Come To Text Ad
Exchanges'(TAE) Section! |
More Links About Free Text Ad : 1 2
previous page you have read everything about Text Ad Exchange
and join 5 of them here I am writing about the TEAs we personally
use.Actually we use
500 + TEAs but right now I am including top 20 and then I want your
feed back about these resources and If you want I will include all of
them here.Let us start from where we left at previous page.
[6] Ultra Text Ad Site
Intro : A very great
looking text ad exchange
site.Offering multiple types of memberships and multiple types of
advertising options.Text Ad Exchanges remain one of the most effective
advertising/marketing resources on the internet. There are alot of
sites out there but very few have all the benefits and advertising
options we have to offer.
Owner :
States :
Member Count: 1229
Promotional Special Offer
(May Have Changed
& New Offer Right Now)
Enter Promo Code ultraman2 in the advertising area
Compare Membership :
Membership |
Membership |
points on joining
-20 points for every ad read
-20 points for every solo ad click
-10 points for every referral
-Post once every 3 day(s)
-$.50 for every paid referral
-Price: FREE
points on joining
-25 points for every ad read
-30 points for every solo ad click
-20 points for every referral
-Post 10 times a day
-$2.00 for every paid referral
-Price: $8.00 Monthly
Sign Up Free, Then Upgrade Inside! |
Features :
-Pro Members, Trade Points For Cash and
Current Rate Is $1.00 For 3000 Points.
** Must Have Been Upgraded For 2 Months In A Row For Points
To Cash Payout.***
-Free Members Can Trade Points for Great Advertising.
-All Members Earn At Ultra Text Ad Site By Referring New Members.
-Payout Will Be Set At $10.00
-Pro Upgrade is $8.00 per Month.
Or There Is A Special Offer. Look For It When You Log In.
-When A Pro Member Joins A Free Member Is Paid $.50
-When A Pro Member Joins A Pro Member Is Paid $2.00
-Free Member Joins A Free Member Is Paid .10
-Free Member Joins A Pro Member Is Paid .30
***** No Giving Any Incentives to Gain Referrals****
-You Earn Points By Referring New Members
-By Clicking And Reading Solo Ads
-By Clicking On Banners and Traffic Links
-You will earn points just when someone you referred logs in to the
-Also All Members: Prize Bonuses where you can win cash and
free advertising.
-Sign-Up Bonus:
20 points
3 solo ads
3 banners/1000 views
3 traffic links/100 views
3 navigation links
2 log in ads/50 views
and Conditions
AGE Limit
You agree that you are the age of 18 or older.
You agree to receive any earned commissions through PayPal Only.
Number of Accounts
You agree to only create 1 account.
24HRS FROM admin@ultratextadsite.com. Please add this email address to
your address book and mark all emails from admin@ultratextadsite.com as
NOT SPAM. This is to ensure all members get other members' Solo Ads as
well as website updates, commissions info etc. Again, these emails may
be for updates, account issues, Ultra Text Ads promotions including but
not limited to Solo Ads from Ultra Text Ads members or anything that
Ultra Text Ads needs to relay to all members. You also agree to receive
up to 3 emails every 7 days from your sponsor from the referral mailer.
Your sponsor will not know your email address.
Ultra Text Ads will send 30 solo ads at most per day and occasionally 3
admin email. Most will be Solo Ads, you will be rewarded with
points when you read them.
Posting Text Ads
# You agree that any ad posts that displays and/or connects with
malware, porn, gambling, warez, or other inappropriate sites will be
DELETED and that your account will be deleted without refund.
# You agree that no ad posts will promote any form of illegal activity.
You agree that all ad posts will be fully compliant with federal and
state laws.
# You agree to no racist or hateful ads.
# You agree to only have links in ad posts that point to other html web
pages. You agree to have no links to e-books, downloads, zip files,
mp3’s etc.
# You agree to only use URLs that do not break frames.
# You agree not to include profanity in your ad posts.
# You agree that any form of misleading readers will not be tolerated.
No Autoresponders or Bounced Emails are allowed
If your email address bounces or sends back Ultra Text Ads a message
with an autoresponder, you risk having your account deleted. Once your
account is deleted you will have to contact UltraTextAdSite to upgrade
you back to Pro if you were a Pro member. You will be required to show
proof of your Upgrade to Pro by supplying your PayPal transaction ID#.
All referrals, points and COMMISSIONS will be lost if your account is
Ultra Text Ads is a promotional marketing tool used to help members
promote all of their offers on the Internet. Ultra Text Ads does not
make any promises written or implied as to the amount of money that can
be made from Ultra Text Ads.
It is your responsibility to make sure your email address for your
PayPal account is correct. Commission payments made to the wrong
account because of an incorrectly entered id is your responsibility.
Should your account at PayPal be locked or restricted for any reason,
that is also your responsibility. Ultra Text Ads will not be held
All policies, rules and regulations are the final decision of Ultra
Text Ads. We reserve the right to modify, add or change any
policies as we deem necessary at any time. All members agree that they
will not hold Ultra Text Ads liable for any items or policies within
this program.
Once you pay for your lifetime membership or buy advertising, if you
would like a refund, simply submit a support ticket stating that you
would like a refund. Your refund will be sent and your account will be
deleted. You will lose any earned commissions and will not be eligible
for payment. By joining and paying for any paid
portion of
Ultra Text Ads, you agree to all the terms and conditions on this page.
Ultra Text Ads has a zero tolerance for spam. Anyone caught spamming
will be deleted from the program and is subject to civil and criminal
prosecution including up to $50,000 in fines. If you are to
include Ultra Text Ads's name or URL in any email promotion, please
only email to your own "double-optin" subscribers. Safelists
also allowed as well as downline mailing programs such as YourLuckyList.
The following are grounds for termination of your account:
To send unsolicited emails to anyone that is not on your own personal
double-optin list. If this does not make sense to
you, then
do not include promotions for Ultra Text Ads in emails.
To falsify user information provided to Ultra Text Ads or to other
users of the service in connection with Ultra Text Ads, or any of it's
other sites.
To use the Ultra Text Ads name and URL via bought commercial bulk email
Ultra Text Ads considers the above practices to constitute abuse of our
service and of the recipients of such unsolicited mailings and/or
postings who often bear the expense. Therefore, these practices are
prohibited by Ultra Text Ads terms and conditions of service. Engaging
in one or more of these practices will result in termination of the
offender's account.
In addition, we have the right, where feasible, to implement technical
mechanisms which block multiple postings as described above before they
are forwarded.
Nothing contained in this policy shall be construed to limit Ultra Text
Ads actions or remedies in any way with respect to any of the foregoing
Ultra Text Ads reserves the right to take any and all additional
actions it may deem appropriate with respect to such activities,
including without limitation taking action to recover the costs and
expenses of identifying offenders and removing them from the program.
In addition, Ultra Text Ads reserves at all times all rights and
remedies available to it with respect to such activities at law or in
We use IP tracking devices. Any user that is found to blatantly violate
this agreement will be banned from the program indefinitely and may be
subject to civil and criminal prosecution.
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. We may also make
changes to these rules, regulations, and policies at any time.
By becoming a Free Member or a Pro Member of Ultra Text Ads, you agree
to all of the above terms and conditions.
Anti-Spam Policy
This Anti-Spam Policy Notice governs the use of the web page at and its
associated services, web pages, domains and sub-domains, which are
owned and operated by UltraTextAdSite ("Owner"). Wherever this Notice
refers to "users" it means "you", while "we" or "our" refer to
UltraTextAdSite and "Web Site" refers to http://ultratextadsite.com.
This sets forth our policy with regard to the use of "Spam" marketing
techniques in connection with Internet Marketing. In the event that we
deem you to be in violation of these policies, we shall immediately
revoke your rights and close any active account.
We have a strict policy against spamming. We forbid the sending of
unsolicited mass Emails or unsolicited Emails of any kind in connection
with the marketing of our programs, products and services.
We reserve the right to terminate your account and participation in our
programs "for cause" if we deem you to be in violation of our
anti-spamming policies. We also reserve the right to suspend your
account and participation pending review upon receipt of any complaint
or other evidence that you may be engaging in any spamming activity.
We consider spamming to be any activity whereby you directly or
indirectly transmit email messages to any email address that has not
solicited such email and does not consent to such transmission. We also
consider spamming to constitute posting advertisements in newsgroups in
violation of the terms of participation in such newsgroup, that are off
topic, or in newsgroups that do not specifically permit advertisements.
We also consider it spamming when advertisements are placed on message
boards or in chat rooms when they are not permitted by the terms of
participation in such message boards and chat rooms.
If you are "spammed" by anyone regarding our products, services, web
site, or any other matters, please report this activity to
UltraTextAdSite by email at admin@ultratextadsite.com.
Privacy Policy
We understand that privacy online is important to users of our Site,
especially when conducting business. This statement governs our privacy
policies with respect to those users of the Site ("Visitors") who visit
without transacting business and Visitors who register to transact
business on the Site and make use of the various services offered by
Ultra Text Ads (collectively, "Services") ("Authorized Customers").
"Personally Identifiable Information" refers to any information that
identifies or can be used to identify, contact, or locate the person to
whom such information pertains, including, but not limited to, name,
address, phone number, fax number, email address, financial profiles,
social security number, and credit card information. Personally
Identifiable Information does not include information that is collected
anonymously (that is, without identification of the individual user) or
demographic information not connected to an identified individual.
What Personally Identifiable Information is collected? We may collect
basic user profile information from all of our Visitors. We collect the
following additional information from our Authorized Customers: the
names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of Authorized
Customers, the nature and size of the business, and the nature and size
of the advertising inventory that the Authorized Customer intends to
purchase or sell.
How does the Site use Personally Identifiable Information? We use
Personally Identifiable Information to customize the Site, to make
appropriate service offerings, and to fulfill buying and selling
requests on the Site. We may email Visitors and Authorized Customers
about research or purchase and selling opportunities on the Site or
information related to the subject matter of the Site. We may also use
Personally Identifiable Information to contact Visitors and Authorized
Customers in response to specific inquiries, or to provide requested
How is Personally Identifiable Information stored? Personally
Identifiable Information collected by Ultra Text Ads is securely stored
and is not accessible to third parties.
What choices are available to Visitors regarding collection, use and
distribution of the information? Visitors and Authorized Customers may
opt out of receiving unsolicited information from or being contacted by
us and/or our vendors and affiliated agencies by responding to emails
as instructed, or by contacting us at admin@ultratextadsite.com
Are Cookies Used on the Site? Cookies are used for a variety of
reasons. We use Cookies to obtain information about the preferences of
our Visitors and the services they select. We also use Cookies for
security purposes to protect our Authorized Customers.
How does Ultra Text Ads use login information? Ultra Text Adsuses login
information, including, but not limited to, IP addresses, ISPs, and
browser types, to analyze trends, administer the Site, track a user's
movement and use, and gather broad demographic information.
How can Visitors correct any inaccuracies in Personally Identifiable
Information? Visitors and Authorized Customers may contact us to update
Personally Identifiable Information about them or to correct any
inaccuracies by emailing us at admin@ultratextadsite.com
Can a Visitor delete or deactivate Personally Identifiable Information
collected by the Site? We provide Visitors and Authorized Customers
with a mechanism to delete/deactivate Personally Identifiable
Information from the Site's database by contacting
admin@ultratextadsite.com. However, because of backups and records of
deletions, it may be impossible to delete a Visitor's entry without
retaining some residual information. An individual who requests to have
Personally Identifiable Information deactivated will have this
information functionally deleted, and we will not sell, transfer, or
use Personally Identifiable Information relating to that individual in
any way moving forward.
What happens if the Privacy Policy Changes? We will let our Visitors
and Authorized Customers know about changes to our privacy policy by
posting such changes on the Site. However, if we are changing our
privacy policy in a manner that might cause disclosure of Personally
Identifiable Information that a Visitor or Authorized Customer has
previously requested not be disclosed, we will contact such Visitor or
Authorized Customer to allow such Visitor or Authorized Customer to
prevent such disclosure.
Links: This web site contains links to other web sites. Please note
that when you click on one of these links, you are moving to another
web site. We encourage you to read the privacy statements of these
linked sites as their privacy policies may differ from ours.
Sign Up using only a gmail or google mail email
All accounts not using gmail or google mail will be deleted.
Having way too many bounced emails.
Right Now
[7] Dragon Adz
Intro : A very great
looking text ad exchange
site.Offering multiple types of memberships and multiple types of
advertising options.Text Ad Exchanges remain one of the most effective
advertising/marketing resources on the internet. There are alot of
sites out there but very few have all the benefits and advertising
options we have to offer.
Owner : James Johnson
States : Member Count: 1799
Promotional Special Offer
(May Have Changed
& New Offer Right Now)
To Get you Started Put This Code
in the
advertising section!!
Membership :
Membership |
Membership |
points on joining
-7 points for every ad read
-15 points for every solo ad click
-Post once every 2 day(s)
-$.30 for every paid referral
-Price: FREE
points on joining
-15 points for every ad read
-25 points for every solo ad click
-30 points for every referral
-Post 10 times a day
-$4.00 for every paid referral
-Price: $6.00 Monthly
Sign Up Free, Then Upgrade Inside! |
Features :
-Pro Members Can Make Alot More than Free Members, But All Members Can
Earn Cash!
-Pro Membership Is Only $6.00 A Month.
-For Your Referrals, you earn cash!!
-For Clicking On Text Ad Links you can earn cash,points or advertising
-Every click on a solo ad, traffic link or a text ad,you will get your
regular points and
extra bonuses of points,free advertising or cash.
-**Pro Members Joins A Free Member Gets .30
-**Pro Members Joins A Pro Member Gets 4.00
-**Free Member Joins A Free Member Gets .10
-**Free Member Joins A Pro Member Gets .50
***** No Giving Any Incentives to Gain Referrals****
**Free Member Also Will Receive 15% Of Advertising Bought By your
-**Pro Member Also Will Receive 30% Of Advertising Bought By
Your Referrals.
-**Pro Members Get Monthly Points.
-**All Members Earn Points, When One Of Your Referrals Logs In!
-**Pro Members Can Trade Points For Cash.But You Must Be Upgraded for 2
months to qualify.
-***All Members can Trade Points For Advertising.
-** Cashout is 15.00
-** Points to Cash is currently 1.00 for 4000 points.So
45,000 points would be a 15.00
cashout.My seem like alot of points to get, but there are alot of ways
to earn points at
-**Points to cash trade was changed because of the amount of super
solos being sent out which
are worth more points per ad.
and Conditions :
AGE Limit
You agree that you are the age of 18 or older.
You agree to receive any earned commissions through PayPal Only.
Number of Accounts
You agree to only create 1 account.
FROM admin@dragonadz.com. Please add this email address to your address
book and mark all emails from admin@dragonadz.com as NOT SPAM. This is
to ensure all members get other members' Solo Ads as well as website
updates, commissions info etc. Again, these emails may be for updates,
account issues, Dragon Adz promotions including but not limited to Solo
Ads from Dragon Adz members or anything that Dragon Adz needs to relay
to all members. You also agree to receive up to 3 emails every 7 days
from your sponsor from the referral mailer. Your sponsor will not know
your email address.
Dragon Adz will send 30 solo ads at most per day and occasionally 3
admin email. Most will be Solo Ads, you will be rewarded with
points when you read them.
Posting Text Ads
# You agree that any ad posts that displays and/or connects with
malware, porn, gambling, warez, or other inappropriate sites will be
DELETED and that your account will be deleted without refund.
# You agree that no ad posts will promote any form of illegal activity.
You agree that all ad posts will be fully compliant with federal and
state laws.
# You agree to no racist or hateful ads.
# You agree to only have links in ad posts that point to other html web
pages. You agree to have no links to e-books, downloads, zip files,
mp3’s etc.
# You agree to only use URLs that do not break frames.
# You agree not to include profanity in your ad posts.
# You agree that any form of misleading readers will not be tolerated.
No Autoresponders or Bounced Emails are allowed
If your email address bounces or sends back Dragon Adz a message with
an autoresponder, you risk having your account deleted. Once your
account is deleted you will have to contact James Johnson to upgrade
you back to Pro if you were a Pro member. You will be required to show
proof of your Upgrade to Pro by supplying your PayPal transaction ID#.
All referrals, points and COMMISSIONS will be lost if your account is
Dragon Adz is a promotional marketing tool used to help members promote
all of their offers on the Internet. Dragon Adz does not make any
promises written or implied as to the amount of money that can be made
from Dragon Adz.
It is your responsibility to make sure your email address for your
PayPal account is correct. Commission payments made to the wrong
account because of an incorrectly entered id is your responsibility.
Should your account at PayPal be locked or restricted for any reason,
that is also your responsibility. Dragon Adz will not be held liable.
All policies, rules and regulations are the final decision of Dragon
Adz. We reserve the right to modify, add or change any
as we deem necessary at any time. All members agree that they will not
hold Dragon Adz liable for any items or policies within this program.
Once you pay for your lifetime membership or buy advertising, if you
would like a refund, simply submit a support ticket stating that you
would like a refund. Your refund will be sent and your account will be
deleted. You will lose any earned commissions and will not be eligible
for payment. By joining and paying for any paid
portion of
Dragon Adz, you agree to all the terms and conditions on this page.
Dragon Adz has a zero tolerance for spam. Anyone caught spamming will
be deleted from the program and is subject to civil and criminal
prosecution including up to $50,000 in fines. If you are to
include Dragon Adz's name or URL in any email promotion, please only
email to your own "double-optin" subscribers. Safelists are
allowed as well as downline mailing programs such as YourLuckyList.
The following are grounds for termination of your account:
To send unsolicited emails to anyone that is not on your own personal
double-optin list. If this does not make sense to
you, then
do not include promotions for Dragon Adz in emails.
To falsify user information provided to Dragon Adz or to other users of
the service in connection with Dragon Adz, or any of it's other sites.
To use the Dragon Adz name and URL via bought commercial bulk email
Dragon Adz considers the above practices to constitute abuse of our
service and of the recipients of such unsolicited mailings and/or
postings who often bear the expense. Therefore, these practices are
prohibited by Dragon Adz terms and conditions of service. Engaging in
one or more of these practices will result in termination of the
offender's account.
In addition, we have the right, where feasible, to implement technical
mechanisms which block multiple postings as described above before they
are forwarded.
Nothing contained in this policy shall be construed to limit Dragon Adz
actions or remedies in any way with respect to any of the foregoing
Dragon Adz reserves the right to take any and all additional actions it
may deem appropriate with respect to such activities, including without
limitation taking action to recover the costs and expenses of
identifying offenders and removing them from the program.
In addition, Dragon Adz reserves at all times all rights and remedies
available to it with respect to such activities at law or in equity.
We use IP tracking devices. Any user that is found to blatantly violate
this agreement will be banned from the program indefinitely and may be
subject to civil and criminal prosecution.
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. We may also make
changes to these rules, regulations, and policies at any time.
By becoming a Free Member or a Pro Member of Dragon Adz, you agree to
all of the above terms and conditions.
Anti-Spam Policy
This Anti-Spam Policy Notice governs the use of the web page at and its
associated services, web pages, domains and sub-domains, which are
owned and operated by James Johnson ("Owner"). Wherever this Notice
refers to "users" it means "you", while "we" or "our" refer to James
Johnson and "Web Site" refers to http://dragonadz.com.
This sets forth our policy with regard to the use of "Spam" marketing
techniques in connection with Internet Marketing. In the event that we
deem you to be in violation of these policies, we shall immediately
revoke your rights and close any active account.
We have a strict policy against spamming. We forbid the sending of
unsolicited mass Emails or unsolicited Emails of any kind in connection
with the marketing of our programs, products and services.
