To Social Bookmarking Section! |
More Links 1
There are
lots of social bookmarking sites but right now I have listed here more
important ones.Once I will get some feedbacks from you,I am going to
list each and every social bookmarking site as well as resources,tools
and tutorials to take full advantage of these social
networking sites.One more thing you have most probably read the Social
Bookmarking Section on the Home Page as well as tips and tricks on the
Previous Page,if not I suggest you to do that first.
[1] Diigo
It is very useful
social book
marking sites with many other features.In short Diigo is multi purpose
tool to manage your personal information online and you can access this
information from any computer connected to net and from anywhere in the
() Important Features
-Collect and organize anything
Shots,Pictures,Docs,Audio,Bibliography etc etc
-Personl Learning Network For Sharing &
-Group-based collaborative Research for content
-Hight Lighter & Sticky Notes : Your best
companion on the web
-Online Bookmarking : One of the best bookmarking
tool if you use the different PCs & browsers
() Free Tools Offer By Diigo
(1) Web Highlighter for iPad Safari- Make your
Safari feel like iBooks!
Web highlighter for iPad Safari has the following features:
*Highlight the webpage, just like in
*Bookmark the page with tags;
*Add sticky note;
*Store bookmarks, highlights, sticky
notes in your diigo account.
To Highlight a webpage:
1.Tap the Web Highlighter bookmarklet and a
toolbar will show up;
2.Select some text, then click the Highlight
button in the toolbar;
3.You can change the highlight color by tapping
the highlighted text.
(2) Diigo Power Note for Android - Your
memory booster on the go!
*Add text notes, bookmarks, cached
pages, pictures, text messages to your diigo library;
*Access recent items in your diigo
*Access your bookmarks marked as "Read
How to get Power Note?
Option 1: Scan QR
Code |
Option 2: Install
from Marketplace |

"Barcode Scanner"
(available from
Android Market);
2.Point your phone camera at the screen,
and scan the QR code
3.Follow the onscreen installation directions.
1. Goto "Market" on your Android-powered
2. Select "Search";
3. Enter "Diigo" into the search field;
4. Once you've found Diigo Power Note, touch to install;
5. Follow the onscreen installation directions.
Diigo Toolbar
Power tools to substantially enhance your experience
for online browsing and interactions, and for information gathering and
Install in seconds!
No adware or spamware!
System requirements:
Windows windows7/Vista/XP/2000 SP4+, Red Hat Linux 9.0+, Mac OS X 10.2+
Firefox 3.5+
Also available:
* Classic Version
* For Internet Explorer 6.0+, 7.0+, 8.0
* For Flock 0.9+
* For Other Browsers
(4) Diigolet
Diigolet is not
as feature-rich as
the Diigo toolbar, but it can be set-up by simple drag-and-drop - no
download or installation needed, and it works for all major browsers.
Much more powerful than bookmarklets offered by other social
bookmarking sites, Diigolet is a "super bookmarklet" that allows you to
highlight and add sticky-notes, in addition to simple bookmarking.
You can get started by watching a tutorial video(available on the site).
1. Make sure the "Bookmarks Toolbar" is visible. If it is not, go to
menu View > Toolbars.
2. Drag this button: Diigolet up to your Bookmarks Toolbar.
(5) Diigo Extension for Chrome
Diigo Web
Highlighter and Bookmark for Chrome enables you to:
1.Highlight important paragraphs of any web page with multiple colors,
and save them to your Diigo account automatically;
2.Tag web pages, add them to a list, and share them to a group;
3.Add sticky notes to any web page;
4.Share to Twitter, Facebok, Google Buzz, Email.
(6) Diigo Offline Reader for iPhone/iPod
Diigo Offline
Diigo Reader lets you save websites, search and browse your Diigo
library, and download files for offline browsing.
* Key Features:
* Save bookmarks to Diigo from Safari.
* Search and view bookmarks by tags,
recently saved, lists, unread, or full-text search.
* Download bookmarks for offline
reading: view complete websites even without an internet connection.
* Read your "Unread" bookmarks
on/offline, while
waiting in line, during your commute, or practically anywhere.
(7) Post to Diigo
Post to diigo
button allows you to post your current page to diigo.com
* Make sure the "Bookmarks Toolbar" is
checked under View → Toolbars.
* Firefox and Safari: Drag this link:
Post to diigo up to your Bookmarks Toolbar.
* Internet Explorer: Right-click Post to
diigo and
select "Add to Favorites". A Security Alert dialogue will warn you that
the link may be unsafe, click "Yes"(don't worry, it's safe!).
* To post bookmarks to Diigo on iPhone,
please see instruction here.
* Feel free to contact us if you have
any questions.
There are more than 11 other tools which you can
use after sign up..........
[2] Yahoo Bookmarks
Great way to
store your bookmarks
privately with password protected bookmark area.You can categoriezed
your book mark by creating folders and sub folders.This is free service
by yahoo which comes with free e-mail account and you can log in and
use yahoo bookmarks with same password and user id as you use your
e-mail account. Visit Here
[3] Blink List
Blink List is
online free bookmarking
service where you can save your favorite website url for later
reusing.Easily Save Links for Later use.
The site provides you a blink button(Drag
& Drop) on
your browser and you can easily save your link with one click.BlinkList
is like iTunes for web pages. Intuitive, easy to use and incredibly
fast.There are overe 450,000 users who actively uses this free
-Get Started in 30 seconds
-Never Lose a Cool Web Page Again
-Easily view your links from any computer and save
a copy offline
-Find Any of Your Links in 0.18 Seconds or Faster
-Links are automatically organized and searched
faster than Google
-Easily Share Your Links with Others
-While browsing, you can save and share links in
one click
Blink List is available in various languages :
Suomi, Deutsch, Francais, Espanol, Svenska, Italiano or Portugues.
Sign Up Right Now....................
[4] Buddy Marks
has been called "The online personal, group and social bookmarks
Join now and:
BuddyMarks.com has been called "The online personal, group and social
bookmarks manager."
Join now and:
* Store all your bookmarks on-line
* Import your current browser bookmarks
in a snap
* Get to them from anywhere
* Easily add new bookmarks
* Share some or all of your bookmarks
with your friends
* Use tags or categories or both to
organize the web the way you want
* Search to quickly find pages by tag or
category or title
* Learn about cool websites from the
public bookmark space
* It's free!
