To Link Exchange Section! |
More Links 1
know most of the thing about Link Exchange by reading the Home Page and
Previous Page so I suggest if you have not read them then do so right
Here I am providing you three types of
Exchange Resources. 1 where you can get one way link and no need for
you to link back to the site you have submitted your link to.2nd one
are resources site where you can Exchange Reciprocal Link ,means a link
back to the submitted site is required.3rd one are resources which will
make your Link Excxhange Task automatic.I have purposely mixed them
so you just don't run for sign up page but instead read
everything,understand the resources and then take required action As I
said before the Link Exchange is the most important method for higher
ranking of your site in the major search engines.
Any way let us refresh your knowledge with this
Find link exchange partners
Sometimes you may find easy and relaxing to install some code in your
link page that puts links automatically. You agree to have those links
because your link also will be displayed on those sites. While it is
true, you should check and see how many of those sites are relevant to
your website content. These automatic link exchange do not work now
with search engines. Worse, your site may be penalized by search engine
like Google.
Look for link exchange systems that are effective, easy and fast for
you to find relevant websites, ready for link exchange. Look for
partners in link exchange directories.
There is another way to exchange links with quality sites. What are the
main keywords of your site? If your site is marketing beauty products,
search on Google, Yahoo or other search engines with keywords like
'cosmetics', 'fragrances' etc. The search engine will show you the list
of websites. You make a list of about 100 websites on top of the list
for each keyword. Visit those sites and check whether they have a page
like 'Add URL' or Add site'. If they have, then they may also have some
terms and conditions for accepting websites. Learn them carefully and
submit your site for exchange as per the T & C. It is a good
practice [and most of the times it is necessary] to add a link to their
website on your links page and show them this location.
If you cannot find a way to submit your site via the site, get their
contact information. Good sites always provide means of contact. Write
to the webmaster and request for a link. You should make them convince
that contents of your website would be beneficial for their visitors.
If your site has good and rich content, there should be no problem.
Advantages of Link Exchange
Link exchanges have the advantage of bringing in a highly targeted
visitors and of increasing the "link popularity" of a site with search
There are billions of websites in the world wide web. Search engines
make life easy for us by showing relevant websites when we search for a
particular subject or keyword.
Have you ever wondered how the search engines like Google, Yahoo or
Bing produce the results within a fraction of a second? Search engines
crawl websites and index the contents of web pages. When someone is
searching for information using a keyword, the search engines look for
the keyword in their indexed pages and show them in order of relevancy
to the searched keyword/s.
There are many websites with contents relevant to the keyword/s. So,
how does the search engine make the order of presentation? After
finding web pages with relevant information, the search engine look for
other aspects to determine the order.
While there are aspects like presentation, design etc., popularity of
the webpage is an important criteria in determining the order or rank
as it is called. Some people confuse search engine ranking with Google
Page Rank. The two are different and nowadays Google itself does not
give much weight to the Google PR of a site.
Popularity of a site is achieved by getting traffic via links from
other sites. Therefore it would be evident that traffic will increase
if there are links from as many sites as possible.
Knowing this, some years ago, campaigns started to add links in as many
sites as possible. Links were added to as many sites as possible
whether there was any relevancy to the subject matter of the site or
not. ['Link building services' still do this in spite of Search engines
becoming more critical. Website owners are duped into believing that
their site's rank will improve to the maximum. Nowadays the results may
be contrary.]
Search engines approve links in relevant sites. Therefore, webmasters
should look for other sites with a relevant subject matter and start
exchanging links. The idea is that if a visitor, searching with a
keyword, who land in one site, can look for further information on the
same subject from another site via a link in the landing site. This is
a healthy practice and makes it easy for search engines. Thus, sites
having relevant links are search engine friendly.
Link popularity is having links from as many relevant sites as
possible. Categorising websites makes it easy to find relevant websites.
Good Link exchange and SEO ranking
"why is it that when I use the link and check out the sites that have
accepted to exchange with me I do not see my site link on their pages,
my page is full of them!..lol"
This is something we hear from our members at times.
Some webmasters accept link invitations; but after the inviter adds the
link, they do not add the inviter's link.
There are some other webmasters who add the links on pages that will
never be found by search engines, let alone by a visitor.
There is another category of webmasters who dupe by adding the link on
a temporary page accessible from the homepage but will remove the link
on the homepage after sometime.
Those are some of the unethical practices in exchanging links.
LinkAlizer expects members to be ethical and friendly, helping each
other to have good business. There need not be any rivalry because each
website has its own flavor, giving alternatives to their visitors.
Being an ethical and honest webmaster brings credit not only to the
person but also to the site. When you are honest, others will know it.
You should make the otherwebmasters LIKE to exchange links with you.
We list below some good practice in exchanging links so that your site
will get a good name, thus increasing popularity and search engine
1. Create link page/s in your site and place a
visible link on the homepage to the main links page or directory.
2. Limit the number of links in a page to less
than 50 for better results. Create additional pages for more links.
3. Before adding a link to a website, visit the
site and
check their links page/s and, most importantly, see whether the link
page/s can be accessed from the homepage.
4. When you add a link, do it sincerely so that
the link
will generate traffic to that website. Sorting link titles
alphabetically will make it easy to locate links.
5. If you agree to exchange links with another
site, be
honest and add their link after verifying that the inviter has added
your link on a page acceptable to you.
6. When you visit a site, look whether the site
provided any means to contact them. If there is not, may be you should
think twice before adding their link.
7. It is a good practice to communicate with the
webmasters of the sites for which you add a link. It is not practicable
[and not necessary] always, but when you havea doubt or when you want
to change something, it would become helpful to contact the webmaster
8. Remember that good practices always bring
rewards. If
you have a clean website and be honest with other webmasters, search
engines will know it. All other optimization are only secondary to good
The art of search engine promotion
What are search engines looking for in a website?
Find out your google page rank
The philosophy of a search engine is to deliver relevant web pages in
response to a search query which will contain one or many keywords.
This is not an easy task as there are literally millions of web pages
in existence. The early search engines suffered from the problem of
returning too much dross - the classic example was a search for 'Bill
Clinton' returning a web site with one page saying 'Bill Clinton joke
of the day'. This happened because of KEYWORD DENSITY - this particular
web page had the relevant keywords accounting for 40% of all the
keywords on the webpage, which the search engines relied upon to decide
which webpages to display first.
The founders of GOOGLE managed to go a long way to solve this problem
(and become incredibly successful) by using the idea of page rank. They
designed their search engine to ascribe a page rank to every webpage,
based on web links from other web pages. This offered a 'democratic'
and easily automated way of establishing the relative importance of
websites, and hence prioritise which websites would be shown first in a
google search. They also take note of the text used in the web links
(hyperlinks), so for example, if a website had a link 'food and drink'
pointing to www.harvest-fayre.co.uk then a google search for 'food and
drink' would be more likely to return this website.
The internet has now developed into a major commercial sales channel
for business and we find there is a constant battle between search
engine optimisers (the web masters who try to improve their search
engines ranking) and the programmers within the search engine
companies. Webmasters have tried new tricks such as embedding hidden
keywords in websites (e.g. white text on white background) and
artificial 'link farms' where thousands of websites are made to link to
each other. Search engine 'alogorithms' (the programming of the search
engines) had been modified to detect these tricks and 'black list' such
sites. However, some webmasters are trying new tricks to fool the
What factors are important to search engines?
Improve your search engine ranking
Factors influencing your position in search engines returns can be
broken down as follows
Internal factors (which you can control by updating your website)
Number and placement of keywords within the website including the title
Number of web pages
How your web pages link to each other
Frequency of updates
Alt tags (text descriptions of images)
Not using any 'tricks' to fool search engines such as white text on a
white background etc.
Does the web site offer a coherent 'theme', i.e. does not have
'artificial' and irrelevant text added.
External factors
Which web sites link to you?
What text is on their links to you?
The 'theme' of the website linking to you.
It is the external factors that will get to the top of the search
Find out about the 3 stages of increasing your web traffic, Copying the
linking strategy of other successful websites, & Get more web
Put in your desired keywords into a search and find out who is
currently coming top of the list (suppose it is www.topsite.com). Then
type in 'link:www.topsite.com' into the google search box. You will get
a list of websites linking into www.topsite.com (suppose the first one
in the list is www.interestingsite.com). Find the contact details of
each website. You can then do one of two things:
Create an extra links page (perhaps call it 'useful links') in your
existing website. On this page add a link to www.interestingsite.com.
You will need the services of a webmaster to do this, or you will need
appropriate software and/or have knowledge of HTML.
Open up your email program and write a request for a link to your
website in exchange for you linking to their website.
Dear xxx
I have built a link from my website www.mysite.com to your website
www.interestingsite.com and I hope you will be able to reciprocate by
adding a link in your website to link back. I believe our website
content would be of mutual interest to visitors and hence we can both
benefit from increased web traffic and improve both our google page
rankings, which will help move both our websites further up the search
engine listings.
Yours sincerely,
xxx xxx
tel: 01234 567890
It is a good idea to build an outbound link first and then ask them to
Repeat this process for all the other websites in the list. You will
need to keep updating your 'useful links' webpage to add outbound
links. This is time consuming but will pay dividends. It is the only
way to get a good ranking.
You will need to keep manual track of who you have contacted and when,
webmasters will not appreciate being pestered too much!
Go to http://www.crossslink-builder and register your website.
In the control panel, click on 'add a new outbound link from my
Fill in the details on 'add a new outbound link'
Back at the control panel, click on 'create an email'
Fill in the details on 'Create and send an email'. A template text will
be filled in for you, which you can then modify before clicking on
'Send email now'
Crosslink builder will automatically store the email message and date
sent, so that you can keep track of all emails sent to prospective
website partners. You can also record telephone messages, ordinary post
or any other notes in a 'Contacts page'.
Not only that, but crosslink-builder can provide you with the HTML code
necessary to build a 'useful links' page. This only has to be done
once. If you add more outbound links from your website, no further work
need be done on your own website. Extra links are automatically added
into your webpage every time you use 'add a new outbound link' in
You can also switch your outbound links on and off whenever you like,
and you can set an automatic 'expiry date' for your links in case you
do not get a response from your erstwhile website partner.
register your website for search engine optimisation.
Link Exchange UK
Exchange Links, submit your website links and we will link
We are the UK Link Exchange, you submit a site to link to us and we put
a reciprocal link back to you for free.
If you link has disappeared we have updated the site, please re-submit.
Links Categories: 25 ::
Links: 253 ::
Clicks: 5428 ::
Clicks Current Month: 90 ::
Average rating: 4.6
Videos Categories: 2 ::
Videos: 9019 ::
Views: 150206 ::
Views Current Month: 14126 ::
Average rating: 0
News Categories: 2 ::
News: 8 :: Readers: 8 ::
Readers Current Month: 8 ::
Average rating: 0
Articles Categories: 2 ::
Articles: 3 ::
Readers: 4228 ::
Readers Current Month: 200 ::
Average rating: 0
Arts & Design Links (17)
Business Links (48)
Careers & Jobs Links (1)
Cars & Motoring Links
Charties Links (0)
Computers Links (55)
Education Links (9)
Entertainment Links (8)
Finance Links (11)
Food and Drink Links (3)
Franchise Links (2)
Health Links (10)
Internet Links (15)
Domain Name Links, Web Design Links,
Web Hosting Links
Lifestyle Links (3)
Money Links (2)
News & Media Links (2)
Reference Links (5)
Science & Technology
Links (1)
SEO Links (4)
Shopping Links (22)
Sport Links (2)
Travel Links (26)
SEO Videos (970)
Video Links (8049)
Links News (4)
UK Business News (4)
Business Articles (2)
SEO Articles (1)
As you can see from above categories,you can not only submit your site
url but also articles and videos as well.
Important : Reciprocal Link is required on your site
[2] Link A Lizer
exchange & Internet marketing
LinkAlizer link exchange is an effective internet marketing system that
makes it easy and fast for you to find link exchange partners and
increase traffic to your website/s.*
The main reasons to exchange links:
- Increased link popularity = increased search engine ranking.
- Direct traffic from the links.
- Building relations with other websites.
- Search engine optimization [SEO].
There are many methods to promote a website but few are free or as low
cost as link exchange.
To NOT create links towards your website is the same as ignoring the
major way to obtain a large amount of marketing and traffic for your
Webmasters! Join LinkAlizer for free link exchange. Submit Website and
start exchanging links with other relevant member sites.
How LinkAlizer works
Joining LinkAlizer is all free. As a free member you frequently get
link exchange invitions to your email inbox and can send a limited
amount of own link exchange invitations per day.