We reserve the right to terminate your account and participation in our
programs "for cause" if we deem you to be in violation of our
anti-spamming policies. We also reserve the right to suspend your
account and participation pending review upon receipt of any complaint
or other evidence that you may be engaging in any spamming activity.
We consider spamming to be any activity whereby you directly or
indirectly transmit email messages to any email address that has not
solicited such email and does not consent to such transmission. We also
consider spamming to constitute posting advertisements in newsgroups in
violation of the terms of participation in such newsgroup, that are off
topic, or in newsgroups that do not specifically permit advertisements.
We also consider it spamming when advertisements are placed on message
boards or in chat rooms when they are not permitted by the terms of
participation in such message boards and chat rooms.
If you are "spammed" by anyone regarding our products, services, web
site, or any other matters, please report this activity to James
Johnson by email at admin@dragonadz.com.
Privacy Policy
We understand that privacy online is important to users of our Site,
especially when conducting business. This statement governs our privacy
policies with respect to those users of the Site ("Visitors") who visit
without transacting business and Visitors who register to transact
business on the Site and make use of the various services offered by
Dragon Adz (collectively, "Services") ("Authorized Customers").
"Personally Identifiable Information" refers to any information that
identifies or can be used to identify, contact, or locate the person to
whom such information pertains, including, but not limited to, name,
address, phone number, fax number, email address, financial profiles,
social security number, and credit card information. Personally
Identifiable Information does not include information that is collected
anonymously (that is, without identification of the individual user) or
demographic information not connected to an identified individual.
What Personally Identifiable Information is collected? We may collect
basic user profile information from all of our Visitors. We collect the
following additional information from our Authorized Customers: the
names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of Authorized
Customers, the nature and size of the business, and the nature and size
of the advertising inventory that the Authorized Customer intends to
purchase or sell.
How does the Site use Personally Identifiable Information? We use
Personally Identifiable Information to customize the Site, to make
appropriate service offerings, and to fulfill buying and selling
requests on the Site. We may email Visitors and Authorized Customers
about research or purchase and selling opportunities on the Site or
information related to the subject matter of the Site. We may also use
Personally Identifiable Information to contact Visitors and Authorized
Customers in response to specific inquiries, or to provide requested
How is Personally Identifiable Information stored? Personally
Identifiable Information collected by Dragon Adz is securely stored and
is not accessible to third parties.
What choices are available to Visitors regarding collection, use and
distribution of the information? Visitors and Authorized Customers may
opt out of receiving unsolicited information from or being contacted by
us and/or our vendors and affiliated agencies by responding to emails
as instructed, or by contacting us at admin@dragonadz.com
Are Cookies Used on the Site? Cookies are used for a variety of
reasons. We use Cookies to obtain information about the preferences of
our Visitors and the services they select. We also use Cookies for
security purposes to protect our Authorized Customers.
How does Dragon Adz use login information? Dragon Adzuses login
information, including, but not limited to, IP addresses, ISPs, and
browser types, to analyze trends, administer the Site, track a user's
movement and use, and gather broad demographic information.
How can Visitors correct any inaccuracies in Personally Identifiable
Information? Visitors and Authorized Customers may contact us to update
Personally Identifiable Information about them or to correct any
inaccuracies by emailing us at admin@dragonadz.com
Can a Visitor delete or deactivate Personally Identifiable Information
collected by the Site? We provide Visitors and Authorized Customers
with a mechanism to delete/deactivate Personally Identifiable
Information from the Site's database by contacting admin@dragonadz.com.
However, because of backups and records of deletions, it may be
impossible to delete a Visitor's entry without retaining some residual
information. An individual who requests to have Personally Identifiable
Information deactivated will have this information functionally
deleted, and we will not sell, transfer, or use Personally Identifiable
Information relating to that individual in any way moving forward.
What happens if the Privacy Policy Changes? We will let our Visitors
and Authorized Customers know about changes to our privacy policy by
posting such changes on the Site. However, if we are changing our
privacy policy in a manner that might cause disclosure of Personally
Identifiable Information that a Visitor or Authorized Customer has
previously requested not be disclosed, we will contact such Visitor or
Authorized Customer to allow such Visitor or Authorized Customer to
prevent such disclosure.
Links: This web site contains links to other web sites. Please note
that when you click on one of these links, you are moving to another
web site. We encourage you to read the privacy statements of these
linked sites as their privacy policies may differ from ours.
Sign Up using only a gmail or google mail email address!! All
accounts not using gmail or google mail will be deleted.
too many
bounced emails.
Right Now
[8] The Cat's Meow
Intro : A very great
looking text ad exchange
site.Offering multiple types of memberships and multiple types of
advertising options.Text Ad Exchanges remain one of the most effective
advertising/marketing resources on the internet. There are alot of
sites out there but very few have all the benefits and advertising
options we have to offer.
Owner :
States : Member Count: 1803
romotional Special Offer
(May Have Changed
& New Offer Right Now)
For New Members use code cat2
For Free Advertising
3 Solo Ads
5 Banners with 1000 Views
3 Traffic Links with 50 views
3 Navigation Links
Compare Membership :
Membership |
Membership |
points on joining
-15 points for every ad read
-40 points for every solo ad click
-Post 3 times every day
-$1.00 for every paid referral
-Price: FREE
points on joining
-25 points for every ad read
-80 points for every solo ad click
-30 points for every referral
-Post 20 times a day
-$4.00 for every paid referral
-Price: $5.50 Monthly
Sign Up Free, Then Upgrade Inside! |
-Free Members and Pro Members Can Earn Cash For Just Referring New
-Pro Members Can Trade Points For Advertising or Cash.$1.00 per 10,000
-Free Members Can Trade Points For Advertising.
-Payout Will Be Set At $10.00
-When a Pro member joins, a Free referrer is paid 1.00
-When a Pro member joins, a Pro referrer is paid 4.00
-When a Free member joins, a Free referrer is paid .25
-When a Free member joins, a Pro referrer is paid .50
Terms and Conditions
AGE Limit
You agree that you are the age of 18 or older.
You agree to receive any earned commissions through PayPal Only.
Number of Accounts
You agree to only create 1 account.
24HRS FROM admin@thecatsmeow.myownmoneymaker.info. Please add this
email address to your address book and mark all emails from
admin@thecatsmeow.myownmoneymaker.info as NOT SPAM. This is to ensure
all members get other members' Solo Ads as well as website updates,
commissions info etc. Again, these emails may be for updates, account
issues, The Cats Meow promotions including but not limited to Solo Ads
from The Cats Meow members or anything that The Cats Meow needs to
relay to all members. You also agree to receive up to 2 emails every 7
days from your sponsor from the referral mailer. Your sponsor will not
know your email address.
The Cats Meow will send 5 solo ads at most per day and occasionally 1
admin email. Most will be Solo Ads, you will be rewarded with
points when you read them.
Posting Text Ads
# You agree that any ad posts that displays and/or connects with
malware, porn, gambling, warez, or other inappropriate sites will be
DELETED and that your account will be deleted without refund.
# You agree that no ad posts will promote any form of illegal activity.
You agree that all ad posts will be fully compliant with federal and
state laws.
# You agree to no racist or hateful ads.
# You agree to only have links in ad posts that point to other html web
pages. You agree to have no links to e-books, downloads, zip files,
mp3’s etc.
# You agree to only use URLs that do not break frames.
# You agree not to include profanity in your ad posts.
# You agree that any form of misleading readers will not be tolerated.
No Autoresponders or Bounced Emails are allowed
If your email address bounces or sends back The Cats Meow a message
with an autoresponder, you risk having your account deleted. Once your
account is deleted you will have to contact My Own Money Maker to
upgrade you back to Pro if you were a Pro member. You will be required
to show proof of your Upgrade to Pro by supplying your PayPal
transaction ID#. All referrals, points and COMMISSIONS will be lost if
your account is deleted.
The Cats Meow is a promotional marketing tool used to help members
promote all of their offers on the Internet. The Cats Meow does not
make any promises written or implied as to the amount of money that can
be made from The Cats Meow.
It is your responsibility to make sure your email address for your
PayPal account is correct. Commission payments made to the wrong
account because of an incorrectly entered id is your responsibility.
Should your account at PayPal be locked or restricted for any reason,
that is also your responsibility. The Cats Meow will not be held liable.
All policies, rules and regulations are the final decision of The Cats
Meow. We reserve the right to modify, add or change any
as we deem necessary at any time. All members agree that they will not
hold The Cats Meow liable for any items or policies within this program.
Once you pay for your lifetime membership or buy advertising, if you
would like a refund, simply submit a support ticket stating that you
would like a refund. Your refund will be sent and your account will be
deleted. You will lose any earned commissions and will not be eligible
for payment. By joining and paying for any paid
portion of
The Cats Meow, you agree to all the terms and conditions on this page.
The Cats Meow has a zero tolerance for spam. Anyone caught spamming
will be deleted from the program and is subject to civil and criminal
prosecution including up to $50,000 in fines. If you are to
include The Cats Meow's name or URL in any email promotion, please only
email to your own "double-optin" subscribers. Safelists are
allowed as well as downline mailing programs such as YourLuckyList.
The following are grounds for termination of your account:
To send unsolicited emails to anyone that is not on your own personal
double-optin list. If this does not make sense to
you, then
do not include promotions for The Cats Meow in emails.
To falsify user information provided to The Cats Meow or to other users
of the service in connection with The Cats Meow, or any of it's other
To use the The Cats Meow name and URL via bought commercial bulk email
The Cats Meow considers the above practices to constitute abuse of our
service and of the recipients of such unsolicited mailings and/or
postings who often bear the expense. Therefore, these practices are
prohibited by The Cats Meow terms and conditions of service. Engaging
in one or more of these practices will result in termination of the
offender's account.
In addition, we have the right, where feasible, to implement technical
mechanisms which block multiple postings as described above before they
are forwarded.
Nothing contained in this policy shall be construed to limit The Cats
Meow actions or remedies in any way with respect to any of the
foregoing activities.
The Cats Meow reserves the right to take any and all additional actions
it may deem appropriate with respect to such activities, including
without limitation taking action to recover the costs and expenses of
identifying offenders and removing them from the program.
In addition, The Cats Meow reserves at all times all rights and
remedies available to it with respect to such activities at law or in
We use IP tracking devices. Any user that is found to blatantly violate
this agreement will be banned from the program indefinitely and may be
subject to civil and criminal prosecution.
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. We may also make
changes to these rules, regulations, and policies at any time.
By becoming a Free Member or a Pro Member of The Cats Meow, you agree
to all of the above terms and conditions.
Anti-Spam Policy
This Anti-Spam Policy Notice governs the use of the web page at and its
associated services, web pages, domains and sub-domains, which are
owned and operated by My Own Money Maker ("Owner"). Wherever this
Notice refers to "users" it means "you", while "we" or "our" refer to
My Own Money Maker and "Web Site" refers to
This sets forth our policy with regard to the use of "Spam" marketing
techniques in connection with Internet Marketing. In the event that we
deem you to be in violation of these policies, we shall immediately
revoke your rights and close any active account.
We have a strict policy against spamming. We forbid the sending of
unsolicited mass Emails or unsolicited Emails of any kind in connection
with the marketing of our programs, products and services.
We reserve the right to terminate your account and participation in our
programs "for cause" if we deem you to be in violation of our
anti-spamming policies. We also reserve the right to suspend your
account and participation pending review upon receipt of any complaint
or other evidence that you may be engaging in any spamming activity.
We consider spamming to be any activity whereby you directly or
indirectly transmit email messages to any email address that has not
solicited such email and does not consent to such transmission. We also
consider spamming to constitute posting advertisements in newsgroups in
violation of the terms of participation in such newsgroup, that are off
topic, or in newsgroups that do not specifically permit advertisements.
We also consider it spamming when advertisements are placed on message
boards or in chat rooms when they are not permitted by the terms of
participation in such message boards and chat rooms.
If you are "spammed" by anyone regarding our products, services, web
site, or any other matters, please report this activity to My Own Money
Maker by email at admin@thecatsmeow.myownmoneymaker.info.
Privacy Policy
We understand that privacy online is important to users of our Site,
especially when conducting business. This statement governs our privacy
policies with respect to those users of the Site ("Visitors") who visit
without transacting business and Visitors who register to transact
business on the Site and make use of the various services offered by
The Cats Meow (collectively, "Services") ("Authorized Customers").
"Personally Identifiable Information" refers to any information that
identifies or can be used to identify, contact, or locate the person to
whom such information pertains, including, but not limited to, name,
address, phone number, fax number, email address, financial profiles,
social security number, and credit card information. Personally
Identifiable Information does not include information that is collected
anonymously (that is, without identification of the individual user) or
demographic information not connected to an identified individual.
What Personally Identifiable Information is collected? We may collect
basic user profile information from all of our Visitors. We collect the
following additional information from our Authorized Customers: the
names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of Authorized
Customers, the nature and size of the business, and the nature and size
of the advertising inventory that the Authorized Customer intends to
purchase or sell.
How does the Site use Personally Identifiable Information? We use
Personally Identifiable Information to customize the Site, to make
appropriate service offerings, and to fulfill buying and selling
requests on the Site. We may email Visitors and Authorized Customers
about research or purchase and selling opportunities on the Site or
information related to the subject matter of the Site. We may also use
Personally Identifiable Information to contact Visitors and Authorized
Customers in response to specific inquiries, or to provide requested
How is Personally Identifiable Information stored? Personally
Identifiable Information collected by The Cats Meow is securely stored
and is not accessible to third parties.
What choices are available to Visitors regarding collection, use and
distribution of the information? Visitors and Authorized Customers may
opt out of receiving unsolicited information from or being contacted by
us and/or our vendors and affiliated agencies by responding to emails
as instructed, or by contacting us at
Are Cookies Used on the Site? Cookies are used for a variety of
reasons. We use Cookies to obtain information about the preferences of
our Visitors and the services they select. We also use Cookies for
security purposes to protect our Authorized Customers.
How does The Cats Meow use login information? The Cats Meowuses login
information, including, but not limited to, IP addresses, ISPs, and
browser types, to analyze trends, administer the Site, track a user's
movement and use, and gather broad demographic information.
How can Visitors correct any inaccuracies in Personally Identifiable
Information? Visitors and Authorized Customers may contact us to update
Personally Identifiable Information about them or to correct any
inaccuracies by emailing us at admin@thecatsmeow.myownmoneymaker.info
Can a Visitor delete or deactivate Personally Identifiable Information
collected by the Site? We provide Visitors and Authorized Customers
with a mechanism to delete/deactivate Personally Identifiable
Information from the Site's database by contacting
admin@thecatsmeow.myownmoneymaker.info. However, because of backups and
records of deletions, it may be impossible to delete a Visitor's entry
without retaining some residual information. An individual who requests
to have Personally Identifiable Information deactivated will have this
information functionally deleted, and we will not sell, transfer, or
use Personally Identifiable Information relating to that individual in
any way moving forward.
What happens if the Privacy Policy Changes? We will let our Visitors
and Authorized Customers know about changes to our privacy policy by
posting such changes on the Site. However, if we are changing our
privacy policy in a manner that might cause disclosure of Personally
Identifiable Information that a Visitor or Authorized Customer has
previously requested not be disclosed, we will contact such Visitor or
Authorized Customer to allow such Visitor or Authorized Customer to
prevent such disclosure.
Links: This web site contains links to other web sites. Please note
that when you click on one of these links, you are moving to another
web site. We encourage you to read the privacy statements of these
linked sites as their privacy policies may differ from ours.
Up using only a gmail or google mail email address!!
All accounts not using gmail or google mail will be deleted.
Having way too many bounced emails.
Right Now
[9] Cash Out Adz
: A very great looking text ad exchange
site.Offering multiple types of memberships and multiple types of
advertising options.Text Ad Exchanges remain one of the most effective
advertising/marketing resources on the internet. There are alot of
sites out there but very few have all the benefits and advertising
options we have to offer.You have found the site for free and targeted
traffic!Earn free traffic,residual income and generous commission!All
members get over 40+ promo codes for free advertising to top ad sites!
Owner :
States :
Total Member count: 997
Free Member Count: 836
Pro Member Count: 101
JV Member Count: 60
Promotional Special Offer
(May Have Changed
& New Offer Right Now)
1000 Points
2 Solos
2 Banners w/1000 imp. ea.
2 Traffic Links w/100 views ea.
1 Headline Ad w/100 views
1 Hot Link w/1500 views
Compare Membership :
JV Partner |
a Free Member Joins, You Earn: |
$0.05 |
$0.15 |
$0.25 |
a Pro Member Joins, You Earn: |
$2.00 |
$4.00 |
$7.00 |
a JV Member Joins, You Earn: |
$4.00 |
$7.00 |
$12.00 |
Purchases |
10% |
25% |
50% |
Ads: |
Ads |
a day |
a day |
30x a day |
Ads |
a day |
a day |
30x a day |
Ads: |
5 |
15 |
30 |
Cloakers: |
links |
links |
50 links |
Earnings: |
You Sign Up, You Get: |
500 |
1000 |
5000 |
a Member, You Get Points Monthly: |
0 |
1500 |
7500 |
You Get Referrals, You Get: |
100 |
200 |
1000 |
Your Referrals Log In, You Get: |
50 |
60 |
100 |
Your Referrals Earn Points, Your Percentage is: |
5% |
10% |
25% |
You Read Text Ads, You Get: |
25 |
50 |
100 |
You Click on HTML Ads, You Get: |
50 |
75 |
150 |
You Click on Banners, You Get: |
100 |
200 |
300 |
You Click on Traffic Links, You Get: |
25 |
50 |
100 |
You Click on Button Adz, You Get: |
20 |
40 |
80 |
You Click on HOTLinks, You Get: |
20 |
40 |
80 |
You Read Solo Ads, You Get: |
150 |
300 |
500 |
You Read PTC Ads, You Get: |
$0.0025 |
$0.0050 |
$0.01 |
You Read Headline Ads, You Get: |
100 |
200 |
300 |
Features :
-3 Levels of Memberships!
-Guaranteed Visitors!
-JV's Earn 50% on Your Referrals' Purchases!
-Pro's Earn 25% on Your Referrals' Purchases!
-All Members Earn Active Member Bonus Points! When A Member Your
Referred Logs In, You Get Bonus Points For Referring Active Members!
-Members Can Browse 3 Text Ads At A Time!
-Members Can Post Ads In Text And HTML!
-Copy & Paste HTML Ads To Promote The Site!
-Earn Lots Of Points For Referring New Members!
-Full Stats Available For Your Purchased Advertising.
-Earn FREE Advertising Every Day!
-Surf/Read Rewards!
-Member's HotLinks
-Super Solos
-Headline Ads
-Button Ads
-PTC Ads
-NEW Gold Buck$ Solos! Member earn both Cash AND Points!
Free |
Pro |
JV |
points on joining
-25 points for every ad read
-150 points for every solo ad click
-100 points for every referral
-Post 1 times a day
-Price: FREE
points on joining
-50 points for every ad read
-300 points for every solo ad click
-200 points for every referral
-Post 10 times a day
-Price: $12.00 Lifetime
Sign Up Free, Then Upgrade Inside!
points on joining
-100 points for every ad read
-500 points for every solo ad click
-1000 points for every referral
-Post 30 times a day
-50% of All Referrals Purchases!
-$20.00 Lifetime
Sign Up Free, Then Upgrade Inside! |
Terms and Conditions
AGE Limit
You agree that you are the age of 18 or older.
You agree to receive any earned commissions through PayPal and/or
AlertPay Only. You may earn commissions through referring others and by
earning prizes for reading ads. Commissions wil only be paid out to
ACTIVE members. Being active means you not only read ads, but you also
place ads on a regular basis. Cash Out Adz is not a Pay Per click site,
and will not tolerate "reading ads just for the cash." Before
commissions are paid, accounts are checked for activity that includes
both reading AND posting ads.
