here. As it
out, because Twitter provides people with real-time public information,
it also helps groups of people mimic the effortless way a flock of
birds move in unison. On these pages, we’ll show you a few
examples of that powerful Twitter characteristic.
What Twitter Does
Whether it’s breaking news, a local traffic jam, a deal at
favorite shop or a funny pick-me-up from a friend, Twitter keeps you
informed with what matters most to you today and helps you discover
what might matter to you most tomorrow.
The timely bits of information that spread through Twitter can help you
make better choices and decisions and, should you so desire, creates a
platform for you to influence what’s being talked about
the world. Search results spread across Twitter and in other ways
across the Web so you can discover what’s happening on and
off of
Twitter.com, wherever you prefer.
Twitter can give a voice to even the weakest signals because of its
simplicity. Users can access Twitter on powerful broadband connections
via a video game console or through faint connections in rural areas
via SMS on a simple mobile phone. You can also access Twitter through
more than 50,000 third-party Internet and mobile applications.
Just remember, how you use Twitter is completely up to you. Follow
hundreds of people. Follow a dozen. Post every hour. Post never. Search
for your favorite topics and create lists. Or not. You are in control
on Twitter.
Twitter for Businesses
Twitter is a simple tool that helps connect businesses more
meaningfully with the right audience at the right time.
Businesses and organizations of all shapes and sizes are now able to
stay connected to their customers. It can be used to quickly share
information with people interested in your company, gather real-time
market intelligence and feedback, and build relationships with
customers, partners and other people who care about your business.
Customers can use Twitter to tell a company (or anyone else) that
they’ve had a great—or
disappointing—experience with
your business, offer product ideas, and learn about great offers
they’ve selected to be notified of.
For real world tips and case studies from businesses that have
effectively used Twitter to build their brand and connect more
personally with their customers, check out Twitter 101 for Businesses,
our guide to doing business on Twitter.
Where’s Twitter?
Twitter may be based in San Francisco, but it's used by folks in nearly
every country in the world. So, we’re working quickly to add
many additional language options as we can.
Twitter now comes in French, German, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish
thanks to the help of translators around the world. Users can change
their language preference in their settings.
Twitter is also forging deals with the biggest telecom operators in the
world to allow users to send and receive Twitter messages over SMS and
MMS at no additional cost. Here’s a list of all the countries
that offer Twitter via SMS.
Twitter on Your Phone
We think that those who are out and about experiencing the world have a
lot to share. That’s why mobile has been in our DNA right
the start: The 140 character limit originated so tweets could be sent
as mobile text messages which have a limit of 160 characters. Minus 20
characters for author attribution, that gives users just enough room.
Evolution of messaging
Twitter is the evolution of mobile messaging, not replacing SMS, IM, or
email but introducing a new public dimension to messaging.
Device integration
We are working closely with all of the major mobile phone manufacturers
and platform providers to integrate Twitter throughout their devices.
These partners believe that it makes their product more appealing if
they include a pre-loaded Twitter application and give users the
ability to tweet from the camera, maps, browser, media player and other
contexts of the device.
The Twitter Ecosystem
As an aggressively open company, Twitter‘s success is
on the success of the developers in its ecosystem. Indeed, a majority
of Twitter’s use comes through third-party applications that
users tweet and read tweets wherever they choose.
In order to fulfill our goals as an information network, we work
closely with developers and partners to help us create meaningful and
varied experiences so that Twitter content could be created and
consumed regardless of the mode or medium. From SMS to web apps to rich
native applications on gaming consoles — users should be able
experience twitter in any form that works for them.
Fortunately, thousands of developers have taken advantage of
Twitter’s open API to make more than 50,000 applications that
on all types of devices and Web services.
More can be found about our API here.
Twitter and the Community.
At Twitter, we often think about what it means to build a company today
and our role in making our community and the world a better place. We
believe that the open exchange of information can have a positive
global impact and will actively work to support this principal in
everything that we do.
This is a lofty goal for a San Francisco start-up. But, interestingly,
we’ve found that this open exchange also has the impact of
the world a smaller, more attainable place.
We have actively supported improving the world’s water supply
(Charity Water and Water.org); we turned our site red to promote World
AIDS Day in 2009 and have partnered with Room to Read to promote
literacy around the world through an initiative we call Fledgling that
involves good wine and books.
Every day, millions of people use Twitter to
discover and share ideas with others. Now, people are turning to
Twitter as an effective way to reach out to businesses, too. From local
stores to big brands, and from brick-and-mortar to internet-based or
service sector, people are finding great value in the connections they
make with businesses on Twitter.
When people working in the Empire State Building twittered that they
were craving ice cream delivery, New York local chain Tasti D Lite was
there to listen and meet their need. When electronics buyers look for
good deals, the Dell Outlet Twitter account helps them save
with exclusive coupons. When Houston's coffee drinkers decide where to
get their daily dose, many choose Coffee Groundz, which lets them order
via Twitter. Read on to learn what Twitter is and to get detailed
examples of how companies are using it. On these pages, we’ll
also reveal how Twitter can help your business right now.
So what does Twitter do for businesses?
Twitter is a communication platform that helps businesses stay
connected to their customers. As a business, you can use it to quickly
share information with people interested in your company, gather
real-time market intelligence and feedback, and build relationships
with customers, partners and other people who care about your company.
As an individual user, you can use Twitter to tell a company (or anyone
else) that you've had a great—or
with their business, offer product ideas, and learn about great offers.
So how does it work?
Twitter lets you write and read messages of up to 140 characters, or
the very length of this sentence, including all punctuation and spaces.
The messages are public and you decide what sort of messages you want
to receive—Twitter being a recipient driven information
In addition, you can send and receive Twitter messages, or tweets,
equally well from your desktop or your mobile phone.
When you combine messages that are quick to write, easy to read,
public, controlled by the recipient and exchangeable anywhere,
you’ve got a powerful, real-time way to communicate. And
real-time communication is turning out to be ground-breaking for users
and businesses alike.
Tip: To listen in on the conversations happening right now, search
Twitter for the name of your company, product or brand. If you have a
Twitter account already, your home page has a handy search box on the
right side. If you don’t yet have an account, try typing in
box below or go to search.twitter.com.
So how do businesses use Twitter?
Twitter connects you to your customers right now, in a way that was
never before possible. For example, let’s say you work for a
custom bike company. If you run a search for your brand, you may find
people posting messages about how happy they are riding your bikes in
the French Alps—giving you a chance to share tips about
cyclist-friendly cafes along their route.
Others may post minor equipment complaints or desired features that
they would never bother to contact you about—providing you
invaluable customer feedback that you can respond to right away or use
for future planning. Still others may twitter about serious problems
with your bikes—letting you offer customer service that can
around a bad situation.
You don’t have to run a bike shop or a relatively small
to get good stuff out of Twitter. Businesses of all kinds, including
major brands, increasingly find that listening and engaging on the
service leads to happier customers, passionate advocates, key product
improvements and, in many cases, more sales.
But Twitter isn’t just about useful immediacy. The
nature of the medium lets you build relationships with customers,
partners and other people important to your business. Beyond
transactions, Twitter gives your constituents direct access to
employees and a way to contribute to your company; as marketers say, it
shrinks the emotional distance between your company and your customers.
Plus, the platform lends itself to integration with your existing
communication channels and strategies. In combination, those factors
can make Twitter a critical piece of your company’s bigger
digital footprint.
For instance, let’s say you run a big retail website. In
to learning more about what your customers want, you can provide
exclusive Twitter coupon codes, link to key posts on your blog, share
tips for shopping online, and announce specials at store locations. And
you can take things a step further by occasionally posting messages
about fun, quirky events at your HQ, giving others a small but valuable
connection with the people in your company.
Tip: Twitter can be “ground-breaking” for
businesses—a big claim. We truly believe it because
seen lots of examples, many of which we share here. But if
new to Twitter and still wondering what all the fuss is about, hang
around the site (or a good third-party client) for a week or two and
give it a few minutes a day. Twitter almost always delivers
“Aha!” moments for people, but it can take some
used to before you have your moment of enlightenment.
Go deeper
These are just a few of the ways Twitter is helping businesses serve
customers; you’ll discover more. If you’re new to
head over to Getting started for tips on twittering successfully. If
you’re already on board, check out Best Practices and Case
studies for ideas to get the most out of Twitter.
A key benefit
One of Twitter’s key benefits is that it gives you the chance
communicate casually with customers on their terms, creating friendly
relationships along the way—tough for corporations to do in
other mediums.
One of the cool things about Twitter is that it gives you a way to have
friendly, public conversations with customers. You’ll make
most of those casual conversations if you do a little planning first.
In this section, we’ll suggest a few strategic things to
about before you dive in, and then we’ll give you some
to start twittering smoothly.
Before you post your first message
Before you get started, it’s important to understand that on
Twitter, people choose to view your updates by searching for specific
keywords or by following your account. This recipient-controlled model
means that if you are compelling to people on Twitter,
choose to view your updates. The reverse is also true—people
choose to un-follow you just as easily.
Dry, boring feeds rarely draw many people. Successful Twitter business
accounts, though, can take many forms. They may be personal and chatty
or they might even have mostly automated information. But no matter the
style, the key is to post messages that your followers will find
Tip: Help people understand what to expect from your Twitter account by
posting a little description in your Bio.
So making your posts on Twitter interesting is key, but what are you
going to post about? That depends on your goals. Do you want to build
deeper relationships? Get on the radar of potential new customers or
partners? Or do you want to provide more responsive and immediate
customer service?
You can meet several communication goals simultaneously by thinking
about your Twitter account as a friendly information booth or coffee
bar. It’s a place for people to ask you spontaneous questions
all kinds—a spot to share intriguing company insights they
find interesting. When you hit stride with these exchanges, they often
lead to unexpected, valuable relationships.
Of course, you can have accounts that focus exclusively on specific
goals, like providing customer service or offering deals to move
Tip: Companies sometimes worry that twittering might require a lot of
staff time or even hiring new people to maintain an account. In fact,
Twitter works best for businesses when you start slow, devoting a few
minutes a day to see whether and how it’s valuable to you.
Regardless of how you plan on using Twitter, you should figure out how
to integrate it with your existing communication channels. For
instance, if people make enquiries on Twitter that should be handled by
your customer service team, how will you connect those customers and
staffers? Or if your R&D department does your twittering, but
marketing department wants to share info on a promo, how will they do
The answers will depend, of course, on things like whether your company
is run by three people or thirty thousand and how you already handle
similar cross-platform issues. But don’t hesitate to have
multiple accounts that serve different purposes, and check out our Best
Practices and Case studies for additional ideas.
To get a sense of what Twitter can do for your business, spend a little
time listening in on the conversations happening right now (you can use
Twitter search whether or not you have an account). Listening will help
you quickly learn what people are saying about your company, and it
will also give you a feel for the flow of conversations on Twitter. In
addition, it can give you insight into how other companies handle
Twitter exchanges (our Case studies can give you more ideas).
Once you’ve got a sense of how you want to engage on Twitter,
you’re ready to dive in.
Dive in!
If you haven’t yet signed up for an account, it’s
easy, and
it takes just a few minutes. Here’s how to get started:
1. Sign up
Head over to the sign-up page, and fill out the four fields. If
you’re creating a company account, use the “Full
name” field to type in your company name. That’ll
people find your company on Twitter. (You can add your own name in the
Bio field, as described below.)
The Username is the handle by which you’ll be known on
like ComcastCares. Choose the shortest name that best describes your
company or this particular account.
Tip: We don’t allow name squatting on Twitter. So if somebody
doesn’t work for your company is holding or using your brand
inappropriately, contact us to get it sorted out.
After you’ve signed up, the site walks you through a couple
screens to help you find people on Twitter you know or might be
interested in. The process is quick, but if you want to jump directly
to your account page, just head to the bottom of each page and click
“Skip this step.”
2. Fill out your info
When you first arrive on your account page, it’ll look
like the picture on the right. Before you do anything else, click
Settings to get a page where you can fill out a few more
to help people recognize your company. Most of the fields are
self-explanatory. But pay special attention to the Bio, which gives you
160 characters; this is a great place to list the person or people
twittering for your organization (if individual staffers have their own
Twitter accounts, you can list their @usernames here).
Before you leave Settings, check out the Picture tab, which is the
place to add your company logo or photo of yourself. On the Design tab,
you can upload a background image for your Twitter home page and tweak
the page colors.
Tip: Because the Bio gives you just 160 characters, companies often use
the background image to share additional contact info.
3. Find highly relevant people and companies to follow.
Whether or not you chose to follow anyone in the sign-up process,
now’s a good time to search for people and companies of
interest to you. Use the search box on your Twitter home page to look
not only for people talking about your company, brands and products,
but also for partners and mentions of key terms in your sector. When
you find interesting messages, consider following those accounts. No
need to worry about the number of people you’re
following—just follow a few whose updates you really want to
read, say hello and let conversations grow. Also look at the Find
People section.
Tip: By default when someone follows you, you'll get an email from
Twitter saying so with some basic information about the user. Anyone
can turn off those notifications, though (under Settings >
so don’t assume people will know you’re on Twitter
because you’ve followed them.
4. Post your first message.
This is where the real fun starts. On your Twitter home page, in the
box at the top, type in a message. As you type, the counter on the
upper-right corner of the box guides you down from 140 characters. When
you’ve got a message ready to go, hit Update to post it
Enter won’t do the trick).
If you’re thinking, “Sounds easy, but what should I
say?”, consider trying something like, “Excited to
twittering. Let us know what you want to hear about from Our
Company.” Or you could go with, “Hello! Is this
on?” A conversational, playful tone flies beautifully on
so don’t hesitate to add some fun into your messages.
Once you’ve posted that first message, you could follow up
some hellos to people you know on Twitter, and perhaps post a link to
an interesting news story about your industry (just copy the link and
paste it into the update box).
Tip: Once you’ve set up your account page, add your mobile
phone to your account so you can Twitter from the road.
can also follow you from their mobile phone by texting
YourUsername” to 40404. If you have a smart phone, like an
or a Blackberry, download any of the numerous Twitter clients for those
Learn the lingo
On the one hand, Twitter is pretty simple: send and receive short
messages. On the other hand, what’s with all the symbols and
strange terms? In this section, we explain the weird stuff
important so that you can use Twitter like a pro.
Some of the most useful conventions on Twitter—including
(RT), hashtags (#), and @username messages—were user
When people wanted features Twitter didn’t provide, they
their own, and we later incorporated them into the system. We assume
new features will evolve from users in the future, so feel free to
The key terms
To receive messages on Twitter, you follow other people and companies
you’re interested in—which means you get their
messages as
they post (put another way, their messages show up in your incoming
timeline on your Twitter home page). Conversely, people get your
messages by following you.
Users refer to an individual message as a tweet, as in,
out this tweet about our CEO dancing on the sidelines of the Phoenix
Suns game.” People sometimes use it as a verb, too, as in,
“I tweeted about the stimulus package this
morning.” If
“tweet” is hard for you to use with a straight face
in a
business context, try “twittering” as a verb
Alternatives include “post,”
“message” and
For companies, one of the most useful things about Twitter is that it
lets you exchange public messages with individual users. Simply start a
message with @username of the person you want to reach, like this:
“@Ev Glad you liked our vegan
cookies. Thanks for twittering about ‘em!”
If Ev is following your account, your message will appear directly on
his Twitter home page. (If he’s not following your account,
message will appear in
his folder of @username mentions.) People who
are following both you and Ev will also see the message on their
Twitter home page. Finally, the message will appear in search results,
and people who come to your Twitter home page will see it among the
messages in your outgoing timeline.
Tip: On Twitter, @username automatically becomes a link to that
person’s account—helping people discover each other
on the
system. Put another way: when you see an @username, you can always
click through to that person’s Twitter page and learn whether
want to follow them.
To find the public messages that are directed to you (i.e., those that
start with your @BusinessName) or that mention you (i.e., those that
include your @BusinessName elsewhere in the tweet), head to your
Twitter home page, and then on the right side of the screen, click the
tab labeled your @BusinessName. For businesses, it’s a good
to keep a close eye on incoming @mentions, because they’re
sent by customers or potential customers expecting a reply.
Tip: To reply easily from the Twitter website, mouse over a message,
and then look on the right end for the “Reply
arrow”. Click
the arrow to start a new message addressed to the original user.
DM, or direct message
Direct messages—or DMs—are Twitter’s
messaging channel. These tweets appear on your home page under the
Direct Messages tab, and if you’ve got email notifications
on, you’ll also get an email message when somebody DMs you.
don’t appear in either person’s public timeline or
search results. No one but you can see your DMs.
The one tricky concept with DMs is that you can send them only to
people who are following you. Conversely, you can receive them only
from people you’re following.
You can easily send DMs from the Direct Messages tab by using the
pull-down menu to choose a recipient and then typing in your note. To
send a DM from your home page, start your message with “d
username,” like this:
“d Ev Sorry those cookies gave
you food poisoning! Would you prefer a refund or a new batch?”
Tip: If you’re communicating with a customer about something
potentially sensitive—including personal information, account
numbers, email addresses, phone numbers, street addresses,
etc.—be sure to encourage them to DM or email you. As we
mentioned earlier, @mentions are public, so anyone can see them.
RT, or retweet
To help share cool ideas via Twitter and to give a shout-out to people
you respect, you can repost their messages and give them credit. People
call that retweeting (or RT), and it usually looks something like this:
“RT @Username: Original message, often with a
Retweeting is common, and it’s a form of conversation on
It’s also a powerful way to spread messages and ideas across
Twitter quickly. So when you do it, you’re engaging in a way
people recognize and usually like—making it a good way to
Trending Topics
On the right side of your screen and on the Twitter search page,
you’ll see ten Trending Topics, which are the most-mentioned
terms on Twitter at that moment. The topics update continually,
reflecting the real-time nature of Twitter and true shifts in what
people are paying attention to. A key feature of Twitter, Trending
Topics aggregate many tweets at once and often break news ahead of the
mainstream media. (Note that the trends often include hashtags,
described below.)
Hashtag (#)
Twitter messages don’t have a field where you can categorize
them. So people have created the hashtag—which is just the #
symbol followed by a term describing or naming the topic—that
add to a post as a way of saying, “This message is about the
thing as other messages from other people who include the same
hashtag.” Then, when somebody searches for that hashtag,
they’ll get all of the related messages.
For instance, let’s say you post, “Voted sixty
times in
tonight’s showdown. #AmericanIdol.” Your message
would then
be part of Twitter search results for
“#AmericanIdol,” and
if enough people use the same hashtag at once, the term will appear in
Twitter’s Trending Topics.
Companies often use hashtags as part of a product launch (like
#FordFiesta), and conferences and events frequently have hashtags
associated with them (like #TED).
A tweetup is simply an in-person gathering organized via Twitter, often
spontaneous. Companies use them for things like hosting launch parties,
connecting with customers and introducing like-minded followers to each
Shortened URLs
With just 140 characters at your disposal, Twitter doesn’t
you much room to include URL links—some of which are longer
140 characters themselves. If you post a link on Twitter via the
website, sometimes we automatically shorten the URL for you. There are
also a number of services—URL shorteners—that take
links and shrink them down to a manageable length for tweets, and some
even let you track clicks.
Next section: Best practices
Written by Twitter with Sarah Milstein
DM, or direct message
Direct messages—or DMs—are Twitter’s
messaging channel. These tweets appear on your home page under the
Direct Messages tab, and if you’ve got
email notifications turned
on, you’ll also get an email message when somebody DMs you.
don’t appear in either person’s public timeline or
search results. No one but you can see your DMs.
The one tricky concept with DMs is that you can send them only to
people who are following you. Conversely, you can receive them only
from people you’re following.
You can easily send DMs from the Direct Messages tab by using the
pull-down menu to choose a recipient and then typing in your note. To
send a DM from your home page, start your message with “d
username,” like this:
“d Ev Sorry those cookies gave
you food poisoning! Would you prefer a refund or a new batch?”
Tip: If you’re communicating with a customer about something
potentially sensitive—including personal information, account
numbers, email addresses, phone numbers, street addresses,
etc.—be sure to encourage them to DM or email you. As we
mentioned earlier, @mentions are public, so anyone can see them.