Books, Literature
Building, Construction
Cell phones
Classified ads
Computer games
Computer hardware
Computer services
Computer software
Directories, search engines
Exterior design
Family, Relatives
Food, Drinks
Forums, chat rooms
Free stuff
Home business
Home owner
Interior design, Furniture
Internet marketing
Personal development
Personal finance
Personal site
Pets, animals
Real estate
References & recources
Transportation, Moving
Web design
Web hosting
Webmaster resources
Premium members
After your free account is set up you can instantly upgrade to premium
Premium member features:
- Easy and fast to use link exchange software (php/mysql required)
- Send unlimited link exchange invitations.
- Set and manage which categories to accept link invitations from.
- Multi handle tools (to handle a lot of links faster in your account)
- Link exchange invitation from all new members (in categories you
As an additional feature you can upgrade with multi send out. That
means your link exchange invitation will be sent to all members (that
accepts link exchange from your category, that is over 95% of all
Does my site have to have a Page Rank (PR) to join LinkAlizer?
No. Any website, whether designed by professionals or by amateurs, that
have good content, easy navigation, link pages or link directory and
acceptable to LinkAlizer policy, can join. Please review our terms and
agreement for types of websites that are not acceptable.
Can I add my site to your directory and remain a member without
exchanging links?
LinkAlizer's main purpose is to enable members to exchange links in
order to increase traffic and to increase search engine ranking to
their websites. Therefore, if you have no idea of exchanging links,
there is not much use by adding your site to our directory.
[Note: NOT creating links towards your website is the same as ignoring
the major way to obtain a large amount of marketing and traffic for
your site.]
Does exchanging links with too many sites hurt search engine ranking?
Exchanging links with LinkAlizer members will not hurt your search
engine ranking. LinkAlizer only facilitates members to exchange links
with each other. Nowadays search engines are not happy with unrelated
links and link farms. You have to choose whom you want to exchange
links with. Link only to websites that are relevant to the subject
matter of your website.
We do not provide any code to create an already-populated links-page on
your website. Our link exchange software, provided free to premium
members, does not contain any pre-designed link pages. The webmaster
who installs it in his/her website adds categories and links to it. We
repeat, it is you who choose your link partners; LinkAlizer facilitates
you to do that.
When you request, our Multi Send Out system sends invitations on your
behalf to all members. The receiving webmasters and you can choose with
whom you are going to exchange links.
Why Premium member benefits are not given to Free members?
Well. While we facilitate ALL members to exchange links, we also need
to earn a living. We do not solicit members to upgrade. However, some
benefits are given to Premium members as an incentive for those who can
afford to pay but have less time to spend on sending invitations and
creating different link pages. Rest assured, Free members can exchange
any number of links like Premium members. The only difference is that
Free members have to spend more time while Premium members can save
invaluable time.
Explain how your system works.
When you submit a website it is registered in our system and stays
there permanently - even if it is disapproved. Therefore, if you make
an error or give false information, you will never be able to submit
the same site again.
We check the pending sites and the submission information to see
whether they conform to our terms and agreement. When the submission is
approved, an E-mail is sent to the submitter informing the user name
and password. You can login to LinkAlizer and start exchanging links.
Go to Link Exchange Directory and choose categories. You will see
member sites listed there. Under each entry you will find a link "Send
link invitation to this site". Click on that link. That's all. Your
invitation along with your website's linking information, will be
E-mailed to that member. If he agrees to exchange links with your site,
you will be notified by E-mail. When you receive this E-mail, login to
LinkAlizer and click on the 'Accepted invitations' tab. You will find
all sites that have accepted your invitation. You add their link to
your site and enter the URL in the given field.
Likewise, when you accept a link invitation, the webmaster who sent it
will add your link on his site and inform you the URL. Now you go to
the 'Waiting your link back' tab and check the URL to confirm whether
your site is added. You add that link to your website and enter your
URL. The link exchange is completed.
Free members can send up to 10 invitations per day.
Premium Account
If you upgrade to Premium account, you can send unlimited invitations
at any time. Also, sending invitations is easy. When you go to the Link
Exchange Directory and choose a category, you will find a special link
'Exchange with this site' and a box with a tick already placed. (Take
away the tick if you do not want to exchange links with any site.)
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and there is a link 'Send
invitation to selected sites'. Click. That's it! Your invitations will
be sent to all selected sites at one click.
Premium members can select the categories that they want to exchange
links with. After logging into LinkAlizer, click on the 'Account
management' tab. Scroll down to see all categories - all ticked by
default. Take out the tick from those categories that you do not want
to exchange links with. Save the information by clicking 'Update
category preferences'.
Premium members, as long as they remain so, will automatically receive
invitations from all sites that join linkAlizer afterwards.
When you login as a Free member, you can see a link to upgrade as
Premium account. When you click on that link and go to the upgrade
page, you will see several options. Choose one that is acceptable to
your need [and your purse!]
Multi Send out
Free members who want to remain as Free members for some reason, can
avail another facility to send invitations faster and easier by paying
just for sending invitations. Login to Linkalizer and you will see a
link to Multi Send Out. When you make the one-time payment, you
invitation will be sent to all members who have agreed to exchange
links with your category.
All payments are accepted via PayPal. If you already have an account
with PayPal, you can pay through your account. Or you can pay using
your credit card. Click on the PayPal logo and you will be taken to the
Payment platform.
Can I add my site to different categories?
Not at this time.
How many days it takes for you to approve link submissions?
We strive to review all submissions as quickly as possible. However,
there are limitations to our resources. Be patient till you hear from
us. Also, there is a delay when submitters do not respond to E-mail ID
confirmation mails.
We will let out a secret to you: before you submit your site, add a
link to LinkAlizer on a relevant links or content page and make the
page accessible from your homepage within 2 clicks. This ensures
definite approval provided your website contents are acceptable to
LinkAlizer policy.
What is E-mail ID confirmation?
When a website is reviewed, we first check the URL. We check whether
the given E-mail ID is listed in the site's contact page. If it is not
found, we send a mail to the address to verify that the ID exists. If
the submitter fails to confirm, the submission is disapproved after 3
How to get a one-way link from our Directory
We will share a secret with you here. Do you want to get a smart
one-way link? Submit your site as per our terms and agreement. If you
provide the E-mail from the same domain that you submit and reply the
verification mail, you get a one-way link.
SEO Consultants
1st they do not accept all the links............
The Clueless SEO Link Exchange Directory
How can you qualify for a listing in The Clueless SEO Link Exchange
Directory? What are the minimum requirements for a listing in this
prestigious directory of Clueless SEOs? How can you improve your
listing and become a Premiere Sponsor?
Please review the below SEO Link Exchange Guidelines carefully and read
between the lines. You may or may not qualify for a listing in this
directory. If you've sent us an unsolicited automated link exchange
request via email and have not been listed in the directory, you may
choose (opt) to send us another unsolicited follow up email or opt to
use our secure contact form.
Animated Checkmark SEO Link Exchange Request
SEO Link Exchange Quality Guidelines
1. Send us an unsolicited automated and/or canned
exchange request via email and/or our secure online contact form.
Combining both of these methods guarantees inclusion into the directory.
2. Provide a link in your automated link exchange
to the page on your high quality site where you've so graciously linked
to the SEO Consultants Directory.
PageRank 3PageRank
0The page where our
link appears should have a Google PageRank™ of 0-3 (zero to
three) with 0 being the best, and have a unique keyword rich directory
path like this...
No ClueNote: The
deeper our link is
within your website, and the more SEO keyword phrases you can
strategically place in the URI path separated by hyphens, underscores,
slashes and/or other delimiters, the greater your chance of securing a
listing in The Clueless SEO Link Exchange Directory. Three or more
hyphens in your root domain guarantees inclusion.
BTW, thank you for
the link, that is
just way too kind of you. Is there anything we can do to reciprocate
the goodwill? How about a reciprocal link in The Clueless SEO Link
Exchange Directory? That's the least we can do for you.
3. If your high quality links pages are showing up
Supplemental Results in Google site:example.com searches, that is
definitely an added benefit and will guarantee inclusion into the
4. If you have 50+ outbound links (OBLs) per page,
you are
guaranteed inclusion. If you have 100+ outbound links (OBLs) per page,
you are guaranteed inclusion and you earn one (01) SEO Star. If you
have 200+ outbound links (OBLs) per page, you are guaranteed inclusion
and you earn two (02) SEO Stars.
5. Alexa Rankings of 5,000,000 or greater are also
considered and may play an important part for The Clueless SEO wanting
a listing in the directory.
6. Use your Google Gmail account and/or your
links@yourcompanyname.com email address to send us the automated link
exchange request. Use both email addresses and receive an SEO Star and
a second link from the directory!
7. Tell us in your automated link exchange request
the link to the SEO Consultants Directory will be removed (expires)
from your high quality links directory in a specified number of days if
you do not receive a reciprocal link from us. This guarantees inclusion
into the directory.
8. Send us unsolicited automated follow up emails
additional automated link exchange requests. This guarantees inclusion
into the directory.
Back to The Clueless SEO Link Exchange Directory
Reciprocal Links - You Must Link To Us
The Clueless SEO Link Exchange Directory
The SEO Consultants Directory receives it's share of automated and/or
canned SEO link exchange requests. These requests come via email and
can be officially classified as UCE (Unsolicited Commercial Email or
Email Spam - see CAN-SPAM) and, sending them may be against the law in
the United States of America and other countries.
Automated and Canned Link Exchange Requests
We receive our share of automated and canned link exchange requests
that are totally irrelevant to the content of our website. Most, if not
all, end up being flagged by our email spam filters.
Every now and then we receive automated and/or canned link requests
from clueless Internet marketers who claim to be SEOs. The year is
2010, these marketers should know better, and we felt a special section
devoted to The Clueless SEO would be in order.
For those of you (claimed SEOs) who continue to practice this type of
Internet marketing (Automated and/or Canned Link Exchange Requests),
this page is just for you... The Clueless SEO. Keep sending us those
Automated Link Exchange Requests, we enjoy receiving them as much as
you'll enjoy being listed in this section.
SEO Gold Star What do the Gold Stars mean?
These are companies and/or individuals who are utilizing an automated
link development program searching for /links/ in the URI and
specifically requested a link on this page (the one you are on) which
Can you believe that? Yes, these companies and/or individuals actually
requested a link on this page using their automated link development
process. All they were searching for were keywords on the page and in
the URI. We've "baited" this links section with a /links/ sub-directory
that 301's to /links/s/p/a/m/. That is how much value these companies
and/or individuals below place in their link development. None. Nada.
Zero. Zilch.
Is this the type of link development you're looking for? If so, feel
free to send those companies and/or individuals listed below an email.
In addition to a "visual link" to their websites, we've conveniently
linked their email address so you can quickly contact them. All bots,
the good, the bad, and the ugly, are welcome to "index, follow" this
2010-02-05 - I'm preparing the 2010 Clueless SEO Directory and should
have new link exchanges up in a week or so.
Enhanced Listings - The Clueless SEO Link Exchange Directory
You can enhance your listing for free and earn up to ten (10) SEO Stars
(and one (01) SEO Gold Star, total of eleven (11) Stars) for your
enthusiastic participation in The Clueless SEO Link Exchange Directory.
These are similar to the Gold Stars that you may have received in
elementary school for a job well done.
Shoot for the Stars! SEO Gold StarSEO StarSEO StarSEO StarSEO StarSEO
StarSEO StarSEO StarSEO StarSEO StarSEO Star
New Enhancement - Send your link exchange request to us and
specifically request a listing in our /links/s/p/a/m/ directory and
earn one (01) Gold Star SEO Gold Star. This is a great way to add a
little flavour to your listing(s).
Animated Checkmark SEO Link Exchange Request
You can use one or more of the below professional and best practice SEO
strategies to enhance your listing and increase your exposure. The more
SEO Stars associated with your directory listing, the more visibility
you get.
You are also welcome to use the exclusive and prestigious official ?
SEO Logo (above right) for promoting your listing in the directory. The
official ? SEO Logo is a great way to show your visitors that you
utilize best practices when soliciting link exchanges.
1. Link to the SEO Consultants Directory with the
link rel="nofollow" attribute.
* Earn 1 SEO Star SEO Star
2. Link to the SEO Consultants Directory using a
302 Found tracking script.
* Earn 1 SEO Star SEO Star
3. Link to the SEO Consultants Directory using
to hide the link from being indexed by the search engines (<a
* Earn 1 SEO Star SEO Star
4. Link to the SEO Consultants Directory from a
quality links page that has 100+ outbound links. If you've been
creative enough and have found a way to place 200+ outbound links on
the page, we'll give you two (02) SEO Stars!
* Earn 1 SEO Star SEO Star
5. PageRank 3Tell us in your unsolicited automated
exchange request how important PageRank™ and links are for
survival of our website in Google and, that linking back to you will
improve our overall search engine positions. Specifying that our link
must come from a page on our website with a minimum Google
PageRank™ of 3 will earn you two (02) SEO Stars!
* Earn 1 SEO Star SEO Star
6. Include a second email address in your
automated link exchange request.
