More Links 1
have read most thing related to RSS and RSS feeds.How you can
RSS Feeds to automatically generate new content and automatic updated
content,for promoting your website,to get higher ranking in the search
engine etc etc.Let me clear here one thing.As I said on the Previous
page there is 2 main methods generally use by webmaster and programmers
to display RSS content in html.1. is through java script and 2nd is
through PHP.
Here I am providing you some the best free tools
to take advantage of RSS technology.
RSS Reader
Add RSS News
Feeds to Your Web Pages Free
You Could Be Adding News Feeds
to Your Website In Minutes
In 5 minutes your website could be displaying fresh themed content from
RSS News Feeds around the web ... that updates itself automatically 24
hours a day, 7 days a week! You'll never have to lift a finger and
you'll be offering your viewers valuable and highly relevant material
.. the best part is, this offer is 100% Free.
**NEW** Now Offering Amazon RSS Feeds!
Sign Up Now! and you get unlimited access to the RSS control panel,
With our exclusive list of the web's top RSS publishers to choose from.
If you can't find something for your website in our exclusive RSS
publisher list, you can add your own RSS feed!
RSS Feeds Provide Fresh Content For Your Visitors and the Search Engines
What is RSS?
* RSS is an acronym for "Really Simple
* RSS is a syndication format for web
content. Simply speaking ...
RSS is a new way of
getting fresh content for your web pages.
Many websites online and almost every blog, offer a feed of their
content in RSS format. As RSS grows in popularity more publishers are
likely to join in and offer their own RSS feeds.
That means finding and publishing fresh content for your visitors just
got a whole lot easier.
No More Time Wasted ...
* Writing your own articles
* Hiring articles writers
* Scouring article databases for new
Simply Add A Few Lines of Code on Your
Web Pages and the Articles Will
Self Update Every Day!
* Your visitors will come back
to your website often to find the latest news on their intrests.
* RSS feeds will make your pages more
relevant and "sticky"
* Adding RSS feeds to your web pages
will get the
search engine spiders to index your pages and come back more often
because of the constantly changing information.
Publishers Offer RSS Feeds for Free
But up until now there hasn't been an easy way to get these feeds on
your website and customize them to blend in with your pages. You may
have noticed that many publishers already offer a feed on their sites
that you can add to your web pages, but almost all are in javascript
format which #1. cannot be customized and #2. Cannot be read by Search
Our RSS Reader Is;
* Free. There is no cost to use the
reader on your website.
* Easy to customize for your website. No
skills neccessary. Anyone can do this. Just click a few buttons to
choose the look of your feeds, then add the code to your web pages.
That is it!
* Search engine friendly! Choose from
Javascript or
PHP for your web pages. We offer javascript but we do not recommend
that you choose javascript format for your pages, since search engines
cannot read javascript. PHP is the search engine friendly format. The
feeds will actually be a part of your web page so that search engines
will spider and read the words, not the RSS code.
* Easy to add to either PHP or HTML
pages. Great for Blogs, Forums and message boards too.
No Installation and
No Programming Neccessary ...
Have Fresh Headlines on Your Pages
in 5 Minutes.
Just Look at These Other Unbeatable Features our RSS Reader Offers; No
other reader offers so much.
Choose Background Color
Choose Font
Choose Size of the Display
Add, Remove or Choose the Color, Style
and Size of the Border.
Display Unlimited feed listings
Open Listings in a new attribute
controlled pop-up
window. (Keep visitors on your site by opening the feeds in a pop-up
Choose from a Wide Variety of RSS Feeds
that we've
put together for you from the best news sources all over the Internet,
Add Your Own RSS/Atom Feed or Use a Keyword Supported Feed URL to
target any niche.
Displays Multiple Customized
Atom or RSS, XML URLs Randomly on each refresh.
Supports RSS XML Formats;
0.9x, 1.x, 2.x. and Atom
"I love RSS Reader! I had never added an RSS feed before and was
expecting a long learning curve and lot of complication. RSS Feed
Reader made it so easy and I had my first feed live in just about 10
minutes. Now, 3 days later, it takes me less than a minute to get one
set up. Thanks!!!"
- Christine
Advantages of displaying RSS content through PHP &
Tutorial about how to add....
RSS in Javascript format is readily available
from most
RSS Publishers but what they do not tell you is that Javascript is not
search engine friendly. What that means is search engines do not read
Javascript. Any thing placed on your web pages in javascript format
will not be read by the indexing search engines. That is why we offer
our feeds in PHP. PHP is a search engine friendly scripting language.
Adding RSS feeds to your web pages with PHP will provide fresh content
for the search engines to pick up and rank you for.