RT, or retweet
To help share cool ideas via Twitter and to give a shout-out to people
you respect, you can repost their messages and give them credit. People
call that retweeting (or RT), and it usually looks something like this:
“RT @Username: Original message, often with a
Retweeting is common, and it’s a form of conversation on
It’s also a powerful way to spread messages and ideas across
Twitter quickly. So when you do it, you’re engaging in a way
people recognize and usually like—making it a good way to
Trending Topics
On the right side of your screen and on the Twitter search page,
you’ll see ten Trending Topics, which are the most-mentioned
terms on Twitter at that moment. The topics update continually,
reflecting the real-time nature of Twitter and true shifts in what
people are paying attention to. A key feature of Twitter, Trending
Topics aggregate many tweets at once and often break news ahead of the
mainstream media. (Note that the trends often include hashtags,
described below.)
Hashtag (#)
Twitter messages don’t have a field where you can categorize
them. So people have created the hashtag—which is just the #
symbol followed by a term describing or naming the topic—that
add to a post as a way of saying, “This message is about the
thing as other messages from other people who include the same
hashtag.” Then, when somebody searches for that hashtag,
they’ll get all of the related messages.
For instance, let’s say you post, “Voted sixty
times in
tonight’s showdown. #AmericanIdol.” Your message
would then
be part of Twitter search results for
“#AmericanIdol,” and
if enough people use the same hashtag at once, the term will appear in
Twitter’s Trending Topics.
Companies often use hashtags as part of a product launch (like
#FordFiesta), and conferences and events frequently have hashtags
associated with them (like #TED).
A tweetup is simply an in-person gathering organized via Twitter, often
spontaneous. Companies use them for things like hosting launch parties,
connecting with customers and introducing like-minded followers to each
Shortened URLs
With just 140 characters at your disposal, Twitter doesn’t
you much room to include URL links—some of which are longer
140 characters themselves. If you post a link on Twitter via the
website, sometimes we automatically shorten the URL for you. There are
also a number of services—URL shorteners—that take
links and shrink them down to a manageable length for tweets, and some
even let you track clicks.
Best practices
Every company has its own experience on Twitter. But whether a business
has been here for a couple of years or just a few months, its
twitterers tend to find that certain approaches lead to success. In
this section, we share that wisdom, which falls into a couple of big
Think about Twitter as a place to build relationships
Instead of approaching Twitter as a place to broadcast information
about your company, think of it as a place to build relationships. Put
into practice, that means you could do things like:
Include in your Bio and/or custom background the names (or @usernames)
of the people twittering from your company account. It’s also
good idea to include additional contact info, like email addresses.
Listen regularly for comments about your company, brand and
products—and be prepared to address concerns, offer customer
service or thank people for praise.
Tip: In addition to keeping an eye on your @messages, you can use our
Saved Searches feature to easily track mentions of your product, brand,
company, etc. From your Twitter home page, simply run a search, and
then at the top of your results page, click “Save this
search.” A link with your search term will appear on the
side of your page, and whenever you click it, you’ll get
real-time results for that query. To delete a search, just head to the
top of your results and click “Remove this search.”
Use a casual, friendly tone in your messages.
While you shouldn’t feel compelled to follow everyone who
you, do respond to some questions or comments addressed to you.
If you like a particular message, retweet it. People often appreciate
the sharing and amplification of their ideas, so look to retweet cool
Post links to articles and sites you think folks would find
interesting—even if they’re not your sites or about
Make sure your tweets provide some real value. You know better than we
do what is valuable, but here are few examples to spark ideas:
* Offer Twitter exclusive coupons or
* Take people behind the scenes of your
* Post pictures from your offices,
stores, warehouses, etc.
* Share sneak peeks of projects or
events in development
Don’t spam people. Twitter’s following model means
that you
have to respect the interests and desires of other people here or
they’ll unfollow you. The most common way to run afoul of
understanding—and to thus look like a spammer—is to
unsolicited @messages or DMs, particularly when you include a
promotional link.
Of course, if you run an account that focuses explicitly on sharing
exclusive coupon codes or sale information, you’re probably
fine posting promos. But tread carefully, and consider explaining in
your bio or background how the account works.
Tip: You can test the waters by sending just a few promos to start, and
then continuing only if people show interest.
To make sure you’re not spamming folks, we also suggest you
avoid the following:
* Posting duplicate updates to an
account: Posting
the same update over and over throughout the day is considered spammy
and a possible violation of our terms of service.
* Cross-posting duplicate updates to
accounts: If you post the same update to multiple accounts, you could
violate our terms of service.
* Following churn: Following and
unfollowing the
same people repeatedly, as well as following and unfollowing those who
don't follow back, are both violations of our terms of service.
Tip: Think you’ve encountered a spammer? Let us know, and
we’ll look into the account. You can alert us to spam
profiles by
sending a direct message to @spam! In addition, you can block the
spammer by heading to their account page, and on the right side,
clicking the block link (they won’t know you’ve
Understand the real-time nature of Twitter
Messages on Twitter are short, quick and able to reach people wherever
they happen to be. That combination makes it an instantaneous medium,
which has a couple of implications for businesses:
* You can ask questions, float ideas and
feedback on Twitter—and expect pretty quick replies most of
* If you’ve just launched a
product, ask users
what they think or search for real-time tweets from people talking
about your product. You can also ask or search for feedback on new ad
campaigns you’ve launched, stores you’ve opened or
issues you have to handle.
* When people raise customer service
issues on
Twitter, they generally expect a quick reply—within a day, if
within a few hours, depending on the nature of your business. Keep an
eye on your @mentions.
Measure the value of Twitter
Before you set up measurement tools, focus on the quality of your
engagement, and use your gut to check how things are going.
the feedback and interaction with your followers? Are you responding to
most or your @messages? Are most tweets about you positive? Or if they
started out largely negative, are they coming around? Are more people
beginning to engage with you and mention your company?
Next, think about quantifying your experience. Although it can be
tricky to add up the value of relationships, Twitter does lend itself
to measurement in a few ways—especially if you’ve
defined what you hope will be different for your company in three
months, six months or a year if you succeed on Twitter. Tactics like
these can then help you assess your progress in meeting that goal:
* Keep a tally of questions answered,
problems resolved and positive exchanges held on Twitter. Do the
percentages change over time?
* When you offer deals via Twitter, use
a unique
coupon code so that you can tell how many people take you up on that
Twitter-based promotion. If you have an online presence, you can also
set up a landing page for a promotion, to track not only click-throughs
but further behavior and conversions.
* Use third-party tools to figure out
how much traffic your websites are receiving from Twitter.
* Track click-throughs on any link you
post in a
tweet. Some URL shortening services let you track click-throughs.
[2] Mixx
Mixx is your link to the
web content that
really matters. There's a lot of information out there and, let's face
it, you don't have all day to find the good stuff (if you do, we're
totally jealous). And who knows better than you what informs you, what
makes you think, what makes you laugh? So why should some faceless
editor get to decide what's important?
But now you're in charge. You find it; we'll Mixx it. Use YourMixx to
tailor the content categories, tags, specific users and groups, and
we'll deliver the top-rated content as chosen by you and people who
share your passions. So go ahead and whip up your own version of the
web. Just tell us how you like it Mixxed and we'll deliver the best the
web has to offer—morning, noon and night.
What is Mixx all about?
At Mixx, all of the content is user-generated, which means that we
don't have an editor who decides what you should find interesting. We
figure that you can find that same-old same-old pretty much anywhere
else. So instead, we make it easy for you to submit stories, photos,
videos—whatever you find interesting, informative, different
fun. You can also see—
and vote on—the stuff that other
Mixxers submit.
Do I have to register to use Mixx?
No. You can browse through any of the posted content, but by
registering, you can also vote and comment on any of the content you
see. You can set up YourMixx page, which will deliver content
customized to your interests—including text, photos and
You can even set up groups. Registering only takes a few seconds. It
might not change the world, but it will change the way you see the web.
How private is my private group?
It's as private as you want it to be, as long as other members of Your
Group can keep it quiet. Whatever you post to a private group stays in
that private group. Please note that if, when posting, you also select
any of the categories or add tags, this will also submit to the public
arena. So, if it's something that you want to share with your group
members as well as the rest of the Mixx community, go ahead and select
whatever other categories you think are appropriate.
Why should I choose Mixx over another socially driven site?
We admit that we're partial to Mixx, but we think that you'll find that
it's easier to set up, easier to use and easier to manage. The content
is all generated by members of the Mixx community, and can be sorted by
how popular the stories are, how recently they were posted, and by
which submission has the most comments.
How do I change my profile?
When you log in, go the top right corner and click on "Your account."
This will take you to the Public Profile page where you can change the
information that other Mixxers see (your geographic location, and any
other information that you want to share) and upload or change an
avatar. You can also change your password, email address and ZIP code.
Can other Mixx users see my real name or email address?
No. All of that information is hidden from public view. People will
only know you by your user name.
Can I have more than one personal page?
No. But if this is something you think we should add, use the Feedback
link and let us know.
How do I move stuff around on my personal page?
From Your Mixx page, go to the upper right side, just under the red bar.
You'll see a small button labeled "Edit your page." Click that. It will
take you to an outline of YourMixx page. The content that you currently
have on YourMixx will be shown as boxes with just a title and a little
"x." To re-order your page, choose any content box and drag it anywhere
on the page. If you don't want it anymore, just click the little "x"
and we'll unMixx it for you.
Do I have to tag stuff I want to submit?
No, tags are not required, but they do offer some benefits that make it
worth the effort. First, it just makes it easier for people to get a
better idea of what the content is about. Some stories explain
themselves pretty well in the title and description, but sometimes it
needs a bit of help. Second, tags are a great way to browse the site.
If your content has tags, it'll be easier for people to find the
content that you submit. Third (and last, we promise), content that is
tagged will show up higher in the search results, another way to make
sure that people find the good stuff.
Why can't I submit content to the "Popular" category?
Everything you submit—whether it's text, videos or
photos—goes to the "Popular" category by default, so you
need to specify it explicitly. The popular stories are pulled from all
categories and tags on Mixx.com. The only time that content isn't
submitted to "Popular" is when you submit it only to a group.
Mixx won't accept my link. What's the deal?
There are a couple reasons why your link may not be making it through
the first step of the submission process:
* First, we have a 3rd party who
provides content
filtering for us. So it's possible that the filter may have caught it.
* Second, it could be a server to server
issue. When
someone submits an URL to us, our servers go out and requests
information from the server the URL is hosted on. If that server
responds weirdly, then our server sort of throws up its hands and says,
"Sorry, can't submit."
Either way, please pass the URL on to us. We'll be happy to take a
look, figure out how it's coded and see why our server's not accepting
it. This way, over time, we can increase the number of URLs our system
can accept.
What information can people see about me?
Only what you list in your personal profile when you register. You can
always go back to Your Account and update your information. Add
whatever you like, or delete everything but your user name.
Why am I seeing a random picture on my profile?
Mixx has a collection of default photos to encourage you to upload your
own, personalized icon. To get rid of Robert Downey's mugshot, upload
your own photo here: [[1]]
What do I put in the About Me box?
Whatever you'd like other members of the Mixx community to know about
you. Are you a political junkie? A cat lover? Into knitting or skiing?
The middle child? The middle child of eight? This is your opportunity
to share as much or as little as you like. Whatever you enter here will
be visible when another Mixxer clicks on your user name or avatar. If
they like what they see, they can easily add you as a contact.
Why can't I change my Mixx ID?
Your user name is linked to several things in our system, including
YourMixx. Other Mixxers who—quite naturally—want to
everything you submit, are going to be dazed and confused if your name
suddenly changes. And what if someone else takes your old user name?
And starts submitting stuff you would never have thought share-worthy?
So go ahead and choose a good name, and then don't mess with a good
How can I block someone?
Go to YourMixx and click on Your Contacts. Then click to view all of
Your Followers, which will be listed at the top of the page. Below the
Followers user name you'll see a small Block button. Click on this to
block this follower. Specifically, the action will block you from
seeing any of the user's comments throughout the site as well as block
their ability to share submissions with you. You'll get a message
asking if you really want to block this user. This is not to try to
change your mind, just to give you a chance to make sure you clicked
the right button.
How do I add someone as a MixxFriend?
There are a couple of ways to do this. When you see a story or video or
photo that you really like, click on the name of the person who
submitted it. This will take you to their profile page. On the right
side of the page, you'll see "Follow Bob," assuming his name is Bob, of
course. They will now appear on YourMixx as a MixxFriend. Easy!
How do I Favorite something?
On every submission's details page (where you can see voting history,
read comments, etc) there is a star right next to the submission title
at the top. Click it, the star will turn yellow and the submission will
then appear in the Favorites tab of your user profile! To un-favorite
it, just click the same star again.
What is a Super Mixxer?
A Super Mixxer is a user on Mixx, who, through a combination of Karma
points, high quality, diverse submissions and comments, and being a
model Mixxer for at least 30 days, has access to special feature
What can a Super Mixxer do?
As of right now, on every page, Super Mixxers will have the option to
link a piece of content with any other previously Mixxed story, photo
or video with our Related Items feature. Super Mixxers also have the
ability to flag content submitted by themselves and others as Breaking
News. SuperMixxers get 40 kudos to hand out, by far the most of any
user! On top of that, Super Mixxer endorsed sites are marked on Mixx
and are guaranteed to be quality content. As we roll out more cool
toys, Super Mixxers will gain more privileges.
How can I become a Super Mixxer?
Get those karma points up by submitting and commenting, and all the
other ways you have to earn karma and participate positively in the
community. Spamming, trolling or otherwise being a mean Mixxer will set
you back in your quest for super power.
How do I know when I become a Super Mixxer?
A special Super Mixxer badge will appear on your profile. It's kind of
the best badge in the whole world. Just FYI.
Can a Super Mixxer lose their powers?
These are powers that can only be used for good. And with that power
comes great responsibility. If any Super Mixxer decides to act like a
child (not you specifically, of course) and abuse any features, we'll
be forced to take away their toys and send them to their room.
What is an Ambassador?
A Mixx Ambassador is a highly esteemed ranking, one of which few can
can hold (not really a few, just those that opt into it, oh and you
have to be a Super Mixxer in order to be eligible). As an Ambassador,
you will be responsible for two things. One - you will have the ability
to mark items to be reviewed by other Ambassadors, in other words, you
find something that does not belong and you want your other fellow
Ambassadors to review it (if enough of you feel it does not belong,
then it shall belong no longer). Two - we ask that you welcome new
Mixxers and take them under your wings, show them the ropes, make them
feel comfortable in their new surroundings.
How do I become an Ambassador?
Well, for starters, you need to be a Super Mixxer. Once you have
achieved that, you will have the option to opt into becoming an
Ambassador. It is voluntary, and you can opt out at any time.
What are the rules for being an Ambassador?
The job of evaluating comments and submissions is a challenging one. It
can't be taken lightly; nor can it be used to act on some personal
vendetta or to gang up on a user you disagree with politically or
personally. If we feel you have been abusing your new powers or using
it as your own personal vendetta posse, the response from the Mixx
admins will be swift and unequivocal. You may lose your Ambassador
status or be placed in time out or be removed from Mixx.
What is a Power Mixxer?
A Power Mixxer is a user on Mixx, who, through a combination of Karma
points, high quality, diverse submissions and comments, and being a
model Mixxer for at least 15 days, has access to special feature
enhancements. Much like the Super Mixxer powers, the Power Mixxer
powers can only be used for good. These powers include: the ability to
give out 20 kudos a day, relate anything you submit to other stories,
photos, and videos on Mixx, and if that’s not enough, you
get a cool Power Mixxer badge pinned on your Mixx profile. Think you
have what it takes to be a Power Mixxer? Follow this link (
http://www.mixx.com/sweepstakes/join) to find out!
What is Considered "Breaking News" on Mixx?
SuperMixxers have the ability to mark stories as "Breaking News" on
Mixx. When a story is marked breaking by multiple SuperMixxers, it will
be displayed in the Breaking News category. The definition of what is
breaking is a bit subjective, but knowing that breaking news can happen
in any category, here are some guidelines:
* Does the story have an appeal outside
of one
narrow demographic? For instance, a tree falling on the house in
Lawton, OK is interesting, but probably not "breaking." If that tree is
in Washington, DC and happens to be the White House, well, then that
would be breaking.
* Is the story from a credible source?
If a random
blog about cheeseburgers suddenly has news that Britney Spears has won
the Nobel Peace Prize... Probably not something you want to tag
breaking. NBC announces that? Well, first, buy a ski chalet in hell
cause it hath frozen over, but then, submit it and mark it breaking.
* Would this story cause an interruption
in your
Mom's General Hospital watching to announce? That's probably breaking
news, even if it makes your Mom mad.
* Would a major news site, like
USAToday.com, LATimes.com, put one of those red "Breaking News" boxes
on their homepage with this story in it? Definitely breaking.
In other words, use your best judgment as a SuperMixxer!
What are partner recommendations?
For select partners, Mixx tracks recommendations from readers of that
website for content on that website. The count you see here does not
influence the vote total on Mixx, nor does it impact whether it reaches
popular status. It just lets you know how many people over on the
partner site thought this worth a look.
Who decides if content is removed?
The Mixxologists make that call. We're the people behind the site, and
we make the decision based on whether the content violates our Terms of
Use, which all users agree to when they register. Think we made a
mistake? Use the Feedback link to let us know.
Can removed content be resubmitted?
No. Once we decide that something is inappropriate for Mixx, we do not
allow that exact URL to be resubmitted. This will not prevent other
content from the same site to be submitted, however.
Can my account be terminated?
If you've been bad, yes, we can and will block your account. We'll only
do it for repeated violations of the Terms of Use, not for a first
offense, because we know very well that everyone make the occasional
If my account is terminated, can I ever Mixx again?
Are you offering us a bribe? Sadly, we can't accept. Our policy is
pretty explicit: We're not going to welcome people who are trying to
subvert the system, spam other users, submit illegal content, or just
make it an unpleasant experience for other Mixxers. If you think you've
been banned unfairly, please send us an email at feedback@mixx.com and
we'll check it out.
So what are Mixx Communities and why do I want one?
Mixx Communities give users—whether individuals, companies or
organizations—a set of tools to create a broader, more robust
social media niche. And because social media is all about activism,
empowerment and the connection between publishers and users, Mixx
Communities offer the perfect way to create and energize your group or
cause. For a list of the benefits, check out the MixxBlog post on
How do I create my own Community?
Just go to http://www.mixx.com/groups/create_your_niche and follow our
easy step-by-step process. If you have questions along the way, e-mail
us at feedback@mixx.com or send site mail to user name "feedback" and
we'll see what we can do to help you out.
My Community name was rejected. What's up with that?
First, make sure that your Community name begins with a letter. While
they can contain numbers and an underscore (_), Community names MUST
begin with a letter. If this doesn't fix it, please contact us at
Why can't I upload my avatar?
In this case, size does matter so make sure that your avatar is at
least 96x96. If it is and you're still having trouble, please email us
at feedback@mixx.com and we'll look into it. Any information you can
include about your operating system and preferred browser would be
helpful. I was adding sub-categories to my Community navigation and I
accidentally clicked the "Add Sub-Category" button an extra time.
do I get rid of that extra sub-category?
Ever hear the phrase "Just ignore it and hope it goes away?" Well, if
you leave a sub-category box empty, it won't populate into your
Community navigation, so it will be like it never happened!
What if I don't have a logo for my Community?
Not to worry—your Community name will appear instead. If you
to add a logo later, you can always go back to the "Edit Community
Settings" section of the Community Management page and upload it.
So what's this AdSense Revenue Share all about?
You ready for this? You can make money from your Mixx Community! Google
AdSense makes it easy for people with websites—or Mixx
Communities!—to place relevant ads on their web pages and to
money from those ads. The revenue share with Mixx is 50/50. For more
information on the Google AdSense program, check out
Why is my Community "hidden" and what does that mean?
All Communities start out hidden and stay that way until you activate
them. Only then will a Community become available/visible for Mixxers
to join. Of course, you can choose to have a private Community, where
only Community members can see the content, or a public Community,
where anyone can participate. You can select—and
change—these options in the "Community Settings" area of the
Administrator page.
How do I delete a Mixx community?
While we certainly hope you'll never want to, the Community
administrator would have to contact us by email at Feedback@mixx.com or
by sending site mail to Mixx username "feedback" to request that a
Community be deleted or to step down as admin.