* Earn 1 SEO Star SEO Star
get this! You get an additional link from the directory. That's two,
two, two links for one! Doublemint. You can't beat that with a stick
now can ya?
7. No SpamSend us an automated link exchange
request for a
second, third or even fourth website using the same email from a
previous automated link exchange request.
* Earn 1 SEO Star SEO Star
For each subsequent automated link exchange request.
8. No SpamShare your elation with us via email
about your
listing in the directory. Choice professional words (from a
Professional SEO) are always a great way to shoot for more SEO Stars.
Depending on the quality and content of your email, you could earn
multiple SEO Stars if the language is just right.
* Earn 1 SEO Star SEO Star
9. Send us a reply email letting us know that your
will be in touch with us and/or send us an official C&D letter
your corporate attorney. You can also email the C&D. Be sure to
your legal@example.com department. This proves to us that your legal
team are being copied (CC'd) on all correspondence and that you are
serious about your litigation.
* Earn 2 SEO Stars SEO StarSEO Star
10. Set up a page on your high quality website sharing your
excitement about your prestigious listing in The Clueless SEO Link
Exchange Directory.
* Earn 2 SEO Stars SEO StarSEO Star
11. No WhiningPost a topic in your favorite SEO Forum and/or
Blog sharing your excitement about being listed in The Clueless SEO
Link Exchange Directory.
Send us a link to
that topic and we'll
provide a link back, what some might refer to as a natural link
exchange. I know, you're wondering what the heck that is, huh?
* Earn 2 SEO Stars SEO StarSEO Star
Admin Note: Would
you be kind enough and format your link to us this way?
SEO Link Exchange
12. No ClueLink to us from the home page of your high
website and receive three (03) SEO Stars and a Premiere Directory
Listing. Yes, that's right, a link from your home page sharing your
excitement about being listed in The Clueless SEO Link Exchange
Directory will ensure maximum exposure to our visitors for your
prestigious listing.
* Earn 3 SEO Stars SEO StarSEO StarSEO Star
Admin Note: You can combine any and/or all of the above to earn the
maximum of eleven (11) SEO Stars SEO Gold StarSEO StarSEO StarSEO
StarSEO StarSEO StarSEO StarSEO StarSEO StarSEO StarSEO Star. The more
stars you have, the more exposure you'll gain in the
[4] Link 2 Me
Targetted Traffic - How can Link2me.com help me?
Link2Me has grown to be one of the most trusted places for webmasters
to increase the trafic to their websites.
We have thousands of websites in our directory and you can be
guaranteed that they are actively participating
because we automatically hide sites where the users have not logged in
for a period of time.
We regularly implement new features to keep everything fair and
Link2Me is here to help you get targetted traffic...
And the best thing? is that it's FREE!
As you can see below we have a very active community!
Websites in Directory 43,156
Traded 994,852
Negotiation in progress 198,247
Here are just a few of the benefits of using Link2Me...
# Increase your targeted traffic from other websites
# Get your website noticed by the search engines quicker
# Websites are organised by category to make it easy to find the type
of websites you need
# Familiar 'Shopping Cart' to hold websites before requests are sent
# Have a say on which 'page' you will trade traffic
# A quality directory - all manually verified for content and chosen
# Control the status of the trading process from start to finish
# Automatic verification that links added are present and active
# Manage as many of your websites as you like with one account
# Trades are monitored for removal automatically to ensure everyone is
playing fair
# Lastly - It's easy to use and will make finding prospective websites
enjoyable and productive
Link2Me.com is not a 'farm' or a 'free for all' page. It is a
professional trading tool which enables webmasters around the world to
find other webmasters who are genuinely interested in trading with
other websites to generate mutual traffic.
Are you ready to reap the benefits of increased traffic?
Link2Me Overview
Link2Me is a link exchange where webmasters can contact other
webmasters to request a link on their site. It is organised in
categories so you can easily find site with similar themes and add them
to you familiar shopping cart ready for checkout. All the sites in the
directory are actively looking for exchanges.
Why should I exchange links with other sites?
To increase the amount of people visiting your website via links of
partners websites. People will browse the sites you have linked to, and
go to your site from their link page.
Your position in the Search Engines will be higher meaning more
traffic. With more quality links in and out of your website to other
sites of similar content, most search engines will use this information
to deduce that your site is a good source of information on that
subject and boost your position. Used carefully (being selective with
who you link to) Link2Me.com can help make your site get nearer that
number 1 spot for your chosen keywords.
Getting your website in the search engines. Many search engines use a
technique called spidering. This means it looks at sites alread in its
directory and checks to see what outward links are on this site. The
'Spider' will then follow these links and add (otherwise known as
'index') the sites it finds. So, by getting your site on other sites
already in a search engine, you site is likely to be added to more
directories quicker than a manual submit, and it will also be visited
more times to keep your listing up to date.
Why is the actual link page important? And why is Link2Me.com
different? Link2Me.com includes a negotiation system to you can approve
the 'actual' page your link will appear on. This is important as not
all pages in a site have the same ranking / Google PR / Alexa traffic
as the main url. For example, www.mysite.com may have a PR of 8, while
www.mysite.com/link/index.html may only have a PR of 2. Link2Me gives
you the ability to specify which page on the other site your link will
appear on. We refer to this page as the 'linkpage'.
General SEO Overview
What is a reciprocal link?
A reciprocal link is where one website A sets up a link going to
website B and vice versa. Both sites should benefit from pass through
traffic and a boost in Search Engine popularity ranking.
Link Popularity and Google PR
Link Popularity is a measure of how popular your site is. The more
incoming links to your site, the higher your link popularity. Google
have made this the basis of their search engine by assuming above all
that the number incoming links from 'relevant' sites effectively means
that lots of other website owners are voting for it, meaning higher
search engne positioning (serps).
A link to your site is made more effective by having your site's
keywords (e.g. 'pets' for a pet website) in the text that is clicked
on. This is also known as the 'anchor text' or 'link text'. Don't go
overboard though or people won't want to put a bunch of meaningless
words on their site.
On-site / Off-site optimisation
To make your site search engine friendly, there are two basic areas to
concentrate on. These are on-site and off-site. On-site is things like
keywords desnsity (number of times your keywords appear in your site
content), meta tags and title. Off-site optimisation is things which
are 'not on your site' but do influence your search engine rankings, in
fact more than the on-site part. Getting incoming links is the biggest
off-site optimisation tool. There is evidence that links from a site of
similar content to yours give more of a benefit to your site.
Thousands of active members
As we mentioned above, building incoming links is one of 'the' most
important SEO methods you have at your disposal. At Link2Me we have
thousands of website owners signed up specifically because they are
looking to complete link exchanges. If members are inactive for a
period of time, their sites are automatically hidden from the directory
so that only 'active' and 'responsive' sites are listed. This should
guarantee a good response rate to your requests.
Hiding your site from the directory
In 'My websites' there is a button to toggle whether your site is
visible in our directory. When your site is not visible other users
cannot add your site to their cart to cannot send you link requests.
You can however still send outgoing requests.
How does Link2Me make sure the directory of sites is 'active
users only'?
If users do not login for a period of time their site is automatically
hidden from the directory. They can re-enable it if they do login again
in the future in 'my websites'.
Site approval by Link2Me
No - Pornographic, nudity, Swear words / Politically incorrect /
Offensive / Content lacking / built purely for adsense or advertising -
completely at our discression.
Yes - Quality Content / easy navigation to linkpages
Manual Assesment (48hrs)
All sites are manually assessed to make sure they are acceptable. This
usually occures within 48 hours.
What is a linkpage?
An example of a website is: http://www.example.com
An example of a linkpage is : links/index.html (only the part following
your registered domain)
Together they make the url to the page where you will place links.
In this example the page would be:
Your linkpage cannot be on a different domain to your registered
website because other users will expect an incoming link from the
website they requested an exchange with.
Where will incoming links point to?
Incoming links will point to the url you registered as your website.
I don't have a page just for links
If you don't have a page specifically for links, such as a blog, you
can still use link2me. Your registered domain is automatically added as
a linkpage so you can add links to this. On the signup pagejust just
enter anything for the linkpage as you can always delete it from 'my
websites' later.
Basic 'Good Webmaster' guidelines
1. All linkpages should be directly accessible from your homepage so
that search engines can find the page.
2. Keep the amount of links per page to no more than 50 otherwise
search engines may penalise you for being a link farm.
3. Links should be placed on static pages, meaning the one that in
agreed in Link2Me.
If your links are stored in a database they should still be output on
the same page e.g. links/page10 not matter how many links you add.
Adding / editing / deleting website details
What is a linkpage?
This is a page where you will place links pointing to other sites. You
can place links anywhere on your site, even the homepage.
All linkpages must be navigable from your website so that it is
possible for visitors and search engines to browse the links.
How to add linkpages
Login to Link2Me and go to 'My Websites' from the menu on the left.
Here you will see the list of sites you have added. Click on the 'Edit
website and Linkpages' button below the website. You can then add and
remove linkpages for this site at the bottom. If your website is
www.mysite.com and your links are on www.mysite.com/links/page3.html
then you would enter 'links/page3.html' as your linkpage. All linkpages
must be on the domain you have registered. This is so that other users
get a reciprocal link from the site they are exchanging with. You can
also set the default linkpage for this site so that it is automatically
selected throughout our site whenever requested.
How to edit your sites
Login to Link2Me and go to 'My Websites' from the menu on the left.
Here you will see the list of sites you have added. Click on the 'Edit
website and Linkpages' button below the website. You are then presented
with your site details to edit. Press the 'Save' button to save any
changes you make.
How to add a new site
Login to Link2Me and go to 'My Websites' from the menu on the left.
Here you will see the list of sites you have added. At the top you will
see a link 'Add new website' where you can submit new websites for
approval to our directory.
How to remove your site
Login to Link2Me and go to 'My Websites' from the menu on the left.
Here you will see the list of sites you have added. Below each webste
there is a 'Delete Website' button. This will remove your site from our
directory, and all current link negotiations will be cancelled. There
is a confirmation screen just in case you press the button by accident.
How to request an exchange
Once you have logged in, click the 'Link Search' link from the menu on
the left. You can then browse our directory of sites either by using
the categories, or by using the keyword search box. When you find a
site you would like to exchange links with, click on the blue 'Add to
Cart' button. If this is not there it may be that your website is not
approved for linking yet. Once it is approved then the buttons will
appear. You can add as many site to your cart as you like. Once you
have finished looking for sites, click the Orange checkout button at
the top right, or the Cart link from the left menu to see the items in
your cart.
If I reject a link request, can they request it again?
We keep a record of all activity. When you browse our directory,
instead of the blue 'add to cart' button you may see 'Exchanged' or
'Rejected'. In both these cases it is not possible to add the site to
your cart so it is impossible to re-request an exchange once rejected
or exchanged. You may however have exchanged links with the site
outside of Link2Me.
Also, rejeecting an exchange with one of your sites does not prevent an
exchange with other sites you own.
Exchange types: Simple and Approval Process
Now you have to decide which type of negotiation you would like to use.
You have a choice of 'Simple' and 'Linkpage Approval'. Simple means
that you and the other participant can choose the linkpage where the
link is placed when you add the link. 'Linkpage Approval' means you get
to approve the linkpage on which your link is placed on the other
user's website. This is important because any Google PR benefit you
site derives from an inbound link comes from the 'page' on which the
link is present, not the PR of the website's homepage. You are given
the PR of the linkpage so that you can make an informed choice whether
to accept your link being placed on the suggested page. If you select
'Approval Process' when checking out, you need to specify which
linkpage you are going to place the other user's link on so that they
can approve/disapprove it. If they approve it they have to send back
the linkpage from their site where they are going to place your link.
Again, you can approve or disapprove it. Once you have both approved
each other's linkpages, then you will be presented with an 'Add Link'
job in 'Link Status' which will provide you with the HTML code to add
you your site.
Google and Alexa information
Google PR
Whilst browsing our directory you can see the Google PR of sites. Also,
during the linkpage negotiation process, the Google PR of the suggested
linkpage is provided so you know that your link will be placed on a
page with that PR irrespective of the PR of the site's homepage.
Alexa Ranking
You are provided with a link to the Alexa website to view traffic
details for each website. Alexa is a traffic guideline. Alexa has a
toolbar which thousands of people have installed on their desktops. It
uses data from the behaviour of those users to give websites that they
visit a ranking. The lower the ranking the better.
What is 'Link Status'? - Tracking exchange negotiation
This is the first screen you see when you login to Link2Me, or you can
access it via the menu on the left. Here you will see the status of
each negotiation with other website owners. There is a drop down box at
the top to change between viewing jobs where it is waiting for you to
do something, and jobs waiting for the other webmaster to do something.
Jobs include approving the page on which your link will be placed on
the other website's linkpage (Linkpage Approval), adding links (Add
Link) and so on.
How long do people get to respond to requests?