As a webmaster you would interested in having search engine friendly
RSS feeds on your web pages because this can help with;
# Getting spidered more often
# Ranking higher in the search engines
# Adding Relevancy to your web page.
PHP is server side scripting. That means it is parsed on the server
before your page loads in the browser. To the visitor and to the search
engines PHP scripts are not noticeable. When PHP is combined with RSS
feeds it is a pretty powerful concept. With PHP and RSS you can add
other people's content to your web pages and the search engines will
see it and think it is part of your website! That free RSS content when
placed on your web page with PHP will essentially become a part of your
web site and bring you more traffic. That is why we recommend that you
add the feeds to your website with PHP instead of Javascript. Follow
the instructions below to add the code to your web pages.
#1 Instructions for adding PHP code to an HTML site;
PHP scripts do not automatically work on html pages. If you have an
HTML or (.HTM) based site, in order for PHP scripts to run on your .htm
or .html pages you have a 2 options;
1. For Apache Servers Edit your .htacess with AddType
application/x-httpd-php .htm .html Then Add the php code from the
reader directly to your html pages
2. For Apache Servers Edit your .htacess with AddType
application/x-httpd-php .htm .html Then Add the php code from the
reader directly to your html pages
***NOTE: For Windows or IIS servers - You do not have an
.htaccess file. Windows IIS servers also cannot run php on html pages.
Your only option for windows IIS servers is to use .shtml or .php pages
with the php option from the reader. Or add Javascript to your html
pages. For .shtml pages check your setup options and make sure the
option for SSI inlcudes is checked, then follow the directions below
for creating the SSI include and file.
SSI Includes
SSI includes are short commands that reference another file on your
server for inclusion on the web page where it is called from. Meaning
you can put any information in an external file and remotely call it
into any other page on your server with an SSI command. This is
especially useful for making the task of editing large websites easier.
When the file that is being included is changed, all of the pages that
reference that file will change at the same time, without you having to
change them all one by one.
SSI is also useful for parsing PHP scripts into .html or .htm webpages,
since PHP by itself does not work on html sites. PHP code works on
pages that have a .php extension. But instead of changing all of your
webpages from .html or .htm to .php extensions, you can use SSI on your
html pages.
Follow these instructions below to use SSI Includes with RSS feeds on
your .html or .htm website.
1. Open a plain text editor like Notepador Textpad and create a new
file, then name it rssfeeds.php (This is an example file name, You can
actually name this file anything you'd like)
Add the PHP code that was given to you by the RSS reader in to the
blank rssfeeds.php file and save it in your root folder and upload it
to your server. There should nothing else in the file except the code
that was given to you by the reader.
Here is an Example rssfeeds.php file;

add this SSI call to your web pages where ever you want to display RSS
virtual="/rssfeeds.php" -->
In order for
a .html or
.htm site to parse a PHP script on it's pages, you need to have some
instructions in your website's .htaccess file. (For this step you will
need access to the .htaccess file on your server.)
You can
either manually
modify the .htaccess file on your server, or if you have Cpanel, this
can very easily be done using the 'Apache Handler' Function. Look for
the 'Apache Handler' Icon in Cpanel and click on it.

After you click on the Apache Handlers Icon you will see a
screen similar to this one below

the example above there are no instructions for .htm and .html pages.
If your Apache form looks like the above then proceed as directed
below. If there are instructions already listed under "User
Defined Handlers" for .html and .htm
extensions then you do not need to modify anything at all.
we need to add the instructions ...
server parsed
server parsed
Type .htm
server parsed in as directed in the picture below, then click on the "Add"
You will be instructed that your definitions were
to the extensions specified on the next screen.

Click on
Go Back and you will see the definition you just added defined under
"User Defined Handlers" as demonstrated in the picture below

Repeat the steps above with the extension .html

Click on "Add"

That is it, you have just modifed your .htaccess file to parse .html
pages and .htm pages on the server. Visit your web page to see if your
feeds are running. If you want the feeds on each page of your website
just add the same SSI include to each page. If you add the SSI inlcude
to pages in another directory be sure to correct the path to the
rssfeeds.php file on your server.
There is no need to create a new rssfeeds.php file for each page unless
you are running a different RSS feed (on a different topic) on each
If you cannot use "Apache Handler" or if you do not have Cpanel you can
manually modify the .htaccess file by adding these two lines below;
.htm server parsed
.html server parsed
If the above does not work you can try adding this line below, which
does the same as the two lines above.
Addhandler application/x-httpd-php .html .php
#2 Instructions for adding PHP code to a PHP site;
For a PHP based website, you simply add the PHP code produced by the
RSS Reader directly to your PHP pages. Do not modify it in any way. Add
the PHP code to the web page anywhere that you want to display the
headlines. You may add it to as many pages on your site as warranted.
Do NOT modify your .htaccess file for PHP pages.