How do I get the word out about my Community?
Invite your Mixx Friends and Followers online. Tell your real-life
friends. Do the same sorts of things that you would do to promote a
story on Mixx. From time-to-time, we'll also choose Communities to
feature on the site, so if you think it deserves a big shout-out,
submit your Community for consideration!
How do I edit my Community notification settings?
In the top right corner of your screen, click on "Your account" and
then click the "Notifications" tab. Scroll down until you see the
notification options for "Communities." You'll also be able to edit
Group notifications on this page.
Is any reporting available so we can see stats on AdSense displayed
within our communities? If so, is that displayed on Mixx or with
AdSense management console?
Yes. It is displayed within the Adsense management console.
When sharing 50% of revenue, that does not affect AdSense shown on my
own properties, right? Just within Mixx Communities, correct?
Yes, JUST within the Mixx Communities.
What is Creative Commons?
Creative Commons provides free tools that let authors, scientists,
artists, and educators easily mark their creative work with the
freedoms they want it to carry.. Their mission is to create options for
copyrights that exist between total anarchy and total control. Mixx is
leveraging their "Public Domain" license. Which says, in a nutshell,
that everything you submit or create on mixx (comments, profiles, etc)
belongs to the public domain of the country from which the work is
published. Read more about it on the Creative Commons website:
What is Timeout?
Remember preschool? Then you may remember a little thing called
"timeout." A Mixx timeout is a suspension from the site for however
long the Mixx admins feel is necessary. If you have an email address
associated with your Mixx account, you will be notified via email of
your suspension, as well as the length of the suspension. You will not
be able to sign in to your Mixx account until the suspension is up.
What are some behaviors that could potentially put me in Timeout?
The main purpose behind the Timeout feature is to discourage trollish
debaters and to promote accountability throughout Mixx. We have some
very passionate users and often times the clashing of beliefs turns
into personal attacks. Timeout creates a fair way to let users know
that we respect their opinions, but we think they need to take a break
from the site and maybe cool off a bit. But be warned, it all depends
on the severity of the abuse and ultimately is up to the Mixx admin
what action to take against the user.
How do I know when I'm no longer in Timeout?
If you have an email address associated with your Mixx account, you
will receive an email notifying you that your suspension is over.
How do I know if another Mixx user is in Timeout?
If they are in a current state of timeout, their profile will have a
message saying so, as well as wherever they have commented on the site.
What does "Fighting Words" mean?
Remember when you were a kid on the playground and someone said
something that got your goat and you wanted to go to battle? Well,
think of fighting words as just that. Someone has said something that
may not be appropriate and you want to do something about it. Instead
of fighting them (as we are sure you would have done on the
playground), mark it as fighting words and we will hide it from view.
Of course, if you want to see it later, you can, but we are warning you.
What do the awards on user profiles represent?
Image:Top-submitter.gif Top Submitter: The Mixxer who submitted the
most stories, photos and/or videos
Image:Most-contentious.gif Most Contentious: The Mixxer who submitted
the article that got the biggest split on votes, up and down
Image:Most-opinionated.gif Most Opinionated: The Mixxer who made the
most comments, and no, they can’t all be on the same story
Image:Thought-leader.gif Thought Leader: The Mixxer who submitted the
story with the most positive votes
Image:Conversation-starter.gif Conversation Starter: The Mixxer who
submitted the story with the most comments
Image:Hyperactive.gif Hyperactive: The Mixxer who voted the most, up or
Image:Enthusiast.gif Enthusiast: The Mixxer who voted the most stories
Image:Curmudgeon.gif Curmudgeon: The Mixxer who voted the most stories
Image:Top-ten.gif Top Ten: A story this user submitted hit the Mixx Top
Ten most popular
Image:newshound.gif Newshound: The Mixxer who submitted the Breaking
News story with the most votes
Image:big-kudos.gif Big Kudos: The Mixxer who received the most Kudos
on all of their comments
Image:topcomment.gif Top Comment: The Mixxer who has the one specific
comment with the most Kudos
Image:mixx-picks.gif Mixx Picks: A submission from this Mixxer made it
to the Mixx Picks[2] blog
Image:Pollster.gif Pollster: The Mixxer who suggests the most published
Image:Yournews.png Your News Mixx Mixxer of the Week: Each week, the
crew from maybehip.com do a new videocast called Your News Mixx. At the
end of the show they pick a Mixxer of the week. A special badge is
handed out to their Mixxer of the week, and it will show up in the
Lounge after its assigned.
Image:SBmixxerweek.png Social Blend Mixxer of the Week: Each
a couple awesome Mixxers do a podcast called the Social Blend. At the
end of the show they pick a Mixxer of the week. A special badge is
handed out to their Mixxer of the week.
Image:Sb_cohosts.png Social Blend Cohost: This Mixxer has been a guest
or cohost on the Social Blend podcast.
Image:ilovemixx.png I Support Mixx: This badge is given to those who
signed up for a Groupon Local Deal through Mixx.
How do Mixx and Twitter work together?
By opting in to integrating with Twitter, you will be able to "tweet"
stories/photos/videos that you submit to Mixx. Once your submission is
complete, you will have 15 minutes to edit the submission. It is here
that you are able to "tweet" the submission. Simply click on that link
and we will handle the rest for you. If you have provided a custom
message, we will "tweet" your submission with that. If not, we will
"tweet" your submission with the old standby message.
What is the Socialize area of the MixxFeed?
Socialize is an area of the MixxFeed that notifies you of you and your
friends' social activity throughout the site. The Socialize items are
considered to be less important than notifications and are not
available for email alerts. Although, if you beg to differ on any of
the items, let us kow and we'll possibly reconsider. :) To edit any of
your Socialize options, go to http://www.mixx.com/edit_notifications
What is Mature Content?
Mature Content is content that may not be suitable for all audiences
and may contain images of nudity (real or cartoon), lewd or provocative
poses or see-through clothing.
Registering for Mixx couldn't be easier—just a couple of
steps, only one of which is required, and you're on your way!
Step 1: Sign Up
Enter your email address and choose a password. Agree to our terms of
service. It's that simple, fast and free!
By the way, you'll be prompted to enter the string of letters and
numbers that you see in the box. This is to make sure that we only have
real people on the site and not spam-bots. We know it's annoying, but
it keeps bogus story posts to a minimum.
Step 2:
This step is completely and totally optional, but fun!
Unless you want to be known as User4562 (not that there's anything
wrong with that), you'll want to select a user name. We'll try to
suggest one, but you might want a name that's a little more
personal—a little more, well, you.
When you're done, select a few topics or categories that interest you
and we'll automatically set up YourMixx—a custom page that
delivers the best the web has to offer in whatever categories you've
If you want to receive local news and content, then go ahead and enter
your ZIP code here.
Step 3:
This step is also optional, but if you want to upload an icon or
avatar—a little picture that represents you—you can
do it
now. If you want to add it later, just log in and update YourMixx. You
look kind of generic if you don't upload a picture, and who wants to
look generic?!?
That's it! Welcome to the Mixx community.
Navigating Mixx
Mixx uses a combination of categories and tags that make it easy to
find videos, text, photos and more.
You'll find the categories listed in the navigation bar across the top
of the page. Click on any category to see the top stories in that
subject. Under each categories are a number of sub-categories that
drill down into that subject further.
Don't see your interest in the navigation bar? Then turn to tags. Tags
are good. Tags can be your friend. Tags are keywords or short
descriptions that offer a little more information so that you, and
other Mixxers, can quickly decide whether you want to see more. For
instance, saying something is about George Bush is a pretty broad
description and so is not very helpful. But once you apply the tags
"speech, troops, stay the course, Iraq" then you know that it's about
George Bush giving a speech about (or to) the troops in Iraq.
Can't find something by clicking around? Just enter something into our
search box. We'll deliver the best stuff right up top—things
tagged with your search term. Then below that, you'll get a hodge-podge
of videos, photos and stories that contain your search phrase in the
title, description or comments.
Your Web. YourMixx.
YourMixx is a page that reflects your interests—whether
the New York Yankees, politics, gardening, news about holy pancakes,
and everything in between. On YourMixx, you can subscribe to
categories, tags, groups, people and, coming soon, RSS feeds.
We think you'll find that YourMixx is easier to configure and use than
other readers or start pages. Let's say, for instance, that you're
addicted to reality TV. (We are, but that's beside the point.) With
YourMixx, you have one central location where you can go to catch up on
your favorite shows. Then other Mixxers who are also into reality TV
will help find and filter the best, most up-to-date content from around
the web. And when you find an interesting tidbit of your own, just tag
and submit it.
Adding to YourMixx
There are two ways to add content to YourMixx:
* On the right-hand side of YourMixx,
you will see
an entry box. Type in whatever interests you and get a list of stories
that have that tag. From here, you can add that tag to YourMixx if you
like what you see. By the way: Don't be shy about being the first to
add content to a category—someone has to do it!
* On any Mixx page where you see a story
box (a list
of content about a particular topic or tag), you'll see an option to
Add to YourMixx. Just click on it and that topic or person or group
will be added to YourMixx.
* On YourMixx, click "Add To YourMixx"
in the upper
right hand corner. Just click off categories or type in some
tags—these items are added to YourMixx.
Editing YourMixx
Change your interests, change YourMixx—it really is that easy.
When we started writing this, we were into baseball, sandals and
checking out celebrity news. This week, it's hockey, presidential
primaries and music videos. What we're trying to say is that people
change, and changing YourMixx should be simple. Here's how to do it:
In the upper right corner of YourMixx, you'll see a link labeled "Edit
Your Page." When you click this link, you'll be able to change the
layout and the contents of YourMixx.
* Want to change the layout? Grab the
content box
you want to move then drag and drop it anywhere you like on the page.
When you're ready, just click "Save" when your page is the way you want
* Don't want one of the content boxes
anymore? Just click the "X" and we'll take it away!
If you provided a ZIP code when you registered, we'll automatically
update your local news and weather. To set or change your ZIP code,
click on the "Your Account" link after you've logged in.
Your local story box displays three different types of content:
* In Town: A collection of the best
stories from your local area (generally your county or equivalent).
* Local Opinion: Content submitted by
neighbors, plus content they've voted or commented on, even if these
stories didn't happen in your town.
* Metro: Find out what's going on in
your larger
metro area without ever leaving YourMixx. We use an automated service
to map your location to a metro area to bring you the latest news and
information. Use Feedback to let us know if this service got it
wrong—we'll try to get it fixed. At the very least, we'll
want to
get our money back!
Time to Mixx!
The easiest way to get into the Mixx is to vote. Think the content is
good? Then vote it up! Think it's just plain bad? Then vote it down
(and it's polite to leave a comment why you voted it down). It's that's
simple. Sure, it's probably not going to change the world, but you'll
help filter out the bad stuff and make sure that the good stuff rises
to the top.
* Please note that you must be registered and logged in to vote.
You know you have an opinion, so use Mixx to express it! You can
comment on everything submitted to Mixx—even if there aren't
comments on the original page.
* You must be registered and logged in to comment.
Setting up a Mixx group allows you to share text, photos and video with
a group of like-minded individuals. Your group can include anyone you
like, from family and friends to co-workers.
Groups can be public (everyone can see its content, but not participate
until they are a member) or private (no one even knows it exists unless
invited to join the group).
Your group can also be set to invite-only (the default for public),
request invite, or freely joinable.
To create your group:
* Once you're registered and logged in
to Mixx, click "Create Group" on the "Your Groups" page.
* Choose a name and description for the
group and save it.
* Next, invite someone to your new group
by entering their email address or Mixx ID into the invite form.
* Remember to add the group to YourMixx.
Managing Your Groups
From YourMixx, click on Your Groups and then "Group Administration."
This is where you can change your group's description, upload a group
avatar and change the details of the group's membership.
Groups have two levels of membership—users can be owners or
Members have the right to view content in the group and contribute to
the group by submitting, voting and commenting on stories, videos and
Owners have all the rights of members, but they can also invite new
members, as well as remove other owners and members.
There is no limit to the number of members or owners a group can have.
Adding to the Mixx
Submitting content to the Mixx is easy. All you need is something you
think is interesting and its URL. There are three ways to submit
content to Mixx:
* Manually: Just copy the URL from your
window. Navigate to Mixx and click on the "Submit A Story Now!" button.
Paste the URL in the marked field and click one of the three buttons to
let us know whether you are submitting a story, video or photo.
* Partner Links: When you see a Mixx
button on a
partner site, just click the button and we'll automatically add the
story to the Mixx.
* Bookmarklet: Add our bookmarklet to
your web browser and one-click will submit the URL directly to Mixx!
Duplicate Content
Sometimes when you submit content, we'll find that the same URL has
already been added to the Mixx. When this happens, we'll take you
directly to that story page so you can vote, comment, tag or
re-categorize the story your way. If we're not sure that it's the same
story (if it's from a different news source, for instance), then we'll
show you a list and ask if your story matches one of those. If it is a
match, just cast a vote for the story already in the Mixx. If it
doesn't match one that we already have, just continue on with your
submission. We just think that it will be more fun—not to
saving all of our Mixxers time—if everyone is voting and
commenting on the same article instead of having activity spread across
different versions of the same story.
Once your content makes it past the duplicate check, we ask you to do a
few things—none of which are required:
* Add a Title: You can keep the original
title or
show off your writing skills with one of your own. If you want to use
your own title, just highlight the original text in the Title box and
then type in your own.
* Add a Description: Whenever we can,
we'll grab the
first sentence from the source site. You can add to this or write your
own description; think of it as your chance to let everyone know why
you've added it to the Mixx!
* Categorize the Content: From the list
categories, topics and tags on the "Submit" page choose the Mixx
category that best fits the content you want to add to the Mixx. If you
can't find exactly the right category, just apply some tags to the
submission to create a new category.
Want to share with your groups, including private groups? Just click on
the group name when you're categorizing your content for submission.
And if your story has a little local flavor? Enter the city and state
where it takes place so other "locals" can find it.
Discover Great Content
Mixx makes it easy to find stories, photos and videos that you might
not have found on your own. After all, who has time to sift through
everything that’s out there? But with Mixx you can click on
tab and get great content—vetted by the Mixx community.
The MixxSitebox:
Increase user engagement with your content
The MixxSitebox:
* Combines the benefits of the "Best of"
listings from Facebook, Digg and Twitter.
* Is optimally sized to fit easily into
your existing design.
* Brings publishers an engagement tool
that brings
the user's social network (wherever that may be) to the publishers
* Promotes increased engagement and
Don't just use a Facebook Recommendations widget--cover all your bases
with the MixxSitebox
Try it for yourself...
This is what the sitebox looks like for cnn.com, but enter your own URL
to test drive it for your site.
Make Your Own Mixx Widget
Make Mixx portable! Add Mixx content to your website or blog using our
quick and easy widget creator. Simply select your theme, add content,
and set a few options and you're on your way to widget bliss. Once
you've added your Mixx widget to your site, it will stay updated with
the latest content from Mixx.
Step 1: Choose a theme
Select from one of our pre-designed themes or go naked! If you choose
an unstyled widget, you'll have to add your own customized styling.

Step 2: Add content to your widget
You can add
up to ten
categories or tags to your Mixx widget. Or, if you're feeling brave,
leave this area blank and we'll serve up the most popular content on
Step 3: Set
display options
almost done! We've got a few more options for you (all of which are
completely optional).
Step 4: Grab
your widget!
done! Now copy and paste this code into your website, blog, or wherever
else suits your fancy and show off your beautiful Mixx widget.
Mixx Tools
Mixx Mash
Download the
Mixx Mash courtesy of our partners over at MashLogic.
Download the
Mixx toolbar
courtesy of our partners over at Searchme. This feature allows you to
Search in your browser, directly add any web page to Mixx and scan and
access latest Mixx stories, photos and videos.
The Mixx
bookmarklet makes it easy to submit your favorite stories, pictures,
and videos. Follow these simple instructions:
Drag this
link: Add to Mixx! up to your Bookmarks Toolbar.
Internet Explorer?
Right-click on the link and choose "Add to Favorites." Click OK if you
receive a security alert—don't worry, the link is safe! Add
new favorite to your Links folder and you're all set!)
[3] B2B Local
Business Social Network to connect employees, sales department and
team, work group, global team, customers, partners, webmasters, website
owners, students, professional & educated people from world
and more.
Members: 70581 members
Friendships: 2334 friends
Comments: 2403 comments
Chat: 0 users
Groups: 232 groups
Albums: 137 albums
Businesses: 1369 businesses
Games: 3372 games
Job Posts: 22 job posts
Blog Entries: 13666 entries
Locations: 48 entries
Forum Topics: 238 topics
Forum Posts: 199 posts
Links: 21667 links
I can't
login, or I forgot my username or password.
If you can't
login, check
to make sure that your "caps lock" key is off. Your username and
password are CaSe SeNsItIvE. If you still cannot login, you can request
to reset your
can I delete my account?
If you are
sure that you want to delete your account, you can do so here. Please
note that your account will be permanently deleted and irrecoverable!
can I update my profile?
To update
your profile,
you must visit the Edit Profile page. You can move through the
different parts of your profile by clicking the tabs at the top of the
can I update my email address?
You can
update your email address on the My Account page.
can I report an error or other problem with the site?
To report an
error or problem with the site, you can contact us here.
Asked Questions
If you need
help, the answer to your question is likely to be found on this page.
Your Account
I can't
login, or I forgot my username or password.
If you can't
login, check
to make sure that your "caps lock" key is off. Your username and
password are CaSe SeNsItIvE. If you still cannot login, you can request
to reset your password or contact us.
How can I
delete my account?
If you are
sure that you want to delete your account, you can do so here. Please
note that your account will be permanently deleted and irrecoverable!
How can I
update my profile?
To update
your profile,
you must visit the Edit Profile page. You can move through the
different parts of your profile by clicking the tabs at the top of the
How can I
update my email address?
You can
update your email address on the My Account page.
How can I
report an error or other problem with the site?
To report an
error or problem with the site, you can contact us here.
How can I
deal with someone that is bothering me?
If someone
is bothering
or harassing you, blocking them is usually the best solution. Visit the
Account Settings page to learn how to block people. If someone
continues to harass you despite your efforts, you can report them here.
How can I
report spam or other inappropriate content?
You can
report spam,
pornography, or any other inappropriate content here, or by clicking
the "Report" link on the page containing the content you wish to report.
Asked Questions
If you need
help, the answer to your question is likely to be found on this page.
Your Account
I can't
login, or I forgot my username or password.
If you can't
login, check
to make sure that your "caps lock" key is off. Your username and
password are CaSe SeNsItIvE. If you still cannot login, you can request
to reset your password or contact us.
How can I
delete my account?
If you are
sure that you want to delete your account, you can do so here. Please
note that your account will be permanently deleted and irrecoverable!
How can I
update my profile?
To update
your profile,
you must visit the Edit Profile page. You can move through the
different parts of your profile by clicking the tabs at the top of the
How can I
update my email address?
You can
update your email address on the My Account page.
How can I
report an error or other problem with the site?
To report an
error or problem with the site, you can contact us here.
How can I
deal with someone that is bothering me?
If someone
is bothering
or harassing you, blocking them is usually the best solution. Visit the
Account Settings page to learn how to block people. If someone
continues to harass you despite your efforts, you can report them here.
How can I
report spam or other inappropriate content?
You can
report spam,
pornography, or any other inappropriate content here, or by clicking
the "Report" link on the page containing the content you wish to report.
Is my
information kept private?
We do not share any personally identifying information about you to any
third party.
How can I
make my profile private?
If the
administrator has enabled it, you can make your profile private by
visiting the Account Privacy page.
How can I
block users from contacting me?
You can
block people by
adding their username to your blocked users list. Visit the Account
Settings page to learn more about how to block people.
Bookmark or Links
How can i
increase more traffic to my site?
1) You need
to submit your site to Social Bookmark or Links after sign up or login.
2) Make
friend to many members or other site submitter at b2blocal.net
3) Ask them
to vote for you link if they like your link.
4) Say Thank
you to voters so they will vote for you again.
How to add
signature links in forum post?