For every step in a negotiation, be it the initial request, and
agreement to link, a linkpage approval and so on, a timer is set. If at
any point a response from the other party is not received, the
negotiation is automatically cancelled. This means you don't have to
keep manually removing negotiations if both parties do not co-operate.
The exception to this is once one user has added a link. In this case
the job will stay in the list to reming you to remove the link and
cancel the job.
How do I update my site's Google PR?
Go to 'My Websites' where you can see all your sites. For approved
sites there is a button below the site which says 'Update PR'. Click
this button to update the PR for the site homepage and all the site's
Link Verification troubleshooting
When we check for links which you have placed on your pages, our spider
goes to your website and reads the HTML. We are quite strict regarding
the HREF and link text when verifying links are present to make sure
that the search engines are able to read your links and so that
everyone gets the benefits of keywords in the link text.
HREF and link text
For a link to be most effective, it is best to have your site keywords
in links to your site. Your site title is also used as the link text
for incoming links. To ensure that your keywords do get added to the
other webmasters site we check that the link text matches what was
supplied as well as the website URL otherwise known as the HREF.
Remember the 'www.example.com' and 'example.com' are seen as different
sites by most search engines and Google will give them different PRs
depending on how many links are pointing to each one of those examples.
For this reason we check the HREF exacly matches the HREF supplied by
the other webmaster. We don not check the description because it has no
SEO bearing.
HTML code incorrect - The </A> is missing on a link above
the one you are adding
All links should be coded starting with a <A and ending with a
</A>. If the </A> is not added, the link
will still show ok
in most forgiving browsers, but we like search engines take a stricter
view and carry on reading until we find the next </A>.
All this
text will appear to be the link text for that link. You can see this
when a verification fails as all the text for your site will appear to
be on one link where the code is incorrect.
Odd Characters in the supplied link text
We have recently resricted the characters that people can use in their
site title (link text) so that copying and pasting means we can still
read it from other websites when we verify links. However, sites added
before this update may have some odd characters. If this is the case,
contact us and we will get it changed so you can add the link again
with different link text.
Redirect links - Not supported
This is an HREF link like 'http://www.example.com/?link=10'. When
clicked, this pulls the actual HREF (the one we supplied) from a
database. It is usually used so that webmasters can count their
outgoing clicks. This is not supported because it provides no PR
benefit to the 'linked to' site, and the page
'http://www.example.com/?link=10' will only ever have one incoming link
and so have no PR. Only the exact HREF supplied will be verified.
Frames - Not supported
When negotiating, we show you the PR of the linkpage. We do not support
frames because the Google PR you see for that linkpage will not be the
actual PR of the frame part source. This would be misleading. Also, the
link might actually be on a different domain (frame source) to where
the frameset is and so the incoming link may not even be coming from
the domain you think you are exchanging with. You can see if the page
is using frames by looking for the word 'frameset' or 'iframe' when
viewing the source of the page (View / Source in Internet Explorer)
XHTML - Not Supported
Currently we do not support pages written in XML / XHTML. We are
planning to support this at some point in the future.
Flash Links - Not Supported
Flash links are not supported because not all search engines can read
them. This is the same for javascript links. We recommend setting up a
normal HTML page for your links with a link to this from your flash
page. We are planning to support this at some point in the future.
Image Links - Not Supported
These are not supported because they are not as good as text links
where you can use keywords.
Why is my site not visible in the directory?
This could either be because it has been set to 'invisible' in 'my
websites' by yourself or because you have not logged in for an extended
period of time. It could also be because your site is waiting to be
approved for inclusion. Or finally it could be because you haven't
joined in which case click the Signup link on the left and join for
How do I update the picture of my site in the directory?
We us a company called thumbshots to supply the small snapshots of
websites. If the image is old or incorrect you can go to
http://www.thumbshots.com/manage/updatethumbshot.aspx to request an
update of the picture.
Do you support any payment method other than PayPal?
At the current time the only payment method supported is PayPal. We are
investigating other methods and this FAQ will be updated with other
options when they become available.
I am having trouble logging in
Our authentication system uses Javascript and Cookies to enable
successful login.
Make sure these are enabled in your browser.
Is Link2Me really free?
Yes Link2Me is free for all incoming requests, and free for up to five
outgoing requests per day. However, if you upgrade your site to
advanced which only costs $29.95 per year you will also get more
features such as contact details for partners, link management and
re-verification and more.
Why can't I see the blue 'Add to Cart' button?
This will be for one of two reasons. Either you are not logged in, or
your currently selected site is not yet approved.
Updating Personal Details
How to change your email address
From the menu on the left choose 'My Details'. Here you can change your
email address and name.
How to change your password
From the menu on the left choose 'My Password'. Enter your current
password and you new password and click the button.
How to change your Challenge and Response and what is it for?
From the menu on the left choose 'My Details'. Here you can change your
challenge and response questions. These are used if you forget your
password - the challenge question will be sent to your email address.
Keep the Link2Me page open and switch to your email to read the
question then switch back to Link2Me and enter your response. If you
get it right a new password will be sent to your email address.
Advanced site upgrade
Using Link2Me is free for incoming request and up to five outgoing per
day. For the annual fee of $29.95 per website you get unlimited
outgoing requests and all the items below.
Inititate Unlimited Requests
Advanced sites can initiate unlimited requests. As a free member you
are limited to sending five requests per day per site.
Priority Listing
Advanced sites are displayed before other sites when browsing the
directory, or searching with keywords.
This means you are more likely to receive link requests and get more
visitors to your site.
Contact Details
As a full member, you will have access to the names and email addresses
of people who you have exchanged links with so that you can contact
them easily if you need to. Also, on the 'link status' screen, if
either side 'approves' the other's linkpage, then the email addresses
are shown for that negotiation. Email addresses will not be shown for
initial requests, only when negotiation has commenced to ensure
everyone's privacy is maintained.
Link Management
So you have negotiated tons of links? Unfortunately there are a lot of
unscrupulous people on the internet who will link to you only to remove
the link a few weeks later and hope you forget to check up on them.
This gives them a 1-way link from your site to theirs and means that
your link may be actually harming your search engine positioning.
This upgrade gives you the ability to schedule a full verification of
all links you have negotiated using Link2Me. You also have the ability
to verify individual links.
In the unfortunate situation that you delete part of your website, this
screen also provides you with the original link code for completed
exchanges so that you can add your negotiated links back to your
Have you reorganised your site and the link pages have changed? To
other people who you have exchanged links with they may think you have
removed their link. You can use the email address to contact them and
tell them where the new link is located. Then in the link management
screen they can update the linkpage location and re-verify the link.
Category Permissions
Depending on the type of website you have, you may not want to receive
link requests from sites which are unrelated to yours. You may be more
interested in 'quality' than 'quantity'. This is very wise thinking
because search engines give a lot of weighting to the theme of a site
which is linking to yours when calculating how much positioning benefit
you receive.
This upgrade gives you the ability to choose who can request a link
exchange with your website.
For 'Advanced' stites you can select the categories which you are
interested in. From that point on, if a website is located in a
category which you have not ticked, they will not see your site in the
Link2Me directory and will be unable to add your site to their cart.
Email Management
If you log into Link2Me regularly you may not want to receive the
emails for every step of the exchange negotiation.
This upgrade gives you the option to select when to receive emails
throughout the exchange process.
Pagerank and linkpages - a common misconception
So you have a link from a PR7 site - excellent! Or is it..... PR stands
for PageRank, not Popularity Ranking. PageRank, as the name suggests
works on a page by page basis, not a site basis. So a site's main page,
usually the domain name such as http://www.example.com may be a PR7,
but the page where your link is placed is very unlikely to be PR 7.
This is a very common misconception. This is very important because one
inbound link from a PR5 page is worth a lot lot more than 100 inbound
PR1 page links. So in summary, a link from a PR7 'site' could only mean
a PR0 to you.....
For this very reason and to make everything transparent to you,
Link2me.com shows you the actual PR of the page where your link is
proposed to be placed. PR however, is not the only reason to base
whether to accept or reject a request. The reputation of the site, and
through traffic are also very important factors. This is why Link2Me
shows you the Alexa traffic for a site so you can see if you would be
likely to get through traffic. Alexa work out traffic rankings based on
the users with their toolbar installed. The lower the rank the better.
It should only be used as a guide however as it is possible to affect
the rankings using dubious software.
When you browse our directory, the PR shown is for the top level for
the particular site, be it http://www.example.com or
http://www.example.com/mysite. When you request an 'approval process'
link exchange with them, both sides must agree on the other's proposed
linkpage. When you add your linkpages in 'My Websites' for each of your
sites, you are shown the actual PR of that page. Don't be suprised if
your linkpage PR is 0. This is because the places people generally
place links is on a 'links' page, which is purely there to display
outbound links. PR is distributed among pages in the internet by
looking at the incoming and outgoing links to a page. A 'links' page
will have lots of outgoing links and very very few incoming links, so
the PR will be very low unless the main page has a high PR and this is
linked to the links page. If not many pages link to this page it can't
be very important - this is generally how Google sees the internet
using it's PR algorithm.
Should I add a link to Link2Me.com on my websites?
Adding a link to us is not required. However, the more sites that know
about us, the bigger and better the selection of websites you have to
choose from. So, no you don't have to, but it is in everyone's interest
to do so. Adding our link or not adding our link has no affect on your
account whatsoever.
Do I have to link to people who request a link?
No, you can reject incoming requests by selecting reject from the drop
down button for that job in link status.
I have lots of websites - Can I manage them all with one
Yes, your Link2Me.com account is enabled for use with multiple
websites. There is no limit to the amount of sites you can manage.
How do I cancel my Link2Me.com account?
Go to 'My Websites' and delete them all. This will leave your account
active should you wish to return in the future. It will also remove
your websites from our directory and you will receive no more link
exchange emails. If you have an 'Advanced' site you will also need to
visit the PayPal website to cancel the active subscription.
Link Retention - What does this measure?
Link Retention is a measure of how many links are still present on the
linkpage they were originally placed on when the link exchange was
completed. In the background we do a daily scan of all links exchanged
in the last 3 months, and from this we derive a percentage showing how
many exchanged links are still present.
A LOW percentage suggests unfair practice.
You should not expect sites to have a 100% figure here because the site
owner may have removed links because the other user removed theirs.
What you should look for is a LOW percentage which would indicate that
the site owner is completing exchanges and then removing links in order
to gain one way links - unfortunately there are people who will do this
and this is a useful measure you can use to spot the users who are
attempting to abuse the system. Use your judgement - we would suggest
that below 80% might be worth avoiding. Also take a look at their
'Exchanged' count and compare it to their site, does it look suspicious?
Reciprocation Failure - What does this measure?
Reciprocation Failure is the count of outstanding exchanges where the
other site has added a link to them, but they have not placed a link
back to the other site within 14 days. Considering vacation and
possible technical issues we consider 14 days is a fair amount of time
to reciprocate.
Any value above ZERO suggests unfair practice.
The higher the figure is, the more likely this practice is intentional.
Remember, the vast majority of our users play fair, but the more
information we can provide to help you avoid the tricksters the better.
And last of all.... Happy linking!
[5] Link Machine
Achieve Top Ranks In Search Engines With LinkMachine
The key to success for a web site is good search engine ranking. All of
the major search engines use link popularity to determine how well a
site will rank - so the more high quality, relevant links that lead to
your site, the higher it will rank. LinkMachine makes it easy to get
the links you need by helping you establish hundreds of quality,
relevant link exchanges.
LinkMachine will help you:
# Climb to the top of the search engines
# Gain quality links to your site today
# Automate your link management
# Uncover exactly how to beat your top competitors
# Attract thousands more targeted visitors to your site
The Complete Reciprocal Link Exchange Solution
The most effective way to interest webmasters in linking to your site
is by offering to exchange reciprocal links. This is a win-win
situation - both of your web sites benefit from new targeted, relevant
Features LinkMachine helps you build as large a reciprocal link program
as you'd like. Search engines see all of the new links pointing from
other quality, relevant sites to your site, and increase your rank.
Note that this is very different from using indiscriminate "link
farms", which will give you no advantage with the search engines.
Google recently revealed the secrets of its search ranking technology
by filing a patent application. What we found out is that Google values
organic link building - link building that progresses naturally rather
than appearing artificial. LinkMachine is the ideal tool for building
link exchanges the way Google likes them. LinkMachine's InstantLinks
system and link search tools allow you to grow your link exchanges
gradually and gain links from many different sites. And with
LinkMachine's Alternate Profiles feature, you can easily benefit from
having the links to your site use a diverse variety of anchor text.
Install LinkMachine Now Free!
LinkMachine Does It All
Building your site's link popularity doesn't have to mean tedious hours
spent gathering links, writing e-mails, and checking that sites you
link to still link back. LinkMachine automates every step of the link
management process.
* New links come to you!
Your site's visitors can submit new links through LinkMachine's
submission form. LinkMachine can inspect each link that's submitted and
only accept the ones that meet your requirements - filter out links
with inappropriate content, links with low PageRank, and much more.