#3 Instructions for adding PHP code to a SHTML site;
For a SHTML based site (only do this if it's SHTML), you should add the
following SSI code to your pages where ever you want the headlines to
<!--#include virtual="/rssfeeds.php" -->
Then use notepad to create a file on your server called rssfeeds.php
and copy the PHP code produced by the RSS Reader into that blank file
and save it to your root folder.
Here is an Example rssfeeds.php file;

That is it!
You do not need to modify your .htaccess file for SHTML pages.
[2] Feed Age
About is a free, fully categorized and searchable RSS directory.
Our mission is to categorize the large number of RSS data feeds
available to make it easier for you to find and subscribe to the
content you are interested in.
It's Easy: Interested in Economics? Either click the Economics category
or Search for more specific economic terms. You will get a sorted list
of RSS feeds that match your criteria just like a search engine. See
some that interest you? Click on their title and you will be shown the
current preview of the feed. Then you need to simply click on a
subscription button that matches your reader and the feed will be added
to your reader.
Feedage currently contains RSS, XML, OPML, RDF and Atom feeds. These
are the most common syndication formats.
Add to - You can submit your own RSS feed into our
directory. Once added to our RSS directory our proprietary categorizer
will assign your feed to the appropriate categories.
We can be reached at:
The HTML2RSS conversion tool will create a RSS 2.0 Feed from any
Simply Enter the URL to the webpage you want to convert and hit submit.
HTML2RSS will process your request and return a URL that you can use to
get the RSS Feed. You can use this RSS Feed URL just like you would any
other RSS Feed. We encourage you to submit your RSS Feed to the directory. Have many URLs you want to convert? Try our new
Bulk HTML2RSS converter
eedage RSS directory makes it quick and easy to find and subscribe to
the content that interests you the most. You can subscribe to content
in three easy steps:
1. Using the search or categories find the feeds that interest you. You
are returned a sorted list of feeds that match your criteria. You can
sort based on popularity, date added or alphabetically.
2. To preview the feed and subscribe, click on the feed title.
Associated with each feed are subscription buttons (Add to My Yahoo!
,Add to Google, Add to My AOL, etc.)
3. You can subscribe to the feed by simply clicking the subscription
button. If you don't use one of the listed readers you can also copy
and past the feed URL into different aggrogators.
What is an RSS feed
Real Simple Syndication (RSS) is a format for syndicating content. This
content can be from any source, news, blogs, podcast, etc. This format
allows the content generator to produce an index of sorts, where they
can briefly describe their content and include links to the full story.
RSS feeds can be read several different ways. RSS aggregators allow you
to subscribe to many feeds and will indicate when the feed has been
updated. Feeds are meant to be dynamic, and include modification date
to indicate if there is new content for the reader.
RSS Readers are used to view the RSS feeds. There are many RSS readers
with some of the largest being MyYahoo!, Google, MyAOL, Pluck, MyMSN,
Newsgator, Netvibes, Pageflakes, Bloglines and Rojo.
These readers allow you to subscribe to the RSS feeds that interest
you. This gives you a custom set of content for you to read that
matches your interests.
More information and examples of RSS feeds.
An RSS Reader, often called an aggregator allows you to monitor and
read RS feeds.
There are many good RSS readers available. Some of the more popular
are: Google Reader, My Yahoo!, NewsGator, Feedreader
Google Reader
Google Reader helps you find and keep track of interesting stuff on the
web. You can subscribe to your favorite websites, see what your friends
are sharing, and keep up with what's popular. New content comes to your
Google Reader when it's posted, so you don't need to visit individual
Plus, Reader keeps track of which items you've read, so you only see
unread items when you come back. If there's a dark blue border around
an item, Reader is marking that item as read.
Learn how to get more out of your My Yahoo! experience by exploring the
step-by-step information in the tutorials below.
Expand All Topics
What Do You Want to Do?
With Content
* Add content
* Read content
* Display content I want to see
* Move content within a tab
* Move content to another tab
* Change the font size
* Fit My Yahoo! to my browser
* Change the text color
* Delete content
With Tabs
* Add a new tab
* Rename a tab
* Create a custom color scheme
* Change the tab’s background
* Change the tab's layout
* Resize my columns New
* Reorder my tabs
* Move content within a tab
* Move content to another tab
* Change the font size
* Fit My Yahoo! to my browser
* Delete a tab
Welcome to the NewsGator RSS Reader Suite
The Best RSS Reader for Your Individual Needs
Pick one of NewsGator’s free, award-winning RSS readers for
Windows, Mac or iPhone!
Bring the power of FeedDemon, PC Magazine's Editor's Choice free RSS
Reader, to your Windows desktop. Get your news and podcasts
Free Download FeedDemon Support
Forum Nick Bradbury's Blog
Bring the power of RSS right to your Mac desktop with the Eddy
award-winning NetNewsWire. Get news and podcasts downloaded
automatically with this powerful RSS and Atom reader.