1) Go to
2) Write
link title in
box, select title and click green button or link button (or
"Insert/Edit Link" text will pop up when you put mouse on that green
3) Enter the
URL without "http://" because it is all read there on left side and
click "OK"
4) Click on
"Save" Button out side that signature box and under/after those emotion
Email or
How to send
message to other members?
First you
have to make friend request to become friend by clicking on "Add to my
friends" under member photo.
Once other
member will approve you as friend after that you can send them message.
How to check
my message?
If you have
message, small red box will pop up under profile name once your Login
right under search box at above right.
Who is
Is there
some one posting same comments?
If someone
posting same comments on profile of many people or many members, they
will be counted as spammers.
Sign Up Here ...................
Friend Feed
FriendFeed is a service that
makes it easy to share with friends online. It offers a fun and
interactive way to discover and discuss information among friends.
Sign up for FriendFeed, invite some friends, and get an instant,
customized feed made up of the content that your friends shared
from photos to interesting links and videos to messages just for you.
And your friends get their customized feeds, full of the cool stuff
that you've shared.
It's fast and easy to start a conversation around shared items, or to
show that you like something a friend has shared. You can subscribe to
updates from individuals and groups, such as your family or a team of
people you work with. On FriendFeed, you and your friends contribute to
a shared stream of information — information that you care
because it's from the people that you care about.
You don't need to install anything to use FriendFeed. You can read and
share your FriendFeed however you want — from your email,
phone or even from Facebook. If you make your FriendFeed publicly
visible, your friends can see what you're sharing without creating an
account, and you can embed your feed in your home page or blog.
FriendFeed also lets you pull in updates from other sites around the
web, and even publish your feed to services you already use, like
So sign up and try it for yourself. Why FriendFeed? Because
fun, fast and conversational. And because everyone has something to
What is FriendFeed?
FriendFeed is a service that makes it
easy to share
with friends online. It offers a fun and interactive way to discover
and discuss information among friends.
You get a customized feed made up of the
that your friends shared—from photos to interesting links and
videos to messages just for you. And your friends get their customized
feeds, full of the cool stuff that you've shared.
Why should I use FriendFeed?
It's simple: On FriendFeed, posting
anything takes
just a few clicks, and sometimes none at all—you can choose
automatically pull in updates from the services you already use, like
Flickr, YouTube, and Twitter.
It's fast: See everyone's updates in
real-time so you never miss what your friends are sharing.
It's conversational: It's fast and easy
to start a
conversation around shared items, or to show that you like something a
friend has shared. You can subscribe to updates from individuals and
groups, such as your family or a team of people you work with.
It's easy to get started: There's
nothing to
install, and you can even sign up in just one click using your Google
or Facebook account. The things you share get posted automatically to a
feed that your friends can subscribe to, but you can also post your
FriendFeed in other places like your website or blog, or to other
services you use, like Facebook and Twitter.
What languages is FriendFeed available in?
FriendFeed is available in English,
German, Spanish,
Persian, French, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Turkish and simplified
Chinese (and we're working on adding more). You can select your
language preference from the dropdown at the bottom of every page.
Does FriendFeed have an API?
Yes, we do. Our API enables you to do
things such as
develop a FriendFeed interface for a mobile phone, build a FriendFeed
widget for your blog, or develop an application that makes it easy to
post photos to your feed from your iPhone. Learn more.
I love the icons you're using, can I use them on my site?
We're glad you like them! They are
"Silk" by FAMFAMFAM.
Getting started
How can I sign up for FriendFeed?
Signing up is easy. You can create an
account, or just sign in using:
Google Twitter
Is FriendFeed free?
Yep, it's totally free. Sometimes we
can't believe it either.
I just signed up. What do I do now?
Welcome! FriendFeed is all about
sharing, so you
should check out if your friends are already sharing things on
FriendFeed. It's easy to find and subscribe to your friends (and we
even offer some recommended ones).
Once you're subscribed to someone,
you'll see their
updates and shared items. As you take a look at their items, click
"Like" if you like something. If you find an interesting conversation,
click "Comment" and leave your thoughts.
As you subscribe to your friends,
they'll be
notified that you've joined FriendFeed. Share your own stuff with them
by using the text box at the top of your feed.
If you're having any trouble, ask your
questions in FriendFeed Feedback.
If all else fails, ask your friends by
going here and then clicking "Post".
Can I choose who sees the things I share?
Anyone who is subscribed to you can see
and comment
on the things you share to your feed. You can designate your feed as
either public or private, and you can change your preferences by
clicking on "settings". If your FriendFeed is private, you approve
every subscription request for your feed, and your stuff will not be
visible to anyone other than your approved friends. If you choose to
make your FriendFeed public, anyone can subscribe to you without
requiring approval.
Even if you have a public feed, you can
still share
private direct messages with friends and groups. And you can create
private groups as well, for sharing with specific people.
How do I find and subscribe to my friends' feeds?
We offer many ways to find your friends
FriendFeed. We show these options to you when you're first signing up
on FriendFeed, but you can always access them by clicking on "Friends"
in the green "Friends" box and then the "Find/invite friends" link.
You can find your friends by searching
for their
name or email address. We also offer some recommended
friends—users who are popular among your existing friends on
FriendFeed. Once you find someone on FriendFeed you'd like to subscribe
to, go directly to their feed and click either "Subscribe" or "Request
a subscription" (if they have a private feed).
You can also find and bulk-subscribe to
friends who
are already using FriendFeed by importing your contacts from other
services, including Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, Yahoo! Mail and Hotmail.
How do I invite more friends to use FriendFeed?
1. Click
on "Friends" in the green "Friends" box
2. Click
the "Find/invite friends" link
3. Click
"Email invitations"
4. Enter
the emails of the people
you want to invite. You can also include a personal message.
5. Click
"Send invitations"
How do I connect FriendFeed with my Facebook account?
You can connect your Facebook account to
FriendFeed account by adding the FriendFeed Facebook application. You
will be automatically subscribed to your Facebook friends who are
already using FriendFeed, and your friends on the two services will
continue to be kept in sync. The app will also put your FriendFeed on
your Facebook profile and in your mini-feed.
How do I add a service to my FriendFeed?
FriendFeed can automatically pull in the
you've shared from over 50 services across the web, including Twitter
and Flickr. To do so:
1. Click
on the "settings" link in the top right corner
2. Click
"add/edit" next to "Services"
3. Pick a
service or expand the list to see all the services that FriendFeed
Clicking on any service will
bring up the specific requirements FriendFeed needs (e.g., username,
email address) in order to import your stuff from that service
Your stuff should show up in your
FriendFeed almost
immediately. If the service you want to add is not one of the ones we
currently support, you can still add it as a "Blog" or "Custom
RSS/Atom", as long as it has a per-user RSS or Atom feed.
What are subscription and invitation requests?
If someone invites you to join a group
or they
request a subscription to your private feed or group, you'll see a
notification at the top of your feed. Clicking on the request will take
you to a page where you can approve or ignore the request.
What are groups?
A group is just another feed, but
multiple people
can contribute to its contents. Think of it as a mini FriendFeed for a
particular subject or group of people. Everyone in the group can share
stuff with each other and leave comments that others in the group can
Your FriendFeed subscriptions include
the Groups
you're a part of. There's no limit to the number of groups you can join
or create. As a group owner, you can manage the group's settings and
membership, and invite new people to your group, even if they're not
FriendFeed users yet. And when you use the FriendFeed bookmarklet, to
share anything from the web, you can also specify whether to share it
on your feed, or just to a particular group.
When creating a new group, you can
choose between
having a private group, a public group, or a "standard feed", which is
just like other public feeds in FriendFeed, except they can have
multiple authors.
How do I find groups to join?
Click on "Groups" in the orange "Groups"
box and then the "Find groups" link.
You can find public groups on a certain
topic by
searching for the name. We also offer some groups that are popular
among your FriendFeed friends and among all FriendFeed users. Once you
find a group you'd like to subscribe to, navigate directly to that feed
and click "Subscribe".
How do I create my own groups?
1. Click
on "Groups" in the orange "Groups" box
2. Click
the "Create a group" link
3. Choose
a name and username for your group
4. Decide
whether you want your group to be private, public or "standard"
5. Once
you've created your group,
you can add a picture, description, and services, and invite others to
What are friend lists?
Friend lists help you organize your
For example, you can create one for the friends you're subscribed to,
and one for the interesting bloggers you follow, so you can see their
updates separately.
By default, we've created three Friend
lists for you
(Personal, Professional, and Favorites), but you can change their
names, delete these and create new ones.
Using FriendFeed Posting
How do I post something on FriendFeed?
Just start typing your message in the
text box and
click the "Post" button. You can also add photos to your post. By
default, your message gets posted to your feed, but you can post your
message somewhere else by removing "My feed" and typing the name of a
different feed in the "To:" box. You can even post the same message to
your feed and any other feed or group you're subscribed to at the same
Can I post something directly from a web page that I'm viewing?
Add the FriendFeed bookmarklet to your
toolbar and you'll be able to share any web page to your FriendFeed
with just a couple of clicks. You can even attach thumbnails of images
from the pages you share, and choose whether you want to share
something to your main feed, or directly to one of your groups.
How do I reshare something?
You can reshare any item in
FriendFeed—including your own entries—by clicking
on the
"Share" link beneath that entry. Doing so pulls up a dialog box that
looks similar to the FriendFeed bookmarklet. You can edit the text of
the entry, and choose whether you want to share something to your main
feed, or directly to one of your groups.
From this dialog, you can also access
the permalink
and shortened URL for the entry. You can also copy the embed code into
your website to display a realtime view of comments and likes.
There are also links at the bottom of
the dialog so
you can share this entry directly to another one of your services, such
as Digg or del.icio.us.
How do I edit an entry after I've posted it?
Click on the "Edit" dropdown beneath the
entry. You
can edit an entry's title by selecting "Edit this entry". If there are
comments on your entry, you can also delete specific comments by
selecting "Moderate comments".
How do I send a direct message?
Just start typing the name in the "To:"
box. You can
send direct messages to multiple people at the same time. Everyone in
the "To" box will be able to see and comment on that entry. Make sure
you've deleted "My feed" in the "To:" box to ensure that a direct
message is sent only to the intended recipients.
You can also direct message a user by
hovering over
their name in FriendFeed and clicking on the "Direct message" link that
appears on the bottom right corner of their profile card. Right now,
you can only send direct messages to people who are subscribed to you.
If someone is not subscribed to you, this link will not appear on the
How do I delete some of my entries?
If you just want to delete one of your
click on the "Edit" dropdown beneath the entry and select the "Delete
this entry" option. After an entry is deleted, an "Undo" link will
appear until the page is refreshed.
To remove all the entries from a
particular service:
1. Click
on the "settings" link in the top right corner
2. Click
"add/edit" next to "Services"
3. Select
the service you want to delete from the list of "My Services"
4. Click
the "Remove account" button
5. Check
off the "Also delete imported entries" checkbox and click the "Remove"
How do I publish entries from my feed to other sites like Twitter and
Whenever you're posting a message or a
link using
the text box at the top of your feed, there is a check box to "Cc:"
Twitter. If you check this option, you will be asked to log in to your
Twitter account. After that, you can choose on a per-post level to have
your post show up on both your FriendFeed and your Twitter accounts.
You can also configure additional
options for
publishing to Twitter—such as also publishing your comments
updates from other services automatically.
For Facebook, you can add the FriendFeed
application. The app will put your FriendFeed on your Facebook profile
and in your mini-feed. You will also be automatically subscribed to
your Facebook friends who are already using FriendFeed, and your
friends on the two services will continue to be kept in sync.
What are the options for the different kinds of feeds that I can create?
A group is just another feed, but
multiple people
can contribute to its contents. When creating a new group, you can
choose between having a private group, a public group, or a standard
A private group can be ideal for private
among collaborators, such as coworkers or a family planning a trip. You
can also use these types of feeds for things you're following that you
don't want displayed publicly in your list of subscriptions, such as an
RSS feed of Amazon.com deal alerts. Private group feeds also don't show
up in any public searches.
In public groups, anyone can post
messages or
comment. They show up in public searches and they're ideal for topics
that you want to discuss with anyone, such as basketball or politics.
They're also great for events, such as Macworld Keynotes.
Standard feeds are just like other
public feeds in
FriendFeed, except they can have multiple authors. They're publicly
searchable. An organization can use them to publish their stories or
press releases, and a user can create one that's about a specific topic
that they don't necessarily want to flood their main feed's subscribers
How do I search for something on FriendFeed?
Just type your search query in the
search box at the
top of the page and click the "Search" button. By default, we search
over the contents of posts from the feed you're viewing (for example,
if you're viewing the feed of a group you're subscribed to and you
conduct a search, we will search over all the entries in that group by
A dropdown of options including "Search
my friends"
and "Search everybody" will also appear as you type your search query,
and you can use these to search over posts from you and your friends,
or from all FriendFeed users.
To get to advanced search, click on the
button without anything in the text box, or on the "Advanced" link once
you've done a search.
What advanced search operators are available?
return entries from a specific user
return entries within a specific group
return entries from all of that user's friends
return entries from a particular service
return entries with
specific words in the entry title
return entries with
specific words in the entry's comments
return entries that have
been commented on by a specific user
return entries with at least this many comments
return entries liked by a specific user
return entries with at least this many likes
- exclude
a term (word, user, etc.) from your search
jobs -steve
, perform
an OR from:paul,bret,jim,sanjeev
What are these entries that I'm seeing from people that I'm not
subscribed to?
We wanted to make it easy for you to see
the entries
that your friends have commented on and liked. So we show these
friend-of-a-friend (FOAF) entries, and indicate in the parentheses why
you're seeing it in your feed. This is also a fun way to discover
interesting new content and people. If you don't like seeing stuff from
your friends' friends, you can easily hide these kind of entries.
How do I hide some items?
You can hide any item in FriendFeed by
clicking on the "Hide" link beneath that entry.
Once an entry has been hidden, there
will be a link
to "hide other items like this one." Click this link and you will be
presented with additional hiding options, depending on the type of item
you wanted to hide. Just make sure to do this from the specific type of
entry you want to hide. For example, if you only want to hide the
friend-of-a-friend entries from some of your friends, make sure to
follow the above steps on one of those entries.
You can view your hidden entries by
scrolling to the
bottom of your FriendFeed and clicking the "Show hidden entries" link.
Can I control who is allowed to send me a direct message?
Right now, only people you are
subscribed to can send you a direct message.
Can I block a user?
You can block a user by visiting their
feed and
clicking the "Block" link. After you block another user, you won't see
any of their posts or comments on FriendFeed, and they won't see any of
your posts. However, they will still be able to see comments that you
make on other people's posts and, if your feed is public, they could
still read it if they are logged out.
To unblock someone you've already
blocked, visit
their feed and click on the "Unblock" link. After unblocking a user,
you will again be able to view each other's posts and comments,
including posts and comments made in the past.
How do I subscribe to just someone's comments and likes?
In addition to, or instead of,
subscribing to a
user's feed, you can also subscribe to their comments and likes
separately. From the user's feed, there are links to their comments and
their likes near the top right corner, and you can subscribe to
comments and/or likes from those pages.
How do I stop the real-time updates?
Click on the circular pause icon at the
top of your
feed. This permanently turns off the updating for that
if you log out and log back in—until you press the play icon.
the meantime, you can still see updates by refreshing the page.
Can I get notifications when there are updates to my feed?
Yes! We've got notifications via email,
IM and/or a downloadable notifier.
To configure your notification options
for any feed
or friend list, click on the "Email/IM" dropdown in the colored bar at
the top of the feed. Click "view all" to access all your notification
options for FriendFeed.
You can also access all your
notification options by
clicking on "settings" and then "notifications". From this page, you
can choose how and when you get notified, such as when there's a new
comment on one of your posts or when there are new posts in one of your
friend lists. You can even get notified in multiple ways for the same
To stop all notifications, click the
"stop all notifications" link at the bottom of the page.
How do I create a new friend list?
1. Click
on "Friends" in the green "Friends" box
2. Click
the "New friend list" link
3. Name
your friend list. You can add friends and groups to it right away.
How do I add friends or groups to a friend list?
You can do so in two ways:
1. Go to
either the friend or
group's feed and click the "edit" link in the blue bar. Select from the
available friends lists or create a new list. You can add friends and
groups to multiple friends lists. If you uncheck "Home feed", updates
from that friend or group will no longer show up in your main
FriendFeed view and you will have to click on a friend list to seem
2. Click
on the friend list itself
in the green "Feeds" box and then click on the "Add/remove friends"
link on the green bar. This lets you add friends and groups in bulk.
How do I add or remove people in bulk from a friend list or my home
To manage which of your subscriptions
appear in your
home feed or on a particular friend list, click on "Friends" and select
that list in the dropdown that follows "View:". Once a list has been
selected, an "Add/remove friends" link will appear. Clicking on that
link will bring up a window where you can add and remove friends in
How do I designate which feeds show up in my Groups box?
When you hover over the top right corner
of the
orange bar in your "Groups" box, a "prefs" link shows up. Click on that
to choose the groups you'd like to see. You can select from the groups
that you have posting privileges to (the groups where you don't have
posting rights are treated as subscriptions, and they're listed under
your "Subscriptions"). By default, we show the groups you interact with
most frequently.
What keyboard shortcuts are available?
p Post
message (place focus in text box
P Post
message (place focus in "To" box)
q Quiet
(temporarily pause/unpause real-time)
/ Place
focus in search box
Remove focus from any text box
g then h
Go to your home feed
g then d
Go to Direct messages
g then m
Go to My discussions
g then b
Go to Best of day
How do I embed my FriendFeed into my blog?
If your feed is public, you can use our
blog widget
to embed your FriendFeed in your homepage or blog. We also have a lot
of other widgets for your site, such as a chiclet to link your site's
visitors to your FriendFeed, and a "Share on FriendFeed" link to give
your readers an easy way to share content from your site to their
What are the <link> tags that the Bookmarklet supports?
The bookmarklet currently supports two
<link> tags:
<link rel="image_src"
The referenced image will appear as a
thumbnail. The user can replace or remove it.
<link rel="video_src"
The referenced video will appear as an
player, if the video site is supported. Currently supported inline
sites are:
* YouTube
* Vimeo
* Seesmic
* Hulu
* CollegeHumor
* Comedy Central
* The Onion
* Metacafe
How can I make photos and other media in my RSS feed show up on
FriendFeed has limited support for
importing Media
RSS images. Please make sure the height and width of your
media:thumbnails are set. If an appropriately sized image is present,
it will be displayed.
Podcasts will appear on FriendFeed if an
mp3 is
referenced in either a media enclosure or a Media RSS element.
Is there a mobile version of FriendFeed?
You can read and post to your FriendFeed
via an
iPhone-optimized web interface. There is also the FFtogo application,
built using our API.
How else can I access FriendFeed?
You can view your FriendFeed in your
homepage, in Facebook with our Facebook application, or in a feed
reader. Our Atom feed contains all comments, likes, and thumbnails, as
well as detailed Media RSS tags so you can get as good of a FriendFeed
experience in your feed reader as you do on the FriendFeed site.
How do I stop getting emails from FriendFeed?
You can update your email preferences
"settings". You can also unsubscribe from all email from FriendFeed.
How do I delete my imported contacts?
You can delete your imported email
contacts by going to http://friendfeed.com/settings/deletecontacts.
How do I delete my account?
Sorry to hear that you no longer want to
FriendFeed. You can delete your account here:
How do I report a spammer?
Please use our contact form to report
Please note that we only consider someone a spammer if they've posted
spammy messages as comments on other people's entries or have posted
spammy entries in groups. If they are pulling in spammy items into
their own feed, we typically do not take any action against the account.
What should I do if someone is saying negative things about me on
This is certainly unfortunate. In this
case, your
best option is to block the user so that you no longer see this
content. Our service is comprised of both user-generated and
automatically-generated content, and we are not in the practice of
removing such content unless it reveals personally identifying
information, such as addresses, phone numbers, credit card information,
If you do find instances of users or
revealing your personal information, please let us know using the
contact form, making sure to include the relevant URLs.
What is your policy regarding impersonation?
We consider
impersonation—pretending to be
another person or business in order to deceive—a Terms of
violation and may permanently suspend such accounts. However, we do
allow parody impersonation accounts, as long as the parody account
makes it obvious that the profile is fake and a joke.