They also provide another 2 nice free services :
1. BuddyMarks Buzz & 2.
BuddyMarks coupons
* Sign Up Now
Google Chrome users, be sure to get the BuddyMarks.com browser
[5] Cite U Like
What is
CiteULike is a free service to help you to store, organise and share
the scholarly papers you are reading. When you see a paper on the web
that interests you, you can click one button and have it added to your
personal library. CiteULike automatically extracts the citation
details, so there's no need to type them in yourself. It all works from
within your web browser so there's no need to install any software.
Because your library is stored on the server, you can access it from
any computer with an Internet connection.
citeulike is a free service for managing and discovering
scholarly references 4,398,082 articles - 5,025 added today.
-Easily store references you find online
-Discover new articles and resources
Automated article recommendationsNEW
Share references with your peers
Find out who's reading what you're reading
Store and search your PDFs
Why is it "social"?
You can share your library with others, and find out who is reading the
same papers as you. In turn, this can help you discover literature
which is relevant to your field but you may not have known about. The
more people who use CiteULike, and the more they use it, the better it
becomes as a resource. You can help with this process just by using
CiteULike and through the invite a friend feature.
How can I organise my papers?
CiteULike has a flexible filing system based on tags. You can choose
whichever tags you want, and apply as many as you like to a paper. You
can use tags to group papers together.
Can I import my existing references into CiteULike?
Yes. Create a BibTeX file containing your references and then import it
into CiteULike by using the "Import" link at the top of your "Library"
How do I build a bibliography?
You can use the "Export" link at the top of your "Library" tab to
export your library in either BibTeX or RIS format then use BibTeX or
EndNote (or whichever reference manager you prefer) to build it in to
your bibliography.
What sources of papers are supported?
The system currently supports: ACL Anthology, AIP Scitation, Amazon,
American Chem. Soc. Publications, American Geophysical Union, American
Meteorological Society Journals, American Physical Society, Annual
Reviews, Anthrosource, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
portal, BMJ, BioMed Central, BioOne, BiomedExperts, Blackwell Synergy,
Cambridge University Press, Cases Network, Cell, Chicago Journals,
CiNii, CiteSeer, CiteSeerX Beta, Cryptology ePrint Archive, DBLP, Daum,
EBI CiteXplore, EGU Journals, EdITLib, Education Resources Information
Center, Elsevier, F1000, First Monday, HighWire, IEEE Digital Library,
IEEE Explore, IOS Press, IUCr, IWA Publishing Online, Informa
Healthcare, Ingenta, IngentaConnect, IoP Electronic Journals, JSTAGE,
JSTOR, JStatSoft, Japan Society of Applied Physics, Journal of Machine
Learning Research, Journal of Visualized Experiment, Journal of the
American Veterinary Medical Association, LibraryThing, MIT Press
Journals, Mary Ann Liebert, MathSciNet, MetaPress, NASA Astrophysics
Data System, National Bureau of Economic Research, Nature, Nature
Precedings, Open Repository, Optical Society of America, PLoS Biology,
Pion, Primary Care Respiratory Journal, Project MUSE, PsyCONTENT,
PubMed, PubMed Central, Royal Society, Royal Society of Chemistry,
Science, ScienceDirect, Scopus, Social Science Research Network,
SpringerLink, UK PubMed Central, Usenix, Wiley InterScience, WorldCat,
WormBase, arXiv.org e-Print archive, crossref-doi, de Gruyter,
informaworld, mdpi, novo|seek, plos, but you can post any other article
from any non-supported site on the web - you'll just have to type the
citation details in yourself.
What are "groups"?
Groups are collections of users creating shared libraries of links.
They are useful for keeping track of a particular topic or what
everyone else in a lab, class or academic department is reading. You
can start your own groups and join existing groups.
Who is behind CiteULike?
Richard Cameron wrote CiteULike in November 2004 and ran the service
privately. In December 2006 Richard teamed up with Chris Hall, Kevin
Emamy and James Caddy to set up Oversity Ltd. to further develop and
support CiteULike. Our registered address is CiteULike, Redland House,
157 Redland Road. Bristol BS6 6YE UK.
Why write CiteULike?
In a recent interview Richard Cameron said:
The reason I wrote the site was, after
coming back to academia, I was slightly shocked by the quality of some
of the tools available to help academics do their job. I found it
preferable to start writing proper tools for my own use than to use
existing software.
Collecting material for a bibliography
is something
which appeared to require an amazing amount of drudgery. All the
existing options seemed to require more effort than strictly necessary
to transfer the citation details for the article currently open in my
web browser into some sort of permanent storage. I'm sure with a lot of
practice I could have got the process down to twenty seconds or so, but
that twenty seconds just presented enough unpleasantness of flipping
between browsers and external applications, copying and pasting
details, and opening downloaded "citation export" files that I was far
less likely to actually do it. I'd need amazing amounts of self
discipline to consistently bookmark everything I ever read on the
off-chance that I might want it again. Unless, of course, it just
involved clicking a button on the browser and having it all magically
So, the obvious idea was that if I use a
web browser
to read articles, the most convenient way of storing them is by using a
web browser too. This becomes even more interesting when you consider
the process of jointly authoring a paper. There is a point where all
the authors need to get together and get all the articles they wish to
cite into the one place. If you do this process collaboratively on a
web site, then it's easier.
The next obvious leap is that if all the
are available via a web interface on a central server, it would be
really nice to see what your colleagues are reading and be able to show
them what you're reading. It cuts down on the number of emails saying
"have you seen this article?"
In fact, if enough users register on the
you'll probably find people reading the same articles as you. That
provides a great way of keeping on top of the literature - you simply
share it with people who have common interests.
If we have a model of everyone's library
completely open, then our reference manager has suddenly transformed
itself into a piece of social software. That's what CiteULike aims to
There were a number of social bookmark
which existed before CiteULike (del.icio.us, unalog, etc), but they
were all general systems designed to handle arbitrary web links. They
didn't really capture all the metadata (authors, journal name, ...)
which go with academic articles. Also, the way some publishers operate
makes it quite difficult to actually get a stable URL to bookmark, you
need to do a bit of processing on it first.
So, I wrote CiteULike. It's grown a
little bit since
then, and the plan is to keep developing it and making it better.
The links to ACM etc are great but of course to actually get the
articles I, at least, have to go via the library proxy server when I'm
off campus.
Right. Ezproxy seem to be doing a roaring trade supplying universities
with their own custom URL scheme for ACM/JSTOR/ScienceDirect/etc, so,
depending on your particular institution, you might find you need to
add something like libezproxy.syr.edu/login?url= to the front of some
of our article links to make them actually work.