Number of Accounts
You agree to only create 1 account.
By joining Cash Out Adz YOU AGREE TO RECEIVE UP TO 12 (plus Super
Solos) EMAILS EVERY 24HRS FROM cashoutadz@gmail.com. Please add this
email address to your address book and mark all emails from
cashoutadz@gmail.com as NOT SPAM. This is to ensure all members get
other members' Solo Ads as well as website updates, commissions info
etc. Again, these emails may be for updates, account issues, Cash Out
Adz promotions including but not limited to Solo Ads from Cash Out Adz
members or anything that Cash Out Adz needs to relay to all members.
You also agree to receive up to 2 emails every 7 days from your sponsor
from the referral mailer. Your sponsor will not know your email address.
Cash Out Adz will send 12 solo ads at most per day and occasionally 1
admin email. Most will be Solo Ads, you will be rewarded with
points when you read them.
Posting Text Ads
# You agree that any ad posts that displays and/or connects with
malware, porn, gambling, warez, or other inappropriate sites will be
DELETED and that your account will be deleted without refund.
# You agree that no ad posts will promote any form of illegal activity.
You agree that all ad posts will be fully compliant with federal and
state laws.
# You agree to no racist or hateful ads.
# You agree to only have links in ad posts that point to other html web
pages. You agree to have no links to e-books, downloads, zip files,
mp3’s etc.
# You agree to only use URLs that do not break frames.
# You agree not to include profanity in your ad posts.
# You agree that any form of misleading readers will not be tolerated.
No Auto Submitters are allowed
Any user caught using an Auto Submitter will be deleted from our
No Autoresponders or Bounced Emails are allowed
If your email address bounces or sends back Cash Out Adz a message with
an autoresponder, you risk having your account deleted. Once your
account is deleted you will have to contact Cash Out Adz to upgrade you
back to Pro if you were a Pro member. You will be required to show
proof of your Upgrade to Pro by supplying your PayPal transaction ID#.
All referrals, points and COMMISSIONS will be lost if your account is
Cash Out Adz is a promotional marketing tool used to help members
promote all of their offers on the Internet. Cash Out Adz does not make
any promises written or implied as to the amount of money that can be
made from Cash Out Adz.
It is your responsibility to make sure your email address for your
PayPal account is correct. Commission payments made to the wrong
account because of an incorrectly entered id is your responsibility.
Should your account at PayPal be locked or restricted for any reason,
that is also your responsibility. Cash Out Adz will not be held liable.
All policies, rules and regulations are the final decision of Cash Out
Adz. We reserve the right to modify, add or change any
as we deem necessary at any time. All members agree that they will not
hold Cash Out Adz liable for any items or policies within this program.
There are no refunds. By joining and paying for any paid portion of
Cash Out Adz, you agree to all the terms and conditions on this page.
Cash Out Adz has a zero tolerance for spam. Anyone caught spamming will
be deleted from the program and is subject to civil and criminal
prosecution including up to $50,000 in fines. If you are to
include Cash Out Adz's name or URL in any email promotion, please only
email to your own "double-optin" subscribers. Safelists are
allowed as well as downline mailing programs such as YourLuckyList.
The following are grounds for termination of your account:
To send unsolicited emails to anyone that is not on your own personal
double-optin list. If this does not make sense to
you, then
do not include promotions for Cash Out Adz in emails.
To falsify user information provided to Cash Out Adz or to other users
of the service in connection with Cash Out Adz, or any of it's other
To use the Cash Out Adz name and URL via bought commercial bulk email
Cash Out Adz considers the above practices to constitute abuse of our
service and of the recipients of such unsolicited mailings and/or
postings who often bear the expense. Therefore, these practices are
prohibited by Cash Out Adz terms and conditions of service. Engaging in
one or more of these practices will result in termination of the
offender's account.
In addition, we have the right, where feasible, to implement technical
mechanisms which block multiple postings as described above before they
are forwarded.
Nothing contained in this policy shall be construed to limit Cash Out
Adz actions or remedies in any way with respect to any of the foregoing
Cash Out Adz reserves the right to take any and all additional actions
it may deem appropriate with respect to such activities, including
without limitation taking action to recover the costs and expenses of
identifying offenders and removing them from the program.
In addition, Cash Out Adz reserves at all times all rights and remedies
available to it with respect to such activities at law or in equity.
We use IP tracking devices. Any user that is found to blatantly violate
this agreement will be banned from the program indefinitely and may be
subject to civil and criminal prosecution.
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. We may also make
changes to these rules, regulations, and policies at any time.
By becoming a Free Member or a Pro Member or JV Member of Cash Out Adz,
you agree to all of the above terms and conditions.
Anti-Spam Policy
This Anti-Spam Policy Notice governs the use of the web page at and its
associated services, web pages, domains and sub-domains, which are
owned and operated by Cash Out Adz ("Owner"). Wherever this Notice
refers to "users" it means "you", while "we" or "our" refer to Cash Out
Adz and "Web Site" refers to http://cashoutadz.com.
This sets forth our policy with regard to the use of "Spam" marketing
techniques in connection with Internet Marketing. In the event that we
deem you to be in violation of these policies, we shall immediately
revoke your rights and close any active account.
We have a strict policy against spamming. We forbid the sending of
unsolicited mass Emails or unsolicited Emails of any kind in connection
with the marketing of our programs, products and services.
We reserve the right to terminate your account and participation in our
programs "for cause" if we deem you to be in violation of our
anti-spamming policies. We also reserve the right to suspend your
account and participation pending review upon receipt of any complaint
or other evidence that you may be engaging in any spamming activity.
We consider spamming to be any activity whereby you directly or
indirectly transmit email messages to any email address that has not
solicited such email and does not consent to such transmission. We also
consider spamming to constitute posting advertisements in newsgroups in
violation of the terms of participation in such newsgroup, that are off
topic, or in newsgroups that do not specifically permit advertisements.
We also consider it spamming when advertisements are placed on message
boards or in chat rooms when they are not permitted by the terms of
participation in such message boards and chat rooms.
If you are "spammed" by anyone regarding our products, services, web
site, or any other matters, please report this activity to Cash Out Adz
by email at cashoutadz@gmail.com.
Privacy Policy
We understand that privacy online is important to users of our Site,
especially when conducting business. This statement governs our privacy
policies with respect to those users of the Site ("Visitors") who visit
without transacting business and Visitors who register to transact
business on the Site and make use of the various services offered by
Cash Out Adz (collectively, "Services") ("Authorized Customers").
"Personally Identifiable Information" refers to any information that
identifies or can be used to identify, contact, or locate the person to
whom such information pertains, including, but not limited to, name,
address, phone number, fax number, email address, financial profiles,
social security number, and credit card information. Personally
Identifiable Information does not include information that is collected
anonymously (that is, without identification of the individual user) or
demographic information not connected to an identified individual.
What Personally Identifiable Information is collected? We may collect
basic user profile information from all of our Visitors. We collect the
following additional information from our Authorized Customers: the
names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of Authorized
Customers, the nature and size of the business, and the nature and size
of the advertising inventory that the Authorized Customer intends to
purchase or sell.
How does the Site use Personally Identifiable Information? We use
Personally Identifiable Information to customize the Site, to make
appropriate service offerings, and to fulfill buying and selling
requests on the Site. We may email Visitors and Authorized Customers
about research or purchase and selling opportunities on the Site or
information related to the subject matter of the Site. We may also use
Personally Identifiable Information to contact Visitors and Authorized
Customers in response to specific inquiries, or to provide requested
How is Personally Identifiable Information stored? Personally
Identifiable Information collected by Cash Out Adz is securely stored
and is not accessible to third parties.
What choices are available to Visitors regarding collection, use and
distribution of the information? Visitors and Authorized Customers may
opt out of receiving unsolicited information from or being contacted by
us and/or our vendors and affiliated agencies by responding to emails
as instructed, or by contacting us at cashoutadz@gmail.com
Are Cookies Used on the Site? Cookies are used for a variety of
reasons. We use Cookies to obtain information about the preferences of
our Visitors and the services they select. We also use Cookies for
security purposes to protect our Authorized Customers.
How does Cash Out Adz use login information? Cash Out Adzuses login
information, including, but not limited to, IP addresses, ISPs, and
browser types, to analyze trends, administer the Site, track a user's
movement and use, and gather broad demographic information.
How can Visitors correct any inaccuracies in Personally Identifiable
Information? Visitors and Authorized Customers may contact us to update
Personally Identifiable Information about them or to correct any
inaccuracies by emailing us at cashoutadz@gmail.com
Can a Visitor delete or deactivate Personally Identifiable Information
collected by the Site? We provide Visitors and Authorized Customers
with a mechanism to delete/deactivate Personally Identifiable
Information from the Site's database by contacting
cashoutadz@gmail.com. However, because of backups and records of
deletions, it may be impossible to delete a Visitor's entry without
retaining some residual information. An individual who requests to have
Personally Identifiable Information deactivated will have this
information functionally deleted, and we will not sell, transfer, or
use Personally Identifiable Information relating to that individual in
any way moving forward.
What happens if the Privacy Policy Changes? We will let our Visitors
and Authorized Customers know about changes to our privacy policy by
posting such changes on the Site. However, if we are changing our
privacy policy in a manner that might cause disclosure of Personally
Identifiable Information that a Visitor or Authorized Customer has
previously requested not be disclosed, we will contact such Visitor or
Authorized Customer to allow such Visitor or Authorized Customer to
prevent such disclosure.
Links: This web site contains links to other web sites. Please note
that when you click on one of these links, you are moving to another
web site. We encourage you to read the privacy statements of these
linked sites as their privacy policies may differ from ours.
Up using only a gmail or google mail email address!!
All accounts not using gmail or google mail will be deleted.
Having way too many bounced emails.
Right Now
[10] I Browz Free Adz
: A very great looking text ad exchange
site.Offering multiple types of memberships and multiple types of
advertising options.Text Ad Exchanges remain one of the most effective
advertising/marketing resources on the internet. There are alot of
sites out there but very few have all the benefits and advertising
options we have to offer.
How Would You Like To Receive Top Quality Targeted Traffic To Your
Website That converts MUCH Faster Than Any Other Form Of Advertising On
The Internet Today? Every Day Business Owners Are Looking For New And
Innovative Ways To Advertise Their Business Opportunities To The World!
IBrowzFreeAdz Makes It Very Easy, And Affordable To Advertise Your
Business Or Website, And Receive As Much Traffic To Your Website As
Humanly Possible, With The Help Of Responsive Members That Are Looking
For Opportunities Just Like Yours!
There Are So Many Ways For You To Make Money Here At IBrowzFreeAdz! Now
All Members Earn Residual, Passive Income Month After Month From
Referring Members That Upgrade To Exclusive, Platinum, Emerald, Diamond
Or JV-Partner Membership Levels! I Can't Even Stress How Much Money You
Can Make Here At IBrowzFreeAdz. All It Takes Is A Little Dedication,
And Some Advertising, And You Could Be In Profit The Very First Day!
Owner : Rob Nunes
States : Member Count: 1808
Promotional Special Offer
(May Have Changed
& New Offer Right Now)
BrowzFreeAdz Promotions
** PROMO CODE: Gob Smacked**
Promo Code Includes:
20,000 Points
1 Super Solo
3 Solo Ads
3 Banners w/1000 Impressions
3 Sponsor Adz w/50 Views
3 Traffic Links w/50 Views
3 Hotlinks w/5000 Views
Compare Membership :
Levels |
Pro |
Exclusive |
Platinum |
Emerald |
Diamond |
JV-Partner |
on Sign Up |
3000 |
6000 |
8000 |
10000 |
15000 |
20000 |
Points |
1500 |
3000 |
4000 |
5000 |
7500 |
10000 |
Awarded For Clicking On Members Ads |
Pro |
Exclusive |
Platinum |
Emerald |
Diamond |
JV-Partner |
For Visiting Text/HTML Ad |
For Clicking a Solo Ad |
For Clicking a Banner |
For Browzing a Members Banner |
50 |
100 |
150 |
200 |
250 |
300 |
Points For Clicking a Mini
Banner |
For Clicking a Traffic Link |
For Clicking a Hotlink Inside Members Area Only |
For Clicking a Members Ad |
For Clicking a Premium Ad |
For Clicking a HeadlineAd |
For Clicking a Billboard Ad |
For Clicking a Block Ad |
80 |
100 |
120 |
140 |
160 |
180 |
For Clicking a Adplus Ad |
80 |
100 |
120 |
140 |
160 |
180 |
For Clicking a Spotlight Ad |
80 |
100 |
120 |
140 |
160 |
180 |
Points For
Clicking a Members
Sponsored Ad |
80 |
100 |
120 |
140 |
160 |
180 |
For Clicking a Members
Navigation Topper Link |
80 |
100 |
120 |
140 |
160 |
180 |
For Clicking a Members
Navigation Link |
80 |
100 |
120 |
140 |
160 |
180 |
For Clicking a Solo Top Ad |
80 |
100 |
120 |
140 |
160 |
180 |
For Clicking a Solo Footer Ad |
80 |
100 |
120 |
140 |
160 |
180 |
For Clicking a Navigation Link |
80 |
100 |
120 |
140 |
160 |
180 |
For Clicking a Navigation Topper |
80 |
100 |
120 |
140 |
160 |
180 |
Points For Clicking a
Super Solo Ad |
400 |
480 |
560 |
640 |
720 |
Solo Ads |
160 |
200 |
240 |
280 |
320 |
360 |
Mega Solos |
160 |
200 |
240 |
280 |
320 |
360 |
Super Solo Ads |
320 |
400 |
480 |
560 |
640 |
720 |
Admin Credit Email Ads |
160 |
200 |
240 |
280 |
320 |
360 |
Awarded For Clicking On
Members Ads |
Pro |
Exclusive |
Platinum |
Emerald |
Diamond |
JV-Partner |
Ads |
$0.0015 |
$0.0025 |
$0.0035 |
$0.0050 |
$0.0075 |
$0.01 |
Solos |
$0.0015 |
$0.0025 |
$0.0035 |
$0.0050 |
$0.0075 |
$0.01 |
Awarded For Browzing Cash Solos |
$0.0015 |
$0.0025 |
$0.0035 |
$0.0050 |
$0.0075 |
$0.01 |
Monthly Commission Payout Chart From The Upgrades Page Only |
Pro |
Exclusive |
Platinum |
Emerald |
Diamond |
JV-Partner |
For Referring a Monthly
Exclusive Member |
$1.35 |
$2.75 |
$3.35 |
$4.75 |
$5.35 |
$6.75 |
For Referring a Monthly
Platinum Member |
$2.25 |
$3.45 |
$4.25 |
$5.45 |
$6.25 |
$7.45 |
For Referring a Monthly
Emerald Member |
$4.45 |
$5.95 |
$6.45 |
$7.95 |
$8.45 |
$9.95 |
For Referring a Monthly
Diamond Member |
$7.25 |
$8.45 |
$9.25 |
$10.45 |
$11.25 |
$12.45 |
For Referring a Monthly
JV-Partner Member |
$9.45 |
$10.90 |
$11.45 |
$12.90 |
$13.45 |
$14.90 |
Payouts Yearly
Commission Payout Chart From The Upgrades Page Only |
Pro |
Exclusive |
Platinum |
Emerald |
Diamond |
JV-Partner |
For Referring a Yearly
Exclusive Member |
$3.50 |
$5.25 |
$6.50 |
$7.25 |
$8.50 |
$9.25 |
For Referring a Yearly
Platinum Member |
$4.50 |
$6.25 |
$8.50 |
$10.25 |
$12.50 |
$14.25 |
For Referring a Yearly
Emerald Member |
$9.50 |
$11.25 |
$13.50 |
$15.25 |
$17.50 |
$19.25 |
For Referring a Yearly
Diamond Member |
$14.50 |
$16.25 |
$18.50 |
$20.25 |
$22.50 |
$24.25 |
For Referring a Yearly
JV-Partner Member |
$21.50 |
$24.75 |
$27.50 |
$30.75 |
$33.50 |
$36.75 |
One-Time Commission Payout Chart From The Upgrades Page Only |
Pro |
Exclusive |
Platinum |
Emerald |
Diamond |
JV-Partner |
For Referring a Lifetime
Exclusive Member |
$12.25 |
$14.50 |
$15.25 |
$16.50 |
$17.25 |
$18.50 |
For Referring a Lifetime
Platinum Member |
$18.50 |
$20.25 |
$22.50 |
$24.25 |
$26.50 |
$28.50 |
For Referring a Lifetime
Emerald Member |
$20.25 |
$22.50 |
$26.25 |
$30.50 |
$34.25 |
$38.50 |
For Referring a Lifetime
Diamond Member |
$26.50 |
$32.25 |
$36.50 |
$40.25 |
$44.50 |
$48.50 |
For Referring a Lifetime
JV-Partner Member |
$43.25 |
$49.50 |
$55.25 |
$61.50 |
$67.25 |
$73.50 |
From Your
Referrals Purchases of Advertising, Points/OTO,Login Offers Chart |
Pro |
Exclusive |
Platinum |
Emerald |
Diamond |
JV-Partner |
Commission For Your Referrals
Purchases of OTO/Login Offers & Advertising |
10% |
15% |
20% |
25% |
30% |
35% |
Sharing From All Nine Sites |
Pro |
Exclusive |
Platinum |
Emerald |
Diamond |
JV-Partner |
Sharing: At IBrowzFreeAdz we bring Jv Partnership to another level. Our
JV-Partners earn profit sharing from all 9 of our sites. IBrowzFreeAdz,
Vital-Advertising, Vital-Traffic, VitalDollars, Vital-Profits,
Super-Solos, Avid Text Ads, Total Text Ads, and Colossal Text Ads. You
can earn a share of the profits from over 9,000 members! |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Points Awarded |
Pro |
Exclusive |
Platinum |
Emerald |
Diamond |
JV-Partner |
When a New Member Joins, a Pro
Referrer, Exclusive Referrer, Silver Referral, Gold
Referral, Platinum Referral, Diamond Referral & JV-Partner
Receives This Amount of Points |
350 |
450 |
550 |
650 |
750 |
850 |
You Earn When One of Your Referrals Logs In |
25 |
35 |
45 |
55 |
65 |
75 |
You Earn When One of Your Referrals Earns Points |
20% |
25% |
30% |
35% |
40% |
50% |
Advertising |
Pro |
Exclusive |
Platinum |
Emerald |
Diamond |
JV-Partner |
Ad Posting Frequency |
Per Day |
Per Day |
Times Per Day |
Per Day |
Per Day |
Per Day |
Ad Posts per Day |
2 |
10 |
20 |
30 |
40 |
50 |
Text/HTML Ads |
2 |
10 |
20 |
30 |
40 |
50 |
Saved Solo Ads |
2 |
10 |
20 |
30 |
40 |
50 |
Benefits |
Pro |
Exclusive |
Platinum |
Emerald |
Diamond |
JV-Partner |
Html/Text Ad Posting with bonus round Allows
Exclusive,Platinum,Emerald,Diamond & JV-Partner Members To
The Boxes Of Saved Text/HTML Ads And Post Them All At Once. After They
Have Posted The Maximum Allowed Ads They Are Taken To A Bonus Round
Where They Win A Random Amount Of Points(Points Set By Admin) |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Viral URL
Cloaker Links with Auto Rotating Members Text Ads |
10 |
25 |
35 |
45 |
55 |
75 |
Draw |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Money/Points Pool |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Contest |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Builder |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Downloads |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Bonus Promo Code |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Purchase Referrals |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Your Referrals |
14 Days |
7 Days |
5 Days |
3 Days |
2 Days |
Per Day |
To Upgrade |
Pro |
Exclusive |
Platinum |
Emerald |
Diamond |
JV-Partner |
Cost To
Join Monthly -----> |
Free |
To Join Yearly -----> |
Free |
$18.50 |
$28.50 |
$38.50 |
$48.50 |
$73.50 |
To Join Lifetime -----> |
Free |
$37.00 |
$57.00 |
$77.00 |
$97.00 |
$147.00 |
Features :
-5 Easy Membership Levels to Choose From
-Unique Extra Advertising Options- Rotating Solo Footer Ads In Color,
Rotating Solo Top Mini 88x31 Banner Ads, 125x125 Button Ads, Randomly
Chosen Sponsor Ads, Cash Solos, Adsplus Ads, Block Ads, PTC Ads,
Spotlight 600x300 Ads & Much Much More!