Free Download
Bring the power of a NewsGator RSS reader right to your iPad or iPhone
with NetNewsWire. Get news and information via a simple, clear user
interface that complements the iPhone experience.
Click here to learn more about our NetNewsWire applications for Apple
products. Read Brent Simmons's blog.
iPhone Premium (no ads) – only $4.99
Available on the iPhone App Store iPhone
Free! (Includes advertisements)
Available on the iPhone App Store
iPad - introductory pricing @ $9.99
Available on the iPad App Store
Feedreader is a FREE RSS news aggregation solution that provides robust,
state-of-the-art features in an intuitive, user-friendly environment.
What makes Feedreader stand out from the crowd?
Feedreader offers
advanced, cutting-edge
capabilities, including the most comprehensive podcasting support
available today, as well as unique smartfeed technology that puts the
information you need right at your fingertips.
Powerful, yet simple
Feedreader provides
users with a
seamless and convenient experience - without the need for advanced
technical knowledge - by delivering the broadest range of features
through a simple, easy-to-use interface.
Feeding Your Pixels :-) [*BETA]
Submit your RSS, ATOM, RDF or XSPF feed or podcast for free. - a free online feed reader and podcast player service,
any feed to iPhone etc ...
[3] Web RSS
Start Creating
Your Feed Now!
* Create RSS feeds, import
& manage existing feeds.
* Track your RSS feed distribution by
day, week and month.
* Market your feed to the major Ping
* Validate your Feed.
Create RSS Feeds for your Website or Blog
Create your own RSS feeds and track how they do by day, week and month.
Ping your feed out to the major ping servers and publish your feed on
your website or blog.
* Create RSS Feeds without any
programing skills
* Update your feed without updating the
code just login and add more items.
* Make your own RSS feeds for News,
Podcasts and More!
* We host your RSS feed for free!
* Track your feeds hits by day, week or
* Get cut and paste code for your feed
to place on your site
* Ping your feed to the major ping
servers for free
* Validate your Feed
* Edit your feeds at any time and have
the update Instantly display on your website.
Customize Your Widget Now!
* Display any RSS or Atom
feeds on your website or blog!
* Convert RSS Feeds to Javascript, PHP,
* Customize colors of rss wrapper to 170
different colors.
* Dispaly weather feeds, news feeds,
affiliate feeds and more on your site or blog.
Display RSS Feeds On Your Site - Convert RSS to HTML, Javascript, PHP
and ASP
* Take any feed on the web and display
rss on your website or blog! No Programming Knowledge needed.
* Convert RSS to HTML, RSS to
Javascript, RSS to PHP and RSS to ASP
* Create your own RSS widget then
customize it to look and feel like your own site.
* Make your own RSS widget then
customize it to look and feel like your own site.
* Customize the font size and font type
of your feed.
* Use your own CSS (Cascading Style
Sheets) for a perfect match to your sites theme (coming soon)
* Customize the font color of predefined
colors or enter your own hex code.
* Choose from over 5 different layouts
(more coming soon)
* Limit the number of feed items shown
* Customize how the date of feed is
displayed or use "Time Ago" feature.
* Preview your feed style before you add
it to your website or blog.
* Cut and paste html, javascript, php or
asp code of your custom feed.
reate, Market and Track RSS Feeds for FREE!
Take any Feed and convert it to display fresh content on your website
or Blog for FREE!
Host Any RSS Feed on Your Personalized Start Page for FREE!
* Create your own hosted start
page with a personalized web address like
* Add any feed (news weather, stocks) to
your start page.
* Use WebRSS to Customize how the feeds
are displayed on your page.
* Show only the feeds you want to
display and share your feeds with others.
[4] XML Hub
This form takes
your web page and turns it into RSS 0.92.
RSSgenr8 is a hosted HTML to RSS Scraper Tool which dynamically
generates a RSS feed from a HTML web page.
Changes to the web page are then automatically reflected in the RSS
is based on RSSify
from but is much modified.
Acknowledgements also to Aaron Swartz who came up with the idea and the first
- Put <span class="rss:item"> ...
</span> round each item in your page.
In Blogger you'd do this by going to your template in blogger and
<$BlogItemBody$> to <span
And then publish something to re-create the page with the new template
- Then put the URL of your new and modified page
into the form below.
- Check that what you get back looks like RSS.
- Now you can make a link to this file like
- Finally add a link to it on your web page,
using something like the XML image below.
- (As a condition of use, we ask you to show a
visible HTML link to on your site.)
If your web
server runs PHP, please download
the source and run it on your own server. No configuration is needed -
Just copy one file to the server.