To report an impersonation, please use
our Terms of
Service contact form and please let us know the legitimate account you
would like for us to transfer this username or group to.
If the impersonation does not involve
you and you
are not legally authorized to act on behalf of the person in question,
we will research the problem but we're not obligated to take action
against the account reported.
How do I claim an inactive username?
Unfortunately, we are not taking
requests for
claiming inactive usernames at this time. However, we consider an
account to be inactive if it hasn't been logged into or updated in over
6 months, and we may automatically remove inactive accounts.
How do I report a trademark violation?
Please use our Terms of Service contact
form. Using
a company or business name, logo, or other trademark protected
materials in a manner that may mislead or confuse others or be used for
financial gain may be considered trademark infringement. Accounts with
clear INTENT to mislead others will be suspended. We do not suspend
accounts created to help a community or to provide information, but we
will work with account owners to remove infringements.
How do I report a copyright violation?
FriendFeed respects the intellectual
property of
others, and it is our policy to respond to clear notices of alleged
copyright infringement. Please follow our procedures as outlined here:
Note: We do not respond to reports of
copyright infringement made via email or our contact form.
I am trying to create an account and it keeps saying "This username is
not valid."
Your username becomes your FriendFeed
URL. For
example, a user who chose the username "bret" would see their feed at
http://friendfeed.com/bret. A username must be at least two characters
long, and can't have any special characters (such as an "&") or
spaces in them.
I can't sign in to FriendFeed.
Did you create your account using the
Google, or Twitter button on https://friendfeed.com/account/login? If
so, it's possible you never created a FriendFeed password or added your
email address. To do so, log in to FriendFeed again with the button you
used to sign up. Then, go to "settings" and create a password and add
an email address.
FriendFeed requires you to verify the
email address
you used to sign up. Assuming the email you typed in during sign-up was
correct, you can look for an email from FriendFeed asking to verify
your email address (sometimes these messages accidentally end up in
spam folders). You can click a verification link from that email
message, and you should be able to sign in using that email from now on.
I can't remember the email address I used to sign up for FriendFeed.
If you know your password, you can also
always sign
in using your FriendFeed username (if this user's FriendFeed URL were
http://friendfeed.com/bret, his username would be "bret"). Once signed
in, go to "settings" and then click on "Add email address". From there,
you can re-send a verification email and also add other email addresses.
I can't remember my password.
You can recover your password by
entering the email
address associated with your account. You will receive a password reset
email sent to that address. If you don't receive it, make sure to check
your spam folder.
Using my Facebook/Google/Twitter account, I accidentally created a
second FriendFeed account. How do I delete it?
1. Go to
https://friendfeed.com/account/login and log in to the FriendFeed
account that you want to delete using the Facebook/Google/Twitter
button you used to create the account
2. Set a
password by clicking on "settings" and then "Change password"
3. Go to
https://friendfeed.com/account/delete to delete the account (the text
should indicate which account you're deleting; check to make sure
you're not accidentally deleting the wrong one)
I am getting an "Access Denied" screen.
This is often caused by an issue with
your browser's
cookies settings. Try using a different browser. If that works, try
clearing your cookies on your original browser.
I got a red exclamation point while trying to do something.
Sorry, there was a problem on the
server. Some common causes include:
* The entry you are commenting, liking, expanding, etc. has been deleted
* You have been logged out from another window
* There is a problem with your connection
* It could be an issue with your browser's cookies settings
* You have installed a Greasemonkey script or add-on that's causing
Please refresh and try again. If you
continue to have problems, please submit a bug report.
FriendFeed is no longer making updates to my Facebook wall.
You must first provide FriendFeed with
access to your Facebook wall. Please visit:
Please note that we can only post 10
stories to your
Facebook wall per day and that we only post once per "cluster" of
entries on FriendFeed.
I'm having trouble importing stuff from Facebook.
Please refer to our Facebook help page:
http://friendfeed.com/about/facebookimport. However, please note since
Facebook recently upgraded their interface, they are no longer allowing
users to pull Facebook statuses into other sites. We've released a
change to try to get around this. For newer Facebook users, it won't be
able to get your Status feed (the key required to view this feed is
unique and hidden), but it will be able to get your Links and Notes.
Please try it out here:
My posts from another service aren't showing up in my FriendFeed.
What's wrong?
Sometimes, certain services are slow to
update. In
particular, del.icio.us bookmarks have taken awhile to update because
our crawler is throttled by them due to our higher traffic. Other
times, the service itself might be down.
Usually, the best thing to do is to
manually update your feeds:
1. Click
on the "settings" link in the top right corner
2. Click
"add/edit" next to "Services"
3. Select
the service you want to refresh from the list of "My Services"
4. Click
the "Refresh feed" link
You can also try removing and re-adding
a blog or
service by clicking on "Remove account" and then following the steps
for adding a service to FriendFeed. Please make sure you don't check
"Also delete imported entries" or else those entries will not show up
once you re-add the service.
I am having trouble adding a particular service. It keeps saying "We
could not find the given account."
First, make sure you have activity in
the service
you're trying to add. Users will see that error message if they try to
add an empty feed. You should also make sure to check your profile on
that specific service, in case it's set to "private" or something
If you're experiencing this problem with
wishlists, you may want to double-check that the email address you're
using is actually the one associated with your wishlist. Visit the
Amazon Wishlist page and make sure your wishlist shows up when doing a
search using that email address.
If you're experiencing this problem with
make sure that your Flickr privacy settings are not set to hide your
photos from third party sites. If you need to change this setting:
1. Click
on "Your Account" from the "You" tab on the top of Flickr
2. Click
on the "Privacy & Permissions" tab
3. Click
on the "edit" link next to "Hide your profile from public searches"
4. Make
sure that the box next to
"Hide your photostream from searches on 3rd party sites that use the
API?" is unchecked
Sometimes, there are also duplicated
names on Flickr
due to the Yahoo integration, which means that your username may not be
what shows up at the end of your photostream URL. Alternatively, you
may want to try using your display name or the email address associated
with your Flickr account.
I am trying to add my RSS feed and it says "We could not download the
feed for that page."
We don't crawl feeds that have more than
a certain
number of entries. We recommend trying to shorten it using Yahoo Pipes
or Feedburner, and then trying to import it again.
I added an RSS feed with content in it, but it says "You have not
shared anything from Custom RSS/Atom yet."
There is likely a problem with the feed.
example, the GUID tag may be the same for all the entries, so they're
all being marked as duplicates, and therefore, not showing up. Please
try to validate your feed first at http://feedvalidator.org. If your
feed validates, please submit a bug report.
The timestamps for entries displayed in FriendFeed are not right.
We pull the timestamp based on what's in
the RSS
feed of the service you added. If they are inaccurate, you need to work
with that service to fix their RSS timestamps.
The "To:" box in the bookmarklet does not autocomplete for my groups or
friends' names.
First, make sure you are signed into
FriendFeed. If
you see your name at the top of this page, you are. If not, go sign in
and try again.
If you're signed in, you may have third
cookies disabled, which are necessary for the FriendFeed bookmarklet to
retrieve your information. To enable them in Firefox:
1. Click
on "Preferences" in the "Edit" menu.
2. Click
on the "Privacy" tab
3. Make
sure "Accept third-party-cookies" is checked:
If the autocomplete still does not work,
you may
wish to try signing out or deleting your cookies, and then logging back
I never received an IM chat request verification.
If you are using a Google Apps for Your
Domain IM
account, make sure that SRV records are set correctly for your domain:
Google Talk also requires an exact match
on the
email address assigned to your account. In some cases, that means you
need to use emailaddress@googlemail.com instead of
emailaddress@gmail.com if the former is what you used to register your
Google account.
I am a member of a group that has no admin. Can I get added as an admin?
The admin who created the group has
probably since
deleted their FriendFeed account. Unfortunately we're not currently
able to add additional admins to orphaned groups. Sorry for this
I removed a service and deleted the imported entries. How can I make
those entries show up again?
Once you delete an entry, we won't
re-import it,
because we assume you don't want that data in your feed. Unfortunately,
once we've purged the data from your account, it cannot be re-imported,
even if you add the service back to your feed. Sorry for this
FriendFeed Tools
For when you need that extra something, here are some ways to customize
your FriendFeed experience, make it a little easier, and maybe even
have more fun...
FriendFeed bookmarklet
Post to your FriendFeed
The Bookmarklet is the easiest way to share any web page to your
FriendFeed. You can even attach thumbnails of images from the pages you
Send an email to share@friendfeed.com to post your FriendFeed from any
computer or mobile devices. Get your cameraphones ready — it
works great for attached photos.
FriendFeed badge
Share your feed
Embeddable Widgets
Showcase your FriendFeed activity using a variety of customizable
widgets for your blog or web site. There's even a widget to make it
easy for your readers to share your site's content directly to their
Post to Twitter
Publish your FriendFeed activity to your Twitter account. Choose which
of your services to include, and whether to include your public room
posts and comments/likes on other people's entries.
FriendFeed notifier
Access your FriendFeed
FriendFeed Notifier
See updates to your FriendFeed right on your desktop.
Get your FriendFeed via email, and comment by email.
IM Notifications
Get notified via IM whenever you have new FriendFeed activity.
Feed Reader
Read your FriendFeed activity in any feed reader.
Facebook Application
Read your FriendFeed in Facebook, and share your activity with your
Facebook friends.
Keep up with FriendFeed in iGoogle by adding our iGoogle gadget.
Read and post to your FriendFeed via an iPhone-optimized web interface.
And more...
FriendFeed Store
Buy FriendFeed t-shirts, mugs, mousepads, stickers, and more.
Sign Up Here
[5] Design Float
is an example of a
WordPress page, you could edit this to put information about yourself
or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create
as many pages like this one or sub-pages as you like and manage all of
your content inside of WordPress.
Read more about About | DesignFloat Blog by www.designfloat.com
How It Works
Community Controlled Content
Sample FloatBy becoming part of the Design Float community, you decide
what content is submitted and made popular. The community relies on
it’s members to provide relevent content as well as rate,
“Floats”, each entry so that the best and most
entries float their way to the top.
1. Submit Content
Once you join the
community, you
instantly have the capability to submit your favorite design related
articles, stories, and resources.
2. Upcoming Entries
Once an article is
submitted, it will
appear on the Upcoming Entries page where the rest of the community
will decide to “Float” or
“Sink” the submission.
3. Popular Entries
As users browse the
Upcoming Entries,
they can “Float” the one’s they find
relevent and
useful. Once a submission has received at least 5 votes, it is
considered popular and moves to the front page.
4. Floating
As you browse both
Upcoming and Popular
entries, you have the option to Float, or vote, for the one’s
that you find useful or interesting. You may only Float an article one
time. The more Floats an entry receives, the higher on the popularity
list it moves.
5. Sinking
If you come accross
an article that you
feel is not relevent or does not belong on the Popular page, you have
the option to Sink it. Sinking an article counts as a negative vote for
that particular entry. However, Sinks do not carry the same weight as
Floats so it takes several Sinks to deduct a point from an entries
total number of votes. If enough people decide to Sink an article, then
it will make it’s way to the bottom of the pages.
6. Sharing Content
Design Float
encourages building a
network of friends to share content with. Each entry can also be
emailed to friends and colleagues without ever leaving the page.
7. Discussion
Like any community,
we have given our
users the ability to comment on any entry that is submitted.
rss Graphic Design
* rss Typography
rss Web Design
* rss CSS & Web Standards
* rss Showcases & Galleries
* rss Programming
* rss User Experience
rss Interactive Design
rss Industrial Design
rss Identity & Branding
* rss Logo Showcase
rss Digital Art
rss Illustration
rss Motion Graphics
rss Photography
rss Tutorials
Read more about Advertise | DesignFloat Blog by www.designfloat.com
Read more about How It Works | DesignFloat Blog by www.designfloat.com
Advertising Opportunities
Design Float is quickly becoming one of the most popular destinations
on the web for designers and developers around the world. Our database
of user submitted content is a growing source of reference, help, and
inspiration for just about every medium of design. From identity and
branding to interactive and user experience, we make it easy for users
to find the information they need.
Read more about Advertise | DesignFloat Blog by www.designfloat.com
Data valid through April, 2010
1. Members: 24,000+
2. Monthly Visitors: 220,000+
3. Monthly Pageviews: 700,000+
4. Indexed Entries: 6,000+
5. RSS Subscribers: 6,000+
6. Google PageRank: 5
Placement Options
1. Featured Entry
Featured Entry is a
link that will be
placed at the top of the DesignFloat’s front page for 24
This is an excellent way to promote short-termed promos and different
services and products.
Note: this
advertising option is available only for design-related content!
Freebie or giveaway
– 10$ per 24 hours
Contests –
15$ per 24 hours
Product or service
review (blog post
that contains review of design-related product or service) –
per 24 hours
Product or service
ad (link will lead to
a product/service page or to the vendor’s website )
– 30$
per 24 hours
2. 8 Static Sidebar Banners (125×125)
Sidebar Banners are
ideal for cost
effective longer-term exposure. Banners appear site wide on over 7,000
Design Float pages and include a text link directly under them. The
current rate for a 125×125 banner is: $200.00 Per Month
3. 1 Static Sidebar Banner (250×250)
Sidebar Banners are
ideal for cost
effective longer-term exposure. Banners appear site wide on over 7,000
Design Float pages and include a text link directly under them. The
current rate for a 250×250 banner is: $300.00 Per Month
Read more about Advertise | DesignFloat Blog by www.designfloat.com Sign Up Here............
[6] Dot Net Kicks
DNK is a social
networking community
where you can post your story & share it with other members as
as rate the stories posted by other members.
Story Kicks
What is a Kick?
Kicks are votes of approval from our members. If a story has 16 kicks,
that means 16 users liked it. The more kicks a story receives, the more
likely that it will appear on the homepage. If you don't like a story,
don’t give it a kick.
How do I Kick a story?
To kick a story, simply click the "Kick It" hyperlink located next to
the story summary. When you have kicked a story, the hyperlinked text
turns from "Kick It" to "Kicked."
How do I Unkick a story?
To unkick a story, simply click the "Kicked" hyperlink located next to
the story summary. When you have unkicked a story, the hyperlinked text
turns from "Kicked" to "Kick It."
How do I find stories to kick?
To find stories that have not been promoted, click the 'Upcoming
Stories' link in the navigation section. You can also click the 'find'
link beside each category in the list of categories.
How many Kicks does it take to get to the front page?
The promotion algorithm determines when a story is promoted to the
front page. requires a story to have kicks and comments to be promoted
from the upcoming stories to the front page.
How is karma calculated?
You get Kicked Up : +5 You get Kicked Down : -1 Your story makes it to
the homepage: +10 You comment on an article : +1 (per article)
Return to Topic List
Story Submission
How do I submit stories to DotNetKicks?
You simply need to register for a new account. With an account you can
submit stories by clicking the 'Submit a story' link on the right menu
of the homepage.
How do I add a "Kick It" link and image to my own page?
When you submit a story, you are provided with the HTML needed to add a
"Kick It" image and link to your web page, that you can customize by
choosing the colors you prefer. You can use the below HTML code as a
template, just remember to replace "MyURL" with the exact URL as the
submitted story.
How do I automatically add a "Kick It" link to each of my FeedBurner
feed entries?
FeedBurner has a feature called FeedFlare which lets you easily add
links to the bottom of each entry in your feed. To add a "Kick it" link
to each of your feed entries you need to configure your feed
accordingly following these steps:
* Open your feed in FeedBurner and go to
the Optimize section.
* On the side menu there's an option
called FeedFlare, click on it.
* You will be shown a list of available
flares, among which you can find Email, Del.icio.us, Digg.
* Scroll down the page, and in the
FeedFlare" input field type the following:
* Click on the "Add new Flare" button,
and enable the new flare by cheking the corresponding checkbox.
* Remember to activate this features
using the "Activate" button at the bottom of the page.
How do I customize the "Kick It" image to match my web site's color
You can use the following URL parameters to customize the colors of the
the "Kick It" image. All parameter values must be specified using valid
hexidecimal web color without the "#" symbol. Remember, do not include
the "#" symbol in the hexidecimal values. These URL parameters are used
in the "img" tag for the KickItImageGenerator service.
The "border" URL parameter defines the
color used for the border of the image.
The "bgcolor" URL parameter defines the
background color of the "kick it" text area.
The "fgcolor" URL parameter defines the
foreground/text color of the "kick it" text.
The "cbgcolor" URL parameter defines the
background of the kick counter area.
The "fbgcolor" URL parameter defines the
foreground/text color of the kick counter text.
An example is provided below.
<img src="/Services/Images/KickItImageGenerator.ashx?url=MyURL
&border=000033&bgcolor=0099FF &fgcolor=000033
&cbgcolor=FFFFCC&cfgcolor=000033" border="0" alt="kick
it on "
Why didn’t you post my story?
A story must recieve a certain number of kicks and/or comments to be
promoted to the front page.
Why was my story marked as SPAM?
Any story that is not related to the specific topic of this site can be
deleted by site moderators and administrators. If you believe your
story was incorrectly marked as SPAM please contact the team at
Return to Topic List
Story Categories
What is a category for?
A category is a way of grouping your story submission. If your story
applies to more than one category, then you may add additional
categories by "tagging" the story.
What if a category that I need doesn’t exist?
Are you sure that the story fits within the rules for story submission?
If so, then you may choose the closest category and then tag the story
with the correct category. You may also want to contact the site
administration and request the category.
What if my story was placed in the wrong category?
You may tag the story to place it into the correct category. If story
has an incorrect tag, then you can delete your own tags, but you cannot
delete tags placed by others.
Return to Topic List
Story Tags
What is a tag for?
A tag is similiar to categories. However, a story may be tagged with
multiple tags.
How do I add a tag?
You click the "tag it" link located next to the story summary. Then you
may enter text values to tag the story.
How do I remove a tag?
To remove a tag, click the "tag it" link located next to the story
summary. Your story tags will then appear and you can click the "X"
link to delete the tag.
Return to Topic List
User Banning
Why was I banned?
There are several reasons for banning. If you do not understand why you
were banned, please contact the site administration. Banning my result
from submitting SPAM and stories that do not fit within the site's
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User Profile
I forgot my password!
Click the link labeled 'Forgot your password' to retrieve your password.
I don’t want any cookies!
Cookies are used for site administration and login purposes.
How do I change my password?
** Currently, you cannot change your password.
How do I change my email address?
** Currently, you cannot change your email address.
How do I see which stories I have kicked?
To see stories that you have kicked, visit your profile page by
clicking on your account name hyperlink located in the navigation
section of the header. Then you can click on "Kicked" profile hyperlink
to view stories that you have kicked.
How do I see which stories I have submitted?
To see stories that you have submitted, visit your profile page by
clicking on your account name hyperlink located in the navigation
section of the header. Then you can click on "Submitted" profile
hyperlink to view stories that you have submitted.
How do I see which stories I have commented on?
To see stories that you have commented on, visit your profile page by
clicking on your account name hyperlink located in the navigation
section of the header. Then you can click on "Comments" profile
hyperlink to view stories that you have commented on.
How do I see my friends?
Your list of friends are dislayed on your profile page. To visit your
profile page click on your account name hyperlink located in the
navigation section of the header.
How do I add my web site, blog, or blog feed to my profile?
To add your website, blog, or blog feed (RSS), visit your profile page
by clicking on your account name hyperlink located in the navigation
section of the header. Then you can click on "Edit Profile" hyperlink
to add the values to your profile.
How do I set my avatar/image?
To add your avatar, you must have an account with Gravatar. If you have
a Gravatar account, then you must enter it into your profile. To update
your profile click on your account name hyperlink located in the
navigation section of the header. Then you can click on "Edit Profile"
hyperlink to add the Gravatar account to your profile.
Return to Topic List
User Comments
How do I add a comment?
To add a comment, click the "comments" link in the story summary. Once
you are viewing the individual submitted story summary page, then you
can use the form on that page to submit your comments.
How do I delete my comment?
Currently, you cannot delete your comments.
Can I edit my comments?
Currently, you cannot edit your comments.
Can I delete someone’s comment about my story?
You cannot delete someone else's comment about your story. If a comment
is inappropriate please contact the site staff.
Why was my comment deleted?
Only the site staff can delete comments. If you feel that your comment
was incorrectly delete, please contact the site staff.
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User Friends
What is a friend?