-Super Solo Ads
- Our Super Ads are sent to 9 sites with a combined list of over 9,000
-Mega Solo Ads - Our Mega Solo Ads Are Sent To 13 sites With A Combined
List Of 13,000
-Cash Solo Ads
- These Solo Ads Have a 20 Second Timer & Members Earn Cash
Rather Than Points For Reading
Them, Promoting More Responsive Advertising!
-Transfer Points or Solo Ads to Other Members
-Strengthen Your Relationship With Your Downline With Our Advanced
Feature That Allows You To Transfer Points Or Solo Ads To Your Downline
Or Even Other Members! (Coming Soon)
Purchase Referrals- Available To All Members!
-Email Referrals 10 Levels Deep w/Credit Link for Viewing
- Available To Pro, Exclusive, Platinum, Emerald, Diamond and JV
-Trade Points for ALL Advertising- All Members Have The Option To
Purchase Using Their
Points, Every Type Of Advertising We Offer Including Cash Solos!
-Excluding Mega Solo Ads
- With Full Stats And Earned Points For Clicking!
-Weekly Draw- With Money And Points Pool Accumulating From Site Sales
And Sites Earned Points.
Two Prizes To Be Won Each Week!
-Admin Credit Mailer- Read Admin Mails And Earn Credits Every Single
-Browse Solo Ads- Members Have The Option To View The Last 15 Solo Ads
Sent On Site. Never
Miss A Solo Again!
-Browse Super Solo Ads- Members Have The Option To View The Last 20
Super Solo Ads Sent On
Site. Now You'll Never Miss Another Super Solo Ad Either!
-Browze Admin Credit Emails - Read Admin Mails And Earn More Credits
Every Time!
-Browze Cash Solos - Members Have The Option To View Cash Solos Sent
From Site!
-Earn Residual Income On Referral Purchases w/Email
Notification-Members Can Earn Up To 50%
Commissions Every Time One Of Their Referrals Purchases Advertising And
Receive An Email
Every Time Any Referral Makes A Purchase!
-Earn Residual Traffic-Every Time A Referral Earns Points Or Logs Into
Their IBrowzFreeAdz
Account, Their Referrer Earns Points Or A Percentage Of Those Earnings.
-Surf & Read Rewards- Active Members Are Rewarded Daily For
Their Activity With Ads, Points
And Even Cash Commissions!
-Profit Sharing: At IBrowzFreeAdz We bring JV Partnership To Another
Level. Our JV-Partners
Earn Profit Sharing From All 9 Of Our Sites. IBrowzFreeAdz,
Vital-Advertising, Vital-Traffic,
VitalDollars, Vital-Profits, Super-Solos,
Avid Text Ads, Total Text Ads, and Colossal Text Ads. You Can Earn A
Share Of The Profits From Over 9,000 Members!
-And Much Much More!
Terms and Conditions
AGE Limit
You agree that you are the age of 18 or older.
You agree to receive any earned commissions through PayPal Only.
Number of Accounts
You agree to only create 1 account.
24HRS FROM ibrowzfreeadz@gmail.com. Please add this email address to
your address book and mark all emails from ibrowzfreeadz@gmail.com as
NOT SPAM. This is to ensure all members get other members' Solo Ads as
well as website updates, commissions info etc. Again, these emails may
be for updates, account issues, IBrowzFreeAdz promotions including but
not limited to Solo Ads from IBrowzFreeAdz members or anything that
IBrowzFreeAdz needs to relay to all members. You also agree to receive
up to 2 emails every 7 days from your sponsor from the referral mailer.
Your sponsor will not know your email address.
IBrowzFreeAdz will send 5 solo ads at most per day and occasionally 1
admin email. Most will be Solo Ads, you will be rewarded with
points when you read them.
Posting Text Ads
# You agree that any ad posts that displays and/or connects with
malware, porn, gambling, warez, or other inappropriate sites will be
DELETED and that your account will be deleted without refund.
# You agree that no ad posts will promote any form of illegal activity.
You agree that all ad posts will be fully compliant with federal and
state laws.
# You agree to no racist or hateful ads.
# You agree to only have links in ad posts that point to other html web
pages. You agree to have no links to e-books, downloads, zip files,
mp3’s etc.
# You agree to only use URLs that do not break frames.
# You agree not to include profanity in your ad posts.
# You agree that any form of misleading readers will not be tolerated.
No Autoresponders or Bounced Emails are allowed
If your email address bounces or sends back IBrowzFreeAdz a message
with an autoresponder, you risk having your account deleted. Once your
account is deleted you will have to contact Rob Nunes to upgrade you
back to Pro if you were a Pro member. You will be required to show
proof of your Upgrade to Pro by supplying your PayPal transaction ID#.
All referrals, points and COMMISSIONS will be lost if your account is
IBrowzFreeAdz is a promotional marketing tool used to help members
promote all of their offers on the Internet. IBrowzFreeAdz does not
make any promises written or implied as to the amount of money that can
be made from IBrowzFreeAdz.
It is your responsibility to make sure your email address for your
PayPal account is correct. Commission payments made to the wrong
account because of an incorrectly entered id is your responsibility.
Should your account at PayPal be locked or restricted for any reason,
that is also your responsibility. IBrowzFreeAdz will not be held liable.
All policies, rules and regulations are the final decision of
IBrowzFreeAdz. We reserve the right to modify, add or change
policies as we deem necessary at any time. All members agree that they
will not hold IBrowzFreeAdz liable for any items or policies within
this program.
Once you pay for your lifetime membership or buy advertising, if you
would like a refund, simply submit a support ticket stating that you
would like a refund. Your refund will be sent and your account will be
deleted. You will lose any earned commissions and will not be eligible
for payment. By joining and paying for any paid
portion of
IBrowzFreeAdz, you agree to all the terms and conditions on this page.
IBrowzFreeAdz has a zero tolerance for spam. Anyone caught spamming
will be deleted from the program and is subject to civil and criminal
prosecution including up to $50,000 in fines. If you are to
include IBrowzFreeAdz's name or URL in any email promotion, please only
email to your own "double-optin" subscribers. Safelists are
allowed as well as downline mailing programs such as YourLuckyList.
The following are grounds for termination of your account:
To send unsolicited emails to anyone that is not on your own personal
double-optin list. If this does not make sense to
you, then
do not include promotions for IBrowzFreeAdz in emails.
To falsify user information provided to IBrowzFreeAdz or to other users
of the service in connection with IBrowzFreeAdz, or any of it's other
To use the IBrowzFreeAdz name and URL via bought commercial bulk email
IBrowzFreeAdz considers the above practices to constitute abuse of our
service and of the recipients of such unsolicited mailings and/or
postings who often bear the expense. Therefore, these practices are
prohibited by IBrowzFreeAdz terms and conditions of service. Engaging
in one or more of these practices will result in termination of the
offender's account.
In addition, we have the right, where feasible, to implement technical
mechanisms which block multiple postings as described above before they
are forwarded.
Nothing contained in this policy shall be construed to limit
IBrowzFreeAdz actions or remedies in any way with respect to any of the
foregoing activities.
IBrowzFreeAdz reserves the right to take any and all additional actions
it may deem appropriate with respect to such activities, including
without limitation taking action to recover the costs and expenses of
identifying offenders and removing them from the program.
In addition, IBrowzFreeAdz reserves at all times all rights and
remedies available to it with respect to such activities at law or in
We use IP tracking devices. Any user that is found to blatantly violate
this agreement will be banned from the program indefinitely and may be
subject to civil and criminal prosecution.
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. We may also make
changes to these rules, regulations, and policies at any time.
By becoming a Pro Member of IBrowzFreeAdz, you agree to all of the
above terms and conditions.
Anti-Spam Policy
This Anti-Spam Policy Notice governs the use of the web page at and its
associated services, web pages, domains and sub-domains, which are
owned and operated by Rob Nunes ("Owner"). Wherever this Notice refers
to "users" it means "you", while "we" or "our" refer to Rob Nunes and
"Web Site" refers to http://ibrowzfreeadz.com.
This sets forth our policy with regard to the use of "Spam" marketing
techniques in connection with Internet Marketing. In the event that we
deem you to be in violation of these policies, we shall immediately
revoke your rights and close any active account.
We have a strict policy against spamming. We forbid the sending of
unsolicited mass Emails or unsolicited Emails of any kind in connection
with the marketing of our programs, products and services.
We reserve the right to terminate your account and participation in our
programs "for cause" if we deem you to be in violation of our
anti-spamming policies. We also reserve the right to suspend your
account and participation pending review upon receipt of any complaint
or other evidence that you may be engaging in any spamming activity.
We consider spamming to be any activity whereby you directly or
indirectly transmit email messages to any email address that has not
solicited such email and does not consent to such transmission. We also
consider spamming to constitute posting advertisements in newsgroups in
violation of the terms of participation in such newsgroup, that are off
topic, or in newsgroups that do not specifically permit advertisements.
We also consider it spamming when advertisements are placed on message
boards or in chat rooms when they are not permitted by the terms of
participation in such message boards and chat rooms.
If you are "spammed" by anyone regarding our products, services, web
site, or any other matters, please report this activity to Rob Nunes by
email at ibrowzfreeadz@gmail.com.
Privacy Policy
We understand that privacy online is important to users of our Site,
especially when conducting business. This statement governs our privacy
policies with respect to those users of the Site ("Visitors") who visit
without transacting business and Visitors who register to transact
business on the Site and make use of the various services offered by
IBrowzFreeAdz (collectively, "Services") ("Authorized Customers").
"Personally Identifiable Information" refers to any information that
identifies or can be used to identify, contact, or locate the person to
whom such information pertains, including, but not limited to, name,
address, phone number, fax number, email address, financial profiles,
social security number, and credit card information. Personally
Identifiable Information does not include information that is collected
anonymously (that is, without identification of the individual user) or
demographic information not connected to an identified individual.
What Personally Identifiable Information is collected? We may collect
basic user profile information from all of our Visitors. We collect the
following additional information from our Authorized Customers: the
names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of Authorized
Customers, the nature and size of the business, and the nature and size
of the advertising inventory that the Authorized Customer intends to
purchase or sell.
How does the Site use Personally Identifiable Information? We use
Personally Identifiable Information to customize the Site, to make
appropriate service offerings, and to fulfill buying and selling
requests on the Site. We may email Visitors and Authorized Customers
about research or purchase and selling opportunities on the Site or
information related to the subject matter of the Site. We may also use
Personally Identifiable Information to contact Visitors and Authorized
Customers in response to specific inquiries, or to provide requested
How is Personally Identifiable Information stored? Personally
Identifiable Information collected by IBrowzFreeAdz is securely stored
and is not accessible to third parties.
What choices are available to Visitors regarding collection, use and
distribution of the information? Visitors and Authorized Customers may
opt out of receiving unsolicited information from or being contacted by
us and/or our vendors and affiliated agencies by responding to emails
as instructed, or by contacting us at ibrowzfreeadz@gmail.com
Are Cookies Used on the Site? Cookies are used for a variety of
reasons. We use Cookies to obtain information about the preferences of
our Visitors and the services they select. We also use Cookies for
security purposes to protect our Authorized Customers.
How does IBrowzFreeAdz use login information? IBrowzFreeAdzuses login
information, including, but not limited to, IP addresses, ISPs, and
browser types, to analyze trends, administer the Site, track a user's
movement and use, and gather broad demographic information.
How can Visitors correct any inaccuracies in Personally Identifiable
Information? Visitors and Authorized Customers may contact us to update
Personally Identifiable Information about them or to correct any
inaccuracies by emailing us at ibrowzfreeadz@gmail.com
Can a Visitor delete or deactivate Personally Identifiable Information
collected by the Site? We provide Visitors and Authorized Customers
with a mechanism to delete/deactivate Personally Identifiable
Information from the Site's database by contacting
ibrowzfreeadz@gmail.com. However, because of backups and records of
deletions, it may be impossible to delete a Visitor's entry without
retaining some residual information. An individual who requests to have
Personally Identifiable Information deactivated will have this
information functionally deleted, and we will not sell, transfer, or
use Personally Identifiable Information relating to that individual in
any way moving forward.
What happens if the Privacy Policy Changes? We will let our Visitors
and Authorized Customers know about changes to our privacy policy by
posting such changes on the Site. However, if we are changing our
privacy policy in a manner that might cause disclosure of Personally
Identifiable Information that a Visitor or Authorized Customer has
previously requested not be disclosed, we will contact such Visitor or
Authorized Customer to allow such Visitor or Authorized Customer to
prevent such disclosure.
Links: This web site contains links to other web sites. Please note
that when you click on one of these links, you are moving to another
web site. We encourage you to read the privacy statements of these
linked sites as their privacy policies may differ from ours.
Up using only a gmail or google mail email address!!
All accounts not using gmail or google mail will be deleted.
Having way too many bounced emails.
Right Now
[11] Vital Profits
: A very great looking text ad exchange
site.Offering multiple types of memberships and multiple types of
advertising options.Text Ad Exchanges remain one of the most effective
advertising/marketing resources on the internet. There are alot of
sites out there but very few have all the benefits and advertising
options we have to offer.
Receive Top
Quality Targeted Traffic
to Your Website.Converts MUCH Faster than any other Form of Advertising
on the Internet today.New and Innovative Ways to Advertise your
Business Opportunities.Easy and Affordable to Advertise your Business
or Website. Responsive Members that are looking for
just like Yours!Earn Residual, Passive Income month after month from
Referring Members that Upgrade.You could be in Profit the very First
day!And MORE! Check out the Unique Features below:Join as a FREE Member
and get Guaranteed Traffic to your sites through:--Text Ads, Banner
Ads, Guaranteed Traffic Links, Premium Ads, Hotlinks and MORE!Upgrade
and you will Enjoy even MORE Benefits, including Generous
Commissions.Earn Points Plus Cash for viewing the Websites of Member
Ads you browse.Earn FREE Advertising & Cash - We reward YOU for
Owner : Rob Nunes
States : Member Count: 1424
Promotional Special Offer
(May Have Changed
& New Offer Right Now)
Promo Code: Profits
All New Members Will Receive: 2500 Points; 2 Solo Ads; 2 Banners with
2000 impressions each; 2 Mini 88X31 Banners with 1000 Views Each; 2
Traffic Links with 100 Views Each; 2 Hotlinks with 100 Views Each; 2 x
HeadlineAds with 100 Views Each;
2 x Premium Ads with 100 Views Each; 2 Billboard Ads with 100 Views
Each; 2 Members Ads with 100 Views Each; 1 Login Ad with 500 Views;
1x125x125 Navigation Banner with 7days Viewing.