Variety being the spice of life, all universities have their own
different URLs, and we don't have a table of all of them in my database
which is why we can't form anything other than the "canonical" URLs at
the moment.
So, we can either build that table and functionality (not too hard) and
start getting users to submit general rules about how their university
form the proxies links (probably more difficult as there are a lot of
universities in the world). Or, we can find a cleverer way of doing
...which may well come out of Dan Chudnov's COinS work.
This is the more librarian friendly way of doing things, which says
that a particular university should be able to decide what the
appropriate version of the PDF should be (the one it has a subscription
to), and not some external service like CiteULike. The idea is that you:
* Grab a bookmarklet from here
* Navigate to an article (or list of
articles) on CiteULike and hit the autoresolver bookmarklet.
There is also a Greasemonkey script (availabe from the same place), if
you prefer.
We can't promise it will infallibly work with every article and your
particular university, but it's got a lot of promise and definitely
represents the "right" way of doing it. We are quite keen to give this
a fair shot and not resort to writing fairly unmaintainable tables of
universities on our side. Visit Here
[6] Delicious
The tastiest
bookmarks on the web.
Save your own or see what's fresh now!
Search the biggest collection of bookmarks in the universe...
Free Tools Provided By Delicious
Bookmarking buttons and add-ons for your browser or website
Browser buttons for saving bookmarks
* Firefox Bookmarks add-on –
tag buttons and optional integration of your bookmarks
* Google Chrome extension –
tag button and optional integration of your bookmarks
* Internet Explorer buttons –
tag buttons and optional integration of your bookmarks
* Bookmarklet buttons for any browser
– simple "Bookmark on Delicious" buttons
Add your bookmarks and tags to your website or blog
* Linkrolls
* Tagrolls
* Network Badges
* Blog Posting
Add badges that encourage people to bookmark your website or blog
* "Bookmark this on Delicious" buttons
– a simple way for people to bookmark your pages
* Tagometer badge – show tags
and number of bookmarks for your pages
* Playtagger for MP3s – make
music files easier to play and bookmark
Documentation for developers
* API – a HTTP interface for
your own bookmarks
* Feeds – RSS and JSON feeds
for your
aggregator or feed reader, and fetch data about bookmarks, networks,
and URLs.
* HTML – HTML feeds to fetch
your bookmarks
Tools made by the Delicious community
* A list of neat unofficial tools
Third Party Tools
The Delicious community has built many fun and useful tools on top of
Delicious, and most of them are free or even open source. For more, see
what everyone has recently tagged as Delicious.
Ways To Save Bookmarks
For All platforms
* Packrati.us a simple service that
allows you to bookmark to Delicious from Twitter.
For Mac OS X
* Pukka is a minimalist bookmarking
application that works with any browser.
* dashLicious is a bookmarking widget
for your Dashboard.
For Opera
* Custom bookmarking buttons are a
pretty alternative to our official buttons.
For Maxthon
* This sidebar plugin includes buttons
for saving bookmarks and more.
For Windows Mobile
* The Pocket Internet Explorer plugin
for Windows Mobile adds a menu item for saving bookmarks.
Alternate interfaces
* The LabPixies gadget can display
bookmarks on your blog, customized homepage, MySpace profile, and more.
* Mobilicio.us is a quick way to access
your bookmarks from a mobile phone.
* del.icio.us direc.tor is a fast AJAX
interface for del.icio.us bookmarks.
* LiveMarks lists new bookmarks as
people save them to del.icio.us.
* Thumblicio.us displays thumbnail
screenshots of popular bookmarks.
* del.icio.us Presentation Creator
generates a slideshow of your recent bookmarks.
Browser and system integration
For Firefox
* Foxylicious is an older way to sync
your bookmarks into Firefox.
For Windows
* Deliwin puts a handy list of your
bookmarks in your system tray.
* Delicer is a desktop application for
managing and navigating your tags and bookmarks.
For Mac OS X
* Cocoalicious is a desktop application
for managing and viewing your bookmarks.
* Delibar puts a handy list of your
bookmarks in your menu bar.
* delimport allows Spotlight to index
your bookmarks for quick searching.
* cloud.lic.io.us is a Dashboard widget
that displays a clickable cloud of your tags.
* delicious2safari imports your
bookmarks into Safari in a flat list or in folders by tag.
Other systems
* Flock is a browser with built-in
del.icio.us syncing and bookmarking.
Dead bookmark checkers
* Fresh del.icio.us is an application
for most operating systems that checks your bookmarks for broken links.
* dead.licious is a Mac OS X application
that checks your bookmarks for broken links.
* delicious checker is a Perl script
that checks your bookmarks for broken links.
Geeky collections of things
* A fairly comprehensive list of tools
maintained by a user.
* Greasemonkey scripts tagged with
* WordPress plugins in the Delicious
* del.icio.us network explorer - view
the relationships between people on del.icio.us.
* del.icio.us most popular treemap -
view the popular page in a completely different way.
* Delicious Soup - play with the
relationships between your tags.
* extisp.icio.us - view your tag cloud
in different ways.
* Cloudalicious - view a graph of the
tagging history of a URL.
* Research Chronology - view a colorful
history of your tagging activity.
* Yummy Tag Buffet - view a dynamic
timeline of your bookmarks and tags.
* Mashup Del.icio.us + FreeEarth- a geo
mashup of bookmarks and where their domains are registered.
* PhpDelicious is a PHP class for
accessing the del.icio.us API.
* delicious-java is a Java API for
interacting with del.icio.us.
* pydelicious is a way to access the
del.icio.us API from Python.
* Ridiculous is a wrapper for
del.icio.us API writing in Ruby.
* Rubilicious is another set of
del.icio.us bindings for Ruby.
* Net::Delicious is a Perl module that
provides an object-oriented interface for the del.icio.us API.
* cl-delicious is a Common Lisp
interface to the del.icio.us API.
* Delicious.Net is an API written in C#
using the .NET 2.0 framework for interacting with del.icio.us.
* MySQLicious is a utility that mirrors
your del.icio.us bookmarks into a MySQL database
Sign Up Here
[7] Google Bookmarks
With Bookmarks,
you'll be able to:
* Save time with quick links to your
favorite websites,
Use Web History to
find the sites you
visit frequently and bookmark your favorites. Use the Google Toolbar
for quick access to your bookmarks and to easily create more.
* Get your bookmarks on any computer.
No matter where you
may be surfing the web, your bookmarks can stay with you just by
signing in.
* Keep your bookmarks organized.