A friend is someone that you are acquainted with.
How do I add a friend?
To add a friend, click the person's name to view their profile. On
their profile, click "Add Friend" hyperlink.
How do I remove a friend?
To remove a friend, click the person's name to view their profile. On
their profile, click "Remove As Friend" hyperlink.
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Web Feeds
What is a Web Feed?
A Web Feed (or RSS) is an XML document that contains specific data
What is RSS?
RSS is Really Simple Syndication. RSS is the same as Web Feed.
How do I subscribe to a DotNetKicks Web Feed?
Most pages contain a RSS icon that looks like: . To subscribe to the
web feed, just click this image and your default Web Feed/RSS Reader
will activate.
How do I subscribe to a DotNetKicks category only Web Feed?
Most pages contain a RSS icon that looks like: . To subscribe to the
web feed, just click this image and your default Web Feed/RSS Reader
will activate.
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Helping DotNetKicks
How can I help DotNetKicks?
Tell your friends - The most immediate and effective way that you can
help us is to tell your friends about us. If you have a blog, please
write a short post with a link to DotNetKicks.com. The more users we
have, the more useful the content becomes for everyone.
Kick some stories - As the site has no editors in the traditional
sense, we rely on our users to kick the good content onto our homepage.
Recently submitted stories that have not yet received enough kicks to
make the homepage are awaiting your kicks right now.
Add a story - Without our users submitting stories, we would have no
content. If you find any interesting stories relevant to
DotNetKicks.com, please submit them so that we can all know about them.
Add our headlines to your website - We provide various feeds that you
can add to your website. These are updated in real time and you can add
them to your site very simply.
Let us know your comments and suggestions - It is early days for
DotNetKicks.com and we have many improvements and new features coming
soon. Please let us know what you think of the site and how we may
improve it to better serve you.
How do I submit a bug?
You can submit a bug at Add a Issue.
How do I submit comments?
We would be delighted to hear your suggestions or comments, we can be
reached at .
Sign Up Here......................
[7] Yahoo Buzz
What's the buzz?
Find the most remarkable stories on the Web.
Vote for your favorite stories to give them the attention they deserve.
Tell the Buzz community what you think about various stories.
Add any story you find on the Web.
The best of the web - chosen by you.
* The buzz can be about anything
— from
breaking stories on major news to viral videos on personal blogs.
* Instead of editors, people like you
submit the stories and "buzz up" the best ones.
How it works.
* First, we determine the most popular
topics that people are searching for on Yahoo!.
* Then, we showcase the most popular
stories within
those topics, based on activities like voting, commenting, and emailing
stories to friends.
* Stories with most Buzz may be
published on the
Yahoo! home page — you can impact what millions will see on
* Buzz Categories:
* Business
* |
* Entertainment
* |
* Health
* |
* Images
* |
* Lifestyle
* |
* Local Buzz
* |
* Politics
* |
* Sci/Tech
* |
* Sports
* |
* U.S. News
* |
* Video
* |
* World
* Yahoo! Buzz Worldwide:
* Australia
* |
* Brazil
* |
* France
* |
* India
* |
* Mexico
* |
* UK & Ireland
* |
* United States
What is Yahoo! Buzz?
Yahoo! Buzz is a new way to get your news. We pull in the
stories from a broad assortment of web publishers throughout the day,
then give you the chance to be an editor by voting
(“buzzing”) stories up or down, submitting your own
Buzz, or have a conversation around them by commenting on buzz articles.
For each Yahoo! Buzz story there’s a ranking. The stories
is based on votes received, comments on the story, related search
terms, and the times it’s been shared to others by email.
The highest ranked Buzz story might be featured on the Yahoo! homepage,
the Web’s most popular starting point.
Do editors determine which stories are shown on Yahoo! Buzz?
Nope. People like you influence which stories make it to the top of
Yahoo! Buzz.
For each story that you see on Yahoo! Buzz, we develop a ranking. That
story’s ranking is based on things like the number of votes
receives on Buzz, the number of comments it receives on Buzz, the
popularity of related search terms on Yahoo! Search, and the number of
times that content is shared with friends over email from Buzz. Higher
ranked stories are featured more prominently on the homepage of Buzz
and within category pages.
We also have members of our team comb through all the top stories on
Yahoo! Buzz and select items to appear on the Yahoo! homepage. Vote
today on a story, and you could help send it along to the
most popular starting point!
How is Yahoo! Buzz different from Yahoo! News?
Yahoo! News is one of the Web’s leading news sites. Yahoo!
does feature content from Yahoo! News, but we also feature content from
non-Yahoo! Web publishers (submitted to Buzz by users like you).
Yahoo! News has a team of editors that choose the content featured on
Yahoo! News. Yahoo! Buzz is different, because we rely on people like
you to determine which content is most interesting at any given time.
That said, we also have members of our team comb through all the top
stories on Yahoo! Buzz and select items to appear on the Yahoo!
homepage. Vote today on a story, and you could help send it along to
the Web’s most popular starting point!
How is Yahoo! Buzz different from the other “social
content” websites?
Like many other social content websites (e.g. del.icio.us, Digg,
Propeller, Reddit, and StumbleUpon), Yahoo! Buzz allows people to
express a like (or dislike) for articles, videos, photos, and other
content. Yahoo! Buzz is unique, however, because our rankings also take
into account things like trends in search queries on Yahoo! Search, the
number of comments left on Buzz, and the number of times that content
is shared with friends over email from Buzz.
Please note that in addition to consuming and interacting with stories
on Yahoo! Buzz, you can also submit stories you find on Yahoo! Buzz to
many of the top social content websites, directly from the Yahoo! Buzz
website itself. Click on the “Share” button under
story or video on Yahoo! Buzz to do so.
Using Yahoo! Buzz
How frequently is the content on Yahoo! Buzz updated?
Stories come into Yahoo! Buzz on an ongoing basis throughout the day. A
stories ranking is updated regularly also. Be sure to visit Yahoo! Buzz
multiple times a day to see what is buzzing at any given time!
How do I vote for content? What are the “Buzz up!”
“Buzz down” buttons I see on Yahoo! Buzz and on
he “Buzz up!” and “Buzz down”
buttons on Yahoo!
Buzz represent your votes! If you like a piece of content and want to
raise its Buzz Score so that others will see it too, click
up!”. If you don’t like a piece of content, click
“Buzz down”.
You can vote for a piece of content either on the Yahoo! Buzz website,
or on many publishers' own websites (just look for the blue
up!” or “b” button near content on
publishers’ websites).
As well, you can also increase a piece of content’s ranking
Buzz commenting on it, or by clicking “Send” and
sending it
to a friend over email from Buzz.
Why should I vote? What’s in it for me?
Voting (“buzzing” content up or down) is
a way for
you to tell the world what you think is interesting. Your vote
influences a piece of content’s ranking on Buzz, potentially
moving it higher or lower on the Yahoo! Buzz home page. Content with
the highest ranking may be featured on the Yahoo! homepage. Your voice
could carry all the way to the Web’s most popular starting
If you are the first person to "Buzz up" a story, you should be proud!
We will display your display name and avatar next to that story on Buzz.
If you prefer to not have your name appear on Buzz, please visit the My
Buzz Activity page and uncheck the box that says "My Buzz activity is
public on Buzz". To learn more about making changes to your privacy
settings, please click here.
How can I see my voting history?
The My Buzz Activity page is your personal activity
hub on
Buzz. This page provides your total number of "Buzz Ups", "Buzz Downs",
"First Buzzers", and "Comments", and lists your most recent actions, so
you can easily remember what you buzzed and email those stories to
By default, this page is public. This means that everything on this
page is available for anyone to view.
If you do not want your My Buzz Activity page to be public on Buzz,
visit your My Buzz Activity page and uncheck the box that says "My Buzz
activity is public on Buzz". To learn more about making changes to your
privacy settings, please click here.
Can I change my vote?
To change your vote, go to your My Buzz Activity page and
for the blue "Undo" button next to any story you buzzed up or buzzed
down. We will then remove that story from your Recent Activity module.
You cannot, however, edit or delete comments you make on Yahoo! Buzz.
What does “First Buzzed By” mean?
If you are the first person to "buzz up" a story, you should
proud! Your display name and avatar will be displayed next to that
story on Buzz along with a link to your My Buzz Activity page where it
will be added to your "First Buzzer" tally.
If you do not want to make your Buzz activity public on Buzz, please
visit your My Buzz Activity page and uncheck the box that says "My Buzz
activity is public on Buzz".
When you uncheck this box, you will appear as
when you are the first person to “buzz up” a story.
will be no link to your My Buzz Activity page. To learn more about
making changes to your privacy settings, please click here.
How can I comment on stories on Yahoo! Buzz?
You can comment on any story you see on Yahoo! Buzz by going to that
story's detail page and clicking on the "Comments" tab. You must be
signed in to Yahoo! in order to comment. Please be respectful of other
users when you comment, and be sure to abide by the Yahoo! Terms of
Service and the Yahoo! Community Guidelines. Otherwise, we may delete
your comment from Yahoo! Buzz!
You will not be able edit or delete your comment after you make it, and
all comments made on Yahoo! Buzz will be public and will carry your
chosen display name and avatar. To learn more about making changes to
your privacy settings, please click here.
Finally, if you like (or dislike) a comment you see on Buzz, give it a
thumbs up (or thumbs down). Unpopular comments will then be collapsed
in the comment list.
Why have comments been disabled for a given story
Yahoo! Buzz may disable comments for a given story. This could happen
if we are experiencing technical difficulties, or if a given story gets
overrun with comments that violate the Yahoo! Terms of Service and/or
the Yahoo! Community Guidelines. When we disable comments for a story,
we will not delete those comments. Rather, we will temporarily hide
them and prevent new comments from being made.
What is the difference between "Top Buzz" and "Up & Coming"?
The "Top Buzz" view shows the highest ranked stories on Yahoo! Buzz at
any given time. For each story, this ranking takes into account things
like the number of votes it receives on Yahoo! Buzz, the number of
comments it receives on Buzz, the popularity of related search terms on
Yahoo! Search, and the number of times that content is shared with
friends over email within Buzz.
You can filter content in the Top Stories section by date and time, and
by category, and you can also sort by number of votes (from the past 24
hours) and the recency of content. By default, in Top Buzz we show the
highest ranked stories from the past 12 hours.
A new story submitted to Yahoo! Buzz starts out in the "Up &
Coming" section. As it accumulates votes, it will rise to the top of Up
& Coming. Stories at the top of Up & Coming will
the jump” to Top Buzz throughout the day.
The highest ranked Buzz content might be featured on the Yahoo!
homepage, the Web’s most popular starting point.
What does the “Seen on Yahoo.com” section contain?
All content that has been featured front and center of the Yahoo!
homepage can be found in the "Seen on Yahoo.com" section on the Yahoo!
Buzz homepage.
What is the Buzz Log?
The Buzz Log continues to thrive on the all-new Yahoo! Buzz, and can be
found here. The Buzz Log publishes new posts every day, calling out
stories and topics that have "buzzed" throughout a given day. Or, if
you want to visit the original Buzz Index website, please check it out
What is RSS and My Yahoo!? How are they integrated with Yahoo! Buzz?
RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication". It is a great format for
distributing and gathering content from sources across the Web,
including newspapers, magazines, and blogs.
We offer RSS feeds for the top stories overall on Buzz, as well as for
the top stories within each "Category" on Buzz and for the Buzz Log.
You can click on the RSS button (the square orange one) to grab a feed
to be used in your favorite third-party RSS news reader source. We
highly recommend My Yahoo!, which is Yahoo!'s personalized start page.
Click on the "+ My Yahoo!" button and we will automatically create a
Buzz module that will live on your My Yahoo! page.
How can I share content I find on Yahoo! Buzz with other people?
Just click on the “Send” button for each
piece of
content and you can send a link to that content directly to a friend
over email.
You can also submit content directly to other social content websites
(e.g. del.icio.us, Digg, Propeller, Reddit, and StumbleUpon) by
clicking on the “Share” link associated with each
story or
video. You’ll need to be registered and signed in to those
websites in order to do so.
As well, please check out the new Yahoo! Updates modules that appear
around Buzz, and the Buzz Log tab as well. Yahoo! Updates are
mini-stories about your online activity, such as pictures you upload,
reviews you write, items you rate, etc. You can control the types of
updates you share on Yahoo! by visiting the Manage My Yahoo! Updates
How can I share content I find on Yahoo! Buzz with other people?
Just click on the “Send” button for each
piece of
content and you can send a link to that content directly to a friend
over email.
You can also submit content directly to other social content websites
(e.g. del.icio.us, Digg, Propeller, Reddit, and StumbleUpon) by
clicking on the “Share” link associated with each
story or
video. You’ll need to be registered and signed in to those
websites in order to do so.
As well, please check out the new Yahoo! Updates modules that appear
around Buzz, and the Buzz Log tab as well. Yahoo! Updates are
mini-stories about your online activity, such as pictures you upload,
reviews you write, items you rate, etc. You can control the types of
updates you share on Yahoo! by visiting the Manage My Yahoo! Updates
Submitting Stories
What type of stories are appropriate for Yahoo! Buzz?
Yahoo! Buzz welcomes content from across the Web. Submit stories that
you think other people might want to “buzz up”.
Buzz does
not welcome content that violates our Yahoo! Community
or Yahoo! Terms of Service. We will block or remove such content.
How do I submit a story to Yahoo! Buzz?
First, you must be signed in to Yahoo! Buzz to submit a story.
You can submit a story one of two ways:
You can look for the “Submit a Story” link on
Yahoo! Buzz
(or just go directly to http://buzz.yahoo.com/submit). You will then be
prompted to give us information about that story. This information will
be what other users see when they come across your story on the site.
Be sure to write unique and compelling headlines and summaries, so
others will “buzz up” your story! Don’t
just copy and
paste (especially for summaries).
Second, if you are the first person to “buzz” a
story by
clicking on a “Buzz up!” button on a
site, you will be asked to give us additional information on that story
before it gets submitted to Yahoo! Buzz.
As soon as a story is submitted to Yahoo! Buzz, that story will receive
one vote.
Please review our Yahoo! Community Guidelines or Yahoo! Terms of
Service to get a better idea of what is and is not appropriate for
Yahoo! Buzz.
Where can I see all the stories I have submitted to Yahoo! Buzz?
If you are the first person to successfully
a story, then we will give that story one vote, and you will be
credited as the “First Buzzer” if you have elected
to make
your Buzz activity public on Buzz. For more information on Yahoo! Buzz
privacy settings, please visit here.
You can always see the stories you were first to buzz by going to your
My Buzz Activity page.
I tried to submit a story but it told me “Someone Beat You to
It!” What does that mean?
Sometimes two Yahoo! Buzz users will be submitting the same
at the same time. Whenever possible, we try to make sure there is only
one version of each story in the Buzz system. We do this by matching
exact originating URLs of each story. If someone completes the
submission process before you do, we will use their submission instead
of yours. Fear not, your vote will be recorded!
You can always see the stories you were first to buzz by going to your
My Activity page.
A story I submitted to Yahoo! Buzz has disappeared. Where did it go and
how can I get it back?
Yahoo! Buzz users can report any story they find on Yahoo! Buzz by
clicking on the small “flag” icon next to that
story. We
want to avoid spam and porn in particular on Yahoo! Buzz, and we need
our users’ help! We take reports of abuse seriously. Each
reported story will be reviewed by our Customer Care team who will then
decide whether or not to remove the story from Yahoo! Buzz.
Please review our Yahoo! Community Guidelines or Yahoo! Terms of
Service to get a better idea of what is and is not appropriate for
Yahoo! Buzz.
Yahoo! Buzz users can report any story they find on Yahoo! Buzz by
clicking on the small “flag” icon next to that
story. We
want to avoid spam and porn in particular on Yahoo! Buzz, and we need
our users’ help! We take reports of abuse seriously. Each
reported story will be reviewed by our Customer Care team who will then
decide whether or not to remove the story from Yahoo! Buzz.
Please review our Yahoo! Community Guidelines or Yahoo! Terms of
Service to get a better idea of what is and is not appropriate for
Yahoo! Buzz.
I keep seeing a story or comment I reported on Yahoo! Buzz. Why is it
still there?
Each reported story or comment will be reviewed for Terms of Service
violations by our Customer Care team. If the team determines that the
story or comment does not belong on Yahoo! Buzz, we will remove the
content and potentially block it from being submitted to the site again.
If the team determines that the story or comment is appropriate for
Yahoo! Buzz, you may continue to see the story or comment. Please note
that we take your reports of abuse very seriously, and we review all
stories and comments that are reported by our users.
Please review the Yahoo! Community Guidelines and Terms of Service to
get a better idea of what is and is not appropriate for Yahoo! Buzz.
Reporting Abuse
saw an inappropriate story or comment on Yahoo! Buzz. How can
I report it?
You can report any story or comment you find on Yahoo! Buzz by clicking
on the small “flag” icon next to that story or
comment. You
will then be asked to provide some information about why you reported
the story or comment. We want to avoid things like spam, porn, and hate
in particular on Yahoo! Buzz.
We take your reports seriously. Each reported story or comment will be
reviewed by our Customer Care team who will remove the story or comment
from Yahoo! Buzz if appropriate.
Please review the Yahoo! Community Guidelines and Terms of Service to
get a better idea of what is and is not appropriate for Yahoo! Buzz.
What happens after I report a story or comment on Yahoo! Buzz?
Each reported story or comment will be reviewed for Terms of Service
violations by our Customer Care team. If the team determines that the
story or comment does not belong on Yahoo! Buzz, we will remove the
content and potentially block it from being submitted to the site again.
Please review the Yahoo! Community Guidelines and Terms of Service to
get a better idea of what is and is not appropriate for Yahoo! Buzz.
Additional Questions
Is my activity on Yahoo! Buzz public? How can I change my settings?
Being public is what Buzz is all about—letting people know
stories you think are important and therefore worth sharing. So
it’s not surprising that whatever you do in Buzz (buzz a
story up
or down, post comments about a buzzed story, etc.) is
public—unless you change your Buzz Activity setting to
Note: Any comments you add to a buzzed story are always public on Buzz,
and after you post a comment, you can’t edit or delete it.
When you’re the first person to "buzz up" a story, within
we’ll feature your display name and avatar next to that
along with a link to your Buzz Activity Page. On the My Buzz Activities
page, you’ll see numbers next to First Buzzer, Buzzed Up,
Down, and Comments, which indicate how many times you’ve been
first one to buzz up a story, and how many stories you’ve
to buzz up and buzz down.
How can I update my display name and avatar in Yahoo! Buzz?
If you want to update your Yahoo! Buzz display name, visit
My Buzz Activity page and select "Edit Profile", or go here. If you
want to change your avatar (the picture you see next to your display
name), you can click on your avatar image or follow the "Edit Profile"
Please keep in mind that your display name and avatar are public. If
you do not want to make your Buzz activity public on Buzz, please visit
your My Buzz Activity page and uncheck the box that says "My Buzz
activity is public on Buzz". By unchecking the box, other Yahoo! Buzz
users will NOT be able to see your My Buzz Activity Page, and we will
NOT assign your display name or avatar next to stories where you were
the "First Buzzer". Comments, however, are always public on Yahoo!
Buzz, and will carry your chosen display name and avatar. You cannot
edit or delete your comments on Buzz!
What do I do if I find a problem with Yahoo! Buzz, or have a suggestion
for improving it?
We are always looking for ways to improve Yahoo! Buzz. If you have any
suggestions, please send us feedback and you just may see your
suggestion in a future release!
What is the Buzz Index?
Yahoo!’s Buzz Index has been around since the early days of
Yahoo!. It is a leading website for analyzing search trends on the
Yahoo! network and packaging those trends into daily posts on the Buzz
The data for the Buzz Index is collected from Yahoo! Search log files.
The Yahoo! Buzz Index counts the total number of people searching for
specific subjects. Individual users and their searches remain
completely anonymous.
The Yahoo! Buzz Index is published Tuesday through Saturday. All the
rankings on the Yahoo! Buzz Index are updated each weekday and reflect
the traffic from two days earlier. For example, Wednesday's Buzz Index
reflects Monday's searches and clicks. (Twenty-four hours are required
to process data and verify results.)