- The channel title is taken from the web page
- The channel description is taken from the meta
- The item text is put in the description
- The first line or the first 100 characters of
html stripped description are put in the title element.
- The first link in the description is put in the
link element. If there isn't one, the web page url is used.
- Relative paths in the link url are converted to
absolute paths.
- All tags except <A>
<DT> <HR> <I>
<IMG> <LI> <OL>
<P> <PRE> <U>
<UL> are stripped from the description.
- Tabs, NewLines, etc, in the description are
converted to a single space
- A maximum of 25 items are included in the rss.
- if you want more detail about RSS, take a look
at the
Free Tips And Wits
Free RSS Feed
Convert RSS
Feed to HTML or JavaScript
Free RSS
Converter Converts RSS Feed to HTML or JavaScript for web site
or blog. Convert RSS Feeds for personal use or for web sites or
blogs(Continue reading below...)
Ow 10
Getting Started
Basic is a complete RSS to HTML conversion tool As an
Added Bonus, you can convert Amazon RSS to HTML, too, adding your
Associate id for higher commissions.
* Input the URL of an RSS feed or Browse your Hard-drive
* Choose Template Layout
Scroll down
and you will see how the HTML page will look. Scroll to the
bottom and copy and paste the HTML code into a text editor, or
Dreamweaver document. Save and upload.
[7] Feed Roll
Check out
our simple to use RSS viewer, and set up your very own RSS
feed within minutes. Simple to use, effective and bringing relevant up
to date information to your customers.
Here at
Feedroll we aim to offer a one stop shop for publishers and
website owners looking for live interactive content. Content is the
life blood of any online business, and it is essential that you give
your customers something to catch their attention, something to keep
them on your site and something to keep them coming back.
As the need
to differentiate yourself from your competitors becomes
more and more important, it is vital that you make use of third party
services where applicable - leaving you time to concentrate on your
main area of business.
today’s ever changing market place, RSS (Really Simple
Syndication) feeds have become a simple yet very effective way to
ensure that your site has the most up to date information, 24 hours a
day 7 days a week. Since the idea of RSS feeds was released this area
of publishing has exploded with literally thousand of feeds available
covering every subject you could imagine.
All major
news and information websites are guaranteed to have their
own RSS feeds, and the phenomenon is moving down the chain to the
smaller websites. The cost of RSS streams to publishers is minimal and
free to users, ensuring that this is the most cost effective way to
stream up to date information.
FEED Combiner
Take your
RSS feed one step further, and batch together up to 5 of your
favorites into one stream. Seamless, subtle, fully customized and sure
to catch the eye of your customers.
Here at
Feedroll we aim to offer a one stop shop for publishers and
website owners looking for live interactive content. Content is the
life blood of any online business, and it is essential that you give
your customers something to catch their attention, something to keep
them on your site and something to keep them coming back.
As the need
to differentiate yourself from your competitors becomes
more and more important, it is vital that you make use of third party
services where applicable - leaving you time to concentrate on your
main area of business.
today’s ever changing market place, RSS (Really Simple
Syndication) feeds have become a simple yet very effective way to
ensure that your site has the most up to date information, 24 hours a
day 7 days a week. Since the idea of RSS feeds was released this area
of publishing has exploded with literally thousand of feeds available
covering every subject you could imagine.
All major
news and information websites are guaranteed to have their
own RSS feeds, and the phenomenon is moving down the chain to the
smaller websites. The cost of RSS streams to publishers is minimal and
free to users, ensuring that this is the most cost effective way to
stream up to date information.
RSS Viewer
Here at
Feedroll, we offer services for both RSS users and publishers alike.
The details of our services are listed below.
Feedroll is
a free service which allows you to pick and choose the very
best news RSS feeds on the net, giving your viewers up to date news
without leaving your site. In today’s every more competitive
market place it is essential that you keep viewers on your site, and
there is no better way than a constantly updated RSS feed. Choose your
favourites, and let us package them together for you in one seamless
feed. Let the publisher do the hard work, and give your viewers what
they want to see. Our press releases you can also read on the Social
Media News Portal.
You are on :
Feed combiner
While the
addition of any relevant data feed to your website will have
immediate benefits, sometimes it may be beneficial to bring in more
than one feed. While certain areas of interest may be covered by one
site, it is not very common for one site to give you all of the
information which you require. It can also be very dangerous to rely on
one data provider alone, because if they have problems with their site,
close down, or do not update their information, there is an immediate
impact to your site.
FeedRoll, combined with our Feed Combiner generator, we can
package up to five different data sources together, into one constant
stream - giving a seamless and fluid look to your website. The process
for producing your own personalized multi channel data stream is
simple, copy the URL addresses for the feeds, and paste onto our RSS
generator. Within seconds you will have the relevant code to add to
your site.