Add searchable
labels and notes to your bookmarks to find them easily and keep them
Sign Up Here
[8] Give A Link
Page-page links
Tag-tag links
Last Updated 2010-10-05
1. Share Your Bookmarks
Share your
bookmarks with the community and help others navigate the Web
2. Download Browser Extension
Download the
Firefox add-on to organize and share your links using the GiveALink
social maps
3. Play Tagging Game
the GiveALink Tagging Game to create social links across the Web
Ways to Share
1. Share Bookmarks
Share as registered user to
get personalized recommendations and search results based on your
2. Import from del.icio.us
Share as del.icio.us user to
get personalized recommendations and search results based on your tags
3. Post a Link
Post a Link
Givealink Web Services
The Givealink API allows developers to implement their own applications
that access to Givealink data through a set of REST style web services.
Givealink adopts OAuth protocol to publish a secure API that makes
available user's protected data to web-based and desktop/mobile
Anyone is free to use the Givealink API. Here's what you need to get
1. Register a new application.
2. Visit your API Account to manage your own
applications and the authorization tokens for accessing your data.
3. Read the Givealink API documentation to become
with the methods provided. This developer guide describes the basic
steps and some examples for implementing a Givealink consumer
4. Have a look at the specification and at a
useful beginner's guide to OAuth protocol.
What is GiveALink?
GiveALink is a social annotation, organization, recommendation, and
navigation system for the Web. It is also a research project by the
Networks and Agents Network in the Center for Complex Networks and
Systems Research of the Indiana University School of Informatics. The
project is funded by National Science Foundation (award IIS-0811994:
Social Integration of Semantic Annotation Networks for Web
Applications). However any opinions, findings, and conclusions or
recommendations expressed on this site do not necessarily reflect the
views of the NSF.
How is GiveALink different from Delicious?
There are several great social tagging and social bookmarking systems
and Web sites that provide many useful services such as sharing,
tagging, syncing, searching, and recommendation. GiveALink is not
competing with these sites, on the contrary we hope to collaborate with
them. GiveALink is different in that we are a non-commercial research
project. As such, we make both our data and our algorithms openly
available to the Web community (see questions on privacy). We also
focus our efforts on the development of novel Web mining techniques and
applications that are not available elsewhere. In these goals we share
a lot with other tagging systems developed for research purposes, in
particular that of our friends at BibSonomy.
Why share bookmarks?
We collect information about what objects (Web sites, media, etc.)
people bookmark and how they annotate and organize these objects
because we want to mine socio-semantic links (relationships) between
them. By sharing your bookmarks (and therefore their links according to
your own organization), you let GiveALink analyze your annotations
along with those of many other people. We mine the resulting collection
for interesting insights and build socio-semantic networks to support
novel Web applications such as social search, recommendation,
navigation, personalization, and visualization. We also share link data
(see questions on privacy) with the Web research community, hoping to
foster the development of many other interesting Web mining techniques
and applications based on social annotations. All of this research is
not possible unless you share your links! Finally, by sharing your
links you can enjoy our services and applications.
OK, what can GiveALink do?
Some functionality is already available on the GiveALink site. It is
possible to share links by importing from different sources (the
browser, Delicious, more to come...). When you log in, a number of
recommended sites are shown based on all the bookmarks that you and
others have submitted. You can search by tags, or by URLs. Entering a
tag, the system behaves a lot like a search engine, but based on user
annotations instead of page content. Entering a URL, it is possible to
get suggestions of similar pages, or (novel) pages that might be
related in some non-obvious way.
What are you working on next?
We are developing a number of exciting new applications using the
annotation data we gather from your shared links. One is a browser
extension (add-on) to bookmark and tag pages, in sync with the
GiveALink server (so you get your bookmarks anywhere). At the same time
your annotations are shared, and you can organize your bookmarks and
annotations in socio-semantic maps that visualize the relationships
between tags and pages. These maps can also be used to navigate the Web
socially: from any page you can pop up a map displaying its semantic
context, with related tags and pages from your own annotations or from
the GiveALink community. You can organize your bookmarks in these
semantic maps in a way similar to the way you manage them in your
browser, by dragging and dropping pages and tags (instead of folders).
You can also search through your own bookmarks or those of the
community, all from a browser sidebar without having to move away from
your current page to the GiveALink site. Of course these applications
are based on links shared via user annotations. As an incentive to
collect such annotations, we are designing a tagging game. By playing
this game, you can have fun tagging pages as you try to connect them
via tags. You can score points and compete with other GiveALink users
for the high score. Finally we are always exploring new ways to distill
knowledge from the huge collection of pages making up the Web. We will
try to identify trends, time sequences, and popular sites based on
semantic links between pages mined from bookmarks, rather than
hyperlinks from page content. We will also attempt to cluster people
and websites based on their similar annotation behavior, leading to
suggestions of potential friends.
Great, how can I help?
Thank you for asking! We are very happy when our users want to get more
involved! First of all, please share all of your bookmarks. Let us know
if there are some other applications that you would like to see here.
Also, help spread the news about us --- we need critical mass! Use this
email link to send a message to your friends who use bookmarks and
encourage them to share. And please advertise GiveALink.org on your
blog, homepage, Twitter, Facebook, and any other social network, social
site, and social media you use. You can use our sharing logo to let
your friends know that you shared your links and at the same time
direct them to GiveALink.org.
How do I share links?
There are lots of ways. From our Share page you can find how to upload
your bookmarks exported from your browser. If you can export your
bookmarks, we should be able to read them. Or you can import your
bookmarks directly from Delicious (and we are working on adding more
sources). There is also a link to bookmark a single page/site. By far
the easiest and most fun/useful way to share is through the GiveALink
browser extension, where you can use a bookmarklet: when you see a page
you like, simply click on the button in your browser and the page will
be bookmarked for you and shared with the community. The browser
extension also has many other functionalities such as managing your
links, navigating links from you and the community, and visualizing
them in socio-semantic maps. You can share more annotations of sites as
you find them; as you organize your bookmarks these annotations are
automatically synched and shared. Finally you can share even by playing
the GiveALink tagging game!
What links can I share?
Anything with a URL --- a Web page or site, a picture, movie, song,
publication, etc. --- can be an object to be shared, by being
bookmarked and tagged. That creates links between you (the user), the
object pointed by the URL, and the tags. We call this a triple or
annotation. Every annotation also creates links between you and other
people (through shared objects and resources), between this and other
objects (through shared tags and people), and between your and other
tags (through shared objects and users). So our socio-semantic networks
grow fast with any links that you share!
Should I share my bookmarks even if they are not well organized?