Plus, as soon as you start using LinkMachine, you can invite other
LinkMachine users to exchange links. In fact, many of them may take the
first step and invite you! With a single click you can accept an
invitation and build a new link exchange instantly. Exchanging quality,
relevant links couldn't be easier.
To find even more potential link partners, you can search by keyword
for related sites and send out link exchange invitation e-mails based
on customized e-mail templates. You can even find out what sites are
linking to your competitors and invite them to exchange links with your
site as well!
* Make sure sites continue linking to you - without wasting time.
LinkMachine will regularly check each link to your site to make sure
that it hasn't been taken down. If a link is found missing, LinkMachine
can search the rest of that site for the link, in case it's just been
moved to another page. And if the link is nowhere to be found,
LinkMachine can automatically send e-mail notices to the site's
webmaster, and finally remove the link. Your link exchanges can be
maintained effortlessly!
* Fully customizable
LinkMachine gives you complete control over the look and feel of your
link directory. Easily customize your link pages to match the rest of
your site, and choose from a variety of different directory layout
* As much control as you want
With LinkMachine it's up to you whether you'd like to manually approve
each link that is submitted, or run your link directory on full
automatic by setting link submission requirements so that LinkMachine
can accept or reject each link exchange automatically.
* Searchable link directory with categories and subcategories
LinkMachine generates a fully searchable link directory with as many
categories and subcategories as you'd like.
* Import your existing link pages
LinkMachine will read your existing link pages and add their links to
its own list of links. And if you're using a link management tool now
that can export your link database as a .csv file, you can import the
links directly into LinkMachine that way.
* No turnaround time
Because LinkMachine is a PHP application that runs from your web site,
it can update your link pages the moment you make a change, or the
moment another site's webmaster chooses to exchange links with you.
This means no need to upload new versions of your link pages. It also
means immediate feedback for webmasters making link exchanges with you.
Install LinkMachine Now Free!
Uncover the Secrets to your Competitor's Success
Have you ever wondered how the websites that rank higher than your site
in the search engines got there?
Hire an expert in search engine optimization (SEO) to do the research
for you, and he'll look at each factor that contributes to a page's
search ranking: keyword density, meta tags, page title; quality,
quantity, and anchor text of incoming links, and more. After a lot of
number crunching (and a big bill), they'll be able to tell you what you
need to do differently to match the successful strategies used by your
With LinkMachine's SEO Wizard, you don't need an expert to dig through
all that information and put together a list of simple steps for
improving your site's ranking. SEO Wizard does it all for you.
Just enter the URL of the page you want to optimize and the search
phrase that you're optimizing for, and SEO Wizard does all the
research. It can examine tens of thousands of web sites, looking at all
the same information that the search engines use to determine how your
site will rank. By comparing the results for your site with those for
your more successful competitors, SEO Wizard produces a simple
step-by-step guide for increasing the search rankings of your own site.
Track Your Progress
We've all done it — plodded through dozens of pages of Google
search results, looking for the link to our site.
It's crucial to keep track of each site's search rankings, to find out
what difference our optimizations make to the rankings, and what
difference the rankings make to the site's traffic numbers. But
trudging through those search results regularly takes time that's
better spent improving your site and building links.
Let LinkMachine's Rank Tracker take over this job for you. RankTracker
can track the search rankings of any page for any search phrase, and
show you a graph of the changes in ranking over time. Set up Rank
Tracker to check on each ranking at regular intervals - once a week,
even once a day to monitor every fluctuation. Rank Tracker will not
only track search rankings in Google and all the other top search
engines, it will also track the number of incoming links to your pages,
the PageRank and Alexa rank of your site, and more. Don't waste your
time pouring through search results to track your progress - let Rank
Tracker do it for you.
Demystify Incoming Links
Links leading to your site form other sites – incoming links
– are the single most important factor affecting how well
site ranks in the search engines. It's important to know how many
incoming links your site has, how they break down by PageRank, and what
anchor text is used in these links.
It can take days to put together all of this information yourself. But
LinkMachine's Link Analyzer can do it in minutes. Link Analyzer will
examine every incoming link to your site and show you a breakdown of
all your links by site, PageRank, and anchor text. Find out what
keywords are neglected and need to be used in more incoming links, and
discover how much diversity there is in the anchor text. (Remember,
Google loves anchor text diversity).
What's more, you can have Link Analyzer give you the same in-depth look
at your competitors' incoming links. Discover what sites link to your
successful competitors - and send out link exchange invitations to
these same sites!
Install LinkMachine Now Free!
Customize LinkMachine to Suit Your Needs
You can build upon the power of the free Basic version of LinkMachine
to suit the needs of your site. The LinkMachine Premium upgrade is
perfect for managing a large, automated link exchange directory.
LinkMachine SEO will give you a step-by-step search engine optimization
guide to ranking higher, and track your site's progress. Here's a
snapshot of how the different versions of LinkMachine compare. For a
complete list of features, click here.
Finds potential
exchange partner sites |
Sends custom
to potential link partners |
link pages |
Checks that
sites still link to you
Spider partner
to find missing links
websites for
contact e-mail address |
Easy to install,
no download required |
Updates to link
go online immediately |
Exchange links
instantly with other users |
SEO Wizard
produces guide to higher rankings |
Rank Tracker
graphs progress in search ranks |
Link Analyzer
researches all incoming links |
Price |
Free |
$89.95 |
$89.95 |
$149.95 |
Install LinkMachine Now Free!
Install LinkMachine For Free, With No Risk
Go ahead and install the full version of LinkMachine (it's not a
crippled demo version). It's yours for free, to use as long as you'd
like. You also receive a 10 day free trial of LinkMachine Premium and
trial versions of the LinkMachine SEO search engine optimization tools.
LinkMachine can be used on up to three different web sites. Additional
web site licenses are $10 per individual site, $50 for a block of 8
site licenses, or $200 for a block of 50. After upgrading LinkMachine,
if you're dissatisfied for any reason, there's a 30 day full money-back
guarantee. You can't go wrong!
[6] Link Crews
is LinkCrews.com anyway?
LinkCrews.com is an Advertising Network. We are a service provider that
strives to provide YOU with the highest quality traffic we possibly
can. How do we do this? With a brand new and unique script, custom hand
coded to meet each and every need of the user. The concept behind
LinkCrews, while it looks quite complicated, is actually quite simple.
Our network is set up to allow anyone to gain quality traffic to their
site; whether you have no money, or lots of money, no time, or lots of
time, this system will be perfect for you.
How it works.
To gain traffic to your site you will need to earn it. Simply by
viewing other members offers in the system, you will gain tokens, which
in turn can be used to gain hits. Tokens are the currency of
LinkCrews.com. You will get more of a grasp of this concept in the
members area. If you have no time to view others websites, you can buy
traffic tokens, or upgrade your membership and gain tokens that way.
Why is LinkCrews so different?
LinkCrews is a step above all of the other Traffic Generation sites
because we allow you to prequalify every visitor to your site, before
they even get there. How this works, is by using specific campaigns for
each of site entered into the network. Now for each campaign we will
allow you to specify a title and short description of what the site is
about. For someone viewing sites in the network, they will see the
title and ad copy, and decide if they'd like to find out more, or just
move on. Thus all of the traffic to your site will be much higher
What this site isn't!
LinkCrews is not an MLM, Matrix, Pyramid, or get rich quick site! We do
not require in ANY WAY for members to recruit or refer other's. If they
choose to do so, we will provide them with extra tools and be thankful,
but it is not a requirement whatsovever. We actually BAN all Paid to
promote, adult content, Popup, Intrusive ads, Hate/Warez sites,
Framebreakers, and Investment AutoSurf sites.
How do the Crews work?
This system has been designed to reward those who are more active. The
more sites you view, people you refer, and credits you buy, the more
tokens and points you will get. Again, tokens are exchanged for
visitors. Points, on the other hand, help you climb the Crew Ladder
into a higher Crew.
Your goal should be to get in the highest Crew you possibly can, for as
long as you can. The higher Crew you are in, the more tokens you will
earn for each site you view. On top of that, if you can make it into
the top 20 Crews, you will get a piece of the weekly Jackpots as well.
The way you get into a Crew is simple. Points. So the more you surf,
the more points you get. The more you refer, the more points you get.
The more tokens you buy, the more points you get. You also get weekly
points for being upgraded. To get into a higher Crew, do more of those
things! In the "Crew Statistics" tab, you will see exactly what Crew
you are in, how many points you have, and how many more points you need
to get into the next Crew.
You will also be able to see:
- How many tokens free members get in that Crew
- How many tokens Titanium members get in that Crew
- How many tokens you will get at the end of the week:
(if you are in Crew #20 or above)
And if you click on "View" you will be shown who else is in that Crew,
how many points they each have, and how many tokens they will each get
at the end of the week.
The amount of tokens in the Jackpot is determined by how many sites are
viewed that week by every member in the Crew Ladder (The Ladder is
every active member of LinkCrews). This number is distributed amoung
the top 20 Crews. Crew #1 getting the most, and Crew #20 getting the
least. That means if there are a lot of sites viewed that week, there
will be a larger Jackpot. Also, the contest ends Saturday at Midnight,
Now you must remember! This system is not static. It is dynamic and in
real time. You can never 'secure' your spot in a crew. One day you
could be in Crew #28, the next, Crew #10. The harder you work at this,
the better your results will be. And trust me, your hard work will pay
off! So make sure you log-in often and keep track of how you are doing!
Here is LinkCrews.com TOS. You
must agree to it before registering!
* LinkCrews.com only collects a user's
email address
and IP. We feel that we need to keep in contact with you, and the
easiest way to do so is through email. LinkCrews.com will never sell
your email or spam you. If you receive spam from us, please report it!
* Users may only have one account, and
may not in
any way try to cheat the system, and prevent other users from having
their sites viewed. You agree by joining not to hack or exploit
LinkCrews.com. By doing so, your account will be deleted and IP banned!
* Websites must be in English and will
be deleted if they have the following:
» Any hint to being an illegal program
» Adult content
» More than one Popup
» Intrusive ads
» Frame Breakers
» Harmful Scripts
» Viruses/Spyware/Adware
» PTP(Paid To Promote)
» Investment AutoSurfs
* If you are a free member, you must log
in or surf
at least once every 60 days. If you do not, your account may be deleted
without notice.
* Spamming your referral link in email
or on other
sites is not allowed. This includes forums, chat rooms and emails. If
caught cheating, your account will be deleted!
* LinkCrews.com is not responsible for
any 3rd party interaction with your website.
* You must be 13 years of age or older.
inkCrews.com is FREE, you have nothing to lose.
100% unique script, handcoded by our staff.
Receive virtually unlimited traffic to your website.
Easily kick-start your website or product launch.
A great new concept, only available at LinkCrews.
All new members are able to earn special points.
Watch your site grow almost instantly.
Get Results based on your level of work.
* Get Your Free Account!
* Gain Crew Status.
* Start earning traffic.
Join Us
Having trouble logging in?
Click Here
" LinkCrews was just what I needed to get quality traffic to my sites.
" -
[7] Cross Link Builder
Did you know
that the number of
links to your website is considered the most important factor in search
engine ranking?
Crosslink builder offers you the chance to help build these links
yourself without having to employ a webmaster for search engine
optimisation (seo).
Read 'The art of search engine promotion' ALSO PAGE RANK FALLS IN 2008
but is now recovering!
Crosslink builder helps you to build cross links between your own
existing website and other websites, all for FREE. The mutual benefits
Web visitors can benefit from being able to find other websites with
related infomation
Web visitors can benefit from being able to find other websites with
related information
Mutual links bring more web traffic to your site
Mutual links bring more web traffic to your site
enhance your google page rank
Relevant and useful crosslinks will enhance your google page rank which
means your website appears higher up in search engine listings. Click
here on page rank and link statistics for the facts
This is achieved by using this website to record your links to other
websites, and then adding a web page to your own website to utilise
these links. You can make contact with other website owners to persuade
them to return a link to your website - they are more likely to agree
if you have already put a link to their website. Crosslink-builder will
help you keep track of contacts made with other website masters. Take
direct control of your weblinks!
Make sure that new links are relevant and appropriate - otherwise
search engines such as google will penalise you for any obviously
'artificial' links. See explanation of page rank by google at
http://www.google.com/technology. Also note that the anchor text used
on the link to the webpage is associated with that webpage and will be
used as an important part of the keyword search process. A paper
co-authored by a founder of google gives some insight into page rank
and anchor text, and although the precise rules that google now uses is
not known, the underlying principles are likely to remain the same.
View paper at http://infolab.stanford.edu/~backrub/google.html
The crosslink-builder website is designed to help you to build web
crosslinks (or hyperlinks) between your own web site and other related
web sites. Doing this will be the most helpful factor in increasing
your page rank and hence help you towards the top of the lists in
search engine listings. There are many other factors that affect search
engine positioning, but the number of inbound links can make a dramatic
You will need to search out other web sites that have something in
common with your own web site, excluding direct competitors of course!