A subject's buzz index score is the percentage of users searching for
that subject on a given day, multiplied by a constant to make the
number easier to read. More precisely, each point is equal to 0.001% of
users searching on Yahoo! on a given day. For example, a buzz index
score of 500 for "Pokemon" translates to 0.5% of all users searching on
Yahoo! For buzz movers, the number displayed is the percentage increase
in the subject's buzz score from the previous day.
Company names (such as Yahoo!), utilities and formats (email, MP3), and
general terms (movies, downloads, football) are filtered out by the
editors of the Yahoo! Buzz Index. The editors' goal is to list subjects
that are interesting to the broadest possible audience. To this end,
terms related to adults-only content are also excluded. In some cases,
the editors might also exclude terms that they believe have been
elevated by similarity to unrelated popular terms. For example, the
movie The Rock might be excluded if the buzz was determined to be
solely generated by interest in the WWF star, The Rock.
The Buzz Log continues to thrive on the all-new Yahoo! Buzz, and can be
found here. The Buzz Log publishes new posts every day, calling out
stories and topics that have "buzzed" throughout a given day. If you
want to visit the original Buzz Index website, please check it out here.
Information for Publishers
How do I become a Yahoo! Buzz publisher?
Yahoo! Buzz is now open to any and all publishers. Please visit our
Publish Your Content page for an overview of how to partner with Yahoo!
Buzz. It's as simple as grabbing a button from our Buttons page and
adding it to your site. Read our Additional Terms of Service before
grabbing our buttons and placing them on your site.
We also regularly add sites to our list of Featured Publishers. These
are trusted publishers that contribute high quality content that
performs well on Yahoo! Buzz. If you would like your site to be
considered, please submit the URL on our Publish Your Content page.
Please note, Buzz does not welcome content that violates our Yahoo!
Community Guidelines or Yahoo! Terms of Service. We will block or
remove such content.
Why isn't my story at the top of Yahoo! Buzz yet?
A new story submitted to Yahoo! Buzz starts out in the Up &
section. As it accumulates votes, it will rise to the top of Up
Coming. Stories at the top of Up & Coming will “make
jump” to Top Buzz throughout the day.
Please keep in mind, the default view for Top Buzz is stories that have
become popular within the past 12 hours. In this default view, stories
are ordered based on Buzz’s popularity ranking. For each
this ranking takes into account things like the number of votes it
receives on Yahoo! Buzz, the number of comments it receives on Buzz,
the popularity of related search terms on Yahoo! Search, and the number
of times that content is shared with friends over email within Buzz.
If you do not see your story in a given view, try a different view, and
be sure to check out the various category pages as well.
And don’t forget… The highest ranked Buzz content
might be
featured on the Yahoo! homepage, the Web’s most popular
point. Good luck!
One of my stories disappeared from Yahoo! Buzz. Where did it go and how
can I get it back on the site?
Yahoo! Buzz users can report any story they find on Yahoo! Buzz by
clicking on the small “flag” icon next to that
story. We
want to avoid spam and porn in particular on Yahoo! Buzz, and we need
our users’ help! We take reports of abuse seriously. Each
reported story will be reviewed by our Customer Care team who will then
decide whether or not to remove the story from Yahoo! Buzz.
Please review our Yahoo! Community Guidelines or Yahoo! Terms of
Service to get a better idea of what is and is not appropriate for
Yahoo! Buzz.
As well, publishers should review our Additional Terms of Service
before placing the Yahoo! Buzz buttons on their sites.
Are there international versions of the Yahoo! Buzz buttons?
We currently have two international versions of Buzz: one in the United
States, and one in India. Users can go to either site to buzz up
content. But we do offer country-specific buttons. If a user is from
neither the United States nor from India, then you can send them to a
specific Buzz site by specifying that in your button code.
If you are an Indian publisher, please grab buttons here.
If you are a U.S. publisher, please grab buttons here.
If you are a publisher from any other country, please just grab the
U.S. buttons. And stay tuned as we launch international versions of the
Buzz site in the future!
Yahoo! Community Guidelines
Just like any other community, Yahoo! communities include people from a
wide variety of experiences, backgrounds, and mindsets. We take pride
in the fact that our communities give this diversity of membership an
interesting place to interact, share, learn, and grow. In keeping with
this spirit of community, we have a core set of principles that must be
followed by all members:
* Use must comply with all applicable
local, state, and federal rules, regulations, and laws.
* Do not post content protected by any
property rights, including but not limited to copyright, trademark, or
other proprietary rights, without permission from the owner.
* Adult content is permitted only in
areas marked
‘adult’. You must be 18 years or older to access
* Participation in all communities is
subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
* For specific rules, refer to the
guidelines of the service you are using – however nothing
elsewhere may override these basic principles.
Yahoo! does not edit content posted in our communities. Yahoo! may, in
our sole discretion, take action against users who post material or
engage in activity that violates these principles or the Terms of
Service or is otherwise objectionable. Such action may include ,
without notice, termination of your Yahoo! ID and everything associated
with it, including email accounts, groups, posts, pages, and profiles.
Yahoo! Terms of Service
Yahoo! Inc.
("Yahoo!") welcomes you.
Yahoo! provides the Yahoo! Services (defined below) to you subject to
the following Terms of Service ("TOS"), which may be updated by us from
time to time without notice to you. You can review the most current
version of the TOS at any time at:
http://info.yahoo.com/legal/us/yahoo/utos/utos-173.html. By accessing
and using the Yahoo! Services, you accept and agree to be bound by the
terms and provision of the TOS. In addition, when using particular
Yahoo! owned or operated services, you and Yahoo! shall be subject to
any posted guidelines or rules applicable to such services, which may
be posted and modified from time to time. All such guidelines or rules
(including but not limited to our Spam Policy) are hereby incorporated
by reference into the TOS. Yahoo! may also offer other services that
are governed by different Terms of Service. For instance, different
terms apply to members of AT&T Yahoo! Dial or AT&T
Yahoo! High
Yahoo! provides
users with access to a
rich collection of resources, including without limitation various
communications tools, forums, shopping services, search services,
personalized content and branded programming through its network of
properties which may be accessed through any various medium or device
now known or hereafter developed (the "Yahoo! Services"). You also
understand and agree that the Yahoo! Services may include
advertisements and that these advertisements are necessary for Yahoo!
to provide the Yahoo! Services. You also understand and agree that the
Yahoo! Services may include certain communications from Yahoo!, such as
service announcements, administrative messages and the Yahoo!
Newsletter, and that these communications are considered part of Yahoo!
membership and you will not be able to opt out of receiving them.
Unless explicitly stated otherwise, any new features that augment or
enhance the current Yahoo! Services, including the release of new
Yahoo! properties, shall be subject to the TOS. You understand and
agree that the Yahoo! Services is provided "AS-IS" and that Yahoo!
assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, deletion, mis-delivery or
failure to store any user communications or personalization settings.
You are responsible for obtaining access to the Yahoo! Services, and
that access may involve third-party fees (such as Internet service
provider or airtime charges). You are responsible for those fees,
including those fees associated with the display or delivery of
advertisements. In addition, you must provide and are responsible for
all equipment necessary to access the Yahoo! Services.
You understand that
the technical
processing and transmission of the Yahoo! Services, including your
Content, may involve (a) transmissions over various networks; and (b)
changes to conform and adapt to technical requirements of connecting
networks or devices.
Please be aware that
Yahoo! has created
certain areas on the Yahoo! Services that contain adult or mature
content. You must be at least 18 years of age to access and view such
In consideration of
your use of the
Yahoo! Services, you represent that you are of legal age to form a
binding contract and are not a person barred from receiving the Yahoo!
Services under the laws of the United States or other applicable
jurisdiction. You also agree to: (a) provide true, accurate, current
and complete information about yourself as prompted by the Yahoo!
Service's registration form (the "Registration Data") and (b) maintain
and promptly update the Registration Data to keep it true, accurate,
current and complete. If you provide any information that is untrue,
inaccurate, not current or incomplete, or Yahoo! has reasonable grounds
to suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, not current or
incomplete, Yahoo! has the right to suspend or terminate your account
and refuse any and all current or future use of the Yahoo! Services (or
any portion thereof). Yahoo! is concerned about the safety and privacy
of all its users, particularly children. For this reason, parents of
children under the age of 13 who wish to allow their children access to
the Yahoo! Services must create a Yahoo! Family Account. When you
create a Yahoo! Family Account and add your child to the account, you
certify that you are at least 18 years old and that you are the legal
guardian of the child/children listed on the Yahoo! Family Account. By
adding a child to your Yahoo! Family Account, you also give your child
permission to access many areas of the Yahoo! Services, including,
email, message boards and instant messaging (among others). Please
remember that the Yahoo! Services is designed to appeal to a broad
audience. Accordingly, as the legal guardian, it is your responsibility
to determine whether any of the Yahoo! Services areas and/or Content
(as defined in Section 6 below) are appropriate for your child.
Registration Data
and certain other
information about you are subject to our applicable privacy policy. For
more information, see the full Yahoo! Privacy Policy at
http://info.yahoo.com/privacy/us/yahoo/, or if you came from Yahoo!
Kids, then see our Yahoo! Kids Privacy Policy at
http://info.yahoo.com/privacy/us/yahoo/kids. You understand that
through your use of the Yahoo! Services you consent to the collection
and use (as set forth in the applicable privacy policy) of this
information, including the transfer of this information to the United
States and/or other countries for storage, processing and use by Yahoo!
and its affiliates.
You will receive a
password and account
designation upon completing the Yahoo! Service's registration process.
You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the password
and account and are fully responsible for all activities that occur
under your password or account. You agree to (a) immediately notify
Yahoo! of any unauthorized use of your password or account or any other
breach of security, and (b) ensure that you exit from your account at
the end of each session. Yahoo! cannot and will not be liable for any
loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with this Section 5.
You understand that
all information,
data, text, software, music, sound, photographs, graphics, video,
messages, tags, or other materials ("Content"), whether publicly posted
or privately transmitted, are the sole responsibility of the person
from whom such Content originated. This means that you, and not Yahoo!,
are entirely responsible for all Content that you upload, post, email,
transmit or otherwise make available via the Yahoo! Services. Yahoo!
does not control the Content posted via the Yahoo! Services and, as
such, does not guarantee the accuracy, integrity or quality of such
Content. You understand that by using the Yahoo! Services, you may be
exposed to Content that is offensive, indecent or objectionable. Under
no circumstances will Yahoo! be liable in any way for any Content,
including, but not limited to, any errors or omissions in any Content,
or any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of
any Content posted, emailed, transmitted or otherwise made available
via the Yahoo! Services.
You agree to not use
the Yahoo! Services to:
upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any Content
that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious,
defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another's privacy,
hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;
harm minors in any way;
impersonate any person or entity, including, but not limited to, a
Yahoo! official, forum leader, guide or host, or falsely state or
otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity;
forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers in order to disguise
the origin of any Content transmitted through the Yahoo! Service;
upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any Content
that you do not have a right to make available under any law or under
contractual or fiduciary relationships (such as inside information,
proprietary and confidential information learned or disclosed as part
of employment relationships or under nondisclosure agreements);
upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any Content
that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other
proprietary rights ("Rights") of any party;
upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any
unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, "junk
mail," "spam," "chain letters," "pyramid schemes," or any other form of
solicitation, except in those areas (such as shopping) that are
designated for such purpose (please read our complete Spam Policy);
upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any material
that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or
programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of
any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment;
disrupt the normal flow of dialogue, cause a screen to "scroll" faster
than other users of the Yahoo! Services are able to type, or otherwise
act in a manner that negatively affects other users' ability to engage
in real time exchanges;
interfere with or disrupt the Yahoo! Services or servers or networks
connected to the Yahoo! Services, or disobey any requirements,
procedures, policies or regulations of networks connected to the Yahoo!
Services, including using any device, software or routine to bypass our
robot exclusion headers;
intentionally or unintentionally violate any applicable local, state,
national or international law, including, but not limited to,
regulations promulgated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission,
any rules of any national or other securities exchange, including,
without limitation, the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock
Exchange or the NASDAQ, and any regulations having the force of law;
provide material support or resources (or to conceal or disguise the
nature, location, source, or ownership of material support or
resources) to any organization(s) designated by the United States
government as a foreign terrorist organization pursuant to section 219
of the Immigration and Nationality Act;
"stalk" or otherwise harass another; and/or
collect or store personal data about other users in connection with the
prohibited conduct and activities set forth in paragraphs a through m
You acknowledge that
Yahoo! may or may
not pre-screen Content, but that Yahoo! and its designees shall have
the right (but not the obligation) in their sole discretion to
pre-screen, refuse, or remove any Content that is available via the
Yahoo! Services. Without limiting the foregoing, Yahoo! and its
designees shall have the right to remove any Content that violates the
TOS or is otherwise objectionable. You agree that you must evaluate,
and bear all risks associated with, the use of any Content, including
any reliance on the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of such
Content. In this regard, you acknowledge that you may not rely on any
Content created by Yahoo! or submitted to Yahoo!, including without
limitation information in Yahoo! Message Boards and in all other parts
of the Yahoo! Services.
You acknowledge,
consent and agree that
Yahoo! may access, preserve and disclose your account information and
Content if required to do so by law or in a good faith belief that such
access preservation or disclosure is reasonably necessary to: (i)
comply with legal process; (ii) enforce the TOS; (iii) respond to
claims that any Content violates the rights of third parties; (iv)
respond to your requests for customer service; or (v) protect the
rights, property or personal safety of Yahoo!, its users and the public.
You understand that
the Yahoo! Services
and software embodied within the Yahoo! Services may include security
components that permit digital materials to be protected, and that use
of these materials is subject to usage rules set by Yahoo! and/or
content providers who provide content to the Yahoo! Services. You may
not attempt to override or circumvent any of the usage rules embedded
into the Yahoo! Services. Any unauthorized reproduction, publication,
further distribution or public exhibition of the materials provided on
the Yahoo! Services, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited.
When you register
with Yahoo!, you
acknowledge that in using the Yahoo! Services to send electronic
communications (including but not limited to email, search queries,
sending messages to Yahoo! Chat or Yahoo! Groups, uploading photos and
files to Flickr, and other Internet activities), you will be causing
communications to be sent through Yahoo!'s computer networks, portions
of which are located in California, Texas, Virginia, and other
locations in the United States and portions of which are located
abroad. As a result, and also as a result of Yahoo!'s network
architecture and business practices and the nature of electronic
communications, even communications that seem to be intrastate in
nature can result in the transmission of interstate communications
regardless of where you are physically located at the time of
transmission. Accordingly, by agreeing to this TOS, you acknowledge
that use of the service results in interstate data transmissions.
Recognizing the
global nature of the
Internet, you agree to comply with all local rules regarding online
conduct and acceptable Content. Use of the Yahoo! Services and
transfer, posting and uploading of software, technology, and other
technical data via the Yahoo! Services may be subject to the export and
import laws of the United States and other countries. You agree to
comply with all applicable export and import laws and regulations. In
particular, you: (a) represent that you are not a party identified on
any government export exclusion list, including but not limited to the
U.S. Denied Persons, Entity, and Specially Designated Nationals Lists,
nor will you transfer software, technology, and other technical data
via the Yahoo! Services to parties identified on such lists; (b) agree
not to use the Yahoo! Services for military, nuclear, missile, chemical
or biological weaponry end uses in violation of U.S. export laws; (c)
agree not to transfer, upload, or post via the Yahoo! Services any
software, technology or other technical data in violation of U.S. or
other applicable export or import laws.
Yahoo! does not
claim ownership of
Content you submit or make available for inclusion on the Yahoo!
Services. However, with respect to Content you submit or make available
for inclusion on publicly accessible areas of the Yahoo! Services, you
grant Yahoo! the following worldwide, royalty-free and non-exclusive
license(s), as applicable:
respect to Content you submit or make available for inclusion on
publicly accessible areas of Yahoo! Groups, the license to use,
distribute, reproduce, modify, adapt, publicly perform and publicly
display such Content on the Yahoo! Services solely for the purposes of
providing and promoting the specific Yahoo! Group to which such Content
was submitted or made available. This license exists only for as long
as you elect to continue to include such Content on the Yahoo! Services
and will terminate at the time you remove or Yahoo! removes such
Content from the Yahoo! Services.
respect to photos, graphics, audio or video you submit or make
available for inclusion on publicly accessible areas of the Yahoo!
Services other than Yahoo! Groups, the license to use, distribute,
reproduce, modify, adapt, publicly perform and publicly display such
Content on the Yahoo! Services solely for the purpose for which such
Content was submitted or made available. This license exists only for
as long as you elect to continue to include such Content on the Yahoo!
Services and will terminate at the time you remove or Yahoo! removes
such Content from the Yahoo! Services.
respect to Content other than photos, graphics, audio or video you
submit or make available for inclusion on publicly accessible areas of
the Yahoo! Services other than Yahoo! Groups, the perpetual,
irrevocable and fully sublicensable license to use, distribute,
reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, publicly perform and
publicly display such Content (in whole or in part) and to incorporate
such Content into other works in any format or medium now known or
later developed.
accessible" areas of the
Yahoo! Services are those areas of the Yahoo! network of properties
that are intended by Yahoo! to be available to the general public. By
way of example, publicly accessible areas of the Yahoo! Services would
include Yahoo! Message Boards and portions of Yahoo! Groups and Flickr
that are open to both members and visitors. However, publicly
accessible areas of the Yahoo! Services would not include portions of
Yahoo! Groups that are limited to members, Yahoo! services intended for
private communication such as Yahoo! Mail or Yahoo! Messenger, or areas
off of the Yahoo! network of properties such as portions of World Wide
Web sites that are accessible via hypertext or other links but are not
hosted or served by Yahoo!.
By submitting ideas,
documents, and/or proposals ("Contributions") to Yahoo! through its
suggestion or feedback webpages, you acknowledge and agree that: (a)
your Contributions do not contain confidential or proprietary
information; (b) Yahoo! is not under any obligation of confidentiality,
express or implied, with respect to the Contributions; (c) Yahoo! shall
be entitled to use or disclose (or choose not to use or disclose) such
Contributions for any purpose, in any way, in any media worldwide; (d)
Yahoo! may have something similar to the Contributions already under
consideration or in development; (e) your Contributions automatically
become the property of Yahoo! without any obligation of Yahoo! to you;
and (f) you are not entitled to any compensation or reimbursement of
any kind from Yahoo! under any circumstances.
You agree to
indemnify and hold Yahoo!
and its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, employees, partners
and licensors harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable
attorneys' fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of
Content you submit, post, transmit, modify or otherwise make available
through the Yahoo! Services, your use of the Yahoo! Services, your
connection to the Yahoo! Services, your violation of the TOS, or your
violation of any rights of another.
You agree not to
reproduce, duplicate,
copy, sell, trade, resell or exploit for any commercial purposes, any
portion or use of, or access to, the Yahoo! Services (including
Content, advertisements, Software and your Yahoo! ID).
You acknowledge that
Yahoo! may
establish general practices and limits concerning use of the Yahoo!
Services, including without limitation the maximum number of days that
email messages, message board postings or other uploaded Content will
be retained by the Yahoo! Services, the maximum number of email
messages that may be sent from or received by an account on the Yahoo!
Services, the maximum size of any email message that may be sent from
or received by an account on the Yahoo! Services, the maximum disk
space that will be allotted on Yahoo!'s servers on your behalf, and the
maximum number of times (and the maximum duration for which) you may
access the Yahoo! Services in a given period of time. You agree that
Yahoo! has no responsibility or liability for the deletion or failure
to store any messages and other communications or other Content
maintained or transmitted by the Yahoo! Services. You acknowledge that
Yahoo! reserves the right to log off accounts that are inactive for an
extended period of time. You further acknowledge that Yahoo! reserves
the right to modify these general practices and limits from time to
Yahoo! Messenger,
including any
web-based versions, will allow you and the people with whom you
communicate to save your conversations in your Yahoo! accounts located
on Yahoo! servers. This means you can access and search your message
history from any computer with access to the internet. Whether or not
you use this feature, other users may choose to use it to save
conversations with you in their account on Yahoo! too. Your agreement
to this TOS constitutes your consent to allow Yahoo! to store these
communications on its servers.