Compare Membership :
Membership Levels |
Free |
Pro |
Exclusive |
Silver |
Gold |
Platinum |
Diamond |
JV-Partner |
on Sign Up |
500 |
2000 |
4000 |
6000 |
8000 |
10000 |
15000 |
20000 |
Points |
100 |
1000 |
2000 |
3000 |
4000 |
5000 |
6000 |
7000 |
Clicking On Members
Ads |
Free |
Pro |
Exclusive |
Silver |
Gold |
Platinum |
Diamond |
JV-Partner |
For Visiting Text/
Bonus |
Bonus |
Bonus |
For Clicking a
Solo Ad |
Bonus |
Bonus |
Bonus |
For Clicking
a Banner |
80 |
120 |
160 |
200 |
240 |
Bonus |
Bonus |
Bonus |
Points For Clicking a
Banner |
80 |
160 |
200 |
240 |
Bonus |
Bonus |
Bonus |
For Clicking a 125x125 Navigation Banner |
80 |
120 |
160 |
200 |
240 |
Bonus |
Bonus |
Bonus |
For Visiting
a Traffic Link |
80 |
120 |
160 |
200 |
240 |
Bonus |
Bonus |
Bonus |
For Clicking
a Hotlink Inside Members
Area Only |
For Clicking a Members Ad |
80 |
120 |
160 |
200 |
240 |
Bonus |
Bonus |
Bonus |
For Clicking a Premium Ad |
80 |
120 |
160 |
200 |
240 |
Bonus |
Bonus |
Bonus |
For Clicking a HeadlineAd |
80 |
120 |
160 |
200 |
240 |
Bonus |
Bonus |
Bonus |
For Clicking a Billboard Ad |
80 |
120 |
160 |
200 |
240 |
Bonus |
Bonus |
Bonus |
Points For Clicking a Super Solo Ad |
240 |
320 |
400 |
480 |
560 |
640 |
720 |
800 |
Points For Browzing Super Solos |
240 |
320 |
400 |
480 |
560 |
640 |
720 |
800 |
For Browzing Solo Ads |
120 |
160 |
200 |
240 |
280 |
320 |
360 |
400 |
For Browzing Admin Emails |
120 |
160 |
200 |
240 |
280 |
320 |
360 |
400 |
Commission Payouts
Monthly Commission Payout
Chart From
The Upgrades Page Only |
Free |
Pro |
Exclusive |
Silver |
Gold |
Platinum |
Diamond |
JV-Partner |
For Referring a Monthly Pro Member |
$1.00 |
$2.00 |
$3.00 |
$4.00 |
$5.00 |
$6.00 |
$7.00 |
$8.00 |
For Referring a Monthly Exclusive Member |
$3.00 |
$4.00 |
$5.00 |
$6.00 |
$7.00 |
$8.00 |
$9.00 |
For Referring a Monthly Silver Member |
$3.00 |
$4.00 |
$5.00 |
$6.00 |
$7.00 |
$8.00 |
$9.00 |
$10.00 |
For Referring a Monthly Gold Member |
$4.00 |
$5.00 |
$6.00 |
$7.00 |
$8.00 |
$9.00 |
$10.00 |
$11.00 |
For Referring a Monthly Platinum Member |
$5.00 |
$6.00 |
$7.00 |
$8.00 |
$9.00 |
$10.00 |
$11.00 |
$12.00 |
For Referring a Monthly Diamond Member |
$6.00 |
$7.00 |
$8.00 |
$9.00 |
$10.00 |
$11.00 |
$12.00 |
$13.00 |
For Referring a Monthly JV-Partner |
$7.00 |
$8.00 |
$9.00 |
$10.00 |
$11.00 |
$12.00 |
$13.00 |
$14.00 |
Commission Payouts Yearly
Commission Payout Chart From The Upgrades Page Only |
Free |
Pro |
Exclusive |
Silver |
Gold |
Platinum |
Diamond |
JV-Partner |
For Referring a Yearly Pro Member |
$4.75 |
$5.75 |
$6.75 |
$7.75 |
$8.75 |
$9.75 |
$10.75 |
$11.75 |
For Referring a Yearly Exclusive Member |
$7.75 |
$8.75 |
$9.75 |
$10.75 |
$11.75 |
$12.75 |
$13.25 |
$14.25 |
For Referring a
Yearly Silver Member |
$9.75 |
$10.75 |
$11.75 |
$12.75 |
$13.75 |
$14.75 |
$15.75 |
$16.75 |
For Referring a
Yearly Gold Member |
$14.75 |
$15.75 |
$16.75 |
$17.75 |
$18.75 |
$19.75 |
$20.75 |
$21.75 |
For Referring a Yearly Platinum Member |
$17.25 |
$18.25 |
$19.25 |
$20.25 |
$21.25 |
$22.25 |
$23.25 |
$24.25 |
For Referring a Yearly Diamond Member |
$22.75 |
$24.75 |
$26.75 |
$28.75 |
$30.75 |
$32.75 |
$34.75 |
$36.75 |
For Referring a Yearly JV-Partner |
$28.25 |
$31.25 |
$34.25 |
$37.25 |
$40.25 |
$43.25 |
$46.25 |
$49.25 |
Commission Payouts
One-Time Commission Payout Chart From The Upgrades Page Only |
Free |
Pro |
Exclusive |
Silver |
Gold |
Platinum |
Diamond |
JV-Partner |
For Referring a Lifetime Pro Member |
$6.50 |
$7.50 |
$8.50 |
$9.50 |
$10.50 |
$11.50 |
$13.50 |
$23.50 |
For Referring a Lifetime Exclusive Member |
$7.50 |
$12.50 |
$13.50 |
$14.50 |
$15.50 |
$16.50 |
$18.50 |
$28.50 |
For Referring a Lifetime Silver Member |
$8.50 |
$13.50 |
$14.50 |
$15.50 |
$16.50 |
$17.50 |
$23.50 |
$33.50 |
For Referring a Lifetime Gold Member |
$9.50 |
$14.50 |
$15.50 |
$16.50 |
$17.50 |
$23.50 |
$33.50 |
$43.50 |
For Referring a Lifetime Platinum Member |
$10.50 |
$15.50 |
$16.50 |
$17.50 |
$18.50 |
$28.50 |
$38.50 |
$48.50 |
For Referring a Lifetime Diamond Member |
$11.50 |
$13.50 |
$23.50 |
$33.50 |
$43.50 |
$53.50 |
$63.50 |
$73.50 |
For Referring a Lifetime JV-Partner |
$28.50 |
$38.50 |
$48.50 |
$58.50 |
$68.50 |
$78.50 |
$88.50 |
$98.50 |
Commissions From Your
Referrals Purchases of Advertising, Points/OTO,Login Offers Chart |
Free |
Pro |
Exclusive |
Silver |
Gold |
Platinum |
Diamond |
JV-Partner |
Commission For Your Referrals
Purchases of OTO/Login Offers & Advertising |
8% |
12% |
14% |
16% |
18% |
20% |
25% |
35% |
Cash Awarded
For Referring |
Free |
Pro |
Exclusive |
Silver |
Gold |
Platinum |
Diamond |
JV-Partner |
When a New Member Joins, a Free
Referrer, Pro Referrer, Exclusive Referrer, Silver Referral, Gold
Referral, Platinum Referral, Diamond Referral & JV-Partner
Receives This Amount of Cash |
$0.05 |
$0.10 |
$0.15 |
$0.20 |
$0.25 |
$0.30 |
$0.35 |
$0.40 |
Points Awarded |
Free |
Pro |
Exclusive |
Silver |
Gold |
Platinum |
Diamond |
JV-Partner |
When a New Member Joins, a Free
Referrer, Pro Referrer, Exclusive Referrer, Silver Referral, Gold
Referral, Platinum Referral, Diamond Referral & JV-Partner
Receives This Amount of Points |
250 |
350 |
450 |
550 |
650 |
750 |
850 |
950 |
You Earn When One of Your Referrals Logs In |
50 |
70 |
90 |
110 |
130 |
150 |
170 |
190 |
You Earn When One of Your Referrals Earns Points |
5% |
10% |
15% |
20% |
25% |
30% |
35% |
50% |
Advertising |
Free |
Pro |
Exclusive |
Silver |
Gold |
Platinum |
Diamond |
JV-Partner |
Ad Posting Frequency |
Times Per Day |
Times Per Day |
Times Per Day |
Per Day |
Times Per Day |
Per Day |
Per Day |
Per Day |
Ad Posts per Day |
2 |
10 |
20 |
30 |
40 |
50 |
60 |
100 |
Text/HTML Ads |
2 |
10 |
20 |
30 |
40 |
50 |
60 |
100 |
Saved Solo Ads |
2 |
10 |
20 |
30 |
40 |
50 |
60 |
100 |
Other Benefits |
Free |
Pro |
Exclusive |
Silver |
Gold |
Platinum |
Diamond |
JV-Partner |
Viral URL
Cloaker Links |
10 |
25 |
35 |
45 |
55 |
65 |
75 |
100 |
Draw |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Contest |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Builder |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Downloads |
No |
Soon |
Soon |
Soon |
Soon |
Soon |
Soon |
Soon |
Promo Code |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Purchase Referrals |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Your Referrals |
21 Days |
14 Days |
10 Days |
7 Days |
5 Days |
3 Days |
2 Days |
Per Day |
Cost To
Join Monthly ---> |
Free |
To Join Yearly ---> |
Free |
$23.50 |
$28.50 |
$33.50 |
$43.50 |
$48.50 |
$73.50 |
$98.50 |
To Join Lifetime ---> |
Free |
$47.00 |
$57.00 |
$67.00 |
$87.00 |
$97.00 |
$147.00 |
$197.00 |
Upgrade Using Points --->
Free |
100,000 |
150,000 |
200,000 |
250,000 |
300,000 |
350,000 |
400,000 |
Features :
-Get Paid Points/Bonuses to read Text/ HTML Ads,Solo Ads, Banners, Mini
88x31 Banners and MORE! (Bonuses for Platinum, Diamond and
JV-Partners only)
-Get Paid a Commission on ALL Purchases your Referral makes!
-Receive a Commission for any Advertising your Referral purchases!
-Earn Bonus Points every time one of your Referrals logs in!
-Upgraded Members earn from 10% of all the Points their Referrals earn!
-Free Members earn 5%!
-Email every one of your Referrals with a Credit Link for Recipients to
click on...
-This means More Free Traffic for You!
-Cloak your Super Secret Affiliate URLs here and have them Cloaked for
-See a LIVE Example HERE!
-Purchase Your Advertising Or Use Your Points!
-All Members can Browse 3 Text Ads at a time!
-Send Super Solos To 8200 + Members
Terms and Conditions
AGE Limit
You agree that you are the age of 18 or older.
You agree to receive any earned commissions through PayPal Only.
Number of Accounts
You agree to only create 1 account.
24HRS FROM vital-profits.com@gmail.com. Please add this email address
to your address book and mark all emails from
vital-profits.com@gmail.com as NOT SPAM. This is to ensure all members
get other members' Solo Ads as well as website updates, commissions
info etc. Again, these emails may be for updates, account issues,
Vital-Profits promotions including but not limited to Solo Ads from
Vital-Profits members or anything that Vital-Profits needs to relay to
all members. You also agree to receive up to 2 emails every 7 days from
your sponsor from the referral mailer. Your sponsor will not know your
email address.
Vital-Profits will send 5 solo ads at most per day and occasionally 1
admin email. Most will be Solo Ads, you will be rewarded with
points when you read them.
Posting Text Ads
# You agree that any ad posts that displays and/or connects with
malware, porn, gambling, warez, or other inappropriate sites will be
DELETED and that your account will be deleted without refund.
# You agree that no ad posts will promote any form of illegal activity.
You agree that all ad posts will be fully compliant with federal and
state laws.
# You agree to no racist or hateful ads.
# You agree to only have links in ad posts that point to other html web
pages. You agree to have no links to e-books, downloads, zip files,
mp3’s etc.
# You agree to only use URLs that do not break frames.
# You agree not to include profanity in your ad posts.
# You agree that any form of misleading readers will not be tolerated.
No Autoresponders or Bounced Emails are allowed
If your email address bounces or sends back Vital-Profits a message
with an autoresponder, you risk having your account deleted. Once your
account is deleted you will have to contact Rob Nunes to upgrade you
back to Pro if you were a Pro member. You will be required to show
proof of your Upgrade to Pro by supplying your PayPal transaction ID#.
All referrals, points and COMMISSIONS will be lost if your account is
Vital-Profits is a promotional marketing tool used to help members
promote all of their offers on the Internet. Vital-Profits does not
make any promises written or implied as to the amount of money that can
be made from Vital-Profits.
It is your responsibility to make sure your email address for your
PayPal account is correct. Commission payments made to the wrong
account because of an incorrectly entered id is your responsibility.
Should your account at PayPal be locked or restricted for any reason,
that is also your responsibility. Vital-Profits will not be held liable.
All policies, rules and regulations are the final decision of
Vital-Profits. We reserve the right to modify, add or change
policies as we deem necessary at any time. All members agree that they
will not hold Vital-Profits liable for any items or policies within
this program.
Once you pay for your lifetime membership or buy advertising, if you
would like a refund, simply submit a support ticket stating that you
would like a refund. Your refund will be sent and your account will be
deleted. You will lose any earned commissions and will not be eligible
for payment. By joining and paying for any paid
portion of
Vital-Profits, you agree to all the terms and conditions on this page.
Vital-Profits has a zero tolerance for spam. Anyone caught spamming
will be deleted from the program and is subject to civil and criminal
prosecution including up to $50,000 in fines. If you are to
include Vital-Profits's name or URL in any email promotion, please only
email to your own "double-optin" subscribers. Safelists are
allowed as well as downline mailing programs such as YourLuckyList.
The following are grounds for termination of your account:
To send unsolicited emails to anyone that is not on your own personal
double-optin list. If this does not make sense to
you, then
do not include promotions for Vital-Profits in emails.
To falsify user information provided to Vital-Profits or to other users
of the service in connection with Vital-Profits, or any of it's other
To use the Vital-Profits name and URL via bought commercial bulk email
Vital-Profits considers the above practices to constitute abuse of our
service and of the recipients of such unsolicited mailings and/or
postings who often bear the expense. Therefore, these practices are
prohibited by Vital-Profits terms and conditions of service. Engaging
in one or more of these practices will result in termination of the
offender's account.
In addition, we have the right, where feasible, to implement technical
mechanisms which block multiple postings as described above before they
are forwarded.
Nothing contained in this policy shall be construed to limit
Vital-Profits actions or remedies in any way with respect to any of the
foregoing activities.
Vital-Profits reserves the right to take any and all additional actions
it may deem appropriate with respect to such activities, including
without limitation taking action to recover the costs and expenses of
identifying offenders and removing them from the program.
In addition, Vital-Profits reserves at all times all rights and
remedies available to it with respect to such activities at law or in
We use IP tracking devices. Any user that is found to blatantly violate
this agreement will be banned from the program indefinitely and may be
subject to civil and criminal prosecution.
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. We may also make
changes to these rules, regulations, and policies at any time.
By becoming a Free Member or a Pro Member of Vital-Profits, you agree
to all of the above terms and conditions.
Anti-Spam Policy
This Anti-Spam Policy Notice governs the use of the web page at and its
associated services, web pages, domains and sub-domains, which are
owned and operated by Rob Nunes ("Owner"). Wherever this Notice refers
to "users" it means "you", while "we" or "our" refer to Rob Nunes and
"Web Site" refers to http://vital-profits.com.
This sets forth our policy with regard to the use of "Spam" marketing
techniques in connection with Internet Marketing. In the event that we
deem you to be in violation of these policies, we shall immediately
revoke your rights and close any active account.
We have a strict policy against spamming. We forbid the sending of
unsolicited mass Emails or unsolicited Emails of any kind in connection
with the marketing of our programs, products and services.
We reserve the right to terminate your account and participation in our
programs "for cause" if we deem you to be in violation of our
anti-spamming policies. We also reserve the right to suspend your
account and participation pending review upon receipt of any complaint
or other evidence that you may be engaging in any spamming activity.
We consider spamming to be any activity whereby you directly or
indirectly transmit email messages to any email address that has not
solicited such email and does not consent to such transmission. We also
consider spamming to constitute posting advertisements in newsgroups in
violation of the terms of participation in such newsgroup, that are off
topic, or in newsgroups that do not specifically permit advertisements.
We also consider it spamming when advertisements are placed on message
boards or in chat rooms when they are not permitted by the terms of
participation in such message boards and chat rooms.
If you are "spammed" by anyone regarding our products, services, web
site, or any other matters, please report this activity to Rob Nunes by
email at vital-profits.com@gmail.com.
Privacy Policy
We understand that privacy online is important to users of our Site,
especially when conducting business. This statement governs our privacy
policies with respect to those users of the Site ("Visitors") who visit
without transacting business and Visitors who register to transact
business on the Site and make use of the various services offered by
Vital-Profits (collectively, "Services") ("Authorized Customers").
"Personally Identifiable Information" refers to any information that
identifies or can be used to identify, contact, or locate the person to
whom such information pertains, including, but not limited to, name,
address, phone number, fax number, email address, financial profiles,
social security number, and credit card information. Personally
Identifiable Information does not include information that is collected
anonymously (that is, without identification of the individual user) or
demographic information not connected to an identified individual.
What Personally Identifiable Information is collected? We may collect
basic user profile information from all of our Visitors. We collect the
following additional information from our Authorized Customers: the
names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of Authorized
Customers, the nature and size of the business, and the nature and size
of the advertising inventory that the Authorized Customer intends to
purchase or sell.
How does the Site use Personally Identifiable Information? We use
Personally Identifiable Information to customize the Site, to make
appropriate service offerings, and to fulfill buying and selling
requests on the Site. We may email Visitors and Authorized Customers
about research or purchase and selling opportunities on the Site or
information related to the subject matter of the Site. We may also use
Personally Identifiable Information to contact Visitors and Authorized
Customers in response to specific inquiries, or to provide requested
How is Personally Identifiable Information stored? Personally
Identifiable Information collected by Vital-Profits is securely stored
and is not accessible to third parties.
What choices are available to Visitors regarding collection, use and
distribution of the information? Visitors and Authorized Customers may
opt out of receiving unsolicited information from or being contacted by
us and/or our vendors and affiliated agencies by responding to emails
as instructed, or by contacting us at vital-profits.com@gmail.com
Are Cookies Used on the Site? Cookies are used for a variety of
reasons. We use Cookies to obtain information about the preferences of
our Visitors and the services they select. We also use Cookies for
security purposes to protect our Authorized Customers.
How does Vital-Profits use login information? Vital-Profitsuses login
information, including, but not limited to, IP addresses, ISPs, and
browser types, to analyze trends, administer the Site, track a user's
movement and use, and gather broad demographic information.
How can Visitors correct any inaccuracies in Personally Identifiable
Information? Visitors and Authorized Customers may contact us to update
Personally Identifiable Information about them or to correct any
inaccuracies by emailing us at vital-profits.com@gmail.com
Can a Visitor delete or deactivate Personally Identifiable Information
collected by the Site? We provide Visitors and Authorized Customers
with a mechanism to delete/deactivate Personally Identifiable
Information from the Site's database by contacting
vital-profits.com@gmail.com. However, because of backups and records of
deletions, it may be impossible to delete a Visitor's entry without
retaining some residual information. An individual who requests to have
Personally Identifiable Information deactivated will have this
information functionally deleted, and we will not sell, transfer, or
use Personally Identifiable Information relating to that individual in
any way moving forward.
What happens if the Privacy Policy Changes? We will let our Visitors
and Authorized Customers know about changes to our privacy policy by
posting such changes on the Site. However, if we are changing our
privacy policy in a manner that might cause disclosure of Personally
Identifiable Information that a Visitor or Authorized Customer has
previously requested not be disclosed, we will contact such Visitor or
Authorized Customer to allow such Visitor or Authorized Customer to
prevent such disclosure.
Links: This web site contains links to other web sites. Please note
that when you click on one of these links, you are moving to another
web site. We encourage you to read the privacy statements of these
linked sites as their privacy policies may differ from ours.
We understand that privacy online is important to users of our Site,
especially when conducting business. This statement governs our privacy
policies with respect to those users of the Site ("Visitors") who visit
without transacting business and Visitors who register to transact
business on the Site and make use of the various services offered by
Vital-Profits (collectively, "Services") ("Authorized Customers").
"Personally Identifiable Information" refers to any information that
identifies or can be used to identify, contact, or locate the person to
whom such information pertains, including, but not limited to, name,
address, phone number, fax number, email address, financial profiles,
social security number, and credit card information. Personally
Identifiable Information does not include information that is collected
anonymously (that is, without identification of the individual user) or
demographic information not connected to an identified individual.
What Personally Identifiable Information is collected? We may collect
basic user profile information from all of our Visitors. We collect the
following additional information from our Authorized Customers: the
names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of Authorized
Customers, the nature and size of the business, and the nature and size
of the advertising inventory that the Authorized Customer intends to
purchase or sell.
How does the Site use Personally Identifiable Information? We use
Personally Identifiable Information to customize the Site, to make
appropriate service offerings, and to fulfill buying and selling
requests on the Site. We may email Visitors and Authorized Customers
about research or purchase and selling opportunities on the Site or
information related to the subject matter of the Site. We may also use
Personally Identifiable Information to contact Visitors and Authorized
Customers in response to specific inquiries, or to provide requested
How is Personally Identifiable Information stored? Personally
Identifiable Information collected by Vital-Profits is securely stored
and is not accessible to third parties.
What choices are available to Visitors regarding collection, use and
distribution of the information? Visitors and Authorized Customers may
opt out of receiving unsolicited information from or being contacted by
us and/or our vendors and affiliated agencies by responding to emails
as instructed, or by contacting us at vital-profits.com@gmail.com
Are Cookies Used on the Site? Cookies are used for a variety of
reasons. We use Cookies to obtain information about the preferences of
our Visitors and the services they select. We also use Cookies for
security purposes to protect our Authorized Customers.
How does Vital-Profits use login information? Vital-Profitsuses login
information, including, but not limited to, IP addresses, ISPs, and
browser types, to analyze trends, administer the Site, track a user's
movement and use, and gather broad demographic information.
How can Visitors correct any inaccuracies in Personally Identifiable
Information? Visitors and Authorized Customers may contact us to update
Personally Identifiable Information about them or to correct any
inaccuracies by emailing us at vital-profits.com@gmail.com
Can a Visitor delete or deactivate Personally Identifiable Information
collected by the Site? We provide Visitors and Authorized Customers
with a mechanism to delete/deactivate Personally Identifiable
Information from the Site's database by contacting
vital-profits.com@gmail.com. However, because of backups and records of
deletions, it may be impossible to delete a Visitor's entry without
retaining some residual information. An individual who requests to have
Personally Identifiable Information deactivated will have this
information functionally deleted, and we will not sell, transfer, or
use Personally Identifiable Information relating to that individual in
any way moving forward.
What happens if the Privacy Policy Changes? We will let our Visitors
and Authorized Customers know about changes to our privacy policy by
posting such changes on the Site. However, if we are changing our
privacy policy in a manner that might cause disclosure of Personally
Identifiable Information that a Visitor or Authorized Customer has
previously requested not be disclosed, we will contact such Visitor or
Authorized Customer to allow such Visitor or Authorized Customer to
prevent such disclosure.
Links: This web site contains links to other web sites. Please note
that when you click on one of these links, you are moving to another
web site. We encourage you to read the privacy statements of these
linked sites as their privacy policies may differ from ours.
A valid email address, preferably Gmail. No software to
no HTML skills required, maybe copy and paste if you want to place
banners to advertise but that's about it.Full step-by-step getting
started instructions are included.
Right Now
[12] My Ez Cash Profits
: A very great looking text ad exchange
site.Offering multiple types of memberships and multiple types of
advertising options.Text Ad Exchanges remain one of the most effective
advertising/marketing resources on the internet. There are alot of
sites out there but very few have all the benefits and advertising
options we have to offer.
We Did It, We Made You, The Easy Way
Everything For Free, Banner Ads, Text Ads,Html Ads, Login Ads, Solos,
Traffic Links, And Navigation Links All For Free!You Can Even Upgrade
For Free!Start Making Ez Cash Profits From All Your Promotions!Thats
Right We are Paying 50% Commissions To Platinum Members,30% To gold
Members, And 15% To Free Members!