Establishing links with totally unrelated web sites is likely to be
counter productive - the search engines may penalise you instead of
boosting your page ranking.
CROSSLINK-builder can help with this potentially time consuming process
because you can keep a record of web sites you are thinking about
linking out to, and for each of these, keep a track of contacts made
with them (i.e. emails, phone calls etc.). An extra "useful links" web
page can then be created using this data to implement outbound links
from your own web site.
4 step process
Step 1
Register your own web site (for free) and find out your pagerank and
number of existing links. On the registration web page, you will be
asked for your web site address, email address, password (twice for
confirmation). Your email address and password will be required for
logging in on later occasions, and your email address will be used for
messages from crosslink builder advising you of your current google
pagerank and reported links, plus other messages.
Optional items that can be filled in on the registration web page are
name, postal address, telephone number, mobile telephone number and
description of your web site. The optional contact details give
crosslink builder more ways to contact you if necessary. If description
of your web site is filled in, then an entry will be placed in the
public directory on the crosslink web site advertising you web site,
email address and name only to invite anyone who wishes to exchange we
blinks with you.
Step 2
Once you have completed registration, you will be taken to the control
webpage. This shows a list of websites (if any) that you are thinking
about exchanging links with, plus various options in green boxes.
The fastest way to start adding links is to use the "FASTTRACK". Enter
some keywords to search for similar web sites and click on "FIND
WEBSITES". You will need to wait a bit while the system searches for
these web sites. You then will be given a list of web sites where you
can decide to send emails to some or all of these web sites to invite a
mutual link.
At the bottom of the screen you can enter a specific web site address
that you wish to exchange web crosslinks with the click on button
"build a web crosslink NOW!". This then takes you to a "Create and send
an email" web page. Here you will see an email message filled in for
you ready to send. You can change the email address, name, subject and
text before clicking on "Send email now" to cause the email to be sent
off. After the confirmation screen, you will be taken to the contacts
web page where you will see that this 1 contact (an email) has been
recorded against the web site. Returning to the control page, you will
see the web site listed. Note that the outbound link is set to remain
effective for 30 days, giving sufficient time to get conformation of an
inbound link from the other web site. If this confirmation is received,
then you can click on "update this link" to set the expiry to be
A slower method but with more options is to click on "add a new
outbound link from by web site" in the green box. This takes you to
"Add outbound link" web page. Again you put in the web site you are
thinking of linking to. You have the option of putting in anchor text -
this is the text that will appear in your new "useful sites" web page
on your own web site, which will be clickable and will click through
the the web site. Otherwise the web site itself will be shown as text
and will be clickable (hyperlink). An optional descriptive paragraph
can be entered - the text will appear to the right of the web site
link, and will not itself be clickable. You can select an expiry date
for the outbound link from non-effective, or some days or weeks
duration, or indefinite. Finally you can record the proposed web page
destination of the return link, i.e. where you want the other web site
to link to you. If left blank, it will assume the home page of your web
Show my registered details button will allow you to see your details as
entered on your registration form.
Update my registered details button will allow you to amend your
registration details.
The control page will show one line for each web site you are thinking
about linking with. Each line has some options. Clicking on Update this
link will allow to amend existing link details. You can update the
expiry date for a particular link to a certain date, or 'INDEFINITE' or
'NOT EFFECTIVE'. This expiry date is relevant when you come to create
HTML code later on to put in to your useful links web page containing
you outbound links to the other web sites.
Clicking on Contacts brings you to the contacts web page. This show any
existing contacts recorded, and you record a new contact within the
green box and click on Add new contact. You can also click on "Create
an email" to send out. You can also click on Create and email on the
control page.
You can click on the green up and down arrows to change the order of
the web sites - this will change the order they are shown in the
"useful links" web page which cab be set up in Step 3 below.
Step 3
In the control page, click on Create an extra web page for my own web
site with outbound links to build and extra web page into your own web
site. This takes you to Build your useful links web page. The
instructions on the page show what options you have to build this page,
and gives you the HTML code to do this.
When you generate the links page HTML, the link is included ONLY IF it
has not expired at that stage. You then paste the links into your
actual web page on your web site.
You may have to repeat the re pasting of HTML into your web page to
keep your outbound links up to date, and each time you re paste your
HTML the expiry date is taken into account.
So to delete a link, you set the expiry date of the link to 'NOT
EFFECTIVE', and the you will need to re paste the HTML. If you want to
keep a link for good, set the expiry date to INDEFINITE.
Step 4
Make contact with the related web site owner to persuade them to add a
link from their web site to yours
You can use crosslink builder to generate an email message to send to
your link partner to invite a mutual link, the email is sent and also
stored as a contact that has been made, so you can see the history of
contacts made with each link partner.
All this for free! All we ask
is that you link your website to crosslink-builder.com
[8] Links Room
FREE links exchange service for Webmasters and Website owners
Sign up and start linking today
Welcome to LinksRoom.com
Sign up to our link exchange service and within minutes
you’ll have full access to our link directory.
All applications are human edited shortly after registration so as long
as your domain falls and remains within our quality guidelines you can
continue to access our Free Link Exchange service.
PROMOTION - New users receive one months FREE Unlimited Link Exchange,
just sign-up it's FREE!
Sign Up Today
Everyone's talking about LinksRoom.com
* Personal Star Rating system – learn more
* Manage up to 10 Domains on a single account
* All links verified by our system
* Unlimited Exchange service to add speed
* Automated service saving you valuable time
* Live Help and feedback facility providing support
* Free instant link exchange account available to all
* Active community of link partners
* Sign Up now and enhance your link strategy
Reciprocal Link
Advertising & add-on services
We offer a selection of add-on services to improve your Link Exchange
success rate.
* Log On & Off Banner Advertising
* Priority Directory Listing
* Partner links maximising exposure for your site
With fantastic add-on services and a community of partners waiting to
review your site we provide the complete package
Three simple rules for all members
To maintain quality and maximise your link exchange success rate we
operate 3 simple rules:
1) Log into your account at least every 30 days
2) Respond to all link requests (for all domains)
3) Reciprocate links you have agreed to exchange
Don’t want rules? Then you’re in the
wrong place,
break these and your account will be put forward for suspension
linksroom Directory Home
* Animation
* Antiques
* Architecture
* Accounting
* Aerospace and Defence
* Agriculture and Forestry
* Advertising and Marketing
* Algorithms
* Chats and Forums
* Board Games
* Card Games
* Computer Games
* Addictions
* Aging
* Animal
* Cooking
* Do-It-Yourself
* Domestic Services
Kids and Teens
* Computers
* Entertainment
* Games
* Alternative
* Breaking News
* Current Events
* Astronomy
* Aviation
* Birding
* Ask an Expert
* Biography
* Blog
* Agriculture
* Alternative Science
* Astronomy
* Antiques and Collectibles
* Auctions
* Beauty Products
* Advice
* Crime
* Disabled
* Archery
* Badminton
* Baseball
* Afrikaans
* Arabic
* Armenian
LinksRoom.com Terms & Conditions
1) Description of Service:
LinksRoom.com provide account holders with the facility to
electronically exchange links with other account holders. The baseline
service provided is free of charge (subject to terms and conditions)
and account holders can choose from a variety of paid services designed
to enhance their experience of the site.
2) Registration Obligations:
When registering with LinksRoom.com you must be over 18 years old and
the legal owner (or have written consent from the domain registrar) to
register the URL with LinksRoom.com. You also agree to: (a) provide
true, accurate, current and complete information as prompted by our
sign up process (b) maintain and promptly update the Registration Data
to keep it true, accurate, current and complete. (c) keep the content
of your site safe, legal and fit for consumption by a family audience
If you provide any inaccurate or misleading information LinksRoom.com
reserve the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse any
and all current or future use of the Service (or any portion thereof).
3) Return Link:
When registering with LinksRoom.com we ask you to provide a link back
to test the system is working. You are not obliged to maintain this
link but we would appreciate your support in allowing it to remain in
4) Member account, security & password:
During the sign up process you will be asked for a password, challenge
question and reply. It is your responsibility to protect these details
these details and if forgotten may result in your account being removed
from our system,
5) Member Conduct:
You understand that all information collected remains the sole
responsibility of the person from which such Content originated. This
means that you, and not LinksRoom.com, are entirely responsible for all
Content that you post, email, transmit or otherwise make available via
the Service. LinksRoom.com does not control the Content posted via the
Service and, as such, does not guarantee the accuracy, integrity or
quality of such Content. You understand that by using our Service, you
may be exposed to Content that is offensive, indecent or objectionable.
Under no circumstances will LinksRoom.com be liable in any way for any
Content, including, but not limited to, for any errors or omissions in
any Content, or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result
of the use of any Content posted, emailed, transmitted or otherwise
made available via the Service.
6) Termination, Cancellation & Refunds Policy:
You agree that LinksRoom.com may, under certain circumstances and
without prior notice, terminate your LinksRoom.com account and access
to the Service. Cause for such termination shall include, but not be
limited to, (a) breaches or violations of our Terms &
Conditions or
other incorporated agreements or guidelines, (b) requests by law
enforcement or other government agencies, (c) a request by you
(self-initiated account deletions), (d) discontinuance or material
modification to the Service (or any part thereof), (e) unexpected
technical or security issues or problems, (f) extended periods of
inactivity, (g) you have engaged in fraudulent or illegal activities,
and/or (h) non-payment of any fees owed by you in connection with the
You may cancel your account or subscription/s to our paid services at
any time but all services are non refundable.
7) Personal Star Rating:
To protect against dormant account users (those who accept links then
fail to upload the reciprocal link) LinksRoom.com provide a 'Personal
Star Rating' for all URL's registered within our system. To maintain a
good user rating account holders are required to:
(a) log into their account at least once every 30 days
(b) respond to all requests (even if you decline the link request)
(c) upload and complete any link exchange requests you have accepted
Anyone failing to comply with these rules will see their rating decline
and LinksRoom.com reserve the right to withdraw accounts that breech
these rules.
8) Privacy Policy:
Privacy Statement
LinksRoom.com respects and protects the privacy of everyone that visits
this site. We do not sell, rent, share, or exchange any email addresses
or individual contact information collected. All email communications
are securely managed and controlled by LinksRoom.com
Security Statement
This website takes every precaution to protect our users information.
When users submit information via the website, the information is
protected both online and off-line. We never sell, share or trade any
of our users information.
If you have any questions about the security at our website, you can
send an email to security@linksroom.com
LinksRoom.com Website Disclaimer
(1) Introduction
This disclaimer governs your use of our website; by using our website,
you accept this disclaimer in full. If you disagree with any part of
this disclaimer, you must not use our website.
(2) Intellectual property rights
Unless otherwise stated, we or our licensors own the intellectual
property rights in the website and material on the website. Subject to
the licence below, all these intellectual property rights are reserved.
(3) Licence to use website
You may view, download for caching purposes only, and print pages from
the website for your own personal use, subject to the restrictions
You must not:
(a) republish material from this website (including republication on
another website)
(b) sell, rent or otherwise sub-license material from the website
(c) show any material from the website in public
(d) reproduce, duplicate, copy or otherwise exploit material on our
website for a commercial purpose
(e) edit or otherwise modify any material on the website
(f) redistribute material from this website
(4) Limitations of warranties and liability
Whilst we endeavour to ensure that the information on this website is
correct, we do not warrant its completeness or accuracy; nor do we
commit to ensuring that the website remains available or that the
material on the website is kept up-to-date.
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law we exclude all
representations, warranties and conditions relating to this website and
the use of this website (including, without limitation, any warranties
implied by law of satisfactory quality, fitness for purpose and/or the
use of reasonable care and skill).
Nothing in this disclaimer (or elsewhere on our website) will exclude
or limit our liability for fraud, for death or personal injury caused
by our negligence, or for any other liability which cannot be excluded
or limited under applicable law.
Subject to this, our liability to you in relation to the use of our
website or under or in connection with this disclaimer, whether in
contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise, will be limited as
[(a) to the extent that the website and the information and services on
the website are provided free-of-charge, we will not be liable for any
loss or damage of any nature;]
(b) we will not be liable for any consequential, indirect or special
loss or damage;
(c) we will not be liable for any loss of profit, income, revenue,
anticipated savings, contracts, business, goodwill, reputation, data,
or information.
(5) Variation
We may revise this disclaimer from time-to-time. The revised disclaimer
will apply to the use of our website from the date of the publication
of the revised disclaimer on our website. Please check this page
regularly to ensure you are familiar with the current version.
(6) Entire agreement
This disclaimer, together with our privacy policy, constitutes the
entire agreement between you and us in relation to your use of our
website, and supersedes all previous agreements in respect of your use
of this website.