As and when
you wish to add or delete certain feeds from the combined
offering, just go back to the Feed Combiner page, enter your new
sources, copy the code to your site, and the feed will be immediately
updated. Here at Feedroll we aim to take the pain out of RSS streaming,
making it more user friendly and give you what you want.
You are on :
Feed Validator
your website's feed.
formats: RSS, Atom and KML.
[8] RSS Feed Converter
order to use RSS
feeds on your website you need to convert them into the format readable
by the browsers. Our converter will transform RSS format into HTML, PHP
or JavaScript.
RSS Feed
Converter helps you to customize the look & feel of your
feed using "Advanced Settings" so it could blend into the design of
your webpage.
You do not
have to be a computer genius to operate this service. This
is an easy step by step tool to turn your web page into a real traffic
attractor in no time.
To learn how
to operate this "based on intuition" tool please visit "How to use"
Want To Know
Where You Can Use RSS Feeds More Effectively?
We have
created extremely powerful software that can build money-making
websites for you, update them with original content 24/7, make posts to
your blogs, add premade content to your website, create content for
your websites from text files, RSS FEEDS and articles, promote your
website and much much more.
Self Growing
Websites software is all-in-one tool for building
unstoppable virtual empire of websites making you money without your
For more
info check
Would you
like to easily add RSS Feeds to your website or blog to
create sticky content that is always updated? Then you are at the right
place. can easily convert any valid RSS feed into
easy to implement Javascript, HTML or PHP code.
RSS Feed
Converter is actually the second step. The first step was
obtaining the RSS feed itself. You can already have the feed or you can
generate one or several rss feeds with the help of our rss generators.
Well, as
soon as your feed is ready you need to convert it into the
format readable by the browsers. This converter will transform your RSS
feed into most commonly used HTML, PHP and JavaScript.
To do that
you need to paste your RSS feed into the "RSS Feed URL" box and set the
format you want.
Also, do not
forget to provide you name and email address, so you could receive the
code snippet right into your email box.
As soon as
you "click on advanced settings" you will have the option to customize
your feed's look & feel.
Show channel
- gives you the opportunity to show the source of your feed in the code.
Number of
items - sets the number of items per every feed.
Show items
Descriptions? - the option whether to show just the title of the item
or to give a short description as well.
You can also
play with fonts, background and link colors.
Shuffle RSS
- this is an advanced option that lets you shuffle items
within RSS feed. This is a great SEO trick to make your RSS content
rather unique.
links - another advanced option which converts all the links
into JavaScript. This prevents PageRank leaking and also makes Search
Engines concentrate on your webpage not leaving it through the link.
New window -
the well known optimization trick which keeps your visitors on your
page avoiding traffic leaking.
After all
settings are done you may preview your feed's output and then generate
the code snippet for your website's insertion.
The copy of
the code is also sent to your email, so you could continue working on
another feed.
Copy that
code, paste it into the source code of your webpage or insert it into
your blog's template. Now you are all set.
Fast and
Best regards!
Rss Feeds
Generator Amazon Feeds
Generator ClickBank Feeds
eBay Feeds Generator
Feed Converter Templates
Student Omat
RSS2GIF news
This is a
free RSS/XML to image converter service. It always shows the
realtime content of every RSS feed. Please report your errors.
respect the copyright. Only use RSS feeds you are allowed to use. Best
ideas where to use your personal RSS2GIF:
* Use the created image in your E-Mail-Signature!
* Show the last topics of your friend's blog on your blog.
* Spread your words via your board signatures.
add to add to
add to
mister wong add to mister wong
We created
3137 RSS2GIFs today.
Please check
our last 50 generated RSS2GIF
un service gratuit qui crée une image à
chaque fois qu’un fil RSS est modifié.
clique sur l’image, on est renvoyé au site qui a
généré le fil.
ist es möglich aus RSS-Dateien ein Bild zu erstellen.
Dieses Bild aktualisiert sich automatisch, wenn neue Meldungen auf
einem Blog oder News-Feed erscheinen.
Top Ranking Blog
RSS – Blog Directories
Below is a
list of the submission urls for RSS and blog directories
that you can submit your blog or RSS feed to. This list is a work in
progress and will change often. Send feedback, edits to: blog at
toprankresults dot com
TopRank Recommended Blog
Directory:Best of the Web BOTW
Blog Directory
[11] Here are some
More Free Resources Related to RSS
Feed Creation Tools
If you just wish to create a single feed and do
not need to edit or update the feed you can use an online feed creation
- Syndicate articles appearing on GoArticles a large article
BlogStreet -
online feed creation tool, only works for blogs hosted on BlogStreet
Online RSS Feeds
- Online feed creation tool
Blog Harbor -
online java script blog generator
RSS - resource for creating RSS feeds
We recommend FeedForAll
for RSS feed creation
Feed Validators determine if your feed is valid.