Owner : Shawn Williams
States : Member Count: 933
Promotional Special Offer
(May Have Changed
& New Offer Right Now)
Use Promo Code "New Member"
You Get 1,000 Points!
5 Banner Ads With 1,000 Imp!
5 Traffic Links With 100 Views!
1 Login Ad With 1,000 Views!
1 Navigation Link & 1 Solo!
Now Get Over $100 In Free Advertising Too!!!
Just Use Promo Code "Free Adz"
Compare Membership :
Free |
Gold |
Platinum |
-1000 points on joining
-20 points for every ad read
-100 points for every solo ad click
-100 points for every referral
-Post 2 time(s) a day
-$3.00 for every Gold referral
-$4.50 for every Platinum referral
-Price: FREE
-2000 points on joining
-40 points for every ad read
-200 points for every solo ad click
-500 points for every referral
-Post 5 times a day
-$6.00 for every Gold referral
-$9.00 for every Platinum referral
-Price: $20.00 Lifetime
Sign Up Free, Then Upgrade Inside! |
-3000 points on joining
-60 points for every ad read
-300 points for every solo ad click
-1000 points for every referral
-Post 10 times a day
-$10.00 for every Gold referral
-$15.00 for every Platinum referral
-Price: $30.00 Lifetime
Sign Up Free, Then Upgrade Inside! |
Terms and Conditions
AGE Limit
You agree that you are the age of 18 or older.
You agree to receive any earned commissions through PayPal Only.
Number of Accounts
You agree to only create 1 account.
24HRS FROM explodeyouradds@hotmail.com. Please add this email address
to your address book and mark all emails from
explodeyouradds@hotmail.com as NOT SPAM. This is to ensure all members
get other members' Solo Ads as well as website updates, commissions
info etc. Again, these emails may be for updates, account issues,
MyEzCashProfits promotions including but not limited to Solo Ads from
MyEzCashProfits members or anything that MyEzCashProfits needs to relay
to all members. You also agree to receive up to 2 emails every 7 days
from your sponsor from the referral mailer. Your sponsor will not know
your email address.
MyEzCashProfits will send 5 solo ads at most per day and occasionally 1
admin email. Most will be Solo Ads, you will be rewarded with
points when you read them.
Posting Text Ads
# You agree that any ad posts that displays and/or connects with
malware, porn, gambling, warez, or other inappropriate sites will be
DELETED and that your account will be deleted without refund.
# You agree that no ad posts will promote any form of illegal activity.
You agree that all ad posts will be fully compliant with federal and
state laws.
# You agree to no racist or hateful ads.
# You agree to only have links in ad posts that point to other html web
pages. You agree to have no links to e-books, downloads, zip files,
mp3’s etc.
# You agree to only use URLs that do not break frames.
# You agree not to include profanity in your ad posts.
# You agree that any form of misleading readers will not be tolerated.
No Autoresponders or Bounced Emails are allowed
If your email address bounces or sends back MyEzCashProfits a message
with an autoresponder, you risk having your account deleted. Once your
account is deleted you will have to contact Shawn Williams to upgrade
you back to Pro if you were a Pro member. You will be required to show
proof of your Upgrade to Pro by supplying your PayPal transaction ID#.
All referrals, points and COMMISSIONS will be lost if your account is
MyEzCashProfits is a promotional marketing tool used to help members
promote all of their offers on the Internet. MyEzCashProfits does not
make any promises written or implied as to the amount of money that can
be made from MyEzCashProfits.
It is your responsibility to make sure your email address for your
PayPal account is correct. Commission payments made to the wrong
account because of an incorrectly entered id is your responsibility.
Should your account at PayPal be locked or restricted for any reason,
that is also your responsibility. MyEzCashProfits will not be held
All policies, rules and regulations are the final decision of
MyEzCashProfits. We reserve the right to modify, add or
any policies as we deem necessary at any time. All members agree that
they will not hold MyEzCashProfits liable for any items or policies
within this program.
Once you pay for your lifetime membership or buy advertising, if you
would like a refund, simply submit a support ticket stating that you
would like a refund. Your refund will be sent and your account will be
deleted. You will lose any earned commissions and will not be eligible
for payment. By joining and paying for any paid
portion of
MyEzCashProfits, you agree to all the terms and conditions on this page.
MyEzCashProfits has a zero tolerance for spam. Anyone caught spamming
will be deleted from the program and is subject to civil and criminal
prosecution including up to $50,000 in fines. If you are to
include MyEzCashProfits's name or URL in any email promotion, please
only email to your own "double-optin" subscribers. Safelists
also allowed as well as downline mailing programs such as YourLuckyList.
The following are grounds for termination of your account:
To send unsolicited emails to anyone that is not on your own personal
double-optin list. If this does not make sense to
you, then
do not include promotions for MyEzCashProfits in emails.
To falsify user information provided to MyEzCashProfits or to other
users of the service in connection with MyEzCashProfits, or any of it's
other sites.
To use the MyEzCashProfits name and URL via bought commercial bulk
email lists.
MyEzCashProfits considers the above practices to constitute abuse of
our service and of the recipients of such unsolicited mailings and/or
postings who often bear the expense. Therefore, these practices are
prohibited by MyEzCashProfits terms and conditions of service. Engaging
in one or more of these practices will result in termination of the
offender's account.
In addition, we have the right, where feasible, to implement technical
mechanisms which block multiple postings as described above before they
are forwarded.
Nothing contained in this policy shall be construed to limit
MyEzCashProfits actions or remedies in any way with respect to any of
the foregoing activities.
MyEzCashProfits reserves the right to take any and all additional
actions it may deem appropriate with respect to such activities,
including without limitation taking action to recover the costs and
expenses of identifying offenders and removing them from the program.
In addition, MyEzCashProfits reserves at all times all rights and
remedies available to it with respect to such activities at law or in
We use IP tracking devices. Any user that is found to blatantly violate
this agreement will be banned from the program indefinitely and may be
subject to civil and criminal prosecution.
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. We may also make
changes to these rules, regulations, and policies at any time.
By becoming a Free Member or a Gold Member of MyEzCashProfits, you
agree to all of the above terms and conditions.
Anti-Spam Policy
This Anti-Spam Policy Notice governs the use of the web page at and its
associated services, web pages, domains and sub-domains, which are
owned and operated by Shawn Williams ("Owner"). Wherever this Notice
refers to "users" it means "you", while "we" or "our" refer to Shawn
Williams and "Web Site" refers to http://myezcashprofits.com.
This sets forth our policy with regard to the use of "Spam" marketing
techniques in connection with Internet Marketing. In the event that we
deem you to be in violation of these policies, we shall immediately
revoke your rights and close any active account.
We have a strict policy against spamming. We forbid the sending of
unsolicited mass Emails or unsolicited Emails of any kind in connection
with the marketing of our programs, products and services.
We reserve the right to terminate your account and participation in our
programs "for cause" if we deem you to be in violation of our
anti-spamming policies. We also reserve the right to suspend your
account and participation pending review upon receipt of any complaint
or other evidence that you may be engaging in any spamming activity.
We consider spamming to be any activity whereby you directly or
indirectly transmit email messages to any email address that has not
solicited such email and does not consent to such transmission. We also
consider spamming to constitute posting advertisements in newsgroups in
violation of the terms of participation in such newsgroup, that are off
topic, or in newsgroups that do not specifically permit advertisements.
We also consider it spamming when advertisements are placed on message
boards or in chat rooms when they are not permitted by the terms of
participation in such message boards and chat rooms.
If you are "spammed" by anyone regarding our products, services, web
site, or any other matters, please report this activity to Shawn
Williams by email at explodeyouradds@hotmail.com.
Privacy Policy
We understand that privacy online is important to users of our Site,
especially when conducting business. This statement governs our privacy
policies with respect to those users of the Site ("Visitors") who visit
without transacting business and Visitors who register to transact
business on the Site and make use of the various services offered by
MyEzCashProfits (collectively, "Services") ("Authorized Customers").
"Personally Identifiable Information" refers to any information that
identifies or can be used to identify, contact, or locate the person to
whom such information pertains, including, but not limited to, name,
address, phone number, fax number, email address, financial profiles,
social security number, and credit card information. Personally
Identifiable Information does not include information that is collected
anonymously (that is, without identification of the individual user) or
demographic information not connected to an identified individual.
What Personally Identifiable Information is collected? We may collect
basic user profile information from all of our Visitors. We collect the
following additional information from our Authorized Customers: the
names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of Authorized
Customers, the nature and size of the business, and the nature and size
of the advertising inventory that the Authorized Customer intends to
purchase or sell.
How does the Site use Personally Identifiable Information? We use
Personally Identifiable Information to customize the Site, to make
appropriate service offerings, and to fulfill buying and selling
requests on the Site. We may email Visitors and Authorized Customers
about research or purchase and selling opportunities on the Site or
information related to the subject matter of the Site. We may also use
Personally Identifiable Information to contact Visitors and Authorized
Customers in response to specific inquiries, or to provide requested
How is Personally Identifiable Information stored? Personally
Identifiable Information collected by MyEzCashProfits is securely
stored and is not accessible to third parties.
What choices are available to Visitors regarding collection, use and
distribution of the information? Visitors and Authorized Customers may
opt out of receiving unsolicited information from or being contacted by
us and/or our vendors and affiliated agencies by responding to emails
as instructed, or by contacting us at explodeyouradds@hotmail.com
Are Cookies Used on the Site? Cookies are used for a variety of
reasons. We use Cookies to obtain information about the preferences of
our Visitors and the services they select. We also use Cookies for
security purposes to protect our Authorized Customers.
How does MyEzCashProfits use login information? MyEzCashProfitsuses
login information, including, but not limited to, IP addresses, ISPs,
and browser types, to analyze trends, administer the Site, track a
user's movement and use, and gather broad demographic information.
How can Visitors correct any inaccuracies in Personally Identifiable
Information? Visitors and Authorized Customers may contact us to update
Personally Identifiable Information about them or to correct any
inaccuracies by emailing us at explodeyouradds@hotmail.com
Can a Visitor delete or deactivate Personally Identifiable Information
collected by the Site? We provide Visitors and Authorized Customers
with a mechanism to delete/deactivate Personally Identifiable
Information from the Site's database by contacting
explodeyouradds@hotmail.com. However, because of backups and records of
deletions, it may be impossible to delete a Visitor's entry without
retaining some residual information. An individual who requests to have
Personally Identifiable Information deactivated will have this
information functionally deleted, and we will not sell, transfer, or
use Personally Identifiable Information relating to that individual in
any way moving forward.
What happens if the Privacy Policy Changes? We will let our Visitors
and Authorized Customers know about changes to our privacy policy by
posting such changes on the Site. However, if we are changing our
privacy policy in a manner that might cause disclosure of Personally
Identifiable Information that a Visitor or Authorized Customer has
previously requested not be disclosed, we will contact such Visitor or
Authorized Customer to allow such Visitor or Authorized Customer to
prevent such disclosure.
Links: This web site contains links to other web sites. Please note
that when you click on one of these links, you are moving to another
web site. We encourage you to read the privacy statements of these
linked sites as their privacy policies may differ from ours.
Sign Up using only a gmail or
google mail email address!!
All accounts not using gmail or google mail will be deleted.
Having way too many bounced emails.
Right Now
Trucker Traffic
: A very great looking text ad exchange
site.Offering multiple types of memberships and multiple types of
advertising options.Text Ad Exchanges remain one of the most effective
advertising/marketing resources on the internet. There are alot of
sites out there but very few have all the benefits and advertising
options we have to offer.
Owner : Larry L. & Donna
States :
Member Count: 1949
Free Members: 1502
Pro Members: 447
JV Partners: 149
Promotional Special Offer
(May Have Changed
& New Offer Right Now)
July's Promo Code For NEW Members = potato-salad
After Joining, Login, Click On Advertising & Redeem for:
2 Free Solo Ads
2 Banners w/1000 Impressions
2 Traffic Links w/50 Views
Compare Membership :
Memberships |
Venture |
Referral Commissions |
N/A |
N/A |
0.25 |
Referral Commissions |
$1.00 |
$3.00 |
$5.00 |
Referral Commissions |
$2.00 |
$6.00 |
$10.00 |
Log In |
10pts |
40pts |
100pts |
Earned Points |
5% |
20% |
50% |
Purchases |
5% |
20% |
50% |
Posting: |
Ads |
3/day |
10/day |
20/day |
Ads |
3/day |
10/day |
20/day |
Text, HTML. and Solo Ads |
5 |
15 |
25 |
Cloaking |
5 links |
15 links |
25 links |
Point Earnings |
Up |
200 |
400 |
800 |
Monthly |
50 |
400 |
800 |
Referrals |
100 |
200 |
400 |
and HTML Ads |
10pts/ad |
25pts/ad |
50pts/ad |
Ads |
75 |
175 |
350 |
Links |
25 |
50 |
75 |
Clicks |
5 |
15 |
30 |
Banner Clicks |
25 |
50 |
75 |
Links |
25 |
50 |
75 |
Admin Emails |
200 |
400 |
700 |
Super Solo
Ads |
200 |
400 |
700 |
Features :
-Membership Levels For You To Choose From!
-Guaranteed Traffic! (Solo Ads, Traffic Links, Text Ads, HTML Ads,
Recommended Links, Button Banners & Banner Ads)
-Earn Cash For Referring Paid Member's!
-Post Your Text & HTML Ads Daily!
-Save Your Ads For Easy 1 Click Posting The Next Day!
-Earn Cash, Points and/or Advertising By Clicking on Other Member's Ads!
-View 3 Text Ads At A Time!
-Viral URL Cloaker! Cloak Your Affiliate URL's, Promote Your Top 3
Programs & Your Trucker Traffic Affiliate Link At The Same Time!
-Downline Builder w/Promo Codes!
-We've Teamed Up w/ 30 + Ad Exchanges/Ad Boards To Offer You Even More
FREE Advertising!
-60 + FREE Solo Ads/Premium Ads & Banner Ads Included!
-Email Your Referrals Up To Twice A Week!
-Monthly Referral Contest! (A New Winner & Promo Code Every
-Trade Your Earned Commissions or Points For Advertising With 1 Click!
-"Copy & Paste" Promotional Tools!
-Earn Cash When Your Referrals Make A Purchase! - Fill Your Inbox With
"Purchase Commission at Trucker Traffic" Emails!
-Earn Points When Your Referrals Login! - Fill Your Inbox With "Bonus
Points at Trucker Traffic" Emails!
-Earn Points When Your Referrals Earn Points!
-"Came From" Feature So You Know Exactly Where Your Referrals Came From!
-*NEW* Browse The Last 15 Solo Ads Sent Right From The Members Area!
-*NEW* Admin Mailer! Earn Credits Just For Reading Admin Emails!
-*NEW* Browse The Last 10 Admin Emails Sent Right From The Members Area!
-*NEW* Money Pool & Points Pool! Everytime You Click On Another
Members Ad Ca$h is Added To The Money Pool & Points Are Added
The Points Pool! 1 Lucky Random Member Is Chosen For Each! You Could Be
-*NEW* Browse The Last 14 Days Of SUPER Solo's Sent Right From The
Members Area!
-*NEW* ACTIVE Member's Rewards!
-*NEW* Tick Box Posting W/Random Bonus Round!
-And Sooo Much More!
Free |
Pro |
JV |
points on joining
-10 points for every ad read
-75 points for every solo ad click
-100 points for every referral
-Post 3 times a day
-$1.00 for every paid Pro referra
-$2.00 for every paid JV referral
-Price: FREE
points on joining
-25 points for every ad read
-175 points for every solo ad click
-200 points for every referral
-Post 10 times a day
-$3.00 for every paid Pro referral
-$6.00 for every paid JV referral
-Price: $8.99 Lifetime
Sign Up Free, Then Upgrade Inside!
points on joining
-50 points for every ad read
-350 points for every solo ad click
-400 points for every referral
-Post 20 times a day
-$5.00 for every paid Pro referral
-$10.00 for every paid JV referral
-Price: $16.99 Lifetime
Sign Up Free, Then Upgrade Inside!
and Conditions
AGE Limit
You agree
that you are the age of 18 or older.
You agree to
receive any earned commissions through PayPal and or AlertPay Only.
You agree to
only create
1 account. You cannot create any account using the USER ID or PASSWORD
of "Admin" "Administrator" or any and all versions of same. Your
account wil be terminated for doing so.
By joining
admin@truckertraffic.com. Please add this email address to your address
book and mark all emails from admin@truckertraffic.com as NOT SPAM.
This is to ensure all members get other members' Solo Ads as well as
website updates, commissions info etc. Again, these emails may be for
updates, account issues, Trucker Traffic promotions including but not
limited to Solo Ads from Trucker Traffic members or anything that
Trucker Traffic needs to relay to all members. You also agree to
receive up to 2 emails every 7 days from your sponsor from the referral
mailer. Your sponsor will not know your email address.
Traffic will send
up to 15 solo ads at most per day and occasionally 1 admin
Most will be Solo Ads, you will be rewarded with points when you read
Posting Text
# You agree
that any ad
posts that displays and/or connects with malware, porn, gambling,
warez, or other inappropriate sites will be DELETED and that your
account will be deleted without refund.
# You agree
that no ad
posts will promote any form of illegal activity. You agree that all ad
posts will be fully compliant with federal and state laws.
# You agree
to no racist or hateful ads.
# You agree
to only have
links in ad posts that point to other html web pages. You agree to have
no links to e-books, downloads, zip files, mp3’s etc.
# You agree
to only use URLs that do not break frames.
# You agree
not to include profanity in your ad posts.
# You agree
that any form of misleading readers will not be tolerated.
Autoresponders or Bounced Emails are allowed
If your
email address
bounces or sends back Trucker Traffic a message with an autoresponder,
you risk having your account deleted. Once your account is deleted you
will have to contact Larry L. & Donna M. to upgrade you back to
if you were a Pro member. You will be required to show proof of your
Upgrade to Pro by supplying your PayPal transaction ID#. All referrals,
points and COMMISSIONS will be lost if your account is deleted.
Traffic is a
promotional marketing tool used to help members promote all of their
offers on the Internet. Trucker Traffic does not make any promises
written or implied as to the amount of money that can be made from
Trucker Traffic.
It is your
to make sure your email address for your PayPal account is correct.
Commission payments made to the wrong account because of an incorrectly
entered id is your responsibility. Should your account at PayPal be
locked or restricted for any reason, that is also your responsibility.
Trucker Traffic will not be held liable.
policies, rules and
regulations are the final decision of Trucker Traffic. We
the right to modify, add or change any policies as we deem necessary at
any time. All members agree that they will not hold Trucker Traffic
liable for any items or policies within this program.
There are NO
any paid portion or advertising of Trucker Traffic. By joining and
paying for any paid portion or advertising of Trucker Traffic, you
agree to all the terms and conditions on this page.
Traffic has a
zero tolerance for spam. Anyone caught spamming will be deleted from
the program and is subject to civil and criminal prosecution including
up to $50,000 in fines. If you are to include Trucker
name or URL in any email promotion, please only email to your own
"double-optin" subscribers. Safelists are also allowed as
well as
downline mailing programs such as YourLuckyList.
following are grounds for termination of your account:
To send
emails to anyone that is not on your own personal double-optin
list. If this does not make sense to you, then do
include promotions for Trucker Traffic in emails.
To falsify
information provided to Trucker Traffic or to other users of the
service in connection with Trucker Traffic, or any of it's other sites.
To use the
Trucker Traffic name and URL via bought commercial bulk email lists.
Traffic considers
the above practices to constitute abuse of our service and of the
recipients of such unsolicited mailings and/or postings who often bear
the expense. Therefore, these practices are prohibited by Trucker
Traffic terms and conditions of service. Engaging in one or more of
these practices will result in termination of the offender's account.