Yahoo! reserves the
right at any time
and from time to time to modify or discontinue, temporarily or
permanently, the Yahoo! Services (or any part thereof) with or without
notice. You agree that Yahoo! shall not be liable to you or to any
third party for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of the
Yahoo! Services (or any part thereof).
You may terminate
your Yahoo! account,
any associated email address and access to the Yahoo! Services by
submitting such termination request to Yahoo!.
You agree that
Yahoo! may, without prior
notice, immediately terminate, limit your access to or suspend your
Yahoo! account, any associated email address, and access to the Yahoo!
Services. Cause for such termination, limitation of access or
suspension shall include, but not be limited to, (a) breaches or
violations of the TOS or other incorporated agreements or guidelines,
(b)requests by law enforcement or other government agencies, (c)
discontinuance or material modification to the Yahoo! Services (or any
part thereof), (d) unexpected technical or security issues or problems,
(e) extended periods of inactivity, (f) engagement by you in fraudulent
or illegal activities, and/or (g) nonpayment of any fees owed by you in
connection with the Yahoo! Services. Further, you agree that all
terminations, limitations of access and suspensions for cause shall be
made in Yahoo!'s sole discretion and that Yahoo! shall not be liable to
you or any third party for any termination of your account, any
associated email address, or access to the Yahoo! Services.
Termination of your
Yahoo! account
includes any or all of the following: (a) removal of access to all or
part of the offerings within the Yahoo! Services, (b) deletion of your
password and all related information, files and content associated with
or inside your account (or any part thereof), and (c) barring of
further use of all or part of the Yahoo! Services.
Your correspondence
or business dealings
with, or participation in promotions of, advertisers found on or
through the Yahoo! Services, including payment and delivery of related
goods or services, and any other terms, conditions, warranties or
representations associated with such dealings, are solely between you
and such advertiser. You agree that Yahoo! shall not be responsible or
liable for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as the result of any
such dealings or as the result of the presence of such advertisers on
the Yahoo! Services.
The Yahoo! Services
may provide, or
third parties may provide, links to other World Wide Web sites or
resources. You acknowledge and agree that Yahoo! is not responsible for
the availability of such external sites or resources, and does not
endorse and is not responsible or liable for any Content, advertising,
products or other materials on or available from such sites or
resources. You further acknowledge and agree that Yahoo! shall not be
responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss
caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of or
reliance on any such Content, goods or services available on or through
any such site or resource.
You acknowledge and
agree that the
Yahoo! Services and any necessary software used in connection with the
Yahoo! Services ("Software") contain proprietary and confidential
information that is protected by applicable intellectual property and
other laws. You further acknowledge and agree that Content contained in
advertisements or information presented to you through the Yahoo!
Services or by advertisers is protected by copyrights, trademarks,
service marks, patents or other proprietary rights and laws. Except as
expressly permitted by applicable law or as authorized by Yahoo! or the
applicable licensor (such as an advertiser), you agree not to modify,
rent, lease, loan, sell, distribute, transmit, broadcast, publicly
perform or create derivative works based on the Yahoo! Services, such
Content or the Software, in whole or in part.
Yahoo! grants you a
non-transferable and non-exclusive right and license to use the object
code of its Software on a single computer; provided that you do not
(and do not allow any third party to) copy, modify, create a derivative
work from, reverse engineer, reverse assemble or otherwise attempt to
discover any source code, sell, assign, sublicense, grant a security
interest in or otherwise transfer any right in the Software. You agree
not to modify the Software in any manner or form, nor to use modified
versions of the Software, including (without limitation) for the
purpose of obtaining unauthorized access to the Yahoo! Services. You
agree not to access the Yahoo! Services by any means other than through
the interface that is provided by Yahoo! for use in accessing the
Yahoo! Services.
If you intend to
create or join any
service, receive or request any news, messages, alerts or other
information from the Yahoo! Services concerning companies, stock
quotes, investments or securities, please read the above Sections 19
and 20 again. They go doubly for you. In addition, for this type of
information particularly, the phrase "Let the investor beware" is apt.
The Yahoo! Services is provided for informational purposes only, and no
Content included in the Yahoo! Services is intended for trading or
investing purposes. Yahoo! and its licensors shall not be responsible
or liable for the accuracy, usefulness or availability of any
information transmitted or made available via the Yahoo! Services, and
shall not be responsible or liable for any trading or investment
decisions based on such information.
You agree that,
except as otherwise
expressly provided in this TOS, there shall be no third-party
beneficiaries to this agreement.
Yahoo! may provide
you with notices,
including those regarding changes to the TOS, including by but not
limited to email, regular mail, SMS, MMS, text message, postings on the
Yahoo! Services, or other reasonable means now known or hereafter
developed. Such notices may not be received if you violate this TOS by
accessing the Yahoo! Services in an unauthorized manner. Your agreement
to this TOS constitutes your agreement that you are deemed to have
received any and all notices that would have been delivered had you
accessed the Yahoo! Services in an authorized manner.
You agree that all
of Yahoo!’s
trademarks, trade names, service marks and other Yahoo! logos and brand
features, and product and service names are trademarks and the property
of Yahoo! Inc. (the "Yahoo! Marks"). Without Yahoo!'s prior permission,
you agree not to display or use in any manner the Yahoo! Marks.
Yahoo! respects the
property of others, and we ask our users to do the same. Yahoo! may, in
appropriate circumstances and at its discretion, disable and/or
terminate the accounts of users who may be repeat infringers. If you
believe that your work has been copied in a way that constitutes
copyright infringement, or your intellectual property rights have been
otherwise violated, please provide Yahoo!'s Copyright Agent the
following information:
electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on
behalf of the owner of the copyright or other intellectual property
description of the copyrighted work or other intellectual property that
you claim has been infringed;
description of where the material that you claim is infringing is
located on the site;
your address, telephone number, and email address;
statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the disputed
use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law;
statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the above
information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright
or intellectual property owner or authorized to act on the copyright or
intellectual property owner's behalf.
Yahoo!'s Agent for
Notice of claims of
copyright or other intellectual property infringement can be reached as
By mail:
Copyright Agent
c/o Yahoo! Inc.
701 First Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
By phone: (408)
By fax: (408)
By email:
Entire Agreement.
The TOS constitutes
the entire agreement between you and Yahoo! and governs your use of the
Yahoo! Services, superseding any prior version of this TOS between you
and Yahoo! with respect to the Yahoo! Services. You also may be subject
to additional terms and conditions that may apply when you use or
purchase certain other Yahoo! services, affiliate services, third-party
content or third-party software.
Choice of Law and
Forum. You and Yahoo!
each agree that the TOS and the relationship between the parties shall
be governed by the laws of the State of California without regard to
its conflict of law provisions and that any and all claims, causes of
action or disputes (regardless of theory) arising out of or relating to
the TOS, or the relationship between you and Yahoo!, shall be brought
exclusively in the courts located in the county of Santa Clara,
California or the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of
California. You and Yahoo! agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction
of the courts located within the county of Santa Clara, California or
the Northern District of California, and agree to waive any and all
objections to the exercise of jurisdiction over the parties by such
courts and to venue in such courts.
Waiver and
Severability of Terms. The
failure of Yahoo! to exercise or enforce any right or provision of the
TOS shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If any
provision of the TOS is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to
be invalid, the parties nevertheless agree that the court should
endeavor to give effect to the parties' intentions as reflected in the
provision, and the other provisions of the TOS remain in full force and
No Right of
Survivorship and
Non-Transferability. You agree that your Yahoo! account is
non-transferable and any rights to your Yahoo! ID or contents within
your account terminate upon your death. Upon receipt of a copy of a
death certificate, your account may be terminated and all contents
therein permanently deleted.
Statute of
Limitations. You agree that
regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim or cause of
action arising out of or related to use of the Yahoo! Services or the
TOS must be filed within one (1) year after such claim or cause of
action arose or be forever barred.
The section titles
in the TOS are for convenience only and have no legal or contractual
Please report any
violations of the TOS to our Customer Care group.
Last updated November 24, 2008
[8] Wagg
What is
Wagg It?
Wagg It is a user
driven "social blog content" website. What the heck does that mean?
Well, every news on
Wagg It is a blog post submitted by waggers (that would be you).
After you submit
your content from a blog, other people read your stuff and wagg on it.
(Like your dog waggs
whenever he/she sees something new)
If your story gets
enough waggs, it gets promoted to the front page for all other waggers
to see. What can you
do as a Wagger?
Every wagger can
wagg(help promote) on stories and submit new stories from any blogs.
(Think of it as
Technorati except you can vote on it.)
Want to share a
video or news story with a friend? Wagg it!
Why would I use Wagg
Wagg It is a social
bookmarks manager that makes it easy for you to save and share
your favorites.
Although we have very few limits otherwise, we do NOT allow to publish
adult related
material as well as gambling and performance enhancing drug postings.
We are committed to
keep this site people friendly by removing a lot of restrictions
(like text formatting) that other sites have.
Plus, by having the ability to vote, bloggers can vote on other
blogger's stories.
118,180 members and growing!
They are providing some good paid service like search engine
submission,social bookamarking
submission etc etd
Sign Up Here........
[9] Personal Finance Buzz (PFBuzz)
PF Buzz is a social bookmarking site that focuses on sharing the best
personal finance and money articles...made by a personal finance
blogger for personal finance bloggers.
Please feel free to submit your best stories to our portal.
* All [RSS Feed - All
stories] [RSS Feed - Only published stories]
* General [RSS Feed - All
stories] [RSS Feed - Only published stories]
* Business [RSS Feed - All
stories] [RSS Feed - Only published stories]
* Career [RSS Feed - All
stories] [RSS Feed - Only published stories]
* Credit and Debt [RSS Feed - All
stories] [RSS Feed - Only published stories]
* Frugality [RSS Feed - All
stories] [RSS Feed - Only published stories]
* Financial Planning [RSS Feed - All
stories] [RSS Feed - Only published stories]
* Economy [RSS Feed - All
stories] [RSS Feed - Only published stories]
* Investing [RSS Feed - All
stories] [RSS Feed - Only published stories]
* Real Estate [RSS Feed - All
stories] [RSS Feed - Only published stories]
* Taxes [RSS Feed - All
stories] [RSS Feed - Only published stories]
* Insurance [RSS Feed - All
stories] [RSS Feed - Only published stories]
* Making Money
Privacy Policy
The privacy of our visitors to PF Buzz is important to us.
At PF Buzz, we recognize that privacy of your personal information is
important. Here is information on what types of personal information we
receive and collect when you use visit PF Buzz, and how we safeguard
your information. We never sell your personal information to third
Log Files
As with most other websites, we collect and use the data contained in
log files. The information in the log files include your IP (internet
protocol) address, your ISP (internet service provider, such as AOL or
Shaw Cable), the browser you used to visit our site (such as Internet
Explorer or Firefox), the time you visited our site and which pages you
visited throughout our site.
Cookies and Web Beacons
We do use cookies to store information, such as your personal
preferences when you visit our site. This could include only showing
you certain type of ads once in your visit, or the ability to login to
some of our features, such as forums.
We also use third party advertisements on PF Buzz to support our site.
Some of these advertisers may use technology such as cookies and web
beacons when they advertise on our site, which will also send these
advertisers (such as Google through the Google AdSense program)
information including your IP address, your ISP , the browser you used
to visit our site, and in some cases, whether you have Flash installed.
This is generally used for geotargeting purposes (showing New York real
estate ads to someone in New York, for example) or showing certain ads
based on specific sites visited (such as showing cooking ads to someone
who frequents cooking sites).
You can chose to disable or selectively turn off our cookies or
third-party cookies in your browser settings, or by managing
preferences in programs such as Norton Internet Security. However, this
can affect how you are able to interact with our site as well as other
websites. This could include the inability to login to services or
programs, such as logging into forums or accounts.
Some advertisers, such as Google, use DART cookies to enable them to
serve ads based on your visit and your visits to other sites on the
Internet. Users may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting
the Google ad and content network privacy policy.
User Guidelines
Posted June 7th, 2008 by MoneyNing
* MoneyNing's blog
* Login or register to post comments
In order to maintain content quality and user experience, please follow
these guidelines.
* Do submit your own article
* Do add one URL to your signature (if
you wish)
* Do invite your friends to join PF Buzz
* No affiliate link
* No profanity or verbal abuse
* No multiple profiles for the same user
* Submit only 1-2 articles from the same
domain per day. This way each article has more exposure time.
* Try not to include blog name in the
title (URL will be listed below the title).
To report abuse, please use the contact form.
Thank you for making PF Buzz a better place.
Sign Up Here
[10] Biz Sugar
Share small business news and
you’ve felt
overwhelmed by the massive amount of business information online, then
this site is for you. bizSugar is a social bookmarking and networking
site for small business and medium-sized business owners and managers.
It allows you to submit, share and vote for the best business
information links on the Internet.
makes it easier
to learn about new business strategies, tactics, and news. You can
discover websites that provide answers to many of your business
challenges, meet other business owners and managers that share your
interests, and help others by sharing your knowledge.
bizSugar will save you an incredible amount of time. The biz Sugar
voting system incorporates the wisdom of the masses to funnel through
the Internet fluff and provide you with the most useful ideas and news
that affects your business. This allows entrepreneurs to spend more
time enjoying their lives and less time reading.
So remember,
if you like
a story on this site, be sure to vote for it. Or as we like to say,
“give ‘em a little sugar!”
Is there a
charge to join?
absolutely free!
What kinds
of stories do you accept?
that would be of
interest to owners and managers of small to medium-sized businesses.
Business news, strategies, tips and trends are always a good bet. Press
releases are acceptable if they are for products and services that
would be of relevant interest to our readers (please place in the
"Products & Services" category). What we don’t accept
is spam
or “business opportunities.” We understand that
some of
these business opportunities may be legit; however, you should assume
that users of this site want to make the most of the opportunities they
already have or are pursuing.
Do you
provide "voting buttons" that writers/bloggers/publishers can add to
their sites?
Yes, click
here to access our bizSugar tools.
Who created
bizSugar was
created by
DBH Communications, Inc. and is based on the Pligg open source content
management system. Since 1991, DBH has provided business owners and
managers with award-winning business news and information. In addition
to bizSugar, DBH founded the Kansas City Small Business Monthly
magazine, the Business Intelligence Report newsletter, and co-published
the book, Entrepreneurs: You Can’t Afford the School of Hard
Knocks. In May 2009, bizSugar was acquired by Small Business Trends LLC.
Why was
bizSugar created?
It was
created out of
necessity. We were looking for a small business news aggregator like
bizSugar and were disappointed that the existing social bookmarking
websites were just too general in scope to be of much use to us. We
knew from experience how time-starved business people are and figured
if it could help us, it could help others.
Free Tools
plugins for WordPress
vote v1.2
Automatically adds a BizSugar vote
button to your
WordPress blog posts. Many display options available. Tested up to
WordPress v2.9.X
Top Stories Widget
Your site
visitors and blog readers will love great tips and stories featured on
BizSugar. Get your own BizSugar widget now!
Let your
readers know
you're on BizSugar so they can help to vote for your content. Grab a
BizSugar badge for your website today.
Do you know
that you can
submit your content to BizSugar faster and with less hassle? Simply
follow the instructions below on how to add a BizSugar Bookmarklet to
your browser. We guarantee that by doing so, your next submission will
no longer be a pain.
Explorer: Rightclick the image below, choose "Add to favorites."
(Recommended location: "Links" folder).
Drag the image below to your Bookmarks Toolbar.
Rightclick the image below, and choose "Bookmark Link" or drag to your
personal toolba
Sign Up Here
[11] Tip D
Tip’d got
started because two businessmen, Andy and Jimmy, enjoyed discussing
investing news with each other. They wondered: why wasn’t
there a
better casual, friendly, online place to share and discuss current
financial ideas and news?
So they started their own community to do just that. Tip’d is
place for investors — both amateur and professional
— to
meet, share, discuss, comment, and vote on what’s happening
both Wall Street and Main Street. We’re focused on building a
smart, friendly, and open community, and we hope you join us! If you're
a new user, you may want to check out our
What is Tip'd?
Tip'd is a community for financial news, ideas, and tips. It operates
as a social media platform, meaning the community (you) decides which
news stories and investing tips should be published on our homepage.
Tip'd users vote on stories they like by clicking the 'Tip it' button
that appears next to each story, and then can comment by pressing the
'Discuss' link below the story.
How do I participate?
The first step in joining our community is registering as a user.
Following that, you may want to discuss stories on the homepage, vote
on stories in the upcoming section, or even submit your own stories.
For more information, watch our short video tutorial on YouTube, about
how to join and use Tip'd.
What kind of stories should I submit to Tip'd?
We're pretty flexible about what kind of stories appear on Tip'd: it's
really the community's site, after all. Really, any story or article
relating to investing or finance is fair game. It's then up to the
Tip'd community to decide if the story is good enough to be voted onto
the homepage!
I'm a blogger. Can I submit articles from my own blog?
Yes! Feel free to submit any of your own blog articles. We only ask
that you respect our community, not spam us, and submit content of the
quality that Tip'd users will want to read.
Why did you delete my story?
The Tip'd staff is committed to being an open community, and avoiding
the "ban first, ask questions later" attitude that seems to permeate so
many other social media sites. That said, Tip'd is a community, so if
you're consistently and purposely bringing us down and/or ruining our
fun, we reserve the right to ban your account or delete your stories.
If you wish to contend a ban, please contact our moderator Tamar at
I found spam. How can I report it?
Report spam by emailing our Abuse Department at abuse@tipd.com. Please
include the URL(s) of the page(s) on which you found spam. We'll do our
best to clear up the situation as soon as we can.
Who are the masterminds behind Tip'd?
Tip'd is a US-based, privately held company. The founders are Jimmy and
Andy (aka Jimandi) — regular businessmen who enjoy discussing
day's financial news. You can read more about Tip'd on our about page.
How can I advertise on Tip'd?
Please visit our advertising page for more information.
Tip'd Tools
Tools for Power Users
The Tip'd bookmarklet makes it easy to submit your favorite financial
stories by simply clicking a shortcut link in your favorites bar.
Here's how it works: you are reading a great story on an external Web
site (e.g. Wall Street Journal or Bloomberg) and you want to submit
that story to Tip'd. Well, simply click the "Add to Tip'd" bookmarklet
in your favorites/bookmarks toolbar, and you'll be on your way.
To add the "Add to Tip'd" bookmarklet in your browser's toolbar, follow
these simple instructions:
Drag this link to your browser's toolbar: Add to
Tip'd! or...
* Internet Explorer: Right click the
link above, and
choose "Add to favorites". (Click "OK" if you receive a security
notice. The Tip'd link won't harm your computer!)
* Firefox: Right click the link above,
and choose "Bookmark This Link".
* Opera: Right click the link above, and
choose "Bookmark Link".
* Google Chrome: Drag the link above to
your bookmarks toolbar.
* Safari: Drag the link above to your
toolbar. If you don't see your bookmarks toolbar, press Command-Shift-B.
Invite Your Friends to Tip'd
Help improve the Tip'd community by inviting your friends to become
Tip'd members. With our handy inviter tool, you can automatically
import your friends and contacts from Web-based e-mail services an
social networking services.
RSS Feeds
* Subscribe to the Tip'd RSS Feed
* Subscribe to the Tip'd RSS Feed via
Tip'd on Facebook
Are you a hardcore Tip'd fan? Network with the Tip'd developers and
fellow Tip'd users on the Tip'd Facebook Group.
Tip'd on Twitter
Are you on Twitter and just can't get enough Tip'd updates? Follow
Tip'd on Twitter for twice- or thrice-daily updates.
Live on Tip'd
Tip'd Live shows you exactly what is happening on Tip'd, all in
real-time without having to hit the refresh button. See which stories
are being submitted, which are receiving tips and reaching the front
page, and see recent comments.
Have a Blog?
If you have a blog and are looking for more exposure, check out our
Tools for Bloggers page to get Tip'd buttons, text links, and our
FeedFlare for Feedburner on your blog.
Tools for Bloggers
Looking for more exposure? Add these Tip’d buttons to your
and make it easy for readers to submit or Tip your stories on
# Subscribe to Tip'd (RSS)
# Subscribe to Tip'd (E-mail)
# Tip'd on Facebook
# Tip'd on Twitter
# Invite Your Friends to Tip'd
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