Validator - This is a validator for syndicated
feeds. It works with RSS 0.90, 0.91, 0.92, 0.93, 0.94, 1.0, and 2.0. It
also validates Atom feeds. If the validator finds any problems in your
feed, it will give you messages for each type of problem and highlight
where the problem first occurs in your feed. If you're unsure what a
message means, click the "help" link next to the message for a fuller
Validator - Feed validation service, enter the url
and it would evaluate validity of feed RSS v9x validator.
Validator - a free service that checks documents
like HTML and XHTML for conformance to W3C Recommendations and other
RSS 1.0 Validator - Enter the address of an RSS 1.0
feed into the following form and it will be validated and formatted for
RSS 1.0 Validator - This prototype is based
around a Schematron schema for validating RSS 1.0 by Leigh Dodds.
The following
sites and tools will help webmasters generate java or html that can be
used to display content in rss feeds.
rss2html.php -
free PHP script for dynamically displaying RSS feeds as html.
free PHP script for dynamically displaying RSS feeds as html.
Pro - display content using PHP or javascript.
- export your rss feed to html or an html table so that search engines
will see the rss feed contents when they spider! OR use a FREE PHP
script to display RSS feeds.
rss2html.asp -
free ASP script for dynamically displaying RSS feeds using ASP.
- service for displaying RSS feeds.
Cache - the rss2html Cache module saves the feed
locally for a specified period of time, making feed retrieval much
- this allows Items in a RSS feed to be created ahead of time, and then
slowly released over a period of time.
- Syndicate articles appearing on GoArticles a large article repository.
to Java Script - Free rss/rdf to javascript
conversion. No XML or programming expierence is necessary.
- An RSS Feed is a dynamically generated summary (in XML format) of
information or news published on other web sites- so when the published
RSS changes, your web site will be automatically changed too.
Link Ripper -
This tool will reach out to a web page, strip out a chunk of that
page's source between a start and the end string, strip out all the
hyperlinks, and return them
- install RSSlib scripts and customize them to add content directly to
your web pages. These scripts are made with PHP & ASP.
- sign up for an NewslettersByRSS email address, add this email address
to your newsletter subscription. Your newsletter RSS feed is
automatically created!
- enter the url of the RSS feed and it will generate java script that
will display the feed on your website.
- a free service for syndicating popular RSS and ATOM news feeds on
your website or blog. Select a feed, customize the design, then copy
and paste the code provided onto your page.
to JavaScript - was designed
to easily convert any valid RSS, RDF or ATOM feed into easy to
implement Javascript. No XML or programming expierence is necessary.
RSSmesh - The RSSmesh script is used to
merge multiple RSS feeds into a single RSS feed.
EZ Board 2 HTML - Enter the url of an ezboard
forum to return a list top postings newsfeed format.
- Parse the RSS feed online. Enter in the URL to the RSS Feed you wish
to parse and click submit.
RSS Fetcher -
This script will fetch My Netscape type RSS files from a remote site,
format them as HTML and store the HTML in a file on your site. You can
use this to display headlines from other sites.
- This site is meant for online conversions of RSS feeds into WML for
access on WAP devices (RSS2WML, RSS WAP or RSS-to-WAP). It's free and
you can make a link on your web site.
RSSinclude -
Use the RSSinclude form, enter the URL address of the RSS feed you
would like to integrate and copy a piece of HTML into your website.
Thats all. Nothing more is needed to display any RSS feed on your
website. RSSinclude service will do all the work.
StepNewz -
display rss news feeds using javascript
- convert HTML to RSS - screen scraper.
- free service to display RSS feeds as HTML.
- merge and filter RSS feeds
- allows Items in a RSS feed to be created ahead of time, and then
slowly released over a period of time.
RSS Feeds
following sites allowing you to submit RSS feeds:
Network - submit RSS feeds & select category
Syndic8 -
submit RSS feeds
- post your RSS feed or blog
- submit your RSS feed
Rocket News -
post your RSS feed
Technorati -
submit your RSS feed to be pinged
- submit rss feeds
Postami -
submit rss feeds
Investing Feeds - Only submit finance or investment
related feeds.
Security Protection Feeds
- Submit only security or protection related feeds RSS feeds select
appropriate category.
Feeds - Submit only home related RSS feeds. Be sure
to select the appropriate category.
Feeds - Submit feeds related to medical care or
Podcasts - Submit only podcasts that relate to
religion, sermon or spiritual beliefs.
Feeds - Submit sports related RSS feeds and
Political Feeds
- Submit political feeds and podcasts.
Government Feeds
- Submit feeds ONLY from government agencies. Feeds from both Local and
federal governments are accepted.