(7) Law and jurisdiction
This disclaimer will be governed by and construed in accordance with
English law, and any disputes relating to this disclaimer will be
subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and
(8) Our details
The full name of our company is LinksRoom.com
You can contact us by email to support@linksroom.com
Welcome to FreeReciprocalLinkExchange.com
FreeReciprocalLinkExchange.com is a free reciprocal link exchange
service designed to provide you greater search engine placement with
Google, Yahoo and MSN by automatically exchanging links on others
within our exchange.
Our service is very simple:
1) Sign up for a free account.
2) Insert our exchange code into your website
3) Sit back and watch the Amazing Results.
Within days your website will receive an increase to your link
popularity and your search engine ranking will improve.
What is a Reciprocal Link Exchange?
A reciprocal link exchanges is simply exchanging links on two websites
Website ONE places a link to Website TWO
on their homepage
Website TWO places a link to Website ONE
on their homepage
Reciprocal Link Exchange Misconceptions
There are a few problems with traditional Link Exchanges.
1. Reciprocal Link Exchanges takes too long to
reciprocal link exchanges
are very time consuming. First you have to find a website that you want
to exchange with. Second you have to contact them and see if they are
will. If they actually reply to your email and do not just
discount it as spam, then you have to can make the exchange.
FreeReciprocalLinkExchange.com makes it easy. Our exchange
haddles everything for you!
Click Here to Get
Started Now!
2. Reciprocal Link Exchanges are too long to
Once your website is
active on the
exchange all you have to do is monitor your results. If you
like most webmasters, you are probably very busy and do not need one
more task filling up your day.
FreeReciprocalLinkExchange.com makes it easy. Adding and
removing links is automatic!
Click Here to Get
Started Now!
3. Reciprocal Link Exchanges take too much time to
Now that you have
established a list of
websites that are linking to you, you have to check to make sure they
continue to link with you. As your list grows, so does the
it takes to visit every single website and check to see if your link
still exists.
simplifies the process. We constanty verify each incoming and
outgoing link.
Click Here to Get
Started Now!
Having links helps Your Website
on the Search Engines!
The Vote
A link to your website is like a vote. When someone links to you, it
tells the search engine that you are important. In fact, in most cases,
your website’s credibility is mostly based on how many links
have and who is linking to you.
Internet Credibility – Who is Linking to YOU
" Like the real world, the more credibility someone has, the more they
are trusted. "
Example #1:
Joe tells you that ABCXYZ Flower Company sells very high quality
Joe is an honest and very reliable person.
In this example, there is a good chance that you would buy flowers from
ABCXYZ just based on Joe’s recommendation alone.
Internet Popularity – How many are Linking to YOU
" If everyone you talk to, is telling you how good something is, it
must be good. "
Example #2:
Ten random people tell you they have just visited a new restaurant.
Each person HIGHLY recommends the new restaurant.
In this case, credibility doesn't even matter. The simple fact that 10
people said they "HIGHLY recommend it", means that there's a HIGH
chance that they are telling the truth!
Just like the examples shown above, the more quality websites that link
to you, the more credibility your website will receive.
How can someone build more Popularity and Credibility?
Traditionally, you would have to:
#1: Find a website that you want to link to you
Remember, there is no real way for you
to know at
quick glance what sort of "Internet Reputation" each site has without
doing considerable research.
Estimated Time: 1 Hour
#2: Contact their webmaster and ask to trade links to you
Most webmasters get 1000’s of
emails each day,
trading links with you will most likely not be their highest priority.
Estimated Time: 1 Week
#3: Once agreed, add their link to your "Links" Page
Usually, you would place their link on your website first, and then
contact them with your linking information and they would then put your
link on their site.
Estimated Time: 3 Days
#4: Checking to make sure that everyone is still linking to you
that you have all these links, you need to make sure that those who you
are linking to are still linking to you.
Estimated Time: 10min each time
At the end of it all, getting links to your website can be a FULL TIME
How can FreeReciprocalLinkExchange.com help?
We work as your "Link Middle Man". Here’s what you need to do:
#1: Sign up for a FreeReciprocalLinkExchange.com Account
Simply filling out your contact and website information is quick and
Estimated Time: 5 mins
#2: Add our FreeReciprocalLinkExchange.com code to your website.
provide you with all the code, all you have to do is save it to your
Estimated Time: 5 mins
#3: Relax and watch the links start to pour in!
exchange automatically exchange your link with others on the exchange.
This allows the search engines to find your web site easily.
It’s that simple.
Click Here to Get Started
Home Link Exchange Why Links? Link Popularity Overview Register F.A.Q.
All content and functionality copyright freereciprocallinkexchange.com
What is Link Popularity?
Link popularity is simply how many other website are linking to your
Website ONE has 200 other websites
linking to them
Website TWO has 100 other websites
linking to them
Website ONE has a HIGHER Link Popularity
then Website TWO
Link Popularity Misconceptions
There are many myths when it comes to Link Popularity.
* Having many low quality links will
increase my popularity
The number of low
quality links that you
need in order to improve your popularity is staggering.
there's no real way to tell, here's a good scale as an example.
Popularity Rating
Number of Low Links Needed
1 Billion
too much to count
too much to count
too much to count
too much to count
too much to count
too much to count
As you can see from
the above example,
low quality links DO have an effect. However, low quality
should not be the primary force in your linking campaign.
FreeReciprocalLinkExchange.com members have good link popularity.
Click Here to
Improve your Link Popularity
* Links from blacklisted websites can
lower my link popularity
This is simple not
true at all.
There is no way ANY webmaster can prevent someone from linking to
them. If a website were penalized for certain inbound links,
someone could try to destroy a competitors link popularity by linking
to them.
FreeReciprocalLinkExchange.com offers members that are high in quality.
Click Here to
Improve your Link Popularity
* It doesn't matter who I link to
Linking to a
blacklisted website can have very negative effects on your link
FreeReciprocalLinkExchange.com carefully
screens each of it's members and does regular audits of their websites
to ensure the safety and quality of each link.
Click Here to
Improve your Link Popularity
FreeReciprocalLinkExchange.com is a free reciprocal link exchange
service that automatically exchanges links with other members to
increase the Link Popularity and Search Engine Rankings of their web
The goal of our service is to create an exchange where members can
select to receive inbound links from others in the exchange quickly,
easily, and best of all - for FREE!
FreeReciprocalLinkExchange.com works in this way:
1. Add your web site to the exchange.
2. Log into your account and select which category
of web sites you would like to link to
(you may select to
link to all of the web sites in the exchange).
3. Customize the look of your Link Exchange Area
to suit the theme of your website.
4. You will then copy a small amount of PHP, ASP
JavaScript code (depending on what you use on your web site) and into a
new page on your web site.
This web page will
show only exchange web sites from the categories that you've selected.
5. Add a link to the new page on your home page.
6. Your account will then be automatically
7. You are then instantly included in the exchange!
It's that simple. Within minutes, your automatic link exchange will be
active and setup.
If you have any questions, please email
What is FreeReciprocalLinkExchange.com
FreeReciprocalLinkExchange.com is a Free Automatic Reciprocal Link
Exchange that automatically exchanges with links with hundreds or
thousands of other members quickly and easily. Each
FreeReciprocalLinkExchange.com member creates a exchange section on
their web site where the links to their exchange partners will be
located. Members are able to select which sites categories they will
link to and receive from. Those links are automatically exchange with
other websites.
Are there any costs to join FreeReciprocalLinkExchange.com?
No, our basic services are free of charge. To activate your membership,
you simply need to register for an account and add our exchange code to
your web site.
How will registering with FreeReciprocalLinkExchange.com help increase
my web site's search engine ranking and link popularity?
When you become a member of FreeReciprocalLinkExchange.com, you will be
added to the exchange of links. Thousands of our members will advertise
your web site quickly and easily. This essentially gives you the
potential for thousands of inbound links to your site. Most search
engines consider inbound links to be a top factor in determining where
a web site's will rank in the search engines.
How soon after I register with FreeReciprocalLinkExchange.com will I
have incoming links pointing to my site?
Once you register and add your web site, your site will be added to the
exchange. you will then automatically start having websites link to you.
I've activated my site in the FreeReciprocalLinkExchange.com directory
but Google does not show any links to my site, why is this?
Although links to your site are instantly added to our other member web
sites, it can take from 2-8 weeks for search engines such as Google to
re-index these pages and show your link.
Will using FreeReciprocalLinkExchange.com improve my Google Page Rank?
FreeReciprocalLinkExchange.com cannot guarantee that any sites using
our service will see an increased PageRank but Google does use link
popularity as one factor in determining PageRank and
FreeReciprocalLinkExchange.com will certainly increase your link
I've joined other link exchanges, what makes
FreeReciprocalLinkExchange.com different?
FreeReciprocalLinkExchange.com is different because we do not brand our
links for members. This makes our service a legitimate link exchange
service in the view of Google and other search engines.
Other link exchange services that claim to provide hundreds or
thousands of "instant" links will most likely get your web site banned
by search engines. In addition, we also require that any web site in
our exchange be indexed by Google so you can be sure there are no
banned or illegal web sites in the exchange.
Our software allows you to select which categories and web sites you
want to exchange links with while other services require that you
exchange links with all their members. Exchanging links with relevant
web sites is known to have a greater effect in improve search engines
Is FreeReciprocalLinkExchange.com considered a "Link Farm"?
No, FreeReciprocalLinkExchange.com is an exchange which is edited by
humans and which allows members to which category of links to exchange
with. Our directory is comprised of thousands of web sites in over 30
How many web sites can I add to my FreeReciprocalLinkExchange.com
There is no limit, you can add as many web sites as you each site has a
unique domain and content.
I only want to exchange links with certain types of web sites, is this
Yes, our custom software allows you to exchange links with only the web
site categories that you want.
Are there any type of web sites you do not allow?
Yes, we do now allow the web sites containing pornography, racist
information, warez downloads or illegal content. In addition, we do not
allow FFA or Link Farm sites. If you have a questionable web site,
please contact us us and we will review your content.
[10] Link Bandit
What is LinkBandit.com?
LinkBandit.com is a Link Exchange Directory that allows members to
exchange links with hundreds or thousands of other members quickly and
easily. Each LinkBandit.com member creates a directory page on their
web site where the links to their link trade partners will be located.
Members are able to select which sites they will link to and receive
links from and those links are automatically added to the directory
Are there any costs to join LinkBandit.com?
The LinkBandit link exchange service is free for the Basic account
which includes unlimited web sites and cost $20 per month for our
Advanced service (per web site). See our Home Page to see the
differences between plans.
How will registering with LinkBandit.com help increase my web site's
search engine ranking and link popularity?
When you become a member of LinkBandit.com, you will receive a link in
our member directory. Thousands of our members can select to link to
your web site quickly and easily. This essentially gives you the
potential for thousands of inbound links to your site. Most search
engines consider inbound links to be a top factor in determining a web
site's search engine position.
How soon after I register with LinkBandit.com will I have incoming
links pointing to my site?
Once you register and add your web site, you will need to add our link
directory code to your website then you will be able to go through our
directory of web sites and select the member that you want to exchange
links with. Once the other members approve your web site, a link
exchange is automatically created.
I've activated my site in the LinkBandit directory but Google does not
show any links to my site, why is this?
Although links to your site are instantly added to our other member web
sites after they approve you, it can take up to 2-8 weeks for search
engines such as Google to re-index these pages and show your link.
Will using LinkBandit.com improve my Google Page Rank?
LinkBandit.com cannot guarantee that any sites using our service will
see an increased PageRank but Google does use link popularity as one
factor in determining PageRank and LinkBandit.com will certainly
increase your link popularity.
I've joined other link exchanges, what makes LinkBandit.com different?
LinkBandit.com is different because we do not provide "instant" links
for members and we require that members request and approve link
trades. This makes our service a legitimate link exchange service in
the view of Google and other search engines.
Other link exchange services that claim to provide hundreds or
thousands of "instant" links will most likely get your web site banned
by search engines. In addition, we also require that any web site in
our directory be indexed by Google so you can be sure there are no
banned or illegal web sites in the directory.
Our software allows you to select which categories and web sites you
want to exchange links with while other services require that you
exchange links with all their members. Exchanging links with relevant
web sites is known to improve your ranking in search engines.
Is LinkBandit.com considered a "Link Farm"?
No, LinkBandit.com is a member directory which is edited by humans and
which allows members to exchange links with one another by requesting
and approving link trades. Our directory is comprised of thousands of
web sites in over 60 categories. LinkBandit.com members can browse our
directory and select which members they want to exchange links with.
I only want to exchange links with certain types of web sites, is this
Yes, our custom software allows you to exchange links with only the web
sites and categories that you want.
Are there any type of web sites you do not allow?
Yes, we do NOT allow the web sites containing pornography, racist
information, warez downloads or illegal content. In addition, we do not
allow FFA or Link Farm sites. If you have a questionable web site,
please contact us us and we will review your content.