Yes! Please share your bookmarks no matter how untidy or strange you
may think they are! We are working on algorithms that use collaborative
filtering techniques to extract relationships among objects and users
even if your bookmarks are not organized into folders, or tagged. Share
your bookmarks any way you use them (or don't use them). The more links
we get, the better our systems will be. Please challenge our algorithms!
Why should I register?
In the past we allowed people to share their links anonymously, but now
it is required that you register both for protection from spammers and
to enable the new functionalities and applications of GiveALink. We
will not share your email with anyone (see questions on privacy). When
you register, we will save your annotations. This way we will be able
to identify you anytime you update your links or bookmark new pages. We
will be able to provide you with personalized recommendations on the
GiveALink site. And you will be able to use the browser extension to
manage, visualize, and navigate your annotations and the socio-semantic
networks from other users. Finally, as a registered user you will be
able to play our tagging game.
What browsers and formats are supported?
The browser extension is compatible only with the Firefox browser, at
least currently. However you can share your links by exporting
bookmarks from many browsers. We currently accept bookmarks from
Internet Explorer (IE), Netscape, Mozilla, Firefox, Opera, and Safari.
In the future we might extend this list. Note that in IE, bookmarks are
called favorites. Please share the bookmarks from the same browser used
for sharing. For example, do not use Firefox to share Safari bookmarks;
we detect your browser and use this information to parse your
bookmarks. We also allow our users to import their bookmarks from
Delicious, and are working to enable more social bookmarking sites. All
you need to do is enter your Delicious credentials (username and
password --- which we will not store!), and we will do the importing.
You can share multiple sets of bookmarks if you use multiple browsers
or social sites for different activities, although each bookmark will
be unique in your GiveALink profile.
What is the difference between the different search boxes?
The annotations we collect reveal different kinds of patterns and
relationships. These measures are described here and in our technical
papers. In particular our direct similarity relationship is based on
Maximum Information Path, a state-of-the-art measure for social
applications. Another of our similarity networks uses a novelty measure
designed to detect indirect relationships that might be non-obvious and
yet useful or interesting to our users. The tag search engine and the
search box marked 'Find Similar Pages' sort recommendation using their
direct similarity to the tags or URL you supply, while the search box
marked 'Find Novel Pages' uses the novelty measure.
Must I use the browser extension to use GiveALink?
You can share your links without the browser extension, by exporting
from your browser or other social bookmark site (see questions on how
to share and supported browsers) or via our Web form to post links.
However, to manage your annotations and navigate the socio-semantic
maps of pages and tags that are mined from on your links and those of
the community, you will want to install our browser extension.
Is there an API to access GiveALink data?
Yes! We have made it possible to download our bookmark collection, as
well as some output from our analysis algorithms, since the beginning
of the project. Currently we are working on a new API to make it easier
to interact with GiveALink from other applications (see questions on
How do you protect my privacy?
We will not disclose your email to third parties. We will not make
personal information such as email addresses publicly available. Unless
you elect otherwise, your shared links will remain anonymous. This
means that other users may see links from your annotations, but they
will not know their origin. If in the future we add new functionality
to discover links between people, you will have to opt-in. We store
your email and password solely for the purpose of maintaining your
profile, and to send you reminders and news if you ask. We also remove
links that start with file:, https:, or javascript: because they may
contain sensitive, private, encrypted, or malicious information or code.
What if I have files that I do not want to share?
We cannot search your disk! We only have access to the bookmarks that
you willingly share with our site. If you share bookmarks exported from
your browser, we will gain access to those bookmarks. If these are
public pages, we could in principle crawl them to access their content.
This is done by social bookmark sites that allow full-text search; we
do not currently plan to do so. If you have bookmarks that link to
files residing on your computer, those files are not accessible to
GiveALink nor to any other users. If you use our browser extension,
then you control every individual annotation that you share.
What if I bookmark sites that use my username and password in the URL?
In rare cases, some poorly designed Web sites might include a person's
username and/or password as part of a URL. This is a very dangerous
practice, as anyone can see this information when you contact such a
site! You should avoid using any such site for your own protection. It
is impossible for us to detect such cases among shared links. So please
be careful to ensure that your personal information does not appear in
the bookmarks you share, as these bookmarks would be visible to other
GiveALink users.
Sign Up Here.............
[9] Link A Go Go
The free Online
Favorites manager and Social Bookmarking application.
Need instant
access to your favorite
bookmarks? from any browser? With our unique dynamic bookmark toolbars
you will have your favorite sites always at hand. Now with Social
LinkaGoGo provides instant access to your bookmarks, by:
* Storing your Bookmarks (also known as
Anchors, Links or Hotlists) online. Sample screenshots of the powerful
* Dynamically adapting the presentation
of your bookmarks based on your bookmark usage.
* Providing additional presentation
ranging from text-based, fast-loading lists of bookmarks to a
feature-rich colorful online Favorites Portal.
* Introducing turbo mode which
guarantees fast web page loading.
* Reminding you of bookmarks that need
to be visited again.
* Synchronizing your online bookmarks
with your favorite browser.
Why store my favorites online?
* Your bookmarks are available on any
computer with
access to the Internet, protected by a password. So you can access them
from everywhere, not only from home, but also from work, when you are
visiting friends, when you are traveling etc.
* You can access your bookmarks with any
browser on
any type of computer. So you are not tied into one particular browser.
No more conversions of one bookmark file into another or trying to keep
bookmark files between browsers in sync.
* They are stored in a secure
environment and your
bookmarks are protected by a password. Browser bookmark files tend to
be unprotected files on a computer and can very easily be opened
without even starting the browser.
* As your bookmarks are online you can
make the bookmarks available to family, friends, co-students etc.
* You are not limited by the features
provided by
the browser, but have a lot of online bookmark managers to choose from.

are typical Online Favorites manager features?
feature you will find in an Online Favorites manager are:
* Store your bookmarks.
* Organize bookmarks into folders.
* Annotate your bookmarks.
* Provide different ways to present your bookmarks like: a directory,
folder based organization, etc.
* Provides an 'add bookmark' feature to quickly add a new website.
* Allows you to search them.
* Import the bookmarks from your browser.
* Export the bookmarks to your browser.
* Make it possible to share bookmarks on the Internet.
* Email your bookmarks.
* Manage your bookmarks, like edit, delete, move to other folders, etc.
* Verify your bookmarks to see if they still have valid links.
* Find duplicate bookmarks in your collection.
* Provides ways to customize the look of the web application.