Educational Feeds
- Submit feeds and podcasts related to education.
- submit rss and assign category (on bottom)
- submit rss news feeds
RocketInfo -
submit your rss content and feed
Edu RSS -
harvests only feeds dealing with educational technology and related
issues. All feeds are reviewed before being added to the list.
submit News using XML
RSS - enter the url(s) of the feeds you wish to add
to the directory.
- add rss feeds
- submit a news link to memigo
- submit an rss feed
- rss feed submissions (pings site)
Yenra - submit
RSS news feed
- gives you a direct access to the content you are interested in.
- submit rss feeds
- all submitted feeds are reviewed
FastBuzz -
submit feeds
- submit RSS feeds
DeskFeeds - rss
feed and blog submissions
- rss feed submissions
Feed Spot - submit feeds
StepNewz -
submit rss news feeds
RSS Verzeichnis
- German feed submissions
4Guys from Rolla -
submit feeds
- add feed listing
FuzzySoftware -
submit XML listings
ASP Index -
submit RSS feeds
- submit news feeds
Directory - submit RSS feeds in the feed directory.
- submit feeds (scroll down)
FeedPlex -
submit feeds
- submit RSS feeds
- submit RSS feeds
- submit RSS feeds
- RSS feed submissions
- Submit RSS feeds select appropriate category
- Submit RSS feeds select appropriate category
Clipping - add RSS urls
A Feed - add RSS urls
- add RSS feeds
- add your RSS feeds
- add your RSS feeds
Portal - add your RSS feeds
Feed 4U - add your RSS feeds
StepNewz -
suggest RSS feeds
StepNewz -
suggest RSS feeds
JordoMedia -
suggest RSS feeds
Mad - add an RSS feed (on bottom right side)
- Navigate category and suggest a feed.
- Submit RSS feeds only.
Auto Feeds - Submit automotive feeds only.
Goblin - Submit automotive feeds only.
- Submit automotive feeds only
- Submit feeds using keyword searches.
Feeds - RSS submission feeds
- Submit RSS feeds
Port - Add RSS feeds
- Submit RSS feeds
- Submit RSS feeds
- Submit RSS feeds
RSS Feeds - Submit RSS feeds
- Submit RSS feeds
RSSMotron -
Submit RSS feeds
FindRSS -
Submit RSS feeds
- Submit RSS feeds
RSSMotron -
Submit RSS feeds
- Submit RSS feeds
Day Time News -
Submit RSS feeds
- suggest a feed (on the right)
- submit an RSS feed
submit an RSS feed
- submit a feed
- submit a feed
- submit an RSS Feed
RSS Mountain -
submit RSS
- human edited RSS submissions
- Feeds Directory Search.
- Feeds Directory Search.
Videocast Feeds
Station - Submit RSS feeds
RSS - Beligian RSS feeds. (no obvious way to
submit feeds)
RSS - German RSS feed directory.
RSS feeds Israel -
Israeli RSS feeds
Spanish Feeds - Spanish
RSS feeds
Feeds - Japanese RSS feeds
Submission Tools
FeedPark -
submit RSS feeds automated submission helper
- fee based feed submission
- addon for feed submissions
Feed Validator - desktop feed validator.
Blogs and Blog RSS Feeds
Digger - submit your rss feed for your blog
- submit your blog
- submit your blog
- blog submissions
of Blogs - submit your rss feed for you blog
Blog Links - blog submission
- submit rss feeds for web logs
- submit feeds for blogs
- submit feed for online blogs
- feed sumbission for web blogs
- blog submissions
- submit your rss feed for your blog
- blog submission
- rss feed submission for blog
- blog submission
- submit your blog to the directory
Blog Directory - submit your blog
- submit blogs for review
- enter the URL of a RSS feed you want to added to the database.
Directory - submit blog to directory
BlogoSphere EcoSystems
- add your weblog
- add your blog
- submit the url of your web log
- submit your blog url
- automated trend discovery system for blogs
BlogCatalog -
The Ultimate Blog Directory - Search For Blogs
- spanish blog community
Blogs R
Us - add feed
By City - add your blog!
FeedMap -
submit a blog!
BlogSearch -
submit blogs
- blog feed submission.
- blog feed submission.
- blog feed submission.
Introduction - submit blogs.
Blog - blog submissions
- blog submissions
- blog submissions
Fuse- blog submissions
blog submissions
AddUrlBlog- add
add blogs
BOTW Blog- add
Directory Submit- add blogs
add blogs (they will provide required code that must be inserted in
your website, in order for blogtopsites to rank your blog)
- add business blogs only
- manually add blogs to directory.
- adds blogs to directories.
- adds blogs to directories.
Podcast Submissions
Station - submit podcasts
Submission Directory - submit podcasts
More Links 1