Academic Advertising
Agriculture Art and Hobbies
Auction Services Cars, SUVs and Trucks
Blogs Articles
Business Products Business Services
Classifieds Clothes
Computer Hardware Computer Services
Consulting Credit Card Services
Ecommerce Services Education and Training
Electronics Employment
Entertainment Services Ezines
Reunions and Genealogy Fashion
Retirement and Investments Restaurant
Fun and Games Poker and Gambling
Online Shopping Health and Fitness
Health Care and Medical Home and Garden
Home Products and Services Home-Based
Hotels and Resorts Information and
Internet Marketing Internet Resources
Internet Service Providers Jewelry and
Legal Resources Manufacturing and
Music and Audio News
Internet Dating Online Shopping and Gifts
Outdoor Recreation Self Help
Pets and Animals Photography
Politics Prescription Drugs
Mortgage Resources Religion
Safety and Security SEO Services
Software Sports and Athletics
Telecommunications Travel - International
Travel - US and Canada Web Site Design
Web Hosting Web Marketing
Web Resources Weddings
First determine if our software will
work on your site: Click here for most common requirements
A. Add your web site's information
(after you register for an account)
1. Click
on "Add Site" and select the category that best describes your web site.
2. Add
Title(s) for your site.
This is a VERY important step. The title(s) that you input will be the
actual anchor text that is linked to your site from other Link Exchange
members. Search engines look at the keywords in this anchor text from
web sites that are linking to you to determine what keywords are
relevant for your site in the search results. So use keywords in your
titles that you think people would type in a search engine to find your
site. The most common mistake by webmasters is to simply list the name
of your company or organization in the title. Use rich keywords.
For Example: If
the name of your company in Tim Miller Law Firm. DO NOT use Tim Miller
Law Firm as your title. Examples of 5 great titles would be: Phoenix
legal services, Phoenix divorce attorney, Affordable legal services in
Arizona, DUI attorney in Phoenix and Top law firms in the Phoenix area.
All of these titles are based off of search terms that someone might
type in a search engine that is looking for your website/service.
You may select
up to 5 titles (keyword phrases) for each of your web sites. Our
software will randomly display each of your titles in our directory.
This provides you with an increased exposure for multiple keyword
phrases in the search engines.
3. Enter
your site address. Example http://www.yourdomain.com
4. Enter
your Description(s). In
addition to the keywords in your title, search engines also look for
relevant text around your anchor text. As a result, it is important to
give keyword rich descriptions. Type 3-4 good sentences that describe
your web site and try to use keywords that someone might type in a
search engine to find your web site. Similar to the multiple titles,
multiple descriptions will be randomly displayed in our directory.
5. Select
up to 30 categories for web sites that you would like to exchange links
B. Create a links page on your web site
1. This is
the page that will
display the categories you select in your control panel as well as all
your link exchange partners from the Link Exchange directory. This page
updates automatically and so you will not need to make any changes to
it after it is set up.
2. Go to
"My Sites" and click on "installation code".
3. First
determine whether to use
PHP, ASP or Perl. These are programming languages used on most web
servers. Most Linux servers offer PHP while most windows servers offer
ASP or ASP.net. Contact your web hosting provider to find out which
scripting language is available on your web site. Our service requires
one of these programming languages due to the dynamic nature of the
links page.
4. After
you have determine which
scripting language is supported by your web hosting company, select the
appropriate language from the dropdown menu in item #1.
5. Now you
must create your new
Link Partners Page on your web site. Type the exact URL for this new
web page in step #4. The page can be called anything you like such as
links.php or links.asp (using the appropriate extension for the code
you want to use).
6. Once
you have created this
page, click the "copy code" button in item #2 and paste this code into
your new links page. If you have problems with this step, we are happy
to help. Contact us and provide us with your ftp username and password
and we will create you links page for you. Also note that you can edit
variables in the codes such as: how many columns to display, how many
link partners to display on each page, whether or not to open a new
window when a link is clicked and whether or not to display the search
7. Now the
final step is to create
a link to the Link Partners Page on your homepage. The anchor text for
the link should be "Links", "Link Directory" or "Link Partners". Please
be aware that making this link invisible or using no anchor text is a
violation of our Terms of Service and will result in your site being
banned from the Link Exchange directory.
C. Validate your web site listing
1. Once
you have created your
"Links Partner Page" and pasted a link to this page on your homepage
you are ready to activate your site.
2. Go to
"My Sites" Click on the
link labeled "Validate Links Page". Our software will validate your web
site. It first checks your homepage. Then it checks to make sure that
you have a link on your homepage to your "Link Partners Page". Next it
validates that you have the correct code pasted on your "Link Partners
Page". If everything is set correctly, your web site's status will
change to "Active".
3. Now
that your web site listing
is set to "active" within our directory, you will be able to request
link trades thousands of members. To insure that web sites continue to
link to the Link Exchange directory pages, our software periodically
checks to verify that the link is available on your home page. If for
some reason the link is removed, you will be notified via email.
D. Request and edit link partners
1. Go to
"My Sites" and click on "request/edit link partners".
2. By
default, no other Link
Exchange members will be linking to you. You will need to click on the
"request/edit link partners" button and begin selecting the web sites
you want to exchange links with. Until you begin this process, no other
members will link to your web site.
Select the
categories that you want to exchange links with by selecting either
"approve" or "deny". Next, click on each category that you approved and
browse the web sites within that category. Mark the check boxes next to
each web site that you would like to exchange links with. At the bottom
of the page, click "request link trades" to submit the link requests.
The link requests you make will be displayed in the "link requests"
section of your control panel where they will wait for the link owners
to either "approve" or "decline" the link trade request.
We highly
recommends that you select web sites and categories that are relevant
to your web site since search engines like Google use link relevance as
a way to determine search engine positioning.
E. Upgrade your Site Plan (Optional)
You may upgrade your web site to the
Advanced plan
for a small monthly fee. This upgraded plan allows you to select more
categories and make more link exchange requests.
[11] Link Pods
One Way Link Exchange Community
Get FREE ONE WAY LINKS your website!
Join Linkpods one way link exchange community and enjoy the web's
leading free link exchange service. LinkPods combines a proven linking
architecture with organized one way link exchange marketing campaigns
to put the power of community to work for everyone's benefit.
This one of a kind linking strategy that literally forces search
engines to notice your site and helps rocket your website to the top of
search engine results pages.
Does your Search Engine Rank need a boost?
Using organized community linking, LinkPods creates a virtual link
vortex that squeezes every ounce of value from each relevant linking
partner and directs it to your website.
Building a better Link Exchange
LinkPods is more than one way home page links. It is a community of
webmasters helping webmasters build a stronger search engine presence.
If you are ready for a New Way of thinking and an easier way to better
results, Join Linkpods today. It's Free!
Free One Way Links
Affordable SEO Services
Many have created the illusion that performing their SEO SERVICES or
Search Engine Optimization on your website is a magic bullet that can
catapolt your website the the top of search engine rankings. While
performing SEO on your website can help your rankings, proper OFF Page
SEO Services are often overlooked or not maximized to its fullest.
Leaving your website's ranking potential unused.
What exactly is OFF PAGE SEO?
OFF PAGE SEO is a technical inbound linking strategy. When done
correctly, it creates positive search engine ranking results for set of
relative targeted keywords.
Some Off Page SEO techniques will create links back to your website.
Here is a short list of ways you can get links back to your website.
Reciprocal Link Exchanges - Article Distribution - Directory Listings -
Blog Posts - Forum Participation - Social Networking.
While creating back links in this manner can be beneficial, it is
simply not enough to consistantly boost and maintain first page
rankings on search engine results.
True Search engine optimization is all about consistant results.
Linkpods is the off page seo service specialists. We'll use our time
tested inbound link strategy and affordable SEO services to catapolt
your website the the top of search engine rankings.
Linking Best Practices
Bad Link Partners
Unfortunately, when it comes to link exchanges, people are willing to
be bad neighbors. They are willing to send you email after email,
offering the same link exchanges, 3 way link swaps, and other seemingly
legit link exchange offers.
Read More Bad Link Partnrs
Link Partners
Link With A New Twist
When most people think about building inbounds links to their website,
the feeling of dread quickly becomes overwhelming. The tedious process
of adding other websites to your links page and sending out emails
notifying webmasters you would like to exchange links. UGH
Read More New Link Twist
One Way Links
URL Consistency
Did you know that you can have a wide variety of URLs for each page on
your Website? Did you also know, being inconsistant with these URLs you
can be wasting your time?
Read More Be Consistent with Your URL.
Inbound Links
Inbound Link Anchor Text
When considering inbound links and search engine optimization, the
anchor text you use to link to your website is the most important
For those who do not know, anchor text is the wording you use as your
inbound link Let�s talk about anchor
text and
properly leveraging it to gain maximum benefit for your
site�s search engine optimization.
inbounds links takes hard work and it makes sense to squeeze ever bit
of value out of these one way links.
When determining the text for your inbound links, you want to make sure
to match the keywords used on your targeted page. We will use
Linkpods.com as an example link.
Read More Inbound Link Anchor Text
Link Exchange
Link Exchange Truths
Fact: It is sad, but very true. Ten years marketing on the Internet
taught me this hard, but very important lesson.
Link Exchange Truths
Fact: It is sad, but very true. Ten years marketing on the Internet
taught me this hard, but very important lesson.
Most link exchanges are a waste of time!
Here's Why
Your link gets put on a link exchange page that is not been optimized
for Search Engines.
Too much wasted time weeding through link exchange spammer emails.
The link exchange page has a small or zero PageRank.
Little or no relevance that can be passed down to your site.
The link exchange page is buried or has no links to the link exchange
Too many outbound links.
Dishonest webmasters who will add your link only to pull it down a
month or 2 later.
Over the Top Competitiveness - You verses me mentality.
Find out how Linkpod's eliminates this reality and uses community to
mutually benefit all link partners within the LinkPod Community. Read
more Link Exchange Truths
Get One Way Links!
LinkPods can work for your website!
While I am not going to be specific on the linking strategy itself, I
can tell you the LinkPods concept and success is based on a few simple
guiding principles. You can use this linking strategy to dominate
A simple strategy that pays long term benefits.
Over time, the link vortex grows into free, highly targeted search
engine traffic.
One Way Links to and from to relevant websites.
Each one way link you receive from your participation in this program
will be relevant, guaranteed.
Well placed one way links from a website's homepage.
This scares most inexperienced marketers away. The purpose of placing
one way link on the homepage is for keyword relevance and search engine
ranking. The clicks away from your site will be dwarfed by the
additional free organic search engine traffic you can get using
Honest joint venture links with direct competitors.
FACT: Successful Internet marketers use joint ventures to pump each
others products and websites. They make a ton of cash doing it. If you
want better search engine placement, the choice is simple.
Is LinkPods free?
No payments are required to particpate is this community linking
Are all the links I get one way?
Yes, All are unique one way links.
What exactly does LinkPods do?
We provide link management serves for webmasters. We make sure the
links you get are from relevant websites and ensure all webmasters are
in compliance with the terms and conditions of the program.
Am I required to place outbound links from my website?
Yes, all free community members are required to place up to 7 outbound
links on their homepage.
What link strategy does LinkPods use?
First and foremost, all links are located at the bottom homepage and
are 100% one way. We also use a proven linking structure usually
reserved for massive website networks.
I am concerned I will lose visitors if I put my competitor's links on
my homepage. Why do they have to be on the homepage?
A very small percentage of your visitors will click on your outbound
links and leave your site. Your increased PageRank and search engine
ranking should more than compensate you for a handfull of lost visitors.
What will the links look like?
A simple link of no more than 3 keywords. Link example: One Way Links
Will my inbound links be from relevant websites?
Yes, inbound links will be highly targeted so you get the most out of
your keywords. This increased keyword relevance is key to better search
engine results.
How is my placement determined?
No placement preference is given unless you have your own LinkPod.
You refer to LinkPods as a linking community. Can you please explain
LinkPods is a community driven by webmasters, link exchange firms, and
seo professionals coming together to help each other succeed. We feel
people helping people can accomplish great results.
Does this program require any maintenance?
You may be asked to replace or remove a link. Unfortunately, not all
people play by the rules and will be removed from the program. You may
have a webmaster chose to no longer participate or the website is no
longer active.
More Resources For you........
r http://www.freelinkfarm.com
r http://www.directorylinkexchange.com/linktous.htm
r http://www.linkexchangeseo.com/add-url.php
r http://www.freelinkexchangepro.com/addlink.php
r http://www.ale5.com/submit.php
r http://www.123link.com/12free/index.html
r http://www.backlink-exchanges.com
r http://www.link-exchangers.com/register.aspx
r http://www.iwr.com/free/links1.htm
r http://www.linkexchangeit.com/submit_links
r http://www.linkedwebsites.com/AddAdvert.aspx
More Links 1