What Online
Favorites management features does linkaGoGo provide?
linkaGoGo provides numerous ways to look at your bookmarks. It allows
you to view them as directory based, folder based or ordered by one of
the many bookmark properties; title, last visited, most visited etc.
LinkaGoGo provides its unique customizable toolbars that allows you to
create your own linkaGoGo homepage with your most used bookmarks.
Examples of these toolbars are: your most visited bookmarks, your last
visited bookmarks, your last added bookmarks. These are examples of
dynamic toolbars. LinkaGoGo also provides static toolbars, they can
contain bookmarks that are marked as favorite or the contents of any
* You
can create a linkaGoGo homepage on every browser for every situation,
for example a homepage containing all your important work-related
(intranet) bookmarks at work and your personal bookmarks at home.
linkaGoGo allows you to store your bookmarks into folders. You can
organize folders in other folders. Folders can be made public so you
can share them, also with none linkaGoGo members and access the folder
with your own personal url.
Social Bookmarking, optionally post your newly added links on the
linkaGoGo Society page, so other members can check them out as well.
* You can comment on your bookmarks and annotate your folders.
* Associate pictures to your bookmarks, like a website or company logo.
Provides an 'add to linkaGoGo' shortcut to quickly add a new website
with just one mouse click. It even allows you to specify the folder
where you want to keep it and if that folder does not exist allows your
to create the folder on the spot.
Besides the search facility that searches your bookmarks on the title
and url, it also searches on keywords which you can assign to a
bookmark. In fact there is even facility to explore your bookmarks
based on these keywords.
LinkaGoGo supports both import and export of bookmarks for the
browsers: Netscape, Internet Explorer, Opera, MSN Explorer, AOL PFC's
(import only), Lynx, and also supports the XBEL format which is used by
some Linux browsers (like the Konqueror web browser). Let us know if
you would like import/export support for another bookmark format.
LinkaGoGo also allows bookmark file conversion. You can convert
bookmark files from Netscape/IE to Opera, XBEL, MSN Explorer, AOL PFC's
(Personal filing cabinets) and Lynx and vice versa. Note AOL PFCs can
only be used to convert from.
* You
can email bookmarks from any function: the contents of a toolbar, a
search result, the contents of a folder, etc.
* The
site-see feature allows you to quickly browse through a set of
bookmarks. You can use this feature to present a set of webpages,
quickly go through your daily website-tour routine or quickly browse
through the results of a search.
* Create your own bookmarks and favorites portal with images and
websites based on your favorite bookmarks.
* Verify whether your bookmarks are still valid and instantly remove
and/or move these invalid bookmarks.
* With
Duplicate Finder show all your duplicate favorites on one screen and
instantly remove the ones you don't need anymore.
* Choose your favorite colorscheme out of more then a dozen different
color schemes.
* Set daily, weekly or monthly reminders on your bookmarks so you can
check back at them on a regular basis.
Synchronize your bookmarks with your favorite browser using the free
SyncIt application from the BookmarkSync opensource project. Click here
for setup instructions.
portal Homepage
Here a
sample showing the
customizable portal homepage with the dynamic vertical and horizontal
toolbars and your favorite bookmarks presented through clickable images
and interactive embedded websites. Sign Up Here..........
[10] Ja-Ta
is a dofollow social
bookmarking website. This serve your website to get Dofollow backlinks.
Its totally free social bookmarking site where you can share your story
in Internet world. Dofollow links helps your site to improve search
engine ranking. Promote your social information in the bookmarking
About Us
ja-ta is a bengali word that stands for outstanding. Here ja-ta.com
stands for helping your site to get outstanding popularity. All links
here made popular by the vote of ja-ta users. Here a site can be get
promoted, can get a huge traffic towards them. But this serves for
those not in the field of E-marketing also. Anyone can get there
choice's link and resources easily.
ja-ta is a free bookmarking site for it's users.
It is an
open database for saving users bookmarked links publicly. This station
allow internet users to reach your links and search engines to find
your favourite stories.
The content of
user's story should follow the guidelines.
Do not try to submit
the links thats are previously submitted.
Do not try to submit
porn story to this station.
Use appropiate
category for your story. This is most important. We will block the story
and can block the
user also if we find ir-relavant story in a category.
Don't use any HTML
tag in the description.
Use appropiate image
for your story.
Use your description
in a way thats best describe your content.
Thanks for your reading. Enjoy bookmarking on Ja-ta.
* Education
o Physics
o Chemistry
o Math
o Economics
o History
o Geography
o Biology
o Accountancy
o Others
* Bussiness
o Advertising
o Small Business
o Finance
* Science
o General Science
o Space
o Enviroment
* Technology
o Hardware
o Software
o Programming
o Design
o Industry News
o Linux/Unix
* Politics
o World Politics
* Sports
o Baseball
o Cricket
o Basketball
o Golf
o Hockey
o Motorsports
o Soccer
o Tennis
o Olympics
o Other Sports
* Entertainment
o Celebrity
o Movies
o Gaming
o Music
* Lifestyle
o Art & Culture
o Health
o Food and Drink
o Travel & Places
* Others
Sign Up Now
[11] Spurl
Spurl.net is a free
on-line bookmarking service and search engine. It allows you to store
and quickly access again all the interesting pages you find on the web
from any Internet connected computer.
With Spurl.net you will never have to lose a good link again. You can
search your links, notes and in fact the entire text of all the pages
you've ever "spurled".
You can start by uploading the bookmarks from all your computers -
after that all your bookmarks will be accessible in one place.
And because thousands of other users are using Spurl.net as well, you
will discover interesting links through recommendations, hot lists and
Evaluating Spurl.net
Tell me this once again: What is Spurl.net?
Spurl.net is an advanced bookmark service that allows you to easily
keep track of all the information you consume online.
In addition to storing the links and titles as the bookmarks or
favorites in your browser do, Spurl.net:
* ...allows you to store a lot of
information about the page, including a copy of the page as it was when
you read it.
* ...enables you to do a Google-style,
full-text search of all the pages you've ever spurled.
* ...makes your bookmarks and stored
pages accessible from any computer, at home, at work or at school.
* ...allows you to benefit from the
efforts of other
Spurl.net users by providing you with recommendations, links to related
pages and the possibility to search pages that others have spurled as
* ...makes it easy to include a list of
"Things I've come across" on your blog or web site.
* ...and much, much more.
What have other people been saying about Spurl.net?
Spurl.net has caught the attention of many bloggers, journalists and
pundits, many of whom have become regluar users of Spurl. We try to
keep track of all that is said about Spurl.net here.