In addition,
we have the
right, where feasible, to implement technical mechanisms which block
multiple postings as described above before they are forwarded.
contained in this
policy shall be construed to limit Trucker Traffic actions or remedies
in any way with respect to any of the foregoing activities.
Traffic reserves
the right to take any and all additional actions it may deem
appropriate with respect to such activities, including without
limitation taking action to recover the costs and expenses of
identifying offenders and removing them from the program.
In addition,
Traffic reserves at all times all rights and remedies available to it
with respect to such activities at law or in equity.
We use IP
devices. Any user that is found to blatantly violate this agreement
will be banned from the program indefinitely and may be subject to
civil and criminal prosecution.
We reserve
the right to
refuse service to anyone. We may also make changes to these rules,
regulations, and policies at any time.
By becoming
a Free Member or a Pro Member of Trucker Traffic, you agree to all of
the above terms and conditions.
Anti-Spam Policy
Notice governs the use of the web page at and its associated services,
web pages, domains and sub-domains, which are owned and operated by
Larry L. & Donna M. ("Owner"). Wherever this Notice refers to
"users" it means "you", while "we" or "our" refer to Larry L. &
Donna M. and "Web Site" refers to http://truckertraffic.com.
This sets
forth our
policy with regard to the use of "Spam" marketing techniques in
connection with Internet Marketing. In the event that we deem you to be
in violation of these policies, we shall immediately revoke your rights
and close any active account.
We have a
strict policy
against spamming. We forbid the sending of unsolicited mass Emails or
unsolicited Emails of any kind in connection with the marketing of our
programs, products and services.
We reserve
the right to
terminate your account and participation in our programs "for cause" if
we deem you to be in violation of our anti-spamming policies. We also
reserve the right to suspend your account and participation pending
review upon receipt of any complaint or other evidence that you may be
engaging in any spamming activity.
We consider
spamming to
be any activity whereby you directly or indirectly transmit email
messages to any email address that has not solicited such email and
does not consent to such transmission. We also consider spamming to
constitute posting advertisements in newsgroups in violation of the
terms of participation in such newsgroup, that are off topic, or in
newsgroups that do not specifically permit advertisements. We also
consider it spamming when advertisements are placed on message boards
or in chat rooms when they are not permitted by the terms of
participation in such message boards and chat rooms.
If you are
"spammed" by
anyone regarding our products, services, web site, or any other
matters, please report this activity to Larry L. & Donna M. by
email at admin@truckertraffic.com.
understand that
privacy online is important to users of our Site, especially when
conducting business. This statement governs our privacy policies with
respect to those users of the Site ("Visitors") who visit without
transacting business and Visitors who register to transact business on
the Site and make use of the various services offered by Trucker
Traffic (collectively, "Services") ("Authorized Customers").
Information" refers to any information that identifies or can be used
to identify, contact, or locate the person to whom such information
pertains, including, but not limited to, name, address, phone number,
fax number, email address, financial profiles, social security number,
and credit card information. Personally Identifiable Information does
not include information that is collected anonymously (that is, without
identification of the individual user) or demographic information not
connected to an identified individual.
Identifiable Information is collected? We may collect basic user
profile information from all of our Visitors. We collect the following
additional information from our Authorized Customers: the names,
addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of Authorized Customers,
the nature and size of the business, and the nature and size of the
advertising inventory that the Authorized Customer intends to purchase
or sell.
How does the
Site use
Personally Identifiable Information? We use Personally Identifiable
Information to customize the Site, to make appropriate service
offerings, and to fulfill buying and selling requests on the Site. We
may email Visitors and Authorized Customers about research or purchase
and selling opportunities on the Site or information related to the
subject matter of the Site. We may also use
Personally Identifiable Information to contact Visitors and Authorized
Customers in response to specific inquiries, or to provide requested
How is
Identifiable Information stored? Personally Identifiable Information
collected by Trucker Traffic is securely stored and is not accessible
to third parties.
What choices
available to Visitors regarding collection, use and distribution of the
information? Visitors and Authorized Customers may opt out of receiving
unsolicited information from or being contacted by us and/or our
vendors and affiliated agencies by responding to emails as instructed,
or by contacting us at admin@truckertraffic.com
Are Cookies
Used on the
Site? Cookies are used for a variety of reasons. We use Cookies to
obtain information about the preferences of our Visitors and the
services they select. We also use Cookies for security purposes to
protect our Authorized Customers.
How does
Trucker Traffic
use login information? Trucker Trafficuses login information,
including, but not limited to, IP addresses, ISPs, and browser types,
to analyze trends, administer the Site, track a user's movement and
use, and gather broad demographic information.
How can
Visitors correct
any inaccuracies in Personally Identifiable Information? Visitors and
Authorized Customers may contact us to update Personally Identifiable
Information about them or to correct any inaccuracies by emailing us at
Can a
Visitor delete or
deactivate Personally Identifiable Information collected by the Site?
We provide Visitors and Authorized Customers with a mechanism to
delete/deactivate Personally Identifiable Information from the Site's
database by contacting admin@truckertraffic.com. However, because of
backups and records of deletions, it may be impossible to delete a
Visitor's entry without retaining some residual information. An
individual who requests to have Personally Identifiable Information
deactivated will have this information functionally deleted, and we
will not sell, transfer, or use Personally Identifiable Information
relating to that individual in any way moving forward.
What happens
if the
Privacy Policy Changes? We will let our Visitors and Authorized
Customers know about changes to our privacy policy by posting such
changes on the Site. However, if we are changing our privacy policy in
a manner that might cause disclosure of Personally Identifiable
Information that a Visitor or Authorized Customer has previously
requested not be disclosed, we will contact such Visitor or Authorized
Customer to allow such Visitor or Authorized Customer to prevent such
Links: This
web site
contains links to other web sites. Please note that when you click on
one of these links, you are moving to another web site. We encourage
you to read the privacy statements of these linked sites as their
privacy policies may differ from ours.
Join Right Now!
Treasure Island Network
: A very great looking text ad exchange
site.Offering multiple types of memberships and multiple types of
advertising options.Text Ad Exchanges remain one of the most effective
advertising/marketing resources on the internet. There are alot of
sites out there but very few have all the benefits and advertising
options we have to offer.
Welcome to one of the coolest places online! We
have lots
to offer to help make your visit to Treasure Island Ads both fun and
rewarding, including our all new Find Your Treasure game. Our active
members enjoy the perks of receiving surprise bonuses and cash prizes.
Plus, just for being a member, you can earn cash commissions on up to 5
levels of unlimited referrals!
Owner :
States : Member Count: 714
Promotional Special Offer
(May Have
Changed & New Offer Right Now)
Promo Code:
Your Income Level |
Level |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Total |
Member |
20% |
10% |
10% |
40% |
Member |
30% |
15% |
10% |
5% |
60% |
JV Member |
40% |
15% |
10% |
5% |
5% |
75% |
However, this is NOT a
forced matrix. Why not? So you can earn from an unlimited
of referrals on each level. A forced matrix limits you to the amount of
referrals you can earn from. Our built in matrix allows you to earn an
unlimited amount of purchase commissions from referrals on up to 5
When you
join Treasure
Island Ads, you are automatically positioned in our matrix. There is no
membership fee to join the matrix. Signup for FREE and you are ready to
start earning from your referrals, their referrals, their referrals'
referrals and so on.
Its a known
fact that
text ad exchanges are one of the best advertising options because they
have a higher conversion rate than any other form of online
advertising. To assist in your marketing efforts and to make it a
little fun, we offer a host of advertising options, including a few
exclusive features to meet your needs:
Compare Membership :
Pro |
JV |
JV |
points upon joining
-$0.005 commissions for every Cash Solo clicked
-$0.005 commissions for every PTC Link clicked
-points for every Traffic Link clicked
-250 points for every Solo ad clicked
-250 points for every High Priority Solo ad clicked
-500 points for every Admin ad clicked
-Post 5 text ads per day
-Post 5 html ads per day
-Save 5 text ads
-Save 5 html ads
-Save 5 solo ads
-Have 25 links in the Referral Link Cloaker
-100 points for every referral
-25 points when a referral logs in
-Earn 20% in cash commissions on Level 1
-Earn 10% in cash commissions on Level 2
-Earn 10% in cash commissions on Level 3
-$2.25 for every JV Member referred
-$4.00 for every SUPER JV Member referred
-Price: FREE
points upon upgrading
-$0.01 commissions for every Cash Solo clicked
-$0.01 commissions for every High Priority Cash Solo clicked
-$0.01 commissions for every PTC Link clicked
-100 points for every Traffic Link clicked
-500 points for every Solo ad clicked
-500 points for every High Priority Solo ad clicked
-750 points for every Admin ad clicked
-Post 15 text ads per day
-Post 15 html ads per day
-Save 15 text ads
-Save 15 html ads
-Save 15 solo ads
-Have 50 links in the Referral Link Cloaker
-500 points for every referral
-50 points when a referral logs in
-Earn 30% in cash commissions on Level 1
-Earn 15% in cash commissions on Level 2
-Earn 10% in cash commissions on Level 3
-Earn 5% in cash commissions on Level 4
-$0.07 for every Free/Pro Member referred
-$4.25 for every JV Member referred
-$8.00 for every SUPER JV Member referred
-Price: $19.95 Lifetime
Sign Up Free, Then Upgrade Inside!
points upon upgrading
-$0.02 commissions for every Cash Solo clicked
-$0.02 commissions for every High Priority Cash Solo clicked
-$0.02 commissions for every PTC Link clicked
-150 points for every Traffic Link clicked
-750 points for every Solo ad clicked
-750 points for every High Priority Solo ad clicked
-1000 points for every Admin ad clicked
-Post 25 text ads per day
-Post 25 html ads per day
-Save 25 text ads
-Save 25 html ads
-Save 25 solo ads
-Have 100 links in the Referral Link Cloaker
-1000 points for every referral
-100 points when a referral logs in
-Earn 40% in cash commissions on Level 1
-Earn 15% in cash commissions on Level 2
-Earn 10% in cash commissions on Level 3
-Earn 5% in cash commissions on Level 4
-Earn 5% in cash commissions on Level 5
-$0.10 for every Free/Pro Member referred
-$8.50 for every JV Member referred
-$16.00 for every SUPER JV Member referred
-Price: $39.95 Lifetime
-See our OTO for an awesome deal.
Sign Up Free, Then Upgrade Inside! |
-Cash Solos
-High Priority Solos
-High Priority Cash Solos
-Set 'N Forget Solos
-Set 'N Forget Cash Solos
-Super Solos
-Solo Header Ads
-Solo Footer Ads
-Banner Ads
-Button Banners
-Built In Surf w/ Cash Prizes
-Daily Bonus Links
-PTC Links
-Traffic Links
-Text Ads
-Log In Ads
-Headline Ads
-Top Navigation Links
-Bottom Navigation Links
-And Much, Much More!
Our upgraded members are pampered with a bundle of advertising that is
automatically credited to their account every month. No need for
monthly promo codes or support requests.
-25,000 Points
Solo Ads
Cash Solos
PTC Links w/100 Views
Traffic Links w/100 Views
Banners w/ 1000 Views
Button Banners w/1000 Views
Hotlinks w/ 1000 Views
Log In
Ad w/ 1000 Views |
-50,000 Points
Solo Ads
Cash Solos
PTC Links w/ 100 Views
Traffic Links w/ 100 Views
Banners w/ 1000 Views
Button Banners w/ 1000 Views
Hotlinks w/ 1000 Views
Log In
Ads w/ 1000 Views |
in addition to all the fringe benefits of being an upgraded member!
Terms and Conditions
AGE Limit
You agree that you are the age of 18 or older.
Commissions, Game & Contest Winnings
You agree to receive any earned commissions through AlertPay Only. All
commissions or cash for contests are subject to review and may be
subsequently paid up to 14 days after request and review of referrals
are complete. A minimum of $25 is needed to request a cash out. Each
member and their referrals must remain active members of the site to be
paid commissions. Being active refers to actively reading all ads as
well as posting free and/or paid ads on the site and/or also may
pertain to referring other active free or upgraded members to Treasure
Island Ads.
Any cash prizes won while playing the Find Your Treasure game are not
counted towards payout. In order to be paid, all earnings must come
from site sales, commissions, ptc ads and cash solos.
Number of Accounts
You agree to only create 1 account. Duplicate accounts and paid sign
ups are strictly prohibited. You also agree to have first and last name
details listed on your account and you may be subject for a proof of
verification of your account including but notwithstanding a proof of
purchase statement from AlertPay. Accounts with the same first name as
the last name and username are subject to immediate termination (ie.
first name: john last name: john username: john) Accounts with obvious
incorrect given or suspicious first and last names are also subject to
immediate terminations (ie: first name: Barrack last name:Obama or
first name: Ad last name: Exchanges). You cannot create any account
using the USER ID or PASSWORD of "Admin" "Administrator" or any and all
versions of same. Your account will be terminated for doing so.
All accounts MUST be created using gmail.com or googlemail.com. The use
of any other address will result in possible account suspension or
Suspicious Referrals & Inactive Members
We reserve the right to delete any member or referral that we feel is
suspicious or a fake account. These accounts will be deleted without
warning. We are not a PTC, PTR or PTP site. DO NOT promote us as such.
We also reserve the right to delete any member regardless of membership
level who has been inactive on our site for a period of 14 days or
longer. An inactive member is one who has not logged in, viewed other
members advertising and set up their own advertising for a period of 14
days or longer. If your account is deleted, you will lose ALL earnings,
referrals, advertising and advertising credits without refund or
compensation. Avoid being deleted. If you will be away from Treasure
Island Ads for 14 days or longer.... simply log into your account,
click Edit Details and then click Vacation Mode.
By joining Treasure Island Ads YOU AGREE TO RECEIVE UP TO 24 EMAILS OR
MORE EVERY 24HRS FROM admin @ treasureislandnetwork.com. Please add
this email address to your address book and mark all emails from admin
@ treasureislandnetwork.com as NOT SPAM. This is to ensure all members
get other members' Solo Ads as well as website updates, commissions
info etc. Again, these emails may be for updates, account issues,
Treasure Island Ads promotions including but not limited to Solo Ads
from Treasure Island Ads members or anything that Treasure Island Ads
needs to relay to all members. You also agree to receive up to 2 emails
every 7 days from your sponsor from the referral mailer. Your sponsor
will not know your email address.
Treasure Island Ads will send up to 24 Solo Ads per day and
occasionally Admin emails. Most will be Solo Ads, you will be
rewarded with points when you read them.
Posting Text Ads
# You agree that any ad posts that displays and/or connects with
malware, porn, gambling, warez, or other inappropriate sites will be
DELETED and that your account will be deleted without refund.
# You agree that no ad posts will promote any form of illegal activity.
You agree that all ad posts will be fully compliant with federal and
state laws.
# You agree to no racist or hateful ads.
# You agree to only have links in ad posts that point to other html web
pages. You agree to have no links to e-books, downloads, zip files,
mp3’s etc.
# You agree to only use URLs that do not break frames.
# You agree not to include profanity in your ad posts.
# You agree that any form of misleading readers will not be tolerated.
# You agree NOT to post the same ad multiple times.
Inaccurate Advertisements & Promotions
We are not responsible for any inaccuracy or misworded advertising
sent/posted by our members. This includes, but is not limited to, any
advertising posted by our members for Treasure Island Ads and any
advertising posted by our members for any other site.
Furthermore, we reserve the right to immediately delete any member who
falsely represents any portion of our site without refund or
reimbursement. If deleted, all commissions, points, advertising,
referrals, game tickets and jackpot drawing tickets will be permanently
No Autoresponders or Bounced Emails are allowed
If your email address bounces or sends back Treasure Island Ads a
message with an autoresponder, you risk having your account deleted.
This includes Boxbe, SpamAssassin and Google Autopilot. Once your
account is deleted you will have to contact Admin to upgrade you back
to JV/Super JV, if you were already a JV or Super JV member. You will
be required to show proof of your upgrade by supplying your PayPal
transaction ID#. Your upgraded membership will not be reinstated
without this verification. All referrals, points and COMMISSIONS will
be lost if your account is deleted.
AutoSubmitters & TextAdSubmitters
You agree to not post your userid on any form of AutoSubmitter or
TextAdSubmitter sites. You also agree not to post ads on Treasure
Island Ads for any form of AutoSubmitter or TextAdSubmitter.
Sign-Up Bonuses
If a $5 Sign-Up Bonus is offered, it will be given to each new Pro
Member upon request via the "Contact Support" button within the
Member's Area. The sign-up bonus must be claimed within 7 days of
sign-up or verification date. If your account is deleted or terminated
for any reason by Admin or by your own doing you will NOT be entitled
to the sign-up bonus again.
We reserve the right to not honor the sign-up bonus to a member at any
given time for whatever reason we see fit. We also reserve the right to
cancel the sign-up bonus at any given time as we see fit at our own
Promo Codes
The new member promo code MUST be redeemed immediately after verifying
your email address and logging in. If you do not redeem the new member
code after doing so it will expire and you will lose it.
You agree to only use promo codes specifically specified by Admin or
listed on the index (front) page of the site. Any Admin email promo
codes or promo codes found within the Member's Area are not subject for
public use. They are solely intended as extra incentive rewards for
members ONLY. Abusing promo codes and giving them to non-members as an
extra incentive to sign-up is strictly prohibited and is cause for
account termination.
Treasure Island Ads is a promotional marketing tool used to help
members promote all of their offers on the Internet. Treasure Island
Ads does not make any promises written or implied as to the amount of
money that can be made from Treasure Island Ads.
It is your responsibility to make sure your email address for your
AlertPay account is correct. Commission payments made to the wrong
account because of an incorrectly entered id is your responsibility.
Should your account at PayPal be locked or restricted for any reason,
that is also your responsibility. Treasure Island Ads will not be held
All policies, rules and regulations are the final decision of Treasure
Island Ads. We reserve the right to modify, add or change any
policies as we deem necessary at any time, without prior notice. It is
the responsibility of each member to review these Terms periodically
for updates. All members agree that they will not hold Treasure Island
Ads liable for any items or policies within this program.
No refunds are given. By joining and paying for any
portion of Treasure Island Ads, you agree to all the terms and
conditions on this page.
Treasure Island Ads has a zero tolerance for spam. Anyone caught
spamming will be deleted from the program and is subject to civil and
criminal prosecution including up to $50,000 in fines. If you
to include Treasure Island Ads's name or URL in any email promotion,
please only email to your own "double-optin" subscribers.
Safelists are also allowed as well as downline mailing programs such as
The following are grounds for termination of your account:
To send unsolicited emails to anyone that is not on your own personal
double-optin list. If this does not make sense to
you, then
do not include promotions for Treasure Island Ads in emails.
To falsify user information provided to Treasure Island Ads or to other
users of the service in connection with Treasure Island Ads, or any of
it's other sites.
To use the Treasure Island Ads name and URL via bought commercial bulk
email lists.
Treasure Island Ads considers the above practices to constitute abuse
of our service and of the recipients of such unsolicited mailings
and/or postings who often bear the expense. Therefore, these practices
are prohibited by Treasure Island Ads terms and conditions of service.
Engaging in one or more of these practices will result in termination
of the offender's account.
In addition, we have the right, where feasible, to implement technical
mechanisms which block multiple postings as described above before they
are forwarded.
Nothing contained in this policy shall be construed to limit Treasure
Island Ads actions or remedies in any way with respect to any of the
foregoing activities.
Treasure Island Ads reserves the right to take any and all additional
actions it may deem appropriate with respect to such activities,
including without limitation taking action to recover the costs and
expenses of identifying offenders and removing them from the program.