The lost work argument
Many of us spend a lot of time at work, as well as during our free
time, surfing the Web for information or as a form of entertainment.
Our information consumption varies widely from person to person, from a
few minutes a day up to a dozen hours or even more!
Interestingly - up until now - tools to keep track of this consumption
have been largely missing. This meant that, even though the information
was useful and served it purpose at the time, we did not benefit from
the hard work we’d already done when we later had to search
the same or similar information again. In that sense, a lot of valuable
work is lost. By using Spurl you can make sure this does not happen
again, benefiting you (and even others) years from now.
For an indication of how much work you've done online, use the
calculator below. The results are likely to amaze you...
When did you start using the Web?
On average, how many web pages do you visit per day?
Note: EVERY news item, blog entry, sub-page on a company or
organization website and visited search result counts.
How many minutes on average do you think you use reading a web page?
The "Where was that article I read..." argument
Have you ever spent painful minutes or even hours trying to re-locate
an article, statistic, programming tip, joke or other vital information
that you found the other day? Google refuses to turn it up, the history
list in your browser is crap and even if you bookmarked it you wouldn't
remember the folder you put it in.
You haven’t? Ok, well read the other arguments then ;-)
If you do know this feeling, we can guarantee it won't happen again
once you start using Spurl.net. Full text searching of the information
that has passed through your brain in the past is a wonderful feeling,
almost like plugging a few megabytes of additional RAM into your head.
The "Traditional bookmarks suck" argument
Traditional bookmarks suck.
The linkrot argument
Linkrot is an ever increasing problem. It happens when the information
you once found is no longer at the same URL. Chances are good that
it’s not even to be found on the Web anymore. In these cases,
saving only the URL - as most bookmarking services do - is of little
Spurl.net stores a copy of your page as it was when you first read it,
so even if the link rots - it doesn't matter. Your copy is safely
stored and you'll be able to look it up whenever you need it.
Will Spurl.net remain a free service?
Yes. We will continue to develop Spurl.net in order to make it the best
bookmark manager / link swapping service around and as such it will
always remain free for personal use.
Then how can Spurl.net cover its costs?
Spurl.net's core business is in mining information about the World Wide
Web from our databases. Note that it is information about Web pages in
the database, NOT about the Spurl.net users, whose privacy we respect
greatly (see our Privacy policy).
The information we mine includes web site popularity lists,
relationships between pages and sites spurled by users with similar
interests and how users describe and categorize these pages. This is of
most importance when you consider that users communicate in different
languages, have many different viewpoints, and search for information
for a wide variety of reasons. Among the customers for such information
are search engine companies, web page directories and other
professional web sites and services that can benefit from a unique
source of human information about the Web.
For this reason, we can provide you with the best online bookmark
manager on the market and you only pay for it by allowing us to
aggregate information on how you, and thousands of other Spurl.net
users behave on the Web.
Don’t hesitate to contact spurl@spurl.net for more
information if you have any questions, concerns or ideas on this topic.
Is my data safe? What if Spurl.net goes belly-up?
All the data that is stored on our servers is backed up daily and
stored in multiple locations.
In our opinion, the information and data you store on our server is
your property. Therefore we are trying to put you in control of it as
much as possible. You can already download all your spurls as a
bookmark file to your computer and store them yourself. More export
options will be available soon, allowing you to download all the
information stored with your spurls, including the copy of the page.
Spurl.net is owned and operated by Spurl ehf., a privately held company
in Reykjavik, Iceland. Our financial situation is in good shape and
operating costs are moderate. If at any time foresee a change in that
situation we will inform our users well in advance and provide means
for exporting all your data from our servers.
Will Spurl.net remain spyware and pop-up free?
Yes it will. We run non-distinctive ads on some of the public pages,
but will not run ads on any of the pages that show your private
information (such as your bookmarks, settings or link details).
How does Spurl.net protect the privacy of its users?
Spurl.net takes great care to preserve users' privacy and will not ask
for, sell or give any personal or identifiable information about its
users to third parties. Spurl.net continuously extracts various
information from its database such as hot-lists of popular web sites.
This information is only taken from the database as a whole (in an
aggregated form), not from data on individual users.
For further information see our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
What are the limitations in terms of number of pages, total size, etc.?
You are free to store as many pages as you want in you Spurl.net
account. There is however a 250Kb limit to the size of the code on a
web page that you can index for full text searching. Very few web pages
surpass this limit.
What is your policy on explicit material?
As Spurl.net is a totally anonymous service, we reserve every right to
remove any link without warning or reason. The general rule however is
that as long as the material is legal, it is allowed.
Spurl.net includes site-wide adult filters, so that only those that are
interested will be able to see explicit material.
If you've found material that you think does not belong here or is
wrongly marked as 'Non explicit', please contact content@spurl.net and
let us know.
What pages should I spurl?
It is of course entirely up to you what you save, but as a rule of
thumb, many users have found it best to simply spurl whatever they come
across and think they may ever want to look up again, making Spurl.net
a record of all the interesting things they've found online rather than
merely a replacement for traditional browser bookmarks.
What browsers can I use?
Spurl.net currently supports Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla/Firefox,
Netscape and Safari across Windows, Linux and MacOS.
How Spurl appears to a user depends on the browser-OS combinatinon on
the machine in use.
Please direct any browser-related queries to spurl@spurl.net.
I need to change my Spurl.net setup or set Spurl.net up on a new
Go to the Setup page and follow the instructions for your browser and
operating system setup.
The Spurl bar
What is the "Spurl bar"?
The Spurl bar is a sidebar that sits in your browser and allows quick
access to your spurls from right within the browser window. You can
quickly hide and reopen the Spurl bar in order to make the most of your
browsing experience.
The spurl bar works with Internet Explorer, Opera and Mozilla browsers
(Firefox, Netscape, ...). If you do not have the Spurl bar installed,
go to Settings/Setup and follow the instructions for your browser type.
How does the Spurl bar work?
The Spurl bar is actually a simple web page that sits in a sidebar
frame within your browser. To open the Spurl bar, click the Spurl bar
button. In Internet Explorer, the button shows a picture of a browser
window and is located in the 'Navigation bar' (next to the back and
home buttons):
In other browsers it is located in the 'Personal bar' (Opera) or the
'Personal toolbar folder' (Firefox).
If you can't find it, please refer to the troubleshooting section.
The spurl bar has five tabs that provide quick acces to the core
functions of Spurl.net:
* My most used: This tab contains three
providing quick access to the pages you're most likely to want, namely
your all-time most used pages, the pages you've most recently visited
through Spurl and your most recently spurled pages.