In addition, Treasure Island Ads reserves at all times all rights and
remedies available to it with respect to such activities at law or in
We use IP tracking devices. Any user that is found to blatantly violate
this agreement will be banned from the program indefinitely and may be
subject to civil and criminal prosecution.
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. We may also make
changes to these rules, regulations, and policies at any time.
By becoming a Pro Member, JV Member or Super JV Member of Treasure
Island Ads, you agree to all of the above terms and conditions.
Anti-Spam Policy
This Anti-Spam Policy Notice governs the use of the web page at and its
associated services, web pages, domains and sub-domains, which are
owned and operated by Admin ("Owner"). Wherever this Notice refers to
"users" it means "you", while "we" or "our" refer to Admin and "Web
Site" refers to http://www.treasureislandnetwork.com.
This sets forth our policy with regard to the use of "Spam" marketing
techniques in connection with Internet Marketing. In the event that we
deem you to be in violation of these policies, we shall immediately
revoke your rights and close any active account.
We have a strict policy against spamming. We forbid the sending of
unsolicited mass Emails or unsolicited Emails of any kind in connection
with the marketing of our programs, products and services.
We reserve the right to terminate your account and participation in our
programs "for cause" if we deem you to be in violation of our
anti-spamming policies. We also reserve the right to suspend your
account and participation pending review upon receipt of any complaint
or other evidence that you may be engaging in any spamming activity.
We consider spamming to be any activity whereby you directly or
indirectly transmit email messages to any email address that has not
solicited such email and does not consent to such transmission. We also
consider spamming to constitute posting advertisements in newsgroups in
violation of the terms of participation in such newsgroup, that are off
topic, or in newsgroups that do not specifically permit advertisements.
We also consider it spamming when advertisements are placed on message
boards or in chat rooms when they are not permitted by the terms of
participation in such message boards and chat rooms.
If you are "spammed" by anyone regarding our products, services, web
site, or any other matters, please report this activity to Admin by
email at admin @ treasureislandnetworks.com.
Privacy Policy
We understand that privacy online is important to users of our Site,
especially when conducting business. This statement governs our privacy
policies with respect to those users of the Site ("Visitors") who visit
without transacting business and Visitors who register to transact
business on the Site and make use of the various services offered by
Treasure Island Ads (collectively, "Services") ("Authorized Customers").
"Personally Identifiable Information" refers to any information that
identifies or can be used to identify, contact, or locate the person to
whom such information pertains, including, but not limited to, name,
address, phone number, fax number, email address, financial profiles,
social security number, and credit card information. Personally
Identifiable Information does not include information that is collected
anonymously (that is, without identification of the individual user) or
demographic information not connected to an identified individual.
What Personally Identifiable Information is collected? We may collect
basic user profile information from all of our Visitors. We collect the
following additional information from our Authorized Customers: the
names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of Authorized
Customers, the nature and size of the business, and the nature and size
of the advertising inventory that the Authorized Customer intends to
purchase or sell.
How does the Site use Personally Identifiable Information? We use
Personally Identifiable Information to customize the Site, to make
appropriate service offerings, and to fulfill buying and selling
requests on the Site. We may email Visitors and Authorized Customers
about research or purchase and selling opportunities on the Site or
information related to the subject matter of the Site. We may also use
Personally Identifiable Information to contact Visitors and Authorized
Customers in response to specific inquiries, or to provide requested
How is Personally Identifiable Information stored? Personally
Identifiable Information collected by Treasure Island Ads is securely
stored and is not accessible to third parties.
What choices are available to Visitors regarding collection, use and
distribution of the information? Visitors and Authorized Customers may
opt out of receiving unsolicited information from or being contacted by
us and/or our vendors and affiliated agencies by responding to emails
as instructed, or by contacting us at admin @ paidflirts.com
Are Cookies Used on the Site? Cookies are used for a variety of
reasons. We use Cookies to obtain information about the preferences of
our Visitors and the services they select. We also use Cookies for
security purposes to protect our Authorized Customers.
How does Treasure Island Ads use login information? Treasure Island Ads
uses login information, including, but not limited to, IP addresses,
ISPs, and browser types, to analyze trends, administer the Site, track
a user's movement and use, and gather broad demographic information.
How can Visitors correct any inaccuracies in Personally Identifiable
Information? Visitors and Authorized Customers may contact us to update
Personally Identifiable Information about them or to correct any
inaccuracies by emailing us at admin @ paidflirts.com
Can a Visitor delete or deactivate Personally Identifiable Information
collected by the Site? We provide Visitors and Authorized Customers
with a mechanism to delete/deactivate Personally Identifiable
Information from the Site's database by contacting admin @
paidflirts.com. However, because of backups and records of deletions,
it may be impossible to delete a Visitor's entry without retaining some
residual information. An individual who requests to have Personally
Identifiable Information deactivated will have this information
functionally deleted, and we will not sell, transfer, or use Personally
Identifiable Information relating to that individual in any way moving
What happens if the Privacy Policy Changes? We will let our Visitors
and Authorized Customers know about changes to our privacy policy by
posting such changes on the Site. However, if we are changing our
privacy policy in a manner that might cause disclosure of Personally
Identifiable Information that a Visitor or Authorized Customer has
previously requested not be disclosed, we will contact such Visitor or
Authorized Customer to allow such Visitor or Authorized Customer to
prevent such disclosure.
Links: This web site contains links to other web sites. Please note
that when you click on one of these links, you are moving to another
web site. We encourage you to read the privacy statements of these
linked sites as their privacy policies may differ from ours.
Up using only a gmail or google mail email address!!
All accounts not using gmail or google mail will be deleted.
Having way too many bounced emails.
Right Now
[15] Hit Pilots
: A very great looking text ad exchange
site.Offering multiple types of memberships and multiple types of
advertising options.Text Ad Exchanges remain one of the most effective
advertising/marketing resources on the internet. There are alot of
sites out there but very few have all the benefits and advertising
options we have to offer.
Owner : Mandy Schaal
States :
Member Count: 101
Free Members: 97
PRO Members: 1
JV Members: 3
Promotional Special Offer
(May Have Changed
& New Offer Right Now)
New Member Promo Code:
5000 points
5 Solo Ads
5 Banners (468x60) w/1000 Impressions
5 Button Banners (125x125) w/1000 Impressions
2 Traffic Links w/50 Impressions
2 HOT Links w/5000 Impressions
Look for more promo codes inside the members area.
Pro |
JV |
points on joining
-100 points for every text ad read
-50 points for every html ad read
-50 points for every banner clicked
-25 points for every hotlink ad clicked
-25 points for every traffic link clicked
-150 points for every solo ad click
-150 points for every admin ad clicked
-Post 5 text ads per day
-Post 5 html ads per day
-Save 5 text ads
-Save 5 html ads
-Save 5 solo ads
-Have 2 links in the Viral Link Cloaker
-150 points for every referral
-50 points when a referral logs in
-When a referrer earns points you earn 5 percent in points
-When a referrer purchases advertising you earn 5 percent in commissions
-$0.10 for every free member referred
-$0.10 for every pro member referred
-$5.00 for every JV Partner referred
-Price: FREE
points on joining
-150 points for every text ad read
-150 points for every html ad read
-100 points for every banner clicked
-50 points for every hotlink ad clicked
-50 points for every traffic link clicked
-200 points for every solo ad click
-200 points for every admin ad clicked
-Post 20 text ads per day
-Post 20 html ads per day
-Save 20 text ads
-Save 20 html ads
-Save 20 solo ads
-Have 20 links in the Viral Link Cloaker
-500 points for every referral
-100 points when a referral logs in
-When a referrer earns points you earn 25 percent in points
-When a referrer purchases advertising you earn 25 percent in
-$0.10 for every free member referred
-$3.00 for every pro member referred
-$10.00 for every JV Partner referred
-Price: $10.00 Lifetime
Sign Up Free, Then Upgrade Inside!
points on joining
-100 points for every text ad read
-100 points for every html ad read
-150 points for every banner clicked
-100 points for every hotlink ad clicked
-100 points for every traffic link clicked
-500 points for every solo ad click
-500 points for every admin ad clicked
-Post 25 text ads per day
-Post 25 html ads per day
-Save 25 text ads
-Save 25 html ads
-Save 25 solo ads
-Have 25 links in the Viral Link Cloaker
-150 points when a referral logs in
-When a referrer earns points you earn 50 percent in points
-When a referrer purchases advertising you earn 50 percent in
-$0.15 for every free member referred
-$0.50 for every pro member referred
-$15.00 for every JV Partner referred
-Price: $25.00 Lifetime
Sign Up Free, Then Upgrade Inside!
Features :
-Exchange Ads With People Via, Solo, Banner, Text, HTML, Login Ads,
Traffic And Navigation Links.
-Join Free And Take Advantage of Our Advertising For Your Websites,
Blogs, Programs etc.
-Convert Ads From Your Earned Credits or Purchase Reasonable Priced
Responsive Advertising.
-Both Free And Pro Members Earn Credits By Viewing Other Members Ads.
-Both Free And Pro Members Earn From Their Downlines And Much More!
List of banned emails
Terms and Conditions
AGE Limit
You agree that you are the age of 18 or older.
You agree to receive any earned commissions through PayPal Only.
Number of Accounts
You agree to only create 1 account.
FROM Admin@HitPilots.com. Please add this email address to your address
book and mark all emails from Admin@HitPilots.com as NOT SPAM. This is
to ensure all members get other members' Solo Ads as well as website
updates, commissions info etc. Again, these emails may be for updates,
account issues, Hit Pilots promotions including but not limited to Solo
Ads from Hit Pilots members or anything that Hit Pilots needs to relay
to all members. You also agree to receive up to 2 emails every 7 days
from your sponsor from the referral mailer. Your sponsor will not know
your email address.
Hit Pilots will send 6-10 solo ads at most per day and occasionally 1
admin email. Most will be Solo Ads, you will be rewarded with
points when you read them.
Posting Text Ads
# You agree that any ad posts that displays and/or connects with
malware, porn/NO sexusal content of any kind, gambling, warez, or other
inappropriate sites will be DELETED and that your account will be
deleted without refund.
# You agree that no ad posts will promote any form of illegal activity.
You agree that all ad posts will be fully compliant with federal and
state laws.
# You agree to no racist or hateful ads.
# You agree to only have links in ad posts that point to other html web
pages. You agree to have no links to e-books, downloads, zip files,
mp3’s etc.
# You agree to only use URLs that do not break frames.
# You agree not to include profanity in your ad posts.
# You agree that any form of misleading readers will not be tolerated.
You take total responsibility for your advertising. FTC Guidelines are
available on site and here. Please be sure to familiarize
yourself and follow FTC Guidelines:
your advertising practices.
***PLEASE Review Advertising Requirements in Advertising prior to
posting your ads.
No Autoresponders or Bounced Emails are allowed
If your email address bounces or sends back Hit Pilots a message with
an autoresponder, you risk having your account deleted. Once your
account is deleted you will have to contact Mandy Schaal to upgrade you
back to Pro if you were a Pro member. You will be required to show
proof of your Upgrade to Pro by supplying your PayPal transaction ID#.
All referrals, points and COMMISSIONS will be lost if your account is
Hit Pilots is a promotional marketing tool used to help members promote
all of their offers on the Internet. Hit Pilots does not make any
promises written or implied as to the amount of money that can be made
from Hit Pilots.
It is your responsibility to make sure your email address for your
PayPal account is correct. Commission payments made to the wrong
account because of an incorrectly entered id is your responsibility.
Should your account at PayPal be locked or restricted for any reason,
that is also your responsibility. Hit Pilots will not be held liable.
All policies, rules and regulations are the final decision of Hit
Pilots. We reserve the right to modify, add or change any
policies as we deem necessary at any time. All members agree that they
will not hold Hit Pilots liable for any items or policies within this
Once you pay for your lifetime membership or buy advertising, if you
would like a refund, simply submit a support ticket stating that you
would like a refund. Your refund will be sent and your account will be
deleted. You will lose any earned commissions and will not be eligible
for payment. By joining and paying for any paid
portion of
Hit Pilots, you agree to all the terms and conditions on this page.
Hit Pilots has a zero tolerance for spam. Anyone caught spamming will
be deleted from the program and is subject to civil and criminal
prosecution including up to $50,000 in fines. If you are to
include Hit Pilots's name or URL in any email promotion, please only
email to your own "double-optin" subscribers. Safelists are
allowed as well as downline mailing programs such as YourLuckyList.
The following are grounds for termination of your account:
To send unsolicited emails to anyone that is not on your own personal
double-optin list. If this does not make sense to
you, then
do not include promotions for Hit Pilots in emails.
To falsify user information provided to Hit Pilots or to other users of
the service in connection with Hit Pilots, or any of it's other sites.
To use the Hit Pilots name and URL via bought commercial bulk email
Hit Pilots considers the above practices to constitute abuse of our
service and of the recipients of such unsolicited mailings and/or
postings who often bear the expense. Therefore, these practices are
prohibited by Hit Pilots terms and conditions of service. Engaging in
one or more of these practices will result in termination of the
offender's account.
In addition, we have the right, where feasible, to implement technical
mechanisms which block multiple postings as described above before they
are forwarded.
Nothing contained in this policy shall be construed to limit Hit Pilots
actions or remedies in any way with respect to any of the foregoing
Hit Pilots reserves the right to take any and all additional actions it
may deem appropriate with respect to such activities, including without
limitation taking action to recover the costs and expenses of
identifying offenders and removing them from the program.
In addition, Hit Pilots reserves at all times all rights and remedies
available to it with respect to such activities at law or in equity.
We use IP tracking devices. Any user that is found to blatantly violate
this agreement will be banned from the program indefinitely and may be
subject to civil and criminal prosecution.
Visitor downloads information from this site at this own risk. Website
makes no warranty that downloads are free of corrupting computer codes,
including, but not limited to, viruses and worms.
The website assumes no responsibility for damage to computers or
software of the visitor or any person the visitor subsequently
communicates with from corrupting code or data that is inadvertently
passed to the visitor's computer. Again, visitor views and interacts
with this site, or banners or pop-ups or advertising displayed thereon,
at his own risk.
The website disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy of the
content of this website. Visitors assume the all risk of viewing,
reading, using, or relying upon this information. Unless you have
otherwise formed an express contract to the contrary with the website,
you have no right to rely on any information contained herein as
accurate. The website makes no such warranty.
...Earnings Disclaimer:
Privacy and SPAM Policies:
Privacy Policy: http://www.fifty-fiftytextadz.com/privacy.php
SPAM Policy: http://www.fifty-fiftytextadz.com/spam.php
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. We may also make
changes to these rules, regulations, and policies at any time.
By becoming a Free Member or a Pro Member of Hit Pilots, you agree to
all of the above terms and conditions.
Anti-Spam Policy
This Anti-Spam Policy Notice governs the use of the web page at and its
associated services, web pages, domains and sub-domains, which are
owned and operated by Mandy Schaal ("Owner"). Wherever this Notice
refers to "users" it means "you", while "we" or "our" refer to Mandy
Schaal and "Web Site" refers to http://www.HitPilots.com.
This sets forth our policy with regard to the use of "Spam" marketing
techniques in connection with Internet Marketing. In the event that we
deem you to be in violation of these policies, we shall immediately
revoke your rights and close any active account.
We have a strict policy against spamming. We forbid the sending of
unsolicited mass Emails or unsolicited Emails of any kind in connection
with the marketing of our programs, products and services.
We reserve the right to terminate your account and participation in our
programs "for cause" if we deem you to be in violation of our
anti-spamming policies. We also reserve the right to suspend your
account and participation pending review upon receipt of any complaint
or other evidence that you may be engaging in any spamming activity.
We consider spamming to be any activity whereby you directly or
indirectly transmit email messages to any email address that has not
solicited such email and does not consent to such transmission. We also
consider spamming to constitute posting advertisements in newsgroups in
violation of the terms of participation in such newsgroup, that are off
topic, or in newsgroups that do not specifically permit advertisements.
We also consider it spamming when advertisements are placed on message
boards or in chat rooms when they are not permitted by the terms of
participation in such message boards and chat rooms.
If you are "spammed" by anyone regarding our products, services, web
site, or any other matters, please report this activity to Mandy Schaal
by email at Admin@HitPilots.com.
Privacy Policy
We understand that privacy online is important to users of our Site,
especially when conducting business. This statement governs our privacy
policies with respect to those users of the Site ("Visitors") who visit
without transacting business and Visitors who register to transact
business on the Site and make use of the various services offered by
Hit Pilots (collectively, "Services") ("Authorized Customers").
"Personally Identifiable Information" refers to any information that
identifies or can be used to identify, contact, or locate the person to
whom such information pertains, including, but not limited to, name,
address, phone number, fax number, email address, financial profiles,
social security number, and credit card information. Personally
Identifiable Information does not include information that is collected
anonymously (that is, without identification of the individual user) or
demographic information not connected to an identified individual.
What Personally Identifiable Information is collected? We may collect
basic user profile information from all of our Visitors. We collect the
following additional information from our Authorized Customers: the
names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of Authorized
Customers, the nature and size of the business, and the nature and size
of the advertising inventory that the Authorized Customer intends to
purchase or sell.
How does the Site use Personally Identifiable Information? We use
Personally Identifiable Information to customize the Site, to make
appropriate service offerings, and to fulfill buying and selling
requests on the Site. We may email Visitors and Authorized Customers
about research or purchase and selling opportunities on the Site or
information related to the subject matter of the Site. We may also use
Personally Identifiable Information to contact Visitors and Authorized
Customers in response to specific inquiries, or to provide requested
How is Personally Identifiable Information stored? Personally
Identifiable Information collected by Hit Pilots is securely stored and
is not accessible to third parties.
What choices are available to Visitors regarding collection, use and
distribution of the information? Visitors and Authorized Customers may
opt out of receiving unsolicited information from or being contacted by
us and/or our vendors and affiliated agencies by responding to emails
as instructed, or by contacting us at Admin@HitPilots.com
Are Cookies Used on the Site? Cookies are used for a variety of
reasons. We use Cookies to obtain information about the preferences of
our Visitors and the services they select. We also use Cookies for
security purposes to protect our Authorized Customers.
How does Hit Pilots use login information? Hit Pilotsuses login
information, including, but not limited to, IP addresses, ISPs, and
browser types, to analyze trends, administer the Site, track a user's
movement and use, and gather broad demographic information.
How can Visitors correct any inaccuracies in Personally Identifiable
Information? Visitors and Authorized Customers may contact us to update
Personally Identifiable Information about them or to correct any
inaccuracies by emailing us at Admin@HitPilots.com
Can a Visitor delete or deactivate Personally Identifiable Information
collected by the Site? We provide Visitors and Authorized Customers
with a mechanism to delete/deactivate Personally Identifiable
Information from the Site's database by contacting Admin@HitPilots.com.
However, because of backups and records of deletions, it may be
impossible to delete a Visitor's entry without retaining some residual
information. An individual who requests to have Personally Identifiable
Information deactivated will have this information functionally
deleted, and we will not sell, transfer, or use Personally Identifiable
Information relating to that individual in any way moving forward.
What happens if the Privacy Policy Changes? We will let our Visitors
and Authorized Customers know about changes to our privacy policy by
posting such changes on the Site. However, if we are changing our
privacy policy in a manner that might cause disclosure of Personally
Identifiable Information that a Visitor or Authorized Customer has
previously requested not be disclosed, we will contact such Visitor or
Authorized Customer to allow such Visitor or Authorized Customer to
prevent such disclosure.
Links: This web site contains links to other web sites. Please note
that when you click on one of these links, you are moving to another
web site. We encourage you to read the privacy statements of these
linked sites as their privacy policies may differ from ours.
We highly suggest that you use a gmail account for you email
with this site.As most ad exchanges have done.We do not allow
autoresponders this includes BOXBE that is a product of GMail.Your
account will be deleted without question if you use it.
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