* My spurls: This tab shows a tree-view
of all your
spurl categories and the pages within them. You can open the folders by
clicking the plus sign next to the folder icon and thereby browser to
the page you're looking for.
* Recom(mendations): This tab shows the
Spurl.net recommends to you based on the pages that you have already
* Hot now: This tab lists pages that
have been
spurled recently by the most users, thereby giving an indication of
what's "hot" in the Spurl community.
* Just in: This list shows the pages
most recently spurled by the users of Spurl.net
Clicking the info icon in front of a link in any of the Spurl bar lists
will open a page with details on that page and access to several
different actions you can perform on the link.
How do I put Spurl.net lists on my blog or web page?
There are several ways to do this. The easiest one is the "javascript
include". On every list you'll find on the Spurl.net website there is a
blue JS icon ( ) in the top right corner. Clicking this icon will open
a page that allows you to configure the display of the list in
question. The page has a description of the meaning of each
configuration item and a single line of code that you can include in
your web page, blog or wherever you want to display the list. It will
always be up to date and you won't have to think about it anymore.
For the more advanced of you, you can also use the RSS or Atom feeds
(see next question) to do pretty much whatever you want with the list.
Are there RSS / Atoms feeds with Spurl.net lists?
Yes. The red XML and the bluegreen Atom icons ( and ) in the top right
corner of every list link to the respective feed for that list.
Spurl.net is cool! Can I help with its development?
There is a range of ways you can help us, either by participating
directly in the development, creating Spurl.net addons or helping us in
promoting, writing tutorials, and helping new users getting started.
We have a long list of things that need to be done and innovative ways
to give helpers and contributors incentive for doing so. If you have a
specific idea or would like to help with the things we've already
planned, please contact partners@spurl.net.
Is there an API I can use to integrate Spurl.net with my own
Yes there is. And we'll be glad to assist you with the integration.
Contact developers@spurl.net for further information.
Applications already integrated with Spurl.net include:
- Hexia.net: an easy to use blogging and instant web management tool.
What do I need to do to get the API specifications?
Drop us a line at developers@spurl.net and tell us briefly what you
plan to do. We'll get back to you with instructions and you could have
your Spurl.net integrated application running within hours (or minutes
depending on your coding skills :-)
How are the recommendations calculated?
As we are tweaking the collaborative filtering machanism to give the
best possible results, there is no definite answer to this question.
Generally speaking Spurl finds the users that have spurled similar
pages as you have and aggregates other links that they have spurled.
How are related pages calculated?
In a similar way, this is continuously under improvement. Currently it
relies mostly on the fact that the same users have spurled the pages
and the categorization and tagging they have applied to that page.
Other factors may start to count later on.
What does "spurl" mean anyway?
Nothing. The idea originally comes from Frost, co-founder of Spurl.net,
from the phrase "special url".
Within Spurl.net however, the term "spurl" has gradually gotten two
1. As a verb: To "spurl" a page means storing it /
bookmarking to ones' Spurl.net account.
2. As a noun: A "spurl" is a link / bookmark /
page stored in Spurl.net.
I am a new user and I don't know how to begin
A good place to start is the Getting started guide. If you still have
questions, the Spurl.net user forums can be of very useful. You can
also contact support@spurl.net with any question and we'll get back to
you as soon as possible.
I'm using Internet Explorer and I can't see the Spurl! or Spurl bar
There are three common reasons fo this happening:
* Make sure you've registered and gone
through the
setup process. If you've already registered but think you may have
missed a step in the setup, go here and follow the instructions.
* You have completed the setup but still
restarted the browser. You must close all instances of Internet
Explorer and open the browser again before the button appears.
* If the buttons still haven't appeared,
the most
likely reason is that you have customized the appearance of your
'Standard buttons' bar. To display the Spurl buttons:
1. Go to View > Toolbars > Customize...
2. Locate the Spurl!
and Spurl bar buttons in the left-hand pane, select them one at a time
and click "Add" to move them to the right-hand pane.
3. Click close - the
buttons should have appeared, in the Standard buttons bar, right next
to the Back, Home, etc. buttons.
If none of the above seems to work, please write a support note to the
user forums or send an email to support@spurl.net detailing your
The Spurl bar doesn't open
In Internet Explorer, especially on Windows XP, setting up the Spurl
bar sometimes requires rebooting the machine before the Spurl bar
button works (blame that on Mr. Bill). If that's what's bothering you,
simply click here to temporarily open the Spurl bar for this browsing
session, and you can start using it right away.
The Spurl window doesn't open when I click the Spurl! button / link.
What is wrong?
This could be happening for two main reasons:
1. Sometimes you have to click somewhere on the
before clicking the Spurl! button link in order for it to work.
2. Pop-up blockers such as Pop-Up Stopper and the
one that
comes with Google Toolbar can block the spurl.net window. If you have a
pop-up blocker, refer to its documentation to see how to allow the
pop-up (e.g. holding down Ctrl whilst clicking, for the Google Toolbar).
I need to change my Spurl.net setup or set Spurl.net up on a new
Go to the Setup page and follow the instructions for your browser and
operating system setup.
My filter is set to "Safe" and yet there is explicit material in my
list. Why?
This happens when nobody has marked the content as explicit. If you see
something in your list that should be filtered, please drop a mail to
content@spurl.net with the url of the link.
I uploaded my bookmarks to Spurl.net and they still haven't appeared
When you upload your bookmarks, it may take up to 24 hours for them to
appear in your Spurl.net account. If more than 24 hours has passed
since you uploaded your bookmarks, please contact us at
I've found a bug. How do I report it?
We want to know of any bugs or unexpected behavior you encounter whilst
using Spurl.net Use the Spurl.net user forums or send us an email at
About Spurl.net
Who operates Spurl.net?
Spurl.net is owned and operated by Spurl ehf., a privately held company
incorporated in Reykjavik, Iceland.
How do I contact you good people?
You can find contact information for every occasion on our corporate
about page.
I have an idea for a feature, change or improvement on Spurl.net - what
do I do?
Spurl.net has largely been built on user feedback. If you have ideas,
suggestions or complaints we want to hear from you! In the Spurl.net
user forums there is a category called "Feature requests &
especially for discussing these things. If you're more of a private
type, you can also contact us at: features@spurl.net.
What have other people been saying about Spurl.net?
Spurl has caught the attention of many bloggers, journalists and
pundits, many of whom have become regluar users of Spurl. We try to
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